#paul witcover
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literaryvein-reblogs · 3 months ago
Hi! I have a question.
I've been reading up on your post about psychological horror, and I'm wondering if a writer could use something considered supernatural (like a vampire or werewolf or demon) in the stalker horror subgenre of psychological horror?
I'm sorry if that doesn't make sense, words are awkward atm lol
Hi, that's alright. My words get clunky and awkward too!
Genres do tend to overlap, so that could happen. Currently working on another request, and these excerpts about genre could answer your question:
Although every literary genre has its own trends and defining characteristics, the divisions between these categories aren't always clear.
If you want to become a writer, there are a number of reasons to learn about genres, according to Paul Witcover, associate dean of the online Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Creative Writing program at Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU).
“I feel it’s important for writers to have an understanding of genre because it will impact how their books are marketed, as well as how they are perceived by publishers,” he said. “But I also think writers can be too concerned with genre.”
Although he encourages writers to learn about the subject, Witcover noted a tendency for overly rigid ideas about the distinctions between genres. “Concepts of genre are more fluid than writers may believe,” he said. It's important to keep that fluidity in mind.
Genre is determined by need and audience expectation. Its set functions are determined by its social need.
Broadly speaking, the fiction world is divided into 2 segments: literary fiction and genre fiction.
Some genre writers straddle a line between genre-focused commercial fiction and the traditions of literary fiction.
Traditionally, there are 4 broader categories of genre: Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry, and Drama. Although most writing falls into at least one of these 4 categories, the edges are a bit blurred, and there can be overlap.
You can read this post for more information on the different genres. The sources for the above excerpts are included there as well. Hope this helps with your writing!
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ufonaut · 3 years ago
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Gotham City pretty much forgot about this part of town after the riots of ‘68. Mayor after mayor looked the other way. But guess what? It’s still here. Cities age and decay like people... slowly over the years or all at once in a single day or night. Sometimes it’s just a shot, a kiss, away. Just ask Anima.
Courtney Mason in Anima (1994) #1
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tessatechaitea · 5 years ago
Anima #1
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Oh, the sweet memories of actuallying anybody in range of me buying this comic book as I discussed Jung's concept of the anima.
At first glance, you might think I, a 22 year old male, purchased this comic book for the titties. But I totally purchased this comic book because I wanted to fuck Carl Jung. I'd like to say it's a coin toss as to which guy is more annoying (the sexist or the Jung enthusiast) but I absolutely fucking know. It's not like I was one of those philosophy turds that has to turn every discussion into an ever aggressive series of the question "But how do you know?!" I was just into literary theory and psychoanalysis was a huge part of that entire scene. Another huge part of my life at the time was my friend Soy Rakelson and I walking out of our Critical Literary Theory class after learning a new and conflicting theory while Soy's head turned red and he exploded, "Why doesn't he just teach us which theory is correct!" Also, I mean, her tits are pretty nice. Anima was one of those characters that came out of Bloodlines. I'm always pointing out how Hitman was the only one that every took off and made any money. I can say that because most of what I write is hyperbolic and factually inaccurate. I think there were a couple of others that took off a little bit. But none the way Hitman did! Maybe all of the other Bloodlines heroes should have been more interesting while refusing to use their powers. Not that Hitman completely abstained from using his powers. Occasionally he had to look at Wonder Woman's boobs through her top. I don't remember what Anima's powers were but it always struck me as odd (remember me being that actually nerd) that Anima wasn't a male hero. I suppose the trick was how she was in contact with her animus. Maybe she was the manifestation of the Animus personality inside her subconscious? So the real character was Animus and she was just a projection? Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself! It will all probably be explained in this series! Although if it isn't explained in Issue #1, I'm never going to learn it. The issue begins with Anima sleeping on the streets of Gotham City on Christmas Eve. Her name is Courtney Mason and, for some reason (probably something to do with her meta(l)gene being activated by the Bloodlines crossover), she's been separated from her hippie family. Her brother and father are celebrating Christmas and crying because they miss her. Anima's mother is being experimented on at a dream clinic.
