#pencil brushes are so fucking awful to use it should be illegal
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cry-ptidd · 13 days ago
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Teeny tiny Alucard
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sopewriters · 8 years ago
Mr. Impatient
Pairing: Im Jaebum/ Reader
Genre: Sort of angsty, but not exactly; smut
Word Count: 2.7K +
Warning: A bit of blood play, dubious consent
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“It’s that kid again.”
You lifted your gaze, warily eyeing your friend before shifting your line of sight in the direction she was frowning at, a twin expression forming on your face. This was easily the fourth or fifth time you had seen the boy, with the pale skin and tousled black hair that could belong to a model, and it was beginning to bother you. He transferred in the middle of the year sometime, and immediately became the talk of the school because of his looks. It was annoying, both you and your friend agreed.
“Yeah, I guess.”
The noticeable tension underlying the words betrayed your emotions, letting the girl beside you pick up on it.
“Let’s go then,” She said quickly, tugging you up by the arm, “We’ve got to get to class fast, or else he’ll kill us.”
The ‘he’, of course, referred to your Physics teacher who, despite his seemingly peaceful nature, could turn savage in the blink of an eye. It was best not to test it.
The two of you barely made it in time though, panting and totally out of breath by then. You got a subtle side-glare as you passed by, but no words, making you sigh in relief.
“Y/N, come see me after class.”
Well then.
 ‘After Class’ couldn’t come fast enough, and you bounced your leg anxiously under your desk as you glanced at the wall clock for the seventh time in five minutes. There was literally just a minute left, so why was time going by so slowly?
You nearly jumped up with joy when the bell finally rang, its sharp shrill resounding through your head, making you wince, before quickly skipping down the steps to level a stare at your professor.
“What did you need to speak to me about?” You questioned, heart pounding furiously, because please don’t tell me I’m in trouble.
“You’re not in trouble,” The man sighed, as though disappointed, as the last of the students left, “I have a favour to ask of you.”
“A favour?” You repeated stupidly, unable to believe you ears, “You need a favour from me?”
“Yes, yes, whatever,” The man waved a hand, “We have a new student in our Physics course and he needs quite a bit of help. I suppose your qualification is adequate, so you’ll be assisting him.”
“What?” You exclaimed incredulously, “Me?”
“Yes, you.” He sighed in extreme disapproval, “Your first session would be tomorrow after school in the library. Don’t forget.”
He went back to stacking books, entirely unperturbed by the fact that the floor was crumbling underneath you.
Well then.
  “Say what?!” Your friend practically screeched when you told her the news, making you wince from potential hearing loss, “No way! Tell him you can’t do it!”
“I don’t have a choice,” A dejected sigh sounded from your throat, “He hates me already. Besides, how weird could that kid be?”
“Apparently, he doesn’t talk to anyone,” She said dubiously, before frowning, “Except for those weird loud kids.”
“Aren’t they the ones who everyone finds ‘illegally hot’?” You eyed her, immediately catching onto who she was talking about, “You know, the supposed ‘heartthrobs’?”
“They’re weirdos now that they’re associating with him.” She decides, “How on earth is he friends with them already anyway?”
“Whatever,” You shrugged, rolling a pencil over your desk idly, “We’ll see what happens tomorrow, I guess.”
It was already awkward and you hated it. He was staring at you with a strange glint in his eye, unblinking. You anxiously bit your lip, before clearing your throat again.
“Uh, Im… Jaebum?” No response. “That…that is your name, right?”
‘Wow, congratulations!’ A mental pat on the back, ‘We’ve upgraded to one-word answers now!’
“JB, huh?” You smiled nervously, a force of habit, “Um, so what have you covered so far?”
“What, seriously?” Your mouth dropped open in shock, and you forgot all your inhibitions as your brain short-circuited at the thought that he didn’t know shit, “You…you haven’t done a single chapter yet?”
“No, that’s what I said.” Better, five words this time, but you hardly noticed as you stared down those dark eyes, “Seriously, did they give me a dumbass for a tutor?”
“Excuse you, who are you calling a dumbass!” The words left your mouth unbidden, making you wince, but you ploughed on since you were stupid like that, “I thought I’d be helping someone out, not being forced to listen fucking one-word answers!”
Then, it struck you, “And how on earth did you not learn anything?!”
“Gosh, you’re so loud.” He rolled his eyes at you, before checking his watch, a gleaming expensive-looking one, “Ugh, another half an hour.”
Wait seriously? You couldn’t believe this guy.
“You’re not leaving until I say so.” You growled menacingly, uncaring of how terrifying he looked to be, “And I do say so, so.”
Well, the end of your speech could’ve used a little work, but semantics. No, what was important was the fact that he stayed where he was, damn it why was he getting up?
