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devizakura · 16 days ago
🎀🐍 MAKE IT UP TO YOU (Pennylou comic series) 🐍🎀
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After all the drama and trauma, y'all deserved something lighthearted 😅 Lowkey based on real life because how the HECK are you supposed to respond to 🔥 pics 😭
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itskeej · 11 months ago
How about Reuniclus and pyukumuku?
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the fella!
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yargui25ji · 6 months ago
Russell: You know what would be great right now? Sunil: Eating licorice? Pepper: PUNCHING A SWINGSET! Vinnie: EATING LICORICE! Minka: RIDING A HOVERBOARD! Pepper: EATING LICORICE WHILE ON A HOVERBOARD! Vinnie: NO, PUNCH THE HOVERBOARD, EAT THE SWINGSET! Some time later.. Russell: Okay, so we're all clear on this! The hoverboard is made of licorice… Rusell: We CAN punch it if we want to, but only if it's near a swingset. Is that good, are we good? Pepper: I like it. Vinnie: Sounds good. Penny Ling: Can the swingset hover? Russell, frustrated: AAAAAHHH! Zoe: Um, here's a thought. Where would you idiots even GET a hoverboard? Everyone: …
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my5unday · 7 months ago
Helloo everypet 💜 today me, @octonauter and one of our friends (who i dont think has tumblr) worked on the second chapter of that evil vinnil angst fanfic from a while ago err have fun reading 😭
It was the coldest day of the summer but the most humid, tere was a negative and uncomfortable energy that clung to the air of the petshopt. It was awfully quiet.. Apart from Sunils WICKED giggles. The other pets were huddled around the campfire singing the campfire song. “C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G SONG” they chanted in unison. Sunil was in a secluded corner of the day camp, scheming up an evil plan. He felt that Vinnie had disrespected him immensely by launching him into the ocean then giving him cpr in front of Youngmee, Sue, Jasper.. YOU GET IT. To get back at him, Sunil had the grandiose idea to grow black mold in the petshop and give Vinnie black mold poisoning, because he is deathly allergic to it [most people are.. I think.. But hes worse]. Sunil used his magic to create black mold spores on the corner of the day camp he stood in front of. He then used his magic even more to speed up the spread of the black mold. He let out a wicked laugh, excited to get his revenge on that green goblin.
Speaking on thr vinnie, no one had seen him in two days. He hadnt showed up to the day camp at all. All the pets just assumed that vinnie had just stayed home. He heard coughing from the other side of the room, volient and deadly, sickening and heartstopping. He turned around, pennlyling collasped on the floor, clutching her stomach. The animation meme black goo poured from her mouth. The pets payed no mind to this and continued singing the camp fire song because it was more important than penyling not succumbing [cucumbing[cucumber] to a slow and painful death [C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G SONG! 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁]. She was expenspensible in the senseless world. A baby panda like her was all too rare in the cat and dog world. Sunil rushed to Penny lings side, dousing the fire so the pets would shut the up for once. They all groaned in annoyance. Despite gaining this illness less than ten seconds ago she was dawned with the heroin chique, her facial struture bolden and cheeks caved in gibing her that sickly starving model look. “Oh my John Eclipse penny ling! What in dogs name happened to you?” Zoe asked, appalled and honestly disgusted. Pennyling tried to respond but only coughed violently in response. She became delirious and suddenly got the urge to write on-twitter…
“Fetch me my cellular, heathen!” Pennyling shouted like a queen, and Zoey quickly did as she was told, believing this request to be her dying wish. She snatched the cellular from Zoey and began writing her first tweet on her account “PLMofficial” [Penny Ling Moulding]. Her first tweet read “The mold would NEVER bless trans people #moldingout #themoldsaves #jesusmolds #moldlovesmeyesIknow” The mold had turned Penny Ling PROBLEMATIC!! Zoey starts to feel weird as the mold starts to corrupt her brain 2. The animation meme black goo pooled at the corner of her mouth as she became chronically online. Zoey snatched the phone off Pennyling and read her tweet. “Wait.. IM TRANS! IM TRANS AND SHES SAYING THIS ABOUT ME” Zoey yelled in her mind. Chronically online rage consumed her.. “I… I HAVE TO RATIO PENNY LING!”
