#people exist it really was super unlogical to me how there are people who are only attracted to one specific gender
starryreading · 2 years
So they don’t remember that but at some point my best friend (who is queer themselves) and I were on a walk and they proposed to me the idea that I might be aroace and I literally just brushed it off with “but I like reading romance novels” and then never talked about that or thought about it again for a very long time. I suppose that I didn’t know what the labels meant at that time but now that I actually identify as aroace this is kinda ironic.
#I could have known#starrytalking#I don’t really know when that was and I hope my friend not remembering this doesn’t mean that it’s not a real memory#but at some point after having found out about me being aroace I remembered this conversation xD#maybe it actually made me think a bit and that’s why I remember but I didn’t want to be different or think about myself a lot at that time#it really took some time for me to realise that other people do experience these sort of attractions huh#I also talked to them about attraction at some point because I was so confused as to how it works that people are only attracted to a#certain gender. Like being straight from a “animals need to reproduce” point of view makes sense but for humans and with knowing that queer#people exist it really was super unlogical to me how there are people who are only attracted to one specific gender#like what’s with trans people who pass as their agab or non binary people or people who sometimes pass as another gender than their own?#how does it work that people look at another person and then it’s dependent on that persons gender whether or not they might be attracted to#them?? like “for myself” it kinda made sense that it’s just that way and the feelings are just there sometimes I suppose or something#but looking back on it now with the knowledge of me being aroace this might’ve been a mix of thinking about gender and not understanding#how (romantic and sexual) attraction work in general xDD#aromantic#aro#asexual#ace#thoughts
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lovelynojams · 5 years
Can you keep a secret?
Type: Mermaid!AU ; Jimin x Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2.2K
Summary: You are a mermaid living in the ocean as you decide to live like a normal girl. You visit a school in Busan, South Korea and learn about all things that humans do. You even learn how to love someone, even though he doesn't even know that you exist, until one day he finds out about your secret.
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It's tough being a human. There are so many rules you have to follow. As a mermaid your only rule is to not let any human know about your secret. Which isn't exactly easy since I've entered the human world but I still managed to hide my secret for nearly a year now and that's because I live with a woman, Kim Yoobin, who is also a mermaid. She acts like my mom and lets me live in her house. Her house has this room that has a pool in it which is connected to the ocean. I don't have any close friends because it's dangerous. I get along with a few people but nothing more than chitchat or hang out in a café . It gets pretty lonely, though. Every time I feel sad I go for a swim.
When I'm in the water, everything feels possible. I feel free and euphoric. I swim with the dolphins who are extremely nice. These are my only close friends and they're even better than humans. Dolphins aren't arrogant and mean. They're not Sumin. She is this popular girl who everyone thinks that she is pretty. I don't understand that because she isn't really that pretty. I hate her.
Well, maybe I just hate her because she is always hanging out with a boy I like, Park Jimin. He is this rich boy who is extremely popular. Even thinking about him gives me goosebumps. I know that I don't have chances with him and even if I did, nothing could happen between us because I'm a mermaid. It still gets me pretty upset though when I see Sumin and Jimin together even if novody knows if they are even dating.
I walked down the school halls towards my locker. I saw Sumin standing in front of it. Next to her, Jimin. She was all touchy with him what made me pretty mad. I walked towards them and waited for them to go away but Sumin just looked annoyed at me. ,,What do you want?", she asked me and threw her brown hair back. ,,You're standing in front of my locker", I said calmly and politely. ,,Just wait until we're gone, loser", she said harshly. I sighed and turned away. I wanted to walk away but an idea crossed my mind. I looked around and noticed that no one was looking towards them. Sumin held a bottle in her hand and I focused on the water. In just a few seconds the water jumped right in her face. Everyone was now looking at her and laughing. She looked pretty shocked. Madly she walked past me and I couldn't help but smile. I walked to my locker and noticed Jimin standing there still smiling. I opened my locker and he watched me what made me really nervous. ,,Are you new?", he asked me out of nowhere. ,,No, I'm actually here for about a year now", I answered him while I took my books. ,,Oh, really? Uhm... There is this big party tomorrow night at my place. You should definitely come", he said leaning his shoulder on the lockers. ,,I'll think about it", I answered and closed my locket. I gave him a smile and walked away. He really invited me? That's amazing! But parties are not my thing. I love to talk to people but at parties there is always the possibility to get wet. But Jimin invited me and I think I can handle a night, right?
