#pd bird of paradise
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jessajaguar · 1 year ago
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Is it a Bird of Paradise? Is it a Jade Split? No, it's JESSA JAGUAR 🤣
LOVE all the pictures and videos captured by @AustinZeli and I can't wait to share more! I had an incredible time performing with the @YborCitySirens in the Horrorlesque: Kick Off to Halloween show 👻
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turisiancom · 2 months ago
TURISIAN.com - Tempat wisata hits apa saja yang ada di Tangerang Selatan (Tangsel)? Pertanyaan ini cukup wajar. Terutama, buat kalian yang ingin berkunjung ke wilayah ini. Tapi jangan khawatir, Tangsel sekarang kian dikenal sebagai kota dengan perpaduan apik antara gaya hidup modern dan keasrian alam. Berbagai destinasi wisata menarik di Tangsel menjadikan kota ini pilihan sempurna untuk melepas penat, baik di akhir pekan maupun saat liburan. Berikut ini, beberapa destinasi wisata pilihan yang dirangkum dari berbagai sumber. Termasuk rekomendasi populer Google. Cocok untuk Anda yang mencari pengalaman seru tanpa harus bepergian jauh. Paradise Dreamland Giant Playground Berada di kawasan Paradise Serpong City, Babakan, Kecamatan Setu, Paradise Dreamland Giant Playground adalah surga bermain untuk anak-anak. Dengan fasilitas seperti kolam renang lengkap dengan water slide, playground, hingga paradise park, tempat ini menjadi favorit keluarga. Jam operasional: Senin-Minggu, pukul 07.00-17.00 WIB Harga tiket: Weekday: Rp15.000 (playground), Rp25.000 (swimming pool), Rp30.000 (terusan) Weekend: Rp20.000 (playground), Rp30.000 (swimming pool), Rp40.000 (terusan) BACA JUGA: Eksotisme Taman Tebing Koja, Jurassic Park-nya Tangerang Branchsto BSD Equestrian Park Jika ingin merasakan pengalaman unik bersama hewan, Branchsto BSD adalah jawabannya. Di sini, Anda dapat berinteraksi dengan kelinci, burung, kura-kura, hingga kuda. Tidak ada tiket masuk ke kawasan ini, namun biaya aktivitas tergantung pada wahana yang dipilih. Jam operasional: Senin-Minggu, pukul 09.00-17.00 WIB Harga aktivitas: Feeding bird/kuda poni: Rp25.000 Pet corner: Rp35.000 Naik kuda besar atau kecil: Rp50.000 Riding class: Rp400.000 Broadway Alam Sutera Broadway Alam Sutera menawarkan nuansa jalanan Broadway di Amerika Serikat, lengkap dengan dekorasi instagramable. Terletak di Flavor Bliss, tempat ini menjadi surganya wisata kuliner dengan pilihan makanan yang beragam. Jam operasional: Setiap hari, pukul 07.00-22.00 WIB Harga tiket: Gratis Ocean Park BSD City Bagi penggemar wahana air, Ocean Park BSD City adalah destinasi wajib. Waterpark ini memiliki beragam kolam renang dan permainan air yang menyenangkan, cocok untuk liburan keluarga. Lokasi: Jalan Pahlawan Seribu, Lengkong Gudang, Serpong Harga tiket: Weekday: Rp65.000 Weekend: Rp100.000 Jam operasional: Weekday: 11.00-16.00 WIB Weekend: 09.00-16.00 WIB Taman Edukasi Ganespa Menggabungkan wisata edukasi, kuliner, dan hiburan, Taman Edukasi Ganespa menjadi alternatif menarik di Pamulang. Tempat ini menawarkan aktivitas wisata air hingga live music, terutama saat akhir pekan. Jam operasional: Weekday: 12.00-21.00 WIB Weekend: 07.00-22.00 WIB Trans Snow World Bintaro Ingin merasakan suasana bermain salju tanpa perlu ke luar negeri? Trans Snow World Bintaro menghadirkan pengalaman musim dingin lengkap dengan wahana seperti zorb ball. Namun, perlu diingat, durasi bermain dibatasi hingga dua jam. Lokasi: Jalan Prof. DR. Satrio No.5, Pd. Jaya, Pd. Aren Harga tiket: Weekday: Rp230.000 Weekend: Rp300.000 Jam operasional: 10.00-18.00 WIB (gate closed pukul 16.00 WIB) Tanah Tingal Bagi Anda yang mencari suasana alami, Tanah Tingal di Ciputat adalah pilihan ideal. Dengan konsep wisata alam. Tempat ini menawarkan kegiatan seperti outbond, panjat tebing, hingga flying fox. Lokasinya juga sering digunakan untuk berbagai workshop kreatif. Jam operasional: Setiap hari Harga tiket: Disesuaikan dengan kegiatan Pilihan tempat wisata hits mana yang akan Anda kunjungi untuk liburan berikutnya? Dengan ragam destinasi yang tersedia, Tangsel membuktikan bahwa kota ini layak menjadi tujuan wisata urban yang mengesankan. ***
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the-firebird69 · 2 years ago
It takes care and diligence and intelligence spontaneity and realistic acting to handle this person he is a giant and he is a stunted one but he's a giant and Ricky schroder is not cutting the mustard in any way he is absolute failure on screen and off he's the worst actor in history the movies with him in it like the guardians of the Galaxy are near failures because of him nobody wants to see him dancing around taunting people getting people angry like a little child on the schoolyard and getting his ass beat in there's no such thing in this world is what he's doing what he did to my grand nephew is despicable it's well passed with the foreigners wanted no it's the past it though it's it's obscene and one at this point he can't even get a job because you're so freaking obnoxiously stupid and you're fired by the way John remillard fired you're not going to make it I'm going to pull your card until you're done. He's going to compile a list of restaurants and he's got all the other facilities that he worked on and types of stuff is very lots of its military and they're probably present the bill to the people that were holding it off him for the design because you used it too and you're the idiots who have to pay for it and then they're going to go to town till taking all your stuff you stupid swine city is going to do it anyways recently they said they're going to do it too but he's the one who can make a list send it over and then you going to panic and other people can make that list and imitate them then you're going to fight everyone cuz you're a piece of s***. I've seen people go to town on people but really what you did to him is pitiful you're a disgrace you think you some sort of bird of paradise in a cage you're so dumb it's doing it for his own purposes and if he looks poor it's easier a lot easier he says for Christ's sake though he won't let him have the mattress you're you're a prick and your people have proven yourself to be people who are not worth keeping. Today we're firing 300 more sheriffs out of the 400 left I'm sick of you we're firing you from the put the Gorda PD too you're not police and all the agencies actually we're going to go ahead and do that probably left sheriff cuz you're such an assholes you're so stupid you have the whole world in your blood because you're a jerk. Hey you could have probably taken them at that point but you suck and sent us down we're taking you out right doing that you wouldn't have known you're a big prick. To make you very very happy we're going to make sure you can't get your trial so they write it up they didn't show up and they open up a criminal trial matter of fact I think you're late already you only have 15 minute grace period yeah we know what time it is it's getting so you can't get there in time. We're also going to open a whole bunch of other suits on you and we're going to have you brought for criminal trial as Trump and we're going to start getting all that going you need to get out of there you're a piece of crap and everyone's killing your people. This afternoon there's a field day on trumpsters they saw you and Tommy have fighting and social security in the middle and your idiot kid in the middle it's ridiculous the numbers of death of yours are staggering what is it like 9% of the global populace and it's dropped to about 7% almost and that's ridiculous just sitting around getting killed cuz you're stupid it's going faster and faster you're going to try and rebuild your forces at eight points they're going to die you ain't going nowhere no way not with this attitude I can't believe you did all that stuff to him cuz out of your mouth it's coming out and we're going to go over it and everybody who's involved I want you in we have a grand meeting and talk about this assholes roll and thwarting our plan with guards to our friend here and focus on that you're going to see how big it was with him doing that at least to everything else and I thank you my nephew for doing this work he says once you get me the money I'll feel fine and I'm just kidding
Mac daddy
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ripperdoc-is-daddy · 3 years ago
Menace to his sanity
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TW: MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, Mafia Typical violence, S3xual and non S3xual intimacy, S3xual and non S3xual language, flirting, S3xual aggression, Bickering, S3xual situations, masturbation, implied S3xy times, threats, brats, pettiness, food mentions, eating to soothe, 420, kick to the nads, snogging, pettiness, Soft Boi Sanemi, Crude Humor, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT PERMISSION TO REPOST OR TRANSLATE DENIED
Pt. 1, Pt. 2, Pt. 3 Pt. 5
You had returned from your cozy weekend with your on-again boyfriend, Sanemi Shinazugawa. The knowledge of him being a mafioso or whatever has been explained to you in as much detail as needed for your understanding. Your life had changed so much since your abduction and reconciliation. He knew you were still angry about having been taken without your permission but that was in the past and he was doing his damnedest to fix the errors of that past. Beginning with moving you into his luxurious house. You weren't entirely sure if you were ok with giving up your freedom of movement completely but laying here on his couch in the heavily, secured and traditionally Japanese setup mansion told you that you were just going to have to find a way to accept that now.
You still had your job, thankfully, and were able to do your normal routine. On the surface, things looked ok. The reality was that you were a caged Bird of Paradise. It was a really nice cage though, not that it made it any better. Sanemi had a set of rules you had to follow to keep you "safe". A lot of them required asking his permission to do things. Wanted to be photographed from the front in something that could be publicized? Had to ask him. Actually, most of the new rules centered around you being seen in public. He really didn't want your identity a common knowledge thing. You asked about that because initially, you were not going to go along with this bullshit but he clarified that he wanted this done like how they were back in his home county. You would have your normal life but you would also possess knowledge of what he did in his daily life so he needed you to be safe and smart about it.
The purpose of the rules ensured you kept a safe distance away but could also attend functions, as a plus one with the formality that was required of a proper Anesan. There was so much going on with these new adjustments you had taken to watching PD PowerPoints about mob structure where he was from; to get an idea of the image you were to present. From what you gathered, there wasn't any public image for the women, but privately, you were to be his comfort. Running your home like a perfect wife and the perfect hostess to his guests. In turn, he would keep y'alls domicile protected like a fortress while providing for you.
This was complete and utter bullshit. You set down your mimosa and your tablet that you had been using for research. Standing up furiously and stretching. One thing that had changed was that you were definitely angrier now. You prided yourself on your individuality and here you were expected to act your role in the patriarchy. If only you screamed as much outside as you did inside. Why the hell were you going along with this bullshit?
This question had haunted you for the entire 2 months since the reconciliation and your welcome into "The Family". Seriously why did they refer to themselves like that? Was that just something they said to keep it vague around the women? You threw your hands up and stomped upstairs to get dressed for the day.
Your headspace was pretty fucked up so you decided to keep it casual. Black crop top, a black Tech wear harness that covered your shoulders, black cargo pants, black socks, and bright gold high tops. They had lights in the bottom which made you happy. You got dressed quickly and hurriedly walked downstairs to leave before he comes home. Needing space to think and sort this shit out.
A smile breaks over your face as you can taste your freedom. Not like you weren't free to go about as you pleased, you just had to notify him of where you were going so, he knew. Which you were NOT doing this time. As your fingers wrapped around the silver handle you inwardly cheered. Sooo close! The door pushed back against your hand and you jumped back not expecting it to move on its own. It was not automatic and there was no pressure plate. This could only mean…
You swore loudly and stepped aside. Waiting for him to enter. After a short pause, he did. "I'm home." he greeted you warmly, pulling down his face mask and looking at you lovingly. "Yaaaay." you sarcastically said with zero enthusiasm. He hummed and stood in front of you with his eyes on yours. "Is there a problem?" Sanemi asked as he blocked the doorway with his frame while taking off his cufflinks.
Never breaking eye contact with you. "Nope," you say dismissively. He chucks his silver and black cufflinks at you. You catch them on reflex and glare at him. Walking back to set them on one of the side tables in the entryway. Returning to the front entrance with every intention of leaving. A gold shoe tapping expectantly on the marble flooring, waiting for him to get the hint. He slowly turned his head to look behind him at the well-manicured lawn that was hidden from the rest of the world by large Japanese Maples and Pines. A massive Wisteria and koi pond were the highlights.
"You going outside?" Sanemi asked unsure of why you were being so cold. He wasn't expecting the loving reception you used to give him anymore but this was unusually cold. "Yep, can you move? Now." you were asking him rhetorically; he was sure of that. The beefy, heavily scarred, and tanned man stepped off to the side to give way to your much shorter and lithe self. Your dark sienna skin draws his gaze away from your dark brown eyes. He took inventory of what you wore. It was a simple look but very cute. Seemed you were channeling an industrial vibe today. Your hair was up in two puffs on either side of your head with red bands holding them.
"Where you off to?" he inquired. "Out." was your blunt reply. He sighed and looked up at the ceiling as you passed him. As much as he wanted to rein you back in, he knew he had to let you process things your way otherwise he would lose you again. Permanently. Pinching the bridge of his nose he felt the small breeze that formed as you hastily made your exit. He watched your retreating back with a side eye until you disappeared from view in your modest little Silver, black leather interior Audi A6 Quatrro. Once your vehicle was completely out of sight, he punched his front door, swore a storm then slammed it shut.
Meanwhile, you were now dead set on living your best life now that you were free of your self-imposed (kinda) prison. Blaring your music, you whooped at your boldness. Before you would never have behaved like that towards Sanemi. Now? Ohohoh! You did this just to rebel against the bullshit archaic rules he demanded you follow. Your tunes were interrupted with a call from your boyfriend. A quick debate formed in your head on the pros and cons of picking up. You decided you would catch less grief if you just responded, but at the last ring to satisfy your need to be a pill.
"What?" you asked him aggressively. "Is there a reason you are being a complete bitch today? You cycling?" he asked matching you. You glared at your center console not giving him a response. "Well? It's a valid question. You have PMDD. We both know you are aggressive as hell when you are." he pointed out with slightly less anger present in his voice. "No. I'm not. Not that I remember. Check the calendar?" You asked him unsure. Your cycle wasn't completely predictable but you had a rough guesstimate of when it would fall. It changed depending on your stressors so your body may very well be altering your dates.
Plus, he was right, the PMDD made you an intolerable bitch prone to moods like this when it struck. "Mmm, according to this you are probably starting Hell Week. Do I need to go out and grab anything?" he asked you and you heard him stretch. The sounds make you contemplate turning your car around and seeing if you could elicit a similar noise from him in another way.
"Nah, you're home. I'll grab some shit while I am out." you casually responded. "So," he started. The hesitancy clear in his tone. "Do you want to explain why you've been like this outside of Hell Week?" The question was genuine. He was worried.
Part of you knew that he knew but wanted you to voice it. He didn't like playing head games and preferred to be upfront and direct. You were shocked he had lasted this long playing your little game of defiance. Pushing his limits and baiting him. "I don't like this," you told him as you pulled up and stopped at a light. "Define this," he told you. The background of a shower starting hitting your ears. "I don't like the stupid bullshit rules that require me to submit and defer to you. I am not a child. I am a whole, grown-ass woman, Sanemi." you bit out with frustration. "I know." he quietly replied. "So why do I have to act like this meek and pitiful bitch when I am anything BUT that!? What part of me screams passive, demure Stepford wifey!?" you demanded. "Nothing." he calmly stated.
