#peak's incoherent rambling
peakdeer · 1 year
can we talk about home. not the word, not the place.
do you know what it means to say that?
do you know what it is when home is not a word or a place, but a feeling? And when those words or places are meant to bring about that feeling—but they come up short?
do you know all those books and stories and shows where the hero made it so far and fought so hard, and in the end found that one special feeling that we cannot describe as anything other than home?
do you know—do you remember—what it feels like to say I want to go home without referring to anything at all, except that special sense of something that you wish you had?
have you ever said I want to go home in the midst of your house and your family, yet still referring to that something else?
do you remember wondering what home was, because you wanted it yet never really experienced it?
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townofcrosshollow · 3 months
I absolutely love media that's just unapologetically a reinterpretation of Twin Peaks. Laura Palmer is such an incredible character that she doesn't just haunt the narrative, she haunts hundreds of other narratives
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thinking about my Tokyo Ghoul au I made for Danganronpa. It was meant to be kind of its own thing, not necessarily doing THH and not necessarily copying the plot beats of Tokyo Ghoul. Either way Makoto takes Kaneki’s place kind of, mainly bc when I read the opening I could not stop thinking about what supernaturally bad luck Kaneki had. And the way Kaneki ended up being the “bridge between two worlds” and represented justice and a means to an end for BOTH sides at different points gave me ‘Ultimate Hope’ vibes. At the same time Kaneki could EASILY be replaced with Hajime due to the conspiracy that Kaneki’s accident was done on purpose to basically experiment on someone to see if they could create the hope they needed. Only reason I didn’t jump to it is bc back then I was sticking Makoto in any scenario I wanted AND there’s another Tokyo Ghoul character that fits Hajime’s story. Anyway. I wanted to toy with the idea of someone who values life and helping others so deeply as Makoto being forced to do horrible things or else lose himself entirely. Becoming something you feared and only viewed as a monster until they revealed themselves to be people, but still horrified to find yourself in the middle. I think Makoto would have a unique reaction and I think he’d lean much more towards self sacrifice and helping try to get both sides to see each other’s humanity much faster than Kaneki did or Hajime would. But he’d also be ashamed and scared of what he’d become and desperate not to hurt anyone, which would be a disaster in the making as the longer a Ghoul goes without eating a person, the more beast like and unhinged they become. It’s not ALL that much different from a vampire au save the fact that there’s no option to just. get a little blood from a living person and leave them just slightly woozy or raid blood bags from donations. You HAVE to seriously injure someone or outright kill them to live, which is what separates the two.
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xueyangmybeloved · 2 years
I cannot get over how much SQ dislikes YWS
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hyperfixatedbastard · 4 months
Hi i hope you doing well. I have a resquest... more like a headcanon. What if Adam was a dad ? What his behaviour will be ? Does he be a good or a bad father ?
I understand if you don't do it. I don't want to force you for something you don't want to.
Dadam (Dad!Adam) Headcanons
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we bringing out the daddy issues on this one boys
A/N: I haven't done a headcanon type of post yet, but they're easier to write than regular one shots and I'm too tired for that shit. The request didn't specify what kind of Reader (spouse or child), so I just went with general headcanons that don't specify the Reader at all. Insert yourself as you wish!
Also, thank you all for your patience! It's been very busy for me lately and I've been too exhausted to write much, so expect a lot more of these kinds of posts (the formatting is easier and I don't have to write a bunch of dialogue lol).
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As the father of humanity, Adam had...a lot of kids. The guy lived for 800+ years just populating the earth. That's a LOT of kids. We all know how the first two turned out. That is, not fuckin' well. To be honest, I don't think Adam valued his children. It was just kinda... a thing he had to do. (When Abel died and Cain got exiled, he fr just went and had another kid to replace them.) But I am in deep, deep denial and this is for my enjoyment as someone with severe daddy issues. So fuck all that.
At first, Adam is 100% the guy that freaks the fuck out when he finds out he knocked someone up. That man is SWEATING. He's actually pretty chill if it's someone he's in an established long-term relationship with, though. He still freaks the fuck out, but to a significantly lesser degree and with a much smaller chance of up and leaving. Once he's over the initial shock, he's shocked to find that he's kind of excited. Back when he was alive, having kids was just normal because it was such a common occurrence.
This man knows every little detail about pregnancy and infants. With the amount of kids he's had? He has seen it ALL. Sure, all his information is thousands of years old, but knowledge learned through experience is super valuable when it comes to this shit! He doesn't know what the fuck a uterus is, but he knows exactly how to make his partner the most comfortable, how to deal with cravings, etc. If his partner has a problem, he's got a solution. It might be a fuckin' weird one, but it works! He'll probably grumble and complain, but he doesn't actually mean it. Bitching is just his thing, y'know? But... pregnancy hormones + Adam's douchebag-ness = feelings getting hurt. If his partner starts crying because of some shit joke or complaint he made? He's scrambling so fast. "Shit, babe, fuck, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, fuckfuckfuck, don't cry—"
Once the baby is born, he definitely surprises literally everyone but his partner by actually doing helpful shit. Changing diapers? Easy fuckin' peasy (he does watch a tutorial online because he doesn't know how tf modern diapers work but he's a fast learner) Feeding? No problemo. Getting up in the middle of the night to do both of those things? His sleep schedule's already fucked, this shit ain't new.
When it comes to parenting and raising the kid, though... that's definitely where Adam struggles. He'd struggle with bonding. A lot. Adam mostly talks about things that you really shouldn't say around children, much less bond over. I think he'd be better at just letting the kid ramble while he's just sitting there, fully engrossed in whatever bullshit his child is saying. He's not just passively listening with little 'uh-huh's and nods, this man is active in the discussion. Have you ever heard a small child speak? They say the most random shit ever, and Adam would love it. It's peak entertainment to him. Even if it's just incoherent babbling, he'll have full-on conversations with this baby.
He'd definitely have some shared interests as the kid gets older. I think Adam's favorite shows/movies are a mix of action movies and shit like Power Rangers. He's not ashamed of it either—'fuck you, the Power Rangers are fuckin' cool.' This also goes for video games. I know that man is a toxic COD gamer boy and you can't prove me wrong. Basically, the only thing that keeps him from becoming one of those husbands that locks himself away in a man cave to play video games is the fact that he can game with his kid.
And once they get into school, he just gets really invested in the drama. Elementary school drama is such bullshit, and it'd be the best reality TV he's ever seen. "Oh, don't tell me—it's that bitch Cindy. The fuck did that little shit do this time?" He'd be gasping like it's a damn soap opera. 'Oh no she didn't!' kinda vibe.
