#pentagon male reader
xmalereader · 2 years
Simon Riley X Tall! Male Reader
|| Masterlist ||
Authors note: I caved into this request even though I wasn’t accepting any but couldn’t help but get it done. I tried to give it batman and catwomen vibes but failed miserably. ( ̄∀ ̄) anyways, enjoy this shot that I didn’t really try my best on but did what I could to get the story going.
Request: Ghost X Tall! Male Reader that can speak Spanish (it's hella sexy) and tries to teach Ghost some too...
Warnings: Fluff, Spanish language, flirting, masked reader, tall reader, missions, hacker, pas memories, learning, ghost falls for reader, mentions of Alejandro’s past, language, semi short shot, code name: rouge.
Word count: 3.2k
Tags: @guardkeywolf
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Laswell had a mission for the a team, fairly simple but also risky. She thought the process would be a lot faster than she thought but instead took notice that the mission she needed to complete was going to be a lot harder than she thought and needed all the help that she could get. She didn’t need strong men but intelligence and the last intelligent person they had was Graves until the betrayal. His skills would’ve come in handy if he didn’t betray them along with Shepard. She instead had to look for an alternate route, one that she felt hesitant to use.
When she arrived in base she was able to get everyone to meet her, standing around a table as the gives everyone a nod of greeting before starting. “Thank you for accepting my offer, I’ve been tracking down Finch for years and had a hard time tracking him until now.” She holds out a folder and sets it in front of everyone, opening and showing them a picture of their target. “Finch operates in Money Laundering. He’s in charge of cleaning the money in order for it to be used and harder to trace.” She explains, setting out the file. “He helps big leaders, gangs, drug dealers, cartels—whoever the hell he can get in contact with, he will work for them. If we can get him then we can get all the intel that we need from people he might know. Target must come back alive.” Her last weird date stern and serious, she couldn’t lose this man nor can she risk getting him killed.
“Very well,” Price is the first to speak up. “How do you want to do this?”
Laswell nods. “Finch will be arriving to a casino in Las Vegas—good place to deal with money when their are so many people around gambling for it. You’ll all need to be undercover, blend in with the crowd and find a way to keep his guards away from him.” She explains, pointing at a few pictures of Finch’s guards that followed him everywhere he went. “Here’s the tricky part, he has total control of surveillance. If he takes notice of anything then it’s over for us.”
“So, how do we get through without getting caught by cameras?” Soap is the one to ask this time, raising a brow at her as she softly grins at the man. “I know someone who can help us.” She digs into her bag and pulls out another folder, showing the boys before sliding it over to Price first, who takes the folder and reads through it.
“He goes by Rouge—slippery bastard but will help us. He’s a hacker, can easily slip in out of anything.” She stands up straight and crossed her arms over her chest as she watched them carefully, passing the folder to each other as they read through the information and background. “He first hacked into the pentagon at the age of twelve, later at the age of fourteen he would hack into many wealthy companies and steal their personal information along with selling it. The kid got 5 companies to file for bankruptcy and nearly a hundred people were arrested for illegal information.”
Ghost takes the file next, eyes scanning the information as they land on a small picture clicked on the corner, his eyes narrowing as he takes in the other man’s features. Before he could hand the folder back to Laswell she speaks up fast. “Ghost, your mission is to keep a close eye on him and to protect him at all costs.” She refers to the hacker.
Ghost grunts, setting the folder down on the table. “Does he know how to use a gun?” He wants to make sure that the kid could at least defend himself or know how to fight. “He can handle a gun.” Laswell smiles back at ghost before she looks at everyone else. “Very well, he will be arriving tomorrow. Be prepared.” She instructed before giving them one last nod and leaving the room, giving them time to get ready for their new mission.
Simon wasn’t too happy that he’d have to sit back and take care of a new recruit. He wasn’t one to babysit rookies but Laswell had pulled him aside after their meeting and told him that their hacker was a slippery one and loved to escape their grip. The kid was smart and could easily steal millions without anyone noticing. Simon questioned himself as to why they haven’t arrested the rookie or perhaps kept a close eye on him? He wasn’t given a reason and he’d rather not ask why. Simon stayed back at base to wait for the hackers arrival while the others got ready, it was until Soap came out to join him when he asked. “Think the new guy knows what he’s doing?”
Simon sighs deeply and shrugs. “Not sure, let’s hope he doesn’t mess up our mission.” He wouldn’t want to deal with the rookies mess if he were to create one for himself. Both him and Soap watched as a plane comes down, landing near them as the two stood back and watched, the door slide open. The first thing the two men took notice of their new teammate was his height, he was around the same height as ghost, perhaps slightly taller by a few inches but he didn’t seem too intimidate. In fact, the new rookie wore all black with a case in hand, grinning at the two as he approached them. “Gentleman.” His voice was soft but also filled with a teasing tone, ghost knew he wasn’t going to like him.
Soap was the first to speak up. “Good to see ya! I’m soap, you’re the one they call rouge?” He questions. While the other nods. “Some call me Rouge others call me Fox.” He suddenly says, giving soaps hand a shake and eyeing Ghost up and down before focusing back to soap. “Fox?”
“You’ll know when you see my work.” Rouge answers, hand on his hip as he looks over his shoulder to see the other team members exiting the building. The first thing rouge does when the rest of the group approaches is pull Alejandro into a hug while the other laughs and slaps his hand against his shoulder. “Look at you! Portándote bien?”
“Como no?”
The two laugh at each other before pulling away. Simon glanced at the two, obviously knowing that the two had some sort of connection to each other but what surprised ghost the most was that the rookie spoke Spanish. He didn’t sound like he was learning, more like he was raised with it as a slight accent is hard in his words.
“It’s been too long, causing trouble again?” Alejandro added while Y/n smiles widely at his old friend. “I’m always causing trouble, because of my trouble I’m here to help you boys. Laswell caught me up on everything and thinks I can help with getting your guy.” He waves his case around, showing them his tools. “Good, we need someone like you.” Alejandro chuckles, giving the other a large smile.
“Good, now.” Price speaks up from the group. “Laswell already gave us the plans, let’s get ready and start heading out. Ghost—you and rouge should head down to the casino first, get in and find a safe place to stay hidden while Rouge does his own magic.”
Rouge smirks. “Si, Señor.”
That gets everyone moving, separating into different vehicles that they plan to take to Vegas. Rouge follows ghost towards their own car, getting up front as he sets his case on his lap, smiling softly to himself as ghost sighs deeply. “Let’s get this done quickly.” He states, starting the car up and driving away from base while Rouge opens his case and pulls out his laptop.
He flips it open and tries away, chewing on his lip as he focused on getting through the building and perhaps a map of the building. Ghost would glance over to him every few seconds before asking. “What are you doing?”
“I’m checking for a blind spot.” He mutters out, tilting his head to the side. “Hm, the bathroom is one but it’ll be too crowded—too many people will come and go. Perhaps the security room?”
“Too dangerous—we can’t get anyone else involved into our mission.”
“Fine.” He continues to check for any other blind spots, scanning the floor and frowning. “We can do the roof.” He points out. “There’s a skylight on the casino, big enough for us to stay hidden and no cameras up there. If their are guards then we simply take them down and I’ll be able to work on peace. No one will get in our way and I have a clear view of the floor below me.” He explains, showing Ghost his laptop and an image of the skylight.
Ghost only gives it a glance before agreeing to the idea. The other man smiles softly and returns back to typing as he checks for any other alternates in case the skylight doesn’t, jumping softly to himself as he mumbled under his breath. “Todavía no.” He sighs to himself before closing his laptop and slipping it back inside the case. Ghost side eyes him before focusing back on the road, his hand gripping the steering wheel and asks.
“How do you and Alejandro know each other?”
Rouge hums. “Oh? Estas curioso?” He raises a brow.
Rouge laughs at his response, throwing his head back and smiling widely. “I helped me with some personal matters, we tend to get in debt with each other.” He doesn’t provide much detail about their relationship, keeping it a secret from him. He didn’t need to tell Ghost further details about his own personal life, it was dangerous and could get him caught if he were to do anything that was considered illegal. He’d rather be safe and not spread too much information about himself which is why his file was so small when Laswell presented it to the boys, only giving his code name along with his skills. The rest was either a mystery to everyone or perhaps a lie in order to keep his identity hidden.
“I’m guessing this personal matter was something illegal.” Ghost decides to speak up again, pulling rouge out of his thoughts as he turns to face the other. He shakes his head in response to ghosts statement. “It wasn’t bad, I was simply helping a friend.” He shrugs his shoulders. “Alejandro did teach me a few things—“ he laughs. “His mother taught me Spanish, she’d force me to speak it when I’m around her and I learned to speak it fluently. She’d also get pissed when Alejandro taught me how to swear around her.” It was a fond memory that he treasured. The sound of an elderly women cussing out her son as she waved a wooden spoon while chasing him around. The women may be old in age but she still had some stamina in her when it came towards disciplining her children.
“I’m trying to learn—been getting dragged around a lot in Mexico and had grown to the language.” Ghost admits.
This gets rouges attention. “Really? Perhaps I can teach you along the way.” He offers, sitting up in his seat and thinks. “You can understand it?”
“A little.”
“Perfect, how about I just speak it every once an awhile before switching back to English. I heard that it helps.”
Ghost thinks about the idea before agreeing with the other man. He’s been around the others for awhile that he’s grown to know a few Spanish words that were repeated around frequently. He understands the language but can’t speak it. In truth, he only asked to learn since he enjoyed the sound of the other man’s voice whenever he spoke the language, soft and seductive and it lured ghost to the man.
“Muy bien—“ Rouge checks the watch on his wrist. “En dos horas llegamos a Las Vegas. Once we get there I’ll make sure that we get inside undetected and onto the roof while the others get ready for tonight.” Rouge had seen the others disguise and how they had to blend in with the other guards or as civilians who were coming in to gamble while both he and ghost remained on the roof.
“You don’t wear a vest.” Ghost suddenly points out since he was wearing all black and some leather gloves sticking out of his pocket.
“Don’t need it, el disfraz que yo tengo puesto es suficiente.” Rouge blended well in the shadows, staying hidden from the publics eyes. He could get the job done and escape without leaving a trace of himself behind. He made sure to make no mistakes when on the job.
When they arrived to the casino they made sure to park in the back, waiting quietly as they watched the others enter the casino. The streets of Vegas were full, everyone either drinking or spending their money while they gamble. Rouge wasn’t one for parties but he didn’t mind gambling for some money or just taking money from the rich.
Looking through his scope he watched as the group got inside, signaling that it was there turn to move. Rouge puts his scope away and turns to ghost. “Listo?” He asks and gets a nod in response. Rouge grins, slipping on his own face mask to cover up the bottom half of his face, holding his case close as the two step out of the car and into the dark alleyways. The streets were dark and everyone was too intoxicated to take notice of the two of them as they climbed onto the roof top.
Rouge is the first to reach the top, hiding in the dark as he checks for any guards. “Esta seguro.” He whispers to ghost who followed after him. The two moving low and quiet as they reach the skylight, below them is the casino and gives them both a good view of the entire place. He smiles under his own mask and turns to ghost, leaning close to the other man as he whispers near his ear.
“Keep an eye out, yo hago lo demás.”
His words cause a shiver to run down ghosts spine as he watched Rouge sit near the skylight and open his case, pulling out his laptop and hacking into security. “Child’s play.” Rouge scoffs, easily getting into the security and getting access to all cameras and security numbers. “Ya entre.” He shows his laptop to ghost, showing him the surveillance footage.
Ghost raised his brows, impressed by his work. “Didn’t think it would be that easy.”
“no siempre es fácil.”
