#penumbra zine
buttterflyboy · 2 years
i found this zine that i made as a book report back in 2020 and was super impressed with it. man i used to be so cool n creative !! neeee d to get back into zines. propelling this action by checking out another comic from the library to inspire me
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developersumon · 3 days
organic Apple podcast promotion for huge downloads and ratings
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Podcast Promotion Service
You want to make your podcast among millions of people. I will promote your podcast to millions of people and download 50,000 to 1M+ downloads per month, helping to increase my rating. All real people will subscribe and download your podcast. You can take my service? by ordering it in very cheap price through this link in Upwork the highly guaranteed network :
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panwhatcake · 1 year
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xiao, albedo, and wanderer fabric poster I drew for Penumbra: An Albedo, Xiao, and Scaramouche Zine !🌟
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heartfulselkie · 2 years
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I know people mostly follow me for art stuff now, but I do have a couple of fics on AO3 if anyone's interested! My name over on AO3 is Selkie077
Citrus and Lavender (Ongoing, Rated T)
Enemies AU with Chat Noir working with Hawk Moth from the beginning. Even though the "enemies" part is mainly on the Ladynoir side, there's interaction between all sides of the love square as they awkwardly fumble around and try to figure each other out.
Bell The Cat (Ongoing, Rated T)
Fantasy/Knight AU with a dash of enemies to reluctant allies then friends to lovers. Hawk Moth, tyrant of the kingdom, is dead. Slain by his own champion Chat Blanc of all things. But as the renowned Hero of Gallia, Ladybug knows the war against the Akumas is far from over. With a lot of questions remaining, she decides that the first step to getting answers is to save Chat Blanc from death row.
Dream A Little Dream of Me (One Shot, Rated T)
Marinette tries to forget about Chat Blanc as much as possible, but that doesn't stop her from dreaming about him.
Glass Cages (One Shot, Rated T)
Adrien is struggling against the isolation his celebrity status forces on him and the constant expectation of perfection. Luckily he's not alone in this, as Ladybug also knows what it's like to be kept on a pedestal.
Priceless (One Shot, Rated G)
Based on a Tumblr prompt. Upon discovering that Marinette made an expensive (and somewhat secretive) purchase, Adrien has a lot of questions.
Penumbra (Complete, Rated M)
Check tags carefully for this one as it deals with some heavy themes. Adrien is haunted by an experience he can never forget, so he turns to being Chat Noir as much as possible to escape it. As Marinette's relationship deepens with both Adrien and Chat Noir, she starts to realise there's something hidden behind their smiles.
And I'm Still Breathless (Complete, Rated T)
A oneshot written as part of a series for the Littlebug Valentine's Zine.
It was only a couple of kisses and they had been for the photoshoot. But Adrien is a romantic at heart, and when he falls he falls hard.
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terror-billie · 1 month
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Glimmers in the Penumbra
I assembled this zine to collect drabbles written for my D&D group, and I'm sharing it with you all today.
This is for you, @tofucasserole , @varethinsilico , @nautilusopus , @rosemochi , and @fury-brand
Special thanks to @fury-brand for drawing the illustrations used in this zine and for buying my drabble commission slots on behalf of the group. She has made a lot of really cool art for our group and for her character Dia especially, so you should check it out if you like this!
This was a really fun project. It was great to play in the 100 word limit with different styles and character voices to make something tailored for each character.
I assembled this zine so that I could make a special and unique home for all of the pieces together. It was put together in Scribus, a free and open source layout tool.
If you enjoyed this zine, please consider a donation to Crips for eSims for Gaza or at Gaza Funds.
Full Text Transcript Below the Cut
Full Text Transcript
Glimmers in the Penumbra A Tabletop Roleplay OC Drabble Collection
The snow feels wrong. It mushes against the strange pliant dough stretched across her soles, shoots her through with a kind of pain she's never felt before. It bites, metallic, as though she can feel the pinprick of each shard of each snow flake. The air, too, grips her. All of this, wrong. Never before had the winds caused her pain, nor had snow felt anything but pleasant on even her tenderest scales. Winter has abandoned her. It was in her very weft and now all she has is this naked pink putty. No way for a dragon to live.
