#paz soccoro
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My Baby
Inspired by @emzerdoo artwork of recom! Paz Socorro
(I Hope i posted this right and it doesn't look funky)
(part 2)
They say a mother can feel it in her when her child is near, it's something instinctive, something that she creates, that they developed together throughout those long grueling but wonderful nine months, that it grows and strengthens throughout the years, binds them together for all their life.
They say a mother can feel it in her when her child is near, it's something instinctive, something that she creates, that they developed together throughout those long grueling but wonderful nine months, that it grows and strengthens throughout the years, binds them together for all their life.
And Paz..
Paz wasn't a mother for very long, in fact she can count on one hand the amount of times she held her son, but she can be sure that each time, it felt like the first, that every time she looked into his eyes, she fell in love once more.
She loved holding him in her arms, being together in her room after a long day, just enjoying each other’s company. She never thought she would have a child so imagine her surprise when she found out she couldn't contain herself, something that many women on earth wanted but never could have achieved was made possible for her, it all just felt like some blessing, like a miracle, but of course there were downsides to the baby growing inside her belly.
The first being that she slept with the Colonel— which in itself was highly inappropriate— but Miles was charming and sooner than later they were wrapped around each other together tighter than a rope.
The other being that they were literally on another planet.
But she never dared regret to cross her mind, that child will be born no matter what, and it was, she gave birth to a beautiful boy, with the brightest golden hair, the pinkest mouth and chubby cheeks that made her heart melt.
She named him Miles.
When Quaritch found out he had laughed at her, told her that she really wasn't planning to keep it a secret, but then for how long were they planning to keep it a secret?
The baby was here and there was no way she would ever make him feel that it was a burden, that she was ashamed of him, he was her greatest joy, her greatest love, her greatest miracle.
She loved him so much, so much that she would do anything for him, that's why she left that day, she left to fight for humanity, she wanted a home here… On pandora, where her child would grow and play and be as strong as his father, but as smart as his mother.
That’s why she left. She left for him, to fight for him and in the end come back to him, with victory in her hands.
She expected to win, they all expected to win, but what they didn't know, what they couldn't possibly think of was that Pandora… She was a mother too.
She was a mother and we were hurting her children, murdering them and ruining them,
And a mother…
A mother always protects.
She protects her children and eliminates the threat, so that's what she did.
Pandora saw us as the threat, we were hurting her children so she defended them, she protected them, she eliminated us.
And so, I died,
I died with his name on my heart.
She fell into a deep sleep, a sleep so deep and for so long that she forgot who she was, what she was and where she was.
But suddenly, a light shined through, a light so bright that blinded her, a light so bright that had her shooting up from where she was laying and gasping for breath with a stranger's name on her lips.
She looked around and noticed how everything seemed so much smaller but bigger at the same time, that everything became much more, every feeling, scent, sight and sound heightened.
Her thoughts became muddled and her movements sluggish.
She looked across the room and saw a giant blue person staring back at her. She immediately tensed up. It looked like a woman version of the Navi, She took note of the blue markings and white dots on her face, when she noticed that wherever she looked teh women followed. She frowned and was confused as to why the woman copied it.
“Hey! What’s—”
She stopped short.
That woman was her, the blue woman was her.
She was confused, how did she become this?
She could smell something familiar, something strong, something of love.
There were tiny people around her in strange white clothing, asking her millions of questions at a time. She could barely keep up. Suddenly, some metal doors slid open and a Navi man came in and instead of wearing the usual loincloth and different colored beads and feathers, he wore military style clothing. His hair instead of long all around was cut short, a long strand trailing after him.
He looked familiar.
He smelled familiar.
The man was standing in front of her, a detached look on his face,
His face….
His face….
The more she looked at it, the more her heart quickened, the more the memories flashed through, the more her eyes watered, the more intense a sob escaped past her lips.
She threw herself at him, arms coming around his shoulders, his around her waist. SHe pressed her face to his neck, smelling that comforting scent.
She blubbered.
He pressed a large warm hand to the back of her head pressing her further into his neck. There was something missing, she could feel it, she was missing something. The more she smelled him the more her heart ached.
That's what it was. Baby. She has a baby, but where was it?
Where was her baby?
She pulled away from him and he looked down at her, “Baby?” she whispered to him.
His face did an ugly thing there, it twisted up into itself, a grimace taking over his face, his eyes becoming glossy, he shook his head once, and then one more time until he was just stuck shaking his head at her.
Her lips trembled. “Baby?”
He opened his mouth, tongue wetting his lips, His voice was gruff when he spoke, “No Paz, No baby.”
She felt her heart shatter.
A sudden coldness creeping into it, freezing it up and then shattering into a thousand little pieces, she felt numb. Her thoughts slowed down as Miles continued to rub at her back and apologize to her.
Her baby…
Her baby was gone…
There was no more baby.
No more of his darling brown eyes, of that golden head of hair, that shined like a beacon under the lights. No more sweet gummy smiles or the shrieking giggles.
She pushed herself up and away from Miles, “No. No. No.”
“Paz, Im sorry”
She grasped at the foreign strands of hair, gripping onto them tight, “No. No, No. No. No!”
She heaved a great sob. “Not My baby.”
“No, Not my baby”
“Miles, Please”
Tears poured down her face as she grasped at her own skin, his hands coming to her and pulling her scratching claws away from her face and arms. He pulled her into his chest as she sobbed into his shirt, wet spots forming where her face lay.
His hand coursed through her hair, his mouth releasing, quiet ‘Shushing’ sounds.
She didn't know for how long she cried against him, she just knew that by the time it was over her throat ached, her eyes hurt and tear marks stained her cheeks and his shirt. He still continued to caress her hair.
She could feel each breath he took, hear his heart beating and it seemed to be lulling her to sleep until he suddenly spoke,
“I know that… I Know that you hurtin’ right now, and trust me it kills me to see you like this, but we… we got work to do.”
“We’ve got another chance, Paz.”
He looked down and with his hands raised her face to look up at him, “I know you got that fire in your belly, itching for revenge, And don't worry, we’re going to get it, Alright?”
His thumbs rubbed at her cheeks, looking at her dead in the eye, “I need you with me, soldier. Can I count on you?”
God, she was tired, she didn't want to do anything but lay on the ground, curl up and die, but as she stared deep into his eyes, she could see a fire burning there, eating up at him and she bet that when he looked into hers he would see the same thing. She was tired, but she didn't want to waste this opportunity, she had a second chance and if she couldn’t win last time for her son, then maybe she can use this time to win for someone else’s.
She steeled herself, planted her feet and stood up straight, staring deep into his eyes, “Yes, Colonel.”
A tired smile curled up on his lips, he pressed his lips to her forehead, “Atta girl.”
3 days after she ‘woke’ up, they were on the move, Miles had explained to her what it was they were doing, how they were here.
And… shit.
She never would have signed that paper if she knew it would have come to this, she is grateful to be with miles once again, but it's not the same, it's not the same if it means that the only reason she is here was because she had to let go of one of her boys.
She didnt have time to mope but how badly did she want to, the others they couldn't understand, not even Z-dog who at some point in her life must have had a maternal bone in her body. She felt as if she had eaten led, her body ached like a limb had been torn from her, but still she walked, she performed like the soldier she was trained to be.
They were flying to the Hallelujah mountains, where their new ‘boss’ , a tight-lipped bitch called Ardmore, had wanted them in the hive’s nest, to ‘test’ how they fit in with Pandora's defensive system.
Being in a scorpion brings shudders to her arms, last time she was in one she had an arrow striking out of her chest and she was plunging fast to the ground, sometimes she could still feel the sting of it. She closed her eyes and tried to focus on the breeze that flew in, she felt something tap her shoulder and she quickly turned to look.
Lyle was looking at her, a question in his eyes, she firmly nodded her head and turned to look back out, soon enough they were getting ready for the drop off, the team got clipped onto their harnesses and slowly slid down the rope.
Feet touching the ground, they were off. They sneaked past animals and wandered through the beauty that was Pandora, she couldn't find it in herself to hate her, it felt as if she now understood what had happened, that they were at fault for the destruction.
That only if they’d listened in the beginning none of this would have happened, that she would still have her… Her baby, that they could have been a happy family, if only they’d listened, which is why now that she’s here, she feels uneasy, that a cycle is just repeating and that the events might be different but the ending will be the same.
She followed behind Miles as they stumbled upon an abandoned pod and a broken Skel suit, she stayed behind as she watched him poke around it. She moved further into the abandoned pod and looked through it, moving colorful leaves around and a few branches, in the end she found nothing special.
She made to move out when a piercing scream echoed around the jungle, she saw Miles freeze before Ja gave his location on what he had found. They moved quickly and as a team, but the uneasiness in her grew, it rattled her heart and made it hard to focus, up ahead Miles had broken through the undergrowth onto a small clearing where Ja and the rest of the team were.
She caught up with them and saw how they had managed to catch what looked to be Navi children, she saw how they were each restrained by their Queque, she positioned herself at the back, feet steady, when a scent made her falter.
It is true what they say, how a mother’s intuition is never wrong, how they are able to just tell when something of theirs is near.
Paz wasn't a mother for a very long time, this body of hers didn't know what it was feeling, didn't understand why whenever she looked at this boy her heart ached, why her eyes became wet and her knees weak.
But her soul knew.
It knew.
Because how can this feeling be wrong, how can it just be grief being cruel once more.
How can this scent, this wonderful familiar scent that makes her drop her gun, —something that went against her training— be wrong, be just a figment of her imagination.
She desperately searches for it when she suddenly spots it, right there being restrained by Mansk, a boy.
A Human Boy, dressed in Navi clothing.
Her heart beating out of her chest as hands shake and tremble at her sides, this boy… This boy is a lot bigger than her baby.
But she knows, she knows those eyes.
She knows why her belly tightens and her heart aches, why her breath falls short.
And she knows that the feeling in her chest, the way her heart aches and tightens, is not a mistake, or hallucination.
It's real.
She can tell when the Boy notices her, notices her looking, notices the way her hands shake and her eyes are brimmed with tears.
They watch each other, ignoring whatever is going on around them, and they know. They just do.
She wants to get closer, she wants to see him, wants to touch him.
Her feet begin to move, as her lip wobbles and hands clenched at her side, Her voice trembles when she speaks, “Miles?”
The boy’s eyes widen just slightly, she walks over now standing in front of, “Miles?” she asks again
She can feel quaritch looking at her, She reaches over, bending slightly so she could look straight into his eyes, her palm makes contact with the soft cheek and she gasps as it tingles.
A tear slips past the boy’s eye landing on her hand, and that’s all she needs. She pulls the boy into her arms holding him tight against her. Wrecking sobs work out of her mouth as she caresses him all over, “My Miles”
“My sweet baby.”
She cries as she touches his hair and runs her hands down his arms and neck before gathering him up in an embrace once more.
She wants to hold on to him and never let him go.
She holds him against her chest as she whispers apologies into his hair, the boy finally reacts and brings his arms up around her, falling limp in her arms. She can feel the tears, slipping out of his eyes and landing on her shirt.
“I'm so sorry”
“I'm sorry.” she sobs
She pulls his head away from her chest so she can look at him, his face is just exactly the same, but god, he’s grown up so much, she’s missed so much.
“I wish I hadn't gone. I wished I had stayed there with you” she whispered into his eyebrow.
He does say anything, just keeps on holding her tight, cheek pressed to her chest and when he speaks she can feel his lips moving against it, “Mama” he whispers.
And she feels as if a thousand angels are roaring in her ears, as if the sun had chosen this moment to shine directly onto her, warming her up from the inside out. She breathes out, strands of his hair lightly shift, “Yes… Yes it's me” she sobs out.
Almost as if he needed that confirmation from her, his arms tighten around her and she feels the spot where his face is pressed against her growing damp, he lifts one hand and buries her fingers in his hair.
“My baby” she murmurs against him.
Paz wasn't a mother for a very long time, some may say that she didn't spend enough time with her child to be able to have this bond with him, that he wasn't supposed to even be here, that it was a mistake, but just like the first time, he proved them wrong.
He survived.
He lived.
She was given a miracle, she wasn't going to waste it.
She wasn't going to let him go, she will stay by his side no matter what.
#spider socorro#avatar the way of water#avatar recoms#recom squad#Colonel Miles Quaritch#paz soccoro#james cameron avatar#Miles Quaritch#atwow fanfiction
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Helllooo, could I get a Rapunzel AU fic? In this universe Spider would be the rapunzel of the story, he gets stolen from his family, the Sullies, at a young age (he was adopted by Jake and Neytiri a couple of months after his dad’s death, although he really isn't) Quaritch would be the mother gothel of this AU, keeping Spider in a tower because his magic hair is what is helping him keep being alive. Then Loak would be like Flynn, but in this case a prince going through a rebellious phase, so he stills his older brother crown ( he doesnt really know Spider, cause he was a baby when he was kidnapped) his thief name is “Tulkun” and his partners in crime are Lyle and Z-Dog.
Quite the intersting idea I gotta say, none the less! I hope you enjoy this one!
Our sun
The sun gives life to all, brings warmth and comfort. With its bright radiant light, it guides everyone to their path. Brings happiness and provides. A great gift humanity has ever gotten. For centuries, humanity has shown their gratitude in many ways. Praising, worshiping, believing the sun is their god.
A god that is powerful and strong. The Omatikaya kingdom knows that better than anyone in the world. Festivals, sigils, legends, their symbol of the kingdom, all were dedicated to their sun.
For centuries the kingdom has never wavered their belief in the sun. Remaining strong and true. Always grateful and never greedy. And so, the sun god who was also grateful for the people the sun provides to, believes they deserve a gift.
A drop of sunlight fallen from the sky has touched the Earth. Gifting the king and queen of the Omatikaya their beautiful sunshine child.
That is what the story says of course.
“He is beautiful…” Jake Sully, King of the Omatikaya kingdom, gently coos at his believed son. Beside him was his queen, his love, and mother of their golden child, neytiri.
“He is perfect,” Neytiri smiles as she rubs her nose gently against their sons button nose. He gives light giggles in satisfaction. Their son, their beloved child. A gift from the sun. His beautiful golden curly hair, bright blue eyes that can rival the sky. And his smile, so radiant and infectious. Their son, the kingdom's golden prince.
Wrapped in the finest silk with embroidery intricately designed to that of the sun. The young baby was very much snuggled in great comfort.
“My lord, my lady, it is time” tsu’tey, their closest friend and top chief of the Omatikaya army, tells them.
