#payouts platform
Guide on The Best Way to Pay Your Contractors
Working with contractors can be an excellent way to obtain professional services without bringing on a new employee. Many business owners work with contractors when they need temporary services performed or when a miscellaneous job comes along for which they don’t have an expert on staff.
Paying contractors is fairly straightforward, but there are some things you’ll want to be aware of to ensure a smooth experience. Below are some considerations to help guide you through the process of paying contractors:
Determine the Rate Up Front
Before you can issue contractor payouts, you need a written agreement in place that lays out the rate you’re expected to pay. Some agreements set an hourly rate while others work on a project rate. Having this information in writing is crucial so that both you and any contractors you work with are on the same page.
You also need to think about any fees associated with contractor payouts. Some payment platforms charge a fee to send or receive payments online, so you will want to determine whether you or the contractor will be responsible for these fees and then adjust payment amounts accordingly.
Keep Records
Whether you pay in cash or with a card or check, keep records of all payments made. If possible, get a receipt from each contractor so that you have documentation to rely on if a payment is questioned in the future. Having proof of payment is also beneficial when working on your company’s financials at the end of the year for tax filing and other matters.
Don’t Forget Taxes
Speaking of taxes, if you work with contractors in the United States, you typically do not need to withhold taxes from payments; however, you’re encouraged to speak with a tax planning expert to learn more. In most cases, you will still need to issue each contractor a 1099-MISC form that lists all the payments you’ve made to the contractor during the tax year. In 2023, you need to issue this form if you’ve paid more than $600 in that tax year, and this can affect how you file and pay your own taxes as well.
Read a similar article about send mass global payments to health care providers here at this page.
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romiiarts · 8 days
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Just a little PSA about my satosugu fanbooks 🤍
Find all the free and paid versions in the new site ✨
Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for the support always 🙇🏻‍♀️ 🤍
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irlplasticlamb · 4 months
Hellooo, I was just wondering is it still cool to buy from Inprint? Like do you get a profit from that? I wanna buy ur art, but wanna make sure you're actually receiving the funds yanno!
go for it :) i don’t have any other prints shop (at least as of yet — i’m flirting with the idea of opening a print store again but i need some time to like REALLY think this through and sort out all the nitty gritty!) so if you want to get anything inprnt should do :D
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zyronoidablog · 7 months
Payment service provider in India | Payout solution provider in india | Zyro
Discover seamless payment solutions tailored for Indian businesses with Zyro. As a leading payment service provider and payout solution provider in India, Zyro offers innovative tools to streamline transactions and enhance financial operations. Explore our range of services today
For more information visit our website: www.zyro.in/blog
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wearemoneymaker · 9 months
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instantpay · 2 years
How Businesses Can Simplify Payment Process Using Payouts?
Managing payments is quite a challenging but important process for any business. Over the years, businesses have implemented new ways to improve their payment processes.
With the increasing demands of enterprises to run their operations smoothly and reliably, the need for better digital payment systems is increasing.
If you are also a growing business and want to improve the payment process for your employees, partners, suppliers, and customers, then a well-designed payout solution will work well for you.
As a major neo-banking platform for small to large businesses, InstantPay helps you to stay ahead in the complex business landscape with its smart payments solutions designed for the new India.
Let’s understand Payouts and how InstanPay facilitates businesses to innovate and grow through its on-demand business payout solutions.
What are Payouts?
Payout simplifies the process of making payments to vendors, employees, channel partners, etc. By using an effective payout solution, a business can pay its recipients in real-time. It allows you to transfer money directly to beneficiaries’ bank accounts, cards, or wallets. Plus, it makes it easier to pay in bulk.
Types of Payouts for Businesses
There are several types of payouts for a business, including but not limited to:
Employee Payouts: Salaries, reimbursements, and incentives are common employee payouts.
Vendor Payouts: Payments made by businesses to their suppliers and vendors to provide goods and services are vendor payouts.
Partner Payouts: Payments such as commissions to retailers, distributors, and allied business entities are partner payouts.