Your nails bit into the leather steering wheel wraps. "So why the hell-" you were starting to rant but he cut you off. "I don't expect you to be that way. I just want to know where you are in case something happens. I can be there if you need me or send someone to you. Even if it's just to be your bitch boy carrying groceries. How you want to present outside, that is up to you. Limiting your exposure keeps the popo from being able to connect you to my crimes. Lastly, you only have to do the perfect hostess rule if we have guests. How often do you think I entertain ANYONE?" his words settled into your brain and you mulled them over while he continued to speak.
"I am not expecting you to be a '40s housewife. It's true the rules sound that way but you pretty much did all that before. Just be you as you have always been. When you need to play hostess, I'll help you out. The other women probably have similar instructions. Not sure about Kyojuro's woman. She just does what she wants and makes our lives hell." his exhaustion seeped into his speech. Something he said clicked in your head. "Wait!? There are other women in this situation!?" you exclaimed. Sanemi moaned in the bathroom and you wondered if it was cuz he stepped under the water spray or if he was doing something else. "Yes, Gyomei has a woman. He calls her his Missus. Don't pry too much there. They like their privacy. Kyojuro has a woman. Their shit is…I don't know how to explain it. He needs to pay attention to her more so she bolts less. She is one of the main reasons I'm away from home."
Your car went forward as the light turned green and you made your way to a shopping centre. "Sounds messy. Is she messy or…?" you let the sentence hang. "Mmm. Couldn't say. Don't want the boss to think I am interested in his woman. I do what I am told and then I come home to be ignored by you." the ending accusation burned with truth and you flinched. "Yeah, alright. I deserved that one. To be fair if you had explained shit like this before I wouldn't have thought you wanted Lil' Miss Suzie Homemaker, bitch." you bit back sans venom.
You heard him groan as you park your car and switch audio to your Bluetooth. "Yeah, yeah. I get it. When are you getting back home? What are you even doing? It has been MONTHS! A man's hand can only satisfy for so long." he whined.
You smirked as you stepped out and locked up your vehicle. "I am buying some figures and looking for some new games. Your hand will have to suffice for now. Hey! Am I able to talk to the other women?" you asked him as you skipped into your favorite game/nerd store. He swore and you heard him hit the wall. "You seriously need to go to therapy 'nemi. That shit isn't cool." you chided him. He responded with another wet thud to the wall and a mocking laugh. "See now you are doing that just to be an ass," you commented with some mirth.
His chuckles met your ear and you melted internally. "I wanna talk to them 'nemi. Pleaaaaaase. Bitching to you about yourself is kinda weird. I need other women to talk shit about you with." Your voice was whiny but you were trying to wear down his resolve. "I never said I wouldn't put you in contact but I think we need some sort of equal exchange here. This request of yours means I have to put my neck out. It's only fair if you put yours out as well." he sounded mischievous. You told him to hold as you purchased your games, the full set of current Boku no Yaiba figures, and some BNY socks. You struggle on the mic as you carry your bags back to the car, then get in.
"Aiight, I'm back. I am not talking to your boss or any of them. Periodt." firm resolution in your tone along with an emphasis on that t. He laughed loudly for a few minutes which annoyed you. "That's not what I mean, My Queen." his voice took a seductive drawl. His voice was breathy and you began to hear him moan over your speakers. "Sanemi! I am driving!" you scolded him. Forcing yourself to keep focused on said task. Reminding yourself that nobody can hear your speakers. The windows are up. "It's been a while. You don't have to do anything. Just keep talking, I'll take care of the rest." his grunts were getting louder and more frequent. " 'nemi!" you warned. "Mmm, say my name again, please." Oh, he was begging. He really was pent up. "Sanemi. Sanemi. Sanemi." you purred out. Driving up to your parking spot. "I need you, Sanemi. Please, please…" You feigned sexual interest as you began smirking evilly. "Yeah, tell me what you need." he panted out. "I need you, 'nemi," you were laying it on thick. Doing your best attempt at an AV actress. "You need me for what, tell me." his voice began to break as he got closer to his peak. "I really need you, 'nemi." you lured him closer still. He whimpered and began to unravel. "So close, just tell me, My Queen. Tell me what you need." He was at the precipice about to fall over.
You stepped out of the car and leaned against the driver's side rear passenger door. "I need you…to help me get these bags out of the car." you cackled. Sanemi roared in frustration and you lost it laughing. "Fucking! That is cruel and unusual punishment! Fucking bitch!" he swore left and right. You slunk down in an uncontrolled fit of giggles. "You said to tell you what I needed." your words broken up in between your fit. "That isn't what I meant and you fucking know it!" he yelled. His voice audible to you without the earpiece. Meaning he was close-ish. "This is not what I had in mind when I wanted you to keep talking!" he raged as he stomped past you, towel wrapped around his waist. Wrathfully, he walked around the vehicle to the other side, grabbed your bags, and stomped back inside the house. "I love you!" your sing-song voice calls off after him as you get up and follow. "I couldn't resist!" you attempt to whine pathetically but it just comes out deranged.
Sanemi drops your bags on the couch, rummages in them, and takes two of the new BNY figures, turning to sneer at you he plods off to his office which is barred entry to you. "HEY! That's MINE! What the hell!?" you exclaim and bolt after him. "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes!" his menacing voice calls out to you as he walks backwards into his office and shuts the door in your face. Promptly locking it forbidding your access.
"Son of a…" you trail off and about-face. Picking up your purchases and heading upstairs to your shared bedroom to place the figures where you want them and hide your games so he doesn't play them before you. Because in his current state he totally would do it to be spiteful.
The games had just been hidden under his side of the mattress when you feel his hands on your hips from behind. "You are going to pay for that with your voice." his threat making you bite back a moan. A hand wraps around your throat, gently and he guides you up, turns you to face him, then kisses you brutally. "Fucking, bitch. You've been teasing me for too damn long." Sanemi growls as he manhandles you onto the bed. "It's time to remind you of some of your duties as my w-" he is cut off by his phone going off. You both freeze and slowly turn to look at the offensive device on the bedside table. Simultaneously you swear together as he gets off you and picks it up.
"Yes, ma'am," he answers respectfully, casting you a glance over his marred shoulders. You take the hint and exit the room, leaving him to talk. Put off that you had been interrupted and that it was another woman who was responsible. Sanemi was loyal so that meant that the other woman had to be the boss's lady. You toyed with the idea of eavesdropping when a hand suddenly fell on your shoulders causing you to scream in surprise. You whipped around and started to yell when he shushed you with a single finger. "She wants to know if you want to meet up and do that thing you were talking about earlier." he relayed to you. Your head nods and he relays your confirmation to the user on the phone.
Hanging up he pulls you flush against his nude body. "Now where were we?" He murmurs into the warm, brown flesh of your neck. You let him drag you back into the room and end his 2 months long drought. Making good on his threat of sacrificing your voice as punishment. If y'all had neighbors they would have filed a noise complaint.
Lazing languidly on the bed you wondered why you had held out for so long. Minus the hoarseness of your throat, you were more relaxed than you had been in a loooong time. Beside you, Sanemi smoked a blunt staring up at the ceiling. "You still gonna be a bitch about shit now?" he asked you boredly. Still looking up, offering you a toke. You took it and puffed twice before responding. "Mmm, I probably will be.
That is who I am." He nodded taking the joint back, setting it on his side table then rolling over on top of you. Blowing the smoke in your face he expertly dodged you slapping his face. "That was rude as fuck, 'nemi." you chided him grabbing his hair and yoinking his head down by it. He moaned and surged forward. Biting your neck then licking the indents his teeth left behind. "Careful. I'll be ready to go again soon," he warned you.
You slid out from underneath him and walked towards the bathroom to get cleaned up. "You still mad at me?" He called out after you. "Yes, but I won't be openly hostile," you yelled back while running some bath water. Normally you would shower then soak after but you just wanted to sit down and enjoy some warm water right now. "Mmm, come back here. I can fuck it out of you this time," he spoke cockily and followed behind you.
"You are showering first?" he asked you as he saw the tub being turned on but the shower remaining empty. "Right!?" he asked again. "Nope. Just gonna soak in some pretty scented water. I don't feel like standing to bathe." you replied rolling your eyes and testing the water temp. It was a wee bit too hot so you were going to need to wait for it to cool down. That's fine, you could add some scented salts and grab a book to read. Your movements were halted by Sanemi's thick arm blocking you. "The hell you aren't. Shower now or I'll carry you in," he ordered you using his command voice.
Immediately you felt rebellion stir in your gut again. Ducking under his arm to go grab yourself a book. He picks you up and carries you into the shower, setting you down on a wooden stool that was inside, stepping out to turn off the tub water then rejoining you in the shower.
"Sit. I'll wash you. Just stay there and stop whining." he ground out. Starting up the shower, automated temperature was warm and inviting. You hummed as he took care washing your body. Hands lingering over some spots more than the others. Most of his attention was centered on your thighs or breasts. "We could still…" he trailed off as both his hands crept up your meaty, brown thighs. You thought about rejecting him but opted not to. Sex with Sanemi was always amazing and he always took his time to get you yours before he got his.
You nodded your head in agreement. He paused and pinched one of your legs. "You just love me for my dick," he mumbled into your back. You laughed knowing that wasn't true but playing along with his game. "That is a whole ass Baseball bat you got between them shredded legs there. And while it is one of my favorite perks to being with you, no that isn't why I love you." He bit your neck once more, harder this time. "Why?" he asked you. The sincerity was poorly hidden under attempts to seduce you.
Your brain registered he was feeling insecure and with good reason. You had been so hot and cold to him. Rebuffing every offer he had extended out towards you. He didn't deserve complete forgiveness but you could admit you were being rather hostile towards him. Sanemi had bent over backwards trying to appease you and earn your forgiveness from your abduction and the previous shit he hid from you. Even if what he hid was completely fucked up. A pinch to your nipple brought you out of your thoughts. "Because you aren't a bitch.
You actually respect me and treat me the way I deserve to be treated. Like a fucking queen." you finally answered his question. Sanemi's hands stopped what they were doing and pulled away entirely. "This is not how you should be treated. You deserve better. I'll get there. Will just take time." he quietly spoke. Resting his forehead against your shoulder from the back. You frowned sensing the mood shift. "Sanemi, stop. Minus the fucked-up shit you've done because of your job, you honestly treat me better than any other person has. I am mad at what your job says you have to do and who you have to be when you are on the clock. I am not completely mad at you per se." you try to reassure him.
His fist punches down without effort into the tiled floor. You groan then spin on the stool to face him. "Ok, so you really need to stop punching shit. You need therapy, Shinazugawa. If we are to survive whatever is gonna happen in the future then I need you to work on that anger and punching issue you have. One day your emotions are gonna take over and you are gonna seriously injure someone." you warned. Sanemi looked away from you and stared at the shower wall.
Coughing lightly. "It'll be alright. We got a really good cleaner who makes sure there isn't any evidence left behind." he casually spoke. Your head tilted and you put your hands out in a "That was weird" motion. Getting off the stool since you were free of soapy suds, walking to the tub, and slid in with a loud, sexual moan. Just to irritate your man. Much to your surprise, he slid down right behind your body. "This is better." He says as he drapes an arm around the large tub. "So you really aren't just sticking around for sex and gifts?" he asks sounding defensive.
Miffed you swat the water in front of you. "I am not a gold digger, asshole. I'm with you of my own non-transactional volition. My love isn't conditional, is yours?" you asked him with a certain seriousness. Sanemi sunk down lower in the porcelain vessel containing you both. Forcing you to scoot forward. "No. Doesn't mean I don't wonder though. The boss woo's his girl back with gestures of grandeur, Tengen has three girlfriends who were already in the life so they knew what they were getting into. I don't even know what the situation is with Gyomei and his woman. I'm not a nice man nor kind man yet here you are. The only reason that normally would make sense doesn't apply because you are you."
Your man was brooding and it was getting on your nerves. You needed to snap him out of it lest he trap himself in his own mind. Your hands played with the water in front of you while you spoke earnestly. "That all sounds like a whole lot of not us. Minus that last part. I am definitely part of us. Which means I need you to listen to me and listen well Shinazugawa." He grabs one of your hands to show he is paying attention so you continue. "I am here for you. Just you. This stuff is nice but it isn't all of who you are. I knew from the jump you weren't exactly the kind of dude I should be getting mixed up with and yet here I am. Just let it be, k?" you let your sentence hang as you wait for him to process the information.
"Whatever brat." he quipped harshly. "I understand. No need to get sappy." he was deflecting which told you that he got your message loud and clear. "Sooo, you aren't gonna get mad when I tell the boss's lady love about what a softie you actually are?" now you were taunting him. "Breathe a word of it and I'll tie you up and leave you begging for mercy." he threatened. You laughed and leaned back against him. "Whatever you say boss." you quip. He stiffens behind you and suddenly you find yourself bent over the edge of the tub.
"Now you've done it." He growls as he positions himself behind you. You mock him knowing this would only spur him forward. Sometime later you finally vacate the bathroom with your lover carrying you, wrapped up in a fluffy towel. Sanemi sets you down on the bed then goes and grabs one of his shirts and drops it on your head. "Wear this. Only this," he commands. You give him the bird and then slowly put on the shirt. It's a loose-fitting dark hunter green v-neck, tee. "Happy now?" you ask as you turn to face him. He wearing the bottoms that match your top.
He hums his approval and picks you back up. Traversing the house till he gets to your gaming room. A comfortable padded room that had a 70's style conversation nook in the center. A massive tv mounted on the wall. There were no couches. Only pillows. It had a cozy den feel to it. He deposited you in a mound of cushions then swags out of the room. He comes back later with drinks, snacks, and your new games. "You thought I wouldn't notice?" he chastises, bopping you on the head with one of the cases after he sets the other things down. You snatch the game out his hand and swim forward in the sea of pillows to the case that held your consoles, remotes, and pc tower.
Inserting the disc in the appropriate console you happily cheer while Sanemi turns on your tv. You inchworm your way back and settle into his lap. "Me first," he announces. You elbow him in the gut and he makes an "oof" noise. "I bought them with my money, bitch! I don't think so!" you exclaim, offended he would even dare. "I pay the electric bill." he counters, nibbling on your ear as a distraction while he tries to weasel the controller out your hands. "AND!?" you challenge not loosening your grip, instead rolling off to the side away from him.
"Alright, alright. I'll let it slide, this time." he relents. You almost believed he was put out until you caught that goblin glint in his violet orbs. "I see you," you say as you make the motion with your fingers. You ignored him and went to your game. Tossing a pillow at him when he would try to "assist" and take the controller from you.
A few hours later his phone went off and he lazily answered it. Stiffening he quickly left the room. When he returned, he was dressed and giving you pleading eyes. "I gotta go. I'll be back later. Please don't do anything stupid cuz you are upset. I'll bring something back to smooth over your rage." he says creeping close to you, a hand outstretched and hovering over your shoulder. You side-eye him and focus intensely on your game. Missing your chance to tranq the creature that had fallen into your electric trap because of a stupid roar.
His hand drops and he sighs loudly with exasperation. "I'll…I'll be back," he mutters, stands, and exits the room. "Be safe." You call out behind him. Looking over your shoulder at him. His eyes light up and he returns to your side, taking your face in his hands and kissing your lips. "I will. I'll be back by the time you wake up," he promises you. Standing up and leaving for whatever called him away. Once you were sure he was gone one of your hands grabs a pillow and chucks it at a padded wall. "FUCKING A!" you swear. No longer interested in your game. You fall back into a mound of soft cushions and proceed to bury yourself in them. A vibration in your pocket lets you know you have a text coming in. Reading it you see it is from Sanemi. "Here is the boss's woman's number. Be respectful. Love you." Short and to the point.
