#pcw 13 nights of halloween
salted-barbed-wire · 7 years
Formal Affair
A 13 Nights Of Halloween Story
Prompt #13 Domestic- Masquerade Ball Featuring Finn Balor (guest starring Cody Rhodes) Requested by @geekoftv Rated: M-Smut Word Count- 3500+ (it’s a long one. sorry)
A/N: And so it begins! Welcome everyone to my 13 Nights of Halloween. This was the first one I started on and it’s the first one up. I hope everyone is ready for a spooky, sexy, and exciting Halloween. @geekoftv asked me originally for a very specific prompt and I twisted it into this, so I hope you like this and it’s close to what you were originally wanting Are the tags are all working for everyone? Let’s pray that I proof read this well.
Tag List- @straight-outta-the-asylum @i-kneel-for-king-loki @geekoftv @ladym0xley @satansstrawberry @shieldlovereve @iwannadiehere @vampstampbby @shironichi @blackwidow2721 @the-shy-type @mangagirl232 @wrestingtrash @akihikothekitsune @kanupps06 @kingslayers-angel @isawthesights @castielscamander @shieldsandbulletsandflips @extremelylost @thirstiswet @inamoxbrose24 @reigns420 @bebbyt 
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“I don’t want to go.” I grumbled into the phone.
“Come on, Cupcake.” My best friend Cody Rhodes pleaded with me on the other line. “It’s a ball, a company event even, you have to make at least an appearance. I’d hate for you to suffer any consequences if you missed out.”
I sighed, “Code, look, this whole charity ball thing was something I was supposed to have a date to. My date and I just broke up.”
“Yes, I know, (Y/N). But do you really think the big wigs are going to care about that? Please, promise me you’ll still go?”
I laid back onto the pillow on my bed. My head spun remembering the last few days of drama I was dealing with. The company I wrestled for, WWE, had announced at the beginning of the month that they were going to host a charity ball for breast cancer awareness month. All October, everyone in the locker room had been buzzing about who they’d be going with and what designer they’d be wearing. Of course, I had planned on going with my now ex boyfriend, Finn Balor.
“What fun is a ball, without a date?” I muttered.
“I’ll be your date.” He suggested without missing a beat.
I bit my lip. Cody had been the whole reason to Finn and I’s falling out. Rhodes and I had been best friends when he was in WWE and when he asked for his release and left for Japan, I didn’t see him often. Whenever Cody was back in the US, even for a couple days, I had to go see him. Finn didn’t approve of how close we were, always one quick to jealousy; even when there was no reason to be.
“At least take me, wear that beautiful dress you showed me, and make him insane with jealousy.” Cody chuckled in my ear.
There was no denying the smile that spread across my lips, “You really think he’ll still get jealous?”
“(Y/n)” I could hear the sly smile in Cody’s voice, “I’ve seen the dress, he’ll get jealous.”
I’m in the lobby.
The text message from Cody had caused my whole silver handbag to vibrate. My heart hadn’t stopped racing since the stylist left my hotel room after fixing my hair. The nerves didn’t subside as I slipped into the extremely form-fitting, royal blue dress. The zipper was difficult to pull up while my fingers shook, but I had finally gotten it up and now was on my way to meet my date.
Date. I smirked to myself. The thought of Cody coming with me to a WWE event with me as my date probably had Hunter on edge. The man was practically my brother, the whole company knew that. Not to mention Cody’s bitter attitude wasn’t a secret; we were sure to get plenty of suspicious looks.
The elevator doors opened and I made my way through the lobby. A few heads turned, continuing to make me feel a little more uncomfortable in my formal wear.  In front of the turnstile door, Cody stood facing the windows. I watched as his jaw dropped when he turned.
“Wow.” Was all he said as his eyes trailed down the crystal encrusted bodice.
I did a twirl, showing off the flow of the bottom of the mermaid dress. “You think he’ll like it?” I asked Cody, we both knew who he was.
Cody closed the distance between us, “I think he’ll either fall over dead in lust, or try rip me limb from limb to keep my hands off you.” My eyes widened in shock and worry, Rhodes chuckled and touched my earrings gently with his fingertips. “Just kidding…. Mostly.”
I smacked his arm, “Not funny, Rhodes. You better be prepared, I don’t know how he’s going to react.”
His cocky smile didn’t waver as he held out a hand for me to take as he led me to the limo waiting outside. A man tipped his hat as he held the door open for us to climb in. “What’s this?” I asked pointing to a box in the seat next to me.
“Your mask.” Cody said simply, “I knew you’d forget to read the invite completely and thought I’d bring a matching set for us.”
“A masquerade?” I furrowed my brow.
Cody nodded, “It’s nearly Halloween. I’m assuming the company decided to do something more... elegant than a costume party.”
I opened the box to two matching silver masks. They gleamed in the low light of the limo. I picked up mine, delicately; afraid it would fall apart. It seemed sturdy despite the detailed lattice designs throughout the metal. I took note of how the top of the mask came to a point, as if crowning itself. Little rhinestones dangled down along the bottom. “They look so…”
“Royal?” Cody asked taking my mask from me and helping me tie it around my eyes. “They are, I made sure we got a set fit for a king and queen.”
We pulled up to the venue. The barren trees that lined the building were alight with twinkling string lights. There were lamp posts adorned with pink satin ribbons with faux fall leaves under the lights. The mood light reflected off the damp sidewalks and asphalt from the rain that had fallen earlier in the day. It was magical.
Cody held the door open for me after we fastened the masks to our faces. “Ready to slay?” He asked, wrapping my arm through his.
I rolled my eyes then took a deep breath. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”
We walked through the front doors. There were waiters whisking through the crowd with trays of cocktail treats and champagne. Cody caught one and handed me a flute. “For your nerves,” he explained. In a moment of desperation to keep myself calm, I tossed the drink back, letting the carbonation tickle my tongue. I looked around the room; there was no sign of Finn yet, but plenty of photographers.
“I suppose if he didn’t have a date, maybe he didn’t come,” I thought aloud.
“Oh no, he’s got a date,” Cody pointed across the room towards the bar. A dark-haired figure leaned against the bar with a drink in his hand. His piercing blue eyes shone through the black, simple mask he wore to match his tux. A brunette that I didn’t recognize from the distance was talking to him with overly dramatic hand gestures. Finn wasn’t looking at her, but would nod or mutter something every so often- he was too busy observing the room.
“Well he bounced back fast,” I said taking in the girl’s petite form in her soft pink dress.
Cody wrapped his strong arm around my waist and pulled me away from the demon. “Dance with me.”
I gave him a look as we walked towards the dance floor, “Is that a request or a demand?”
His smirk told me everything as he spun me around with his fingers on the floor. Cody made sure to pull me as close to him as he possibly could. I laid my hand on his broad shoulder and he mirrored me, resting his hand on my waist. We spun together, waltzing in time three-four time to the music.
