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ofblackskies · 16 days ago
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red forman said : ❝ i think i've been in love with you since the day we met - scratch that, i know i've been in love with you since the day we met. ❞ / @pcraspcra
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Kitty's lips parted in surprise at the confession, and she looked up at Red for a moment before putting down her wine glass. "You're in love with me?" She echoed the sentiment, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth for a moment before a smile slowly curved over her lips. "Oh, you sweet, sweet man." Kitty finally breathed, standing up on her toes to deliver a soft kiss to his lips. "I love you, too."
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obsidianwarden · 4 days ago
a thing for @pcraspcra
The boy was still there.
Snape cracked open one bleary eye, just enough to confirm what he already knew - the quiet, dogged presence at his bedside had not disappeared.
Neville Longbottom. Not a boy anymore, he reminded himself grudgingly, but a man.
Pain was a relentless, cruel thing. It pressed against his ribs, crawled up his throat, and settled behind his eyes like a dull, unwelcome spectre. He had survived. Against all odds, against the finality of Nagini's venomous fangs and the pooling certainty of death, he had survived. And for what?
Of all the indignities that had befallen him in the wake of his unexpected survival, this ranked high. He had suffered through the agony of venom coursing through him, through the slow knitting of torn flesh, the fragile tightness of healing magic suturing him together with all the care of an inexperienced tailor. He had endured the sterile air of St. Mungo's, the scent of medicinal herbs cloying in his nostrils, the pitiful glances from Healers who thought him too weak to notice. Propped up by too many blasted pillows, entombed in crisp, starched sheets, he had been reduced to nothing more than a patient. A breathing, burdensome inconvenience. But this - this constant shadow hovering at the edges of his sickbed, quiet, unobtrusive, maddening in his gentle persistence - this was a particular brand of torment.
Most days Snape did not acknowledge him. He refused to. He merely breathed through the ache in his neack, the gravel in his throat, fingers twitching where they lay atop the sheets. His body had not yet recovered from its betrayal - still sluggish, still unfamiliar, a puppet reassembled with unsteady hands. The weight of existing pressed heavy upon him. He should not have been here. He was not meant to be here. He should have died, he had made peace with the notion. But instead, the universe, in all its twisted humour, had seen fit to tether him to the land of the living, shackling him to a body that felt foreign and broken, to a future he had no intention of stepping into.
Snape exhaled a threadbare sigh of exhaustion and disdain. If he could summon the strength, he would sneer. Would scowl. Would tell the boy to leave, to go pester someone else with his quiet, undemanding presence, and make him regret he ever spoke or sat near him - he was good at that, exceptionally so, he'd mastered into an art of its own. But he did not. Not because he couldn't - or because his body ached horribly or his throat burned with disuse.
No, he did not because - deep down, in some shameful, unspoken place - he knew Longbottom would stay regardless of his petty resentment and childish temper.
It was an ugly, pathetic thing, this flicker of gratitude. Snape felt it like a stone in his throat, unwelcome and jagged, something to be swallowed down and forsaken. He had spent a lifetime building himself into a man who needed nothing and no one - who prided himself on his solitude, on the cold, self-sufficient logic of his existence. And yet, here he lay, stitched together by hands that were not his own, alive because of a war he had never expected to outlive, watched over by a boy--man, who should have despised him. Should have, but didn't.
It grated at him, this quiet, wordless mercy. He had no right to it. No stomach for it. And yet, he could not bring himself to snap, to cut it like a frayed thread. Because some small, wretched part of him - buried so deep beneath his resentment and pain that even he barely recognised it - was grateful. Begrudgingly. Bitterly. And above all, unwillingly. Neville Longbottom, of all people, had been assigned - or, more likely, had foolishly volunteered - to oversee his convalescence. The boy-turned-man who once cowered under his glare now stood at his bedside, sleeves rolled up, wand in hand, diligently adjusting the potions drip with the kind of steady competence that only made Snape's teeth grind.
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thechosengryffindor · 10 days ago
Looks  like  we're  stuck  together. (From Hermione) from @pcraspcra
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✧ › Send "Looks like we're stuck together." for a sudden situation forces our muses into close quarters. A great way to break the ice with mutuals you'd like to write with but are nervous to approach!
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Harry turned back to look at her; a snort escaping escaping him. "You don't say?" he drawled, letting his eyes move around the location and letting his wand slip into his hand, he should have known it was a trap.
It wasn't the first time that a portkey had been used to whisk him off somewhere... But this time he had no idea where they were, and there was nothing that gave him any kind of sign of trouble either. "You shouldn't have grabbed the bloody thing."
But he was more worried than angry, he didn't care what happened to him but now he had someone else to get out of here safely. Apparition was an option, he supposed, but something was preventing him from trying.
"Where do you reckon we're stuck at anyway?"
