#pauliina haasjoki
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karvaiset-sankareidet · 3 months ago
Jee ei-fiktio-suosituksia, rajaan nyt vaivaiseen neljään, voisi irrota enemmänkin, nää nyt ei erityisen järjestyksessä.
Mun erikoisalaa on kotimainen esseekirjallisuus, eli kaunokirjallista mutta ei fiktiota – mun mielestä tosi hyvä kompromissi, koska useat tietokirjat ovat rehellisen kehnoja. Hyvä esseeteos pääsee usein syvemmälle aiheeseen kuin tietokirja, tietokirjassa jotenkin usein pelätään kysyä.
Pauliina Haasjoki: Himmeä sininen piste – Kokonaistuotannossa tosi siisti poikkeama luontorunoudesta luonnontieteelliseen esseilyyn. Ylipäätään poikkeuksellisen ihanalla suomella ja rakkaudella luontoon kirjoitettua tekstiä, ihan omia lemppareita. Parempaa kuin kaikki pop-tiede.
Suvi Auvinen: Kaltainen valmiste – Ehkä helppo lähestyä jos esseemuoto vieras, tarinavetoisempi mutta teemallisesti tosi eheä teos.
Silvia Hosseini: Pölyn ylistys – Hosseini on tosi hauska ja vilpitön kirjoittaja, koskettavaa nokkelointia, ihanan kehollista ymmärrystä.
Pentti Linkola: Unelmia paremmasta maailmasta – Kokoelma Linkolan pääasiassa mielipidepalstoille kirjoittamia tekstejä. Uskomattoman vahvaa ilmaisua, ja mielenkiintoista miten hyvin nämä ajatukset ovat monet menneet läpi. Lyhyt!
Kirjavuosi 2024 taputeltu, tämä jäi käteen Librarything-tilastoista:
Luin yhteensä 32 kirjaa.
Neljä kirjaa on edelleen kesken, yhden niistä aloitin jo vuonna 2023!! (Niin kutsuttu sydämeni: Albert Edelfeltin kirjeet äidilleen 1873-1901. Siinä on yli 800 sivua, helvetinmoinen raamattu......) Kaksi kirjaa hylkäsin kesken kokonaan; kumpaakaan en esitellyt alun alkaenkaan tässä blogissa, koska etukäteisaavistukset olivat jo niin huonot.
Fiktio löi tietokirjallisuuden ihan kunnolla kanveesiin 28 kirjan enemmistöllä. Yritin epätoivoisesti lukea jotain muuta kuin kaunokirjallisuutta, ja näin tässä taas kävi.
Tämä oli suomeksi lukemisen vuosi, 32:sta kirjasta peräti 28 oli suomenkielisiä! En usko lukeneeni koskaan aikuisiällä näin ahkerasti suomeksi, 20-vuotias minäni olisi ällikällä lyöty.
Käännöskirjallisuuden kohdalla suosituimmat alkuperäiskielet olivat taas englanti (7) ja ruotsi (5).
Edellisvuoden suosikkigenret säilyivät samana (LGBTQ+, historiallinen fiktio, romanssi) uutena tulokkaana kärkeen liittyi fantasia, johon vaikutti varmasti tietoinen yritykseni tutustua suomalaiseen fantasiakirjallisuuteen paremmin.
Ahkerin lukukuukausi oli toukokuu, viisi kirjaa, maaliskuussa sain alas vain yhden.
Kirjojen keskiarvoksi tuli se ihan sama 3,5 tähteä kuin viime vuonnakin, eli voidaan varmaan sanoa, että vaikuttava tekijä on paljon vahvemmin minä itse kuin kirjojen laatu. Kolme kirjaa sai täydet viisi tähteä, yhdellekään en antanut vain yhtä tähteä.
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jemandtherobots · 2 years ago
All 50 books I read in 2022, why I read them, and if I'd recommend them
F = Finnish, i.e. the book was either written in Finnish or was translated into Finnish.
3 titles have been redacted bcos they're uhh self-help type books and I don't want you guys to know what I've needed help with.
