#people are in love with this howl guy and i dunno who the heck he is
belphieslilcow · 2 years
you know I've never watched atla =w=
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haectemporasunt · 8 years
26, 32, 33, 39, 43, 44, 50, 10??, 4, 35
26. Favoritepsychological Horror Movie
Ah geeze already a tough one right off the bat.  Um uh I’ll just choose one:
The Babadook! I thought it did a great job of showing the stress the mom was under, and I think (though some people disagree) that it kept the kid from being frustratingly annoying. The picture book was very well done, and scary, and I wish there had been more sequences involving it sharing creepy stories.
32. FavoriteAnimated Horror film
I’m blanking on any animated horror films i’ve seen, sorry! I’ll just post this, which did make me jump, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHpuAAnHdEc, but alas i ve failed you :(
33. Scariestnon-horror movie
 Friday the 13th:  slashers aren’t really horror, fite me B)
Snark aside, there s plenty of movies that had scary bits in them that tore me up as a child. how about I put … the pressure chamber scene in License to Kill. The Bond villain knows one of his men isnt loyal so shoves the guy in a pressure chamber meant to get divers acclimated, you know. And the guy is begging and pleading and screaming in agony as the pressure increases. And he knows what’s going to happen, and I as a kid knew something unspeakable was about to happen, and then the Bond villain cuts a tube leading to the pressure chamber, and we have enough time to watch the doomed man inside gaze out as his head swells to monstrous proportions… and then SPLAT, the viewport is smeared red. The man burst.
It’s that the guy had time to know what was happening to him, and the way his head got so big. (shudder)
39. SomethingI used to be scared of that I now love
i hope you’re not trying to get me to admit that, although when i was little i was scared of it, nowadays i think the xenomorph is kinda hot!! because you’re wrong!!!!!
I do like Phantasm a lot more now than I did as a kid. When I was a kid the silver balls killed so brutally and so suddenly, they were horrible. But now that I’m older I guess I’m more used to sudden death happening in movies? I dunno.
 43. FavoriteHorror novel
I ve searched for years for good horror novels, and if anyone has suggestions i m more than happy to hear em! But one of my favorites is still Shirley Jackson’s Haunting of Hill House. Very well written, you get into the mindset of the protagonist, and it’s not very comfortable in there… I also identify a lot with how the protag identifies so strongly with a place and feels increasingly isolated from the others.
44. ScariestDocumentary
i’ve wracked my brain but this is the closest thing I can think of. Real documentaries are scary in the numb real life sort of way where you realize that things are getting worse
not really ‘scary’
but anyway, this vid definitely gave me the creeps!
50.  Scariest movie ever
This is a cop out answer because I don’t know the name of the movie, but it scared the heck out of me. It was a haunted house flick, and a bunch of teens investigating it, and i was sitting their gripping my knees at eleven pm watching them get killed by supernatural phenomena. The glass in the windows wouldnt break so they couldnt escape, and I especially remember one scene where there was the stairwell up to the second floor, and the steps just led up into darkness, pure blackness. And at one point the camera just focuses on it, and we enjoy the tingling terror of waiting–something’s gonna happen, any second now, we’ll finally see the spirits haunting the house– and silence.
and then as the teens, unnerved, turn to walk away further down the corridor, it seems like it was a fakeout. Or, since it was an older cheaper movie, maybe just a straight up error.  And then! One of the teens screams like an animal as she falls to the ground and starts getting dragged up the stairs by something invisible. The other teens yelling and crying as they try to hold on to her– and then, in my memory, it’s fuzzy. On the one hand it seems most likely that they pulled her back, and comforted her, and then tried to escape out the garage or something.
but /i / remember her slipping out of her friends’ grasp and choking as she disappears into the darkness. And she’s never seen again.
and that was the scariest thing i ever saw in a proper published horror movie.
10. ScariestWitch [??]
it’s me. i am :3
Eh, well, there’s a witch from a children’s story I heard on the radio nearly twenty years ago, a witch who would turn her victims, animal and human alike, into stone, and arrange them in a stone circle up in the mountains. It was terrifying, hearing her horrid laugh echoing over the howling wind … I still think about her a lot. Even at the end of the story, when she’s turned into stone herself, it’s said her last shrieks still echoed around and around inside the stone circle …
4.    Favorite Scary Short Story
I have a more typical answer, and a better but technically incorrect answer because I never managed to find the rest of the pages of the ripped-up book.
