#pave de chocolate
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selfcaredicas · 2 years ago
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ✨NUTELLA VEGANA: ▫️INGREDIENTES: -300g de avelã -45g de cacau em pó 100% -Adoçante a gosto (usei stevia) -1cch de essência de baunilha -20ml de óleo de coco (opcional) -pitada de sal ▫️PREPARO: coloque as avelãs em uma assadeira e torre-as no forno por 10-15 minutos (até a casca escurecer um pouco, mas cuidado p/ não queimarem). P/ remover as cascas, coloque-as sobre um pano de prato e esfregue bem. Retire manualmente as que não saírem. Transfira as avelãs torradas e descascadas p/ um processador junto com os outros ingredientes e comece a processar. Demora um tempo e será preciso abrir algumas vezes o processador para raspar as paredes. Processe bem até virar uma pasta bem lisa e cremosa. Armazene em um pote fechado na geladeira por até 1 mês. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ✨FERRERO ROCHER ▫️INGREDIENTES: RECHEIO: -50g de nutella vegana caseira (pode usar pasta de amendoim também) -60g de chocolate amargo -60ml de leite vegetal (usei de coco) COBERTURA: -50g de chocolate amargo + 40g de avelãs picadas *rendimento: 6 bombons ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ▫️PREPARO: coloque a os ingredientes do recheio em uma panela e leve em fogo médio mexendo sempre até virar um creme bem consistente. Coloque-o em um prato e leve ao freezer por 1 hora. Pegue em torno de 1csp, abra a massa, coloque 1 avelã no meio e faça bolinhas. Leve para gelar por mais uns 30 minutos. •Cobertura: derreta o chocolate, misture com as avelãs picadas e passe as bolinhas nele. Coloque-as sobre uma folha de papel manteiga e leve p/ geladeira até o chocolate endurecer. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ✨PAVÊ DE AVELÃ E CHOCOLATE: CREME: -50g de nutella vegana caseira -200ml de leite vegetal (e + um pouco p/ molhar os biscoitos) -40g de chocolate amargo -adoçante a gosto -20g de cacau em pó 100% -avelãs picadas (usei em torno de 40g) -6-7 biscoitos da sua preferência (vou deixar nos destaques o biscoito que fiz)
PREPARO DO PAVÊ: coloque os ingredientes do creme do pavê uma panela e leve-os em fogo médio mexendo sempre até tudo ficar homogêneo. Acrescente as avelãs picadas e misture. Espere esfriar. •MONTAGEM: molhe os biscoitos da sua preferência em algum leite vegetal e comece intercalando as camadas de biscoito e creme (começando pelo biscoito) em uma taça grande ou recipiente que preferir. Usei uma taça bem grande e ficou com 3 camadas de biscoito e 3 do creme. Decore como preferir (coloquei alguns pedaços de biscoito quebrado e avelãs picadas por cima). Leve para geladeira por 2 horas no mínimo. Fica surreaaal! Perfeito para a sobremesa da ceia de Natal (ou para qualquer época do ano 😆) ✨Importante: avelã é um ingrediente caro infelizmente, mas compro sempre pela internet e consigo um preço bem mais camarada! E garanto para vocês que vale muito a pena fazer essas receitas! O creme de avelã e o bombom ferrero rocher ficam MUITO parecidos com as versões tradicionais! Além de serem mais saudáveis! Espero que tenham gostado! 🤍🤍🤍
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caltropspress · 9 months ago
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I went to DRIVEBY’s apartment in Jersey City because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of documenting musical exxxprrrimentation, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I knew witnessing Fatboi Sharif in the studio would be morbidly rewarding—I felt it in my critik’s skull-and-crossbones (memento mori, pirate flag, poison pictogram). It was New Year’s Day in the year of our Lord Have Mercy 2024, and I had to pull myself away from a tree documentary that had, sadly, begun to disappoint. I had opened a stocking-stuffed box of Goobers and was reluctant when Sharif sent the invitational text. I had settled in for the night. But it was my idea to watch the man work his black magikal esoterika hammer-don’t-hurt-them-witches recording session, so I’d be a real punk to rebuff the offer. I got into the Toyota and headed down Route 3 toward Jersey City. I was on the 1&9 in no time—the truest highway to hell, if one ever existed. Ate de Jong could never scout such a location. AC/DC roadside appliance wasteland. Potholes pave the way, but in a De Nah Soul manner. I finished eating the Goobers in the car, by the palmful, and lost one to an erratic lane merge. I motherfucked and shitted at the thought of a chocolate stain on my upholstered driver’s seat, or worse, the seat of my pants. My dad delivered Blimpie’s for thirty-plus years in Jersey City, long before it became Brooklyn-of-the-West, so I know parking spots there are at a never-dream-of-’em premium. I parked several blocks away from DRIVEBY’s studio and cloven-hoofed it while huffing brick air. Texted from outside, but Sharif was already ushering me through a wrought-iron gate (suitable for guttings and impalements) and into the basement apartment: DRIVEBY’s 2nd St. Studios. That gate was like an entrance into a secret garden—overblown and overflowin’ with a riot of root rot, weeds, and (of course) crumbling-but-still-grumbling gargoyles, most with the medieval motif of mooning jutting out from the church buttresses. DRIVEBY’s had a William Shatner’s TekWorld comic next to his speaker. Dusty keyboards lined the floor. Sega Genesis cartridges, a Sharp boombox, and the requisite vinyl collection on bowing crates completed the scene. The space stored antiquated and dead media—ghost machines humming and haunting.
Sharif told me he’d be recording some tracks for his upcoming album with Blockhead, something for Bigg Jus, and several features. When I arrived, he was in the middle of recording one of the Blockhead tracks. The mic and the iso shield were directly inside the door of the apartment, and I sat on the couch to the left of that. Sharif would be spitting at me, beyond me, as he did his thing—an intimate setting, to say the very least. Beans of Antipop Consortium sat on this same cushion months earlier, I thought. They recorded “Sex With the Leopard Print Lady” here. While I pondered the legacy of stylist berzerkers of past and present, Key & Peele played on the television in front of me. I wanted to make myself scarce, invisible as possible, Brundlefly-on-the-wall, non-participatory, so I watched the “Laron Can’t Laugh” sketch on mute and registered how Laron’s noiseless convulsions and eventual shriek expertly pantomimed Sharif’s vocals. These layers of silence allowed me to hear some of what Sharif was spewing forth and commit it to memory. He spoke of avenging the death of Candyman. The words loom like Tony Todd—tall as a ponderosa pine in a Cabrini-Green courtyard. Caroline crossed eyelids…90 degree pressure… Closing in on 400 degreez, but we’re talking below zero. The winter of our disconnected selves. Sharif tells DRIVEBY he wants his voice to sound “fucked up.” He’s snorting, super sinusy. He wants to cultivate a specific sound—it coats the inner concavities of his skull. He just needs to externalize it into a self-portrait in a convex DAW interface. “The soul establishes itself,” John Ashbery writes. Sharif is shoeless, I should add. He’s black socked as he cuts the song’s first of three adlib tracks. The first is completely muddled, barely audible—a grumbly grumble grumb. The second is a helium-huffed high pitch mania. The third, a yell—“the banshee,” as DRIVEBY calls it. Sharif slackens the headphone wires and walks across the room. He does “the banshee” from as great a distance as possible. You’ve no doubt heard the banshee adlib track before (B.A.T. for short, as in, the hematophagic vampire bat). If you’ve heard a Fatboi Sharif recording, you’ve likely heard a hotly desperate and deranged voice coming from the depths of a hellmouth—sinners swallowed and still writhing, quasi-alive, anticipating rigor mortis. DRIVEBY captures the natural reverb. Sharif asks him to put distortion and echo on the last word of the verse. 
Fatboi Sharif was reading lyrics off his phone, but by then he was Loosifa loose—engaging me, inviting me to dialogue, reveling in the job.  His feet are light and nimble, like McCarthy’s Judge. He says that he will never die. And, you bet, he dances in light and in shadow. He’s a craftsman and possesses an engineer’s ear, an ant-infested and severed one he probably plucked from a manicured lawn in Scotch Plains, NJ, Jeffrey Beaumont style. For the second verse of the song, he makes an alteration and decides to end the verse earlier than he had written it, stopping at the phrase “role model” because he likes the “swing of it.” Okay, Nuke Hellington. I see you, Benny Badman. A natural performer, the recording session reflects both technical know-how and impassioned delivery. He doesn’t quite lose himself as he does on the stage (or the audience floor where he so often ends up), but he’s unequivocally locked in, as he kids say. Locked in a room with padded walls, more apropos. On the next, he requires a seemingly endless run of retakes. I begin to wonder if my presence is a burden, a distraction. But the session keeps its devil-may-care air intact. Still, Sharif has a sonic vision he yearns to achieve. He won’t settle for less. He eventually gets the take he desires and tells DRIVEBY he’s gonna do three adlibs. These two men work in harmony to develop their songs of disharmony. They’ve been boys, and so that keeps the chemistry alchemical for the duration. Open and honest, DRIVEBY tells Sharif that three tracks of adlibs is “too many.” FUCK THAT! Sharif shouts at him. Sharif wants the adlibs to sound beneath everything—six-feet deep, or “buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways” (unexpressed emotions, that is), as Freud or a Freud-fraud once wrote. Sharif wants echoes. He wants to sound like he’s a signal coming in and out of the radio as you drive through the night. These are the requests he makes, delicately selected from his mental doom board as DRIVEBY adjusts the mix, adds effects. “Do you do a lot of vocal mixing on the spot?” I ask. Sharif shakes his head, points to DRIVEBY slumped over his computer monitor, clicking and dragging, random access memory maybe lagging: “He’s on his Bob Power shit.” Listening to the playback, Sharif tells me he wants to be like Joker in the children’s hospital scene. What kinda clown carries a fuckin’ gun?! I’m waiting for the next Sharif release, crossing my fingers into an arthritic mass of flesh and bone in hopes of his cover of “If You’re Happy and You Know It” appearing on the tracklist. 
