#pave diamond earrings
glazeddiamonds · 6 months
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This 14k Gold Pave Dome Ring is made with brilliant round-cut moissanite diamond. This ring is also known as a statement ring. Brilliant Round cut diamond Cover the ring front part looks like a bubble. A simple and modern-looking ring can make your hand more attractive.
Diamond Type: VVS Moissanite
Diamond Color: D Colorless
Metal: 14K Solid Yellow Gold
Shipping: Worldwide Free Shipping
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mygemedajewels · 2 years
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Opal October Birthstone
Opal stone signifies beauty, power, and financial prosperity. It improves the intuition of the person and spreads positivity in sectors like wealth, family, child, and fame.
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vibgyorcreation · 2 years
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verstappensrealwife · 4 months
hello, can you write about lewis proposing to his girlfriend on the beach
Love on the Beach - Lewis Hamilton x Fem!Reader
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approx. 1030 words.
warnings: kissing?
lewis hamilton masterlist - here. f1 masterlist - here.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden hue over the tranquil shoreline, Lewis found himself standing on the sandy expanse of a secluded beach. With the gentle rhythm of the waves as his soundtrack, and the salty breeze caressing his skin, he felt a sense of calm wash over him, masking the nervous excitement bubbling beneath the surface.
Beside him, his heart beat in time with the ocean's gentle lullaby, echoing the anticipation that pulsed through his veins. 
Today was no ordinary day; it was the day he had been waiting for, the day he would ask the love of his life to spend forever by his side.
As he watched the waves dance along the shore, Lewis's mind drifted back to the moments you had shared, the laughter, the tears, the countless memories that had woven your hearts together like an intricate tapestry. And as he thought about the future that lay ahead, he knew that there was nowhere else he would rather be than here, on this beach, with the woman who had captured his heart in ways he never thought possible.
With a steadying breath, Lewis reached into his pocket, his fingers closing around the small velvet box nestled within. The weight of the ring felt like a promise, a symbol of his unwavering commitment to the woman he loved. And as he turned to face you, the setting sun painting a halo of golden light around your silhouette, he knew that this moment would be etched into your memories forever, the beginning of a new chapter in your love story.
As Lewis's words washed over you, filling the air with a sense of love and vulnerability, you felt a rush of emotion welling up inside you. Tears pooled in your eyes as his heartfelt confession echoed in your ears, each word a testament to the depth of his love for you.
And then, in a moment that seemed to freeze in time, he sank to one knee before you, his eyes filled with nervous anticipation as he held out a small velvet box. Your breath caught in your throat as you watched him, stunned by the realization of what was happening.
"Oh, my god," you whispered, your heart pounding in your chest as you struggled to comprehend the enormity of the moment.
As Lewis spoke your name, his voice trembling with emotion, you turned to face him, your eyes locking with his in a silent exchange of love and understanding. And then, before you could even process what was happening, he asked the question that would change your lives forever.
“Y/N, I have loved you since the day I met you. From the first moment our paths crossed, I knew that you were destined to be more than just a passing acquaintance in my life. You have been my rock, my confidant, my greatest source of joy and inspiration. In your presence, I have found a kind of happiness that I never knew was possible. And that is why I am asking you here, now. Will you marry me?”
With tears streaming down your cheeks, you threw yourself into his arms, overcome with emotion. He stood up quickly, lifting you with him as you peppered his face with kisses, your heart overflowing with love and joy.
"Yes, yes a million times yes!" you cried, your voice choked with emotion as you held him close.
With trembling hands, Lewis reached for the ring, his fingers shaking as he slid it onto your finger. As you admired the beautiful ring that now adorned your hand, your heart swelled with gratitude for the man who had chosen to spend his life with you, and the promise of a future filled with love and happiness.
The engagement ring that Lewis delicately slipped onto your finger was a breathtaking sight to behold. It featured a dazzling round-cut diamond as the centerpiece, nestled within a delicate platinum setting that glimmered in the soft light of the setting sun.
Surrounding the radiant diamond were intricate pave diamonds, their shimmering brilliance adding a touch of elegance and sophistication to the design. The band itself was sleek and refined, adorned with additional diamonds that cascaded down the sides like a cascade of sparkling stars.
As you admired the ring, you couldn't help but marvel at its beauty, each facet catching the light in a mesmerising display of brilliance. It was a symbol of Lewis's love and commitment, a tangible reminder of the promise they had made to each other on this unforgettable day.
With every glance at the ring, you felt your heart swell with gratitude and love for the man who had chosen it for you, and the future that lay ahead as you embarked on this new chapter of your lives together.
In the months that followed the magical beachside proposal, Lewis and yourself found yourselves swept up in a whirlwind of wedding planning and anticipation. Together, you poured your hearts and souls into creating a celebration that reflected your love and commitment to each other, weaving together elements of their shared passions and dreams.
Finally, the day arrived when you stood hand in hand, surrounded by your loved ones, on the same sun-drenched beach where your journey had begun. As the gentle breeze whispered through the air and the waves crashed rhythmically against the shore, they exchanged vows of love and devotion, promising to stand by each other through life's joys and challenges.
With tears of joy glistening in your eyes, you sealed your vows with a kiss, surrounded by the love and support of their family and friends. And as you danced under the stars, hand in hand, you knew that your love was a force to be reckoned with, a bond that would only grow stronger with each passing day.
el fin.
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naeverse · 2 months
Drunken Love
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A/N: OMG guys, it took forever to write this due to my busy schedule as of late, but my classes are now complete. Hooray! 😆🥳 Thank you all for your patience, and I hope you enjoy. ❤️❤️ Art generated on: niji・journey
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🥃staring: FatherBestFriend!Miguel O’Hara x Fem!Reader
      🍴preview: Without looking at him, you nodded, feeling his burly arm around your waist and soon his breath fanning against your ear. “I want you to forget about your troubles and give your worries to me to bear.” He uttered, caressing your lower back in gentle, loving circles. 
“And in return, allow me to make things better for you, mi amor.” 
💰summary: After four years of studying abroad, you return home to a 'Welcome Home' party hosted by your father. However, you quickly realize that nothing has changed—your father remains the same rude and selfish man, solely focused on money and his business. As before, you're expected to conform to his strict rules and spend your days under his watchful eye. But with just a glance, Miguel O’Hara, your father’s best friend and business partner, seems to shatter all your desires to comply with your father's suffocating expectations, and offers an enticing escape...
Just like before…
🔥tw/cw: Age Gape, Big Dick Miguel, Body Worship, Car Sex, Cock Bulge, Cunnilingus, Desperation, Dirty Talk, Forbidden love, Modern AU, Multiple Orgasms, Oral Sex, Size Difference
❤️‍🔥Pet names: Amor (Love), Bebè (Baby), Cariño (Darling), Mi amor (My love) Princesa (Princess), Querida (Dear)
     🖤Rating: 18+ explicit I SMUT I
 🥀 Word Count: 8.2k words
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As you stepped through the wrought iron gates of your father’s manor, a wave of nostalgia washed over you. It had been four years since you last set foot here, having been away studying abroad. Now, back home, everything felt familiar...
But not in a good way.
The scent of freshly cut grass mingled with the aroma of sizzling meat on the grill, filling the air as your heels clicked cautiously on the smooth paved pathways leading to the center of your father’s luxurious backyard, where your 'Welcome Home' party was to be held. Yet, deep down, you knew it wouldn’t be the warm reception you hoped for.
The atmosphere exuded polished formality, with every blade of grass meticulously groomed to perfection. The yard held an aura that compelled one to straighten their posture and don their most radiant smile. Small tables, draped with white cloth, adorned the grassy area, displaying an array of finger foods and appetizers. Servants circulated with trays of alcoholic beverages, adding to the air of sophistication. Every attendee was elegantly attired, clad in lavish dresses, uptight suits, diamond necklaces, and gold bands, engaged in hushed gossip in small groups.
‘No wonder Jessica styled me this way,’ you thought, scanning the guests who greeted you with smiles, waves, and brief 'Welcome back's.' Jessica Owens, your personal assistant whom you hadn’t seen in years, had welcomed you at the airport and accompanied you to select a divine outfit tailored to your tastes for the occasion.
