taeyamayang · 3 years
for the soulmate series, can i request suna x reader? for the identification could it be related to smell, like you and your soulmate can only smell one thing, the thing you smell once you and your soulmate meet, and once you do meet and smell that thing together you gain the full ability to smell everything?
it’s ok if that’s weird it’s really late for me hahahah🤧
hq boys and soulmates
suna, kuroo, kenma
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PAIRING: suna rintaro x reader
GENRE: soulmates | fluff | crack if you laugh
a/n: thank you for sending in a request and i totally love your concept, it's not weird at all! this made me appreciate my sense of smell it literally made me go to our baking pantry to figure out what to smell lmao. anyhow, i hope you like this!~ (´ ω `♡)
ps: i hope i was able to project what you mean,,
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"well, goodmorning to my coffee induced friend!" ichika, your long-time high school friend, greets as soon as you enter the classroom. your hand grasp around the handle of your school provided shoulder bag while the other coils around a large tumbler. you greet her with a weak nod. it's too early for you to match her 24/7 high energy.
"no coffee today?" she asks as you approach your desk located in front of her's. she dramatically arches an eyebrow at you, anchoring one leg over the other. her eyes are keen, speculating the rather unusual morning routine.
"i bought a tumbler from the coffee shop and asked them to put it here." you shake the reusable container in your hand and the liquid inside resonates a splashing sound. thereafter, you place it on your desk next to your shoulder bag.
"to save the marine life?" she leans back to her seat as he scratches her chin.
"bingo, you bet." you click your tongue and your right hand shoots her finger guns. "and i can save 10% everytime i refuse to consume plastic containers. you know, save the ocean and save my wallet."
"i know you love your coffee, ____-chan, but i also do know that going to coffee shops is your way of finding your soulmate. like, subconsciously i know that everytime you place an order your eyes scan the room for your other half." she rambles as you settle in your seat. your legs facing the aisle and your arms resting on the top of the backrest of your seat.
"are you my therapist, now? do you look into my brain and find the truth of my subconsious?" you say smiling at her as you slightly turn your head to her direction. her body is leaning forward with her forearms pressed against her desk, steadying her position.
"yes, call me whatever you want but you know what? i'm going to be honest with you. your ways won't work." she shakes her head in disappointment. albeit, you find it funny how fully in engrossed she is in this topic.
"mhm?" you hum at her in question, fighting a smile as you gaze at her.
"what if your person hates the taste of coffee? what if your person has so much things on their plate that they don't get to spend time in cafés? what if they have a hobby and spend most of the time doing it? not because they are your soulmate it means they are as equally as obsessed as you in coffee. besides, the scenarios are endless." she throws her hands in the air. she says spitting out facts. she has a point. you can't assume that your soulmate does same thing as you do every day. she continues, "so, my friend, if you only stick to your way then im sure you'll be fifty when you find your soulmate."
"fifty?" you snort at her exaggerated claim but her face dead serious.
"do i look like im joking to you? ____-chan, i am not joking. i simply care about you." she lays on hand over her chest in a mocking way. her deadpan humor makes you burst into another round of laughter. her head tilts up when her eye catches a brown haired girl.
"hey, nayako-chan. do you agree with me?" ichika calls the attention of a heaving girl by the door. her hand is fixed on the door frame as she catches her breath. nayako is your other friend. the three of you have been together since junior high.
"thank god im not late and no i don't agree." she chaffs making you earn another chortle. she stumbles on her jelly leg muscles as she walks her way to her desk next to ichika. the latter has her eyebrows furrow.
"how can you say that, naya-chan? am i not dependendable?" ichika crosses her arms over her chest.
"no." you and nayako says in unison. the bell rings for morning classes and ichika sinks in her seat. you shoot her crinkled smile before fixing your eyes to the front.
• • •
the bell rings to signify the end of classes. you have completed more than half of your day and do you feel fulfilled? not really since each period rolled out easy yet dragging. a usual day in school, you think. you grab onto your tumbler before giving it a slight shake. the container is lighter but you can still hear a faint sound of splashing liquid inside. you still have a few sips left so you decided to hold onto it than risking the contents of your bag by placing it inside.
"where are you going?" ichika says all of a sudden making you turn your upper body around. your eyes immediately land on nayako who's already on her feet.
"i have a date." she says hooping her bag over her shoulder. unlike you and ichika, nayako has already found her soulmate. it's a quite funny story, you recall. in this universe where everyone's sense of smell is dysfunctional, nayako was a determined fellow. she always believed that if she sniffed hard enough at least a faint scent would reach her nose; and so her soulmate found her sniffing on blueberries at the local supermarket. when a gushing scent of flowers, rain, and spring reach her senses. she was baffled with the weird scent it holds only to realize that a person has been standing next to her the whole time. she was so shocked that the blueberries on her hand fell on her feet. the salesman by the fruit section had to scold her for being careless. in the end, she no choice but to buy the fallen berries but it's all worth it since she already found her soul's other half.
"now is the perfect time." ichika leans forward on her desk to inch her distance from you. "we are going out, too. we will look for our soulmates." she wriggles her eyebrows at you before pulling her body back to it's original position. her hand finishes inside her bag. she pulls out a perfume bottle then began spraying herself. nayako sneezes.
"that's too much perfume. you already smell like lavender." nayako waves her hand in front of her face. now that she has found her soulmate her sense of smell is fully activated.
"stop flexing!" ichika bickers.
"im not flexing! im sneezing!" she sneezes before retorting.
"leave, berry sniffer!" ichika flutters her eyes close as she her hand gestures nayako to leave. the latter then walks to the back door of the room.
"bye!" she waves goodbye to the two of you.
"enjoy!" you say to her. ichika cups the side of her mouth. she looks around before whispering.
"i have a plan." she whipers as if is anyone other than the two of you is in the room.
"what is your plan?" you jokingly whisper back as you copy her gesture, curving your hand to the side of you mouth.
"let's head to the volleyball gym. i heard that none of the players there have found their soulmates yet." she places her perfume inside her bag.
"who told you that? how accurate is your source?" you ask.
"yamamoto, et al.," she says as she zips her bag close. you laugh at her reference. "anyway, maybe you can find your soulmate there. ive always felt like the miya twins is meant for me." she says and quickly she's already on her feet ready to leave.
"which one? atsumu or osamu?" you ride on her joke as you shove things inside your bag. your friend stands next to you.