DRIVEBY puts Joker on the TV. It’s the bus scene; he can’t stop laughing. He hands a fellow passenger his card: Forgive my Laughter: I have a Condition. Sharif still sleeps to beats. He’s told this story numerous times to various media outlets, and so it’s beginning to take on the tone of lore. But it’s not. Even wilder, he’s not listening on headphones as he sleeps; he blasts the beats on speakers. Sharif prefers to record late, well into the wee hours of morning. DRIVEBY’s couch often becomes Sharif’s bed. “He’ll have the same beat on for five hours,” DRIVEBY explains. He’ll be in his bedroom, unable to sleep. Sharif grins and tells me, “That’s when I’m in the mindfuck.” Sharif reapproaches the mic. Another Blockhead track. “He told me he made this one especially for me,” Sharif says. The beat sounds like a Gregorian chant in a cavern. Beware of the Shroom Monster. Sharif has managed to amass an intimidating number of releases over the past several years while not indulging us to excess. He’s conservative with his run-times. Clocks ain’t shit to him. Many of his projects are EP-length, but categorizing them in any terms would seem to discredit his ingenuity. As the session unofficially ends and we settle into more casual conversation, Sharif implores DRIVEBY to play selections from their unreleased album, currently on ice like a corpse. I listen and hear of an exorcism of Antoinette, of Elvira and death resurrections, of Basquiat painting in Transylvania, crossroads, and plosive sonic samples from The Pagemaster—a film I have absolutely no recollection of but DRIVEBY speaks almost as highly of as his Fantastic Damage instrumental CD-R. OneShotOnce shows up, presumably for a session, but not before he and Sharif pillage DRIVEBY’s fridge. They feast on cold chicken while I gather myself to leave. 
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Images: Astronomical table detail from the Almanach Purpetuum of Abraham Zacuto (c. 1500)
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mephilver · 10 months ago
man i sure could go for a dessert platter with tiramisu and cheesecake (regular and raspberry) and cannoli (extra pistachio) and baklava and pecan pie and nana puddin and peach cobbler and chocolate covered rasins and shortbread cookies with a lemon glaze and double peanutbutter brownies with peanut chunks and a hazelnut latte and mango lassi and pave de abacaxi and flan and rich vanilla gelato with strawberry jam and a REAL red velvet cupcake with cream cheese frosting and core and crumbly coffee cake and carrot cake and a simple trashy vanilla milkshake with a cheap lumpy maraschino cherry on top and a few shirley temples and an arnold palmer and a chocolate chip cookie
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bike42 · 6 months ago
Wednesday September 4, 2024
A cup of tea, some chocolate and a game of cribbage and then a great night’s sleep. I didn’t even wake up until 8am! I did some yoga, we went down to breakfast, then packed up and we were out walking by 10am.
After three blocks, we rejoined the route and began to see pilgrims - a lot of pilgrims! So many pilgrims that it increased our anxiety about finding places to stay in the evenings. We’re fine tonight, but after that we’d planned to “wing it,” however now we are second guessing that plan. We’ll have to discuss with our team members tonight!
We were walking doing a street in the business district, when a man standing at a cafe was hollering to the passing pilgrims that he had a stamp! Well, we were anxious to get our new credentials stamped so we took him up on it. It was a great business model as once we went into the cafe, he asked if we wanted Pastel de Natas, and even though we’d just had breakfast, of course we did!! We got them to go however.
We joined the pilgrims heading north along the waterfront. It was a gorgeous clear day, although a stiff breeze blew from the north like yesterday. About 2 miles from Matosinhos, the Oceanside paved trail turned to boardwalk, and our route generally followed a gorgeous boardwalk the whole way. Besides the great view and walking surface, there were clean public toilets and drinking fountains nearly every kilometer.
There were ample spots for taking breaks, and we took one at mile 3 to each our pastries, and mile 6 for another snack. Meanwhile, we were leapfrogging pilgrims, and they us as we took breaks at different times. Other than “Bon Camino” greetings, we didn’t have extended conversations with any of them - heard many different foreign languages being spoken however!
We’d heard from San that they were in Frankfurt and ready to board the plane for Porto, but then nothing more. I can track her phone and saw they were in the Porto airport, but then it stuck hl there (she must have turned off her phone).
We arrived in Labruge about 1pm, likely too early to check into our accommodation so I suggested we sit at a cafe and have lunch. Labruge is the first fishing village we’ve come to - clearly out of the bigger city of Porto now! Lots of locals out on the Main Street, eating and talking in an animated manner.
We sat at a cafe and figured out you had to go inside to order, so I did that. I was having a hard time explaining I wanted 2 ham and cheese sandwiches, so the clerk called a younger worker over who spoke great English.
After lunch, we stopped at a supermarket and bought fruit, nuts and beer since we were close to our accommodation. We walked past a campground and kept going to the address Google maps was taking us to. It looked like a house, and I had some uncertainty, but I rang the bell on the gate. I woman answered and I told her my name and that I had a reservation. She responded in Portuguese. We repeated that a few times, and she finally came out. I tried to show her the reservation on my phone, but she pointed down the street. It was then I recalled that our reservation was for a “bungalow” in the campground - duh! I am just now wondering if others have buzzed her gate before that she knew where to send us!
We checked in and walked back to our bungalow - like a little trailer with two bedrooms (3 beds) and a sofa bed … plus kitchen, bathroom and a nice porch. It’ll do for the 5 of us for one night!
We showered, did our sink laundry and were relaxing outside when we got a text that they were at the gate. We gave them instructions and soon they were walking down the lane - impressively, they walked 5 miles from the airport after an overnight flight!
We had a beer, they changed and we walked to town (about 1km). They were hungry and anxious to see the ocean! It was about 5pm and cooling off already, but we were smart enough to grab our puffy coats tonight!
In search of dinner, we found a Tapas place that was open, with fun staff and had an adventurous dinner: stout beer, Port & Tonics, shrimp, mussels, clams, salad, bread, potatoes, salmon and sardines! Jeff had asked about a melon looking thing on the bar, and they sliced it up and brought it to us for dessert!
After dinner, we made another stop at the store and bought a few things for breakfast and some additional snacks.
We headed out to our place and the Arrivals were understandably very tired. I was anxious to make a plan for tomorrow: how far to walk and where would we stay? When we decided where to go, I started looking at accommodations on the Camino app and found everything already booked. I know there are places that don’t appear on the app, but I just couldn’t see showing up at 5pm when you’ve hiked 15 miles and are exhausted, and then have to do a room search. I found a hotel with 2 single beds for €100 per night - Matt and San were too tired to be dealing with it, and it wasn’t clear to me if they wanted to share with Janet or if they all needed to book - stuff we’ll have to work out as we go! Janet did book an apartment where they’ll all stay, about 20 minutes from our hotel - stay tuned!
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nutrifrutas · 1 year ago
Receitas deliciosas de pavê
O pavê é uma sobremesa clássica e irresistível, muito apreciada em todo o Brasil. Sua versatilidade permite criar diversas combinações de sabores, desde as mais tradicionais até as mais criativas. Preparar um pavê é uma ótima maneira de encerrar uma refeição com chave de ouro ou surpreender os convidados em uma ocasião especial. Aqui, apresentamos cinco deliciosas receitas de pavê, cada uma com seu toque único de sabor. São sobremesas que conquistarão o paladar de todos, combinando facilidade de preparo com ingredientes facilmente encontrados em qualquer mercado brasileiro.
Pavê de Chocolate com Morango:
1 pacote de biscoito tipo maisena
1 lata de leite condensado
1 lata de creme de leite
1 xícara de leite
3 colheres de sopa de chocolate em pó
Morangos frescos fatiados para decorar
Modo de Preparo:
Em uma tigela, misture o leite condensado, o creme de leite e o chocolate em pó até obter um creme homogêneo.
Em um refratário, faça uma camada de biscoitos umedecidos no leite.
Cubra os biscoitos com uma camada do creme de chocolate.
Repita o processo até finalizar com uma camada de creme.
Decore com morangos fatiados e leve à geladeira por pelo menos 4 horas antes de servir.
Pavê de Limão:
1 lata de leite condensado
1 lata de creme de leite
Suco de 3 limões
1 pacote de biscoito champanhe
Raspas de limão para decorar
Modo de Preparo:
Em uma tigela, misture o leite condensado, o creme de leite e o suco de limão até obter um creme homogêneo.
Em um refratário, faça uma camada de biscoitos champanhe.
Cubra os biscoitos com uma camada do creme de limão.
Repita o processo até finalizar com uma camada de creme.
Decore com raspas de limão e leve à geladeira por pelo menos 4 horas antes de servir.