A one-shoulder column sequin dress hugged your figure, its scarlet red fabric boasting a leg slit that offered a glimpse of the matching closed-toe, ankle strapped heels you wore. Bold chandelier earrings adorned your ears, drawing attention to your exposed shoulder, while a delicate bracelet with sparkling gemstones adorned your wrist, subtly shimmering in the light.
Makeup further accentuated your beauty—a radiant red lip, sultry eyes, and flawless complexion with highlights completed your look. Your hair, styled as per Jessica's suggestion, cascaded around your face, having been released from an updo to frame your features perfectly.
You could feel eyes on you from every direction, a sensation you didn’t miss on your time away. The overwhelming attention began to stir a wave of nervousness within you. Seeking a moment to collect yourself, you slipped away to a secluded corner of the gathering, observing the events of your supposed 'Welcome Back' party from afar.
Musicians played a steady and upbeat tune, chatter and fraudulent giggles echoed throughout the night. Amongst the festivities, an even more rambunctious laugh caught your attention.
Your father, gleaming in a tailored suit, stood at the center of the gathering. Just like you remembered, his smile was as polished and white as the silverware laid out on the tables, scrubbed to perfection and shining like stars. Studying your father like a book, you couldn’t help but notice his forced chuckles and strained cheeks from grinning too much, a sight that churned your stomach.
After all these years, he remained unchanged—viewing you as nothing more than a tool for gaining him attention.
So why the hell did you expect a warm hug and genuine affection from him without a crowd present? 
Rolling your eyes, you politely signaled to a nearby server to fetch a champagne glass from his tray. You knew you would need it to endure the rest of the evening filled with your father's rehearsed conversations and gestures.
Taking a long sip from your glass, relishing its divine taste and the sizzling burn down your throat. Upon lifting it from your lips with a contented sigh, a voice filled your ears, causing your heart to skip a beat.
"Look at you, all grown up."
The abruptness of the deep, Latino-accented words left you momentarily speechless, a whirlwind of emotions bursting inside you like fireworks against a starlit sky.
There was no mistaking whose voice it belonged to...
It was one you could never forget during your time away, and just thinking about him made butterflies dance in your belly.
You called out the sweet nickname of the older male in shock, turning your gaze up to the towering figure before you, successfully avoiding choking on your champagne in the process.
True to form, his tan face retained its stoic expression, marked by a scowl, tight-knit bushy eyebrows, and stern amber eyes, yet even you could see the familiar corners of his lips draw up into a tight lipped smile. 
"It's nice to see you again, Y/N," he replied nonchalantly, causing your entire face to light up. "Miggy!" You exclaimed, throwing your free arm around his neck as he chuckled lowly at your enthusiasm.
"What did I tell you about hugs, hmm?" he inquired, practically whispering into your ear, though you couldn't ignore the loving undertone in his deep voice. "That you didn't like them, but I do it anyway," you giggled, standing on tiptoes to deepen the embrace due to his towering height. Despite himself, you felt one of Miguel's burly arms wrap around you, pulling you close in return.
You sighed in contentment, his body heat engulfing your smaller self compared to his massive 6’9 height and muscular figure. The Latino's woodsy and wealthy cologne clouded your senses just like before, as the nostalgic feeling of security filled your being. 
I take it you missed me, Cariño," he uttered from above you, his gruff voice rumbling through the expanse of his chest. You nodded, snuggling into his beige collared and button-up top, eliciting a rare hum of contentment from the typically stoic man.
After a while, his arm gave your body another comforting squeeze before reluctantly pulling away. You pushed back the pang of sadness at his sudden absence of warmth.
Clearing your throat, you redirect your focus, following Miguel's gaze to the bustling, fancy gathering, a tranquil silence settling between the two of you.
"How was studying abroad?" Miguel's deep voice, though always soothing, retained its usual coldness. "It was honestly fun," you smiled, recalling the freedom you enjoyed without the scrutiny of your father's strict eye. To your surprise, Miguel scoffed in amusement, shaking his head.
Your eyebrows raised in confusion, and you turned to see him taking a sip from the glass of bourbon you hadn't noticed before in his hand. "What is it?" you urged, causing him to shake his head dismissively once more. But upon his amber eyes catching your growing pout, an expression you knew was always his weakness, he heaved a sigh.
"Dios mío, ese maldito puchero tuyo…" He muttered under his breath, turning to face you fully. "I'm not... pleased with the amount of 'fun' you had away," the older male stated, leaving you confused.
"W-what are you talking about?" you chuckled, watching him nod towards your champagne glass. "You are drinking... You didn't before," he acknowledged.
You followed his gaze to your half-empty champagne glass, a remnant of your previous gulp. "Why does it matter? It's just one glass," you stated, emphasizing your point with another sip, which seemed more like a gulp in Miguel's eyes.
"Querida, before, you could barely handle half a glass, let alone one," he scolded, unable to tear his eyes away from your alcoholic beverage. You gave Miguel a small smile, his overprotectiveness—a trait you actually missed while you were away—evident in every word he uttered.
"Relax," you tried to reassure. "I can handle my alcohol now, Miggy. There's no need to worry." At your words, he huffed, turning his gaze from you back to the gathering unfolding before you. "So you went abroad to become a party animal?" he asked under his breath, the question unsettling you like a disturbed hive. Your face twisted in confusion and a hint of hurt at his comment. "No, I didn't. I went because I wanted to, something I see you still do not understand," you explained, feeling your fingers tighten around the underside of your glass in growing irritation.
Miguel sighed in disapproval, taking a gulp of his dark brown drink. "I just find it hard to believe," he replied. "Studying abroad of all places?" he chuckled, tapping his ringed middle finger against his glass. "I didn't take you as someone to run away from your problems, princesa."
"I didn't run away," you retorted, shooting him a small glare before finding your eyes drawn to your father, who was shaking hands with a well-dressed man and woman. The more you stared at your 53-year-old father, the more your thoughts churned. 
‘Did you leave because of your father?’ you pondered as he was indeed one of the reasons, but mainly you departed to study far away from home to pursue your dreams—something your father greatly opposed.
Being away from your father and his strict rules felt like taking a breath of fresh air. It was the most free you had ever felt. But now, back home, the overwhelming restrictions and harsh regulations felt suffocating, and you wanted nothing more than to retreat back to the paradise you found on your own…
Your thoughts were soon interrupted when a set of ringed fingers gently cupped your chin, turning you to meet the owner of such calloused digits.
With surprise, you found yourself face-to-face with Miguel, his features still stern, his jaw clenched, but his touch gentle, and the coldness in his eyes replaced with something softer.
"I missed you, mi amor..." 
He whispered suddenly, his thumb caressing your skin affectionately. Your heart fluttered at the vulnerability in his words, as memories of every moment spent with him flooded back: Every conversation, every touch, every kiss, and every passionate night rose to the surface of your mind. 
Like a reviving fire, his mere words set your body ablaze. 
You never saw Miguel in this state, never heard him utter something affectionate to you as his love was mostly shown through his actions, making his confession leave you shocked and speechless...
Despite your disapproval and your desire for him to move on, Miguel had waited for you as he promised. The thought of you being gone from his side was unbearable for him. 
Every waking moment was excruciating, every sleeping night insufferable.
He knew how much you wanted to pursue your own dreams and be free of your father, whom Miguel knew all too well as someone very snobbish and selfish. But being away from you for so long was a pain he couldn't bear.
You and Miguel loved each other in secret, the two of you became so good at pretending, one only saw you two as just friends. But your father and Miguel were close—
Very close.
Miguel and your father were business partners before they were best friends. Your father managed the finances and marketing of their shared bourbon line, while Miguel owned distilleries and oversaw production, even owning his own bars where his bourbon was the highlighted beverage.
Their booming business soon forged a friendship, and like welcoming one to the family, your father introduced Miguel to you.
At the time, you were young, and Miguel was evidently older, but when your eyes met, you both fell hard.
You started off as friends, Miguel being a wise, older male you went to for advice, and you were someone who kept Miguel company, even though he once adored being alone. 