"duh, both! why choose one when you can have both." you laugh her at bold statement. she cracks a smile, finding it entertaining that you laugh at her silly delusions. she utters, "stop laughing, let's go." she pulls you by the wrist and the both of you head out.
you find yourself with ichika by the entrance of the gym. the players have started warming up for the practice match against another school. ichika ushers you next to her. you both briefly pass by the players. suddenly, a faint indistinct smell catches your attention. you stop your tracks hoping to catch the smell again but it's gone. ichika gently pulls you by your forearm.
"sorry, i was distracted." you mutter to yourself. albeit, still looking around. once your eyes meet with ichika, the latter gestures you to come with her. she takes you up to the second floor. it's an overlooking veranda. it's easier to watch the whole match when you are the second floor plus it minimizes the risk of getting hit by a ball in the face. considering how hard the spikers hit the ball. you lean on the metal barrier with your one arm over the other. your hand gripped around your coffee tumbler. the bottom part of the container resting over your other arm.
"what if our soulmate isn't part of the team? are we not wasting time?" you ask your friend making her peer at you in disbelief.
"wasting time? can't you see that?" her fingers are straighten out in the air with her palm facing upward. she points at the players at the court using her hand. "thick thighs, sculpted biceps, sporty and passionate men. this is not a waste of time." she says making you shake your head and smile to yourself.
"anyway, who do you think pairs better with me? atsumu or osamu?" she lowers her voice as she pulls you in closer.
you eyes wander at the volleyball court. you sight one player after the other before it lands on a dark brunette. his back is facing you and all you can read is the number 10 at the back of his shirt. you squint your eyes at him, trying to peer at his face. maybe get a glimpse of it. as if he senses your burning gaze, his body turns to your direction. he tilts his head up and locks eyes with you. you are startled by the sudden eye contact yet you held his pupils like you're used to it. oddly, you don't feel uncomfortable sharing glances with a stranger. you were about to pull your lips up into a smile when the referee whistles making him shift his attention back to his teammates.
you watch the whole match with ichika, mostly her blabbering about how hot the miya twins are when they're playing but you're completely lost in your own thoughts. you are distracted by number 10, the middle blocker. his plays are smooth and smart that makes you want to root for him and see more of his matches. observing him you figured that he doesn't talk much, unlike his other teammates, which you find cute. afterall, you're into quiet and mysterious typesㅡnot that you can choose your lover, though. since the universe has it already planned out for you.
"atsumu looked at me! did you see that?" ichika squeals as she shakes you by the arm but you keep your gaze at number 10. in the split second before the serve, he looks at you making you both lock eyes for the second time.
"yeah, definitely." you lie through your mouth and your words came out unconvincing. you keep your eyes lock with his. the referee whistles again. number 10, smiles at you before pulling his focus back to the net. you jolt and your eyelids widen. what the heck was that? warmth crawls up to your cheeks making your body crouch down to hide half of your face behind your arms. you nudge ichika.
"who's number 10?" you muffle.
"suna rintaro, middle blocker. one of the key players of the team. why?" she shifts her eyes to you before continuing, "what are you doing?" her face crumples in confusion.
"i need to pee." you say straightening up your back. you push your tumbler to her chest.
"but the game is almost over!" ichika protests.
"i'll be quick. i need to pee." you say as your feet take you down the stairs.
the game has finally ended and you are still nowhere to be found. ichika has descended from the second floor to wait for you at the bottom of the stairs. the players are now resting by the benches while she hugs on your tumbler. she kills time by inspecting your new tumbler. it's blue with whales drawn around it. she spies a mermaid tail at the bottom and on the other side is a fish swimming against the current. she loosens the lid of the container before inhaling the aroma of the coffee.
"mmm, odorless." she mutters to herself. she wrinkles her nose before closing back the lid. her eyes travel across the gym. some of the audience are gone now. ichika feels awkward standing alone all by herself. her eyes spot the entrance of gym and decided to wait for you there.
"wait," a low voice says coupled with fast feet. ichika ignores the call assuming that it's not directed to her.
"blue tumbler." the voice says once more. ichika stops her feet. her eyebrows are pressed together. she turns around and her vision takes in a tall figure with a combed down hair. his eyes are expecting and hopeful.
it's suna rintaro.
her eyes widens as realization hits her. why is suna-san talking to me? she raises one brow at him when the other was caught tongue tied.
"do you own that tumbler?" suna points at the tumbler secured around ichika's grip. he takes in a deep breath and his immediately scowls.
"ichi-chan, sorry it took awhile. the nearest restroom is out of order so i had to rush to the other building." you shout from a distance making both ichika and suna draw their eyes to you. you froze on your spot when you see suna near ichika.
"it's hers." ichika pushes the tumbler to you. you hold onto it while still keeping your eyes fixed to him. you legs begin to move and instantly a strong smell of spice hits your nose almost knocking you off. the strong spice has so much flavor in it but mostly savory. the cinnamon scent then subsides before a sweet aroma takes over. unlike the first one, this scent is more gentle. it doesn't rush in your lungs but rather travels down gently. the aroma has a vibe of someone kissing the top of your nose. shortly, the sweet smell dissipates when a citrus aroma joins in. the scent is strong yet sweet, like, the combination of the first two. you take it all in as your eyes slowly flutter close.
"can you smell that?" are the first words he says to you and instantly you hear your heartbeating against your chest. you fingers go numb and your words forgotten. the only gesture you managed to do is nod.
"strong, sweet, and..." he trails off.
"citrus." you finish his sentence. the corner of his lips pulls into a soft smile.
"that explain why i can't take my eyes off you awhile ago." your eyes rally from one of his eye to the other. you can hear your heartbeat through your ears. soon after your cheeks turn crimson and stomach flutters. the entirety of emotions and feelings that rush in you is incomprehensible.
the serene moment is disrupted when you felt your nose itch at the sudden pang of the foreign scent. unlike the first three, this scent smells artificial. your chin meets your chest as you sneeze out. you were about to say sorry for killing the moment when suna did the same. he covers his nose with one hand while projecting it to his side.
"what is that smell?" he says and immediately you already know. his question confirms your remaining thoughts. he's your soulmate. you pull a teeth showing smile making your eyes curve upward. you turn your head to ichika.
"it's lavender. she sprayed too much perfume." ichika's mouth gapes open at your statement knowing all too well what's unraveling before her eyes. you shift your eyes back to suna and his pupils held yours gently. your sense of smell is now fully unlocked. he really is your soulmate.