Pavê de Abacaxi com Coco:
1 abacaxi picado
1 lata de leite condensado
1 lata de creme de leite
1 pacote de biscoito tipo maisena
Coco ralado para decorar
Modo de Preparo:
Em uma panela, cozinhe o abacaxi com um pouco de água e açúcar até que fique macio.
Em uma tigela, misture o leite condensado e o creme de leite até obter um creme homogêneo.
Em um refratário, faça uma camada de biscoitos umedecidos no suco do abacaxi.
Cubra os biscoitos com uma camada do creme de leite condensado.
Adicione uma camada de abacaxi cozido.
Repita o processo até finalizar com uma camada de creme.
Decore com coco ralado e leve à geladeira por pelo menos 4 horas antes de servir.
Pavê de Morango com Nutella:
1 caixa de morangos picados
1 lata de leite condensado
1 lata de creme de leite
1 xícara de Nutella
1 pacote de biscoito tipo maisena
Modo de Preparo:
Em uma tigela, misture o leite condensado e o creme de leite até obter um creme homogêneo.
Em um refratário, faça uma camada de biscoitos umedecidos no leite.
Cubra os biscoitos com uma camada do creme de leite condensado.
Adicione uma camada de morangos picados.
Repita o processo até finalizar com uma camada de creme.
Derreta a Nutella e espalhe por cima da última camada de creme.
Leve à geladeira por pelo menos 4 horas antes de servir.
Pavê de Doce de Leite:
1 lata de doce de leite
1 lata de creme de leite
1 pacote de biscoito tipo maisena
Modo de Preparo:
Em uma tigela, misture o doce de leite e o creme de leite até obter um creme homogêneo.
Em um refratário, faça uma camada de biscoitos umedecidos no leite.
Cubra os biscoitos com uma camada do creme de doce de leite.
Repita o processo até finalizar com uma camada de creme.
Leve à geladeira por pelo menos 4 horas antes de servir. https://nutrifrutas.com/receitas-deliciosas-de-pave
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coffeeandroutes · 1 year ago
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Receita de Pave de morango com chocolate - https://coffeeandroutes.com/?p=1166
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montaencanta · 4 years ago
Pavê da Clau é um sucesso de familia
Pavê da Clau é um sucesso de familia
Pavê da Clau (minha irmã) é amor à primeira vista e é um sucesso na família. Todas as vezes que nos reunimos a Clau  é praticamente obrigada (por todos) a levar este pavê, pois reunião familiar sem o pavê da Clau parece que fica faltando um pedaço literalmente. Então eu tenho certeza que será um sucesso  aí  na sua também, pois além de delicioso  ele ainda é fácil de fazer.  Camada de bolacha…
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grelleswife · 4 years ago
DomiJeanne!!! (for the Domesticity Meme)
1. Who cooks normally?
According to this extra Mochizuki drew, neither Domi nor Jeanne is a particularly amazing cook. 😂 Although I can’t read Japanese, I think I remember one translation (it might have been on @popopretty ‘s blog?) saying that Domi considers cooking a job for the servants, while Jeanne is mainly a foodie rather than a preparer of said food (though she does know survival cooking). So Domi probably just hires the finest chefs de Sade money can provide to make all her girl’s favorite dishes!
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2. How often do they fight?
Not very often! They have a natural rapport, with each bringing out the other’s gentler side. I have a feeling most of their fights would either be related to Vanitas (Domi’s antipathy towards him is stronger than ever, even after Jeanne broke up with the human) or stem from Domi’s lingering insecurities (for example, she notices someone flirting with Jeanne and gets jealous). But with time, they’re able to work through these issues.
3. What do they do when they’re away from each other?
Since Jeanne still serves as Luca’s chevalier, most of her time is spent accompanying him during his daily routine or when he’s out on official business. In those leisurely moments when she isn’t able to see Dominique, Jeanne might read a novel, go strolling in a nearby park, or stop by one of her local cafes or restaurants for a quick bite to eat!
Domi remains part of the royal guard, and regularly practices with her sword (in addition to competing in the occasional fencing match). I don’t remember if this is canon, but I could also see her enjoying horseback riding. If she can’t spend time with Jeanne, she’ll seek out the company of her other favorite person, Noé, or write him a letter if he and Vanitas are off chasing curse bearers. She also likes to go shopping to add to her extensive wardrobe, and typically gets a new outfit, box of chocolates, etc. for Jeanne while she’s at it. Domi’s girlfriend never strays far from her mind. ☺️
4. Nicknames for each other?
Domi calls Jeanne “ma belle,” “ma chérie,” “mon amour,” “mon trésor,” “mon ange,” “ma colombe”...you get the picture! For some reason, I have a hard time imagining Jeanne using pet names, but the moment when she finally felt comfortable enough to call her lover Domi instead of Lady Dominique made our favorite de Sade blush like a schoolgirl.
5. Who is more likely to pay for dinner?
Dominique, since she’s the aristocrat.
6. Who steals the covers at night?
Hmm...maybe Jeanne? She always apologizes profusely after she wakes up and becomes aware of her blanket crimes. Domi just winks and says Jeanne can make it up to her by warming her back up with cuddles, which Jeanne is happy to do. 💕
7. What would they get each other for gifts?
Since Jeanne hasn’t had many people in her life who bothered to make her feel special, Domi goes all-out with lavish presents—sweets from the most acclaimed confectionery in France, or a season’s worth of dresses, or a pretty pony. Jeanne’s gifts are equally heartfelt, even if they aren’t as extravagant. She might try to make something for Domi by hand, like a scarf and mittens, or write her a love poem (which of course Domi would treasure 🥰🥰🥰)
8. Who remembers things?
Maybe Domi? Jeanne might be more forgetful and prone to distraction.
9. Who cusses more?
Though neither is prone to swearing in public, Domi uses more profanity when they’re talking in private. Jeanne might be a cinnamon roll, but she can and will say fuck if sufficiently enraged. 🔥 Dominique thinks her girlfriend is even hotter when she curses. 😏
10. What would they do if the other one was hurt?
In both cases, their first priority would be patching up the other’s wounds, making sure they were okay, and fretting over them. Step two would involve slicing whoever was responsible for those injuries to ribbons. 🔥 Jeanne is a little better at keeping a cool head under pressure in these situations because she has more experience on the battlefield. Because both ladies have lost loved ones in horrifically violent ways, they’d be extra protective in the wake of the injury and reluctant to leave the other’s side.
11. Who kissed who first?
Domi kissed Jeanne first. They were taking a walk together through Paris and happened to be in a quiet, out-of-the-way area...so Domi used Jeanne’s parasol to shield them from any prying eyes, and gave her a smooch! 😘
12. Who made the first move?
Maybe Jeanne? After Domi’s curse was lifted and Jeanne dumped Vanitas (I leave the details to your imagination 😉) the chevalier reached out to her friend out of worry and a desire to reconnect. The letters they exchanged over the next few weeks helped repair their bond and paved the way for subsequent dates.
13. Who started the relationship?
Jeanne. As they grew closer, Domi realized that she’d fallen for the other vampire but was afraid to push her luck for fear of rejection (she stills struggles with self-esteem issues and remorse over fighting Jeanne under Misha’s influence, even though that obviously wasn’t her fault 😭). But one day while they were having tea, Jeanne worked up the courage to tell Domi point-blank that she wanted to be more than just friends, and that she understood if Domi didn’t reciprocate...but she couldn’t keep these feelings to herself any longer!!! Dominique promptly burst into tears (which left poor Jeanne more than a little confused), but then rushed over to hug the chevalier and sob out that she’d be honored to court her. 🥰
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selfcaredicas · 2 years ago
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ •CREME DE BAUNILHA: ▫️INGREDIENTES - 500ml de leite vegetal (usei de coco) -2 e 1/2csp de amido de milho -adoçante a gosto (usei 1cch de stevia) -1cch de essência de baunilha ▫️PREPARO: misture os ingredientes sem ligar o fogo até todo amido se dissolver. Leve ao fogo médio até engrossar (se quiser deixar o creme mais amarelinho, adicione 1 pitadinha de cúrcuma). Leve para gelar por 2 horas (de preferência cubra o creme com papel filme). Depois de retirar da geladeira misture bem de novo (para deixar o creme bem⠀homogêneo). ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ •CREME DE CHOCOLATE: ▫️INGREDIENTES: -400ml de leite vegetal -4csp de cacau em pó 100% (de boa qualidade) -adoçante a gosto -80g de chocolate meio amargo ▫️PREPARO: misture o leite, o cacau e o adoçante em fogo médio até não ficar com pelotinhas de cacau em pó. Adicione o chocolate e misture até ele derreter. Leve para geladeira por 2 horas. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ▫️BOMBOM DE MORANGO E CEREJA: *Para 2 porções: -8 morangos picados -8 cerejas picadas (+ para decorar) -nibs de cacau ou raspas de chocolate (opcional) ▫️PREPARO: comece colocando o creme de baunilha na taça (2-3csp). Adicione as frutas picadas (pode usar outras que gostar também). Coloque o creme de chocolate (3-4csp) e decore com quiser. Deixe na geladeira antes de servir. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ▫️PAVÊ DE PAÇOCA: *Para 2 porções: -4 paçocas (+ para decorar) -OPCIONAL: misturei 30g de pasta de amendoim com o creme de baunilha e 1 pitada de sal (deixa o creme ainda mais gostoso) -Biscoitos quebrados (6-8 biscoitos) ▫️PREPARO: molhe um pouco os biscoitos no leite vegetal e coloque no fundo da taça. Adicione o creme (2-3csp) e depois um pedaço de paçoca esfarelada. Coloque mais creme (3-4csp) e mais paçoca para decorar.