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I don't know why her suit had to have breasts built into it nor do I know why there is a tube sticking into the left cup. Do boobs dream?
Courntey's dad is sad and wants to get the feds involved in searching for her. Hopefully that ends the "What is the situation with Courtney and her family?" part of the comic book so we can learn all about Anima and her powers and what her favorite track on L7's "Bricks are Heavy" album. It's a good bet that "Pretend We're Dead" is her favorite but it's got some competition with "Shitlist," "Monster," and "Mister Integrity." Although it's not my favorite song, "Scrap" has the great line about a skinhead huffer who has a brief foray into Christianity before returning to huffing: "He dug Metallic Gold more than Luke and John." Doesn't all philosophy come down to just that? Simply put: what do I dig more?!
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At the risk of becoming a total mansplainer, I'm pretty sure that the flannel shirt you have wrapped around your waist could act as a lightweight coat!
Anima heads to a Xmas Rave in the hopes of getting something to eat. That's usually at the bottom of my list of things I hope to find at a rave. At the top of the list are acid, mushrooms, MDMA, acid, acid, more acid, mushrooms, water, and instructions on how to untie a flannel at my waist so I can wear it. Outside the rave, she meets "Judy", Alison Hell, Liv, and Slam Shiner. They're probably in a band called "Judy" and the Jerks. Oh wait! Obviously they're "Boojum" because that was the name of the band on the rave flyer. At the rave, an initiate of a gang called The Scorpions tries to rape Anima. But she has super powers so she doesn't get raped. Also, a bunch of people at the rave have Professor Dred Brand Stun Guns. Those are to show that people who don't have super powers can also protect themselves from rapists because Batman can't be everywhere. Also, I don't know if Batman prioritizes saving people from being raped. He is kind of a huge patriarch. Shit. Now I'm wondering what kind of a huge monster Batman would be if his mother and father had been raped in Crime Alley. I'm sure he'd be more like the Punisher in that case if the Punisher decided to dress as a scary bat instead of as a go-go dancer with a skull t-shirt. The Scorpions raid Boojum's squat but Anima summons Animus, her asshole male counterpart, who throws a few of them out of the window. Boojum chant, "One of us! One of us!" and ask her to go on tour with them. She's hesitant because she's so dangerous but what else is she going to do? At least being part of a band on the road gives the series some movement. They'll be like The Lone Ranger if The Lone Ranger were a riot grrrl band. Anima #1 Rating: C. An average grade for what I feel was an average plot for a young teen suddenly turned hero story. Just like every member of the Titans, her parents will wind up being a large part of the conflicts in her life. Her father wants to find her because he misses her but he approaches his employer, Dayton Industries, to help with the job. And we know how terrible those guys can be! Meanwhile her mom's coworker wants to exploit the unconscious connection Anima has with her mother for their dream therapy experiments. I figure that's why I didn't pick up Issue #2, seeing as how I'd already read that plot too many times in the pages of Wolfman's New Titans. Plus she has one of those powers that she can't really control so she's reluctant to use her powers. That means she and her friends are just going to keep getting caught up in dangerous situations where she has to use her powers to save herself and her friends. Again, more of the same Teen Titans' crap I was sick of by 1994. Maybe I'd rather see a young kid who realized she hurt people she loved with her powers and then decided to make amends by using those powers to help others. Too goody two shoes, right? Although with her reluctance to use her powers and her finding a large cast of oddball characters, it does seem she was trying to replicate Hitman's success (which wouldn't have even started for another two years. So maybe Garth Ennis read this and thought, "Hey! Hitman could work with this plot! But a goofier cast of characters and a more cynical reluctance to use his powers because who needs them when you're already the best fucking hitman in the world?!).
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vashtiq · 6 years ago
Poetry Friday ~ Plan & Finish
Poetry Friday ~ Plan & Finish
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Hello, welcome to my blog!
  I don’t know if other writers would agree but one of the things I find hardest about publishing a book is coming up with the blurb for the back cover. You would think it would be easy, especially since you wrote the book! But it’s really hard to compress your entire complex story into a paragraph or two.