The more time you spent together, the deeper your feelings grew, until you both made it official to date in secret.
From then on, private getaways, hidden touches, and shared nights of passion became the norm, despite knowing how enraged your father would be if he discovered such a thing. But neither of you minded; staying attentive and careful kept your secret safe.
It wasn't until you confided in Miguel about your desires to leave and study abroad that reality kicked in.
All at once, your hidden life of fantasy collapsed.
You were going to leave to pursue your dreams, departing from Miguel for four years...
Miguel loathed that, and even more, he despised your reasoning. He wanted it to be because of your strict father, the overbearing rules he'd set upon you. Miguel didn't mind if you left because of him even! But you weren't going for either of those reasons.
"For me, Miggy. I want to go for myself," were the words you stated when he inquired why you must go.
He detested your reason because he knew he shouldn't fight you in the matter; it was what you desired. But he was selfish—possessive even. He wanted you, needed you by his side, so he couldn't accept you leaving him.
Many arguments ensued on the matter. He demanded you to stay, while you found every good reason to leave and achieve your dreams, ones that your father opposed you seeking. It ultimately led to you deciding to put an end to your secret relationship with Miguel.
It wasn't because of the many fights and arguments, but because you knew he loved you too much—too much that you didn't want him to miss you so intensely that it hurt, to the point where it would leave him in an irreparable state. 
To spare you distress and further heartbreak, Miguel agreed to end things, despite his sorrow and disdain at the thought of breaking up. However, while you were concerned about his emotional stability, Miguel's workaholic tendencies got the best of him after your departure—a trait only you could suppress.
He threw himself into his shared bourbon business with your father, meticulously tasting from each of his twenty distilleries, meeting daily with all his workers for updates, making significant improvements on the bars he oversaw, and even holding one-on-one meetings with your father to explore new ways to expand their bourbon industry. He became addicted to caffeine and deprived himself of sleep, to the point where hibernation seemed like the only cure to replenish his exhausted body. 
Miguel worked tirelessly in this manner simply to avoid missing you, and he consumed so much of his own bourbon that he might as well have emptied an entire distillery on his own.
Nevertheless, his attempts were useless…
Miguel thought of you and craved you every day. He spent his days recalling every aspect of you: your smile, your laugh, your fragrance, your hair, your body, and even your affection, which he once found discomforting due to his lack of familiarity with it, but now desired more than ever.
Despite Miguel's best efforts to forget you, he only fell deeper in love with you.  
His days of agony came to an end when Miguel was invited to dinner and golfing with your father. There, on the field, Miguel discovered that you'd be returning back home—back to him.
His heart skipped a beat at the exciting news, leaving him unable to perform a good swing as his golf game with your father proceeded; but to hell with it...
You were returning, and that was all that mattered.
On the day of your Welcome Back party, he found himself picky over his outfit, clicking his tongue and angrily muttering in Spanish at every disappointing attire he came across... until he found the one.
A beige, loosely buttoned top, styled with a matching sienna brown blazer and dress pants was his selection. Pairing it with his attire, he added dark umber oxfords.
To accessorize, the Latino added a complementary belt that matched his shoes and a classic watch with brown leather straps. Gold rings adorned his thick fingers, and a simple chain graced his exposed, muscular throat.
As he put on his outfit for the party, he found himself more nervous than excited. The last few times he'd seen you weren't on good terms. The days of secret getaways, kisses, and passionate touches always led to an argument about your departure, so he was worried you'd still be upset with him…
At the gathering, he found himself eagerly watching the entrance for you, his glass of bourbon in hand. His heart rose and fell with each arrival of another lavishly dressed guest, leading him to believe you wouldn't show.
Until you did...
It felt like everything stopped—the melodic tunes from the musicians faded away, the jumbled conversing of the partygoers ceased—as the only thing he heard was his heart beating loudly against his chest.
You were always beautiful to the older male, but tonight, after not seeing you for so long, you were utterly breathtaking.
His gaze trailed along your figure, remembering all the times he held your form in his hands, felt your body heat, and soft skin. He instantly noticed how enticing that scarlet dress hugged your body, teasing him to do the unthinkable right there, be damned to who was watching.
But amidst his burning desire, in that moment, he could only think one thing, and one thing only: 
"Gosh, I've missed you..." 
Before he could ponder or stop himself, he found himself leaving his spot to walk over to you, and the closer he got, the more his heart felt like it wanted to burst from his chest as flashes of what you shared before played on repeat in his head.
And now as you gazed up into Miguel's hardened amber eyes, you could see love for you in them. His thumb gently tracing patterns along your chin as you were still processing his touch, the closeness and the confession that spilled from his lips.
‘He... missed me?’ You repeated to yourself, almost finding it unbelievable if it wasn't for how he was looking at you as if you were the only woman in the room.
“M-Miggy…” You whispered when suddenly your heart dropped at the sound of another voice approaching.
“Why, if it isn't my little angel?”
Like the speed of light, you jumped away from Miguel to cast your eyes onto your father, instinctively gaining the urge to hide behind your champagne glass.Miguel's face returned to its usual expression of stoicism, hating how the both of you were interrupted. 
“Hello, father,” you said, lacking your previous enthusiasm that you showed Miguel, however, your father ignored you, hastily turning his eyes to his best friend and business partner instead. “And, of course, Miguel O'Hara,” your father grinned, giving the Latino a firm handshake before going into a ramble. “I'd love to set a meeting with you about the idea of releasing a limited-edition bourbon,” he proposed in a jolly tone, business seeming to be the only topic he spoke of.
“Imagine just how much buzz would circulate amongst customers, the collectors, and don't forget the drive sales,” your father beamed at the thought as you watched the interaction between the two men in silence.
Miguel simply grunted to show his attentiveness, but neither agreed nor disagreed with your father's business idea. “I'd rather enjoy welcoming your daughter home. We can speak about business at another time,” Miguel stated, casting a glance over at you before turning his sharp gaze back to your father.
Your dad's smile faltered at being dismissed, clearing his throat. “Of course, of course,” he concurred, turning to you due to Miguel’s mentioning of you, his daughter. “I'm happy you are… back, daughter. I hope you used your time away wisely,” he added, causing your eyebrows to narrow. ‘Wisely? What the hell does that mean?!’ you thought, knowing your father was an expert at backhanded comments and sly insults that can be described like poisoned cake—you never noticed the venom underneath his sweetness.
“I did. I enjoyed doing something to benefit myself for a change,” you politely said, adding more salt into the wound by downing the rest of your champagne. Your father's eyes looked down at your empty glass and then at you in irritation.
Casting a fake smile, he glanced at Miguel. “My apologies in advance, my friend, but it's nothing new seeing my disobedient daughter behave so poorly,” your father said, feeling your stomach twist into knots when he looked back at you, his facade of kindness dissolved into a snarl. “She thinks that she owns the place after leaving for a few years, it's only right I put her back in her place,” your father stated to Miguel, more than you.
Keeping your gaze on your horrible parent rather than the older Latino, you waited for your father's harsh words knowing they were to rain down on you like hellfire, and like anticipated…
it did…
“Listen here, girl, you might have fled from here for whatever reason, but I didn't,” he spat, eyes full of hatred staring back at you. “Without me, our family name would have been forgotten long ago; but for the entirety of my fifty-three years of life, I've worked my ass off to provide for us, and I'll continue to do so until my dying breath,” he said in anger between the three of you.
“And now that you've returned, I won't allow my selfish brat of a daughter to ruin things for me,” your father growled as you narrowed your eyes at him, reciprocating his disdain, but it only seemed to amuse him even more. He chuckled, giving your cheek a harsh pinch. “So do not think being away changes a thing, I expect the same from you as before—obedience and perfection,” he said, patting your face with each word. “Understand, or do I need Miguel here to say it in Spanish for you?” he asked with a smirk as it took everything to prevent the frustrated and angry tears from spilling down your cheeks.
You couldn't hear or see anything or anyone, only feel the overwhelming feeling of entrapment once again. It engulfed your being, feeling like a pair of hands were strangling you, and you were powerless against it…
All over again.