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a/n: ichika is so cute?? hello? she is the type of friend we all want 😩 anyways, as always thanks for reading! likes and reblogs are very much appreciated ♡
Masterlist | accepting reqs for this series
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taeyamayang · 3 years
hi!! for the soulmate series can i request atsumu or kuroo n the soulmate thing being either the red string or the last words ur soulmate says being on ur wrist/ribs (aka angst tee hee) u can decide!!! <3
hq boys and soulmates
suna, kuroo, kenma
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PAIRING: kuroo tetsuro x reader
GENRE: fluff to ANGST
WARNING: death | mentions of blood | minor cursing
a/n: thank you anon for requesting! agh, honestly i had a hard time choosing between kuroo or atsumu because both characters fit the genre and plot i have in mind (kudos to you anon for the great character choice). i haven't been writing angst lately so i think this is a breather for me as a writer. also, you've provided me with two options for soulmate indicators (red string of fate and last words) i incorporated both indicators cos i think both ideas are great and go well together so i hope you like this~
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your fingers fiddle around the sapphire stone that latches your red bracelet as you fixed your eyes at the begging screen of your computer. the screen of your laptop has been flashing the same website for the last twenty minutes or so and you are well aware that you are wasting energy by letting the machine stay awake without touching it. your legs are folded to your chest as your arms hugged around it. subsequently, your chin is resting on top of your knees. the door cracks open, rather violently, to a familiar raven haired boy.
"hey, im here." you jolt in surprise although the tone of his voice is low and calm. your foot pushes against the base of the wooden table where your laptop is to move your swivel chair to the direction of the friendly intruder. your eyes landed to him and right before you could say your greeting a light caramel headed boy peaks his head at the side of the door frame.
"yaku?" you say. your eyebrow tilting in surprise.
"hi." he flashes you a teeth showing smile. his eyes almost disappearing as he does so. "i heard about the admission test so brought something extra for you." hearing the word 'admission test' from someone makes your heart drop to the floor. you have been friends with yakuㅡwith the whole nekoma team, to be precise, but hearing it from someone other than kuroo feels odd. your bond with the latter is on another level of comfort. usually, he's the first person you approach when serious topics are needed to be discussed. yaku pulls out what seems like a bottle of champagne behind his back. "please, empty this bottle whatever happens." he shoots you a gentle smile that it almost feels like a reassuring hug that everything will be alright.
"sure, as you say so." you reply with a smile on your face. with his tender words you were able to pick your heart back up from the ground and fix it right inside your chest again. it feels good to have people cheering you on without the pressure of expectations. you feel accepted despite your shortcomings.
"i have somewhere to go so ill leave you both, bye!" yaku pushes the bottle to kuroo's chest and by instinct he grips around it with caution using his forearm. you mirror yaku as he waves you goodbye. you shift your eyes to kuroo who's standing awkwardly near the entrance of your apartment. you noticed a pizza box in one hand and a plastic bag on his other hand.
"pizza and ice cream?" your eyes widen at the food he brought. he knew about the events today and he even offered staying with you throughout the process without you uttering a request to him but you didn't expect him to bring food as well.
"im glad you finally noticed my existence." he says making his way to the kitchen. he continues, "good thing i brought my favorite ice cream flavor instead of what you want. i feel so unappreciated." you find it cute how he blabbers about not getting half of your attention when yaku appeard by the door.
"no way, you brought mint choco?!" your feet touches the ground as it pushes your wheeled chair near the kitchen to see kuroo in full sight.
"yes way." he nods as he removes the tab from the plastic bag.
"no! who eats mint choco anyways?!" you put your face in your hands as you imagine the taste of toothpaste in your mouth.
"i was kidding! and mint choco does not taste like toothpaste! god, you hurt my feelings twice in a row." he flips the cover of the ice cream to your direction so you could read the lid. "it's two-in-one tub. one is mint choco the other is cookies and cream. it's both of our favorites in one so i thought it's best to buy this."
a smile creeps to your face. the room is filled with silence as you keep your eyes at the boy navigating in your kitchen. he opens the fridge with one hand while his other puts the ice cream inside the freezer. you've been friends with him the longest. you stopped counting years once you reached a full decade, arguing that it's pointless to count your history with him when you know you'd spend the rest of your future with him. he grabs a glass from the cupboard. you bite your bottom lips when a smile grows. he peers at you sees your face. he questions it.
"what?" he furrows his eyebrows at you.
"i made you cucumber and lemon water. it's in the bottom layer of the fridge." his body immediately jolts up and his eyes glimmered in joy. he loves drinking 'flavored water' when he's eating greasy food like pizza, though, you had no idea about him bringing food. so, everything was a coincidence which makes the whole thing more surprising. "you have a weird taste." you murmur to yourself as you pull yourself back to your desk, smiling to yourself as your mind replays his reaction in your head.
"i heard you." he says shortly after joining you. he places the glass with cucumber water on your table before bringing an extra chair from the kitchen.
"i made it sure you heard me." you bicker, watching him grab onto his drink and sit in the chair.
"ill give you a pass today." he says through the rim of the glass. he rolls his eyes at you before he turns his face to the other side, throwing his head back as he drinks.
you have always been his loudest cheer on the court whenever he has a match. you were always ready to risk your vocal chords for him as you continuously cheer him on. in truth, the crowd knows you as the number one fan of the raven boy and you never bothered being labeled as the passionate lover of the captain of nekoma. although, the word lover in those two words were only platonic. both of you often catch a dating rumour but you two would always clear it off by saying that you're only 'bestfriends'. and it's true. it has always been true; or it's how you wanted to believe in.
however, today kuroo is making his loudest cheer. the roles are reversed as he plays the role of the passionate lover of the pending medicine student. his way of cheering you on isn't through his voice but rather through proximity. he makes sure to be with you during an important event in your life. he wanted to witness it with his own eyes and that's his way of saying he's got your back.
"when does it come out?" he says after gulping his drink in one go. the bottom lid of the glass cries in a loud tud as it meets with the wooden table. you peer at the digital clock on your desk.
"around 4pm so anytime now." you shudder at the thought. your pending doom is at bay. in any minute now it's either you're screaming in triumph or crying in despair. you inhale and your airways tightens. you heart beats fast although you are sedentary to your seat. beads of sweat start to form on your forehead and your palms went cold.
"kuroo, i can't do it." your voice came out in a whimper. you turn your body to him and instantly burry your face on his shoulder. his fingers interlocks with you hair before gently patting the back of your head.