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everbloomingsoul · 1 month ago
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( taste for eternity | twilight v. )
the older one gets, the more certain one thing is: either one stays rooted to one place, or one regularly goes on the move. this stays true whether it's been a decade, a century, or millennium, something thea can attest to as someone firmly in the second category. she never went anywhere in her mortal life she's sure, not really. her immortal life was like that at first, of course. there was no reason to wander elsewhere when the locals think you're a god, and there's plenty of ways to get away with occasionally being monstrous where they think they've found the divine. it's almost expected, really. but as belief and faith fade, so does thea's attachment to staying in one place. once she starts to wander, however, she realizes how much she enjoys it. all the different places, people, things to do; all that she had missed out on by not venturing out sooner. and she swears to herself to not miss out by restricting herself to only one place again.
this is a verse set in twilight (anti s.me.yer) with thea turned as a vampire. her coven originally passed themselves off as the olympian gods, but she left of her own volition after other vampires visited with stories of the world outside greece. she makes a point of avoiding the volturi, but is otherwise generally welcoming to the idea of meeting other vampires, especially while on the road.
also, blame @pcraspcra ♥
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misunderstccd · 1 month ago
@pcraspcra. sc. ANNABELLE & GEORGE.
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❝ oh merlin! you scared me! ❞
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ircnwrought · 2 months ago
@pcraspcra liked for a starter (muse roulette: annie) !!
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__________≋  THERE   ARE   VERY   FEW   INSTANCES   THAT   FINNICK   LEAVES   HER   SIDE   IN   THE   TRAINING   CENTER.   she’s  only  just  managed  to  convince  him  to  recruit  allies,   his  golden  hair  now  disappearing  amongst  racks  of  weapons,   in  the  hopes  that  they  are  not  thought  of  as   more   than  district  mates   (   what  does  it  matter  anymore  —  she  wonders   —  when  snow  clearly   knows   )   why  else  would  she  be  here,   if  not  to  send  a  message  to  the  one  occasionally  casting  furtive  glances  her  way  from  across  the  room   ??   movement  catches  the  corner  of  her  eye   &&   she  turns,   eyeing  a  familiar  face.   ❛  you’re  —   katniss,   right   ??   ❜   her  words  are  slow,   hesitant,   but  she  gives  a  soft  smile,   even  as  her  hands  search  for  bits  of  lint  on  the  training  uniform  she  wears.   there’s   nothing,   the  fabric  beneath  pristine  as  always,   but  it’s  a  grounding  technique  she’s  picked  up  over  the  years.   ❛  you’re  younger  than  i  thought.   ❜   she  laughs  nervously.   weren’t   they   all   ??   (   it’s  black  humor   &&   she  knows  she  must  look  odd   —  a  girl  with  wild  curls  that  couldn’t  be  braided,   trying  to  find   something   human   to   talk   about,   something   normal   )   ❛  your  training  is  —   going   well   ??   ❜
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luminescenc1e · 7 months ago
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The wooden floors were cracked, there was grass fighting through it, and a thick layer of dust and dirt caking every imaginable surface. The old manor was abandoned, its inhabitants died over a decade ago, or longer, and no one claimed it after. A man lay before them, his hands and legs glued to the floor and his eyes wide and panicked as he stared above.
But he wasn’t looking at the ceiling, or the mold in the corners, he wasn’t looking at the broken glass in the tall windows or the spiderwebs that clung to corners of the room. He was looking at something that was not there.
“ And this appears to be a dead end, he doesn’t know anything of any importance. I didn’t think he did, but others disagreed. What should we do with him, Bella? Have any ideas? ” A low-level employee at the Ministry, a muggle-born. It was hardly unlikely that he would be useful, but perhaps it would not all be in vain. He could visit his flat, there were some ministry files there. A long shot, but it could be fruitful.
@pcraspcra liked the starter call / accepting!
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defygrav1ty · 7 months ago
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✉️ ➡ @pcraspcra (quinn fabray), what have you done to yourself?
suddenly, rachel is teletransported back to high school, feeling self-conscious about her fashion choices and uncomfortable in her own skin ― of course quinn fabray was the one to take away her newfound new york confidence. still, the brunette looks down at her outfit and twirls a strand of her, examining her appearance to pinpoint just what quinn was so horrified about. ❝ oh, this? it's just some highlights and a few new clothes kurt borrowed from vogue's archive ― there, it's called a makeover, and i thought it was a good idea. y'know, new city, new rachel. ❞ a gulp travels down her throat, giving away her nerves for quinn's stamp of approval, ❝ don't you like it? ❞
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musicallyprcmiscuous · 1 year ago
@pcraspcra liked for a rachel berry starter !!
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"this is a once in a lifetime opportunity, quinn." there's a quick pause as she holds out some sheet music. "it's not every day that you get the chance to sing with me."