SHe typed furiously on her own phone and  whipped up a horrible comment that we don[t get paid enough to show and PLMofficial Was so offended she spiraled into depression within 10 seconds and  typeda undercover compliment comment to self medicate her self.
¨fr¨ the comment read, and penny smiled to herself.¨ Inally, someone cares…………..”she said, but she realizwd she forgot to switch accounts! Üh oh wrong account she posted and became mad at ZOey for tricking her [she didn really but pennyling was delusional] And a fight started brewing!
Blythe meanwhile was in her room, eyes red from being awake for the past 3 days. She had a twisted smile on her face, one of pure insanity. Huddled underneath her blanket she clung onto her phone which was scorching hot from over using it, the extreme heat burning off her fingerprints. She was playing dressed to impressed, desprate for the role of top model, refusing to eat or sleep until she achieved her goal. Everyone was worried about her, Youngmee, Sue, Jasper, Mrs Twombly, her father, all the pets owners and cousins and all the kigs’ horses and all the king's men havent seen her since this addiction started. Mr baxter decided enough was enough and forcibly burst down her dor with a machine gun. Instantly exploding into pecices “blythey, this HAS to stop!” he cried “DAD not now! Im playing roblox.” he unplugged her phone wich had been running on -1 percent and she let out a shrill shreik. He slung her over his shoulder and marched out the door. “Your going to rehab!”
at the pet shop, all the pets starting to place bets on whod survive the fightn when all of a sudden… “GUYS! COME OVER HERE YOU GOTTA SEE THIS!” Russel shouted. Everyone ran over to see Blythe being forcibly pushed into the back of a cop car!? “RELEASE ME I WANT MORE MORE” Blythe screamed as the cops finally managed to shove her in and lock the car door behind her. As they drove off, Youngmee, Sue, Jasper, Mrs Twombly, her father, all the pets owners and cousin and all the king’s horses and all the king’s men stood there in shock when a somber voice broke the silence. A group of government official looking peeple walken up to the crowd. “We’re sorry, everyone,” they said, “but vinnie’s body has been found.”
Blythey sat in a room of the rehab facility, sitting on one of those loungey chairs at therapy. Her rehab guy began asking her questions. “So, Blythe, tell me when this addiction first started.” Blythe looked at the rehab guy with an ellie and mason LOOK 💜 “Four days ago.. A uh… talking lizard introduced me to the game” Rehab guy gave Blythe a confused look. “A talking lizard showed you dress to impre-?” “YES! 😁😁😁🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😜😉😉😜😜omg😜😜😜😜😜😉🤯💅💅💅💅” she replied, instantly excited over the mention of the game by name. Rehab guy began writing notes in >*~-THE BOOK OF NOTES-~*<. “Blythe, you have a serious addiction to roblox games, in order to get you under control….” The words seemed to blur out after that in her mind. Her fingers began pointing to the assortment of clothes around the rehab room. “Blythe.. Blythe.. BLYTHE!!!” rehab guy yelled, finally catching her attention. “What are you doing??” he asked, to which Blythe replied, “Dressing💅up..” Blythe addiction had worsened to the point she thought the real world had turned into Dress to Impress, perchance a side effect of her withdrawal. She had to be strapped down to a stretcher as she began to lash out when the game was taken from her and she halucinated themse before her “NO! NO ! A FUR COMBO! I WONT LOOSE TO A FUR COMBO!” she screeched. And was locked away in a paddedroom.
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deviships · 8 months ago
Lowkey Pennylou after 10 years of marriage ngl snsdb
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devizakura · 1 month ago
🎀🐍 NOT LIKE HER (Pennylou comic series) - Part 2 🐍🎀
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Noooo Pentious, nooo. Don't fall back into old trauma responses. Noooo 😭😭😭
On a lighter note. I made a teeeeny tiny change to Pen's design, a bit of subtle storytelling so to speak. I wonder if anyone can see what it is 🤭
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chrlotpony · 9 months ago
thank fuck sunil has a belly and it's soft, cuz I can imagine belly kisses in any way with any of my sunil ships at any time and it's extra special because sunil best belly canon
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itskeej · 10 months ago
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a fella......... love them.........
