#peacemaker x viglante
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fruity-mercenary · 11 months ago
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pretendfan · 2 years ago
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So glad you enjoyed this chapter, it’s finally here it’s real🤣 but will the next instalment write itself please?🙌
{Roommates} ELEVEN
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(A/N: Do not readjust your screens cos yes it’s true, I’m finally back baby! In honour of the very first chapter being posted a whole year ago last month now. I decided it was time to carry on with this ridiculous story cos there were quite a few things left unsaid, but don’t worry I’m here and here it is the first instalment of part two of the series….hope you ENJOY🙌)
(additional: huge, huge, huge shoutout to @powerfultenderness and @likedovesinthewnd for words of encouragement about this story and both helping me along the way♥️)
Adrian Chase x Female reader
Desperately in need of a roommate, your co-worker knows a guy, but why did it have to be Adrian? The guy both annoyed and frustrated the hell out of you getting under your skin from the very moment that you had met him.
But this was only temporary there was no need to complicate things by really getting to know one another or even worse catch feels along the way. Sure it had been a while for both of you but hooking up with your roommate was a terrible idea…
wasn’t it?
9k (ish)
18+ adults only: Lots of swearing, mentions of sex, mentions of injuries and blood..
Cursing softly at first, you then repeat the word a lot louder the second time around rolling onto your back alone in bed, unable to fall asleep despite the fact that work would be beckoning you in a couple of hours.
Removing a hand from your underwear you admit defeat, there was simply no chance in hell that you would be sleeping anytime soon, and the invitation of a quick orgasm lulling you into any sense of calm escapes from your grasp by the second.
Debating the whereabouts of your vibrator you cannot actually be bothered to look for it, unless a certain someone was to walk in here right now and help you out, otherwise there was absolutely no point.
This right here was definitely becoming an on-going problem, one that you couldn’t either talk your way out of or try to blatantly ignore, all because of your idiotic roommate who was notably quite incredible in the sack.
Granted previous hook ups with others were nothing to write home about, but Adrian had set a new standard, one that not even your right hand could keep up with which was a low blow.
“Fuck!” You snap loudly to nobody in particular because of course you are still alone in the apartment, with your muddled thoughts all leading back to the culprit one who had robbed you of sleep, as well as a orgasm or two but who was counting.
Getting out of bed you grudgingly get dressed again into a pair of grey leggings, wearing an old cropped pink tee you yawn resignedly as you get out of bed and walk out to the kitchen, it was definitely coffee time.
Shaking your head whilst you listen to the coffee machine get to work, you cannot believe that this was your life now, very little sleep and a constant thought stream of Adrian chase.
The guy who had grudgingly agreed to move into your apartment, whilst taking over your life despite not being here right now, actually you had no idea where the guy of your dreams (or was it nightmares) was?
That was the thing with Adrian even though the pair of you were just keeping things light and breezy, a statement that should have raised a hundred red flags, yet here you were still unable to sleep the very opposite of things being easy.
The only time you did ever got a decent night sleep was when Adrian was in the apartment, be it in your bed or on the couch the pair of you laying together, putting the world to right with arguments over the best hot pocket filling and conversations like that.
“You are so wrong though-“
“Ham and cheese, it’s simple but so delicious.” You cut off Adrian with a smirk noticing the horrified look on your roommates face.
“Are you mental?” Adrian retorts then seeing the look you give him quickly adds “I was watching Wayne’s World last night, that line was appropriate for the moment.”
“Well in context I will actually let you off that little remark-“
“Cool! So what were we talking about? Oh yeah, Hot pocket toppings let me tell you what reigns supreme around these parts.”
Having learned long ago that once he started Adrian could easily talk for hours, just one random topic introduced and he was away, but of course you knew exactly how to distract him now with ease.
Either kiss the excited words right out of his mouth, because Adrian could never resist an impromptu make out session, but usually that tactic would quickly lead to you hurriedly straddling his lap as well.
The animalistic urge to get closer impossible to resist, whilst you would feel his cock already getting hard and ready to go, the aforementioned random conversation was usually soon forgotten about as well.
Smiling to yourself you pour a large mug of black coffee, suddenly missing the feeling of having Adrian behind you his face buried in your neck, hands gripping your sides steadily as he told you over and over how hot you were.
It was a confidence boost to say the very least, but standing there right now alone in your kitchen it hits you not quite for the first time, exactly how much you miss Adrian when he isn’t here which was becoming a lot.
But you had complete control over it despite the lack of sleep and ache between your legs, this was all just for fun a statement you’ve used quite a lot, over the time that you have been hooking up with Adrian which was a whole month already.
Sitting down at the kitchen island you place both hands around the large blue mug, with a colourful smile on your face despite the early hour because overall Adrian has been quite the interesting distraction, a very sexy one for sure if truth be told.
Well when he is here at the apartment at least you surmise, because this morning already marked day three of Adrian being AWOL, but you wasn’t at all worried or at least you told yourself that.
Part of the deal was that the pair of you had your own lives, which briefly intertwined and you was completely cool with that, it was just that something felt off with this whole set up.
…was this all too good to be true?
There had to be a reason why Adrian was spending so much time away from the apartment, and you with your needs but of course you had tried to voice all of this previously but to no avail, clearly it was nothing to be worried about right now.
Of course your ex was still hovering over you well the presence he left behind anyway, not that he was dead or anything just that the guy was finally out of your life, or so you assumed thanks to not having to field calls from the asshole anymore.
Things were clearly looking up and you had Adrian to thank for that, being both the rebound that you needed and the fuck buddy slash roommate who kind of stuck to your rules, the ones you had to keep adding to the fridge so he would see them anyway.