In the publishing business the book description on the back…
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tremontainetheserial · 7 years ago
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The wait is finally over! #Tremontaine season 3 is here and we can all inhale @ellenkushner‘s episode one as one would savor a cup of delectable hot chocolate. Don’t miss any episodes: bit.ly/tremontaine
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artsy-alice · 7 years ago
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TREMONTAINE Season 3, Episode 5 Reaction + Review
We’re seeing more consequences and actions finally taken from most of the things set up from the last episode. Characters have made decisions and we see them pushing through with those decisions in this episode, and I can’t wait to see it all come together.
Tremontaine S3 E5 is out NOW in the Serial Box website! New to the series? The pilot episode is available online for free!
As always, spoilers under the cut!
From the relative peace from last episode, we’re speeding up again! So many happenings, so let’s go!
I admit that I joined Rafe and Joshua’s laughter upon finding out that the “new” potential school building recommended to them was the very same building they first scouted with Will. Huge kudos to Paul Witcover because those descriptions of the house’s design and decor gave me a good laugh. When I read “that monument of poor taste masquerading as a door”, I was just cackling. Ah, good times.
Anyways! Joshua and Micah finally both lost their patience and called Florian out. DRAG HIM, MY CHILDREN. Outnumbered, Florian walks out on them, and the trio continue on their quest to productivity. They’ve confirmed Goodell’s backing and Rafe is determined to just get the best and let Diane worry about the money. Congrats, Rafe. That’s progress. Now move on and don’t even think of looking for-
But he did. He tracked Florian down and whoops, there go the breakup. Or at least, I think it’s a breakup. Florian snaps at Rafe, upset, and he obviously knows about what happened with Shade.
And fine. As much as I love my trash son, I agree that Rafe can be self-absorbed and sometimes he does tend to have a one-track mind (specially about the school and Will). And yes it would be annoying to be told to celebrate something while you’re in mourning for your dead lover, but Florian really had this coming.
I mean. Florian. Dude. You just pop up and attach yourself to Rafe, and so far you’ve always been a jerk to his friends. You’ve been constantly and unapologetically rude about something they’re obviously very passionate and dedicated about. Now that things are going their way and they’re starting to celebrate, you hold it against them because they couldn’t be bothered to be sorry for you even though there’s no way they could have known what you were going through?
Like Rafe said, he didn’t know, and how could he, when Florian never said anything? So yep. I’m sorry for your loss, Florian, but you’re not earning any sympathy points for me, bro.
Now that my annoyance for Florian has been put out there, let’s move to the political battle that’s been steadily building up and we’re now witnessing more clearly.
Gotta admit that last episode I might have been blindsided by worry over Micah that I forgot that the intruders probably would’ve succeeded in finding the ledger. That, and I assumed they wouldn’t find it there because of course Diane would have hidden it elsewhere.
Whoops, seems like our Duchess made a miscalculation. It’s a rookie mistake, getting attached to her victory tokens. She had indulged too much in one win. It was a big win, but was not enough to fully bring down a man as powerful as Davenant.
Diane assessed the damage and decided that the ledger has already served its full purpose. But has it? I can’t help but think that it’s still a very major loss. It was her primary bargaining chip.
-and my suspicions were immediately proven because as soon as Davenant reacquired the ledger, he starts going on the offensive again! So he proceeds to go through a power trip. Because of course he does.
How did he know about the school in the first place? Sure, Rafe goes around bragging about it... but I didn’t think it would reach Davenant and make him think it’s something he can use to strike against Diane. But oh well. He’s probably got a really reliable info network.
As usual, reading through Davenant’s point of view still grosses me out. The guy is nasty. But it also serves as an interesting commentary on men and their sense of superiority and entitlement over women. Their inability to accept a simple two-letter word as a proper answer. NO IS NO, DUDE.
And when he took her in his arms again, and pressed his lips to hers, she would understand that surrendering to Gregory Davenant was no surrender at all but a submission as natural as that of moon to sun. She would shine the brighter for it.
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Pictured above: Diane Duchess Tremontaine, probably.
And GOD. It’s saddening that we all probably know a person like Davenant.
