#paul is such a white dad name omg
silvermoon424 · 1 year
I was following this youtuber I won't name. He was making educational videos informing audiences about stuff going on in their world. But like? He doesn't understand he was born into the family lottery? Dad was a surgeon and bought him everything, fancy family trips, gave him money for anything and basically gave a story similar to trumps quarter of million shit. He claims he's not privileged that his family worked hard...but his dad literally had idk how many felons and what not and omg I won't name anymore cause its triggering. I feel like he doesn't understand he's living the epitome of white privilege. His dad having that job helped tremendously and the fact he got a slap on the wrist for so much shit that POC wouldn't doesn't sit right with me. I'm sorry for ranting. It's just annoying I enjoyed someone and then he dropped all this stuff.
I feel like that's such a famous person thing in general, lmao. Especially YouTubers for some reason??? Like the Paul brothers always make such a big deal about how they "came from nothing in Ohio" but it turns out they're from Westlake, a suburb where the median income is over 90 grand.
I'm totally gonna admit it, I was born in a family lottery, too. We're not millionaires but we're upper middle class and I had a great childhood. I've had many opportunities other people haven't and I'm very grateful for that. It's so cringey how other people in my position don't acknowledge the leg up they've been given. My parents do work hard and I think I work hard too, but there are millions of other people in this country alone who work a lot harder and have a lot less.
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povlnfour · 6 months
ZELLIE HI!! (i think you said we can call you that? let me know if we can’t but i find it SO cute🥹)
apologies for the silence i was working the night shift but <\3 THAT SOUNDS SO COOL??? i would love to be inside your mind for even one second tbh. you seem so creative? i’m absolutely obsessed. AND ALL YOUR WIPS? i’m just working my way through them as i’ve been so busy but i’m so excited you’re writing for seb😭 he’s my favourite driver and i am already obsessed with both the pieces for him!!!
and omg may i ask where you’re from? (only if you’re comfortable saying ofc!) i find languages so cool. i always wanted to learn more but i was never very good :’) what language do you think in ?? or does it depend???
such a silly question i’m so sorry i just find this stuff so interesting haha!!
i ammmm!! i’m nearly done with the first half of my degree now, so things are getting serious, but we’re nearly there. assuming from study break that you took an international relations degree??? or did i make that up??? that sounds cool what is that about hehe
big love!!🐱
KITTY HIII!! i hope your night shift went okay and wasn’t too tiring🥹 big love for night shift people after being in hospital, my fav nurse was the one i had at night hehe
and OFC YOU CAN! i loveee the name zellie, that and gigi and my two faves :’) lots of my family call me zellie so it has a special place in my heart <3
SEB IS YOUR FAVORITE??? SO TRUE EEEE you have good taste kitty <3 i hope they live up to standards omg, i’m very excited for white wedding tbh but everyone seems to LOVE not funny (didn’t laugh) as they should!
and ofc!! so i was born and raised in baie-saint-paul which is like on the east side of québéc. i studied in the uk though as my dad is from manchester so i wanted to be close to him as up until he passed we were quite close. and now i live in france so :’) to answer your question i think mainly in french!! my first language is québécois so, that combined with living in nice, it makes sense hehe. although it gets a bit muddled when my job is translating for a living, so i’m constantly going back and forth between like five languages. i forget my grammar all the time because of it omg
YOUVE GOT THIS!!! you’re absolutely smashing it kitty, and i know you’ll do so well🥹 degrees are hard but i’m so proud of you!! and YES! international relations was my degree but my god it was exhausting. basically it just looks at the relationships between different states and how they cross in everything from politics to business to arts. it was fun but stressful, however has helped me get a super good job so i’m grateful eee
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tonystarkstan · 5 years
Paul Bettany 😉
oh god bless you. I kept thinking “Paul” but adding “Rudd” and being like “no, that’s Scott Lang”
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soap-stains · 4 years
Heyo! Spoilers from Parts 1 & 2 of Nightmare Time! Let me know what to tag this with if you don't want spoilers!!!
These are notes that I took during it 🥺
Nightmare Time (ep 1)
jfc joey/curt
Aaaaaa the song!!!!!
"The Nightmare Time already caught you" 👀
Yo it's Nick!!!!!!!!!
Holy- yo! it's one the radio people!! Donna!!
uhhhh... Wooly Foot. Ok.
Aaaa Joey
Nick is the butler aww
Black and White 👀
HAHA someone said PogChamp in chat
"Whatever you do, Lucy, don't fall in love with him." uuhhhhhhhh
Curt stop laughingbdndbidbd
Someone said it was gonna be Joey. Sounds about right. Yep.
I missed a minute because my mother
Did someone say,,, it's Grunt,,,??
His- his name is Conk? Konk? Idk
Gotta give Angela props for this tho
Hidgens seems sus
He's v in love with her, huh
This is horror Tho there's no way it's gonna go well
"Konk and Lucy have love!" awwww
...curt wh- oh. Fiancé, huh. Don't like him
Konk protecc, Konk attac
Hidgens angy
"You can't fake an accent like that" *looks into the camera like it's office*
I can't believe this insinuates that Hidgens isn't even a professor
Y'know, this is probably only going to fuel then Tedgens shippers and YES THAT EXISTS AND I HATE IT
"Basically 'go fuck yourself.'"
Ted didn't sign up for this, huh?
"You going soft on me, Ted?" "On the contrary-" *looks into the camera again*
I can't tell whether or not Ted actually likes her for her or not because it seems more of a just "hot woman with issues so mine now"
Rob was about to take his shirt off, huh?
"Professor should go fuck himself!" -_-
"Ted's PornHub premium account" oh ok
Aw poor Lucy
Awe he took a bullet for her
Is Hidgens about to die again? I mean Ted is probably gonna die again I don't really care Tho
yeah yeah shut it, ted
Eh he's dead now. That was kinda sad tho
Once again, Hidgens loses his mind and tries to get people killed
"I'm not greedy, I just want 30 million dollars"
Jeff. Ape Man Jeff. I had a feeling. I hate it here.
Of course his name is fucking Chumby
Watcher World starting off now
BILL?????? BILL????
A L I C E???????
Deb noooo
*inhale* bill. BILL.
Paul mention????
awe jon <3
That's ominous
Aw what a rebel
Drowsy Town?
Awe that would be wholesome if their relationship wasn't,, bad
Ted has a brother? 👀
Bill stop with the doctor she would be a lovely playwright!!!!
A musical. Of course.
"Ahoy there!" *intense flashbacks and I want to die*
MY MAN DID NOT JUST DIS DEAR EVAN HANSEN. I mean I don't really care for DEH anymore, but. HEY.
Aw Angela is Snigglette <3
a ballad huh?
I don't even know what she's saying anymore
This is really just The Smurfs, huh?
"You're a liar, Sniglette!" She seems so put off, was this in the "script"
I'm really really concerned this is weird
Snugglebugs hdndkhdjd
Oh god I hope Sniglette is ok
"Shut up, Jeff!"
Oh no oh god oh my god
"Mam, please stay seated during the performance" uh-
"You can (I can't remember what he said), Lauren!" Uhhhhhhhhh
Bill freaking slept through that? hhhok
Zigs uwu? OOOOO THEY'RE ENBY!! Who's playing them?
Jfc Bill shut up.
"It's your mother's fault" BILL. SHUT UP.
I despise Craig
Cinema teen!!!!
Bill, come on,,,
They're trying, but barely, I guess,,,
Oh god this isn't gonna go well, huh?
Oh no are they gonna die???? I don't want Alice to die againnnnn
🥺🥺🥺he asked her about her showww
It's so nice to see them interacting positively
Aaaaand now it's ruined. Yikes.
"That's fine, because. I hate you." Y I K E S
uhhhhhh that's not good
Bill's about to die, huh?
Win a doll.... A Blinky doll.... This is just another Wiggly, isn't it. I already had a feeling, but....
"You got a girlfriend? Boyfriend?" oop
"Nothin' says 'sorry and I love you' like a Blinky doll!"
um ok?
Hm. Ok.
She really shooting out her anger, huh?
Lauren, no
"He's been a failure his whole fuckin' life." THAT HAD TO BE SAID RIGHT AS MY FAMILY WAS LISTENING.
"I think what she needs is a good, swift, kick in the ass, sir." um.
I am. Very not comfortable with this.
Are- are they about to spar
Billllllllllll noooo
Girl got it, huh?
I'm not ok with this
Of freaking course it's a fun house
"Only two bucks for a whack" umm
Oh god oh my god oh my GOD
"You weak, weak man." No he's a strong boy!!!!!!
oh thas,,,scary sounding
"Do you remember where we parked?" ...
Did this just... Not happen?
"I won't pry."
"We've got plans for Zigs" JRBDKHDJDB
Jaime is gonna be there next week, but Angela & Mariah won't 👀
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dipppedinfollly · 3 years
I saw this earlier and  it reminds me of myspace, lets fn go
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? Soundcloud
is your room messy or clean? clean
what color are your eyes? Blue
do you like your name? why? HELL FN NO. Its basic.
what is your relationship status? Feyonce.
describe your personality in 3 words or less. Crazy ass bitch.
what color hair do you have? Brown/ Gray.
what kind of car do you drive? color? Nissan, silver.
where do you shop? TRIFT FOR LIFE.
how would you describe your style? Comfortable.
favorite social media account? Tiktok?
what size bed do you have? Queen.
any siblings? Nope.
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? Cali.
favorite snapchat filter? ew.
favorite makeup brand(s)? Cruelty free, basic brands.
how many times a week do you shower? 6-7.
favorite tv show? The office.
shoe size? 7.
how tall are you? 5′5.
sandals or sneakers? sneakers.
do you go to the gym? Sometimes.
describe your dream date. april 27th. not too hot, not too cold.
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? $5
what color socks are you wearing? None
how many pillows do you sleep with? One.
do you have a job? what do you do? Homeschool cuz covid.
how many friends do you have? Like 7 CLOSE friends.
whats the worst thing you have ever done? im an angel.
whats your favorite candle scent? Vanilla/ brown sugar.
3 favorite boy names? Dalvin, Andrew, and Storm.
3 favorite girl names? Elena, Alaska, and Mae.
favorite actor? lul okay its probably paul rudd.
favorite actress? Obviously sandra bullock.
who is your celebrity crush? MACHINE GUN KELLY. est xx.
favorite movie? 10 things I hate about you.
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? Looking for Alaska.
money or brains? Brains.
do you have a nickname? what is it? Bambi.
how many times have you been to the hospital? 4.
top 10 favorite songs OMG NO I cant.
do you take any medications daily? Yes.
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) Oily as fuck
what is your biggest fear? Spiders?
how many kids do you want? one. one only.
whats your go to hair style? “and i can put it in a bun”
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) duplex, 3 stories
who is your role model? My dad, maybe
what was the last compliment you received? Youre THE girl. You’re on a different level than any other female Ive met.
what was the last text you sent? This is me.
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? 6.
what is your dream car? Firebird.
opinion on smoking? Disgusts me.
do you go to college? Yep.
what is your dream job? Clean needle programs/ battered womens shelters. etc.
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? subs.
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? yes hehe
do you have freckles? yes
do you smile for pictures? mostly.
how many pictures do you have on your phone? yikes over 5000
have you ever peed in the woods? of course.
do you still watch cartoons? no
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? Wendys
Favorite dipping sauce? honey mustard
what do you wear to bed? big t shirt and undies.
have you ever won a spelling bee? yes.
what are your hobbies? drawing. running my mouth.
can you draw? yes.
do you play an instrument? nope.
what was the last concert you saw? Slipknot.
tea or coffee? coffee.
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? Dunkin always.
do you want to get married? petrified.
what is your crush’s first and last initial? ope
are you going to change your last name when you get married? sure
what color looks best on you? Black
do you miss anyone right now? Yes
do you sleep with your door open or closed? Open
do you believe in ghosts? Yes
what is your biggest pet peeve? when someone compares trauma or says “you could have it much worse”
last person you called? Cody
favorite ice cream flavor? red velvet.
regular oreos or golden oreos? none.
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? none.
what shirt are you wearing? kentucky shirt.
what is your phone background? “Free Shavacado” 
are you outgoing or shy? outgoing. shy when needed.
do you like it when people play with your hair? yes.
do you like your neighbors? fuck that bitch, respectfully.