The typical answer is: Room 1408, by Stephen King, because it’s the only short story that’s ever legitimately frightened me. How the room shifts subtly, and then not so subtly, and the goofy-when-you-try-to-describe-it-but-scary-when-I-read-it telephone voice blaring out scary nonsense.
The other answer is:
some years ago I was in my uncle’s home, looking through his books. He and I have a similar taste in literature so pretty much everything was a gem. Uncle did sometimes kinda cram his books into the shelves, though, so some got bent or bricked up by other books–which is annoying if you’re trying to survey all your options. So I was yanking out a couple books, when five or six yellowed pages fluttered out from behind some old tome and fluttered to the ground.
I pick them up, worried I’ve damaged a book. But no: these were free floating, they were the wrong size for all the other books on the shelf. And I read them. And they were a story about a man who was a caretaker for an old house. He was also exploring and investigating it on the side, because–the townsfolk claimed–the place was haunted. He walked the grounds, he found cold spots. Things moved when he wasn’t looking. There were secret passages leading to strange rooms. A weird house, to be sure. But haunted? The man scoffed.
And then, in the second week of his stay, he found he could no longer leave the house. The gate wouldnt budge. He would have to find a different way out, or hope that the woman who brought him food would show up a day or two early. I’m not describing this very well but I assure you the atmosphere was dense–I could feel the stress and isolation of this poor man who was rapidly running out of food, and the growing fear that there was indeed something stalking him through the rooms. He couldnt sleep without a light, but it had to be small so that there’d be little fear of it falling over and starting a fire, and even then he would wake up several times in the night to the sound of creaking floors a room or two over.
I was rapt. This is the sort of thing that happens in a gothic story, a guy stumbling across a scary story in a crumbling library. I remember the man was trying to use one of the secret passages  he’d discovered, hoping it would lead off the grounds to freedom. His light flickers, and there’s something in the tangled ivy coating the dank walls …
And that’s where the last scrap of paper ended.
Boy howdy i’ve searched a long time for the rest of that story!
35. Scariestgaming experience
We werent a gaming family, my brother and i, until highschool nearly. The first game that scared me was JumpStart Adventures 4th grade: Haunted Island. it is an edutainment game. Yes, i am rightfully ashamed of my fear.
The island in which the game is set has multiple pathways between the minigames, all dark paths in groaning woods, your feet clattering over crumbling bridges, ghosts whirring past, howling and heavy breaths coming nearer… luckily for me, because i got easily lost both in real life and in game spaces, the game would auto-move you if you clicked on a map the minigame you wished to get to. So you click, your character clipclops along, takes a left, a right, etc, Boom youre there.
but one day, I x’ed out of the map and couldnt figure out how to get it back. this was halfway through a ‘move’ and in trying to get it back i stopped my character mid-travel. So. for the first time in the game i was really deep in the woods with no idea how to get anywhere. i was trembling, i had to keep going, but in what direction?
i kept moving, and i would jump every time a ghost popped up, and (do remember this was a time pre-gamefaqs) i was in deadly fear that something was following me. as far as i knew the game could actually do that.
my parents gave up on me playing the game because the Big Bad of the game, a witch (scary, but not the scariest), flew into the clearing i was in in order to give me a quick minigame, and when she burst into view i screamed out loud at three oclock in the afternoon.
i did not have a good first impression of fourth grade.
and the worst thing to me was not just my cowardice at giving up but, the goal of the game is to save your classmates, theyve all been transformed into monsters. so when i stopped playing i had in essence abandoned them on that haunted island.
i preferred the ClueFinders games anyway, haha
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Gamers! 1 | Chronos Ruler 2 | Boku no Hero Academia 28 - 29 | Katsugeki 3 - 4 | Princess Principal 2 | Saiyuki Reload Blast 3 | Classroom of the Elite 2 | Reflection 1
Gamers! 1
Apparently this is an alright comedy, so it’s the second-last debut of this season I’m trialling. I probably won’t attend most of my anime club sessions as a result of tackling most of the debuts within my reach, but I never really socialised at my anime club anyway…(?)
Kiniro Memories…Like, a parody of Kiniro Mosaic or Tokimeki Memorial or something?
I don’t see what’s so appealing about her, despite the flowers and such cueing me into how I should see her.
Super Chips, LOL. That makes me hungry, but I just ate.
…Gah? I’m only a casual gamer, so I don’t get the appeal of the back of the box.
Tasuku grabbed the cat by the plastic ring? Well, I’ll be. That’s inventive.
This guy is…such a…jerk!