Customer Payouts: Payments to customers regarding cashback, rewards, refunds, etc. are customer payouts.
How Important are Payouts for Your Business?
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Scale Your Business with InstantPay Payouts
Making timely payouts is as important as receiving payments. We can say that an effective and reliable payout solution plays an important role in the success of any business by simplifying its payments process.
Also, it is helpful to improve your money movement and expense management while building trust with your partners and customers.
Keeping today’s evolving business challenges in mind, we’ve designed and built effective payout solutions that automate all types of payments and make sending money a seamless experience.
And the core aim here is to simplify your complex business banking transactions and add value to your business.
Single or bulk, InstantPay payouts empower you to send money in a matter of minutes. Also, you don’t need to worry about bank holidays or restricted working hours as you can payout 24*/7 via IMPS, NEFT, RTGS & UPI using our mobile/desktop application.
Do More Than Just Payments
With InstantPay you can carry out frictionless payouts to the bank, wallets, cards and enables you to schedule & track your queued, affected payments anytime.
Besides, our scalable payout solution can process over a million payouts in a day, so you don’t have to make the extra manual effort.
With useful features like validating beneficiary bank accounts before initiating payment, scheduling, and tracking of funds, etc., the
InstantPay payout solution is great for expanding your business payment options. It not only automates transactions but helps you to capture the dynamic market environment with reliable and quick payouts.
Moreover, our in-demand payment tools have been designed to effectively streamline your business banking operations without any complex integration.
Making business transactions easy and quick, the InstantPay platform lets you keep track of all your outward payments while reducing manual efforts and saving time.
So, get started with InstantPay payouts today and make secure and timely payments to all your payees with the control and flexibility your business needs.
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renthony · 3 months
A Quick Lesson in Royalty Payouts
I just made my 500th sale of The Queen of Cups! I'm genuinely thrilled, because that's a pretty huge milestone for my little fantasy story! I originally wrote it as part of a series of short stories inspired by tarot cards (hence the title), but it really took on a life of its own. The other stories are still sitting in a folder on my desktop.
The Queen of Cups is a $0.99 USD ebook, and while there is a paperback available, most of my sales are digital. I never planned to make a ton of money on this story, because it just wasn't realistic to assume I would. And I haven't.
These are screenshots from my Amazon dashboard (which is currently the only platform tQoC is available through, thanks to issues with other distributors):
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I make an average royalty payout of $0.32 USD per sale. Most months, I don't make any money off this story, and when I do get a payout, it ranges from pennies to maybe a full dollar if I'm lucky. I once made $6 on a payment and was ecstatic.
Authors, especially indie/self-pub authors, are broke. Many have to work other jobs, cutting down on the energy available to write. I'm personally unable to work outside the house because I'm disabled, so I contribute to the household income largely via Patreon and desperate e-begging. I say often that I don't feel like a person, I feel like six side hustles in a trench coat.
Support your favorite small-time artists in whatever way you can. You need art in your life, and we need money to live. It's fuckin' brutal out here.
(If I happen to be one of your favorite small-time artists, there's a page on my website with info on how to help. <3)
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2600’s amazing Hackers on Planet Earth con may go down under enshittification
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Catch me in Miami! I'll be at Books and Books in Coral Gables on Jan 22 at 8PM.