“Come on, we dont want to keep our people waiting” jake gently leads his wife towards the top balcony that oversees their people.
“Yes my love, our people shall know of our sunny prince,” Neytiri says while she boops her baby’s nose.
“Have you chosen a name for him?” tsu’tey asks as he follows closely behind. Neytiri chuckles as she shares a look with jake.
“Spider, we chose to call our son, spider”
The people cheered and roared out in happiness once the royal couple had presented their son. Many were in awe at how such an adorable child could ever exist. Truly a gift blessed from their sun.
Many threw flower petals, confetti, horns blowing out, little children waving their flags. The crowd was booming with noise. All eyes on the prince. Including one set of icey blue eyes. Glaring at the royal family.
No one noticed him. All too busy celebrating. A tall menacing man with a dark cloak to hide his face. The man glared with hate. Just how dare they?
How dare the king and queen lie to their people? How dare they lie that their ‘son’ was a gift from their light above? How dare they lie and say the boy belongs to them? Lies, all lies.
But Quaritch knows the truth. That baby, the child the royal couple holds is his son. His blood! His ‘wife’ was a foolish woman. Giving away their child to the royals. She is at fault in this mess too! Too bad she is dead otherwise quaritch would have given her a piece of his mind. But it is not too late. Good thing he still remembers the ins and outs of the palace. After all, he used to be their top chief. The king’s once right hand man. Now replaced by that snarky brat.
Quartich will have his revenge soon enough. He will have his son back one way or another.
Night came, and silent as an owl, quaritch entered the royal bedroom without a squeak. Quietly and effortlessly he passed by the couple who were sleeping soundly. Beside them was the cradle where HIS son was sleeping. The cradle was elegantly crafted with golden trims and plush pillows. Only a few days old and he is being spoiled rotten. Cant have that.
Grabbing his scissors, quaritch goes for the baby’s golden locks. His hair will be a dead give away if anyone finds him. However, just cutting a small strand, the piece of hair turned dark brown and the baby began to cry.
There was no time.
When Jake and Neytiri awoke to the cries of their child, they were too late.
In their eyes, a dark hooded figure stood at the balcony with their baby in his arms. Before Jake can reach him, the hooded figure jumps off and into the dark forest.
Neytiri cried, not believing what just happened. Jake was quick to call out the night guards. Alarms were sounded, tsu’tey was quick to gather his army to search for the thief who stole their sun.
18 years later
“Get your ass over here!” Z-dog, a professional female thief, growls at the little brat who seems to be taking his sweet ass time. Opening the top trap door that led straight down to the golden crown that was heavily guarded. Lyle, her partner in crime, was also getting impatient.
“Just a sec….wow……this view is nice, very nice…..guys I want my own castle” a young boy spoke. Age 14 and already making a long list of crimes against the kingdom. This will be the biggest one yet.
“When we do this job, you can have you own castle” lyle grits his teeth as he yanks lo’ak back to the missions. Tying the rope on his waist, they lower lo’ak down to the crown room.
Quickly he shoves the gold crown into the satchel until one of the guards sneezes loudly.
“Ugh, day fever?” lo’ak asks.
“Yeah” the guard answers casually. Until he realized what just happened. Looking up, he and the other guards saw lo’ak being pulled back up and quickly make a run for it.
“What a great day to be aliiiiiiiiiiiiive!!” lo’ak shouts as he, z-dog and lyle run across the bride that connects the forest and the kingdom.
The three ran fast at top speed. They already knew the royal guards were on their way to hunt them down. Capital punishment awaits them. tulkun might get some leeway. He really only wanted adventure, but for sure he does not want to really suffer the consequences.
As they ran for it, they halted to a dead end. Hearing the soldiers nearing, acting quick was needed.
“Give me a boost and I will pull you both up,” Tulkun said in a hurry.
Z-dog and lyle looked at each other and then at him.
“Give us the satchel first” z-dog says as she reaches for it.
Looking quite offended, Tulkun places a hand over his chest, “I cant….after all we have been together, you guys still dont trust me?”
Dead looks was all he was given.
He gives the satchel to z-dog and the three were quick to holl up lo’ak. Purposely stepping in z-dogs face as he reaches the top.
“Now help us up, pretty boy” she demands while reaching her hand up.
“Sorry, but my hands are full” tulkun smirks while holding the satchel and makes a run for it.
That was close, way too close for tulkun’s liking. Tsu’tey was close to seeing his face. If he did then its game over. For now, he will have to lie low, no doubt his family will be worried to death about him. His parents are way too protective. They will be even more once he gets back. Not something he looks forward to.
For now, he found a little cave that was actually a little entryway to a tower. How long was that there?
Not giving much thought he was quick to climb the tower and shut the doors[?] windows. Finally being able to be at peace, he opens the satchel to see the golden crown. Sighing in relief.
“Hello at last-”
Darkness was all he saw.
“Who are you and how did you find me?”
Miles demanded to know from the young stranger. Tied to the chair, miles made sure his long dreads were enough to make sure the invader didn't escape. Who the hell was he to just climb into someone's tower unannounced? And talking to themselves?
Father was right, there are crazy people out there.
“Is this….all hair?” the stranger asked as he looked at his long dreads.
“Hey! I asked you first! Answer!” miles shouts. Holding the pan tightly, he points it at the stranger. His little friend, payakan climbs on the pan, looking dead in the eyes of the stranger.
“Is that a blue lizard…?” the stranger asks another question. Do all strangers keep on asking questions?
“Hey! I get to ask questions here, not you! Got that?” Miles narrows his eyes trying to look as threatening as possible. The stranger rapidly shook his head agreeing.
Miles starts to walk around the stranger while swinging his pan.
“So stranger, have you come for my hair? Cut it? Sell it?” he begins to accuse.
The stranger looks at him confused.
“What? No! Look, I came here to hide because a horse is on my ass! And now I have to-wait wait! My satchel! Where is my satchel!?”
Crossing his arms, confidently smiling, miles responds “I’ve hidden in, somewhere where you will never find it”
The stranger looks to his left, “It's hidden in that pot, isn't it?”
Tulkun woke up once again, this time feeling something wet in his ear. Turning he sees the weird blue lizard outstretching his long tongue in his ear. Feeling grossed out, he shouts, “STOP THAT!!” startling the lizard.
“Now I’ve hidden it somewhere you’ll never find it” the weird boy says.
“Now back to the main question, how did you find me?” the boy asks again.
“Look, in all honesty, I was running through the forest ok? I have an army at my ass and a horse! Just give me the crown back and I will leave. Alright?” tulkun replies honestly.
The weird boy, or guy since he looks older, stares at him confusingly.
“Wait, you don't want my hair?” he asks.
“Why on earth would I want your hair? Actually, why do you even want your hair this long? Don't you have a knife or scissors in this place?”
The weird guy didn't say anything. Walking away at some distance to talk to his blue lizard friend. Whispering some stuff he couldnt make out. However, using that time to try and free himself. No use, the guy tied him up pretty dang good.
“Alright, it seems you are saying the truth. Now to important matters, look over here” the guy says as he shifts his hair for the chair to move, making him land on his face.
Lifting a curtain aside, the boy reveals a beautiful painting on top of an empty chimney. It showed a dark blue sky with lanterns floating up in the sky.
“Do you know what these are?” the guy asks.
“The lanterns? Yeah, they do that for the lost prince” tulkun says automatically. No real emotion behind it. Holding in his indifferent feelings for that specific day. His face is starting to hurt against the floor. Trying to push himself up, he couldn't hear what the guy said. Until suddenly he was being lifted up.
“I have a deal I want to make,” the weird guy said.
Take him to see the lanterns and in return he gets the crown back. No big deal. Seems simple enough. Except for one thing.
“What have I done?”
“What if he finds out??”
“I am horrible”
“I'm going back, i'm a horrible son”
Tulkun didn't think he would also be a babysitter. Damn, and he thought his sister was terrible with mood swings. This weird guy clearly is older than him yet acts just like his baby sister who is 3.
After what felt like centuries, the weird guy calms down but not in high spirits.
“It seems you seem to be in turmoil. Look, it does seem a lot. But from the bits I heard, it seems you got a protective father, leaving without telling, talking to a stranger whom you never met and now going somewhere that you need to rely on said stranger to get there. This is pretty serious stuff you know”
The weird guy just stares at him.
“Part of life you know. Kinda late but it seems you are going through what I like to call “fuck the rules” phase. Personally I hope it's not a phase. Normal stuff” tulkun continues to say while simultaneously shoving the blue lizard off his shoulder.
“Really…?” the guy asks.
“Yup, but this might make your dad upset. Hell, break his heart and crush his soul even. But its fine”
“Wait, you are gaslighting me aren't you” the weird guy was picking up on what tulkun was trying to do.
“I tried” tulkun answered honestly.
“No, we are going to see those lights,” the weird guy says, standing up for himself.
“Oh yeah? What I don't want anymore?” tulkun mocks him.
“I will use this” the pan was pointing at him again.
“Ugh, fine”
“My name is miles. I forgot to tell you my name earlier” miles says.
“Oh nice….”
“What is your name?” miles asks.
“......its tulkun”
Miles heard that slight hesitation. Perhaps its not his real name.
“Cool, this is payakan. My one and only friend”
Payakan stands on miles’s left shoulder, glaring at tulkun.
“He really doesnt like me, does he?” tulkun eyes at the reptile.
“Eh, he will warm up to you. Now, what was that place called again?” miles claps his hands, getting a little hungry.
“It's called recom port. Best steaks and cold drinks. Hits the spot all the time. And the folks there are super friendly” tulkun says. Smirking inwardly. Surly that place will scare miles back to his little tower.
Wherever miles goes, tulkun can't help but notice how it was so easy to bring in people. The recom outcasts were super friendly towards him! And they hated tulkun! The hell?! Even worse, miles managed to have them all sing for hours non-stop. Tulkun is just so done. He wants the crown and go back home. Screw with whatever punishment his dad will give him. He can take it.
Even worse since miles somehow tamed that demon of a horse.
“Awe, such a good girl aren't you��.zeze!” miles coos at the light blue horse. Reading the collar the fowl beast has.
Zeze was wagging her tail like some dog. Ready to comply with whatever miles tells her.
“You cant be serious, that thing is capable of murder!!” tulkun tries to reason with miles.
“Did she kill?”
“Umm…no but I wouldn't doubt it!
Miles rolls his eyes and continues to pet zeze.
“Look, we are tired from walking and zeze seems to have a lot of energy. Why not ride her the rest of the way? It's a win-win. What do you think, big girl? Want to blow off some steam?” Miles suggests to the hell beast who neighs in agreement.
“Oh you have got to be kidding me” tulkun rolls his eyes. He would rather walk on hot rocks than deal with her.
“Come on, it will be easier. Look, I can tell you both dont get along but please just until we get to the lights? Please?” miles pleads.
Zeze seems to side with him, offering her hoof, she and tulkun shake in agreement.
“Wonderful! Now lets get on!” miles says happily as he climbs on zeze. Payakan sitting on zeze’s head getting a good view and tulkun sits behind miles.
“Have you ever rode on a horse before?” tulkun asks.
“Nope, first time! HIYAH!”
Zeze takes off, letting the winds hit their faces and excitement filling their lungs.
It was amazing! Miles has never seen this many people before! And they all live together in smaller yet wider towers? So cool! And the food! So delicious! More books to read, new music to listen to. It was so perfect.
A kind lady even gifted him a small flat with a sun design and a flower. He admires the pretty flower until he sees other people laying their flowers in front of an interesting mural.
“It's for the lost prince” a child says to their baby sibling.
Lost prince?
Miles takes a good look at the mural. There stood two proud looking people. A man and a woman, wearing fancy looking clothing. In the woman's arms was a baby. A child who is smiling and have lovely golden hair and blue eyes.
“Poor baby…” miles mutters. He places his flower on the base of the mural. Whoever the baby is, hopefully he comes back to his family soon.
Night came and tulkun managed to get a small boat for them to the surrounding moat. The lanturn festival was about to begin. Tulkun look to see miles not smiling anymore.
“Hey, you ok..? Feeling excited?” he asks.
“Feeling kind of terrified actually…” miles confesses.
Tulkun tilts his head, “how come?”
“All my life, for as long as I can remember I look at my window and see beautiful stars in the sky. Always wondering what they were. And here I am, about to see the truth….I'm scared to be disappointed”
Tulkun, understanding his new friend, places an arm over his shoulder.
“Nothing wrong with being disappointed. In the end, you will get to see what is more than the stars as you call them”
Miles smiles a bit, “and what if they are? What then?”
“That is the fun part I guess. It opens a path for a new journey”
Neytiri straights jake’s outcoat, making him presentable. Her eyes meet his. Sadness and sorrow are all there is. No words are needed to be said. She knows. What is supposed to be a joyous day has now become a sad tradition for all.
They meet their children on the balcony, all holding their own lanterns. Yet, neytiri and jake notice their third son is missing. It was just putting more salt on the wound.
Taking the lead, they light up their lantern and together they let it go. The royal children followed. Moments after, all of the kingdom let go of their lanterns. The darkened sky now filled with lanterns, all goes at their own pace.
Neytiri and jake hold each other close while holding their children. Their hopes depleting each year. The hope that one day, their first child would return home. That hopefully their son would find these lanterns and use them as a guide back to them.
But its been 18 years. A grown adult by now.
They make sure their children know of their big brother, and how he would have loved each and everyone of them. Their children never doubted that.
“He will come home this time, right mama….?” The first princess asks her mother as she stares at the lanterns. Every year she asks the same question. Every year, neytiri answers the same thing.
“He must”
Miles was in awe. The lanterns were so beautiful! Each one was different yet all burned brightly.
“I finally know the truth…” he says.
Tulkun hears this……
“Lo’ak” he speaks.
“My real name is Lo’ak, tulkun was just a disguise name…” lo’ak admits.
“Why?” miles asks, curious to know.
“My family….well my parents to be precise. Are very protective. Like super protective. Cant go anywhere without someone spying on me or my siblings…” lo’ak says with what sounds like defeat in his voice.
“You see….I have an older brother and two younger sisters. My parents however, had a son before my big brother neteyam. Spider was his name. My parents said he was only 3 months old before a dark cloaked guy took him away. They never knew who he was or why the stranger took him. That night traumatized them for life. Dont get me wrong, it is sad. He would have been 4 or 5 years old by the time I was born. Its just….” lo’ak couldn't continue.
“So that is why you are rebellious…wanting to get out of their tight hold. Needing to breathe and just take risks for the fun of it” miles finishes for him.