,,You're not going there", Mrs. Kim said. ,,Why not?", I asked confused. ,,Because you're a mermaid! I don't want you to show the world our secret", Mrs. Kim explained and put her book away. ,,I won't do that. I'll be extremely careful. When I don't go to any party maybe people will get suspicious", I tried to debate. ,,Fine, but know that... if anything goes wrong...", she said and I finished her sentence: ,,...You and I part ways and move to other cities or countries. But that won't be the case since I'm super careful", I said and she sighed. ,,Fine", Mrs. Kim said and I hugged her. ,,Thank you", I said and went to the back of the house. I unlocked the door and went inside. I jumped in the water and my tail grew automatically. I saw out in the big wide ocean. There it was again, that feeling. The feeling of freedom. I swam to a place where I knew that nobody was there. There were rocks so I could change back without anyone noticing something. As I had my legs back I walked to a café. There were a few people I knew but I didn't want to squeeze myself next to them. I ordered myself a drink and sat down in a booth all by myself. I noticed everyone looking at their phone. I had a phone, Mrs. Kim bought me one but I never use it. I don't understand how to use it. It's really confusing.
Suddenly someone sat in front of me. I looked up and nearly got a heart attack. It was Park Jimin. ,,Hey, I didn't catch your name earlier", he said and smiled at me. ,,I'm Kim Y/N", I said nervously. Mrs. Kim made me practice that like a lot so that I don't mess it up. ,,I'm Park Jimin. Why are you sitting here alone? Are you waiting for someone?", he asked and looked around. ,,No, I like being alone", I answered and looked at my drink. ,,If you want I can leave", he suggested but I shook my head. ,,It's nice having company sometimes", I answered him and he smiled. ,,So, Kim Y/N, where are you from?", ,,Seoul", I answer practiced. ,,You don't talk much, do you?", he asks uncomfortably laughing. No, I do but when I tell a lie more detailed it can get unlogical. ,,Yeah, I'm not that talkative", I answered and smiled. ,,Well, hopefully I'll see you at my party tomorrow. If you're coming you should definitely look for me so we can continue our talk", he said and stood up. With one last smile he left the café. I wish something cound happen between us. As I was drinking, someone came to me. It was Sumin. ,,Why are you flirting with Jimin?", she asked angrily. ,,I wasn't flirting", I answered. ,,Back off or I'll make you regret even moving here", she said putting her hand on the table and leaning forward. ,,Wow, you look dry, what happened to your bottle?", I asked smiling. She even looked angrier now. She took my drink and spilled it over me. Oh, dear god, no. I stood up and ran out of the café. I walked outside and saw Jimin standing there. I ran past him to the deck and jumped into the water. I knew that Jimin saw me and he must've thought about how weird and ridiculous that was. Well, now he thinks I'm a weirdo what is still better than him knowing I'm a mermaid.
I swam back to Mrs. Kims house and stayed in the pool a little bit longer. Maybe I shouldn't go to the party tomorrow. I just had luck today. What if I'm not so lucky tomorrow. I would have to go away from here. And I would destroy Mrs. Kim's life. Suddenly someone came out of the water next to me. It was Mrs. Kim. ,,Why so sad, my dear?", she asked me and I hesitated. ,,Nothing important", I said. I wanted to tell her that I'm not going but she didn't let me talk. ,,I'm sorry. I know that you're responsible and that you can take care of yourself and protect all mermaids. I believe in you", she said and smiled. She dragged herself out of the water and took a towel to dry herself. I don't know why but her speech changed my mind. Immediately. ,,Thank you, Mrs. Kim", I said and wanted to swim out. ,,Where are you going?", she asked me. ,,Shopping", I answered and swam out. I went to a shop and bought a beautiful dress. It was a black dress with a deep neckline and wide sleeves which went to elbows. It was beautiful. After that I walked home and changed into the dress. After that I did my makeup and hair. I looked pretty good. I said goodbye to Mrs. Kim and left the house.
I was in front of Jimin's house. The door was open and the rooms filled with people. I don't fit here at all. Maybe I should just go. I turned my back but I couldn't move my legs. I don't want to walk away. I can do this. I took a deep breath and walked inside. A few people were drunk and others were laughing and talking. No one even noticed that I was here. I felt so invisible. I walked further inside to see if there were places which were less crowded. I suddenly stood in front of the stairs. I just sat down on the steps and watched the people. Of course my eyes just searched for that one special person but he was nowhere to be seen. ,,Hey, look who decided to show up", someone said and I immediately recognized the voice. Sumin. Ugh. ,,Just leave her alone", Jungkook, a close friend of Jimin, said. She just looked at me and walked away. ,,There is going to be a water balloon fight if you want to join", he offered me but I declined. ,,I don't want to get wet", I said and he just nodded.