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It's been 40 years since Emmanuel Goldstein launched the seminal, essential, world-changing 2600: The Hacker Quarterly. 2600 wasn't the first phreak/hacker zine, but it was the most important, spawning a global subculture dedicated to the noble pursuit of technological self-determination:
2600 has published hundreds of issues in which digital spelunkers report eagerly on the things they've discovered by peering intently at the things no one was supposed to even glance at (I'm proud to be one of those writers!). They've fought legal battles, including one that almost went to the Supreme Court:
They created a global network of meetups where some of technology's most durable friendships and important collaborations were born. These continue to this day:
And they've hosted a weekly radio show on NYC's WBAI, Off the Hook:
When WBAI management lost their minds and locked the station's most beloved hosts out of the studio, Off the Hook (naturally) led the rebellion, taking back the station for its audience, rescuing it from a managerial coup:
But best of all, 2600 gave us HOPE – both in the metaphorical sense of "hope for a better technological tomorrow" and in the literal sense, with its biannual Hackers On Planet Earth con:
For decades HOPE had an incredible venue, the Hotel Pennsylvania (memorialized in the phreak anthem "PEnnsylvania 6-5000"), a crumbling pile in midtown Manhattan that was biannually transformed into a rollicking, multi-day festival of forbidden technology, improbable feats, and incredible presentations. I was privileged to keynote HOPE in 2016:
But after the 2018 HOPE, the Hotel Pennsylvania was demolished to make way for the Penn15 (no, really) skyscraper, a vaporware mega-tower planned as a holding pen for luxury shopping and empty million-dollar condos sold to offshore war-criminals as safe-deposit boxes in the sky. The developer, Vornado (no, really) hasn't actually done all that – after demo'ing the Hotel Pennsylvania, they noped out, leave a large, unusable scar across midtown.
But HOPE wasn't lost. In 2022, the ever-resilient 2600 crew relocated to Queens, hosted by St John's University – a venue that was less glamorous that the Hotel Pennsylvania, but the event was still fantastic. Attendance fell from 2,000 to 1,000, but that was something they could work with, and reviews from attendees were stellar.
Good thing, too. 2600 is, first and foremost, a magazine publisher, and these have been hard years for magazines. First there was the mass die-off of indie bookstores and newsracks (I used to sell 2600 when I was a bookseller, and in the years after, I always took the presence of 2600 on a store's newsrack as an unimpeachable mark of quality).
Thankfully for 2600, their audience is (unsurprisingly) a tech-savvy one, so they were able to substitute digital subscriptions for physical ones:
Of course, many of those subscriptions came through Amazon's Kindle, because nerds were early Amazon adopters, and because the Kindle magazine publishing platform offered DRM-free distribution to subscribers along with a fair payout to publishers.
But then Amazon enshittified its magazine system. Having locked publishers to its platform, it rugged them and killed the monthly subscription fees that allowed publishers to plan for a steady output. Publishers were given a choice: leave Amazon (and all the readers locked inside its walled garden) or put your magazine into the Kindle Unlimited system:
Kindle Unlimited is an all-you-can-eat program for Kindle, which pays publishers and writers based on a system that is both opaque and easily gamed, with the lion's share of the money going to "publishers" who focus on figuring out how to cheat the algorithm. Revenues for 2600 – and all the other magazines that Amazon had sucked in and sucked dry – fell off a cliff.
Which brings me to the present moment. After 40 years, 2600 is still at it, having survived the bookstorepocalypse, the lunacy of public radio management, the literal demolition of their physical home by an evil real-estate developer, and Amazon's crooked accounting.
This is 2600, circa 2024, and 2024 a HOPE year:
Once again, HOPE has been scheduled for its new digs in Queens, July 12-14. Last week, HOPE sent out an email blast to their subscribers telling them the news. They expected to sell 500 tickets in the first 24 hours. They didn't even come close:
It turns out that Google and the other major mail providers don't like emails with the word "hacker" in them. The cartel that decides which email gets delivered, and which messages go to spam, or get blocked altogether, mass-blocked the HOPE 2024 announcement. Email may be the last federated, open platform we have, but mass concentration has created a system where it's nearly impossible to get your email delivered unless you're willing to play by Gmail's rules:
For Emmanuel Goldstein, founder of 2600 and tireless toiler for this community, the deafening silence following from that initial email volley was terrifying: "like some kind of a "Twilight Zone" episode where everyone has disappeared."