The joke about King Koopa is because he uses itadakimashita at the end of his first sentence, which is really formal.
I don’t find it very surprising that girls like gaming. After all, these days, we’ve basically gotten rid of the stigma around “nerdy stuff” being “not for girls”. *thinks for a bit* Although the IT industry still suffers from a lack of girls…
This show has some gorgeous cherry blossom scenes. I pause just to observe the level of detail in each tree.
These fanservice shots are downright disturbing…
Another Gakuto this season (the second after Sasajima in 7O3X). It’s a shame I dropped 7O3X from the commentary…
G-Guh! I-It’s COD (Call of Duty)! Never thought I’d see an anime parody of it, ever! I’ve heard people speak about it, but I don’t bother with it.
A crank is “a pejorative term used for a person who holds an unshakable belief that most of his or her contemporaries consider to be false”, while a scrub is “a now generalized term used as a synonym for a “noob” or “newb,” which is someone who is bad at a video game or activity in general”. I’m not very used to gaming lingo. *sweatdrops*
Wow, that slap in the face really got me by surprise. I howled when I saw Amano’s reaction face though.
Now there’s an honorable guy! I still prefer Shiki from 7O3X, but at least now he’s not a no-face harem protag.
Who the heck is Choshinnomori? The illustrator?
I think Gamers is good enough to continue, but not enough for a commentary. Aside from Reflection vs Chronos Ruler, the lineup’s pretty much settled.
Chronos Ruler 2
Wooser’s…Casino? Never saw that one coming. Was that an intentional riff on Sanrio?
As soon as Kiri starts spouting off about negligence and goals, the Kunikida bells go off.
Nice pun! Kiru can mean “to cut”, and since there’s a metaphor involving “homeland” already, it’s a pun on a pun.
Michiko Yokote’s on this? Wow, she must get a lot of my views. I’m seeing her and Natsuko Takahashi everywhere ever since Boueibu happened.
This kaeidoscope thing reminds me of Kiznaiver. Lay Your Hands on Me is sad when you remember it was a last project of Boom Boom Satellites’ lead man.
Nyuh-huh-huh-huh…(what? That’s just a weird laugh!) Why would you call a city C’est La Vie? Well, if anything, the name is appropriate.
Wait, I just realised they had Victo naked without his strange orb in his body…for the sake of fanservice. I didn’t mind because naked dudes are my cup of tea, but still…lack of consistency is a real markdown for this show.
Kiri looks like he’s floating on that stone floor…what.
Wasn’t Victo here earlier? Why is Kiri here now?
I-It’s Hellsalem’s Lot! In Chronos Ruler! Well, wonders never cease.
Victo doesn’t even look remotely angry as he faces his old foe.
*trying not to giggle* Why is eating pasta through the nose always a punishment in anime?
Yeah, it’s now too inconsistent for me to deal with. I’m dropping it until The Reflection comes along.
Boku no Hero Academia 28
I thought it was Full Cowl…? By the way, for some reason Izuku passes an Indian restaurant twice…or is that Arabic, or Thai? I dunno, it’s hard to tell without pausing…
LOL, I laugh so hard at Bakugo’s combed down hair. It reminds me of neat!En from the Boueibu manga.
I haven’t seen Tsukauchi in a while. Hisashiburi! (Long time no see!)
Stain’s just said what Hans (Rokka no Yuusha) said about a year or two ago…hmph. It seems quite a few assassins follow that belief, eh?
Huh, that’s actually very logical…to have lots of crime where there are lots of people, so on so forth.
Manual has Tsukauchi’s eyes. Are they related somehow?
Oh no…There’s a winged Nomu, and the only one with wings in this show is…a kid from Bakugo’s friendship group! *tries not to cry*
It’s Gran Torino, kids. Regardless of whether it’s the car or the movie he’s named after, it’s Gran Torino.
I realised Shigaraki really likes spectacles. Not glasses, though.
It’s honestly so scary to see Iida this mad…
“My name is Tenya Iida. You crippled my brother. Prepare to die!” – That’s the line you want, right, Iida? Take a note out of Inigo Montoya’s (Princess Bride) book.
Boku no Hero Academia 29
Wow, I knew Endeavour wasn’t liked, but I didn’t think his sitch was that bad…
The framing choice (white, insular fadeout) was a good one, I think. Shows Deku’s blinkered thinking at a crucial moment like this.
W-Wait. They have a hero called The Fly?! You’re kidding, right? That’s a great name! Creepy, because heck, just seeing screenshots of the Cronenberg movie is enough to make you pee your pants, but…heck yeah! What a name!
