#patting them on their helmet like CLANK CLANK CLANK
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werebatzsblog · 1 month ago
petting a knights head over their helmet and they tilt their head up into my hand like they can feel it ^_^
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rockingbytheseaside · 9 months ago
✦ The Legend of a Faceless Harbinger
(Imagine Headless Horseman Capitano x reader. No, I won’t elaborate.)
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✧ In an unassuming village nestled by a quaint, insignificant hamlet, you lived in a humble farmhouse. A modest living, with but a few sheep and a tightly held community. Everyone knew each other in the village, for its residents were few, fostering familiarity among its inhabitants and their whereabouts. 
The villagers liked tales of premonition and the paranormal – stories of vengeful Hilichurls, weeping Seelies, or berserk Witches who burn everything in their path. However, one of the legends was about a Faceless Knight, bloodstained and brooding, with a mighty steed supporting his towering frame. Legend has it that the Knight’s armor once shone silver and pristine, but after years of bloodshed and gruesome battles, the knight’s body shifted to that of a monster; the same ones he once swore to destroy. Now faceless, monstrous, and donning a void-like helmet - the Knight rides off into the night, galloping between the living and dead. 
✧ You, on the other hand, disregarded such gossip. If the night was scary because a headless knight reigned dominion over it, then why did you always find solace in it, when the sky is clear and the stars are shining? 
You lived by the outskirts and were content taking care of your small flock of chickens and sheep. You had your fresh bread, a small basket of eggs, and homemade dairy. In the early hours of dawn, you took care of your abode, small patches of vegetables sprouting by the sunlight. And in the late hours of dusk, you sat by the windowsill from your bedroom, gazing up at the stars above. 
Yet as you silently watched the night, a hidden figure, merging with the shadows gazed back at you. His horse neighed softly until a clawed hand patted its head. 
✧ One day, a couple of sheep wandered off from your farmhouse and went missing. The weather was cloudy and the gray clouds threatened a heavy pour if you didn't hurry and found your wandering flock. With your trusty shepherd's crook, you hurried off to run into the forest hoping you'd find them somewhere nearby.
Once you reached the wild forest, it didn't take long to spot your wandering sheep, running in the direction of their baaing. They huddled close by the bushes, grazing on the grass leisurely. You smiled in silent relief, reaching closer toward them until suddenly - you halted. Amidst the dense foliage, a figure emerged, and it dawned on you that your sheep were not simply loitering there by chance. They had been intentionally led here, and at the sight of the stranger, you tensed, clutching your trusty crook. A man on horseback drew nearer, his jet-black steed carefully moving. But the figure was even taller. Dark armor and clanking chains were not as imposing as the sight of his featureless, hollow helmet met you head-on.
It was the faceless Knight. He kept his distance, but his helmet directed straight at you, wordless and careful. With a slight incline of his head, he observed your sheep turning towards you, providing you the opportunity to safely guide your flock home. And as for you? You quivered like a lamb, petrified at the sight of a man of his stature, with only the murky depths of his helmet meeting your gaze.
Thus, you fled. Pushing your sheep hastily from the forest, you didn't look back at the mancing knight. Your heart hammered and you swiftly led your animals back to your farm, locking them in their barn and fearing for your own life. 
✧ In the upcoming days, you didn’t dare to exit your house’s safety. You were convinced that you were living your last days, however, nothing amiss occurred. Instead, things got better in your farmhouse. You don’t know why, but The animals scarcely strayed, the howls of wolves seldom pierced the night, and neither hilichurls nor bothersome slimes encroached upon your land.
You felt an air of change in your quaint farmhouse, despite your sense of alarm remaining after meeting the brooding Harbinger. 
Occasionally, at the earliest hours of dawn, when you get up, you are greeted with small flowers on the steps of the house. Sometimes it’s plucked lamp grass, and at other times it’s a wreath of valberry leaves. In a state of befuddlement, you’d blink, looking back and forth around your entrance. 
You had a secret protector, and your heart yearned to thank whoever that was. 
✧ If someone was leaving you small gifts of flora and guarding your house, it was only courteous to thank them. Therefore, you came up with a plan to leave a small assortment of items in a basket as a response. From time to time, by the footsteps of your house, you’d leave a basket with fresh apples. Sometimes, it would be a loaf of bread you baked. These signs of gratitude persisted, and in return, the gifts grew in magnitude. From small bouquets to rare artifacts and even warm pelts. 
The routine of offerings and gifts became a way of silent communication with your generous benefactor.
Until one late afternoon, you heard screaming right outside your farmhouse. You dashed out of the house and noticed that the usual basket was gone. You just had it filled with homegrown fruits and baked goods, yet it was missing entirely. When you turned your attention towards the commotion, you gasped in surprise at the sight.
The same faceless Knight, in his clad black armor, dragging a kicking peasant with a firm grip. The man was kicking and screaming in horror, his wrist already marred by the Harbinger’s grip. However, what surprised you, was that the basket was in his arms.
“Please let me go-! I didn’t know! I didn’t know to whom it belonged,” - the peasant was thrown hard onto the ground right in front of your feet, the basket and its good rolling out. 
“Lies are inexcusable. And stealing deserves its punishment.” 