Ghost holds his gun in hand, ready for anything. “Para ti si es.” His Spanish is a little choppy and with a hint of his accent. His sudden words surprise Rouge who's eyes widen as he chuckles, clapping his hands twice. “Mirate! Ya andas aprendiendo, mi fantasma.”
Ghosts face heats up at his last words. He coughs and clears his throat, focusing back on the mission as Rouge worked on the cameras. He sat on the floor, leaning against the wall and focused on the computer in-front of him. “You know—this guy your getting why not get him when he’s alone? He’s been around many places without guards but you pick the casino out of all places.”
“We need to make sure that we catch him in the act when he launders money. Who knows what else he’s doing.”
Rouge frowns deeply under his mask. “Yeah, who knows.” His eyes cast down, staring down at the casino and watched people gamble. He watched the rich gamble away their money that they had no need for. He’s seen the way they’ve handled their money, too much to us that instead of giving it to those in need they become selfish and keep it for themselves. He sighs deeply and turns back to the cameras and takes notice of their target while the boys made a move to get him. Rouge sets his laptop to the side and comes to a stand, getting ghosts attention. “Mi haces un favor?”
“What is it?”
Rouge moves past him, going around the skylight. “Can you stand here and keep an eye from here? I took notice of a few escape routes for our target and in case he takes one I want to make sure that you take notice.”
“Wouldn’t the cameras show you?”
“Their blind spots and I wouldn’t be able to see.” He responds back and watched as ghost walks over to him, standing in a new area while rouge grins under his mask. “Gracias.” He stood close to ghost as he whispered his gratitude to him. Ghost tries to focus on his task while Rouge goes back to his laptop on the other side of the skylight, picking it up and typing away as he listens to the comms.
He looks down below at the casino. “And…lights out.” He pressed a key on his laptop as the lights go dark and the room goes into chaos as everyone panics while the guards grow cautious of the lights going out. Their comms go off while ghost grows confused.
“Soap, do you copy? What’s going on down there!” He shouts into his comm but gets no response, he can hear them but they can’t hear him. “What—?” He looks up to see rouge by the edge of the roof, mask removed as he gives ghost a Cheshire grin. “Adois, mi fantasma.” He gives him a wink and jumps off the building, disappearing into the crowded streets blow a ghost cursed under his breath.
He checks his vest to see that his comm was turned off, he’d thought he had it one this whole time. He’s quick to turn the comms back on and quickly gets in touch with the others.
“Ghost, how copy? Dammit ghost are you there?” He hears Soap call for him.
He turns to his comm and glared, before he can respond back the lights are back on in the casino. He growls in anger. “Copy, rouge escaped.” Laswell had warned him.
“Hijo de puta.” He hears Alejandro sigh out in frustration through the comms. “Did we get finch?” Ghost asks the real important question, wanting to make sure that their target was alive.
“No, he escaped.” Said Soap.
Ghost huffs angrily, making his way towards the edge of the roof and to make his way down. Once he reaches the bottom of the steps he finds the car still in the same place, meaning that rouge had escaped by foot. He walks up to the car and pulls the door open, supposed to see Finch tied up and gagged on the passenger seat. The man is unconscious and with a note stuck to its forehead.
Ghost rounds the car and opens the door, removing the note and reading it to himself.
“Para mi fantasma.” 
Ghost laughs, shaking his head as he comms the others and let’s them know that their target was secure and alive. He ignored their questions of disbelief through the comms and focused back on the note in his gloved hand. “Fucking hell.”
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filmnoirsbian · 1 year
Things Read in March
Essays & Articles:
Reader Discretion Advised: On profanity and the sublime in poetry
Bizarre Movie Monsters: Skinamarink
Penelope and the Poetics of Remembering
Two Bad Mormons
Was Caroline Ellison a Main Character or the Fall Girl? How the 28-year-old CEO LARP-ed her way into the collapse of FTX
The 'real Lord of the Flies': a survivor's story of shipwreck and salvation
The real Lord of the Flies: what happened when six boys were shipwrecked for 15 months
The Legacy of Hoodoo Within the Black Church
'Hellraiser' writer Clive Barker on the publishing industry's homophobia and J.K. Rowling
'Ma' Reconsidered
Exposed: Dallas Humber, Narrator Of Neo-Nazi ‘Terrorgram,’ Promoter Of Mass Shootings
Black Horror Films Found Off the Beaten Path
'The Help' Spawns A Lawsuit And A Question: How Much Borrowing Is Fair?
Pentagon Blocks Sharing Evidence of Possible Russian War Crimes With Hague Court
How Wasps Are Less Bothersome—And More Beautiful—Than We Think
Researchers Pinpoint Important Biomarker for SIDS
15 Years After Invasion of Iraq, Amnesia & Distortion Obscure U.S. Record of War Crimes & Torture
The rabid sexualisation of male actors is getting creepy
Calvinism and the American Conception of Evil
The Schedule of Loss
Fuck Stuck by Naomi Morris
The Artist by Jenny George
Jenner, CA by Jay Deshpande
[11. Violence: Anglo-Linguistic] by Nam Le
Blue by Laura Villareal
T Shot #9: Ode to My Sharps Container by KB Brookins
The Bag of Skunk and the Ghetto Bank by Yahya Hassan translated by Jordan Barger
Fable of the Barn by Ann Lauterbach
"Envoi" of William H. Johnson's "Nude" by Terrance Hayes
Ancestors' wildest dreams by Kinsale Drake
Short Stories & Books:
In The Deep Woods; The Light is Different There by Seanan McGuire
Bones & All by Camille DeAngelis
Stardust by Neil Gaiman
Know My Name by Chanel Miller
The Princess Bride by William Goldman
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ragingbookdragon · 1 year
My Lord! A Snappin' Turla!
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick x Reader
Word Count: 1.2K Warnings: Explicit Language
Author's Note: New OC foks!! :) Thorne
It’s an ordinary Tuesday morning at the 141 base when Laswell walks into the room with a rather annoyed looking woman in tow. The guys look up from their breakfast and tea, to Laswell, to the woman, then back to their breakfast, and it’s only Price who breaks the silence.
“This her?” he asks and Laswell nods, shoving her forward.
“This is indeed. Introduce yourself.”
“I’d rather not,” the woman mutters, crossing her arms over her chest.
“There are a lot of things I’d rather not do and babysitting you is one of those,” Laswell retorts. “Introduce yourself.”
The woman rolls her eyes, lets out an exaggerated sigh and greets, “Name’s Snapper.”
At this, Soap looks up from his eggs. “Snapper?”
“That’s what I said, William Wallace.”
He ignores the swipe. “Why do they call you ‘Snapper’? Bonnie lass like you should be called something nicer.”
Snapper blinks, eyes hardening as she answers, “I once got attacked by a drunk guy who though it would be a good idea to stick his hand in my face. Three guesses as to what I bit off and how many.”
“And there goes my desire to ask you out,” Soap jokes and she turns to Laswell with a glare.
“I’m gonna hurt this boy’s feelings.”
“Play nice, niece,” she sighs and this time, Gaz looks up.
“Niece? You have a niece?”
“My wife’s.”
“Ah,” he nods and looks to Snapper. “Kyle Garrick. But everyone calls me Gaz.”
“I cannot physically believe you’re sticking me in a base full of men.”
Laswell rolls her eyes. “As much as I hate to actually admit this, you’re one of the best information specialists I’ve ever seen. The 141 can benefit from your help.”
“Men. I’m stuck on a base full of male soldiers. Who shit and fart and laugh loudly with no regards to their surroundings. Why would this be enjoyable for me?”
“Consider it punishment for hacking into the Pentagon and changing the official records to say that Clinton did in fact have sexual relations with that woman.”
Snapper glares at the floor. “You just can’t appreciate good humor.”
“I appreciate my wife not being beside herself in tears that her only niece is in federal prison.”
“Had to get your attention and entrance to the CIA somehow,” she griped.
Finally, Ghost meets her gaze. “You hacked into the Pentagon so you could prove you were good enough to join the CIA?”
She glares at him. “Yeah, kinda how you joined the army so you could find a family that actually cared about you.” She looks at them. “Anybody else want their feelings hurt or just the obviously PTSD-ridden, antisocial, masked freak?”
“You’re out of line, Snapper,” Laswell hisses and she turns her glare onto her aunt.
“I didn’t ask to be here. You could’ve put me anywhere else. You control where I go but you sure as shit don’t control what the fuck I say or do.”
The two glower at one another before Laswell shuts her eyes, breathes deeply for a few moments, then opens her eyes and looks at Price. “Her file is on your desk, her bags are outside the door. She’s a handful but she’s good. If you need me, call.” She turns to Snapper. “You piss me the hell off, I want to kill you, I love you, I’ll call you when I land. Goodbye.”
“You can’t just leave me here!” she shouts in return but doesn’t follow, instead she cocks a hand on her hip and looks at the four men at the table. “So…what’s on the agenda first?”
Price lets out a breath. “Manners, for starters.”
“Kiss my left ass-cheek,” she retorts. “I’m not letting a forty-five-year-old man tell me how to be ladylike.”
Soap and Gaz both snort into their drinks and Price falls stricken with a look of disbelief. “I’m thirty-eight?”
“Uh huh, and I’m the fucking Queen of England.” She gestures to them. “Have fun in your circle-jerk club. I’m gonna go wander.”
“No you’re not, lass,” Soap says, jumping up to grab her arm and she pauses, looks down at his hand, then back up.
“You wanna play this game with me?” Snapper asks coldly. “Because I’ll win.”
He points a finger in her face. “You keep your hands to yourself and your teeth off people.”
“I find I don’t like men telling what to do particularly pleasant. Let go or you’ll be two fingers less than you were five seconds ago.” He glares but lets her go and follows when she turns around. “I don’t need a babysitter. Fuck off.”
“This base has sensitive information you’re not privy to.”
“Yeah, like how you take the lieutenant up your ass every night?”
Soap stalls. “H-how?”
“I’m very good at what I do,” is all she tells him, then pauses and turns back to the table. “I want that one to lead me around.” Her finger is pointing straight at Gaz, who looks like he’s about to shit a brick.
He looks at Price in terror. “I do not want to be her friend.”
“Fuck you,” she barks, crossing her arms over her chest. “I’m a great friend.”
Price glances between the two glaring at each other. “Gaz, give her a tour of the base.”
“That’s an order,” he adds and Gaz grunts, getting up from the table to follow her.
“C’mon,” he says, and she clears her throat with exaggeration, getting in front of him.
“Oh no, I’m not being led around like a dog.”
“I’m not treating you like a fucking dog,” he gripes, opening the door. “Just go.”
“Make me, princess,” she retorts and the two start arguing as the door shuts behind them.
No one breaks the silence for a few moments, then Price groans, lays his head on the table and swears. “Fuckin’ Laswell. When she said she had a specialist in mind, I thought it was gonna be someone enjoyable.”
Soap tipped his head side to side. “I dunno, Price, she seems like an…acquired taste.”
“More like sour,” he bites back, sitting up to run a hand down his face. “God help Gaz.”
“He’ll be fine,” Soap says. “What’s the worst that could happen? They hate-fuck?”
“Exactly. I’m too young to be a grandfather,” he says, looking at Ghost. “They’re not allowed to sleep in the same room. Ever.”
“Who fucking died and put me in charge of them?” Ghost snaps.
“Because I trust you.”
“You don’t trust me?” Soap asks, hurt.
“You’ll encourage them, Simon won’t.”
“But don’t you want Gaz to be happy?”
“I want Gaz to not be arrested for killing a CIA agent.”
“Think she might bite his head off before that happens,” Ghost says.
“She’ll bite somethin’,” Soap snorts.
Price grunts, rising from his seat, tea cup in his hand. “I’m going to my office. Come get me if they get into a fistfight.”