The enshittification that keeps 2600's emails from being delivered to the people who asked to receive them is even worse on social media. Social media companies routinely defraud their users by letting them subscribe to feeds, then turning around to the people and organizations that run those feeds and saying, "You've got x thousand subscribers on this platform, but we won't put your posts in their feeds unless you pay us to 'boost' your content":
Enshittification has been coming at 2600 for decades. Like other forms of oddball media dedicated to challenging corporate power and government oppression, 2600 has always been a ten-years-ahead preview of the way the noose was gonna tighten on all of us. And now, they're on the ropes. HOPE can't sell tickets unless people know about HOPE, and neither email providers nor social media platforms have any interest in making that happen.
A handful of giant corporations now get to decide what we read, who we hear from, and whether and how we can get together in person to make friends, forge community, rabble-rouse and change the world. The idea that "it's not censorship unless the government does it" has always been wrong (not all censorship violates the First Amendment, and censorship can be real without being unconstitutional):
What can you do about it? Well, for one thing, you can sign up for HOPE. It's gonna be great. They've got sub-$100 hotel rooms! In New York City!
If you can't make it to HOPE, you can sign up for a virtual membership:
You can submit a talk to HOPE:
You can subscribe to 2600, in print or electronically (I signed up for the lifetime print subscription and it was a bargain – I devour every issue the day it arrives):
2600 is living a decade in the future of every other community you care about, weird hobby you enjoy, con you live for, and publication you read from cover to cover. If we can all pull together to save it, it'll be a beacon of hope (and HOPE).
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I'm Kickstarting the audiobook for The Bezzle, the sequel to Red Team Blues, narrated by @wilwheaton! You can pre-order the audiobook and ebook, DRM free, as well as the hardcover, signed or unsigned. There's also bundles with Red Team Blues in ebook, audio or paperback.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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New Subscriptions API Integrations with Catalog and Orders
The Subscriptions API allows you to integrate Square Subscriptions into your applications, empowering sellers to drive repeat business and build stronger relationships with customers read more
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genericpuff · 29 days
"it's only been 3 months, of course we haven't turned a profit yet" - implied Webtoons in their recent Q2 meeting following their Wall Street debut
"it's only been 3 months, what do you mean the lawyers are already here" - I choked out as I was informed of the vultures circling WT's dying corpse from above
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(literally just google "webtoons investigation" and you'll come across multiple articles covering different firms with the exact same claims and ongoing investigations)
Now let's not get ahead of ourselves, vultures are vultures, as soon as one smells blood the rest of them tend to circle in to get their own place in line. At this stage, it's simply legal firms that specialize in the investment sector sliding their cards across the table towards WT's investors like, "heeeey, give us a call if you, y'know... don't make your money back in the next three months :) or the three months after that :) we can make the money happen, for a price :)"
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That said, whichever vulture honed in first, I don't think they would have followed the scent if they weren't at least somewhat confident there was something to feast on. Then again, I'm not a lawyer, nor am I involved in the complex world of investing and /r/wallstreetbets, but what I can confidently say is... of course Webtoons isn't hitting their projections, this is a company that historically operates at a loss, it says so right in their own IPO documentation. This isn't even some hush hush secret anymore whispered among creators who are privileged to that information or readers who can only take their best guesses, it's now literally official that Webtoons is historically bad at making money. And now in their attempts to save themselves, they've now put themselves in debt not only to Daddy Naver, but to all the eager investors who expected this to be their next big payout. And it's hilarious.
But what isn't hilarious is how this is undoubtedly affecting the creators on the platform, both Originals and greenlit Canvas creators who are currently working their asses off to launch their series. And so I want to make it very clear that as much as I'm currently taunting Webtoons much like the Road Runner taunted Wile E. Coyote's increasingly absurd stunts that always backfired tenfold, I also have the immense privilege of not being in the shoes of those who are witnessing this and fearing they'll be losing their jobs and opportunities.
To the people who are in those positions, I have the utmost respect for what you're currently facing. You're all investors in your own right, looking down the same barrel as the Wall Street betters who are realizing Webtoons' lied to them. You're investing your time, your efforts, your work, your creative rights, your physical bodies and mental health into Webtoons with the expectation that it will payoff. And as we've seen from many creators who have come out on the other side burnt out and often poorer than they were when they went in, that payoff doesn't exist 99% of the time.