The Harbinger spoke firmly, marching straight at the man. Overcoming your shock, you understood - this person stole the basket of food you left, but then the receiver who protected your farmhouse all this time is… 
You shook your head, and before the faceless entity could take a step closer to the thief, you stood with your arms out - “Wait!”
The Harbinger stopped in an instant, that faceless mask going silent as the armored hand tightly closed into a fist. The peasant was shaking behind you.
“It’s not worth it, just some homegrown food anyway. P-please, let this man go.” 
“He stole what you worked hard for. That which is not meant to be his.” 
“I know, but it is not a fair punishment to spill blood in return!”
The headless harbinger let out a low rumble, his massive form towering over you and the begging thief. After a prolonged moment of tense silence, he stated his verdict.
“You were lucky to be granted mercy. Heed my words, there won’t be a next time. Go.” 
The words were short but decisive, spoken out of pure malevolence towards the one who took your offerings that were intended for him. Crawling on his knees, the man shook and thanked you both for mercy, scurrying off the ground of your farmhouse and running away. 
✧ You kneeled by the fallen basket, picking up some of the flowers and fruits that rolled to the grassy ground. As you silently picked them up, you almost flinched when an armored hand appeared in front of you, offering you assistance to get up. When you raised your gaze - a hallow, pitch-black helmet looked back at you. 
You placed your hand delicately onto his.
“Excuse me, Mr… uh, Knight. I thank you for catching the thief and my goods. But may I ask: was it you who brought those gifts by the entrance of my house?”
He remains silent for a moment, and you couldn’t tell whether he was contemplating his answer or studying every nuance of your face up close. After a long moment, he slowly nods his head "Yes." 
A sigh of relief escaped you. Partly due to your fear of the frightening figure, but also because of your suspicion about who the unseen protector of your farmhouse was.
“Then it was you who kept my rural home safe from monsters or predators.” - you nodded, remembering how your flock of sheep was huddled close and safe even when they all got lost before. “You won’t hurt me…?”
“I could never. You have my vow.” 
His voice no longer held that firm animosity it did when he spoke to the thief. Now it was low and deep. His form helped you pick up the dropped belongings and walked you back to the farm.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, a tranquil stillness enveloped the surroundings as you dutifully trailed behind him. A novel sense of anticipation washed over you, distinct from the usual apprehension. For the Harbinger, it was not his first time remaining close to the soil of your modest abode. In fact, he always remained nearby. However, he felt immense guilt for giving you such fright. 
“...I owe you an apology. I intruded on your ground when I caught the thief. But even less honorably so, I never revealed myself formally to you. I did not wish to see you scared.”  
You listened closely, witnessing the sincerity in his movements. You stood close to the pastors, the grass rustling idly by the night breeze. His ominous figure is a stark contrast to you and your cozy dwelling.
“I understand… I do not blame you. I must also apologize for my startled demeanor. I never expected it would be you who actually helped me all this time.” 
The knight tilts his head to the side, keeping a polite hand with yours as he lets you sit on the grass. Every movement he did for you was cautionary and gentle. The two of you sat on the ground, the night sky illuminating the first stars of the night. 
“I just wish to know… Why such kindness?” - you asked at last, easing up the courage to look him straight into the hollowness of his helmet. 
The anticipated question made the Harbinger go quiet. He couldn't deny it, but he found solace in watching you work. How diligently you took care of your animals, how you watered the vegetation, how you smiled joyously when you’d return with a basket full of fresh eggs. It was a tender sight, even as the harbinger maintained his distance on the forest's periphery, secretly yearning to draw nearer to you.
He wished to tell you so much. About how he finds you to be the loveliest person in all of these lands, the most sincere and hardworking. How he enjoys gazing at you the same way you gaze at the stars. Yet now, being in your proximity, the sight of your beauty up close had rendered his thoughts useless and all he could manage was:
"Perhaps I’m utterly infatuated by you."
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kalevalaknights · 26 days ago
any engineer mark/yancy headcanons? You're mind is brilliant 👏
Head Engineer:
He’s a picky eater. Absolutely disastrous cook as he’s used to space protein and drinks. He does like smoothies a lot!
Admits he’s a bit of a Yes Man, and if you agree, he agrees extra for no reason. If he disagrees on something though, he’s competitive about it.
He has had a futuristic prosthetic hand the whole time. You wouldn’t find out about this until you both high five and it makes a wicked clank sound.
Very much a shoulder contact guy. Bumps you with his elbow, pats your shoulder. If you say something funny next to him, he’s hitting your back and his knee. If you’re standing in front of him he would squeeze your shoulders. “Wow, you’re tense Captain.” Before stepping around you.
He tries often not to stand in the way, but he really does like being around you.
Sometimes he watches you at work for a little too long, it’s very endearing how the fluorescent light hits your helmet. Once you look over, he’ll turn the attention to something else, pat your shoulder and say something about how he could always trust your judgement.
Settling on a new planet would be very jarring for him. For all of you, really. He’s been a spaceman for as long as he can remember. He’s forgets that stuff doesn’t float in the air, and blankly stares at the ground before laughing to himself.
Sometimes he is a bit zoned out, turns to you with a worried look. He admits, sometimes, he feels like something should have gone wrong on their way here. Things feel a little too perfect.. But you’d probably dismiss that. He nods and smiles.