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? at night.
have you ever been high? yes.
have you ever been drunk? too drunk.
last thing you ate? a brownie.
favorite lyrics right now? “Youre gonna cry and baby thats alright”
summer or winter? summer
day or night? night
dark, milk, or white chocolate? dark
favorite month? october.
what is your zodiac sign? sag.
who was the last person you cried in front of? Jesse.
source: luxet
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britishchick09 · 3 years
help! livewatch
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to kick off my beatleversary, we’re taking a look at my fellow beatle fan (aka my dad)’s fave movie from the lads... help! i’ve only seen 15 minutes of ‘a hard day’s night’ because it was a bit boring and ‘yellow submarine’ was fantastic, so i hope this falls right in between. let’s go get some help!
...why are we back to the end of return of the jedi?
OMG the sacrificial ring!!! :o
wait does ringo have it?
people: “ring ring ring ring!!!” john in ob-la-di-ob-da-da anthology: “a ring!”
and it goes right into ‘help!’ clever one lads ;)
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the movie is in color yet this is in black and white like it’s on tv. coolio! :D
‘help’ is a bop! :D
you’d think the credits would play over them but nope :/
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eyyy called it! :D
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♫ won’t you pleeeeeease please
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me!!! :D 
this guy keeps throwing darts on the screen and it’s so weird:
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OMG lester like phil lester???? ;o
tribe chief: “we need to find the ring!” guy: “has nobody looked in the washbasin?” lol :D
so the guy is only finding the ring for himself and not the tribe?
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cool they live at 221b! :D
lady: “still the same they was before they was!” grammar much?
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pretty house! :D
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he’s reading it in a hole how nice :)
george is using fake teeth to mow a lawn inside their house how epic :D
and paul is playing the organ! :D
ringo: “me finger’s stuck in the door” no rongles it’s “I HAVE THE DOOR IN ME FINGERS!!!!’
also his hair is a hot mess
john: “that’s immature of you, son” says you
ringo thought the lady thought his fingie was a sandwhich lol :D
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ooh light :o
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NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! :o
ringo just fell off the bed lol :D
john sleeps in the hole lol :D
why does john have a phone in the hole lol
he’s calling george and paul who are in the other rooms WHY CAN’T YOU JUST TALK TO THEM
and all he did was say ‘hello’ JOHN YOU DORK
the guy pronounced beatle ‘bee-ah-tle’ lol :D
guy: “they all look the same!” me before a year ago today
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yo like harrods the store? :o
they keep saying ‘shilling’ why
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ooh title!
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ringo to john: “what was it that first attracted you to me?” WOAH LENNSTARR???? john: “you’re very polite aren’t you?” yes that’s true thanks for not making it sarcastic :)
john: “ah HA HA!!!!” op there’s the sarcastic bish!
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two lads walking 0.2 feet apart in a 2 BECAUSE THEY’RE NOT BI!!!!
why are ringo and john saying the same things at the same time chaotic lads!
john: “what’s the matter?” ringo: “oh there’s no matter. OW OW OWWW!!!!” i think there’s a matter....
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‘65 beatle girls: *swoon!!*
also don’t tell the lady she sucked up the wrong hand...
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george keeps going ‘oh ho ho ho!!!” and i love it :D
they’re playing ‘you’re gonna lose that girl!’ :D
and it goes from not as clear film audio to clear recording audio which is weird
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cool shot! :D (and beatle girls probably thought this was so hot)
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ringo cig WHY
they have to do it again WHY IT WAS PERFECT
awww ringo’s dancing a bit :)
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OMG :o
john: “you naughty boy!” don’t say that plz why :/
lady: “please flee!!!” ringo: “ok” lol :D
indian music! (you think this is how george started liking it?)
they’re seeking enlightenment! :D
ringo: “does this ring mean anything from you?” british guy: “freemason?” senpai wants your number
george is asking everyone if the blood rushes to them lol :D
guy: “could you pick this up for me please?” *knocks the chef out rapunzel style* lol :D
awww the lady wants to save ringo!
lady: “that’s the sacred ring!” paul: “say no more!” lady: “i can say no more!” lol :D
awww ringo is john’s best friend :)
oh no they have until 5 until a new victim is closing! :o
why is there a ticket in the soup
ringo: “that’s a season ticket!” john: “i love me a good seasoning” *puts it back in his soup* lol :D
ringo: “i got it from this eastern bird... lady” ;)
ringo can’t take the ring off!
george *about his soup*: “there’s footprints in here!” wut
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jeweler: “some problems are matrimonial” john: “eh heh heh” ;)
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john wtf
the ring can’t be cut and it’s breaking the tools like rapunzel’s hair! :o
john: “you’re a failure, aren’t you scientist?” shut up plz
scientist: “voltage, up, up!” paul: “up up up up!!!” awww :)
scientist: “made in america you see!” john: “this is english” lol :D
john: “how do you feel?” ringo: “i used to use me hands” john: “he used to use his hands” lol :D
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paulie likes it ;)
oh no the lady has a gun!! :o
the ‘brain drain’!
it’s ‘you’ve got to hide your love away’ so that’s cool :D
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she’s not impressed :/ (but i am!)
john said the lady had ‘filthy eastern ways’ SHUT UP JAWN >:(
the lady wants ringo to shrink his fingo! :o
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wait what
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ooh intermission! :D
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this is so random lol :D
that was random af and very family guy!
ringo’s allergic to penicillin like my mom! :D
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my fave show! :D
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aww finger guns! :D
ringo’s crying at his suit having red all over :(
ringo: “how can i get the ring off with me hands held up?” lol :D
ringo has a voice crack when he said ‘look!” :D
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john’s ‘get out’ is so good omg :D
oh no the scientists really want the ring now! :o
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they’re in the snow for ‘ticket to ride’!!! :D
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me lol :D
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what a giffable shot! :D
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ooh music notes! :D
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penny lane much? ;)
oh no the guys are watching them... ;)
the lads are saying ‘oh ho ho ho’ WHAT HIGH DORKS
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he says ‘ouch ouch ouch’ when rolling down the snow lol :D
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evil snowman... >:)
the bad guys have a curling bomb and one of them keeps saying everything he does lol :D
george: “hey it’s thingie! a fiendish thingie!!” lol :D
guy: “useless! what rubbish!” *THINGIE BLOWS UP A SECOND LATER* lol :D
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snowman battle! :o
guy: “in the name of kindness, stop! stop!” the lads: *don’t stop*
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paul running into john at the train station... ;)
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ooh sherlock holmes reference!!!!!! :D
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ringo: “they have a different religion... i think” lol :D
the scotland guy is mimicking ringo and ringo’s not impressed lol :D
why are the bad guys playing indian music in the phone booth WE KNOW WHO YOU ARE
999 is 911! :D
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wowza editing in person! :o
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paperback writer much? ;)
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‘she’s a woman’ from past masters is playing on a walkie talkie! :D
the chief thinks it’s shocking and hates it lol
chief: “take this hastily scribbled note hastily!” lol :D
motorcycle go brrrr
guy: “they shall not pass!” gandolf who
‘the night before is playing!!!! :D
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what a cool shot!
‘she’s a woman’ interrupted it no!!!! :/
good ‘night before’ is back! :D
the lip syncing was kinda off tho
the bad guys are in camoflage and it’s like we’re in ww1!
i came here to watch beatles NOT THE WAR
oh no john fell! :o
ringo: “get up johnny! get up for me, baby!” lennstarr tho ;)
so many explosions I DID NOT SIGN UP FOR THIS
guy: “MISSED you naughty boys!!!” ...plz dont call them that :/
victory music is playing did the bad guys win???
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buckingham??? :0
i swear if john is in nothing but a sheet-
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not your lockie’s palace ;)
ringo: “IT APPEARS i need one card. IT APPEARS i need to chuck one in” IT APPEARS that you need to emphasize that for some reason...
them playing cards is so domestic :)
ringo: “i don’t just use my drumstick for drummin’” paul: “well what else is it for?” ringo: “i use it!” OH GOD WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT RONGLES
john: “we’re risking our lives for the most useless member!” is that fingo or ringo
ringo: “let that be an end to it, END TO IT” same ringo
omg the palace is haunted! :o
the guards are tripping over each other!
the scientists are the guards!!!! :o
they made time slow down! :o
someone sprayed that red paint and the lads yeeted out of there! :o
paul to ringo: “you’re a rat underneath aren’t you?” OHHHHH ROASTED!!!!!
paul used to wink at paul... mcharrison has sailed! :D
ringo’s alone with it no! :o
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thanks for the clarification?
lady to ringo: “don’t move!” ringo to ‘a tiger’: “don’t move, that’s what she said!” lol :D
why is she whistling the 9th symphony
they’re all singing it to make the tiger calm and ringo’s like “ok!!”
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this is legit abbey road! :o
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ooh bahamas!
i love how george is taking pics of everything :D
i didn’t think cameras sounded like static back then tho...
oh no THE CHIEF IS THERE TOO!!!!! :o
no the scientist is there too! :o
prepare for the beatle bahamas battle lads...
idk what pc is but they all the soldiers all named that
ooh ‘another girl’! :D
i heard it was cold when the lads filmed the movie so rip to their arms :/
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so much purple! :o
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hey john! :D
george: “let’s play a game it’s called peep peep peep peep-“ yup THEY SO INCREDIBLY HIIIGHHHH
the lady said ringo’s getting ‘disembowled’ and john’s like “keeps ye busy eh?” like the lil’ bish he is
ringo: “i don’t want to knock anyone’s religion but-” *runs away*
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bike lads! :D
they keep saying ‘let’s go back and get ‘em!” yep they hiiiigh
a triumphant one of ‘i’m so happy to dance with you’ is playing!! :D
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wtf bro
paul’s explaining things cryptically and george is like ‘why tho’
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paul: “there’s the temple and that swimming pool and... i’m lost” lol :D
ringo: “read on” B)
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george: “typical!” lol :D
omg he’s in the orange blanket! :o
ringo: “HEEEEELP!!! help me!!!” title drop roll credits! :D
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dere he is! :D
i remember seeing that before i was a fan and thinking it wasn’t beatles lol
john: “he’s got a plan” paul: “a really famous plan!” john: “a plan superintendent...” superintendent: “you see i’ve got a plan!” ...i think he has a plan
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the plan is baseball?
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everyone’s calling for ringo and george is beating his chest lol :D
scientist: “dust in the generator. gets everywhere” and it’s rough & coarse too...
the lady is saving ringo!
the scientist doesn’t need the ring now that he has...’nobel prize juice’?”
they keep saying ‘eastern’ as the language.... :/
ringo: “i can’t swim!” lady: “what do you mean you can’t swim?” he means HE CAN’T SWIM LADY!!!!
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the sacrifice involves a horrible, inaccessible name... voldemort?
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he’s free!!!! :D
ringo: “i don’t subscribe to your religion!” lol :D
‘help’ is playing again! :D
and the chief has the ring now... >:)
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...what does that have to do with anything tho
and with the trippy credits came the end of the movie! the only help i’ll be needing is why it was more weird than yellow sub but i had such a fun time with it (especially the snow scene and ‘i need you’)! what a great movie! :D
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mclennonlover · 5 years
A/N: omg i’m so proud to show you my creation what i call ‘is it true love’! i really have to thank @39-badgers for giving me the idea of doing this after all! have fun reading this!
pairing: john lennon x fem!timetravel!reader
words: 1,2k+
summary: after a conflict with her parents, YN falls asleep in her room and awakes in 1962. throughout her journey through time, she meets young john lennon and his band ‘the beatles’. for all the years that will come, she’ll have to ask herself one question.
yln - your last name
Another boring day at college. As usual. But this time, it was different. Not better, but worse. I got detention for nothing, well…because I got distracted.  And I couldn`t even argue with the teacher. Oh well, all I had to do was to write down some rules on how to behave during class. I`d better listen to one of my most favorite bands…The Beatles.
Back at home, Mom and Dad were already angry. „Do you have any idea why you got detention?“, my mother spoke up first. „Because the teacher is an idiot and he said that `I got distracted`!“, I replied harshly and a big argument between me and my parents rose up. „ALL YOU CARE ABOUT IS THESE STUPID BUGS!“, my father snapped at me. „Your dad is right, YN! You’re 21 years old already! You should really think about your future!“, Mom supported my dad. I got so angry at them, I snapped. „WHY SHOULD YOU CARE?! SURE, I’M 21 AND I CAN DO WHAT I WANT! I DON’T CARE ABOUT STUPID COLLEGE! AND DAD, HOW MANY TIMES I HAVE TOLD YOU, THEY’RE CALLED `THE BEATLES´!“, after I said these words, I stomped all the way to my room and slammed the door shut.