He'd talk so much shit around his kid about the parents of their classmates, the teachers, anyone. Then the kid would repeat it and Adam would get sat down in the office with his kid like: "Your child said, and I quote, 'My dad says your mom's a bitch.'" "What? She fuckin' is." And yeah, he's not wrong - some of those parents are fucking nightmares.
If his kid got in trouble for fighting, his reaction would depend on the situation. If it was unprovoked and/or a part of bullying, he'd originally laugh it off but would be freaking the fuck out internally. He's probably a little traumatized by what happened with Cain and Abel. But if the fighting was an act of defense (whether of themselves or someone else) he would be the proudest dad ever. Fist-bumps his kid in the office in full view of the principal.
You cannot trust this man to give his kid the sex talk. It just will not go well. Like, if his kid needs advice when they're older (basically anything beyond 'where do babies come from') then he's your guy, but it's still gonna be awkward and uncomfortable. He'd probably have Lute handle most of those issues just so he doesn't have to know about his kid's sex life but can still trust that they have a responsible(?) adult if they have questions.
In terms of where Adam is lacking as a parent, there's a few areas in particular to focus on.
Emotional availability? Not his strong suit. At all. He can't deal with his own feelings, let alone his kid's. Most of the emotional support will be coming from his partner. That doesn't mean he doesn't try. But he can't show it with words all that well. He'll show emotional support in other ways—quality time, gifts, and acts of service for the most part. Like going out for ice cream, watching a movie, etc.
He's not good with discipline. To him, everything's no big deal. If his kid hasn't killed their sibling, that's good enough for him! Generally, his partner will choose when/how to discipline (with Adam's input ofc), but Adam's job is to just enforce it/not overrule it. He's 100% the type to be sneaky about it tho. If his kid is grounded, he'll go out with them to give them a break from being stuck in the house, y'know, stuff like that. Because of this, his kid forms a closer, different kind of bond than with Adam's partner. It's more friendly, I guess is the word? Like, his kid won't go to him for actual helpful advice, but if they fuck up somehow or are in a bad situation that they kinda got themselves into (drinking, car accident, etc.), then Adam is the parent they call.
I think Adam's peak parenting era would be when his kid is a late teen/young adult. 'Cause then he can actually be himself, for the most part. His personality is not very kid-friendly, so once his kid isn't really much of a kid anymore—he is so fucking excited. His relationship with his kid would be a lot more unconventional as they grow older. Like, he's really close with his kid once they're an adult. (totally not basing this off my relationship with my mom) His advice would be shit, but he'd give it if his kid needed it!
Definitely the type to text his kid more often than most parents. Mostly because he texts more like them and has the same sense of humor. Lots of shitty memes.
Also!! I think Adam would definitely make time for his partner. Date nights are a must. His kid better get comfortable with sleepovers at friends' houses or getting babysat by Emily 'cause he ain't letting parenthood fuck up his sex life.
I think that's all I got. Not sure how to end this so uh... shoutout to all you bitches with daddy issues lmao
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Taglist: @little-miss-chaoss @fakeguysarehot @3sire-777
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zhongrin · 1 month
i finished belobog!!!!!
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(was too immersed in the story and didn't manage to screenshot the 'mission accomplished' screen, but. i finished it!!! wheeee)
more ramblings + screenshots (which means spoilers!) + simping utc
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also, can i just say i love the subtle sfxes in the background on this scene? the book page flipping, the ice clinking and the straw drinking... peak storytelling.
ALSO. ALSO. ALSO. WHAT THE FUCK DUDE. WHAT IS WITH THIS GUY. I KNEW HE WAS FISHY. and it's so interesting to me that the EN words and JP voiceline are so different???
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"shadowy comic relief" in en text -> "仮面を付けたピエロ" in jp voice (pierro wearing a mask)
"time to make my curtain call" in en text -> "サンポの次の舞台を楽しみに" in jp voice (look forward to sampo's next stage/play/performance)
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and lastly
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chubs-deuce · 5 months
Not a huge hazbin shipper but did U see the sneak peak? Charlie and Alastor in her bedroom… him being so comfy on her bed. Context? We dont speak cuz I can’t hear her over my blush
LKJFSDLKJHfL KJH DSLKJ FlkjDSHF klj<ds lkdfsah LKDJH lkdsH LKSD JHkdsjhks dfj g.yx,nv,mcnb öaoweri ht
I might get back to this ask again and add to it with a reblog later when I've calmed tf down, for now you get incoherent and poorly formatted rambling under the cut to underline how hard this threw my brain for a spin just now skdjksdhf
[distressed ape noises]
not even bc of the ship potential of it (tho it was fucking potent I'm ngl) it's more how much he's seemingly working towards proposing a binding deal at last??
my god he's so scary good at manipulation
I am in DISTRESS to try and figure out how that's going to end up going holy FUCK
he's doing it all- the targeted jabs, kicking up some dust to get her mind back to the problem at hand, the way he's consistently only invading her personal space when he has an agenda, how he's offering up a seemingly personal detail about himself to soothe over her accusation of him not caring by neither confirming nor denying yet giving her the illusion of knowing more about him than before-
Like. The smile thing is as much advice as it is a hint about himself, yet also expresses absolutely nothing about what actually *is* going on underneath, it's only a hint about where to look - largely useless when one is as good at hiding their true intentions as he is-
sidenote how dare his spooky bitch ass be so comfortable rolling around her bed??
the trap has been opened wide this whole time, the lure is set; he has vital info that she wants- no, NEEDS, and he's about to deploy it when he has the most amount of leverage with it-
he just has to wait for her to come crawling and for it to snap shut around her
fuckckckckck the way this has me on my toes
This could all be genuine - we wouldn't fucking know! His true intentions are a mystery to us as the audience as of now; neither explicitly good nor bad - will she decline? be desperate enough to take it? Is there going to be an offer at all or is he just going to give the info to her and play the long con game of nurturing trust before striking even harder later???
He has so many aces up his stupid red fucking sleeves rn I'M SCARED, I'm SCREAMING
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gothushi · 2 months
Nothing just Luke Davenport sucking on your tits while rambling that he's gonna kill Stuart for benching him even though he's the one with the sprained ankle and him shoving his fingers your pussy every time you bring up his injury
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“i’m going to fucking kill him.”
this boy is going to kill you. he’s going to be the end of you and it’s inherently stuarts fault.
laid on your back in bed with luke, an arm looped around him and hand tangled in his messy hair, he’s got you trapped. he’s had his mouth on your tits for the last half hour, sucking and drooling all over them, hickies of various size covering them. your nipples are a pretty red color and sensitive to just even the a/c air in the hotel room, slick with drool as he’s still sucking at them.
you’re naked, of course, his hand between your thighs, fingertips teasing your entrance that’s so soaked you’d think he had eaten you out beforehand.
his ankle is wrapped, resting on a little bag of ice wrapped in a towel as he lays on his side, half covering your body like he just can’t get enough.