“Still questioning why I’m in charge of them,” Ghost gripes.
“Because I fuckin’ said so. That’s why.”
“Permission to not be nice to her.”
“Granted. Lethal verbal decimation allowed.”
“Copy.” Ghost rises, pointing at Soap. “You. Come on.”
“You?” he sputters. “I have a name, ya fuckin’ reprobate.”
As the two argue while they leave, Price leans against the table and frowns at his feet. “I need a partner…or a fucking hobby…or both.”
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onlymingyus · 1 year
vernon masterlist
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🍑Smut/Mature/Suggestive 🍓Fluff 🍍Angst 🍒 Poly/Multiple 🍊 MLM/Male Reader 🍋 Toxic 🍌 Comedy 💀 Horror/Thriller 
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Vernon Thots • Vernon Fluff
Late Night  🍑
Control  🍑
Rip 🍑
Serenity 🍓
Your Games Suck: Gam3 Boi Edition (HHU) 🍑🍒
I’ll spit in your mouth... 🍑
Between Friends (ft. Kino of Pentagon) [peachybun-bun] 🍑🍒
Kiss Me Like You Mean It (peachybun-bun) 🍑
Faded Whispers 🍍   
ménage à trois (with Dino) 🍑🍒🍊
soft fluffy sex🍑🍓
playing with vernon’s hair🍓
vernon + spanking🍑
calling him daddy🍑🍌
mutual masturbation🍑
sex backstage after a concert🍑
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dirtywresling102 · 2 years
Can I get a Darby Allin and female reader imagine? Something like they always cross paths and like each other but both are too nervous to talk about it until reader does a dangerous move and gets hurt.
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Pairing: Darby Allin x Female!Reader
Imagine Requests: Open!
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The first time you ran into Darby was at a bakery, your favorite bakery in your hometown. You almost didn't even recognize him without his face paint. Chatting a little before saying your goodbyes you thought it was odd that Darby was in your home town.
The next time you ran into Darby was at the mall with some of the wrestlers on AEW, you guys decided to hit the mall while in the city that AEW was taken place at. You walked into Hot Topic to see the graphic shirts to see Darby already standing there. "Darby?" You laughed in surprise to see the male look up at you and smile.
"You decide to hit the mall too before the show?"
"Yeah, I usually do. This is how I get my shirts." He held up a shirt with a graphic design of cats around a pentagon.
You grinned, knowing he would look adorable in the shirt, he looks adorable in anything. "Well, I think you should totally get it."
The show began with a battle royal with the women to make things interesting and kick the show off with a little heat. The winner would get a title shot for the AEW Women's Championship.
Grabbing the rope, you stumbled upon your feet in a weak manner. Watching the women in the middle of the ring fighting and throwing forearms at one another. Climbing the top rope you faced the crowd, your back towards the women as you crossed your arms and jumped off the top rope, doing Darby's move, a Coffin Drop.
Landing on the group you exhaled a breath groaning as the air from your lungs was knocked out of you and your head hitting the mat hard. The lights became fuzzy as every sound seemed to be muffled by a high pitched ring.
The royal went on, you were soon thrown out and making your way backstage, holding your head. Trainers quickly surrounded you and told you to sit down while they examined your bleeding head.
"Y/N!" Darby called out, kneeling in front of you. "Are you okay? You gave me a scare." Darby's hand resting upon your knee.
Feeling the warmth of his hand spread over your thigh you grinned widely. "Never better." You winced as the trainer touched your scalp.
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gnwwkks2 · 1 year
A Sweet Coincidence (Idol!Gunwook x F!Reader) Chapter 0: Before Then
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word count: 1k
It was early February, the air was chilled and there was freshly fallen snow on the ground. The sky was a dull gray color and the wind was picking up at a rather uncomfortable speed. Contrasting to the weather outside, the dimly lit apartment was warm, the scent of hot chocolate and cookies were fresh in the air. If you looked around, it was a cozy little environment, at first glance you would have barely even spotted the girl cuddled up in her blankets on the couch. Her eyes were focused on her tv screen, her breathing even and steady, her hands were starting to fidget. 
there were three minutes left,
then two,
then one,
then it started. 
The intro of an unfamiliar show rang through the room, the girl stared at the screen as the narrator spoke his words and prefaces. When the episode finally started, the screen read “Boys Planet.” Y/n had been very excited to watch this show that had been upcoming for months. The trainees were announced months ago and she had already found many of them interesting due to their one minute pr videos.  As the episode came and went she thought back to everything she had just witnessed. All of the first audition performances played back in her mind, but one really stuck with her, along with a specific trainee. She had seen this guy before, she couldn't exactly remember where she had though. No, we aren't talking about contestants like Hui from Pentagon, Hwanhee and Dongyeol from Up10tion, Keita from Ciipher, and the Nine.i members, not even the previous members of TOO. She had seen this trainee before, not from being in a group, or acting, or modeling, but somewhere else. 
And then it hit her, it was a different survival show.
She racked her brain through the many different survival shows she had watched through the years, which one was it, where had she seen him? Oh, it was that one, ‘Wild Idol.’ 
Park Gunwook, from ‘Wild Idol’, you had watched this show ages ago, thinking back to that time, she remembered that she really liked and was rooting for him, how could she have forgotten him? You grabbed your phone and opened your gallery. You scroll back to when the show was airing and low and behold there were pictures of Gunwook and multiple pictures of drawings you had done of him.
Scrolling through all of them you came across many things you had forgotten about, including everything you had previously known about Gunwook. All of those thoughts that were hidden deep in your backroom files of your brain came flooding back. No wonder the young male had made such a big impact on you through his pr video and the first episode. Though it had seemed as if his persona had changed, a lot. He was way more confident and it seemed like he had matured so much, a lot can happen in just two years though. When his past show was airing, you found him absolutely adorable, but this time around he was way more attractive to you. 
Just like before the way that he performed showed exactly what he was capable of. He was talented, very talented, and the rest of the contestants on the show seemed to think the same due to the reactions they had when he was announced to be a three star. Even though he was ranked lower than everyone thought he would, it did not mean anything, he was still a talented kid that was not to be messed with. He impresses you. You admire him, not just as an idol, but as a person, a performer. His personality was just insanely likable, his passion could be felt through the screen, and his talent could ot be ignored. All of that plus his amazing looks, his build and his smile, 
And just like that, you were whipped for Park Gunwook for the second time in your life. 
It's crazy how fast someone can fall, and of course you fully believed that you would never be anything more than just his fan. Someone who supports him in everything he does, someone who buys his merch so they would chart higher. That's who you were, and who you always would be, just his fan. It seemed like it lasted forever, but in just a short amount of time, ‘Boys Planet’ was over and Gunwook was selected to be a part of the debut group ‘ZeroBaseOne’. Voting for him everyday for months on end was something you would never regret, and spreading your fanart got you quite a large following on your socials. You were now known as ‘that one gunwook fan, that really good artist.’ ZB1 had performed, met fans, filmed content, all of that leading up to their debut, oh their debut, it was wonderful. 
‘In Bloom’ 
What a perfect song, with perfect lyrics, and with not so perfect line distribution. It stood out, their whole album stood out, it broke records, they broke records. 
“The more I run to you everyday, The harder it becomes to stop.” That line, Gunwook’s line, details exactly how you feel. You will never stop running towards him, supporting him, loving him from afar. It’s a sad thing, something you would never wish upon another. You knew, you knew damn well you would always just be his fan, and you were okay with that ultimately, but somewhere inside, it hurt. 
Second after second, minute after minute, hour after hour, and day after day, you supported him and Zb1 with everything you had. And in that time you had found a mostly unknown but cozy cafe that you had spent most on your time in. Most of it consisted of drawing fanart for Zerobaseone, mostly gunwook. 
Little did you know that on one day, one summer day, things would flip upside down. Cliché, I know, but this is meant to be cliché. 
That day, he walked in. 
I really hope you enjoyed this first little chapter!
taglist is open!
taglist: @jiaant11 @sunlisstuff
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stcandjsabmemes · 1 month
Finally, my first TPC X reader fanfic.
Yandere!Purpex x reader
You were once all by yourself in the Poly Forest, when you just so happened to notice a group of 3 blue-ish shapes not too far from you.
You were quite a lonely person, but this time, you felt like you didn't want to be alone anymore, so you went up to the group to meet up with them.
"Oh, hey new person, what's your name?" the blue-purple hexagon asked.
"Well, I'm (Y/N), and what's yours?" you replied.
"(Y/N)? That sounds like a nice name! I'm Purpex, by the way." she said.
After you two introduced yourselves, she introduced you to the two others, who were Marcle, a female blue sphere, and Squadril, a male blue cube with a top hat. Purpex told you that their group was called the Chipzel group, and that she was the leader of the group.
As you and Purpex were having your first conversation, you were being very nice to her, complimenting her on various things.
Once you and her finished the conversation, you bid her and the group farewell and left.
When you left, Purpex reflected on how nice you were to her, and she felt... something lovely in her heart. She described this feeling to Squadril and asked him what it was. He replied that it was most likely a romantic attraction.
After your first interaction with the Chipzel group, you had been meeting up with them often, being very nice to Purpex along the way too.  Doing these nice things to her only made her romantic attraction grow more and more stronger... dangerously strong...
One day, her attraction grew so strong that she began to become obsessive... You plagued her thoughts so much that she needed to know everything, everything about you. She slowly began switching to doing only the things you did, eating only the foods you ate, going only to places you've been to, listening only to the music you listened to... Your day-to-day routine was so important to her...
Another consequence of her growing obsession was extreme jealousy of others. She would not let others get in the way between you and her, you were hers and hers alone..!
One day, you were just hanging out with Cintagon, but neither of you knew that Purpex was secretly watching you two... Seeing her beloved (Y/N) with someone else made her blood boil, so she planned something vile to make sure he would never try to take you away from her again..!
Later in that same day, Purpex met up with Cintagon, claiming she just wanted to talk to him.
"Hey Cintagon, can we have a talk, and in a private place, please?" She asked.
"Uh, sure!" he replied enthusiastically.
As the two walked together through the Poly Forest, Purpex initiated the conversation.
"So, is it true that you were hanging out with (Y/N) earlier today?" she asked.
"Yeah, why? Is that a problem?" he replied in a confused manner.
With that, she violently shoved him to the ground.
"It IS, because they're mine only!" she angrily said.
"W-what do you mean they're 'yours'? Aren't they a friend to all?" Cintagon said in pain and fear.
"They were specifically nice to ME, so they're MINE only, and NO ONE ELSE!!" Purpex yelled.
"...Why are you so possessive of them..? This isn't a healthy relationship to have with them..." Cintagon replied.
"Oh, so you have a problem with my love for (Y/N)..?" She then pulled out a knife and aimed it at his head. "Then, you must simply perish..."
"WHAT?! PURPEX, PUT THAT KNIFE AWAY!!" Cintagon yelled in absolute terror
"You don't like how I love my dear (Y/N)... And because of that, you are worthy of death..." she threateningly said.
"I don't have a problem with how other shapes love, it's just that... this lov-" he replied.
As Cintagon was in the middle of his sentence, Purpex repetitively stabbed her knife into his body, the light green pentagon screaming with his blood spraying onto her face and clothes. After a while of stabbing, Cintagon was no more... His body was laying against a tree all bloody and lifeless...
"If anyone else doesn't like my love... THEY MUST DIE TOO!! HAHAHAHAHA!!" Purpex yelled in an insane tone.
The next day, Commando Circumsphere was getting worried. Where was Cintagon?! What if something bad happened to him?!
He decided to inspect the Poly Forest, since that's the last place he remembered Cintagon going into. After a while of searching, he finally found Cintagon's body, stabbed and bloody, making Commando Circumsphere sick to his stomach...
