#hq boys and soulmates
mihawkhugs · 3 months
night changes
haikyuu | iwaizumi x reader | soulmate au (colours)
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a/n : may make a part 2!
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Falling in love with Iwaizumi was easy. 
It was like watching the night change. You don't really notice how the night passes until dawn arrives, and the sun breaks through the inky hue of the night. But if you play close attention, there are signs that time passes through the night, with clouds floating lazily about as the night sky dances between its shades of midnight. 
One may think his gruff nature and blunt manner may be off-putting, and perhaps they once were at first glance, but now, you can read in-between the lines, and see his loud barks of advice for what they conveyed - his concern for you. 
You first met him in high school. It was hard not to notice him, often accompanied by his flamboyant companion, Oikawa, and his loving (and loud) fans. In a crowd of smiles and laughter and adoration, his serious face, shouting and angry cursing definitely stood out to you. Especially because of how loud he could get when dragging Oikawa away. They certainly made an iconic dynamic duo. 
It was his shouting that led the two of you to become friends. 
You were holding your file, spacing out in the hallway whilst going to your next class, when an roar caused you to shriek, drop your file, and jump like you've been electrocuted by Pikachu. You swear your heart almost stopped as you were jolted out of your daze. 
Iwaizumi was interrupted by your (embarrasing) reaction and the both of you had gaped at each other, like demented betta fishes before they fight. 
You were the first to snap out of your impromptu staring competition with Mr Spiky Loudmouth, scrambling to pick out your file amd all the papers that had scattered out, blushing in horror at your social faux pas. 
"I am so sorry ohmygod you just startled me and I just reacted instinctively jesus I'm a mess please ohmygod - " 
His chuckle halted your rambling and made you fumble, feeling mortified that one of the most popular guys in school had just watched you scream, drop your file like an atomic bomb and ramble like a 5 year old who had too much sugar. 
He knelt down, and you absentmindedly noted how large his hands were as they helped you pick up the remaining pieces of work, gently arranging them in a neat pile. 
"No, I'm sorry for startling you. I shouldn't have been shouting in the hallway like that." 
He had a nice voice, mellow and a little deep. He'd probably make a killing reading audiobooks or doing podcasts. 
He choked out a laughed as his eyes crinkled, handing you your papers as the tips of his ears turned a little darker, "Thank you? I think?"
As your hands brushed against each others, and before you could hit yourself for saying that out loud (like GOD he was gonna think you had a thing for voices which was NOT the impression you were trying to give) your world burst into colour, and the monochrome world you knew was replaced by so, so many colours, that you had only read about. 
Distantly, you heard Iwaizzumi inhale sharply, but you had long forgotten about him and your papers, standing up and looking out the window, entranced by how bright the world was, and how everything looked so different from the shades of grey that were all you knew. 
You turned to Iwaizumi, who was staring at you like it was his first time seeing you, and smacked him repeatedly in excitement, causing him to flinch in surprise. 
You pointed out the windown as you whacked him in glee, "Look!! Outside!! There are COLOURS!!!! Look!!" 
He followed your hand, laughing as he covered his mouth, eyes squinted shut with joy. 
"Yes soulmate, I see them too." 
You beamed at him before registering what he said. For the second time that day, you gaped at Iwaizumi Hajime like a dead goldfish, trying to say something but your words and brain failing you (again). 
He laughed again, a pretty shade of something painting his cheeks as he beamed at you, holding out his hand hesitantly. 
"Nice to meet you?" 
You reached out automatically to shake his hand (which were indeed much larger than yours), and gargled something gibberish in response. 
"Yo Iwa-chan~, it's lunch time! What's taking you so long -" 
Oikawa popped his head out from around the corner, before spotting the two of you, his best friend smiling like he had just seen a real life Godzilla, and a cute girl who was blushing like she had seen someone dance naked up a tree. 
His eyes gleamed with mischief and he opened his mouth, ready to shit on his best friend, when Iwazumi's head snapped towards him like a demented Annabelle doll, eyes promising revenge, pain and destruction if he so much as breathed in his direction. 
So Oikawa did what anyone would do. He screamed out, "Iwa-chan's got a girlfriend!" as he sprinted away, hauling ass.
Your soulmate went from cute happy babyboy to angry demon dog ghost child as he snarled in the direction of the other half of his duo, as you stared at him, brain not braining anymore. 
He turned towards you and flashed a small, shy smile.
"Wait for me after school?" 
You nodded mechanically. He could have told you to throw yourself out the window and you would have agreed anyways (God he had such a nice voice). 
He beamed at you, dimpling his cheeks, before he turned and scowled at the direction his friend had run of too. 
His voice trailed off as he sprinted down the hallway, yelling obsceneities and insults so creative he could write a book, leaving you staring after him, world completely overturned. 
Your hands came up to your cheeks, papers and file totally forgotten as you buried your face in your hands, letting out a silent scream. 
You had just met your soulmate. 
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paperultra · 9 months
[ SOULMATE!AU ] Pairing: Miya Osamu x Fem!Reader x Miya Atsumu Summary: Like most people, you do not meet the Miya twins so much as they are thrust upon you. Unlike most people, you are thrust upon them as well. read on ao3 | read on quotev
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CHAPTER ONE: SIGHT Word Count: 2,700 words Warnings: None
The week before school starts, it is unusually cold and gray, the wood chips on the playground are damp, and your shoelace is untied.
It’s been like that for a while now – dangling loose and free on both sides of your right shoe, twin tails flying up and down as you swing back and forth. It’s okay. It’s not like you need tied laces while you’re on the swings, anyhow.
Up. Down. Higher and higher and higher. Your auntie is arguing on the phone right now, standing behind the park bench with her back towards you. You swing forward, up and up until your heels perch on top of her head.
It’s a funny sight. You grin.
You want to see if you can reach the top of the big tree across the park.
“Oi, you on the swing. We’re talkin’ to ya.”
Still swinging back and forth, you look to the side. Then you blink and wonder if your eyes are broken.
Two boys with the same face stare at you with sleepy eyes and flat mouths.
It’s so odd that you let your feet drag across the ground beneath you, staring back as you slow to a stop.
“Hi,” you say.
“It’s our turn on the swings,” says the boy on the right.
A slight frown twists your lips. You glance towards the empty swing on your other side.
“Can’t ya take turns on that one?”
“No,” says the boy on the left. “We’re racin’ to see who can go the highest.”
“I’m not done yet, though,” you say stubbornly.
“So?” says the boy on the right, his eyelids falling further in annoyance. “We ain’t got all day. Scram.”
His double nods seriously.
You look over at Auntie, who’s still on the phone.
Swallowing, you tighten your grip on the swing chains. They had been cold at first, but you’ve been holding them for so long that they’ve warmed up against your palms.
The way they look at you makes a shiver go up your spine.
They stare for what feels like hours, chilly and silent, until the one on the right shrugs.
“Suit yerself.”
Then he reaches out, yanks the knit cap off your head, and takes off simultaneously with the other boy.
You gasp and scramble to get off the swing. “Hey! Give it back! Auntie, they took my hat!”
“Who –?” She sputters as you zip past her, exclaiming your name. “Young lady, what is –!”
They’re fast. And they run in tandem, most of the time, one pulling forward only for the other to catch up, leaving you further and further behind. Your cap flies back and forth between them as they pass it like a floppy, maroon-colored ball.
They glance back at you and you’re close enough to see them grin.
“Give it back!” you shriek.
“Why don’t ya make us, slowpoke?” one of them calls out.
It’s at that very moment that your shoe snags on its untied lace.
Your breath catches. You soar through the air and land flat on your face.
Twin laughter crackles through the dreary air.
When you glance up, you see them standing just a few meters away, a snickering pair of entertained little foxes.
Your cheeks burn. You don’t think you’ve ever been so mad and embarrassed in your entire life. And with the two of them, it seems to double until your eyes sting and steam whistles out of your ears.
Teeth clenched hard enough to break through steel, you sit up and wrench your untied shoe off. You leap to your feet and charge towards them as fast as you can.
“Give it back!”
They jump, eyes widening, and sprint off once more.
With one missing shoe and a sock that’s getting wetter by the second, you really don’t stand a chance. But whether it’s dumb luck or the rage rushing through your bloodstream, miraculously, lungs burning and muscles screaming, the gap between you and them begins to shrink.
The smirks on their faces seem to get smaller and smaller as you get closer, changing into grimaces of irritation. They run even faster. So do you.
“Give it back!” You’re repeating it like a mantra now, getting nearer and nearer with each breathless repetition. “Give it back give it back give it BACK –”
One of them falls a step behind the other. You seize the opportunity with your teeth and bite down.
The boy topples forward and skids across the wet grass as you tackle him, fists twisted up in the back of his thick grey sweater.
It isn’t long before you’re straddling his back to keep him down, one arm on the back of his head to press his face into the ground while the other reaches out to grab the hat in his outstretched hand.
“Get offa me!” he grunts, though you can barely understand him and care even less.
As you struggle to purchase a hold on your belonging, the other boy jogs back up to where his comrade had fallen. You stiffen and look up at him warily.
But instead of lifting a finger to help, you’re surprised when he breaks into laughter.
“Bahahaha! She totally smoked ya, Osamu!”
“Shut up, Atsumu!”
‘Atsumu’ bends down to snatch up your hat. You rush to stand up, ready for another round of chasing, but you’re surprised yet again when he simply tosses the hat between his hands and fixes you with eyes that seem less dull than before.
“Bet ya can’t catch us again,” he tells you while ‘Osamu’ gets to his feet.
“Yeah, I can,” you snarl, still panting for breath, but you rip your hat out of his hands just in case.
“Hey –”
“Forget it, Atsumu. My sweater,” Osamu grumbles. “Ma’s gonna kill me.”
You turn towards him, a tart word or two on your tongue about how he rightfully deserves a good thrashing – his brother, too. But your eyes catch on his sweater, and then on his hands that are hopelessly scrubbing at the dirt and grass stains, and what you see wrapped around his pinkie effectively steals the retort from your mouth.
“Ya got a red string,” you say, pointing at it.
Osamu raises an eyebrow at you, then lifts his hand to look. He wiggles his pinkie. His brow furrows and his lips pinch. He looks back at you, and the furrow in his brow deepens.
“Ya got one too,” he says, and now it’s his turn to point.
You look at your left pinkie. Indeed, wrapped around it is a red string, and when you trace its tail, you find that your string and Osamu’s are one and the same.
A lump forms in your throat.
Auntie finally catches up to the three of you.
“You little devils, running around like that! And where’s your shoe, young lady? I ought to …” Her gaze catches onto the red around your and Osamu’s pinkies, and her jaw slackens. Your lower lip trembles as she meets your eyes. “Oh. Oh, dear.”
When Atsumu puts it all together, he gets so mad at you that he cries.
He lifts up his sweater in a fit and shows you the mark on the side of his belly, the ink-black shadow of a fox’s head. Osamu shows you the same mark on the opposite side. When your parents all meet at the Miya residence that night, they try to sort it all out.
Soulmates, as you understand it at eight years old, are very special best friends. Most are the kind to get married and have kids, like your parents and the twins’ parents. A few are siblings, like Atsumu and Osamu. And some don’t share blood or get married and simply know each other better than anybody else in the world.