Surprisingly good cook, somehow he makes prison slop taste good. If he was in the outside world, he’d have good taste. Guards have previously found spices under his mattress. How? How.
He is fairly stubborn, maybe even a bit childish at times. If he’s losing an argument he repeats the last thing said with a nerd voice. Compromising on stuff is surprisingly easy though.
His tattoos can move and shift, but he’s not entirely sure what that means. Sometimes if he squints real hard at ‘em, he sees something that may warn about what could happen soon.
He isn’t very touchy, but he will lean on you. Drape an arm over your shoulders. Very lazy actions, he’s comfortable with you. Sometimes sleeping on someone is more comfortable than a bed.
When he laughs, it’s loud, it’s unabashed joy. Has to stand up and walk around to settle back down, otherwise it just keeps going.
I feel like he’d appreciate little notes and wristbands and such, he has a bandana and a prized shiv from other inmates.
He has tried to make a bracelet for you but it didn’t go well. Instead, he rips up some material off the end of his pants— he had to roll them up, they’re kinda long for him anyway — and ties the fabric around your arm. He’s not good at gifts, but you know there was effort.
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petalssunwards · 1 year ago
written for @wait-whos-batman DCU Valentine's Day event! It's all over the place, mostly because Jason is high - though there isn't any explicit mention of drugs other than one or two sentences!
It's desi!reader. Lemme know if you want links to movie/song/string ornament! Jay quoting the Hobbit because that's my obsession these days!
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You weren’t concerned when the racket at your door started. A little confused, perhaps, because usually Jay loved giving you heart attacks via jumpscares. However, this was hardly the first time he had tried to pick a fight with your apartment door.
The first time it had occurred, you two weren’t exactly friends - just classmates who collaborated on assignments. It hadn’t stopped him from waking you up at 3 am with his insistent knocking. He had then raved on about the brilliant fucker who almost had him believe in a hopeful ending to Romeo-Juliet and why the heartbreak is his due in this existence. You just let him have it after you figured out he had been talking about the movie goliyon ki raasleela ram-leela. It wasn’t like he was wrong and did apologize for barging in after running out of steam. He was the only person in grad school who spoke decent Hindi and you weren’t letting him go.
Your friendship over shared cups of masala tea had taught you three things about Jay:
1. was a hopeless romantic and always cursed out tragic endings
2. His eyes glowed green during his impassioned speeches
3. He loved dramatic entrances which ranged anywhere from silent to boisterous.
Hence you weren’t particularly worried when something metallic thudded against your door, adding the clanking of your string ornament in the mix. But when the door finally opened - you just gawked at the glowing red helmet in astonishment.
“What the everloving fuck” Yes - that summed up your sentiments pretty well.
“The key works” Red Hood’s distorted voice offered in lieu of an answer.
“I am on the quest - a perilous one”  He proclaimed.
You definitely never handed apartment keys to the vigilante in question. The only person you trusted enough to have it was your best friend from college - Jay Todd Peterson.
Fuck - did Red Hood get the key from Jay? Why would Jay?  Did he hurt Jay for them??
You stupidly stared at the Red Hood trying to make sense of the situation. The fuck was he talking about??  You hadn’t realized you verbalized your thought until Red Hood responded.
 “You told me I can crash here if I want -”  Could a mechanical voice be pouting?? 
“Guess not - “ he murmured as his shoulders drooped, his whole body sagging in defeat as he turned to leave.
This was a gesture you recognized - it was Jay equivalent of puppy dog eyes - the one he had perfected to use as a lethal weapon so that you would be swayed to do his bidding. It was like watching a sad labrador, always tugging at your heartstrings.
“Jay?” you hazarded a guess and Red Hood turned around - arms crossed on his chest in the classic ‘I’m stubbornly sulking - but you have to figure out the problem ’ pose.
“Oh for heaven’s sake.” You grumbled and struggled to drag your best friend - who seemed more interested in patting your head -inside.
“I am on a perilous quest -” Jay declared again once he settled on the couch and without the distorted voice modulator it didn’t sound like a malevolent threat.
You tried to hold your laughter but the sight of Jay sprawled on your couch, wringing his hands like a punished child and quoting The Hobbit was adorable.  (If one disregarded several weapons on his person). The green of his irises was barely visible but other than that there weren’t any injuries.
You nodded dumbly - some part of your brain stuck on your best friend being a crimelord. He didn’t need any prompting because he continued in a solemn voice,
“I am looking for someone to share in an adventure that I am arranging, a partner in crime you could say, and it's very difficult to find anyone.”
Whoever had drugged him (you suspected Ivy ), clearly had thrown him for a loop. It would be better if he stayed here instead of galavanting off on the streets, ruining Red Hood’s badass reputation. So you fetched him water and midnight snacks, settling in for the show. This should be fun.
“Sorry! I don't want any adventures, thank you.” You played along and were rewarded with a bright smile. 
“There is nothing like looking if you want to find something. You certainly usually find something, if you look, but it is not always quite the something you were after.” He fired off.
“And what would you be looking for, kind sir?” you asked, struggling to match the serious tone of his voice.
"In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be re - repe- re-p re-ss-ed." Jay flopped on his back with his head in your lap, when he failed to properly speak in an over-the-top British accent.
“I always wanted to be in love you know??” his whisper was so soft and you strained to hear him.