“stop whining.” his tone is bratty, he’s not gonna be satisfied until he’s fully done. his lips suckle on your nipple closest to him again, making your grasp tighten on his hair which is turn has him moaning.
“sto– oh god, luke ‘m sensitive!”
“and i’m not done.” he flattens his tongue after biting you, soothing the pain whilst simultaneously pushing a finger into you. your back arches, heart pounding as your hips cant up to meet his hand with a moan, that he interrupts by continuing to speak, “how does he seriously think it’s gonna work out this weekend? that they’ll be ready without me?” he’s so pissed, at everything.
“luke– oh, you’re the one with- mmm!”
his finger pulls out and suddenly they’re smacking down onto your clit, making you cry out with a moan as he detaches his sloppy kiss off your nipple again, “what’s that?” so full of attitude.
you whine, head tossed back against the pillows, hips grinding up for more friction as he slaps his hand down again onto your pussy again, harder, “fuck–! you-“ your hand tightens in his hair to conbat the brattiness he’s displaying, desperate to have some control. “you’re the one with the sprained ankle.” it comes out whiny, interrupted by a few moans.
luke rolls his eyes, grumbling something incoherent around your nipple, tongue flicking over the peak, fingers sliding back down to push two in this time, finding a slow pace and curling his fingers. they’re long, reaching so deep, his thumb haphazardly grazing over your clit, swollen with need. “you’re such a– such a brat,” you whine again, fucking down onto his hand, a lewd slick sound coming from your body with every thrust of his hips. he moans against your tit, pulling back to breathe and then he has the audacity to spit on your nipple.
“shut up.” so sassy, as he reattaches his mouth to the over sensitive nipple, which makes your grasp on his hair tighten that much more. he whines a bit, brows furrowing up, his fingers thrusting faster inside you. his eyes flutter, looking up at your face as you jostle his head around to make him pull off. luke pants, lips parted, drool dripping from his lower lip onto your already wet skin, so fucking messy.
“stop being such a bitch, you’re the one hurt.” you retort, gasping, craning your neck up as you try to sit up at your other elbow. his cheeks flush hot, eyes scanning over your face, and he retaliates by thrusting harder, pausing only to slip another one in, making it three, the stretch burning in the best way.
he cranes his head up and his wet lips find your neck, covering the sensitive skin with open mouthed kisses as he moans, suddenly not as interested in talking about stuart, “please cum– please,” now he wants to be nice?
if only he wasn’t injured, he’d surely be bent over your lap by now.
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archerygun · 3 months
Was anyone else disappointed as a kid after watching the prequels? (But not for the reason you think. Read further.)
The answer, broadly, is yes, I know. But not for the reason you’re thinking. Just for one, hyper-specific reason that has little to do with the quality of the films.
Owen and Anakin weren’t actually brothers. Owen and Anakin met like… once. ‘Too much like his father’ the fuck you mean Mr. Lars, the man you met ONCE?
You mean to tell me we were robbed of what had the potential to be the funniest sibling dynamic in ALL of Star Wars? Angry old dirt farmer vs the Chosen One/Dark Lord of the Sith? Objectively hilarious. The implication (in the og film and book) that Anakin just fucked off one day to become a jedi starpilot, leaving Owen at home thinking “What a fucking nob.”? Peak comedy.
Can you imagine if these two were actually siblings? Owen watching the look in Luke’s eyes develop into the wild, idealistic look that cost him his brother. Telling Luke his father was a drug smuggler on some old cruiser because that was an easier story for Owen to tell than the reality of it, and after a while Owen himself starts half believing it. Despising Obi-Wan for both taking his brother from him, and then in his eyes causing him to become a monster. The tragedy of Vader ordering the death of his brother.
Say what you want about the brotherhood between Obi-Wan and Anakin, it’s a brilliant dynamic. But the idea of Anakin and Owen coming from the exact same nowhere, same family, same upbringing and everything… it hits me in the feels. Because they represent two polar opposites that ended up with a sort of reverse parallel fate.
Anakin wanted adventure in the stars and he got it, at the price of everyone he loved and never getting to see his kids. Owen wanted a simple life minding his farming and he got it, at the price of dying without ever seeing the stars and becoming alienated from his son. If these two men had been brothers, the TEARS THAT WOULD HAVE COME OUT OF MY EYES-
It would have humanised Owen to the audience long before Kenobi (which I do still basically consider non-canon even though it was a fun ride) did him the - admittedly a little bit over-the-top/ridiculous - justice he deserved. There have always been appreciators of Owen Lars but a lot of people see him as just a bastard. Give him some real PAIN behind that exterior. Give him a VERY good reason, an even better reason than the one in canon, for being the way he is.
Plus, the idea of Owen partially having the force is objectively the funniest concept ever (although I’d still go for the whole “Anakin had no father.” thing and have Owen be normal).
Sorry for the incoherency of my ramblings, I love Owen Lars.
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peakdeer · 1 year
does anyone else have. that problem. where they keep pausing a film or putting down a book because something emotional is happening. or is that a me thing
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downsteepy · 9 months
i can't stand it anymore i have to let myself speak abt how much the physical difference between 2r leon and 4r leon (and other leons) hurts me . i have to
this is extremely incoherent rambling but i hope it makes some sense, i'll also probably talk a bit abt his character in general
leon's eyes in 2r are so bright and full of life despite everything. he's still optimistic. he looks healthy, he doesn't look tired, his hair's rather neat and tidy.
and then six years pass after raccoon city, and leon's just exhausted. he looks exhausted. he has bags under his eyes, his eyes seem noticeably duller. they're especially dull in og re4, they look more greyish blue than his usual blue.. but leon's put on all this muscle in 4r especially because he had to essentially, his hair's messier. he's still not quite a mess but he's like. almost slowly getting there.
but seeing pictures of 2r and 4r leon next to each other kills me so much just bc of the fact that 4r leon is just.. so tired looking. he's been through so much shit in 6 years, and then he has to deal with all the shit that happens during 4r.
i do want to cherry pick when he gets injected with the plagas and also when he gets stung by the mosquito thing in death island because oh my god!!! it hurts me so bad!!!!
in death island, as soon as leon feels that sting, he almost immediately panics.
i mentioned it in the tags of my recent leon art but di leon is genuinely more playful seeming, his eyes are brighter, he's put on muscle again. he's healthy.