And as you sit in the living room sandwiched between your mom and dad, sweat dampening the back of your neck as the brothers stare half-lidded like they did at the park, you know what it means.
It means you are an intruder.
“Ma, I don’t wanna go.”
“You’re just nervous, honey,” she says, fixing the collar of your blouse. “Think about it. You already know two people there, don’t ya? And one of them’s yer soulmate.”
You look at yourself in the mirror. A pout forms on your lips. “But they’re mean to me.”
“They’ll come around if you do.” Wrinkling your nose, you keep your doubts to yourself as your mom stands up. “Time to go. You don’t want to be late.”
As she ushers you away, you take one last glance at your reflection.
For a split second, you swear you see Osamu instead. Then you blink and it’s just you again.
You didn’t know soulmates could do that.
Your mom watches from the house as you leave the front door and dutifully make your way to the corner of the street, where several kids are already waiting. The green backpacks make them look like turtles. You must look like a turtle too.
Just as you come up to the group, wondering if you should introduce yourself, one of the boys stands in front of you and traps you with a careful look. He says nothing. Just looks at you expectantly.
Awkwardly, you bow. “Good morning,” you say, and he frowns.
Oh, boy. Is there a certain way you’re supposed to say good morning here?
“I told ya, Kato-chan,” pipes up an older girl behind him, hands on her hips. “It’s not her.”
“Not who?” you ask.
The girl appraises you. Her glasses are big and round and take up most of her face, and the lenses gleam in the morning light. “Kato-chan’s soulmate,” she replies, speaking like someone well beyond her years. “He only wants one because his big brother met his yesterday.”
You grimace. Kato’s ears turn red. “No!” he protests.
“They’re supposed to tell him his zodiac sign,” the girl says. “It’s written on the bottom of his foot.” You nod, reaching up to hold the straps of your backpack, and her eyes flick down. They widen. “Oh. Have ya met yer soulmate yet?”
Shifting uncomfortably, you drop your hands. You wish she hadn’t asked. “Um … well –”
Two blurs shove past you. You can feel the entirety of their hands, each sturdy finger and thumb pushing back on each of your shoulders until you stumble.
“I win!”
“No, I win!”
“I touched the pole first, ya scrub!”
“With yer hands! I banged my shoe on it before that.”
“That doesn’t count –”
You join the others in crowding around the Miya twins, who are clinging to one of the poles sticking up from the sidewalk. They’re wearing matching jackets and matching pants and matching shoes, seeming to morph into a single organism as they quarrel and butt heads.
“Let go!”
“You let go first!”
Their shoes scuffle against the concrete. Both boys grab the other’s hair with one hand, and every bone in your body feels like it’s turned to lead when a thread catches blood-red underneath the sun.
Someone gasps. “Hey, do ya see that?”
You close your eyes.
A hand closes around your arm.
“Oh,” Glasses Girl says. Her voice rises loud enough to be heard by everyone. “Wow, Miya-kun, I didn’t know ya had two soulmates.”
And just like that, they stop.
Dread pools coldly in your stomach as she turns to you. The other kids swivel their heads to stare in what feels like slow-motion, but the brunt of the weight is from the twins, who let go of the pole to pin you down with their eyes.
Your throat dries. You wish you could melt into a puddle.
“Which one is it?” Glasses Girl asks you. “Atsumu-kun or Osamu-kun?”
You lick your lips. “I –”
“Neither of us,” says Atsumu. His tone is flat. “It was a mistake.”
You close your mouth.
“Really?” Kato asks, sounding worried. “There can be mistakes?”
“Well, duh. Me and Osamu are already soulmates. She’s just some scrub.”
Osamu says nothing.
You say nothing, either.
The group breaks out into murmurs. Glasses Girl looks down at you. You meet her pitying gaze and then look away, uncomfortable, and shrug.
You don’t know why, but your chest starts to hurt. Just a little bit.
A few weeks go by. You make a few friends (one friend – Glasses Girl, whose real name is Kokomi). The Miya twins are still rude. The homework is hard.
Then your auntie heads back home to Miyagi to take care of a family emergency, and your parents go on their monthly weekend business trip. And you …
Well, worse things could’ve happened. Getting struck by lightning, for one.
“How come yer parents left ya all by yerself? They don’t like ya or somethin’?”
“No,” you snap at Atsumu. You’ve tucked yourself away in the corner of the guestroom, but even then, it provides no escape from the twins. Which makes sense, since this is their house. “They’re working.”
“What do they do?”
“Why do you care?”
“I don’t.” He looks down at you, eyebrows low above his eyes. “Just wonderin’ why they saddled us with ya.”
“You know why,” you mumble. Looking down at your scratch art book, you scrape your stylus along the black page to reveal a glittery purple line. Your butterfly looks more like a moth.
Because you’re new to the area, and you don’t know anybody. Because your auntie had to leave early, and good nannies cost money and are hard to find. Because your parents met Osamu and Atsumu’s parents once.
Because …
“Atsumu, ya gotta wipe the counters.”
“I already did.”
“Well, ya did a cruddy job of it and Ma wants ya to do it again.”
Atsumu groans loudly, pushing off the wall and heading out of the room. “Geez …”
You hear the muffled sound of Miya-san telling him off in the kitchen, followed by the drawling complaints of Atsumu. You make eye contact with Osamu. He holds it, tucking his hands into his pockets. The red string snakes out of it and runs down the length of his sweatpants.
“Yer a lot nicer at school,” he finally comments, and you bristle.
“Because the people at school are nicer,” you retort.
“Did ya like supper?”
The abrupt change in subject pinches your eyebrows together.
“You didn’t eat much,” he says, and though he doesn’t sound all too concerned, he continues to stare at you without blinking. “Do ya not like shogayaki?”
“I …” Perplexed, you let your legs slide out of their tucked-up position. “It’s fine.”
“What’s yer favorite food?”
“Onigiri,” you say without hesitation. His head tilts, and his eyes open just a millimeter wider. You do hesitate before asking, “What’s yer favorite food?”
“I dunno. Food,” he says automatically. You surprise yourself with the brief snort that escapes your nose. “What’s so funny, ya scrub?”
“Yer favorite food can’t be food.”
“Says who?” Osamu responds.
“I dunno. But that’s not how it works.”
“All of them are good.”
You guess you can’t argue with that.
The boy shifts, propping one shoulder up against the door frame. He looks down and to the side, his mouth twisting in the same direction, and you wait for whatever he’s about to say before he takes in a breath.
“We’re makin’ onigiri for lunch tomorrow.”
He lingers for a moment longer, glancing back at you, and you realize that this is Osamu’s way of extending an olive branch.
Warmth trickles up your neck and into your cheeks.
“Okay,” you say quietly.
He nods, pushing away from the door frame in a manner eerily similar to Atsumu before heading off towards their room. You listen to his footsteps shuffling sleepily down the hallway and curl up again, hugging your sketchbook to your chest.
Maybe this won’t be so bad, you think. Maybe Osamu will come around, just like your mom said, and everything will be fine, eventually.
Another pair of footsteps shuffle up to your room.
“Oi, freeloader. Answer my question.”
Everything will be fine, as long as Atsumu comes around too. But that, as you have already come to learn, will be a long, long time coming.
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lizzy06 · 2 months
Oikawa Tooru x Reader Fic Recs!! (Tumblr/AO3/Wattpad)
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Haikyuu! Fic Rec Masterlist
Aoba Johsai Fic Rec Masterlist
pinch ✨✨by krystallisert (oneshot, soulmate au, fluff, humor) The ringing stops, and you're vaguely aware that you've been hit in the face by a volleyball. In another gym, at another school, a boy winces in sudden, unprovoked pain. "Oi, Oikawa! You're bleeding!"[COMPLETED]
A married life by @creepychan (oneshot, pregnant reader, angst) <I don't wanna spoil this series but its worth it😜😜>
Your Smart Ideas ✨ by @mimi-cee-hq (oneshot, fluff) Oikawa didn’t want you to call his sister Nee-san. So you had a solution.[COMPLETED]
pov:he's a racer and you are his finish line ✨✨💖by @saintobio  (angst, fluff, street racer au, <reader had an abusive relationship with atsumu>)driven by the thrill of illegal street racing, an esteemed racer from Miyagi shows up and makes a tough bet against your toxic boyfriend in exchange for you. [COMPLETED] <this suna fic is connected to this fic as a spin off/ pt.2 kinda thing>
Do You Feel What I Do✨✨ by @seokiloquy (oneshot, soulmate au , fluff)where you feel bursts of pain/emotion from your soulmate. When they both realize they are soulmates (they don’t have to physically be together, it’s when both just know they are), each other’s name gets written on their wrist and the pain/emotion bursts lessen[COMPLETED]
How Do You Say…?  by @seokiloquy (oneshot, childhood freinds to lovers, fluff)[COMPLETED]
Breathe by @t0wnspersonb (oneshot, fluff) As the manager of Aoba Johsai, you take it upon yourself to make sure everyone is taken care of. Which is why you find yourself making sure that a certain captain isn’t pushing himself, especially after a knee injury. It’s not until an incident in the locker room that you begin to realize just how much Oikawa means to you.[COMPLETED]
The Miracle of Childbirth ✨by @oreosmama Yours (oneshot, humor) and Oikawa’s children were the most amazing creatures on Earth… except when they acted like munchkin-sized pain in the asses.[COMPLETED]
 On a Cold Winter’s Night ✨ by @oreosmama (oneshot, slight smut, fluff)Trapped in the university library due to a raging blizzard outside, you are forced to endure the cold night with the man you hate the most: the player who lives in the dorm across from you, Tooru Oikawa. But with tensions and anxieties at an all-time high, you begin to realize your feelings for Oikawa aren’t quite what you thought they were, especially when all he wants to do is keep you warm.[COMPLETED]
  Talking to the Moon ✨by @oreosmama (oneshot, angst with happy ending)After breaking up to go their separate ways after high school, YN and Oikawa struggle to accept the fact that neither is willing to give up their career paths for the other. Instead, they both confide in the moon, wishing that it was their other half. (Based on “Talking to the Moon” by Bruno Mars.)[COMPLETED]
You’re jealous but you can’t do anything because you’re not dating him by @screamin-abt-haikyuu (oneshot, angst to fluff)[COMPLETED]
  Across the Hall by @oreosmama (oneshot, angst with happy ending, slight smut) Across the hall lived Oikawa, a smug womanizer who never knew how to confront his one-night stands after their five minutes of fame. To avoid confrontation, he repeatedly seeks refuge in your apartment, or in his case, in your bed. But what happens when you start to grow feelings for this amorous neighbor of yours?[COMPLETED]
Fake Marks, True Love ✨by @oreosmama (oneshot, angst with happy ending, slight smut) The hickey was fake, but the pain Oikawa felt when he saw it? It was real, and it hurt like a bitch. “Who touched you?”[COMPLETED]
  I Wanna Build a Snowman ✨by @oreosmama (oneshot, fluff) Oikawa just wants to build a snowman on one of the coldest days of the year with his beloved girlfriend. What could go wrong?[COMPLETED]
Warm Embrace by @oreosmama (oneshot, fluff)Naked cuddles with Oikawa need no purpose.[COMPLETED]