Seriously, how does that hand stay on Shigaraki’s face???
Japanese society is full of modesty, but Tensei is something else.
As much as I hate to admit it, Stain’s right Iida…sorry. Thinking selfishly doesn’t work in the hero biz.
Didn’t I say Deku looked scary back in ep 13-ish? Yeah, you can see the shadow of the monster right here…Gotta take note for Half-Paid Heroes!
I was going to use the ping-pong technique in Half-Paid Heroes, actually (the same one you saw Gran Torino use a few eps back in his apartment). I think Deku might use it here…
I see! That’s why Shinso had to apper before this!
A-hey. Stain’s kinda like a vampire. How didn’t I think of that earlier? (because I already kind of knew the secret behind his Quirk)
See? I knew Deku would use that ping-pong technique! It’s perfect for covering your defences simply through speed, which is exactly what I needed for one of my characters.
Well, today I reaffirmed why I love BnHA, and why even something like Katsugeki can’t beat it! That is the love of a superhero fan, right there!
Katsugeki 3
Seriously, is it “alright” or “all right”???
I never thought Kane-san would be so willing to kick butts and take names. Or…just the kicking butts bit.
Wait, what’s a roushi?
I still don’t know what a roushi is, but it seems the Time Retrograde Army are just giving catastrophic events in the time they’re in a nudge. The ripple effect, y’know?
A touken is a sword.
Were those roushi…CGI?! Blasphemy!!! Just when the backgrounds were looking really lifelike too.
Ah, a roushi = a ronin. There you go.
Mutsu’s surprised face is…hilarious!
Tosa people have accents? I don’t know much about accents, so I gotta learn…
Come to think of it, I’ve never seen a rogue touken danshi (sword boy)…hmph.
That constable looks like Heizo Hasegawa (Onihei).
The saniwa should be a gal, didn’t I say that in a previous ep?
Kitsune are meant to love deep fried tofu.
Whose line is “I’m going to seize the world”? Mutsu’s, probably.
Katsugeki 4
The closed shop appears to be called “The Tsuda Shop” or something like it, due to something that’s been written on to the paper screens.
Satchou is this alliance.
The shop you see Tonbokiri in the doorway of is called the “Murata Shop” (Murata-ya).
Again, foxes are meant to love tofu, but here’s what a pipe fox is.
There’s a sense of foreboding looming over this anime, and it kind of scares me, but it’s par for the course in a show like this.
Mutsu’s eating an onigiri. “Same old, same old” really are the right words to use here.
An ootachi should be significantly weaker in smaller quarters, like a bridge. However, they have longer range, which means that multiple swords in the party this Saniwa has could defeat it. By the by, I consulted the wiki, and it seems we’re going through era 1 (Meiji era), so there shouldn’t be any closed quarter battles here (I think there was one in the first ep of Hanamaru).
I bet Mutsu���s gonna pull out his gun sometime during this battle, eh?…Yep, a few seconds after I predicted that, it came true. Mutsu, you nut. I know this is close to the Meiji restoration if not in the middle of it, but still, don’t go showing off your gun everywhere…
Cue “You shall not pass!” moment from Tonbokiri. (I think I should say “again”, but my memory’s being sketchy right now.) LOL.
Everyone has that one experience as a Touken Ranbu rookie where their tantou has had way too much and dies…it’s always so sad, and often a player’s first death in their party. I know, because my first tantou was a Sayo and of course, he died on me.
I wonder if Kiwame will be shown in this show…hmph.
Wowsers, I held my breath so hard at that point where Yagen seemed like he was going to lose…but hey, what a great debut for Tsurumaru! Unfortunately, I don’t know the relationship between Yagen and Tsurumaru, since I don’t own a Tsuru, but I’ve been trying to get one for the longest time. Update: Oh, that “are you surprised that someone like me came here so suddenly?” is his line when he’s obtained, meaning the saniwa must’ve smithed him and dropped him into the fray.
Princess Principal 2
I think they’re trying to pull a “moe” route with Ange right here…which is not my style, but I’m neutral on it…
S-So…Dorothy sucks at smoking? L-LOL.
How do these women live with their metal dresses? Corsets are one thing, but actual metal, like knights but all over the dress? Yeah, definitely a sign of “no pain no gain” fashion.
Wait, there’s stolen blueprints?…Oh, okay then.
Really? CGI dancing couples? *rolls eyes* This is probably second to the fedora monster (Rokka no Yuusha) as to how bad CGI can get.
