peachwhorerant · 5 years
tuesday april 9, 2018
11:53 pm 
hi im at a hotel right now because im on a trip visiting colleges in northern california which is a really cool opportunity it is something i hadn’t gotten before, so far we’ve visited 4 and tomorrow we have 2 more to go. its been really fun im getting close to the people from my school and even the people from other schools, cla**** is here and its really good to see him and talk to him because i missed him and its just really been a while. I got to talk to people from se** and cen**** and theyre pretty cool i dont want to write too much because its late and my roommates probably want to sleep so im trying to be quiet but these buttons are so freakin loud. i’ll write more later but quick my berkeley gear is so cute
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peachwhorerant · 6 years
monday march 18, 2019
6:49 pm
hello now its really been a while. i really wanted to write on friday but i was just really tired and overwhelmed. last week was really tiring i had a bun h of tests and im getting tired and everything freaking sucks and i hate writing stuff like this but its just how it feels at sometimes. anyways i have a trip in like 2 weeks i have decided that every place i visit every campus or store if i can im gonna buy a pin, i like my backpack but i think i have to clean it if i want to keep using it. its a nice backpack but idk it just i feel like i could make it better. last year i bought a patch while i was on catalina island i met a lot of really cool and special kids and i am really happy that i got the experience because these kids have to go through a lot of things, i just want them to be alright. well today i got the chance talk to talk to d**** for a little bit and it was nice i miss talking to him its just a little awkward and i appreciate him a lot i want the best for him and i know he wants the same for me. bless his soul also he made me feel better about not getting the internship but hes still cheering me on, i want to try to be more involved in key club because if its really as good as they make it seem i want to try it yaknow. i dont really have a plan for what im writing so this has been a mess but i do have to talk to my mom for like our tax returns and stuff because i need for an application im doing. well im really tired, track practice was rough with all the heat and the wind so i feel worn out im gonna work on that application and review for chem. alrighty bye 
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peachwhorerant · 6 years
thursday march 7, 2019
7:03 pm
hi its been a while, well its been 6 days since my last post but i really wanted to post daily if i remembered I was too lazy nd for most of the days i was just too tired to do anything about the situation. since my streak thingy is gone i might as well do something else and post multiple times a day. before opening tumblr i was gonna take my notebook out but this is a much faster method of letting my feelings out. quick shoutout to the person who reblogged my last post with this really sweet and positive note thank you for caring im feeling much better and i will be better i know that
i am strange in that i hate dwelling in the past, and i dont mean that in the omg im so quirky im not like other girls kind of way i mean it in that when i fail when i get rejected i hate it it really sucks definitely but ive realized the only thing you can do after you’ve felt bad about yourself for a moment is just pick yourself right back up. there is so much that i know i can do if people have given me opportunities up to this point why won’t more help me. it sucks and i really wanted that internship but i gotta roll with the punches and find something else to do because i really have no other choice and thats the tea you know. 
i threw over the weekend on saturday there was a meet at portola and i did better than i thought it was a really fun day even though i got soaked and everything i had with me did too, andrew made it really fun and im extremely grateful for him honestly if it werent for andrew i think the past week would have seriously sucked so thank you for existing and being my friend. also the spin that my coach has temporarily named after me until he finds the name is coming out better, i feel way more comfortable doing it and if i can just get it down the middle i could be throwing maybe eighty feet which is sooo cool. 
this one has been a little long and there is still lots more i want to say but this was good i feel better a little stressed for my chem test tomorrow and my calc test next week but nervous energy isnt always a bad thing it can be a hell of a motivator, im going to work on my essay for ylc now buhbye, 
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