But yeah, this Diane vs. Davenant storyline is the one I’m most excited about so far!
I continue to love Diane and Esha. Diane is getting attached and is trying to withdraw because Attachment™ Is Weakness™. But Resistance™ Is Futile™. Her first thought on who to confide to is Esha. She eventually gives in and confides to Esha. And Esha is just as smitten. 
“You must think me an awful coward.”
At this, Esha laughed. “Must I? My lady, you have won an exalted place for yourself in a world of jealous men who are eager to wrest it from you by one means or another. I have some small idea what that is like! Your position depends upon trusting no one. Upon hoarding bits of knowledge and information to use as bargaining chips or even threats, if need be. Yet now you come to me with just such a secret. What advantage is there to you in telling me? None. Some other motivation has driven you. I do not call that cowardice.”
*dreamy sigh* they’re beautiful my crops have been watered my skin is clear and my debts have been paid
So I love this line:
She had no reason to expect trouble, other than the fact that she was a native-born Riversider. Which was reason enough, of course.
Because. It is. Very. Accurate.
I’m pretty sure it’s the first time this season that we are seeing Tess missing Kaab. She thought of Kaab back in the start of the siege but that was with resentment because of the circumstances, but now she’s allowed to lay low and wallow and feel the emptiness in her flat.
Let it bleed, she thought with a lash of guilty satisfaction. And meanwhile, her hand would not tremble as it traced another’s hand, nor would any crack appear in the mask of calm competence she showed the world. Even a face could be a forgery.
GOSH. I loved the the dynamic between Vincent, Kaab and Tess. THEY MADE MY OT3 DREAMS COME TRUE. It’s just sad to see them all separated now...
On another note, we continue to see Tess’s talent in dealing with her fellow Riversiders. And someone finally points this out. Madeline basically tells her that what Tess can do with their people is a kind of leadership. Tess rejects this, she doesn’t want the responsibility, or the burden.
And our Riverside queen finally, finally breaks down on someone. It’s okay baby let it out I’m not cryin’ with you no i’m not there’s just something in my eye, a branch or something.
Things haven’t quite sped up in Kaab’s side just yet, but I’m expecting it to happen anytime now.
It’s nice to see Kaab and her growing fondness and protectiveness over baby Peapem. And it’s heartbreaking to read about Chuleb being so broken up over Saabim’s death. Oh, Kaab, you better get someone else, even temporarily, to fill in for your uncle. He’s a good man with good intentions, but he’s really not doing any of you any favors right now, specially in such a critical time.
Ninja Kaab strikes back, and I expected some action, but I guess they’re taking their time for this.
I kinda expected this though - the inspector’s concern is more about Kaab’s age and experience than her legitimacy as leader. Better prove him wrong fast, Kaab.
As tension-filled as this particular story arc is, though, I want Kaab to interact with other characters. For me, she shines best when plotting and conspiring with her friends and allies.
We get a background on the Perry family via Dennis Perry, which I thought was nice. The only other Perry I could recall was Lucius Perry from TPotS. The background we get for his family here explained some things about Lucius, which is great because I love the guy.
Lionel is quickly becoming a wild card for me. He’s somewhat a double agent now, and things are much more risky. I’m quite convinced that his allegiance is still with Diane, but imo Diane oughtta keep a closer eye on him. Davenant has Plans and I never like his plans.
I’ve become quite busy this week so I might skip the challenge. But I’m looking forward to everyone else’s entries!
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overtheeffingrainbow · 7 years ago
In this episode, we see tensions heightening, as our three ‘queens’ continue navigating their way through their latest troublesome situations. 
Let’s discuss Tremontaine. (With spoilers!)
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drkarenlord · 7 years ago
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Episode 5 of Tremontaine, ‘Every Face a Forgery’, by Paul Witcover. Available now!
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serialboxapp · 7 years ago
Welcome to season 3 of #Tremontaine,where ambition, love affairs, and rivalries dance with deadly results!
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ellenkushner · 8 years ago
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A fine offer from @serialboxpublishing! I’ve figured it out; here’s how it works:
Buy the book of Season 1 now. Read all 700 pages.