Jeanne DuPrau - The City of Ember
I wanted to start the year off with an old favourite. Literally this was my fave book when I was 10 years old, and the one that got me into sci-fi.
Suzanne Collins - The Hunger Games trilogy
I think I saw a tumblr analysis post about these that made me want to re-read the series (and also, I was digging through my old books anyway). I think I liked these more now than I did ten years ago.
Kate DiCamillo - Because of Winn-Dixie
Another one from the pile of Books I Used To Love Many Years Ago. This one still holds up for sure, would recommend and not just to children.
Charlotte McConaghy - Migrations
Someone I follow online (an influencer!) recommended a different book by this author, but I found this one first and figured what the hell. It is a good book. It is a well-written book. But also as I was reading through every bad thing that had ever happened to the main character I kind of wanted to be like "isn't this enough? isn't is possible to write an interesting character without giving them every kind of trauma on the planet?".
redacted, (non-fiction)
A self-help book someone recommended in some Twitter replies, that happened to be on the audiobook service I was subscribed to for a couple of months. The advice in the book was very good but it didn't stick.
Rebekah Taussig - Sitting Pretty (non-fiction)
I don't remember how I came across this (it was also on the audiobook platform) but I'm so so glad I did. I don't just recommend this, I am physically coming to your house and making you read this book.
Alice Oseman - Solitaire
Final audiobook, listened to because I watched Heartstopper and figured I should see what Alice Oseman's works are about. I recommend this, if you don't mind a million Harry Potter references, mainly because I need the plot of this book to happen in the background of Heartstopper season 2 and I want people to understand.
Noora Tuhkanen - Kuuraattori (F)
I got (back) into poetry this year after attending a poetry open mic at my local library, and I decided I should read some poetry in Finnish. This one was alright.
Pauliina Haasjoki - Planeetta (F)
See above re: poetry. This one was actually on the librarian recommendations shelf and I only saw it as I was leaving the library, but the cover caught my attention so I went back for it. Glad I did; this is my favourite Finnish poetry I've read so far. A recommendation.
Jane Austen - Persuasion
I read this one fairly often anyway, but this year it coincided with the release of the trailer for the Netflix adaptation. Now that I'm writing this I'm thinking about The Letter so hard I might have to make this my first re-read of 2023. A definite recommendation.
Emmi Itäranta - Kuunpäivän kirjeet (F)
I bought this one ages ago because I will love and support anything Emmi Itäranta writes, but then I noticed it came out in the UK and I recommended it to a friend and immediately went "oh shit I should probably read it myself" so I read it really quickly and am pleased to say I didn't have to take back the recommendation. The best book Itäranta has written so far, if you're not from Finland please look up The Moonday Letters, this is probably in my top 3 books I've read all year. (Yeah, I recommend this.)
Eila Kaustia - Aikamerkki (F)
Poetry, Finnish, I was over at my grandma's for midsummer and it was on a bookshelf. I remember nothing about it, but I must have enjoyed it.
Jonathan Safran Foer - We Are the Weather (F translation, non-fiction)
I follow people online who are in what might be called the climate circles, heard good things about this one, read it, remember very little of it.
Bethany Clift - Last One at the Party
I've long had a thing for books in the "almost everyone in the world dies" genre (god knows why), but this wasn't it. Not bad, not the worst in the genre, but… could the sole survivor of the virus not have been a more interesting person, at least?
Mary Jean Chan & Andrew McMillan (ed.) - 100 Queer Poems
I feel like the title is explanation enough for why I bought this book. What more do you need to know? It's fuckin fantastic. I keep it on my bedside table and hug it occasionally. Would recommend.
Emily M. Danforth - Plain Bad Heroines
My local library has a section of books in English, and this one was in there with a rainbow flag sticker on the spine. Not sure how I feel about it, I mostly liked it but some parts made me go "uhh what the fuck". The writing itself was really good, though. I recommend it if you don't mind Weird Shit with your lesbian hauntings.
Dave Wolverton - The Rising Force
This one's a Star Wars book. About a young Obi-Wan Kenobi. Target audience: 9-y.o. boys (see: my brother when this book was bought for him) and me.