He then went back to talk with Pentellow, he wanted to break some horrible news to her about her father.
"Pentellow... I need to show you something, I don't think you're going to like it, but it's necessary..." he somberly said.
"Why..? Is something wrong..?" she replied.
"No need to ask anything, just come with me..." he said to her.
The two walked together to the Poly Forest and over to Cintagon's body. Upon seeing it, Pentellow's expression turned into one of despair and fear.
"N-no..! No!! DAD!!!" she yelled, on the verge of tears. The only thing that could be worse than this to her was if Iris, her boyfriend, was dead...
As Pentellow mourned the death of her father, Commando Circumsphere tried to reassure her.
"I'm so sorry as to what happened to your dad... I just don't know who could do such evil, vicious act..." Commando Circumsphere said in a depressing tone.
OH BOY, this was truly something. This might be a part 1 because this took a while to make. Feel free to request TPC x reader stories in the comments.
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laneeeyyy · 3 months
Ghostly Ambitions
Gn!Reader with Danny Phantom inspired powers
Note:this is my first fanfic, it will be proofread but pls let me know if I accidently use a pronoun that is not gender neutral.
Let me know what their hero name should be! I will make a poll later on! I would like to also assign them a nickname so I don't have to use "y/n" ew.... anyways lmk luvs (or I will choose for you muahahahha)
There will be language, but if you watch invincible, I think you'll be fine.
Gn reader x Rex splode
When you had gotten a call from Cecil; him asking you to help out the best hero group on Earth, it was safe to say it was a huge surprise to you.
When you got your powers; it was due to the fact that a villain with powers that connected to the ghost realm. Spirit realm? Whatever you want to call it. Transported you there. You were eventually saved by a hero. Who? You have no clue you were knocked tf out lol. This resulted in you having powers!
And of course, our good 'Ole pall Cecil; insisted on you going to therapy. At the pentagon. You spent quite a couple of months there until Cecil saw you fit to go back into the world. Well, at least it gave you plenty of time to figure out your powers.
This leads you back your situation now. Considering how you aren't a superhero or anything like that; you don't have a hero suit. So you ended up settling for a muscle shirt and some cargo pants. Very Kim Possible of you. With lil goggles you got to keep any thing out of your eyes, you were ready to go. Or so you thought.
It seems through your excitement you forgot to ask Cecil what it was you'd be fighting. It was ghosts. You were fighting ghost. And oh boy, there were a shit ton of them.
As you were taking in the scene in front of you you heard a male voice, that sounded agitated yelling. "Hey! Don't just float there! Get your ass over here and help!". That is how you met Rex Splode.
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writeformesinpie · 2 years
What are you working on right now?...
Update time!
Lol it’s been a little while. I am working on a lot of things and have so many half finished fics and ideas but I’ll list out all the ones I am trying to get done by the end of the year:
Seventeen Collab with @kpoptrashlord-007 (I have finished all of them now except the DK one which is overdue 😭 and they will be posted on time as stated in the collab list.) All members should be on the masterlist by the end of the year!
DK x Reader
The8 x Reader
Vernon x Reader
Sinful Encounters Collab with @kpoptrashlord-007 - these will be posted throughout October and there will be four fics each from both of us.
Mingyu x Reader
Jay x Reader
Jeno x Reader
Lee Know x Reader
I have another collab that will be posted near the end of October that I am not at liberty to talk about yet but there will be more information coming soon (spoiler it’s for bts and will be yandere themed)
Then @kpoptrashlord-007 and I plan to complete another collab for December with the Enhypen hyung line.
Heeseung x Reader
Jake x Reader
I am working on my 2k follower event requests (there are 12 and I have finished 6) and they will be released either in October or November. Those will all be yandere themed.
Jay/Heeseung/Sunghoon x reader
Yeonjun x reader
Jun/Hoshi x gn/male reader
Mark Lee x reader
Seventeen x reader 😭 (you’re killing me lol)
Obito Uchiha x reader
Seo Moon Jo x reader
Diavolo x reader
Baekhyun x reader
Then I have a few passion projects that I want to work on (and with everything else might get pushed back for now 😭😂)
Seo Moon Jo coffee shop au
Pentagon threesome (Yeo One x reader x Hongseok)
A secret smut project for NCT
And ofc my 500 follower event requests that I thought I’d lost but I found again 😋🙃
~~ Ohhh and don’t know if anyone has noticed lol but I’m trying to write up quick little tiny baby drabbles more frequently to keep everyone entertained and to help work on my writing skills - plus I really need to make writing a habit at this point lol 😂😭😂
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the-ragingenby · 2 years
I saw your post about requests - could you write something Reid x Morgan where Reid trusts Morgan enough to be vulnerable around him? Maybe involving anxiety or autism?
I’m not quite certain what possessed me to write this in a few hours, but tada. Also, this isn’t beta read, so I apologize for any mistakes (I really need to find a beta reader :’))
Edit: Cross posted to my AO3, if you prefer to read it there.
Spoilers for: Season 6 and 7 of Criminal Minds. 
Triggers: Mentions of schizophrenia, brief mention of prior substance abuse.
“Reid? Are you…okay?” Reid jerked himself out of his thoughts at Morgan’s soft voice. He couldn’t find the energy to reply, so he just nodded. “Reid, I know losing JJ to the Pentagon was tough, but the team needs your brilliant mind to be at its best. If you want to take a few days off or…” 
“I don’t need any time off.” Reid felt himself growing irritated, though he wasn’t quite sure why. Maybe it was because Morgan couldn’t understand how he truly felt, nor could he bring himself to explain. My feelings are not his problem. “I’m fine. Yeah. I’m good,” Reid drew in a shaky breath, willing himself to relax. “Just tired.” 
Morgan frowned, but Reid had no will to bother continuing this particular charade. “Conference room in five.” Hotchner called, shuffling through files in his hands. Reid took the opportunity to duck away from Morgan’s attention and slide into the conference room, readying himself to listen to the case, with or without JJ. 
Though he sat in silence, the room couldn’t have felt more loud. Now, Reid wasn’t one for taking metaphors literally, but he truly felt trapped in his own head. JJ was willing to listen to Reid, even when he was complaining about Morgan and his constant shenanigans, which came up more often than he’d liked.
But she was willing to listen. And that’s what mattered to him.
“Reid.” Reid was dragged out of his thoughts once more, this time by Hotchner. 
“R-right, um, arsonists are typically white males between 17 and 25 who can't stay away from fire. And they target dwellings, not people.” Reid explained. He was acutely aware of the concerned glance from Morgan, but willed himself to ignore it in favor of continuing to build the profile.
His feelings could wait to be dealt with another day. But for now, he needed to help his team track down this unsub. 
The case ended up being simpler than expected, and with no undue bloodshed. Meaning that he and his team were able to bring the unsub into custody alive. Which was a nice change of pace, even for this job. But barely being able to stop the unsub from setting an entire house ablaze, all from jealousy and desperation did nothing to calm Reid’s nerves.
Now, anxiety is nothing to sniff at, Reid knew that better than anyone. But he also knew he couldn’t trust anyone else. After JJ left, he couldn’t bring himself to confide in anyone. Not even Morgan. In fact, that was the last thing he wanted to do. 
Reid felt something for Morgan. Maybe he’d admit he even felt a sliver of affection for the man, if his thoughts caught him off guard. And that was exactly why he couldn’t talk to Morgan about his problems. Anyone he cared for ended up leaving, or getting hurt or worse. He didn’t want that for Morgan. I’m protecting him. I’m doing him a favor. It’s better off this way, really. 
Though he thought these things, in his heart, he couldn’t really believe them to be true. 
Reid felt worked to the bone, and when he arrived at his apartment, it was just past three in the morning. He didn’t quite feel like taking the subway, instead opting the walk all the way home. Maybe it was impractical, but he needed the fresh air. One way or another, he needed to clear his head before it started affecting his work life. 
He froze when he walked up the flight of stairs to his apartment. Morgan, Derek Morgan, sat hunched over beside the door, idly scrolling through his phone. At Reid’s approach, Morgan looked up. “Pretty boy.” He murmured. “You look like a wreck.” Reid’s mouth twitched with what he felt was a mixture of amusement and annoyance. 
“What are you doing here, Morgan?” Reid asked with a sigh, stepping past the agent to unlock the door. As much as he usually enjoyed Morgan’s teasing, he was really not in the mood. 
“Answering with a question, huh? I’ll have to make a note of that.” Morgan chuckled to himself, inviting himself inside and locking the door behind Reid. His expression lost its seriousness, instead showing soft concern. 
“Did Hotch put you up to this or something? Because I’m fine. Really. Losing JJ isn’t something that’s going to send me spiraling into using dilaudid again. I learned my lesson and am fighting that battle every day. But its gotten easier with time, so you can go and tell Hotch that, word for word.” Reid noted that he probably could have been more tactful with his words, but he’d already said them, so what could he do? 
Morgan frowned again, then awkwardly cleared his throat. “I actually came here of my own volition, Reid.” He moved to sit on the couch, patting the space beside him. Reid stifled a sigh and sat next to Morgan, keeping a reasonable distance between them. “We’re worried about you, Spence. I’m worried. I know how close you and JJ were. I know that I’m not her, but if you need someone to talk to that isn’t, y’know, our boss, I’m here.”
And for a moment, just one fleeting moment, Reid wanted to believe him. But his thoughts caught up with him. What if he’s just saying that, so he can leave you too? Once you confide in him, the rest of the team will be sure to know within days. Can he really keep a secret? Reid shook his head at Morgan’s sentiments. “I’m alright, Morgan. I’ll be much better tomorrow. Promise.” Reid winced as he heard the rasp in his voice, and swallowed hard. 
“Reid.” Just from Morgan’s tone, Reid could tell that he didn’t believe his half-hearted reply. But really, what was he expecting? “I’m a profiler, same as you. If you want to lie, you’re going to have to do a better job than that.” Reid almost managed a laugh, but instead it came out as a dry huff. 
“Morgan, I’m really sorry, but I’m exhausted and I just need to rest. I’ll be fine in the morning.” Morgan raised an eyebrow, then glanced at the clock on the wall before letting out a defeated sigh. 
“Yeah, yeah. You’re right. Sorry for keeping you up, pretty boy. Sleep well, okay?” Morgan pushed himself off the couch and headed for the door. Reid, now feeling guilty, stopped him.
“Listen, it’s late and I’m assuming you drove here. If you want, and you totally don’t have to, you can spend the night here. Actually, I’d prefer it. Driving at these early hours without much sleep and driving a dark-colored vehicle is just a disaster waiting to happen-” 
“Reid,” Morgan cut him off before he could continue. “I know you’re right. So long as you don’t mind, and if it’ll make you feel a little better, then I know I’m doing my job right.” Morgan lifts his go-bag, which Reid didn’t even register when Morgan had walked into the apartment. “I’ll change in the morning. Now, really, get some rest, Spence.” 
Reid had to will himself from pestering Morgan any further and disappeared into his bedroom, leaving Morgan to fend for himself on the couch. He probably should’ve offered a blanket or pillow or something, but Morgan’s been here before, so he could find anything he really needed. A wave of exhaustion rolled over Reid, lulling him to sleep before he could even think to take off his shoes. 
The next morning, Morgan gives Reid a ride to work and their uneventful night together was not brought up again. 
“We believe our unsub is a white male paranoid schizophrenic who suffers from hallucinations.” Hotcher said, briefing the Portland Police Department on their newest unsub. “Since schizophrenic breaks usually occur in your early 20s, we believe he's around this age and that he lives nearby.We think this unsub is hypervigilant, and in this condition, he's unable to travel very far from his home.” 