I was looking at the people and still searched Jimin, but nobody has seen him. I wonder where he could be. Suddenly someone threw a water balloon on me. I stood up and looked at the person. ,,Oops, looks like you attract water", she said while everybody was laughing. I ran up the stairs. I didn't have time so I just opened the first door I could find and closed it behind me. After closing the door my tail grew and I fell on the floor. I sighed and looked up. Suddenly I met his eyes. Park Jimin. Out of all rooms I ended up in Jimin's room. He looked line he was frozen. He didn't move, not even blink. ,,Oh, shit", I cursed and looked away. I heated my tail with my hand. Jimin stood up and took a few steps back. After my legs grew back on I walked over to Jimin, but he stepped further away. ,,I gotta get out of here", he said and walked out. I followed him. ,,Jimin, wait", I said loudly behind him. The people looked at us but I couldn't care less. Jimin walked outside to the deck of their house. ,,Jimin, please. Let me explain", I said and he finally stopped walking. ,,Y/N, what are you?", he asked me still confused. ,,Look, Jimin. I'm a mermaid. But you can't tell that anybody because that would be the end of me and all other mermaids", I tried to explain. ,,There are other mermaids?", Jimin asked confused and I nodded. ,,Jimin, please. Don't tell anyone", I asked him and he looke at the ground. ,,Of course I won't tell anybody but this is huge. This is-", he said hectically and walked over to me. ,,I know, but please listen to me first", I said and he nodded slowly. We sat down on the edge of the deck and I started to explain what had happened in the last years.
After I've told him everything about myself he calmed down. ,,Please, don't be scared of me", I said and he smiled. ,,I know you won't do me any harm. You're a good person", he said and put his hand on my tigh. ,,Yeah, but I guess I gotta move now", I said sighing. ,,What? Why?", he asked confused. ,,The most important rule of a mermaid is to not let anyone know your secret and if someone does you gotta go far away so nobody will find you. God, how am I supposed to tell Mrs. Kim that she got to move because it's my fault?", I said frustrated. ,,No, please. Don't go. I swear to you I will tell no one about this", he swore and I smiled. ,,But still, I have to do this", I said and he looked at the ocean. ,,Don't go, because... I like you", he cobfessed. ,,What?", I asked cobfused. ,,I know that I just started talking to you two days ago but you actually caught my eye for a long time now", he said still not looking up. ,,But you asked me if I was new here", I asked him not really knowing if I should believe him. ,,I just wanted to build a conversation and I didn't know what to say", he said and smiled. He looked at me. He came closer until his lips were on mine. This felt real and I liked it. He pulled away and stared at me. ,,If you stay I really could see this going somewhere", he said and put his forehead on mine.
,,I will keep your secret forever, I promise".
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ragnarssons · 7 years
I always got the feeling Jason wants to push the show away from "love", I don't know why, love isn't a bad thing and is what keep them alive. I know it's a show about survival but after 4 seasons fighting to survive, I also want to see them fighting to have a life. I mean, yes they love each other, they sacrifice for each other but I also want to see hope, humanity... I want to see them living a little bit more. Do you think we could see this in s5, even if it's not on a large scale?
