#peep the horror ;; misc ic
spkyscry · 13 days
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"...they'll be fine." Rhok'zan assured herself as she sat on the edge of her bed, wincing gently at the loud shriek she heard outside from Estir.
They couldn't actually get hurt, given the majority of her spawn weren't true gods. At worst the both of them would just feel some mild discomfort for a spell. Right, yeah, things will be fine.
That's at least what the Great Old One told herself as she crawled under the sheets and slipped on her eye mask. It would only be a few hours, after all, surely nothing that disastrous could go wrong while she was asleep.
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spkyscry-a · 2 years
Does Modeus watch The Cov--
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“Joy’s many adrenaline-filled, bloody scraps that sometimes lead to passionate interactions are very engaging.” Yes, she watches. Religiously. She even owns the comics, specials, spin-offs, etc.. “I especially enjoyed Salomé.” Of course you do.
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spkyscry · 14 days
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"Oh, you two are so sweet for taking care of your dear Gram-Gram's kids." It's said as fingers go to pinch a cheek of either of their faces, Ln'eta and Estir ceasing their glaring at one another. Only to lightheartedly give her arms a good few defiant pats so she'd release them, anyways, but at least they weren't paying attention to one another now.
"So, you have everything you need to handle them for the night? I should only be asleep for a few 'hours', as it were."
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"Mhm! We've got all their favorite foods (even if some of this isn't food), I brought games and even some movies if they want entertainment!" Ln'eta affirmed, clearly sure that spawnsitting will go off without a hitch.
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"Handling a swarm of brats is my specialty, after all!" Estir replied, getting somewhat in front of Ln'eta. Much to her sister's chagrin. "You don't have to worry about anything while I'm here."
The bickering between the two came fast and as expected, making Rhok'zan sigh as she rubbed at her temple. These two were nearly inseparable when they were growing up, but now putting them in the same room starts a fit. Rhok'zan wanted to complain, though she does have vague memories of her and Nyanlathotep having their hostile moments when they were younger, too. (Granted, they'd sunk a whole nation when they argued, but that's besides the point).
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"Well, if you're sure you two can handle this. You'll have to work together, or you're liable to have some issues." Rhok'zan reaffirmed, pulling a bound scroll from her bosom to pass off to Estir.
The golden girl blinked her one prominent eye, beginning to unfurl the list of instructions. Watching as rotating the bejeweled center simply found more and more parchment to fall lower. So much so Ln'eta had to reach around her sister's puffy dress to procure it before it can reach the forest ground. Helping keep it off the ground as it only seemed to grow and grow.
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"These, uh, these are a lot..." The priestess murmured, Ln'eta glancing down as the parchment inevitably touched the ground and continued spilling outward despite her efforts.
"Oh, not really. A lot of them are just the expected. Don't let them spill out into the material realm, nor the library realm, as they get fussy when anything there ends up with teeth marks." Rhok'zan explained, her ever-present smile shifting somewhat as she felt the shadows in the trees around their glade grew more solid.
"It should be manageable," Estir murmured, sounding far less sure of herself suddenly. "Ah, how many of your spawn are we sitting for tonight, anyways?"
"Oh, all of them." Rhok'zan stated, matter-of-fact.
The way both of them froze brought her attention back to the two, blinking as they both seemed pale (which for the both of them was an accomplishment). The two grandchildren glanced to one another again, some unspoken prayer to nothing in particular being exchanged before their attention returned to Rhok'zan.
"All of them all of them?" Ln'eta asked, sounding hopeful that Rhok'zan had just misspoken.
"Well, besides the ones old enough to take care of themself," Rhok'zan affirmed. "I'm not going to make you sit for ones that can take care of themselves, after all."
It didn't seem to calm them down too much, which certainly surprised the Great Old One.
"What about Amontillado?" Estir brought up, hopeful. "Surely she can take care of some of the spawn tonight, no?"
"No," Rhok'zan replied. "She has some sort of... 'tournament' happening in one of her silly videogames, but she had scheduled this months in advance, so I wasn't going to pry her away."
Rhok'zan watched the glitzy girl deflate, all four eyes rolling before she could stop herself.
"Besides, the walls here are rather thin. She'd barely be able to do much without falling through and disappearing again," she said, waving a hand in dismissal of the whole idea. "I don't particularly want my home cursed by one of you pulling her out." A beat. "I don't actually think you two can, even, and I don't want to find out either way."
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"I still have a few hours to help you acclimate," Rhok'zan assured, giving them both a good pat on the shoulder. "So why don't you get introduced to all your siblings, hm?"
The question would be left unanswered, as Estir let out a quiet shriek as the shadows themselves seemed to grasp one of her tentacles beneath her dress, tugging with such force it brought her falling forward. The cursing at getting her dress dirty interrupted all the more as sharp teeth glinting in the many moons' light had sunk into the fleshy gold of her tentacle; pulling her into the dark of the woods with a scream of surprise.
Ln'eta watched all the while, barely suppressing her amusement, before large talons grasped onto her shoulders and she let out a curse in the native tongue just before she was swept up airborne and screaming herself at the dark spawn carrying her off.