Lo’ak looks at miles’s long hair.
“Yeah…but what about you? You never told me why you lived in that tall, isolated tower” lo’ak asks, wanting to change the subject.
“My dad….he too is overprotective. Growing up, he tells me all of the dangerous things that happen outside of the tower. Baby stealing ghouls, men with sharp teeth, diseases, blood sucking monsters. I was terrified. But in reality…he kept me there because of my hair…”
Miles moves his dreads to the side to reveal a short dark strand of hair.
“My hair….is what is keeping me alive. If cut, it affects my health. He doesn't know why, niether do I but…something like that, it has to be protected”
“So….you never left that tower?” lo’ak was astounded. Miles, a grown adult at this point, has never seen what life has to offer?
Miles nodded.
“And you still want to go back…?”
Miles looked to be contemplating on that question. But before could be said, near the dock was two unpleasantly familiar people.
“There, it will be just like it never happened” his dad says.
Miles was back at the tower. Any traces of him being outside was gone. Lo’ak left him and took the crown. Leaving him vulnerable to two dangerous strangers who wanted to cut his hair for higher value. If it wasn't for his dad finding him, who knows what could have happened.
“Hey, I will make that coup you like so much, that will lift your spirits up” his dad was exiting his room.
“Look son, I know it seems unfair but you have to understand. Not everything is bright and good. Terrible people who sees any trace of goodness, they will destroy it no matter what” with that, he goes downstairs.
Leaving miles alone. He stares at the paintings he has done on the ceiling. Why do they look familiar?
Pulling out the little flag he still kept, he compares the sun to the familiar shapes.
“What the…?” why do his painting have the sun symbol?
Suddenly, he got a massive headache.
Memories of a past he didn't know he had came flooding in.
“WAIT WAIT DAD!! YOU DONT GET IT!!” lo’ak shouts as he tries to fight back his uncle figure tsu’tey. The other night he was knocked out by z-dog and lyle, tying him on a canoe with the crown. Now being punished, he was to be sent to a neighboring kingdom as a form of punishment for stealing a royal crown.
Jake, having had enough of his son's lies, false promises, and fake sympathy, didnt want to hear him anymore.
“Hopefully this will teach you a lesson son. You knew how important that crown was. Stealing was the last straw "Jake says. His family beside him, none wanting lo’ak to go but it was necessary.
“NO!! YOU DONT GET IT!! THEY TOLD ME!! HE IS ALIVE!! DAMN IT!! IM SORRY UNCLE!!” with a quick hit with his head, lo’ak managed to free himself from tsu’tey. Acting fast he made a run for it.
“ZEZE!!” he calls out. The majestic yet beastly horse answers his call, he climbed onto her.
Tsu’tey calls his soldiers to follow lo’ak, his family yelling to come back. “HE IS ALIVE!! SPIDER IS ALIVE!!” was all lo’ak said before zeze ran faster, heading straight to the forest. This whole time, this whole time! His big brother is alive!! He has a lot to make up for right now, lo’ak needs to get him out of the tower and away from the stranger miles calls ‘father’.
There was so much blood. Miles didnt know how to heal him. He wanted to save lo’ak, save him, tell him of his newfound revelation! Yet his dad has him tied to chains like some feral animal.
“That is enough! You are going somewhere far more hidden! Somewhere where you won't even see the sunlight!” his father says. Miles can hardly recognize him anymore. All he sees is a scary, tall man who sees miles as some golden item rather than a human being.
Yet miles fought back, as best as he could. Lo’ak is dying,he needs to do something!
“Let me heal him please!” miles begs. Tears ran down his face.
“Let me heal him, and you and I will be together. Just like we always have. Please dad, let me save him”
His dad saw lo’ak laying still, thinking he won't last long. He ties a chain to his ankle, just incase the brat gets any ideas of following them. Miles was quick, panicking but doing his best to close the wound.
“Miles…” lo’ak whispers weakly, “dont…I can let you…” he tries his hardest to say,
“I cant let you die…” miles whispers, more tears falling out.
Lo’ak gets closer as if to tell miles something, however, in a surprise move, he cuts miles hair.
“Lo’ak!! What did you…!!” his was was quick to turn a dark brown, his dreads also losing their golden color.
“NO!!! WHAT DID YOU DO?! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!?” the mad man shrieks. In a hurry he tries to collect the hair, not carrying where he is stepping. He tangles himself in the dreads, unknowingly wrapping himself. In a daze he trips.
Over the tower’s window.
Falling to his death. His screams are now silent.
Miles couldn't comprehend what just happened. Yet he had to focus on lo’ak.
“Im sorry….brother….” lo’aks arms went limp, his eyes closed.
“No no no!! Stay with me lo’ak! Please!!” miles cries out loud. Now he truly is alone. No friend, no father, no one. Just himself. He lets his tears fall on lo’aks wound.
“Please save him…!! I beg you!! Save him!!” miles didnt know to who he was calling to. To himself? To some holy being? Perhaps he was already losing his mind now that he lost his golden hair. Or perhaps, not all is lost…
Bright light flooded the tower from the outside. Its light radiating warmth, reminds miles that of the lanterns. Bright yet gentle. It was like being swaddled in a blanket. The light surrounded him and lo’ak. His hair, although now messy, its golden color returned. The light touches lo’ak’s wound, sealing it, healing him.
Just as it has appeared, the light has dispersed. As if it never did.
Holding in his breathe, miles looks over at lo’ak, hoping to see something.
A cough was heard, more coughs, and a scruff.
“Oh fuck…did I hit something?” Lo’ak asks as he sits up.
Miles shouts in happiness. Hugging lo’ak tightly, he says his thanks to the mysterious light that saved his friend. His brother.
Quickly, neytiri and jake along with their children make haste to the balcony where tsu’tey said was where he was waiting.
They all hold hands tightly, reassuring one another that this is real, its not a dream.
Opening the doors, they see lo’ak. Beside him was someone jake and neytiri thought they would never see.
A young, tall man with short yet very familiar golden hair stood before them. Wide, sparkly blue eyes that can rival the sky. His familiar smile, his aura radiant of warm happiness. This is him.
“Spider…” neytiri whispers, getting closer to him. Touching his cheeks, his hands, his ears, hair, everything.
“It is you…my spider, my son” she confirms. A mother could never mistake her child.
Hugging him close, she cries out in joy. Jake followed soon after her. Holding his son after so many years. Kissing his head, hearing his heartbeat. Their son has returned.
“You did find him…” jake says to lo’ak.
Lo’ak smiles, joining in the hug, not saying much as to let his parents have this moment.
“Come come my children, meet your big brother! He is home!” neytiri gestures her three other children, neteyam, kiri and tuk. The three join in one massive group hug.
This is what miles, or now, spider, wanted. To feel truly loved. This is his family, may take some time getting used to, but spider truly felt at home with them. For they are warm and radiant, like that of the sun.
Aaaaaaaaaand that is it for this one! Hope you all liked it! Until next time! See ya!
#avatar#avatar the way of water#na'vi x reader#na'vi avatar#avatar 2#na'vi x human#lo'ak#jake sully#kiri#neteyam sully#tangled au#rapunzel#tangled the series#spider soccoro sully#spider socorro#spider sully#lo'ak x tsireya#lo'ak sully#lo'ak te suli tsyeyk'itan#lo'ak x reader#lo'ak x you#paz socorro#jake sully avatar#jake sully x neytiri#jake x neytiri#neytiri x reader#neytiri te tskaha mo'at'ite#neytiri sully#neytiri x jake#neytiri avatar
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Spider raised by Eywa
< Spider is more Na’vi than human and the only one of his kind>
okay first! So I’ve decide I preferred this idea much more so this is going to be the Spider blessed by Eywa universe not the other one.
<if you want you can just skip to the bullet points, the text is just a little background 🫶>
So in this au Paz was still pregnant when she went to fight, she was too stubborn not to and refused to be the man behind (like Ronal did)
Here helicopter gets taken down and after she crashes she goes into labour like a week early. She’s all alone in the crashed ship, hanging from vines, and now she has to deliver a baby that won’t be able to breath the air.
So whilst all this is happening Paz is just praying so anyone (Eywa but she doesn’t know that) that her baby will live even though she knows it’s not possible. The baby is born but instead or it choking and dying instantly he’s some how breathing the air!
Paz is relived and names him Miles, she also gives him the nickname spider because even though he’s just been born he’s grabbing onto her and wriggling around like a little Spider.
She writes his name down on some cloth and wraps her little baby in it.
Despite the miricle of him being able to breathe Paz is still worried he’ll die soon because she’s weak, running out of oxygen and her legs are crushed. Sadly a few days later Paz dies but eywa is not letting this little baby go so easily.
So all the animals of Pandora start raising him (think Tarzan 😂) and Eywa is always watching him.
Adaptations to spiders body :
He can breath Pandora air (duh)
His lungs are stronger than most humans
His brain develops a little faster (not in the way I picture a Na’vi child’s would but better than an human)
His stomach can stand most foods, the only downside is some of them make him feel nauseous and sick (still better than dying though)
His bones are stronger than normal human bones and naturally more healthy
He has a great sense of balance like the Na’vi just without the tail
His skins a little stronger to survive the wildlife
He grows bigger than average human (he’s not huge like the Na’vi but he’s generally taller the humans, just enough so that you could point it out as weird)
He can connect to the spirit tree by touch & is generally more in-tune with Eywa so we get some confusing spirit dreams 😎
Childhood / it’s effects :
Spider can’t speak English only Na’vi (until he’s taught later) .This is because the only talking he’s been taught is by Na’vi through the spirit tree & Eywa’s guidance, so naturally, no English.
Spider was raised by animals who are still in Eywa’s light (animals who haven’t gone insane and violent due to human intervention)
Spider is definitely one of the favourite people of his Thanator family. A mother and her cub.
Used to run around with ‘angtsìk babies by their water source (the giant hammerheads that chase Jake in the first movie)
He totally messes around with Ikrans, some of the older one will snap at him but he’ll just snap right back, much to the amusement of the young ones
When he was first learning to climb he imitated the prolemuris
He’s distrustful of the scientists because his thanator family are distrustful & also because what the voices of the people from the spirit tree said.
He’s not a clean eater. Definitely just a shove it all into your face with your hands at first.
So I’m sticking with the idea that it’s Kiri who finds him, but it’s later in life/closer to movie age.
Spider defo likes Mo’at the most out of all the adults.
Spider has to eventually stay with the sully and leave with them to join the metkeyina (even though he doesn’t know them that well bc Eywa said so)
Basically the movie plot but more feral blessed spider fun ✨✨✨
Also I love the idea of a thanator trying to teach a baby what to do and how to pretty much be a Na’vi whilest having no idea what’s going on 😂😂
So yeah! This is my blessed spider / raised by Eywa (although is more like she gets everyone else to do a better job 👀) Au! Don’t know what I’m honing to do with it but imma do something!
Let me know what you think!
Hope you all enjoyed reading❤️
#spider soccoro sully#avatar 2#spider socorro#avatar twow#miles spider socorro#jake sully#avatar the way of water#avatar wow#Paz dies#eywa#Eywa loves spider#spider is basically Tarzan#spider is blessed#neytir gets a headache#kiri sully#Kiri and Spider and besties#Mowglie!SpiderAu
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Ngl if Spider did become evil could we really blame him? I doubt it would happen if course but why should he be loyal after everything how he's been treated
#spider soccoro sully#spider socorro#neytiri#avatar twow#avatar 2#kiri sully#loak sully#neyetam#jake sully#avatar the high ground#avatar tuk#miles quaritch angst#spider soccoro#paz socorro
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Plot Idea for Avatar and Avatar:The Way Of Water:
***Warning: brief mention of rape***
Role Reversal. What if Spider’s mom, Paz Socorro, was the Colonel on Hell’s Gate and not Quaritch? She was able to rise in ranks on Earth by being ruthless and cunning and that made her perfect for the job on Pandora. She instilled fear from everyone, including Selfridge. She also has a way of getting what she wants. She was able to convince Jake into spying for her, but the events stayed the same and Jake fought for the Na’vi. Paz died and was able to come back as a Recom to finish the job.
Quaritch, however, was a marine on Hell’s Gate. He was a Pilot in one of the units that helped the scientists. He still has a harsh exterior, but not as bad as Paz’s or his original counterpart. Paz tries to seduce him while on Hell’s Gate, but he keeps on rejecting her. It got to the point that she took extreme measures and ended up pregnant with his son. She uses their son as leverage to get him to fight in the battle against Jake and the Na’vi. He ends up dying due to him and his team switching sides in the end. He returns as a Recom, as well. But this time he goes against Paz and helps Jake so he could be closer to his son.
It is Paz who kidnaps Spider and tries to force him to give up information on Jake. How will things change?
Grace Augustine lives in this fic.
#avatar#fanfiction plot idea#fanfiction#avatar the way of water#avatar way of water#jake sully#miles quaritch#neytiri#avatar recoms#paz socorro#spider soccoro#recom miles quaritch#recom zdog#recom Paz#miles spider socorro#neteyam#ian garvin#mick Scoresby#recom mansk#recom lyle wainfleet
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But the Spider really has mom’s eyes...
(My English is really bad)
(I haven’t done much content lately, I’m sorry, I’ll try harder for you. Thank you for supporting my creativity💗)0)
#art#artists on tumblr#avatar 2#avatar art#avatar spider#avatar the way of water#fanart#miles soccoro#spider atwow#spider quaritch#spider son#spider art#spider avatar#spider soccoro#paz socorro#colonel quaritch#quaritch fanart
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I’ll always be there for you

Credits: @bluekernal / @quaritchsgirl
Pairing: Avatar!Miles Quaritch & Kid!Miles Socorro
Summary: After Lyle fell ill, Quaritch and young Miles quickly followed suit. Even though the colonel was in a meeting with some wealthy government officials, the 4-year-old wanted to be with his father because he was feeling awful and since Claire, the nurse, had left him alone, he went to his father.
Notes: Please take a moment to read this. Check out @bluekernal / @quaritchsgirl ’s blog because she created this AU, and let me tell you, her artwork is incredible.This fanfiction was greatly inspired by her drawings.
While Miles did pass away in this fanfiction exactly like in the original film, the RDA would have started this project earlier because the avatar body was already on Pandora and the humans hadn’t been sent back to earth. The humans are still living there, but the Na’vi still don’t accept them so fights ensure from time to time. Even though Quaritch is an avatar now, he still retains his previous memories, and he continues to serve in the ‘military’ on Pandora without his consent since he literally became the RDA’s propriety, but Jake Sully isn’t that important to him, his son on the other hand is what matters most to Quaritch.