Sneaking a glance at the fridge door makes you smile yet again to yourself, it widens even bigger still when you recall an evening when Adrian had come home from work, still dressed in his uniform.
See there were many pro’s to having Adrian in your life, despite the guy being misunderstood by a lot of people you took him quirks and all, because the package deal was truly a fucking sight to behold.
Likewise seeing him in his Fennel Fields uniform usually left very little to your imagination, just like that evening when Adrian had walked through the door, and you had decided there and then that he needed to undress right this second.
“I think you should take off that apron.” You inform Adrian in a sultry voice that surprises both yourself and your roommate.
“Oh, really?” Adrian questions with a smirk whilst untying his beige apron, green eyes staring at you with a playful smirk on his lips.
“Shirt next-“
“Not the sexy hat?” Adrian questions with an arched eyebrow.
“Nope, keep that on.” You wink back at Adrian then add “The trousers definitely need to go next.”
“What are you up to-“
“Be patient and you will see.” You state with a lick of your lips which makes Adrian pull down his trousers hurriedly.
You recall with a wicked grin walking slowly over to Adrian, then getting down onto your knees you look up view obscured by dark eyelashes, as you proceed to make out with his slick abs tracing your tongue gently over the firm lines causing your roommate to groan in response.
Thanks to that memory and quickly recalling exactly what had happened next, you squeeze your thighs together tightly at the idea of something happening again soon, but then you remember that Adrian wasn’t even here to help you out.
Having driven yourself mad by overthinking things to the point that you may never sleep again, you decide this was all fucking ridiculous, but at least you were passing the time between now and work only at what cost to your own needs.
That was the thing for someone who had agreed to all this, you still didn’t know where Adrian went spending time away from the apartment and yourself, unable to not take it a little personally but no one else knew that…
“You don’t need to know.” Adrian would inform you in that monotone voice that signalled the conversation was over.
“Should I be worried-“
“Of course not! I’m a big boy.” Adrian confirms with a sly look on his face then quickly states “ I stay late at work, I hang out with Scott or work friends it’s all good.”
“But the late nights-“
“Erm y/n you are kinda starting to sound like my mom right now.” Adrian informs you with a well-timed grimace that makes you roll your eyes.
“Ok I get it-“
“Well you were the one who wanted to keep things simple, this just makes things easier all round.” Adrian states then with a quick kiss on your forehead, he leaves the apartment without a second glance.
Since that conversation you have left the subject matter well alone, which obviously resulted in all this, whatever this was because there was no way things could get serious between you two…right?
Either way the collection of unnecessary thoughts circling around in your mind were indeed firmly off the table, you needed rid of them and the only way was to have a shower, that idea would at least help you out in one way.
Then it would be hurrying to get dressed followed by rushing to work, straight through the morning and lunch rush because the only good thing about your job, was the satisfying way it acted as a full on disturbance for all your stressful needs.
“Why haven’t you left yet?” Scott asks his unwelcome guest, the one who just wouldn’t get the fucking hint already.
“I can’t move.” Adrian whines from a curled up position, trying to hide from everything and nothing, it was easier for everyone if he just stayed here for the foreseeable.
“Shit excuse dude.” Scott deadpans looking over at his oldest friend, the one who was still not moving from the couch, this could very soon become a problem.
“It’s the fucking truth.” Adrian groans into the couch cushion, his face pressed flat against the synthetic fabric, it was really uncomfortable but he currently deserved this kind of torture.
“You know I asked y/n if you could move in with her, but here you are yet again at my place.” Scott begins his voice dripping with sarcasm as he asks “ Did you two like fight or has your roommate found out how shit you are in bed?”
“I made my roommate cum seven times once actually.” Retorts Adrian slowly moving his head up from the couch, to gage his friends reaction, because the statement was all true.
“A lady never tells, but let me tell you that once I get between her thighs magic happens.” Adrian declares finally sitting up from his position on the couch, even adding jazz hands to back up his wild declaration.
“Ok, I work with y/n I don’t think she would like you talking-“
“Seven times.” Adrian cuts off Scott whilst he pretends to count his fingers, a wide grin playing across his face that kind of cheers him up.
“No need to be smug about it.” Scott quickly declares but then adds with a laugh “You do need to tell her the truth though dude.”
“Y/n already knows that I am dynamite in bed-“
“That isn’t what I mean and you fucking know it, if you valued whatever you have with your roommate then you should be honest.” Scott shrugs back at Adrian who runs a hand through his messy hair in obvious annoyance.
“That’s a big ask-“
“So, what is the deal between you and y/n then? I know you guys are clearly hooking up but here you are yet again obviously avoiding her.” Scott cuts off Adrian with the million dollar question, one that not even he could truly answer, well out loud anyway.
“Im not avoiding anyone.” Adrian begins with a hint of deflection in his voice as he adds “ It’s not complicated, but I’m also kind of protective of both myself and how my secret will eventually affect y/n.”
“Oh, and what secret is that?” Scott asks whilst rolling his eyes in his friends direction.
“Don’t start you already know-“
“Well, you are going to have to tell her pretty soon who you really are.” Scott reminds Adrian in a firm voice, making him feel like he was being scolded and not liking it one bit, so he decided it was time to deflect even more.
“Tell y/n that I am really the dark knight?” Adrian questions with a smile that descends into giggles, because he could be funny too.
“I don’t think she would even believe that for a second-“
“Besides Vigilante’s suit is way cooler by the way!” Adrian practically yells cutting off Scott who grins back at him.