“You haven’t forgotten since you forced me along to those dance lessons,” Cody laughed as we swayed smoothly to the music.
“I didn’t force you!” I challenge and he gave me a quick spin, letting the bottom of the dress twirl around my ankles. “You’re the one that offered to take me when I said I’d need a partner.” I was so caught up in the dancing that I almost couldn’t feel the eyes on us- almost.
The tune concluded and Cody gave me a short bow and kissed my knuckles, I curtsied mockingly in return. My gaze shifted around the room and saw many of my coworkers and their dates staring. “What’s everyone staring at?” I giggled, “Are they all surprised that you’re here?”
He shook his head, “No, Cupcake, they’re looking at you. That dress is breathtaking.” His eyes lingered down my body. We walked away from the dance floor and off to a quiet corner of the room that led to an empty hallway.
I couldn’t help but let the heat rise to my cheeks. “Thanks, you helped pick it out. So, all the credit should go to you.”
“I’m not the one who blessed you with that body, (Y/N).” Cody smirked, his arm pulled me tight to him again. My breath hitched as our gazed locked for a split second. I licked my lips and he took notice, “you should kiss me.”
“I’m sorry?”
“Kiss me, it’ll make him jealous,” he leaned in as he spoke.
“Cody!” I pushed him back and tried to keep him at arm’s length. “Finn isn’t even around. I’m not sure this is what I was thinking of.”
The grin he wore was less friendly and more dangerous now, “You wanna sneak off somewhere he’ll find us making out? I’m sure I could find a spot, one that’s obvious but still secluded.” He took hold of my wrists and pulled me closer again.
“Um.. that’s okay, Code. I think I need to actually use the bathroom, you know?” I felt panic rise in my chest. Cody was my best friend, why was he acting like this? He knew I wasn’t really into him, was he? “I need to- I need to powder my noise, adjust my hair.” I pushed back against his chest.
“You want me to come help?” He chuckled, obviously still not getting the message.
“No, Cody, I want you to let me go.” I demanded, pulling at my wrists.
“Let ‘er go, Rhodes.” A thick accented voice commanded. We turned our attention towards it to see a dishelved Finn Balor standing in the door way. The black mask he had been wearing was no longer in sight. His bow tie was lying undone and hanging around his neck and hair a mess, he glared a hole through Cody, who had let go of me. “Now, walk away.”
Cody took a step back and kept a cocky smirk on his lips, “If you haven’t heard, I don’t have a last name anymore.”
Balor took a step towards him, putting himself between Cody and I. “I don’t care, lay a hand on her again and you’ll lose it.”
“Hey man,” Cody held his hands up and backed off back towards the ball room, “I don’t want no trouble, I was just trying to enjoy a night with my date. Unless, (Y/N) doesn’t require my company anymore.” Cody’s gaze slid to me and his eyebrow cocked, waiting for an answer.
Finn turned to me, waiting for me to say something, probably hoping I’d tell him to just clean Cody’s clock. “I think I’m okay, Code. Um.. Thanks for bringing me tonight, but I’m gonna find my own way home.”
“As you wish,” he smirked as he bowed, throwing me with one last wink before turning to leave.
“What the hell?” I muttered quietly, wondering what the heck Dusty’s boy was up to.
Finn whirled around, “What the hell, indeed.” He growled the words and took me by the hand, hauling me off away from the crowds.
“Finn, what are you doing?” I asked, forcing my feet to attempt keep up with him as he pulled me forward.
“I coulda asked ya the same thing,” he grumbled. “What are ya doing with Cody? More specifically, what are ya doing with Cody, at a goddamn WWE sponsored event?”
We walked through the doors to what I assumed was a garden, owned by the building the party was being held. Most of the garden had died off from the cold weather, but there was still a spot where evergreens were lush and full around a gazebo.
I pulled back and dug my heels in the dirt, “What do you care? What do you care who I’m with or where we are? You broke up with me, did you not? I am free to go where I want with who I want.” I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest.
Finn turned and glared at me, “Yes, I broke up with you. I’m sorry, okay?”
“No, not okay.” I shook my head, “What is your deal?”
“My deal?” He growled, “My deal? My deal is you’re mine. No one else’s.”
“No, I’m not!”
Finn’s teeth ground together, “Yes. You. Are.”
He closed the distance between us and put me on his shoulder, hauling up to the gazebo. I tried to scream but was stopped by him throwing me down onto the bench. “Ouch.” I mumbled, wishing there was more cushion.
“Bend over,” he told me and began unbuttoning his shirt.
“No,” I told him, truly more terrified than when I was with Cody.
Finn hauled me up and spun me around, “Ya see, I broke up with you, hoping you’d dump that loser of a friend of yours.” His palm gently rubbed the back of my ass, “Instead, ya did the opposite and ran right into his arms.” I felt a sting course through my backside. “I broke up with ya because I was tired of feeling jealous and weak, but seeing ya dance with him, his arms around you, the woman I love; it was maddening.” Another smack hit me, but so did his words.
“You love me?” I asked through gritted teeth.
Finn stood me up and whirled me around to face him. “Of course, I do; ya silly girl.” His lips met mine hungrily and I melted against him. Kissing Finn was like riding a bike; a strong, sexy, Irish bike.
I pulled back before letting his tongue taste the inside of my mouth, “Now just a minute, you say you love me, but that still doesn’t mean I’ll forgive you for leaving.”
“I’ll make it up to ya, love.” Finn vowed, quickly replacing his lips against mine.
Again, I forced myself away, “And just how do you plan on doing that? You think a good make out session is going to get me to forgive you? Also, what’s with you spanking me a minute ago?”
There was a low growl that emitted from his chest, “My pet, you’re sure asking a lot of questions right now.”
I took a step back and folded my arms over my chest, “Yeah, and I’m not getting a lot of answers.”
Finn shrugged out of his tux jacket and tossed it aside. “If ya just let me continue, I’d be happy to show ya how all this fits together.” I watched him wiggle his eye brows at me, his shirt completely opened now that his jacket was discarded. I tried to hold back my urge to touch along his body, seeing his rippling muscles that looked like they were sculpted by the gods.
“What, here?” I asked, looking around the unoccupied garden space. “What if we get caught?”
“You’ll just have to be a bit quieter than you’re used to,” he winked, then held out his hand for me to come close to him again. “Don’t worry, (Y/N), I’ll take care of ya.”
I swallowed, feeling that longing ache in my core that had missed him so much since we had gone our separate ways. I had masturbated every night since we split thinking about him and now here he was, under the full moon; ready to take me. Taking his hand, I surrendered to my desires and to him. Finn brought our bodies together, making sure there was no space between us. Our lips met, and his tongue teased mine. I could feel his hand on my back, lightly brushing my exposed skin until he found the zipper to my dress.