Reid sat on an unused desk as he listened, trying very hard to avoid Morgan’s almost insistent attempts at eye contact. Everyone on the team knows how he feels about schizophrenia, considering he is genetically inclined to have it, and especially because his mother has it. It makes him nervous, even just thinking about it. And yet, he’s sitting here and listening as a serial killer is a possible schizophrenic. Could that happen to me? Am I just a few years away from experiencing what this man is going through? I…I don’t want that.
No matter what kind of logical spin Reid tried to put on things, his mind just wouldn’t accept it. He was so lost in his own head, and avoiding Morgan’s gaze, that he almost missed his queue to speak. But instead, it was Morgan, covering for him. He, of all people, knows how he feels about the subject, and Reid couldn’t help but feel a little relieved, though he couldn’t shake the nagging feeling that he was letting the team down with these stupid feelings. 
The second they were finished, Reid stood and disappeared to the bathroom. He didn’t need to use it, per say, but maybe if he washed his face and just took a few moments to himself, he could get his head back in the game.
As he dried his face, he noticed Morgan walking in behind him, his expression a mixture of worry and something else that Reid couldn’t quite make out. Affection, maybe? Or was it pity. Surely, it was the latter. It was the only thing that made any sense. “You know, that profile kind of makes it sound like schizophrenia leads to serial killing.” Reid said flatly, eyeing Morgan.
“That’s not what we said at all, Reid.” Morgan murmured. Though it was defensive, he wasn’t angry or annoyed, he was just trying to understand. At least, that's how he sounded. How could Reid be sure if he really meant it at all, or if he was just playing him for a fool. 
“You know, my mom has schizophrenia. There are many different types.” Reid continued, not quite sure where he was going with this. 
“I know.” Morgan replied, as patient as ever. Which was something else that Reid found odd. Even when he was going on and on about something that no one else would have interest in, Morgan found it in himself to listen and put up with it all. 
“Catatonic, disorganized…” Reid paused for a moment to draw in a shaky breath. “Just because someone suffers from inability to organize their thoughts or they can't bathe or dress themselves, it doesn't mean they'd stab someone in the chest 30 times postmortem.
“Alright, Reid. What’s really going on?” Morgan asked softly, carefully. As though just one wrong word would send Reid crashing down into the bottomless pit of his thoughts. 
“Our unsub's hallucinations aren't fractured like a typical schizophrenic. They're vivid and clear, leading me to believe that we're missing an important variable. Rather than making crazy conjectures, I think we should be trying to figure out what it is.” Reid felt himself speaking faster. If they were making a mistake, then maybe they could change the profile and save their unsub before anything else happened. Hell, it’d make Reid feel better. At least, he hoped so. 
“Ok, listen to me.” Morgan raised his hand to Reid’s face, forcing the profiler to look up at him from where he leaned against the bathroom sink. “I know this is a scary age for you. It's when schizophrenic breaks happen. Have you talked to anybody about this?”
Reid froze, unsure of whether to lean into Morgan’s touch or duck away. In his indecision, Morgan pulled his hand away, perhaps suddenly aware of what he’d done, and simply waited on Reid’s reply. “Uh, Emily.” That much was true. He was speaking to Prentiss about his issues on occasion. She was the last agent Reid would expect to suddenly drop out of nowhere. Even so, he’s kept most of his concerns to himself. It really wasn’t right to dump all his problems onto her. 
But then, she was gone. JJ had come back for a bit, sure, but now both she and Prentiss were gone, with the latter gone forever. The funeral was rough, and Reid felt like he’ll never truly recover from losing two teammates in such a short time. “Have you seen a doctor?” Morgan asked, pulling Reid from his thoughts once again. 
“They all say I’m fine.” Reid replied, softly. Morgan hesitantly raises his hand again, this time letting his fingers card through Reid’s now short hair. 
“Then why don’t you believe them?” Morgan murmured, pulling the profiler ever so slightly closer. 
“Because predicting one's chances of developing a genetic condition are like finding a penny in an ocean. I have terrible headaches. I can't sleep at night. I can't focus on our cases. I only read 5 books last week.” Reid finally gave in, gently leaning into Morgan’s soothing touch, allowing himself to relax for the first time in weeks.
“Come on, Spence, you gotta cut yourself some slack. You're also depressed about Prentiss, and I get it…we all are. Reid, I miss her every day. But if your mind was splitting, do you really think you'd be able to figure out that this team is missing a variable?” Morgan sounded impressed. Even through his heartache, maybe Reid was useful after all. But he couldn’t let himself get too carried away. 
“I’m just speculating that we are. I need to prove it.” Reid resolved, pulling away from Morgan and leaning up from the bathroom sink.
“Ok, then you do that.” Morgan’s serious let’s-get-down-to-business expression dissipated once more, the softness that Reid had grown so fond of returning with full force. “The moment you are wandering around the streets aimlessly, that's when I'll be concerned about you. Come on, pretty boy. Let's get to work.” 
Even at times like these, Morgan still found it in him to tease Reid. And right now, there’s nothing he appreciates more. 
As it turns out, Reid was right. When they caught up with the unsub, despite his apprehension, Reid went into the building to speak with him, while ensuring he had backup. He needed to save those kids, no matter what. They were innocent. 
Reid’s attempt to talk the unsub down seemed to be effective at first, but then he charged at Reid with a knife clutched in his hand. At that moment, Reid froze, unsure of whether to dive off to the side or try to wrestle with the unsub or-
His thoughts were disrupted by a gunshot and the unsub fell to the floor. With wide eyes, Reid met Morgan’s steady gaze. Morgan yelled for a medic into his mic and rushed over to the unsub, whilst holstering his gun. 
Morgan saved Reid once again. Reid felt overwhelming gratitude, but the feeling of uselessness only deepened. Sure, he was right about the missing variable, but he couldn’t even talk down the unsub to avoid getting him hurt. 
On the plane, Reid’s mind still drifted back to the unsub. With all his heart, he hoped he would make it through the night. He wanted this unsub, Ben, to make a full recovery. Even after everything he did, Reid still felt that Ben deserved another shot at life. “You were amazing in there, Reid.” Morgan whispered, leaning into Reid’s space and resting his head on Reid’s shoulder. 
“I could’ve died, if it wasn’t for you, Morgan.” Reid sighed, not at all opposed to the touch. Maybe it should have made him a little nervous, but he felt at ease. Just the feeling of Morgan’s presence was enough to quiet down his thoughts enough to be able to listen to that logical side of himself, which was often silenced in exchange for overthinking every single little thing. 
“But you didn’t, sweetheart. You did so good. And I’m proud of you.” Morgan insisted. Reid wanted to argue, but maybe, just maybe, Morgan was right. And maybe Reid could be proud of himself too. 
Prentiss was in fact not dead. And JJ decided to return to the team. Reid’s mind could not keep up with these revelations, so much so that he decided to take a few days off of work. If he couldn’t keep himself from bursting into tears (of either frustration or sadness, depending on his mood) every time he saw either of them, how was he supposed to be of any help on cases?
To his relief, Hotchner did not question him about his request for time off, insisting that, “You are more than entitled to a few days off, Reid. If there’s anything at all I can do for you, don’t hesitate to let me know.” 
And that was it. Reid was now lounging at home, his thoughts threatening to overwhelm him with what-if scenarios and the anger he felt that neither Prentiss nor JJ felt that they could let him in on what was going on behind the scenes. After everything he trusted the both of them with, it felt like an ultimate betrayal. 
Later that evening, he receives texts from every member of the team, except Morgan. Which in and of itself was worrying. After everything Morgan’s said and done over the last few weeks, it had seemed to Reid that maybe there was the slimmest of slim chances that Morgan wanted more to do with Reid than he let on. 
But then again, maybe Reid was just reading too far into things, as per usual. Instead of focusing on that, he decided to read over the texts, just to be certain they weren’t important. 
JJ: Reid, I’m really sorry about everything that happened, but I had to do it to protect Prentiss. I know it hurt you, and I’m sorry. Please, write back when you can. 
Prentiss: Look, Spencer, I’m really sorry about all of this and I’ll try my best to make it up to you, I promise.
Hotch: If there’s anyone you should be upset with, it’s me. Please try not to be too upset with Emily or JJ. They were just doing what they had to. 
Rossi: I heard you took some time off. Take care of yourself, kid, and let us know if you need anything. 
Garcia: heya boy wonder. hopefully youre okay and all that. if you ever wanna talk youre best friend and pal garcia is always here for you. and i also totally didnt send morgan over to check on you haha.
Now that last one was jarring. Morgan at his apartment? Again? Reid wasn’t sure his heart could take it, especially after all these signals that Morgan might be sending and Reid just couldn’t read them right. Just as he was contemplating escaping to the bookstore, there was a knock at his door. “Reid, Spence, open up. Please.” 
Reid thought about ignoring the door and leaving Morgan out there. But he knew that Morgan would just break down the door, especially if he knew Reid was home. Sometimes, there was really no escaping the man. Begrudgingly, Reid trudged to the door and unlocked, letting Morgan in without a greeting and flopping back onto the couch where he had laid, sulking. 
“Is this what you’ve been doing all day, pretty boy?” Morgan chuckled, closing the door behind himself and settling onto the couch as though he lived there. Reid grunted and rolled over, not wanting to look Morgan in the eyes. If he were to do that, he wasn’t sure he could keep himself from crying. Morgan leaned over and gently maneuvered Reid’s head into his lap, petting soothingly at his hair. “I know that…you don’t want to confide in me too much because you’re afraid I’ll just disappear too. Isn’t that right?” 
Reid swallowed hard. He supposed he wasn’t doing a great job of hiding it, but it was easier this way, wasn’t it? “I-” Reid began, but he choked on a sob before he could continue. “I was just so afraid of losing all of you, and then it actually happened and I didn’t know what to do and I just felt like everyone I turned to was ripped away from me in the worst way possible and I cared about you the most and if you were to leave I don’t know what I would’ve done. Because…I think I love you and if I had to let that go too, I don’t think it would be easy for me to love again…or trust anyone again…if I ever bothered to even do those things.” Reid trailed off, leaning up to wipe his tears.
“Oh, pretty boy. Sweetheart.” Morgan pulled Reid into a tight hug, rubbing his back slowly, drawing meaningless patterns against his skin. “God, shit, can I be honest with you? I think it's something you need to hear.” Reid felt his heart clench with fear, but nodded anyway. “I’ve loved you since I met you, pretty boy. You and your brilliant mind. I love how you always have an answer, even when it's a snippy retort. I like those best, actually. I could listen to you talk for hours on end. Your voice is just so…so nice.”
“You…don’t actually mean all that, right?” Reid finally laughed, pulling away and drying his tears with his sleeve. “I mean, you’re you. And I’m just…me.” As much as Reid wanted Morgan’s words to be true, he couldn’t just accept it like that. After all, maybe he was just saying those things to make him feel better. 
At that, Morgan took Reid’s face in his hands and gently squeezed his cheeks. “You are so stubborn, baby.” But Morgan’s voice was full of affection and adoration, none of the annoyance that Reid had thought he’d heard all those months ago. Morgan wanted Reid for himself, and that was that. He was special to Morgan. He was important. And he mattered. That was much more than Reid could have ever asked, or even hoped for. 
They sat like that for a while, Reid squishing himself into Morgan’s space, cuddling him tightly as though he were going to disintegrate were he to let go. “Are you ready to talk to me now?” Morgan asked softly, not at all pushy. But Reid was ready now. All this time, Morgan had wanted Reid to confide in him, but he kept pushing Morgan away. Not anymore. Morgan wanted to hear how Reid felt, and really cared about it. So Reid explained.
He told Morgan everything, from the first time he realized his feelings all those years ago and had pushed them down, not knowing what to do with them. How Reid felt when he confided in JJ and Prentiss, and they both left then returned as though nothing had happened. And how he was scared for his future, afraid of whether he may end up like his mother or Ben, but Morgan gave him the confidence he needed to overcome these fears and face situations as they come. 