Eyes stare at your phone annoyed then close shut. "I agreed to this," you say to yourself. A reminder that you couldn't guilt him or shame him for what he had to do since you consented to being his support. Still, two months wasn't long enough to have fully accepted anything. Grabbing your phone, you texted the woman on the number Sanemi gave you and let her know he had passed on her digits while asking what's up.
You left the room and wandered downstairs to the kitchen. Tapping one of the electronic interfaces to play some music while you made some dinner. Getting lost in the music you prepped the ingredients to make a nice shrimp, crawfish, and langoustine etouffee. Your emotions were a mess while you processed everything so why not eat out your frustration? And it was going to be a bougie meal cuz you deserved to have the best.
You swayed and danced to the music while meal simmered on the burners. Contemplating what sides, you should make when your phone went off again. Tapping the screen to unlock it and read the incoming message. "So, there was an issue and I'll be home when you wake up still. Just letting you know. In case there is a mess." You sighed and shook your head. Hunger dimmed but you were still going to eat your bougie ass meal because the whole purpose was to treat yourself and raise up your spirits. And that is exactly what you did as you smoked some bud while you ate. Letting the music crawl into your brain and turn you into a liquid once you finished your meal.
Leaving your dishes where they were you went back upstairs to your shared bedroom. Mischief playing in your mind as you eyed Sanemi's closet. Each of you had a walk-in. You never bothered to go into his but he was always in yours leaving new gifts. Smirking you wandered in his, taken aback at the open display of weaponry on display on the far, back wall. He had a few guns and some gnarly-looking blades. Whistling you nodded approvingly then went to the drawers on the center island and began rummaging around looking for his sock drawers.
This man had way too many damn ties you concluded. 8 drawers, 6 deep. Who needs this many ties!? You gave up on that side and went to the opposite side and cheered as you found some socks. Methodically you began to mismatch his pairs. Making sure the non-matching partner was rolled up and hidden. Your tiny rebellion wasn't malicious just a way for you to act out without causing any real damage.
Skipping out of the room you shut his door, went over to your bed, and flopped down on it. Making sheet angels and vibing to life in general. Your eyes started drooping and you fell asleep with all the lights left on. Ahh, Sanemi was going to be pissed when he came home. No fucks given as you drifted off to dreamland.
The bed dipped and warm, roughly calloused hands attempted to move you around. Instinctively you kicked out at the offending person touching you, rolled over, and snuggled into a pillow. A pillow that must have been his cuz it smelled like Sanemi. Somewhere in front of you a pained "Fuck!" barely registered with your ears. You raised a hand and waved off whomever was disturbing your sleep. "Fucking bitch!" An eye cracks open. You are pretty sure the bitch in question referred to yourself. Flipping off the intruder, slowly your body rose up from under the pillow, off the the bed till you were sitting. Rubbing your eyes sleepily. "Who you calling a bitch?" you asked agitated. "YOU! You kicked me in the balls. What the hell woman!?" the voice squeaked out below you. Looking down at the floor you saw Sanemi. He was red-faced, hands tightly grabbing at his groin with his legs clenched around them in the fetal position.
You snickered while you winced. He glared up at you and swore a colorful string of curses at you. "Mmm, clearly you were in the wrong if sleep me decided to defend herself. I can't be held responsible." you yawned out. Sliding off the bed to sit beside him and ruffle his hair. "Want me to kiss it better?" your voice purrs while you continue to fluff his unruly white hair. "Stay away from my dick!" he hissed. Voice coming back to normal so the pain must have been subsiding. "That's not what you normally say" you sang out, stroking the shell of his ear. The glare he gave you would scare most men but for you, it wasn't anything more than a pout. "Last chance for me to kiss it better," you warned. Starting a countdown. Sanemi whimpered as you reached one and he hadn't relented. You stood up and stretched again, stepped over him, and exited your room. The lights were off and the music had stopped playing so that meant he had turned off the lights.
Probably was planning to wake you up and remind you that you shouldn't leave lights on when you attacked him in your sleep. Giggling you went into your game room and buried yourself under your pillow mounds. Sanemi came trailing in after you. Wincing as he walked. "Where do you think you are going? You owe me for trying to prevent me from having kids in the future," he growled out. Clearly pissed off. Your eyes peered out from in-between some cushions.
"Kids? With who? I don't recall having that conversation with you in the 6 years I have known you." your voice was playful as he stomped over and sat next to your mound. "With you dumbass. I'm not getting someone else knocked up and ask you to raise my kid." He was pulling your pillow fort apart, casually, to get to you. "Mm, presumptuous of you to assume I want kids. Especially when you haven't even put a ring on it." Your hands were swatting at him to stop his attack on your peace. He hummed then flopped down on you. Violet eyes serious as they bore into yours.
"You got my kids locked behind a paywall?" he asked flatly. "Yep. Wait, paywall?" you were confused at the comment. "Yeah, weddings cost money. Even if we do a Justice of the Peace that costs money." he supplied eyeing you warily. "Ooh, I duhno. Why you so cagey about money now? If I ask for red bottoms you wouldn't bat an eye." you interrogated him. His eyes rolled as he flicked your forehead, eliciting a yelp from you. "I'm not cagey. I am just pointing out you won't have kids until I unlock the wifey achievement." He booped your nose and sat up. Pulling you into his lap forcefully, since you were not complying and just being a limp noodle. "Of course. That is how it always go in the dating sims n shit. So clearly if I want to unlock the best ending, I need to follow this path. I've already been kidnapped then made the scary mobster fall in love with me." You fished around for your controller and remote while you spoke. Turning on the tv and console of choice when you found them.
"So, after we unlock the Marriage route, we can have kids? No timeframe?" He sounded like he was thinking something over. "Yeah, sure. Why not? That sounds great." you were bored of this conversation and didn't really care for it anymore. "Let's do it. Get dressed. We can get a courthouse thing done then come back and start practicing how to have kids." he tickled your sides as he spoke seductively. You turned in his lap and stared at him. "Wait, are you serious?" you asked in disbelief. He nodded and waited on your response. Your eyes shifted off to the side as you thought about it.
"Mmm, no. You didn't ask right and I feel like you need to get permission from Kyojuro or something to have an actual wifey situation." chewing on your lower lip worried about his response to your rejection. Sanemi booped your nose again and pulled you into his shirt. "I don't need Kyo's permission to do shit in my private life, but you do have a point I should have asked better. I get a redo later but for now, we can practice how we want to make those hypothetically children, yes?" he asked tilting your head up at him.
Smiling, you nodded and leaned up to kiss him. He kissed you then drew back violently. "Ugh, morning breath! Bathroom, now!" he yelled grossed out, wiping his lips offendedly. You laughed and stood up to go cleanse your mouth. Sanemi following behind you glowering at your back. "Hey, you should have known. I was just sleep!" you defended yourself. He peeled off to go into his closet as you entered the bathroom. Brushing your teeth first while you remembered the prank you pulled last night. A satisfied grin forms on your face when you hear him yelling in frustration. Storming into the bathroom,
Sanemi dangles his mismatched socks in front of your face agitated. "Why?" he asks clearly fed up with your shit. "Cuz I felt like it," you respond flippantly. He makes a grabby motion towards your neck, tosses his socks off to the side, picks you up, and drops you on the bed. "How about I show you how I feel about it." He purrs out while you cackle like a madwoman. "I welcome you to try your best at conveying your true feelings 'nemi." your snickers breaking up your sentence. "I need to do something about this smartass mouth of yours," Sanemi speaks before he silences you with a forceful kiss to your mouth.
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k-itsmaywriting · 3 years ago
AnS Kpop AU Headcanons
(not the same kpop au i wrote in 2017 but i Am keeping Obi and Kiki being in a duo together because :3c)
Currently a songwriter and producer at Clarines Entertainment. She has her own studio in the office called Snow White’s Apothecary.
Has been songwriting since she was a young teenager. She played the piano and the guitar, and would often busk around Seoul, especially in areas where there are a lot of young people around, like Hongdae and Sinchon.
Before she was hired with Clarines as a songwriter and PD, she was a popular contestant on a girl group survival show co-hosted by Tanbarun Entertainment. The official statement says she ran away before the semi-finals due to pressures of being an idol, but only she and her close friends and colleagues at Clarines know the truth, involving a certain son of Tanbarun Entertainment’s CEO 👀
The first song she wrote at Clarines became the lead single of Zen’s highly anticipated solo debut album. They worked closely together throughout the process and became very good friends.
Is the illegitimate child of Mukaze, the frontman of a rock band that was very big (but controversial) in the 90s.
Clarines’ wild card newest trainee at the ripe old age of 22 when Shirayuki was hired, and when Zen was still preparing for his solo debut.
A highly talented and well-known hip-hop dancer in the underground scene. Was also part of a rap group with Torou for several years since the end of high school until they recently disbanded.
Was then scouted by Haruka and he decided to audition for Clarines...as a joke.
Actually got in.
Offered money by Haruka to scare off the new producer who Zen has been working with and making eyes at so that the arising rumours about the two of them dating would disappear before it became a scandal.
Was originally training to debut in a boy group with Kai, Shiira, Shikito and Shuuka, but ended up debuting in a duo with Kiki.
Korean-American. Moved to Korea from the U.S with his family when he was a teenager. Often felt like an outsider because of it. Still does.
An Established Idol under Clarines Entertainment. Just debuted as a solo artist after being in a co-ed group with Mitsuhide, Kiki, and Kihal for seven years (now disbanded). The group was called Birds of Paradise.
Kain (CEO at the time) had him debut as the youngest member of the group when he was 15. Was one of two main vocalists and main dancer, often singing choruses of the group’s songs with Kiki.
The younger brother of Izana, current CEO and ex-solo singer.
Almost involved in a scandal when he was 17. He had a rumoured boyfriend, Atri, a classmate from high school and a member of a punk band. The company denied these rumours. However, Atri and his band members were later arrested for drug possession and photos of him and Zen were found in his phone and in his home. It’s only because of Izana that the tabloids didn’t publish the article they had about it.
Birds of Paradise:
Members: Mitsuhide, Kiki, Kihal, and Zen
A popular group when they were active, but it waned towards the end of their contract. The members parted ways as they felt they were becoming stagnant as artists.
Mitsuhide was band leader, oldest member, and rapper. Has background in hip-hop dancing and some rap, but mostly learned when he was a trainee.
Was meant to have a very macho tough-guy image that he did NOT keep up for very long.
Has been quiet after disbandment. Currently figuring out what he wants to do.
Kihal was their other rapper. After the group disbanded, she left the company and continued her rap career with an independent label.
Was always very ambitious as a rapper and wanted to write about more serious topics, particularly political topics, but was discouraged for being too controversial and risky, even after Izana became CEO.
Kiki and Zen were vocalists. Kiki occasionally rapped, which she learned to do as a trainee.
Kiki’s father is the CEO of a TV broadcasting station that hosts music shows, idol variety shows, end-of-year award shows, and other music-related programs.
Being surrounded by music, Kiki has learned singing and dancing since she was a child.
Was originally going to have a debut solo, but then pushed to debut in a duo with Obi after they had met.
Clarines Entertainment
Izana is the current CEO, who took over after Kain. He started in show business as a solo artist. After he became a popular singer, he started becoming more involved in the songwriting and production process, then the actual business.
In-house producers: Garrack, Ryuu, Hiigata, Yatsufasa
Ryuu recently graduated music school and just turned legally old enough to work as a full-time producer. His studio is Studio Seed.
When he was a music student, his songs that he completed as part of his assignments were ‘bought’ by various companies. However, only his teachers received royalties. Izana knew about him and his genius, so he offered him a position when he graduated.
Garrack has been a producer and songwriter since Kain was CEO and Izana was an idol. Her studio is called The Roka Glass.
Oversaw Shirayuki’s hiring process and was impressed by her portfolio. Was a part of convincing Izana to not fire her when it was revealed Shirayuki ran away from Tanbarun’s survival show
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daydreaming-cheese-weasel · 4 years ago
istj: 911, what’s your emergency?
infj: i lost the kid im babysitting…
istj: it’s alright, we’re gonna send someone over. what happened?
infj: we were playing hide and seek, and ive been seeking for like, 3 hours! i-i can’t keep seeking!
istj: you’re sure you checked the whole house?
infj: yes, but they’re not normal. entp went to magic camp.
istj: what does that mean?
infj: it’s an illusionist camp. they like, escape stuff, and eat… coins.
istj: have you checked outside?
infj: you don’t understand. last week they made me pick a card, and a bird flew out of my mouth! they. don’t. own. a bird.
infj: where. did. the bird. come from.
istj: …okay
infj: oh, no no no no no, their parents are pulling in…
istj: maybe they know where they’re hiding?
infj: im not gonna get into college. oh my god. a-am i gonna go to jail??
entp: TA DA!!
entp: illusion!!
quotes taken from paradise pd 911 call
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tabloidtoc · 5 years ago
TV Guide, May 25-June 7
Cover: Space Force stars John Malkovich and Steve Carell and Lisa Kudrow 
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Page 1: Contents, Ask Matt -- Penny Dreadful: City of Angels starring Natalie Dormer, Batwoman 
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Page 2: The Roush Review -- Love Life 
Page 3: Barkskins, Ramy, Homecoming 
Page 4: Get Moving -- Brooke Ence on Ultimate Tag, exercise while watching TV 
Page 6: Cover Story -- Summer Preview -- Space Force
Page 7: Josh Holloway on Yellowstone 
Page 8: Amanda Peet and Christian Slater on Dirty John: The Betty Broderick Story, Grantchester, Beecham House, Matthew Rhys on Perry Mason 
Page 9: The Alienist: Angel of Darkness, Greenleaf, The Twilight Zone starring Christopher Meloni and Jenna Elfman and Joel McHale and Tony Hale and Billy Porter, Hanna, Brave New World 
Page 10: Family Fun -- Game On!, Celebrity Family Feud, Press Your Luck, Match Game, Don’t, Cannonball, Tough as Nails, Sofia Vergara on America’s Got Talent 
Page 12: Matthew Macfadyen on Quiz, Ethan Hawke on The Good Lord Bird, Lovecraft Country, The Politician 
Page 13: Summer Preview Calendar 
Page 14: What’s Worth Watching -- Week 1 -- Grant 
Page 15: Monday, May 25 -- I Was Lorena Bobbitt, The Titan Games, Jeffrey Dahmer: Mind of a Monster, To Catch a Beautician, Memorial Day Marathons -- Beverly Hills 90210, Chicago P.D., The Pacific, The Office, Live PD Presents: PD Cam, Home Improvement, Tuesday, May 26 -- World of Dance, If Loving You Is Wrong 
Page 16: Wednesday, May 27 -- Clark Gregg on Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Married at First Sight: Australia, American Soul, What We Do in the Shadows, NASCAR 
Page 17: Thursday, May 28 -- Council of Dads, Celebrity Watch Party -- the Osbournes and Tyra Banks, Restaurant: Impossible, Blindspot, Friday, May 29 -- Friday Night In With the Morgans -- Sophia Bush, The Graham Norton Show -- Steve Carell and Dakota Johnson and John Legend and Katy Perry 
Page 18: Saturday, May 30 -- Death of a Cheerleader, Heartland Docs DVM, Sunday, May 31 -- Laurel Canyon, Groomzilla, I Know This Much True, Natalee Holloway: Her Friends Speak 
Page 34: Stream It! Your Guide to the Best Streaming Available -- Netflix -- Uncut Gems, Kumail Nanjiani on The Lovebirds, Into the Night, Sweet Magnolias 
Page 35: Prime Video: Poldark, The Vast of Night, All About HBO Max 
Page 36: New Movie Releases 
Page 37: Series, Specials and Documentaries 
Page 38: What’s Worth Watching -- Week 2 -- Cheryl Ladd on Charlie’s Angels 
Page 39: Monday, June 1 -- Perry Mason, Below Deck Mediterranean, Almost Paradise, The Walking Dead, Tuesday, June 2 -- DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, Kingdom of the Mummies 
Page 40: Wednesday, June 2 -- Lady Antebellum’s Charles Kelley on CMT Celebrates Our Heroes: An Artists of the Year Special, At Home With Amy Sedaris, NBA Basketball -- Miami Heat vs. Boston Celtics in the 2012 East finals 
Page 41: Thursday, June 4 -- Burden of the Truth, Man With a Plan series finale, Fix My Fail, Friday, June 5 -- A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, Bering Sea Gold, RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars, Trackers 
Page 42: Saturday, June 6 -- Ad Astra, Love American Style, Psycho Yoga Instructor, Country at Heart, Sunday, June 7 -- Batman, Good Witch, Snowpiercer
Page 60: Horoscope 
Page 64: Cheers & Jeers -- Cheers to Parks and Recreation, SEAL Team, The CW, American Idol, Jeers to a Leverage revival, MTV, Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist 
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titleknown · 7 years ago
X Artworks That Should Be Made Into Figma Table Museum Figures:
Some of you may know that Figma, purveyors of fine weeaboo action dolls, has recently been making highly articulated action figures based on classic art. This is rad as hell.