“Yeah but you’re not even Batman famous-“
“In Evergreen I am!” Adrian snaps standing up from the couch as if the is would help get the point across to his idiot friend.
“Dude, just drop it.” Adrian states narrowing his green eyed glare towards Scott who looked nonplussed.
“Anyways, back to my original question-“
“Just fucking drop it ok?!” Adrian shouts which actually does shut Scott up, but only for about five seconds.
“Someone has it so bad!” Scott laughs with obvious glee on his face.
“Nope.” Adrian states quickly but then adds for luck “You know I have like zero feelings.”
“Well, this is definitely gonna bite your ass sooner or later then!” Scott mutters in Adrian’s direction with a shake of his head.
“Yeah but that’s something for future me to deal with, right now I’m pretty golden.” Adrian surmises with a laugh clearly but firmly because that was the end of the that discussion.
“Whatever.” Scott sighs back in obvious annoyance.
It isn’t until a whole forty eight hours later that you see Adrian, walking into an empty Karma coffee whilst you were tackling a late shift alone with Phoebe, but finally seeing his face again makes your stomach flip and a wicked grin suddenly appears on your face.
This was just the interruption you needed because work wasn’t fulfilling its purpose, for once in fuck knows how long you couldn’t stop thinking about a guy, which meant that Adrian had been well and truly stuck in your thoughts.
… the whole damn day.
Yet here he finally was looking nonchalant about the whole thing, whilst you wanted to rush around from the counter and pull him into a hug, maybe some soft making out but keeping it PG13 because you was still at work after all.
Both respect and consent were two big deals that you knew had to stay on the table, but whenever Adrian was around all you really wanted to do was climb the guy, messy thoughts leading to you practically having to sit on your hands usually to avoid grabbing him at first sight.
What was it about this guy that made you act so feral?
Right now it was because the coffee shop had been quiet so far this evening, which was a bore because Conor hadn’t left any work for you to do, so instead you were inconveniently subjected to Phoebe talking the whole time.
“Hey, look who has decided to come crawling back?” Phoebe asks Adrian with a wink aimed in your direction, that your roommate choses not to notice.
“Why would I do that-“
“You know why?!” Phoebe retorts loudly which instantly makes you regret opening up to your co-worker, but it was the only way to shut her up, by talking about your own problems cos she was truly a sucker for a woeful tale.
“Hey roomie!” You call out to Adrian going for light and breezy, but ending up sounding more dark and restless so you lean an arm on the counter instead, casually as fuck or so you assume.
“Are you ok?” Adrian aims the question at you with a worrying glance, which instantly makes you move because you were trying to look chilled out not completely unhinged.
“I’m fine.” You begin quickly but then add subtly as an afterthought “ So, where have you been then?”
“Real smooth y/n.” Phoebe remarks with a giggle, but seeing the face that you pull she quickly gets back to stacking the reusable cups.
“Jeez, I’ve just been like super busy!” Adrian states in a sulky voice, which makes you look away from Phoebe to spot your roommate not quite meeting your gaze.
“That’s absolutely fine.” You begin with a nod and then state sharply “ But a text or something would have helped me from worrying, I mean wondering-“
“Missing me in the bedroom were we roomie?” Adrian asks with glee cutting you off with his alarming question, that has Phoebe watching the both of you without a care in the world.
“As if-“
“I hope you haven’t been having too much fun without me? Your collection of sex toys is quite impressive, but I’m the kinda guy who likes a little extra fun.” Adrian cuts you off with a smug look on his face that should be annoying, but instead you feel heat embarrassingly flood your underwear.
“I don’t think that Phoebe needs to-“
“Don’t worry about little old me, I’m definitely not listening to this super private conversation.” Phoebe informs you with a devilish grin that proves the complete opposite.
“That’s because I’m now changing the subject!” You retort quickly and with a swift wave of your hand to also signal that they were now done.
“Are you blushing? That’s so cute!” Adrian smiles at you widely, a heavily dimpled grin that makes your stomach perform acrobatics whilst you subtly squeeze your thighs together.
“Let’s talk about this later.” You singsong back at your roommate complete with a pointed look.
“My bed or yours?” Adrian winks happily which causes Phoebe to cough loudly from beside you.
Noticing three guys all walking into the shop you briefly welcome their arrival, hoping that Adrian would quit giving you that look, the one he usually wore before you dragged him into your bed.
“Well I doubt these three guys want to know all the sordid details.” You state looking to the newly arrived customers, all smiles aimed back in your direction, which clearly puts out Adrian as he stands a little more to attention.
“They might want pointers?” Adrian questions with a wink aimed firmly in your direction, but then he looks back as if he recognises one of the guys, a double look which leads to a firm line tensing his jaw.
“Is this the place where it happened?” One of the guys, you notice wearing a balaclava for a hat begins completely ignoring Adrian as he continues “Was there really a sighting of that douchebag Vigilante here, in this shit hole!”
“Excuse me-“
“Vigilante is not a douchebag!” Yells Adrian cutting you off from your hastily prepared speech about Karma coffee.
“What is with the weird hat you are wearing anyway?” Questions Phoebe eyeballing the tall uneasy dude, with the mustard coloured hat, which was just like you expected a balaclava that he hastily pulls it down over his ratchet face.
“We are here for Vigilante-“
“It isn’t like the guy frequents here for coffee or anything, duh!” Phoebe cuts off the second guy, shorter in height, but with blonde hair in a bun.
“Vigilante doesn’t even like coffee!” Shouts Adrian which makes everyone look round at him, whilst he explains “That’s what I heard, ok, so don’t go and like shoot the messenger or anything!”
