#peepaw Hermes
0spookymoth0 · 2 days
Epic inspired me to re-visit the Odyssey and now I really need a fanfic where Hermes absolutely wrecks Calypso's shit for what she did to Odysseus,given that he's his grandson and all
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averyspoopedcorgi · 2 years
me and my servermates had another shuffle idea and i need to let it out or ill implode,
white day shuffle with rinne, tatsumi, eichi, rei and tsumugi thats all
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golvio · 4 months
Some spoilers for Hades 2 early access regarding Chronos below the cut.
He did not look or sound at all like what I expected, but I now immediately understand why all of his adult children are Like That, as well as why they’d quickly drop their previous squabbles and band together to try to get rid of him when he tried to force himself back into their lives. I instantly recognized every single trick he tried to pull on Mel when he first met her to try to manipulate her or put her down to “put her in her place” from other people’s descriptions of their own shitty, appearance-obsessed control freak parents with untreated personality disorders. I think the more understated delivery really works for him, particularly with that underlying paternalistic edge of absolute certainty and treating his enemies like misbehaving children who need to be reminded who’s in charge, even if they’re grown-ass adults. I also feel absolutely terrible for Hades, given that dear ol’ dad is trying to reassert control over him by “taking away his toys” and trashing everything he’d worked so hard to build in order to force him back into his original position of childlike dependency. It’s been almost 20 years and he *really* hasn’t finished “renovations” and fixed up the throne room? He doesn’t give a shit about actually maintaining the realm, just punishing Hades for trying to emancipate himself and be an independent adult by asserting ownership over all of Hades’ stuff and forcing him to watch as Daddy Dearest destroys everything he loved. He pretends to be absolutely rational and objective, but he’s actually a pathetic, emotionally immature piece of shit who throws manipulative tantrums and breaks things to bully his own children into compliance, and I can’t believe Mel has to waste her life fighting this loser who’s got nothing better to do than bully his barely-adult granddaughter. Kudos to Supergiant for making one of the most skincrawling depictions of an abusive dad ever.
But, also, now it makes a bit more sense for Hecate to have raised Mel in isolation—it’s easier to blow off an abusive relative’s appeals to authority when they’re a complete stranger to you. However, it’s also interesting that her early meetings with Chronos are the first time polite, deferential Melinoë has just straight-up told an adult trying to pull rank to fuck off. But that might be because she’s got no memories of him or fondness for him, so there’s no sense of filial piety or family obligation that would otherwise make her blame or second-guess herself. She has a slightly harder time with her, uh, more assertive Olympian relatives who she has more of a personal connection to and are slightly more subtle and “nice” about trying to goad her in specific directions. However, I also think Mel meeting Artemis and Hermes first and them warning her in advance about how overbearing the rest of the family can be might’ve inoculated her somewhat, even if she’s more like her dad in that she lacks the more intuitive way with people Zagreus has and isn’t as certain how to use her own charisma as leverage.
Anyways, I hope Melinoë kicks her Peepaw’s ass, but, given the type of real-life personality he has, I’m not sure if that’s actually going to make him stop or change short of a White Diamond-level epiphany where he realizes what a piece of shit he’s been to his own children and willingly fucks off out of his grandkid’s life forever.
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Hello! Welcome to the Wainlock guide! I’m Nikolai Jakobslock, your host and number one scholar in the ways of Borderlands old man bara. Today I will be presenting you with my Knowledge of these two silly peepaws, and how to write them; and trust me, I am qualified to speak on this topic. They do not call me the CEO of Wainlock for nothing.
DISCLAIMER 1: Certain aspects of this, especially the symbols sections, are subjective. Like all fictional characters, these two are ultimately up to interpretation. Here, I am just laying down the way I personally interpret these two, and what I can extrapolate from canon.
DISCLAIMER 2: This text assumes you have played BL3 and BL2, and have at least basic familiarity with these two. I am not going to explain the entire Borderlands lore here. Go watch EruptionFang’s timeline for that, or whatever. I tried to be comprehensive, but even I have my limits.
DISCLAIMER 3: This might be a little bit incoherent because I have ADHD, which means I have a crippling addiction to writing walls of text. Also, English is not my first language. Sorry.
CONTENT WARNINGS: Usual Borderlands fare (gore, animal and human death, guns), alcohol, drugs, mentions of sexual assault, abuse, parental neglect.