Pain Split ✨by kaientai(oneshot, soulmate au)At the same time when Oikawa Tooru presumably fucked up his knee, you, an unsuspecting soccer player, received the injury of a lifetime.[COMPLETED]
Court of Kings by @venusdeus (arranged marriage, royalty au, enemies to lovers) Sent to a neighbouring kingdom to secure an alliance, forced to give up your dreams and ambitions, disregarded as a means to an end. You however have no desire to fulfil their wishes. And neither does Oikawa. [ONGOING] <guys...this fic hasn't been uploaded in a long time but I seriously love it so I am gonna be putting it here>
a love like winter ✓ | friends to lovers, angst by @tooruluv| teaser | pt 1 | pt 2 | pt 3 | pt 4 | pt 5 | pt 6 | pt 7 | pt 8 | pt 9 | pt 10 | pt 11 | pt 12 (final) |[COMPLETED]
peppermint ⌲ | roommate au, enemies to lovers, angst, smut edited and rewritten | updates every weekend by @tooruluv |teaser | pt 1 | pt 2 |[COMPLETED]
love, always by @saintobio (heavy angst, past lovers, amnesia) 3 years since the accident and you’ve regained most of your memories back, but there’s still one missing puzzle piece that only your boyfriend’s best friend can complete. the question is, will you let him? [COMPLETED]
da capo✨✨ by krystallisert(soulmate au, unrequited love, pinning)Nothing could've stopped you from falling in love with Oikawa Tooru. Not the neatly drawn mark ever present on his wrist, nor the looks of pity on your best friend's face whenever she catches you staring at the brunet. [COMPLETED]
Rewind (Part I), Rewind (Part II) by @mitsuki-murakami (twoshot, soulmate au, fluff, angst) A Soulmate AU where you will keep looping your life until you meet your soulmate.[COMPLETED]
think of me by @mitsuki-murakami (oneshot, heavy angst)How could you think that this wouldn't hurt me?[COMPLETED]
The Gift of a Greek God by Orphan_account Oikawa Tooru is Eros in all of his glory. Beauty, love, and desire overwhelmingly packed into one being.And you? The human (un)fortunate enough to be raked into one of his deals. [COMPLETED]
but my lungs fell so small by krystallisert (medieval au, enemies to friends to lovers, princess! reader, knight! oikawa)The intricacies of war is something you do not know much of. But still, you’d heard about the unrest to the south, the rumors of dissent and the anti-capitol posters. If you could trace back to the first protest, the first whisper of treason, would you be able to pinpoint the exact moment a war became an inevitability ?The capitol gates come crashing down with an explosion of gunpowder and debris. [ONGOING]
The Underground ✨✨by butterflytint (enemies to friends to lovers) you've always been meticulous, turning to hacking as a simple hobby. Following the death of your brother, you went off the rails in efforts of finding his killers. You're backed into a corner when you're caught hacking the police and government organizations by a charming secret agent/criminal, Tooru Oikawa. You find out it has something to do with your brother and you didn't know him as well as you thought you did. [COMPLETED]
Two Stories💖✨ by deltachye(college au, fluff, angst)your face is in my dreams; but in reality, so far.[COMPLETED]
Splash of Color by RizRice(friends to lovers, starngers to lovers, fluff, slice of life)Routines can get a little boring. As structured as they may be, the world can begin to look black and white. But once a splash of color hits your nose, the routine you once held dear changes.[COMPLETED]
The Popular Guy by crescentsteel (smut, fluff, angst, humor)You only saw him from afar – Oikawa Tooru. He’s just perfect. He’s so kind to his fans, so hardworking, so ambitious. So unreachable. You’re fine with that though. Seeing him around was enough for you. You count yourself lucky that you were able to talk to him one time before graduation. But when university started, he was there waiting for you, and in his hand was the letter you never intended to send.[COMPLETED]
BULLY by neptunecookie (enemies to lovers, angst, smut) when y/n signed up for summer camp, she didn’t expect to be stuck with her high school bully for a month.[COMPLETED]
First Love, Late Spring by miyachondria(oneshot, exes to lovers, post timeskip)Oikawa Tooru’s eyes are still the same shade of honey brown, and you still fall in love the way you used to: hard, plummeting, like a burning comet making its way across the night sky.[COMPLETED]
Perfect (Oikawa x Plain! Reader)✨ by MrsTanaka(oneshot, soulmate au, fluff)Soulmate AU in which you share a talent or talents with your partner.[COMPLETED]
Enough By StilemaWillow (oneshot, soulmate au) You can feel eachother's emotions.[COMPLETED]
I don't like your Shampoo ✨by @hinac0lada (oneshot, soulmate au, humor)[COMPLETED]
good enough ✨by @teamatsumu (oneshot, soulmate au, insecure! reader)[COMPLETED]
Till it Breaks by deltachye (angst, romance)In sickness and in health; ‘till death do us part… Or ‘till his mind broke, leaving you behind with nothing but a shattered heart when he asked quietly, “who are you?” [COMPLETED]
Unspoken by just_j (friends to lovers, fluff, angst, mutual pinning) Oikawa has been in love with you since you became a manager for the university’s volleyball team, but keeps it to himself in fear of what his fan club might do to you if they found out.[COMPLETED]
Breath by visi(fantasy au, enemies to lovers)You think that your escape as a secluded witch in the forest would be much more successful if there wasn't another irritable, attractive inhabitant already.[COMPLETED]
目送 ; five times oikawa didn’t look back and the one time he did by vogonpoetry (oneshot, angst with happy ending, tooth rooting)you spend a lifetime watching him go, sometimes with your stomach tied in knots, sometimes with tears in your eyes, but always with love.[COMPLETED]
Cross the Pacific✨  by @seokiloquy (oneshot, angst, fluff, slight! sugawara)[COMPLETED]
The only stranger in the room✨ by @ugh-tsumu (oneshot, soulmate au) The day you are introduced as the (Aoba Johsai’s) volleyball team’s new manager is also the day you’re supposed to meet your soulmate. Coincidentally, this is also the day Oikawa arrives late.[COMPLETED]
For You, Black Petals  by @seokiloquy (oneshot, hanahaki, angst) It’s alright to love someone who does not love you back, as long as they’re worth you loving them. As long as they deserve it.[COMPLETED]
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hijinks-n-lowjinks · 6 months
fic recs masterlist pt 2
So here's a part two to my first fic rec list because I thought the first list was too long to add more or I've only read them more recently
you're all i see, you're all i need by DailyMelody: iwaoi fic where iwaizumi lies to his family that he and oikawa are dating and he slowly realizes they haven't been faking their feelings, nsfw in the last chapter
Sprout, Bloom, Grow by SpaceJammie: matsuhana and iwaoi fic from the perspective of matsukawa, this is probably my fav hq I'm keeping up with rn, the characterizations and story are so deep and well written, unfinished
Let the Light Out by UhohShouto: post canon kagehina fic where kageyama realizes he's super into hinata and they make a bet that leads to them smooching and doing much more, nsfw
what i really mean by solyn: kuroken fic where they're both sort of clueless about their feelings while everyone else around them knows they're in love, nsfw
it drives you crazy getting old by atsumusbiceps: a sakuatsu 13 Going On 30 au that's absolutely adorable, omi is in love from the beginning but atsumu thinks being angry and attracted to someone is normal
Gray in the Middle. by DeadDrabble (MisakillDatMonkey): crazy good sunaosa fic where suna is a model and osamu is his new assistant, the development of their friendship while osamu slowly gets to see the real suna and coming to see the toxicity of the fashion industry, unfinished, future nsfw
Sakusa Kiyoomi's Short and Unhelpful Guide To Falling In Love by honest_pebble: sakuatsu fic where omi asks for atsumu to kiss one drunken night and they can't seem to keep their hands off each other in the months after
i pretend you're mine, all the damn time by theglitterati: bokuaka high school fic where bokuto is nervous about his lack of experience when a girl asks him out so he asks akaashi to help him learn how to kiss, very cute and silly
sleeping with strangers by starbeyy: kagehina fic where kageyama is a lawyer that's afraid of attachment and only sleeps with strangers until he gets an extremely cute client that makes him less afraid, nsfw in later chapters
Take a hint by badreputation: sunaosa fic where suna doesn't realize osamu is trying to woo him and is just an oblivious dummy
i sing the body electric by viverella: iwaoi getting together fic where iwaizumi beings to realize he doesn't have entirely platonic feelings about his best friend
dearly departed by radiantradish: daisuga ghost au where suga is stuck in limbo while he's in a coma and daichi is a firefighter that keeps dreaming about him
Winter is Red by MeikoAtsushi: technically this is the sunaosa spin-off to their original sakuatsu fic but the premise is that osamu can see the red threads of fate that tie soulmates together but he doesn't have one and falls in love with suna anyway, this fic is fucking PAINFUL because osamu is determined to make his life miserable and try to push suna away but he can never stay away for long, nsfw
the posterior probablity by izayas: sakuatsu au where omi is a professor and atsumu is an m.d. who's taking his class and they fall in love lol
SunKissed by Paintbrushyy_Ducky98: bokuaka fic where akaashi's family's new pool boy is really cute and he sort of seems familiar... nsfw
favor from the boy you can't resist by crossbelladonna: bokuaka fic where bokuto asks akaashi to be his fake boyfriend and things go as well as you'd expect
Miles by lettersinpetals: kuroken post canon/during chapter 402.1 fic where kuroo is very aware of his love for kenma but is convinced kenma doesn't feel the same
Night Moves by fluorophoring: kuroken fic where they just keep hooking up at night without actually dating or discussing their feelings, heavy nsfw
What to Do (to You) by Mooifyourecows: iwaoi fic where matsuhana set them up on a blind date despite already being roommates and having crushes on each other, nsfw
take me the way i am by almostsophie1: kuroken fic where kuroo wants to know if kenma is willing to have sex with him just to "practice", nsfw obviously
spill my guts by wasted: bokuaka fic where akaashi is a massive pining simp and doesn't know what to do about his crush
Legend Has It by sifuhotman: sunaosa crime au??? i literally think about this fic all the time and how it's not finished, such an interesting plot with osamu as a detective and suna is a con artist who has connections to some underground crime syndicates, the last chapter posted legit made me cry, i really identify with osamu in this fic, nsfw in later chapters
Apple of Your Eye by Kattythingz: sk8 renga fic but it's if Adam became obsessed with Reki instead of Langa, highkey NUTS how good Adam's characterization is because you want to bash his skull in with a hammer
A Crown of Gems and Gold by Kattythingz: fma edling fic that's basically a rewrite of the entire series but if edling got together soon after their first meeting, the best characterization, action, and dialogue ever utilized in writing, unfinished but ongoing
Always an Angel, Never a God by oktsukki: jjk satosugu au where hidden inventory didn't end as bad as they did in canon, a lot of good healing and characterization
lights out by phollie: hxh killugon fic where killua is just very soft about gon as gon shows him around the island he grew up on
Sword of Damocles by orphan_account: mp100 terumob au fic where teruki asks mob out as a joke but he actually starts to fall for him
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lanabuckybarnes · 7 months
Tha gaol agam ort.