Bored out of his ever loving mind, Quaritch sat in the meeting room with Z-Dog, Mansk, and some of the other humans, including Parker and approximately five different government officials. They were constantly complaining about how the unobtanium hadn't already arrived on Earth and expecting to lose millions if they didn't receive any supply by next week.
For roughly five minutes, when he paid attention, that is what they complained about. But could anyone actually blame him? His head felt heavy, his sinuses felt like they were on fire, and he wasn't feeling good. He had caught whatever that son of a bitch Lyle had.
Wainfleet missed yesterday's morning training, and when the Recoms went to check on him, he looked terrible. Since humans and avatars are not the same species, Miles threatened him to stay away from his son. He didn't even know if an avatar could make a human ill, but he most definitely didn't want to find out. It's better to be safe than sorry, right?
Fortunately for him, Quaritch was the one who fell ill after Lyle. He began to sneeze throughout the day, and when he realized it hurt to swallow while eating dinner with his son later that night, he went to the doctor immediately to get whatever medication could help.
One of the other issues was what he should do with his son, since the youngster was still sleeping in his bedroom. But yesterday night, much to his amazement, he discovered that the four-year-old didn't mind sleeping alone because he occasionally did it when Quaritch went on missions. He couldn’t believe that he was the one that in fact minded. It felt so strange to sleep without little Miles, he didn’t like not knowing if his son was safe besides him. Indeed, he did it while he was on missions, but in all honesty, he worried about surviving on those, so it felt foreign to him. He honestly didn't believe he was that clingy.
Even if he had wanted to stay in his room today, he couldn't since the higher ranks wouldn't permit him like they had with Lyle, so here he was, in this fucking room.
The marine memorized all of the government officials' vocal timbres, speech patterns, and unintentional habits over the course of the following twenty minutes, but he wasn't sure why. He was just bored and Quaritch really just wanted this meeting to end.
About thirty minutes into the conference, he grumbled and pulled out his tablet, hiding it under the table he was seated at, which was the size of an Avatar. Whilst it was amusing to imagine that they actually tailored things to fit their needs, he won't complain about it.
He took a moment to look through the device in order to see what games his son had recently been playing. Angry birds. Quaritch snorted, his lips twitching with delight as he expressed his genuine surprise that the game was still playable. In a haste, he looked up and about to make sure nobody had heard him or noticed that he wasn't paying attention, only to find Selfridge staring at him. Really, he couldn't care less what Parker thought.
Quaritch then took up his coffee and hid a yawn behind the cup as a government official continued to go on with yet another protracted, monotonous response. He was definitely having trouble staying awake. God, all he wished was to go back to bed.
He sighed again as the meeting continued with no sign of an end in sight, and Z-Dog grinned when she saw that he had no desire to be there as well. Minutes later, Quaritch fought to stay awake as his head started to nod. He could not possibly survive until the very end.

Little Miles was staying again with the nurses and it was very rare for him to act out. Claire usually babysat him and preferred to keep it a secret that he is in fact an angel child and is not a major hassle for her. She knew about his little ‘pranks’ with his father, but it was clear as day that the youngster knew what he was doing. For a four year old he was smart to know with whom he can afford to pull those little stuns so that he won’t get in trouble. But with her, the boy didn’t usually behave like this so she really didn’t know what triggered him.
The nurse was making every effort to complete the tasks she had for today, but the four-year-old is showing that he will make things as challenging as he can for her. While holding the paperwork from the patiens she met yesterday in one hand, Claire gently pulled him forward. Little Miles is visibly upset and irritated because he wants to leave her side but the nurse won't let go of him. She was familiar with him and understood that if she let go, the youngster would probably run away somewhere.
“Miles, I’m trying to get these done. Just a few more minutes and then we can play.” She sighed as she looked down at the boy, seeing that he still isn’t pleased with her answer.
Claire made an effort to brush it off, saying that perhaps the child was just tired and cranky. Of course, everyone had bad days, so perhaps the boy was just having one of those today. "How about I give you a lollipop? I know you like them, right?”
“No” Miles responded bitterly.
Too tired to bother with the son’s colonel, she trailed off, trying to get all of the work done. While she stopped for awhile, Claire could see that he tried to reach for some sort of item and she couldn’t help but raise a brow. Seeing that it was just a plaster, she let him took it, assuming that if she denied the boy that item, Miles would throw a fit. She just hoped that watching cartoons would be enough to keep him occupied till she was done.
For a while, everything went as planned, and Claire was almost finished with her work when she felt her blazer jacket being tugged on. When she looked down, she saw the young boy pleading for her attention. “Do you want to watch something else?”
"I want to go to dad.” he whined.
Claire shook her head, "I'm sorry Miles, but you can't. Your father in a meeting, on top of him being sick." Miles looked at her with a deadpan expression as she continued “We don't want you to become ill as well”
He started to bit his lip slightly before his eyes started to well up tears “Just for a little while, please?”
Claire shook her head again seeing that his face was flushed worried her.
“Please—“ Miles pleaded again, as he pulled away from the woman and started balling his eyes out.
The boy didn't cry easily, and that concerned Claire; it was obvious that something was wrong. In order to be at eye level with the four-year-old, the nurse knelt down since she understood that yelling and becoming upset at the child wouldn't help at all.
“What’s wrong little guy?” Miles stepped closer as he was still crying, his little hands rubbing at his eyes.
“I—“ he sniffeled as he continued “I don’t feel good.”
Claire opened her arms and the boy fell into them, welcoming the warm embrace. She rubbed her hand over Miles’s back and held him gently. He was burning up, it was no surprise that he was behaving like this.
She stretched her arm to fetch a non-contact thermometer, and when she placed it on his forehead, the small readout showed 38,5°C. Despite the fact that it wasn't particularly high, she didn't want his fever to rise.
In order to obtain a bottle of medicine, the nurse scooped the youngster up and set him down on a chair. For a child, Nurofen would be preferable.
“Why didn't you let me know earlier that you weren't feeling well?” As she poured syrup onto a spoon, the woman inquired.
If he was being really honest, he didn’t know why so the four-year-old just shrugged his shoulders. He didn't feel entirely like himself today.
“Okay Miles, open up.” He gave her an uneasy glance and Claire attempted once more "This will make your fever go down and tastes pretty good, like strawberries."
He deliberated for a moment as he continued to wipe his eyes with his sleeves, but eventually gave in after noticing Claire's gentle smile.
He was pleasantly surprised to find that he actually liked the taste.
"I guarantee you'll feel better soon." She murmured while lightly fluffing his hair.
Just as she was helping him get down, her phone started to ring and she hastily answered the it after realizing it was one of her coworkers. The little boy looked at her as his emotional outbrust finally began to stop, but he still wanted to go to his father.
“Can I take Miles with me?” Claire asked as she looked at the poor boy before her.
“I don’t think it would be okay for a little boy to see this.” The other woman on the phone spoke and then continued “Don’t worry, we’ll send someone to stay with him, but you really need to hurry up.”
“Miles, I need you to stay put and someone will come in here to stay with you until I finish.” She appeared pleased when the little boy nodded, and she then took him up and placed him on the couch after putting her white coat on. He was still warm when Claire laid a hand softly on his forehead and grimaced. Given his condition, she knew she couldn't leave him alone, but if she didn't leave, someone would most likely die today and most people—including herself—would blame her.
"Coming right now." She then put the call to an end. Although Miles wasn't entirely sure why the woman was in such a hurry, he was aware that accidents might happen here, which was one of the reasons his father didn't let him go outside most of the time, which usually upset him.
“Miles, could you please behave and stay here?” She continued to speak as the youngster gave her a pitiful expression while looking at her, but she had to leave. Claire felt a twinge of sorrow when the little boy winced slightly after she pulled her palm away, but she still left the room.
He sat in front of the TV for a bit, but he immediately grew bored, and even after ten minutes, no one showed up. Little Miles was still feeling horrible and he desperately wanted his father.
In all honesty, he had no idea what had actually happened outside, but since no one came in and he was still unsupervised, the youngster was free to go find his dad. Because the marine was also ill, the boy could stay with Quaritch again, since there wasn’t a reason to stay away from him anymore and like this, no one needed babysit him.
And with that he climbed down the counch and also left the room, searching for the colonel.

Z-Dog and Mansk made every effort to control their laughter as they watched Quaritch's loss of composure. He was sound asleep and yet the government officials didn’t notice him. But, since it was online, it wasn't quite like they were meeting in person.
But, it didn't matter. The bet they made was more important. Z-Dog assumed that he would stay asleep for roughly ten minutes before awakening due to his inability to breathe, while Mansk believed that he would wake up slightly earlier due to him being sick. Honestly, they needed some entertainment in this dull conference, despite the fact that the bet was extremely foolish. Don’t blame them.
Their ears perked up when they heard the door gently open, just as Parker shot those two another warning look. When they turned around and saw little Miles there, their smiles soon faded. The youngster discreetly closed the door after sneaking through it, but he still made his way to his father despite the Recoms' terrified expressions.
He was now hiding behind his dad's chair, and only the Recoms were aware of his presence. Mansk felt as though he was going to pass out while Z-Dog attempted to approach the boy without looking suspicious.
“Is there a problem, Miss Zdinarsk?” One of the officals goverment asked and she felt her blood run cold.
“No sir” she quickly responded as she stayed put this time. She was aware that the boy could ruin this entire meeting, but, to be completely honest, she couldn't give a flipping fuck besides that the RDA literally owned them and paid for them, so they could easily get rid of the entire squad if they didn't like how they behaved.
Miles didn't look at her, so he missed Z-Dog's warning look when she looked at the young child again.
The two Recoms didn't realize the little boy didn't look good until he was on the verge of crying once again since he had begun to shiver on his way here. The young child didn’t think clearly anymore and grabbed hold of his father's tail and began tugging on it. Quaritch physically bolted up and he was startled to say at least.
Z-Dog and Mansk both held their breath, but fortunately for everyone, only their coworkers observed them because the officials were staring at some sort of hologram, but they were still grateful that nobody said anything.
Despite his confusion, the colonel was very certain of who the small hand on his tail was. Even though he didn't know how Miles got in, he wasn't angry to see him there. However, why wasn't anyone watching his son in the first place?
As he turned to look at the young boy without drawing too much attention to himself, Quaritch noticed his son's electric brown eyes wide and distressed and instantly, he no longer felt sleepy. He wrapped his tail around the child and made an effort to move him slightly forward so the marine could pick him up.
Again, the colonel didn't give a fuck about those pricks, so Quaritch seated little Miles on his lap and hid him as best he could so that the government officials couldn't see from the camera video that there was a literal child in the room.
Quaritch finally noticed the boy's condition as the boy clung to him like a monkey, unwilling to let go of his father. Little Miles had a poor appearance, with a flushed face and his forehead covered in sweat. He felt a slight tug at his heartstrings as he noticed his son’s pitiful expression.
The colonel struggled to keep it together as he realized that his kid had caught whatever bacteria or virus he had, but the young child was obviously having a fever, which Miles had never experienced before. Just once, when he was a baby, around six months old or so, he did have a cold but without a fever. The marine won't deny that he overreacted at the time, but Paz was there to support him back then, and now she won’t.
Just breathe. It’s only a cold. Relax .
Even though it probably didn't help much, Quaritch cradled the boy close while gently rocking back and forth to try to comfort the boy.
The soldier looked up as some of the men and women shifted, not knowing how much time had gone since little Miles was in his arms. He grabbed his youngster once again as he began gathering his belongings after noticing that they were about to leave. He finally stood up with Miles still in his grasp after the government representatives ended their call.
Nobody seemed to give a damn, not even Parker, when they saw him in there with his son. He had a sneaking suspicion that no one cared all that much about this meeting. Even if the others weren't essentially the RDA's property because they were humans, they were literally there merely to sit and look pretty for all of the rich assholes. Fucking hell.
Z-Dog and Mansk followed them as they all left the room till they arrived at the stairway. While they were saying their goodbyes, Miles, who was practically asleep, opened his eyes slightly squinting and turned to face the other Recoms. "Take care big guy." The woman said as she noticed his eyes were a bit glassy and thought perhaps he was a little delirious.
The small boy didn't trust his voice and just uttered a soft "mhm" as his father told the pair, "If you two see Claire, tell her that I want to talk with her later," as he cradled his son against his side and pressed his face agasint his warm cheek for a few moments. Poor boy. You’re burning up Miles.
“Sure thing boss” and with that they split up and Quaritch descended the staircase so that he could get to the Recoms’ grounds.

When the boy was placed in bed, he dozed off right away. Quaritch took advantage of the opportunity and quietly left the room after he tucked the covers properly around the boy.
He also took his medication, but despite doing so, he still felt cold, heavy, and achy, and his sore throat had grown much worse over the previous few hours and he still had a splitting headache. He just hoped that he wouldn't get worse so that he could take care of the young boy.
Even though his initial intention was to just ask the kitchen staff to send something up for Miles to eat, he found himself personally going to the kitchen to fetch his son a bowl of yoghurt. As the colonel hadn't felt like having anything since yesterday, he hoped that little Miles would at least eat something.
Even though the boy was sleeping soundly when he returned to the bedroom, the young kid needed to eat something. Even if the colonel didn't want to wake him up, he did so. “Wake up tiger, I brought you some breakfast.”
Hearing his father’s voice, little Miles rubbed his eyes and forced them open and groaned. He struggled to try and sit up, quite shakily as his head swam. The colonel set the little bowl down, propped up his pillows and eased him gently into a sitting position. “Is it better like this?”
“Mm-hmm,” he replied, struggling to keep his eyes open.
Quaritch tried to place the bowl in his hands, but the boy almost dropped it, and instead the marine filled the spoon and held it out to him. “Open wide” Little Miles smiled slightly and obediently swallowed the yoghurt. The soldier remembered when the boy wouldn’t eat anything unless they said a phrase ‘here comes to airplane’ and he couldn’t believe that was years ago. Where the heck did the time go?
His son ate half of the youghurt and didn’t waste any time to fall back into the pillows saying that he was full. Quaritch then took one of the thermometers on the night stand and then asked the boy “How are you feeling tiger?”
“Bleh” Little Miles mutterred and that got a chuckle out of the colonel.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He asked as he sat down on the end of the bed, a smile reappearing on his face.