My room. It is decorated with all kinds of Beatles stuff. From posters to drawings of their years working together. Sgt. Pepper’s, Revolver…Magical Mystery Tour…and so on. I fell on my bed and…I sobbed. I started to cry and I kept crying and crying….and I did not know why. After a while, I felt pretty heard and I could swear I have heard a sweet and a bit raspy voice telling me „You need some rest…“ which most likely made my drift off to a peaceful slumber..
Something around me feels oddly…familiar. I could hear screams which mostly felt like a crowd of fans screaming. At any moment I could be deaf..whatever. But there I catched it. Out from somewhere, I had heard music playing, a pretty nice and catchy tune. But where have I heard it before? Why does it feel so familiar?
`She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah
She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah
She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah…..`
Why can’t I remember this song? What even is this feeling?! And right then and there, I had heard a faint voice calling my name. „YN…? YN. YN!!!“, the voice keeps screaming for my name. Another voice greeted my ears, but I could not immediately recognize it. „Mr. Lennon!“, the other voice said and then…five gunshots were heard. They were so loud, they could have definitely rip my eardrums. And so, I finally got what was happening. I could only scream. Scream as loud as I could. „JOHN!!!“ This name came out of my mouth right after the gunshots.
My eyes opened with such speed, they could not process yet what was to come. My body sat up on the bed, with my eyes slowly adapting to the situation. I realized this was not my room. My eyes studied the walls, which had a red, white and yellow stripe pattern while to the right of the bed stood a bedside drawer and on top of it were standing a small radio box and a bright yellow telephone with a rotary dial, it seemed it`s something out of the 1960’s. „Well, this seems pretty interesting..“, I have thought to myself. As I finally encouraged myself to turn on the radio, a voice blasted through it. „Good morning, Liverpool!Today is 22nd August, 1962! We are currently at 8:30 a.m., so here is our morning programme.“ I decide not to give much attention to the radio, but when I have heard that the year is 1962, I have fallen out of the bed. „1962?! H-How is that possible?This has to be a dream…wait. 22nd August? Liverpool? Today, The Beatles should be performing tonight at the Cavern Club! I have to be there!“, as I said that aloud to myself, I got up properly and decided to get ready for the day. The concert at the Cavern was only at 8 p.m. So, there I am. A 21-year old girl who somehow, under some ‘magical circumstances‘ travelled back in time, to the 1960’s.
John’s POV
22nd August 1962.
Dear Diary,
one of the bigger days has finally come. We’re playin‘ at the Cavern. ‘S nuthin‘ new, actually, but it’s live for sum Granada television or somethin‘.  Also, the new guy, his name’s Richard..he not too bad for a drummer. Not the same as Pete, but we’ll see how this lad’ll do. He keeps wearing rings. Maybe I should call ‘im Ringo, eh? Richard ‘Ringo‘ …Starkey? ‘S not right, innit? Maybe call ‘im „Starr“? Jus‘ imagine. Ringo Starr. Sounds nice. …yeh’re the only one I can talk to..about some things..Mimi won’t get me anyway and me mam’s dead and I don’t want to worry the lads, I jus‘ want for them to stay as tha „bad boy“.  He he. Well, Paul’s callin‘ meh to rehearse for the show tonight. Talk to yeh later.                                                                                                                                                                                                                          -John.
Paul’s POV
John often gets stuck in his own world called ‘his diary‘. Just always wearing those thick-framed Buddy Holly styled glasses. As long somebody sees him wearing them, he immediately takes them off. „I’m not wearing them in public, feeling too embarrassed..“, that’s what he would always say. Let’s see how you’ll feel embarrassed if you would see someone charming in the audience..
Once I got outside after closing the door to apparently my own house now, I started to think about if it’s all real or just a big dream. „Why would I scream for John? Why was he screaming my name? Did he know me? Why did that song feel so familiar yet so strange?“, so many questions were running through my head, I wasn’t even noticing where I was walking and so I suddenly have stopped walking as I fell on my bottom. I have realized I bumped into somebody. „O-Oh, I’m very s-sorry!“, I had said quickly, not even looking at the person. „‘S alrigh‘, luv. I can get used to it sometimes.“, the person next to me replied with a sweet and raspy voice. I swear I know it, which also made think to myself: „John..i-it’s you! You’re so young…“ As he got up, he lends a hand. „Need help? Ye won’t look god if you’ll stay like this.“, he asks politely. I took his offer and he helped me getting up. Hes’s actually known for being the „bad guy“ in his youth, but I have never ever seen or heard about him being so kind. „I-I…suppose you’re John, right?“, I asked shyly as I wiped off the dust and dirt from my clothes.
„Well, yeh’re right, luv. And who’re yeh?“, he had asked me in his scouse accent. „I’m..YN. YN YLN.“, I reply. Before our conversation could really start, a voice called for John. „JOHN! Where are yeh, yeh liverpudlian bastard?!“, I could definitely recognize it was Paul’s voice.  „Well, I have to go now. Or else somebody’ll have me head. Goodbye, YN!“, and with that, John rushed off in Paul’s direction. „Bye, John…“, that was the last thing I could say before John was gone. He’s probably thinking I don’t know him. Oh god…what have I gotten myself into? I just talked to John Lennon himself.
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the half of it liveblog
LET’S GO I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS SINCE MARCH hi. my name is abby, and this is me watching the half of it
i have big gay expectations for this movie
as an asian wlw, i do NOT want to be disappointed
starting NOW
fuck YES this animation is beautiful
plato. this movie is already calling out my dumb gay ass
they did really good casting with ellie! imagine having a movie with high schoolers that LOOK LIKE HIGH SCHOOLERS
chugga chugga chu chu? SQUARE UP BITCH
OMG paul and ellie’s first meeting is iconic
“i’m not looking to cheat” “no one is”
“gET a thESaURus uSE a speLLcHecKer gOOd luCk rOMeo”
this is an accurate representation of hold times istg
aster looks so tired but wowowowowow she is hecking beautiful
ellie is a disaster gay
exhibit 1: staring at aster in band
exhibit 2: “i’m ellie chu?!?!?!”
exhibit 3: more staring in the hallway
staring/longing is the peak gay experience
she is FINALLY charging acceptable prices for writing
i’d ask $15 for two page
maybe she just loves writing
can’t relate
“SHE’S LIKE ALL THREE” paul you eloquent mf
he’s a ROMANTIC... but so bad with words omg
“yah my grandma’s dead wanna go out with me”
“love makes you screwy. don’t you get screwy?”
istg you dumb jock ily
in love, one always starts by deceiving oneself... and ends by deceiving others
i LOokED uP PLaiGiAriZed
wow i had to stop for like 8 minutes there to properly watch their letters play out
the way alice wu spins this story is absolutely gorgeous
aster and ellie are so in sync and understanding of each other
the art, the words, the letters
everything just meshes together perfectly and i’m already in love with their story, whether or not there’s a happy ending
oh ho ho... paul....
no but he’s totally right
dating is burgers and fries and ice cream and whatnot
love is what ellie and aster have been doing– the talking and the listening and the understanding
smithcorona ahaha
“i love... nazis” paul you good there
oh honey you understand nothing
LMAO i love how ellie’s riding away on her bike and paul’s just bent over in the background PERFECTLY poised to pick up a rock
YES! jock + lesbian friendship
“hi ellie chu’s dad” has the same energy as “mr. jack’s dad” and “mr. sir” if u know what i’m talking about (check, please! mutuals hi)
i love how paul just treats this like drills he has to run
jocks, man
why do neither of them know how to play ping pong istg
i love one (1) girl that laughs at horror movies
omg my anxious ass would be terrified if i thought someone was watching me
oh, i thought that line was about aster
but it still makes sense in a friendship way
and this IS a friendship movie so it does make sense
my coward ass would’ve never brought a boy home in high school
especially not to my enthusiastic italian father
besides i only ever dated one person and she was a girl and i hadn’t come out to my parents yet
kudos to ellie
oh i just realized that aster’s christian
does that influence her views on lgbtq?
oh, ellie
watching that made me tear up
god, falling for someone who doesn’t know that you’re you
this english teacher is fckin hilarious
and also totally not a romantic lmao
“world’s asleep. more room for secrets”
now THAT’S what love feels like
falling in love with the little things
wait he doesn’t say “you like aster?”
...does he support her or not
paul munsky say something
oh he realizes that he doesn’t know what love is not that ellie likes aster
“if love isn’t the effort you put in”
i love this friendship and paul’s quiet wisdom
oh boy there are weird chewing noises
aww paul’s a romantic and ellie’s hilarious
seeing “guy” makes my heart hurt
aw ellie have a little faith in our dumb jock <3
this is so cute and super awkward
i feel like i did this at some point in high school
what just happened
awww he’s so enthusiastic
bitch what the fuck is “a look”
wtf is this a fucking rave
are high schools like this now??? is everyone fucking horrid?
yes girl play your song
wait a sec can they all hear her without a mic
she wrote that? that’s so sweet <3
but that’s so cliché
it’s literally high school musical
oh boy now she’s POPULAR?
i love their friendship so much
omg what? shoes in the house? shoes ON THE BED? DISGRACE PAUL MUNSKY
jk him caring for her is literally so cute
i’m glad we can have that platonically
she did that for him? aww
the way she spits out the advil is hilarious
i bet she thinks ellie and paul are dating
“it’s paul’s chinese friend” who the FUCK do you think you are? STEP THE FUCK UP KAREN
oh it’s the daisy!
it’s gorgeous
i feel like aster definitely suspects something
i have no idea what she does at the station?!?
“SECRET PLACE” oh lawd
aster definitely knows it’s ellie
i wish i had a secret pond
but alas
i am just a poor city girl
ellie is a disaster gay and i am living for it
LONG UNDERWEAR ellie is prepared for all situations
paul is so sweet that’s adorable
“i don’t think i’ve ever hung out with a girl and not talked about boys before” the GAY is showing and i love it
but love isn’t about feeling safe
it’s about feeling adventurous but being safe
you’re in HIGH SCHOOL why tf r u thinking about marriage?
oml don’t get married to trig he’s a fucking idiot
i lowkey thought they were going to kiss
and then ellie “i am a RUSSIAN DOLL of clothing!!1!1!”
when my asian mom did this, my white dad would look just like him, even after literally decades of marriage
WOAH the visuals
just... two people looking at the same sky
so intimate
“gravity is matter’s response to loneliness”
that’s so deep but all i can think of is r/showerthoughts
just two girls discussing their deepest beliefs and secrets in a spring
i would like to do that pls
lmao ellie’s dad and paul are besties now
oh ellie
COLLEGE you deserve to go to college!
omg aster and paul’s height difference
paul’s siblings are hilarious lmao
SLDKFJSDL “A BUNCH OF GUYS SNIFFING EACH OTHERS’ BUTTS” is maybe the most accurate description of high school sports
guess all that running really paid off paul
“squahamish scores for the first time in 50 yrs” i-
ellie trying to finesse the yakult is the funniest thing
what the FUCK just happened
that was like watching a train wreck in slo-mo
i have zero words.
is he ok
who sprayed him? was it paul or ellie’s dad??
oh god literally all three of them are ruined
paul! he’s trying! and that matters!
he’s been taught to condemn it
but he supports his friend first and foremost
so he tries to understand and accept it
...oh no paul’s mother
ellie looks so sad :(
ugh i’m crying
she had to grow up too quickly because of her mother’s death
“have you ever loved someone so much you don’t want anything about them to change?”
i’m so emotional
SKSKSK “i had to grind something” homophobic mother looks up
the fuck is “little lady”
oh i get it he’s proposing
trig is literally the human manifestation of microaggression
the painting metaphor is back and i am not ok
AND I OOP- she slapped him ok ok ok
“mommy wants you to know that in case you are gay, mommy still loves you” “no mom i’m not gay” “thank god” “i might want to change your sausage recipe though” “are you INSANE?” THIS IS AN EXACT PARALLEL to when bitty came out and mama bittle still loved him but then the JAM (hello again check please mutuals if ur still here ily)
lmao the english teacher “now that is some divine intervention” she is neutral evil and i am LIVING for it (bet she’s wlw too)
“you don’t mean dead, right” SLDFKJSDL
“love is messy and horrible and selfish... and bold.” -ellie chu
that’s fucking beautiful
aster looks... so tired
i have no words i just want to watch this and cry
they kissed.
they KISSED.