Later that evening, the team gets a group text from Rossi inviting them over for an impromptu cooking lesson. Reid glances at Morgan, who was dozing lightly on the couch. “Did, uh, Garcia send you here? And Rossi is inviting us all over for a cooking lesson. So I assume that’s got something to do with me too.” Morgan smiled gently and planted a soft kiss on Reid’s head, running his fingers through Reid’s hair once more. 
“I chose to come here. Garcia, she helped me figure some things out about myself, which only added to my haste to get here. I didn’t want to keep these feelings to myself any longer, and I figured you needed to know. And maybe I’d get you to let me understand what goes on in that brain of yours.” Morgan teasingly poked at Reid’s forehead, earning himself a playful glare from Reid. “As for Rossi, we were all worried about you, especially JJ and Prentiss. We just want you to know that you are not alone. Especially me. Because I love you, Dr. Spencer Reid, just as you are. The team wouldn’t be the same without you.”
Reid couldn’t help the smile that crossed his face. It was a foreign feeling, he felt like he hadn’t smiled, like really truly smiled, for ages. And of course it was Morgan that coaxed this feeling out of him. The peaceful, blissful, content, happiness. He always knew it had to be Morgan, but his thoughts just wouldn’t let him admit it. “Then, do you want to go together? Assuming you drove here again.” Reid asked, though he felt that he already knew the answer. 
Morgan smiled sweetly, burying his face into Reid’s soft hair for a moment before pulling away. “Of course, pretty boy.”
As they headed to Rossi’s place, Reid finally came to this realization: fighting these battles alone would never result in satisfactory victories, but knowing for certain that he had at least one person in his corner, Morgan, gave him the strength and courage to keep fighting, no matter what. 
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authornoona · 2 years
Request Rules [Read Before Submitting Pls!]
Hey everyone, Kitty here!
I'm so excited to start sharing my writing on here and I hope you all enjoy it too :) That being said, I am open to taking requests but I have a few rules that need to be adhered to before you submit a request from me:
Please understand that I am a mother and a wife, so I will get to your request as soon as possible but it may take some time. If you hound me in my asks about your request or why I haven't done it yet, I will be forced to block you.
I will NOT write underage smut. Fluff is okay, but please do not ask me to write about idols who are under 18 in a smut format.
That being said, if you are a minor (under 18) I would prefer that you not interact with my smut pieces or request smut from me.
I will only write for the idols/groups I have listed below and that's IT. Please do not request anyone not listed as I may not know them or know them well enough to feel like I can write for them. But please do check back often if your favorite idol/group is not listed- I am constantly trying to stan new groups, so they may be added later on.
Remember that this is for FUN and I am writing about REAL people but NOT real events. This is all made up.
If your request has anything to do with a potential trigger for someone, please start the request with the words TRIGGER WARNING so I am aware before reading. I may deny the request depending on the trigger, as there are some things that make me uncomfortable and I would not be able to write like that.
If you are requesting a One Shot, please give me as much detail that you would like to see with your scenario as possible so I can accurately fulfill your request! I will also try to write with gender neutral pronouns unless otherwise specified & I will always tag the fiction as such.
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Who I Will Write For:
Boy Groups: BTS, Stray Kids, Monsta X, NCT (all units), GOT7, VIXX, SHINee, Astro, P1Harmony, EXO, Seventeen, Big Bang (minus Seungri), Pentagon & TXT.
Girl Groups: Black Pink, Red Velvet, Twice, Everglow, f(x) & Mamamoo.
Solo Male Artists: Jay Park, Crush, Woosung (The Rose) & Eric Nam.
Solo Female Artists: Ailee, Chungha, CL, HyunA & Sunmi.
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Requests I Take:
Imagines (Reader x Idol)
One Shots (Fluff/Smut/IdolxIdol/ReaderxIdol)
Astrology Pairings
Picture Pairings
Description Pairings
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Astrology: I will need you to send your astrology sign and the group(s) you want (up to 4 groups at a time). Please also tell me if you want an explanation or if you want it written as a MTL.
Picture: I will need you to send me one or two pictures of yourself as well as the group(s) you want (up to 4 groups at a time). I will then tell you who I think you would pair well with based off of looks alone.
Description: Please send me a 3-4 sentence description of yourself (looks, hobbies, interests, etc) and the group(s) you want (only 2 groups at a time). This will be written as a description back of why I paired you with the member I chose.
I look forward to fulfilling everyone's requests & talking with you all! Feel free to also just send me messages if you want to chat about kpop <3
-- Kitty Noona
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gamerwoo · 2 years
Fic Recs: Pentagon
『 ↳✧・゚ m a i n  n a v i ;  
『 ↳✧・゚ r e c  n a v i ;  
🔞 = smut | 🌸 = fluff | ☔ = angst | 🤠 = humor  
[if reader isn’t specified as fem/male/gn, it’s because it wasn’t specified in the pairing on the fic. if there’s no summary, there wasn’t one on the fic]
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↳ hongseok: 7:35am | @fluffyunhoe​ (hongseok x reader) 🌸
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↳ yuto: hopeless intro / hopeless | @hansols-yoda-boxers​ (yuto x fem reader) 🌸🔞
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↳ yuto: pentagon cuddles | @sadienita​ (yuto x reader) 🌸🔞
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↳ yuto: of sunsets and tears | @zayphyr​ (yuto x reader) ☔🌸
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baby-iloveyou · 1 year
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< Guidelines >
. . . minors do not interact (with nsfw content) seeing as most of my writing is nsfw (smut), please do not interact with it if you are a minor!! any other content i produce i'd love to have you comment on, but not for my nsfw writing.
. . . groups i write about i often mainly write about the groups (and members) i am really into at the moment of writing/posting, but the main groups are stray kids, txt, pentagon, seventeen. for other groups i will write for some members if i feel like it.
. . . requests for requests, see this page.
. . . general fic information i often write genderneutral!reader x idol, i want to try and be as inclusive as i possibly can (so fem, male, trans, nonbinary readers can all enjoy just the same), as well as me being more comfortable with this as nonbinary person myself. sometimes i will use afab!reader in the case of genitals, but apart from that it will almost always still be gender neutral for the rest of the fic.
. . . things i won't write about rape, in- and stepcest, non-consensual stuff (remember that consent is sexy), piss and blood kinks, assault, violence, breeding kink, illegal stuff, hybrid/pet play. this list is NOT exhaustive, and i can say no to anything i feel uncomfortable with.
. . . final note remember that every work on here is fiction, meaning it does not accurately depict any member you read about. this is all for entertainment purposes.
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kpopmalereader · 5 years
tee-ball ; kang hyunggu
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• summary: college crush • pairing: dance major!kang hyunggu x baseball player!male reader • word count: 1605 • to do
“Heads up!”
Kino looks up to see a baseball fall a few feet in front of him and continue rolling past him. He doesn't look for who threw it or why a ball would be outside of the fields, instead, he continues to wait for his friend's younger sister while also questioning if he needs to rethink what he does when he hears “heads up”.
“Where is your sister supposed to be?”
“Well normally I would watch her last few minutes of practice but you've said multiple times you don't really have an interest in baseball.”
“Hey, sorry about the ball,” You lean over and flip it into your glove. “Did it hit either one of you?”
“No, you're good.” Kino smiles and nods.
“Hey, you're- Number Forty-Two? Y/N?”
“Good eye,” You smile at her.
His friend looks in the direction the ball came from, gesturing with an open hand. “Although, if a ball somehow came from there, I don't really know how well the team is going to do.”
You throw the ball up and toss it back in the direction it came from, rolling to the glove of a 5-year-old. “I was actually helping them, the little, tiny, tee-ball players? But thank you for the support, I will relay that to the coaches.”
You walk away with a smile, one of the little players tackling your knees. “Okay, now, we need to remember, aim at gloves, not at heads.”
“Hey, this is going to sound weird.” Kino practically corners his friend. The confidence he tried to build up starts to falter as his friend looks up. “What name and number was the boy we saw yesterday at your sister’s practice?”
“Okay, despite the speed in which you just asked that question and the embarrassment I can see radiating off of you, I’m going to draw this out as long as possible. Why do you want to know? Just yesterday when we were there you said yourself you don’t have an interest in baseball, therefore, you have an interest in…” She waits for Kino to finish. He doesn’t so she does it for him. “The player.”
“He wasn’t bad looking. And I feel bad for you basically telling him their team sucked, so I thought I would go and apologize for you.”
“And get to know him and see how he looks in baseball pants.”
“Would you just tell me his name?”
“Y/N, forty-two. And you’re in luck, they have practice today. Bring him a Gatorade, try to flirt some.”
“I’m not going to do that.”
Kino sits on the bleachers of the practice field, looking at the different players warming. He realizes pretty quickly he only knows your name and that you help teach kids how to play baseball. He doesn’t know how old you are, what your personality is, or even if you like guys.
He knows exactly three things about you, your name, that you teach kids baseball, and your baseball number. And your number doesn’t even matter, you’re not even wearing it.
Do they have any meaning in the actual game? Kino would not know.
The sound the ball makes meeting the gloves is louder than expected and Kino is thankful it was only a tee-ball player throwing a ball at them and not someone any older. A ball hits the fence in front of Kino and he jumps, clutching the Gatorade bottle he’s holding.
You look over at the ball and toss yours to the owner, jogging over to the fence. “Hey, you’re, well I didn’t catch your name but one of the kids threw a ball at you yesterday, right?”
“Yeah, yeah.” Kino sets the bottle next to him and drops his bag onto the bleachers behind him. He picks up the bottle again, doing anything with his hands to distract from how you somehow still look good despite the sweat and dirt on your clothes. “I kept thinking of you- of what my friend said to you. I don’t think she’s ever watched a game of yours, so I don’t know that she should say anything about your team. I wanted to apologize for it…”
You look around the field before jumping over the smaller fence. You lean against the fence, wiping the sweat off of your face with the back of your arm. “Why do I have an inkling of an idea that that is not the real reason you’re here? I may have heard you say that you didn’t really have an interest in baseball.”
Kino’s face turns more flushed than yours is. “I don’t know why you would think that. But I brought you a Gatorade just to get on your good side.”
“You already are.” You take the bottle from him. “Thank you though.”
Kino can’t take you looking at him and looks at the rest of the players on the field. “I don’t really know anything about baseball.”
“Well, practice is supposed to end in fifteen minutes, so, stick around. Maybe I can teach you a thing or two.”
You wink at him and jump back over the fence.
“You know there are better ways to do that.”
“I’m trying to impress you.”
“Okay, do you think I should break out the tee?”
“The tee? Like the drink?”
“Cute, but no, like the thing little kids use when they’re learning how to hit a ball.”
Kino’s breath stops in his chest and he chews on his lip. You grab the tee and place it on the base, grabbing one of your own bats from the dugout.
“Okay, have you ever played any type of baseball before?”
“I used to play catch with my brother.”
You laugh and nod, gesturing for him to walk over to home. “Okay, so I’m sure you know how to run to the bases and know to just follow the diamond, so we’re just going to have you hit the ball a few times. Though, maybe if you get really good I’ll run you through a quick game and see how good you are.”
“Join you on the field every now and then?” Kino suggests.
You look down his body before bringing your eyes back up. “I wouldn’t be against it. Okay, so,”
Kino doesn’t recover at all before your handing him the bat, moving his hands into the right position yourself.
“You’re a natural,” You mention.
You step back and show him how to stand, kicking his foot softly until it turns out. You move his elbow until you think it’s right and Kino can’t completely concentrate on remembering the way he should stand when you’re touching his shoulders and his hands and his hips.