Sir Alistair Hammerlock(-Jakobs)
Hammerlock is from the planet Hermes. Not much is known, but it apparently has a thin, helium-rich atmosphere, and forests. It is ultimately up to you how you interpret this information, as we haven’t visited the place yet.
It’s unclear when he left home, but what is somewhat clear is that he left early and has no intentions of returning. His family is, or at least styles themselves, like a noble house; getting rich off of questionable ventures (they have what he calls “blood money”) and genuinely being shady as all fuck. Additionally, his father was needlessly harsh (sending him to Pandora as a punishment for swearing in a formal environment), and his mother doesn’t seem to be a good person either, considering how even Aurelia is waiting for her to die.
While he is by no means poor, he seems to live (or have lived, until he literally married into a multi trillion dollar megacorporation) in relative squalor compared to his turbo-mansion owning sister, so it’s safe to say he inherited none of his family’s fortune. (Not to mention how rusty and scrappy his prosthetics look.) He represents the trope of the impoverished blue-blood, as well as someone who defected from what we might consider decadence.
Hammerlock is a hunter, adventurer and gentleman. He is described as such in his very intro cards, and this has echoed through his entire character.
He has been all over the Borderlands, perhaps even all over the Six Galaxies, and seems to have a “this reminds me of…” for every situation. He worked in corporate advertising, he’s seen wonders beyond imagining, he’s written at least one book on the myriad creatures of the galaxy. He’s befriended pretty much every Vault Hunter of note. Both Eista (a fellow hunter) and the lore book admit he has a legendary reputation.
That being said, of course, a life of adventure isn’t so glamorous as it seems. He admits to having a large collection of scars from being shot, bitten and mauled so much, and there’s even a line that implies he was once sexually assaulted. And of course, then there’s Old Slappy.
Despite the trauma mentioned above, Alistair doesn’t seem to budge from his shiny, chipper demeanor. He’s probably the nicest guy on Pandora, in fact.
He’s honest, kind, doesn’t get angry when the player messes up a sidequest and kindly explains what you need to do.
However, he also doesn’t often show explicit (negative OR positive, though mostly negative) emotion. Rarely does his steely gentleman persona - or perhaps, armor - break. The closest it gets is in either his Parting Words echolog, when he seems on the verge of crying as he says what he thinks is his last “farewell”, or in the ending of Guns, Love and Tentacles, where his voice cracks TWICE as his concern for his beloved reaches its apex.
Also in that ending, he admits he “was so afraid”. This is one of the only 2 times he genuinely admits fear (outside of the immensely gentlemanly and polite expression “I’m afraid I…”), and this is understandable. He’s a fearless adventurer! He’s not afraid of anything!
Except he is. He very much is. He just does not admit it to anyone willy nilly.
In fact, he doesn’t admit much of his emotions in general. He is a stoic, the archetypal gentleman with a stiff upper lip. (This is far more pronounced in BL2 than in BL3: I choose to interpret it as Wainwright helping his beloved open up a little.) But it is a facade, and underneath is a tangled bundle of repressed emotions.
What is NOT a facade, however, is his sheer hope. Regardless of the things he’s seen, he does seem to genuinely believe in the inherent goodness and kindness of people. He was willing to give Aurelia one last chance, even after all she’s done.
Keep in mind to not mistake this for naivety or harmlessness, of course. Alistair is intelligent, and as bloodthirsty as you’d expect a seasoned explorer of the Borderlands to be. In fact, his thrill-seeking tendencies sometimes even teeter on the masochistic. I wouldn’t be surprised if his (human) killcount was in the early triple digits.
His passion for and dedication to his life’s work as a zoologist is equally admirable, and personally reminds me of the way an autistic is passionate for their special interest (because I am autistic). This is a man with a zest for life, and enough energy to power a large city for a week.
Alistair speaks with that typical, quintessential Received Pronunciation accent. His voice is crisp, clear, melodic.
His vocabulary is very sizable. Often will he use complex, sophisticated words, and that often ends up with his lines being overly verbose. Like, really long. I recommend picking up a thesaurus to find the fanciest synonyms you can find.
If he does swear, it’s usually something light like “bloody”, or a verbose/fancy version of a preexisting swear, like “fecal matter!” instead of “shit!”.