So, with the privilege that I have as someone who's not contracted with Webtoons and isn't bound by an NDA and knows fully well how much Webtoons hates their public image being laughed at... my inbox is always open and the anon button is always turned on. Do with that what you will. And know that if you're someone who's currently trying to find a way out of Webtoons, remember the power you have. Their platform is nothing without you.
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heystephen · 1 year
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literally yeah. but i do hope if musicians band together to protest poor payouts from music streaming platforms, they’re much more successful
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brownsugar-dreams · 5 months
Another Approach To Online Sugaring
Recently I took a break from dating. The dating apps can get exhausting and sometimes you’re just not in a place where you have the physical/emotional energy to get dressed up and go out. I didn’t want the money to stop, so I decided to start camming again but only for online sugar dating(OSD)/girlfriend experience (GFE). It’s been such a success I decided to make a post about it.
When I reactivated my no face cam accounts, I started casually talking to users in my chat rooms. There were a good share of users who just want to chat. If you have an outgoing personality, this is really easy and comes natural. We would talk about all sorts of things from what they do for work/fun, casual interests, kinks. I’d tell them stories, my POVs on pop culture topics, fantasies, made up stuff. At this point I noticed specific users were tipping in the general chat. I focused on those users and made sure to show them the most attention and they continued to tip. They’d often initiate a private session (more $ per min) and we’d continue chatting.
If you’re consistent with signing in at least 1-2x a week, it’s easy to find someone who adores you. I created a Snapchat (SC) profile and advertised it on my cam site as a way for users to connect with me 1:1. Set it up so they have to pay to get the username. Using SC, I posted no face pics with a link to my wishlist/cashapp and sparingly answered messages (mostly messages inquiring about pricing/services never free endless chatting). Later I created a price menu for services offered and shared that from time to time on my story. Once a relationship is established, it’s super easy to straight up ask for money. Since they met you on a paid cam site they already know what’s up so don’t let anyone pretend to be naive or use your time for free.
Overall this has been a flexible way to earn money that is relatively easy and low maintenance. Most of these clients are lonely and desperate for female attention so making each feel special is the key.
Things to Note/Logistics
I personally don’t show my face by having the cam positioned from the neck down. But other no face cam girls have talked about using full or half face masks to conceal their identity. Given the nature of “professionalism” in our fields I can understand a lot of us wanting to preserve our identities. But do what you’re comfy with! I’d suggest no nudity in free chat otherwise users will be less likely to pay for private.
Each cam site is different and pays differently. Most let you adjust your price settings as you like. I researched the sites with the most consistent/quickest payout schedule and reputation by searching Reddit posts and cam girl forums. I picked my favorite sites shared below.
To maximize earnings, I stream multiple sites at a time by opening tabs. Some use OBS software but I haven’t had the time to figure out how to incorporate that yet.
I changed the settings to allow only users with money to participate in chat. This helps reduce hecklers and incels looking for a free show.
Sites have varying popularity during different times/day. Keep that in mind when starting out so that you can develop a schedule. We’re busy professionals irl so making sure to cam on days/nights that have the most earning potential saves a lot of time.
Different clients have different needs so it’s important to be flexible and only take on clients you’d be comfortable with. I have clients that want me to be bossy and mean while others want a more traditional GFE where they’re the caretaker (think MTS “daddy am I your baby” type of thing lol).
Tips to Earn More
Share your wishlist in your bio across platforms. I like to use throne.
Create a links page and share to let your big spenders get notified when you’re online. I use beacons
I use sextpanther to supplement on weeks that are too busy to cam. I love the convenience of texting and it yields good money.
If you want to incorporate toys in your private shows when you’re starting out, use Aliexpress to order cheap toys. Eventually when you gain a consistent following, I suggest making the guys pay for anything they’d like to see you use and of course non sexual gifts for you too!