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chrlotpony · 7 months ago
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I like to find a unique-shaped cloud, take pictures, and draw pictures on it. ;-P
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↑ a heart-shaped cloud❤️☁️
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deviships · 1 year ago
Heavily brainrotting abt Pentious moving on from "Betty Dear" to "My Dearest" once they start dating rn
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leffee · 1 year ago
alright here are some more things I thought of forgive me if there are ever any repeats I may never remember what I’ve ever said lol
- since Vinnie is never tall enough to reach anything he has gotten into a bad habit of trying to climb things to reach what he wants rather then ask for help because in his head he doesn’t need anyone lol
- I wanna mention that I feel like Zoe or penny would have a ton of things in their purses like candy, makeup, wallet, change, tissues, receipts ect.. and they both end up saying “let me check the purse” on a daily basis just because hey it might be in the purse
- I also have a theory that since Vinnie does speak more English than Italian I feel like his Italian side would come out when he gets super excited or super sad and doesn’t want to talk to anyone (kinda like his own get out of jail free card for questions he doesn’t feel like answering) (feel free to add to that)
- a thought on Russell I feel like the reason he hates marshmallows is because he’s allergic to them not deathly or anything but they give him major stomach issues to the point where his body physically rejects them and he could start throwing up blood so he does what he can to avoid them ( idk if that’s a real thing but his friends don’t know because he’d rather keep to himself the only person he’s told is Sunil just in case
- when Vinnie gets nervous he (when he has one) he wraps his tail around himself kinda like a hug to ease his anxiety
- pennyling keeps in touch with everyone she’s ever met she’s super good at checking in on everyone and making new friends she is also close with her relatives in china they send her snacks and she sends them snacks back they video call often
- pepper is always the first one to try and fight someone when she gets drunk jokingly asking if they “wanna go bro?” Sometimes it’s hard to tell though if she’s serious which worries some of her friends in that moment
- Sunil is just like Russell in the sense that he is kinda like the dad he takes care of everyone and everything when he can and sometimes forgets to do anything for himself he’d rather see everyone else happy especially Vinnie everyone often calls Vinnie “ sunil’s baby”because he babies him so much from making sure he eats to laying him down for a nap because he knows he’s tired he’s also never missed any of vinnie’s dance shows
- sharukuh is so protective of Sunil he would do anything to make him happy after all he’s his first real connection emotionally,mentally and physically that he’s had. he’s kinda like Vinnie in the sense that he doesn’t like letting anyone he cares about get hurt or leave him so he’ll do anything to keep him around deep down Sunil saved his life without even knowing it
- Vinnie loves any and all type of music he’s made it his personal mission to be able to dance any kind of song no matter what it is his friends kinda made it a game to pick songs at random and see if he can make a dance for it
- Zoe has had so many crushes that everyone’s lost track of her love life they just try to be as supportive as possible even though they are incredibly lost Russell was the only brave soul to try but after a while he to was lost..
R: “so, how are you and Brad doing?”