Despite him talking like the Victorian English gentleman directly stolen from a steampunk novel that he is, he is not above peppering in the occasional hard swear or funny word. “I’m standing right here, dude.” comes to mind. Also, I just think he should be allowed to say fuck in sufficiently emotionally charged situations.
Speaking of those, we don’t really ever see him having a proper breakdown, but if he would, I think he’d just vomit a tide of half-formed word salad.
Associations, Symbols, Motifs, Etc.
This section is subjective.
Air, weather, wind (something something Hermes is the god of messengers)
Lightning, energy
The Sun
Snow (NOT ice, that’s his sister’s thing)
Nature, fauna (obviously), but also human naturalism; awareness of man as an animal with biological functions or as a persistence predator
Animal death: bones, teeth, fossils, leather-bound books, fur coats, taxidermy
Precision, finesse (it’s weapon based characterization: sniper rifles are his preference after all)
The ideal of a medieval knight: chivalry and nobility but also armor and weapons
Swords, rapiers, knives; scissors, needles, razors
Mechanisms, specifically clockwork (steampunk comes to mind again)
Glass & earthenware in general, especially cracked (scarred)
Travel, motion
Metals: silver, copper, brass and bronze; anything molten, polished or scratched
Sugar, particularly sugary baked goods (biscuits), with the exception of certain savory flavors like meat
What NOT to do
DO NOT give out first name privileges to too many characters.
The only people in the series who ever call Alistair by his first name are his sister and his husband. Everyone else calls him Hammerlock. If someone calls him by his first name, it better fucking be someone important to him, like a long-time close friend.
DO NOT fall into racist cliches holy fuck man.
If I have to see one more work where a character of color is described as having chocolate colored skin I will go insane. There’s, like, a 100000 descriptors you can use and you choose the racist cliche.
DO NOT ignore the fact he’s disabled.
Do some research on phantom pains, how prostheses can be both useful and cumbersome (often the latter).
Wainwright Del Frisco Jakobs(-Hammerlock)
Wainwright’s homeworld is Eden-6, which is thankfully a location we can visit in game. In fact, we can even visit his ancestral home, the Jakobs Estate.
As far as we know, he has never been offworld until Alistair sort of dragged him out of his house and into the great beyond. He knows the nooks and crannies of the manor like the back of his own hand, and uses that knowledge to outrun and misdirect Troy, among other things. In a way, he is that place, - explicitly being described as a homebody.
We do not know much about his mother Margaret, but he seems to miss her dearly. His father Montgomery however… well. Ol’ monty was quite neglectful. He refused to spend money to maintain certain parts of the estate, or to ensure his son had a good life. When Winny opened up about not feeling strongly about running the family business, Monty seems to have pinned the blame on his son’s boyfriend, and not on his own shitty parenting.
That being said of course, it’s not like Wainwright didn’t go out of the house at all. ECHO logs describe him as going to bars around the basin, mingling with the “common folks”, things like that. For an heir to a megacorporation, he sure is surprisingly down to earth (in stark contrast with Katagawa Jr., another corpo higher-up we meet in BL3).
Additionally, before the CoV killed everyone, the manor was full of staff and relatives and visitors. It was alive, its own microcosm of the world, and young Wainwright definitely made friends with a great many of them.
Now, they’re all gone, and the manor’s empty and largely unused. Decrepit, even. But he could restore it to glory.
Not to mention the mistakes his corporate predecessors have made are waiting for him there, in his office, to be unfortunately discovered…
Wainwright is a fairly simple, good ol’ boy. Humble, insecure, even anxious - but also painfully stubborn (that last one is a Jakobs family trait, if a certain line is to be believed).
He is far more open about his emotions, and not just when he’s drunk. Sometimes he curses like a witch, yet joyfully exclaims just how much he’s glad that the Vault Hunter saved his life (thank you David Wald, you really put your whole pussy into this performance).
Speaking of drunkenness, this is a crucial part of him, and not just because he drinks whiskey a lot. At best, he’s a social drinker and at worst he’s drowning his sorrows.
He’s somewhat grumpy, with some of that old man crankiness in him, but also not really. Preferring peace and quiet, he himself is fairly peaceful, but heavens fucking help you if you disturb him. In essence, the guy’s a period piece white suit wearin’ southern gentleman: charming, fine, but also fairly “stiff” or “slow”. Except without the shitty parts (i.e. racism), thank god.