Mary Oliver - Blue Horses
This was a gift from a dear friend, and I treasure it almost as much as I treasure our friendship (a lot). Would recommend, both reading Mary Oliver and having friends.
Sini Helminen - Hurme (F)
This was one of my NaNoWriMo prep research books. I ventured into my library's YA section for this, to find Finnish fantasy books. I find it hard to rate this, considering it's in a genre I don't tend to read.
Elina Rouhiainen - Muistojenlukija (F)
More NaNoWriMo prep reading. I liked this more than I did Hurme, and wasn't even too distracted reading about the area of Helsinki where I'm from (fuck yeah Vuosaari). But again, it's not this book's fault, but fantasy YA just isn't for me.
Erin Sterling - The Ex Hex
NaNoWriMo prep reading of a different sort, this time a witchy romance. Felt a bit meh.
Ursula K. Le Guin - The Word for World is Forest
I'm a simple man: I see a Le Guin book, I read it. Obviously I would recommend this.
Ann Aguirre - Witch Please
Back to NaNoWriMo prep reading. Here's the thing: I read some questionable books in 2022. This was the worst. You may ask me why I hated it, but only if you want to hear a very long rant.
[redacted] (non-fiction)
A Humble Bundle book.
Charlotte Brontë - Jane Eyre
NaNoWriMo prep reading, again, this time taking the gothic romance approach. It's nicely written, and a classic for a reason, I guess.
Ryan O'Connell - Just By Looking at Him
Actually looked at my Bookbub email for the first time in years and this was in there! I loved Ryan O'Connell's Netflix show, Special, and I loved this book. I don't love what it did to my Google Play Books recommendations because it was marked as erotica. But I do recommend this book.
Remi Carrington - Wrangled by Lilith
Another Bookbub find, this one might even have been free. I saw the words "cowboy romance" and was somewhat disappointed.
Autokoulun oppikirja (F, non-fiction)
So I went to driving school, and this was the textbook I used for the written test. I guess I'd recommend it if you were learning to drive in Finland. The "what not to do" pictures were entertaining, so bonus points for that.
Claudia Burgoa & Grahame Claire - Holiday With You
Bookbub, free, Christmas romance. One of the better romance novels I read this year.
Ellie Cahill - I Temporarily Do
Bookbub, free, fake marriage trope. Also a pretty fun read.
CP Ward - Autumn in Sycamore Park
Bookbub, free, had a fun time with it.
Ashley Poston - The Dead Romantics
Bookbub, cheap, ghost romance. I liked it enough that I think I did recommend it to someone, and certainly enough that I was horrified when I saw it in a bookstore on the "tiktok made me buy it" shelf. I'd say this is my favourite booktok book I read.
Tamsyn Muir - Gideon the Ninth
This book was first marketed to me by a friend whose taste I do not trust (see "The Flatshare" and "Red, White & Royal Blue") as "sword lesbians in space" which obviously piqued my interest. Also, people on the internet who I don't see talking about books have been talking about this series for ages. And finally, I came across it at my local library. You guys were right, this is really good, and yes I would recommend it.
Sophie Ranald - No We Can't Be Friends
Bookbub, cheap (free?). Eh.
Rebecca Crowley - Shine a Light
Bookbub, cheap (free?). A holiday romance, set not at Christmas, but at Hanukkah. Obviously I'm reading it. And unlike many of the romance novels on my list this year: I would genuinely recommend this one if you enjoy the genre.
Emily M. Danforth - The Miseducation of Cameron Post
I guess I did like Danforth's Plain Bad Heroines enough that when I saw this in the YA section of the library I took it home. Not the most exciting book I've ever read, but fine.
Ali Hazelwood - The Love Hypothesis
The first time I saw this on the "tiktok made me buy it" shelf at the bookstore, I was curious as someone whose interests include romance and academia, but who got burned by a book about those a few years back. Then I heard it was originally a Reylo fic, and I knew I had to read it. Bookbub came through for me, I paid a euro, and… well, it's not the worst book I've read all year. I wouldn't recommend it, but I did have fun with it.