"shh, it'll be alright. whatever the result is im proud of you. you worked hard and did your best. that alone is remarkable and is something to be proud of." he hushes you and you face digs deeper. you can feel the tears starting to pool on your bottom eyelids. you don't want to cry because once you start crying it takes forever for you to stop. as if the universe wanted to see more of your distress, your laptop dings when notification went off. your hand instantly finds it way up to his biceps. you squeeze it hard as your heartbeat starts to deafen your senses.
"hey, breathe." he notices anxiety and fear starting to engulf your thinking.
"i-i can't do it." you plea to him. you never liked this side of yourself since you always appear strong and competent in the eyes of everyone but with kuroo you never felt the need to protect your vulnerability. with him, it never feels wrong to be you.
"do you want me to check it?" he nears his mouth to your ears. his voice soothing the tension that surrounds you. your back curves down and your fingers dig further into his skin. you nod. you feel his body lean forward as he reaches for your laptop. you hear a few clicks here and there before the room falls silent once again. the air chokes you as you realize he's probably looking at the results now. he pushes you by the shoulders, your back still crunched down and your chin glued to your chest. you frown at the sudden motion.
"look at me." his finger tilts your head up to face him. your eyes lock with his but the tears resting on your lids blurry your vision. suddenly, he smiles so wide like a mad man. "we are eating that fucking pizza." your eyebrow twitches up at his vague statement and your mouth ajar as he pushes himself off to stand. "you fucking passed, you smart idiot! you got into medicine school! what the actual fuck?!" he screams on top of his lungs. his hands are on his head, bewildered by the situation. he looks at your frozen state. he turns your swivel chair around to your laptop and he crunches down to level your gaze. "read it."
your eyes scan at the huge 'congratulations' written in green and immediately jumps from your seat in euphoria. you didn't even bothered finishing the sentence as you rush to kuroo's embrace and began jumping together. the both of you looking like fools as you both scream and jump in unison.
kuroo witnessed every bit of your sleepless nights and bottomless coffee drinks as you review for medical school. from the beginning, becoming a doctor has always been your goal and being a great volleyball player was his'. both of you made a promise to support each other in your journey to reach your goals. that being said, when you were reviewing for medical school admission test he was your cadaverㅡa living breathing cadaver. to be fair, he makes a great cadaver since he has a lean body so it's easier for you to name parts in an actual person. you would make him stand still in your apartment, topless, as you point on different sections and parts of a human body.
"cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacral." you say as you trail your finger from his neck down his tailbone. "four sections of the spine." you mutter to yourself.
"you're just finding an excuse to touch me." he says turning his head to face you. you slightly leap to your toes as you aim for the back of his head. your hand pushes his head down.
"fuck off, kuroo." you scowl at him. he laughs at your disgusted face. his torso turns to you and your eyes immediately land on the side of his ribs, reading the words engraved on his skin.
"stay with me." the words fall out of your mouth as you read it. everyone in this world is born with words or phrases permanently written at the right side of their ribs. those words are said to be the last words of your soulmate. paired with that is a red bracelet that hangs on your wrist. it's known as the red string of fate. it's a simple red leather cord bracelet embellished with a birth stone latch. every child upon birth is taken to the highest scared mountain in japan that is said to be the nearest connection to heaven. parents bring their child's umbilical cord for it to be preserved inside a birthstone then tied around a red bracelet. it is believed that a soulmate's soul are bounded together until conception. so, the umbilical cord symbolizes the moment the two souls separate. however, when your other half dies your bracelet, otherwise known as the red string of fate, breaks apart along with the birthstone that connects it. your eyes peer at kuroo and a soft smile plays on your lips.
"sounds like you're a heartbreaker." you tease him.
"i refuse to believe that. im a good boy, i don't go around breaking hearts." you snort as he swats your hand off him. he squints his eyes at you. "what does your says?" you tilt your head in confidence. you pull your shirt up just enough for him to see the words.
"i love you." he whispers to himself as he reads it. he immediately recoils. "your soulmate is a sucker! they're a walking hopeless romantic cliché!" you ball your fist and jokingly punches his side.
"aw, what was that?!" he rubs on the spot where your jab landed.
"right lumbar region of your abdominal quadrant! it's where the ascending colon, small intestine, and right kidney are found!" your voice increases as you shoot him an angry look.
"you look stupid." he laughs at your creased face.
the overjoyed jumping and screaming have finally died down so you push kuroo at an arm length, tilting your head up to see his face.
"i made a deal with myself if i passed the test." you say still hugging him. your intertwined hands fall right the at curve of his lower back. you smile at him as you continue, "im treating you out."
"really?" his smile grows wider. "treating me to what?"
"the chill top at the hotel you've been eyeing since day one."
"that's expensive!" he lets go of the hug as he looks down at you intently.
"for my expensive boy." you wink at him. you free yourself from him. you pull out your phone from the pocket of your sweatpants. "im making a reservation. meet me at 10pm?"
"sure." he says. you share glances for a few seconds as if he wanted to say something but it's taking him time to decide. so, you wait for him. after a few seconds the corners of his lips pulls up and his eyes coated with affection. he speaks again. "i made a deal with myself too."
"oh, great minds think alike?" you say making him air laugh.
"it's not as grand as yours, though. i told myself if you passed it it's a sign that i have to tell you it."
"what's 'it'?" you ask.
"meet me at 10pm?" he repeats your words. you are already dying in curiosity with what he is planning on telling you but you figured it's best to follow his plan.
"okay." you say through your smile.
time rolls out quicker than you intended. you spent the last two hours before 10pm with just trying to pick a nice outfit. you powdered your face and styled your hair differently today. you made sure to come to the chill top first just so you could calm your nerves down because for some reasons you feel anxious yet euphoric all at the same time. your eyes scan at time flashed on the screen of your phone.
he still has a couple of minutes before ten. your screen burns brighter when a text pops in. you click on the inbox icon to read.
"i made my final stop over." you frown at the word 'stop over'. you type in a reply.
"stop over?? aren't you coming from your place?" you hit send before placing your phone down on the table. randomly, the rain starts to pour. good thing, the roof of the chill top is transparent so you're covered from the rain and at the same time you could still see the sky. your phone beeps.
"geez, it's raining hard." kuroo sent a text.
"drive safely, please. don't worry about the reservation im already at our table."
"now i feel worse. sorry for making you wait."