But, I got to thinking, there's plenty of stuff that isn;t made for that line yet, and that's why I'm making a big doofy list of 'em!
Two rules for this list, one they gotta be public domain, to avoid the issue of “could they pay the license” So sadly stuff like Bacon’s horrible screaming pope or Max Ernst's Kaiju isn’t gonna be on here.
Secondly only one per artist, to keep it interesting, tho with runner-ups mentioned. Thirdly, no sequential art, I'm saving PD comics that deserve Weeaboo Action Dolls for another article entirely.
But yeah, onward past the break!
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Satan from Heironymous Bosch’s The Garden of Earthly Delights
We all knew something from the master of macabre Bosch had to be in there somewhere, and while that helmeted bird-demon with the baby legs is coming in close second, I think the big Satan himself has to go to that pick
His “throne” and chamberpot/crown would be perfect accessories, and you could probably do a lot of fun stuff with that gross “bubble” coming out. Also a lot of creepy stuff. But I digress.
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Arthur Rackham’s Fafnir
Out of all of these, this is the least likely one to show up, if only for its artist's obscurity, but Rackham's work is so gorgeous it had to show up, and Fafnir would be perfect! We see so little in terms of dragons in that figural realm
Of course, we'd also be inundated with horrible vore pics involving it and the various Figma animu girls, and I have no idea how to feel about that.
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J.J. Grandville’s Misocampe Wasp
Grandville is one of the greatest cartoonists of his time, so he had to be somewhere on here. I think the Misocampe Wasp is almost certainly one of the most striking and emblematic of his works; though the spindly limbs might be slightly difficult to engineeer.
But, they're high-end premium Weeaboo Action Dolls, so I'm sure they could work it out. Juggler of Worlds would probably be in second place out of Grandville's works; due to its iconic status and the fact that Inneundo was one of the best goddamn albums ever fight me.
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William Blake’s Great Red Dragon
Also, gotta have Blake on here, and if you're including Blake, you gotta include his iconic rebel bad-boy-with-a-heart-of-gold figure. I think that's what it is at least. I'm not that familiar with Blake.
But, it does look cool as hell, and I'd totally want an accessory based on the novel Red Dragon (Yes, the one that introduced Hannibal). And he'd look rad as hell posing with the Billy Herrington Figma, don't lie, you all wanna see that.
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Hans Holbein’s Der Ritter
Yes, I will admit, this is mainly here for the Slender Man link. But also because it's a rad skeleton man in armor! Everybody loves rad skeletons in armor! If they know what's good for them!
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Gustave Dore’s Satan from Paradise Lost
Yes, there are a lot of demons on this list! Because they show up a lot in monster-related art and are dope/iconic as hell! And, what list of characters from classic art would be complete without somethinf from Dore?!
I picked the Paradise Lost Satan over the Dante's Inferno one not just because of bat-winged-bishie and all, but because it'd probably be relatively easier to make and also less cost-prohibitive, but the Inferno one comes at a close second.
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John Bauer’s Trolls
Everybody loves Norwegian Trolls! IF THEY KNOW WHAT'S GOOD FOR THEM!
And what better basis for an action figure than one of the greats of nordic troll designs, John Bauer?! This'd be especially good if they were larger figures at a larger price point, if only so you could re-enact the scene above with [Insert Animu Waifu Here]/Super Pochaco
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That One Fucked Up Stork Demon From Salvador Rosa’s The Temptation of St Anthony
I'm not sure quite how to justify that I want an action figure of it except, holy shit, look at it.
And also I'm pretty sure it's what they based Slogra on in Castlevania, so if you want an equivalent to them while knowing #FucKonami isn't gonna get paid; that is also a good reason to want the storkbeast
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Charles R. Knight’s Laelaps
We had to put a pic from the master of classic paleoart on here, andI think this is a good balance between “iconic” and “of a species that will never get a figure otherwise”
Plus, that, and they'd be perfect for either a two pack or for justifying buying two of, not to mention being literally designed for posing!
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Saturn from Goya’s Saturn Devouring His Son
We all knew this had to be on here. The disquieting nightmarish gaze of the figure would be fascinating to see translated into three dimensions, and the accessory of his son would be perfect!
Plus, think of all the extremely, extremely dark comedy photoshoots you could make with this fucker! I know I at least want to see that one of these days from @theassortment, so make it happen Goodsmile! And also the rest of these, taht too!
But, which ones do you think would make for good figures that i missed out on in this list? I know of at least afew I plan to use for another one, and I’m always willing to ask about more! So, tell me in the reblogs/replies folks!
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lunar-aces · 7 years ago
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Repost and fill in the answers you most associate your character with to each question.
1. Animal: Ram
2. Color(s): Black, Blue, White
3. Month: April
4. Song: Horizon Zero Dawn - Prologue (Early Style Sketch)
5. Number: 7
6. Day or Night: Day
7. Plant: Bird of Paradise
8. Smell: Woodsy scent 
9. Periodic Element: [Pd] Palladium
10. Season: Summer
11. Place: Cliffsides by the sea
12. Food: R I B S, most meat, spicy food
13. Astrological Sign: Aries
14. Element(s): Fire, Air/Wind
15. Drink: Water, (Green)Tea, Lemonade
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tuseriesdetv · 5 years ago
Guía de series: Estrenos y regresos de marzo 2020
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Desde ahora, vamos a probar a incluir también las fechas de España en las series de estreno. Bienvenidos a este híbrido y suerte con ellas.
¡Feliz marzo!
Verde: series nuevas.
Rojo: series de las que haremos reviews semanales.
Negro: regresos de otras series.
Naranja: miniseries o series documentales.
Amarillo: tv movies, documentales, especiales o pilotos.
Morado: season finales.
Púrpura: midseason finales.
Calendario de series
1 de marzo: 
Dispatches from Elsewhere (1T) en AMC
My Left Nut en BBC Three
McDonald & Dodds (1T) en ITV
2 de marzo: 
Breeders (1T) en FX
Liar (2T) en ITV
4 de marzo: 
Dave (1T) en FXX
Sandylands (1T) en Gold
The Trouble With Maggie Cole (1T) en ITV
Party of Five (1T finale) en Freeform
5 de marzo: 
Devs y Better Things (4T) en FX
Castlevania (3T completa) en Netflix
Noughts + Crosses en BBC One
The Dead Lands (1T finale) en Shudder
6 de marzo: 
Amazing Stories (1T) en Apple TV+
The Protector (3T completa), Paradise PD (2T completa) y Spenser Confidential en Netflix
Caronte (1T completa) y ZeroZeroZero (1T completa) en Amazon
Steven Universe Future (vuelve) en Cartoon Network
8 de marzo: 
The Outsider (1T finale) en HBO
Kidding (2T finale) en Showtime
9 de marzo: All American (2T finale) y Black Lightning (3T finale) en The CW
10 de marzo: If Loving You Is Wrong (5T y última) en OWN
11 de marzo: On My Block (3T completa) en Netflix
12 de marzo: The Unicorn (1T finale) en CBS
13 de marzo: 
Flack (2T) en Pop
Élite (3T completa), Kingdom (2T completa) y Lost Girls en Netflix
Justo antes de Cristo (2T y última) en Movistar+
Lincoln Rhyme: Hunt for the Bone Collector (1T finale) en NBC
15 de marzo: 
Westworld (3T) en HBO
Black Monday (2T) en Showtime
16 de marzo: 
Roswell, New Mexico (2T) en The CW
The Plot Against America en HBO
18 de marzo: 
Little Fires Everywhere en Hulu
Brockmire (4T y última) en IFC
Motherland: Fort Salem (1T) en Freeform
19 de marzo: 
Feel Good (1T completa) en Netflix
Ruthless (1T) en BET+
20 de marzo: 
Self Made: Inspired by the Life of Madam C.J. Walker y The Letter for the King (1T completa) en Netflix
The Banker en Apple TV+
23 de marzo: Freud (1T completa) en Netflix
24 de marzo: 
One Day at a Time (4T) en Pop
Council of Dads (1T) en NBC
Project Blue Book (2T finale) en History
25 de marzo: 
Hogar en Netflix
Star Trek: Picard (1T finale) en CBS All Access
26 de marzo: 
Unorthodox (1T completa) en Netflix
Tacoma FD (2T) en truTV
The Sinner (3T finale) en USA Network
27 de marzo: 
Ozark (3T completa) en Netflix
Steven Universe Future (series finale) en Cartoon Network
29 de marzo: Vamos Juan (2T) en TNT
Estrenos de series
Dispatches from Elsewhere (AMC)
Trata sobre un grupo de gente normal que se encuentra con un rompecabezas que se esconde a simple vista en su vida diaria pero cuyo misterio alcanza distancias que nunca pudieron imaginar. Protagonizada por Jason Segel (How I Met Your Mother), Sally Field (Brothers & Sisters, Maniac), Richard E. Grant (Can You Ever Forgive Me?, Gosford Park), Eve Lindley (Outsiders, Mr. Robot), André Benjamin (American Crime, High Life) y Tara Lynne Barr (Casual, Aquarius).
Creada, escrita y producida por Jason Segel (Get Him to the Greek, Sex Tape). Diez episodios.
Estreno: 1 de marzo Estreno en España: 2020 en AMC España
My Left Nut (BBC Three)
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Drama en el que un joven (Nathan Quinn-O'Rawe) encuentra un bulto en su testículo y no sabe a quién contárselo porque no quiere complicar las cosas con su primera novia, su padre murió hace años y su madre (Sinéad Keenan; Being Human, Little Boy Blue) tiene ya muchas preocupaciones.
Basado en la obra de teatro escrita por Michael Patrick y Oisín Kearney e inspirado en las experiencias de Michael como adolescente. Dirigido por Paul Gay (Vera, Skins). Tres episodios.
Estreno: 1 de marzo
McDonald & Dodds (ITV)
Ambientada en Bath, en el suroeste de Inglaterra, sigue a la dura y ambiciosa inspectora McDonald (Tala Gouveia), transferida desde el sur de Londres; y al tímido y modesto detective Dodds (Jason Watkins; The Crown, Taboo), desaprovechado durante una década; ahora que han sido emparejados. Aparentemente sin nada en común, forman un equipo más que efectivo. 
Creada por Robert Murphy (DCI Banks). Dos episodios.
Estreno: 1 de marzo
Breeders (FX)
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Estos padres quieren infinitamente a sus hijos y al mismo tiempo los tirarían por la ventana. Comedia protagonizada por Martin Freeman (Fargo, Sherlock), Daisy Haggard (Episodes, Uncle) y Michael McKean (Better Call Saul, Grace and Frankie).
Creada por Freeman, Simon Blackwell (Veep, In the Loop) y Chris Addison (Trying Again, Lab Rats). Diez episodios.
Estreno: 2 de marzo Estreno en España: 3 de marzo en HBO España
Dave (FXX)
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Dave (Dave Burd, rapero cuyo nombre artístico es Lil Dicky) es un hombre neurótico a punto de cumplir los treinta que está convencido de que está destinado a ser uno de los mejores raperos de la historia, aunque sea para hablar de lo pequeño que es su pene. Con Taylor Misiak (American Vandal, I Feel Bad), Andrew Santino (Mixology, I'm Dying Up Here), Christine Ko (The Great Indoors, Upload) y Gina Hecht (Hung). Hay cameo de Justin Bieber.
Creada por Lil Dicky y Jeff Schaffer (Curb Your Enthusiasm, Seinfeld). Diez episodios.
Estreno: 4 de marzo Estreno en España: 5 de marzo en HBO España
Sandylands (Gold)
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A los veintisiete años, Emily Verma (Natalie Dew), hija del famoso dueño de la sala de recreativos de Sandylands (Sanjeev Bhaskar; Unforgotten, The Kumars), ha escapado de su pueblo y vive la vida en Londres. Cuando lee en el periódico que ha aparecido en la costa un hidropedal con sangre y que su padre fue el último en alquilarlo, se ve obligada a volver a su pueblo a poner todo en orden, organizar el funeral, lidiar con el agente de seguros de vida (Hugh Bonneville; Downton Abbey, W1A) y vender la casa familiar. Al reencontrarse con sus viejos amigos y conocidos y hacer nuevas amistades, descubre que nada es lo que parece en el pueblo que la vio crecer. Completan el reparto David Walliams (Little Britain), Sophie Thompson (Detectorists, Gosford Park), Craig Parkinson (Line of Duty, Misfits), Simon Bird (The Inbetweeners, Friday Night Dinner) y Harriet Webb (The Split, White Gold).
Creada por Martin Collins y Alex Finch (Off Their Rockers) y dirigida por Michael Cumming (Toast of London). Tres episodios.
Estreno: 4 de marzo
The Trouble With Maggie Cole (ITV)
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Cuando un periodista de radio entrevista a Maggie Cole (Dawn French; Delicious, The Wrong Mans) sobre la idílica vida en el pequeño pueblo costero de Thurlbury, ella detalla y adorna las vidas personales de sus vecinos con demasiada exactitud. Tras la emisión del reportaje, Maggie debe enfrentarse a las reacciones y consecuencias de sus palabras. Completan el reparto Mark Heap (Upstart Crow, Friday Night Dinner), Julie Hesmondhalgh (Broadchurch, Cucumber), Vicki Pepperdine (Sally4Ever, Camping) y Patrick Robinson (Casualty, Mount Pleasant).
Drama creado y escrito por Mark Brotherhood (Mount Pleasant, Shameless) y dirigida por Ben Gregor (Cuckoo). Seis episodios.