“This dress is beautiful on you, it shows off every curve of your body.” He whispered along my jaw line. “I hope I don’t ruin it when it falls to the ground.”
As he said the words, he took two fingers and his thumb and slid the zipper down the bodice to where the line stopped in the small of my back. Finn gave my butt a firm squeeze, then stepped back, so his body wasn’t the only thing pinning the dress up anymore. His eyes followed it to the ground and I stood there in my strappy heels alone; mentally thanking myself for not wearing undergarments for fear of panty lines.
“Naughty girl, no panties, huh?” He smirked, then dropped to his knees, gently pushing my thighs apart. “Makes this much easier on me.”
His breath was hot against my cunt, but his tongue even hotter still as it snaked out and flicked my clit. It worked its way along my wet slick and I tried to spread my legs a little more so he had all the access he needed. Finn’s lower lip came up to a pout and pushed up against the swollen bud, causing my gasps to turn into moans. Through the pouting, the tip of his tongue pushed against my heat and rolling it between his upper lip. I whimpered as he tortured me with his skilled mouth, knowing just how I liked it.
Finn’s left hand moved from my thigh to my wetness, coating his middle finger in my juices before inserting it inside of me. The combination of his tongue and his digit curling inside of me had me biting my lip to keep my cries of pleasure quiet- no need to alert anyone as to what was going on in our little gazebo. My legs wobbled and my hips gyrated on his mouth, enjoying the way the orgasm rolled through me.
Finn stood and wiped the back of his hand along his mouth, “Still so tasty.” He moaned before sitting down on the bench. “Have ya missed me, love? Have ya missed my tongue tasting you? Have ya missed my cocking fill you up?” His fingers made quick work of undoing his belt and trousers, and he pulled them down to his hips, allowing his erect cock to spring free. My tongue darted out and licked my lower lip and Finn motioned for me to sit on his lap and through shaky legs, I obliged.
I positioned myself with my legs on either side of his hips, straddling him. “There’s a good girl.” He muttered, “I want ya to ride me, love. Show me how much ya missed me.”
Nodding, I whispered a “Yes, sir,” before taking hold of his throbbing shaft and lowering myself down onto him. We both gasped as he entered me, my walls already constricted around his member. Finn placed his hands lightly at my hips while I steadied myself by holding on to his shoulders. Once my body adjusted to his size, I started to move.
There was a feeling of overwhelming amounts of pleasure filling me as I ground against him, his long cock sliding in and out of my heat. My thighs felt the burn as I picked up my pace, trying to get all the friction I could take. The breath in my throat hitched, my eyes rolled back, and I felt the climb to my climax begin to quicken.
Finn’s lips kissed my throat, then my neck, then my clavicle; making his way down to my breasts, bouncing as I moved. He latched on to a nipple, taking it between his lips and gently grazing it with his teeth. I moaned at the sensation and struggled to keep my hips from moving in a sloppy formation. Finn tucked his hand under my ass, squeezing as he guided me along. With his one free hand, he took the pad of his thumb and pushed up against my sensitive clit, drawing circles around it. My eyes rolled up again, my head tipped back and my mouth dropped in a moan. The floodgates opened and I almost couldn’t control the noises I made.
Finn moved his hand from my clit and wrapped it lightly around my throat, kissing my lips that snapped shut. “Hush now, pet,” he whispered against my flesh. “Don’t want to bring any unwanted attention, do we?” His hip continued to thrust up into me, and my cervix clenched around him. I could feel him getting close.
Finn grunted as his own orgasm rocked through both of us. His seed spilt inside of me. I bit my lip and let out a soft whimper in response, knowing if I tried to say anything else it would come out far too loud. As much as I wanted Finn to mark me as his, I didn’t want anyone to see the process.
“Let’s get out of here.” He whispered kisses along my neck, flicking my ear with his tongue. “Come back to the hotel with me.”
I rocked my hips gently back and forth, trying to get more friction; my body was desperate for him. I needed more. “You’re so bossy,” I teased, attempting to cover my desire to just continue where we sat.
“Come on, love.” He lifted me gently off him. “Get dressed, I need to finish what I started with you.”
He sat me down, standing in front of him with his come dripping down my thigh. I shivered against the cool night air, “I’d say you finished already.”
Finn handed my dress to me, “Oh, darling, I’ve only just begun.” 
163 notes · View notes
salted-barbed-wire · 7 years
Kiss of Death
A 13 Nights Of Halloween Story: Night Two
Prompt #31 Spooky- Kiss of Death Featuring- Alexa Bliss (guest starring Kenny Omega) Requested by @satansstrawberry Warnings: Ummm.. a little bit of a threatening Kenny Omega, mention of death.. maybe a few curse words here and there... poorly written mermaid legends because I had to rush through this so it wasn’t 15 pages long on Word. Word Count: 3500+ (another long one)
A/N: HAPPY BIRTHDAY RANIE!! Since today is your birthday, your request is up next. I hope I lived up to the dream I had. I think this would’ve been waaaayyyy better as a book. Honestly, I could really drag this story out but it got really long oh my gosh. ANYWAY; also, since this is my present to you, your favorite over dramatic, bixsexual, anime villain is a character. Hope everyone enjoys!
Tag List:   @straight-outta-the-asylum @i-kneel-for-king-loki@geekoftv @ladym0xley @satansstrawberry @shieldlovereve @iwannadiehere@vampstampbby @shironichi @blackwidow2721 @the-shy-type@mangagirl232 @wrestingtrash @akihikothekitsune @kanupps06@kingslayers-angel @isawthesights @castielscamander @shieldsandbulletsandflips @extremelylost @thirstiswet @inamoxbrose24@reigns420 @bebbyt @nickie-amore
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The smell of salt and water carried on the breeze, filling my nose and blowing through my hair. The sound of the engine motor and the waves crashing was all around us as we plowed through the open sea. I smiled, watching the curly headed man steering the speed boat, his well-tanned and toned body gleaming in the sun. He took a turn too fast and I squealed, laughing as I heard him mutter something that sounded like curses from his mouth.
“Ken,” I shouted over the noise, “Slow down, please? We don’t have to go too far from the shore.”
The motor quieted as he glided to a stop, “What if I just want to steal you away?” He teased me, “I could drive off with you in this boat to the next town over?”
I rolled my eyes. Kenny Omega and I had been flirting around with the idea of becoming a couple for months. He was a gorgeous choice for a boyfriend; strong, sharp wit, hard body. But there was always something that held us back from becoming official. Sometimes I wasn’t too keen on the idea of dating someone who’d be gone for months and weeks on end. Other times, Kenny got scared of commitment. The current issue was his ex, who had just come back from an injury. The company seemed to have a story line plotted out for them, and even though Kenny assured me they weren’t getting back together, I wasn’t willing to risk making the mistake of trusting him too much.