"Ah, I believe it's playtime, then." Rhok'zan mused, watching the two be carried off away from the idyllic home in the glade and rather into the dark forest.
Well, this will be an eventful few hours before the party...
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spkyscry · 18 days
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"Darling Lne'ta, dear," came Rhok'zan's voice, knocking on the pink door to her grandchild's room (but pointedly not respecting the boundary enough to hold off entering). "May I ask you something?"
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"Oh, um, of course, Gram-Gram!" Ln'eta quickly replied, setting her portable game console aside and looking at the elder goddess quizzically. It wasn't every day she was visited for questioning, after all.
"What, ah, does 'serving' mean? I thought I knew, but I believe modern lingo has changed the definition." She asked, pausing when the priestess covered her tentacles in shock. "Would it help if I put it in the same general term as 'cunty'?"
Ln'eta let out some horrific noise between a paper shredder jamming and a pencil sharpener bursting, the tentacles adorning her face all pointedly curling in what can only be awkward shame.
"I, ah, wh-where did you hear..?" Ln'eta began, before hands immediately raised. "Don't tell me, nope, don't wanna know it."
Lne'ta's face was pointedly extremely bright, hands waving to dissuade any form of further explanation from her favorite Grandmother.
"Wh-Why don't you ask Estir?" Ln'eta asked, hoping to avoid this entire conversation. "She's much more active than I am, after all! I'm sure she knows modern lingo loads better."
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"I feel like you're trying to get rid of me..." Rhok'zan surmised, hands on her hips as her displeasure was clearly shown. "Fine, I'll see if your sister is more cooperative about helping her family out."
With an indignant huff, the goat turned on hoofed heel to make her way across the infinite void to find wherever Estir's planet was hiding this time. Someone had to tell her, after all.
"O' y-vulgt-da..." Ln'eta murmured, a flick of finger shutting the door behind Rhok'zan. It felt like a few millennia just got cut out of her immortal life...
On the plus side? Now it's Estir's problem! She absolutely loved it when that happened. More time for her to try and beat her latest game, too!
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spkyscry-a · 2 years
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It was that time of the year... his most dreaded enemy... No Nut November... With a heavy heart, the werewolf sets down a banana nut muffin, clenching his fist in defeat. 
...yeah, he doesn’t actually know what this month is about, but he has the spirit.
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spkyscry-a · 2 years
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“Okay, so we have a damage-oriented spellcaster (hi hello), an eldritch tank/dps knight, a tanky rogue, and.. a bard? I think Oz is a bard...”
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“...Do we have any healing...?” Oh they might wanna bring a lot of food.
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spkyscry-a · 2 years
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Perishing on the quest for monster titty....................
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spkyscry-a · 2 years
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��Road trip!” He’s carrying supplies with ease, looking absolutely elated about the concept of spending so much time with his friends. Not even for nefarious prank reasons, Scott is just pumped! Sure, he might commit some pranks if it comes to it, but having so many cities and locations, it’s more likely that people will thankfully be spared as the masses take the brunt of the pranking. 
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spkyscry-a · 2 years
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spkyscry-a · 2 years
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“The worst part is when they rotate shifts when you’re heading out and a small army of mice climb into your car chanting for burgers...” Admittedly, Vera always relents. 
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spkyscry-a · 2 years
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“...Sure is Friday.” Polly, we aren’t doing that again. Do not even attempt to start what the other Polly did last week.
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spkyscry-a · 2 years
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.............She’s not looking for her own clothes, by the way. Someone earned those, she’ll just slip her jeans back on, barely fixed up, and figure out breakfast.
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spkyscry-a · 2 years
Holy shit... wow, damn, girl is getting it... Good for her, good for her.
Find out if Joy will continue getting it (damn how is she so flexible, I guess that’s a perk of all that questing)-- 
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SECONDLY, ALL YOU DID WAS SWAP THE FONTS! IT’S STILL NOT EVEN FUCKIN’ CENTERED! WE’VE HAD SO MANY SEASONS, WHY AREN’T WE JUST USING LAST SEASON’S END CARD?!” The person that did the previous end cards quit and their contract stipulated we couldn’t use their work if/when they left. “WHY DID WE SIGN OFF ON THAT?!” I don’t know, I’m just the narrator-- “NOT ANYMORE YOU’RE NOT! I DID OTHER THINGS TODAY! LIKE ACTUALLY STARTED A RELATIONSHIP WITH OZ! AND UH! WOKE UP!” Mhm...
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spkyscry-a · 2 years
Will Joy reciprocate Oz’s feelings?
Who is this mysterious man paying JoJo Joy a visit?
Can Miranda comprehend poor people?
All this and more 
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“...we need to work on the end card, guys. The fonts? Awful-- IT’S NOT EVEN CENTERED, C’MON! WE’VE HAD HOW MANY SEASONS?!”
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spkyscry-a · 2 years
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spkyscry-a · 2 years
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“...Is it over...? Has she finally sto--”
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“Awake ye scary Great Olde Ones, let everything dismay!~”
An UNHOLY noise escapes Estir at the realization Ln’eta had merely CHANGED the song she was singing.
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