#people focus on the element (earth) with Capricorns and not enough on the mode (cardinal)
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luxurybrownbarbie · 8 months ago
Your discussion of the cap-aqua axis reminds of this post I saw a looong time ago about sister signs’ perspectives. Caps were “It’s important for the future,” while Aqua was were “I’ve already seen the future, they didn’t like it.” I didn’t rly get it at the time, but I feel like I do now
(Not being pedantic, but their sister signs are actually Cancer and Leo!)
See, that’s such a good comparison, because: Which of those two perspectives is inflexible? Which of those two perspectives leaves no room for discussion? Which of those perspectives can be read fatalistically?
I love Aquarians. But it’s wild to see people mystify them for the same “Righteous vs. Self-Righteous”Saturnian struggle they demonize Capricorns for.
The philanthropist vs the miser. The zealot vs the politician. It’s all Saturn wearing different clothes!
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stelliumastrology · 4 years ago
#050 The Aspects: Sextile
So we’ve reached the end of our conversation about the major aspects, concluding with the 60° sextile.
The sextile might be considered ‘soft’ but is by no means a shrinking violet! This powerful aspect can open doorways of opportunity which can alter the course of your life forever, should you so recognise and take advantage of this moment of magic.
The sextile is a little more obvious than a trine. In fact it’s considered a ‘coaxing’ aspect so when we feel this opportunity knocking we need to recognise it and be open to the potential.
In the natal chart, when planets are within 60° of each other (give or take 4° orb either side) they are in a positive communication working harmoniously with one another, and can reach potentials they might not normally do on their own.
Planets that meet by sextile are often in complementary elements – for example Capricorn and Pisces (passive Cardinal Earth and Mutable Water signs) or Aries and Gemini (active Cardinal Fire and Mutable Air signs).
This can offer enough variety to tempt a productive expression of these planets through a positive communication between the elements and a modal relationship which encourages each other out of the rut of each modality.
For example, planets sextile from Pisces to Taurus can pull the other out of the mud of total fixity while providing some focus from the floundering of aimless mutability.
It is possible to have planets sextile to one another in conflicting elements like Fire and Water, but in the same mode. This happens when the planets are at the very end or beginning of a sign and have a wider orb. For example, Jupiter at 28° Sagittarius and the Moon at 1° Pisces.
You can see how this creates another way of complementing each other as now they are sharing a mode, though their elements aren't as comfortable working with one another.
For example, if your Ascendant ruler and Descendant ruler are sextile, this can indicate a sense of luck and opportunity when meeting other people who can help you on your way in many aspects of your life. In fact it can be a very lucky aspect to have in your romantic relationships, or at least describes many opportunities for you to enter into relationships with others (whether positive, or not-so in your life).
By transit, the sextile can open a window of opportunity which once passed could be the thing we kick ourselves for not taking – that chance we later come to regret for not seeing the fruits it had to offer at the time.
Or it could be a moment of "Yes" which opens up a pathway for us we’d never considered possible. A moment of synchronicity that just feels right.
The saying “Opportunity is a door marked push” particularly resonates for me with the sextile aspect.
Do you have a sextile in your chart and do you resonate with anything I’ve shared about it during this episode?
When opportunity knocks, are you a naysayer or do you grab on with both hands? 
Let me know the comments below!
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canvasofthecosmos · 7 years ago
Major Aspects
What to keep in mind
- The orb is the give-or-take distance that two planets in aspect can have to one another past the exact degree while still being considered an aspect. A smaller orb means a stronger aspect. The greater the orb, the lesser the aspect will be felt by an native, though others can still see the effect.
- Chart points include the planets, angles, asteroids and theoretical points such as the nodes and hypothetical planets such as Vulcan. Aspects involving asteroids and theoretical points/planets are considered weaker as they have a more specific impact on the chart.
- Duality is the sign’s ‘gender,’ masculine or feminine.
- Triplicity is the’ sign’s element- Fire, Earth, Air, Water.
- Quadruplicity is the sign’s mode- Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable.
Conjunction: Two or more chart points sharing are in the same house or sign, being 0 degrees apart with an orb of 10 degrees, occupying 1/12th of the chart in the same house or sign, i.e. Sun at 20 degrees Cancer and Venus at 25 degrees Cancer in the 9th house. It’s difficult for a person with a conjunction to tell these two energies apart. They are like twins that have always been together growing up and are constantly trying to define themselves as their own person, but even as they become adults and leave home, they find that they will always have uncanny similarities. These energies are melded together, making it hard to use one alone or even differentiate the two. This aspect will be a blindspot to the native, but obvious to others. Being in the same sign will give the same energy to the planets in question, while being in the same house will bring the planets out in the same situation. In a synastry chart, the two in question will see eye-to-eye on this subject, relating to one another, even seeing themselves in each other. Conversely, one individual can hold the energy over the other’s head. This aspect is considered neutral, but depending on the parts at play (whether the planets are benefic or malefic and whether one is in the sign/house of its domicile, exaltation, detriment or fall), it can be considered harmonious or harsh. This is the sole aspect involved in a stellium, and many conjunctions in a chart will leave the individual(s) confused on how to use each energy independently from another.