Z: “Brad?” “Oh no darling we split weeks ago! But Daniel is certainly on my radar”
R: -_-
- pennyling is crazy good at knitting she’s made so many sweaters for her friends especially vinnie since he gets so cold he has one in every color at this point
- vinnie and pepper love to photo bomb when they see the chance. But Zoe if she gets a hold of your phone you’ll find your camera roll filled with her selfies she’s graced you with lol
- Russell has tried so many times to understand his feelings he’ll lay awake at night thinking about how he’s supposed to feel. if he’s normal? what his future will be? if he’ll have kids? get married?will the robots be his company? he’s got so much going on up there if only everyone knew…
- vinnie and Russell were each others first kiss (in one scenario) the only reason that Sunil wasn’t Vinnie’s was because their relationship didn’t get a chance to go any farther before Sunil left for college (sharukuh ended up being sunils when they became official after Sunil graduated)
- Vinnie won’t let anyone mess with his hair much he gets grumpy when they try because to him it’s his best feature “don’t touch the hair” “hey my hair!” it really brings out his Italian side everyone can swear they hear his accent in that moment
- Russell and penny made a tiny garden after finding random seeds and they are pretty proud of how it turned out and plan to have a bigger one if they get any space
- I feel like the boys wear make up but in a way that’s kinda like it matches fur or skin color so they can cover up pimples or imperfections themselves 
- minka can’t stand quiet she has to have some sort of sound in order not to go insane like, for example music anyone talking she doesn’t like awkward silence at all 
- Vinnie has a countdown clock that was gifted to him so anytime Sunil goes out of town he has a way to keep track of how long it will be before he could see him again. he can’t stand any of his friends being so far from him, especially Sunil (one time his flight was delayed due to bad weather, and Vinnie freaked out. They couldn’t calm him down for hours. He was in tears and begged them to take him to the airport, so he could wait there)
- zoe has started a fashion blog to help others try to be as fabulous as she is. It’s pretty small right now, but gaining a pretty large following. She believes this is what she might be famous for in the future. Everyone is pretty supportive, being her models
- Sunil did try the no shave November thing. He grew pretty nice beard but ended up shaving it off because he felt too self-conscious about it. On the other hand, the girls found it kind of weird to see they found it hard to get used to sharukuh thought it was cute Vinnie thought it was hot Russell had mixed feelings although pepper swears, she caught him, staring, much more when he had it he denies it every time lol
- since Vinnie loves physical touch so much being in a relationship for him is the best thing in the whole world his boyfriend would have to have this clingy man forever, and always attached since he has had a history of depression, being in a relationship is almost healing for him in a way.
- sometimes some or all of the group have sleepovers just for fun or because they can. they bring all types of food,watch movies,play truth or dare the whole Shabang! They try as much as they can to keep the connection They’ve always had strong by hanging out as often as possible, seeing as life can get really busy 

all right, this is why I think I’m going to end it for now. It kinda ended up being longer than I thought. I feel like there’s more but I’m blanking on some of the things that I thought of before lol. 
You have no idea how giddy seeing those each times makes me, you actually don't because I can't put it into words. Here and now, I'm saying that I love all of them, but of course now we shall get more into each one and be crazy about them aaaand my beloved Vincent of course:
headcanons that revolve around Vinnie being short make me very very happy no matter what and this one is no different :DD and yeah, the LAST thing he will do when unable to reach something is ask for help, because that would be admitting to himself and others that he's short and he is not doing that. In fact, it's not even the last thing, he just won't do it at all. But yes, he climbs things to reach the items that he needs, and even more importantly, he climbs people sometimes too, "Vinnie what are you-?" "Shh, Sunil, I just need to get something." "I... I can just get it for you?" *hiss*. You know? He's so small. As he should be
ok but I think they say that "let me check the purse" literally no matter what item it is that someone needs. If it was a hairbrush or something then that's understandable, but you can ask them for anything and they will still look for it there because just maybe it's there. A laptop? A scented candle? An entire lamp? Better check just in case. How does that even fit in there is a mystery, who knows, who knows
yes yes, this! In my all "don't actually know how bilingualism works" glory I decided that in moments of extreme or sudden emotions (like that excitement you mentioned) his brain just gets completely overtaken by the more, let's call it, primal language which for him is Italian, and he just yells excitedly in Italian or something. Nobody else has a clue what he's saying but they know he's excited. And when it comes to that second part, he totally does use Italian as an excuse not to talk to anyone, not just when he's sad, just whenever he feels like not doing it. For example, if a stranger on the street asks him for directions or something but he's tired or not in the mood to deal with anyone or whatever he will just pretend he doesn't speak English and will start sputtering words in Italian - it usually works, though there were one or two times when the person was like "Oh, don't worry, I speak Italian too." And he was like "...Great :)". Oh, and also he usually switches to Italian when angry and wanting to swear but not wanting to make a scene, so he just, "Gimmie a moment." he walks to the side and begins yelling italian swears "Al diavolo! Cazzo! Porca puttana!"
