#peaceful protest is a 1st ammendment right
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These police actions have nothing to do with public safety or protecting property and everything to do with silencing dissent of any sort.

The police brutality at these protests really disturbs me.
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There's two types of people in this world who can read auras: the crazy kooks and wise women who live at the edge of the indigenous village, and the sociopaths and predators who know a victim when they see one.
The right to own guns should be understood first as the right to self-preservation and self-defense, the right to not only defend one's self and their family or those whose care is their responsibility - the right to not be or become a victim.
If the government demanded everyone turn over their guns tomorrow, who among us will comply? One things for sure, it won't be the bad guys. You can be 100% assured that bad men will not comply.
Good men who own guns keep bad men at bay. Good men and women, who are responsible, who own guns are not a threat to anyone not seeking to do them or their families harm. This is the case for the vast majority of gun owners.
My views on guns changed when I moved away from the city, where law enforcement maintained a constant presence, and into the country where emergency response times could range between 30 minutes to an hour or longer.
In rural communities where this is the reailty, the stakes of a home invasion are raised dramatically. If someone has the balls to show up on your property unannounced and uninvited, they are not fucking around and have arrived with bad intentions.
See the way our government treats us as is, like a corporation or a toxic partner - as bad as you will allow them to without protest. The 2nd ammendment is one that is nearly impossible to fully appreciate unless and until it was taken away from you.
Imagine the shit the government would pull without the 2nd ammendment - which is 2nd for a good goddamn reason. Beyond the 1st, none are more paramount. It is there to protect us from our govt. and just in case the 1st becomes infringed upon.
The odds of another country winning and maintaining a ground war on our soil is less than zero not simply due to relative military capabilities but sheer levels of individual gun ownership and the collective will of gun owners to defend their own.
"Do nothing unto anyone that you would not like to have done unto yourself. Seek peace, and never be the aggressor—but if anyone attacks you, we do not teach you to turn the other cheek."
"Anytime you tell a man to turn the other cheek or to be nonviolent in the face of a violent enemy, you're making that man defenseless. You're robbing him of his God-given right to defend himself"
“Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery."
- Malcolm X
#malcolm x#by any means necessary#ByAnyMeansNeccessary#2nd amendment#2a#yeonmi park#gun ownership#gun owners#right to bear arms#self preservation#self defense#philosophy
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“Silencer” 2020 This piece is a dedication to the protesters demanding system reform and justice after the tragedy of George Floyd murder. The tear gas canister represents the silencing of the protesters 1st Ammendment, being used to damage, disburse, and traumatize crowds of peaceful BIPOC and allies. The tear gas also represents the clouding of judgement from the media. The media always reports crowds turning violent for no reason other than emotion but what most don’t realize is this aggression is always instigated by the police officers or people with outside agendas to hurt the movement. Tear gas is said to not even be used in war, so why do we choose to use it on our own people? The bruised eye represents the victims of “rubber bullets” and bean bags that have been improperly used by police officers and national guardsmen. Police are treating the people they were supposed to protect as targets for sport. There’s been reports of permanent blindness, skull fractures, brain damage and even death for using our 1st Amendment right. Police are trying to help us fight against police brutality with more forms of brutality. I shouldn’t fear a death sentence for using my rights. I shouldn’t fear a death sentence for walking in a hoodie. I shouldn’t fear a death sentence for sleeping in my bed. I shouldn’t fear a death sentence for not knowing I had a fraudulent bill. And I certainly shouldn’t fear a death sentence for my child playing with a toy gun. Please support #BlackLivesMatter and victims of police brutality through donations or correcting the false narrative our news has created about them. Spread awareness, not trends.
#blacklivesmatter#nojusticenopeace#protesters#police brutality#tw bruises#george floyd#tamir rice#justice for breonna#black artist#my art#we are powerful#blackout
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Mike Pence protest
So I have been seeing a lot of my conservative friends complaining about "liberal snowflakes" walking out of Pence's commencement at Notre Dame University. However, I find it kind of funny that the Republican party calls themselves the constitutional party, but then condemns people who exercise their 1st Ammendment right. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." Just in case you missed it the first time, THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE PEACEABLY TO ASSEMBLE, AND TO PETITION THE GOVERNMENT FOR A REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES. They did nothing but be peaceful, they literally just got up and walked out. I guess the Republicans only care about and "protect" the 2nd ammendment and the rest don't really matter. But back to the commencement, in 2009 Obama was asked to get do the commencement, also at Notre Dame and was given an honorary degree. During his speech a couple of protesters yelled out during his speech. "Abortion is murder! Stop killing children" and his response was "that's all right" after the audience started to boo the protesters. He reacted with class and not much was said after his speech. However, my conservative friends can't seem to drop this, how "it was disrespectful" and how "childous" it was. But a portion of the party they often support calls themselves the Tea Party, which comes from the Boston tea party. Where PROTESTERS through tons of British tea into the harbor. Kind of ironic that the party named after a protest complains about people protesting, and it's not just this one occasion it's basically any large protest. Any large Black lives matter protest, post election protests, the women's day March on Washington. They complained, this kind of hypocrisy irritates me. It's like the most undisplined thing a human can do. You can justify that it is alright for them to do something, but when another group does the exact same things it is not okay.