▫️PAVÊ DE NOZES, CHOCOLATE, CARAMELO DE TÂMARAS E FLOR DE SAL: *Para 2 porções: -OPCIONAL: Caramelo de tâmaras (já tem receita no feed! Só bater 60g de tâmaras demolhadas com um pouquinho de água até ficar com uma consistência cremosa! Adicionei 1 pitada de sal também) -60g de nozes picadas (+ para decorar) -Biscoitos quebrados (6-8 biscoitos) ▫️PREPARO: molhe um pouco os biscoitos no leite vegetal e coloque no fundo da taça. Adicione o creme de chocolate (2-3csp) e depois um pouco de nozes picadas. Coloque o caramelo de tâmaras ou creme de chocolate se preferir. Depois mais nozes, mais creme de chocolate e decore como quiser (salpiquei flor de sal e por cima e ficou perfeito).
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quillsareswords · 5 years ago
And Arnold Makes Four
The next part of Blurb #18, because it got surprisingly great feedback! Thank you all so much! You don't necessarily need to read 18, but I'd recommend it, just to get your bearings.
Interested in a Polyamorus Taglist? Comment here!
Prompt List // Masterlist (in bio)
Jon did not keep his promise. When two hours had passed and you were still snoring next to Damian as he reclined on both of you, he considered waking you because goddamn it he wanted a slushee, but decided against it.
Too many night had you both sat up until the sun shone. The least he could do was let you rest.
Besides—he was pretty sure one of you would try to punch him if he tried.
So, he laid contently against your legs, wasting most of the day between his Switch and your television.
Damian is the first one awake. He blinks hard twice, because the sun is shining directly through the window and straight into his eyes (likely what woke him up, he decides). You're the first thing he sees. You probably got a little too warm snuggled so close to him, so you've pulled back so he can see your whole face. Subconsciously, he tracks your breathing for a moment.
Then he's looking past you, for his other partner. One of you are usually in the middle, because Jon gets too hot laying between you. Jon's not there. Damian reminds himself that he's in your house and that there's realistically no reason to worry, before the niggling of panic worms it's way into his mind.
The weight against his shins shifts. He sits part way up, careful not to jostle you too much in the process.
Jon turns away from your TV and smiles brightly. "I wondered when you'd wake up," he says, quietly.
Your eyebrows furrow as you groan.
Damian rolls his upper half so he can properly himself up with his elbows. "Why didn't you wake us? It's been well over two hours," Damian asks, inclining his head towards the window, where it's obviously nearly sunset.
Jon shrugs, shifts his weight so Damian can roll completely over. "You seemed like you needed it, so . . ."
Damian nods slowly. He feels a little bad, wondering why his internal alarm clock didn't have him up within an hour. Probably you.
You mumble something about the light before your eyes crack open with a glare. You'd been half awake, listening to the conversation. "What time is it?"
"Sunset," Damian sighs, crawling over you to get off the bed. "Sunshine here didn't wake us up."
Jon's cheeks bloom pink at the endearment, but he pretends they don't. "You looked like you needed sleep," he defends, flopping back down in his boyfriend's place.
You realize he's already gotten dressed, while you're still in sleep shorts and a ratty tank top. You also realize that Damian is fishing clothes out of his duffel, which was slung down beside Jon's bulging backpack yesterday afternoon.
You don't know why they insist on bringing so much every time they come to stay, considering the bottom two drawers of your dresser are respectively theirs. You consider this silently as you roll out of bed to pull on jeans and your Converse.
By the time you grab your longboard and bid your parents goodbye, the sky is orange and pink and white and it's brilliant.
Jon's camera is in your backpack, your speaker on a strap slung across his body while you search for their designated playlist.
Damian's pennyboard hits the ground first, then your longboard, then Jon's skateboard. Down your suburban driveway you cruise, then down the cul-de-sac and onto the sidewalk running alongside the slow traffic of the road.
The Travel Center sign glows orange and red as you roll forward, Vance Joy booming from Jon's hip. The sky only gets prettier, so Jon asks for his camera once you stop.
When you reach the parking lot, you slide your heel along the cement to lose your momentum, simultaneously slinging your backpack down to the crook of one arm to get the camera.
You hand it to him when he stops beside you, then you pop the nose of your board and pause your music.
"What are you getting?" Jon asks, as you pass him, one arm outstretched to hold the glass door open for you, while Damian swings the other side of the door open for himself.
"Coca Cola, obviously," you hum, tucking your board under one arm and reshouldering the straps of your bag. "I'll cover snacks and whatnot if one of you will pay for the bracelets at the fair."
The county fair is finally back for the beginning of summer in your home town, so the three of you have decided to go, since the fairgrounds are so close to the pier anyway.
Damian nods. "I'll pay for them." He takes a small cup size from the stack as the three of you round the corner of the back isle.
"I'll pay for the slushees," Jon decides, taking a large.
"Good for you," you smile, filling your medium with the light brown, thinly ground ice from the rolling machine.
Jon flicks your nose as he pumps his large full if blue-burrrry first, then cherry.
Damian snaps a boring old flat lid on the top of his cup before he saunters off in search of a snack to take for the road.
You're the next one done, but because you have a soul, you take a dome lid and fill your cup past the brim.
You roam the isles for a few minutes, despite already knowing where everything, just like every weekend. You pick up a bag of cheddar Combos, a miniature tube of original Pringles, and a Hershey bar.
You meet your boys by the checkout, where the same tired-looking woman smiles at you fondly. Just like every weekend.
Damian sets down a bag of M&Ms, while Jon is still juggling four bags of candy, a skateboard, and a multicolored slushee which is oozing out from the top of the dome lid, because—like every weekend—he's overfilled it.
While you fish out some bills from the wallet in your backpack, Damian finally steps in and takes the slushee from him so he can slap down his pack of Rainbow Belts, a bag of Skittles, a Hershey Cookies and Cream bar, a bag of Trolli gummy worms, a bag of miniature Twix bars, and a blue Gatorade onto the counter.
You laugh, because it's a little bit like a clown car, the way he piles it all on the counter. Damian sighs, staring at Jon with a healthy mix of impression, surprise, and adoration.
Sheepishly, Jon takes his slushee back from his boyfriend and mumbles, "The slushees are separate."
The middle-aged woman withholds a laugh at the whole thing, even though this is a very regular occurrence, while she slides all the items across the scanner.
A few minutes later, the three of you pause in the parking lot to cram everything into your backpack. While Damian is helping you, Jon stands at the very edge of the sidewalk, snapping pictures of the gorgeous sunset and the colors it paints the sky.
Soon enough, you're on your way again. The pier isn't too far from your house—maybe three miles, not counting the backtracking you have to do from the Travel Center. Its also not used often unless there's some big event, like a holiday or something at the fairgrounds, which are a quick jaunt up a dirt path through a patch of woods.
It's been a favorite spot of yours, ever since you were old enough for your parents to let you loose. You brought the boys out last summer, only about a month after forming the three way relationship you're so comfortable in. Since then, it's been a frequent for you three, when the weather's nice.
It isn't an ocean pier, by the way. It's on a lake, which is partly owned by the park on the other side, and partly owned by the same family who's owned the fairgrounds for as long as you can remember. They have a miniature boat race every Spring, and a lantern release every New Year.
You make it to the fairgrounds just about as soon as the sun sinks below the treeline, courtesy of the (mostly) paved road that stretches through the massive unused field and dense woods that divides it from the main road. Mostly, because it was paved so long ago that it was well forgotten in the most recent repaving your small town underwent a year or two ago.
You pop the nose of your board up, shoving the rest of your chocolate bar into your mouth as you step on to the whiterock path leading to the ticket booth, and the rest of the pop-up carnival beyond it.
"Three bracelets, please," Damian requests, holding out a twenty and a ten. Ten bucks for an all-access bracelet that are only valid for twenty-four hours might seem crazy, but it's logistically cheaper and easier than buying X-amount of tickets, and then having to come back for more later.
You hastily strap the paper onto one another's wrists before you scamper off, your eyes set on the Twister, dragging your boys behind you.
You spend most of the night squished between two people in a two-person seat; or throwing things at other things to win more things; or sprawled out in the grass behind or between some booths, chowing down on pre-bought snacks. Jon went off and got an Elephant Ear at some point, so you spent more time sitting in the grass, eating and chatting idly, humorously judging people with Damian while Jon glared on disapprovingly. Still, even he couldn't find anything good to say about the full neon rainbow leopard jumpsuit that fit about six sizes too small in the worst way, other than at least he's creative.
At one point or another, you come across a giant stuffed sloth that's about a foot short of being as tall as you, and you decide on the spot that it is absolutely going home with you. Damian and Jon see the number of points it costs and sigh in unison. You spend about one hundred and sixteen minutes throwing baseballs at far-too-heavy milk bottles, but hey, who's counting?
You do, eventually, win the sloth, with the combined efforts of three super-sidekicks—Jon's super strength, Damian's freakish aim, and your intuitive throwing finally converge on one task, surprisingly.