So here we were together, on vacation on the beach as just simple fuck buddies; still no strings attached. I’d be lying if I didn’t say I was the one that wanted more for our relationship and I had been trying to keep him at bay until he gave me what I wanted. It was hard to keep my hands off him when he walked around shirtless all day.
“The next town over?” My voice was still at a shout as he turned the key in the ignition and climbed back to where I was seated. “To do what?”
Kenny reached under the bench and pulled out a bottle of whiskey and snaked his arm around my shoulders. “To get some alone time, away from the boys,” he said. “Maybe get a room where they aren’t going to hear what I want to do to you.” His eye brows wiggled after the last few words, an ornery smirk played at his lips.
“I’ll pass,” I reflected his confident look. “This girl needs to get some sun, soak up the vitamin D, drink that whole bottle of fireball.” I snatched the bottle from his hands and popped the top off. Kenny watched silently as my lips wrapped around the opening and I tipped the end up to allow the caramel colored liquid down my throat.
“That mouth,” I heard him mutter.
We floated along in the tiny boat, letting the waves rock around us. The bottle of whiskey was nearly half gone when I heard a splash from the empty waters behind me. My head spun around to see what had caused the noise; but the ocean was still. The sun glared against my shaded eyes and I tried to squint to see if I could see anything out of the ordinary. Maybe it was the whiskey, but I could’ve sworn I saw a large pink tail fin rise gently out of the water and then sink slowly back below the surface.
I jumped nearly ten feet in the air as I felt his hand slid along my bare thigh. I swung my attention back to the man across from me, only to be met with those beautiful baby blues staring at me intensely.
“What?” I looked at him over the top of my glasses. Kenny didn’t stop, instead his hand wandered north along my leg, making its way towards my bikini bottoms. I felt my shoulders slump and my heart rate quicken a little. “Ken,” I took hold of his long fingers, “Can’t it wait until tonight? I really just want to enjoy the air.”
Kenny’s curls bounced as he shook his head, “You’ve said that every day this week.” He pulled back his hand and crossed it in front of his chest out of frustration. “Then at night when we finally get back to our rooms, you don’t answer the door, you won’t answer your phone, you leave me hanging out in the hallway, hoping you’ll eventually let me in.” I swallowed, knowing I had been kind of avoiding fucking around with Kenny on this trip. It hadn’t by any means been easy but I was trying to get something through to him. “Are you just using me as a sugar daddy now, (Y/N)?” He asked throwing his arms into the question.
“Oh my God!” My jaw dropped at him even having the thought, “Kenny! No! I am not some little trick.” I paused and watched as his arms folded again, his right eyebrow cocked up, waiting for an answer. I wasn’t ready to give him one. “Can we not talk about this right now?” I took another sip of whiskey before he yanked the bottle away from me.
“No, we’re going to talk about this... right now!” Kenny’s voice began to raise and in the distance, I could see dark, grey clouds forming behind his head. “I didn’t bring you here to play on my friends’ boat and drink my whiskey.” The wind seemed to pick up and waves formed around us, Kenny took no notice.
“Then what did you bring me here for, Ken? Am I just some play thing to you?” I snapped back, I stood and walked to the front of the boat. “Take me back to the shore, there’s a storm coming.”
“No, we need to hash this out, away from distractions. There’s no storm in the forecast. A little wind won’t hurt you,” he scoffed.
Suddenly a gust pushed me a step back and Kenny was blinded by his curls, a strike of lightening flashed behind his head and thunder rumbled through our bones.
“Ken, please, take me back,” I begged.
Kenny for once agreed with me and gave me a nod before walking up to the wheel to turn the boat on. He stumbled as the waves rocked us around. We could hear the Bucks yelling for us from the shore, trying to get us to come back. He took the key and attempted to turn the ignition over. Click, click, click. “Fuck,” Kenny whispered under his breath.
“What’s wrong?”
“No fuel,” his finger tapped on the fuel gage above the wheel. “I could’ve sworn I filled up all the way this morning.”
“Now what?” I stressed and grabbed his shoulder for comfort.
Kenny turned to face me. He only locked eyes with me briefly before looking at something behind me, his cobalt blue eyes widening with fear. “Hold on!” He shouted and pulled me down against the deck before I tidal wave washed over both of us.
I did my best to hold my breath as the water rushed over me, roaring passed my ears. We both came up, sputtering for air. I could hear Kenny coughing, trying to breathe. My own lungs heaved and I looked up behind him to see another giant wave looming over us. “Ken!” I yelled, unable to make anything else come out.
Kenny looked at me, then followed my eyes. We both gasped as the sea came crashing down, washing us from the boat. My body went limp against the pressure, allowing myself to fall beneath the surface. I blinked through the water and forced my head to seek out the sky somewhere above me. I broke passed the barrier of the water, sucking in the air as it hit my face. I looked around for Kenny.
“Kenny!” I called out for him. There was no answer, but I could’ve sworn I heard a mischievous feminine giggle echo behind me. I turned quickly, just in time to see another wave crash down on me, slamming my head against a piece of debris. Everything went black, and I felt myself sink down into the abyss.
Soft lips, the smell of salt water, the taste of summer rain.
My eyes fluttered open from the sensory overload. I wasn’t sure where it was coming from until I regained my focus. The most beautiful face I had ever seen came into view. Her skin was soft and clear, not a single blemish or imperfection to be found. Her eyes were ice blue, cold as a winter storm, yet glowed with curiosity and eagerness. Her long blonde hair tickled my face as she looked down at me. My gaze shifted to those soft pink lips that were curved up into a smile.
“Are you okay, honey?” She asked me. My heart thudded against my chest at the sound of her voice. It was musical. “That was quite a bump you took.”
“Wh- Where am I?” I asked her.
“Safe.” Was all she said.
I sat up slightly, feeling my head spin slightly at the sudden movement.
“Take it easy, pretty girl,” she hummed. “You hit your head, just lay there for a minute while I work on your wounds.”
I did as I was told, letting her hands touch me gently, wrapping something around my arm that felt sore. I knew there was probably a cut or two on my body and it would a miracle if I didn’t have anything broken. “How bad is it?” I asked her.
“Well, I drug you out just before you washed up against those rocks, you might have actually gotten hurt beyond my repair if you had hit them.” She never looked up from her work, “I’m Alexa, by the way, what’s your name?”
“Pretty,” her smile stunned me again; it was breath taking.
“What are you wrapping my arm with?”
“Seaweed and a balm I’ve made for my own injuries before.” She let go of my arm, “Wanna see now?”