“Get lost loser.” States man bun angrily which makes Adrian hold his hands on his hips in retaliation.
“You are definitely going to regret saying that!” Adrian demands unhelpfully.
“Leave him, we are here for the hot barista chicks.” Guy number three announces finally piping up with a creepy laugh, whilst proceeding to cut off an angry looking Adrian who was bouncing on his feet.
“I’m definitely not interested.” Phoebe proclaims once again folding her arms with purpose.
“Like we said hot stuff we’re really here for Vigilante.” Guy with the man bun reminds us like that was a definite plot point in this scene taking place.
“He has been seen several times around these parts, so we are here to have some fun with you ladies until the asshole appears.” Guy number three states with a gnarly grin that makes your skin crawl.
“What did we do?” Phoebe asks indignantly whilst folding her arms, sulking like she was about to have a complete meltdown, which pretty much tracks for her.
“Nothing yet gorgeous.” Guy number two with the man bun declares, quickly followed by a wink which makes your co worker pull a disgusted face.
“This is not happening-“
Before you finish that sentence you notice two things one that an elderly couple have just walked into the shop, and secondly that Adrian was suddenly nowhere to be seen.
“Where’s Adrian?” You hiss at Phoebe who shrugs back helpfully, which does nothing to calm your annoyance right this second, where the hell did he go?
“Enough of the pleasantries let’s get this fucking party started!” Shouts balaclava dude pulling out a small gun from under his black hoodie, which causes the elderly couple to thankfully flee right back out of the coffee shop.
“We have nothing to do with this Vigilante dipshit!” You announce darkly at the same time that Phoebe puts her hands up when she finally spots the gun in the room.
“He was seen here?” Questions balaclava guy his voice muffled slightly by the fabric obscuring his lips.
“Out the back of the store, well over a month ago might I add, but we haven’t seen him since.” You retort whilst trying to hide the annoyance from your voice, because this could not be happening right now, where the fucking hell was Adrian.
“Read the news, he’s a busy guy!” Shouts Phoebe again unhelpfully which makes you wish that you were anywhere else but here right now.
“Look.” You begin in a calm voice pushing away all negative thoughts towards your roommate to ask “ We can figure this all out but you will have to put that gun away first.”
“Or what sweetheart?” Questions balaclava guy who grins smugly taking a step forward, whilst you try to stand tall from behind the counter.
“Here we go-“
“Fuck this!” Snaps the third guy cutting off Phoebe, whilst he nudges his accomplice hard on the shoulder as he adds “ Can we talk to the manager because there can’t just be you two little ladies here all alone?”
“Sadly it is just us little ladies who are having to suffer with all this bullshit!” You snap then raise your hands when another gun is aimed at you from across the room.
“Hey, where did your boyfriend that super nerdy guy go to?” Mr man-bun guy asks over you his voice as grating as his appearance.
“He isn’t my boyfriend.” You provide as if everyone needed to know that right this second.
Regardless man-bun had just made a very good point, you think to yourself noticing that Adrian had yet to make a reappearance, even though you could’ve really used his help right about now.
The guy had some muscles and he knew how to use them, well in the bedroom at least you had gained first hand knowledge of that, but clearly right now wasn’t the time for that kind of thinking.
Having literally seen him earlier for less than ten minutes, you couldn’t help but wonder if Adrian was actually avoiding you, chuckling out loud to yourself at the stupidity of your thoughts because the store was literally being held up.
“What are you laughing at bitch?” One of the assholes snaps but you ignore them equally pissed at so many things, seeing how tonight was rapidly turning to shit in so many ways.
“Let’s just cut to the chase here ladies, I want you to empty out the register right now or I will start firing shots-“
“All of this trouble is being caused for a few measly bucks?” Phoebe demands with wide eyes, cutting off the apparent ringleader Mr balaclava, who replies with a cacophony of slurs in return.
“What the hell-“
“I’m getting really fucked off now!” Yells the shortest of the guys, luckily sans gun but the red of his face, matched the colour of his hair and in turn his apparent mood.
…you and me both sir.
Meanwhile Adrian was stood halfway down a conveniently placed alleyway, situated beside the coffee shop, hurriedly tugging down his work trousers to replace them with his suit he would show those assholes.
But first Adrian needed to obviously become less of a civilian and more like his alter ego Vigilante, happy that there had yet to be any gunfire but he needed to hurry up, save y/n and of course Phoebe like the badass that he was.
Recognising one of the assholes from somewhere but unsure where, Adrian quickly concludes that they will be easy to get rid of seeing how inept they were, plus he was also in the mood to exact some pain.
…for protective reasons of course.
Obviously Adrian cared about his roommate and he knew they were both having fun together, but he had needed some time away despite missing y/n late at night, Scott’s words suddenly echoing around in his head like an annoying pop song.
This was where things were actually complicated because he could show y/n who he really was like right now, the idea makes him regret his lunch choice, the feeling that it might reappear causes him to leap up quickly to his feet.
The decision was simple, for now he would continue being both Vigilante and of course Adrian separately, but right this second he has some serious ass kicking to do to protect his roommate.
Combat trousers, black long sleeve and work boots all finally back on, Adrian glances up the alleyway to see if he was being watched, because someone could report him and that was the last thing he needed right now.
Hiding his rucksack behind a green dumpster, Adrian briefly hopes that no one would steal it, because his work clothes were in there, plus some ninja stars that he couldn’t carry.
Not having his full armour because it obviously couldn’t fit in his bag, did put him at a disadvantage of course, but that’s why he trained as hard as he could.