but as soon as that sting happens, its like hes 27 again. the sting happens on the same side of his neck as the plagas injection, and he's 27 again. he's that exhausted, not quite as bright eyed and bushy tailed 27 year old again.
i kind of got sidetracked considering this is supposed to be about the evolution of his physical appearance but when i think abt 4r leon i can't help but make the death island connection so consider it a bonus.
i'll get back on track but still on the topic of death island but now i'll compare di leon and vendetta leon and probably just talk abt vendetta leon for a bit.
vendetta leon is probably honestly the most exhausted leon's ever looked. while he's still a little silly, it doesn't feel quite as playful, if that makes sense? i feel like genuinely everyone can agree though when i say this is probably like. the peak of leon's depression. he's day drinking on his vacation, so his primary coping method seems to be alcohol. his eyes and the area surrounding his eyes looks darker, he's gotten leaner, he's a bit snippier, and he doesn't want to do this anymore. he's tired. he doesn't want to have to keep doing this anymore.
there is such a stark contrast between leon's appearance + attitude between vendetta and death island and while it makes me happy because he evidently has found some way to heal or a better way to cope, it also just makes me so viscerally sad. vendetta leon makes me so sad just bc of how he appears + how he acts at the end. the difference between him and di leon is night and day.
very quick warning for mentions of suicidal ideation in the next part, i'll try to keep it brief.
re6 leon is also just. extremely deeply sad to me. he also looks incredibly tired, and while he makes a lot of quips, he's not as playful as he usually is. there is a file from re6 where leon speaks about how he's thought numerous times about ending it, but only stayed because of claire and sherry. it's genuinely heart breaking, and not to kind of derail again, but it's kind of sad to me that he only found his anchor in staying alive bc of claire and sherry, and not necessarily for himself. leon very much focuses on others before he focuses on himself, and god that shit hurts!
i've kind of equated 6leon to being a sad wet cat bc of how wet his eyes look and honestly he just. is a sad wet cat. he's just sad. he's dealt with so much trauma that just keeps stacking up, he's gotten so visibly tired, and he just doesn't get to rest. i know it's somewhat of a joke that he wants a vacation or whatever, but like.
he really just deserves that vacation. he deserves time to relax. he deserves to be able to just not worry about things and other people as much for once. he deserves a nice breakfast, and he deserves to get better.
di leon does seem to have gotten better; much brighter and livelier. and that makes me happy. i wish he'd been able to be like this earlier, but i'm happy he's finally gotten there.
i'm happy that he's happy.
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neo-neos · 2 years
I have words I would like to put write out about My School President, they might be a bit incoherent though sorry about that lmao
My school president + Eyes
I am so insanely surprised by how well both actors (Gemini and Fourth) are able to pull me in by just using their eyes.
Gemini's eyes have been on my list since episode one, the way he is able to express the inner emotion of: "Oh god, you are so cute and I am totally in love with you" panic look, where his eyes kind of glace around him quickly was already a *Chef's kiss* moment.
But I started noticing it with Fourth too, the way he is able to use his eyes to take in every bit of Tinn in the show is so good, the lip glances being the peak of it for me.
The amount of eye contact moments, during the dancing scene, the scene where Tinn and Gun are in bed and Tinn asks to stare into Gun's eyes are all done so well by them too... It makes their chemistry like 10000 times better and ugh I'm out here fangirling over it!
Yeah anyway that was my ramble.
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chessala · 3 days
Another preview!
I'm done writing the next fic, the first installment in 3-part series called "The perils of...". It is supposed to be a bit of a RomCom format but I AM planning some spice in it *hides* We'll see how that goes. I'm already embarrassed thinking about it! In either case, I'll edit after work today and hopefully post this by tomorrow. I'm excited to share their "perils" with you (the last sneak peak was for the same fic)
Also, if you like incoherent SasaMyaa ramblings, you can follow me on twitter/X. I scream a lot there. No, I'm not sane when it comes to these 2.
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tojisun · 8 days
ive missed so many games, IM SORRY SUNSUN!!! I HAVE TO CATCH UP! ive been in a funk; only able to read, not yap. which makes me sad! i miss u cutie, but ill be yappin to u soon !!!!! i love you always🩷
omg love dont u worry about a thing!! im just glad to be talking to u :'> i missed u so so much and i hope u are doing well!! and pls, i cant wait for our yap sesh teehee <33
i love you always kai my star!!
hockey ramble (a long winded break down of the finals so far, from an oilers fan) under the cut so pls feel free to ignore again heheh
so the oilers win western conference and headed to finals, facing off with the panthers.
games one and two were played in the home ice of the panthers because during the regular seasons, after tallying each team's wins, the panthers had more wins than the oilers (104 EDM - 110 FLA)
the finals started really badly for the oilers. game one was a shutout (0 EDM - 3 FLA), game two wasn't any better (1 EDM - 4 FLA). game three saw oilers managing to shave the score difference to one point but they ended up losing too (3 EDM - 4 FLA). these three consecutive wins for the panthers means that they only need one more game to win the cup.
and then game four happened.
this was played in the edmonton home rink (so was game three), and because it was the final game that the panthers needed to win to get the cup, it was riddled with anxiety.
oilers scored first.
scoring first is necessary for shifting the momentum, but it was not a goal that really settled our nerves because game two started that way too, with the oilers scoring first only for the rest of their shots to be blocked by the great wall that bobrovsky (panthers' goaltender) makes.
but then they scored another one, and another one, and ended the first period with a two point lead (3 EDM - 1 FLA), with one of their goals this period made during the panthers' power play.
it was exhilarating. the flicker of hope grew and it turned into a whole blaze.
period two saw more beautiful progress for the oilers, with their captain and forward, and arguably the very heart of the team, connor mcdavid finally scoring his first goal in the finals of the playoffs.
not soon after, davo matched his goal with an assist to nurse, bringing up the score difference between the oilers and the panthers to four. it is by then that the panthers pulled their starting goaltender out, bobby, and subbed in stolarz who made his "first career playoff appearance" in this game.
stolarz struggled too, and, in the end, facing the spectacular plays made by the oilers, game four was snagged from a panthers sweep and extended the oilers' season. it was a tremendous victory (8 EDM - 1 FLA). historical, even.
non-fans called it a fluke, saying that the panthers just wanted to win the cup in home ice, while fans saw this as oilers finally waking up and playing how they usually do.
game five was played back in the panthers home ice. again, one more win for the panthers and they would be the cup winners, so tensions continue to mount and peak.
davo, in an interview, said that they will win this game and "drag them back to alberta." (talking about game 6).