I nodded and she carefully helped me upright. A gasped escaped my lungs, not from the sight of my injuries, or the way the seaweed looked covering my skin, but Alexa had something that wasn’t normal. “You have a tail!” I exclaimed out loud, immediately embarrassed that she heard the words come from my mouth.
Alexa giggled, “Well, duh. I’m merfolk. Where did you think I came from, the sky?”
“I don’t know, you’re pretty enough to be an angel,” I muttered then clapped my hand over my mouth.
Now it was time for Alexa to blush. She leaned in, incredibly close to me, her lips just inches from mine. “You think I’m pretty?” She asked.
I swallowed and nodded. Alexa drug her lower lip between her teeth, “You’re a different kind of human female, most of them don’t think I’m pretty.” She frowned and furrowed her brows, “Only men think I’m pretty.”
“Why?” I asked.
“It’s a curse. It has to do with how men objectify women, my mother explained it to me once, but I don’t tend to listen to the lessons we are taught.” She sighed and placed her elbows on her tail and propped her head onto her palm. “Lessons are boring though.”
My gaze wandered her tail. It was bright pink, matching the tips of her blonde hair. Her pink fin was the shape of a ‘V’ and was thick like a fish’s tail. “Your tail is so pretty.” I told her, “Can I touch it?” She smiled and nodded gleefully. Reaching out, I felt the scales along the palm of my hand, they were rough, yet slick from the water.
Alexa’s soft, small hand reached against my thigh, “I like your legs. I used to think I wanted legs too.” My skin tingled against her touch, “but I like swimming. Can’t swim very well with legs, can you?” We locked eyes and my heart stopped, Alexa must have noticed. “You really think I’m pretty?”
I nodded, “You’re gorgeous.”
Her smile widened, “Can I ask you something then?” Again, all I could do was nod. “Do you find yourself attracted to other females of your species?”
My face went red and I turned away, “Um, well, yeah. I actually like both boys and girls.”
The gears were turning in Alexa’s head, “That actually explains a lot.” She leaned in close to me and sniffed the air, “You smell delicious, has anyone ever told you that?”
“(Y/N)!” A familiar voice forced me from the thought of kissing her.
“Kenny?” I muttered in confusion, looking around for him.
“What’s a Kenny?” Alexa said looking towards the direction his voice was coming from.
I stood, carefully, pushing passed the dizzy spell. “Kenny?” I called out to him.
There was a sound of feet pounding in the sand and Omega came flying around the corner. His curly, two-toned head was still soaked from water, and the swim trunks he had worn was torn in different places. His blue eyes found mine.
“(Y/N)! Oh my god! You’re okay.” He ran towards me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders.
The impact of him rocked me, “Ouch.” I muttered.
“Is this your mate?” Alexa asked. She had slipped back into the water, concealing her lower half.
Kenny finally took notice to her. I saw him swallow, obviously taking note of her beauty. “Not quite,” He smiled at her, “Did you save my friend?”
Alexa furrowed her brow, but nodded, “I did.” Looking at me, “I am confused, the male embraces you like a lover but he calls you friend?”
I rolled my eyes and shrugged, “It’s complicated.”
Now it was Kenny’s turn to roll his eyes, “Shower sex is complicated. We are not complicated.” He gestured between us, then moved closer to Alexa, “Name’s Omega, Kenny Omega.” He extend his hand.
“Nice to meet you Omega Kenny Omega.” She flashed him a smile, “Do you think I’m pretty too?”
My heart broke a little, feeling the jealousy boil inside of me. I was starting to feel like a third wheel.
Kenny’s boyish grin turned devilish, “It’s just Kenny and I do think you’re gorgeous. What’s a girl like you doing out here all her lonesome?”
“I was hungry, I came looking for something to eat, then I found you two on the boat.” Alexa explained.
“You saw us on the boat?” I asked, my mind flashed back to the pink fin I had seen earlier that had disappeared in the ocean before Kenny started yelling at me.
She nodded, “I did, you were both arguing.”
“That was just a misunderstanding,” Kenny interjected. “We’re all friends here, right (Y/N)?” He gave me a look.
“Sure, just friends.” I growled back at him, seething. How dare he try and force himself on me and give me shit for not surrendering to him, then try and pick this poor creature up!
“You’ve upset her,” Alexa’s voice interrupted my thoughts. I looked to see her staring at me, she looked as though she was reading my mind. “I am, I can communicate through thoughts.”
“Whoa!” I gasped, my head spinning from the intrusion.
“Sorry, it’s probably a little much to begin with, but I’m trying to understand you and this man.” Her silky voice echoed in my mind, “Come here.” She told me aloud, holding her hand out for me.
I rose, unsure as to why I listened and walked towards the water. My legs stopped short of the water line and I gently laid my hand in hers. “What’s going on?” Kenny asked us. We ignored him as Alexa closed her eyes, I watched scenes play in front of my eyes. They were memories of Kenny and I, our friendship, the two of us making love, arguing over Kota, arguing over where we stood with each other, arguing over love making; I felt the anger fresh from the flood of previous encounters. Things had definitely been getting worse between Omega and I, and having Alexa sort through it gave me a new perspective on everything.
There was an animalistic noise that came from Alexa’s throat, something I had never heard before and she released my hand. “You are not a very nice man.” She looked at Kenny, “You toy with her emotions, use her for sex, that’s not right.” Her blue eyes were completely iced over. “Now I don’t feel bad for what comes next.”
Her lips turned up into a smile, parting a little to reveal her teeth that had morphed into what resembled the jaws of a shark. Kenny’s eyes widened in terror and I heard a scream that sounded like mine but I was too numb to know if the sound had actually come from my own throat. Alexa’s skin darkened from its fair color to a greyish and sickly pigment. I stumbled backwards, falling onto my butt, completely terrified of the scene before me.
She lunged out and took hold of Kenny’s locks with her hands that had turned into claws with black nails. They pulled his face to focus on her, and I watched as her lips met his. Kenny’s panic went to a look of pure bliss and he kissed her back. He leaned into her and she began to fall back into the water, guiding him to her.
“Kenny! NO!” I screamed and scrambled to the water’s edge.
I was too late and was forced to watch Kenny fall into the water. Another scream came from my lungs, calling his name as I tried to reach for his foot. They disappeared below the surface of the water, the darkness engulfed their bodies until I could no longer see their shapes in front of me. I tossed away all my sanity and jumped in after them into the deep.
Ignoring the cold, salty water around me, I pushed myself as far as I could. My feet kicking, arms pushing through the nothingness as I continued my decent. I could feel my lungs strain, knowing my limit was reached and I needed to turn to go back up for air.
A hand took hold of my wrist before I could make another move, forcing me back up to the surface. A pink tail flashed in my vision, and I began to struggle to get away from my rescuer. My mouth opened to scream but it was muffled by the sea water that surrounded me.