By the time you’ve finished it, you’ll have the online edition (including audio!) of Season 2, so you don’t have to wait to find out what happens next!
Season 3 coming in October 2018....
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animalmother16 · 7 years ago
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wildardsfansite · 2 years ago
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regardstosoulandromance · 7 years ago
Could you explain what exactly Tremontaine is?
*clears throat* short answer is that Tremontaine is amazing, the bomb dot com.
The long answer got really long and kind of ramble-y and is under the cut.
Tremontaine is a serialized eBook series that’s a prequel to Swordspoint by Ellen Kushner, but you don’t have to have read Swordspoint to understand Tremontaine*. There are currently three seasons of Tremontaine (season three is in progress right now), and you can basically think of each season as a book, and each episode as a chapter. Season one was published as a physical book.
Tremontaine is set in a fiction world that feels almost historical and regency-esque, but also has some light fantasy elements. The official descriptions always say SEX, SCANDAL, AND SWORDPLAY, which is very accurate and there’s also chocolate because chocolate makes the world go ‘round.
There’s multiple main characters (who are balanced wonderfully, usually I hate books with multiple main characters but this works) including:
Diane, Duchess Tremontaine: WHO IS SO BADASS. She’s married to William, Duke Tremontaine, but she’s decided to become the HBIC and nothing is going to stand in her way #TeamDuchess
Kaab (Ixkaab) Balam: actual banished princess who’s come to The City to live with her aunt and uncle. She is also badass and is a spy and training to become a swordswoman. Her family trade chocolate and she immediately falls in love with Tess the Hand, a Riverside forger. 
Rafe Felton: Rafe is a student at the university who is friends with Kaab and Micah. He also quickly becomes lovers with William so yeah, he and Diane don’t like each other very much. 
Micah: (I dont remember her last name) Micah is a mathematical genius who’s attending university disguised as a boy. She’s everyone’s favorite cinnamon roll and loves tomato pie. (Please no one hurt Micah ever)
Oh yeah and everyone is really really gay as heck**.  
This is the main website and you can read the first episode of season one, for free, here!!!
All seasons are written by multiple authors including Ellen Kushner, Joel Derfner, Tess Gratton, Karen Lord, Liz Duffy Adams, Racheline Maltese, Delia Sherman, Paul Witcover, Malinda Lo, Mary Anne Mohanraj, Alaya Dawn Johnson, and Patty Bryant.
*I haven’t read Swordspoint, but I have read Swordpoint’s sequel, The Privilege of the Sword which is also good and I recommend it.
**I ship Kaab and Diane the most, but also like Diane and Esha (who’s in s2)
*** I heard about Tremontaine through @bedannibal-lectaurier who kept posting about it so I asked her what was up and I’ve been obsessed with it ever since so credit where credit is due.
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radishfictiononlinecheat · 5 years ago
Radish Fiction Online Cheats
Radish Fiction Online Guide
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Radish Fiction Online manual is a guide for a popular new recreation. Maybe being given a fixed quantity of Coins every month or so and then paying for added Coins is a higher alternative due to the fact humans are not going to be convinced to sign up for this app specifically whilst wattpad + ao3 are loose. But, most important shoutout to lowrites due to the fact she is superb hello, i like radish it an amazing manner to examine books.... however... why do i need to pay to study books ? It's too much like if you want human beings to pay the at least have a every day spin in which there purpose be distinctive quantities of Coins you receive. The radish content material is written often through self-posted authors and taken care of through genre — romance, fable, paranormal, youngster, thriller, l.g.b.t., technology fiction and general. For more subtle looking and discovery, tales also are tagged with labels like "blackgirlmagic," "billionaire," "insurrection," "werewolf" and so forth. The high-quality of the writing varies — and lots of efforts usually seem to grow to be as ham-fisted erotica — but radish books are proudly taking the mantle of snackable pulp fiction into the digital age. (and don't knock do-it-yourself authors — "sunglasses of gray" aside, andy weir's "the martian" started out as a self-published serial on his weblog returned in 2009 before the 2015 film model grossed $630 million at the global field office.) Even though you do should pay for most stories, i like that they have got coin activities often and unfastened memories for everybody to enjoy. Inside the year or so i've had this app, i had one hassle. With an e mail, they constant the problem inside an afternoon. I think that became just sincerely amazing. This app is the one of the first-class analyzing apps i have had. 10/10 i love this app , but something went incorrect with it these days . 