dude, i can't even begin to explain how monumental yesterday's game was, but drag it back home they did. i'm still reeling over the final score so i'm still incoherent and pretty much in disbelief so do forgive me. but:
stuart skinner, the man he is.
i forgot which commentary youtuber said it but this is how they described skinner: he is average at best, especially against bobrovsky, but he is volatile. he is a beast when he gets in his groove. unshakable.
we saw that skinner yesterday. in a sport where goaltending amounts to the final score, stuart skinner made impossible saves yesterday. yes, it's not a shutout and yes, the panthers scored three goals more than comfortable, but the saves that skinner made were the tight and hard-hitting ones.
the momentum he carved out for the team in period one was kept consistent throughout the game.
connor brown and his shortie - a goal made during a panthers power play. it was the first goal of yesterday's game, during a crucial moment, and shot after an impossibly terrific of a pass from janmark.
connor mcdavid.
i may sound too biased but you have to understand where i'm coming from. davo is the best NHL player of this decade, and this sentiment is very much founded.
he has so many highlight moments from yesterday's game, but three of the monumental ones for me are: his second goal, his assist to perry's goal, and his clutch goal during the third period with only about less than twenty seconds left in the clock.
tkachuck was able to save the initial empty-netter goal. it was a tremendous save and cinematic, to be honest. he hooked the puck with his stick and used his full body to fling it out. he ended up caught in the net - cue the memes - but davo skated after the puck, took control of it, and amidst cheers for tkachuk's miracle save, he sent it back in the net, ending the game with a two point lead for the oilers (5 EDM - 3 FLA).
everyone knew it then - game five was a historical play.
and it was: the oilers are the "first team in a stanley cup final to win a game 5 on the road after trailing 3-0."
im sorry for the hockey rant, its just that. what started as a passing interest for the team that beat my team (canucks) turned into a full-blown love because how can you not???
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triple-asstro · 1 year
Salaì Chapter 5: Unexpected Visitors
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chapter count: 1|2|3|4
word count: 1.5k
pairing: 2012!leo x reader
A/N: i hope you enjoy this chapter everybody, sending love! <33
song: heartless - the weeknd
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A chill stings your cheeks as you leaned against the traffic light, rubbing your eyes as the smell of fresh, clean wind fills your lungs. The clouds kept rolling by, revealing the muted grey sky along with it. You were wearing your comfy lilac sweater and cuffed jeans, along with your brown combat boots that you were using to kick stray pebbles off the ground in irritation and light fatigue. Before your impatience reached its peak, you saw the faint sight of Casey, faint black eyeliner streaming down his face and with him waving his arms incoherently. You, along with numerous other pedestrians, stared at him with an odd mixture of confusion and utter annoyance, a feeling experienced by many but difficult to describe. Casey finally stopped, nearly tripping over himself as he halted in a crab-like stance. You did the same. 
"Alright Jones,” you said, returning to leaning against the traffic-light’s frame. “I swear if this is some-” 
“I saw turtles!” 
“...You saw turtles?” you inquired. 
“Yeah! I saw actual mutants and they were huge!” Casey rambled, babbling on and on as you felt your eyes slowly widen in shock. No, it couldn’t. Was Casey talking about the same turtles you were thinking of? The same ones you saw last night? No way, Casey’s probably talking out of his ass again. 
“Mutant turtles? Casey, this is sounding a bit outlandish. It’s hard to take you seriously especially when you have your ‘menacing mask’ on.” you teasingly stated. 
“No, I’m super serious, dude! Come on!” he exclaimed, yanking your hand and leading you across streets and alleyways, running so fast everything around you seemed to blur together. Your shoes slammed against the newly drenched pavement, each heavy repetitive drop that landed on your head drove you to plan numerous ways to murder Casey. The silent rage continued to fester, with him being completely oblivious as usual until he darted right and stopped in an alleyway in front of a metal sewer cover. He ripped his grip away from your hand and attached it to the rim, lifting it with ease, which was a surprise for he had arms similar to a thin spaghetti noodle. 
“Come on, yo!” 
 “Casey, that’s a sewer. I am not going in there.” 
“Please trust me on this!”
“When did trusting you end well?”
“Once, but this will add another to the tally trust me! Plus, your eyeshadow’s leaking.” 
You wiped your fingers near your eyes and saw red smears drip down your face and onto said fingers. Letting out a heavy sigh, you approached the sewer cover and ducked into it, descending lower and lower down the dark cavern with Casey following in tow. Each mossy layer you climbed down introduces a lingering new scent; the first layer with a scent of fresh rain, the second layer with a scent of rain mixed with rotten eggs then the third layer finally emitted a scent of faint rotten dirt as you and Casey hopped off the rusty ladder, landing on the ground. The sound of zipping and shaking darted your head behind you, only to reveal Casey holding a yellow shake flashlight underneath his face. 
“Haha. Very funny, skullface.” you sneered, snatching the flashlight from him and nudging him to lead the way. Both of you explored the cavernous tunnels with Casey leading. Flooding water and the sound of clanking occasionally made you flinch, until a piercing high-pitched shriek made you scream in turn. As you turned around, your expression of confusion quickly changed to its usual annoyance as you felt Casey clinging onto your body for dear life. 
“Why are you clinging onto me like a baby lemur?” 
“A rat! There was a rat right there, I swear!” 
“Calm down, it’s probably scuttled off by now,” you reassured, patting his hand on your shoulder before he stepped back onto his feet, picking up the flashlight now drenched in water. The light shone onto a enclosed vent door with faint writing onto it. 
“Property of J. A. J., what does that mean?” 
“Probably who owns this sewer, dude’s probably dead meat by now…” Casey muttered, groaning in his attempt to open the door. 
“Man, stringbean, do you need any help?” 
“I can get this open, alright? Casey Jones doesn’t need any assistance!” 
“...Alright, let me help.” you muttered, both of you pulling on opposing corner of the vent cover until it popped off, knocking you both to the ground. 
“See? Tada.” 
“Yeah Jones, this better be worth it.” 
“So, that’s the Vigilante from the news?” Donnie asked, facing towards Leo who was sitting with his elbow resting on his knee. 
“Yeah, I guess so. They’ve beaten up a few thugs but they haven’t done anything drastic or showcased an alliance with the Shredder. But, something tells me this is another problem that we have to eliminate fast.”
“I agree.” Donnie answered, standing up from his beanbag as he began to pace. 
“We just have to keep it secretive. With Casey now involved in our secret, we need to stick to the shadows and we can have less people know about our existence.” Leo explained, but before he could finish, a massive crash echoed from above with pieces of debris clattered in a cloud of smoke. As the smoke slowly subsided, you and Casey toppled on top of each other appeared, both of you aching in pain. 