Wainwright is fiercely protective of his own, being prepared to sacrifice anything for them - including himself, even (back to that humbleness and insecurity, but with a selfless bent). He’s also not above using underhanded tactics to get what he wants (back to that stubbornness again) from people he doesn’t trust or like. He’s the Wisdom to Alistair’s Intelligence, if that makes any sense; he can be a little bit clueless sometimes (you’re supposed to run AWAY from the glowing pit cultists are sacrificing people to, not towards it!).
For people he does trust, though - he definitely believes in fairness and kindness. Reliance, civility, honor, all that, are qualities he absolutely has even if he doesn’t think so.
He’s not particularly out for blood unless it’s revenge related or self defense, but this being Borderlands his killcount is absolutely above 0.
Personally, I think he also has a slight epicurean or perhaps even hedonist streak, enjoying and savoring life’s pleasures as they come and go, but understanding that suffering is a painful, inevitable part of life.
Wainwright speaks in a typical southern accent, even though Eden-6 being the Space Louisiana that it is, you’d expect a specifically Cajun accent (and to me, this man is 100% Cajun as fuck). If TvTropes is to be believed, then this is something that happens often, but y’know. His voice is warm, soft, flowin’.
Somehow, his speech strikes a perfect balance between crass and classy. He often uses wacky, flowery country metaphors and idioms, but also perfectly enunciates words like “perforate”, knowing what they mean. His vocabulary is as rich as Alistair’s if not more (reading a ton of books will do that, but also Monty says shit like morose ruminations, so.), he just doesn’t use big words as often.
He also swears much, much more frequently. When he’s drunk, or emotionally riled up, he swears up a storm. Unfortunately he never says the f word because Gearbox was too afraid to give him such power, lest his homosexuality evaporate the CoV in 5 seconds (joke).
Associations, Symbols, Motifs, Etc.
This section is subjective.
Earth, soil, mud
Gunpowder, smoke, ash, oil
The Moon
Gardens (something something Eden is garden of paradise, something something the untended gardens of the Jakobs Estate)
Fire: specifically in the context of the hearth, the fireplace, or guns
Guns and gun parts (obviously)
Wood (including woody smells like sandalwood, pine sap and cedar), paper
Cloth, silk, treated leather. Also sewing
Metals: iron, lead, gold (including in the context of gold = money, riches)
Force, strength (again, think of it as weapon-based characterization: he uses a shotgun)
The comforts of home, stillness
Doors and doorways, curtains, hallways, furniture
Time and its passing: people and alcohol aging, rotting wood, heritage and inheritance
The archetype of a king or heir to the throne
Blood, bandages
Repair, mending and maintenance, whether literal or metaphorical
Salt, with the exception of “old fashioned” sweets like syrup or honey
What NOT to do
DO NOT assume he’s uneducated just because he’s got a southern accent.
This guy was born into a rich ass corporate family. He can perfectly say “fatal testicular devastation” without falling over his words. He’s a bookworm on levels heretofore unseen. He probably had an expensive university, or perhaps personally tutored education. This man is wise, just in different situations than Alistair is.
DO NOT type out the accent too much.
But also, DO NOT not type it out at all. Typing out those in’s and an’s can actually assist the reader with imagining his voice, recognize when he speaks, AND it’s canon accurate because the in-game subtitles also do that!
Then how much should you DO type it out? See above: around as much as the in-game subtitles would. I personally like to type it out more strongly when Wainwright is tired, and weakly when he’s pissed, but to each their own.
DO NOT ignore the fact that he’s disabled.
Yes I am saying this again. He’s half blind, and it affects him greatly. And it doesn’t look like it can be replaced with an artificial one - though if it could, I doubt he’d want it at this point.
Also he’s old. He’s probably got them creaky joints.
Putting Them Together
General Feel
They’re in love. They’re so painfully, and deeply, and sweetly in love.
They met on a hunting expedition which Monty arranged (and then it bit him in the ass a little LMAO), and it kinda went from there.
Their relationship is already long-term by BL3, based on trust and communication. They are comfortable with one another, willing to be vulnerable. Opening each other up, seeing both the good and the bad, and accepting all of it.
