#pee challenge
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tanyapiankova12 · 1 year ago
The Ultimate try not to pee dice challenge!
Rules: role a dice and match up the number to the category. Then in that category role again and find out what you have to do. You can end the game when you get told to do so or by simply wetting yourself. There is a punishment for peeing and leaking (for which you will role too). BTW the category worsen is basically really hard challenges or new rules. I’d recommend reading first then trying. You will need water and probably a timer!
Relieve pressure
Drink 1 cup of water
Drink 1/2 cup of water
Unlucky! Drink 3 cups of water
Drink 2 cups of water
Drink a diuretic (tea, coffee, soda)
Drink a diuretic and a cup of water
Wait 5 min
Wait 10 min
Wait 5 min completely still, no moving even if you start peeing (you’ll have to stop the stream by yourself teehee)
Wait 20 min
Wait 30 min
Wait 40 min
Do 30 jumping jacks
Do 15 squats
Squat for 1 min
Jump in place 40 times
Stretch and spread your legs for 30 seconds
Do 10 sit-ups
Listen to water sounds for 3 minutes
Sit on the toilet fully clothed for 2 minutes
Press on your bladder for 30 seconds
Stand still for 4 minutes
Run warm water over your hands for 2 minutes
Put on tighter clothes or take off all of your clothes altogether.
You can no longer cross your legs or hold your crotch.
You have to put on tighter clothes or just layer them
Put a piece of ice on your bladder, don’t continue until it melts
Listen to running water sounds for the rest of the challenge.
Between rounds, drink 1 glass of water.
No potty dancing!
Release for 10 seconds in the toilet. If you go over, you have to drink 1 glass of water.
Release for 15 seconds in your pants. If you go over, you have to wait 10 min.
Put on short shorts or a short skirt and leak for as long as you like, but if the stream touches the ground, you have to do this challenge until you completely lose control.
Get a bottle cap and pee in it. If you overflow, drink a glass of water
Instead of relieving the horrible pressure like the others, listen to water sounds for 2 minutes.
Pee! Or not. If you want to keep going with the challenge, then skip this and roll again. You can pee right now in your pants, or run as fast as you can to the toilet. You’re freeeee!
Tape your undies to you (you can’t take them off for the rest of the challenge)
Double the water and waiting time.
Half the water and waiting time.
Go to pee.
Drink 1 glass of water.
Stay in your clothes for an hour.
Try this challenge again or with a a friend
You can’t use the toilet to pee for 2 days. You have to pee yourself. You can go in public and stuff, but you can’t pee in the toilet. It has to be an accident too, like you have to hold it till your breaking point.
You can only pee when you start leaking for 2 days. You have to hold it till you basically start having an accident. You have to relax and start peeing your pants, then without stopping the stream pee in the toilet for 15 seconds. After 15 seconds finish in your pants. If the stream stops before you can take off your pants, start over.
Try not to pee for a day. Just straight up not pee. Hold it until you just burst.
Nothing you’re lucky.
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chrissyroseomo · 3 months ago
I found the perfect omorashi party game on Amazon 😯 Just imagining an omo party, we play this game, no one’s allowed to pee. It has me feeling a certain way 😏 Oh what I’d give to have some in person friends to play with.
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omofanaparently · 8 months ago
Omorashi Dungeon Experience...
Ah... I lost after I was squirming so much as if I had ants in my ass... It's humiliating :( (I lost but not before leaking enough to make my shorts look like a swimsuit D:)
I still feel my bladder stretched... It was worth it but I think all my energy went along with my pee...
I'd do it again though, it's the first time I've actually had a real accident doing a holding, I feel naughty
If you try again in the future, open updates here even if no one sees them
The chills every time I felt how a little of that liquid escaped from me struggling to get out as if it were a prey about to burst, is something I will not forget, I was potty dancing, with both hands humiliatingly sunk into my crotch, even so the way I did it also ended up touching my bladder, It was amazing, but I almost started whining
I don't know what else to say, I like to talk about my desperation... But I'm sorry to admit when I have to use the bathroom, I don't know why it is, I guess that's good if I get a dom, well it would be good for them, I couldn't dare to ask them permission to go to the bathroom and I'd just squirm... Ha... It's worth dreaming..