Dia Istehar
[Includes an illustration of Dia holding herself in a gust of snow and wind.]
Fire's heat. Warms, tickles, crisps. Pleasure becomes pain. Sears, destroys, consumes. Ashes to ashes.
Vous qui entrez, abandonnez toute espérance.
No way to snuff a forest fire once it's caught hot and tall, naught but to let the blaze run out. A heart is like that. A little fire you can throw water over, but the burn in him grows fast. All you can do is get out the way.
Watch for smoke.
What's a flame want? Nothing but to burn. Bright and hot, alive until it's out. Doesn't care what's burning, where or how. But a man's heart? Well.
L’Enfer - The Inferno Vous qui entrez, abandonnez toute espérance. - Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.
Ozias DeVir
[Includes an illustration of Ozias lighting a cigarette.]
Song of the Princess
She is come from a castle in a far away land, from a lineage ruling for generations.
Hath traveled the lands in great odyssey, and suffered many a hardship and poverty.
O Princess, Sweetest Briar with thorns sharp, stand strong against despair. Nobility is not in gold but in heart and deed and bearing. Retain thy grace and thy dignity. Fear not the dark and the wicked, for thou art puissant. Magic courseth through thy veins as fish in a stream.
Know that one day thou wilt reclaim thy birthright. So sayeth this poem, written in serenade of a princess.
Briar Allaire
[Includes an illustration of Briar, regal in a crown.]
Idle Musing
Life should be fun. Things would be far too boring without a bit of mischief to keep it interesting, ya know? Just a dash like spice in the stew. Nothing serious, maybe swipe a shiny here or snack there.
Things can change pretty fast out on the road though. It gets scary out there, with monsters and bad guys. Sometimes I think I should have just stayed home.
But hey, one minute you're strumming along up and down the strings of a bouzouki, tickling the melody to and fro, and bam! Out comes the zouka. Didn't expect that, didja spookies?
[Includes an illustration of Kaapro, a Kenku, smiling and playing a bouzouki.]
"Go and sin no more."
The other man, the one on the other side of the wooden screen, knows what a joke it is. He says it anyway, and manages not to laugh. It's procedure after all.
A rosary and an extra Our Father. A man's life snuffed out, his blood on the stone, and all Lucere needs to do is mumble some words.
Done in God's name, isn't it a Holy act?
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
Deliverance won't come, but so too will he sin again. He always has and always will.
Lucere Crough
[Includes an illustration of Lucere holding a rosary in his hand, covering half of his face.]
Just World Fallacy
Let us consider the situation rationally. Which situation is more likely?
The first, that I was conceived by two emotionally stunted people unprepared for the maturity, care, and mundane sacrifices of parenthood? That I lived at the whims of a man who took out rage and fear on his vulnerable son? That my mother could bring me into the world but shrink my existence so small in her heart that she could ignore it? That suffering is largely beyond our control and the world is fundamentally unfair?
Or that I am unloveable and it's my fault?
The answer is obvious.
Pinion Andolus
[Includes an illustration of Pinion where you cannot see his face, gazing at unbalanced scales.]
Knight in Shining Armor
My face mirrored in a gleaming scale. I chased it like the glint of oasis after days walking parched sands. Was it a mirage? I follow its path and come no closer, but the image does not fade. Still there, out of reach, ever on the horizon.
What is she really like? I've imagined her on the highest pedestal, with every sublime virtue, and in the deepest depravity, with every foul cruelty. Perhaps she is simply a well-meaning fool, doing her best.
Do I truly want to know? Would the mirage dissolve, and would that be for good or ill?
Okaara Justa
[Includes an illustration of Okaara, a half-orc, gazing at her own reflection in a piece of plate armor.]