With a shaky breath, you stared back at him with eyes full of raging fire. “Yes…I fucking understand,” you said through gritted teeth, causing the businessman to laugh.
“Good and clean that attitude, girl. I never did like that mouth of yours,” he said, glancing over at Miguel, whose face was still completely hardened, emotionless, but a kinder tone was used by your father when speaking with him. “If you'd like, the meat is being served at the buffet table as we speak, my friend. I heard it's very tender and is satisfactory when hot,” your father smiled. “But I hope you enjoy the gathering. Miguel. Daughter,” he growled, casting you a glare and a hint of disgust found in the way he addressed you before he departed entirely—disappearing into the bustling yard of elegantly clothed persons and leaving you enraged. 
You stared at the spot your father previously stood in, a blazing fire of anger sizzling inside your being. Gripping your wine glass so tightly your knuckles whitened, you turned on your heel, shoving the empty cup into a passing servant's hands on your way out. 
Everything faded around you as the only thing you desired in that moment was getting away—from this party, rich society, and most importantly, your asshole of a father. You didn’t walk far before a large hand grasped your wrist, pulling you into a secluded spot out of the ear and eyeshot of the partygoers.
With a piercing gaze, you looked up, ready to release the fury that had grown inside of you when your eyes met Miguel’s narrowed, yet, concerned ones. His towering frame cornered you against the trunk of one of your father’s massive oak trees in his backyard, a tree he ordered to be particularly planted in this area.
Although Miguel normally didn’t care for others, finding empathy a hard thing, his heart tugged whenever you became like this. “Are you alright? It looks like you want to strangle someone?” He asked, amber eyes tracing every detail of your face in search of what you were feeling inside, but your turmoil was evident.
You released an unsteady exhale, the calm before the brewing storm. “Y-You saw him!” You exclaimed. “T-That rich bastard that has his money shoved so far up his damn ass, he’ll probably believe the sky is green if it means his pockets will be filled.” You ranted in anger, every word making you feel so much better, leaving you to continue your spurge. “And he’s so controlling that it’s suffocating; whenever my father is in the room…, I-I feel like I’m dying, Miguel.” The confession left your lips before you could stop yourself, angry tears beginning to run down your face.
“A-And, he pretends he’s such a great father, going around speaking of me—of my hobbies, interests, and so much more that is all bullshit. He doesn’t know and doesn’t care to know.” You cried, trying to wipe your cheeks clean of the tears, but they continued to fall despite your efforts. “My father only cares about himself, more than anything else.” You said in a brittle voice.
“The world can end tomorrow and he’ll still be trying to get over on everyone, and count every dime he has to make sure his pockets are hefty before his time ends.” You sniffled, shaking your head in irritation, the fury in your voice escaping into sorrow. “And…I’m just done. I can’t- I can’t do this anymore.” You admitted with a trembling sigh.
“I can’t be around him anymore, live with his lies, under his rules, and like I cannot exist in his presence.” You told Miguel as after your venting, you looked up at him to find his usual stoic features staring back at you. His tanned face devoid of emotion as he simply stood over you, listening like he always did.
You bit your lip, feeling a little embarrassed after saying so many deep things to Miguel—things you’ve never actually told him in-depth, but could simply be noticed as your father didn’t hold anything back from the rich Latino. “I’m sorry, I-I’ll just go.” You said, trying to walk around him when his hand was placed onto the tree behind you, blocking you under him. “No.” He said with the shake of his head, his coffee-brown curls swaying with the movement.
You gasped, eyes snapping up to meet him in confusion when his large hand cupped your rose-tinted cheek, his thumb delicately swiping away a stray tear. “I hated the way he speaks to you; I’ve always did.” He uttered, disdain found in his deep tone. “I’ve offered you many times in the past, Querida, to let me handle it— let me handle your father, and you turn me down each and every time.” He sighed, his amber orbs staring down at you in a blend of rage for the situation you were in, but also in sympathy.
A frown graced your lips, remembering what he spoke of. “Yes…I-I did, because it’s my burden to take on—my problem to deal with, not yours.” You tried to explain. “And if you intervene, it’ll surely ruin things with your shared business with my father.”
“To hell with it.” He spat, his hand moving from your cheek to grasp your hips possessively. “We've tried it your way for years and nothing has changed.” He retorted in anger. “Your father continues to treat you like muck on his shoe while I have to sit and watch.” Miguel said, his eyes narrowed in irritation, his jaw clenched, but his anger settled upon seeing your tears start to flow once more. 
“Listen to me, Cariño.” He began, staring into your eyes. “Your burdens are my burdens—your problems are my problems.” He said, determination etched on his tanned face. “I will not sit around any longer and allow your father to treat you like this, I can’t, and I won’t.” He blatantly told you.
Your heart fluttered at his words, despite not agreeing with Miguel's logic. Looking over his stern features, you could see that there was no way you could stop him—when his mind and heart were set on something, he sought to see it through. You averted your gaze away from the Latino, torn on the newfound decision he’d made. 
A quietness settled between the two of you, the gentle breeze of the wind, tunes and laughter from the distant party filling the silence.
Miguel's thick eyebrows furrowed, not expecting your reaction to be this. He rubbed your hip soothingly, trying to meet your gaze once more. “May you do something for me, Querida…? Y/N?” He said, your name being uttered by him was rare, using it only during serious talks, just like this one.
Without looking at him, you nodded, feeling his burly arm around your waist and soon his breath fanning against your ear. “I want you to forget about your troubles and give your worries to me to bear.” He uttered, caressing your lower back in gentle, loving circles.
“And in return, allow me to make things better for you, mi amor.” 
His words made your stomach flip as your head snapped to meet his gaze. Since you’ve arrived back home, a new side of Miguel has been introduced to you—one that you had never seen.
Before, he was always cold and stern, mostly only affectionate through a slight caress of the cheek, stroke of the hair, or even through a kiss that usually was controlled and led by him. 
He’d never actually spoken sentiments in this way to you, and it made you utterly speechless.
“M-Miggy, I-” You tried to reply but your brain had become mush. Miguel gave you a tight-lipped smile, shushing you with a shake of his head once more. “Come…” He simply whispered, taking your wrist and turning to leave when you hastily stopped him. “Wait, wait, we can’t just leave together. I-It’ll lead to suspicion,” you told the Latino. Despite your hate for your father and the status your family held, you didn’t want to anger him, nor damage his most cherished reputation, believing you’ll surely bring a monster out of your father if you did so.
Miguel looked back at you with tenderness in his eyes. “What did I tell you, hmm?” He asked with a smirk, his gaze instantly mesmerizing you and leaving you unable to speak once more. “Let me take care of things with your father and the rich assholes out there,” he assured in his gruff voice that usually held a rough edge, now gone and replaced with a loving tone that made you melt.
The Latino leaned in close to you, his arm pulling you to his body by your waist. Miguel gazed down at you, his rich, woodsy cologne filling your senses and the feeling of his pecs against your body made a rush of desire burn up inside of you, replacing the fire of hate you previously felt for your father. “Let me make things better for you, amor,” he told you once more, but this time, the adoration for you was evident in his voice.
Your heart skipped a beat, noticing just how close the two of you were—lips just a hair's breadth away. “O-Okay,” you finally mustered, unable to prevent yourself from pulling him into a searing kiss. Miguel groaned in surprise, his hand gripping your waist tightly while his other clawed into your hair, drawing you closer to him.
Gasps of air escaped you, incapable of stopping as with every kiss, it cured the need that you both craved of each other. Teeth clashed and tongues entwined, hands gripping clothes to try and close the nonexistent space between each of your bodies. You only parted when in the distance, a loud applause filled the air, one that startled you both.
Jumping in each other’s embrace, you shared a gaze over at the gathering to find your father in the center, continuing to entertain his guests, their attention solely on him.
You rolled your eyes at the anticipated sight, turning back to Miguel to see that he was already staring at you. His amber orbs burned with longing, and when he pulled you close once more, you could feel his evident bulge pressing into your thigh.
“I can't wait another minute, amor. I need you. Now,” he practically demanded in a hushed whisper into your ear, a kiss pressed upon your lobe following his desire. However, his words and arousal sparked a fire inside of you, matching his own longing.