“I want someone just for me. Where one is in love even before they know it. I want love like Arwen loves Aragorn, wholeheartedly - all good and bad, worse and worst!. No takebacks! Someone who is there always supporting me, loving me. I want to hold on to them. Like you know - they would be the absolutely best decision I would ever make. But good decisions aren’t exactly my forte.” He rambled as if confessing a sin.
You opted for listening to him, reciprocating his trust by safeguarding his secrets deep in your heart, and continued running your fingers through his hair, lightly scratching his scalp. He heaved a contented sigh with closed eyes, burrowing closer and for a moment you thought he had fallen asleep.
Jay had never opened up quite like this. Listening to him divulge his deepest-held thoughts while high as a kite, felt like cheating. He wouldn’t want you to know his secrets, but then again that ship had sailed when he had shown up at your doorstep in the Red Hood regalia.
Maybe this was something he had to get off his chest?
“wo haseen murti pyaar ki, milegi muze kabhi naa kabhi… muze jiske pyaar pe ho yakeen; wo pari, wo hoor, wo nazaneen” he hummed the mangled a song under his breath. 
“Sing that song to me.” he nudged your knee, “The one where they flap like birds.”
He irritated you until you crooned it, chiming in whenever he remembered the lyrics.
“Why am I Arkenstone?” You wondered aloud. Jay’s erratic mood affecting you as well. It wasn’t as if you hadn’t considered a possible romantic dynamic between you two, but Jay always had some invisible boundary he would never cross.
“Have I told you how much I admire you?” He clutched your other hand in both of his. He softly placed it on his beating heart.
“Your soul shines like silver in the firelight, like water in the sun, like snow under the stars, like rain upon the Moon!” 
“Because you are a great and wondrous jewel. And I would go mad if I ever lost you to anyone else!”  he answered simply and sincerely, borrowed eloquent quotes long forgotten.
“Would you love me even if I were Gollum?” He questioned sleepily, his thoughts running away from him again.
You peered at him for any lie, but his heartbeat didn’t even waver under your palm. He was relaxed as if he hadn’t just tilted your world. What were you going to do with this silly man?
You wanted to ask him if he really meant it or if it was just a rambling of a drugged man. You didn’t have the mental capacity to unpack all the implications tonight.
“Yes, I would,” you whispered against his hair, softly kissing his forehead. "very much so, good and bad, worse and worst!"
There would be a lot of hard conversations the next morning, but tonight you would dream about this absurd man wrapped in your arms.
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cakeinpants · 2 months ago
Pat hid his phone, hearing distant clanking of Sligs' prosthetic legs get closer until two of them opened the door to his room.
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"You come with us." One said sharply.
"Hurry up. We're using force if you resist." The second one added threateningly.
"No need. I'm coming." Pat assured, surprised by the unnecessary rudeness.
With no delay, the mudokon silently complied with their order, following the Sligs to the corridor. He asked no questions and kept up with their speed, giving the guards no reason to resort to any of their threats. The Sligs seemed almost disappointed by his obedience.
They lead him to an unfamiliar part of the building, where the interior didn't look as rich and well-kept. What in the Odd is going on? It was Jabodo's doing for sure. Some strange attempt to scare the dancer? To be fair it worked — Pat broke into a cold sweat.
Finally the mudokon was lead into a room. Wooden floor, old faded wallpaper... The first thing he noticed was Mr. Jabodo standing near the entrance. He stood there with his arms crossed, silently watching Pat walk in, reveling in every hint of fear in the dancer's expression he could catch.
"Get it ready." Jabodo commanded the Sligs.
The second thing Pat noticed was a machine in the middle of the room that consisted of a chair with straps and a helmet with tubes attached to it, a control panel and a vitals screen on the side. Pat recognised what it was. A Tear X-Tractor. "The legal torture machine"... though it was a safer model than the ones used at factories, where mudokons were "disposable".
He was familiar with tear extraction, and knew that tears were used as an ingredient in certain products. Malgaine even sold Pat's tears before, but the dancer never had to experience being put in one of those machines. Instead Master used to manually gather a few drops and sell them for sky-high prices in intricate little bottles with fancy labels on them, like "Swan Tears of Joy" or "Swan Tears of Sorrow". For some reason, "tears of sorrow" were more popular amongst buyers, though in reality there was no joy nor sorrow in neither of them, but a bit of special essential oil did the trick to make Pat's eyes water.
Of course, that method wasn't fit for industrial production, and low class mudokons had it much worse. Pat realised he's about to "get a taste" of real tear X-Traction.
The Sligs sat the Mudokon on the chair and strapped him by arms and chest, definitely tighter than needed. One of them started adjusting something on the control panel. Jabodo didn't move as the sligs were taking their sweet time preparing the X-Tractor. Nobody spoke, leaving the dancer to wait and guess with no explanation, letting the tension build up.. His heart was racing, but he tried to stay calm on the outside.
Pat knew not to speak unless spoken to. Besides, it was pretty obvious what's about to happen.
The helmet was put over his head. A mask with little tubes hungrily stuck to his face and all he could see was darkness.. In this darkness Jabodo's voice sounded very clearly as he finally spoke:
"Mudokon tears are quite a valuable recourse with their unique properties... And tears of a valuable mudokon are even more valuable.. you probably know that. What a great thing this machine is, isn't it? Productive. Efficient... And it leaves no marks."