寝袋詰め 心の準備 と出かける
romaji reading: shurafuzume kokoro no junbi to dekakeru
「issho ni」
The bedrolls are wrapped. Ready for what awaits them, the party sets forth.
[No illustration]
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ultraviolet-cello · 2 years
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designing buddy has been very fun >:] love this woman
Also hey here's a zine interest check that Penumbra Podcast Creators might want to check out (That I'm hosting!) One day left, then we'll get things up and running!
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dkniade · 1 year
How is it that Genshin Impact fan zines have such symbolic and beautiful names
Let’s see… There’s the Kaeya zine “Glacial Waltz” (explanatory. It’s his burst)
There’s the Albedo, Xiao, and Scaramouche zine “Penumbra”
Penumbra: noun
the partially shaded outer region of the shadow cast by an opaque object. The shadow cast by the earth or moon over an area experiencing a partial eclipse.
There's the AlbeLuc ship week Alizarin
Alizarin : noun a red dye found in the roots of the madder plant and the powdered roots are used directly in the dyeing process. A notable use of alizarin in modern times is as a staining agent in biological research because it stains free calcium and certain calcium compounds a red or light purple color.
I've never seen a ship summed up in such a meaningful and compact word like this before
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Obligatory intro post
Hellooooo my name is Malakai, and I am hear to yap insistently, as my username states.
My interests include writing, books, frogs, opossums, mitski, zines, fiction podcasts, and many more! But I predict that I will mainly be yapping about fiction podcasts and zines.
I enjoy making mini-zines about disability and listening to fiction podcasts about weird little gay people in horrifying scenarios!
My favorite fiction podcasts are Alice Isn't Dead, The Penumbra Podcast, and The Department of Variance of Somewhere, Ohio.
Feel free to message me and yap about our shared interests if you're also a minor.
DNI: NSFW posters, general bigots, pro-war, and anyone who is weird about disability <3
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sailorpants · 6 months
if anybody was wondering the full game book to penumbra city is included in the online zine bundle. so you can actually get all the digital content for cheaper than if you bought just the digital book itself. hell yeah.
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batmonkfish80 · 1 year
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Stovetop Ghosts by Katy Naylor
1. In which I talk about friendship in general and my relationship with Katy Naylor, the author of Stovetop Ghosts, and how it relates to this review in a way that is peripherally about the book; for more direct commentary see part 2, or for a summary, part 3
A part of what makes up friendship is shared experiences. We were there together and this thing happened, involving us. It’s not the only element and maybe not even absolutely necessary. Still, going through something with someone can make a bond. Online friendships are trickier; still, things happen and the people we met online were there with us. And now we have something in common.
Another thing about maintaining a friendship is to know the limits. When not to push. Not to get caught up on things that don’t matter. So when Katy described Stovetop Ghosts, a secular devotional book of poems about domestic life with small children I thought, doesn’t sound like my kind of thing. Easier all around if I just pass this one by, let our friendship – centred as it is about writing things and reading things – go on elsewhere.
Bear Creek was an online magazine of strange and weird things, masquerading as the newspaper of a strange, weird and fictional town. It was also a small press, and then one day the guy who ran it gave up on it all and it ended.
And Bear Creek was also a scene, made up of those of us living in the penumbra of the fictional town, writers, readers, illustrators, creators of various odd things. It was where Katy and I met. And when Bear Creek went away…
Well that’s no reason to give up on all the things that we built in that fictional town. Stovetop Ghosts doesn’t sound like my kind of thing? I read and watch and listen and experience things that don’t sound like my kind of thing all the time. Katy publishes things that aren’t my thing in her zine of interactive arts and that’s not a great reason to avoid them. So I don't. Learning why they’re not my kind of thing is useful and valuable. And sometimes, maybe there's something there that can be my kind of thing.
To cut a long story short I bought Stovetop Ghosts, even though it didn’t sound like my kind of thing, because the thing that started us being friends went away and that makes it even more important to support each other and strengthen the things that we have in common. The author’s note says “Stovetop Ghosts is Katy’s third published chapbook, and one that contains much of her heart. Be gentle with it,” so if I hate the book I will keep my damn mouth shut. Because that’s what a friend would do.