With just a shared gaze, he knew your response without you having to utter a single word…
‘Let's get out of here.’
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Your fingers combed through Miguel’s coffee brown curls, pulling him deeper into the intoxicating kiss you shared as his large hands roamed your bare skin. You moaned into his lips when his hand grasped your breasts, squeezing the sensitive flesh. His ministrations caused the peaked tips to harden as his fingers didn’t hesitate to flick and roll them. Miguel’s mouth continued to ravage yours, your moans becoming lost in your shared passion.
Your eyes fluttered, trying to recall past events on how the two of you ended up in the backseat of his black Lamborghini Urus, unclothed and practically devouring each other like two rabid animals; but the only thing that came to mind was the burning desire to feel him, touch him, taste him... 
Just like before...
“G-goodness, I missed you.” You whimpered between kisses, his lips trailing along your jaw as his massive body pressed you into the leather cushions, his heavy weight and body heat only arousing you further.
He breathlessly chuckled against your throat, pressing a final kiss to your skin before meeting your eyes. “As have I, mi amor,” he confessed, looking down at you with newfound love in his brown orbs. Your heart palpated at the sight as he leaned in to press another kiss to your lips. “Allow us to make up for lost time,” he whispered with a smirk. To your delight, he began to lower down your body, leaving a trail of kisses in his wake: on your collarbone, through the valley of your breasts, to your navel, and finally settling between your thighs.
He passionately kissed your sensitive, plush skin before lifting your legs up to drape over his broad shoulders, bringing himself face-to-face with what he truly desired. You gasped, your lower back arching and rising off the soft cushions of the truck's seat, thankful for the enormity of your father's best friend's vehicle, as it provided plenty of space for all the activities you wished to partake in.
Your breathing came out shaky from anticipation, the warm air from your lover's lips onto your moist core doing nothing to calm your excitement. “Are you going to make love to it or simply stare?” You asked, almost breathless despite not even reaching the peak of your intimacy yet.
Miguel laughed at your fervency, his massive body rumbling. He glanced down, his eyes meeting yours. “I'm just admiring what is mine, amor—what has been away from me for so long,” he huskily uttered, running his thumb delicately along your folds and pressing a tender kiss to your inner thigh, the sensation spreading through your body like wildfire.
“I... appreciate the admiration, but I don't think I can wait any longer,” you honestly told him with a small panting giggle. Reaching up to run your fingers through his brown curls, a deep hum of satisfaction escaped his throat at your touch.
"So eager for me, princesa. Always so eager," he groaned, pressing a kiss to your throbbing bud before flicking out his tongue to taste your arousal. The sensation eliciting a loud gasp from deep within your chest.
"Mierda, sabes tan bien… Tal y como lo recordaba," he rambled gruffly in Spanish, burying his face into your heat and wrapping his arms around your midsection to pull you closer. His desire to not part from between your thighs was evident in the growing tightness of his bulging biceps around you—his muscles gripping you in a vice like a starving man with his rations.
Your eyes rolled, the sensations so foreign yet familiar as his tongue seemed to be everywhere at once: circling your bud, thrusting into your entrance, and sucking at your soft folds. “O-Oh gosh!” you exclaimed, realizing just how much your body had been craving and missing his skillful intimacy, his age undoubtedly playing a role in his experience.
An unshakable burning sensation in the pit of your stomach began to brew, the position Miguel held you in leaving you only able to succumb to the pleasure he was bestowing upon you. Your hands tangled in his hair, not having anything else to grasp onto, while your back arched into his mouth, seeking more of his lips and tongue.
“Muy bien, babygirl. Hmm…let me taste you.” He groaned, his breath ragged with desire. His thumbs widened your pussy lips, your soft hood lifting to expose your bundle of nerves as he focused his ministrations on the pink pearl. Like his life was at stake, his tongue suckled and swirled on your throbbing bud in a frenzy until you were a trembling mess underneath him. 
“M-Miggy!” You cried out, convulsing and shaking in his arms. “I-I’m cumming!” You screamed out, feeling him smirk against your core. “That's my girl. Come for me, princesa,” he urged, his efforts intensifying as your sensitivity increased. With a cry of ecstasy, you released the coil of knots in your belly, feeling your thighs become drenched in your juices, eagerly slurped up by your lover.
Miguel adored when you were like this, a twitching, moaning puddle underneath him, knowing he was the sole cause of it. It always left him with a sense of pride. 
With his tongue, he traced a final circle around your folds and kissed your clit before lowering your legs back down upon the seats. He hummed in satisfaction at your flushed cheeks and heaving chest, finding the sight utterly beautiful.
“How’s my girl? Not too much, I hope?” he asked with a breathless chuckle, climbing up to brush a strand of your disheveled hair behind your ear and press a kiss to your temple. You sighed in contentment, his tenderness sending a wave of warmth through your being.
You shook your head at his inquiry, eyes slowly flicking up to meet his gaze above you. “No, I’m okay,” you replied, bringing a smile upon the normally scowling male’s face. “Muy bien. I’m not done with you just yet, baby girl,” he snickered, pressing his forehead against yours, his musk and cologne filling your senses. “I promised to make you feel better. I plan to stand by that,” he affirmed, gently pecking your lips. Your heart swelled, and your core throbbed back to life at his words. You returned his kiss eagerly, wrapping your arms around his muscular neck as his gold chain dangled from his throat.
When Miguel parted and gazed down at you, he saw nothing but devotion and love for him in your eyes—a sight that he’d never thought he’d see before. He nuzzled his face into your neck, relishing in your divine scent that he’d missed so much. Miguel’s hands caressed your bare waist, feeling the soft skin underneath his calloused, ringed fingers. His cock was painfully hard, the only thing soothing his need was the subtle grinding of his member against your thighs, and even still it wasn’t helping.
You bit your lip, feeling just how solid and needy he was, the knowledge only making you wetter. “M-Miggy…I need you,” you whimpered, wanting nothing more than to feel him after so long. Miguel grinned, finding your pleas to be music to his ears. He pressed a final kiss to your neck before parting, his hands grasping around your thighs to widen your legs for him.
A soft moan passed your lips at the contact of his tip brushing teasingly along your drenched folds, the erotic wet sounds echoing throughout the vehicle. “Are you ready for me, bebé?” Miguel practically groaned, his hand gripping your thigh, caressing gentle circles into your skin with his thumb. Biting your lip, you frantically nodded, unable to speak with how quickly your heart was beating and how filled with anticipation you were to be claimed by him again after your time apart.
Miguel growled at your response, guiding his length into your entrance as your joined moans filled the truck. You whined, feeling your walls stretch to accommodate his girthy length. “S-So big, Miggy,” you whimpered, burying your face into your arms. 
The Latino grunted, glancing up to see your concealed face. He took your arms in his hands, drawing, placing them to your sides to expose your facial features to his amber eyes. “I want to see you, amor,” he whispered. “I want to see my sweet girl’s face.” He murmured, leaning down to kiss your lips while waiting for you to adjust. 
Soft groans escaped him between kisses at each pulse of your walls around his length. Each peck of your lips was meant to be a cure for his burning desire to fuck your sweet pussy in total abandon after four years of being deprived of it; so he stuck to devouring your mouth whilst waiting for the magic words of your adjustment.
“I-I’m ready,” you told him between his intoxicating kisses, and Miguel promptly began to move. His thrusts started off slow and precise, each of his languid movements pulling a moan from deep within your chest. “S-So good…Miggy,” you were only able to muster, feeling every vein of his massive cock with his steady pace.
Miguel’s amber eyes were always trained on your face, constantly finding adoration for the pleasurable expressions that graced your beautiful features when the two of you were intimate. He leaned down over you, deepening his plunges as he gradually increased his speed until he snapped his hips into you in a frenzy.. “Yes, mierda, you feel so damn good…Fuck. Squeezing me just right,” he hoarsely said, his dark brown curls dampening against his forehead, and his grip on your hips tightening with each thrust.