"i dont care about the wait!! eyes on the road!!" you put the screen of your phone down. your phone vibrates again but you refuse to pick it up. if we keep texting back there's no way he's leaving his phone.
the dj has played tons of music from various artists and you even sang to a few of them as you wait for him. the rain hasn't stopped yet so you decided to watch it pour to kill time. maybe it's just the vibe of the weather but your mind goes through the idea of kuroo and you. the only reason you denied rumours and feelings for him is because you didn't want to put him in a spotlight. for a person like kuroo who finds it hard to warm up to a romantic relationship, it's almost impossible for him to think about the possibility of the two of you. contrary to him, your mind went through those thoughts countless times usually fueled by your other friends who questions your platonic relationship with him. you love his company and you most certainly value your relationship with him more than anyone in this world. honestly, you'd choose him in a heartbeat both romantically and platonically. undoubtly, he would do the same platonically but in terms of romance, everything is a blur for you. besides, you have no courage to bring it up since you didn't want to ruin the friendship.
your phone rings, continuously, signaling you an incoming call. you turn your phone over and kenma's name reads on the screen. you are confused at the sudden phonecall. kenma isn't the phonecall type of guy and you know that.
"hello?" you voice came out slow.
"____, hi." he's breathless. "is kuroo there? he said he'd meet you up by ten but it's twenty minutes before eleven." you pull your phone away from your ear and your screen flashes the time.
10:38pm. shit.
your finger glides through your screen then taps on the message icon. you read his last text that was sent around 9:53pm.
"im near the hotel, can't wait to see you!" your heart drops.
"kenma, around 9:53pm he sent me a text saying he's near the hotel. he wouldn't call a 30 minutes distance 'near', right? no, wait. maybe he's joking. you know we tease each other a lot." you managed to let out a deflated laugh to lighten up the mood.
"no, you don't understand." his tone is flat and unnerving. the music played by the dj starts to muffle as you shift your focus to kenma's voice. your fingers press harder on the back of your phone against your ear. "yaku gave him a lift today because the brakes of his car is a bit wonky. it does work well on dry pavement but not on slippery streets. he didn't expect it to rain tonight that's why he insisted on driving. i tried to stop him but instead he promised to send me a text when he gets there but until now, still no text." your eyes study the rain pouring on the roof of the chill top.
"he should've told me! i could've give him a ride." you heart hammers against your chest as you pull your eyes down to the table. he's so stupid for making that decision. he's so stupid for being careless. he's stupid for making you both worry.
"he didn't want to because he had plans before before meeting with you. he said it will spoil the fun." kenma says and you're loss for words. both of you have no idea where kuroo is and if he's okay. your phone vibrates again. you tear the device away from your ear to scan the caller i.d.
unknown number.
"kenma, someone's calling me ill call you back later." you quickly say and hears kenma bid you a soft goodbye. you finger instantly swipes over the answer button, hoping that it's kuroo who just ran out of phone battery.
"hello?" you utter.
"hello, ____? you are the recent contact of the E.R. patient who just got here." a middle aged woman says from the other line. your mind shuts off the moment she said 'patient'.
"patient?" your voice came out in a whimper, more like a plea for her to tell you otherwise.
"yes, i believe his name is kuroo tetsuro. a man around 20s, athlete, and he's driving a car going to mizuka hotel around 10pm before the accident happened. he's in the emergency room right now. he had severe bleeding when he came in but he's doing better."
"can you please tell me the address of the hospital.' you manage to say though your fingers start to shake and you're sitting at the edge of your seat. you seem lose control over your limbs as your other hand start to rummage inside your bag, searching for a pen and paper. you hand clutches on a ballpen and you immediately grab the tissue lying on the table. you squeeze the phone between your shoulder and you ear as you write down the address the woman was saying. you bid her goodbye and instantly dialed kenma's number. he answers after one ring.
"kenma." your voice quivers and soon enough tears start rolling down your cheeks. "he's in the hospital." you hear kenma curse under his breath.
"text me the address ill get there as soon as possible. if you need to keep the line active then don't worry about it. ill keep you company. please, drive safely." you shoot up from your seat before grabbing your bag. you hear keys tinkling from the other line.
"you too." your feet takes you out of the restaurant.
you see kenma by the nurse's station. you figured he arrived first since the hospital is nearer his place but he's considerate enough to wait for you since he knows your current unruly state. you approach the station with him. your hands fixed at the marble top. a nurse with a bright smile attends to you.
"patient kuroo tetsuro? car accident." you hurriedly say with your eyes wide waiting for the nurse to reply.
"farthest end." she slightly leans forward to you before raising her hand to point. "the patient with a bouquet resting between his legs." the nurse smiles in endearment as she shakes her head.
"a what?" maybe it's just your mind not processing everything clearly or did you hear the nurse say bouquet?
"come on." kenma grunts before pulling you by the wrist.
you reach the farthest cubicle of the emergency room. each cubicle is separated by a white curtain. your fingers coil around the white linen as you shut your eyes close before pulling it open. you don't move and you even let go of the curtain in your grip. you don't want to see kuroo in this state. you don't know if you could take seeing him pooled with blood and beaten up. you just can't. you never imagined for this day to come, not even in your nightmares.
"why are you shutting your eyes close?" a familiar voice calls for your attention making you abruptly peels your eyes. you vision lands on a towering man lying on a blood stained bed. you hands cover your mouth as you examine his physical state.
"what did the doctor say? are you okay?" you say through your cupped mouth as you inch your way next to him. the view upclose is even more upsetting. you can see bruises around his temples and at the crest of his cheeks. his bottom lip is cracked and swollen. a needle is pierced through back of his hand and it leads up to a bag of blood hanged next to his bed. he smiles at you.
"in a few minutes now they will run a test on me 'cause when i came here i was excessively bleeding without an open wound. they mentioned something about a possible trauma. im not sure. you understand those things better than me." he smirks at you before winking. he's being playful despite the pain he's feeling. he continues,
"for the record, kenma, i was a careful and slow driver. a car hit a trailer truck who raced to beat the red light. so, the container it was carrying fell on us. i knew you'd scold me but it isn't my fault, okay."
"still, you shouldn't have drived but i'll scold you later." kenma says rolling his eyes at him.
"because i have to drop by a shop. that being said, do me a favor and turn around and cover your ears i have something to tell ____ before i go." kuroo says and you cringe at the word 'go'. it could mean more than just leaving you two behind for tests. you can't help but despise his choice of word. surprisingly, kenma obliges. his small back faces the two of you as he covers his ears with his hands.
"save it later." you brush him off as your way of jinxing the bad omen you felt. the you don't like the way he speaks like it's uttering his last statements. you can't bear hearing him say those things. you'd like to keep an open mind by thinking of the future.