“Ow” his son moaned. “It means that I feel bleh, dad.” and with that the little boy looked at his father with a miserable expression and Quaritch understood that he didn’t want to talk anymore. Little Miles’s throat was protesting and it just started to sting more and the marine made a mental note to ask Claire what she had given the boy and what he should give the youngster to relieve the irritation and pain for his throat.
“Open up” and little Miles obediently opened his mouth without trying to argue, and he placed the thermometer under his tongue. 37,5 —Even though the fever wasn't very high, he was nonetheless concerned. A tiny hand grabbed hold of his hand just as he was going to stand up and head to the nurse's office.
“Do you want me to stay with you?” He asked as he cleared his throat and the child eagerly nodded in response to his question then winced, indicating that his head must hurt. Just seeing him made Quaritch's heart hurt, so he eventually knelt down next to his kid beneath the blankets and allowed the youngster to cuddle up to him. Before giving the boy a quick kiss on the forehead, he began to gently smooth down his hair. He was still unable to comprehend how different the two of them were, especially given their sizes. The soldier only wanted to be able to constantly protect Miles because he was so so small.
The 4 year old yawned as he nuzzled closer to his father and noticed a soft smile on the colonel's face that was always meant for him and no one else. Quaritch was pleasantly delighted when the boy let a quiet "I love you" in spite of his throat's discomfort.
"I love you too, Miles." He spoke softly, and the child smiled and shut his eyes while exhaling once more in complete bliss. However, it didn't take him long to fall asleep.
He remained in bed with his son for a short while, keeping a close eye on him to determine when it was okay for him to leave. Even though Quaritch wasn't keen on getting out of his bed, he had to fetch the poor youngster some medication—even if it wasn't from Claire. The boy appeared to be already be asleep as the marine nervously gulped and cast one final glance down at him. Finally, he mustered the courage to get to his feet, leave the room, and make his way to the nurse's office.
The only person present was Marline, but the marine was too worn out to even ask about Claire. The only thing he wanted to do right now was sleep, but he could find her tomorrow and ask her why the heck Miles was left alone today. And he had every intention of doing just that.
He returned and placed each of the pills on the nightstand. According to the woman, Nurofen is the best medication for children, and Tantum green should relieve Miles' throat irritation. Gosh, he really should stop worrying so much; it was just a mild cold and no one would die from it.
Quaritch was once again covered up as he continued to repeat that in his brain. He just wanted to sleep since he was so exhausted. The marine moved farther down the bed to place his head on the pillow next to Miles's and felt bad since he knew his son was probably sick because of him. Poor boy. He kept thinking about pointless things for a while until his thoughts turned to Paz. He missed her so much, and wished she was there to help him take care of their son. He knew that she would know exactly what to do in this situation, but he felt lost without her. Quaritch remembered how she would always be the one to comfort him when he was scared or stressed. He missed her gentle touch, her warm hugs, and her calming presence.
He tried not to show it, but he was scared most of the time. It would have been much easier with her. Quaritch thought about all the things he wished Paz was here for. He wished she could see their son grow up, watch him learn to walk, talk, and laugh. He wished she could be here to hold their son and make him feel better when he was sick.
But he knew he had to be strong for his son.
He watched his boy's chest rise and fall with each breath,he knew that everything would be alright and in all honesty, he didn't even notice when his eyelids were beginning to close until he was quickly falling asleep.

Part 1/Part 2/Part 3/ Part 4/ ?
Notes: Sorry for updating this so slowly, but I’m so busy with school. I’ll try later this week to put a little drabble, a continuation for this part.
With that being said, hope you guys enjoyed and if any of you have some kind of ideas, I would be more than happy to write them.
#spider socorro#avatar quaritch#recom miles quaritch#avatar miles quaritch#miles socorro#spider miles socorro#miles quaritch#avatar the way of water#spider avatar#avatar spider#avatar recoms#avatar#spider soccoro sully#recom mansk#recom lyle wainfleet#recom z dog#recom zdinarsk#paz socorro#spider sully
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Paz Soccoro Headcanons
Paz's father died in active duty and was raised by her mom and her side of the family. Her mom's family is from Puerto Rico so she grew up there until she was a adult.
Her grandparents from her dad's side kept contact with Paz's mom and the two would occasionally visit them, who lived in Florida.
Actually wanted to study science. Being a pilot was her second choice of careers she wanted to be
She doesn't care about saving her planet. For her, the moment they started to use Pandora for resources, Paz already knew it was too late for Earth.
Personally, I think after having Spider, her view on life started to change. She doesn't want her son to grow up on a dying planet and maybe Pandora can give her son a chance at life. Which explains why she fought against the Na'vi, which ultimately cause her death.
Paz wasn't popular for her looks but rather she was view as hard to get. She appears very timid but in reality, she can be ruthless and won't take shit from anybody.
Paz's relationship was purely just friends with benefits. I think when she found out she was pregnant and had Spider, Quaritch offered to help her out with Spider.
In fact, long before the battle, the two decided to stay on Pandora and raise Spider until he was old enough for Cryo.
Was actually considered a candidate to get an Avatar
Gives off bi wife energy
#spider soccoro#miles socorro#paz socorro#miles quaritch#colonel quaritch#avatar#avatar way of water#awow
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hello everyone!! I come with something a little sad but I couldn't stop thinking about it,
Espero y disfrutes! I hope and enjoy!
and the was right
Staring at you like a predator with its prey
Without looking away from yours
You had promised to see your son again, hug him, ask for forgiveness and receive all the damage he did to his life.
When you saw it, you thought it would be achieved, that they could finally go to a corner of the world and live together
How Paz wanted
But instead of that the boy was aiming an arrow, in his eyes there was only pain and suffering
He was ready to kill you
Aiming at your chest, with the bow that he made himself, he would kill you
But he was weak in front of his father
"You're trying to kill me, aren't you?" you said for sure, you knew what would happen, the same thing happened with paz.
"yes, and it's my own choice"Said the boy to be able to cut eye contact and see the arms of quaritch
"hands up"
"spider can we talk-"
"HANDS UP!"The boy said and then pulled the bow hard and pointed at the head of quaritch
"Hey hey kid, we both know you don't want this, do we?"
"Yes, I want, if I kill you neteyam I will rest in peace, if I kill you I will be a na'vi and eywa will accept me, If I kill you I will be free of you"
"Well, if you're going to kill me, do it."
"This is my own decision"
"you won't kill me"
"you won't kill me because you love me"
"Who said-"
"If you hated me so much, you would have left me dead on that ship, but you saved my life, why? Because you love me, all those moments, you and me We knew that would never change"
"I- I don't love you, it's just things that I'm sure you just invested it in while you were alone-"
"Spider, look at me,"
"spider..."You began to walk the child who is motionless without lowering your hands
"Come here"And so you hugged him without fear of being shot
"n-no *Sob* g-go away *Sob*"
"here, here my child"
"Idiot, asshole"
"i love you spider, I promise never to leave you again,
"i-i lo*sob* love you too....
he said as huge tears came out of his eyes, quaritch was all the love that the sully's ever gave him, that Jake and neytiri never gave him
Quaritch,If he did, although he will not show so much affection, he showed it in his words, how did he not notice? quaritch The father he always wanted to have
short? Yes, but I don't know what else to add to this, can I do a second part?
I hope and you like it
#spider socorro#avatar spider#miles socorro#spider avatar#spider soccoro#im always head empty about quaritch relearning to be a dad#incorrect avatar quotes#avatar memes#avatar james cameron#paz socorro
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Do you have any specific headcanons for Paz and any specific person you would like to see in her role in the movie?
I don't have a specific actress in mind to play her. I think I'd prefere to see a complete unknow step into the role.
As for headcanons I've got plenty!
So I've got Paz's whole backstory planed out in my head and I've touched on it a few times in Mama's Boy but it's very dark to say the least.
At the end of the day she's a survivor even though some days she doesn't even see a point in continuing to go on. Her home planet is dying and she doesn't want to live under the boot of the R.D.A forever. But she doesn't want to just roll over and die either.
Her upbeat, high energy, daredevil attitude isn't a complete mask. She is really all those things especially with her A.D.H.D (which she passed on to her son) but it's not a complete picture of who she truly is.
She doesn't want to burden anyone/ doesn't think anyone will care about her mental/emotional pains so she just buries them. She's been doing this her entire life and is insanely good at it to the point where most of the time she can even fool herself into thinking she's just fine.
She's insanely intuitive though and is much more self reflective then others would think her capable of.
This intuition extends to other too. She can read people like a open book.
In terms of her relationships, she never opens up to others, not even Quaritch really. She's a very good listener though, the type of person you just want to tell everything too, so it never really feels like there distance in any of her relationships.
She's a caretaker but can't accept care herself.
Insanely resourceful. A total Macgyver type.
Never finished school but still like to learn on her own terms. With her A.D.H.D she bounces around lots of different subjects and skills depending on what she feels compelled to do so she's a "jack of all trades master of none."
Doesn't like to be couped up for long. She loves nature but didn't get to experience it until arriving on Pandora. Because of this she's constantly in awe of the planet.
She has a very eclectic taste in music. If it's got a good beat she's probably into it. Will go from the most obnoxious hyper pop to the slowest most soulful music you've ever heard on a dime.
Will eat anything. I imagine food would be scarce on a dying planet so Paz would rather be full then enjoy her food.
A night owl forced to be a morning person because of her job. Takes naps in the middle of the day because of this.
Because of her A.D.H.D she's got to plan out her entire day and stick to that plan or else nothing will ever get done.
She's had a history of misplacing things so everything she owns has a very specific spot.
She writes her daily itinerary on her arm so she's constantly forced to look at it and remember what she needs to be doing.
I'm going to wrap it up here before I get into headcanons about Paz as a mom because I'm definitely getting into that later on in my fic. But needless to say she loves her son more then anything and would do anything for him.
Thanks for the question 💞
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My Baby pt 2
(Part 1)
Paz couldn’t let go.
She didn’t want to let him go.
taglist - @yesthisismycurrenthyperfixation @sarcastic-yami
Paz couldn’t let go.
She didn’t want to let him go.
But she had to, things were still not over.
It all still feels like a dream, like she didn’t really come back and she’s still in this deep sleep where her brain has fizzed up what she missed.
But she knows it’s real, she knows because of the warmth seeping into her back and because she knows that if she lets herself be hit with those arrows, death will come for her.
It all happened so quick, she was holding him against her, her little Miles when all of a sudden an arrow came straight for Fike, digging deep into his chest. She could hear the loud thud his body made when it hit the ground, his gasping breaths and the loud shout Quaritch gave out and the mad scramble everyone made to take cover.
After that she didn’t think much, she just acted. Years of training and the built in instincts this body had kicked in. She shoved Miles behind her, covering his small body with hers, she scrambled for her gun as she hid them both of them behind some fallen log.
She could feel the fast puffs of breaths he was taking, with one hand she reached out behind her and squeezed his, wanting him to know that she was here, his Mama was here.
She could hear Quaritch yelling into the trees,
Her eyes narrowed searching through the twisting roots and hanging branches, searching for him. If she caught him now and finished it they’d be done. She could take her son and won’t have to be back here, she could take him and get to make up for all the lost time.
Bullets and arrows were flying through the air, an explosion happened and she was knocked down. Groaning slightly she looked up and saw one of the Navi kids— the girl one pulling Miles away,
Taking him with her.
Miles looks back at her, he stops and she sees the hesitation in his eyes the way they roam over her. She reaches a hand out, beckoning him back but the girl pulls him harder and then he’s running.
She’s off.
She can hear her heart beating in her chest, there’s a ringing in her ears and her heart feels like it's being squeezed.
She’s suddenly running atop trees, chasing after them, her feet slipping a few times but she fights to stay on. She’s almost upon them when a stray bullet hits her shoulder and she stumbles down knees smacking hard against the large trunk she had been running on, but she quickly pushes herself up and keeps on running
She knows a bullet wound hurts like a bitch, she’s had a couple of them to know that for a fact but it’s either this new body of hers or just the adrenaline that won’t let her feel it, the fear that if she stops for even a second he’ll disappear and this time she won’t see him again, that no second chances will happen.
She’s almost upon them, when another blue figure joins the girl and her boy, this one is clearly older, much more dangerous than the rest. She stops when her golden eyes connect with hers.
The woman hisses at her and something in her forces a snarling hiss to crawl up her throat and out her mouth. The woman’s eyes narrow, her hand grabs the girls an urgent word in her tongue.
The girl kept tugging at her hand, trying to wrench it free from hers, in the other she had Miles. Her heart broke for him, he looked so lost, so scared.
She tried to step closer but something snapped under her foot and the woman’s stare snapped to her, she hissed out a warning and Paz ignored it, eyes only on him, “Miles?” She quietly voices, his eyes sear into her.
Behind him the woman makes a strange noise, her eyes slowly move to her, noticing how they are now focused on her boy.
She doesn’t like how she looks at him.
She doesn’t like it one bit, it makes her senses go haywire, her tail flickers impatiently and she accidentally pierces her lip when she clenched her teeth.
She gives her son, her beautiful son who looks so kind with a heart of gold, the look of something foul, the look as if he was a mistake, a bug that won’t go away no matter how hard you try.
The woman’s eyes move to her and she sees, can practically feel the realization she’s made.
Yes, he’s mine.
Shots ring out far behind her and the tension grows, a loud explosion happens behind her and it takes her focus for just one second but that’s all the woman needed.
In just a fraction of a second she managed to pull the girls hard fast enough that her grip slipped off spiders, shoving her son away from them and off the branch they were standing in.
Paz didn’t waste a second.
She threw herself over the branch and followed after him, he was facing her as he fell, eyes wide and glossy, now Paz has only known betrayal one time, in first grade when her best friend traded the homemade brownie she gave her for a stupid tootsie roll, She never talked to her again and made tootsie rolls her sworn enemy.
It didn’t compare to whatever Miles felt, it never could but she can recognize exactly how he feels at that moment, how her sweet baby felt. How these friends of his just threw him to the curb, she felt tears prick at her eyes.
She reached a hand out and snagged his wrist pulling him to her, she flipped them so she was below him, she pulled him into her arms hand, sneaking back into his hair.
She hit the ground hard.
So hard her ears rang, she stayed down, unfocused stare looking up into the canopy, she thought about falling asleep for a bit, to rest, her shoulder was killing her, a sharp stinging pain that throbs sometimes. It felt sticky, blood probably pooling around it.
In the distance she could hear something crackling and buzzing, it made her ears twitch as she tried to find it.
“—ere are you?!”