…especially in hand to hand combat.
Debating his opening line Adrian bounces on his feet but stops dead when he hears, the unmistakable sound of a gun being fired, a million and one desperate thoughts litter his mind as he races further down to the back entrance of the coffee shop.
“Was you supposed to do that?” Phoebe asks aiming her question at the balaclava dude, who stupidly just shot his own leg and right now he was on the floor groaning in pain.
“Does it look like it?!” Curses the idiot on the floor sarcasm pouring from his voice kind of like the blood from his leg wound.
“Look, who do I need to call?” You exclaim cutting off one of the other idiots as you forcefully retort “ Either an Uber to get you to the hospital or the cops you decide.”
“I don’t think that will be necessary right now.” A deep voice states loudly behind you, turning round to spot the whole reason why this was all happening right now.
“Oh shit, it’s Vigilante!” Phoebe cries with apparent glee that makes you roll your eyes, why was this masked idiot even in Evergreen still, and not like in jail where he should be.
“That’s the asshole!?” The guy on the floor yells like no one had yet seen Vigilante standing there, arms folded across his firm chest wearing a black long sleeve that was definitely working wonders for him.
You shake your head angrily at that thought, why was it that right now you were checking out the masked guy, and not like grabbing Phoebe instead to make a quick exit out of this place.
“Don’t just fucking stand there and gawp get him!” Balaclava guy snaps causing you to look back at Vigilante who was still rooted to the spot.
“I think we should leave-“ You begin slowly.
“Nobody moves!” Shouts man bun guy moving away from his hurt teammate on the floor, causing Phoebe to step back from the counter and you grab firmly onto her lower arm.
“I think that you guys are finished here right?” Vigilante questions whilst walking straight past you and Phoebe, to vault over the counter despite it being open at the end to land straight on top of the man-bun guy.
“Get him!” Groans balaclava dude trying to get up from the floor, not doing a great job seeing there was a lot of blood around him he must have shot himself pretty deep.
Adrian grabs at the guy he was currently standing on, pulling one of his arms out he then stomps on it firmly, joyous was the screams that erupted from the idiot as he continued to kick the crap out of him.
“Trying to hold up a coffee shop? Pretty lame job guys I think the shooting yourself aspect a sweet twist though.” Vigilante states with a deep laugh that reverberates through his mask emphasising the glee tenfold.
“They were here for you!” Phoebe announces which makes you widen her eyes at her whilst she grins back.
“Well here I am ladies!” Vigilante announces loudly.
“I am going to kill you once and for all myself!” Balaclava dude shouts finally standing up and looking super pissed off as he attempts to swipe at Vigilante.
“Who are you even I-“
“You killed his brother!” Shouts the short redhead angrily as he then states “ And now it’s your turn!”
“Can you at least take this outside?” You shout noticing a group of people standing around by the store front, several holding phones up which were in turn obscuring their faces.
“It’s fine babe I’ve got this!” Vigilante waves off your comment with a cocky shake of his head, which briefly makes you narrow your eyes at the masked idiot despite the fact he was helping you out.
….none of this made sense?!
Where was Adrian in all this? Vigilante’s number one fan boy and he was nowhere in sight, probably got called away by Scott who was off work today, this information somehow annoyed you even more.
“Nothing to see here!” Vigilante announces whilst holding the injured criminal in a firm headlock, before he drops down on the floor pulling a perfected wrestling move, he must have learned from a certain wrestling federation.
“Fuck!!!!” Screeches the guy on the floor no longer caring about his leg wound, because his head had just aggressively met the floor, causing you to look away.
“Should I be calling the cops?” Phoebe asks you, looking a little ashamed as she continues to film on her phone what was happening, whilst Vigilante destroyed the shop.
Sure he was beating the crap out of these guys, who granted were idiots but did they even deserve this, also the masked anti hero had broken a display that you had spent ages preparing the other day.
“I don’t even know your brother who I apparently killed?” Vigilante questions whilst two of the three assailants were laying on the floor, hell you weren’t even sure if they were breathing.
“Wild hearts-“
“Oh fuck, that shitty little crew?”Vigilante retorts incredulously then with a muffled snort adds “The have all long gone, long gone if you get my meaning.”
“I’m calling the cops-“
“Wait, I’m not done yet!” Exclaims Vigilante in a deep voice , cutting you off as he tries to grab the last guy, who was stupidly trying to flee the scene.
“You are making things worse!” You snap clearly over all of this, wishing you could just shut the shop up and leave with Phoebe by your side.
“How am I making things worse?” Questions Vigilante with his gloved hands firmly attached to his hips,head tilted to the right obscured obviously by the ski mask.
“You’ve bought your bullshit back in here and I want you to fucking leave!” You shout angrily considering your idea from moments ago of just fleeing the scene.
“Thank you for protecting me Vigilante, you are such a hero and a badass!” Vigilante mimics your voice terribly as he shakes his hips at the same time.
“Can you just get the fuck out-“
“The cops have been called!” Cuts in Phoebe gleefully then pointing to the masked idiot adds “ You better leave Vigilante.”
“One sec.” Vigilante laments as he reaches one hand into the pocket of his fitted trousers, pulling out something you cannot see until it’s thrown at the guy who was trying to escape.
…huh ninja star, explains a lot.
“What the fuck?!” Cries the last guy to hit the floor, trying to get aforementioned item out of his back without much luck at all.
“I did it! Thank you ladies and gentleman, what a performance?!” Vigilante shouts raising both arms above his head, which briefly causes his fitted black long sleeve to rise up, you feel Phoebe hit you very hard on the arm.