“i’ll see you in a couple of years”
i love that they don’t end up together
that they know that they should wait, that it’s not their time yet
because love is “the trying, and the reaching, and the failing”
ellie looks so happy
she’s comfortable in her own skin
she deserves everything
omg the emojis slap
her dad’s conductor? station master? idk but he’s working again and i’m so proud of him
is paul seriously giving her sausage
“too smart to be crying on the platform like a wussy” “i’m not crying” “wussy” underrated exchange of the year
paul chasing after ellie on the train is so sweet
i’m sobbing
she looks so content and i love that for her
that’s the end
if you made it this far, congrats! 
overall 10/10
it’s such a sweet movie it’s well paced, well written, and well shot
time to go see if there’s any fic
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rewolfaekilerom · 3 years
ginny & georgia is good.
//NOTE: This was originally posted to Wordpress on 05.01.2021//
Let me start by saying that I tried to think of a clever title for this post, but all I could think of was the simple fact that I really like Ginny & Georgia. Excuse my lack of cleverness this week. I’m not sure if it’s my body responding to the first vaccine dose or if it’s the fog of seasonal allergies, but my brain is mush; my sense of smell is also not right. Also, Bug scratched the hair off of one of her ears (I’m pretty sure that’s seasonal allergies, poor thing) and I’ve spent a cumulative 15 hours this past week rendering, exporting, and uploading one single video onto YouTube for work (lost story short: I’m back at the rendering stage after I realized the audio got unsynced in the second half of the video. Ugh). It’s been a WEEK.
Excuses, excuses.
So, while I wait for my laundry and as I take a break from New Pokemon Snap (omg, it’s so good), I thought I’d brain-vomit my thoughts about Ginny & Georgia. Proving true to the portrait I gave of myself in my last post, I’m happy (or embarrassed?) to say that I watched Ginny & Georgia (henceforth G&G) twice this week. I finished episode 10 and immediately started rewatching episode 1, and it’s taking everything in me to not start rewatching for a third time. But depending on what you consider a week, I might be on week two now? ANYWAY.
I’ll start this brain-dump by saying, again, I really like this show. I described it to friends as a cross between Gilmore Girls and Pretty Little Liars or Outer Banks–maybe with a touch of Dexter. I don’t think it’s just that, but I think that’s a good way to summarize how it feels to watch the show, and those are good things in my book. GG and Dexter are probably in my top 5 favorite TV shows, and OB is up there too. I’ve watched OB through twice, and it definitely quenched my mid-winter thirst for the beach and my perpetual desire for a solid mystery/intrigue. I grew up watching the Travel Channel, so any show set in an even moderately interesting locale is immediately catching my interest. Oh, and I watched the entire PLL series with my mom while I was a teenager and even after I went away to college; it was “our show”–our way of sharing cultural ground even when I was away from home for the first time. We watched each episode together when it aired on TV, and we’d be the first to admit that the show was–at best–illogical, comically dramatic, and unrealistic to the umpth degree. But sometimes it’s fun to watch a show and laugh at its absurdity.
G&G doesn’t fall into the same traps that a lot of those types of teen shows do. It has drama and intrigue; it has sex and “teen problems” (which are really just person problems). But it also has real conversations about race and sexuality and parent-child relationships that go beyond the CW/Freeform problem-for-problem’s-sake model (hi, PLL)) or the WB squeaky-clean-problems approach (I’m talking to you, Seventh Heaven). It takes a Skins approach to issues young people face–well, if Skins was made for a puritanical US audience, but not THAT US Skins reboot. We’ll never talk about that. Shhh. Look away.
I’m not going to rehearse the plot of G&G, so look it up for yourself right now. I’ll wait.
Just kidding. I’m not waiting. Go look it up on your own time.
The similarities between G&G and GG are glaring (hell, Georgia even calls herself and Ginny the Gilmores with bigger boobs). In both, you have a young, single mom who had her daughter at 15/16 and then ran away from home. The mom is plucky, charismatic, and doesn’t always navigate the world by making the most, er, ethical choices. The daughter initially seems a bit more reserved and like she wants to play by the rules, but deep down is just a younger version of the mother, and that comes out of the course of the series. The two relate to one another as friends, but it’s complicated by the fact that they’re parent and child and that there is an inherent power imbalance there. The daughter is a little too mature for her own good and the mother is a little too immature for her own good. They butt heads, usually over the mother’s past and present choices (particularly regarding men) and the daughter’s present and future choices (also often regarding men). Their fights and falling outs are truly spectacular–they fight like only a mother and daughter could, but they also love one another–though they can’t express that love in the most logical or legible ways. They’re dysfunctional in every way you could imagine, and they really should be in family counseling.
But that’s not all. If that were it, I’d say, “oh, boohoo, they have similar types of characters. As if this is novel? Hasn’t this been done before? Get off your high horse.” NO. The parallels between these two shows go WAY deeper than that. Georgia is Lorelei and Ginny is Rory–hell, their naming practices are even similar. Georgia named herself after the state she was in the first time she had to come up with a pseudonym; this initiated a naming practice wherein she names her children after the cities/states they’re born in–hence Ginny, for Virginia. Rory is a nickname for Lorelei. (Side note: Lorelei is a hard name to type.)
Fine, fine. But we also have the tripartite relationship dynamics. Lorelei’s Big Three are Christopher, Max, and Luke; Georgia’s are Zion (Ginny’s dad and Georgia’s “penguin”–still not positive what that means, except that they can’t let go of one another?), Paul (the mayor, a white collar, public-facing profession), and Joe (the cafe/restaurant owner). If teenaged Rory has Dean and Jess, Ginny has Hunter and Marcus, respectively; Rory and Ginny obviously belong with the “bad boy”–they have infinitely better chemistry and get one another–but struggle with how good they “look” with the good guy, who’s actually kind of a judgmental jerk (as the bad guy points out).
Stars Hollow looks a whole lot like Wellsbury–hell, they’re both in New England. Wellsbury IS the most New England town name ever. Period. I love me some picturesque New England town bullshit.
Oh, and the side characters. Ellen and Sookie fill the same niche, and it’s a good one. They’re easily the most likable characters in both shows, and their husbands are genuinely funny characters in their own rights. GG has the sexually ambiguous (until he’s not) but oh-so-sarcastic Michel while G&G has Nick. Arguably, you could lump Kirk in with Michel to get Nick, but Nick isn’t as bumbling as Kirk, so maybe that point doesn’t stand. Hell, for friends Rory has the angel and devil on her shoulders in the form of Lane and Paris; Ginny has Max and Abby. And if Stars Hollow has Taylor Doose, Wellsbury has Cynthia Fuller. The list goes on.
Of course, a staple of GG is Emily and Richard Gilmore, but we glimpse that in G&G’s flashbacks to Zion’s parents, who help Georgia and Zion when the two first have Ginny. They’re similarly exasperated with their child’s choices and come off as a little overbearing but nonetheless have good intentions. They don’t have nearly as much screen time as Emily and Richard, which is a shame, but they serve a similar function.
Oh! And the flashbacks. They’re one of the charming parts of GG–they give us really important backstory on Lorelei’s life and life choices prior to the series’ start (and Rory’s birth, frankly). They’re less charming in G&G because Georgia’s background is far darker than GG ever could or would have conjured.
This gets me to why G&G isn’t just a GG rip-off. G&G isn’t just a woke GG. It isn’t just GG with people of color, in the LGBTQIA+ community, of varied socioeconomic classes, or from outside New England. If you like GG, you might like G&G, but you also might not. G&G addresses real life challenges teenagers, women, people of colorm hell, most Americans face in 2021. It depicts the US in its multiple angles, some of which are very, very ugly. Some might say that it’s GG for 2021, and maybe it is, but if that’s true, I’m not sure it’s a bad thing. I’m just not sure it’s totally true.
I’m going to cool it on the GG-G&G comparisons for a moment and just talk about G&G because I think you get my point. Before I cool it completely, though, and as a point of departure, I’ll say that if we do go with the idea that G&G is GG for 2021, then we need to recognize what G&G does differently: it gives us glimpses into how a whole range of people experience the US, and it doesn’t look away from ugly, unflattering, hateful truths that reside just below the surface of sparkly, shiny, pretty, picture-perfect towns. It doesn’t shy away from reality, even if that reality is uncomfortable for white, middle-class, cis, het viewers.
The important things about G&G that I haven’t yet mentioned in specifics are a’plenty.
Ginny (and Hunter) is mixed-race, a subject that comes up on a number of occasions in the form of explicit conversations about how being mixed-race doesn’t necessarily mean belonging to two communities but can instead mean feeling out of place in both. It also comes up in a very hard-to-watch argument between Ginny and Hunter where the two trade insults about one another’s lack of belonging; the argument escalates into a screaming match in which the two effectively diminish not only one another’s claims to their Black (in Ginny’s case) and Taiwanese (in Hunter’s case) identities but also the prejudices they experience at the hands of a hegemonic white society that systematically denies opportunities or a sense of belonging (among other things) for those who don’t fit into readily identifiable “boxes.”
Georgia ran away from her childhood home in rural, impoverished Arkansas because she was being sexually abused by her stepfather, who then went on to sexually abuse her half-sister.
Georgia has killed people, often for “legitimate” (???) reasons, including posing threats to Ginny.
Georgia used to be in a biker gang and still has connections with at least one member, a lawyer she has on retainer to help her “disappear” her misdeeds, including said murders.
Marcus and Ginny have struggled (or are currently struggling) with self-harm and suicide ideation.
Literally every single one of the teenagers in this show is under immense pressure to over-engage in extracurricular activities that will make them competitive candidates at top universities.
Parents’ unhealthy relationships with one another, divorce, and everything else in that realm also shape the teenaged characters’ lives.
Abby struggles with an eating disorder that’s fueled in part by comments her male peers (notably, an asshole named Press) about her body. Male characters make sexist, stereotyping comments to Ginny about her body, too.
I’ll stop there, but I do so with full knowledge that I’m likely leaving something out. Hell, as I type this I remember that Austin (Ginny’s younger half-brother) literally stabs a kid in the hand and there’s a private detective trying to figure out Georgia’s past, including if/how she murdered her previous husband (the impetus for the family’s move). Like I said, there’s so much more to this show than just its similarities with GG. But I’ve also seen articles online decrying viewers who make the connection, and I don’t think that’s quite the right approach. The show clearly isn’t copying GG. Even if G&G did take inspiration from GG, it takes that inspiration in a fresh direction.
I wonder, though, about how we, the viewers, are supposed to respond to certain aspects of the show.
For instance, the show pits the US South as the source of obvious Bad Stuff ™–child abuse, incest, poverty, etc.– and the US Northeast as a place where the Bad Stuff ™ is hidden beneath a picture-perfect veneer. I get what the show’s creators are going for. They’re attempting to give us a multidimensional perspective on the US in all its prettiness and ugliness, but I wonder if associating the South with only the Bad Stuff ™ is doing a disservice to a region that has a rich cultural past and present–a past and present that’s certainly included problems like poverty, racism, and abuse but cannot be defined by those things alone because those things are not all that’s there. To tie those things primarily to just one region because those are stereotypes that are often perpetuated about that region seems a bit . . . overly simplistic? Troublesome? Dare I use the old grad-student favorite–problematic? It’s too easy–it’s lazy, in fact–to pit South against Northeast as the source of the US’s outright ugliness. It’s the rhetoric surrounding the 2016 presidential election all over again, and, frankly, we could all use a break.
The other thing that regional competition does is it makes it possible for the show to gloss over the fact that those Bad Things ™ exist in the Northeast, too. I feel silly saying that because it seems so obvious, but the simplistic portrait the show paints of the US means that it sacrifices accurate representation and complexity for the sake of–well, actually, I’m not sure what it’s for the sake of. Maybe straightforward storytelling? That might make sense if the show didn’t dwell in other complexities and commit itself to attempting to represent other identities and aspects of American life with some degree of accuracy, so I don’t know.