When we broke the surface, Alexa hauled me onto the beach I had just watched Kenny get dragged from. I sputtered and coughed from the sudden rush of air hitting my lungs.
“Why?” I whispered in a cry.
“He hurt you.” Alexa’s voice was gentle as she spoke. “So I hurt him.”
“You didn’t just hurt him, did you?” I turned to see her still in the water, her features had returned to normal.
“Do you know why men think I’m pretty? I’m not actually. I’m assuming before I pulled him in, you saw my true face.”
I nodded, “What are you?”
“I told you I’m a mermaid; a siren.” Her tail flicked out of the water as if to remind me. “Men think we are beautiful, and we feed on their souls.”
My heart stopped completely, “Their souls? You eat them?” Her smile was the only response I got. I swallowed hard, nervous to ask anything else. “How?”
She chewed her lip, “I can’t describe it.” Alexa leaned in close, “Kenny was a little different from how I normally do it. I took him more out of rage than out of hunger.”
“What’s the difference? He’s still dead.” My words dripped with anger and sarcasm. Yet, something inside of me was glad he was gone.
Alexa seemed to hesitate. Her tongue ran across her lip quickly, “I could show you.”
“Show me? How?”
In that instant, we locked eyes. My lungs stopped working by the hypnotizing look she gave me. “Come,” her voice commanded me in the most melodic tone. I swore there was the sound of an orchestra moving around the sea as I rose and moved towards her. Each step was against my will until I reached the water line.
“Jump in with me, (Y/N).”
The way she said my name had my heart fluttering in my chest. I took a hesitant step towards the water. Don’t do it, a voice whispered in my head. I wanted to listen to it, but she was humming the most beautiful tune and it called to me. My foot reached out, my weight shifted, and I fell into the drink.
I could feel something inside of me screaming in terror, knowing I was walking right into whatever trap she had ready for me. My body fell and I watched as my breath escaped in bubbles from my lips. Pain filled my lungs but my arms would not work, I couldn’t swim back for air. A second time I was left drowning in the dark ocean, the light above my head slowly fading.
Light, gentle hands touched my face, the humming in my ears got louder, and Alexa came back into my view. She held me still, stopping me from falling deeper. Shock spread through me as her eyes turned from blue to grey. I felt her lips press mine. It took me a minute to truly accept her kisses, but with every little flick of her tongue, a rush of air hit my lungs. It encouraged me to lock into an embrace with her, allowing her arms to wrap around my shoulders. Accepting her gave me freedom to touch her, hold her hips just above where the scales started on her tail. Her body was soft and pressed against me.
Alexa pulled back and looked at me, I pushed myself towards her, need the air. “I’m sorry, (Y/N).”
Her words stopped my heart. I watched as her mouth opened and I felt something pour from my very essence into her. There was a flash of white light and she pulled me close. Her mouth had transformed back into the terrifying features I had seen before when she drug Kenny to the depths. I tried to gasp but my throat choked on the salt water.
“WHY?” I pleaded in my thoughts, struggling to keep myself conscious.
Alexa’s true form had completely taken over her. Her hands were webbed, she had gills on her neck. Her hair was still it’s platinum color but the tips had turned from pink to grey, matching her skin and tail. “I really could’ve liked you, maybe become your friend. I love your smile, your legs, and I would love to play with you on the surface, maybe teach you how to swim.” Her voice resounded through my head. “But the one lesson I did pay attention to was this; never play with your food.”
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salted-barbed-wire · 7 years
Sooooo what's everyone doing today?
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salted-barbed-wire · 7 years
A 13 Nights Of Halloween story: Night 3
Prompt #9 Spooky- Summoning Demons Featuring- Aleister Black Requested by @indywrestlinglover-life Rated: M- Smut, witch craft, sacrificial magic, demons, death Word Count: 3500+ 
A/N: This is my first time actually writing Aleister so I hope you guys all enjoy this because I had A LOT of fun writing him for this prompt.
Tag list:  @straight-outta-the-asylum @i-kneel-for-king-loki@geekoftv@ladym0xley @satansstrawberry @shieldlovereve@iwannadiehere@vampstampbby @shironichi @blackwidow2721 @the-shy-type@mangagirl232 @wrestingtrash @akihikothekitsune@kanupps06@kingslayers-angel @isawthesights @castielscamander @shieldsandbulletsandflips @extremelylost @thirstiswet@inamoxbrose24@reigns420 @bebbyt @nickie-amore @devitts-girl
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The smell of ink on paper was the greatest thing in the world. Even though I was surrounded by it every day, it never got old. I pushed the cart of returns through the library, skimming over a book that had caught my interest. I had been working in this dusty library for the last few months and it had been a dream. I had all the time in the world to read, seeing as how we were hardly ever busy.
I pushed the cart and placed the last return on the shelf I needed. Checking my watch, I couldn’t help but smile. The library was only open for another hour but it was doubtful to have too many visitors until we closed, especially since school had just started up two months ago. “Plenty of time to finish this.” I sung to myself and I dog eared the page I was on and pushed the cart back to my desk.
Finishing the book I had been skimming through, meant I was going to have to return it. Seeing as how it was close to Halloween I had become fascinated with witchcraft and the history of witches and magic. The idea of conjuring love, luck, spirits with just a few ingredients and some words was a fantasy but an interesting one at that.
“Fuck!” I hissed as I fell backwards onto the tiled floor from the impact, the book fell onto my head and I saw stars. There was a grumble of curses and apologies then a soft chuckle. A tattooed, thick hand was extended towards me. I looked up to see a tall, heavily inked, bearded man. His smile was wicked, eyes were deep and mischievous.
“You okay?” He asked.
I licked my lips, looking at the way his lip piercing glimmered as he spoke. “Fine. I’m fine.” I told him and took a hold of his hand. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going, usually there’s no one in this section except for me.”
He cocked his head, “You work here,” his free hand pointed to my gold name tag, “(Y/N)?”
The way he said my name was delicious. I nodded, “Yes.”
The corner of his mouth continued to pull up, then his dark eyes rested on the book on the floor. He bent to pick it up. “Interesting read you have here,” he looked over the title then flipped it over to read the back. “’Wicca: Herbal Magic’, hmm? You’re a wiccan?”
“Um..” I drug my lower lip between my teeth, “Just researching out of curiosity really.”
“Curiosity?” He handed me the book back, “Are you interested in magic or gardening?” His tone was mocking.
I put my hands on my hips defiantly, “I just thought it was somewhere to begin. Who are you to judge anyway?”
“Aleister,” He stuck his hand out again to me, “Aleister Black.”
My brows furrowed and I pushed passed him, denying his hand shake. “The library closes in forty-five minutes Mr. Black, I suggest you find what you’re looking for and check out.” I could feel his eye bearing into me as I sashayed away.