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This was originally a drabble, now it’s probably a mediocre one shot but the words kept coming and my fingers kept typing.
I just wanted an excuse to boast that I’m Scottish lol. I hope you enjoy. There should be a rough translation with every word or phrase but if I’ve missed any let me know!
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Scottish! Female reader
Trigger Warnings: Swearing is all! Unless you count the use of Y/N as one. Also I call Scots a dialect once, please don’t come for me my people.
Word Count: 1.9k (oh my god it’s over 1000 words!!!)
When Bucky had first met Y/N, he had no clue what she was saying but the confusing phrases and silly placement of random words she intrigued him. Originally just her speech had him interested but it wouldn’t stay like that.
It was only after 4 months of getting to know her, speaking to her almost everyday, whether she was happy, sad or drunk until Bucky had been confident enough to say he understood what she was saying. Most of the time.
The others though, they hadn’t a clue.
It was winter, the temperature dropping rapidly each day. The crime didn’t stop. Bucky and Y/N had just finished their patrol, thoughourly soaked to the bone from the unrelenting rain.
The doors to the elevator opened on the communial floor, Y/N popping out first with a grumpy Bucky, looking akin to a soggy cat following behind.
“Fuck me it’s baltic out there like” the thick accent boomed across the living area, the others looked at her in confusion. Bucky gazed at their bewildered faces, sighing.
“She said it’s cold”. At the translation they all gave a variation of agreement, they were thankfully Bucky had spent a lot of time around her. They needed a translator, and he needed a girlfriend.
Lover boy. Sam had started calling him around HQ and it stuck, much to Bucky’s bemusement and confusion. He didn’t see the heart eyes he’d gaze at Y/N with, after all. ‘They were just too lazy to learn’, he said to himself, pummeling shot after shot into the thick punching bag.
“Careful lover boy, you’ll knock the stuffing out of it” Sam quipped, entering the gym, his skipping ropes hung loosely over his shoulder.
“Lover boy” Bucky repeated lowly whilst sending a vicious right hook into the leather, he was thinking of Sam’s face. The nickname tasted disgustingly bitter on his tongue, Sam just laughed.
‘Lover boy? What the hell kind of name was Lover boy anyways?’ A deep scowl settling itself onto his features as he thought. He almost didn’t hear the gym door squeak open again.
“Ooft, don’t look in the fridge you’ll turn the milk sour” She giggled at her own joke. ‘Very funny Y/N’ Bucky mused in his head. His scowl worsened, if it was even possible but he failed to repress the small blush at the sound of her chuckles.
Bucky had been stuck on those words all day. The the nickname never failed to leave his head after any one of the group called him it, the foul mood it brought following it as well. The only person Bucky hadn’t chewed the head off of was Y/N. Which the others weren’t particularly surprised about.
Watching a grown man shovel cereal into his mouth was probably the most interesting thing Y/N had ever seen, sorcerers and aliens be damned. The conversation she was having with Nat and Sam fading in and out of her mind in favour of watching Bucky chew violently, throughly slaughtering the wheat O’s.
“What do you think?” Nat asked, a smile playing on her lips. She’d caught her staring at Bucky, again.
“About love, Sam thinks that everyone has a soulmate but I’m not so sure. What say you?” Nat clarified, leaning forward on her chair.
“Well my granny used to say, ‘What’s fur ye, will no go by ye’ so I suppose that’s my stance” She smiled at Nat who’s jaw had dropped in utter confusion.
“Hey lover boy, translate that” Sam shouted over to Bucky, his icy gaze turned in the direction of the trio. Allowing himself to linger a little too long on Y/N’s soft features.
“Hey!” Clicking his fingers at Bucky, Sam directed his attention back to the conversation.
“She said what’s for you won’t go by you. It means if you are bound to get something you will get it”. His features turned almost deadly “and click your fingers in my face again and you’ll get what’s coming for you”
“Ok, ok. Keep the heid” (calm down) she interjected, her small hand coming up to rest on the metal of Bucky’s shoulder , her soft fingers grazing over the sensitive skin at the edge. Such a simple gesture shouldn’t have caused his heart to flutter in the way it did.
As soon as Y/N had disappeared, Nat following behind, Bucky cornered Sam in the kitchen.
“Why do you keep calling me that?” He questioned. Sam picked up on the threatening tone laced through his voice.
“Calling you what man?” He chuckled back, trying to act innocent but he crumbled, laughing at the tension.
“Lover boy.”
The sound of Bucky’s angry voice saying those words had Sam buckled in two. He laughed hard, his palm slapping against his thigh as he propped himself up with the other.
“You don’t think we haven’t seen those looks, for a grumpy old man you sure do give her the heart eyes” Sam spoke once his fit of giggles subsided.
“Banner ‘hypothosised’ you were falling in love the first time you translated for her. Not a single person in this building knows what she’s saying except you, it’s not friendship that’s making you want to learn”
Bucky’s faced was flushed red, from anger or embarrassment at being caught out? he had no clue. Probably from both.
“Steve is the least laziest man I know and even he couldn’t learn, he tried many times” Sam explained. Bucky remebered the few occasions Steve had grabbed him by the shoulder or wrist, asking what the misspelled phrases or words in his little red book had meant, phrases you’d said to him that flew over his head. Sam was right.
“Steve also had 10$ on you having a crush on her” Sam let slip, tucking in his lips as soon as the words escaped.
“You’re taking bets on me!” He hissed
“Come on man, how could we not. It was Tony’s idea” Sam was trying to save his own ass by pushing others under the bus.
“I cannot believe you” Bucky snapped before turning on his heel, he’d deal with Sam later. Right now he had to relax. His feet moved on their own, seeking out a familiar room.
Her door rattled, its hinges threatening to break if they were shuddered any longer.
“Alright keep your hair on I’m coming” she exclaimed, rushing from the bathroom with a pale green facial mask painted on her face.
“Bucky! w-what are you doing here?” She asked, embarrassment filling her body at the thought of her appearance.
He didn’t say a word, pushing past her and flopping down on her bed in a way a huffy toddler would flop to the floor if they didn’t get their own way.
“Ok then” she mumbled to herself, taking a seat next to his sprawled out body.
“Who shat in your cereal?” A normal thing for her to say, he knew she was only asking what was up. Even if her tone was a little mocking.
“Oh how did I guess?” Laughing at her own words as she lay back beside Bucky, her head unintentionally resting against his inner arm.
He thought of moving, thought of whipping his arm to his side but the soft hair slightly tickling his flesh was grounding him. Allowing the anger to dissipate from his body.
“You know they keep calling me lover boy” He stated. ‘Lover boy?’ She thought. ‘Why lover boy?’.
“Why lover boy?” She asked, the question mimicking his thoughts from earlier.
“Well that’s what I asked Sam. I didn’t like his answer, not that it was much of an answer” Bucky responded, although Sam had told him bluntly he didn’t feel comfortable enough to repeat it to her.
He turned his head to watch her soft features try to determine the answer of her own question, she hadn’t even noticed his sapphire eyes watching her. With those same heart eyes that Sam had mentioned.
Gazing lovingly into the side of her head. His pupils dilated, watching every twitch of her brows, every time her eyelashes brushed against her cheek as she blinked. Every time her pink tongue peeked out to wet her plush lips.
Oh my god! Sam was right. He hadn’t just learned her dialect because of genuine interest in the meaning, but because of his interest in her.
He pulled his body up suddenly, her head flopping against the bed causing her to squeak in surprise.
“Gonnae no dae that!” (Don’t do that!) She yelped in surprise, the accent coming through thicker than ever but Bucky was far too focused on his own thoughts.
“Bucky?” She sat up as well, leaning forward almost comically to catch a glance of his frustration streaked face.
“Are you alright?” ‘Fuck that accent was distracting’ he thought. He couldn’t do this anymore. He couldn’t keep his feelings bottled up, he didn’t want to lose Y/N as a friend but the longer the feelings festered the worse they got felt to keep hidden.
“No. I can’t do this anymore Y/N, I can’t be around you everyday, I can’t watch movies together, I can’t drink with you anymore. I can’t do anything with you anymore. Not until I’ve said what I have to say” Bucky exclaimed. He was sure he sounded angry to her but after all the pent up frustration as a result of having to keep himself from smashing his lips against hers had built up to its boiling point, he was hoping she’d understand.
“What the hell is going on?” She sounded crestfallen, the words breaking her heart. Had she said or done something wrong? Offended him in some way?
“I have spent too much time together with you, as friends. I can’t keep denying my feelings anymore, it’s hurting me physically to hold myself back. I’m borderline insane because I have to contain my thoughts of you” He took a deep breath, looking everywhere but her wide eyes.
“I love you, I have done so for a while. I’m sorry if you don’t feel the same, I mean I’m a horrible person. The things I did as the Winter Soldier to you, to everyone I’m surprised you even consider me a frie-“
He didn’t get the chance to finish his rant before she’d pulled him towards her. Stealing his lips away from his words selfishly.
The realisation of what exactly was going on clicked, he acted quickly, pulling her close. Almost too close to his own large frame. He groaned into her mouth at the feeling of her long nails scratching his scalp lightly.
His tongue poked against her mouth, fighting for dominance against her own when she let him in.
He’d never imagined he’d feel a kiss like this, not ever again but here it was. If he could’ve, he would’ve died of asphyxiation right then and there. She pulled away first, her breath heavy against his swollen mouth and reddened face.
“You’re an eejit” (idiot) She beamed, pecking his lips again.
“Tha gaol agam ort” she whispered, as if anything louder would scare him and his thoughts of her away.
His eyebrows furrowed slightly, he knew a lot of phrases but this one had him stumped. She noticed the confusion in his features.
“It means I love you” she explained, tucking a loose strand of his soft brunette hair behind his ear.
“I love you too” he replied, mustering up all the passion he felt for her and squeezing it into those few words. Her eyes widened slightly, a laugh bubbling up from her throat. She tried covering her mouth but he pulled her hand away.
“What? What is it?” He smiled as well. Her giggles setting off bubbling fireworks in his abdomen.
“You have my face mask all over you”
Ahhh, im actually proud of this. Even if it was a little selfish of me to write one with this topic.
AND it’s over 1000 words which is a big deal considering I can’t seem to stay focused for 2 minutes. I can’t wait to never write something as good as this again lol
I hope you enjoy x
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colormepurplex2 · 2 years
Make You Mine | JJK
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▻ Make You Mine ↳  Alpha Jungkook x Omega f.Reader ⤜ A/B/O AU ⤜ Enemies to Lovers | angst, fluff, smut ⤜ Rating: MA 🔞 ⤜ WC: 11,231 ⤜ Summary: Alphas might rule the world, but Jungkook finds himself being ruled by the need to make you his. Omegas are rare, precious, and pliant. At least, most are. When you present late, well into your twenties, you're already set in your headstrong ways; a challenge even for a commanding alpha like Jungkook. Add to that the centuries-long feud between your families and the last thing anyone expected was for him to claim you as his soulmate.