Keep a list/diary of users to keep track across platforms. Make note of their interests/kinks/imp things they’ve shared so you can refer to it during sessions.
Successful Cam Sites: CB CS
Keep working towards your goals!😘❤️✨
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realdirtfacts · 11 months
Selling your merch and shipping from home with Fourthwall
I've been selling @shiftythrifting Junk Boxes - our curated secondhand mystery boxes - since 2017 using different platforms with different levels of success. I moved to Fourthwall in 2022 and my teeny tiny business has only grown since then! FW is free to use and you get ALL the money from your home sales save for the credit card processing fees. I don't miss the fee structure from our previous hosts, so I thought I'd write up a little guide on how easy it is to get started.
Things you need to start shipping from home:
A scale, and it doesn't need to be an expensive or large one! Even a kitchen scale works for small stuff.
Packaging and packing materials for the product(s) you're selling.
Access to a post office and/or a printer.
Funds set aside for postage. You'll get this money back with your Fourthwall payout when the month rolls over.
(Optional but handy) A ShipStation account.
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Make yourself a store if you haven't already. You can sell print on demand, digital stuff, and your own inventory in one place but today we're talking about selling from home, so add a product and pick the middle option.
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You can customize everything about your product on this page, from adding size and color variations, the materials used to make it, size charts, inventory, and more. Get an accurate weight of what you're selling in its packaging and add that here. Hit save and you have your first listing. Gonna be selling a variety of products? You can duplicate the listing with the meatball menu! Change the name, photos, and anything else that needs changing and have your second listing up in a couple minutes.
Didi protip: I like to put people's reviews right in the listing. Lots of photos help sell your product, but there's nothing like a positive review from fans!
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Fourthwall's Collections feature lets me put my Junk Boxes in their own little section where I can set them to hidden or mark them sold out if I get sick or am on vacation. This lets me easily turn the self-fulfilled part of my store off while folks can still purchase print on demand and digital stuff and sign up for memberships.
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Didi protip: If you are in the US, the US postal service will pick up your outgoing packages free of charge on any regular mail day. Just set up a pickup on USPS.com!
When you've made your first sale, you can either make the label yourself or connect directly to ShipStation through Fourthwall's app integration. That's brand new and I love it so far. My labels pop up in ShipStation about 24 hours after a purchase, giving people a little window of time to adjust their order or make changes before I ship it.
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At that point, all that's left is handing it off to the postal carrier of your choice! Boom, you're done!
A final note from me, I moved ShopShifty to Fourthwall so I could have one address for ALL my merch instead of splitting it between Patreon, a print-on-demand store, and the Junk Box store. It's proven to be the best choice I've made in years and has saved me a ton of money in marketplace fees, Paypal's cut, and web hosting charges. This has genuinely been the easiest way to sell my merch!
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simonjadis · 5 months
Jesus christ. I'm scared to ask but... what the hell happened with The Watcher fandom?
I don't even go here, but here's my understanding
Several years ago, Shane and Ryan left Buzzfeed to launch their own company, teaming up with Steven Lim. Watcher has grown, producing multiple shows. Initially, people were supporting them on Patreon (for discord + early access) and YouTube. both of these are increasingly notorious platforms that take cuts from profits. YouTube payouts are massive if you're just 1-2 people getting a million views per video and a new successful video every week. but it doesn't cover a growing company's needs
To be blunt, for Watcher to continue as a company, they need cut out "middleman" services that both regulate their content and take a cut of their earnings. That means moving off of YouTube and it means changing the Patreon to just be for the podcast.
So, on Friday (April 19) Watcher announced that they're launching their own streaming model. Everything that they'd already shared would remain on YouTube, but future content was coming out on their own service for a $5.99 sub. Which in turn would be lower than or about the same as anyone subscribing on Patreon, and would also be without the horror of YouTube ads
(Again, I don't go here, but I will not watch advertisements voluntarily, least of all on yewchube. I have ublock origin/firefox and when it comes to streaming, I have the ad-free subscription or I don't watch it at all)
To be clear, they made this announcement well in advance of launching, and were making sure that international viewers would still be able to view (something that some major corporate streamers have not done). They also emphasized that they're unbothered by profile sharing, so that $5.99 per month could come down to $2 per month for three friends, or just (as I often do) one person buying it and sharing the login with friends.