What is Jabodo trying to achieve by this? Is it supposed to somehow change the dancer's mind about the Chronicler's inappropriate requests? Is Pat supposed to start begging him to let him out of the X-Tractor and promise to do anything he wants? That wasn't happening. Pat didn't make a sound.
"Start this thing up." Jabodo gave the Sligs a second command...
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dindjarindiaries · 1 year ago
Security - Chapter 71: Home
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summary: The Djarin family goes home, and Din and the princess find a perfect way to celebrate.
warnings: non-descriptive sexual content, alcohol, fluff
rating: M
word count: 8.620k
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chapter 71: home
“The people of Nevarro appreciate all you’ve done, Mando.”
Greef’s words don’t help to pull Din out of the dreamlike state he’s stuck in. Your gaze on him only worsens it in the most wonderful way. Today, he’s like a Wookiee youngling on Life Day, the happiest he’s ever been.
“I want to personally give you this deed to the cabin just outside of town,” Greef goes on, smiling from ear to ear as he hands the deed to Din, “where you can lay low with your family.” He leans in close and adds one more thing with an inflection of amusement. “Between adventures.”
Din clutches the deed tight in his left hand. When he speaks, his voice is strained with a gratitude he can’t quite bring to words. “Thank you.” Din reaches his free hand forward to give Greef’s a firm shake, holding it a moment longer than usual.
As soon as they pull away from each other, you step up to Greef, going for an embrace rather than a handshake. Greef lets out a laugh of mixed surprise and joy, patting your back as you speak. “Thank you, Greef.” You step back to your place at Din’s side, close enough now for your arm to brush against his. “You have no idea how much this means to us.”
Greef smiles and bows his head in respect. “Please, there’s no need to thank me. You deserve it.” Greef bends down to get closer to Grogu, who’s standing just beside him on the stairs. “And that goes for you too, Din Grogu.”
“Geef?” Zora’s voice asks next from her place in the floating pod.
Greef chuckles and leans towards Zora next. “You too, Miss Mando.”
Zora giggles and claps her hands together in joy. Din shakes his helmet and stares at the deed in his hand for a moment. He won’t be able to fully believe it until he sees it, so for now, he forces himself to stick to the present. “We have a gift for you as well,” Din announces, looking up at Greef once again. He then looks to the side and nods at the Anzellans, giving them the cue.
IG-11 clanks his way onto the scene, refurbished with the red of Greef’s Magistrate robes as he waves at the people he passes. “Greetings, citizens,” IG’s voice announces. “I am IG-11, your new Marshal.” Greef steps down from the stairs in disbelief as he watches IG-11 enter. “Your new Marshal of Nevarro.”
Din watches Greef continue making his way towards IG-11. He shares a look with you, who’s beaming just as much as he is underneath his helmet. Neither one of you would have been able to serve as marshal and remain tied down to Nevarro, but bringing back your old friend fulfills the job perfectly—and hopefully serves as a proper thank-you for Greef’s generous provision of the cabin.
“I am here to serve and protect the citizenry,” IG-11 continues to the gathering crowd. Greef works his way into the group to start applauding the new marshal’s arrival. The volume of their cheers drowns out the rest of whatever IG-11 has to say.
Din continues to watch until your head rests against his arm, drawing his attention back to you. Your gloved fingers weave through his own as you smile at him, your gaze brighter than ever as you ask the question that’s been hanging in the air between you. “Is it time to go home?”
Your words, as simple as they are, nearly knock the breath from Din’s lungs entirely. He glances at Greef and IG-11 one last time, just to see your friends as busy as ever. “Yeah, cyar’ika.” Din squeezes his wife’s hand and turns to face you, resting his helmet against your forehead. “Let’s go home.”
You smile as wide as your lips allow you, but you also close your eyes, taking Din’s helmet between your hands. Din’s brow furrows beneath his beskar in slight concern. When he starts to tilt his head, your eyes reopen, your gaze quickly considering him. “I’m okay.” You laugh and nod for further reassurance. “I’m more than okay. I’m just trying to memorize this moment.”
Din holds your arms and gives them a gentle squeeze. “This is the first of many more.” He aches at the idea of separating himself from you, but he forces himself to do so to get his family home. Din bends down to pick up Grogu and sets him in the pod beside his sister, who all but screeches when her father comes close.
“Papa!” Zora cheers, taking a few excited breaths. “Go ‘ome!”
“That’s right, Zozo!” Din matches her energy the best he can, running a gloved hand over her curly head. “We’re going home.”
Even Grogu coos excitedly with them, his ears rising high on his head as he does so. Din closes his eyes underneath his helmet and steadies himself with a quick breath. Your homecoming may not feel real yet, but it certainly feels good. Happiness was once a luxury Din could never afford, but because of his family, it’s now become a sweet simplicity.
Din takes your hand once again when he stands to his full height and leads the way back to the N-1. You stop on the way only to pick up a few necessities from the bazaar, with Din handling your tools, food, and other supplies while you select some much-needed clothing for your children. The rest of your trip to the starfighter is made in comfortable silence, something your eagerness to get home is surely responsible for.