Estreno: 4 de marzo
Devs (FX)
Limited series sobre una joven ingeniera informática (Sonoya Mizuno; Ex Machina, Crazy Rich Asians) que investiga la división de desarrollo de la empresa para la que trabaja, una compañía tecnológica puntera de San Francisco que podría estar detrás del asesinato de su novio. Completan el reparto Alison Pill (The Newsroom, American Horror Story), Nick Offerman (Parks and Recreation, Fargo), Jin Ha (Jesus Christ Superstar Live in Concert), Zach Grenier (The Good Wife, Deadwood), Stephen McKinley Henderson (Lady Bird, Manchester by the Sea) y Cailee Spaeny (Pacific Rim: Uprising).
Escrita y producida por Alex Garland (Annihilation, Ex Machina). Ocho episodios.
Estreno: 5 de marzo Estreno en España: 5 de marzo en HBO España
Noughts + Crosses (BBC One)
Adaptación de la primera novela de la serie de Malorie Blackman que cuenta la relación amorosa de Sephy (Masali Baduza, Trackers), hija de un importante político y miembro de la clase negra dominante conocida como Crosses; y Callum (Jack Rowan; Peaky Blinders, Born to Kill), miembro de la clase baja blanca, los Noughts, que fue una vez esclava de los Crosses; en un ambiente de prejuicio, desconfianza y rebeliones en las calles en una sociedad que prohíbe el amor entre dos personas de clases distintas. Completan el reparto Paterson Joseph (Timeless, Peep Show), Bonnie Mbuli (Invictus, Wallander), Kike Brimah (Love Type D), Helen Baxendale (Cold Feet, Cuckoo), Ian Hart (The Last Kingdom, The Secret Agent), Josh Dylan (Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again, Allied), Shaun Dingwall (Goodbye Christopher Robin, The Long Firm), Jonathan Ajayi, Rakie Ayola (No Offence, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child) y Stormzy. Escrita por Toby Whithouse (Doctor Who, Being Human), Lydia Adetunji (Riviera, The Last Kingdom), Nathaniel Price (Tin Star) y Rachel De-Lahay (Kiri) y dirigida por Julian Holmes (Strike Back, Outlander) y Koby Adom.
Estreno: 5 de marzo Estreno en España: 5 de marzo en HBO España
Amazing Stories (Apple TV+)
Antología basada en la serie de 1985 creada por Steven Spielberg que nos trae historias que navegan entre la ciencia ficción y el terror y que transportan a gente corriente a mundos de fantasía. En ellas podremos ver a Victoria Pedretti (The Haunting of Hill House, You), Dylan O'Brien (Teen Wolf, The Maze Runner), Robert Forster (Twin Peaks, Heroes), Josh Holloway (Lost, Yellowstone), Duncan Joiner (Waco, Tales from the Loop), Austin Stowell (Catch-22, The Secret Life of the American Teenager), Sasha Alexander (Rizzoli & Isles, Shameless), Kerry Bishé (Halt and Catch Fire, Narcos), Edward Burns (Public Morals, Mob City) o Sasha Lane (The Miseducation of Cameron Post, Utopia).
Escrita y producida por Edward Kitsis y Adam Horowitz, guionistas de Lost o Once Upon a Time. Cinco episodios.
Estreno: 6 de marzo
ZeroZeroZero (Amazon)
Adaptación del libro de Roberto Saviano (2013) sobre la lucha de los cárteles mexicanos, la mafia calabresa y empresarios corruptos por el control del imperio internacional de la cocaína. Protagonizada por Andrea Riseborough (Bloodline, Waco), Dane DeHaan (Valerian, A Cure for Wellness), Gabriel Byrne (The Usual Suspects, In Treatment), Harold Torres (Ingobernable, El Chapo), Giuseppe De Domenico (Euphoria), Adriano Chiaramida, Noé Hernández (Narcos: Mexico), Tchéky Karyo (The Missing, Baptiste), Francesco Colella (Trust) y Claudia Pineda.
Creada y dirigida por Stefano Sollima (Gomorra, Sicario: Day of the Soldado). Ocho episodios.
Estreno: 14 de febrero en Sky Atlantic Italia Estreno en España: 6 de marzo en Amazon España
The Plot Against America (HBO)
Miniserie adaptación de la novela de Philip Roth (2004) que se centra en una familia judía de clase trabajadora de los años 40 cuando un populista xenófobo se convierte en presidente de Estados Unidos y dirige su nación hacia el fascismo. Protagonizada por Winona Ryder (Stranger Things, Edward Scissorhands), John Turturro (The Night Of; Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?), Zoe Kazan (The Deuce, The Big Sick), Morgan Spector (Homeland, The Mist), Anthony Boyle (Derry Girls, Ordeal by Innocence), Azhy Robertson (Juliet, Naked) y Caleb Malis.
Escrita por David Simon (The Wire, The Deuce) y Ed Burns y dirigida por Minkie Spiro (Downton Abbey, Call the Midwife). Seis episodios.
Estreno: 16 de marzo Estreno en España: 17 de marzo en HBO España
Little Fires Everywhere (Hulu)
Son los años 90. Elena Richardson (Reese Witherspoon; The Morning Show, Big Little Lies) es una periodista local que vive en Cleveland, Ohio con su marido Bill (Joshua Jackson; The Affair, Fringe) y sus cuatro hijos: Lexie (Jade Pettyjohn; School of Rock, The Last Ship), Trip (Jordan Elsass, The Long Road Home), Izzy (Megan Stott) y Moody (Gavin Lewis, Prince of Peoria). La vida de esta familia cambia con la llegada de Mia (Kerry Washington; Scandal, American Son) y su hija Pearl (Lexi Underwood, Family Reunion), que alquilan un apartamento a los Richardson. Mia es una artista con un misterioso pasado que no se conforma con las reglas que le impone la sociedad y Elena se propone ayudarla, tal vez para distraerse de los serios problemas que le da su hija adolescente.
Completan el cast Rosemarie DeWitt (United States of Tara, Olive Kitteridge), Paul Yen (Magnum P.I., Young Sheldon), Huang Lu (She, a Chinese), Geoff Stults (Grace and Frankie, The Odd Couple), Jaime Ray Newman (), Anika Noni Rose (Bates Motel, The Good Wife), Obba Babatundé (Dear White People, I'm Dying Up Here), Jesse Williams (Grey's Anatomy, The Cabin in the Woods), Britt Robertson (Under the Dome, Life Unexpected), Kristoffer Polaha (Condor, Life Unexpected), Austin Basis (Beauty and the Beast, Life Unexpected), Reggie Austin (Agent Carter, Life Unexpected), Byron Mann (Arrow, Wu Assassins), AnnaSophia Robb (The Carrie Diaries, The Act) y Tiffany Boone (The Chi, The Following).
Adaptación de la novela de Celeste Ng (2017). Escrita por Liz Tigelaar (Casual, Life Unexpected). Producida por Tigelaar (Casual, Life Unexptected), Witherspoon (Big Little Lies, The Morning Show) y Washington (Scandal, American Son). Ocho episodios.
Estreno: 18 de marzo
Motherland: Fort Salem (Freeform)
En un mundo alternativo, hace trescientos años, las brujas aceptaron luchar por su país a cambio de no ser perseguidas. En la actualidad, varias chicas jóvenes son entrenadas en Fort Salem para combatir amenazas terroristas con armas y tácticas sobrenaturales. Protagonizada por Kelcey Mawema (Deadly Class, To All the Boys I've Loved Before), Jessica Sutton (The Kissing Booth, Escape Room), Taylor Hickson (Deadly Class, Aftermath), Lyne Renee (Deep State, Strike Back), Amalia Holm (Playground), Demetria McKinney (House of Payne, Saints & Sinners), Annie Jacob (Star), Ashley Nicole Williams, Kai Bradbury (Warigami) y Sarah Yarkin (Single Parents, Foursome).
Creada por Eliot Laurence (Claws) y dirigida por Steven A. Adelson (Beyond, The Blacklist). Producida por Will Ferrell, Adam McKay y Kevin Messick, que han producido Succession o Vice. Diez episodios.
Estreno: 18 de marzo
Feel Good (Channel 4)
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En esta comedia que explora el amor, la adicción y la superposición de ambos, vamos a conocer a George (Charlotte Ritchie; Call the Midwife, Fresh Meat), la nueva novia de Mae, una comediante con un problema de adicción, y la causa y la solución de su ansiedad. Les acompañan Lisa Kudrow (Friends, Web Therapy), Adrian Lukis (The Crown, Pride and Prejudice), Sophie Thompson (Detectorists, Bounty Hunters), Pippa Haywood (Bodyguard, Scott & Bailey), Ophelia Lovibond (W1A, Elementary), Tom Durant Pritchard (The Crown) y Al Roberts (Stath Lets Flats).
Escrita y protagonizada por la comediante Mae Martin (Uncle, Outsiders). Seis episodios.
Estreno: 18 de marzo Estreno en España: 19 de marzo en Netflix España
Ruthless (BET+)
Spin-off de The Oval centrado en Ruth Truesdale (Melissa L. Williams; Hidden Springs, The Oval), que entra en una secta de fanáticos locos por el sexo y finge encajar allí mientras busca la manera de liberar a su hija pequeña. Con Matt Cedeño (Power, Devious Maids), Lenny D. Thomas (The Blacklist), Yvonne Senat Jones (The Oval, The Bobby Brown Story), David Alan Madrick (Mistake), Baadja-Lyne Odums, Jaime Callica (UnREAL, Wayward Pines), Nirine S. Brown (Wicked), Blue Kimble, Stephanie Charles (The Paynes), Cara Reid (The Outsider, Homeland), Jeremy Palko (The Walking Dead, Bloodline), Hervé Clermont (Snowafall, Veronica Mars), Robert Craighead (Future Man, Too Close to Home), Anthony Bless (East Los High, Sistas), Bobbi Baker James (House of Payne) y Sara Naomi.
Creada, escrita, dirigida y producida por Tyler Perry (House of Payne, The Oval). Veinticuatro episodios.
Estreno: 19 de marzo
Self Made: Inspired by the Life of Madam C.J. Walker (Netflix)
Limited series sobre la empresaria y activista social Madam C.J. Walker (Octavia Spencer; The Help, Hidden Figures), que empezó como pionera del cuidado del cabello y se convirtió en la primera millonaria negra de Norteamérica. Completan el reparto Tiffany Haddish (Girls Trip, Tuca & Bertie), Carmen Ejogo (Selma, True Detective), Blair Underwood (Quantico, Dear White People), Garrett Morris (2 Broke Girls, The Jamie Foxx Show), Kevin Carroll (The Leftovers, Snowfall), Bill Bellamy (Insecure), Cornelius Smith Jr. (Scandal, All My Children), Keeya King (Van Helsing, Saw VIII), J. Alphonse Nicholson (P-Valley, Shots Fired), Zahra Bentham (Spinning Out) y Mouna Traoré (Condor, American Gods).
Basada en el libro 'On Her Own Ground', escrito por A'Lelia Bundles, la tataranieta de Madam C.J. Walker. Escrita por Nicole Asher (Love Beats Rhymes), dirigida por Kasi Lemmons (Black Nativity) y producida por LeBron James (Survivor's Remorse). Ocho episodios.
Estreno: 20 de marzo Estreno en España: 20 de marzo en Netflix España
The Letter for the King (Netflix)
La primera serie de Netflix original de los Países Bajos está basada en un cuento infantil de Tonke Dragt (1962) y rodada en inglés y trata sobre un escudero de dieciséis años (Amir Wilson, His Dark Materials) en una peligrosa misión para entregar una carta secreta al Rey viajando a través de las Grandes Montañas. Con David Wenham (Iron Fist, Top of the Lake), Kim Bodnia (Killing Eve, Bron), Ruby Serkis, Thaddea Graham (Curfew), Gijs Blom (La Famiglia), Nathanael Saleh (Mary Poppins Returns, Game of Thrones), Jóhannes Haukur Jóhannesson (Beforeigners, The Innocents), Islam Bouakkaz, Jack Barton, Jonah Lees (Sun Records), Jakob Oftebro (Lilyhammer, Bron), Yorick van Wageningen (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Escape Room), Emilie Cocquerel, Ken Nwosu (Killing Eve, Sticks and Stones), Lucy Russell (The Crown, Genius), Peter Ferdinando (King Arthur: Legend of the Sword, Ghost in the Shell), Kemi-Bo Jacobs (Delicious, McMafia), Lisa Loven (Wonder Woman, Occupied), David Wilmot (The Alienist, Ripper Street), Tawfeek Barhom (The Looming Tower, Baghdad Central), Omid Djalili (Lucky Man, Dickensian) y Antonia Desplat.
Escrita y producida por Will Davies (Johnny English, How to Train Your Dragon). Seis episodios. Estreno: 20 de marzo
Estreno en España: 20 de marzo en Netflix España
Freud (Netflix)
La primera serie austriaca original de Netflix es un drama de época rodado en alemán sobre un joven y sexy Sigmund Freud (Robert Finster; Kaviar) que persigue en Viena en 1886 a un asesino en serie junto al policía veterano de guerra Alfred Kiss (Georg Friedrich; Kaviar, Wilde Maus) y la medium Fleur Salome (Ella Rumpf; Grave, Die göttliche Ordnung).
Escrita por Stefan Brunner (Tatort) y dirigida por Marvin Kren (Tatort). Ocho episodios.
Estreno: 23 de marzo Estreno en España: 23 de marzo en Netflix España
Council of Dads (NBC)
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A Scott (Tom Everett Scott; I'm Sorry, 13 Reasons Why) le han diagnosticado un cáncer terminal, pero necesita asegurarse de que su esposa Robin (Sarah Wayne Callies; Prison Break, The Walking Dead) y sus cuatro hijos estarán bien cuando él falte, lo cual le lleva a formar un grupo de amigos -incluidos su mejor amigo (Clive Standen; Vikings, Taken), su sponsor de alcohólicos anónimos (Michael O'Neill; Rectify, Bates Motel) y su cirujano (J. August Richards; Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Angel)- para que actúen como padres de refuerzo y puedan apoyar y guiar a la familia con sus altibajos y dudas. Completan el reparto Blue Chapman, Emjay Anthony (Bad Moms, Chef), Michele Weaver (Love Is___), Thalia Tran, Steven Silver (13 Reasons Why) y Hilarie Burton (One Tree Hil, White Collar).
Escrita por Joan Rater y Tony Phelan, guionistas de Grey's Anatomy y Doubt; producido por Jerry Bruckheimer (CSI, Lucifer) e inspirado en las memorias de Bruce Feiler (2010). FOX encargó y rechazó un piloto de comedia con Kyle Bornheimer basado en estas mismas memorias hace ocho años.
Estreno: 24 de marzo
Unorthodox (Netflix)
Miniserie sobre una mujer judía ultraortodoxa (Shira Haas; Foxtrot, The Zookeeper's Wife) que escapa de su matrimonio concertado y de Williamsburg, su comunidad religiosa en Brooklyn, para empezar una nueva vida tocando música clásica en Berlín.
Inspirada en la novela semiautobiográfica de Deborah Feldman (2012), escrita por Anna Winger (Deutschland 83) y dirigida por Maria Schrader (Deutschland 83, Fortitude). Cuatro episodios.
Estreno: 26 de marzo Estreno en España: 26 de marzo en Netflix España
0 notes
scarbir · 6 years ago
De Grote Jaarlijst van 2018
Wat er zoal memorabel was in 2018:
Erin en ik kopen ons huurhuis!
Ouders scheiden...
... en het ouderlijk huis waar ik en mijn broertjes opgroeiden, wordt na 28 jaar verkocht
De eerste keer dat het écht tot me doordringt, buiten het Mauritshuis
Het huis leegruimen in de laatste dagen van het jaar - moeder verhuizen naar huis van de buren, vader elders in 't Noorden
Afvallen! Erin en ik besluiten na de zomervakantie in Kreta af te vallen, door minder en bewuster te eten. Met resultaat: van 95,5 naar 81,5 kilo!