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The rise of the printing press facilitated broad new methods of distribution, which allowed the serialized novel to flourish, as first evidenced by the success of charles dickens's the pickwick papers. The bookburners writing team is full of pros from across the industry: max gladstone (who we talked to about season five and his other writing projects), margaret dunlap, brian francis slattery, mur lafferty, andrea phillips and amal el-mohtar. If you're familiar with ellen kushner's riverside fantasy series, beginning with swordpoint, you've already got a great hook to start this concluded serial: tremontaine is a prequel to the adventures in the novels. It also serves as a great introduction to kushner's world for those unfamiliar with her work-or any of the other excellent writers on the team, including alaya dawn johnson, malinda lo, joel derfner, racheline maltese, patty bryant, and paul witcover. But the cast doesn't stop with familiar faces: new characters include a korean tiger-goddess, frost giant mercenaries, and a charismatic, gender-fluid space pirate.this is the first prose serial collaboration between serial box and one of the big comic publishers, featuring the writing team of aaron stewart-ahn, jay edidin, brian keene, and yoon ha lee. If you love it (or prefer a different hero), keep an eye out for the forthcoming marvel titles black widow, black panther, and jessica jones, or the upcoming dc serials the flash: rogues. I hope this can be fixed! I love the app and the stories. But if i'm gonna spend real money on Coins to pay for books, i'd really like those Coins to be usable when i want to use them. It's obvious you're trying to get us to blow more money on this. They had this reading contest wherein you had to read 150 chapters to get 50 Coins. I had only 1 coin so i decided to wait for other chapters to become free. "you're just going to convert to phones. 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I foe the whole hour but can't find a way to access radish live and missed trivia for my favorite novel... When i first got the app, i really enjoyed how different it was from others that i have had. However, it recently became more of a frustration than anything. They haven't had an event where you can earn Coins recently. For a full time grad school student, i can't afford to pay for Coins every month and valued the free events. Genres and categories included on the site are romance, ya/teen, fantasy/sci-fi, general, mystery/thriller, lgbtq+, late night, and paranormal. I have found radish's ya content to be particularly robust. Although i haven't explored the community chat rooms, the app does contain that feature if you like the ability to connect directly with authors. For voracious readers, romance and ya in particular, i really can't think of a better app that allows you to utilize your smartphone for reading. The free content within radish makes it comfortable to explore the app, and there are new and exclusive books by really exceptional authors. They'll put you out there to publishing companies and other people interested in your writing. Maybe you get an advertising contract, things like that. But i weighed the pros and cons and decided radish was the better way to go." And so in february 2016, thier began to also post his stories on radish, where the latest in his series of historical romance novels, silence is golden, has been read over 650,000 times. Thier wouldn't disclose how much money he is earning, but lee says it's a five-figure monthly income. Their latest move is the release, on march 29, of omnibus versions of several of their collected serials (all featured below). Keep an eye out at your favorite third-party digital bookseller (amazon, ibooks, etc.) For text-only collected episodes from: told over the course of four novellas, all published in 2016, this mythical medieval japanese epic features a disinherited lord, courtly intrigue with the heirs of the lotus throne, and a sorcerer who creates a mask for a young man, capturing within it the spirit of a great stag.
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lgbt-ya · 7 years ago
On writing diverse characters in today's cultural climate
Note: This blog post originally appeared at Quora via Serial Box, where you can find serialized fiction released in episodes week after week. Tessa Gratton is one of the writers on Tremontaine season 3.