Hauling your new friend—Arnold, you've dubbed him—on your back, you decide to show your gratitude by putting your knife throwing skills (you're very good at instinctive throwing, because of your flawless intuition) to good use at the dart-and-ballon game.
You leave Arnold in Jon's care (Damian ever so gently told you that he'd leave Arnold to sit in the dirt beside them, not hold him, which offended you deeply), and and your longboard with Damian, before you march over, wad of dollar bills in hand.
You return twenty minutes later, two plush animals in each hand. You proudly bestow a ambiguous black bird to Damian, and a fire engine red marshmallow-esque creature to Jon. You take Arnold in your arms and resituate him to ride piggy back, long boneless arms draped over your shoulders.
Jon giddily grins at his new blob friend, and thanks you, muttering, a little shyly, that you really didn't have to. Damian stares down at the stuffed bird in silence, a smidge of contempt flickering in his eyes. It crosses your mind that he might have preferred something else, but all doubt is erased with his grip on it becomes a little more firm, a bit more protective, and you catch his gaze going soft on it. He offers you a little smile, because he's bad at genuinely accepting and showing appreciation for these kinds of gifts.
And because you know this, you return the gesture to prove that you understand.
Your trio heads for the dirt path through the decently small patch of woods, where a dirt path peeks out like a old man with gentle eyes and a warm smile.
Jon stops right as you reach the mouth of the path. He hands Damian his skateboard. "You go ahead, I'll meet you there in a few minutes."
"Where are you going?" Damian asks.
Jon starts walking backwards. "I'm gonna get something. I'll be quick, I promise! Go ahead!"
Damian exchanges a look with you. You shrug, reaching toward his hand and wiggling your fingers.
He locks his fingers with yours, sparing Jon one more look over his shoulder before the two of you set off.
"What do you think he's up to?" you wonder, peering over your shoulder just before the carnival is out of sight. You don't see him, but you imagine him bobbing a weaving through the crowds of half drunk, drunk high, and half asleep people ambling around in the last hours of the festivities for the day.
Damian glances back one more time. "Don't know," he answers. "Can't be anything good, if he wouldn't tell us."
You nod. "Can't be awful, if he wouldn't warn us," you add with a smile.
He laughs. "Can't be amazing if he wouldn't gloat about how amazing his idea is."
You laugh loudly. "You got me there."
You pass the marker for the middle of the path soon after. It's just an old wooden post, marked properly with fading orange tape. Not long after that, you leave the treeline behind.
The pier is old, and a little creaky. The wood is dark with age, warm with sun, and worn with the repeated paths of the residents of your hometown. The group of people is surprisingly small, despite the carnival's large attendance.
Your eyes roam the few couples scattered around the clearing by the water, and the group of friends laughing loudly from borrowed fishing boats further out in the water. Warm summer night air sticks to your skin and fills your lungs the way only it can.
The pair of you find a good spot at the very end of the pier, where the boards are still stable, but boast a concerning number if cracks and splinters. You prop Arnold up behind you, safely away from the water, but he slouches inanimately while he holds Damian's crow and your backpack in his lap.
"We should do this more," you hum, leaning back on your elbows to get a proper look at the mostly clear sky. It's nearly a full moon, and lack of light pollution leaves the stars on display, while the open moonlight reflects beautifully off the tops and sides of passing clouds.
Damian hums in agreement. "That would be nice." His neck cranes to get a good look for himself. "Any constellations?"
"Orion is there," you point to the belt specifically. "And the Dippers are right there."
A beat of silence as you admire the heavens.
"How long do you think until Jon calls us because he's gotten into trouble?"
You laugh. "Fifteen minutes," you bet.
Damian nods. "Sounds right. He's probably getting some kind of food."
"I hope it's something without grease," you groan. "Otherwise I might be sick."
Damian chuckles. "Don't get your hopes up."
As if it was a stage cue, you hear footsteps thumping up the rickity wood planks toward you.
You both turn at the sound of your names. "Look what I got!" Jon howls excitedly.
He's got a giant bag of popcorn and another of cotton candy under one arm, and brandishing a clear plastic bag with the other.
"That better not be a fish," you warn, but the spark in your eyes betrays the implied threat. You sit back up to get a better look.
"It'll be dead in a week," Damian warns, "so don't get too attached."
Jon fakes a pout, stopping beside Arnold. "His name is Jerry and you're being very rude." He drops the bags of snacks among your prize-filled bag and stuffed animals, then drops himself on the other side of you.
"Let me see him," you swipe the bag without permission. You hold it level with your eyes. It stares back boredly. "What are you gonna do with him? Do you have a bowl?"
He smiles sheepishly at you. "I thought your mom might have a vase or something."
You roll your eyes good-naturedly and hold the bag out to Damian to inspect. "I'm sure she does," you assure anyway. "If not, you can borrow a water glass or something."
Damian's eyes light up suddenly, as he eyes the yellow fish. "Your mother has a huge wineglass, doesn't she?"
You grin. "Yes. Yes she does, and you're a genius."
Damian smiles suavely, reaching across you to hand the bag back to Jon. "This isn't new information."
You snort and roll you eyes again, reaching for the cotton candy. "And so modest, too."
Jon tucks one leg under the opposite knee, setting the bag of water in the crook of his knee. "And ugly as a moose."
Damian indignantly rips the bag of cottony sugar from your grasp, leaving you with an offended glare, an agape mouth, and a thick tuft of pink fluff in your hand. "I'll pretend I didn't hear that."
You giggle over to Jon. "I think he hates us," you loudly whisper.
Jon nods thoughtfully, peering past you as he whispers back, "He's planning to poison us with dinner."
Damian sighs, loudly. "Firstly, poison wouldn't effect you, Jon. Secondly, if I hated either of you, I wouldn't be here."
Jon laughs. "He's got us, Lovely."
You lean on Damian's shoulder. "In more ways than you one."
Your plan works perfectly. Red flushes down his neck, eyes still locked on the horizon.
Jon picks up on it immediately, and hooks an arm around Damian's waist. "Wouldn't you agree, Love?"
He grumbles between the two of you, annoyed and embarrassed and so overwhelmingly in love.
As predicted, he makes a quick effort to switch topics. "How long are we staying?"
You and Jon respect his discomfort with focused public affection and pull away. "Long as we want," you answer, shoving a smaller tuft of pink into your mouth. "Mom just said to be home before two."
Jon nods. "I wanna watch a Disney movie when we get home." You agree.
"Speaking of getting home," Damian peers over his shoulder at the small mountain of prizes, food, and skateboards behind you, "how exactly do you plan on getting Arnold home?"
You eye the four-foot-six sloth and your longboard. Then you turn back to your boys, moonlight casting a gleam in your eyes. "I have absolutely no idea."
[TAGS – @qween-of-trash ]
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receitamaneira · 4 years ago
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penhero · 3 years ago
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The Esterbrook Estie Nouveau Bleu is now available! Here’s the story of this richly colorful pen: At the turn of the 19th century, the artist Alphonse Mucha was at the height of his career. A fine artist, whose name is now synonymous with the art nouveau style, the Czech Mucha came from an illustration background and became widely and commercially well-known through his advertisements for everything from chocolate to cigarettes to laundry detergent. Living in Paris, Mucha was also celebrated for his idealized female figures that were often based on Parisian film stars and glitterati, and his work included his years studying, drawing, and painting film actress and icon, Sarah Bernhardt. His portraits of her were printed as large-scale posters heralding his commercial work which took advantage of new advances in printing. In 1887, the invention of celluloid film paved the way for Mucha to become the first artist to work directly from photography. Thusly, his color palette was often the rich, warm, pastel tones of photographs and he used these hues to create Mucha women with flowing hair that matched the flourish of his gorgeous lettering and typefaces. Within this range of color emerges a signature eau de nil blue that Mucha used to clothe the women in lush drapery, illuminate the skies behind them, give them wings and surround them with waves of water. This newest addition to the core range of Esterbook Estie’s celebrates the innovation of Mucha’s work and his particular shades of blue, blended into a material that reflects the celluloid of pen making past. You can find them at penherostore.com and our eBay store at https://www.ebay.com/str/penherostore #pencollecting #fountainpen #esterbrook #estie #nouveau #mucha #penhero https://www.instagram.com/p/CU8X_9KP3OC/?utm_medium=tumblr
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castillodeleon · 3 years ago
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LEGAL NAME: Sebastián Nicolás Castillo De Leon 
NICKNAMES: Seb, Sebbie, Bastián
DOB/AGE:March 9, 1979; 44Y/O 
GENDER: Cis Male
SEXUAL ID: Bisexual 
HEIGHT: 5'9"
LANGUAGES: English and Spanish 
GLASSES/CONTACTS: Glasses and contacts 
TATTOOS/PIERCINGS: one ear pierced, No tattoos 
ALLERGIES: hay fever 
POSITIVE TRAITS (3): Loyal, Trusting, Kind/charitable 
NEGATIVE TRAITS (3): stubborn, distrusting, not confident at times  
Meeting new people, traveling, eating, playing baseball
foods/cuisine– South and Central American food 
movie genres– comedy and action 
flower– roses 
snacks– Cheetos, carrots, blueberries, blackberries, chocolate 
music genres– Top 40, Alternative, Blues, Jazz 
season– Fall 
book genre– Fiction, Fantasy
animal– dogs, cats
candy–  Skittles and M&Ms
BIOGRAPHY (TW: Abandonment, homophobia)
Sebastián was born and raised in Villa Nueva, Guatemala. He is the oldest of three siblings and moved to California with his family when he was 17 years old. A senior in high school, he had a rough start in San Francisco having left behind all his friends and the only world he knew. However, his charm and sense of humor paved the way for a successful senior year where he met the people that would forever be in his life. Knowing from a young age that he was bisexual, Sebastián boldly came out to his parents when he was 12 and his father wasn’t exactly thrilled. 