⚠️ Angst, scenting, shit talking, teasing, kissing, marking, claiming, v. sex, knotting
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Chapter 1: Purple Silk
Chapter 2: Claimed
Story is complete.
Part of the Bangtan Writers HQ 2022 Boy With Luv Valentine's fic exchange, written for hisunshiine 💜
Can also be found on: Ao3 | Wattpad
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Like this? Want more? Check out the follow up, Now I’m Yours!
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◅ Back to Master List ©️    2022-02-14    ColorMePurplex2    
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ficsinhistory · 1 year
Spider sense and bonds - A meta about the bond of Miles and Gwen.
Hello, hello, tumblr fellas! The final scene where Gwen senses Miles in danger even in another universe has been rent free in my head for the past month, so I've tried to think of how that works.
(If you want to comment on something here, please do! I love hearing what others have to say!)
Let's go! Let's start with what we know. Spider Sense is in the movies:
Just like in the comics, I'm assuming that Spider Sense exists thanks to the Web of Life and Destiny.
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(Beatiful, isn't it?)
Being a clairvoyant power of certain level, it works with what can happen and the most relevant will be warned to the spider. In we have -
a. A danger sensor, be it yours or a loved one of the spider in question. Like Miles and Jeff in the spot fight at the beginning of the movie.
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Or Pav and Gayatri in the bridge scene.
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b. A sort of sensor for other spiders. In the first movie, that's how Miles and all the other spiders were able to connect and recognize each other.
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However, this does not happen so often in ATSV, with just Margo and Miles at Society HQ
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(Remember this information, it is important.)
Which brings me to my theory.
Spider sense works as a connection and communication between the Web of Life and Destiny with the spider, which studies all the possibilities that can happen and warns and guides the spider to the event.
Most often with imminent danger.
In the case of Miles and Gwen, like bonds of compatibility, guiding them since they met and only deepening over time.
Gwen felt Miles even in completely different universes because they are the multiversal soul mates most appropriate to each other among the possibilities of the Web of Life and Destiny.
And don't get me wrong, they don't have that connection because they're a couple written in stone by some higher force. Because the Web, the Spider Sense, doesn't work with anything written in stone (including that's where Miguel made a mistake).
If they had never met, they could fall in love and live happily with other people. But they are each other's ideal people. The best compatibility of each other. And that it would only be enough: for them to coexist, to have the possibility of seeing each other, and boom! This connection so strong that it could exist was put to roll.
That's why Gwen was taken to Visions even before Miles was stung. That's why she feels Miles universes away. Of the probabilities in entire realities, they are the ones that work the best. The multiverse judged it that way and guided them and guided them, because they looked alike and because they worked, not because they were destined to do so.
(After all, the whole theme of the movies is about fate is bs and it's more about the odds and your actions on things, so...)
And you must be wondering: why Miles then doesn't feel Gwen the same way? And got that instant hookup vibe with Margo instead?
Here comes the fun part.
Our Gwen from Earth-65 is the best match for Miles Morales, the boy from Earth-1610. And Margo with Spider-Man from Earth-42. Miles from Earth-42. And as Miles was bitten by the spider from Earth-42, Margo and Miles felt that residual connection. (And so I call Prowlerbyte in Beyond)
Remember I said it's not Destiny? Our Gwen and Miles work, but not all versions of them will work. Some are, some aren't (yes, Earth-8 can still be a thing, no worries.)
And that's their fun!
They fall in love, love each other, because they are the best for each other. Because they, just like in real life, found each other and clicked.
They are soulmates because they love each other, and they don't love each other because they are soulmates.
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goatyuuji · 3 months
Hello, so it's Haikyuu ask game....
(I'm excited, because since the movie released, I've found many Haikyuu fans again )
a.) Who are your top 5 favorite Haikyuu characters?
b.) What are your top 5 favorite Haikyuu moments?
c.) Who are your top 3 favorite Haikyuu ships? Why love them?
Thanks if you want to answer....
Hi! AHHHHHHH I HAVE SO MANY HAIKYUU ASKS SITTING IN MY INBOX, I just- I get very emo while thinking about Haikyuu, so sorry to everyone who has asked me about Haikyuu till now...
Okay, not gonna lie but I LOVE EVERYONE SINGLE HAIKYUU CHARACTER, CAN I NOT SAY EVERYONE IS MY FAVORITE????😭😭😭 but if I had to choose top 5 with a gun to my head because that's the only scenario where I would think of choosing:
(1) Hinata Shouyo (is anyone even surprised anymore): Baby boy, sunshine incarnate, my most handworking baby, I need to meet him and tell him personally how proud I am of him.
(2) Tsukishima Kei: his character development and his growth is the greatest thing to witness and he genuinely so sarcastic and mean I love it.
(3) Kita-san: You ever encounter a character that changes the way you view the world, because that's what Kita Shinsuke did to mine. The words he says just, it just hits hard and it hits home.
(4) Oikawa Tooru: See I am not immune to incredibly annoying but endearing characters. And he nails that category with flying colors.
(5) Kenma Kozume: Oh he is someone I did not think I would like, let alone be on top 5 but Kenma really just full of surprises, especially post-timeskip Kenma, I fucking love that Kenma he genuinely one of the best, I wish him the best in life!
Sorry to Nishinoya, Tanaka, Tendo, Bokuto, Kuroo, Yachi, Kageyama, HoshiumI, Takeda sensei and many more I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH 😭😭😭🫂🫂🫂
Uhhhhhh my top 5 moments might contain some spoilers so guys please if you haven't read Haikyuu, PLEASE DON'T LOOK I BEG YOU(trust me it's better if you read it on your own or wait for the next movie installment):
(1) When you lost but you are still smiling because you finally FINALLY found your equal ah <3
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(2) The little Giant vs The World's Greatest Decoy...Actually I applaud Furudate-sensei for even thinking of them like this because people were going on about Hinata would be jealous of Hoshiumi and how there would be a type of resentment between the two because they both might want the little giant title but Furudate said no and gave the greatest story about upliftment, finding your own self-identity and paving your own paths (writing this thru my tears btw I realise now why I don't talk about Haikyuu that much I just start crying lmfao)
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(3) “it’s just a club” - this scene making top 5 because one, it’s literally PEAK FICTION and story telling and two, I saw my little sister ugly cried to this scene…shoutout to my little sister
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(4) I am not even gonna say anything except the fact I was paralyzed in utter shock during this scene. Also this scene followed by Takeda sensei...I CAN NOT TELL YOU HOW IT CHANGED THE TRAJECTORY OF MY LIFELINE.
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(5) The entirety of Brazil arc...Gun to my head I can't not choose one moment out of it because every panel, every interaction and everything about this arc is phenomenal
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Also quickly my top 3 ships from hq would be: Kagehina (not immune to the soulmates agenda), Iwaoi (not immune to the annoying x annoyed but still loves agenda) and Tsukiyama (only yamaguchi can love this guy ngl)
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redrocketpanda · 7 months
Can I ask your top 10 fav fics ever (from any fandom, if you don't mind)?
Also, just curious, is there a story behind your name "redrocketpanda "?
Hello! Also thank you for the very fun questions, this was great to answer!
I'll do the name first as it's a quicker response. redrocketpanda is a mash up of Red Rocket (as in the red rocket truck stop from Fallout 4) and Red Panda (as in the animal). The story behind those is that I had recently played Fallout 4 (and am a fan of the entire franchise) and have big heart eyes for the Fallout aesthetic, and that although *I* think I would be a lion if I was a non-human animal, some of my close friends + ex partner joke that I'd actually be a red panda (small, tries to be big but isn't scary, red)
I was informed recently (as in last year) that it can also have a different meaning depending on what subcultures you're in but I choose to ignore that bc I didn't know at the time lmao
In terms of the chunkier part of the question - top 10 favourite fics ever - I will admit that I've never read much fic outside of smut for Reasons (as such my list will be quite heavy on smut and kink so heads up for that). I would def like to read more but tend to write more than I read.
Out of the small number that I have read the ones that have always stayed with me/that I love are:
The Shoebox Project - HP The, now very old, Marauders fic that I am still in love with over 10 years after I read it
Summer Rain by Moo - HQ My beloved. DaiSuga fic complete with an incredible character roster, on brand Moo sillyness, and hard hitting real ass shit. Summer Rain is what made me fall in love with several HQ characters, and bestows upon us one of the hottest Tanaka/Ennoshita pairings ever
Rewards Program by surveycorpsjean - HQ Really silly, really hot Bokuto/Kuroo/Akaashi smutty one shot inspired by a walmart game
Kiss Me (Like You Wanna Be Loved) by kazzydolyn - HQ BokuAka roomies with benefits fic with lots of fluff, feelings, smut and some light bdsm. Genuinely a really lovely series
to be first, to be best by kittebasu - HQ INCREDIBLE longgggggg IwaOi one-shot. Super well written, fantastic characterisation, and A+ IwaOi content
Terminal Curiosity by favspacetwink and moonlumie - HQ Really hot, well written SakuAtsu BDSM series where Sakusa (reluctantly) introduces Atsumu to BDSM. A+ Sakusa characterisation
Things Happen (That's All They Ever Do) by myfriendgoo - BNHA 2 part KRBK weight gain series where retired hero Kirishima is reunited with pro hero Bakugou after a 4 year separation
The Big Leagues by chubbinlovin - BNHA Weight gain one shot w/ pro hero KRBK where the boys go a little OTT w/ their bulking regime. Super hot Dom! KR and Sub! BK (sub BK my beloved)
Going Soft by chubbinlovin - BNHA Another weight gain one but this is legit one of my biggest fave fics ever. I normally don't like reader fics but this is SO well executed and also is the best characterisation of Bakugou I've ever encountered. Honestly, top fucking tier material.
The Whole of the Moon by ietjesiobhan - HQ Really tender, beautiful angst of the KuroKen soulmates AU variety. Genuinely think about it quite a lot
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miya-twins · 1 month
thanks for asking mac 💕
🍍 What kind of AUs do you like? Are there any AUs you hate or just generally have beef with?
we all know I love omegaverse hehe, but I'm also a sucker for pirate AUs, and fantasy/sci-fi! also soulmate AUs!! I don't actually mind any AU in general but I will say I don't love all the hq college AUs... like atsumu didn't go to college stop forcing him into more school 😭
🍋 What’s your favorite spicier trope to write?
if omegaverse counts, well, obviously omegaverse. I also love a d/s dynamic that relies heavily on reward/punishment sfkjkl
🍇 Is there a particular scene/episode/book/etc that you want to just write a million fics about, over and over? Which one?
that one scene of the twins fighting, at the end of which they make their bet on who's gonna be the happier one when they compare on their deathbeds. like, there's so much there, are you kidding me? I could write like a 100k words about their dynamic and how they communicate and push each other forward and support each other without ever saying any of that shit outright, and I'd still not even be done scratching the surface. I love my boys they're so complex and interesting and fun!!!!!
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bepisbee · 4 months
Current vidow fixation time
When will the aus end who fuckin knows
Vio is a college student in the bad castle district. Rent is cheaper and one of his professors, Ezlo, runs a book shop in it. He's allowed free borrowed books and can borrow all his textbooks on top of getting paid to work there. Classes in mornings some days, work in the afternoons 3 days a week.