Grogu stays with Din in the N-1 while you take Zora, though your trip home is much shorter than any other you’ve taken before. Like Greef had said, the cabin is just outside of town, giving you enough privacy for Din to go outside without his helmet but also a close enough distance for you to walk to town. It may be isolated, but it’s not desolate; instead, it’s lush with flora in its place near the hot springs, and there’s even a small pond where Grogu can play with frogs if he so desires.
Din loses his breath when he sees the cabin—your cabin. There’s only one thought that pierces through the joyful haze of his mind: It’s perfect.
Din’s reaction is shared by you, who lets out a small gasp of delight at the sight of your cabin. He smiles to himself and lands the starfighter just beside it, only tearing his gaze from your home to make sure he gets his family and the N-1 on the ground safely. As soon as the starfighter’s powered down, Din slides his canopy open, hopping down from the N-1 and setting Grogu on the ground beside him before he reaches up to do the same with you and Zora.
You press a hand upon his cuirass as soon as your boots hit the dirt, your gaze never once leaving your home. You smile as wide as you ever have and offer Din an excited glance. “That’s our home,” you remind him, breathless in your joy. You laugh in sweet disbelief and reach your hands up to lower his helmet against your forehead. “Our home!”
Din’s smile matches your own as he runs his thumbs over the sides of your face. “Our home!” He takes a moment to admire his true home before he acknowledges your physical one. “What do you think?”
Your gaze looks upon the cabin again as you beam and rest your head beside your hand upon his cuirass. “It’s perfect.”
Din rests the lip of his helmet upon your head. “That’s exactly what I was thinking.” Din’s voice remains as soft as his touch is upon your back. “Should we take a closer look?”
You lift your head and nod, your happiness bubbling over with another laugh that sends Din’s chest aflame. You take him by the hand and lead him to your front door, the children following at your heels. Grogu keeps Zora from toppling over, earning a nod of approval from Din. You stop just in front of the door, your armored chest rising and falling in a breath before you turn to look at Din.
“Here.” Din takes the deed from his belt and hands it to you. “You deserve to do it first, rid’ika.”
You beam at him and keep his hand with your own. “Let’s do it together, riduur.”
Din tilts his helmet in amazement of you. He watches as you take the lead, lifting your credentials to the touchpad on the right side of the threshold and hearing it beep in the affirmative. It lights up green and slides the door open, and Din releases your hand only to urge you forward with a soft touch upon your back.
You and Din are both left in sweet awe as you observe the new space you get to call home. Greef already has it fully furnished for you, with crates sitting in the foyer just in front of you for storage along with couches, stools, and whatever else you could possibly ask for all set up in the living area. There’s a kitchen directly attached to the sitting room, with a place for you to make a fire if the Nevarro nights get too cold.
Din notices two doors on either side of the divide the foyer creates, no doubt each leading to a bedroom that is well-separated from one another. You must come to the same realization, as you’re soon bending down to pick up Zora in your arms and nodding at Grogu. “Ready to go see your room?” Your voice hides none of your sheer joy and enthusiasm as you smile at your children.
Zora and Grogu coo in the affirmative, with your daughter clapping her hands in the excited way she often does. Din tightens his fist in adoration of his family as he follows you to the bedroom on the right, the one that’s detached from the rest of the living area. You, by the Force or the stars, somehow have chosen correctly, as Greef’s already had this particular room furnished with two smaller beds for Grogu and Zora amongst many storage options for clothing, toys, and more.
“Look at this, adike!” you exclaim, beaming as you observe the space. “This is your room!”
Grogu looks up at you, glancing between you and Din while managing an Eh? for clarity. “Yeah, buddy,” Din speaks up, kneeling down at Grogu’s side and patting his head. “It’s all ours.” Din points at the beds as Grogu’s ears rise in delight. “You and Zora get to have this space all to yourselves, until you’re both old enough for us to add another room.”
Grogu coos and presses himself against Din’s side the best he can, smiling with gratitude at his father. Din just cups the side of his tiny head with his gloved hand and takes a deep breath, watching as you take Zora through the room. She’s babbling to her mother and pointing more than she ever has, making Din chuckle and earn your attention. “I think she likes it,” you confirm with a soft laugh.
Din gives Grogu’s back a gentle pat before he stands to his full height. He starts to make his way over to you and Zora. “And what about you?”
Your gaze meets Din’s visor, and he doesn’t miss the tearful glaze over your eyes as you smile at him and shake your head in disbelief. Din takes Zora from you and gives one of her tiny hands a squeeze before he sets her down on the floor near Grogu. He then takes your hands in his and gestures with his helmet to the threshold of the room.
“May I take you to our room?”
You nod, words still failing you in a way that makes Din’s heart constrict with an unprecedented sweet joy. He keeps one of your hands in his own as he guides you out of the room, entrusting Zora with Grogu for now as he leads you through the living area. Din takes a quick glance at you to see that you’re beaming at the part of the cabin you’ll no doubt spend most of your time in, your gaze only returning to the way ahead when Din opens the door to your bedroom.
It’s perfect for you. With a bed nearly as large as the one at Boba’s palace and a full refresher attached through another door, you and Din have more domestic luxury here than you could have ever wished for. There’s also plenty of storage along with enough wall space for Din to build exactly what he had promised you he would back in your stone-cast home to hang up your armor.