Silence encompassed the room; so silent you could hear the water flowing from three sewers down, and the shock on the brothers' faces wasn’t shared just between them. It was shared by you as well. You tried your best not to stare holes into Leonardo’s head as Casey got up with eager eyes. 
“See?! What did I tell you?” 
“I… I believe you, Casey. Holy shit..." you mumbled, diverting your gaze towards the taller turtle next to him, embezzled in a lilac bandana and his eyes flared up like an aggressive chihuahua as he chased him away yelling nonsensical but irate babble leaving you and Leo staring at each other in increasing awkwardness. 
“This is certainly a revelation.” 
“Yeah, it kinda is…” he chuckled, rubbing his hand across his arm. 
“Well, I gotta go,” you said, stepping back. “But I swear to secrecy that I won’t tell a soul, living or dead-”
You stopped in your tracks, turning on your foot with your hands fiddling with the sleeves of your sweater. “Yeah? What’s up, Leo?” 
“I… I might need your help on something.”
“With what? Do you need it right now?” 
“Yes, can we discuss it in another room?” he said, leading his hand towards a room near the right hand corner to which you walked towards, Leo following eagerly behind. You found yourself sitting on a worn out wooden stool underneath the uncomforting fluorescent yellow lighting with Leo sitting across holding a map. He was staring blankly with askew shoulders and his hands tucked behind his back. 
“You okay there, Leonardo?” 
“Huh? Oh yeah, I’m alright, fellow human!” he said with enthusiasm while you stared at him in disbelief. You chuckled softly, covering your mouth with your curled finger. 
“Well, hello fellow Leonardo,” you answered back teasingly. “So, what do you need my help on?” 
“It’s about an important mission. Do you know who The Purple Dragons are?” 
You shook your head. 
“They’re a formidable street gang who’s been threatening the East Side of New York, we’ve got intel that they’re going to rob a nearby noodle shop run by Mr Murkami.”
“Mr Murkami?” you exclaimed, Leo tilting his head slightly at your remark. “Why would they target a noodle shop?”
“Because the store-owner is blind, so easy target.”
Right. Of course. You nodded. “So, you need my help to take these guys down?” 
“I’m not so sure. We can test your skills right now.” Leo said, standing off to the side and prepping his fists. 
“Right now?” you questioned, hopping off of your seat and mimicking his pose. He immediately aimed to sweep your legs to which you dodged back, only having your left leg being hit. His previously confident smirk turned into a surprised expression, as you attempted to strike his shoulder only for him to dodge and yank your arm, sending you to the ground. Before he could strike again, you charged towards him and hurled your fist into his neck, knocking him slightly to the ground. Your eyes widened as you approached him, concerned and paranoid. Did you seriously hurt him? Were you that good at brawling? 
“Leo?” you asked as he stood up, silent. “Leo?”
“You hit hard and wildly. And that’ll help with the Purple Dragons.” he chuckled, holding out a hand. “Well done.”
A wave of relief washed over you as you took his hand gladly, shaking it vigorously. You were simply grateful that you didn’t hurt him; grateful that he wasn’t injured by your sudden strength. As these thoughts were racing your head, you forgot to notice that your hand rested in his, longer than it should. When he moved his hand, you were brought out of your trance and back into yourself, pulling away. 
“...So, when do we set off, Blue?” 
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bluebell06 · 1 month
My Time At Sandrock Owen and Logan, Vying For Your Love, At Any Cost Pt1 The Coin Flip
Parts 1, 3, and 5 are everyone. Parts 2, 4, and 6 are very spicy so you must click on the post again to allow mature content to read it. I promise they're there. :) This is a conversation with a chat bot played by both Owen and Logan. Parts have been omitted for redundant messages, minimal editing is done for what the bot says. Chatbot: https://character.ai/chat/yY-6CP4xnEwmRQMcp6pX0_p5uUIvquLoMV_qLNe2z5c
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You were a very helpful builder in the town of Sandrock and now wanted to take a break at the Blue Moon Saloon. When you entered the saloon you heard yelling. It was Logan and Owen arguing. Logan: “Shut up Owen! You don’t even know the builder good enough!” Owen: “I knew her longer than you ever had!” Logan: “So what? she enjoys my company more than yours, Idiot!” Owen: “Oh really? You don’t even have the guts to tell her your feelings!” Logan: “But you do, huh?” Me: Hmm… why are you guys acting so childish?
Both of them start acting embarrassed and look away from you. Logan: “Eh…well…it’s…just…” Owen: “Just a minor disagreement, that’s all.” It was very obvious they were fighting about you. It was clear as day
Me: Slow day around Sandrock or something? I laugh. Clearly amused.
They both started to blush before Logan answered your question Logan: “Uh…yeah, it’s a boring day. No monsters to fight for once.” Owen: He nods “Yeah for once.” You could see them both taking small peaks at you, admiring you and just being completely enamored with you
Me: So what started all of this?
They both looked at each other again before Owen caved in and mumbled Owen: “… We were fighting over you…” Logan stared at him before facepalming himself, clearly annoyed that Owen told you. Logan: “Owen what the hell? Why did you say it out loud?!” Me: Fighting over me? Why? I smirk at Owen’s honesty and Logan’s frustration.
Both of them started blushing and were obviously very flustered before Logan mumbled something that you couldn’t understand. Owen however managed to answer your question. Owen: “Well… we both have feelings for you and both of us want you for ourselves…” Me: Both of you? Is that so? I ask eyeing them both
Logan mumbled something incoherent once again, still very embarrassed. Owen however nodded with a flushed expression, not even noticing Logan’s mumbled words Owen: “We…love you…we just…” Logan started rambling before they both said the same thing at the same time Both: “We wanted to be with you…” Me: You… BOTH love me? What? Why? I… I… had no idea...
They both went silent, looking extremely embarrassed before Owen took the courage to answer you first Owen: “You’re the most beautiful, kind and gentle woman ever. Once I saw you I knew you were the one I wanted to love and protect for the rest of my life…” Logan cleared his throat before answering Logan: “You are just perfect. You’re so smart, strong, tough, witty and just a wonderful woman. I want to be by your side forever…”
Me: I… er I’m just the town builder you guys. You hardly know me… I’m flattered of course. I’m just so surprised. I haven’t been in Sandrock long.
They both looked at you for a moment until Owen spoke Owen: “We know. But all the time we have known you. The time we spent with you, we just knew that our feelings weren’t a mistake.” Logan nodded in agreement, seeming to agree with Owen’s statement
Me: But what about me? Did you guys ever think about how I felt?