I can’t speak to whether the show accurately represents the experiences of mixed-race people, LGBTQIA+ people, or people with disabilities. I suspect that it represents the experiences of some people accurately but, of course, not all people because that would be impossible. I’m also not sure if I think the show’s commitment to representing a variety of experiences of US life borders on tokenism. I can’t speak for how someone who occupies one of those subject positions experiences the show because I do not occupy that subject position. My gut reaction is that the show does seem to make an effort to go beyond the whole “look at us, we cast all sorts of people in our show” by attempting to humanize all of its characters as real humans with rich, complex lives. It weaves the characters’ lives into a tight web, making clear that a character like Max and Marcus’s dad isn’t noteworthy just because he’s deaf. You don’t look at Clint and think “oh, that’s the deaf character.” You think, oh, that’s Clint; he’s Ellen’s husband, Max and Marcus’s dad, he’s deaf, he makes pithy remarks about his over-the-top daughter and slacker son, and he performs strip-teases for his wife. He’s noteworthy because he’s an engaged (and absolutely hilarious) husband and father whose deafness is one of many identities of his that influences his children’s lives as any other cultural identity would influence a family’s dynamic. The entire family is (at least) bilingual, communicating in sign language and spoken English while also teaching their sign language skills to friends and significant others. His deafness is one identity among many that the show invests him with, and he’s not in all that many scenes.
I could be wrong, but that was my experience while watching the show and thinking about it a bit afterward and while writing this post.
The show depicts mixed-race identity in a complex way, too, but it dwells on it a bit longer and with a bit more detail. I mentioned that Ginny and Hunter are both of mixed-race parentage and that their mixed-race identities become a subject of a relationship-ending argument. To back up a bit, though, the show attempts to paint a vivid portrait of the challenges Ginny in particular faces as a she navigates middle-class, white suburbia as the daughter of a Black father and a white mother. We see how she reacts when a police office walks toward her at a gas station while she pumps gas in her mother’s BMW, when a teacher tells her she’s being “aggressive” (while her classmates, who display similar behaviors, are unremarked upon), when her hair frizzes out after her friends pressure her to let another student’s white mom brush her curls into a ponytail using a boar-bristle brush, when a male friend (multiple male friends?) tells her that she doesn’t look like a stereotypical Black girl, and, among other things, when another student asks her “what are you?” in an attempt to pinpoint her racial/ethnic identities. Each instance is painful to watch because the actress who plays Ginny plays her well; the camera stays trained on her face as she responds to each of these interactions, allowing the viewer to observe the range of emotions she feels as she repeatedly navigates a community of peers and adults who can’t get their shit together and respect her existence. These interactions aren’t quirky neighbors asking silly questions about why she hangs her laundry a certain way or informing her that she needs to only mow her lawn on Thursdays. These are interactions that repeatedly undermine her sense of belonging, that tell her she’s somehow different, and that question her very right to exist. It’s heartbreaking, but I think it’s important that it’s depicted because that’s reality for many, many people.
The scene with Hunter is interesting because it shows the two turning something that was common-ground into a source of conflict for them. I’m not entirely sure how to read this scene. It’s difficult to watch because it rapidly descends into a “who is the most disenfranchised?” competition rather than a respectful conversation about each partner’s different experiences with prejudice. I wondered if the subtext here was some commentary on how members of one racial community pit themselves against members of other racial communities. (I’m not being clear here, and I’m struggling to clarify even as I go back to edit this post. I guess what I mean is that, when I initially watched this scene, I worried that this was a negative commentary on the Black community in particular and how it engages with other racial communities. I hope that makes sense.) Frankly, I’m still not sure if that’s not what’s happening there or if that’s not what was intended. What I’m fairly certain of, though, is that the scene makes clear that we, the viewer, are being told pretty explicitly that we can’t identify the two as “good partners” on the sole basis that they have mixed-race parentage in common. In other words, the scene undermines the idea that experience of racial prejudice is the only (or even the most important) factor that brings two people together and makes them good partners for one another. It also undermines the belief that experiencing prejudice doesn’t mean a person is automatically awakened to the prejudices other people also experience.
This is also one of the scenes where Ginny truly is unlikeable. Hunter is, too, but he’s unlikeable in a number of scenes throughout the show. He’s the Good Guy™ character in a nutshell–says all the right things, does all the right things, is all the right things, but maybe isn’t all those things for all the right reasons. In this scene, Ginny enacts the prejudicial treatment she’s suffered at the hands of her peers against Hunter; she questions the validity of his identity and the veracity of his experiences of prejudice at the hands of his peers. This scene is the breaking-point where the two have to come to terms with the fact that they’re not compatible even though, on some surface and by some set of metrics, they might appear to be.
Hunter sucks, but so does Marcus–for different reasons, though. Marcus is detached, withdrawn, sarcastic, unmotivated, disrespectful, and dishonest. He’s unaware–and doesn’t attempt to improve at all on this–of how his actions impact other people. He just doesn’t care about anyone but himself–until he does, a little bit. Some part of me has sympathy for Marcus and genuinely likes him; I’ll blame the show for that. Another part of me–the part that’s 30 years old and has known plenty of Marcuses–doesn’t have time for his shit. I’m conflicted, but the majority of me wants Marcus and Ginny to end up together because the things they have in common and the things that bring them together are the things that most people look for in a relationship. Marcus is a lazy shit most of the time, but he makes a genuine effort to understand Ginny. By the end of the season, we see that he also respects her and accepts her as she is–warts and all. He seems to genuinely want the best for her, which is a nice development in character from our first introduction to him, tumbling out of his mother’s minivan after having been caught smoking weed on a street corner. Again, though, he wasn’t always so respectful. His past behaviors make it hard to trust him, so it makes sense when Ginny doesn’t bring him along at the end of the season. It does, though, make you hope that he’s back in season 2 and that we get to see more of their relationship.
Speaking of which, I hope that season 2 also explores Georgia and Joe’s relationship a bit more. It seems like they’re headed in the Lorelei-Luke direction, which will make me happier than words could express, but I could also see the show’s creators flipping the script on us and setting Joe up with his own gloomy backstory–something to do with the ethically ambiguous labor situation he’s got going on at his farm and in his cafe, perhaps? Still, I think that might make him and Georgia even better suited for one another than they already are. After all, he’s one of the first people who showed Georgia true, genuine kindness after she ran away as a teenager.
And of course I want more of Ellen in season 2. The actress who plays her is hilarious and her character is just . . . really likable.
On a somewhat lighter note, one little thing I noticed while watching the show is that the characters slap their thighs a lot. This, again, might by my seasonal allergies brain, but the “[slaps thighs]” notation on closed captioning came up an infinite number of times over the course of this show. It came up so often that I started thinking you could catch the entire plot of the show if someone just spliced together every instance where a character sighs and slaps their thighs. I’d watch that video.
After all that, I still think the parallels to GG are there, but I still defend that G&G is also more than those parallels. And the “more” it offers is good. It’s intrigue; it’s gloomy realities and often-ignored truths that don’t offer viewers a sunny break from reality. But I think that’s good. I don’t like the argument that TV should be a “break from reality” or that a show is good on the sole basis that it offers us a “break from reality.” I think that argument is an excuse used to defend media that is too lazy to do the responsible thing and convey storylines that are inclusive and meaningful.
Well, my laundry is done, so I have to go deal with that. Happy Saturday, and happy initial inoculation!
XOXO, you know.
0 notes
lonelyghosts-stuff · 3 years
Avengers Infinity War-First Time Watching Reaction Play-by-Play (Pt. 1)
I’m about to cry... Loki... please no...
Thanks you wrinkly purple nut sack
“We have a hulk.” I’m gonna cry
“I assure you brother, the sun will shine on us again.” AGHHHHH
How on earth is Thanos able to beat up the hulk with only one infinity stone but when he has all of them, the hulk is able to put up a fight?
Oh bye hulk.
Neat trick Heimdall. How come you couldn’t do that with Thor and Loki?
No ones had the ability to wield two infinity stones at once? Lmao. Well, in the first avengers, Loki had the scepter AND the tesseract soooo
And the TVA laughs at you Thanos.
I’m crying
Loki is dead now
Fortunately the existence of the show is helping to alleviate the pain, but we will never see THIS Loki again...
Thor has lost everything. I feel so bad for him. He’s lost his mom, his dad, his friends, his home and people, and his brother.
Good thing Heimdall knew to send Hulk directly into the sanctum. Poor Bruce.
Thanos, I will take great pleasure in your suffering in death. Know this. There is no quadrant in space that you can flee to where you can avoid my wrath. “You think you know pain?” I’ll make you beg “for something as sweet as pain.”
Is Tony like, able to predict the future or something? Morgan Stark?
No more surprises ever Stark? About that...
Science bros hug
Ben and Jerry’s product placement. Nice
Course Vision made himself go offline. Smoochie time with Wanda.
Would shoving the time stone down a garbage disposal even do anything lol? Like, I feel like it would destroy the whole building lol.
Call your boy Steve, Tony!
Suck up your pride.
Poor Bruce. Always getting filled in on all the details last minute.
Bruce has it probably one of the worst. Dudes getting chucked around the universe into places he has no ideas what’s going on in.
Flip phone time
Oh no
Ah cripes
Quick make a call on the run
Multitasking is a lifesaver Tony
Poor New York. Why would anyone want to live there in this universe?
Earth’s closed
Go away
Spider man, spider man,
Ned is my favorite avenger.
How did no one see Peter lmao
lmao Tony ain’t gonna be happy
Work it Stephen. Do your interpretive dance moves.
HEY—my life isn’t that meaningless...
Savage, ratchet
He exhausts us too
Banner having performance issues.
Hulk is on hiatus apparently
Dude you’re embarrassing me in front of the wizards.
heck yea, CGI time
Ebony Maw got no chill.
Hey maybe don’t turn your back on the enemy
Stephen, you almost crushed Bruce under a taxi.
Eh I’ve fought this guy in Marvel Champions... he’s not that tough
Hey Peter
Bye Peter
Tony, master of summaries.
Hulk is in his feels.
It’s a simple spell but quite unbreakable
Meme time
Cmon Stephen you’re supposed to be powerful
Sleepy strange
Capey to the rescue!
I love how Peter doesn’t even question the existence of wizards.
Wong really just sent that beast to attack poor Inuits huh?
Wong is invited to the wedding
“I can breathe.” *exposes face to space*
Okay that was pretty sick. I don’t particularly like the iron suit as it feels kinda lame since I loved that Peter made his own, but it works here.
Poor pepper
You just had to leave the phone tony
At least Bruce somehow found it
Hell yea it’s my favorite space group, the Guardians of the galaxy. Featuring dance daddy, sleeping invisible man, dance mom, sleepy rabbit, and angst plant.
Now I’m hungry for cheddar
Poor Gamora lmao
Oh and I can’t forget mantis
Mantis you got a killer mean face
Angsty teen plant
Huh they learned Grootish
Uh oh
Gamora knows something up
Oh hi thor
He is not a dude. This is a man.
Poor Peter quill lmao
Heyyyyy Chris Pratt worked out hard to get into shape for this role lmao
Poor Thor...
He literally lost EVERYTHING
Peter is jellyyyy
Drax has a man crush
Thanos isn’t that smart. Just like, double the resources.
Oh thank you thor for being sympathetic
Peter, stop it. It’s not a competition of who has the worst life.
Gosh I love Chris Pratt so friggin much. He’s a national treasure lmaoo. I love him so much.
Peter grow up
Both of you
Oh there’s an actual place called Knowhere
Oh yea Tivan the collector. Didn’t he die?
Half of the Asgardians? I didn’t see them
Kevin bacon is an avenger
Oh Gamora... how did she know where the soul stone is?
Nidavellir? Axe time
Lmao I love the rabbit
Thor and rocket rabbit are my favorite duo now
I love rocket so much lmao
I like this thor much better than the one we saw in Ragnarök. (Again, I love that movie as just a movie, but not as a Thor movie)
Good bye morons
Oh hey Paul Bettany
Love you guys
Wanda vision
Don’t get too attached tho
“I just feel you” oh no... I know where that line comes back around
Promises to go back? To who? For what?
Robot lover
Robosexuality (futurama anyone)
Poor Vision lol
Convenient TV News exposition is convenient
Go with him wanda
You just messed up
Poor vision
No more phasing? Oh no.
Cmon Wanda MESS EM UP
No more phasing? Vision should be friends with ghost
It sure is lucky that no one seems to be out and about in Scotland huh?
IMAGINE if Wanda had the powers she had at the end of wandavision right here. Thanos and everyone else would be no match
You aliens are no match
I wanna kill them
Gosh Nat is such a badass
Wow Steve looks great with a beard
Digging the suit too, more subtle
Poor Gamora oh my gosh
I wonder why Thanos chose to keep Gamora? She didn’t really display a fighting spirit here
I’m confused. Gamora was described as the last of her kind but the flashback showed only half of them being killed which is more accurate to what Thanos wanted?
Cmon quill, take things seriously...
Oh dear
Quill, be serious...