yeah, fair enough, I like when characters are allergic to something. Idk if that's a real thing either but if I can give Vinnie allergy to raspberries which I also have no idea if it's possible, then Russell can be allergic to marshmallows. Though I feel like at some point Sunil would break and tell someone because he can't stand the tension of others teasing Russell about it when he knows the truth. Like, he'd say Vinnie at least, and the the next time that marshmallow thing occurs Vinnie is just quiet and Russell picks it up and adds two and two together in his head and later he's like "Suuuunil." Sunil swears he did nothing, in a very sweaty fashion I mean
yeah, it's kinda like I said that he "borrowed" some things from Sunil, like playing with his tail when nervous, or like in this case changed it a bit, not playing with it but wrapping it around himself. Side note: he would also wrap his tail around himself when cold, but that would not work because guess what, this thing is also cold, he just sometimes forgets about it because it works for mammals, and he sees them doing that sometimes and then forgets it won't work for him. Poor soul. Another side note, I headcanon him with a much longer tail then he has in the show, 1. Because I want to and would do that anyway 2. Because I read somewhere that lizards' tails are as long as their body, so if anthro Vinnie is 5'2" then if I understand it correctly his tail should literally be exactly that too or close to 5'2". In other words, in whatever form, his tail should be as long as he is tall
man, she's good, I mean, imagine keeping in touch with everybody you ever met, that'd be a no from me 🙃 but that's actually really sweet, I mean the snacks sending part, she sends them hot-dogs lol. She should send Vinnie's cake actually. Can I just say that I actually really like her relatives in the episode? The ending was genuinely really heartwarming. Good for her, good for them too for that matter
honestly, I think most people, at least ones that know her would assume that's she's absolutely serious because it's Pepper, so they never quite believe she's just jokinh and keep an eye on her, just in case. In short: she says that a lot when sober too, so everyone is like "uh oh" when she says that when drunk
he'd rather see Vinnie happy than himself? My God, he's just like me. Except that I also want to see him in pain and misery sometimes. Aaanyway. Sunil carries him around, I imagine, I mean, look at how small he is. Sunil really is just like me, because if Vinnie was real I would do everything for him and then lie him down at the end of the day and pat his head. Wait, wait, a thought! With that making sure he eats part. Sunil just brings him a nice actually nutricious dinner but Vinnie is always eating random, unhealthy snacks like chips or whatever so he's like "No thanks, I already ate dinner." He didn't, he ate 200g of salted nuts. Though I'm not personally a fan of calling characters "babies" in this way, it removes their autonomy somehow and he is a grown-ass man at the end of they day
Vinnie and Sharukh bonding over being willing to do anything not to let people they care about get hurt or leave them and treating Sunil like a devine entity worth of worship because he saved their lives in a way🤝. Like, maybe Sharukh slowly but surely notices that about Vinnie and eventually they have a talk, or the other way around, Vinnie's the one who notices. I think Vinnie would be jealous at first that there's someone else around Sunil so much but then he feels that kinship "ah, yes, this is also a crazy man who is willing to go to insane lenghts to keep Sunil happy. And he probably has attachment issues". He can respect that, Sunil has that effect on people, well, on him anyway
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bro, why even try, of course he can dance to any and every type of music. You know, a long long time ago I saw someone's headcanon that Vinnie doesn't like pop music because he thinks it's not real music and for a while I went with it but eh, it never stuck in the end. I agree though, I mean, I think he just basically loves all types of dances, all, (and since different types go with different music so he naturally loves all kinds of music too), people got so stuck on him and tap dancing but I disagree, let him dance tango or foxtrot, damn it. I just, I think he really really loves dancing, and he's really really not good at it, he does not get better, in fact, he gets worse. But still, he watches dancing videos for hours and analizes every step
Brad? Just wait until she gets to Chad. I imagine at this point most of the time they don't even catch the change of name. Just, one day Zoe would be talking about let's say that Brad, but next day she will be talking about Daniel, and because she sometimes doesn't even acknowledge that it's not the same person, and her friends are so lost so they don't even notice, they think it's the same person. Damn, Daniel!
wait, that's so adorable. Everybody always be like "Sunil's the one who wears sweater" but please, imagine Vinnie in a sweater, better yet, imagine him in a turleneck. God, he's so cute. He would look so good in a classic black one, but might I also suggest very light pink. And Penny's so good to him, all of them really. What if she also makes them those matching sweaters? I dunno if there are any patterns for 7 people, but like those "If lost return to __" and "I'm __."