Tremontaine is the critically acclaimed prequel to Ellen Kushner’s beloved Riverside novels, which developed a cult following beginning with Swordspoint in 1987. The “Fantasy of Manners” focuses on decadent world building and interpersonal intrigue, and has been noted for its progressive expression of gender and sexuality. Team-written by some of today’s most exciting authors, Tremontaine season 3 is brought to you by Ellen Kushner, Joel Derfner, Karen Lord, Delia Sherman, Racheline Maltese, Paul Witcover, Tessa Gratton, and Liz Duffy Adams. The first episode is available for free at Serial Box and can be found here.
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Writing diverse characters is about craft.
You take the time and do the work to get it right. That means research, that means practice, that means reading widely, that means consulting experts. It means building diversity into the foundation of your story, from the world to theme to plot. It means finding empathy for people who aren’t you and prioritizing their needs. It means getting out of the way. It means putting down a project or character because it’s not yours, and you can’t do it without harm. It means examining yourself and your position in power structures, your privileges, your prejudices. It means making yourself sit the f*ck down to let somebody else talk. If you want to write a good book, you practice your craft. It’s that simple; it’s that complicated.
Writing diverse characters is political.
You are political. You have a unique political position with regards to power structures, community, and marginalizations. We live in society, we write in society, we sell books and talk about them in society. You can’t escape political space if you want an audience, if you want your stories to matter.
So you have to accept that writing is political. If you can’t accept that you will never “get it right.”
There is no magical advice for writing diversity, just like there’s no magical advice that will teach you to craft a world or connect plot holes. It’s hard, because writing is hard. My best advice boils down to: write with empathy. Empathy shouldn’t be hard, but we’ve made it so over centuries of story-telling that prioritizes and promotes a single story. We’ve normalized white patriarchy and not only neglected but systemically punished and destroyed any person or community that deviates. We’ve erased them.
To write with empathy you must put aside your ego. You have to strip away your privilege, even if that means you have to let somebody else have the space to tell the story. Empathy is supposed to be an equalizing force, but power ruins that by centering some experiences, and pushing all others to the margins. If you exist toward the margins you’ve been forced to empathize with the center all your life. If you exist toward the center you’ve been taught your story, your problems, your aspirations and goals are more valuable. That you yourself are more valuable. You’ve never needed empathy to survive.
Well, you need it now.
That is what I mean by saying you must build diversity into the foundation of your story: you have to knock down your own foundational prejudices and privileges, and then rebuild your own foundations. Because the story comes from you, and you are a political creature.
Reach for empathy. Tear down your privileges. Write a story.
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Tessa Gratton has wanted to be a paleontologist or a wizard since she was seven. After traveling the world with her military family, she acquired a BA (and the important parts of an MA) in Gender Studies, then settled down in Kansas to tell stories about monsters, magic, and kissing. She’s the author of The Blood Journals Series and Gods of New Asgard Series, co-author of YA writing books The Curiosities and The Anatomy of Curiosity, as well as dozens of short stories available in anthologies and on merryfates.com. In addition to Tremontaine, her current projects include The Queens of Innis Lear coming in 2018 from Tor. Visit her at tessagratton.com or @tessagratton. You can read Tremontaine here. 
Tremontaine by Ellen Kushner, Alaya Dawn Johnson, Malinda Lo, Joel Derfner, Racheline Maltese, Patty Bryant and Paul Witcover
Goodreads | Amazon UK | Amazon US | Book Depository
Blurb: Welcome to Tremontaine, the prequel to Ellen Kushner’s beloved Riverside series that began with Swordspoint! A Duchess whose beauty is matched only by her cunning; her husband’s dangerous affair with a handsome scholar; a foreigner in a playground of swordplay and secrets; and a mathematical genius on the brink of revolution—when long-buried lies threaten to come to light, betrayal and treachery know no bounds with stakes this high. Mind your manners and enjoy the chocolate in a dance of sparkling wit and political intrigue. 
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dailybrian · 7 years ago
Mueller time: Now or later? | (April 15, 2018)
New on www.DailyBrian.com
Mueller time: Now or later? | (April 15, 2018)
WASHINGTON — As Donald Trump wreaks havoc in both domestic and foreign policy with his governing by impulse and bias, the Justice Department investigation into Russian election meddling remains a darkening cloud over his presidency. His threats of a trade war with China, of military......
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