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ofgunsandlipstick · 1 year ago
@pcraspcra gets a starter
She hasn't had a day this hectic in quite some time. She's got four meetings that are all but back to back, along with reports of strange readings in the desert and now the possibility of an infiltration?
Peggy would scream, but she supposed that would be frowned upon. After yet another infuriating interaction, she goes to hide in her office for just a few moments of peace and quiet. Or at least she thinks.
She closes the door behind her with a sigh then looks up and nearly screams when there's a ghost in front of her. "Oh," she says, backing so her hand is on the door handle.
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ofblackskies · 6 days ago
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ᴍʀ. ᴄʜᴀʀʟɪᴇ ᴡᴇᴀꜱʟᴇʏ, ᴀᴍᴏɴɢꜱᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅʀᴀɢᴏɴꜱ, ʀᴏᴍᴀɴɪᴀ
Hello! You may or may not recall meeting me, but you were ever so kind enough to dance with me at your brother's wedding. But that is not what I'm writing about, I assure you. That would be quite odd, indeed. I'm actually writing to inquire about your work with dragons! Fascinating creatures, you know? Well, of course you do. You work with them every day, after all.
But did you know that there are tiny invisible creatures that live in the backs of your Horntail's throats? It's theorized that these creatures are closely related to Nargles, HOWEVER there's a new theory that Horntails actually do not breathe fire, and it's the creatures themselves that assist in their ability to do so! Incredible, isn't it? How many Horntails do you work with?
Sincerely, Luna Lovegood
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@pcraspcra gets a letter from Luna
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boybreaded · 11 months ago
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@pcraspcra said: I think I realized that I would rather die because I betrayed them, than live because I betrayed you. (From Katniss) { x }
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He looks at her a bit in shock by her revelation, his eyes widening for a moment. Not for any bad reason, but Peeta was never sure what Katniss would ever say, it was exciting, but it also meant she took him off guard at times. Not tat he would complain. Some people you just couldn't predict, and who better to be unpredictable than Katniss Everdeen. It made the time he was with her an adventure he never wanted to end. "I'm just one person," he said, once again not equating is life to others, "Are you sure?"
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phoenixmuses · 1 day ago
🌡- What television programs do you watch when you’re home sic (for Jacob)
♡ The Return of Unusual Questions
Ahhh, the first question for Jacob! Thanks so much! :D
This is actually a really good question, especially because I think Jacob's more serious side is portrayed a lot more heavily in the books and movies (mostly because we see him pining over Bella and the rage he has toward Edward). With that being said, I think it's important to remember that Jacob really does have a warm, fun-loving, and down-to-Earth personality.
Keep in mind, this is the guy that rebuilds motorcycles and cars for fun; seems to enjoy bonfires; listens to songs like "All I Believe in" by The Magic Numbers (this is the song that Bella turns off during the motorcycle scenes, when she says she doesn't like music anymore); and rough houses with Quil, Embry, and the other pack members. Presumably, he spends a lot of time walking around the First, Second, and Third Beaches, too. He also gave Bella a dreamcatcher for her birthday (which I can't remember if he made it or not, but he did make the little wolf charm he gave her later, which makes me think that he might have also made the dreamcatcher).
When he's sick in particular, that rage and pining is going to be diminished because he's already not feeling well and spending that excess energy into that is just... not going to help. With that being said, he's obviously not going to be joyful/playful to the extent that he typically is (wolf and jealousy aside, ofc).
So, I think he would be watching things that bring him comfort and maybe bring a smile to his face. Probably things that he used to watch with his mom before her passing, or maybe things he watched with his sister, Rachel, before she moved away and began attending Washington State University. If he's upset and sick, he'll probably do the complete opposite and avoid them because he wouldn't want those reminders on top of what he's already dealing with. If that's the case, he might go with old movies, certain cartoons, or TV shows. Either way, Jacob seems like the type to self-soothe with pieces of his past and those who are still around (like maybe he watches these kinds of things with Quil and Embry now, or Billy, his father).
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misunderstccd · 1 month ago
@pcraspcra. sc. DRACO & BELLATRIX.
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❝ i'm sorry. ❞
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dcvium · 2 days ago
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@pcraspcra liked for a HP Nim!
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The young woman was sitting on a rock wall, cross-legged. Nothing about that could be comfortable. She seemed to have just been silently people watching, snacking on something that looked to be very similar to, if not actually, a blood pop. Her voice was soft, when she did speak. "Have you ever thought about the fact that wizarding candy doesn't make much sense? I mean... some does, but others?"
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repressfeelings · 6 days ago
@pcraspcra pressed the heart!
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there's a hint of amusement as she looks him over before opening her mouth, clearly not filtering her thoughts. "do you ever think about hiding the arm?" her head nodding to the metal in question.
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