“I think I already have.”
I stopped in my tracks and whipped around to face him, “I’m sorry?”
“I mean, I could use some help.” He took a couple slow steps towards me.  “I’m looking for an old book, it might actually be in the section you’d be returning your garden witch book.” His eyes flicked to the piece of literature I held close to my chest, then he shamelessly let his eyes wander down my body before meeting my nervous gaze. “Can you show me where you got that book?”
A gulp and a simple nod was all I could manage before he gestured for me to lead the way. We walked on through the towering bookshelves silently, only the clicking of my heels echoed through the building. They halted at the section marked ‘Personal Interest’ and I scanned for the spot where I had pulled the book from.
“It was up here,” I told him reaching up on to the shelf almost out of reach to put my spell book away. “What’s the title you’re looking for?”
Black drug his index finger along the spines of the books on the shelves, his eyes scanning the titles. He seemed to ignore me as he walked along the row. I took the few minutes I had to take him in completely. His dark hair was pulled up into a bun, shaved on the side of his head. He wore a black button-down dress shirt, with the sleeves rolled. Only some of his tattoos were showing; they were all beautiful. There were a few even peeping out from his shirt collar. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think he was sexy.
“You’re staring.”
I shook my head at his words, trying to force the thoughts of where else he had tattooed. “Not at you.” I crossed my arms in front of my chest and my started to twitch as his grin returned as he skimmed through the names of books in front of him. “Did you need any further assistance, Mr. Black?”
“Ah!” He breathed as his single digit hooked onto the top corner of an old, hard back book. “No I’ve found what I need, and please,” He locked eyes with me, “Call me Aleister.” I felt my heart jump up to my throat from the way he looked at me. I couldn’t hardly breathe as the distance closed between us, his hand tipped under my chin and tilted my head up to look at him. “And I’d really like for you to call me, maybe later tonight?”
My eyes widened in shock, “What are you talking about?”
“You’re interested in magic, aren’t you, my dear?” He posed the question still pouring that sinful look into me. “I can show you some real magic if you’d like.”
“Is this a cheesy pick up line?” I tried to joke, “Because I’m not the type-“
Aleister tsked and took a step back, releasing my chin, “No pick-up line.” He tapped on the brown covered book he held, “This will help me. Unlike that gardening book, this right here is an actual spell book. Maybe you’d like to see it first hand?”
My mind raced at a thousand miles a minute. Actual witchcraft? Spell casting? Was it real or was it all just a bunch of “Hocus Pocus.” I muttered aloud without realizing.
“Hmm?” His left eyebrow rose again.
“Oh, no. I meant that I wasn’t quite sure yet. Can you really do magic? Is it all real?”
He nodded, “It is and I can. I’m sure you have plenty of questions.” He held out a business card in front of my face, “If you decide you want a taste of the dark side, give me a ring. I’ll give you my address so you can watch everything first hand.”
After checking out Aleister and sending him on his way I had turned the card over in my hand several times while I waited for the last few minutes of work to run down. No one else came in after he said his salutations, leaving me alone to weigh out my options.
I was intrigued, both by him and the idea of seeing magic up close and personal. On the other hand, I hardly knew the guy. What if he tried to sacrifice me? I thought, What if he put a love spell on me? I did a mental eye roll at myself. No way a guy like him would even waste the energy on someone like me, right?
I locked the front doors and headed back to my desk to grab my purse. Aleister’s business card still sat next to my stack of papers. My shoulders slumped and I bit my lip, finally coming to a conclusion of what I was going to do. Was it crazy of me to be considering this?
Flicking the lights to the building off, I swung my purse onto my shoulder and punched the number into my phone, mouthing the numbers off the card. The other line only rang twice, but each rang brought my heart rate up another speed.
“I knew you couldn’t resist,” I heard his grin in his voice.
I did yet another eye roll, “Just tell me where to meet you.”
The address he gave me was to a house on the south side of town. It was an old, Victorian structure with a wrap-around porch and windows that looked like eyes and the door like a mouth ready to swallow me whole. “You sure you wanna go in there?” The driver of the cab that had driven me asked.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine,” I assured him. “My friend is waiting for me inside.” Friend, I nearly laughed at the word. If only the cabbie knew that I had just met Mr. Black.
I paid my fair and turned my attention back on the ominous architecture that loomed across the lawn from me. The door opened as I took a single step towards the porch and Aleister appeared. He was wearing the same clothes he had been wearing earlier and was sipping from a coffee cup. I felt his eyes never leave me while I walked up the cemented pathway.
“Good evening,” he said simply when I finally reached him. “I’m glad you decided to come along with me, I kind of needed another person to assist anyway. Please, come in.”
His hand raised and he gestured for me to walk through the door into a worn, run down living space. The wood floors creaked under each step I took, there was no furniture and obviously no electricity, considering all the candles that were used to light the room. At the focal point there was a fire place filled completely with white candles of all shapes and sizes. They were all lit and dripping with wax. In front of the hearth, a few pillows and blankets were sat down around chalk markings that had been drawn onto the floor. There were various objects surrounding the mess in front of me.
“Is this your house?” I asked, breaking the silence.
Aleister shut the door, “Not quite. It’s a property that’s been handed down through my family. I have an apartment downtown, this is where I...” he made a face trying to find the word he was looking for. “Experiment.”
“What is this?” I asked him, walking towards the markings on the floor. There were characters that looked like they were from another language, one I didn’t recognize and a giant pentagram drawn at the center.
“This,” Aleister came to stand beside me, “This is the spell I’m trying out.”
“Trying out?”
“Yes, I didn’t have the incantations until I stopped at the library this afternoon.” He walked around the pentagram, his gaze still didn’t waver from where I stood.
“What does it do?” I asked him, locking eyes with him. “And what did you mean when you said you needed another person to assist?”
Aleister set his mug down on the mantle above the fireplace and pulled a book off the shelf. There was a page he had dog ear-ed that his fingers immediately flipped to, “This require energy from two people, I didn’t realize it until I had this book. I thought I had all the ingredients, plus I really was looking forward to seeing you again.” As he spoke, he rounded the circle on the floor towards where I had firmly planted my feet.
“Me?” I blushed.
Black nodded. “Come here,” he beckoned with his hand outstretched to me. I took it and followed him to the front of the fire place where the pile of blankets and pillows sat on the floor. We stopped and he turned to face me, still holding my hand. He brought my knuckles to his lips, “I apologize if I’m rushing things,” he whispered against my flesh. I was sure he could hear the hitch in my breath at the way his scent filled my nose; it was intoxicating.
“R-Rushing what, exactly?” I stammered.