This Duke…he reminds me of Rosenberg (Royal Tutor), and that is not a good sign.
Saiyuki Blast 3
Go! Play them cards, Hakkai!
The concept of a sky burial could probably make an entire anime. I should keep better notes on this stuff. Plus, birbs. Even if they’re vultures, they’re cute!
I think the thing that makes Saiyuki special, despite it being a reboot of an old show, is that it’s able to convey deep themes without ruining the mood. I think that’s missing from a lot of modern anime, especially some of the more apparent commercials.
Y-Yeah, Goku…kicking a man through the roof is overkill. (laughs anyway)
Mmhmm. I like me some dudes in tight shirts like Sanzo’s. Azrael from Ro.Te.O is designed the same way, which is one reason why I love him so much.
Trigger warning for death but, “He died from the epidemic six days ago…”
“I thought really hard about what you asked me yesterday.”
I’m not gonna stick around for UraSai this time. So not worth it…
Classroom of the Elite 2
Oh gosh. I come here for a good time and they go with Gainaxing? Really?
Well, that was unexpected. I thought Ayanokouji was going to be a blushing wreck, but he’s less harem protag and more Houtarou Oreki (Hyouka).
Mm-mm. I like me some bishie like that, Horikita. You’ve got some good taste.
Dangit, this lunch is making me hungry, and I just ate!
Well, I can’t see how you’d have bad grades if you got into an advanced “nurturing school”, so I get Horikita’s point, but I can see how people can fail with the S-System. Ayanokouji and Horikita are basically Misora and Kei from Sakurada Reset though, and that’s bad news for this show…I might need to put Youkai Apato and 7O3X back in the places they used to be in.
I think this show is focussing on Kushida fanservice too much, too early into the game. Fanservice shouldn’t be this early into a series unless the series is fanservice from start to finish (e.g. ecchi).
Best moment of this entire show was Horikita shutting down Ayanokouji, LOL. See? I work a lot better without fanservice in my commentaries.
Ah! A tiger mum, but in the form of an older brother? I see, I see *nods*.
Actually, I now think Ayanokouji’s martial arts skills passed off as “piano and calligraphy” is the best moment.
Hmph. I never thought that Horikita’s inability to get along with others was what got her into Class D. Come to think of it, Ayanokouji is probably there because he rigged the scores and isn’t very sociable either…
It’s interesting that they list the points next to the cast credits. I was losing interest in this show, but the small things are what make me sit up and pay attention!  
Reflection 1
I’ve been waiting for this all season now, so here it is!
The first thing that hit me about this show was the colour palette. It’s like I’m watching a moving painting. Or a moving comic book, which I think was the point.
*sighs, somewhat happily(…?)* You know it’s America when the skyscrapers are plastered with the Stars and Stripes…Only American creators can be so proud of America, y’know? People naturally write about what they know, including the patriotism of their homelands.
It seems they even have WcDonald’s in this too, Plus DNN and so on, so forth.
Seeing the skyscrapers light up with relevant effects is cool! Real cool!
Now, if only comics would learn to empower their women better, then I’d be happy…*grumbles into distance*
Also, can someone please stop making all the minority races evil? I think I’ve seen enough evil dudes from that genre, and I haven’t even watched majority of the superhero movies that make the genre what it is.
The background scenery holds on for a little too long, a la Tsukigakirei.
Holy ninjas, Batman! That was a Russian ninja, apparently! Much cooler than an ordinary Japanese ninja, eh? (By shonen standards, at the very least?)
“At least tell me you did a ‘good job’.”
Why is it that everything in America is handled by the FBI, from aliens to superheroes? I don’t get you sometimes, America.
“Sorry, I actually live in LA.” – L-LOL!!! What even, don’t go around revealing your place of residence! Villains will come after you, don’t you know that, I-Guy???
The flat aesthetic means CGI doesn’t stand out too much, thankfully…
Huh, I never thought in my entire lifetime Stan Lee would be tackling the discriminatory nature of the term “hero”. He just never seemed to be the sort who would.
Yeah, I kinda knew 9Nine were involved with the ED, but I never quite guessed it would result in something like this. It’s a fairly typical ED, by anime standards, but still – you can tell it was done well, by a superhero great (better than trying to imitate anime a la Heroman), but it’s not to the same highs as Boku no Hero Academia or Katsugeki can take you. Therefore, Classroom of the Elite will be going on hold while I try to figure out what’s so good about this show.
0 notes