Their loyalty towards one another is unquestionable. If one ordered the other to kill, the other would most likely not hesitate. Speaking of violence, their fighting styles are directly opposite to one another, but would actually synergize really well together.
Of course, they bicker, like any old married couple does. But it’s all in good fun. If they have genuine disagreements, they talk them out like actual fucking adults, and either try to compromise or concede to the other temporarily. There’s no “power dynamic” bullshit involved here (outside of a sexual context, which is not something I will cover here), just two equals.
They’re very different - and both have their insecurities about this, which are explored in GL&T. But in the end, they love each other just as they are.
While the only things we canonically know they find attractive in one another are their accents and facial hair, I think a major point is the other’s personality, mind, outlook on existence. They both appreciate the world and affirm life, but in different ways: Alistair with his zest and energy, Wainwright with his calmness and slow enjoyment. In my friend’s words, they’re each other’s bitches who they pulled by being autistic. (And they definitely find each other hot and badass, let’s be real here.)
Their relationship has genuinely improved their lives, from what we can see: Wainwright gained the courage to stand up to his father, Alistair started being more expressive with their emotions. Doubtlessly this extends to other areas of their lives: Alistair being provided a place to rest from his adventures, Wainwright being dragged out from his home and experiencing the wonders of the world. They even hyphenated eachother’s surnames.
And, of course, Wainwright definitely uses some of his vast wealth to spoil his husband to bits. It’s what he deserves, really.
They say nobody’s funnier than queers, and they also say nobody’s funnier than disabled people. Well these two are both of those, and they crack jokes a lot! Not like your average Borderlands character, no - their domain is actually somewhat funny (in an old person way) dry one liners and silly quips.
Dynamics and Such
Wainwright as a sort of “dame (or rather, gentleman) of the heart”, a source of strength for Alistair, his meaning, which shelters him from fear. (“Give me strength, Winny. All I do, I do for you.”)
Alistair searching for something all his life, Wainwright waiting for something all his life. Obviously, this something is love.
Mutual admiration, almost worshipful reverence towards one another.
Silly little old men sitting on their silly little porch. Together. Gayly perhaps.
Culture shock. They come from two very different environments, and have very different tastes.
Generally just. Opposites attract. That is the core of their dynamic and one should keep that in mind.
Associations, Symbols, Motifs, Etc.
This section is subjective.
Juxtapositions of any kind, stark contrasts
Eclipses, stars
Things that should be complete opposites but actually strengthen one another: salted caramel, alloys of various metals, etc.
“Light” drugs: coffee, tea, tobacco, alcohol. As well as different ways of enjoying them
Suits and other finery
GUNS (again)
Nature, the world, seasons, flora AND fauna
Swordfighting, dueling, consensual & safe sparring
Domesticity in general: literally sleeping together, cooking, tidying the house
Burials, graveyards, memory
Hygiene, care; hair washing and cutting, shaving, bathing; wound mending
Old timey homosexual symbols: green carnations and lavender, outdated terms (even reclaimed slurs), aspects of kink, etc.
What NOT to do
DO NOT apply heteronormative dynamics to them.
No, Alistair is not feminine just because he’s nice or bottoms or whatever the fuck else. He’s not feminine at all, actually.
Speaking of which, I promised not to be too sexual here, but I NEED TO TALK ABOUT THIS - the top/bottom dichotomy seen in fandom is unrealistic. In general, but especially in this case. Not only does one’s sexual position indicate nothing about personality - position switching is actually an important part of a long term established relationship. So, avoid that shit like wildfire.
They’re both masculine, in the sense a fine gentleman is. Just because that masculinity is “dated” to our modern eyes doesn’t make it any less masculine. Fuck off.
DO NOT tag them if they’re a 5 second cameo. Or if they don’t even appear in the work yet.
Look, I get it. And if you’re reading this guide, you’re probably not the kind of person that would do that. But also, I am not in the Sir Hammerlock (Borderlands) tag to see your perpetually unfinished rewrite fic. Or to see your random ass ship fic that has jack shit to do with them.
“But what else do I use?!” MINOR OR BACKGROUND CHARACTER(S).
It’s fine if you have their wedding or the estate as the setting somehow. But if that’s the case, I hope they’re a BIT more than a 5 second cameo. They’re the hosts for fucks sake.