Anni Nupponen - Valkoinen kaupunki (F)
Of the books in my library's tiny sci-fi section, this one seemed the most promising out of the ones I hadn't read before, and it turned out to be So Good. The world-building was amazing. Unfortunately most of you will have to take my word for it because this book has not been translated into any other languages, sorry.
Diana Wynne Jones - Howl's Moving Castle (F translation)
The movie adaptation was my comfort watch of 2020, and this book my comfort read of the same year. I don't remember what made me think of it, but I got it out the library once more. Lovely book, what more can I say? Also, the translation is really good - I'm annoying and picky about translations but this one worked. Would therefore recommend both the book and the translation.
Mary Oliver - Swan & A Thousand Mornings (both F translation)
Well. I read these because I adore Mary Oliver (we know this) and I needed lines from poems I liked for a poetry class assignment. I would recommend the poems but not the translations.
Tiina Tuppurainen - Sinä olet perheeni (F)
I heard the author speak at a Pride event and I was curious about this book as a queer Finn. I very much wanted to like this book. I did not.
Ashlyn Kane & Morgan James - Winging It
Another cheap Bookbub find. As someone who has spent a lot of time reading a lot of Check, Please! fanfiction, what was I supposed to do, not read the gay ice hockey romance? I'd recommend it if you would like the experience of reading Check, Please! fanfiction except with different characters, but it doesn't really have much more to offer.
[redacted], non-fiction
Another Humble Bundle book.
Shirley Jackson - The Lottery and Other Stories
I've read and loved two of Shirley Jackson's novels, and I figured I would love her short stories just as much. I almost did. I think I just didn't "get" some of the stories which is really a me problem.
Beth O'Leary - The Flatshare
A pal recommended this, and I read the Finnish translation a couple of years ago, and I read it again because it came up for like 1€ on Bookbub and I remembered thinking it was okay. It's a fun concept, but a fun concept does not a brilliant book make. My 2020 self was right: it was okay.
Connie Willis - Doomsday Book
I bought this in like, 2015 or 2016, when my method for selecting a book was "as long as it's sci-fi written by a woman" (which is something I still do in bookstores). It's set around Christmas, so I have a tradition of reading it around then, going so far as to buy the ebook copy because my physical copy is with my brother. I would absolutely recommend this book, but not without content warnings.
Casey McQuiston - Red, White & Royal Blue
A friend (see above re: The Flatshare) actually recommended this to me back when it came out, so I was curious about it, and another friend read it and said they hated it. This second friend lent it to me with the words "I'd tell you to enjoy, but I don't think we can be friends if you do" and I'm happy to say I wouldn't recommend this book. It's a fun read, but it isn't good.
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kirsikkapuita · 8 years ago
Jo uusi kesä odottaa tämän kesän jälkeen toisella puolella
Mennä sinne missä saatte nousta ja laskea mutta ette piirtää koko rataanne, ette itkeä kaikkea itkuanne
Pauliina Haasjoki Planeetta
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piiarinne · 4 years ago
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Rea-Liina Brunou, Pauliina Haasjoki, Anne Naukkarinen, Piia Rinne: Swap
Oksasenkatu 11, Helsinki 19.-29.11.2020
Artists Brunou, Haasjoki, Naukkarinen and  Rinne have spent over a year creating drafts of artworks and giving them to each other. These shared drafts have taken the form of texts, photos, sculptures, compositions, recordings, dance scores and performances in homes, beaches and playgrounds. This material, circulated, accumulated and transformed, ended up in Oksasenkatu 11 as a space of multiple happenings. Swap is a becoming, a continuous process, not seeking completion as a coherent work of art but rather as a pendulum swinging between the dates 19th to 29th November, 2020.