“Well, too bad.” He tossed something on the table before sauntering away, “See you tomorrow, kitten.”
“Wh-what, kitten!” You spluttered to yourself, wide eyes trained at his retreating back, “What the actual—AGH!”
The librarian wasn’t too happy about the noise, so you ended up getting kicked out. Fun times.
 “He called you what?”
“I’m not kidding, it sounded like it came straight out of a porno.”
“No way.”
“Ugh, what a creep. Should I come along next time?”
“What if…what he debauches you? What if he steals away your innocence when I can’t protect you, huh?”
 It was Day Two.
Your friend did not tag along, since she was luckily engrossed in watching a swim meet (“for the hot guys, Y/N-ah, for the hot guys.”) like a total creep. You were actually grateful for it, for once.
“Alright, let’s do this.” You said determinedly once he sat down, “I’m going to start off with Mechanics and you’re going to listen, right?”
He didn’t say anything, just shrugged casually. His black jacket was barely hanging onto his shoulder, revealing much more of his pale skin than you wanted to see.
You tore your eyes away from his unnatural pallor and focused on your book, beginning to explain what you thought of as the most boring topic in physics to date because honestly, why.
He was surprisingly diligent, which sharply contrasted his annoying fuckboy, pseudo-gangster image, writing down detailed notes in a flat black book. In fact, when you glanced over at it sometimes, it looked much more detailed than what you were saying.
It was…weird, to say in the least.
“Tomorrow again, after school.” You said finally, wrapping everything up, “Don’t be late.”
And you were back to one-word answers.
  The rest of the days passed by similarly, with you tutoring him in the library, trying to hide your awe at his detailed note-taking, before telling him to meet you again the next day. He was actually being civil to you, even going so far as to crack a few jokes over time. It was strange, but fitting, when he did, and you really couldn’t complain.
He was doing well in class as well, which brought you some relief because your professor would fuck you up otherwise. It made you feel a little better about everything, and the fact that everything was going smoothly just gave you a sense of peace. Nothing could go wrong now.
  Until it did.
 “So, partner.” You smiled hugely at JB, where he was lounging in his chair, looking as pale and depressing as ever, “Got any ideas for our project?”
“No.” He said, blunt as always, “I’ll help you work on it, but any ideas need to be your own.”
Why did he sound exactly like a professor? Ugh.
You must have been dying on the inside for too long, because he rapped his knuckles sharply against the wooden desk, with a smirk beginning to creep up on his (not) ugly face.
“Start talking.”
“Okay, Mr. Impatient.” You smirked at your (totally not lame) pun, before flipping open your book to the page you needed.
“…that was terrible.”
“Please, shut up.”
 The two of you decided to meet at his house, much to your friend’s chagrin (“what if he does those unspeakable things and outrages your—mmph!”), though you calmly assured her that, yes, I’ll be fine, and that, no, he’s not going to fucking kill me calm down.
To be honest, you weren’t sure what you were expecting. Maybe a shanty house, with a dilapidated roof, and a lonely porch. Or a fucking huge ass mansion, with bodyguards milling about.
What you most certainly did not expect, though, was the sheer normality of the scene. Im Jaebum’s house looked perfectly normal, painted brightly and invitingly, complete with a neatly trimmed front lawn. There seemed to be a rose garden in the back as well, from what little you could make out.
“Why are you staring?” The guy in question spoke, raising an unamused eyebrow, before brushing his way past you, “Come inside.”
The inside was decorated sparsely, but still didn’t look too empty. Jaebum’s family seemed to have good tastes, you had to admit grudgingly. Well, either that, or a kickass interior designer.
“Aren’t your parents at home?” You asked curiously, as you padded upstairs behind him.
“No.” His answer was curt, to the point, “They’re out of town.”
“Ah, I see.” You smiled nervously as you took stock of his room, noting how dark everything was in there, contrary to the zesty coloring of the rest of the house.
“So,” You started, “Let’s do this?”
“Yeah,” He said, before pausing, contemplative, “Do you want something to drink?”
“Uh, I guess water’s cool.” You stuttered out, completely caught off guard; who would’ve thought this guy had a sense of politeness in him?
“Right, water.” He made that weird, pondering, face again, before he disappeared, door slamming shut behind him.
“Well, that was fast.” You muttered to yourself in surprise, before nearly shrieking and falling off the bed when the door opened again and Jaebum walked inside, glass of water in his hand.
You held out your hand in anticipation, ignoring the seed of shock sprouting in you, waiting, only to sputter in disbelief when he put it casually on the table.
“Hand it over.” You didn’t mean to sound whiny, but it came out like that, and Jaebum looked perturbed for a brief second, before his familiar nonchalant expression came back.