Sorry if I sound mad about this. It’s because I am.
Additional Resources
Onelook Thesaurus: my online thesaurus of choice. It also searches for synonyms, phrases, and words you can explain but don’t actually remember.
old men yaoi.zip: A .zip file of EVERY BL3 line of these two’s I could find that is not tied to a main quest, sidequest, or ECHO log in convenient .wav form. Ripped straight from the game. VERY useful, as “idle lines” often contain great trivia, but fishing for them in-game is a pain in the ass.
locres14.txt: The BL3 subtitle file, also directly ripped from the game. Incredibly large and not particularly helpful in of itself, but if you open it in Notepad++ for instance and use the search function you can find some good stuff. Particularly useful for writing dialogue, obviously.
Thank you for reading this! I hope this will help at least one person write these two a little bit better. They’re my favorite characters in the entire series, and it saddens me to see they get barely any fancontent outside of what I make. (My fics constitute 31% of their AO3 tag, for fucks sake!)
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cthoniccompanion · 5 months
hades 2 day 3
I HAVE MADE IT TO SCYLLA AND THE SIRENS! They wiped the floor with me but omg what a hilarious boss
As a result of making it to scylla I HAVE ALSO MADE IT TO CHRONOS'S TIME TRAP! I'm a little scared of the implications of him being able to throw you through time and space ngl. I figured something of the sort would happen but I wasn't sure how they would gameify it. Whatever peepaw I'm still coming for your ass
THEY TWUNKED HERMES. I've missed him
I have a theory about who chronos got his hands on to give him the advantage on the surface but I'm not voicing it until I get more evidence
Remember how I said Artemis was our thanatos? Nemesis is the anti-thanatos. Actively sabotaging my efforts while I'm able to easily win her contests and STEALING MY PRIZES (she stole a Centaur heart from me and I'm still mad about it)
Also speaking of Nemesis, do I detect a small soft spot of hers for hypnos? That's very sweet if it's true
Hestia + hephaestus are carrying me. Their boons stacking on my special attacks are so far the biggest advantage I've managed to get. That and Selene's moon water 🌚
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nani-nonny · 6 months
If you could assign each of your peepaws to a video game character, who would each of them be?
this is harder than I thought lol I play silly, comfort games that don’t have characters like my peepaws hehe
DMD: The Last Of Us - Joel
Reunion: hmm… Hades - Hermes
LCD: (this one might be a stretch because I haven’t played it but from what I can sparse) Ghost of Tsushima - Jin Sakai
WDS: (this one is tough lol) Super Mario - Bowser /j idk I can’t think of one for him hehe
(A)PAF: The Walking Dead (Game) - Lee Everett (if my memory serves me right, I can’t remember well at the moment lol)
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mobblespsycho100 · 2 months
it is pretty funny that hermes is odysseus' great grandpa ... peepaw hermes ...
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missingvtf · 3 years
Oh! Ohhhh! The other three have names! I would love to know more about Machine and Ares too. Like why is Machine’s tie blue?
Ares.. Ares my beloved!!!
The first hireling, the dumbass that falls in muder room trap doors a lot....
He's just a dude!! He's an ex-Nexus agent, he wears the balaclava so no one would recognize him. He's got an adopted older brother, Hermes, who he didn't see for a couple of years because of work. (Hermes thought he died). He also has memory issues so when they reunited Ares was clueless. Also Ares acts like the older sibling between them
Also Ares remembers some stuff from past imprints (Totally not Collector and Messenger's doing, haha, totally not. It totally is). He dreams about the memories, so he's a bit used to 08 suddenly disappearing after the Nexus facility mission.
Aaand Machine!!! He's a cyber bandit that escaped. Also it's why he's blue :]
He's also like..the dad of the gang™. He's also the tallest + he's old!!!! Peepaw!!!! Also he's friends with 2BDamned because they once met in a yoga class once, also he hangs out in the main lobby (or as I like to call it, the laptop room) a lot.
He sometimes can't go on missions every once in a while due to maintenance shit, 08 doesn't mind since he knows he's gotta bring someone else too. That's about it but he's very protective of the gang™ and he'll rip someone's face off if needed. He's stoic but he's a bit sarcastic sometimes, Gamma's influenced him a little bit.
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