“Good, you look… real comfortable.” You smile and move in front of him. “Don’t swing until I step back, but I’m going to walk you through it. Imagine a ball sitting here,” You place a pretend ball on top of the tee. “And follow-through, one smooth swing, keep the bat off your shoulder.” You lean over the base and lift the bat off his shoulder. “And even if you think the swing is going to be awful you have to believe in it. Send it out of the park.”
You step back and nods your head in reassurance, examining his stance and swing.
“This feels stupid,” Kino says but swings anyway. His face scrunches up as he finishes it, bat hanging to his side.
“That was good! Okay, we’re going to try with a ball and then I’m going to pitch to you.”
“Are you a pitcher?”
“No,” You shake your head. “First baseman. I have a decent arm but never really liked pitcher.”
You put an actual ball on the tee and fix his posture slightly.
“This is going to be embarrassing.”
“Nonsense, just swing.”
He swings and the ball travels a decent way.
You smile at him and clap his shoulder. “Good job, I’ll have to refer you to the four-year-old team I coach.”
“You’re hilarious.” Kino knocks the bat against his foot. “You know, when you invited me to do this, I thought it would be more like the baseball scenes in High School Musical.”
You throw the tee to the fence and take a few steps away from him. “There was baseball in High School Musical?”
Kino scoffs dramatically. “Seriously?” You smile and slide your glove on, tilting your head. “High School Musical Two! I Don’t Dance?”
Kino slides with the bat in his hand, doing what you assume is a section of the dance from the movie.
“I vaguely remember it now but can I pretend I don’t so you continue to dance?”
He points the bat at you and scrunches his nose. “You remember it. It’s probably the greatest baseball scene in cinematic history.”
“Well, I’m sorry this isn’t more like High School Musical, but I really don’t dance. You seem to though.”
“Dance major,” He fake bows. “May have memorized all of the songs from the series when I was a child.”
“Can I see more of them?”
“You’re supposed to be teaching me how to play baseball.” He reminds you and you toss the ball at him. It lands in front of him, a foot away, but he still jumps back. “Hey!”
“Well, rule one, keep your eye on the ball, rule two, it’s just a ball. You’re not playing with balls going 90mph, I’m not going to let any hurt you.”
“I wouldn’t promise anything, you don’t know how accident prone I am.”
“Challenge accepted.” You grab another ball and toss it in the air. “Alright, get ready to swing.”
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jeskoholic · 2 years
A Little Piece of You: Chapter 1 A New Friendship Circle (+Intro)
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Authornim: I've been pondering for weeks what else i should post in this blog of mine. Stories haven't been going around that much, especially my one shots because I figured I want to finish the two ongoing ones first before posting them here. I decided to finally post this ongoing series of mine, despite doubts of the nature of its content to be fitting for the site.
I caved in in the end because I want to expand the audience reach for it. That said, this would be a mature, heavily plot-driven story with idols serving as actors and actresses, not limited to one particular girl and even boy group. If you like a long series to read on your spare time, then I hope that you would enjoy this story too.
I would update this regularly and it would take time for it to catch up on my updates on Wattpad. You can check it there if you like. Book cover art done by: @usedpidemo
Masterlist here. Enjoy!
Yoon Jae-In has always been the type of person who was fascinated among a lot of things, yet there was nothing better than when two of those things come together in utmost harmony. Sitting along in rooftops were already one thing that separates him from the real world while embracing the silence and the peace of the stillness he has with himself. The other one was arguably the cold, twilight-lid atmosphere of the approaching evening; for him, the skies that are lined with the lazy hue of the transitioning orange and indigo incited calmness inside him. Now, as he sat at the rooftop of the newly renovated Penthouse of Seoul’s own City Skylight Hotel, having the privilege to experience both of the phenomena at the same time felt too good to be true.
It has been a long time since he had the chance to do it again.
Jae-In could not even recall how long he has been staying there as the humble company of his hand phone was more than enough to keep him occupied. A couple of scribbles here and there was perhaps the sole thing to blame for the absence of boredom, and above all the soothing company as well as nostalgia of the place getting the best of him as he sat on the leather-bound seats of the said Penthouse.
For a while now, he has been alone; merely seated at the ledge of the establishment admiring the beauty of the late-afternoon sky. It was until the unexpected appearance of his two college friends, Doh Kyungsoo and Kim Hyojong, prompted himself to rid his lonely, waiting demeanour and welcome the company of his two friends.
“It’s been a while Jae-In,” Kim Hyojong remarked as he moved to provide space for Kyungsoo. “I certainly was not expecting to see you in a place like this. You’re honestly the least likely person among us that would actually show up here.”
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Jae-In smiled at him. “Don’t worry, Dawn, believe me; I really was not expecting myself to show up here as well.”
“Hey,” interrupted Kyungsoo. “Don’t tell me that you’ve gotten around us having to convince you just to head here on the weekend. You used to be the number one person who took a lot of convincing just to go here. Oh and by the way, this fellow beside me is now actually called Hyojong now. It took him a while to rid of his ‘Dawn’ name until his boss mistook him for a lady.”
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“Is that so, Hyojong-ah? You’re dropping the ‘Dawn’ thing after all these years?”
“Well, as long as I’m not in suits and ties, I can still use it. Who cares what they know about it? I’ll still be ‘Dawn’ no matter what happens, Jae-In,” Hyojong quipped and it earned an earnest laugh amongst the three of them.
“Of course you’d say that… anyway, you two know that I’ll have to address the elephant in the room. As much as I’m really impressed with the coincidence of our meeting, I’d like to know what actually caused the two of you to show up here on the penthouse. Was this something that you two planned?”
“It actually wasn’t,” replied Kyungsoo. “Well, you know how it is these days. It’s just me and Hyojong here that’s getting in touch after we all graduated. You’re busy with your own thing, Jae-In; Shinwon’s off to the Philippines for a vacation with his girlfriend, Yeri and Hongseok… of course they’re busy. I really can’t invite anyone else for a weekend drink aside from Hyojong here. Even Soyeon’s surprisingly out of reach.”
“That’s unfortunate, if you think about it. Even Shinwon and Kino are having something to do with their lives and yet here I am stuck with Kyungsoo drinking weekend beers here and there,” Hyojong teased.
“Hey, it’s not like I chose to get stuck with you too, man! I’m just happy to be with even just a fraction of our friendship circle. At least you have me to call around whenever you’re lonely.”
“Fine, fine; it’s just a joke after all. Hey, how about you Jae-In? You still haven’t told us why you’re Skylight-ing under our noses, you know. Care to give us a well-earned explanation?”
“Oh yeah that’s right; is there something going on? Are we holding you, perhaps, on a potential date?”
A period of silence ensued amidst the three young men with Kyungsoo and Hyojong merely earning a sly grin from Jae-In. Had he not broken the silence a couple of seconds later, the two would have continued to wait in anticipation or perhaps tease him until he manages to speak himself out.
“Yeah… that… Am I still allowed to not speak about it?”
“Ah yes, there he goes again,” teased Hyojong. “Apparently, not even working life could loosen up his tongue about his relationship. Nothing has changed.”
“No, Dawn-ah; I just… I figured it might be too complicated to explain given I’m not really sure how much time we have left.”
“You better stop stalling then,” Kyungsoo added amidst his talking. “Even I am surprised to see you here so out of the blue and I’m definitely curious as to how you ended up in a place like this. You sure are not planning to drink here alone now, are you?”
“No, I don’t think I will. I’ve had way too much of experience of that in this place. Having a cup of tea is a good change of pace. God, it’s so nostalgic; how long has it been since we’ve been here, two years?”
Hyojong smiled as he leaned and rested his back on the leather backrest. “Oh you have no idea, Jae-In; it’s been three years since we’ve last been together. I think it’s two that we’ve last seen each other complete. Even I lost track of time already.”
“Exactly,” continued Kyungsoo. “You still haven’t told us the complete story, Jae-In. Something that was left on our imagination all these years and we’ve brought back here in this place with you… I guess that’s a sign that we deserve to know what really happened, right? You’re back here already, and I take that you’ve done it because the memories of the place already subsided in your mind.”
“I guess so. It’s been a long time already. I don’t think that there’s any real point to not move on.”
“So, I’ll ask this boldly now; how are you and Ningning? Are you two happy?”
Jae-In fell silent amidst Kyungsoo’s question, as it alone surged a ton of questions he never really thought of thinking until that moment.
Of course, he’s going to ask that… it’s been a while since I ever got asked that question…
Ning Yizhuo…
Has it really been that long?
The deep orange remnants of the twilight sun-lit sky spiralled amidst the purple-indigo-clad skies as it overlooked a humble university.  North Line International University, located not far from the main urban jungle of South Korea that was Seoul, was this multi-establishment complex placed on a rather elevated terrain, and inside one if its rooms, clearly lost interest in his Social Sciences class, sat a young engineering student named Yoon Jae-In.
Yoon Jae-In was not always the person who would skimp in any kind of class as he personally disliked the idea of not attending; even if the class would bring out his absolute disinterest in. Social Sciences was one of those subjects that he would not really mind sitting throughout but if it was not for the over-all monotonous tone of his teacher, he would definitely not have his mind placed somewhere else.
Slowly, using the small volume of his pencil case as his cover, Jae-In carefully raised the screen of his smart phone just as his professor began to write on the board. Then, with one flick of his hand, he immediately opened the messaging app and in turn the group chat he recently got added in. There was still that aura of caution he had from within considering it was his first new set of friends ever since entering university two years prior, and of course he definitely did not want to screw it up no matter how kind they seemed to him.
His high school friend, Doh Kyungsoo, served as the de facto carry of the conversation as it was his idea to introduce everyone to each other in the first place.
Doh Kyungsoo: @everyone hey, what’s up? Are you all still in your classes? Please message here in case you’re done so that we could just head off together. I’m sure some of you don’t even know where Skylight is so it’s better if we’re to head together.
Of course, as perhaps a tradition to ever new friendship circle Kyungsoo has been in, it was inevitable for the first meet to happen regardless of when they’d do it. Jae-In never really got the chance to get out of his academic shell as he is often pigeonholed on his practices when he was still in high school, which is why the new friendship circle was a mixed bag even for him.
It was easy to not go and excuse himself for the better, yet a part of him also wanted to figure out what these people were. After all, they seemed to be nice people and it would be such a huge disservice to Kyungsoo who unintentionally created everything with the best intentions for everyone. He had met a couple of them when they had a small lunch together, but of course there was more to know than just a mere lunch out with people.
This is exactly why he also wanted to go to Skylight despite him not really having enough experiences on such places.
Jae-In had finally gotten his act together and was about to reply to Kyungsoo when his message was interrupted with a message from one of the new people he met, a very vocal and free-spirited woman who was known as Jeon Soyeon.
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Soyeon: I’ll be there shortly! I’m just doing a couple of last-minute errands but I’ll be there I promise!
Jeon Soyeon, from what Jae-In could make up from the brief lunch out he had with her previously, was a very loud, charismatic woman who was not really that hard to be close with. To him, she seemed to be the type of person who would engage on a conversation first before anyone else and true enough, with what he had experience being in the same messaging group as she did, was really happy-go-lucky. Soyeon was actually the first person, at least among his new friends that went off of his way and talk to Jae-In first; an act he viewed as something he could not do himself. It was just a short interaction but thanks to it, he felt most comfortable with such a strong presence such as her.
Then, following Soyeon’s announcement, was one of Jae-In’s familiar friends from High School who’s presence were once again announced by the person he’d say would be his closest friend thus far, Kim Hyojong, or as he would like to call himself, Dawn.
Dawn: Sorry, but I don’t think that I’d be able to join you tonight. I have some stuff I got to sort out tonight.