Trine: Two or more chart points in the same triplicity, 120 degrees apart with an orb of 8 degrees, 1/3rd of the chart in distance from each other. I.e. Saturn at 0 degrees Taurus in the 5th house, Mars at 4 degrees Virgo in the 9th. This harmonious aspect is a cosmic gift, where two planets naturally work well together. The blessing is that this is a calm place in a chart that can give hope, assurance and therefore the will to tackle harder aspects. It is a positive trait that comes with ease to the chart in question, there is no need to work on it. They work so well together for the native that they will find it hard to believe that it’s not a normal human trait- they’ll be surprised that others find difficulty with the energies indicated with these planets in the individual’s houses and signs. This talent will come so naturally that it’s unlikely that the traits associated with it will change. They is no tension, so no need for resolve, and therefore no reason for them to want to expand upon it. The points in a trine will complement each other well because they come out in areas relating to each other in their expression. A fire trine will bring ease in self expression, earth brings stabilization, air rationality and water depth. Where a Trine in a synastry chart falls, there is support and easy rapport, though there may be excuses for each other’s behavior. The native(s) will have plenty of breathing room to be themselves, and expression of that will be shaped by the element that rules the signs and houses each planet is in. This is the only aspect in the Grand Trine pattern, as well as the main aspect in the Kite pattern. This aspect will give individuals(s) a comfortable place to relax in any chart, but can also point to where they rest on their laurels and don’t feel the need to learn or work more on the subject.
Sextile: Two or more chart points being 60 degrees apart with an orb of 5-6 degrees, in the same duality and complementary quadruplicity, across 1/6th of the chart. I.e. Sun at 20 degrees Gemini in the 8th house and Moon at 16 degrees Leo in the 10th. These planets work well together and offer inspiration to one another. This harmonious aspect will represent a talent that the native is proud of and encouraged to enhance. It’s similar to a Trine where it works well together naturally, but instead of inherent complacency, it brings stimulation, leading to success the longer one works with it. There’s enough diversity between the two points to see the visible differences that can be utilized, but enough similarity to more easily blend them together. This is a subject of excitement, where the native will be eager to learn more, thus finding hidden powers in the energies. It represents goals that are attainable. Because these ideas are within reach, as sextile may bring ideas that never make it out of the individual’s head because they focus more on other areas. This is why this is considered the weakest of the major aspects- there’s is a strong possibility of no follow-through. The native must find the push to continue cultivating it. When there’s a sextile in synastry, the two involved will find each other riveting, eager to work together, but may fall short of one another’s expectations. This aspect is involved in the Kite, Yod, and the Grand Sextile/Star of David. This aspect brings camaraderie and a will to merge similar traits to bring out the best in both.
Square: Two or more chart points being 90 degrees apart with an orb of 7.5 degrees, sharing the same mode, distancing a quarter of the chart. I.e. 0 degree Saturn in Taurus in the 5th house and 29 degree Neptune in Capricorn in the 2nd. The friction of this aspect is hard to ignore, and there will be a standoff between the planets. If one energy is acted upon, the other demands attention as well. The sole similarity between the two will be the quadruplicity, so each planet will have the same goals and abilities, but conflicting reasons and processes. Imagine two classmates, both studying to become lawyers. One may be there because their parents wanted them to have a ‘real,’ profitable profession. The other is there because they want to help people, defend innocence and believe that justice is blind. Each student has to study hard to pass but the personalities butt heads in debate. Their goal is to uphold the law, but they execute it for different reason and a different matter. A square brings conflict in a chart as neither point wants to concede. Integration is difficult to say the least and takes considerable time and effort. The native will start off contradictory as a child and get into trouble based on the energies in their personal aspect(s) or fall short, causing constant frustration. This aspect demands attention most if not all of the time, and as a result, the native will hone their skills and, with diligence, become better with time at this aspect. It brings tests at every corner and reminds the native that they can’t sit on their laurels as there’s always room for improvement. In synastry, this causes frustration in the relationship and be a point of constant work to understand where both sides are coming from and work with both perspectives. This is the main aspect involved in a T-Square and a Grand Square/Cross. Powerful skills come from disciplined training in this aspect.
Opposition: Two or more points being 180 degrees apart from another with an orb of 10 degrees, occupying the same duality and quadruplicity in complementary elements, i.e. Aries Rising at 3 degrees and Libra moon at 9 degrees. This indicates a see-saw effect in the native as they swing from team to the other. This aspect occurs in compatible elements. It creates a strong desire to integrate as opposites attract. This aspect manifests in sister signs, each being brought out in opposite situations. Depending on the individual and the chart system used, all 4 angles can directly oppose each other, but the will the 1st house will always oppose the 7th house exactly, as will the 4th and 10th houses. Therefore, everyone has 2 oppositions involving the same chart points: the ascendant will instigate while  the descendant will receive, the IC will be where we come from and the MC will be where we’re headed. This polarity is often the first aspect one learns about in astrology, and can lead to understanding oppositions between other points. The 1st/7th house axis is the projection stage and the 4th/10th axis is the wavering from introversive times to extroversive. This divide brings insecurities that may bring the individual to seek these traits in others for inspiration or validation. With any opposition, natives will often start off perceiving themselves as one energy, while seeking out others that express the opposite. With diligent mindfulness, this can produce sympathy as one learns the importance of both sides. In a natal chart, it can indicate where an individual seems to be Jekyll and Hyde as they act one way in a certain area, then totally different when dealing with another situation until balance them. In synastry, this will show where the two natives define themselves as the ‘other,’ for example one is “too soft” and the other is “cold-hearted” This aspect is in a Grand Square/Cross, T-Square and Yod. Negotiation leads us to a comfortable middle ground with this aspect.
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