Swear it
Dangit drax
Lmao poor drax
I got a bad feeling about Knowhere
I thought Tivan died? Like in the explosion of the power stone?
Drax don’t
Drax be patient
Drax you couldn’t even take on Ronan... don’t do it ya lovable dummy
Gosh poor Drax
Poor Peter quill
Nice hits Gamora!!!
Just kill him
If someone shot him in the head right here it’d all be over
Oh my gosh I feel so bad for Gamora
Phenomenal acting from Zoe Saldana
He’s not dead... sooooo what’s his play?
Copy cat for Loki
Oh my
Oh so he planned this
OP bastard
Already has the reality stone
Soooo Tivan is dead then?
Oh my that’s horrifying
Grimace lmao
The emotion
I hate you Thanos
I really do
Thanos you BASTARD
Copying Loki’s move set
Poor quill
This is the last time they see each other huh?
Wait wait wait wait wait, I remember that another Gamora from another timeline comes in and helps. How come she isn’t arrested by the TVA? She’s a variant just like Loki???
You tell em Rhodes
They have nothing to be forgiven
Hell yea baddie Steve
Oh do they think Tony is dead?
Love you Rhodes
Get Steve looks great
Awkward tensionnnnn
Quick kiss before it’s too late
Lmao poor Sam and his crush on Nat
Lmao Ant-Man and Spider-Man
How long is vision unable to phase?
Poor Wanda... if only they could get it out in Wakanda (I hate how much I know about this without watching).
Isn’t white vision with this visions memories now? Like, can him and Wanda get back together?
Rest In Peace KING T’CHALLA, Chadwick Boseman! Wakanda forever!
White wolf baby. Lesssgettttittttt
Poor baby, one fight to another. His only calm in wakanda...
Precarious needle positioning is precarious
Oh peter
Love peter. Perfect awkward teen
“You can’t be a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man if there’s no neighborhood.” That worked out perfectly.
Omg peter you’re making even me feel old asking about the “old” movie Aliens.
Soooo is ebony maw dead now? He didn’t last long
Cmon you cocky cuckoos
“I’m peter by the way.” “Doctor strange.” “Oh we’re using our made up names... um-I’m spider man then.” Gosh I love peter so much lmao
Yayyyyy PTSD we love that. Poor Tony. He needs therapy. They all do, really.
Man I know how this ends...
Harsh strange... harsh. You’ll learn that the universe also depends on these guys.
Peter is an avenger. Lmao he’s so perfect at being awkward.
Oh no. Poor Gamora. Quick, kill him with the soup.
Thanos, just DOUBLE THE RESOURCES. For cripes sake man. You don’t gotta be a genocidal maniac.
Gamora is only in here 20s? Or I guess maybe 30s now.
Thanos, you don’t understand. Wanna know why you can still see people in poverty happy? Because they see the hope. They value family. You could have given them resources. Not killed them.
Part 2
0 notes
xoxomyseriesxoxo · 7 years
Which footballers are your problematic faves and which are your unproblematic faves? Same for skaters. Also maybe please do the 'looks like a cinnamon roll but could kill you etc' thing for both? I know those are already kinda too old, but they are funny and I like reading your opinions on athletes.
omg that’s so nice to hear, thank you anon! Get ready for a super long answer lmao bc I tend to ramble a lot (I also scream about everything)
Problematic faves (football edition):
Sese Ra.mos (aka ‘Capi’)
literally threw made fall Copa del Rey trophy under the bus
tragic haircuts
likes having red cards
wants to be a striker so bad
‘El Clásico gets Sergio Ra.mos and Gerard P*que sexually excited’
has a on/off relationship w. Shakira’s husband (someone explain… do they hate each other? how to they play together on Spain NT?)
that naked photoshoot for that article where he said he feels ‘humble’ when it came to be a new galactico is a childhood trauma
Isco (aka ‘Francisco’ or ‘NO ISCO, DO DISCO!’)
a little shit
has too many looks
started the ‘P*qué, cabrón!’ chants during Cibeles celebrations
dared saying ‘¿Con abrazo y todo? ¡Qué romántico!’ to Lucas in front of former king Juan Carlos
named his dog ‘Mes.si’
invented transfer rumors bc of FCB chips
Benz (aka ‘Kariño’)
did THAT to Atlé’s defense
has no fashion sense
what is good music tastes? (he can keep 2Pac tho)
got secretely married last December… and we only get to know about this two weeks ago
also got a second kid without the media knowing until now??
Paul Pog.ba (aka ‘Pogboom’)
‘ah oui hein!’
my flashy son
left Juve for MU
made dabbing as goal celebration popular
loves super extra haircuts
makes up ‘Italian’ words during interviews
slipped on the floor 3 times during a celebration and got exposed by his own team for that
Zizou (aka ‘the boss’)
‘words were said’
is a football god
destroyed Brazil NT’s, Spain NT’s etc. defense like nothing (as a player)
wears dad clothes
ripped his pants twice during a match
headbutted a player at World Cup 2006 final
‘James who?’
always leaves the press conf after saying a dramatic sentence and w/o a ‘goodbye’ or ‘thanks’
Cris (aka ‘CR7′)
has tax issues (like half of footballers playing in Spain lmao)
is literally worth more than one billion euros
penaldo lol
is a ghost on IG but just roasted James for his ‘ugly hair’ (same)
makes dad posts
Unproblematic faves(football edition):
Rapha Vara.ne (aka ‘Don Limpio’)
future France NT captain
won 3 UCL at 24 years old
100% iconic tweets (#TweetCommeVarane)
once hung up on Zizou bc he’s a diligent student
took his time to take a selfie with every single player of the team after winning la Liga and made a collage with these pics
James Rodrí.guez (aka ‘Jordi’)
already Colombia NT
his smile is so pure
RMA’s boyfriend
talks in French to Benz and Varane and calls Benz *with a French accent* ‘mon frère’ (’my brother’)
loves Captain Tsubasa
Toni (aka ‘awkward potato’)
basically won everything
‘no hablo mucho español pero hala Madrid!’
secretly knows how to talk Spanish
loves carpooling with his teammates
Mesut (aka ‘the artist’)
got ‘NEMO’ as nickname when he was at RMA
a beautiful man with a beautiful football
a true Zizou fanboy
‘Ya Gunners ya!’
is in fact a savage
Lucas Váz.quez
is Sergio’s adopted son
has stupid handshakes
was called ‘bébé’ by Benz and Cris
took the responsability to be the 1st for la Undécima’s penalty shootout
Problematic faves (fs edition):
Yuzuru (aka ‘mushroom’)
can’t dance
uses ‘Ballade no 1′ for the third time
broke a WR during an ice show
believes in the power of ‘Kuyashii!’
won Olympics while wearing a boobskirt
invented landing the 1st clean 4Lo ever while wearing white pants
Shoma (aka ‘Piyo Piyo’)
has no fashion sense
likes noodle hair
doesn’t get the ‘pls use the lip balm we’re throwing on the ice’ campaign
adds new quads in the middle of the season
Javi (aka ‘SuperJavi’)
*is allergic to cats* *has cats*
king of emergency landings
won Worlds twice w. the power of #yolo
recycled half of programs and made an EX version of it
played football instead of going to official practice and got the 2nd highest SP score ever
is a Madridista
is related to Iker, has Ramos as one of his favorite players
Vanessa/Morgan (aka ‘the hottest pair’)
give us daily abs pics
always wear black costumes
made a ‘we’ll retire after Olympics’ announcement out of nowhere
got a score that could’ve gotten them a World bronze medal…. at WTT
stalk my twitter or at least saw one of my tweets lmao (Vanessa)
Unproblematic faves (fs edition):
Satton (aka ‘tiny queen of the universe’)
deals with Yuzuru and Shoma being dorks during gala practice
the cutest smile and the cutest everything
always has the best programs
loves making weird faces on pics
provided us tons of FaOI updates on IG
love making weird faces on pics
always have great costumes
invented male sleeveless costumes along w. Adam (bonus for the fact Guillaume’s clevage is always way deeper than Gabi’s)
the cutest and most good-looking siblings ever
vlog king and queen
made Coldplay cool again
looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually kill you: James, Shoma
looks like they could kill you but is actually a cinnamon roll: Benz, Isco
looks like a cinnamon roll and is actually a cinnamon roll: Rapha, Javi, Satton
looks like they could kill you and would actually kill you: Yuzuru, Zizou
the sinnamon roll: Sese, Cris
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carey-pricemas · 7 years
Pairings- Mitch Marner
Tumblr media
Y’all. I had this all written out then of course my computer decided to be a jerk and didn’t save before it crashed. Katie cried. So I picked myself up and rewrote it to the best of my memory! Anyway! Enjoy!
Warning: none!
Anon Request: Hey I was wondering if your request are still open I would love a Mitch Marner one where he gets his first NHL goal and the two are best friends and he tells tells her how he feels about her after the guys bugging him after the game I love your writing your an amazing writer when ever you update I have to read it right away and take all the time you need on it i don't mind you get it done when you can!
              You sat in between Mitch's parents in your matching Marner jersey.
              One would think you were his sister with the way you looked, but instead you were just his best friend.
              The very same best friend that showed the team baby pictures of Mitch.
              "I'm going to the bathroom" his mom said. You nodded and passed the message along to his dad, your eyes never leaving the action. You sat forward in your seat as Mitch and his line jumped onto the ice.
              This was his dream. You had both grown up Maple Leafs fans and when Mitch was drafted by them, you didn't think he could be any happier.
              Then his first NHL game came and he was on the ice between two behemoth vets wearing the jersey with his own name and number on it.
              You almost cried like a proud mom and he was beaming like crazy.
              Little did you both know that not even that would be his happiest moment.
              You watched as Zaitsev passed the puck through the Bruins players right to where Mitch was waiting for it. He controlled the puck and zoomed into the Bruins' zone, only one defender between him and the goalie.
              Mitch danced around the white jersey and shot the puck, the red light behind the goalie flashing as the buzzer went off.
              You screamed and hugged his dad.
              Mitch just got his first NHL goal!
              "Oh my god she missed it" Paul laughed, hugging you tight. You laughed as well.
              "Mitch will never let her live it down!" Your eyes remained on the ice as Mitch cellied with his linemates before getting a fist bump from the rest of the team.
              You knew, that no matter what else happened in the rest of his life, Mitch would never be happier than getting his first NHL goal with the Toronto Maple Leafs.
              Fuck if you didn't love him.
              "MITCHY!" you screamed. He ran up to you, hugging you as tightly as you hugged him. "You did it!"
              "Dude it was the greatest moment!"
              "I'm so proud of you!"
              "Oh hey, (Y/N)" Matt said. "Didn't know you'd be here. Perfect timing!" Matt slapped Mitch on the back.
              "Perfect timing for what?" you asked, stepping away from Mitch.
              "Nothing! Perfect timing to see my goal since my mom missed it!"
              "No" Willy said, throwing his arm around both of your shoulders. "Perfect time to tell you..."
              "WILLY" Mitch yelped, slapping a hand over his friend's mouth.
              "Wait. You have to tell me something?"
              "No!" Mitch glared at the blonde who was laughing behind Mitch's hand.
              "Mitch" you warned. You grabbed his wrist and pulled it from Willy's mouth. "Maybe someone should tell me."
              "Don't ruin it for Mitchy" Connor said. "He can be an idiot for as long as he wants."
              "Thanks, Brownie" Mitch muttered. Connor and Willy snickered, waving at you before they walked away. "Look ok maybe there is something I wanted to talk to you about."
              "Ooooookay?" you asked. Mitch looked at you and took a deep breath. As he let it out, his skin had a green tinge. "You ok?"
              "Wha-? Oh yeah I'm fine" he said distractedly. Mitch fidgeted where he stood and a frown crossed your face.
              "Are you sure because if you want to skip dinner...?"
              "No! Just let me think, ok?"
              "Are you capable of thinking?" you teased. Mitch rolled his eyes, but you saw the smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.
              "Ok so I need to tell you something."
              "I think we already established that?" Mitch waved your words away and started to pace in front of you.
              "Ok so we've been friends for a long time right?" You went to respond, but Mitch kept talking. "You and I are like Bonnie and Clyde. Beavis and Butt-head. Bert and Ernie. Bacon and eggs. Peanut butter and jelly."
              "I get it Mitch" you said stopping him before he named every pairing he could think it. "I'm just not sure what this has to do with anything?"
              "I want us to be Clark Kent and Lois Lane."