Aleister pulled me to him, wrapping an arm around my waist and pushing on my back so our bodies collided. His mouth met mine feverishly and my whole world was rocked. Our lips mirrored each other’s pecks until his tongue snaked out and flicked along my lower pout. I whimpered and gave him access to my mouth. Aleister took his time, teasing my tongue against his. The cool metal of his piercing numbed my lower lip.
My hands were splayed against his broad chest; it felt strong and hard beneath my fingers- it wasn’t the only thing that was hard between us. The feel of his ever-growing erection pushing firm against my thigh as we kissed had me soaked. He picked me up and wrapped my legs around his hips for support. I moved my hands to his hair that had been pulled into a bun and held on tight as he dropped to his knees. The way he held me close as we descended to the pile of blankets was sexy, comforting, and protective.
Aleister laid me gently down against the pillows and he rose up onto his knees. Wordlessly, his fingers began unbuttoning his shirt and he pulled it off to reveal his well sculpted, inked body. I reached up and touched the words printed on his chest. “Diligentia Cresto,” I muttered the Latin phrase. “By diligence we shall lead.” I saw a smile in reward for my recognition of the motto. My fingers moved to the palm on his chest and his hand caught my wrist.
“I’ll teach you the road map of where these lead another night,” he smirked at me then glanced at the small clock on the wall. “We’ve only got so much time.” His strong hands moved to my thighs, trying to push my tight, black pencil skirt up my thighs. I could hear the slit over my left legs tear from the force. My fingers began tugging the blouse over my head, not wanting to waste another second. The overwhelming feeling of lust and need ached in my core.
I whined against Aleister’s lips as the pads of his middle and first fingers rolled over my currently soaked panties. My hands wandered from his shoulders to his pants, attempting to undo the belt and zipper. I struggled and let out a frustrated sigh, Black growled impatiently and undid his buckle, ripping the belt from the loops with great force. My legs got tossed upwards and he threw them over his shoulders and laid down to lower his mouth against my heat. I shivered in anticipation from his hot breath between my legs.
“Zo heerlijk,” I heard from under his breath.
I propped myself up on my elbows, trying to repeat what he had said in my head to detect the language he spoke. “Wh- Ohhh my god!” I interrupted myself as his fingers pulled aside the crotch to my panties and fully attacked me with his tongue. “Oh God, Mr. Black!” I muttered again, my eyes rolling to the back of my head.
Aleister pulled back and looked up at me with a glint in his eyes, “Let’s not bring him into this, shall we?” And with that, he dove between my legs and continued his assault on my swollen clit. His tongue licked up and then down; his lower lip pouted up against the bud and I whimpered in pleasure. I fell back on the pillows behind me, giving him room to move his hand down to my heat and slide a single digit into my wetness. I moaned and he added a second finger, curling his appendages inside of me.
“Oh, G-.. Yes, Aleister,” I called out as a wave of pleasure rolled over me, trying not to call to any deities in fear of him stopping. He was my only god now.
Aleister sat up on his knees and wiped the back of his hand across his mouth. “I need that pretty little mouth of yours,” he said, grabbing his cock that was tenting in his briefs.
I sat up and crawled over to him, laying down on my stomach and lining my mouth up with his crotch. He pushed his pants down his hips to the floor he knelt on and took me by my hair, pulling me towards his throbbing member. My fingers hooked onto the band of his briefs and yanked them down gently, allowing his erection to spring free.
It was far thicker and longer than I had thought when I had felt it pressed against me. I swallowed, knowing that it was going to take quite a bit of work to get it down my throat, let alone between my legs. My tongue flicked out along the tip, I heard him groan in response. I gave him a few more kitten licks along his length.
His hand tangled up in my hair and forced me to look in his eyes. “You’re teasing,” he growled. Aleister pushed himself into my waiting mouth while he held my head in place. Slowly he began to thrust in and out between my lips, coating himself in my saliva. The look he gave me as he watched my mouth wrapped around his cock was of pure lust and desire. A shiver ran down my spine as his free hand brushed against my cheek lightly.
“Be a good girl, get my cock nice and wet, and I’ll fuck that tight little cunt of yours until you’re a screaming mess beneath me,” Aleister told me; his voice soft, but his tone was commanding.
I did as I was told when he released my locks, allowing my head to bob on his cock. I looked up and watched his head fall back. Aleister’s moans of ecstasy pushed me on, taking as much as I could of him in my mouth. The tip of him barely brushed the back of my throat and I nearly gagged, backing off and focusing more on the head of him and using my hand as an extension of my mouth.
There was a low, gnarl coming from his chest and his head lowered back to meet my gaze. “Too much for you?” He asked. “Here, let me help.”
He repositioned his hand against my scalp and pushed his throbbing cock into my mouth, the tip sliding down my throat as I gagged and choked. Tears rolled down my cheeks, Aleister pulled out and force me onto my back. His hand trailed down my thigh, just barely touching me with his fingertips. “Good girl,” Aleister praised me. “You’ve proved to be worthy in more ways than one.”
He pushed my thighs apart and pushed his cock against my entrance. I whimpered, “What do you mean by that?” My vision was beginning to get a little foggy; it was like looking through a cloud of smoke around me. There was a ringing in my ears that kept me from pursuing with any further questions.
The moment he penetrated me, the questions of what he was talking about were completely gone from my mind. My eyes rolled back as his hips thrust up into me and he bottomed out. My whole world became euphoric and my orgasm seemed to be within reach. I refocused my gaze onto him.
Aleister’s eyes were rolled back, but he didn’t seem to be focused; in fact, he didn’t even seem to be on this world. The haze covering my senses parted for a moment, I could hear him muttering just barely over the ringing in my ears. It was Latin, being spoken in rhythm, like an incantation.
“Aleister?” I whispered his name, it didn’t seem to shake him, “Aleister, what are you-… Oh!” I cried out when his thumb found its way to my clit and applied pressure. My orgasm rolled through me and my legs shuddered, squeezing his hips. Screams escaped my lips and I arched my back.
Suddenly, a sharp pain pierced through my abdomen, my breath was stolen from me with a gasp. Aleister’s voice had silenced. I felt my muscles twitch and then slouch as I laid down. There, in my sternum, a long blade was buried in between my bosom. My jaw dropped, “What the fuck?” I whispered.
“Grigori, through this vessel, enter.” Aleister commanded. The whole house shook and the candle lights went out, I could feel my life fading and blackness invading my body. I wasn’t sure if the cold that nipped at my skin was from death’s hands pulling me to the other side, or if it was Aleister’s spell. I took a breath, and exhaustion began to lull me into the void.
Just as my life began to fade, I saw Aleister’s eyes turn completely black and a voice that was not his own speak to me one last time.
“Thank you for your sacrifice my sweet one, too bad I can’t keep you around to play some more. Perhaps you and Mr. Black will get some more private time in hell…”
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