This isn't just ANY au though. It's a Mafia au. The part of town he lives in is undeclared territory where the two main mafias fight. Obviously it's like Blue and Red and Malon and co versus Shadow, Vaati, Dark ECT.
Cue Vio walks everywhere. Always wearing his school uniform (plus or minus a very old zip up hoodie depending on the weather. It covers up his soulmate mark. (Matching soulmate marks au too!) It's a pretty black and purple corpse rose entangled in thorny vines on his left shoulder.
There is this restaurant he passes by everyday he walks home from university or to and from Ezlo's Used Books. He walks alone at night. He is fatally diagnosed as pretty boy unfortunately. Some unruly portion of Red's Mafia decide they want to bug him and try to blackmail him into dates or more. Vio panics and from the corner of his eye the Italian place (yes it is a stereotypical Italian Mafia scenario c'mon it's classic). And runs in. It is an actual establishment but also a cover for the other mafia's HQ. Basement expanded, Shadow's loft upstairs. They stupidly follow him in
At this point poor Vio is kind beat up and bleeding and his glasses are broke as fuck and he runs directly into Shadow.
Handsome. Beefy arms, in a tank top and a work apron and jeans that are absolute sin to wear. His shoulder has the same tattoo marking as Vio does.
Vio passes out and Shadow proceeds to kick the shit out of the other guys.
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HEY HEY HEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARI MY SWEET LITTLE BELOVED HIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that's way many exclamation marks jfc anyway HOW ARE YOU???? how is uni treating you? are you sleeping are you eating yes this is a mandatory regular checkup. no arguing. other than the checkup i wanted to inquire u more about haikyuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!
i saw that u finished s4 too so now that we're both all caught up i think we need to do a final round of favourites!!! i'm pretty sure i also saw a kita mention hihihi he's was such a sweetheart. and the miya twins were so funny???? but i'm still staying very very true to my beloved kageyama/hinata duo THEY'RE SOOOOOOO GOOODDD WAAHHHH i'm so upset that it's over:((( i mean yeah the movie just came out but that's only like an hour and a half:(((( i need more A LOT MORE i think i'm actually gonna rewatch it again now................. lmao but the dub version this time bc i've seen some clips and it's ridiculously funny hihii
OKE WAIT ALSO BOKUTO?????????? HE'S SOOOO??????? i love him he's also a big sweetheart he dug himself into my heart + i realllly love the bokuto/kuroo duo too they're so fucking silly together<3333 AND i already said that i like tsukki but i need to say that i LOVEDD how cocky him and kageyama were in the final season i'm so proud of them OKAY THAT IS ALL FOR NOWW I HOPE YOUR DAY HAS BEEN GOING WELL MWAH MWAH MWAH LOVE U<3333
- @catchuuu
MICKEYYYY MY MICKEY i am sending u so many sunny vibes ☀️☀️☀️☀️ they r heading ur way 🌻🌻🌻🌻☀️☀️☀️ (also there can never be too many exclamation points silly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
no but we’re soulmates fr i was also gonna send u another ask abt ur hq faves >:33 I MISS IT TOOOO I WANT ANOTHER SEASON :(((((( rewatching in dub is a good idea, i remember watching a couple eps and liking tsukki’s performance :33 he keeps calling kageyama “my liege” LMAO i love them so bad…
NO BUT MICKEY I NEED MORE DETAILS ON UR FAVS likeee if u had . to narrow them down ….. maybe around five ……. 🤔🤔 who would ur faves be. impossible task but !! i just need to know ur Absolute Favorites for science …..
as for the ones u already mentioned <333 OFC I LOVE THEM ALLLLL kagehina are so charming….. i genuinely think it’s impossible not to love them. they’re so good. i LOVED seeing their dynamic grow and shift!! :((( our lovelies …. i’m so fond of both of them. hinata our little orange and kageyama our little blueberry 🍊🫐 <- they r friends :3
AAAA AND !! bokuto!!!!! he’s so charming too!!!!! i never fully got on the bokuto train but i understand why ppl love him so much…. he’s just a big ol sunny boy !!!! his depression spurts are so funny LMAO but he’s also so kind and sweet :((( loveeee his dynamic w kuroo ofc…… AND TSUKKIII him and the troublesome senpai that follow him around and improve his life 😒😒😒 whose advice he truly appreciates even tho he’ll never admit it 😒😒😒😒 such a little loser boy. ON THAT NOTEEE mickey i’m so overjoyed u ended up liking him he’s maybe my Fave overall….. but i can’t rlly say for sure…… i knowwww i’ve already mentioned it before but 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 the ushi block changed my LIFE i still think his character development is crazy good like wowow. AND I ALSO LOVE HOW COCKY HE GETS he’s such a cutie :333 him and kageyama are suchhh a good duo i love them i do….
but okokokok. since my lovely husband asked i’m gonna Try to narrow down my favs….. 😥😥 still ended up with like seven guys BUT i tried my best ok….. here they are <33 our meowmeows <333 i am cradling them gently in my arms.
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<33333 i get sooooo happy just looking at them OUR SILLY LITTLE GUYS :((((((( no but. overall i’d say my Absolute Favorites are kuroo, daichi, tsukki, ushi aaaand noya !! kita and oikawa being super close behind :33 (tsumu is on thin ice.)
daichi is just Mommy i’m sorry. not rlly though. he’s soooo sugucoded cmon now :(((( i just think i’m weak for reliable polite motherly men with dark hair who r Fake as Hell <33 one of my fave scenes in the show is when kuroo and daichi are shaking hands all smiley and polite and BOTH of them r just thinking ”he’s the crafty type, huh?” PDHFKDJ THEY’RE SOOO SILLY…. i just love him so dearly :((( he’s so sweet but when he gets angry he’s Terrifying and that contrast makes me so weak. he’s also so funny i adore his interactions w the other karasuno senpai….. our little honeys……….
AND KUROOOO tbh same as daichi….. i’m just extremely weak for his character but ALSOOO gojo voice 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 AND he’s silly and goofy 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 i’ve said it before but he truly is the stsg lovechild how could i NOT adore him. and!! i lovelovelove his dynamic w kenma!!!! the childhood friends trope stays 🔛🔝 they’re the cutest . also he’s canonically a kitty cat !!! i love nekoma <33333
i’ve already said enough abt tsukki i think LMAO but… he’s just suchhhh a little loser AND he appeals to my guilty pleasure when it comes to anime…… Mean Blondes With Glasses. 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 no but he’s just so wellwritten and cute he’s my little guyyyy he makes me so happy :3 LOVE his dynamic w yamaguchi and hinata and kageyama those are his silly little idiot loser friends and he loves them very much.
ANDAND AND :3333 NOYA :33333 ohhhhh mickey noya is my special little guy Ever i need to know more abt ur thoughts on him…. i didn’t think i’d end up loving him so much but he’s just ??? easily the coolest character ???? while also being sooo charming and sweet and funny . his saves are always so epic and i love how he’s always keeping the team together. he rlly is their guardian angel ☹️ a little ball of sunshine but he’s also so confident and comfortable in himself and HHHH . i just love him sm!!!!
and ushi <333 our autistic king he’s so funny and cool and cute. karasuno vs shiratorizawa was my favorite match btw like the differences between them…. the different dynamics……… the crows vs the eagles 😵‍💫😵‍💫 hinata from the concrete .. vs ushi up on the mountain top ….. they make me insane. i think characters who are fully sincere in everything they do are SO charming and that’s literally ushi,… he loves volleyball and he’s never mean for the sake of being mean he just wakes up every day and chooses to speak Facts. he’s charming!!! that One scene where he borrows tendou’s shounen jump just to read the adverts…. 😭😭 he’s the funniest man alive . i loveeee him i want to kiss his forehead and tuck him into bed
and then oikawa obv …. little loserboy…….. he’s a hater and he’s pretty and he’s trying his best :(( hardworking characters . are also so so charming. he has so many great moments and banger lines… that whole thing abt talent vs instinct ……. he rlly is so lovely BUT he’s also just . Funny. shows up to matches just to hate on both sides . realest guy alive
AND FINALLY (needed to rant a little abt all these guys they mean the world to me 💔) kita…. + atsumu………. tsumu isn’t my Absolute Fave or anything but he’s cool and funny and sweet :3 AND HE’S A FOX I LOVE FOXIES……. (on that note i Still haven’t gotten to ur ask abt knight!sugu n brat!reader :cc I PROMISE I’M GETTING TO IT THOUGH WAIT FOR ME MY SWEET) also LOVE his last words to hinata in s4. how one day he’ll set for him. it’s such a fun twist to the kagehina dynamic where they vow to fight against each other but end up on the same side… meanwhile tsumu looks at his opponent and just goes I’M gonna set for that little guy one day. anyway enough abt tsumu we neeeed to talk abt kita bc he stole my heart…… he’s just such a good character to me he’s so charming (ik i’ve been saying that for Literally Everyone BUT IT’S TRUEEEE i know u’ll get it mickey)…… that scene where he cries :(((( bc he got a jersey :(((((( he’s such a sweetie AND LEAVING A CARE PACKAGE FOR TSUMU WHEN HE GOT SICK he’s just so caring?????? (again … one thing abt me is that i like Motherly Men) he loves his teammates sm he’s such a good captain. i did in fact Cry when he praised them after the match . inarizaki stole my heart a little . silly little foxes .
………… ok that’s all i think PHDKDBDBD …. i . love them a bunch :) BUT I LOVE U MORE MICKEY ty for checking in <333 uni is being nice but i got knocked down by a sudden anxiety wave so i’m just kinda waiting for it to leave :’3 BUT i’m doing fine overall!! how r things on ur end ?? is spring treating u kindly?? r u taking care of urself properly??? <33 i hope so!!!!! the sunny vibes r still heading ur way…. 🌻🌻🍊🍊☀️☀️ getting closer …… have a cute little picture of hinata as a treat :33 ILYSMM
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taeyamayang · 3 years
for the soulmate series, can i request suna x reader? for the identification could it be related to smell, like you and your soulmate can only smell one thing, the thing you smell once you and your soulmate meet, and once you do meet and smell that thing together you gain the full ability to smell everything?
it’s ok if that’s weird it’s really late for me hahahah🤧
hq boys and soulmates
suna, kuroo, kenma
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PAIRING: suna rintaro x reader
GENRE: soulmates | fluff | crack if you laugh
a/n: thank you for sending in a request and i totally love your concept, it's not weird at all! this made me appreciate my sense of smell it literally made me go to our baking pantry to figure out what to smell lmao. anyhow, i hope you like this!~ (´ ω `♡)
ps: i hope i was able to project what you mean,,
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"well, goodmorning to my coffee induced friend!" ichika, your long-time high school friend, greets as soon as you enter the classroom. your hand grasp around the handle of your school provided shoulder bag while the other coils around a large tumbler. you greet her with a weak nod. it's too early for you to match her 24/7 high energy.
"no coffee today?" she asks as you approach your desk located in front of her's. she dramatically arches an eyebrow at you, anchoring one leg over the other. her eyes are keen, speculating the rather unusual morning routine.