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omostuff490 · 8 months ago
Peegasm Achievement:
I finally did it. I had a peegasm. Here's what I did: I made myself listen to pee sounds the entire time, made myself drink a whole bottle of water, waited 20 minutes, peed into a shot glass then stopped, rinse and repeat 3 times. Then I lowered it to 15 minutes (and ended up completely wetting myself, so I didn't let myself pee in the shot glass afterwards), lowered it to 10 minutes, drank another bottle, lowered it to 5 minutes, drank another bottle then finally let myself jack off. And when I came, I squirted a bunch into two pairs of underwear over the same two towels I had been using under me the whole time and miraculously didn't get the bed wet! So if you're into piss play, here's my challenge for you. If you actually do try it after reading this post, feel free to write about your experience in the comments or reblogs or my inbox :3
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omocatboy · 10 months ago
i kinda wanna,, not be holding anymore because i’m just not really feelin it but i still wanna piss myself bc i’m insane
does anyone have challenges to make me lose control? i’m at like a 5-6/10
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drip-p1ss · 6 months ago
use a catheter on me. fill me up before going to sleep, water, soda and of course a lot of tea. in the morning I'm desperate, pleading for my morning release, but you don't let me go. I'm squirming, even standing is really painful. I think it's finally over when you come to me at my catheter, but you just attach a funnel and fill me up with your piss. at this point my bladder is unbearably stretched, it just hurts. I beg you to let me pee but you have other plans. you dress me in a slutty outfit, short crop top with no bras and a tiny skirt without panties.
"we're going to the grocery store" you say. and that's it, my begs are usless.
every step is painful, my legs can barely hold me but fortunately the store is near. we go through the aisles, you order me to bend to take some stuff, just to see my ass, my bare pussy showing off and whimper escaping from my lips. it hurts so much, I need to empty my bladder. we wait in line for payment, luckly an old woman allow us to pass.
"you should go first since you're pregnant, such a lovely couple" she said, pointing towards my bulging belly. I can barely smile, the bladder is so full and stretched, you smirk. "you're so kind ma'am, wanna feel the baby?" so you guide her hand to my belly, prodding and squishing it, I just wanna cry. the old woman starts touching it too.
"please..." I manage to whimper. "oh poor girl, you must be so sensitive, you might need a massage" said the woman, starting touching harder to help but just getting me more desperate. you chuckle, seeing how the ma'am was unknowingly torturing me.
"thanks for the advice, I'll treat her at home" you smirk. after paying and getting back I start begging you. on the floor of the house I'm just a whimpering mess.
"don't worry, I got you" you said, just for you to turn me over, my bladder pressing on the floor in a hurtful way and your cock sliding into my tight cunt.
"please so full... to full..." I can only whimper, my bladder stretched to unbearable limits. you continue pounding into me, while I cry until you cum and cum again. my pussy abused, overstimulated and red, your cum filling me even more. you let out some other sprout of piss, just to plug it in me and leave me on the floor like this, a whimpering and crying mess, full, hurt and bruised, with my belly stretched out and bulging a lot. piss and cum filling me up.
"get up, you have my bath to run" you order. it will be a long day and I can already barely crawl without crying in pain.
pretty please??? (MDNI)
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tanyapiankova12 · 9 months ago
If you see this post, and you have to use the bathroom or you just used the bathroom, drink water! Oh you gotta go? Well you can hold it.