"no, i feel the need to say it now." kuroo's tone of voice shifts. you bite your jaw as you furrow your eyebrows at him. he crunches forward to reach for the flower bouquet between his legs. "for you." he places it next to you before flashing you a smile.
"you don't have to." you say and in an instant your cheeks are painted with tears as you sob between words. your other hand clutches on the stem of the roses while the other squeezes his hand.
"i love you." the three words came out of his mouth. your hand lets go of the bouquet to reach of his face. your fingers trail from the top of his head down to his jawline. your chest staggers between cries. your face nears his'. your lips find its way to his swollen ones. his eyes flutter close when you slowly inch your way to plant a kiss on his mouth. your lips gently touches with his', careful enough not to cause him pain. his lips are soft despite the cracks. it's your first time kissing him intimately. you draw back from the peck and lock eyes with him. his pupils are dilated and tears start to pool at the bottom of his eyelids. albeit, he keeps a smile.
"so, please." you swallow the lump in your throat and your finger grips tighter around hand. "stay with me."
the moment the realized the weight of the words spoken, you begin to panic. the soulmate indicator. the last words engraved on our ribs. he's your soulmate. your instantly pull your wandering thoughts when kuroo chokes on blood and begins spitting it out of his mouth. his muscles stiffens and begins to shake. he's having a seizure. you let go of his hand to examine his eyes.
"kuroo, stay with me. keep your eyes open. im right here." the seizures stops and your fingers press against his pulse while the back of your hand is under his nose. he's not breathing. you push yourself up to his bed. your knees at the side of his hips. your dominant hand intertwines between the crack of your other hand. you look at kenma who held a horrified face.
"kenma! tell the doctors the patient is on cardiac arrest!" you shout at him to pull him back to his sense. he turns his head to you, his mouth gaped open as he runs out of the cubicle. you begin to perform CPR.
"i love you too i haven't told you that yet" your joined hand press down to his chest.
"don't die on me, kuroo, please. you told me you are not the type to go around beaking hearts but you're breaking my heart right now!" you scream at him before putting your fingers back to his pulse but still no sign of a heartbeat. you go through another round of chest compressions.
"DAMN IT, KUROO! DON'T FUCKING DIE ON ME!" you voice heightens as the heels of your hand press harder down to his chest. his mouth falls open and you begin to tremble in fear. a nurse pulls you down from the bed and ushered kenma to keep you at a distance. the doctors and nurses conduct their work simultaneously.
your knees touch the ground in defeat and you whole body feels numb. the remains of his blood stained your hand and you're left with nothing to do but stare at it. kenma kneels down next to you. his hand is rubbing your back while he keeps is eyes glued to kuroo's cubicle.
soon after, a doctor emerges and walks toward the two of you. he anchors his stethoscope around his neck and mutters the words you badly didn't want to hear.
"im sorry for your loss."
you back heaves up and down as you try to catch your breath between howls. kenma pulls you into an embrace. you rest your forehead at the crook of his shoulder as you grip onto his skin. he runs his hand through your hair trying to calm you down even though he can't stop himself from wailing. a few moments later, he pushes you back at an arm length.
"you should take this." his voice is wornout and heavy. his hand digs inside the pocket of his pants. he pulls out a red bracelet. "i saw this on the floor when i came back with the doctors." he holds the back of your hand before flipping it over. the red leather and cold stone touches your palm. when his hand leaves, your eyes welcome your broken red bracelet. your birthstone is in pieces and the red string of fate is unlatched.
your soulmate is gone.
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a/n: how do i move on,, i just killed,, kuroo.. and it was my first time writing him. nOOO please while i was conceptualizing the plot i was trying to look for ways not to kill him but no,, it's part of the story (╥﹏╥) i even considered turning him into a ghost lmao. anyway, this is my longest one shot EVER so im really happy if you managed to stick from the start all the way to the end. likes and rbs are very much appreciated and as always thanks for reading~
ps: is there anyone here enjoying this series and wants to be kept updated with new posts? i have a couple more updates for soulmate series so if you want to be tagged in the next posts please send an ask that says "tag request <soulmate series>" thanks again and have a lovely day ♡
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taeyamayang · 3 years
[11:34pm]ㅡI CAN'T SLEEP
#5. smiling into a kiss
#25. playfully biting someone
PAIRING: victor nikiforov x yuri katsuki
GENRE: fluff
PROMPT IDEA: from this post
a/n: a prompt request from my friend (she pulled me into this abyss) but honestly i can't keep this idea off my mind so i decided to just write it. also, i stated in my bio that im solely a hq writer so please excuse this sudden yuri on ice prompt because i just.. cANT
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the soles of his feet padded across the wooden floor of hasetsu castle. his wide awake mind leads him to a familiar route. his robe is loosely knotted around his waist. the neckline falls deeper than it should be, thus, bearing him to show more than half of his naked torsoㅡnot that he cared, though. for the only thing that matters to him right now is the person behind the sliding door.
"yuri." victor's pitch increases as he drags the syllables of his name into a loud whine. he pulls the door open, revealing a dark haired boy under the sheets. his lips are slightly ajar and his eyes closed shut. he flinches at the intrusive light coming from the hallway. "i can't sleep." victor pouts and his eyes disappearing into a thin line.
yuri mumbles incoherent sentences when he feels the other inching his way to him. the dozed off boy clutches onto the his pillow.
"im sleeping next to you tonight." the silver boy leaves no room for the younger to oppose as he immediately pulls the covers up and effortlessly slides next to yuri. the latter mumbles again.
"what?" his voice is loud enough to wake the sleeping birds. victor pushes himself up slightly to peer at the drowsy boy's face. yuri has his back facing him. the aforementioned lets out an air and his eyebrows meet. if you ignore him he will eventually fall asleep, he thoughts. he has no energy to attend to a grown man when his worn out body is begging for him to rest and sleep.
when victor is left with an empty reply he lets his eyes venture on the person before his eyes. then he sees something. he didn't realize that yuri is sleeping with his boxers on only which leaves his upper body bare. victor's right eyebrow twitches upward in interest.
he let his finger run through the length of yuri's spine. his skin barely brushing against his skin. he smiles to himself clearly enjoying his view. he let his psyche take over his decisions as he places the expanse of his palm against his back before trailing it down to his tailbone. his hand feels colder when met with his warmth. he felt shivers running down from the other's spine from his touch. then, his eyes wander around the curves of his shoulders. they're lean yet the muscles around it are well-sculpted. probably, from the hours of training. he lets his pure endearment for him take the wheel as he opens his mouth before playfully biting the crook of his neck. his teeth digging into his skin.