2. An actual review of Stovetop Ghosts
This is a book of hours, a secular version of meditations on the monastic hours that indicate religious services. In the same way that monks would structure their lives and work around these times, this book mirrors it with the rhythm of domestic life. A domestic life that revolves around a small child
The poems are all addressed to “you,” the child. Lauds is dawn and a memory of another time and how that hour changes when a child is present.  Matins revolves around breakfast with a note that “My better self is clear as glass,” and it turns out as fragile too. And then cooking, it is imperfect and a mother’s disapproval can be felt, and then our child’s delight when it is served. “Maybe, sometimes, this is enough.”
Terce is mid-morning and we go to the sea, and the sea is empty and full, overwhelming and tempting. But we, the child, are there. Something else than the universe-filling sea. Sext is noon still by the sea, a moment’s respite. Looking for the kraken, ready to send up a flare. Nones there is a walk inspecting every plant and oddity.
In Vespers we are told that we, the child are starting to anchor ourselves in time. That we know that this is a stage. Like the hours of the day, the years of our lives turn, the same and changing. Compline at night returns to the theme that’s hidden and revealed. That for all the child is dependent on the parent, it’s the child that saves the parent, that gives them their life.
Some of these I experienced as shattering handfuls of words poured into my churning mind, sharing events that happened months and years ago - or only in our heads. Some of them as just, you know, an interesting thing that was written. Some of it was my thing as it turns out, and that’s good. And the things that weren’t my thing? They’re good too.
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Part 3, tl;dr
Read This: An unflinching look at the doubt and strangeness of parenting Don’t Read This: It doesn’t sound like your kind of thing Disclosure: Katy has published me in her interactive arts zine Voidspace, also everything in part 1 You Can Buy It: At this link; if you're in the UK and want to contact Katy (perhaps through Voidspace?) she has copies.
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Co-Envisioning Worlds in Penumbra City
Co-Envisioning Worlds in Penumbra City
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Here we are presenting Ian’s interview with members of Strangers In a Tangled Wilderness, a collectively run publisher of radical podcasts, fiction, zines, games, and much more. We discuss the kickstarter fundraiser the group just launched to fund their tabletop RPG, Penumbra City, their history with games and with each other, world building, the value of goal-free play, and how it might be applied to projects and organizing. You can watch a playthrough of the game on youtube.
PDF (Unimposed)
Zine (Imposed PDF)
Penumbra City links:
Instagram @PenumbraCity
STW links:
Instagram @tangled_wilderness
Twitter @TangledWild
STW Podcasts:
Strangers In A Tangled Wilderness
Live Like The World Is Dying
Anarcho-Geek Power Hour
Inmn online:
Instagram @ShadowTailArtificiery
Robin online:
Instagram @MissRobinSavage
Margaret online:
Twitter @MagpieKilljoy
Instagram @MargaretKilljoy
. ... . ..
Featured Track:
Spellwork by Austra from Feel It Break
Check out this episode!
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penumbraholidayzine · 4 years
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Good evening travelers! Sign-ups are open for ONE MORE WEEK, until October 24th, so don't miss your opportunity to climb aboard this project! We eagerly await your arrival.
Sign up here!
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marloart · 6 years
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Here is the full cover design and the interior painted plains piece I did for @penumbrazine. It was challenging and exciting to be a part of and I’ll never forget the experience.
(some bonus pictures of the printed versions too!) 
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penumbrazine · 6 years
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And that’s that! The money is sent to the crew!
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whatsshecalled · 6 years
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a cropped preview of my piece for the @penumbrazine 😊 this has been so fun to work on, I can’t wait to see everybody’s pieces!!
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ladyraincloud · 6 years
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Did you preorder your Penumbra zine yet? They’re available to order from now until September 10th so snatch it up while you can!
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