Living the majority of his adolescence trying to prove himself to the patriarch, Sebastián felt somewhere along the way that he had lost himself. He had fallen in love with a schoolmate that his father didn’t approve of, leaving him heart broken once the relationship was torn apart by his parents.. It was that experience and the fact that his parents constantly introduced him to women to marry that turned him away from the family he loved. Sebastián began focusing on his radio career after he became a DJ during his time in University, which he purposely chose on the other side of the map. In New York City, Sebastián’s career grew once he landed an intern position with Z100 after graduation. The intern position allowed him to learn more about the profession and he began to participate in segments as hosts. This caught the eyes and ears of La Onda radio, an all Latino radio station just next door and Sebastián began his career as one of the most well known radio DJs in the city. 
This allowed him a life he never thought possible. Parties every night, meeting new people, going to concerts all over the country and some parts of the world. Sebastián felt on top and at the age of 32, he was offered his own programming back at home in California. This would come with a lot of heartache and tough decisions to make. He’d be closer to his sisters but back on the same side of the country where his parents resided. Even at 32, he felt dread in returning and three days away from leaving New York City forever, a knock on his door changed his life. Sitting in a small car seat was a newborn baby and a note. After reading it, Sebastián came to the realization he had a son and the mother, an Instagram model from Norway, wanted nothing to do with them. 
After speaking with lawyers and having to reach out to his father, the family lawyer, Sebastián was able to file all necessary paperwork and pending DNA results and move to California with his baby. They’d have to navigate this new territory together. Partying days were over and Sebastián’s dad as a father and entertainment big shot were about to begin. Ten years later and he’s been able to maintain a healthy balance with the help of friends and his sisters but something was always missing. It wasn’t the parties, it wasn’t the hook ups. It was the connection he never gave himself the chance to feel after he parted with his high school sweetheart and when Sebastián discovered the latter had been married for over ten years, he knew it was time for him to do something for himself and also for his son. There was someone missing in their giant house and in their hearts and Sebastián was going to find that one way or another. 
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zoffra · 5 years ago
The Achilles' heel
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Kortopi ran almost two kilometers, passing passers-by with ease without even grazing them and jumping against the facades of the building bars.
He arrived at the appointment ten minutes ahead of schedule. He didn't have time to catch his breath when he heard a voice behind him.
'You'll follow me without question. Nod gently if you agree.'
Kortopi slowly moved his head up and down, then froze instantly when he felt the cold barrel of a revolver press against his neck. He swallowed his saliva with difficulty. He was still a child, but in delicate situations, his analytical mind was as good as any of the other members. He was very lucid about the strength and intentions of his opponents.
He's serious, he'll kill me if I try anything
Something disturbed Kortopi's already chaotic thoughts, even more than the threat of being shot in the head.
Wedy wasn't there.
He couldn't make out his face because of his motorcycle helmet, but from his voice, the child deduced that his attacker was a young man under thirty.
They walked for another twenty minutes or so, and then stopped in front of a large motorcycle of a Japanese mark.
The ride had been going on for over an hour by the time they got off the highway. Kortopi was handcuffed like a leg of lamb, but deep down he seemed to enjoy the moment.
The landscape was passing before his eyes like a fast-moving movie and was quite different from the panorama of Meteor city. Fields of wheat, poppies, and blueberries were gradually replacing the concrete towers and skyscrapers of the suburbs. They arrived in the countryside when a gentle autumn rain began to fall, wetting Kortopi's long hair sticking out of his motorcycle helmet.
'Come down.' The young man took off his helmet and his long golden blond hair fell to his shoulders. Korutopi repressed a shiver when he saw his face, marked by a huge burn that extended from his jaw to between his nose and his left eye.
The child hastily looked away when he noticed a silhouette that looked familiar, moving towards them.
'Wedy, next time it's you who's going to do it. I'm not your delivery boy.'
'Lay down, Mello.' She's crouching down in front of Kortopi, taking off her handcuffs, 'Didn't my partner put you through too much misery?'
They took a dirt path lined with pine and cherry blossoms. After walking for several minutes, they came to a small paved courtyard with an extraordinarily carved walnut wood porch.
Kortopi opened his mouth in surprise when they entered the building.
The dilapidated barn as seen from the outside was in fact be converted into a loft in a rustic, uncluttered style. The hall was so large that their footsteps resounded like an echo. The old oak parquet flooring was covered with a brightly colored graphic carpet, and long duck blue velvet curtains draped over the bay windows.
'Matt!' Mello roared from the lobby, and then came down the stairs that seemed to lead to a basement. Within seconds, the man known as Matt came down the central staircase. He was wearing a long-sleeved top with red and black stripes and jeans tucked into his brown boots. The smoky lenses of his glasses were not perceptible to his eyes.
When he reached Kortopi, the young man took off his black gloves and replaced them with surgical gloves, 'Spread your arms and legs.'
A terrible feeling of fear and humiliation overcame Kortopi, sensing the hands of a stranger performing a thorough body search.
'We've to make sure you don't have a wire. Take a deep breath.' Wedy, with his back to him, said this in a strangely compassionate way.
'Nothing to report.'
When the search was over, Wedy led Kortopi to the door Mello had used earlier, 'Time for introductions. Ready to meet the boss?'
Kortopi shivered, his footsteps getting heavier and heavier as he sank into the basement next to Matt and Wedy. They walked down a long corridor, the atmosphere was nothing like the warmth of the ground floor. The neon lights were sizzling, emitting a whitish light reminiscent of hospitals, the walls were rough concrete and a slight smell of dampness pervaded the place.
They reached a large steel armored door that even Phinks would have had a hard time breaking through, and then Wedy knocked.
One knock. Three knocks. One knock.
And the door opened.
Questions raced through Kortopi's foggy mind. He wondered what the leader of these treasure seekers might look like, and felt a sense of excitement in spite of himself.
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Mello slumped on a worn-out leather armchair, devouring a bar of chocolate. He wouldn't have seen him if his big eye hadn't been so sharp. The room was plunged into darkness, and the only source of light came from the back of the room, emitted by a gigantic wall of surveillance screens. About fifty monitors were showing scenes of people's daily lives in public places, bars, but also in private homes and apartments.
Kortopi squinted at the light from the screens that hurt him, looking for one that would confirm his theory.
'Ninth column, third row.'
Kortopi turned to the raised voice and noticed a young man from behind with a famished appearance, strangely seated on his chair in a squatting position. The young man turned towards the child, his black half-long hair sweeping across his pale face and his bangs falling over his large black eyes.
When his eyes landed on the viewer, Kortopi's heart missed a beat. And for good reason, two groups of people who were not supposed to meet at all were on the same screen.
Phinks, Feitan, and Nobunaga had displayed their powerful and threatening aura, facing the magician and the puppeteer.
All this could have been avoided if a certain person had not been clumsy.
A few hours earlier, Machi had planned to order a cake for Nobunaga's birthday. She already knew what she wanted, it had been several weeks since she had imagined the piece, working meticulously on the details. She wanted it to be coated with mascarpone, nougatine pearls with a speculoos pastry, the top covered with a thirteen-legged spider in fleur de sel, then thirty candles would cover the whole thing.
The vibrator of her mobile phone brought her out of her daydream and her sweet smile faded completely when she read the contents.
They're drunk. Your turn. Good luck ^o^'
Machi huffed and puffed, and furiously put away her phone, cursing the manipulator, when she saw Shizuku in the elevator. She hesitated for a short moment, but as time was running out, she reluctantly asked her to order the cake.
The troupe had enjoyed an excellent meal at the hotel restaurant when the waiter finally brought dessert.
Machi almost choked on his drink.
Instead of the cake she had imagined, there was a banana cake with two large, shapeless candles on top, almost burnt.
'This is not what I asked for.' Machi grabbed the waiter with such force that she almost broke his arm.
'Machi! Sorry, I couldn't remember which cake you wanted, so I chose Topi's favorite! I wanted to at least please the little one,' the little black-haired girl replied nonchalantly.
Machi loosened her grip and her icy look slipped towards poor Shizuku.
Deep down, the ice queen knew that Shizuku wasn't responsible for her memory loss but she couldn't help it, she was angry.
Since Uvoguine's death, Machi felt helpless in the face of Nobunaga's plight, which she saw withering away. His suffering, his loneliness, his pain was bursting in ambiance, and she had the unpleasant feeling that she was the only one who understood the evidence.
She resented the spiders for that too. Against Shizuku, who hadn't managed to memorize a simple cake model. Against Feitan and Phinks, if those morons hadn't swallowed the equivalent of their weight in beer at four o'clock in the afternoon, she would have had time to order it herself. But more than anything else, she was angry with herself.
When the brigade was still on York-Shin, no one knew that she spent three nights in the Goldo desert looking for Uvoguine's body, tracing tiny spikes of Nen that would have survived.