“Can you get-“
“One more thing before I go.” Vigilante cuts you off which makes you fold your arms across your chest, but soon you drop them to your sides, wondering what the hell you were currently watching.
“This is my victory dance!” Announces Vigilante out of breath, hands still above his head as he shakes his whole body it was a sight to behold, truly.
Moments later you hear the chorus to one of Beyoncé’s songs being played out, quickly looking at Phoebe who was pointing back at the masked weirdo, currently gyrating his hips which made you close your mouth.
“My butt, my butt, look at my crazy, sexy butt!” Adrian sings whilst placing both his gloved hands on the back of his ass, as he continues to shake what his mama gave him.
You find yourself unable to look away from what was happening, which was Vigilante dancing like he had not a single care whatsoever, the lucky bastard.
“Adrian would be super jealous right now if he saw your face.”Laughed Phoebe catching the look you make which was apparently a picture to say the least.
“Here are the cops!” You announce at the same time your co worker turns the song off from her phone, causing Vigilante to stop dancing like he was in a dance club and not a coffee shop.
“That’s my cue!-“
“Thank you Vigilante!” Phoebe cuts off whatever the masked guy was going to say, instead he salutes the both of you then races out the back, hopefully that would be the last you ever saw of him again.
“I better go talk to the cops.” You begin stepping out from behind the counter, avoiding the three guys all groaning on the floor, being especially careful not to slip on the blood either.
“Think I need a moment!” Declares Phoebe with a low whistle escaping her lips as she states “That was so hot, I need to call Vince and see if he’s free now I’m horny.”
“From all this!?” You question your voice sounding disbelieving despite enjoying the ridiculous dance that Vigilante had performed a little too much yourself.
“Don’t judge!” Pouts Phoebe but it soon transforms into a grin when she adds “ I bet if Adrian was here right now you would be all over him.”
“It’s not like that-“
“Sure, you are just friends who now hook up, the greatest idea that has never gone wrong in the history of ever.” Phoebe retorts quickly complete with a smug smile to finish off her statement with a flourish.
“Yeah, just friends.” You announce flippantly whilst watching, as two uniformed cops finally walk into the shop, taking in the ridiculous scene around them.
…it was going to be a long night and you really, really, really didn’t need this bullshit right now.
With a smile that just wouldn’t quit, Adrian believes that earlier tonight had gone so well, sure he had originally been there just for his roommate but the final payoff had been immense.
A bunch of losers looking for Vigilante when he was right there, literally under all of their noses, it was too perfect he just hoped that his roommate now appreciated the masked vigilante a little bit more.
Adrian knew that he shouldn’t have felt so smug about all this, but he just couldn’t believe his luck, so much so that he had spent a lot of time this evening hunting other criminals.
…why waste a good run of luck when things were going so good!
Smirking to himself under his mask he just couldn’t shake off how happy he felt, gone was the stupid idea of him hiding away from you, Adrian could just continue to be himself and no one else would be the wiser.
Only difference now was that he was hooking up with you, he clearly cared about y/n despite telling everyone otherwise, but Adrian could in no way ever tell you the truth about himself.
Well not anytime soon anyway because he wanted to protect you, and in turn himself definitely not wanting you to get hurt for his own actions, also how could he even begin to explain everything to you.
Scott liked to joke that it was so obvious who Vigilante was, but Adrian knew he had a pretty good track record at hiding his endeavours, it was just that he needed to play this well and somehow make his BFF proud.
It was moments like this quite late at night, that he found himself wondering about Chris Smith, because Adrian missed the guy so much but he was also glad that you were still around.
Scott however usually scoffed at Adrian whenever he bought up his real bff, citing that his oldest friend was still around, and his crush was rotting in some prison somewhere.
Granted that was true but Adrian hated the idea of Chris being in trouble or even worse dead, that was the final thought that made his smile slip of his face, how had he even gone from thinking of you to this?
Locking away those thoughts somewhere in the back of his mind, Adrian goes to call Chris it was a habit he still had yet cut out, listening as it goes to voicemail reminding him that he also missed hanging out with Eagly as well.
Shoving said phone back down deep into his pocket, he ponders the idea of bringing home a pet back to the apartment, wondering if you would be cool with either a guinea pig or something way more exotic.
Adrian stands up from his position on the curb, considering his idea for a moment but then thinks better of it, as he imagines a tiger for example wrecking the apartment which wouldn’t go in his favour for sure.
…more importantly where would he even get a tiger and at this hour of the night, it was impossible.
“Thank you officer for the lift back.” You tell the female cop who grins back friendly, brushing some curly dark brown hair from her face, and with one final wave she disappears from view.
Wow, and you thought that Adrian was the masked Vigilante’s number one fan? He had nothing on this woman who short of keeping a scrapbook, knew an awful lot about the masked maniac’s coming and goings.
Telling you how others teased her on the knowledge she held, the guy was an obvious psychopath of course but he was interesting in his movements, oh and hey did you see his ass?
Not like literally of course but your mind betrays your bad mood, by recalling the moment that Vigilante had won and broke out dancing, shaking his cute butt like his life depended on it.
…was it wrong that the aforementioned image was now a core memory for you?
Chucking down your bag at the same time you shake that very thought away, you recall why you was still in such a mood, oh yeah it was because of your roommate.
Where the fuck was Adrian? Seeing how he had just left without even saying goodbye, was he in trouble or like you kept suspecting just avoiding you.
What had you done? Everything was cool from your end of things, what was wrong with Adrian, did he think the sex was bad or something between you.