Photo: Tiago Martins Pinto
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planetaarinenkommunismi · 5 years ago
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Taija Roiha ja Mia Haglund: Yksilöllisestä voimaantumisesta planetaariseen solidaarisuuteen: kommunismin ja feminismin uudet horisontit
Pauliina Haasjoki: Luenta
Kaisa Kortekallio: Ihmisen suhteellisuuksien sanasto. Työpaja sanastosta, jossa puidaan posthumanistisen terminologian ja käsitteistön suomenkielisiä käyttötapoja
Elina Iida Sofia Hirvonen & Milena Huhta: WORLD RESET -zinepaja
Taneli Viitahuhta: Poikkipaikallisten ja hiljennettyjen kamppailujen merkitys: case free jazz communism / Significance of trans-locality and digging up the memories of silenced struggles: Case of Free Jazz Communism
Ott Kagovere: Discussion on book Free Jazz Communism with Taneli Viitahuhta
Teemu Paavolainen: Plural Performativity
Maria Matinmikko: Tractatus poeticum-philosophicus. Luenta
Saara Kanerva Tamminen: Mökkiajattelijat. Performatiivinen työpaja vetäytymisestä.
Tapahtujat: Taiteiden pitkä yö Anu Aamu Aurora Pulkkinen: Black Marble Tears Joonas Jokiranta: Rituaali Netta Omidbekhoda: Lampyrini -performanssi Kari Yli-Annala: Hailakansininen piste
Joel Kilpi: Fossiilityöväenluokka
Janne Säynäjäkangas: Resurssien ontologioista ja ontologioiden resursseista
Olli Hasu: Informaatio joka rakentaa ja purkaa planeetan
Miissa Rantanen: Huuhaa-harjoitus, työpaja materiasta ja hengestä
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delightfulphantomnut · 7 years ago
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Pauliina Haasjoki ja Reetta Niemelä: KOLMOSTEN TALO
Ensi-ilta 9.11.2004 Runoviikko Varsinais-Suomessa tapahtumassa Turun Kaupunginteatterin Sopukassa Teatteri Valajan tuotantona
Ohjaus: Alma Rajala Musiikki: Pekko Käppi Visualisointi: työryhmä Valosuunnittelu ja valokuvat: Minna Heikkilä Rooleissa: Elena: Sari Tero Helena: Aija Logren Jelena: Pekko Käppi Tuottaja: Sanni Hokkanen, Teatteri Valaja
Himmeä tähti (Berenniken) nousi kaupungin ylle ja tarkasteli sitä objektiivinsa läpi.
Niin paljon kadotettuja. Katuja, kulmia, koruja, leluja, lakkeja, polkupyöriä, nappeja, kirjelappusia, jopa muistoesineitä. (Tuokin märännyt puunkappale, nuken hevonen.)
Vajonneet vedestä välittämättä pohjaan.   R.N.
Teatteri Valajan ensimmäinen ensi-ilta vuonna 2004 oli runonäytelmä Kolmosten talo. Turkulaiset runoilijat Pauliina Haasjoki ja Reetta Niemelä jakoivat halun kirjoittaa runoa näyttämölle. He aloittivat yhteistyön, jossa kommunikoivat tekstien välityksellä. Tekstien teemat kertautuivat, muuntuivat ja syvenivät. Tuloksena on voimakas runodialogi.
Tarina kertoo muistamisesta, väärinmuistamisesta ja todellisuudesta lapsuudenystävien suhteen kautta. Jollain tavalla asiat kiertyvät väistämättä lapsuuteen kadonneiden esineiden alkaessa piirittää kahta toisistaan etääntynyttä naista. Läsnä ovat myös menneet sukupolvet sekä tarinankerronnan taso keisareineen ja pienine palvelijoineen.
Kolmosten talon käsikirjoitus julkaistiin Kirja kerrallaan -kustantamon ja runoyhdistys Nihil Interitin PoEsia-sarjassa vuonna 2005.
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coldsore-sound · 8 years ago
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COLDSORE is playing a set as part of SORBUSses VERANDA festival on the 15th of june 2017.
From June 8th–18th, a multidisciplinary open air event Veranda will take place at Sorbus on Helsinki’s Vaasankatu.
Veranda will see the Vaasankatu gallery space transform into an open air venue. The event begins with the removal of the big window glass that separates the gallery from the street. In this way, the gallery space is turned into a stage. The program is spread over two weeks from Thursday to Sunday. Veranda has no entrance fees or age limits.