"i bought a tumbler from the coffee shop and asked them to put it here." you shake the reusable container in your hand and the liquid inside resonates a splashing sound. thereafter, you place it on your desk next to your shoulder bag.
"to save the marine life?" she leans back to her seat as he scratches her chin.
"bingo, you bet." you click your tongue and your right hand shoots her finger guns. "and i can save 10% everytime i refuse to consume plastic containers. you know, save the ocean and save my wallet."
"i know you love your coffee, ____-chan, but i also do know that going to coffee shops is your way of finding your soulmate. like, subconsciously i know that everytime you place an order your eyes scan the room for your other half." she rambles as you settle in your seat. your legs facing the aisle and your arms resting on the top of the backrest of your seat.
"are you my therapist, now? do you look into my brain and find the truth of my subconsious?" you say smiling at her as you slightly turn your head to her direction. her body is leaning forward with her forearms pressed against her desk, steadying her position.
"yes, call me whatever you want but you know what? i'm going to be honest with you. your ways won't work." she shakes her head in disappointment. albeit, you find it funny how fully in engrossed she is in this topic.
"mhm?" you hum at her in question, fighting a smile as you gaze at her.
"what if your person hates the taste of coffee? what if your person has so much things on their plate that they don't get to spend time in cafés? what if they have a hobby and spend most of the time doing it? not because they are your soulmate it means they are as equally as obsessed as you in coffee. besides, the scenarios are endless." she throws her hands in the air. she says spitting out facts. she has a point. you can't assume that your soulmate does same thing as you do every day. she continues, "so, my friend, if you only stick to your way then im sure you'll be fifty when you find your soulmate."
"fifty?" you snort at her exaggerated claim but her face dead serious.
"do i look like im joking to you? ____-chan, i am not joking. i simply care about you." she lays on hand over her chest in a mocking way. her deadpan humor makes you burst into another round of laughter. her head tilts up when her eye catches a brown haired girl.
"hey, nayako-chan. do you agree with me?" ichika calls the attention of a heaving girl by the door. her hand is fixed on the door frame as she catches her breath. nayako is your other friend. the three of you have been together since junior high.
"thank god im not late and no i don't agree." she chaffs making you earn another chortle. she stumbles on her jelly leg muscles as she walks her way to her desk next to ichika. the latter has her eyebrows furrow.
"how can you say that, naya-chan? am i not dependendable?" ichika crosses her arms over her chest.
"no." you and nayako says in unison. the bell rings for morning classes and ichika sinks in her seat. you shoot her crinkled smile before fixing your eyes to the front.
• • •
the bell rings to signify the end of classes. you have completed more than half of your day and do you feel fulfilled? not really since each period rolled out easy yet dragging. a usual day in school, you think. you grab onto your tumbler before giving it a slight shake. the container is lighter but you can still hear a faint sound of splashing liquid inside. you still have a few sips left so you decided to hold onto it than risking the contents of your bag by placing it inside.
"where are you going?" ichika says all of a sudden making you turn your upper body around. your eyes immediately land on nayako who's already on her feet.
"i have a date." she says hooping her bag over her shoulder. unlike you and ichika, nayako has already found her soulmate. it's a quite funny story, you recall. in this universe where everyone's sense of smell is dysfunctional, nayako was a determined fellow. she always believed that if she sniffed hard enough at least a faint scent would reach her nose; and so her soulmate found her sniffing on blueberries at the local supermarket. when a gushing scent of flowers, rain, and spring reach her senses. she was baffled with the weird scent it holds only to realize that a person has been standing next to her the whole time. she was so shocked that the blueberries on her hand fell on her feet. the salesman by the fruit section had to scold her for being careless. in the end, she no choice but to buy the fallen berries but it's all worth it since she already found her soul's other half.
"now is the perfect time." ichika leans forward on her desk to inch her distance from you. "we are going out, too. we will look for our soulmates." she wriggles her eyebrows at you before pulling her body back to it's original position. her hand finishes inside her bag. she pulls out a perfume bottle then began spraying herself. nayako sneezes.
"that's too much perfume. you already smell like lavender." nayako waves her hand in front of her face. now that she has found her soulmate her sense of smell is fully activated.
"stop flexing!" ichika bickers.
"im not flexing! im sneezing!" she sneezes before retorting.
"leave, berry sniffer!" ichika flutters her eyes close as she her hand gestures nayako to leave. the latter then walks to the back door of the room.
"bye!" she waves goodbye to the two of you.
"enjoy!" you say to her. ichika cups the side of her mouth. she looks around before whispering.
"i have a plan." she whipers as if is anyone other than the two of you is in the room.
"what is your plan?" you jokingly whisper back as you copy her gesture, curving your hand to the side of you mouth.
"let's head to the volleyball gym. i heard that none of the players there have found their soulmates yet." she places her perfume inside her bag.
"who told you that? how accurate is your source?" you ask.
"yamamoto, et al.," she says as she zips her bag close. you laugh at her reference. "anyway, maybe you can find your soulmate there. ive always felt like the miya twins is meant for me." she says and quickly she's already on her feet ready to leave.
"which one? atsumu or osamu?" you ride on her joke as you shove things inside your bag. your friend stands next to you.
"duh, both! why choose one when you can have both." you laugh her at bold statement. she cracks a smile, finding it entertaining that you laugh at her silly delusions. she utters, "stop laughing, let's go." she pulls you by the wrist and the both of you head out.
you find yourself with ichika by the entrance of the gym. the players have started warming up for the practice match against another school. ichika ushers you next to her. you both briefly pass by the players. suddenly, a faint indistinct smell catches your attention. you stop your tracks hoping to catch the smell again but it's gone. ichika gently pulls you by your forearm.
"sorry, i was distracted." you mutter to yourself. albeit, still looking around. once your eyes meet with ichika, the latter gestures you to come with her. she takes you up to the second floor. it's an overlooking veranda. it's easier to watch the whole match when you are the second floor plus it minimizes the risk of getting hit by a ball in the face. considering how hard the spikers hit the ball. you lean on the metal barrier with your one arm over the other. your hand gripped around your coffee tumbler. the bottom part of the container resting over your other arm.
"what if our soulmate isn't part of the team? are we not wasting time?" you ask your friend making her peer at you in disbelief.
"wasting time? can't you see that?" her fingers are straighten out in the air with her palm facing upward. she points at the players at the court using her hand. "thick thighs, sculpted biceps, sporty and passionate men. this is not a waste of time." she says making you shake your head and smile to yourself.
"anyway, who do you think pairs better with me? atsumu or osamu?" she lowers her voice as she pulls you in closer.
you eyes wander at the volleyball court. you sight one player after the other before it lands on a dark brunette. his back is facing you and all you can read is the number 10 at the back of his shirt. you squint your eyes at him, trying to peer at his face. maybe get a glimpse of it. as if he senses your burning gaze, his body turns to your direction. he tilts his head up and locks eyes with you. you are startled by the sudden eye contact yet you held his pupils like you're used to it. oddly, you don't feel uncomfortable sharing glances with a stranger. you were about to pull your lips up into a smile when the referee whistles making him shift his attention back to his teammates.
you watch the whole match with ichika, mostly her blabbering about how hot the miya twins are when they're playing but you're completely lost in your own thoughts. you are distracted by number 10, the middle blocker. his plays are smooth and smart that makes you want to root for him and see more of his matches. observing him you figured that he doesn't talk much, unlike his other teammates, which you find cute. afterall, you're into quiet and mysterious typesㅡnot that you can choose your lover, though. since the universe has it already planned out for you.
"atsumu looked at me! did you see that?" ichika squeals as she shakes you by the arm but you keep your gaze at number 10. in the split second before the serve, he looks at you making you both lock eyes for the second time.
"yeah, definitely." you lie through your mouth and your words came out unconvincing. you keep your eyes lock with his. the referee whistles again. number 10, smiles at you before pulling his focus back to the net. you jolt and your eyelids widen. what the heck was that? warmth crawls up to your cheeks making your body crouch down to hide half of your face behind your arms. you nudge ichika.
"who's number 10?" you muffle.
"suna rintaro, middle blocker. one of the key players of the team. why?" she shifts her eyes to you before continuing, "what are you doing?" her face crumples in confusion.
"i need to pee." you say straightening up your back. you push your tumbler to her chest.
"but the game is almost over!" ichika protests.
"i'll be quick. i need to pee." you say as your feet take you down the stairs.
the game has finally ended and you are still nowhere to be found. ichika has descended from the second floor to wait for you at the bottom of the stairs. the players are now resting by the benches while she hugs on your tumbler. she kills time by inspecting your new tumbler. it's blue with whales drawn around it. she spies a mermaid tail at the bottom and on the other side is a fish swimming against the current. she loosens the lid of the container before inhaling the aroma of the coffee.
"mmm, odorless." she mutters to herself. she wrinkles her nose before closing back the lid. her eyes travel across the gym. some of the audience are gone now. ichika feels awkward standing alone all by herself. her eyes spot the entrance of gym and decided to wait for you there.
"wait," a low voice says coupled with fast feet. ichika ignores the call assuming that it's not directed to her.
"blue tumbler." the voice says once more. ichika stops her feet. her eyebrows are pressed together. she turns around and her vision takes in a tall figure with a combed down hair. his eyes are expecting and hopeful.
it's suna rintaro.
her eyes widens as realization hits her. why is suna-san talking to me? she raises one brow at him when the other was caught tongue tied.
"do you own that tumbler?" suna points at the tumbler secured around ichika's grip. he takes in a deep breath and his immediately scowls.
"ichi-chan, sorry it took awhile. the nearest restroom is out of order so i had to rush to the other building." you shout from a distance making both ichika and suna draw their eyes to you. you froze on your spot when you see suna near ichika.
"it's hers." ichika pushes the tumbler to you. you hold onto it while still keeping your eyes fixed to him. you legs begin to move and instantly a strong smell of spice hits your nose almost knocking you off. the strong spice has so much flavor in it but mostly savory. the cinnamon scent then subsides before a sweet aroma takes over. unlike the first one, this scent is more gentle. it doesn't rush in your lungs but rather travels down gently. the aroma has a vibe of someone kissing the top of your nose. shortly, the sweet smell dissipates when a citrus aroma joins in. the scent is strong yet sweet, like, the combination of the first two. you take it all in as your eyes slowly flutter close.
"can you smell that?" are the first words he says to you and instantly you hear your heartbeating against your chest. you fingers go numb and your words forgotten. the only gesture you managed to do is nod.
"strong, sweet, and..." he trails off.
"citrus." you finish his sentence. the corner of his lips pulls into a soft smile.
"that explain why i can't take my eyes off you awhile ago." your eyes rally from one of his eye to the other. you can hear your heartbeat through your ears. soon after your cheeks turn crimson and stomach flutters. the entirety of emotions and feelings that rush in you is incomprehensible.
the serene moment is disrupted when you felt your nose itch at the sudden pang of the foreign scent. unlike the first three, this scent smells artificial. your chin meets your chest as you sneeze out. you were about to say sorry for killing the moment when suna did the same. he covers his nose with one hand while projecting it to his side.