Het badhuis in Boedepast, waar ik vervolgens zie dat zo'n 80 procent van de mannen nu dikker is
Mijn beoogde kostenneutrale oordopjes-fetisj helemaal laten ontsporen naar bijna 80 aankopen, blogs en twitteradvies aan onbekenden - zelfs inclusief afspraak met Groningse webshop om allerlei apparatuur te testen
Heerlijke vakanties op Kreta (Heraklion, Rethimno, Chania en Agia Galini), in Boedapest en Maastricht
Gekidnapt worden door Erin, Wouter en Hannah om een hele vrijdag bij Bottrop te skiën, en het leuk gaan vinden
De eerste keer spontaan na weekendje Gaastmeer langs bij pap en zijn nieuwe liefde, en dat het niet totally awkward is
Het Gaastmeer-weekend met de vriendinnen van Erin, en hun vrienden (also: het kerstetentje met dezelfde mensen)
Op een afstudeerfeestje de hele gemeentelijke traineegroep van Erin leren kennen
Spelletjes- en borrelavonden met Geeske, Marjolijn, Niels en Rutger die daarna ontstaan
Gevraagd worden om een column te schrijven
Cherrypicking in de praktijk gebracht: minder opdrachtgevers, meer verbintenissen met leuke opdrachten
Schiermonnikoog met het LC, de eerste en tweede avond met andere groepssamenstelling en sfeer. Goede nachtelijke gesprekken onder de sterren
Spontaan... naar Paradigm tot 5 uur 's nachts - wat geweldig leuk blijkt om eens mee te maken (bewust en misschien wel juist zonder pilletje)
Spontaan met de buren naar Kaap Hoorn op Bevrijdingsdag
Uit eten, het bierfestival en de Mout met Rients en Femke
Na een wandeling bij Ter Borch in de Onlanden eten bij Paviljoen de Dame met Erin... voor 240 euro (min een 100 euro kortingsvoucher, godzijdank)
Astrobot ervaren met PlayStation VR: de eerste echt sprankelende, vernieuwende Super Mario 64-ervaring in jaren
Dit jaar 100+ uitzendingen Noord Vandaag doen
Daarvan herkend worden...
Na een mindere periode in Noord Vandaag rond Founder Talks 6, beter in m'n vel zitten op tv en copresenteren nog leuker vinden
Vier edities van Founder Talks houden met Jessica, met elke keer zo'n 120-140 mensen in de zaal, en de reacties erop
Squashen dat veel makkelijker gaat met 12 kilo minder lichaamsgewicht
Citytripje Leiden bij afstuderen Maaike
Met familie naar de reuzen kijken in Leeuwarden
Een super lang warme en lekkere zomer
Het ultieme campinggevoel door op het binnenplein te Kubben met buren
Me bijna pardoes aanmelden voor het bestuur bij de eerste VVE-vergadering
Bij het wegrijden na het leegruimen van het ouderlijk huis in hartje Drenthe, overvallen worden door Daniel Lohues' Hier kom ik Weg in de Top 2000
De eerste keer naar de KZ ZSR, Tin Audio T2 en de OKCSC ZX1 luisteren
Misschien ook daardoor een record jaarlijst van ruim 300 nummers in mijn Spotify
Aanhoudend leuke gesprekken bij de vrijdagmiddagborrel van het Launch Café
Biervlogs opnemen met Marthijs
Het beste Songfestival in jaren, ja heus, met wel vijf echt goede nummers :-P
Favoriete series:
Westworld (seizoen 1) *****
Peaky Blinders (seizoen 2-4) ****
Fargo (seizoen 3) ****
Bojack Horseman (seizoen 5) ****
Orange is the new Black (seizoen 6) ****
The Kominsky Method ****
Rita (seizoen 4) ****
Disentchantment ****
De Drakenprins ****
Paradise PD ****
Doctor Who (seizoen 11; aflevering Rosa Parks beste van alle afleveringen dit jaar) ***
Norsemen (seizoen 2) ***
Hilda ***
You Me Her (seizoen 1) ***
Star Trek: Discovery ***
The Good Place (seizoen 1) ***
Final Space ***
Crashing ***
The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (seizoen 4) **
Big Mouth **
Favoriete games:
Astrobot (PSVR) *****
Tetris Effect (PSVR) ****
Rime (PS4) ****
What Remains of Edith Finch (PS4) ****
Uncharted 4 (PS4) ****
Favoriete films:
Coco *****
Riphagen ****
Mowgli ****
Bird Box ***
The Ballad of Buster Scruggs ***
Favoriete televisie:
De Vloer Op (NPO) ****
Hart van China (NPO) ****
Hannah Gadsby - Nanette (Netflix) ****
Zondag met Lubach (NPO) ****
Ricky Gervais - Humanity (Netflix) ****
Favoriete boeken:
Annet Schaap - Lampje ****
Tommy Wieringa - De Heilige Rita ****
Mark Manson - The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck ***
Favoriete (voor het eerst gespeelde) analoge spellen:
Klaverjassen *****
Skøl ****
Colt Express ****
Spyfall ****
Regenwormen ****
Lost Cities ****
The Mind ***
Istanbul ***
Raiders of the North Sea ***
Nectar **
Favoriete wijnen:
Kamocsay Mori Chardonnay 2015: boterig, met scherp randje en lekker lange afdronk (DiVino in Budapest) *****
Heiman Viognier: fris, royaal bloemrijk en zacht (bij DiVino in Budapest) *****
Chardonnay Bourgogne Cuvée Tradition: Bijzonder knap en complex voor een chardonnay. Boterig en krachtig. Lange nasmaak (bij Harry’s, Maastricht) *****
Domaine Fontarèche Viognier 2016: explosief bloemig en kruidig in de slok. Abrikoos erna, maar wel complex. Fijn! (bij Wycker Cabinet, Maastricht) ****
Clearwater Cove Sauvignon Blanc (vooral in Gaastmeer en bij Geeske en Rutger): geweldig smaakvolle doordrinker. Vol geel fruit, zonder te zoet of te scherp te zijn. Altijd welkom op tafel. ****
Favoriete keren uit eten:
Novo New Dining, 17 januari, Maastricht (met Erin): 5 gangen voor 35 euro en geen wijnarrangement, maar een drankarrangement voor 20 euro er bovenop. Zo wordt de pretentieuze naam van deze eettent nog waargemaakt ook: het vooraf met bloedsinaasappel in spiraalvormige jelly en zalm gemarineerd in biet en kaneel, wordt gecombineerd met een sauer-prisco combinatie. Geweldig. De curry-zoete aardappel soep is niet mijn ding en een iets te grote portie, en wordt gecombineerd met een weizen-bier. Dan: perfect hard-zachte zeebaars op een bed van uitstekende beurre blanc met een raad-wat-erin-je-zwarte-glas zit. Dat blijkt een lekker boterige chardonnay-viognier (eerste goed geraden). Het hoofd is raak: prachtig malse rund op een shiitake-sojajus met een groentedumpling erop. En de afsluiting? Subtiel Oreo-ijs,  slagroomparfait met puntjes van zure matten en... popcorn-mousse. In smaak en ‘warmte’. En een heerlijk fris Bordeaux-wit ernaast. Zalig eten voor een mooie prijs. *****
Voila, 14 oktober, Groningen (met Erin): Niet meer zo scherp geprijsd als een paar jaar geleden, maar weer een warm bad vol smaakvolle amuses, per gang aangeven hoe je de wijn wil ('Een half glas? Heel graag'), verrukkelijke vis in zwarte jusbouillon, supermals kalfsvlees en black angus en een geweldige, enthousiaste en welbespraakte bediening. Titel als favoriete restaurant van de stad geprolongeerd. *****
Harry’s, 16 januari, Maastricht (met Erin): 4 smakelijke gangen voor 43,50 euro, met een frisse waldorf-salade met eend vooraf, malse en fijn aangeklede kwartel als hoofd en een fijn plankje harde kazen achteraf. Hoogtepunt is de combinatie van de aardse, maar zachte ravioli met paddenstoelen en de voortreffelijke chardonnay die ervoor gemaakt lijkt. ****
De Engelenbak, 30 november, Leiden (met familie Straat): Schitterende originele gerechten en smaken, afgemaakt door heerlijke wijnen. Het begint al met ijs als amuse en het dendert door - voor 80 euro per persoon heel leuk uit eten. *****
Proevens, 17 mei, Groningen (met Erin): Hoogtepunt? De bolbebuikte ober met een enorme wijnknobbel die het ene na het andere indrukwekkende glas inschenkt. Seizoensconform ontbreken nergens asperges - maar ook de perfect gegaarde eend, het kaastaartje en de tonijn vooraf smaken prima. Met twee voor 180 euro. ****
Zona, 13 december, Boedapest (lunch): Perensoep met geitenkaas in een tentje dat in de Michelingids staat en aangeraden wordt door Gault Miliau. De soep is fantastisch. De brownie met gedroogde avocado en wasabi-ijs verrassend. ****
Prime Steak & Wine, 15 december, Boedapest: Drie heerlijke stukken steak in een schitterend decadente tent... met dito prijzen. 44 euro + een minder indrukwekkende Shiraz voor 10 euro. Het is erg lekker, maar vooral leuk om eens mee te maken. ****
De Grote Frederik, 19 april, Groningen (met Erin): De nieuwe eigenaresse komt elke gang met twee gerechten aanzetten. We verdelen ze ter plekke; zij schenkt de bijbehorende en steeds goed gekozen wijn erbij. Ik drink een heerlijke zachte appel uit Duitsland, eet asperges met ei, vlees gegaard in de green egg, we fietsen er een goede kaasplank tussendoor en ik sluit af met een fris rabarber-aardbeitoetje. Leuke smaken, leuke sfeer, met 150 euro wel aan de prijs. ****
Vive la Vie, 8 februari, Groningen (met Erin): Vijf gangen en bijpassend wijnarrangement - dat kan je de chef hier wel toevertrouwen. Dan krijg je een fruitig zachte Riesling te drinken bijvoorbeeld, maar ook leuke - kleine porties, dat wel - dingen op je bord. Lichtroze kalfsvlees, knappe mousses van vertrouwde smaken, fluweelzacht buikspek en een knap bananenchocoladetoetje bijvoorbeeld. Aan de prijs met 185 euro voor twee, maar dan ga je wel leuk uit eten. ****
Bistro Fine, 14 december, Boedapest: Strak ingericht restaurant, en hoewel de ober wat foutjes maakt (half vol glas water meenemen), zet hij ze recht en krijgen we aan het eind een mousserende traktatie. Het eten ertussen is de moeite. Ik heb een pittige chorizo-garnaal combinatie vooraf en het hoofdgerecht (kalkoenrondo's met gefrituurde aardappelballen) is erg fijn. Achteraf een bijzondere earl grey-crème brulee. Alles met bijpassende wijn, hoewel de matches niet vlekkeloos zijn. Toch een dikke aanrader, ook voor 140 euro voor 2. ****
Flores, 20 april, Nijmegen (met Erin, Jorrin en Lammy): Kervelijs, dunne plakken peer en honingraat. Wauw, wat een subliem dessert! De wijnkaart is uitgebreid en leuk, de happlanken vooraf liggen vol met lekkere hammen en kaas en de bavette heeft op houtskool gelegen en smaakt prima. Leuk zitten op een binnenplein. ****
DiVino, 12 december, Boedapest (met Erin): Mals varkensvlees, een leuke huisgemaakte tiramisu met de lange vingers er nog zichtbaar in en fantastische chardonnay van het huis - plus een zuivere zalige viognier. We kwamen hier om te drinken - maar erbij eten was een goed idee. Een hele avond voor 90 euro. ****
Gustatio, 15 februari, Groningen (met Erin, Rients en Femke): Een geprezen Italiaan in Stad - nr 1 op TripAdvisor zelfs - en dat is te begrijpen met zo'n heerlijke zachte pasta en fijne chocoladetaart na. Ook de planken vooraf zijn zoals ze horen. Maar op gebied van de wijn moet er een tandje bij - de geschonken d'Abruzzo is veredeld slootwater. ****
Stadsbar Mauritshuis, 11 februari, Groningen (met Erin, Marysa en Tessa): Het blijft erg goed happen hier. Een makreel met appel een gele biet vooraf, een scroppino tussendoor en lekker vol na de smaakvolle coq au vin als hoofd. Koffie, glas malbec-shiraz, gedeelde fles Muskat-Sauvignon-Pinot Gris uit Slovenië erbij: 40 euro de neus. Kijk! Dat is uitstekend. Wel mag de chef voorzichtiger zijn met zout: voor de tweede keer hier klaagt een tafelgenoot erover. Gaat me niet weerhouden nog vaker te komen. ****
Block & Barrels, 6 december, Groningen (met Erin, Marthijs en Jochem): Wat een verrijking is dit voor Stad. Verschillende steaks met geweldig mals vlees rond 20 euro, goede speciaalbieren en een lekker brutale bediening ****
Bistro Basta, 29 juli, Groningen (met Erin): Een huisaankoop kan je best zo vieren. Op het leuke binnenplein serveert de attente eigenaar frisse voorgerechten (steaktartaar),  hoofdgerechten (maishoen met samba én bbq-aankleding) en een chocoladetaart na. Leuke plek en zomerse happen voor 102 euro. ***
Paviljoen De Dame, 6 oktober, Paterswolde (met Erin): Een vier gangen verrassingsmenu voor met goede wijn en een leuke snack vooraf (zeewierwasabikroepoek) wordt aan het eind zomaar 227 euro. De fenomenale entourage ten spijt, is dat het niet waard. De rode carmeniere reserva met caramel in de afdronk is subliem en het tussengerecht van rog en lamsoor heerlijk, maar de bediening is te licht ('Even vragen wat er ook weer op je bord ligt, ben het vergeten') en de prijs gewoon te hoog. ***
De 5 Smaken, 6 januari, Groningen (met Erin, Jochem en Jessica): Knapperige maki’s en vlees met meer smaak dan andere sushitentjes. Wel generiek in aankleding en bediening. €40 p.p ***
BpBARbq, 16 december, Boedapest: Wat een gigantisch bord steak ragout met op de schil gebakken aardappeltjes! Lekker schransen in een topsnel geregeld klein barretje. ***
Tuning Burger, 13 december, Boedapest: Onverwarmd op een overdekt terras omdat het tentje te druk is. Tja. De Shiitake burger is wel goed. En machtig. ***
Chronologisch: (Chinese) aankopen:
Xiaomi Yeelight sensorlamp ****
JRB Bluetooth Car Adapter set *****
VJJB K4S ***
Edifier H840 ***
Superlux HD688b ****
QKZ DM1 ***
QKZ DM9 **
VE Monk Plus **
KZ ZSR *****
Beevo EM290 ***
Xiaomi Yeelight LED Color Bulb ****
LOZ Model Link ****
Superlux HD381 ***
Uiisii HM7 ***
Merkloze €1,80 earphone *
Dirt Devil 9,2v ***
Apple EarPods bij de iPhone X ***
Yersen FEN-2000 ****
TRN V20 ****
Chinese tas AliExpress *
XDDesign Bobby ****
Malloom Water Drop ***
ZhiYin Z5000 ****
KZ ZS10 **
Tin Audio T2 ****
HUIS ******
UiiSii CM5 ***
Rose North Forest **
TRN V60 *
RevoNext QT2 *****
KZ ES4 ***
KZ ZSA ***
TRN V80 ****
KZ EDR1 ***
GGMM C700 ***
KZ ED16 ***
Brandless Bluetooth Sport Earphone **
Tirandirenhe TD08 **
Nephorloge 'Nomos' ****
Artiste DC1 ****
Salar S11 **
Dodocool DA67 ***
OneOdio Elysium *****
August EP650 ****
QCY J1 ***
QCY QCY50 **
Bluedio TM ***
Bluedio T6 ***
Ikea Eneby 30 ****
Pulsar - goedkoopste headphone van Nederland? (Action, €7,95) ****
Baseus Encock D01 ***
Overdrive Lucid Cube ***
OKCSC ZX1 *****
Edifier W800BT ****
Tronsmart Bluetooth speaker ***
NBY-18 Bluetooth speaker ***
Doss Soundbox Pro Bluetooth speaker ****
Doss Soundbox Touch Bluetooth speaker **
Mifa A1 Bluetooth speaker **
Naamloze blauwzwarte Bluetooth speaker ***
Merkloze wireless Action headphone ***
FIFINE K669 microfoon ****
CCA C04 ***
KZ ZSN *****
NICEHCK EZaudio D4 ****
Shini Mega Bass Oortelefoon ***
Shangling M0 mobiele versterker/ player ****
Ausdom M05 **
PlayStation VR *****
Bosshifi B8 ****
Nicehck P3 ***
TRN IM1 ***
KZ Bluetooth module ZSN ***
Koss KSC75 *****
Sony MH1 **
Trots op redactionele bijdragen RTV Noord:
Hectische live-nieuwsavond na het onverwachte overlijden van burgemeester Pieter Smit - 10 april
Verkiezingsdossiers: Verkiezingsdossiers in maart en november, met analyses van verslaggevers, video's en standpunten van de partijen en de coverage op de verkiezingsavonden zelf
Koningsdaguitzendingen: 2 uur lang live tv, vooraf en vooral achteraf Koningsdag in Groningen - 27 april
Reactie-artikel op Lubachs oproep om te stoppen met Facebook: #ByebyeFacebook? Zeven privacytips waar je meer aan hebt - 11 april
Live uitzending Noord Vandaag in Bourtange, 8 augustus
0 notes
mysteryshelf · 8 years ago
BLOG TOUR - McKinley Murder Series
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DISCLAIMER: This content has been provided to THE PULP AND MYSTERY SHELF by Great Escapes Book Tours. No compensation was received. This information required by the Federal Trade Commission.