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Tgif Treadmill Treats My freedom of speech My question today, to all of you out here is... aren't you worried? If today's world doesn't scare you, you are living under a rock. We should be afraid, be very afraid because we are thisclose to having our freedom's taken away from us. In the last week alone, 2 journalist were arrested for asking questions our "government" didn't want to answer. A single mom with a sick child at a town hall meeting asked about health care for her child was thrown out and scared with the government taking her child away from her. 3 activist were recently arrested for protesting Jeff Sessions in a congressional hearing. Native Americans were arrested and dragged off to jail for protecting the land that we once stole from them but now want back... sacred land no less. American journalists were banned from a meeting recently with "Cheeto man" The list goes on and on...Hell I might be arrested for writing this soon....where do we draw the line....when it's too late? I will tell you when it's too late...before you even realize it's happening...look at the past...look at all of these dictators, they all started small, one arrest here, one there, then people disappearing into the night, before long we are too scared, they are too big and we have no rights left. People open your eyes, read up on these past dictatorships, see how they started...all the same... It's like being a victim of abuse, it's not all at once, it's one step...Okay, you will let me get away with that. Okay, let's try this, okay, now let's try this...Oh wait too much, too soon let's back up, let's put on that I am a great guy face...Okay, they bought it...okay, let take this away...and before you know it your gave all your power away and you have none left. Your stuck, your afraid, you can't speak up or leave. Yes, these dictators do the same thing...little by little...before you even realize it...your freedom is gone.. These are the dictators that came before..... Adolf Hitler Romania's Nicolae Ceausescu Kim jung un Fidel Castro Mussolini And there are many many more I can name. These men were narcissistic, egotistical, money hungry, power seaking men... not unlike "Cheeto man" This is America, the land of the free...free to speak our minds, free to protest, free to ask and demand answers... This is what our Constitution is about, this is what we fought wars for, this is America people... for now anyway.... Unless we rise up and demand our first amendment rights, unless we unite, we speak out out, we flood the Internet, our government officials with our voices then the joke will be on the American people. And this is no laughing matter people.... This is your freedom we are talking about... This is what I do...I get to speak my mind to people all over the globe, people everyday get to have a say, to speak their peace because of this very important thing called freedom of speech... This is why people use to want to come to America, they would risk their lives to live here, because we were a land of compassion, we had freedom's, we cared about others and their lack of... This country is not becoming great...no, this country is becoming a fascist country caring only for the rich, the powerful, the few that look and think like each other. We should be ashamed of ourselves, we should read up about how easy it is to fall into a dictatorship, we should all go to Ellis Island and read what the world thought about us...what use to make us great...something we have forgotten... "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" Today my friends remember your voice still has power, call your government officials today, protest, write, blog, speak out before it's too late... As for me I will keep speaking out, until they arrest me, until they take the breath out of me...I will continue to do my 1st ammendment right...freedom of speech! "Be the change you want to see" "And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly" ***Now available*** My book "The blessing in Disguise" Selling on my website: Http://www.treadmilltreats.com And on Amazon.com http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/0692437398/ref=mp_s_a_1_13?qid=1462358109&sr=1-13&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=the+blessing+in+Disguise http://www.am6azon.com/gp/aw/d/0692437398/ref=mp_s_a_1_12?qid=1434452632&sr=8-12&pi=AC_SX110_SY165_QL70&keywords=the+Blessing+in+Disguise My weekly Youtube page, please subscribe: https://youtu.be/LDSXCFJVnzM Twitter: treadmill treats Instragram: treadmilltreats Facebook :treadmill treats Meduim:treadmill treats Pintrest: treadmill treats Google+: treadmill treats
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