Her eyes widened as she finally realized that it was Quaritch calling her through the comms. Her eyes focused and with a shaky hand reacted to her neck, fingers moving around trying to find the speaker, she finally found it and pressed on it,
Her voiced rasped out a weak “I’m here”
“I’m heading back”
Quaritch’s staticky voice came back, “you sure? I can just come and get you”
Fighting back a hiss as her shoulder throbbed she gritted out, “I’m fine. I’ll be there”
She takes her hand off the button and lays there for a bit, staring unseeingly up again until the weight at her chest groans.
Her hand shoots down and makes contact with warm skin, she breathes out when she realizes she did it, she had him back, twice in one day. She didn’t know how she did it but she had and she needed to get back to base before her luck ran out.
“Miles?” She whispered, she got no response but she could feel his chest rising and lowering, a deep steady thump coming from him she wondered what that was until she realized that it was his heartbeat, immediately she felt better.
With a groan she got up, Miles still in her hold. She bent her knees a bit and lifted him up fully, her shoulder throbbing as his arm grazed it. His head tucked into her neck, her legs shook as she tried to take a step, knees buckling. She took a deep breath and pushed through the aches rolling through her body, she walked back to where the others were.
After some time, light began to return to Pandora, she was almost at the pickup spot, she pushed through some bushes branches breaking on her step, and then she was with the others, her sudden appearance must have spooked them since some pointed their guns at her but after realizing who it was they lowered them.
They all looked at her, but more importantly at who she brought with her, their eyes roamed over him and her arms tightened around him.
From her right Quaritch came forward, her head swished to look at him, the frown he always used to cover up what he was actually feeling, but Paz knew better, she knew him better to know that he was freaking the fuck out.
She began to walk towards him when suddenly he walked past her and began to walk towards a clearing, she stood there confused as to why he was being so strange. She snapped out of it when the others began to walk after him, she followed after the others.
She realized that the scorpion that brought them was now picking them up, it was hovering above the ground, rope retractors hanging from it.
With tired steps she went to the nearest rope and clipped herself in, she adjusted her grip on Miles, holding him tight before raising a thumbs up.
They were pulled up and soon she was stepping foot inside the aircraft. Her vision zeroed in on the available benches, her aching body slumping on one of them, she leaned her head back against the walls of the aircraft. She wanted to sleep, the adrenaline was wearing odd and the pain at her shoulder was killing her, she looked down at the sleeping figure of Miles nestled against her chest.
God, she couldn't believe he was here, he was actually here with her, after that chase through the jungle she didn't think he would be back with her. She sighed and closed her eyes, the hum of the scorpion blades calming her down. She wasn't going to sleep, she was just resting her eyes, just until they got back.
Just for a bit.
It was more than a bit.
When she woke up, it wasn't to the sound of Quaritch telling them to head in, or the sounds of the others getting up and moving out, but to the sound of a door sliding shut. She opened her eyes and was immediately assaulted by the harsh fluorescent lights.
With a groan she tried getting up from the bed she was laying in but that quickly turned to be a bad idea when a twinge of pain came from her injured shoulder. She looked down at it and found it to be bandaged up, no blood to be seen.
She yawned and tried to sit up slowly, her body ached, the hard tumble that she took when she jumped from the tree to save…
She shot up from the bed, ignoring the now throbbing shoulder, but that didn’t matter because once again Miles was missing.
She tried not to panic since at least they were inside bridgehead but after she thought of that it only made her panic more. She rushed out of bed scrambling for the door, and walking past the flustered scientists she almost squashed.
Maybe she was overreacting a bit, if he wasn't with her then Quaritch had him, surely quaritch won't let anything happen to him, he’ll do his best to keep him safe.
But as she ran through the halfways opening and closing doors, and sometimes knocking over things, she began to think of what or who Quaritch was.
They were sent out on a mission, to find and kill the leader of the Navi insurgency, but they didn't do that, their first time out and they’d failed, they lost their hostages and Quaritch… Quaritch will do anything, grasp at anything that could save the mission.
And she.. She just brought him the only person that could.
She stopped, her heart thumped against her chest, Quaritch wouldn't, he wouldn't.
Miles was probably the only person that knew where Sully was hiding, and Quaritch knew that, but he wouldn't, he couldn't.
Quaritch would protect him, keep him safe and away from Ardmore.
“Miles?” she called out, a nervous tilt to it.
She tried to reassure herself, but there was a sick feeling in her stomach, a sourness in her mouth and nervous shivers that she could hardly contain. Her search became more frantic, she could feel the wary stares of those that remained in the hallways, she probably looked insane, she felt insane.
She reached a door that needed a key card, and swiped hers.
She ran in, going through twists and turns that led nowhere. She stopped at a 2 way hallway, she looked to her left and then her right. Her mind was all jumbled, she couldn't think, she had tried to smell him out but couldn't all her body felt was panic and Bridgehead city was filled with artificial smells that told her nothing.
She was about to turn right when a garbled scream stopped her, it was hard to decipher what it was but it tugged at her mind. She waited for a second until it happened again and she ran after it.
The closer she got to it the worse she felt.
The nervous flutter turned into fear.
She ran further into the hallway, her steps echoing alongside her ragged breath, she could tell she was getting closer since now the screams were louder, before they just tickled in her ears now they rang like bells.
“—-don't know!”
Her heart dropped to her stomach,
She shot down the hallways, shoulder aching but the terror she felt dulled it, now that she was closer to him, she could smell him, the citrus scent guiding her.
She turned a corner and the scent was even stronger. She could hear a whooshing sound that grated her ears and worst of all she could hear her boy, yelling, screaming at some unknown person.
She ran down where the metals walls turned to glass and light was spilling into the hallways, her boots thundering against the floor, she stopped at the opened doorway and she immediately wanted to curse Quaritch to the seven hells, because there trapped behind some kind of torture machine was her son struggling against the restraints, green lights spinning around him at lightning speed while that cunt spews nonsense at him.
At that moment she wanted to rip out her throat with her bare teeth.
She never felt rage like this like no other, it ate her up from the inside, hot lava pooling in her eyes and burning up her throat. She clenched her fists and marched into the room, straight into Quaritch’s space.
“What are you doing?!” she hissed at him
At that moment Miles lets out a keening cry and she turns around seeing Miles trashing in the machine a drop of blood dripping down his nose and resting at his upper lip.
“What are you doing to him?” She whispers, gaze locked on the scene before her.
“Tell us now and it stops”
Her eyes shoot to Ardmore standing in front of the machine seeming to conduct an interrogation ignoring her son's screams.
“I don’t know!”
Paz looks around the room trying to find a way to shut it off when a big red button catches her eye, she moves towards it, hand coming down to press it when it’s suddenly grabbed from behind, raised above her head, She looks up not expecting to see Miles. He looks unsure, like he doesn't know what he’s doing, like he didn't understand who it was on the machine.
The machine swirls, green lights flashing
Miles screams. She tries to break Quaritch’s hold on her arm.
“You're gonna have to kill me!”
She can't take it anymore, she doesn't understand what’s wrong with Quaritch, why he’s being so careless with her son, with his son, why he’s allowing that woman to hurt him and treat him so brutally.
She’s ripping Quiartich’s hand off her arm, hissing back at him, and lurches for the red button, the machine slowly comes to a stop, green lights stop flashing and Miles so little trapped inside that huge cage slumps forwards, gasping for breath, eyes fluttering shut.
She ignores Ardmore’s glare and goes up to the machine, she unclasps the restraints and pulls him out of it, he shivers as she holds him in her arms, hand coming behind his head. She makes to step away from it when Ardmore is suddenly in her way, the woman is certainly too small and only comes up to her waist, so she’s forced to look up and make eye contact with her. She can see her trying to intimidate her but Paz wont let her, she levels her with a glare so cold that it could freeze the sun itself.
The tension in the room becomes so thick, the sharpest knife wouldn't be able to cut through it, Paz has never felt the urge to hurt a superior of hers but at this moment she fears that if Ardmore doesn't move out of her way, she will give her a taste of her own medicine. She will shove her into that machine until her brain becomes mush.
Ardmore squares her shoulders and doesn't show an inch of fear, despite being face to face with a being much stronger than her; savages. Savages that were bought by the RDA and if these savages go rogue well then it's her job to put them down.
“Corporal, What is the meaning of this?” she grounds out
Paz doesn't answer her, just continues to stare her down, the yellow of her eyes glint under the fluorescent lights, her pupils become almost slit like.
After a moment, Quaritch coughs and Ardmore turns around to face him. If Paz didn't know any better, she would say that Ardmore was afraid of what could happen if she gave her back to her. Quaritch bends forward a little almost as of he was sharing a secret with her, but Paz doesn't know why, if everyone can perfectly hear what he says next;
“General… Let me try the personal angle.”
Ardmore looks back to where she’s still standing, a calculating look in her eyes, Paz is prepared, she’s ready for whatever she says, she’s ready to strike her in the throat if she even thinks of taking him away.
However she doesn't say anything to her, in fact she scoffs and turns to face Quaritch again, leaning in just like how he did, in an almost theatrical whisper she tells him, “He’s not your son.” She keeps on looking at him, and then walks off, leaving the room in silence.
Paz looks at Quaritch, and internally scoffs. She begins to walk off but stops when she’s in front of him, looking straight into his eyes, willing him to understand this and never let him forget; “He is your son.”
Miles flinches at her chest.
She sees Quaritch falter, but she doesnt stay to hear whatever he wants to say, she continues to walk away when a hand at her injured shoulder stops her, she hisses and shifts her shoulder back removing the hand that landed there, she looks back and sees Quaritch standing there, he looks down at Miles, and she follows his eyes, he’s awake but hasn't said anything, sweet thing just hangs on tight to her.
She looks back up a question in her gaze, Quaritch looks everywhere but her eyes, “We got to put him in a cell—” her eyes widen and her eyebrows furrow, an incredulous look upon her face, “Just… Just for right now, Okay?”
Her hands tighten around Miles, “No.”
Quaritch frowns, “What do you mean ‘No’?”
Paz glares at him, “I'm not putting my son in a cell”
“That was an order, Corporal.” Hurt flashes through her face, but she chases it away with a frown,
“No” she snarls out.
He bends down a bit, getting closer to her face, “Paz, you gotta trust me here. I know what I'm doing. Ardmore’s going to be on my ass about this; A prisoner—”
“He’s not a prisoner!”
“He’s your son!”
“Right now he is, Okay? Right now he is a prisoner and I'm working on that okay.” he reaches a hand up and holds her cheek there, “Im working on it, I promise.” He whispers to her.
Paz thinks for a bit, looking down at Miles, head still resting on her chest, she looks back up at Quaritch and staring straight into his eyes, willing him to understand that she won't budge, she won't, last time she did as he said, last time she followed an order she had died.
A frown overcomes his face, he sighs, teeth clenched. A shiver climbs up her back, Quaritch throws a look behind him and with a wave of his hand motions towards her and like a pack of coyotes, the others surround her.
Her ears pull back and her tail slashes behind her, her hold on Miles, tightens to the point where it has to hurt, but she can't let her grip loosen.
She’s too busy watching what’s in front of her that she doesn't notice, Z come up behind her, getting a hold of the long braid at her neck. She grits her teeth as pain shoots into her head, and that's all they need, one moment, one second for her to let her guard down and they pounced.
Quaritch came forwards and tried to rip Miles from her arms but she held on tight, “Paz, Please” he grunted out while she just hissed at him. It was a game of tug of war at that point until Z gave a harsh tug at the braid and her grip slipped, Quaritch ripped Miles from her arms and his frightened face the last thing she saw before he was passed on to Lyle and Brown, dragging her son away.
She hissed and tried wrenching Z’s grip off her but the more she pulled the more pain raced around her head.
“You Fucker!”
“Let go of me, you cunt!”
She thrashed until Miles was dragged out of the room when suddenly Z, let go of her braid, in a frenzy she drew back her fist and smashed it hard against her cheek.
She went to draw back again, when her arm was caught in a tight grip, she turned around and Quaritch looked down at her, “Fuck You” she seethed out and tried to wrench her arm free but he held on, pulling her into some room.
Throwing her inside he locked the door behind him, he sighed and palmed his face, “Paz—“
She didn’t even let him start, she winded up her hand and slapped him so hard his neck turned to the side.
He opens his mouth but she cuts him off, “why are you doing this to me?, I didn’t do anything to you”
She feels tears building in her eyes, ”he’s our son, Miles, and you just fed him to the wolves.”
“ I didn’t, I’m—“
“Yes, you did”
“You did!” she screeched at him
“What were you thinking? Allowing that woman to treat him like that. To.. to… to use him like some fucking gps.”
His ears draw back, a snarl in his lips ”Would you just fucking listen?”
She steps closer to him, “you are putting him in danger” she seethed
An incredulous look crosses his face, “Me?!”
He scoffs, “I’m trying to protect him, protect you!”
“You just put our son in a cage, our son who we haven’t seen in years, who I haven’t seen in years.”
A tear slips down her face, “And you took him from me.”
His ears draw back and he turns away, walking to the door and leaving her alone in the room. tears fall down her face, there’s an emptiness in her chest that eats her up as she stands there.
She hasn't seen him for three days.
3 hours and….. 39 seconds.
She kept count.
She wants to see her son, she wants to talk to him, get to know him, but Quaritch has been avoiding her, Ardmore looks at her like she’s going to go ‘Sully’ any second and she’s all alone.
She never realized how painful motherhood can be, how knowing that your child is so close but being unable to touch them tears at her heart, how some days she wishes she never even got on that ship, never sighed her life away to some big men with pressed black suits and shiny shoes. She wishes she had stayed on earth, no matter how it was dying she wished she’d have stayed. She would have found a nice place for them.
He looks like he loves the sea, she would have gotten a little house close to the beach just the two of them, they would go swimming every day and collect seashells, she would have taught him how to make bracelets with them, how to make the prettiest sand castles, the best way to body surf and then…
Then they would watch the sun set and make marshmallows, their toes buried under the sand.
They would have had so much fun
Just the two of them,
And maybe.. Maybe Quaritch could have come with them, and then they’d be a happy little family.
But sadly that didn't happen and now she doesn't see how it could, Quaritch seems to be having an identity crisis, she doesn't have any control over her own life and her son is lost, he was thrown overboard to drown.
And she is to blame.
It's day 5…
It's day 5 and they are given an assignment, another pointless mission to find Sully’s hiding place, another way of them trampling through their tombs waitting for Pandora to realize the imposters walking through her plains.