“Nope.” He decided, shrugging in the face of your pout, before taking a seat on the bed across you. You ignored the sudden rush of warmth to your cheeks (why the hell would that even happen, damn it) and shook your head, getting to your feet and walking over to your awaiting glass.
“Why are you so rude,” You muttered petulantly to yourself, before, “OW!”
“What happened?” Jaebum was by your side in an instant, taking a gentle grip on your wrist in what could be mistaken as worry, before he was drawn to the crimson trail dripping down your index finger. You nearly cursed yourself for your stupidity; of course, there was a nail sticking out from the desk and, of course, you didn’t notice.
“It’s nothing, just a cut.” You said quickly, tugging your wrist away, “It’ll stop soon.”
But your hand wasn’t coming free. Nor was Jaebum responding, eyes fixed firmly on the bleeding digit, mouth parted open.
“Y-yah,” You tugged harder, more nervously the longer he stared, “I-Im Jaebum, what’s wrong—”
A gasp sounded out from somewhere, and you dimly realized it was your own voice tinged with horrified awe, and your eyes focused with almost startling intensity, on the pillows of pink wrapped firmly around your finger, the startling heat.
“J-JB.” You stuttered out, fear pulling at you, “W-what—”
“You taste so good.” He said oddly, eyes flicking up to you, and that’s when your heart stopped, seeing his red-rimmed irises, his constricted pupils.
Your breath stuttered, and you wasted no time, pushing him away with a strong arm and tumbling off the bed before taking off. You remembered your friend’s concern, tears stinging your eyes when you felt a grip around your wrist. A shocked cry tore from your throat as you were slammed painfully against the wall, throat constricting with fear as you stared back into his inhuman eyes.
“I’m hungry,” He commented coldly, and if you thought he was normally cold, this was below zero, “So stay still.”
“Stay still? What the—”
The words got cut off when something pierced through the delicate skin of your neck and you stared, vision swimming, at the mop of black hair nestled comfortably in the juncture between your neck and shoulder. The slight graze of teeth against your neck made you aware of the fact that he was drinking your blood, that he was a vampire, but all that was lost as you felt your mind slip away.
And, it didn’t matter how much fear you had, or how much apprehension; none of that mattered in the face of the comfortable lucid experience and the heat building up, making you twist uncomfortably with a sheen of sweat lining your skin. Every inch of you was on fire, nerves fraying and eyes dilated as the man keeping you pinned detached himself from your neck; a strangled moan tore from your throat, though you didn’t know if that was in gratefulness or unwillingness.
You needed more.
“I’m getting to it,” The dark chuckle made your breath hitch, and you couldn’t resist as a leg slipped between your parted thighs, grinding lightly against your core, reveling in your pleased groan, “So impatient.”
“P-please—” You choked out, nearly sobbing with the need (to do what, you didn’t know), “Please.”
You didn’t struggle, instead trying to get closer, reduce the space between the two of you. You could practically feel yourself getting wet, juices staining the fabric of your shorts, and mewled when you felt his fingers brush against your underwear after slipping beneath the waistband.
“Wet for me already, aren’t you?” He mused, rubbing a slow circle into your throbbing clit, “Tch, what a slut.”
And normally, you would have been insulted by it, but nothing mattered anymore, you just needed him.
“D-Do it, please.” You pleaded, voice breathy, grinding down against his fingers, and were rewarded with them slipping inside you finally, making you jolt, pleasure thrumming through your veins.
You weren’t expecting him to kiss you, but he did just that, only accelerating his movements as he ravaged your mouth, laying on you a claim you didn’t realize, one you wouldn’t be able to refuse. The taste of coppery blood filled your mouth, your blood, but you didn’t care, gyrating your hips upward to get his fingers deeper inside you, head thrown back and mouth parted lewdly.
Your legs quivered helplessly as the pleasure began build almost painfully from inside you, making your head thump softly against the wall. A cry ripped from your throat as finally, fucking finally you found your climax, hands scrabbling to find purchase in the soft, velvety feel of his skin.
You hardly noticed when his fingers slipped out, eyes instinctively fluttering shut when he caught your mouth again, softer this time. A pleased noise hummed from his throat at your complacence, and you only further relaxed in his hold.
When he eventually pulled back, however, his eyes flickered, flitting over your form appraisingly, and the crimson red returned. You gasped when he slammed you harder against the wall than before, and couldn’t breathe when you stared into those eyes.
 “I was going to let you go,” Jaebum whispered huskily, fangs digging dangerously into your skin, “But I can’t wait for more.”
Might or might not have a second part.
Written By: Admin Midnight
picture link, all credits go to the owner: 
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