Kyungsoo: That’s unfortunate. You can’t postpone it any time soon?
Dawn: I can’t, man; I’m sorry. I’ll make sure to catch you all on the next one.
Kyungsoo: No worries; how about the others? Where are all of you?
With that, Jae-In elected to reply.
Jae-In: Give me five minutes. This class is about over.
It would seem to Jae-In that his brief update about his whereabouts would be drowned by the subsequent messages of his two other high school friends, Ko Shin Won and Kang Hyung-gu; the dynamic duo often regarded by Kyungsoo as ‘Dumb and Dumber’, finally told the group where they were. Hyung-gu, who was often called by his friends as ‘Kino’, messaged in behalf of them both for the time-being.
Kino: We’re heading at the Uni’s gate and of course I’m with Shinwon. We’re meeting you in about five minutes depending on how fast this dude walks.
Kino: Oh and also, he wants me to say that he’s invited someone. He did not quite clarify if this person’s a ‘she’ but we’ll see.
Kyungsoo: I’ll be waiting for the rest of you. Hongseok told me that he’d be here in a minute, too, so I guess it’ll just be a matter of time.
Hongseok, on the other hand, was this person of whom Jae-In would think he would require extra effort understanding. Not only that their personalities and interests being absolute opposites, but also he was a very loud and proud person; someone who has a strong personality. At first impressions, it was easy to contrast him to be the male version of Soyeon, if only he was a bit timid on certain times compared to her who was pretty much happy-go-lucky all the time.
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But of course, despite the ensuing chaos of the rest of the group’s bickering about Dumb and Dumber, Jae-In’s head was occupied somewhere else. While it was true that he had to exercise extra caution considering his professor had started to walk around as the lecture began to near its conclusion, he could still sneak a couple of glances towards his phone here and there. The messaging group continued to thrive for what felt like minutes, but there was one small detail that Jae-In could simply not ignore amidst all that…
 There was one portrait of a chat member that was able to see the messages yet elected to not reply.
She has seen every single one of it since the very beginning.
Even with the lunch out, she was absent from showing up which only made Jae-In’s impression of her to still be remained in mystery.
He knows her full name was Ning Yizhou and her friends call her Ningning, but outside of that…
How is she like when she’s not in the messaging group and is in person?
I’ll have to thank whoever decided to put NLIU right smack in the middle of South Korea’s central business district that I no longer have to worry about travelling longer distances whenever I need to head off someplace. While it is true that the extreme privilege would instantly equate to a more expensive cost of living, for the most part it’s really not that noticeable.
That was pretty much the reason why almost every college student applying for university end up here. That’s also the reason why it’s such a chore to weave through mobs of students every after class. This one in particular, was perhaps the most engaging one yet. Having to walk almost an entire campus-length of people before getting to the main gate was really tiring, especially when everything else is mixed with students heading off of their classes as well as students waiting to enter their next respective classes.
After a couple of minutes, I managed to wade through an entire campus worth of people and successfully made my way towards the main gate of the university. As expected, the figures of Kyungsoo, Shinwon, Kino, and Hongseok were there with Hongseok clearly occupied on a phone call. The three other figures were absorbed in a deep and interesting conversation, and I could say that much considering no one really noticed that I was approaching them from the gate’s exit.
The university’s main gate was this wide, roofed section extending downwards a long and extended flight of stairs stretching towards the main façade where students and bystanders spend their time overlooking the street ahead. Of course, at this time of the day with the afternoon being the most common point of dismissal for majority of the students, it was self-explanatory why it would be flooded with a flock of students to and fro.
“…and I thought that I was ready to ping on the enemy but when I switched my weapon out, I realized I haven’t even reloaded it yet,” I heard Kino’s voice as I approached the three of them. “I was panicking so hard that I switched to knifing and attempted to melee him instead. I guess we can all know what happened afterwards.”
“Jae-In-ssi, hey,” greeted Shinwon.
“Yo; you guys played before you got here?”
“Yeah, it’s a shame you weren’t there. A lot of crazy stuff happened back there,” said Kino towards me, earning a nod of agreement from Shinwon.
“I’ll get there next time. What’s up with him?” I asked, gesturing towards Hongseok who was nodding on the phone.
“He says it’s his mother,” informed Kyungsoo. “We all know that it’s not convincing, but he really sounds so sincere so I guess it’s really his mother.”
As if it was perfectly timed, Hongseok nodded towards the phone and proceeded to hang the call up. Then, with a smile, he approached the four of us flipping his hand on his phone with a clear expression of pride on his face.
“How did it go? Did they say ‘yes’ to you?” inquired Shinwon. “Did your… mother… approve of this night out?”
“As a matter of fact, she did,” he replied nonchalant. “I managed to take her into me spending the night with you, granted it was a Saturday anyway so it’s not really that hard to get myself around on.”
“Really now… if it’s that easy, how come you seem so occupied since we arrived here then…? Is it really your mother?” teased Kino.
“Why are you so fucking nosy? Of course it is my mother, who else would it be?”
“I don’t know… maybe someone who’s probably our age and would actually pique our interest for this evening… I’m just saying… it’s an option.”
“Hey, hey” interrupted Kyungsoo as we both raised heads from reading messages on the group. “Let’s not get too ahead of ourselves here, now, okay? Ning and Soyeon are still not here. Neither of them is replying to me and Ning’s especially nowhere to be found.”
“Didn’t she see the messages that we’ve been sending to the messaging group?” asked Kino. “I’m sure even if we’re merely talking to each other and she’s seeing the messages, then there’s a good chance she’ll know what we’re up to. She always shows up without a word, and this does not make it any different.”
“I know that, but there’s no definite plan if she’s agreeing to go or not. She could easily leave the chat tab on and not be aware of what’s going on. I’ve known her to do those kinds of stuff as well.”
So, she’s a bit cluttered then. She must be rushing on a couple of different axes on this day. Even if she’s late, however, I doubt that Kyungsoo and the others would leave her behind. I was told that she was really looking forward to head to Skylight this evening. It would be a huge disservice to her if she won’t come.
“What’s the matter with Ning anyway?” asked Kino amidst the brief silence. “I thought that she’s finished with her classes already, how come she’s still not here?”
“I think she’s rushing on some requirements. Otherwise, I can’t think of any other reason for her to be late, especially in this circumstance,” Kyungsoo responded.
“Well, whatever the reason is, you can ask her yourself; and maybe greet Soyeon, too as she’s literally there with her,” gestured Shinwon towards the far end of the university gate where two figures emerged from the street beyond.
True enough; the two remaining ladies approached the small group of guys with a clear rush on their faces. Soyeon walked beside Ningning, waving her arms wide as she treaded closer to the group. For what was about to happen that evening, she was wearing a white, loose, sleeveless top with a black band bra underneath, coupled with tattered jeans, red sneakers as well as a loose drawstring bag behind her. Ningning, on the other hand, had a darker palette that complimented the rest of her dark-auburn hair. Sporting a black shirt and jeans combo finished with similarly-styled white sneakers with her backpack draped behind her, Ning Yizhou had strands of her hair caught up on her forehead with sweat.
“What happened to you? Did you run here?” Kyungsoo asked as soon as the two ladies joined the group waiting for them. “Why does Ningning look… like that?”
“Don’t even ask. I’ll tell you what happened later,” the woman called Ningning answered, clearly holding her chest as she caught her breathing. “I’m so stressed and I just want to head to Skylight right now and relax.”
“Actually, I saw Ning when I got out of my dorm and elected to join her on going here. Apparently, she’s tired because of something but even she did not explain it to me,” Soyeon said, supplying lost information towards the group while Shinwon scoffed.
“Is that a good enough reason to not even reply to the messaging group? It would have been a lot easier if you just told us what you’re doing then at least we’d know and we won’t be assuming that you’re not interested on going.”
“Shinwon, don’t start with me. I’m really tired right now and I just want to relax.”
“How are you supposed to--?”
“Is everyone else here already?” interrupted Jae-In for the benefit of Ningning and Shinwon not engaging on another possibly uncontrollable argument. “Are we still waiting for anyone else?”
“Yep, everyone’s pretty much here. I think we’re set to go. Do you guys want to board a cab? We can all fit if we choose a larger one, right?” asked Kyungsoo.
“In that regard, I’ll call a cab for all of us. You all wait for me here,” Soyeon volunteered as she left for the side street, out of earshot, to call for a cab.
Meanwhile, the rest of the group’s gentlemen were once again engaged on a heated debate. Everything seemed to have boiled down to Kino asking Shinwon about his guest, which pretty much drove everyone else curious including Kyungsoo and Hongseok. And so, the only person left to talk to the still-tired Ningning was none other than Yoon Jae-In. The young man had no real intention to engage on a conversation with her, but given how verbal Ningning is, she went out of her way and actually spoke to Jae-In out of sheer curiosity.
“You’re Jae-In right…; the one who’s recently added to the messaging group?”
“Yep, that would be me.”
“It’s my first time meeting let alone drinking with you. I’m Ningning. We could have met at the lunch out not that long ago but I had to do some other stuff. I do look forward to being friends with you, though.”
With that, Ningning held her hand out for Jae-In to shake. Even though he precisely knew what to do with the humble offer, his head felt really dumbstruck that it was Ningning that first engaged a conversation on his rather timid persona, for the time being at least. Regardless, he still took her hand and shook it with utmost warmth; a gesture of which she returned with utmost enthusiasm.
“I’m Jae-In. I hope we get along well.”
“That’s good to hear. Don’t go all drunk on me on our first get-together, okay?”
Jae-In had no time to even respond to her as Soyeon’s voice came talking from nearby, apparently accomplishing her mission of hailing a cab fit for them all. Ningning already let go of his hand as she joined the rest of the group, and Jae-In followed shortly with one clear thought in his mind:
This night is going to be really crazy and I can already feel it.
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leedosbunnyboy · 2 years
leedosbunnyboy’s Masterlist
lee seoho ; are you coming to the tree?
fluff - 🍡
angst - 🍫
crack - 🥧
smut - 🍦
suggestive - 🧁
reaction - 🍭
imagine - 🍬
series - 🎂
headcanon - 🍪
Stray Kids:
Lee Know
Thirst | 🍦
Happily Ever After | 🍡
Nobody Knows | 🍫
Double Trouble (Ft.Mingi) | 🍦
Prompt 44&48 | 🍦
When? | 🍫🍦
Double Trouble (Ft. Seonghwa) | 🍦
Reaction to Their Cute Innocent Boyfriend Debuting with a Dark Concept | 🍭
MTL: Rimming | 🧁🍪
Are You Coming to the Tree? | 🍫
My Giant Fuck Toy | 🍦
I'm Your Boy? | 🍫
Wallace in Wonderland | 🎂
Realism | 🍦
The Emperor’s Favorite | 🍡🧁
Lunch Break | 🍦
Breaking in the Church Boy | 🍦🥧
Prompt 1, 28&32 | 🍦
Prompt 21&22 | 🧁
The Boyz:
My Hot Babysitter | 🍦
Until the World Collapses Around Us | 🎂
Boy Pop My Cherry Like A Bubble | 🍦
Boss's Orders | 🍦
Reader’s Choice:
Just Two Boys in Love | 🍬🧁
My Hero Academia:
Shoto Todoroki
Prompt 33&55 | 🍦
Prompt 12 | 🍦
Prompt 35 (Ft. Sugawara) | 🍦🍫
Prompt 35 (Ft. Oikawa) | 🍦🍫
Seven Deadly Sins:
Comfort | 🍡
Demon Slayer:
Kyojuro Rengoku
The Fire Kindling in my Heart | 🍡🧁
The Flame Burning in my Soul | 🍫
Dean Winchester
Prompt 16, 44&48 | 🍦
(All future works will be added...)
156 notes · View notes