#penelope's threads
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bcbliophile · 11 months ago
@kingcenred Cenred & Penelope.
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She knew she would have to eventually see Colin again, but she had hoped she would have more time, perhaps that was why she panicked as soon as she saw him across the room. The minuet he started towards her she took hold of her green skirt and all but ran from the main ballroom and ducked into the closest empty room. Or rather what she thought was an empty room, she turned to lean against the door, catching her breath and when she looked up there was a man there not even a foot in front of her.
"I'm sorry-- I thought this room was empty, I'll just return to the pa. . " She didn't even get a chance to finish her sentence, much less turn around to leave before her mother was in the room, where the hell had she even come from? Penelope recalled her being on the other side of the ballroom when she ran away. But there she was, screeching about how improper it was to be alone in a room with a man and then throwing out the word marriage as a small group of people gathered.
"No mama-- nothing happened, I swear I just entered the room thinking it was empty, I don't even know this man" which was very much true but at this point no one was listening to her at all, a facet in her life. She finally glanced at the man next to her, the guilt for what was happening eating at her, it was one thing to have to marry before the end of the season it was another all together to be forced into a marriage.
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bcbliophile · 1 year ago
@3katanas Zoro & Penelope
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Balls in the off season were not nearly as big of an affair as during the main season, but they were still a nice way to break up the winter months. Penelope wasn't too surprised that she received an invitation to Lady Danbury's country home or her ball, she had become rather close to the older woman in her last season and thought of her as a confidant. It took little convincing for her mother to agree and so Penelope set off for the country, arriving the day before the ball, dawning a light blue day dress instead of the garish colors her mother normally put her in, she was surprised to see other visitors there.
The lady of the house presented her and she offered a kind smile "it is nice to meet you" she greeted the man in the sitting room, an honored guest of Lady Danbury. Blue eyes studied him for a moment, having to remind herself that she wasn't collecting information for her writing, she quickly stopped and instead took the offered seat as tea was sent for.
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bcbliophile · 1 year ago
@3katanas asked:
[TO THE THREAT ]: " right, either you leave or i kick you out. your choice. " (for Penelope)
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Penelope was no stranger to harsh words from others, what she was not use to was how men tried to take liberties with her new wardrobe. She had been passing by the game room, looking for Lady Danbury when some foreign lord who's name she had not caught grabbed her arm. The smell of whisky had been strong on his breath and despite her best efforts to talk him down it was only when Zoro spoke up did he let go of her wrist and she found herself shaking, ducking behind the familiar man for safety.
It never mattered how sure and strong she was-- an inkling of a physical attack and she was hiding behind a sort of friend. When the drunk lord grumbled something and turned to leave she finally let out a breath she didn't know she had been holding. "Thank you, my lord-- I am sorry you had to step in."
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bcbliophile · 11 months ago
@3katanas Zoro & Pirate Penelope
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Perhaps this wasn't what she had in mind when she ran away from home that summers day, lord knew she never thought she would meet Luffy or that she would be offered a job, and yet here she was-- practicing with a gun that a lady had no business holding in the crows nest, she promised Sanji a couple of birds for dinner and she was growing sick of fish so she would deliver. Day by day it seemed the crew grew, but there was one she enjoyed talking to the most, the green haired swordsman currently standing below her.
Seeing her shot, she took it, dropping a rather large bird onto the deck, narrowly missing said swordsman. "Sorry!" Panic filled her voice as she leaned over the railing, looking down at him to see if he was okay. "Did I get any blood on you?" The redhead called down, moving to leave the nest slowly as not to rip another dress before they made it to the next port. Once on the ground she collected the bird, a rather plump thing and turned to look up at Zoro, rather bashfully.
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bcbliophile · 1 year ago
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Penelope would listen if she chose to tell her, she may not understand the problems of Gods, but she would listen and she would let her share her burdens with her. One day perhaps she would, but today she was there as a new friend and so she just smiled up at the other, pleased she had pleased her with her compliment.
"I think it is more that she finds me to be a burden, she placed all of her hope in my sisters and I am simply the plump daughter she has to pretend to care about in front of the Ton" there was no bitterness in her tone, it was as if she were talking about the weather and not how horrible her mother made her feel. The news about a new chapter perked her up though "that's wonderful! What inspired you so?" The redhead asked, genuinely curious.
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"Well, thank you very much." This was the only form that Charlie hadn't chosen for herself, from the only blind spot she ever held, how she came into being. She had seen Kronos, Asherah, but the rest was a blur and probably not something she could unburden on Penelope. The emotional problems a God were hardly a human's problem. Yet she was feeling very fascinated with this one.
"She is rather jealous of your beauty I daresay, I have noticed people like that will do anything to tear another down." Charlie hadn't wanted to smite someone so badly in a very long time. "I am great! I finished another chapter last night, I was inspired."