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girliism · 3 months ago
dilf!art who’s controversial young girlfriend turned to controversial young wife then to a controversial young mom. its wasn’t something that was planned, having a baby. you knew art had always wanted many kids, but you guys had never formally talked about it beyond lust filled dirty talk where you begged him to bred you. you don’t think you’ve ever felt happier than when you were staring at those two pink lines on the test. art was beyond ecstatic. you guys told only immediate family and was met with congratulations. lily was over the moon at becoming a big sister, the weeks she spent at yours and arts home she always wanted to know how the baby was, how big was it now, if they could hear her talking. your pregnancy was a well kept secret from the public for awhile until paparazzi caught you and art coming out of a hospital visit and suddenly everyone knew. think pieces about your relationship started up again but you didn’t care, you never cared not even at the start of your guys relationship. art on the hand cared, he cared a lot. one night when he couldn’t sleep and no amount of jumping jacks would tire him out he decided to get on his phone and doomscroll. he read every article about the two of you, looked through every twitter thread. people were either calling him creep who baby trapped and stole your youth or they said you baby trapped him and were a gold digger. he knew to stay away from reddit and went to straight to tiktok watching a video on some girl doing a timeline of your relationship. you were twenty-two when they started dated, he was…..older. dated only a year before art popped the question and now you were pregnant. shit, had he trapped you? should you be in the club right now? art has always been effected by what people say about him online, tashi would constantly have to pry him away from reading all the negative comments. he tried to ignore them but it’s hard when the entire internet thinks you’re a perv. you could see it getting to art, he turned the comments on his instagram off and you limited yours. you told him not to worry about what other people think, that he shouldn’t let strangers on the internet ruin this moment. you loved art and you loved being mrs.dondaldson and the family you were building together. the rest of pregnancy was went perfectly. towards the end the baby was getting restless and seemed to move around more and more whenever art was in the room as if they could just tell my his footsteps and breathing that he was near. your water ended up breaking in the middle of the night and it was a frantic rush to the hospital where after many hours of labor you daughter was born.
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omofanaparently · 8 months ago
In the end I decided to play omorashi dungeon... I'm embarrassed how quickly I started leaking, but... The game isn't over yet for me! No matter how much I squirm or how wet I am D:
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gentleconviction · 8 months ago
if u see this ur not allowed to use the bathroom for three hours <3 you can hold it!!!
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nikowh0rex · 1 month ago
oh having someone tie me up and force me to drink over my limit denying me the relief, mocking me when i keep begging unable to hold myself due to the restraints
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drip-p1ss · 6 months ago
Notes Game - Bladder Torture
notes game to make my bladder stretched to its limits. no cum, just edge and hold like the stupid dumb slut I am (MDNI) wanna help? reblogs, like and comments (any time you want), make me suffer like the useless whore I am
every 1 note is 1 minute to add to my holding
every 5 notes are 100 ml I have to drink
every 10 notes I press on my bladder for 5 seconds
every 50 notes I press my bladder on a counter for 10 sec and release for 5, 3 times
every 70 notes 10 squats
100 notes: after 1 hour I can't hold with my hands or cross my leg anymore
~ after 100 notes:
every 10 notes is a slap on my full bladder
every 20 notes a slap on my open spread pussy
every 40 notes lie on my belly with something under it for 5 min
200 notes: do a workout with full bladder, leaking is not an excuse to stop
220 notes: melt an ice cube in my cunt with panties on, can't remove them (fake pee)
250 notes: body write with humiliating words while sitting on the toilet
+++ I accept tasks, challenges, punishments in the comments/asks
~ punishment
drink a glass of water + add 10 min + fake pee
wetting / accident
drink 4 glass of water + add 30 min + lay on belly with a small ball on bladder for 10 min
will close on september 11th
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tanyapiankova12 · 9 months ago
Simple pee challenge!
Don’t use the bathroom. IDC if you have to. Then drink some water. 500ml should do. Now play running water sounds on full volume for 2 hours. Lie completely still. Drink more water every 10 minutes. Again IDC how much but you have to drink 250ml each hour. Chug all in one sitting or increase pressure gradually doesn’t matter. After you’re done with the 2 hours, the fun part begins. Put some kind of small plastic container next to you. Pee in it as much as you want without spilling a drop. If you overflow, you have to wait 5 minutes before continuing. When it fills, go wash it thoroughly with warm water and soap. Wash it for 1 minute! Repeat!
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potatomaster760 · 2 months ago
Where are you going? The bathroom? You're not allowed to go there! :3
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omofanaparently · 8 months ago
First time I dare to make a holding challenge, if there is someone who is going to read this, say some challenges and punishments~
I already have enough water and soda, and I forbade myself to leave my room all night
Wish me luck :D or not, whatever you prefer
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