Another chance for them to meet their end again.
She’s strapping herself inside the scorpion, ignoring the side glances thrown her way, when a something clatters behind her, she ignores it assuming it to be someone dropping of more weapons when that same citrusy scent assaults her senses, she's too scared to turn around, she didn't think the universe could be so cruel, that this body would be so cruel.
So she doesnt turn to look, no matter how hard her mind screams at her too, she can't, she won't do that to herself.
She only peeks a glance once Quaritch joins them and this is the first time she has seen him since they argued, so it confuses her when she sees a bemused look on his face as he looks down at…
Her hands tremble, she wants to go over there, but Quaricth chooses that moment to look at her, and she knows what that look means and she doesn't want to fight anymore, she didn't really mean what she said, she doesn't want to fight with him, so she listens, she grits her teeth and stays sitting down the whole ride. But that doesnt mean she doesn't look at him, because she does, she memorizes every line of his face, studies the strange blue lines on his skin, and the pretty looking beads in his hair and the bracelets in his arms.
They reach their destination and zip line down the aircraft and she can't help the sting of jealousy when Quaritch carries him down, since when did they get so close. They reach the ground and the scorpion leaves, Quaritch debriefs them but she doesn't bother paying attention, she knows he’ll repeat the same thing a billion times throughout their trip.
When Miles laughs, she knows it's ingrained in her heart, and she can already see herself playing it over and over whenever she feels the guilt creeping in.
Soon they're on the move, they're going to the Hallelujah mountains, going to get some banshee’s, Miles says it’ll be a 2 day trip on foot and she loves how smart he is but then she remembers how he knows how long it is and the feeling of pride is gone.
Miles takes the lead and Quarirch follows closely after him, and then they all fall into line, she’s tried to skip ahead but it's a tight knit line they follow, so she’s just stuck watching in awe as he climbs and jumps over tree roots and huge rocks, he’s like a little monkey, how troublesome he must have been she muses.
Night approaches and they settle down, Brown tries to light a fire but Miles stops him, tells him it’ll attract palulukans. After that everyone just settles onto the ground, pulling out sleeping bags and eating some food, she discards her own after one single bite, whatever it is, she hates it. She sees some hanging fruit from the trees above her and she goes to pick them out when a voice stops her,
“Those are poisonous.”
Her arms falls and she turns to look behind her, her ears shoot up and her tail swishes back and forth, Her boy is standing there, a banana looking fruit in his hands,
“Here, these are better” he says as he hands her one
She smiles at him, holding back and only grabbing the fruit and not pulling him in her arms, “Thank you” she says, a small smile grows on his lips.
She peels the fruit and bites into it, sweet nectar spilling onto her tongue, she hums appreciatively as she chews on it, she looks up from her and sees him biting into his, “It's good.”
She finishes wiping her hand on her clothes, she swallows and tries to calm down her racing heart, “Im Paz” she says with a quip to her lips, offering him her hand.
He looks down at it, and she thinks of pulling it back but then he wraps his small fingers around her hand, “I know” he says.
And she feels dumb, of course he knows, he probably knows all about her while she knows nothing, she chuckles, “Right”
An awkward silence falls and she looks around trying to grasp at any topic, when she notices him playing with the beads that hang at his waist, “I like your…. Waistbeads?”
He looks startled by her comment and looks at her with wide eyes, he looks down at the string of beads, “Thanks”
And…. silence once more, god she’s so bad at this, she doesn't know what to tell him now that the emotions have settled, she goes to say something, anything but at the same time he opens his mouth,
“Where w—”
They both stop and laugh softly, “I'm so bad at this” she groans into her hands.
He laughs at her, and she wants him to keep doing that, never wanting him to stop.
“That’s okay.” he huffs out.
It’s really not, this should be easy, he’s her kid, this should come easy to her, but every time she looks at him her tongue gets all tangled and makes her say stupid things.
She takes a breath and sits down on a fallen long, she has her face in her hands so she doesn't see him sit next to her but she can feel his warmth as it settles in. She peeks over at thim and sees him looking at Quaritch, a frown on his face, “Why did you name me after him?” he suddenly asks.
And that… that stumps her, she didn't think they would be talking about… that, but after all, he is his son and Quaritch was never the one to beat around the bush. She thinks for a moment and that must have been a moment too long since he turns to look at her, “Well I don't really know, I guess cause everyone thought I wouldn't dare.”
His eyes widened, “Really?”
She chuckles, “Well yeah, I mean Miles is Miles, he’s a dick— oops—” He laughs, “Sorry”
“He’s…. Well he’s an asshole, really but me and him weren't supposed to happen you know?, it was against the rules and when it did, Well everyone assumed it was going to be some big secret but i thought it was just dumb since it already happened. I didn't want to keep you a secret.”
“I wasn't ashamed of you.”
She turns to look at him, seeing how quiet he got, a pensive look on his face, she nudged his shoulder with her arm “Do… Do you not like it?”
That seems to wake him up and he looks up at her, “No… it's not that, it's just that… no one really ever calls me that anymore.”
Something sour curls in her tongue, “Oh”
Well, what did she think, he was raised by other people, probably has other adoptive parents and of course they would have changed his name or something, she tries not to let it show how much it bothers her, “Then, what do they call you?”
He looks down at the floor, and then back up at her “Spider”
She wasn't expecting that, maybe something like Michael, or Joshua, or even Zack, but what kind of name is Spider?
She notices the apprehensive look in his eyes and the hunched shoulders. He really cares for that name, or cares for what she thinks about it, so she doesn't really want to hurt his feelings, “Oh, that’s cool. Why Spider?”
He beams, “When I was a kid, I used to climb over everything and Norm said I was like a spider, so it kinda stuck.”
She remembers him, sort of, Quaritch thought he was an idiot which is kinda dumb in itself since he was a scientist and you can't really be an idiot and a scientist.
“Well, it is true, but I think you're more like a monkey, eh, Monkey boy?”
Uh oh, she expected laugh out of him or even a chuckles but a glum look comes over his face, and she immediately feels like a failure, it was going so well and she said something stupid, “i'm sorry”
He snaps his head towards her and starts to shake his head no, “It's okay… that just reminded me of someone.”
Yeah, that's right, he has people, people who cared for him, and loved him when she couldn't.
“Do… Would you like me to call you Spider?”
There's a frown in his face, and he doesn't say anything for a while, then he looks up into her eyes, and she feels as if he’s once again the size of a kidney bean, and he;s staring up at her with those big brown eyes of his, he blinks once and then shakes his head, “I like it when you call me Miles. It feels mine, like when you say it you think of me and not him.”
She feels how her heart tightens, and god she wants to cry for him, she nods trying to not let tears fall down her face.
It's dark now, and when she looks around the others are already asleep, Quaritch is the only one awake and he’s taking guard, staring off into the distance, but she knows he’s been listening in to them, she misses him, the idiot.
She looks back at Miles and sees his eyes drooping, “You should get some rest now, I'm sure he’s going to want us up early.”
He hums, and walks over to curl up at the base of a tree, she watches as he huddles closer to himself. She gets up from the root and goes to look in her bag, finding what she’s looking for, she lays the RDA blanket over him, she bends down and tucks him in, swiping a hand over his forehead and into his hair, she looks down into his half closed eyes, “Good night Miles.” she whispers.
His eyes flutter and then they fall shut, his breathing evens out and he falls asleep.
She moves away from him and stands up, looking to where Quaritch is standing guard at, she walks over to him, standing right behind him, she steps closer to him and thumps her head against his back, breathing him in.
“I'm sorry” she breaths
He huffs but doesnt turn around to face her, she wraps her arms around him hugging him from behind, he sighs and leans back into her, she squeezes him one more time and steps back, going back to where Miles is all curled up and lays down next to him, letting his soft breath lull her to sleep.
The next morning they are all back in motion but this time, she walks right beside Miles, he points out every plant they see and tells her all about it. It makes her heart burst, listening to him talk, telling her little facts about the strange looking plants they pass.
Eventually they reach the beginning of the floating mountains, she looks out into the expanse of floating rocks. It's so strange seeing something so heavy and large being held up by nothing.
When Miles says that they have to climb up, there are squawks from everyone but a quick look from Quaritch and everyone is off.
There's a reason why she became a pilot, and the reason is that being a pilot is just 10% of the time doing drills and the other 90% is flying the goddamn plane. But see she’s not afraid of heights, her job is basically being in the air, but when she is in the air she’s in an enclosed space and has total control of everything. Here out in Pandora trying to balance herself on floating rocks so she doesnt fall to her doom, well it's hard and very embarrassing. Here she is, a seasoned soldier scrambling to hold onto a vine so she doesn't fall to her death.
Her feet keep on sliding against the rocky surface and her palms sweat as the sun beats against her face, she reaches a hand out to hold onto a vine and uses it to pull herself up, when the rock she’s stepping on breaks off causing her knees to buckle. With a gasp she scrambles for purchase but she can't get a good grip on the vines so she starts to fall back, a hand grabs a hold of her wrist and holds her steady, she looks to the owner's hand and Quaritch’s face stares back at hers.
His fingers tighten on her wrist and then he pulls her up, feet slamming down on the ground, “Thanks” he nods, her wrist still in his hold
Up ahead Miles shouts, “Come on losers!”
She smiles looking up at him, she turns to look at Quaricth who is already looking at her, he squeezes his wrist once and then lets go of it, beginning to walk away. She smiles amusedly at his back, and follows after him.
They finally reach the top, “the nest” as Miles calls it, and she can hear the loud screeches from the banshees. They go past a waterfall and when they emerge they are faced with hundreds, maybe thousands of mountain banshees all from different colors and sizes. Some lounge about ignoring them while others hiss and spit at them. They hide behind rocks and watch them, Someone passes a tranq gun to Quaritch and he starts prepping it.
Beside him, Miles laughs, Quaritch glances at him, “What?”
Miles has a smug look on his face, a twinkle in his eyes, “Navi kids younger than me do this with their bare hands.”
Quaritch looks down at the Tranq and then at Miles, he grumbles to himself for a bit but then he grinds his teeth and drops the weapon, he jumps over the rock and slowly approaches the banshees.
A banshee with yellow and orange splotches jumps down and lands in front of him, it hisses at him and snaps its teeth at him.
“Careful, Colonel!” she teases him
She expects him to flip her off but he surprises her when he actually hisses back at the winged beast and decks it across the snout. She cackles a laugh as the thing looks almost in shock around itself and Quaritch takes this opportunity to climb behind it. It buckles trying to throw him off but he stays on.
“Yeah, Colonel!” Lyle shouts behind her, as quaritch manages to connect his queque to the animal’s. The creature shakes his head some more and twists from side to side. Miles, hoots and runs off the rock and next to Quaritch, “Hurry, you have to fly now” he urges him.
Quaritch looks down at him, with wide eyes, “Great! How do I do that?”
“You just think it.”
The beast buckles again, Quaritch tightens its grip on one of the tendrils, “Think it?”
Quaritch frowns, “That makes no sense!, How can i just think it an—” He doesn't get a chance to finish because at that moment Miles just slaps the beast's behind. It gives out a loud screech and runs off the edge of the cliff taking Quaritch with it.
Miles rushes to the edge, cupping his hands around his mouth he yells, “Think ‘Fly’!”
And Quaritch flies, he twirls and loops around the floating mountains, dips under them and flies as high as he can on his banshee. And she hears the shouts he lets out, brimmed with joy, and she laughs. She laughs and screams and shouts with him, his happiness rubbing off on them. He loops back around and lands, the biggest grin on his face.
A smile breaks onto her face and a relieved laugh spills from her lips, before jumping into Quaritch arms and kissing him. He presses into her mouth and squeals as he spins them around.
They stop at a disgusted sound Miles makes and a loud whistle Lyle lets out. They smile at each other, Quaritch reaches a hand towards Miles and ruffles his hair, a chuckle slipping past his lips, and she nearly jumps him again, because this is the first time he has touched Miles without an ulterior motive, and that's enough to ease her heart, melt away the remaining fears that he somehow doesn't accept Miles, does not see him as his son despite the amount of times she has told him.
With a smile on his face, his eyes still on hers, “You're going to love that” he breathes out.
And she did.
She’s suddenly on air without the restraints of a scorpion’s skeleton and it's wondrous, she never wants to get off. She tamed a greenish–yellow winged beast that gave her such a fight she feared she would have to tranq it, but in the end it gave in and now she rode it.
She has much more control now, they are one now, each breath she takes is in sync with the banshee’s, she’s never felt as close to someone as she is with the creature.
She twirls and loops around Quaritch and Miles, hair blowing in the wind as the beast chitters under her. When she settles in next to them it feels like a dream, Miles laughter echoing in her ears, the sea is underneath them and it feels like their a family, a small little family, a little rough around the edges but good nonetheless.
It’s all she’s ever wanted.
But good things never last, they don't. No matter how much people like to say they do, they just don't, her little dream is interrupted by the crackle of a radio, and a demon’s voice pours from it; “Colonel this is General Ardmore. We’ve got a rogue aircraft, 200 clicks out west.”
Everything goes to shit after that.
They leave their little dream island and are thrust into the real world, Ardmore sends them to terrorize another clan, gives them weapons and a poisonous look that promises if they fail this time god knows what’ll happen.
They board a ship and have to deal with an idiot that doesn't understand what ‘Quotas’ mean and then destroy homes and lives.
She can barely remember that one time their family felt like a family, but now all that runs through her head are the cries of water Navi, pleading with them and the smell of smoke, the crackling of fire burning away homes.
And she knows their following orders, all of them are, but it's not fair. She feels disgusting, she destroys families and when she’s done she goes back to hers.
Miles wont look at her anymore, he’s angry at her, angry at Quaritch and she guesses probably at himself, because she just knows that he hates that he let her in, that he trusted her and let her touch him and play mom to him.
And she can't bear that, she doesn't want their feeble relationship to end, So she defies orders, she ignores Quaritch when he orders the burning of their homes, helps calm down the folk and in return he yells and rages at her. Screams at her if she’s forgotten what she’s fighting for and in that moment she pities him, pities him because he has forgotten what he is supposed to be fighting for and so she lets him storm off.
He has forgotten himself and she doesn't know how to make him see.
She’s laying in bed when Miles comes looking for her, and she can tell by his face that Quaritch did something to him, she opens her arms to him and he climbs in, they lay together staring up at the metal ceiling, the ship swaying back and forth. She presses her lips to his forehead and breathes him in.
Promises that she’ll fix things, that she’ll try to make things better, that she won't leave him when things go wrong because they are bound to go wrong.