"aw!" yuri screams in pain. he has reached the end of his patience as he turns his body around to face him. "what are you doing?!" yuri's voice is hushed and low. their faces are inches away from each other. yuri blinks his eyes to adjust his vision. he jolts back when he realizes how near their faces are. albeit, victor stayed on his spot as if unfazed by their proximity.
"now, i can see your face." the corners of his lips pull upward. yuri visibly gulps in air as his eyes rally from one of his pupils to the other. his azure eyes contrasted his dark room. yuri never thought how shiny his eyes are until now. victor has finally kept his mouth shut but his eyes speaks louder as it fiest on his face.
"j-just close your eyes." yuri stutters. an attempt to break the building tension in his stomach as victor's gaze burn into his'
victor hums in reply. he closes the gap between them as he leans his face in. his eyes flutter halfway and the tip of nose touches his' before swiftly gliding down to meet the side of his nose bridge. the silver boy tilts his head to the side. yuri was caught frozen in his spot as the victor's lips land on his mouth. he smiles through the soft peck before pulling back just enough for him to speak.
"goodnight, yuri." his smirk grows wider and his voice coated in roguish knowingl that between the two of them, for sure, it's yuri who won't get to sleep tonight.
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a/n: agh, a first and rare yuri on ice update. i hope you guys liked it! as always thanks for reading. likes and rbs are very much welcome and appreciated
ps. for the next following days i will attend to requests, thanks for waiting! :D
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taeyamayang · 3 years
hi! my name is angel (fake name) and i am entering the cupead event!! i like partying and clubbing but also enjoy drinking/getting high @ home or just chilling out at home. my preference is guys n i like it when my s/o is confident and teasing :)) i like writing, watching movies, fashion and sleeping !! for context,, i’m studying english lit w creative writing at uni hahahahah
i am pairing you withㅡOikawa Tooru
↬ when you said you like someone who's confident and teasing i knew it has to be oikawa! not only that i think he enjoys parties too. he's a people person like you and i think you guys will get along really well. also, im guessing you like constant texting like talking on the phone (yes, i've read your other ask!) and i think oikawa's the type to send their s/o random things about their day like maybe a selfie or how iwaizumi's extra bitchy today and i think you would love that :)
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your eyes take in a group of men waltzing inside your dormhouse.
"who are they?" your near your lips to your friend's ear so she could hear you through the blasting music in the living room.
"my surprise for you!" your friend shouts, obviously tipsy with the amount of tequila she managed to bottom up tonight. she nudges you. "more spefically, him."
you eyes lay on a boy with a deep bronze hair brushed out from his face. his forefinger and thumb lazily clutches onto the rim of the red cup as he gently spin his drink into a circular motion. his chin is up and his face holds a confident smirk. you friend pulls you out from your visual feast as she tugs you with her.
"let's play the old time classic and cliché truth or dare!" you friend raises both of her hands in the air one hand still holding her cup as she declares the game to the group. everyone settles around the coffee table, you sitting next to your friend and across the bronze haired boy.
"this is double truth or dare. the person pointed by the mouth of the bottle will pick between truth or dare while the one pointed by the bottom of the bottle will have to follow suit. a pass is equivalent to a shot." another girl from your dorm explains the mechanics of the game. when everyone agreed with the set of rules laid out the girl begins spinning the bottle.
your alcohol induced friend pulls out the unthinkable as she pushes her body forward her hand slapping on the spinning bottle on top of the coffee table. she grabs onto it and turns the bottle to your direction. the bottom of the bottle pointing at you and the other at him. you crack your neck up and instantly your eyes met his'.
"give this one to me, eh?" your friend's words came out in a slur. she winks at the one of the boys from his group. they obviously talked about this.
"truth or dare." the girl asks the boy.
"easy, dare." he cocks his head to the side. he brings his drink to his lips as he drinks in the content. his smirk visibly growing as he looks at you through his thick eyelashes.
"i dare you both to lock yourselves inside her room for twenty minutes." someone from the group says. your eyebrow twitches up and you swallow in saliva.
"do you want me to take a shot, darling?" he leans in, resting his weight on his elbows, as if challenginh you. he runs his tongue over his bottom lips, waiting for you to answer him. his vixen-likedemeanor fires up your insides. you push yourself up while still holding his gaze.
"are you going to stand or not?" you retort back. you hear a unison ooh's from the group. the boy shakes his head clearly amused by you. he stands up before bowing his head.
"lead the way." he raises both arms at a torso level with his palms facing upward. you feel a tingling sensation in your stomach as you lead him upstairs to your room. you don't know what has gotten to you but his brazen attitude pushed you to be impulsive.
you twist the knob and swing it open. the boy enters your room and immediately his eyes dart to every corner of your small space. you push the door close but keeping the lock open.
for safety purposes.
"what are these? they're gleaming under the moonlight." he squints his eyes to focus on your crystal collection practically resting at every desk and top of your room.
"crystals. i love crystals, im drawn to them." you say. suddenly, feeling shy that a stranger is inside your room leering at your collection.
"interesting." he hums to himself. he turns around to face you, his fingers scratchin on his chin. you heart beats faster as he closes the gap between you. "i met your crystals but i don't know your name."
"angel." you say.
he face leans in closer. the side of face parallel to yours and he turns his head at your side. he whispers to your ear.
"nice to meet you, angel." his warm breath fans on your exposed skin sending shivers down your spine. he pulls back to straighten his back. he raises on arm up with his thumb facing the ceiling.
"im tooru. oikawa tooru." he smiles at you, teeth showing, like nothing happenedㅡlike he didn't make you almost crumble to his words seconds ago.