August 14 – 28, 2017
Cancun is calling your name in VACATION IS MURDER…
“There’s action and romance… The story line is quick and light—perfect for beach reading! It was my first introduction to her work, and I’m looking forward to seeing how Sean and Sara continue in the next phase of their life… It’s definitely a book for those who love the cozy mystery set. I’ll be reading more!” –Stephanie Pitcher, Bestselling author
The white beaches, the smell of the sea mixed with suntan lotion, a cold drink in my hand. Yeah, now, we’re talking. I don’t even need to close my eyes to imagine the salty, warm breeze whispering over my face, the sun kissing my skin… Sign me up again, Señor!
Now, you may have guessed it, but I’m talking about Cancun, Mexico. I’ve been lucky enough to return and the weather and the kind people are two things you can count on! The first time we went we visited the Chichén Itzá ruins in the Yucatan. WOW! What an experience.
The Mayans were extremely intelligent, and I noted this specifically given the design and positioning of their structures. If you stand at the base of the pyramid’s stairs and clap your hands, it will echo back to you as the sound of the quetzal, a bird that was sacred to ancient Mayans. On the spring and fall equinox, the stairs cast shadows and create the appearance of a snake, where it joins a huge serpent’s head that’s set at the base of the stairway. We missed seeing this by one day!
But as spectacular as it was there, I would be remiss to not comment on how hot it was! And I’m not saying “oh, yeah, fan, me, please,” or “bring me a cold beer.” I’m talking passing-out hot, and it’s a miracle that I didn’t just collapse. I remember being lightheaded and woozy… Thankfully I was able to stay upright, but I must say that it’s a good thing I’m stubborn! In defense of the excursion, both hubby and I are pleased that we had the experience, but we would suggest that if you go, bring lots of water and wear a hat. It is in the middle of a jungle, after all.
It was this trip, though, that inspired me to set my cozy mystery novella, Vacation is Murder, in Mexico. You’ll even get to experience the above-noted—and more!—through my characters’ eyes when trouble leads them to the jungle.
Oh, and one more thing: remember the sunscreen. Carolyn Arnold
Book Overview:
This wasn’t in the travel brochure…
There’s only so much relaxation two former detectives can handle—even if they’re on their honeymoon. With their recent fall into money, Sean and Sara McKinley should be living it up, enjoying the sun and beaches of Cancun. But heading into their third week they’ve had just about enough lying around.
When the husband of a couple they’ve befriended is kidnapped and held for ransom, it has the McKinleys putting their experience to use. As they set out in the unfamiliar landscape of paradise, the investigation will have them risking their lives to stop a killer.
Available in e-book and paperback. Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Apple iBooks | Kobo | Google
For more retailer links visit: http://carolynarnold.net/vacation-is-murder.
About the McKinley Mysteries:
Romance. Humor. Murder. Are you looking for a murder mystery without all the graphic violence and foul language? Something that you can enjoy in an afternoon and walk away feeling good about afterward? How about a dash of humor and romance? If so, meet former detectives Sean and Sara McKinley. When a billionaire leaves them all his money, they no longer have to work, but they find themselves sticking to what they’re good at—solving murders. Undercover, off the books, and around the world, they’ll get to the bottom of things…and romance it up along the way.
This is the perfect book series for fans of Hart to Hart, Castle, Colombo, Monk, Rockford Files, Psych, and Magnum PI.
About the Author
Carolyn Arnold is an international bestselling and award-winning author, as well as a speaker, teacher, and inspirational mentor. She has four continuing fiction series and has written nearly thirty books. Both her female detective and FBI profiler series have been praised by those in law enforcement as being accurate and entertaining, leading her to adopt the trademark, POLICE PROCEDURALS RESPECTED BY LAW ENFORCEMENT™.
Connect with CAROLYN ARNOLD Online: Website | Twitter | Facebook
And don’t forget to sign up for her newsletter for up-to-date information on release and special offers at http://carolynarnold.net/newsletters.
  a Rafflecopter giveaway
Series Information
Romance. Humor. Murder. Are you looking for a murder mystery without all the graphic violence and foul language? Something that you can enjoy in an afternoon and walk away feeling good about afterward? How about a dash of humor and romance? If so, meet former detectives Sean and Sara McKinley. When a billionaire leaves them all his money, they no longer have to work, but they find themselves sticking to what they’re good at—solving murders. Undercover, off the books, and around the world, they’ll get to the bottom of things…and romance it up along the way.
This is the perfect book series for fans of Hart to Hart, Castle, Colombo, Monk, Rockford Files, Psych, and Magnum PI.
Book Overview (in published order)
The Day Job is Murder (2014)
Vacation is Murder (2014)
Money is Murder (2014)
Politics is Murder (2014)
Family is Murder (2014)
Shopping is Murder (2014)
Christmas is Murder (2014)
Valentine’s Day is Murder (2015)
Coffee is Murder (2015)
Skiing is Murder (2016)
Halloween is Murder (2017) – the cover will be available by the end of May/June, with some retailer links coming through in July, the rest in August.
The Day Job is Murder
The bad guys aren’t the only ones on his radar…
For Albany PD homicide detective Sean McKinley, catching killers is the easy part of his job. Working next to his beautiful partner, Sara Cain, is what’s difficult. It might have something to do with the fact that he’s fallen in love with her, though. Fortunately, she feels the same way about him. But she’s convinced they should just be friends.
If only there was some way to change her mind…
Major Retailer Links for this book:
Barnes & Noble
Google Play
Vacation is Murder
This wasn’t in the travel brochure…
There’s only so much relaxation two former detectives can handle—even if they’re on their honeymoon. With their recent fall into money, Sean and Sara McKinley should be living it up, enjoying the sun and beaches of Cancun. But heading into their third week they’ve had just about enough lying around.
When the husband of a couple they’ve befriended is kidnapped and held for ransom, it has the McKinleys putting their experience to use. As they set out in the unfamiliar landscape of paradise, the investigation will have them risking their lives to stop a killer.
  Major Retailer Links for this book:
Barnes & Noble
Google Play
Money is Murder
  It’s in the fine print…
Old Man Quinn left Sean more than his billions–he left him a murder to solve.
Inside the chest given to him from the executor of Quinn’s Will, Sean finds a key and implicit instruction that the contents are for his eyes only. After Sean discovers where the key fits, he finds another letter–Quinn wants a closed case reopened, and Sean is shocked to learn who the victim was.
As Sean and his wife, Sara, uncover clues, it leads them from the back rooms of Quinn’s corporation to the streets of New York City, but they will stop at nothing to get to the truth.
    Major Retailer Links for this book:
Barnes & Noble
Google Play
  Politics is Murder
There’s no time for a debate…
Sean and Sara’s popularity as a murder-solving duo has gained momentum. But it’s not until it comes time for a local television interview that they meet Reanne Mable and end up finding themselves involved with a high-profile investigation.
Reanne is the sister-in-law of Albany’s Mayor Davenport and his daughter, Halie, has gone missing from her university campus. With a desire to keep the matter out of the media spotlight, Davenport turns to Sean and Sara to find her. But with the police already investigating the matter, taking this case would pit them against their friends from the police department, including their former sergeant Jimmy Voigt.
As time moves on, though, the fate of the girl is not up for a vote, and the McKinleys set out to find out what really happened. With the mayor taking the heat for a recently passed zoning bylaw, is an enraged small business owner behind Halie’s disappearance? Or did she simply grow tired of living in her father’s limelight and run away?
To get the answers, Sean and Sara will need to use all the resources at their disposal and may have to call upon their good friend Jimmy for help, after all.
  Major Retailer Links for this book:
Barnes & Noble
Google Play
Family is Murder
If only there were someone to clean up this mess…
Sean and Sara McKinley put out an ad for a maid, but they never expected Sara’s birth mother to apply—or at least that’s who the woman is claiming she is. While Sean is suspicious of her true identity and motive, Sara opens her heart to the woman. But when a dead body turns up soon after Sara’s supposed mother takes off without so much as a good-bye, they both start to question the truth.
Could they have welcomed a killer into their home and not even known it?
    Major Retailer Links for this book:
Barnes & Noble
Google Play
  Shopping is Murder
They find more than a bargain…
Black Friday should be all about shopping and discounts, but when Sean and Sara only have a few more items left to buy, screams fill the mall—and for good reason. A man has fallen to his death from the second level.
But what exactly happened isn’t that straightforward, and normally, Sean and Sara would leave this matter to the police, but the widow was a childhood friend of Sara’s. While the police are leaning toward the belief the man intentionally took the leap, the widow is adamant her husband would never jump and asks Sara for her help.
Despite the fact there is an unresolved past between the friends—in which Sara feels she let her down—Sara can’t turn her back on her now. Fueled by guilt and the need to find answers, Sara convinces Sean they should look into the man’s death.
But the answers aren’t all coming quickly. Mall security has dropped the ball and there’s no seeming motive for murder. To find out the truth will take unconventional means, a little undercover work, and the help of their friend Jimmy. And if it all comes together, they just might have this case wrapped up in time for the holidays. Maybe even with a pretty little bow.
Major Retailer Links for this book:
Barnes & Noble
Google Play
Christmas is Murder
  Mistletoe and mischief…
Albany’s the perfect image of a winter wonderland, and Sean and Sara’s friend Jimmy is going to be Santa Claus for the upcoming Christmas parade. The trees and decorations have been selected and the gifts have been purchased. The season has truly cast its magical spell–until Sean and Sara’s neighbors die in a horrible house fire.
While the fire department ruled holiday-related hazards as the cause, Sara suspects there’s more to it. Her determination to find the truth has her and Sean toeing the line between what’s legal and what’s not.
As they sort out fact from fiction, the McKinleys make the final decision about whether or not they should open a private investigation firm.
  Major Retailer Links for this book:
Barnes & Noble
Google Play
Valentine’s Day is Murder
Cupid’s arrow may have missed its mark…
Jimmy finally takes a vacation–and a chance on love–only to be abducted. His female companion originally thinks he had cold feet about their relationship, but Sean and Sara know there’s more to it. Jimmy isn’t the type to just up and disappear, let alone leave a lady stranded.
Setting out on their private jet, Sean and Sara reach the tropical paradise of Ocho Rios, Jamaica with sightseeing as the last thing on their minds.
With a gold coin being their initial tie to Jimmy’s kidnapper, Sean and Sara even speculate about the involvement of pirates. Yet as the hours pass, and there’s no word from Jimmy’s captors, Sean and Sara will need to figure out the real motive before it’s too late.
With help from their friend, Adam, back in Albany, the pieces come together and not a moment too soon.
Major Retailer Links for this book:
Barnes & Noble
Google Play
Coffee is Murder
A cup a day won’t kill you, but a few might.
Their first case as private investigators have Sean, Sara, and Jimmy neck-deep in coffee beans trying to find a killer. With their client certain that her mother was poisoned through her coffee of the month club, it has them setting out to Williamsburg, Virginia. But instead of approaching matters from the traditional standpoint, Sean and Sara brew a robust plot and stir Jimmy into the blend, all to get close to their top suspect and grind out the truth.
Going undercover at Tasty Beans, the coffee company, the three of them work to expose the culprit before anyone else dies.
    Major Retailer Links for this book:
Barnes & Noble
Google Play
  Skiing is Murder
They’re ready to hit the slopes when things go downhill…
Sean and Sara are supposed to have a relaxing vacation in Vail, but it all goes up in a puff of powder when there’s a suspicious death on the mountain. And the deceased is not just anyone; it’s Adrian Blackwell, a two-time Olympic skiing gold medalist.
Rumor has it Adrian died in a skiing accident, but he was too skilled for Sara to accept that as fact. But she doesn’t want to disappoint Sean by ruining his ski trip, even though she’s convinced Adrian was murdered and she’s itching to find the killer.
Sean has never been able to say no to Sara, but this time he plans to. However, all it takes is a call from their PI firm back in Albany to change his mind. A job’s come in to investigate Adrian’s death, and his agent is the one footing the bill, leaving Sean with more questions than answers.
Yet one major problem remains: their New York State PI licenses hold no legal authority in Colorado. They still can’t help but look into Adrian’s death on the sly, though. This case will definitely involve some underhanded tactics, all while trying to dodge the local police over the course of the investigation.
  Major Retailer Links for this book:
Barnes & Noble
Google Play
  Author Bio
CAROLYN ARNOLD is an international bestselling and award-winning author, as well as a speaker, teacher, and inspirational mentor. She has four continuing fiction series—Detective Madison Knight, Brandon Fisher FBI, McKinley Mysteries, and Matthew Connor Adventures—and has written nearly thirty books. Her genre diversity offers her readers everything from cozy to hard-boiled mysteries, and thrillers to action adventures.
Both her female detective and FBI profiler series have been praised by those in law enforcement as being accurate and entertaining, leading her to adopt the trademark: POLICE PROCEDURALS RESPECTED BY LAW ENFORCEMENT™.