She seeks Quaritch out, finds him in his rooms locked away, and the moment he sees her he crumbles. She goes to sit next to him and she simply says, “We need to leave” he goes to object but she beats him to it, “Im done, this is not what i signed up for. I'm done, I'm not doing this anymore.”
“Miles..” she looks at him, reaching over for his hand. “We got a second chance, I am not wasting it on a lost cause.”
“Pandora will not bend, she is a fortress and we can either join her or perish.”
She leaves him with that, goes back to her rooms to prepare, she will leave, she will take Miles with her and Quaritch has the choice to either destroy himself or come with them.
It really is incredible how much the universe likes to fuck with them, or is it Quaritch that antagonizes it and it just delivers. She’ll never know.
The ship sinks, there's fire and gunshots and arrows flying around and it all fills her with a sense of deja vu that she wishes she wouldn't get anymore. She knows it's her duty to run straight into the fire and attack but she’s not doing that anymore, she won't be a part of it. She made a promise and she doesn't intend to break it.
She runs through the ship, dragging Miles behind her trying to find a way out. She doesn't know where Quaritch is, but all she knows is that she needs to leave, and leave now. The water is rising, pulling the ship under it. She eventually has to swim her way out, holding Miles’s hand in a tight grip.
She finally makes it outside, the sky is dark and Miles clings to her back, she can feel him shiver
From the cold breeze of the night sky. She swims closer to the ship wreck, and when she does, bodies.
Bodies all around her with blood pouring from everywhere, arrows sticking out of them, their eyes empty staring into nothing.
Her bare feet slap against the metal of the ship, she walks around looking for… anything, anyone. As she walks she sees Z laying on the ground, a crumpled body with blood seeping from a gunshot, tears prick at her eyes but she blinks them away.
She finds a gun laying around and grabs it, strapping it to her waist; she doesn't want to have to use it, but she will if she has to.
She needs to find Quaritch.
She needs to make sure he’s alive or dead before she moves on, because she can't keep doing this anymore. She can't stay in a place where their lives don't matter, where they just wait for something to explode so they can go and “fix” it.
There’s an eerie silence as she walks, she feels like something is watching her, from behind her Miles tenses, arms tightening around her neck. She hears a scream, and bolts. She gets to the back of the ship, and finds a girl, a navi girl, the same one from the forest that day, tied up against the railings, behind her Miles gasps and wiggles down. He runs to her and envelops her in a hug as the girl cries out, “Spider!”
She carefully looks around as she gets closer to the girl. Miles is talking to her in her native tongue, so she doesn't understand much, but she can catch a few words; Cut, Safe, Swim, Mom.
Miles turns to her, “Can you cut this?” he asks motioning to the handcuffs at the girls wrists. She pulls out her knife and begins to cut at them. She’s almost done with them when out of nowhere Quaritch slinks out from behind her, ripping her away from the girl. She looks up at him, her eyes filled with a questioning gaze. Seeing the bloodlust lurking within him, she immediately shuts him down.
“This isn't up for discussion.” he grunts out
“Quaritch, No”
She shakes her head at him, trying to wrench his hand off and when he doesn't budge she explodes, “Are you out of your mind?!”
“I told you I was done, I'm not doing this shit with you anymore. These are Kids, you are chasing after.”
“Don't you think I want that too!?” his shout rings out, she can hear it echoing
She stares at him in confusion, “Then why are you doing this? Just let it go.”
“I need to finish this, Paz. I need to put it to bed, be done with this for good.”
She steps closer to him, “No, You won't”
“You won't be done with this for good, because it will just keep happening. Remember last time, last time I fucking died, Miles we all did. And now it's going to happen again. Can't you see? We can't keep doing this…. This cycle of dying for a stupid rock light years away. It’s not worth it.”
“We were given another chance, I don't want to throw it away.” she whispers.
She doesn't get to see if it all clicks in his head now, if he understands the stupidity he has been feeding on, because in the next second, there's a clatter from behind her, she just gets to see Quaritsch eyes widen, before turning into slits, a snarl on his lips. He bends down, ripping the girl’s handcuffs off and holding a knife against her throat.
There's a hiss behind her and she doesn't hesitate, she pulls the gun from her holster and aims, finger hovering over the trigger and…
She feels her heart get caught in her throat, nearly choking her.
That Navi woman from before has her son, her beautiful boy, pressed against her, a knife to his neck a mirror of quaritch’s own actions. There's something different about her, something has changed, the way she holds Miles, knife scraping against his skin, there's no doubt about it, she’s going to kill him.
Beside her Sully appears, and he has this haggard look about him and she thinks god let her boy make it.
“Mom, Don't kill him!” the girl shouts at the same time Miles begs, “Please let her go.”
Paz feels like she’s watching from someone else's eyes, she stands beside Quaritch, a chill seizing her heart. Her gaze is trained on the woman’s hands, so close to Mile’s heart, the blade glows under the fire, a death waiting to happen.
The woman’s eyes narrowed, “Release. Or I cut” she seethed
Paz’s ears are drawn up, her tail flicks, she doesn't let her eyes waver, doesn't let the panic that has her heart hostage distract her.
Paz glances at him, “Quaritch.”
The woman seems to grow impatient, hissing at quaritch. Her eyes move between Quaritch and her but they hover on the gun aimed at her face, she can see where her fingers dig into Miles’s arm.
“Quaritch.” she hisses.
“Let. Her. Go.” she grounds out
And he… he does nothing, he tightens his grip on the girl, and stays his ground, and for god’s sake Quaritch out of all the times to be so stubborn.
The girl hisses and the woman doesn't like that, she doesn't like it one bit, she hisses and snarls and in one movement swipes her blade across Miles’s chest.
A growl rips out of her throat and her finger comes down on the trigger, the bullet flies past her and lands near Sully’s feet, he flinches and moves back, another girl is behind him, much smaller.
She spits and hisses back at the woman, “Try it again and I won't miss.”
“Release” she breathes out, her eyes like lava.
Tensions are rising, and that bullet she let loose did not help, she can see the blood pouring from the cut the knife made on Mile’s chest, and she burns, she burns to just empty the barrel, to just put pressure on the trigger and bask in the vibrating pops and the swish of bullets flying through the air.
The woman turns to her, staring straight at her, almost as if she’s trying to see into her. There’s a shift in her eyes, something dangerous, something deadly, it makes fear grow in her tummy, to grow and grow until it's gripping her heart. The woman’s gaze locks right into her and it's almost as if she’s staring at the face of her demise, the woman presses the blade closer to Mile’s neck and snarls out “A son for a son.”
And suddenly she understands.
“Quaritch” she growls.
Understands what happened, realizes that the boy is missing and realizes that if that woman doesn't get her child, she will take the spider away from her, and she didn't come back just to watch her son be killed. She won't allow it, she already has a place in hell, she's been there already, but if that woman takes her son, she’ll drag her with her.
The woman’s eyes widen and she lets out a screech, knife raised above her head, poised to sink right into Miles’s neck,
She feels breath leave her lungs, knees weak, her vision zeroes in on that knife and she gulps down some air and screams out, “Miles, you fucker, let her go!”
And Quaritch snaps,
He shoves the girl away from him, knife dropping to the ground and in the same moment she rushes to Miles, grabbing his arm and pulling him away from the woman. She brings him in closer, wrapping an arm around her while the other has her gun aimed at her. Miles shudders against her, hot breath on her stomach, face pressed in.
“I got you, I got you, It's okay, baby” she mumbles to him.
She finds that her eyes are still glued to the other family, and the woman does the same, Sully, gathering the little girl in his arms and pulling the woman away from the scene, slowly walking back into the water. Her gun is still aimed towards them and it’s only moved when Quaritch pushes it down, she turns to face him and doesn't know whether to kiss him or hit him.
She does both.
Miles is squished between them when she falls into his arms, giving him a lingering but chaste kiss on the lips. Hers tingle for a bit and she almost forgets to be pissed at him but then the squawk from between them returns her focus and she pulls back, pulling her hand back a sharp slap echoes around them.
Silence settles and they find themselves staring at each other, she looks down at Miles and caresses his cheeks, pressing a kiss onto his forehead, “My sweet boy” she whispers against it.
“I'm never letting you out of my sight again, You blessed boy.”
She pulls back and looks at Quaritch, the sun is rising bathing everything in a golden glow, a crackle of a radio shatters the hopeful picture and satan herself pours from it,
“Colonel, if you can hear me, please respond.”
Her eyes settle onto him, watching his next move.
There's a pause, before Ardmore continues, “Colonel, this is General Ardmore, do you read me?”
He stares into hers, hand hovering over the comms device at his neck, the radio crackles again but in one swift movement he rips the device off and crumbles it into his fist, pieces of it falling onto the ground.
She looks down at the broken bits of the comms device, relief fluttering in her chest, she looks up at him, a question in her eyes. His eyes soften and he raises one hand, pressing it to her cheek, “We’re done” he whispers
And she feels the sting of tears, “Done?” she whispers back.
And with a smile so bright that the sun itself could turn jealous he says, “We’re done, Paz”
A smile breaks onto her face and a relieved laugh spills from her lips, she looks down at Miles and picks up, spinning him round and round, whooping in delight. Quaritch’s chuckle joins in as he lifts the both of them and spins them. They must look like fools, whooping in joy in the carcass of a fallen ship, their own little family, two huge blue aliens and a human boy, what a sight they must make.
She’d never thought motherhood would be filled with so many ups and downs, that no matter how hard she tries there’s always that feeling that she’s not doing enough, that her very best is not enough and it will never be, that she has failed him and there's never getting back from that. But now when she sees those big brown eyes and that golden smile beam so bright at her she feels like the luckiest person in the world.
#miles quaritch#spider socorro#paz soccoro#my baby#avatar#avatar james cameron#colonel miles quaritch#family feels#avatar the way of water#atwow fanfiction
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Living well is the best revenge, so they say. In Jake's quiet fury at the dismissive, heartless way everyone spoke of his brother's death and the complete lack of empathy he found at every turn and corner, he decides to find a way to live the best life he can possibly conceive, with the opportunity Tommy left behind for him: a fresh start on a new world... just not exactly the way the RDA vultures meant.
(In which Jake Sully pulls the ultimate con on every person who failed to treat his brother's memory with respect, and every person who failed to be kind to their fellow man.)
One of my favorite paragraphs from the story
"His name is Miles, but I call him Spider, because he likes to drive me crazy by trying to climb up anything he can get his little hands on," Paz Soccoro says to the group of fascinated humans and dreamwalkers watching the baby sit on her lap, her hands around his sides to keep him balanced as he reaches for the grass they're all sitting on and tugs at the strands. "He's my little spider monkey .
My little monito . And he's the first human born on Pandora. "
Miles, or Spider, is a little white baby boy with bright blue eyes and ridiculous golden curls. He's got the tiniest little exo-mask on his head that Jake has ever seen
• The tubing is connected to Paz's exo-pack, he doesn't have his own, which is why she can't let him go free like he obviously wants, making little excited noises as he waves his hands and rips up tiny fistfuls of grass.
"He's cute but like... that is the whitest little Latino baby I have ever seen in my life," Asha said, making the group of humans crack up and Spider made more excited noises. "It's like your baby-daddy's genetics took your own out back and had 'em shot."
Even Paz lets out a little laugh. "Yeah.
I've... noticed," she agreed.
Most of the Na'vi have dispersed to give the humans room to... fawn over a baby.
The only people around now are Eytukan, Mo'at, and Neytiri. The humans so far are Jake, Asha, Eve, Haru, Jay, and Craig.
Jake can see, however, a number of humans trying to get a look as they peer around the roots of Hometree curiously.
Spider makes a loud noise and thrusts his hands out to Jake, bouncing up and down on his mom's lap. Jake reaches out to let Spider grab onto his big blue hand and the baby gives a big mostly-gummy smile. Looks like he's starting to get a few teeth in. Jake feels like he's melting, smiling immediately. "Hi, little man," he says in a pitched voice, and then, more normal, "I would have thought he'd be shy. I mean... I'm huge and blue, he can't
#avatar jake sully#miles spider socorro#spider socorro#avatar recoms#avatar way of water#james cameron avatar#tonowari#avatar ronal#miles quaritch#norm spellman#grace augustine#paz socorro#tom sully#parker selfridge#trudy chacon#mo’at#eytukan
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I am jealous of Paz Soccoro.

In my stories. She doesn't exist. Only reader chan and she gave birth to spider instead. Hehe.
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The Socorro family go on holiday
#avatar#avatar miles quaritch#avatar quaritch#avatar twow#spider soccoro sully#miles spider socorro#spider socorro#avatar 2#avatar the way of water#paz socorro#avatar Paz socorro#spider avatar#miles quaritch#spider quaritch#Paz quaritch#yes he took her last name bc he’s scared of her
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things that'd make me literally orgasm if they had put it in ATWOW:
The Recoms about halfway through the movie would strip their pants off and just walk around in loincloths and military vests, AND THE MEN WOULD HAVE CROPPED TOPS- 🗣️🗣️🗣️
Quaritch being the one to hesitate putting down mother Viper wolf or something after seeing a pup behind her (lol he's a dad now)
Seeing Paz soccoro (Spiders mom) and Quaritch sharing a kiss in a sun lit backround where it's all romantic and shit.
Baby spider in the arms of Norm or Max after Jake narrates saying "Spider's mom was killed during the war"
Momma Neytiri and grandmama Mo'at cuddling with baby Neteyam.. BABY NE-
Neteyam meeting Eytukan and being all like "who are you" in English and him replying, "my grandson? " 😭😭😭
Tuk playing around with a bunch of new metkayina friends.
Quaritch shirtless.
MANSK, ZDINARSK AND LYLE!??!?!!??????!!???
More papa Jake and baby Lo'ak.
Jake and neytiri taking kiri and Neteyam on their first ride.
Neytiri being Bobs new rider.
More of the Tonowari family.
Paz soccoro and Miles literally interacting in ANY WAY.
Paz holding Spiders baby picture to her chest while she dies.
Back stories on the Recoms
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Headcanon that Paz Soccoro's personality is almost exactly like Spider's. A fighting spirit who ultimately has a good heart and genuinely wants to do the right thing. Also she feisty and spicy 🌶️ which was what attracted Quaritch to her in the first place.
They say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, so for paz to be a feisty woman like her son makes sense.
#paz socorro#spider socorro#miles socorro#miles spider socorro#avatar#avatar 2009#avatar the way of water#avatar 2
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