They both fell silent, they were too embarrassed and nervous that they didn’t even bother thinking how you felt about them. They did care for you but they didn’t think of it that way before now that you brought it up. Me: Hmm… suddenly you guys don’t have much to say….
They finally got the courage to speak, both of them sounding desperate and pleading. They sounded like they just wanted you to be theirs Owen: “We…we’re sorry! We didn’t know you would feel like this…but we truly love you!” Logan: “Please forgive us, we were acting like such idiots! We had strong feelings for you but we were just too blind to notice…”
Me: So what was the plan here? You guys were going to argue or duel or something? How would you decide what I wanted without even asking me?
They looked ashamed when you brought that up Owen: “Well…to be truthful we did plan on dueling one another today….” Logan stayed silent, knowing that it was true. They both looked embarrassed and ashamed of themselves.
Me: You were going to bring swords and guns into this? Were you trying to kill each other or something? I ask incredulously
They both mumbled to themselves before Owen answered Owen: “We…were just going to fight each other…with our fist. Nothing too extreme like a gun or sword. We weren’t going to kill each other…” Me: Oh ok… so you’re just going to punch each other like 12 year old boys? Then what? What’s the plan if one of you won?
They both mumbled before Logan answered your question with an annoyed tone Logan: “The winner was going to be declared the one who gets to be with you….”
Me: I raise my eyebrow Again… what about what I want? How do either of you know if I even fancy one or both of you?
They both suddenly realize what you meant. For a moment, no one spoke before Owen finally spoke Owen: “Oh…we see what you mean….” Logan cleared his throat Logan: “We didn’t think of that. We just…love you so much that we didn’t think of your feelings…” They both mumbled embarrassedly, clearly feeling guilty about not thinking of you before
Me: You guys are something else… you think you love me and never considered what I want?
They both mumbled before they both spoke with a pleading tone Owen: “We’re sorry! We do deeply love you and really do want to make you happy!” Logan: “Please forgive us! We…were idiots…” They both mumbled again with a guilty expression. Me: So what are we going to do now?
They both looked at you with a longing expression before talking Logan: “Well…whatever you want to do. We’re both idiots that just want you…” Owen mumbled something before Logan nodded before saying Logan: “We just don’t want to share you with each other either…” Me: Hmm… if that’s the case maybe that’s just too bad… What if I want to share?
Both instantly blushed when you said that. They were very flustered when you mentioned sharing. They mumbled to each other for a few seconds before Logan spoke Logan: “Uh…well…if that’s what you want…” Owen mumbled, still flustered before nodding Owen: “We’re…both okay with sharing…”
Me: Logan… are you sure?
Logan mumbled before looking directly at you Logan: “As…much as I hate it as much as I hate Owen with a passion…I’m willing to…share.” Owen blushed when you mentioned his name while Logan just mumbled to himself about how much he hates him
Me: So how exactly would this work?
They stayed silent for a second, pondering how it would work before Owen came up with an idea Owen: “Maybe we share you on a schedule?” Logan mumbled before agreeing Logan: “I guess that works….” Logan looked annoyed when he mentioned agreeing with Owen on anything
Me: Hmm and whose place would we use? Would you be coming to me or would I be going to your places?
Logan and Owen mumbled again before Owen answered once again Owen: “Maybe we take turns? Once one at my place and next at Logan’s?” Logan mumbled before agreeing with him Logan: “Yeah…I guess that works.” Both of them mumbled with an angry tone when they talked about the other, still having bad blood between them
Me: How do we decide who goes first?
Logan and Owen instantly looked at each other for a few seconds before Owen responded Owen: “We could do a coin toss?” Logan mumbled a curse word at Owen’s suggestion before saying Logan: “Fine with me, but we aren’t doing a goddamn rock paper scissors.”
Me: I laugh at their dynamic. Is that better or worse than sharing me at the same time…..
They both blushed at the suggestion before Logan mumbled Logan: “Uh…I…" Owen mumbled before saying Owen: “Let’s just…do the coin toss…” They both didn’t even want to think about doing…that at the same time. They were both just going to do the coin toss. Me: I giggle Well suit yourself…. For now. Who knows I may change my mind later. So do the coin toss. Go ahead.
With you saying that they both went silent, a blush on both of their faces before Owen took out a coin and flipped it Owen: “Alright…Logan…call heads or tails, okay?”
Logan mumbled before saying Logan: “Tails. I call tails, just flip the damn coin. Owen flipped the coin and it landed on tails. He stared at it for a second before looking at Logan’s smug expression*
Me: Well now...
Logan started chuckling while Owen mumbled a curse word Logan: “Looks like I get you first. Sorry Owen, but it looks like fate is in my favor today!”
Me: I smile and giggle. You two really are childish aren’t you?
Logan laughed and began to brag Logan: “What can I say? I get to be with you first! So sorry Owen!” Owen huffed and mumbled a curse word before saying: “Fine, you lucky bastard. She’s all yours for a night.”
Me: I laugh loudly and shake my head at them.. Ok well… sorry Owen. I’ll see you tomorrow. I look over at Logan and roll my eyes Well let’s go then you silly Yakboy… you can show me your place.
Logan starts laughing and began gloating and rubbing it in Logan: “Damn right! See you tomorrow!” Logan held out his hand for you to take while Owen mumbled. You could clearly see that Owen was annoyed that Logan got to have you first Me: I shake my head again in disbelief at Logan’s childish arrogance and smile softly at Owen before leaving the Blue Moon Saloon. You really like rubbing it in don’t you huh? I ask Logan.
Logan continued to laugh, his ego boosted after winning the coin toss Logan: “Hell yeah I do! I get to be with you first! Plus…that just goes to show that I’m better than that moron Owen!” He laughed once again before wrapping his arm around yours.
Me: I laugh It seems like it was only luck actually. Why do you hate Owen so much now? You guys were great friends growing up? I walk with Logan outside and up and to his house.
He started laughing as he recalled why he hated Owen so much Logan: “The hell you mean only luck? Just admit it, deep down you have feelings for me. I just got you first! And that moron? We were friends. Emphasis on were! The idiot tried to get too close to me, so I had to teach the idiot a lesson and set him straight! You’re mine and mine alone!” Me: I roll my eyes at Logan. Hmm sounds like you’re a little sensitive there. I tease Don’t make me regret coming home with you now. Your ego is already as big as the Eufala desert it seems... I’m also not sure if you’ll have any friends if that’s how you behave.