yes, and Vinnie and Pepper photobomb anybody they can, be it their friends or complete strangers. If they are together and see their chance they will try to arrange some sort of mockingly dramatic pose in the background. Zoe on the other hand, well of course! She has graced you with her presence and beauty, you wanted those selfies, you know that ;)
ok, but what if sometimes he just couldn't keep all those thoughts in his head so he texted one person those thoughts. The problem is that when he texted Pepper, Vinnie or Minka they had this sort of conversations: Russell: "What's your biggest fear? Mine is being forgotten..." One of them: "Damn that's deep, mine is kool aid man." I think if anyone, he'd talk about it with Sunil, maybe Penny. Well, that's a hypothetical situation if he actually talked about it to anyone of course. However! I shall answer all those questions because I have all the answers: is he normal? Compared to some others, yeah, he's fine; what his future will be? Lovely, because there will be VInnie there :D; will he have kids? No, Vinnie doesn't like kids; will he get married? yes, to Vinnie; will the robots be his company? ok, that one I don't know, what's important is that Vinnie will be his company
aww man, you're tearing me apart here, says I - a crazy Vinnil fan. No, but I think Vinnie would be happy that his first kiss ended up with someone whom he actually ended up with, it feels more special and like there was ✨ destiny ✨ at play, maybe it didn't let him kiss Sunil because he was destined to be with Russell. On a side note, I think I will take a page out of your book and just start saying "in one scenario" too instead of throwing alternative universes around
ok ok, so I have a pretty much the same headcanon, though mine goes that both Zoe and Vinnie won't let you touch their hair, Vinnie - because he's obsessed with his hair and doesn't want it messed up, and Zoe - well, because she doesn't want it messed up either or for it to get oily. So if it so happens that someone, let's say, puts their hands on their heads from the back they will turn around simultaneously with annoyed expression and ready to throw hands, "No touching the hair!" "Leave my hair alone!". Vinnie however is more flexible when it comes to it, he will let you touch it if he doesn't need to be anywhere more that day, and if he trusts you because it feels so fucking nice when someone touches his hair actually. Even if he lets you in his house without him being there and look through all the drawers it means nothing when it comes to whether he trusts you or not, does he let you touch his hair is the real question. It's genuinely a trust test with him, if he lets you touch his hair then that means he trusts you because it truly is his best feature. Zoe on the other hand will just not let you touch hers at all lol, just her hairdresser. Vinnie and his so called Italian side, ahh, I don't know why Vinnie being Italian makes me so happy but it sure does and I love thinking about it
aww, well ain't that lovely. In the future they shall have a big-ass botanic garden that shall be beautiful. But returning to this mini-garden, what if Pepper, knowing about it, constantly asks them if they planted some fruits there, because if so she wants to be the first one to get her hands on them >:> "Pepper, we don't know what will grow out of these seeds, we found them randomly-." "Shh, just let me know if they're fruits or something once they grow, we could sell them!" "I... even if that turns out to be fruits I'm pretty sure there will be way too little to sell anything. Also, that's not why we have it."