Carolyn was born in a small town and enjoys spending time outdoors, but she also loves the lights of a big city. Grounded by her roots and lifted by her dreams, her overactive imagination insists that she tell her stories. Her intention is to touch the hearts of millions with her books, to entertain, inspire, and empower.
She currently lives just west of Toronto with her husband and beagle and is a member of Crime Writers of Canada.
Connect with CAROLYN ARNOLD Online:
Website – http://carolynarnold.net/
Twitter – https://twitter.com/Carolyn_Arnold
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/AuthorCarolynArnold
And don’t forget to sign up for her newsletter for up-to-date information on release and special offers at http://carolynarnold.net/newsletters.
a Rafflecopter giveaway Tour Participants
August 14 – T’s Stuff – INTERVIEW, REVIEW – The Day Job Is Murder
August 14 – Celticlady’s Reviews – SPOTLIGHT – The Day Job Is Murder
August 14 – The Layaway Dragon – REVIEW – The Day Job Is Murder
August 15 – Must Read Faster – GUEST POST – Book 1 – The Day Job Is Murder
August 15 – Celticlady’s Reviews – SPOTLIGHT – Vacation Is Murder
August 15 – The Pulp and Mystery Shelf – GUEST POST – Book 2 – Vacation Is Murder
August 15 – Books, Dreams, Life – REVIEW – The Day Job Is Murder
August 16 – Celticlady’s Reviews – SPOTLIGHT – Money Is Murder
August 16 – Readsalot – SPOTLIGHT – Valentine’s Day Is Murder
August 16 – Sapphyria’s Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT – Series, GUEST POST – Book 3 – Money Is Murder
August 16 –Books, Dreams, Life – REVIEW – Vacation Is Murder
August 17 – Socrates’ Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT – Skiing Is Murder
August 17 – Celticlady’s Reviews – SPOTLIGHT – Politics Is Murder
August 17 – Texas Book-aholic – REVIEW – The Day Job Is Murder
August 17 –Books, Dreams, Life – REVIEW – Money Is Murder
August 18 – Celticlady’s Reviews – SPOTLIGHT – Family Is Murder
August 18 – Christa Reads and Writes – REVIEW – Shopping Is Murder
August 18 –Books, Dreams, Life – REVIEW – Politics Is Murder
August 19 – A Holland Reads – GUEST POST – Book 4 – Politics Is Murder
August 19 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – SPOTLIGHT – Books 1-5
August 19 – Community Bookstop – REVIEW – The Day Job Is Murder
August 19 – Books, Dreams, Life – REVIEW – Family Is Murder
August 20 – Babs Book Bistro – REVIEW – Christmas Is Murder
August 20 – 3 Partners in Shopping, Nana, Mommy, &, Sissy, Too! – SPOTLIGHT -Blogger’s Choice
August 20 –Community Bookstop – REVIEW – Vacation Is Murder
August 20 – I Read What You Write – REVIEW – Family Is Murder – GUEST POST – Book 5 – Family Is Murder
August 20 – Cozy Up With Kathy – SPOTLIGHT
August 20 –Books, Dreams, Life – REVIEW – Shopping Is Murder
August 21 – Reading Is My SuperPower – REVIEW – The Day Job Is Murder
August 21 – Celticlady’s Reviews – SPOTLIGHT – Shopping Is Murder
August 21 –Community Bookstop – REVIEW – Money Is Murder
August 21 –Books, Dreams, Life – REVIEW – Christmas Is Murder
August 22 – Celticlady’s Reviews – SPOTLIGHT – Christmas Is Murder
August 22 – Cassidy’s Bookshelves – REVIEW – The Day Job Is Murder
August 22- Community Bookstop – REVIEW – Politics Is Murder
August 22- StoreyBook Reviews – GUEST POST – Book 6 – Shopping Is Murder
August 22 – Books, Dreams, Life – REVIEW – Valentine’s Day Is Murder
August 23 – Celticlady’s Reviews – SPOTLIGHT – Valentine’s Day Is Murder
August 23 – Laura’s Interests – REVIEW – Money Is Murder
August 23 – Community Bookstop – REVIEW – Family Is Murder
August 23 – Valerie’s Musings – GUEST POST – Book 7 – Christmas Is Murder
August 23 –Books, Dreams, Life – REVIEW – Coffee Is Murder
August 24 – Celticlady’s Reviews – SPOTLIGHT – Coffee Is Murder
August 24 – Laura’s Interests – REVIEW – Shopping Is Murder
August 24 –Community Bookstop – REVIEW – Shopping Is Murder
August 24 – Books, Dreams, Life – REVIEW – Skiing Is Murder
August 25 – Celticlady’s Reviews – SPOTLIGHT – Skiing Is Murder
August 25 – Bea’s Book Nook – REVIEW – The Day Job Is Murder
August 25 –Community Bookstop – REVIEW – Valentine’s Day Is Murder
August 26 – Sleuth Cafe – GUEST POST – Book 8 – Valentine’s Day Is Murder
August 26 – Brooke Blogs – REVIEW, SPOTLIGHT – Books 1-3
August 26 – Community Bookstop – REVIEW – Coffee Is Murder
August 26 –Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – SPOTLIGHT – Books 5 – 11
August 27 – Brooke Blogs– REVIEW, SPOTLIGHT – Book 4 – 5
August 27 – Community Bookstop – REVIEW – Skiing Is Murder
August 28 – Brooke Blogs – REVIEW, SPOTLIGHT – Books 6-7 – GUEST POST – Book 9 – Coffee Is Murder
August 28 – 3 Partners in Shopping, Nana, Mommy, &, Sissy, Too! – SPOTLIGHT – Blogger’s Choice
August 28 – Laura’s Interests – GUEST POST – Book 10 – Skiing Is Murder
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BLOG TOUR – McKinley Murder Series was originally published on the Wordpress version of The Pulp and Mystery Shelf with Shannon Muir
0 notes
tuseriesdetv · 6 years ago
Noticias de series de la semana: Pósters, tráilers, cancelaciones
Netflix ha renovado Alexa & Katie por una tercera temporada
Netflix ha renovado Carmen Sandiego por una segunda temporada
CBS ha renovado Young Sheldon por una tercera y una cuarta temporada
The Haunting (Netflix) tendrá una segunda temporada titulada The Haunting of Bly Manor
Syfy ha cancelado Nightflyers tras su primera temporada
BBC One ha cancelado Requiem tras su primera temporada
Netflix ha cancelado The Punisher tras su segunda temporada
La tercera temporada de Jessica Jones (Netflix) será la última
Netflix ha cancelado Friends from College tras su segunda temporada
La cuarta temporada de The Man in the High Castle (Amazon) será la última
Noticias cortas
Jeremy Jordan (Winn) finalmente no estará en la cuarta temporada de Supergirl. Volverá en la quinta.
Se ha detenido la producción de L.A.'s Finest tras un accidente de coche, durante la grabación, en el que han resultado heridos Brandon Margolis y Brandon Sonnier, creadores y showrunners de la serie.
Se han eliminado las escenas de Jussie Smollett (Jamal) en los dos últimos episodios de la quinta temporada de Empire debido a las acusaciones de falsa denuncia de agresión homófoba. Ha sido suspendido mientras dure la investigación y los productores consideran cambiar de actor para no matar al personaje.
Incorporaciones y fichajes
Rainn Wilson (The Office, Six Feet Under), Dan Byrd (Cougar Town, Easy A) y Cory Michael Smith (Gotham, Carol) serán el científico Michael Stearns, Ian y Thomas Christie, el encargado de encontrar la publicación, en Utopia.
Natalie Dormer (Game of Thrones, The Hunger Games) será Madga, un demonio que puede tomar la apariencia de cualquiera, en Penny Dreadful: City of Angels. Jessica Garza (The Purge, Six) y Johnathan Nieves serán Josefina y Mateo, hermanos de Tiago (Daniel Zovatto).
Robin Lord Taylor (Gotham) será recurrente en la segunda temporada de You como Will, alguien acostumbrado a tratar con tipos desagradables. Carmela Zumbado (The Wall of Mexico) se une como regular. Interpretará a Delilah Alves, reportera de investigación y vecina de Joe (Penn Badgley).
Amy Smart (The Butterfly Effect, Felicity) y Trae Romano serán la madre y el hermanastro de Stargirl. Cameron Gellman (Heathers), Neil Jackson (Absentia, Sleepy Hollow) y Hunter Sansone se unen como regulares. Se desconocen detalles.
Rachael Leigh Cook (Perception, 11:14) será Max, un nuevo interés amoroso de Reid (Matthew Gray Gubler), en la decimoquinta y última temporada de Criminal Minds.
Alicia Witt (The Exorcist, Nashville) será recurrente en la séptima y última temporada de Orange Is the New Black como Zelda, recaudadora de fondos profesional para organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro.
Alexis Louder (The Originals) será recurrente en la sexta temporada de Chicago PD como Jasmine Price, hija de Ray (Wendell Pierce).
Svetlana Efremova (The Americans) se une como regular a Spinning Out. Será Dasha Glushenko, la entrenadora rusa de Kat (Kaya Scodelario) y Justin (Evan Roderick). Charlie Hewson (White Collar) será recurrente como el adorable doctor Parker.
Leah Pipes (The Originals) será recurrente en Charmed como Fiona Callahan, hermana de Charity (Virginia Williams) y antiguo cargo de Harry (Rupert Evans).
Dominic Fumusa (Nurse Jackie, The Purge) será recurrente en la tercera temporada de Divorce como Jeremy, antiguo jugador semiprofesional de baloncesto y asistente de Robert (Thomas Haden Church). 
Simone Missick (Luke Cage, Iron Fist), Dina Shihabi (Jack Ryan), Torben Liebrecht (X Company) y James Saito (The Terror, Eli Stone) se unen a la segunda temporada de Altered Carbon. Serán Trepp, una cazarrecompensas; DIG 301, un robot programado para ayudar a los arqueólogos; Ivan Carrera, un coronel de una unidad de las Fuerzas Especiales; y Tanasesa Hideki, un yakuza de cientos de años de edad.
Gigi Zumbado (Pitch Perfect 2), Jessika Van (Awkward, The Messengers) y Davi Santos (Tell Me a Story) se unen a Besties. Serán Jesi, una joven cubana criada por dos padres gays que descubre que tiene una hermana, Becca (Jordin Sparks); Luna, la compañera de habitación de Becca; y Simon, compañero de trabajo de Jesi.
Kelli Berglund (Lab Rats, Now Apocalypse) se une como recurrente a la cuarta temporada de Animal Kingdom. Será Olivia, compañera de clase de J (Finn Cole).
C. Thomas Howell (Animal Kingdom, Stitchers) será recurrente en la segunda temporada de The Terror como Hallowell Bowen, capitán retirado.
Gabriel Ebert (Ricki and the Flash) y Rarmian Newton (Rise, Tell Me a Story) se unen como regulares a la tercera temporada de Mr. Mercedes. Serán Morris Bellamy, un lobo con piel de cordero; y Peter Saubers, hijo de una víctima de la masacre. Glynn Turman (House of Lies, The Wire) será recurrente como Bernard Raines, juez del juicio por el asesinato de Lou (Breeda Wool).
Carolyn Braver, Parker Sawyers (Pine Gap, Deep State), Elarica Johnson (A Discovery of Witches, Strike) y Harriett D. Foy se unen como regulares a P-Valley. Serán Gidgey, bailarina de striptease; Andre Watkins, un vecino decidido a cambiar de vida; Autumn Night, una femme fatale con un secreto; y Patrice Woodbine, cantante de gospel.
Rose Williams (Curfew, Changeland), Theo James (Divergent, Downton Abbey), Anne Reid (Last Tango in Halifax, Hold the Sunset) y Kris Marshall (Death in Paradise, Love Actually) protagonizarán Sanditon, la adaptación de la novela inacabada de Jane Austen. Serán Charlotte Heywood, Sidney Parker, Lady Denham y Tom Parker. Completan el reparto Kate Ashfield (Line of Duty), Jack Fox (Johnn English Strikes Again), Charlotte Spencer (The Living And The Dead), Lily Sacofsky (Bancroft), Crystal Clarke (Ordeal by Innocence), Elizabeth Berrington (Patrick Melrose), Adrian Rawlins (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows), Turlough Convery (Les Misérables), Mark Stanley (Game of Thrones), Matthew Needham (The Hollow Crown), Alexandra Roach (Utopia, No Offence), Leo Suter (Victoria), Kevin Eldon (Cavendish) y Adrian Scarborough (A Very English Scandal).
        Nuevas series
Luz verde directa en Netflix a Hollywood, creada por Ryan Murphy junto a Ian Brennan (Glee, Scream Queens). Murphy la describe como una carta de amor a la edad de oro de Hollywood.
BBC Two encarga cuatro episodios de The North Water, thriller adaptación de la novela de Ian McGuire (2016) en la que un antiguo cirujano del ejército comienza un viaje de redención, como médico en un ballenero en una expedición al Ártico, que se convierte en una dura lucha por la supervivencia al conocer allí a un arponero (Colin Farrell; True Detective, The Lobster) que resulta ser un psicópata. Escrita por Andrew Haigh (Looking, Lean on Pete).
Netflix encarga diez episodios de Firefly Lane, adaptación de la novela de Kristin Hannah (2008) en la que dos amigas inseparables gracias a años de éxitos y fracasos, depresión y decepciones rompen su relación por culpa de una impensable traición. Escrita por Maggie Friedman (Witches of East End, Dawson's Creek).
Netflix encarga diez episodios de Medical Police, spin-off de Childrens Hospital protagonizado por Erinn Hayes (Lola) y Rob Huebel (Owen). Lake Bell (Cat), Rob Corddry (Blake), Ken Marino (Glenn) y Malin Akerman (Valerie) serán recurrentes. Escrita por Corddry (Childrens Hospital) y dirigida por David Wain (Childrens Hospital, Wet Hot American Summer), tratará sobre estos dos médicos que son reclutados como agentes del gobierno cuando descubren un virus que amenaza a la civilización.
Sky One encarga diez episodios de Intergalactic, sobre un grupo de convictas que huyen de prisión en el siglo XXIII. Escrita por Julie Gearey (Prisoners' Wives, Secret Diary of a Call Girl) y dirigida por Kieron Hawkes (Power).
Sky Atlantic encarga seis episodios de Little Birds, adaptación de la colección de historias eróticas de Anais Nin, sobre el shock cultural de una americana (Juno Temple; Dirty John, Vinyl) en Tánger en 1955. Participan también Yumna Marwan (Submarine) y Raphael Acloque (24: Legacy). Escrita por Sophia Al-Maria (The Girl Who Fell to Earth) y dirigida por Stacie Passon (The Path, Transparent).
La segunda temporada de Fleabag se estrena en BBC Three el 4 de marzo
La segunda temporada de Derry Girls se estrena en Channel 4 el 5 de marzo
Home se estrena en Channel 4 el 5 de marzo
MotherFathersSon se estrena en BBC Two el 6 de marzo
La segunda temporada de White Gold se estrena en BBC Two el 6 de marzo
La segunda temporada de Porters se estrena en Dave el 14 de marzo
La segunda temporada de Bounty Hunters se estrena en Sky One el 14 de marzo
La 2ª parte de la quinta temporada de Arrested Development llega a Netflix el 15 de marzo
La segunda temporada de Absentia se estrena en AXN España el 26 de marzo
Tráilers y promos
Veep - Temporada 7 y última
Fleabag - Temporada 2
After Life
The Order
Cloak and Dagger - Temporada 2
0 notes