Your eyes fluttered, hips moving to meet each of his movements. “M-Miggy…right there,” you begged, feeling your lover angle his hips to hit your desired spot repeatedly, causing your climax to hit you instantly. Your loud cry of pleasure erupted throughout the darken truck causing Miguel to smirk, pleased with bringing you to your orgasm so quickly; but not finished just yet. “Yes, princesa. There we go,” he muttered with pants. “But we’re not through yet, bebè. One more,” Miguel said. “Give me one more, babygirl.” He groaned, your stomach coiling again at his desire for you to release a second time as his thrusts resumed. .
The older Latino’s muscles flexed, his pecs and abs glistening with sweat and bulging with each brutal buck, his balls smacking into your ass. You could feel his pent-up frustration for your departure from him for the previous four years, every roll of his hips expressing his longing. “Fuck…I missed this pussy of yours, princesa,” he grunted. “Always so wet and tight for me,” he groaned between loud smacks of wet flesh.
Your chest heaved, legs trembling around his body as his shaft seemed to touch places inside of you that you didn't even know existed. Every plunge of his cock took your breath away, leaving only inaudible moans and slurred, unintelligible words to spill from your lips. Miguel cursed breathlessly, his eyes never leaving your face. He placed a hand above your head on the car seat, his thrusts deepening and making your eyes roll. 
Miguel could feel himself slipping; he was close—he was certain of that, but he wasn’t going to let himself go until you did for the second time. Leaning down, his mouth found your enticing peaked tits, his tongue swirling around your erect nipples. Your eyes screwed shut, back arching off of the cushions of the seat at the added pleasure coursing through your being. Miguel growled softly, sucking your breast into his mouth whilst his other hand dipped down between your legs, his thumb circling your throbbing clit.
With his ministrations, skilled tongue, and brutal pace, your body began to squirm underneath him, all of the sensations becoming too much to bear. A fire seemed to dance along your skin before your vision blurred, and soon another satisfying release washed over you. Miguel's lips pulled away from your breasts, the clenching of your walls bringing him to his climax. “Y/N- Ay cono, I’m cumming,” he said, plunging inside for the final time before a guttural groan erupted from his large chest. He hastily pulled out, his seed shooting from his tip to coat your bare stomach. You softly moaned, feeling his warm essence upon your abdomen, and soon his massive body atop yours once more.
A quiet silence fell upon the truck except for the panting of your joined breaths. You smiled softly down at him, finding his head upon your chest to be precious. “I take it that someone missed me,” you whispered playfully into the quietness once you caught your breath, repeating the same words he said upon the two of you seeing each other after four long years. He chuckled, rubbing your sides tenderly. “Must I admit it?” he asked, making you laugh. “Yes, it’ll make me very happy.”
“Fine,” Miguel stated, looking up to meet your eyes as amusement was gone from his features to become slightly serious. “When you were gone, I was a mess. I didn’t sleep, I drank a lot, and my work filled my days,” he confessed with a sigh, your heart sinking at his words. “Miggy…” you frowned, running your fingers through his hair to soothe him. Miguel melted at your caresses, eyes fluttering closed for a moment to relish in your touch. “I tried to forget you, but forgetting you only made the memories we shared even more prominent, making me want you further, crave you even, despite us being separated,” Miguel told you, while you listened. “So yes… I missed you so much, Y/N,” he smiled, leaning down to peck your lips. “And don’t leave me again, you understand?” he asked playfully, but you couldn’t help but feel that he meant it.
You cupped his face in your hand, stroking his cheek with your thumb. “I promise. I won’t be leaving ever again, but if I do… I’ll take you with me,” you giggled, bringing a small smile upon his lips. However, the topic made your father arise in your thoughts, as any reason for leaving would be because of him. 
Miguel noticed the saddened look that suddenly graced your features, causing his thick eyebrows to furrow. “What’s wrong, mi amor?” he asked, sitting up on the cushion of his truck’s seat, his hand gently rubbing your legs.
You sighed, biting your lip nervously. “My father… I can’t go back,” you admitted to not only Miguel but to yourself. The mere idea of returning to him, his suffocating rules, and lifestyle felt like a death sentence. The older Latino male gave you an emotionless look, his fingers tracing patterns along your calf, his mind seeming to be spinning.
“Then don’t…” 
Miguel's sudden proposal surprising you. "W-what?" you asked in disbelief, your shock making him chuckle. "Then don’t go back… live with me," he suggested. Skeptical, you eyed him, trying to determine if he was joking, but Miguel was always serious, so you knew he was being truthful. 
"But… I can’t just… stay with you, Miggy. It’ll draw suspicion—"
"Shh…" Miguel interrupted with a smirk, stroking your cheek softly with the back of his hand. "I won’t allow my girl to go back to a place where she isn’t comfortable," he explained. "So live with me,’ he stated once more. “I’ll provide for all your wants and needs, allow you to behave and speak however you like without any restrictions holding you down." Miguel's sincere voice was one you trusted more than anyone else's on this planet. 
"And… what if this angers my father?" you asked warily as Miguel chuckled. "You wouldn’t have to worry about that. You won’t have to see your father unless you wish to," he assured with a smirk. "And don’t concern yourself with me; the bastard cannot hurt me even if he tried," he added, reassuring you further. Your heart soared at his words. 
For the first time in your life, you were given a solution—an escape from your father and the enslaved life he’d placed you into. You pulled Miguel into a deep embrace, surprising him with the sudden affection, but he returned it nonetheless, wrapping his burly arms around you and pulling you close. 
Miguel caressed your bare lower back, relishing in your closeness as your next words made his entire body become rigid. 
“I love you, Miggy.” 
The endearing words escaped your lips, something he thought was as ethereal as your shared love for each other. Before he could ponder it, he found himself uttering the same words back—and wholeheartedly meaning it. 
“I love you too, Querida.”  
In that moment, you couldn’t fathom how happy you were about your freedom, but you were even more delighted that you could finally be happy with the man you loved. 
Certainly, there would be challenges and obstacles in the future, but you’ve never felt stronger and more confident to tackle them with Miguel O’Hara, your secret lover and father’s best friend, by your side. 
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A/N: Thanks so much for reading!! I just want to say again that I'm very thankful for the patience that you, lovely people have given me for the past few weeks, months probably. 😅 So I'm very grateful. 😊
I have many story ideas, requests and the kink series, Entangled Desires to get to, I can only hope that I'm able to get more things out to you wonderful people in the next couple of days or so. There is a lot to get done as you can see lol! 😅
But once again, thank so much, and just want to give a shoutout to @serpentineaerodynamics. This girlie has been getting my brain flowing, since I've returned and she's gotten me pumped to get back into the groove of things. 💪🏽😁 So thank you bestie! Love ya! 🫶🏽🫶🏽
Make sure to like, comment, reblog, and follow! If you'd like to add a request to the kink series, Entangled Desire, or have an idea in general, just message me or submit an ask. I hope you all have a wonderful day and stay safe! ❤️❤️
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wisted-twunderland · 1 year
TWST boys go to Disneyland!
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Ace: Is an absolute fiend on the teacups and knows which one spins the fastest (the orange diamond) and how to really get it spinning.
Deuce: Gets spun too fast on the teacups by Ace and throws up. When he feels better he enjoys being the Pilot on Smuggler's Run.
Cater: Documents the whole thing on Magicam in real time. He gets all of the classic shots, like the selfie in front of the castle, holding up the Dole Whip in front of the Tiki Room, etc.
Trey: Spends a lot of time on Main Street sampling all the different confectionaries. Also sits with Deuce after he throws up.
Riddle: Will ride the Alice in Wonderland ride and talk about all the historical inaccuracies to anyone who will listen.
Leona: He's been dragged here too many times with his nephew and made to ride all the kiddie rides, so he'd rather skip the whole thing and nap in the hotel room. But when he is inevitably dragged to the park, he enjoys the atmosphere of Adventureland and eats an unreal amount of meat skewers from Bengal Barbeque.
Ruggie: Doesn't go because it's too expensive. Nah I'm just kidding, he goes, but he definitely packs all his own food. Goes through the bakery tour and the Ghirardelli factory tour for the free bread and chocolate until he's told he can't have any more free samples.