You’re the one who takes the lead enough for you to stand near the foot of your bed. You turn to Din and your gaze is even more tearful than before, but your smile is somehow even wider. You lift your hands to remove Din’s helmet for him, kissing the top of it before you set it on the bed. The action creates a warm flame within Din’s chest so ardent that he’s certain nothing could ever snuff it out. You wrap your arms around his neck, bringing your armor flush against each other as your lips start to tremble.
Your words are so quiet that Din almost misses them over the sound of his own rapid heartbeat. “Thank you.” A tear manages to escape your eye that Din’s quick to wipe away. “You’ve given me everything I’ve ever wanted.” You urge Din’s head to lower and press your forehead against his own. “Because you’re everything I’ve ever wanted.”
“You’re the one to be thanked here,” Din insists, his voice just as soft as your own. He raises his brow and brushes his thumb over another one of your fallen tears. “If you hadn’t been so brave in urging the covert to rescue me, then things would be much different.” Din lifts his head from your own to press his lips to your forehead. “But that’s just who you are, Astra. Brave, strong, loyal, beautiful…”
You release a sound that’s half a laugh and half a sob as you bury your face in Din’s cowl. “I love you, Din,” your muffled voice declares. Your boots lift off the floor and Din urges them the rest of the way up, his gloved hands holding your legs in place around his waist as you embrace him for dear life. “Thank you.”
Din rests his head against your own and smiles wide enough to make his cheeks hurt. “Thank you.” He turns his face to press a kiss against your head. “Ni kar’tayl gar darasuum, ner cyar’ika. Ner rid’ika. Ner oyay.” Din steadies himself with a deep breath and adds one more. “Ner yaim.”
You lift your head and hold Din’s face between your hands. “Does that word mean what I think it means?”
Din’s smile remains as he nods. “It does.” He manages to hold your weight with one arm as the other quickly reaches back to take the item from his belt. He shows you the Mando’a booklet that’s certainly earned some intense wear and tear over the years. “I still have it.”
You stare at it for a long moment in sweet astonishment. Your gaze only returns to Din’s own when he lowers the booklet back to his belt and focuses on holding you again.
“You’ll always be my home, Astra.”
Your smiling lips start to stretch wider as you brush them against his own. “And you’ll be mine.” Your lips press even more upon his, making his breath your own. “Take me home.”
Din would never deny his wife, his home, and so he becomes the one to fully close any gaps left between you. Din’s been blessed by the galaxy enough to to experience many moments like these with you, but even this somehow makes his mind, heart, and body feel a way he never has before. It’s the lightness of your freedom, the clarity of your future that allows Din to be at home with you without having to check over your shoulders.
With your children still in the other room, you and Din let this moment last just a bit longer than usual, waiting until your shared breath fully loses oxygen to pull away. Your hands have no doubt only added to the muss of Din’s helmet hair as you let out a soft laugh and cup the back of his neck. Din becomes the one to hide his face in his wife’s neck as he exhales an affectionate breath.
Once you’ve sat in the moment long enough, Din lifts his face again and starts to ease your boots back to the floor. “So,” he begins, his voice now a rasp from his lack of air, “what would you like to do first in our home?”
You take a deep breath and press your hands upon his cuirass. You watch your fingers drum against the beskar in thought before you nod to yourself and meet Din’s gaze again. “Let’s get married again.”
Din’s eyes widen at that. He spots the sweet severity in your eyes and furrows his brow. “Are you sure? I mean, I… that’s what I want, too, but I didn’t know if you’d want more time to prepare.” He gestures with his head to the open threshold behind you. “Grogu and I haven’t even grown or gathered the flowers yet.”
“I saw some flowers out there when we landed.” You continue to beam at him as you go on. “And I may or may not have made some secret purchases of my own when we were at the bazaar.”
Din raises an eyebrow at you. “Is that so?” Din chuckles and cups the side of your face. “And here I was thinking nothing could get past me.”
You laugh and shrug. “It was easy to hide it all with the kids’ clothes.” You turn your face to give his palm a kiss. “What about you? Are you prepared?”
Din huffs with amusement. “Well, I thought I was.” He runs his thumb along the end of your scar. “Will I have enough time to prepare for the sight of you?”
You consider his words with a deep breath. “Based on how you reacted to my armor…” you try to bite back your amused smile, “no, you won’t.”
“I figured as much.” Din smiles when you giggle to yourself. He can’t keep himself from kissing your forehead again. “Let’s at least have dinner first. I’d like to break open that bottle of wine from Coruscant once our ceremony’s over.”
“Right after we put the kids to bed.” You push yourself up to kiss him again, more briefly this time. “Perfect.” You give him one more kiss and pull away. “Let’s finish bringing our supplies in, then.”
You take Din’s helmet for him and slide it on over his head. You pat his beskar cheek before leading the way out of your bedroom, though Din’s visor lingers on the sight of it. He can’t help grinning to himself yet again. This is your new sacred space, your safe haven, and he’s determined to not only make it but keep it that way. Din couldn’t have asked for a better first moment to have shared here.
His eagerness to help you with the supplies wins out and he hurries to join you out by the N-1. There’s a tidal wave of joy that overcomes Din when he sees you again, and he can’t keep himself from closing the gap between you and wrapping his arms around you from behind. You squeal, half in surprise and half in delight, before you crumble into laughter. Din keeps you between the N-1 and himself, his helmet pressed against your forehead as he watches the light dance in your eyes.