That thought makes you stop directly in your tracks, on your way through to the open plan kitchen, fuck had Adrian gone cold were you acting too needy or something for him?
Ok you were back to spiralling all over again, when in fact you should be angry at Adrian for leaving you at Karma coffee, because something bad could have actually happened earlier tonight.
Now that’s the thought which leaves a sour lump in your throat, what if the guys holding up the coffee shop had actually been competent in their field, leaving yourself or Phoebe injured or worse in their shitty efforts.
Luckily Vigilante had happened to appear at the right time, which was also suspicious but you knew Evergreen was filled with idiots and psychopaths, even though this specific one did kind of save your life.
…once again.
Taking a deep breath you feel overwhelmed with your thoughts, so take a seat on the floor instead of the stool beside you, placing both of your hands flat on the cold wooden surface you ground yourself.
Usually evenings working with Phoebe were spent listening to her talk on and on, she spoke enough for both of you sometimes, during those moments when you needed quiet most of the time.
Instead tonight had been a complete mess which left you feeling a little lost, not to mention how you were going to explain everything to Conor tomorrow, he would find out a way to blame you for all this somehow.
You chuckle to yourself when you realise that more than anything right now, you wished that Adrian was here with you for a cuddle, seeing how he gave the best hugs understanding the cue when you needed comfort most.
…which was super sweet, because he knew your needs even better than you did sometimes.
Remembering that he wasn’t even here to yell at makes you angry all over again, was he playing games or just being oblivious, clearly you didn’t know the answer which makes you silently scream into your hands.
Fuck this, you needed a shower to wash away the events of tonight, hopefully Adrian would be back by the time you were finished, then you could finally have some kind of a talk with him.
…maybe even finish the night with some make up sex.
That was what it actually boiled down to, you were still frustrated of course and the past couple of days hadn’t helped one bit, so all you needed was one night to make things right.
Apparently this was clearly asking too much when you finish drying your hair, leaving it messy and curly to match your feelings, because of course Adrian wasn’t back yet.
But this wasn’t good enough for you, because it was about time you finally had some answers, otherwise you would not be sleeping again tonight which was not an option.
Fine if he wanted to play the avoidance card then you would try and get his attention, despite the fact you had been doing the exact same, but that didn’t matter right now obviously.
Calling his number only leads to Adrian’s voicemail, where you were seconds away from leaving a message, but instead you call him another five times in a row all yielding the same result.
…where the fuck was he?!
Scott watches the TV through both of his hands which were poorly shielding his eyes, Karma coffee was on the late night news, whilst Adrian was sat next to him narrating over the reporter what had taken place.
“Vigilante saves the day yet again this evening, but sadly there were no casualties not even one bad guy died, which was a little disheartening-“
“I can’t actually believe this!” Scott cuts off Adrian loudly as he continues “How the hell is y/n because I know she was working late tonight?”
“Well that’s the thing…” Begins Adrian with a loud sigh which causes his friends eyes to widen but he soon consoles Scott as he states “oh no she’s fine! Still pretty sore at Vigilante but I will soon win her over.”
“That’s all you have to fucking say?” Scott asks with a firm punch to Adrian’s right side as he adds “ Please tell me the whole story, plus why the fuck are you even here and not with your roommate-“
Scott stops talking when he hears his friends annoying ringtone, some Britney Spears song that made him want to rip out his own ears, but that was a whole other thing.
“Who is it-“
“I better take this.” Adrian declares with a blank look on his face, closely followed by a loud audible gulp which makes Scott grab the TV remote to mute the news.
Staring at the phone screen you cannot believe your eyes, when you notice that Adrian had actually answered the call, his voicemail hadn’t kicked in after eleven rings so that was actually him speaking.
“It’s you!” You announce in a way more softer tone than you were originally going for in your opening statement.
“Hey y/n how are things?” Adrian asks you trying to go for smooth, but it falls pretty flat even to your own ears.
“How am I?” You retort sarcastically the fact you had been happy to get hold of him, was swiftly replaced by that anger you had been holding onto quite tightly.
Hearing muffled voices on Adrian’s end you can clearly make out Scott’s voice, warning his friend about something, quickly followed by a door closing loudly.
“I’m alone now-“
“Are you at Scott’s?” You demand cutting off whatever your roommate was about to say whilst surmising “So you skipped out of Karma without even saying goodbye to me, when moments later the actual store was held up!”
There is a far too long pause ,which makes you look at your screen to make sure the call was still active, what the hell was Adrian playing at?
“I-er I had to go to work I was running super late, wow the shop was actually held up how are you?” Adrian replies eventually complete with stumbling his words, leaving you with a brief sense that this guy was indeed talking absolute crap.
“So you do care then? Well your fanboy crush Vigilante came and saved us somehow-“
“Oh, shoot did I miss Vigilante?” Adrian questions quickly cutting you off yet again, which was still very fucking annoying.
“Yeah, if you had stayed at the shop you would’ve seen your fave anti hero, maybe even had time to get his autograph.” You state voice filled with venom, because this was not going how you had expected it to.
“I don’t carry my autograph book everywhere with me-“
“That was sarcasm, how could you have left me, I haven’t seen you for days and then you fuck off again?!” You snap cutting off Adrian this time, who you then hear sigh down the phone, like this call was an inconvenience for him.
“Honestly I was just busy.” Adrian laments in a low voice which makes you roll your eyes as he states “ I genuinely had to work, I’ve been busy, I thought I was being breezy.”
You cannot help but laugh after Adrian says this, but then you quickly imagine his face that kicked puppy look which made you want to protect him, but was he telling the truth?