Jack Howl: He likes Frontierland best, because it's the least crowded (and the cactus landscaping is exceptional).
Azul: He's not big on rides, but he really enjoys scouring the historical showcases at the front of the park. As the owner of his own up and coming mega-conglomerate, he is eager to glean any information he can about the park and its rise to fame (and fortune).
Jade: He's very eager to get a selfie in from the yellow mushroom in Fantasyland, claiming its because of its historical significance. (Did you know it used to be a ticket booth?)
Floyd: Rides any and all of the roller coasters as many times as possible. Is not above pushing past little kids to run to the next ride.
Kalim: Is as excited as any kid there. Wants to see and do everything, and cries at the fireworks at the end of the day.
Jamil: Spends most of his time trying to keep up with Kalim and make sure he drinks some water once in a while. Enjoys the music and the parade more than he lets on.
Vil: Enjoys the park from under a sun parasol, UV shades, and a high SPF sunscreen. He HATES that Snow White's Scary Adventure has been turned into *~*Snow White's Enchanted Wish*~*. The kids of today are WEAK.
Rook: He is hunting aiming to meet as many characters as possible and get them to sigh in his hit signature book.
Epel: Makes it his goal to sample every kind of candy apple in each of its differently decorated forms (Poor bear apple, Mickey ears apple, marshmallow apple, baby yoda apple, etc). Also a roller coaster fanatic.
idia: Rides Buzz Lightyear's Astro Blaster's over and over trying to beat the all time high score (it's his). Knows where all the best targets are and can turn the cart with one hand while shooting with the other. ("This is the OG of interactive rides, even though Toy Story Mania may be more modern, this ride paved the way. At the time getting your picture taken and sending it to friends via email was unheard of but this ride blah blah blah blah...)
Ortho: Enjoys Pirates of the Carribean for its theming and "primitive robotics". Likes Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln for the same reason.
Malleus: Will purchase and consume a Mickey shaped ice cream bar at every opportunity (He knows where all the ice cream carts are by the end of trip). He finds Fantasia amusing and says that the dragon is a "passable likeness".
Lillia: He's amazed at how much the park has changed since he was last here ("Star Wars Land? That area used to be a petting zoo.") Enjoys Haunted Mansion and startling Sebek in the queue.
Sebek: "We need to make sure we use our Lightning Lane at precisely 3:30, and then we must get to Goofy's Kitchen immediately after for our character dining experience, after which we must reserve our spot for the fireworks..." He's extremely concerned with getting the most out of the trip and ensuring that Malleus has a good time (Malleus doesn't care).
Silver: Enjoys the Sleeping Beauty walkthrough, as it is dark, full of vintage charm, and uncrowded. Falls asleep before the fireworks ever start.
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giuliettasims · 1 year
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Little Diamond Pave Hoop Earrings For Infants
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DOWNLOAD at GiuliettaSims.com
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thebadgerclan · 1 year
Pairing: Aleksander Morozova x reader
Summary: The most important question...
A/N: It’s been too long since I’ve written for my Sasha, and I need some stress relief from school lol
Y/B/S is your birthstone
Aleksander paced, fighting to control his breathing.  He wiped his palms on his kefta, worrying his lip between his teeth.  There was a ball tonight, and it was at said ball that Aleksander would ask you the most important question of his life.  He was sure of your answer, but even so, worry and doubt clawed their way through him.
You were the daughter of an Earl, but that hadn’t meant your life had been easy.  Your mother had died in childbirth, and your father had wanted a son.  He’d provided the bare minimum for you, what a father was required to give his daughter, but nothing more.  Your position at court was yours because you’d fought for it; because your intelligence and wit had paved a path for you that your pathetic excuse for a father had refused to.
That was what put you in Aleksander’s life, and from the moment he laid eyes on you, his fate had been sealed.  Yours was a passionate love, a true, undying love, one that burned hotter than an Inferni’s flame, that ran deeper than the depth of the True Sea.  Aleksander had never been so besotted, so hopelessly in love.  If you denied him…..he couldn’t even entertain the notion.
He wanted to be yours, completely and irrevocably yours, he wanted to care for you, provide for you, treat you like the goddess you were.  And Saints willing, he soon would.  “Aleksander?”  Your voice broke him from his stupor, and he turned to face you.  “Are you alright?  I said your name five times.”  If he was breathless before, he was certainly breathless now.  You stood before him in a gown of burgundy silk, the neckline sweeping below your collarbones, sleeves falling from your shoulders.  Your hair was twisted into a braid, and glittering rubies hung from your ears and neck.
“You are simply a vision, my love,” he said, taking your hand and kissing it.  “Perfection.”  You felt yourself blush, and hooked your arm through Aleksander’s as he led you into the ballroom.  You were soon swept into conversation as Aleksander was pulled away by his advisors, but you managed to find each other for the first dance of the evening.  When Aleksander found himself alone at the refreshments table, he felt his heart begin to pound once more.
What if she says no, what if I embarrass her, what if she hates me, what if I mess up, what if, what if what if–  “Aleksander.”  You laid your hand on his arm, and with a single touch, all his fears and worries vanished.  “Yes, my love?”  “Something’s bothering you.  You were staring at the wall and fidgeting.  Are you alright?”  Of course you’d noticed his nerves, you knew him better than anyone else.
You knew everything about him: his wretched past, the lives he’d taken, the mistakes he’d made, how long and hard he’d fought.  And you’d never turned away, never shied from him, never feared him. You loved him exactly as he was, loved each and every flaw, and that was all he’d ever wanted.  “I’m just fine, Y/N.  There’s something I want to ask you, thought.”  At once, your full attention was on him, and his nerves returned in full.
“From the moment I set eyes on you, I knew I was yours,” Aleksander began.  “And every moment since then, I have only become more sure.  You saw a broken, flawed, imperfect man and chose to love him exactly as he was, and I will be forever grateful for that, my love.  I know that life has not been kind to you, but you have handled every challenge that it’s thrown at you with grace.  I will care for you, Y/N.  I will love you unconditionally, I will provide for you, I will cherish you, worship you, if you do me the honor of continuing to love a flawed and broken man.”
With shaking hands, Aleksander reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring.  Glittering black diamond and Y/B/S set on a silver band.  You covered your mouth as he sank to a knee  “Y/N L/N, please, do me the greatest honor of making me your husband.  Marry me, Y/N, and I will spend the rest of my life showing you how deeply and endlessly I adore you.”  The party had halted around you, watching as Aleksander professed his love for you, and you felt tears well in your eyes.
Aleksander had never shied from you, never judged you, never balked at your lack of pageantry for your status.  Other men would have turned their noses up at a nobleman’s daughter who had such wit, who was well read, who knew her worth.  Things you’d had to do since your father wanted nothing to do with you.  Aleksander loved you exactly as you were, loved each and every flaw, and that was all you’d ever wanted.  “Aleksander….yes!”  For the barest second, he thought he’d misheard you, but then you were nodding, tears spilling over.  “Yes!  Yes, I will marry you! Yes, yes, yes!”
He stumbled to his feet and caught you as you threw yourself into his arms, spinning you around with glee.  People cheered around you, but you didn’t hear them; you were laughing with joy, crying with elation.  You wrapped your arms around Aleksander’s neck as he twirled you, his own around your waist.  “Oh, my love!” he said, tears of his own falling.  “You have no idea how happy you’ve just made me!”
An elated giggle left your lips as he set you down and pulled you into a kiss, dipping you towards the ground.  His hands splayed across your back, ensuring you wouldn’t fall, and you tipped your chin to deepen the kiss, never wanting this moment to end.  Aleksander was never this affectionate in front of others, but damn it, he was happy.  And if he wanted to kiss his fiance, then he would.  
When he righted you, Aleksander kept you in his arms, resting his forehead against yours.  “I swear it, Y/N, you will never want for anything.  I will move the heavens for you, just say the word.”  You smiled, nuzzling your nose against his.  “Just love me, Aleksander, that’s all I’ll ever need.”  “That, I am more than happy to do.”  He took your hand and slid the ring onto your finger before lifting it to his lips and kissing it.