Look it’s really been my problem for s4. I don’t know if what I was writting between s3 and s4 is still available somewhere but I had HUGE hopes of seeing the characters being hopeful and wanting to be hopeful and living. All that because JRoth said stuff like “but there’s hope this season” (lol where? When they all die on ep10 or when they all die on ep12? *shrugs*) It’s annoying to me how focused on the plot this show is. The plot isn’t everything, and the only way I’m able to love some characters on this show is because of the actors. Tbh, so many times I’m like “?? bitch I only care about Bellamy and Clarke!” (yes not even the rest of the squad) because they are THE ONLY ONES having real depths. Like, okay, Raven is amazing too, she’s amazing because she has all these badass moments - but outside these badass moments and her use TO THE PLOT, she doesn’t exist to the show. As I said, when Bellamy says that he won’t be inside the Ark she’s like “wokay cool idgaf” (and people are expecting me to relate to their friendship?) I mean, her moments with Luna were soft and cute, but also… coming from nowhere? Kinda like her moments with Murphy,,, so they’re friends now?? Let’s talk about Murphy eh “he grew so much” bitch where? In the mittle moments where he comes back for Monty? Well maybe but that’s not enough! Bellamy was treated the exact same way as them on s3 and we know what happened - it’s clear they gave extra attention to Bellamy’s journey on s4. But hey, where are the others? Monty was there, just there, being badass for the plot, pointing guns even tho he sucked at it on s1 and that’s why it was Jasper’s job (also: *puts glasses on* so Monty, what about when you killed your mother?? Will that ever be adressed? O I guess not…). But his storyline? They had plenty of times to show us Monty trying to reach Jasper (not only on eps2 and 4) but they didn’t. In the end, sure, Monty is a bad friend because he didn’t even tried to understand his bff and he was like “FOCUS JASPER WE’RE GOING TO DIIIIIIE!!!!” and that’s it. Idk even Octavia, ugh, she’s annoying but she literally had a WHOLE relationship with Monty and Jasper on s2 and… where has it vanished? Did a black-hole swallowed all the characters’ relationships before s3?? And they haven’t come back yet? Why introduce new characters when they can’t even deal with the ones they have already? Wtf talk about useless, let’s bring Ilian, aka white devil’s minion *sigh*It was one of the major critics on s3, where are the characters going, why, why are they like this, why are they traumatized all the sudden, how, wtf? Sometimes you don’t even understand why this one takes the Chip and that one, doesn’t. I’m really tired when I think about s4 and how they lost SO MANY episodes with Grounders shit stories no one gives a fuck about (and that are always focused on war because even tho Roan says “we’re not savages” hey it’s not the plot that will prove it!), and that they are STILL unable to understand that their strenght is their actors/their characters. Science/plot SUCKED this season. “aww this bunker doesn’t work” hey one episode lost on that! “aw roan is pissed” TWO episodes lost on that, “grounders politics grounders politics” i mean?? Three episodes lost on that? Fucken ep10? Ugh ep11? Ep6? Good Bellarke episode but dammit, why couldn’t they have the fucken hydrazine he?? All that to create a drama to get Clarke into a Nightblood to create a fake “mystery” around her being the Commander on ep9 (also, surviving Praimfaya yes, but it could have happened under different circumstances)? Even if their intention wasn’t to let the Sky People be able to create Nightblood for everyone, why waste A WHOLE episode on the hydrazine? So many times, these little moments were used to build Bellarke (list on ep3, clarke stressing about bellamy on eps4/5, bellarke almost confession on ep6, bunker on ep11 and the whole drama ending on their separation on ep13). Of course JRoth is going to acknowledge they’re the center of the story - FINALLY - because they’re the only ones who have been decently treated this season. Damn Anon, I’d LOVE to see these characters catch a break and try to live. It’s what I live for even tho it NEVER happens. Three months time jump? Well suck it it was still war during that one. I guess once they’ll open the Bunker doors, everything will go to shit. *sigh* It’s really something I hate about this show; it’s the imbalance that exists and literally push the characters aside for the plot. Why?? Who fucking CARES about your plot, JRoth?? We literally had a whole season of nonsense-y plotlines that ended up in them going to space- all of which was “miraculously” solved in ONE episode, because Raven is super smart. Good for her, still unlogical and annoying! You can bet yo ass that the ones in space didn’t catch any break, neither did the ones in the bunker, and s5 will be “plotplotplotplot + unexplained characters’ developments + plotplotplot + conflict out of nowhere + plotplotplot” I have literally no hope regarding that on s5. It’s sad but at least I won’t be disappointed: as I said on a previous ask, watch Monty, Harper, Murphy, Emori, being the exact same people as they were on s4 even tho it’s supposedly been 6 years (in terms of characters’ traits). The mere fact that they feel they can make a SIX YEARS (SIX TIMES more than their actual plot until now) timejump and be able to reconnect their characters from that, shows how much they don’t fucken care about their characters. You know they can’t ask their viewers to come back and watch a show about totally different characters, so yes, they will be somehow, the sames, and that’s unlogical. Everyone I saw was pumped for the time jump because of the plot, and some other people having too much expectations regarding the characters. I used to have some as well for previous seasons, and I’ve always been disappointed. We just have to accept that The 100 isn’t a show driven by its characters… *sigh* At least Bellarke is the only relationship/the only characters they really DO put work into.
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