“I think I should crash at Scott’s tonight-“
“I think that you should to!” You yell hanging up the call on Adrian, feeling nowhere near less angry than earlier, which meant yep you guessed it.
…fuck all sleep.
Your mind was wide awake as you fought with your own thoughts, stuck staring up at the living room ceiling, laying on one of the couches instead of your own bed.
It wasn’t as if this was a serious relationship or anything, but you both needed boundaries that went without saying, especially seeing how today had been an unmitigated disaster.
…yet despite all of this you still would kill to be in Adrian’s arms right now, what the hell was wrong with you?
Closing your eyes you cannot help but imagine Adrian laying down next to you, no wait him sitting on the couch with your head on his lap, gently stroking your hair whilst his other hand rests low on your hip.
…ready to move lower at a moments notice the thought makes a soft whine escape your lips, making you roll onto your front to bury your face in much needed embarrassment.
Thanks to the ludicrous events back at Karma coffee, both yourself and Phoebe are rewarded with the next couple of days off work, and you didn’t even have a speech prepared to thank everyone.
Clearly you were still in a bad mood over everything, how had things been so good recently and then all this shit suddenly happened at once, what’ve you done to deserve this?
The last time you had heard from Adrian was a day and a half ago, so you were granted free rein of the apartment, still annoyed that you had woken up in a horny frame of mind this morning.
It was like you had arrived full circle all over again, which surely meant that this cycle of shit was now over, despite the fact that you were still super frustrated and overwhelmed.
Go figure that anger acted just like an aphrodisiac, of course only in certain cases like right now, because you were truly finding it hard to cope without your mind drifting back to your roommate.
It was hot and you felt like you were on fire, even after having a cold shower but this clearly wasn’t just because of climate change, nope it was because you just needed a real good fuck sesh.
The kind that takes takes your breath away and makes you feel helpless, like whoever your were having sex with was relentless in their efforts to make you orgasm, Adrian liked nothing more than to watch you fully lose it.
A grin spreads across your face one that soon disappears, when you remind yourself you are alone, and taking some time away from your roommate which included not thinking about him.
But that was the thing especially being stuck at the apartment, all you could think about was Adrian his things were all around the place, and you still felt like there was some unresolved words that needed to be said.
Of course he was hiding out at Scott’s place, why you wasn’t exactly sure maybe he was embarrassed he had left Karma coffee, leaving you with a psychopath and three idiot criminals.
Besides none of that actually mattered when it was too warm for clothes, the thought had crossed your mind to just walk around naked, but Adrian wasn’t here and you didn’t even know when he would be back.
Piling your hair into a messy bun, pretty sure that you had even missed a few strands of hair but there was no one here to impress, so you decided to wear a dark purple lace bralette and underwear to complete the look.
Walking back out of your room you decide to make yourself useful, obviously you needed a distraction seeing how work wasn’t on the cards, so it was time to sort out and fold your clean washing instead.
…rock and fucking roll.
Either way this would help keep you occupied for at least a few minutes, and take your mind off thinking about Adrian, how much you wanted to shout at him and then let him bend you over the couch.
Focus you remind yourself carrying on with the task in hand, until you come across a super faded black tee shirt that most definitely wasn’t yours, which meant that is must be Adrian’s.
Holding the tee shirt up makes you grin cheekily, the fabric was very soft and there were chipped red words on both sides, which were both funny and ridiculous.
“Don’t do drugs.” You announce out loud reading the front of the tee, then as you switch it round quickly state with a quick giggle “Do me.”
The very image makes warm heat throb rapidly between your legs, as a delicious thought sharply enters your mind, wouldn’t it actually be great if Adrian appeared whilst you were wearing his tee shirt.
Before overthinking it you pull the soft tee shirt over your head, pretty much at the same time that there is a loud knock on the front door, unable to believe your luck you head through the kitchen.
Sure Adrian wasn’t one to knock on the door but maybe he wanted to apologise, which would be music to your ears, and then the real fun would finally begin.
Too caught up in the idea that it actually was your roommate, you ignore the fact you were wearing a tee that just covered your ass, complete with cute lacy underwear underneath and open the front door desperately.
…go on guess who it was!?
{TAGLIST} comment to join♥️
@tiannamortis @sammyisfat @amysuemc @likedovesinthewnd @clairevoyanceee @aprilfire18 @neepo @sapphicandserendipityy @bioluminescentwoerms @empressvader @adrianmunson
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sellyoursoulforagoodfic · 3 years ago
"Adrian Chase x Reader
Will you be willing to write an Adrian Chase x reader? Like Viglante from the new peacemaker show"--anon
Unfortunately, I haven't watched the show, and am not really planning on doing so. Sorry!
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fruity-mercenary · 8 months ago
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Peacemaker s2 come quick 😞😞
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fruity-mercenary · 11 months ago
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Thank you so much for letting me draw this epic prompt it was so fun!! :D
I took as much time as i could on it because i wanted it to be really good! Also Just letting everyone out there know that i did draw Adrian with two different colored eyes cause in the show they say green but i see blue?? Also ive seen in fics people describe them as both so i couldn’t choose and just went with both 💪. This definitely has to be one of my favorite art pieces ive ever made! Absolutely love the show and Cant wait for S2 / Future Drawings >:]
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fruity-mercenary · 11 months ago
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Yeah hes like me now 🙀 ALSO IM SO EXCITED FOR THIS LAST SKETCH HEHEH IM TAKING MY TIME CAUSE I WANT IT TO BE SO GOOD 🙏🙏😼 (im thinking of finishing it hopefully this weekend :D)
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