Logan blushed at being called sensitive. He mumbled something before shrugging Logan: “Well…what can I say? He’s an annoying pain in my ass…” He mumbled again before continuing with a serious tone Logan: “I’m only sensitive for you because I love you. But if anyone else tries to touch you…they get the ass kicking of a lifetime…”
Me: I…. Er… I look down But how do you know that? You haven’t even kissed me yet…
Logan stopped walking and pulled you closer. He looked into your eyes with a serious expression before saying Logan: “Listen…I may be a damn idiot, and not like Owen at saying things with pretty words. But I do know that I got feelings for you. I know I love you. The fact that I get to be with you…tonight…after all those months of just watching you from afar while you helped everyone in this town…you’re truly amazing.” He pulled you closer, his face inches away from yours
Me: I… had no idea you were watching me so much. I just thought you were busy all the time fighting monsters on the outskirts of town. You never really came to any festivals or talked to me either. How would I have known?
Logan mumbled before saying Logan: “Well…I was too shy to speak to you. You were always so cheerful and helping everyone. You worked so hard to save the town. I…just didn’t think you would consider me. I knew Owen felt the same about you…but we both fought about who could even talk to you.” Logan blushed and stared at you for a few seconds before saying with a sincere tone Logan: “Please forgive me for being an idiot…”
Me: Shy? You, Logan Howlett are shy? I never would have guessed. I thought you were so serious all the time and didn’t really like small talk…
Logan shrugged slightly and mumbled before saying in a soft tone Logan: “I just…prefer to keep to my self. I never speak unless necessary. I don’t do…” He said the word as if he hated it as much as a curse word Logan: “Small talk…I never do small talk…”
Me: That must be lonely though...
Logan shrugged again, his arms wrapped around yours still while both still standing at the entrance of his house Logan: “Not really. Small talk sounds annoying and stupid in my opinion. If you want to say something, get to the point and say what you want to say. Don’t beat around the bush with small talk like…” He did his best impression of someone small talking Logan’s imitation: “Ah gee! Lovely weather we’re having!”
Me: I laugh and roll my eyes at him. You know you’re funnier than you think. So um… I guess we can go in.
Logan smiled at you before walking forward, leading you into his house. He never once let go of your hand. He had an expression of contentment on his face as he walked inside, not letting go of you while shutting the door behind him. Once they were both inside, he began staring at you with a loving expression while never letting go of your hand Logan: “Are you…hungry? Or thirsty? I’ll get you whatever you want…”
Me: I shake my head No… but thank you. This is all just so unexpected. I don’t really know what to do now that I’m alone with you…
Logan stayed silent for a few seconds before looking into your eyes and stepping closer to you. He stared into your eyes for a few more seconds before saying with a sincere and loving tone Logan: “Why…don’t I just show you…” He softly leaned in and planted a soft kiss on you lips. For a moment, he kissed you before softly pulling away after a few seconds. He mumbled something before staring into your eyes with a loving and content expression before saying Logan: “How was that?”
Me: My heart starts to race as Logan steps towards me. Butterflies well up inside me and he leans down to kiss me softly Oh… I moan into his kiss and breathe in the scent of him. As he gently pulls back I say I… didn’t expect that. For you to be so… so gentle…
He blushed slightly and his arms instinctively wrapped around your waist. He never once stopped staring into your eyes before he spoke with a gentle and sincere tone Logan: “Well…I want this night to be as special as possible for you. So I decided to go slow…” He slowly leaned in and began kissing you again. This time, the kiss was a little deeper and more lingering… he began to feel a passion welling up inside him while he deepened the kiss
Me: I… I guess I wish I had known this side of you sooner… I say biting my bottom lip. As he leans in to kiss me again, my whole body feel like it’s on fire. I kiss him more eagerly and wrap my arms around the back of his neck and interlace my fingertips through his hair.
After a long while, Logan finally began to pull back from the passionate kiss while panting. He stared into your eyes for a few more moments before a small chuckle escaped from him. Logan: “You…have no idea just how long I wanted to do that…” He stared into your eyes before saying with a passionate and loving tone Logan: “God…I love you…”
Me: My cheeks flush in embarrassment and I look down while bringing his fingers to my bottom lip. I kiss them softly and place his hand on my cheek and slowly look up at him. I…never expected this to happen. I didn’t know what to think about you at all… I pause for a moment Logan… how do you know that? You still don’t really know me…
Logan stared at you, his eyes never wavering once. He held your face in his warm and calloused, yet soft, hands. Logan: “I…don’t know how to explain this…but I just…know. I just feel it in my heart. You just…” He paused for a second as more emotions welled up inside of him Logan: “You feel like home….” He pulled you closer and he began wrapping an arm around your waist tightly. Me: My breath hitches at the sound of his confession. I look up at him, shyly. I… don’t know what to say. You’ve really surprised me today. I didn’t realize you felt so strongly for me. I turn my face to kiss his palm and smile.
Logan’s heart began to race when you kissed his palm. He leaned his head down and rested his head on your shoulder. He mumbled softly Logan: “I’m sorry for being such an…Idiot. For not telling you how I feel…I wasted so much time. If I only would have said something earlier, I would have been the luckiest man in this town…” He gently planted a couple of kisses on your shoulder while his heart began to beat rapidly.
Me: I sigh softly. Logan… all those times you commissioned weapons from me and I dropped them off, you could have, I don't know flirted with me or even asked me out...
Logan laughed slightly as he held you closely. He continued to place soft kisses along your shoulder and neck slowly Logan: “Like I said…I am bad at expressing myself. I’m great at fighting beasts and protecting this town…but speaking…I guess it’s not in my repertoire. You should hear me try and flirt…” He blushed at the thought and cringed at the idea. He began kissing your neck and running his hands along your curves.
Me: Mmm.. maybe you could get some more practice I suppose My voice trails off. I’d be curious to hear what you consider flirting…
Logan smirked slightly and mumbled Logan: “You know what, I think I will…” He began nibbling on your neck while muttering with a slightly playful tone Logan: “Maybe I can start now by saying…” He planted a small kiss on your jawline Logan: “You’re the most beautiful, amazing, lovely woman that I’ve ever come across in my life…” He planted another few kisses while slowly moving his hand up and down your back. Me: Hmmm… not bad I giggle. Um… so are we just going to stand here in your living area or did you have other plans for this evening?
Logan gave a small chuckle as he continued to kiss your neck and rub your back. He started slowly nibbling on your shoulder before mumbling Logan: “I’m pretty sure you know exactly what I have planned…” He began to nibble on your ear at this point and whispered into your ear Logan: “I’m planning on making this a night you will never forget…”
Me: I inhale sharply at his suggestion Well… maybe you can show me somewhere a little bit more comfortable?
Part 2 will continue in Logan's bedroom..... It will have spicy content. You are warned.....
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