“My Y/N,” he whispered.  “Moya lyubimaya devushka.”  My beloved girl in Old Ravkan, your heart fluttered.  “Your Y/N,” you replied, kissing him again.  The rest of the ball passed in a  blur of well wishes and congratulations with Aleksander’s arms around you the entire time.  The murderous looks shot at you from girls around the room didn’t go amiss, but any worries were soothed by your fiance’s lips.
“Pay them no mind, my sweetling,” he said, resting his chin on your shoulder, his arms around your waist.  “I always have been and always will be completely and utterly yours.”  “I know,” you replied.  “I just don’t like other people looking at what’s mine.”  Aleksander’s heart skipped several beats, and he’d be lying if your statement wasn’t a bit arousing.  “Well then,” he said, spinning you around so you were facing him.  “Perhaps we should show them who's I am.”  And he kissed you again, and again, and again, until all you could think about was him.
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zoekeating · 4 months
Dear Listeners,
It’s winter break here in Vermont so my son and I have been out on the slopes every day. For many years I have stayed away from fast slidey sports because I was afraid of injuring my hands. If my hands don’t work, how do I make music? But among the many bits of advice I’ve gotten in my parenting journey, “be into what your kid is into” has been one of the best. My lad needed someone to ride the lifts with and I needed to overcome my fear and learn how to fall properly, so here I am.
I found that skiing is not all that different from rollerblading, which I learned to do in Central Park the summer of my junior year. I brought the skates with me on my year abroad in Florence. On weekends there was this amazing city to explore but buses and museums and cafes cost money. And whenever I roamed the quiet streets and parks alone, I would be perpetually harassed, groped and even flashed by pathetic men. But rollerblading was free and, bonus, I am already quite tall, so with skates I was at least 6ft2in. No one ever messed with me on skates. I adapted to the cobblestones and explored all of Florence with exhilarating freedom.
One Sunday, as I was enjoying the expanses of asphalt in Parco delle Cascine, I came upon a group of folks on old-school rollerskates. They had a boombox and were dancing, just like the skaters of Central Park but without the sequined hot pants. They waved me over and exclaimed over my weird skates. They invited me to join them and for the rest of the school year, I spent every Sunday afternoon I could with the rollerskaters. We would gather, dancing and skating around obstacles, and once we had critical mass, tear off along the Arno and into the old city. We’d skate past the David, circle the Piazza della Signoria multiple times and whizz down the marble collanade along the Piazza Republica, ending in a bar, still on skates, for an espresso or aperativo. Those are some of my best memories of my year in Florence.
I continued the skating when I moved to San Francisco, zooming most days through Golden Gate Park to the beach and back again. Sometimes I’d join a similar group of mad skaters on Friday nights to roll fearlessly down hills and through tunnels. Skating was always a great source of joy. But then I moved away from the paved environment of the city and I transitioned to music full time. After acquiring a broken finger from an Evil Door and being shocked at how much that tiny injury impacted my ability to play, I quit skating.
Fast forward to Vermont. Like many people did during the pandemic, I got back on skates except this time with padding, wrist guards and a helmet. And then, as my boy learned to snowboard, I learned to ski. We still ride the lifts together but now he zips down black diamond trails while I ski carefully down the easy ones. He is mystified as to how I can bear to do the same runs over and over but I like it that way. It’s like a meditation. I focus on perfecting my technique and try to make each turn better than the last. It feels similar to one of the things I enjoy about playing the cello, which is noticing tiny details and gradually polishing them. How can I improve this one phrase that I have played thousands of times? It never gets old or boring for me.
I hope it never gets boring for you either! Next week I’ll get back to work improving my old songs and figuring out to play some of my new ones in time for my concerts in March.
March 15 - ArtYard in Frenchtown,NJ
March 16 - Underground Arts in Philadelphia, PA opening up for my old friend The Sleepytime Gorilla Museum
March 17 - Le Poisson Rouge in NYC
March 21 - St John’s Cathedral at the Big Ears Festival in Knoxville, TN
And one more
April 6 - Unitarian Univeralist Church in Burlington VT, accompanied by mesmerizing visuals by Alex Reeves
also, outside my solo work on April 7 I’ll be a part of composer Randal Pierce’s ensemble, performing his live soundtrack to George Méliès’ silent cinematic masterpiece, A Trip to the Moon
6:30 and 8:30pm shows
More about all the events happening in Burlington around the eclipse
Thank you for listening and please wear a helmet when you are going fast.
celloly yours, Z
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chicinsilk · 16 days
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US Vogue June 1982
Paulina Porizkova wears the perfect tuxedo here, a classic white cotton poplin shirt with pleats on the front. By Charvet with one of their soft silk bow ties. Magnificent “custom” diamonds: the paved tank watch with a black bracelet from Cartier and also from Cartier, impeccable solitaire rings, diamond cluster earrings. Emanuel Ungaro black velvet jacket and pants. Hairstyle: Christian; makeup, George Newell.
Paulina Porizkova porte ici le parfait smoking, chemise classique en popeline de coton blanche à plis sur le devant. Par Charvet avec l'un de leurs nœuds papillons en soie douce. Magnifiques diamants « sur mesure » : la montre tank pavée à bracelet noir de Cartier et également de Cartier, des bagues solitaires impeccables, des boucles d'oreilles en grappe de diamants. Blouson et pantalon en velours noir Emanuel Ungaro. Coiffure : Christian ; maquillage, George Newell.
Photo Arthur Elgort vogue archive
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diamondsinthelibrary · 4 months
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Pair of diamond floral cluster earrings by Van Cleef & Arpels, with detachable articulated pendant sections, designed as stylised fuchsia, the five petalled flowerhead tops pave set with round brilliant cut stones, a cluster of four square cut diamonds to centre, suspending four detachable graduated stems set with baguette cuts and round cuts, serial number 27629.
At SJ Phillips.
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vibgyorcreation · 2 years
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taylor out to dinner with friends in nyc, wearing a mix of jacquie aiche and foundrae ☺️
◼︎from jacquie aiche we have:
- some variant of their large pave gem (i’m guessing emerald) teardrop cap and clear quart crystal necklace,
-sophia 2 diamond pave marquise center flying thunderbird drop stud
- judging by their continued appearance this month, we can deduce by the shape of the band that she is once again wearing the pave emerald center eye diamond smooth bracelet and the 7 diamond kate smooth bar bracelet.
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◼︎from foundrae we have:
-miniature heart pave symbol - love petit chubby ear hoop (may be a star center or a single diamond)
-diamond center heart miniature medallion
-sister hook belcher chain (not sure the length)
- (potentially) amate: love sealed gemstone medallion
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i am unsure the maker of the top necklace chain and the second chain link bracelet on her right hand. and there are a bunch of studs i can’t really tell either.
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world-of-wales · 2 years
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Catherine's Jewel Vault (7/∞) ♛
↬ Acorn Wedding Earrings
The Diamond Oak Leaf and Acorn Earrings were a wedding gift to Catherine from her parents who commissioned them for her wedding day from London jewellers Robinson Pelham.
They feature diamond-set stylized oak leaves which were designed to compliment the 'Scrolls' of the Cartier Halo Scroll tiara worn by Catherine on the day.
Dangling from the leaves is a pear shaped diamonds set drop having a pave set diamond acorns suspended in the center. The acorns were incorporated in the design as they appear in the Middleton Coat of Arms.
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gemville · 1 year
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Mystère de la Nuit Earrings by Cindy Chao
The Petals Of The Flowers Are Entirely Paved In Sapphires and Emeralds. The Stamens Are French Lacquer Coated 18k Gold. Oval Diamond Central Elements
Photo: Dmitry Kostyukov for The New York Times
Source: nytimes.com
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taylorswiftstyle · 8 months
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Out and about | New York City, NY | November 4, 2023
Jacquie Aiche ‘Small Pave Emerald Oval Eye Diamond Necklace’ - $6,300.00 Jacquie Aiche 'Evil Eye Bracelet’ - $5,250.00
Worn with: Jacquie Aiche + Foundrae earrings, Mazin Jewels rings, Stella McCartney bag, Miu Miu skirt, and Stella McCartney boots
Photo by Getty
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