Also you can gift subs. All of this is unfortunately moot, and it seems that many of the people reacting to the announcement did not learn or care about any of this.
The reaction to this news was, to be blunt, unhinged. Obviously, it's normal for some people who cannot afford $5.99 per month to feel disappointed. And any change can be unnerving for a fandom. But the vitriol (some of it, like the person who accused them of "ruining Taylor Swift's day," was admittedly very funny) was pretty vicious.
I think that a lot of it was disinformation based (unclear on where the idea that they were removing old content from YouTube originated, as it certainly was not from their announcement video) and a lot of it was (predominantly younger) viewers looking for social media clout by coming out with the coveted "worst new take" to impress their friends.
And so, SO much of it was racism. For some reason, a lot of people have invented a narrative where Shane is being held hostage by the other two co-owners, and desperately wants to release content for free to the detriment of his company, but Ryan and Steven have somehow conspired to make their company profitable so that they can continue to (evilly) pay their employees.
From what I can tell (again, I don't even go here), the bulk of the backlash ended up targeting Steven. People in the fandom are already weird about him and have an ugly tendency to invent mean things about him (a couple of years ago, some of these same ill-behaved "fans" decided that he was homophobic, not because of anything that he did or said).
So this was an excuse for these vicious little beasts to let loose. They were leaving abhorrent comments on his loved ones' Instagram photos -- some from months ago.
On the less overtly racist front, backlash included people saying that they just want Shane and Ryan sitting in a room talking about stuff. It is unusual for creatives to not care about the quality of what they make; of course Shane and Ryan and Steven care about production quality, about being able to film ghost-hunting and other shows. They're not 23-year-olds scraping by, they're artists and storytellers and they are also employers.
I don't know these men and I don't generally feel sorry for men, as a rule, but it must have been pretty devastating to find out how many of their most vocal "fans" seem to despise them, feel entitled to their art for free, and will rage against them like this.
Which leads to Monday's grim announcement, which as I understand it was that they're going to put new Watcher content up on YouTube with a delay. I'm not saying that it's a bad policy; I'm saying that it means that they remain tethered to YouTube for what content they can include, and it's showing these rancid trolls that their cruelty works.
I'm not going to say that this is "letting the terrorists win" because I'm not trying to victim-blame Watcher here. But I worry about what these rotten little beasts will do now that they've felt the rush of victory.
I cannot emphasize enough that I do not even go here. plenty of people very much go here and have written at greater length and in greater detail than i have. I'm just horrified. I don't even go here
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theoreocat · 1 year
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Oreo’s chin is slowly healing since we’ve started the mupirocin cream on Monday. We’re not out of the wood yet however, as there are still a few tender spots that continue to bleed. I am doing my best to allow him some breathing time from the cone here and there under supervision.
It has been a difficult few weeks with everything going on. We've not mentioned it so far on Tumblr but we're dealing with a rather frustrating issue over on the Big Blue F as well. My Creator Pay is being held (since 10 days) and I've not been able to get any help from support. Either they completely ignore my emails or they reply with some generic response. After researching the issue, I've found several other Creators with the same issue, some who have been in the situation for 6 months to a year without getting their payouts. It's extremely frustrating and I don't understand how a platform can do such a thing to their Creators. Because of this issue, we've been trying our best to grow our YouTube channel. I am a full-time content creator and the Big Blue F was my main platform, so those payouts are basically my livelihood. We've been having some fun doing daily Live Streams via YouTube for the past couple of weeks. Viewers have been enjoying watching the Streams on their TV instead of their phones. If you'd like to come over and sub to our channel and help us out with some views, I'd be very grateful: https://www.youtube.com/@Theoreocat/ Hope to see some of you there! Tina & The Cats
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