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taeyamayang · 3 years
Congrats on 200🎉
Can I have a (male) matchup please 💕
My name is amelia
Personality: I am very empathetic, always trying to keep the people around me happy (even if I'm not in the end) I hate disappointing people so I can over work myself sometimes. Mostly I am kind and polite, but a I get very sassy moments (I can also be very sarcastic). Im also kind of reserved when I first meet someone and it can take me awhile to show my fun, goofy, happy side to them
I like reading books, writing, listening to music (mostly kpop). I also like to go exploring like in the forest or even abandoned places I also love cooking and baking (more so baking tbh)
sometimes I stop in the middle of talking because I think I talk to much (I've been told many times that I do so I just try not to really talk in a way)i play with my hands a lot, I have a really high pitched (idk sorta cute?) sneeze, I can be very clumsy (I literally tripped on air once😂) when I do something scary my hands shaky after I've done the scary thing (if that makes any sense)
What I look for in someone: someone who has a good scenes of humor, is kind and friendly, who can match my level of dork also 😂 and who won't judge me ( and also give me food and cuddles)
i pair you withㅡSugawara Koushi
↬ personally, i think suga can bring out the 'fun' and goofiness inside you. he works well with both introverts and extroverts as he can tone down his energy and match it with an introvert but he can also be choatic and outgoing like an extrovert. he knows when to goof around and take things seriously. im putting all my money on the table, suga WON'T judge you because you find yourself dorky instead he be will be dorky with you (he's so cute right? i love him) and i feel like at distressing moments he will make you laugh to ease the tension, "suga, my hands are shaking." "oh shit, me too. what do we do?" then you both end up laughing. dang, i want this too :/
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your hands grip onto the pile of old books from the library. you are at the midst of cleaning old bookshelves as part of your club activity. you joined this club because you like reading books not cleaning shelves and moving books from one floor to the other.
the rest of your clubmates are on their way to the new library extension on the second floor and you're left alone here with the librarian to take your second round of piled books.
"volleyball boy." the librarian calls out an unfortunate boy passing by the library. "do you mind if you give her a hand? these are the last pile of books the reading club needs to move." the librarian taps on the dusted pile of books. you assume the boy agreed to her request when he feel his presence entered the room. consequently, the librarian leaves the two of you alone.
"where do we move this?" he asks. his silver hair glides down as he picks up the books placed on the old desk near the shelf.
"second floor. the, uh, the new-" the continuous itch on your nose interrupts your sentence. "thenewlibraryextension." you rap your words out before you let out a high pitched sneeze.
"oh wow, break it down, yo. i didn't know we have a rapper in school." the silver boy teases you making you giggle at his unique response. you sniff.
"bless you. by the way what's up with the sneeze?" he innocently asks. maybe he's trying to fill in the silence by conversing in small talks. you lead the way by exiting the tight space and he follows you out.
"it's weird i know." you sniff again.
"no, it's not. i think it's cute." his comment tints your cheeks in deep crimson. you look away, trying to come up with a topic to divert the conversation.
"so, volleyball?" you inquire.
"yeah, third year setter. we have some awesome first years this year so i kinda have more time on my plate." he adds, "and you're in the reading club?"
"yes." you profusely nod. "although the club says 'reading' but for the past days all we do is move books. i mean, where's the reading in that? i feel like we're doing free labor for this school. i don't even get to enjoy these books because after fixing them all up in a shelf im either tired or sneezing because of the dust, like what happened earlier! this club is a scam. a whole damn scam." you startle when you realized you accidentally ranted to him.
"sorry, i tend to speak alot." you sheepishly say. he whips his head to you. his eyebrows are pressed together and his lips curled up in confusion.
"don't apologize. it's not something you have to apologize for." he flashes you a quick smile before turning his gaze ahead. "if this happens again tell the vice president! students shouldn't be put in this much labor." he brings his eyes back to you. his lips pull upward into a wide smile making his eyes disappear into a thin line.
"sugawara koushi." he inteoduces himself. you didn't notice that you've been keeping your eyes fixed at him until your next words were cut off by a shameful mistake.
"amelia-" the books are sprawled across the floor of the hallway packed with students from various year level. your hands are touching the ground and your knees folded. you find yourself sitting on your calves. there is nothing to put your blame on but to your clumsiness.
you managed to trip on air. again.
to your shock, suga deliberately falls down to his knees, micmicking your actions. the books that was once secured in his graps are also scattered on the floor.
"what are you doing?!" you scream at him in a hushed tone. everyone in the hallway is looking at you at the two of you.
"it is not considered as an embarrassment if we do it together." he replies to you in a whisper. "also, nice to meet you amelia. your name sounds beautiful." he playfully winks at you before cracking up a smile. you can't help but laugh at your humiliating yet hilarious state. honestly, he made the whole experience fun and bearable. at least you won't have to suffer from overthinking your embarrassment after this occurrence.
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a/n: thanks for joining! i hope you enjoy this ♡
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taeyamayang · 3 years
ah! this is angel again btw
my pronouns r she/her my sun sign is pisces moon sign leo rising libra and my love language is baking people things and giving them gifts!! i love receiving gifts and physical touch :)) i’ve been described as fairy like LMFAO because i collect crystals and i believe in angel numbers and stuff hahahahah
i also love joking around with people through texts and using emoticons (๑・̑◡・̑๑) so like i like my texts to be kinda cutesy but i also love love love having deep philosophical conversations w people and writing them poetry n stuff :)
hello angel, im currently writing your story and i hope you don't mind that it's a bit, just a BIT suggestive (since you mentioned you're in uni). you know a touch here and there,, and scenes that are a bit flirty,,, :D
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taeyamayang · 3 years
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concept: headcannon
pairing: character x reader
genre: fluff/angst/suggestive
i only have, more or less, a month left before uni starts again so im maximazing my time here as much as possible and that's why im opening my asks for hc requests!
if you have a request feel free to send in an ask in this manner:
"hi, im requesting hq boys and their reaction when you give them forehead kisses."
the characters do not necessarily need to be included but if you want to specify it, then, fine by me! you can send it this way:
"hi, im requesting kageyama, iwaizumi, daichi, & tsukishima and their reaction when you give them forehead kisses."
side note: that hc is existing btw if u want to check it out click here
that's all, thanks!
ps: i don't mind doing a part 2 of an already existing hc as long you provide me with chracters you want me to write for
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taeyamayang · 3 years
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concept: finding your soulmate
pairing: character x reader
since im a soulmate geek,, im thinking of starting a one shot series (similar to what i did with hq boys and their reaction to their s/o confessing) of finding your soulmate
like an alternative universe where there are clues like birthmarks, scent, physical symptoms, etc. that indicates you that they are your soulmate
for now, this is still a vague idea but if you like what im thinking you can send a request (so maybe i can push through with this) of a character you want me to do and the soulmate indicator
"for the soulmate concept i am requesting hinata and the soulmate indicator is seeing two consecutive fallen stars alone with someone indicates that the aforementioned is your soulmate."
or if you don't have a definite idea with the concept you can send it like this:
"for the soulmate concept i am requesting hinata and the idea of stars."
this is inspired by my work with kags (this is the closest thing to a soulmate concept)
requests help me kick my ass back to writing when im running out of ideas. that's all, thanks!
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