The event blends together different kinds of performances and concerts in order to create unexpected connections between the performers, the audience, and art forms.
See below for Veranda’s daily program. Program changes are possible. Click here for more info about the performers.
TO/THU 8.6. 18.00 Jari Kallio & Antti-Juhani Manninen 18.45 Juha Valkeapää 19.00 Minna Pyykkö & Henry Väre : esitelmä pihlajapuusta / presentation on the rowan tree 20.00 Draama-Helmi
PE/FRI 9.6. 18.00 Bill Munsill + John Berry 19.00 Antti Tolvi 20.00 Olimpia Splendid
LA/SAT 10.6. 16.00 Hulda Huima + special guest 17.00 Myttys 18.00 Anna-Sofia Sysser 19.00 AK 20.00 André Chapatte & Otto Byström (CH&FI)
SU/SUN 11.6. 15.00 DJ Juuso Tervo 16.30 Pauliina Haasjoki 17.00 Johanna Porola 18.00 Lithalsa
TO/THU 15.6. 16–17 Anna Torkkel & Masi Tiitta 18.00 ColdSore 19.00 Mikko Ensio 20.00 Raivoraittius
PE/FRI 16.6. 16.20 Ray Langenbach 17.00 Nukkujat 18.00 Edicti + Flyer + TMPL$TR7 + Versace Henrik 20.15 Biitsi
LA/SAT 17.6. 16.00 Tsirkus Põleva Kaelaga Kirjak  (EST) 17.00 KESKUSTELUTILAISUUS: Taide ilmastonmuutoksen aikakaudella / A panel discussion on art during the era of global warming (In Finnish) 19.00 Skeletoni 20.00 Talmud Beach
SU/SUN 18.6. 15.45 Elina Minn 16.15 Kuupuu 17.00 MSHR
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tidskriften-ny-tid-blog · 8 years ago
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"Antologin Korsstygn, rastplats – Om den finlandssvenska poesins belägenhet samlar samtal, skönlitteratur och essäistik av Maïmouna Jagne-Soreau, Magnus William-Olsson, Johanne Lykke Holm, Elisabeth Hjorth, Susanne Christensen, Pauliina Haasjoki, Peter Mickwitz och Tatjana Brandt (bilden). Det är en fin samling skribenter som på olika sätt undersöker den finlandssvenska poesins potentialiteter, kritiska förmågor, omständigheter och gränser. Gemensamt för texterna är deras performativa patos, flerspråkiga fokus och hur det finlandssvenska får framträda som ett mellanskap – en alternativ offentlighet förlagd i ett geografiskt och språkligt mellanrum. Eller med Ralf Andtbackas ord: ”Fält som faller in i fält” – en diktrad som plockas upp av Maïmouna Jagne-Soreau i syfte att begreppsliggöra det finlandssvenska mellanskapets skiktade dubbelheter." [---] @filipjlindberg recenserar antologin Korsstygn, rastplats i senaste numret av #NyTid. [---] KÖP LÖSNUMRET till exempel på Akademen i Helsingfors eller Mariehamns bokhandel. Foto: Janne Wass
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kirsikkapuita · 8 years ago
O l e n  s a a p u n u t  hetken kohdalle toisesta suunnasta. Se on täynnä mineraaleja ja tuoksua. Tästä kohdasta lähdin syksyllä kävelemään. Ulkona pimeys pysyy kuin mitään ei tapahtuisi, Välillä jotain pientä tapahtuu, joka avaa oven kuistille ja haistelee ilmaa. Meri puuskahtaa alhaalla. Vetäytyy ja huoahtaa jälkeen. Kuohu kuohun päällä se astelee rantaan. Aivan pienet ja kämmeneenmahtuvat kivet pyörivät toistensa yli Vetäytyvän aallon mukana. Horisontti on poissa, tuuli kohisee kosteana yöstä. Onko jo yö?
Pauliina Haasjoki, Kirjeitä rannalta
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