              "One NHL goal does not make you Superman" you said with a laugh. Mitch laughed as well and shook his head. He turned to look at you.
              "Maybe that wasn't the best comparison. I want us to be Rose and Jack. Bella and Edward-"
              "You want one of us to be dead?" Mitch burst out laughing.
              "No. Oh my god the guys were right."
              "Right about what?"
              "That I would mess this up." You stepped up to him and squeezed his arm.
              "You aren't messing anything up. You just need to tell me what's up."
              "I love you" he blurted. You smiled.
              "I love you too."
              "No like..." He ran through his hair. "I'm in love with you. Like really in love with you."
              "Oh." You were speechless. "Oh."
              "That's it? Oh?"
              "You kind of sprung this on me Mitchy. You gotta give me a minute."
              "Right. Right. Sorry!" He was silent for a moment. "Enough time?" You laughed.
              "Right no pressure. Of course not. None at all. Take all the time you need. I'll just be-"
              "Mitch" you cut him off laughing. Mitch closed his mouth and looked at you. "Noah and Allie."
              "You listed off every possible pairing, but my favorite one. I won't be the Bella to your Edward but I'll be the Allie to your Noah."
              "Thank god." Mitch pulled you into his arms and kissed you hard. You smiled at him as he pulled away. "Now let's go eat. Scoring goals makes me a hungry boy."
Omg Mitch is adorable! Hope you guys liked it! Let me know what you thought! Up next: Max Domi!
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bughead-bound-blog · 7 years
Riverdale Ep. 9: La Grande Illusion
HOLY GUYS, HOLY SMOKES!!! Big ass long toothed meta puke about episode 9 bitties below. Spoilers, flails, a lot of screaming. YOU’VE BEEN WARNED. 
OK so, the opening --
as a Canadian, this hella spoke to me on a whole other level. Hahahaha (I’m laughing but maple syrup is no laughing matter. THIS AIN’T NO GAME. $50/L ain’t no joke, what are we giggling about here? No smiling.)
Then right after that AGGGHHHKKKK--
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OMG BUGHEAD RIGHT IN OUR FACE STRAIGHT OUT OF THE GATE <3 <3  “We’ll figure it out . . . come here.” That sly little glance. I’M DEAD. I’M DEAD OK? This is a long way from “Also?” . . . *almost choking* so I’m just gonna go ahead and assume that THE BOY HAS HAD PRACTICE SINCE THEN. ON THAT BED. WHY NOT. I’m just gonna go over here and die now.  Oh, wait what? That wasn’t the end of the episode? I got what I came for in the first two minutes. 
Also here’s my bonus not-so-mini meta rant about Mama Cooper coming in and bustin’ up the party when they were so blatantly kissing ON BETTY’S BED, and Alice doesn’t even bat an eyelash. Remember when Alice was lecturing Betty about Archie and forcing her to get in the car because she didn’t want her associating with him? Didn’t even want to hear that her daughter was friends with Archie and tried to ban it. I thought it was because she didn’t want Betty getting knocked up but now here’s Jughead, in Betty’s bedroom, ON HER BED, KISSING HER. And Alice does not care. 
Was it because Alie thought Archie looked too much like Jason? I have no idea. But Alice has been so uptight about Betty “not growing up too fast” like Polly, wearing makeup and seeing boys. But SHE’S FINE WITH JUGHEAD. Inexplicably in her daughter’s room on her bed making out with her. 
So this tells me she must actually know Jug quite well seeing him and Betty have been friends for so long. She approves because we already know that if Alice had a problem, SHE’D VOICE IT. But she trusts Jughead not to take advantage of her daughter and respect her because she must know how much Betty means to Jughead AND AUHMUHGOD AND- *Megaphone* ALICE COOPER TRUSTS JUGHEAD WITH BETTY. THAT IS ALL. 
Jesus Christ, my SO is going to come home and find a body on the couch because THIS SHOW IS GOING TO END ME with cuteness and feels. MOVING ALONG HERE . . .  (Wait wait wait before we do does anyone else here sporadically burst out laughing because Betty’s mom is named Alice Cooper and, well, you know . . . Alice Cooper? 
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No? Just me? OK actually moving on here . . . 
Can I just say how much I appreciate this adaptation of Veronica Lodge? The scenes with her and Ethel -- wow. I can’t bow down to the writers enough for doing such a justice with her character in this adaptation. She is powerful, witty, intelligent, moral, considerate, and she has a huge heart. While she always had a big heart in the comics, she was prone to selfishness and snobbery. Putting Veronica’s family in the situation they created with Hiram has resulted in such an empathetic and generous Ronnie. My heart is full with how precious and strong her character is on this show. <3  Veronica and the news about Ethel’s dad. HOLY. SWEET. LORD. OK I am actually having trouble seeing what I’m writing because I’m still cryin’ RN seeing that girl break down. And Betty crouching down on the floor to hold her . . . MY HEART. Then her and Betty going to visit Ethel’s dad at the hospital . . . damn. That takes a bravery I can’t even comprehend. I’m glad that Ethel and Ronnie are bigger than their parents and decide to stay friends. <3 
And MY GOD, Hermoine Lodge is being put through the ringer this episode and I just want to fucking hold her. X_X Fred dumping her kind of destroyed me a little inside. *Smoking wreck*
Alright switch it up again -- the ArchiexCheryl/Blossoms arc is disturbing as hell. O_O Them literally preying on Archie’s vulnerability and desperation to solidify his career in music and protect his father by reigning him in and bribing him? FUCK. -_- Just . . . fuck. Archie tried to put up a good fight here. We saw how this conflicted with his morality and I felt bad for him. It’s difficult to say no when your future and your father’s are on the line. -_- Oh, Archie. I’m still trying to root for you, bud.  (A CHERRY ‘84 GIBSON LES PAUL I’D BE A SLUT4BLOSSOM, TOO.) But . . . “I swear Archibald when the light hits you just right . . . “ I PHYSICALLY SHUDDERED. (P.S: WHAT👏IS👏GOING👏ON👏WITH👏POLLY? Her infiltration scheme got me SHOOK, good LAWD) Also . . . Cheryl by the pool in that diamond choker and blue dress? Holy hot mother of God, I gotta fan myself over here. SO HOT I -- woah. WOAH. Archie and Cheryl now? -_- *Facepalms so hard my hand goes through my face to the back of my skull* Archie. Archie ARCHIE -- oh. O_O Oh. He . . . he made the right choice. GUYS he did the right thing.  LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, ARCHIE ANDREWS MADE THE CORRECT CHOICE ON RIVERDALE CAN I GET A FUCK YEAH
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Hal firing Alice and her firing a rock through his window and walking off like a boss? HAHAHAHA Not going to lie . . . I am living for this psycho Alice shit.
“Betty don’t do that. Don’t give up. . . . you’re so much stronger than all of the white noise. You’re stronger than your mother. You’re stronger than your father. You’re holding this family together. So don’t. Don’t let go.” “I won’t.”  THE WAY THAT HE TAKES HER COLLAR BEFORE PULLING HER IN FOR A WARM HUG. SO BEAUTIFUL TAN OUTTA TAN HELP ME 
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Every time Betty starts to spiral Jughead is right there for her saying exactly what she needs to hear. And watching this scene reminded me of those stressful times in my life when I’d start panicking because I’m overwhelmed with school or work or life in general and the SO would just come over and hold me and say exactly what had to be said to calm me down. What I’m trying to say is, Bughead feels so genuine. I am actually taken aback by how authentic their interactions are as a healthy couple. 
Last thoughts:
Favorite quotes: “Cheryl . . .” -- “That was a joke, you hobo.” “The ice woman cometh.” “I talked to Valerie and she’s cool with it.” -- “Cool with you being a jigalo now?” “He’s also pimping himself out to Cheryl.” (Jughead was savage fire with the male escort quips) 
But Valerie takes it with the quotes of the episode for me, folks:
“Wouldn’t you rather earn your place at that table?” . . . “Sorry Archie. Unlike you, I won’t be bought.”
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This girl is so worthy. #SORRYARCHIBALD. 
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dinatlou · 7 years
I was tagged by @sshyksarry (thank you sm!) :) Rules: Complete the questions and say who tagged you in the beginning. When you’ve finished, tag people to do this survey. Have fun and enjoy! 1. are you named after anyone? No I don't think so! 3. do you like your handwriting? Sometimes it's nice...other times it isn't. Usually after I write for a while it gets really messy lol. 4. what is your favourite lunch meat? I'm sorry but wtf is a lunch meat?! I don't really eat too much meat anyway so I probably don't have one! 5. do you have kids? Not yet!! I'd love them in the next like 10-15 years tho. 6. if you were another person, would you be friends with you? I mean, from what I know of me yeah. But how other people see me, no. 7. do you use sarcasm? YES all the time 8. do you still have your tonsils? I do 9. would you bungee jump? God, probably not 10. what is your favourite kind of cereal? I'm not sure?? Maybe Lucky Charms? I like the marshmallow parts but because they're really sweet and sugary and the actual cereal is so plain it makes me not like the actual cereal. 11. do you untie your shoe laces when you take them off? Hahaha like never 12. do you think you’re a strong person? Definitely don't feel it 13. what is your favourite ice cream? I can't give my real answer bc no one will know what it is so I'll just say chocolate ahaha 14. what is the first thing you notice about people? I'm not sure? Maybe their hair or what they're wearing? I don't really take much notice tbh 15. what is your least favourite physical thing you like about yourself? Mmmm, idk. 16. what colour pants and shoes are you wearing? Black pants and no shoes :) 17. what are you listening to right now? A podcast, I have to do it for homework but now I'm superrrr into podcasts omg! 18. if you were a crayon, what colour would you be? l have no idea? Maybe like black? Or a deep purple? 19. favourite smell? Good food, tea and fluffy towels Yankee candle haha it's my fav 20. who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Text wise my sister but call wise my dad last week (I don't really ring people) 21. favourite sport to watch? The Olympics in general is amazing for me but generally I love watching the gymnastics 22. hair color? Naturally a v v dark brown but I get half head highlights so I'm kinda blond now 23. eye color? V v dark brown! 24. do you wear contacts? Nope! Or glasses! 25. favourite food to eat Hmmmm, I love pizza, pasta, sweet potato fries, chocolate, cake....yeah! 26. scary movies or comedy? Depends. I haven't found a really scary film I'm ages. I love a good comedy but like a feel good normal kinda one? I love Grown Ups (1&2) and Paul Blart Mall Cop ahahah 27. last movie you watched? Not sure I could tell you tbh? I don't watch films too often? The last one I remember is White Chicks (again) but that was like 3 weeks ago so idk 28. what colour shirt are you wearing? Grey jumper 29. summer or winter? I like the idea of summer....but I mean...I'm better in winter 30. hugs or kisses? Hugsssss :) 31. what book are you currently reading? I don't really get a chance to read v often. I was reading 'On The Other Side' by Carrie Fletcher but I haven't read it in a while. I'm starting 'Crónica de una muerte anunciada' next week for school though! 32. who do you miss right now? Hmmm, not sure. Probably can't give a non depressing answer there :/ 33. what is on your mousepad? I don't have a mousepad! 34. what is the last tv programme you watched? PLL this afternoon! 35. what’s the best sound? Music, candle/fire cracking, rain on the window or roof. I LOVE it when it's silent and you can hear like a car in the distance or rain on the window/roof and things like that. 36. Rolling Stones or Beatles? Beatles. I had to listen to them for a music topic like 5 years ago. They're okay! I don't think I've listened to Rolling Stones before. I love Elvis (if anyone's interested ahah) 37. what’s the furthest you’ve travelled? Without my family Spain but with my family America 38. do you have a special talent? Special talent? Nah not me. Not that I can think of right now anyway 39. where were you born? UK :) Tagging: anyone who wants to, I know I do this all the time but I'm really too tired rn and cba to sit and try and tag people
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11 More Questions
First mate @letliv3 tagged me back, so here I am again with TMI. This got really long, so buckle up lovelies!
1. What is your favorite movie soundtrack and why?
I have two movie soundtracks on my phone. One is the soundtrack for Sweeney Todd (the one with Johnny Depp—is that how you spell his name? Idc) which I love because the lyrics are clever and I have been a member of many choirs in my life and we’ve sang this musical. The other is for Sucker Punch, the movie with the girl in a school girl outfit and a katana, because there are awesome covers of amazing songs, and they’re so relaxing omg. But other than those, I don’t really pay attention to movie soundtracks. But wait, hang on! When Batman Forever (I think? One of the Batmans from the 90s) came out, my brother, who was is obsessed with Batman bought it, and we used to listen to it all the time. So for nostalgia sake, that one. Kiss From a Rose is like, the greatest song (we never really listened past that track lol!)