hmhmh perhaps. I mean, I do have this one headcanons for Vinnie that, you know, in my mind he has a shit-ton of freckles and when he was younger some kids were making fun of him because of that so he became insecure about it and gradually learned how to use make-up to cover them up. That's all he knows, because it was useful to him. Anyway, he's not insecure about them anymore so he stopped long ago, though I don't think he would care about pimples enough, or rather he's too lazy to cover them up. Sunil or Russell though? Hmm, perhaps, I can see it
oh, she definitely does not like awkward silence, but on the other hand, I don't think with her awkward silence occurs too often because she always has something to say. The other person stopped talking? Well then, no worries, she has 100 other topics she can talk about, and that's only on top of her head. Though in my mind she can stand silence when she's alone that is and it's night, so when the world is quiet in general. As much as she likes noises and sounds and during a day needs them, there is something nice about it being quiet for a while, sometimes it's easier to paint like that. Well, until she has had enough and needs to put on some music
!! Wait, that's actually such a good idea, one problem though, the one you mentioned. Cause like, he's already not doing good, but at least the clock counting ever down makes him calmer, buuut, if it just so happens that Sunil or someone else is delayed or sth, and so then his clock goes down to 0 and they're still not there he will freak! So I imagine it's probably better to set it for a bit longer, but at the same time he doesn't want waiting any longer than he needs to so in the end he never does that. It kinda counts until his sanity drains, no xd? If they don't come back until that time that is. I can just imagine Vinnie sitting next to this clock, almost unblinkingly looking at it, eyes blood-shot, just observing as the time goes down, even if it's still 6 days left. On the other hand, I believe in this scenario you described he would just go to the airport himself, either run there on foot or just drive, and my God, road safety laws prepare to be ignored! So not a good idea and once he's there he'd be clawing at every worker there he can find because "Why the fuck is this flight delayed?! Do something about it!" Anyyyway, I love when he's like that, damn
awww, they are all her models, that's actually pretty sweet, considering that it's Zoe and she would probably want all the attention on herself xD. Actually that's a pretty good thing to give her, cause I sometimes say that she's somewhat popular, but I never know because of what. That would be a good direction. I also like that she's doing that to help other be as fabulous as she is, well, she is, can you blame her?
wait, is no shave November a thing? Hmm, I guess no X November can be anything you want it to be, I do the "No me November" it's when November passes and I just don't exist B). Russell just like 👀. But honestly, maybe he has a perfectly undrstandable reason, I mean, if you saw your friend who does not have a beard normally suddenly grow one you'd probably be looking too. I just imagine Rusell yeah, would be trying to hide his staring, but Vinnie on the other hand would be like 👁️👄👁️, because holy shit
ah, if talking or reading about Vinnie makes me giddy then Vinnie but depressed makes me just crazy. Fucking trembling. Well, he just needs people and has a somewhat anxious attachment style so once he likes you enough and gets attached you're not getting rid of him, even if you actively try to do it, he will attach himself like a leech, you lucky lucky person! Especially if you're in a romantic relationship with him, it's a given (It also comes with possesiveness, going crazy if you're away and being able to kill for you but sshhh) And, ah, physical contact, oh he revels in it and preferably wants to feel physical contact with you literally all the time, he's touch-starved ok ;-; ?
why, of course they do! They will do it until they're all senile, damn it. I don't want them apart, idc what they do or how old they are, I'm not separating them ever, they live in the same city at least, adult life isn't real and also they're not real so I can do whatever I want. Them not being real is a blessing... and a curse
Lmao, don't worry, you saw those two random pauses between the bullet points? It's when tumblr demanded that the section was too long so I had to make a new one. But oh, how much I love talking about them and bouncing ideas around, especially about my beloved <3. He is soooooo uggh, sooo incomprehensible, I love it. And also I checked, you didn't repeat anything you said before, believe me, I would have remembered, I still screenshot all those headcanons and keep them forever in the gallery on my phone to have easy access. I love him I love him I love him. Stupid reptilian people, they make me lightheaded.
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devizakura · 1 month ago
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Okay, everyone on Insta is sharing their Valentines merch mockups right now, I might as well 😌
THIS IS AN EDIT, NOT FULLY SELFMADE ART! Pentious was obviously just recolored into his Heaven design (and I got his head unstretched bc the more I looked at it, the wider it seemed 😭), and while I did put a lot more work into Betty, I used Vaggie's body and Charlie's head as the initial base to work off of.
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chrlotpony · 6 months ago
I need a NOBODY option. all these mfs would make me nervous
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As always go with whatever logic you wish.
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chrlotpony · 7 months ago
random screenshots from my main twt acc. most of these are sunil obviously
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sunil the type of sleeper I walk pass, notice, and go "yeah" and then I pick him up, take him, and force him to sleep with me
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itskeej · 10 months ago
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autism creechure.... and.... That Face I See Everywhere what in tarnation-
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luxurynextseason · 5 years ago
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Meeting mood with #fendikani FF shoulder bag in green #streetstyle #trenchcoat #Pennylized #LuxuryNextSeason (at Upper East Side) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2pFt3ylBWe/?igshid=1h3qbx9081sm9
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