Eventually, she found him. The smell was nauseating, but it didn't matter. She cleaned his body with a damp glove, repaired his bruised limbs, and closed his eyes. Not wanting his friend to rest where the chain user had decided, she dug another grave. Then she adorned it with three flat stones intertwined with her Nen wire. This is what Nobunaga would have wanted.
Nobunaga's loud voice finally got her out of her head.
When she turned her head towards him, she was surprised to see that he was smiling at her. It was a real smile, one that came from the heart and made his dimples appear, right at the corner of her thin lips.
Nobunaga put his big hand on the pink-haired young woman's shoulder and gently pulled her against him, whispering in the crook of her ear, 'You've always been there, haven't you?
As the situation seemed to calm down, no one noticed the little drops of sweat dripping from Illumi's forehead, still dressed in Kortopi. And for good reason, if the assassin was trained in all kinds of torture, poisons, and other joyous things, he had a ridiculous Achilles' heel.
The banana.
Illumi was mortally allergic to it. His parents - caring people - tried to make it ineffective on the puppeteer's body, through all kinds of treatments and force-feeding, but nothing ever worked.
Seeing the disaster coming and the spiders getting drunk as pigs, Illumi thought that he would have no better opportunity to escape than this one.
'Grow up, Topi!' The puppeteer didn't have time to push back the generous spoon served by Feitan that the piece of cake was already in the back of his mouth, knowing that the delicacy of a drunken Feitan is worth twice that of a sober Uvoguine.
And it happened.
Illumi took five steps before he regained his appearance. His head swelled like a watermelon making his large eyes look abnormally small, his usually slender fingers had become all puffy, and his slender silhouette settled as if his whole body was retaining water. He didn't die after all. But Illumi wondered if he might not have preferred it when he heard a hyena laughing from behind a column.
'I thought your transformations could last five hours ♥'
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mcmansionhell · 6 years ago
2018 McGingerbread Hell Competition Winners
Happy New Year, Folks! I’m pleased to announce the winners of this (past) year’s McGingerbread Hell Gingerbread House Competition!!
First off, I cannot find the words to say how much joy each and every entry to this competition has brought me. Every single one of the participants put their 100% best McMansion Hell face on and the results were charming, hilarious, and, if we’re being punny here, downright sweet. This may be the best idea this blogger has ever had. 
Second, let me say that the when I say the competition was fierce, I mean, it was fierce. So much so that I drafted the fellow judgement of two of my favorite colleagues, my literary agent Caroline Eisenmann, and fellow architecture critic/Editor of Chicago Architect Magazine Anjulie Rao to help me narrow the 43 contestants down to 8. 
Just a note: Last names of the winners have been abbreviated for privacy reasons. If you would like your full name to be published instead, please email [email protected] with your preferred name. 
We’re going to start our line up with the 5 honorable mentions in alphabetical order, after which there will be a break to take those of you scrolling through this on the dashboard to the full article where the top 3 McMansions will be revealed. 
Without further ado... 
Honorable Mention #5 : Manoir de emporte-pièce by Anya D.
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The judges were impressed by the whimsy, creativity and finely detailed execution of Anya’s house. Caroline summed it up best: “what else is a McMansion if not a bunch of smaller houses wrapped into one package?” 
Anya writes: 
Hi I'm Anya and I'm 12. I made my Gingerbread house from Gingerbread I mixed and baked myself. The house shapes came from a cookie cutter. It's held together with royal icing frosting I made. The shingles are almonds and the house off to the side is the dog house and has candy dog bones on it. The "lights" on parts of it are candy balls. I hope you like it!
Honorable Mention #4: AMAZING Custom Home with Quality Features by Sydney E.
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The judges were impressed by the house’s fine craftsmanship, attention to detail (especially the peppermint columns, the gumdrop crenellations, and the chandelier in the back) and great sense of humor. Anjulie remarked: “Love the inclusion of the nuclear family.” What really had us in stitches was Sydney’s wonderfully rich description, especially this part:
 “...You'll know you're living in the lap of luxury when you see the ENORMOUS GOLD CHANDELIER in the dining room. But it's the ROOFTOP PATIO with no discernible purpose or point of entry that will really set you apart from your neighbors. "Hey, how did you get up there?" they'll ask, but you're not telling (mysterious!). The landscaping will make you feel like you're in the countryside, in a sea of royal icing TURF GRASS (shown here, lightly dusted with coconut snow). The FOUR TREES on the property are either too far from the house to provide any shade (stately!) or extremely close to the house and actively obscuring at least one window (posh!). The entire house, the front walk, and the driveway are all bordered in royal icing ENGLISH IVY, which is definitely never going to be a problem for native plants (colonial!).”
Honorable Mention #3: Suburban Hobbit House by Jennifer K. & Cara M.
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The judges were impressed by the difficulty of execution in Jennifer and Cara’s house, especially the dome, the cleverness of using almonds as cladding, and the hilariously barren “asphalt” lawn complete with soul patch. Kate remarked: “Pretty sure I saw this exact house in Bergen County, New Jersey.”
Jennifer and Cara wrote about their house: 
Made of solid gingerbread in shape of skulls (had the pans), graham crackers, lots of icing, nuts, chocolate, a candy cane, grape tic-tacs, decorator sprinkles, butter-rum Lifesavers, fondant, Tootsie Rolls, and a loaf of rosemary bread. Round center mass house with back porch nub, two wings, a charming turret. We totally meant for it to look this way.
Honorable Mention #2: European Charme by Núria O. 
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The judges were very impressed with the fine detailing (such as the columns, balustrades, and front door), the crisp, clean execution of the design, and total commitment to the McMansion Aesthetic™ from front to rear, including the completely barren lawn. 
Núria describes the house in finely practice Realtor-ese:
Beautiful gazillion-square-feet chalet featuring lots of personality and European flair. This cozy 4-bedroom, 10-bathroom cottage is made of sturdy construction-grade tan-beige gingerbread from top to bottom. Roof plates are structurally tinted, not painted, ensuring a durable color that will last until the last crumble is eaten. Windows glazing is made of gelatine sheets coated with black-coloured blueberry jam to ensure privacy as you lounge by the bay window or enjoy the views from the beautiful faux-balcony. 
All doors are solid gum paste, with royal icing on all window frames as well as the balustrade. This home is ideal for entertaining, with its luxurious two-story entrance featuring genuine Spanish _neula_ columns with doric capitals, ornated pediment and a quaint half-tindered wall that gives true European _charme_. Utilities are housed in a lovely turret next to the service door. The garage accomodates two SUVs or six European sedan cars. The magnificent brown-sugar-paved front yard features icing plants and a signature landscaped crushed-sprinkle turf patch on cookie soil. The same type of grass was used in the large, sunny backyard which also has a patio area.
Honorable Mention #1: Existential Crisis on 34th Street by Caitlin R. 
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The judges were very impressed by the house’s clever use of different baking materials and attention to detailing, especially in the icing work. Kate was especially excited by the rounded gingerbread turret, and Anjulie loved the “Existential Crisis” detail and monumental marshmallow columns. The description had Caroline especially in stitches.
Caitlin describes the house:
This nine-bedroom mansion is made from the most exquisite of gingerbreads. Lovingly handmade from scratch, and crafted by local artisans, it's ready for your own sweet family. Grecian inspired columns impose your might on the neighborhood, while a pebble-clad tower with bay windows adds a touch of country charm. Architectural details include a 'stonework' wall and chimney, sweet dormer windows, and a luxurious back porch. A myriad of windows let light into this expanded historic house - the original building dates all the way back to 1982! Come by today, and soon you'll be calling this three-and-a-half story, Greco-Chateauesque Italian Revival Americana, 18,600 square foot mansion - home!
It all comes down to this. It was stiff competition through and through, and the judges deliberated long and hard about who the top 3 spots should go to. Each house showed tremendous ability in craftsmanship, detailing, and McMansion Engineering. Without further ado: 
Third Prize: Saccharin Sanctuary by Christa H.
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The judges were wowed by the amazing craftsmanship and attention to detail present in Christa’s house. Caroline was impressed by the use of Cinnamon Toast Crunch as shingling, Anjulie loved the jellybean stone accents, and Kate found the use of sticks of gum as fake-stucco siding to be very clever. The execution of the lawyer foyer, turret, and appropriately nonsensical rear exterior put this house in to the third place slot. 
Christa’s description, in perfect Realtorese: 
This fabulous 1.5 story house features a gorgeous columned entry, double garage, show-stopping turret, and the picture perfect back patio. Built from the finest gingerbread and white chocolate... you can be sure that this house has a superior foundation that you can trust for years to come. Jelly Beans, spear mint Lifesavers, Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Double Mint gum among other award winning materials make this house’s curb appeal unforgettable! List Price: 🍬574,900  Est Mortgage: 🍬2,240/mo Listed By: Sugar & Space Reality®️
Second Prize: The Hundred Thousand by Louisa G.
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The judges were blown away by, as they say, the sheer size of this lad. The monumentality of such a massive roof must have taken some serious gingerbread engineering, all while perfectly encapsulating McMansion Roof Culture. The engineering, clean execution, attention to detail (millions of nonpareils!!), and true, well, McMansion-ness of this house vaulted (ceiling) it into 2nd place. 