2. What is your favorite smell and why?
I like French Lavender because it just smells nice, but the best smell is a mixture of freshly cut wood and sawdust, metal and tools, the dark green Polo cologne, fresh, crisp spring air and a hint of cigarette smoke. That’s how my dad used to smell when I was a child. He doesn’t smell like that anymore. A few years ago, when I was walking under a construction site, I got a whiff of it. From what seemed like a dream I was slammed with childhood emotions, memories of love and safety, bike riding on Saturday afternoons that ended with cherry-flavoured popsicles, laying in a pile, squished on the couch, wrapped up in blankets and surrounded by pillows on top of my dad, while my mom joked about us being as lazy as the lions we were watching on the Discovery Channel. It was a piece of nostalgia wafting over on the breeze. If I could bottle it, I would in a heartbeat.
3. If you could eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
ONLY one? Forever? Ugh I would totally hate that food after a week. So let’s go with something healthy and maybe with a variety of ingredients so I could pick some out if I got bored. But my fav food is hot and sour soup, which doesn’t have much variety. I think actually I’d pick steak. Because you could marinate it differently, but even if you were limited to salt and pepper, you can still make it taste different enough. And different cuts taste different so I’m gonna cheat that way. I will greatly miss that soup though.
4. What teacher has most influenced you in your life?
Good or bad or memorable?
Good: my grade 7 science teacher subtly told me off for being a judgemental 12/13 year old and I still feel the shame of that sharp glance and flat retort. I’ve been much kinder since then.
Bad: my grade 11 art teacher made me feel worthless because the art I produced didn’t fit his idea of how he thought I should be interpreting his ridiculous prompts. I had to do a mixed media piece which explained “The Economic Crisis in China.” And my interpretation wasn’t “art,” but the person who got to chose their topic, chose “Global Warming,” and painted a tiny polar bear in the centre of a canvas with a white background got an A+. I’m not bitter at all, what are you talking about? I hated that he wouldn’t talk about it with me. He expected me to know what he wanted and to just do it, and that’s such a horrible thing for any teacher. In my whole life I have never disliked a teacher. I even like the teachers that everyone else calls hardasses. He and I just didn’t get along.
Memorable: My grade 11 English teacher gets an honourable mention because he was a babe and damn if I didn’t have the hugest crush on him. We used to get into conversations about the origins of words and the history of language and if that isn’t what makes the ideal man then idk what is. Talk nerdy to me 😘
5. Who was your idol as a child? Why did you admire this person?
Samus Aran, from the Metroid video game series. That was my favourite video game, my dad’s fav game, my bro, my male cousins, my uncles…everyone in the family loves that series. It was about a bounty hunter in a set of impressive, head-to-toe armour, who was just the biggest badass; a human trained by an extinct alien species to use their advanced technology and weapons. And the major “reveal” of the game? Samus is a woman. There were no female characters that were playable back then, or that weren’t just princesses that needed saving. There was no game more fun to play, that was as unanimously loved (in my small world) than Super Metroid. And I wanted to be her. We had the same colour hair (they’re changed her design now which upsets the little girl in me) and I wanted to be a badass bounty hunter that defeated space aliens and had the last being of an alien species—that was typically a deadly menace—imprint on me and think I was it’s mother. Little girls have strange dreams ok, and honestly I don’t think that dream will ever leave me. I want to cosplay as her one day, I just have to get the confidence to do so.
6. What kind of coloring books go you like? The simple and succinct ones or the intricate and detailed ones?
Eh, well I’m an artist so I much prefer to draw. But both have their ups and downs. The intricate ones can be very relaxing, as you can easily colour in pleasing patterns. But the simple ones give you more space to “freestyle” so to speak. But I love co-op colouring with children. When my cousins were super young I used to draw them pictures to colour in, and their mom has kept them all.
7. What are your go-to pair of shoes?
Slip on flats, when the weather permits it. I can take them on and off without any fuss, no ties or buckles. I have a pair now from sketchers which are plain black…something. They’re accidentally (yes, accidentally is the right word) construction shoes. They can withstand over 30k volts of electricity or something, idfk I don’t understand safety shoes. All I know is that I’m not getting electrocuted any time soon. Try me, lightening. I dare you! ⚡️⛈🌩
8. What would you name your Direwolf if you had one?
I want to say “Lucky” only because those guys don’t have much, but if we’re not being superstitious, then probably “Paul.” Because of a Family Guy joke.
9. If you could change one event in the past, what would it be? (It doesn’t have to involve you in any way.)
I…I’m really sorry, but I can’t answer this with complete honesty. My first and second responses are too personal. But my third? Hmm, if I’m being selfish, I’d close my eyes (so vague mwahaha). If not…there’s too many to chose. So many tragedies the world has faced, I can’t choose one that weighs heavier than any other, or would make the biggest impact. Because you also have to consider that some good came out of those tragedies. And if you stopped one event, then whatever tensions were being built up would just break at another time. Maybe I’d stop a natural disaster from occurring, save a bunch of lives. I’d actually love it if the Library of Alexandria still existed, or the Colossus of Rhodes wasn’t destroyed by an earthquake, or that giant statue of Athena that used to be in the Parthenon wasn’t torn down…I have a soft spot for pieces of history that were destroyed.
10. What is your favorite memory you have with your group of friends?
Not my current group, or a group really. But my fav memory with a friend is with my first roommate in university. We bought a pumpkin to carve for Halloween that turned into a ridiculous photo shoot featuring pumpkin entrails, pizza, and the stars of CSI New York on our shitty tv.
11. If you could become part of your favorite series/ movie etc. would you?
Well, first I have to pick a favourite, which is just impossible. But for the sake of the question, since I’m very involved with the Naruto fandom atm, I suppose I’ll just use that in place of “favourite.” On the one hand, it seems like a drag. Any war-torn place seems horrible in comparison to this world. But then again, magical powers are pretty sick. Would I be born into the world, or transported there? Would I have powers, or be just normal me? Would I have “foresight” based on my knowledge of the series, or be a “tabula rasa?” So many things to consider! When in the series would I be injected? Post the Fourth War, sign me up as I am now, and even as a civvy; so long as there’s some Rokudaime in my life I’ll be fine 😜. Before that? Ehhh…it depends. I’d probably miss everyone in my life over here, and with no guarantee that I’d make new bonds in the new world…ok so I’d def want my friends and family there (well, some of them lol). So maybe, depending on the situation when I got there. Which is pretty much a non-answer. Sorry!
I’m not making more questions or tagging anyone since I’ve done it once already. If you want to answer the questions I laid out in the last one, or answer these questions, just tag me! I’d love to read people’s responses. It’s all so fascinating!
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vegils · 7 years
im annoying n answered a survey
AC/DC - What are your favorite bands? can’t name!!! off! the ! top of my head!!!
Aerosmith - What are your favorite songs? this is so hard to answer but as of late i am rly into soft and sleepy music so rly i have been listening to 3 songs on loop and thats “closer” by low, “with my hands out” by mount eerie, and “lonely” by the middle east can u tell i’m a giant sap 
Aretha Franklin - Do you have a favorite jazz song? “i’m yours” by billie holiday
Alice Cooper - What is your favorite type of music? kind of a little bit everywhere i really like music that sounds gritty and DIY/self-produced 
Beach Boys - Have you ever been in a concert? yes i have and i don’t like them very much
Black Sabbath - A song that motivates you? always n 4ever “genius of love” by tom tom club
Bob Dylan - Do you know how to play any musical instrument? i know guitar n ukulele n vry vry tiny bit of piano because i played with a melodica omfg
Bon Jovi - Your favorite song about love? o boiiiii i love Love Songs “i’ll be your mirror” by the velvet underground, “blue eyes” by paul baribeau, “funny little frog” by belle and sebastian, “thirteen” by big star, “now & then” by radiator hospital/eliza santos, “chiot” by whatever, dad , “pull my hair” by sneakout, “lost watch” by seabear
The Beatles - Latest song that made you smile? “one night stand” by carissa’s wierd bc it reminded me of emman
David Bowie - A song that makes you feel happy? “let’s go to a party” by charlie hilton
Eric Clapton - Have you ever been in love with a rock artist? i was vry much in love with fabrizio moretti of the strokes like i drank coca cola for that dude n i hate soda
Creedence Clearwater Revival - What is your favorite instrument? maybe lame but guitar? n piano? individually they make any song sound so beautiful so thats why
Deep Purple - Do you prefer bassists or drummers? mm drums?
The Doors - What is your favorite lyric? “somehow i still believe in love though i don’t understand how they can find you in the dirt, pick you up, hold you in their hand” - “have to hide” by the afterglows
Fleetwood Mac - Female or Male vocalists? a majority of the music i listen to are male vocalists but i prefer female
The Grateful Dead - What song are you listening right now? “going out” by dinner
Guns n’ Roses - What song describes your emotions right now? “disgusting” by acab rocky
Heart - Do you know a song that you want at your wedding? “god only knows” by the beach boys lol
Iron Maiden - Do you frequently listen to your songs on shuffle? yes i do
Jimi Hendrix - A song that represents “your aesthetic” i have been told that i would sound like what florist sounds like
Joan Jett - Who do you think when you listen to your favorite love song? lol not somebody i loooove of course but i imagine a faceless lover 
Janis Joplin - What is your favorite 70s song? “let’s stay together” by al green lol
Journey - Do you have any famous crushes? i have a crush on leon bridges and four visions n devendra banhart n eliza santos im so sad
The Kinks - What is the last single you downloaded? a sun kil moon album lol
Kiss - What is the perfect song to describe your relationship with your boyfriend/girlfriend/crush? this is so cheesy omg :\ “fireworks” by radiator hospital
Led Zeppelin - Do you like loud guitar solos? ye boi
Lynyrd Skynyrd - Do you like instrumental songs? *longest ya boi*
Metallica - A song that you think everybody should listen to? dis 1
Nirvana - A song that breaks your heart? “remembering spring 2013″ by florist
Pink Floyd - Name your top three songs in any language. “torete” by moonstar88 (ofc), “ninuno” by bullet dumas, “suisei” by tofubeats
Pearl Jam - A song to drive to? “mood” by porches
Queen - A song to dance to? “touch me baby” by tofubeats
Bruce Springsteen - A song that you would sing in a karaoke? omg.... “you’re so vain” by carly simon tbh
The Rolling Stones - Your favorite album? “come on feel the illinoise” lol n “the life pursuit” im ugly
U2 - A artist/band you’re proud of? i love eliza santos/0nehundred percent/whatever,dad & four visions/daniel abary!!!!!! proud 2 b pin@y 
Van Halen - Favorite guitarist? omg... i don’t rly know maybe jack white
The Who - Favorite bassist? iiii reallly don’t know :( send help :(
Yes - Favorite drummer? uhhhh i rly dont know omg would it be embarrassing if i say travis barker :( lol
Dusty Springfield - Do you have a favorite soul song? “river” by leon bridges 
The Supremes - Your favorite girlband? florist, frankie cosmos, eliza santos, lizard kisses, baby mollusk, r.l. kelly (lol these dont rly? count? but they kind of do?)
Simon and Garfunkel - Your favorite acoustic song? “i love how you love me” by jeff mangum
Derek & The Dominos - Do you prefer a cover more than the original song? there are some songs where i discover the cover before the original! but it’s very rare that i listen to an original but prefer the cover
The Mamas and The Papas - What’s the song that have a harmony so good that makes you want to punch something? maybe this
Santana - Your favorite artist hairstyle? idk?? what does this even mean?
Ramones - Do you like punk music? i...... had a phase where i went back to punk music because my ex-crush loves punk music omg lol yes :( :( :( :(
The Temptations - A song that you liked when you were younger? lol..... i loved My Best Friend’s Wedding so jane arden’s rendition of “you don’t know me” THAT’S SO EMBARRASSING
Cream - A song that you associate with summer? “hang on little tomato” by pink martini
The Band - A song that you never get tired of? “give them a token” by adam green 
Steve Miller Band - A song that need to be played out loud? i’m annoying n i pump up “wow, i can get sexual too” by say anything to the max
Sonny & Cher - A song by an artist with a voice that you love? “room 336″ by 100%
Wings - A song that makes you remind of yourself? “badges” by yohuna
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