Why are you equating some sad nerds blogposting on the forums with being as bad as the PCU?
We never equated the Peeveposter crowd as bad or dangerous or any sort of equivalence to the PCU, though there is some overlap (Telaryn and Teyha). They have an overinflated sense of ego and think that they can treat the forums as their slovenly fratpad and have some free pass to bash anyone they dislike with impunity.
They're annoying pests who yip and yap at every post we make here, because they're fundamentally bored creatures, but they're not harmful. We find it amusing how some of them have wished for years to be mentioned here, and because of that we will never mention them here, so that they remain forever unfulfilled.
The fact that we have one of our editors post among them all the time practically with a post count over 1500 and they are none the wiser speaks to either how slow they are to read into things, or how obsessed they are with their own vanity they don't care who is giving them compliments, as long as its a compliment.
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halfbit · 1 year
peeveposting inspired by prev: my one biggest mildly infuriating thing in media is the sameness of horses.
it's just. brown. maybe you get lucky and they're morally color-coded. the villain or anti-hero has a black horse, a true hero or the purity/establishment villain gets a white horse. every once in awhile a palomino pops up.
i might go more in depth on this later but pls if horses or mounts are a major part of your story and you have the energy for it, please consider exploring them a bit more. use them as an extension of the character's character design. think about how their saddle and bridle might be decorated. maybe the horse has a braided mane or tail, there's so many different markings, breeds, colors, and sizes horses come in. give a goth cowboy a goth horse. decorate that shit like its art, because they are. and by goth horse i dont just mean give them a black horse, give them a friesian with a ruffled lace breast collar, add a veiled spiderwebbed fabric that flows down from the saddle and bridle, embed rubies in their browband and curl their mane into ringlets. get fucking wild
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Speaking as someone who mostly lurks on the Argent Dawn forum to keep an eye out for promising events/guilds I appreciate you drawing attention to and explaining Vixi. Out of curiosity, what about the other 'talking heads' on the forum? I noticed that they tend to post throughout most of the day, every day in a way that is often less related to the game and more about other games or various aspects of their lives. But who are they? How long ago - if ever - did they participate in role-play?
Some of them are former roleplayers who stopped playing well over a decade ago, yet still feel the need to have 20 000 posts to describe their various opinions and takes that have no real value to the average roleplayer, who spends of course more time in game than trawling the forums.
The " problem " if you wish to call it was the conversion of the " pet peeves " thread into the reborn old Argent Dawn General Chat, which as per the old forum code of conduct, was generally not an allowed topic, as there was no actual topic. In a sense these posters circumvented this by making the topic about " peeves ".
The Pet Peevers threads then went on to act as a sort of drain to attract all the washed out and former roleplayers and simply players of Argent Dawn, because the new format of Forums introduced in Battle for Azeroth does not require a player to have an active subscription to post on realm forums.
Over time endless droning, and myopia from a collection of most frequent posters - the top ten being Vixi, Croecell, Loras, Elenthas, Lintian, Levey, Distantpeak, Akamito, Telaryn and Tehya. Of course the rogues gallery has changed and altered over time but it remains largely the same, just under different alts for some.
It wouldn't even be so much of an odious problem if the " Peeveposter " milieu stayed in their place, but they seem to think that by virtue of treating their pigsty of a thread like the poorly managed messageboard of a frat house like their own personal blogs, they can then in turn derail and sabotage any other thread they desire that doesn't fit their extremely narrow view of what is right and proper.
They also have no problem breaking the code of conduct of the forums, as they think they are so justified and morally correct that they can break rules and actively be vile towards anyone who even dares disagree with them. Thankfully their spines are more fragile than Obahar's lack of a one and they quickly scatter when their false moral panic and posturing does not get them the " likes " they crave.
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Honestly that person calling your peeveposter comments "mean" was lowkey right. Not because it couldn't be true (I don't know these people) but rather because it makes you come off as deeply unserious. You said yourself that they're not dangerous or a real problem, so spending time throwing their names in the mud so excessively regardless if they "deserve" it or not makes you come off as nothing more than a petty gossip blog.
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peeverposters pikachuface.gif when they're thinking their opinion has any weight beyond their little cloister, lintian and vixi are some of the most twisted two faced people ive seen on there did you not see how they tried shading the negativity thread into oblivion?
Vixi at least is a deeply unpleasant person and a hypocrite on top of this. Lintian is just a Dunning-Kruger in action, sad really but harmless provided they aren't trying to do something that affects others.
We have little interest in the negativity thread, populated by wistful wallflowers who have no interest in engaging in RP within the current context of WoW for the most part, and actual unhinged incels who were rejected from the PCU.
But your point stands, the peeveposters think that if they dislike something they can just will it away. They are mistaken.
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