Louisa describes the house thusly: 
The Hundred Thousand has no equal. This 37-piece towering gingerbread edifice was baked and constructed over four days during the heat of an Australian summer, by an Australian and a Finn, using a Finnish gingerbread recipe. Inspired by Mt. Nub, The Hundred Thousand boasts a porcine screaming porch, eight ahoy-mateys windows, a royally-iced gable front that almost but not entirely obscures the front door, and palatial grounds landscaped with topiary sweets, all topped off with a soaring roof tiled with hundreds & thousands. 
So many hundreds & thousands were used that the builders ran out of material - causing the construction project to grind to a halt for almost ten minutes, until the Australian’s father arrived with more much-needed building supplies. The Hundred Thousand was fixed together using high-quality caramel, and is internally braced by two large gingerbread cross-panels. This fantastic abode required nearly 2kg of flour and eight eggs (provided by the Australian’s chickens) and was constructed as large as the oven would allow, measuring a whopping 40 cm across on the front facade, and nearly 30 cm high. 
And finally, (DRUMROLL PLEASE)
First Prize: Casa de McGingerHell by Beth and Tina C.
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From the moat, dome skylight, and lawyer foyer, to the rice crispy treat retaining wall, and chocolate rocks, this house, in the words of Caroline, was “truly next level.” The judges were blown away by the incredible attention to detail and clever use of different materials, specially the pretzel railing on the bridge, the marshmallow penguins, and we all freaked over those sugar glass and water elements. From the several different types of windows, bizarre massing, and three car garage, this house encapsulates the deranged opulence of McMansions in the sweetest way possible. 
Beth and Tina describe their house: 
Located centrally and literally dominating the entire living room, this McGingerMansion features over twenty handcrafted stained glass windows, a double sized garage, and three hand laid rock face walls! This gingermansion also has not one, but two incredible water features including a delightful frozen waterfall in the spacious backyard. Boasting several pre-decorated pine trees surrounding the property, this festive gingermansion showcases several dozen strands of lights and as well as a handful of charming wreaths. 
The one hundred percent genuine pretzel log deck overlooking the backyard is the perfect place to entertain friends and family alike, especially during the holiday season! Standing at just over a foot and a half tall, this truly massive gingermansion has a total composition of just over twenty pans worth of gingerbread. Call now to schedule a tour today; this gingermansion won't last long! *Disclaimer: As required of us by law, we must disclose the presence of a minor pest infestation in the form of roughly a dozen cute, but possibly rabid penguins on the property.
On behalf of the judges and McMansion Hell, we would like to thank everyone who entered the competition for their amazingly wonderful houses, and for the funding from McMansion Hell’s Patreon supporters whose generosity made running the competition and supplying the prizes possible. 
Stay tuned for this year’s new and exciting McMansion Hell features:
- The conclusion of the 50 states, starting with Virginia next week.  - A series of essays on kitsch - Looking at McMansions decade by decades - McMansions in film and media - Updates on the McMansion Hell Book
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Copyright Disclaimer: All photographs are used in this post under fair use for the purposes of education, satire, and parody, consistent with 17 USC §107. Manipulated photos are considered derivative work and are Copyright © 2018 McMansion Hell. Please email [email protected] before using these images on another site. (am v chill about this)
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daybreak-academy-fanfic · 5 years ago
Daybreak Academy: Chapter 18
Accidental Shopping Spree
Summary: In which Anora walks into the Disney Store for the first time and buys way too much junk. Word Count: 1,385 First | Previous | Next ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆
Anora had not seen what the town surrounding the school looked like when she first arrived. At the time, she had been far too focused on why she had been accepted into the school to begin with. Now, on the second to last Sunday of the month, the school's gates look just as intimidating now as they did two months ago. She wasn't even the first student to go through the gates this afternoon either. She was just the only one that hesitated.
It took a lot of mental convincing to finally move her feet out the gates. Her skates -to which she held by the strings- started to feel heavier with every step. Anora only got about a good three feet away from the school before she gave in, sitting down on the curb to switch her ballerina flats with her in-line skates. Once she stood up again, she shifted her feet a bit to get adjusted, then (with a small sigh for bravery) Anora flew down the sidewalk.
She didn't quite have a plan on where she was going. She only followed the neatly paved sidewalk- slowly coming to the realization that the school resided on its own cul-de-sac. Anora became aware of a taxi behind her, one that held at least one of Daybreak's students, and tried to follow it out. Once you left the school's dead end street (called Daybreak Drive, by the way), you were guided onto a two way scenic byway (Route 7-18, apparently). This byway had been designed for the students of Daybreak Academy, providing enough shoulder for a bike lane that Anora quickly took advantage of.
Route 7-18 was a rather pretty byway- decorated with rows of willow trees that occasionally canopied over the road. As the road started to get closer to town, the willow trees started to disperse a bit more, leading access to some tudor-style homes. The tudor architecture only became more apparent the closer you got to town. When Anora passed the town's cheery welcome sign ('Welcome to Cable Town! Proud home of Daybreak Academy and lifelong learning! Current Population: 2,013') she suddenly felt like she had stepped into a fairy tale.
A lot of the roads that departed from Route 7-18 where laid in a white brick. Shops designed to attract tourists and weary schoolkids alike were playing loud songs over their outdoor speakers. Small cafes dotted every other street, causing the sweet aroma of baked goods through the air. Anora even slowed her pace a bit more as she went by an antique store window that boasted a faux rose in a rounded glass case.
This was nothing like the fair Ephemer had taken her some weeks back. She couldn't remember how they had gotten there either, come to think of it. Ephemer had called for a taxi to pick them up and drop them off, then he insisted on talking for almost the entirety of the trip. Had they made a turn before getting into town, or had they gone in the opposite direction? Where ever the fair had taken place, she certainly couldn't remember seeing a whole town from where they were. She'd have to remember to ask him about it later. For now, though…
Finding a park bench so she could put her ballerina flats back on, Anora tried not to be distracted by the toy store right across from her. Making sure nothing had fallen out of her drawstring backpack, she held the skate's shoestrings tightly before darting across the street. If Ephemer had once thought that Anora was full of wonder at seeing a seasonal fair, then he would have loved to see her as she explored the toy store.
The toy store, like the other buildings around it, held the Tudor-style architecture on the outside. But inside was a whole different story. The floor was almost all a dark blue marble with white specks here and there to imitate a night sky. Scattered in a zig-zag like pattern were various display stands, underneath each was a matte wooden floor, which made for neat contrast against the marble. The lighting in the toy store was a bit dark- allowing the overhead projection lights to leave various patterns against the marble.
As Anora ventured further into the store, she found a small area made for kids to sit and watch cartoons. In the middle of the store was a stand that looked like a tree, reaching up to the ceiling, that held TV monitors on each side. Unlike the kids' area that continuously played cartoons, the TV monitors in the center were playing various commercials and music videos from the newest movies. Anora almost tripped on herself, and onto a display rack filled with plushies, as she watched the music video on the monitor.
This place. Was. Amazing.
And that was how Anora, an average 15 year old of average emotional intelligence, spent three whole hours in a toy store. It was also how she spent an embarrassingly large amount of money on some graphic tees, collectable pins, stickers, movies, and one very adorable coffee mug. She didn't remotely consider how she was going to get back to campus- the heavy bags could very well throw her balance off when she put her skates back on. Besides, did she really have the strength in her to carry two full shopping bags from here to campus? A part of her doubted it. Did she still have money for a taxi? She really, really didn't think much of this through.
As she sat in the kids' area, only half watching the cartoon about some mouse's runaway brain, Anora considered what she should do next. She really wanted to check out the antique store she had seen on her way in. But she also thought that it would have been better to go back to campus. Then again, she was getting a bit hungry too, and she was very sure that there was a cafe right next door…
Anora made her decision with a certain nod to herself. She got up, making sure she had all her bags, and started to head toward the antique store. Unlike the toy store, which strove to look modern and absolutely dazzling, the antique store kept the overall old fashioned feeling even inside the store. It smelled a lot like old wood and furniture polish. Anora would have been the first to admit that the interior of the antique store was more homier to her than at the toy store. She left without buying anything, but made a note to come back to it later.
Her next destination was the cafe. Unfortunately, it was late enough now that she didn't have much time to stay around. It didn't stop her from casually looking at the menu. The double chocolate milkshake just sounded far too tempting to resist, so of course she got one. Now holding the milkshake with both hands, allowing the shopping bags and her skates to hang off her arms, Anora felt satisfied to head back to campus. She didn't try to hail for a cab, instead making the horrible mistake of simply walking back.
The walk itself honestly wasn't the worse part -the scenery making for a lovely stroll- it was the fact she decided to wear her flats today. By the time she reached the school gates again, the arch in her foot was practically screaming in agony. The path back up to the dorm was an incredibly uncomfortable one- Anora flinched every time she flexed her foot. For only the second time since she'd attended Daybreak, she used the elevator to go up to the sixth floor.
Anora mindlessly placed the bags down by the desk, then dug through them to pull out some of the pins she bought. She walked over to her bed to finally sit. Carefully, she removed the pins from their packaging and looked over to Chirithy. Anora brought Chirithy closer to her before carefully sticking one of the pins onto the small pouch Chirithy held. Giving a small tilt of her head, Anora smiled at Chirithy's new accessory.
“Don't worry,” she half mumbled to the doll, scratching it behind the ear, “If you don't like that one, there's more from where that came from.”
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