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stitchedspider · 10 days ago
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spider oc redesign 5 billion. still working on an expression sheet and some exploration sketches but i’ve got the reference down
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bcbliophile · 11 months ago
@honorhearted Benjamin & Penelope
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"I don't know if I should be impressed or worried for how far Gregory will go once he puts his mind to it" Penelope greeted Mr. Tallmadge with the usual polite smile as she watched the boy in question run after his sister at full speed. She had known the man for as long as he had been the youngest Bridgerton's tutor as she was a fixed staple at the house as well, or had been at least. Her recent falling out with Eloise meant she had not been back to the house in some weeks sadly.
But she brushed that thought aside in favor of fixing herself some lemonade, the light blue of her dress a sharp contrast to the yellow she use to be forced into by her Mama in her first two seasons. "How are you fairing now that the new season has started?" The redhead asked, looking up at him. Even if she was no longer close with the family he worked for did not mean she had any reason to act differently towards him, after all he had done nothing to her.
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bcbliophile · 5 months ago
@dynastymuses Colin & Penelope
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"What could possibly have been wrong with that suiter, Colin-- he was perfectly lovely" Penelope was growing frustrated with Colin running off any man who spoke to her. He was supposed to help her find a husband, not put her on the shelf herself. Tonight it had been a Baron, he seemed kind enough, well spoken and listened when she spoke, he was a bit older sure-- but it was what she had come to expect in a suiter at her age. Lifting her blue dress slightly she moved away from Colin and out to the gardens, she needed some air, badly.
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bcbliophile · 11 months ago
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The next movements happened in a flash, she found herself pinned against the tree, his body pressed into her own and his lips on her's once more surrounding her with his scent and the feel of his body. He had this gift for making her feel safe-- she knew with him nothing would ever harm her and so she melted against him, her curves pressed against his much harder body, her fingers sliding into his hair when the kiss deepened.
His hands on her ass made her hips arch into him, she could feel something hard through her skirt but didn't comment on it as she didn't quite know what it was, having a Mama who sheltered her daughters from the truth of what it was to be a wife.
Penelope rolled her head back as his lips moved over her pale skin, offering him more room to kiss, her fingers leaving his hair to trail down his back, tracing every ridge and muscle she could reach with a tenderness she herself had never been shown before him.
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He groaned, unable to resist her pleas as he moved forward to once more pin her against the tree. Hands roaming over her sides as his lips claimed hers once more. Slower this time, nipping her lower lip and then exploring her mouth with his tongue. Her tastes consuming his senses even as one hand slid down to her ass and squeezed. Only able to take so much torture before his restraints began to break.
Had she been anyone else he might have given in. Might have already had her skirts lifted and his growing need filling her heat. Instead, he prayed that she at least knew what his growing need actually was as his hips pressed against hers.
His lips finally broke from hers once more, only this time he didn't pull back. Instead, he trailed kisses along her jaw and then down her neck, nipping at the sensitive flesh but gently enough not to leave a mark behind. That.....that would be for later.
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bcbliophile · 5 months ago
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The false courtship was going a bit too well as they now both sat in the Queen's receiving room being grilled about when he would propose and where the wedding would be held. While she had greatly been enjoying her time with Cenred she knew their time together would come to a close when the season did, no matter how many kisses they shared, or soft conversations-- he had a country to run and made it plain that he wished for a queen from his own country.
"I am sure it will happen in due time, your majesty-- we are still getting to know one another" she was stalling, her hand shook slightly at her side, thankfully it would only be noticeable to him as the table hit her lower body. Still her face betrayed nothing, as she kept the same soft smile she always held on her lips, glancing over at him to see what he would say.
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bcbliophile · 1 year ago
@authcrwriites asked:
“Someone, somewhere has failed you miserably. You were supposed to be loved, protected and cared for but you never were.“ charlie novak for penelope!
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Penelope knew he was right-- and yet his words still caught her off guard. No one had ever seen her like he saw her-- no one ever realized her pain before, or how alone she had been. Charlie saw it all though, some days she wondered if he could see into her very soul. She felt the tears roll down her face before she could stop them, years of pent up hurt and neglect weighed on her, a mother who didn't protect her like she did her sisters, friends who only cared for her when she was there to boost their confidence and listen to their problems a society that told her she was never going to be enough or worthy of love.
All of that pain and yet she still managed to smile her way through it, until she met Charlie and for the first time in her life she felt cared for, heard and cherished. "I'm sorry--" the redhead whispered brokenly, dabbing at her eyes, but the tears would not stop. "I'm sorry--" I'm not enough, that I'm not someone anyone could love, that you're wasting your kindness on me, for so many things.