"what is that smell?" he says and immediately you already know. his question confirms your remaining thoughts. he's your soulmate. you pull a teeth showing smile making your eyes curve upward. you turn your head to ichika.
"it's lavender. she sprayed too much perfume." ichika's mouth gapes open at your statement knowing all too well what's unraveling before her eyes. you shift your eyes back to suna and his pupils held yours gently. your sense of smell is now fully unlocked. he really is your soulmate.
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a/n: ichika is so cute?? hello? she is the type of friend we all want 😩 anyways, as always thanks for reading! likes and reblogs are very much appreciated ♡
Masterlist | accepting reqs for this series
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lizzy06 · 2 months
Atsumu Miya x Reader Fic Recs!!
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Haikyuu! Fic Rec Masterlist
Inarizaki Fic Rec Masterlist
A Debt Repaid✨ by matchumu (oneshot, sibling love)"Just keep the money." Atsumu repeats. "Don't think of it as a charity. Just think of it as a debt repaid."It was Miya Atsumu who bought the first Onigiri Miya store. [COMPLETED]
a world without you by my side by farozaan (oneshot, happy ending, waking up in alternate au, time travel) He wanted just a single day without his brother all around him. That would be paradise. Miya Osamu makes a wish and regrets it. [COMPLETED]
shrimply in love ✨ by @caelivir (oneshot, fluff) atsumu wholeheartedly prayed that you forgot how you first met, and for a while he believed that you did. that is until he finds the literal token from that day.[COMPLETED]
MSBY! Soulmate x Reader by @watevermelon (oneshot, fluff, slight angst to fluff, mutual pinning)You knew all about his personality, whether through the rumor vine or the numerous warnings your friends gave you. But there was no avoiding it - he was your soulmate after all .[COMPLETED]
The Boy Next door by @quirrrky (neighbors, humor, enemies to lovers, fake dating, friends to lovers) Your new neighbor is everything you’ll never ask for. Your life starts changing for better and for worse when Miya Atsumu rents the apartment next to you. The most unfortunate part? Everything about him. With his annoying good looks and equally irritating charm, how can you not resist the boy next door? [HIATUS??] <this is a lovely fic but has not been updated in a while, but I am still putting it up here !!>
In Screaming Color✨ by moonmayhem (oneshot, soulmate au, fluff)A soulmate AU where, if you dye your hair, your soulmate's hair changes as well. [COMPLETED]
an epilogue of sorts by mooshys (oneshot, fluff, humor)Atsumu wants to prove that he definitely knows his way around the kitchen by opting to cook dinner for you to celebrate your one year anniversary together. Thing is, he needs a little help if he wants to impress you tonight.[COMPLETED]
Shower Friends ✨✨by just_j(fake dating, enemies to lovers, fluff, angst)The dorm you live in has co-ed bathrooms. Why that’s even remotely a good idea is beyond you; and recently, your precious shower time is being interrupted by a certain blonde haired setter for the volleyball team. And when he lies to his teammates that he has a girlfriend, somehow you get roped into his scheme to convince them he does. [COMPLETED]
A Genius mess by @mimi-cee-hq (oneshot, fluff)Atsumu insults you, the quietest girl in his class. But as he gets to know you, your few words often leave him blushing.[COMPLETED]
(un)loving miya atsumu✨✨ by alicemitch09(angst, Unrequited love, Jealousy, Happy ending)You were 9 when you first met the Miya twins when you moved to Hyogo. The two boys would eventually turn to be your closest friends, as much as rascals the two can be. you loved one twin more than the other - a love that was more than friendship. Sadly, Atsumu obviously loved your big sister more. Of course he did, she was everything you were not.[COMPLETED]
incomplete song ✓✨ | angst, post break up | one shot | by @tooruluv
Hecklin' ✨by Airomi (fluff, humor) according to your experience, bothering someone so much that they fall in love. [COMPLETED]
Call You Mine [Miya Atsumu X Reader] by tsumusamu(friends to lovers, fluff, angst, mutual pinning)Being in unrequited love with your best friend sucks. It's even worse when the friend you're in love with is Miya Atsumu. [ONGOING]
That's My Girl by wttcsms(oneshot, smut) Atsumu Miya gets jealous.[COMPLETED]
Jealous atsumu ✨ by @etherrreal (oneshot, fluff, comfort)atsumu swears he’s not the jealous type, until the pictures you post with his brother prove him wrong.[COMPLETED]
little changes ✨by kuroopaisen (enemies to friend to lovers, past roommates )Miya Atsumu is the bane of your existence. but, that means different things at different times of your life.[COMPLETED]
Mind Boggling Pt 1, Pt 2✨ by @seokiloquy (soulmate au, fluff, humor)At particular times (Once a year/ certain age/ hours/ or randomly) soulmates swap bodies for some time.[COMPLETED]
“These Words”  by @myhaikyuuthings (oneshot, soulmate au, angst)soulmate au your soulmates last words ever said are on your body, they turn red when said, first words ever said to you are on another part of your body, they turn gold when said.[COMPLETED]
with our fates tangled together by @chunhua (oneshot, angst to fluff) soulmates are bound together by a red string.[COMPLETED]
Unexpectedly yours by @love-nishinoya-yu (Soulmate au, oneshot) You have the same tattoos.[COMPLETED]
nice receive✨   by @tsumusamu (oneshot, fluu, humor) eight months into your relationship, atsumu takes you to meet his family. things don’t go as planned, but of course, everything ends up alright in the end anyway. alternatively, miya atsumu adores you and his family thinks it’s easy to see why.[COMPLETED]
I’m Here, So Sleep by @dokifluffs (oneshot, fluff, comfort) Warnings: anxiety towards school and life, overthinking, insomnia. [COMPLETED]
Set the Bar High by BeansNCornbread(enemies to lovers, fluff, smut, angst)A college AU where you work at an off campus bar and when Atsumu finds this out, he never leaves you alone. Classic enemies to lovers storyline with serendipity, snide comments, and a whole lot of sexual tension.[COMPLETED]
you're not the one✨ ✨ by heartcondemned (fake dating, strangers to lovers, fluff and angst) How to make your lifelong crush jealous and like you back? Easy.Fake date one of his friends. [COMPLETED]
So...What do Ya say? by @yourstarvic After finding your fiancé you have been with many years cheating on your best friend. You tried to confront them but they never showed up…So what do you do? You drink at the bar trying to figure out what to do. And who else there to help you if not the good looking stranger you met at the bar? [COMPLETED]
Email Me Why✨ by @yourstarvic(oneshot, fluff, humor)Atsumu needs to come up with the perfect email to go on a date with his captain's little sister. [COMPLETED]
You okay? by @yourstarvic (oneshot, angst) It's your wedding day, atsumu is sad. [COMPLETED]
lazy texter by myhugelove (fluff, humor, online friends to lovers) a short fic in which a schoolmate who is not on his phone much suddenly becomes great at texting when it comes to you. [COMPLETED]
you found me✨ by Amy_stark117(fluff, angst, eventual smut)Miya Atsumu had his life goals set - volleyball, fame, and success. Nothing could stand in his way. You threw all that out the window, simply by sitting next to him in class. [COMPLETED]
7 Reasons by Channelei(mutual pinning, fluff, humor)in which you realize why you fell in love with your hot headed, over-confident, cocky, arrogant asshole of a best friend.[COMPLETED]
then the moment came by @justauthoring (oneshot, soulmate au, loosely based of silent voice) It just never was the right time. Not then, not later, until it suddenly is and everything’s… different.[COMPLETED]
Diligence ✨by kaientai (friends to lovers, childhood friends, requited unrequited love) Diligence requires the courage of a fool who wouldn't think twice before walking into an open flame, and in the span of a few months, your childhood friend Atsumu proved that he truly is one of the biggest fools to date. [COMPLETED]
Forget me,too ✨ by @saintobio (oneshot, angst, hurt/comfort, past lovers) after a series of broken promises and unresolved arguments, perhaps all atsumu needed is to hear you say good bye for one last time.[COMPLETED]
sweetner ✨ by flying_raijin(fake dating, fluff, angst, humor)you're just being petty. Faking a relationship with the first guy in sight after the love of your life dumps you out of nowhere? [COMPLETED]
How He Shows You Affection by @jayeray-hq(oneshot, fluff)[COMPLETED]
He’s My Best Friend by @jayeray-hq(oneshot, fluff)[COMPLETED]
White noise ✨ by 1keshi(childhood friends, friends to lovers, slowburn, fluff, angst) you force a therapist to listen to the story of how you fell in love with your childhood friend, because what else are you supposed to do? [COMPLETED]
A Bit Yours ✨by Declaraso (fake dating, enemies to lovers, humor) Atsumu's clumsy with words. You think he's a jerk. But for some reason, you both agreed to go through such a stupid plan.[COMPLETED]
The Breaking Point✨ by melremade(smut, oneshot)They say there’s a thin line between love and hate. When it comes to Miya Atsumu, it might as well be a brick wall topped with barbed wire and surrounded by a minefield. [COMPLETED]
Perfect Union by wttcsms(oneshot, fluff, smut, friends to lovers)[COMPLETED]
Laws of Motion by miyachondria (friends to lovers, slowburn)First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes baby in a baby carriage -- according to every other person.[ONGOING]
(1) One Missed Call by satorini (teetorini)(smut)You work for an anonymous phone sex business on campus, and you would have never guessed that your first client would be the Atsumu Miya—most popular guy on campus who sits three seats ahead of you in calculus. And you're pretty sure he doesn't even know you exist. [ONGOING]
One Day by flying_raijin()When you get asked by Vogue Japan to be the star of their "Day in the life of a Pro Volleyball player" video, you agree because you don't think there's much that could go wrong. Unfortunately, your boyfriend is an absolute menace, and decides to act as such for the whole world to see.[COMPLETED]
FWB by flying_siphonophore(fluff, smut, angst, mutual pinning)What comes after a kiss that shouldn't have happened in the first place?[COMPLETED]
lovestruck, watching over you by strawberricream(fluff, mutual pinning)in your second year of high school, you catch atsumu’s eye. he tries to get to know you when he realizes that it didn’t take much work to open you up. in your third year together in the same class, he realizes that the hard work came from elsewhere.[COMPLETED]
Storm Chaser by sunmoonstarsrain()Being with Miya Atsumu is like chasing a storm - equal parts exhilaration and danger. After all, it's impossible to tame a storm.[COMPLETED]
A Second Chance by Gremlin_Lord (Unplanned pregnancy, angst, fluff) Atsumu broke up with you 3 years ago. But fate had other plans and decided to reunite the two together with your kid along. [ONGOING]
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calumsash · 2 years
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these spot the differences games are getting tricky!
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babuis · 4 years
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Love Me Not [Soulmate! Au] - 3.6
Pairings: Akaashi x Bokuto x Kuroo x Tsukishima x female!reader (3 gym boys)
Genres: Angst, Fluff, SMAU
Synopsis: After seeing her parents’ marriage fall apart, Y/N never thought she’d have one soulmate… let alone 4. Coming back to Japan for a one year exchange program, Y/N gets the childhood she missed out on and the love she never thought she would receive.
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Surprise babuis another updaate teehee
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