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bcbliophile · 1 year ago
@authcrwriites Colin & Penelope
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It was the first stroll of the season, she was enjoying the sun in her new day dress, a far cry from the horrid yellow she normally wore it was a mix of mint green and light blue that seemed to change depending on the lighting. Her hair was mostly down and she felt good about herself for the first time this season, she felt beautiful and confident-- that was until she saw Colin Bridgerton making a beeline towards her and the urge to shrink away and run coursed through her.
"Mr. Bridgerton" she greeted politely, but without any warmth as her mother was near by. She moved to keep walking, having no urge to rehash last season with him or even speak to him. Polite society required her only to greet him and responded if he spoke to her, but she prayed he would take the hint and walk away. "The weather is quite mild today, if you'll excuse me I would like to continue my walk."
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bcbliophile · 9 months ago
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"Daphne is one of a kind and I fear that stubbornness only got worse with each sister, Hyacinth will be a terror when she presents" Fran was an exception, but she also worried about her next season as soft spoken as she was. She supposed it would be her job to help usher her out as well and she found she was up for the task.
"I can see how that would be rather boring for your family, or possibly traumatic depending on who they latched onto and became like" she spun before facing him once more, still minding his feet and recalling all those years of dance lessons. "any young lady currently out should at least know the basics of math and how to manage a home, I get reading isn't everyone's favorite past time but to never pick up a book?" The thought appalled her.
She could understand why he would want someone with more independence as she would likely be on her own or without him quite often given his tasks as Viscount and his pension for mistresses. "I will marry you-- but you have to ask my Mama for permission to court me first."
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"Daphne's success is far more complicated than bribery. My sister clearly exhibited the headstrong determination of the first girl born after three brothers, forced to match them not only in their studies, but also their wit and mischief." Plus she was their father's daughter, too.
"All fell short in some way. One had a will as weak as a dough, easily molded. I do not need a woman who will mold her very personality to mine. One had absolutely no concept of financials. None whatsoever. I have quite the amount of dependents." As Peneope knew. She knew them all. And she was intimately familiar with financial issues.
"One blatantly said she wouldn't and didn't read books. Not to mention all the times I spoke to mothers through their daughters." All of that didn't apply to Penelope. She ticked off all these boxes easily,a actually. She truly seemed the perfect match.
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bcbliophile · 1 year ago
@inabcck asked:
❛  believe it or not, i do enjoy spending time with you.  ❜ to Penelope from Lucien
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The half nymph gave a soft laugh "I have never doubted it as you are always the one seeking me out" she teased. In truth she like his company as well, even on days like this, sitting on the banks by the river reading a book. Spring was a lovely enough court most of the time, but she found she rather enjoyed the peace away from the main gatherings on nice days like this. Penelope was born out of a love affair between a high fae father and a flower nymph mother, so she often wondered if she even belonged at court in the first place.
"What weighs on your mind today?" The redhead asked, tilting her head so she could better look at him. Blue eyes studying his expression for any sadness or worries. He was quite handsome, even with his mask on, a fox-- her favorite animal.
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bcbliophile · 7 months ago
@realmofthedragon asked:
cry, sender wipes tears off receiver's face with their thumbs. - Reverse Aegon and Penelope
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Penelope reached out before she could stop herself, carefully cleaning the tears from where they ran down the Prince's cheeks, a worried crease in her brow and a slight frown on her lips. "What's wrong, your grace?" The redhead asked softly, her free hand reaching into the bag at her side and pulling out her handkerchief, soft silk embroidered with flowers in the color of her house, she pressed it into Aegon's hand, squeezing it before she pulled back, realizing she may have overstepped.
"Is there anything I can do to help?" She hated seeing anyone sad, but more so him-- it made her heart hurt in ways she couldn't quite describe.
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moirindeclermont · 9 months ago
Daily thread about BridgertonS3 (and my phone is so done with me that after daily its suggestions is thread 😂)
Today I want to talk about this bit (gif by @polinsated)
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Because as much as I loved everything during the carriage scene, this bit makes me crazy every time.
It's the subtle smile of Pen, still quite unsure that this is not a dream. Its Colin's visible hunger, like he wants to devour her more.
It's the moment after declaration, after the sex, after the laughter (I could write an essay about that as well). It's the moment on which they both take in the recent event. He could not be any happier because she is finally in his arms. She is over the moon, but you can see there is still a bit of insecurity that makes me think she don't have the realization yet.
And in this moment, where they are quiet together, you can see there is no awkwardness on sharing a space so close to each other. On the contrary, they are at home in each other arms. I never see then being so at peace like in this moment.
It's a look of promise to come. It's hope manifested. Right there, that is love. It's the fist time when they see each other and know both of them reciprocate their feeling fully (after the moment of lust). And in this quiet, beautiful moment, they both took a breath in and stay in the moment, feeding off each other energy.
Do you see why it makes me crazy everytime I see it??
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