This is exactly what Din’s always wanted to feel with his wife. Moff Gideon is dead, Mandalore belongs to his people once again, and you and Din are the ones hunting the Empire instead of the other way around. This is what it’s like to feel safe.
Din gives your waist a gentle squeeze before he climbs up and retrieves your bags of supplies. You both take them inside, your sides brushing against each other before Din secures the door of your home closed behind you. Din takes everything you’re holding to let you get the kids from their room while he starts to prepare dinner. It’s not anything complicated, as Din had planned for you to be too excited to whip up something complex for your first meal in your new home, but it’s certainly nicer than the meals you’ve been used to.
Din smiles wider to himself as he sets his helmet down on the counter and starts to get the necessary supplies from their compartments and cabinets. Even just thinking the words our home makes his heart flip over and over inside his armored chest. After everything he’s been through, after the solitary way he’s lived his life for so many years, he never even considered this to be a possibility.
Yet as you join him again with a Djarin child on each hip, Din has to shake his head in disbelief. Here he is, and here you are, the better parts of himself who he gets to call his family.
You set Zora and Grogu on the stools at the counter as you walk around to stand at Din’s side and help him with dinner. The hardest part is keeping Grogu from lifting the ingredients with the Force, though after a few laughs and Din’s stern yet gentle warning, Grogu stops to instead focus on entertaining his sister. For this being your first meal together in your home, it’s already as familiar as a sacred routine, and that’s what makes Din’s cheeks ache with a smile he can’t get rid of.
When dinner’s complete, you and Din move your children and the meal to the table just beyond your counter, where you let Zora attempt to recount the excitement of the day with babbles she manages between bites. You help to feed her as you nod with understanding, reminding Din of how you conversed with the Frog Lady on the Razor Crest so long ago. Grogu’s the first to finish as always, and by the time everyone’s done, the Nevarro sun is already starting to set.
“I should get ready,” you say, rising from your place at the table and taking Zora on your hip.
Din starts to stand with you. “Will you need help?” His words are laced with the same genuine concern that’s woven into the knit in his brow.
You tilt your head at him with an amused smile. “Nice try.” You press your free hand upon Din’s shoulder to gently set him back down in his chair. “There’s no peeking until we start our ceremony.” You gesture with your head to the viewport in your kitchen. “Zora and I will meet you outside.”
Din nods, words failing him for some reason as he watches the Djarin girls enter your bedroom. The door slides closed behind you and Din releases a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding. He’ll have even less composure when that door opens up again.
Grogu catches his father’s attention by waving a tiny hand in front of Din’s line of vision. Din turns his head to see Grogu standing where Din’s dish has previously been, his ears rising with a coo as he points at the viewport.
Din chuckles at his son. “I know.” He stands and takes Grogu with him, setting him in the corner of his arm. “We have a job to do before they join us again.” Din places Grogu on the counter. “But first, let’s clean up.”
Grogu helps Din as best as he can with the cleaning of the table and dinner dishes before Din takes his helmet and slides it on once again. The two of them make their way out of the cabin and Din sets Grogu on the ground, pointing towards a nearby patch of lush grass.
“Gather whatever flowers you can,” Din instructs his son and apprentice. He picks a nearby flower as an example. “Like this.” Din shows Grogu the length of the stem.
Grogu nods with a determined huff and waddles off in search of flowers. Din gathers the ones closest to him, stopping every now and then to keep an eye on Grogu. You’re safe here, but Din’s protective instinct will never stop, especially after the lifestyle you’ve had ever since he gained this beautiful family of his.
By the time Grogu makes his way back over to Din, he’s gathered as many flowers as his tiny hands can keep together, which make for a perfect final addition to those in Din’s own grasp. Din kneels down to take them from Grogu and pats his son’s head. “Good job, buddy.” He inspects the makeshift bouquet in his gloved hand and nods in satisfaction. “You did very well.”
Grogu’s ears rise up high on his head as he coos in gratitude. He tries to get words out, but it’s more of a squeaking sound. Din still praises him for it with another pat on his head.
“Let’s head out back.” Din lifts Grogu and walks around the back of the cabin. When Grogu offers a confused coo in response, Din elaborates. “Your mother gestured back here.” Din stops and looks around, realizing the view of the town is completely hidden by the structure of the cabin. “Must be for privacy.” He glances at the horizon and watches the Nevarro sky stretch out in bold shades of orange and pink. “And the view.”
Grogu coos to agree. Din sets him on the ground once again and tilts his helmet.
“Will you serve as our witness, Grogu?” Grogu nods with an excited breath, making Din smile to himself as he returns the gesture. “Thank you.”
Din stands with his back to the sunset, instead staring at the cabin as he waits for you and Zora to join them. His gloved hands remain folded over his middle as he shifts his weight, the cluster of flowers tucked into his belt. Grogu releases an Eh? and Din gives his son a quick glance.
“Yes, I’m still nervous.” Din tilts his helmet when Grogu snickers at him. “Maybe you’ll understand it one day, kid. I…”
Din stops when a flash of white from around the corner of the cabin proves the two of them aren’t alone anymore. His breath catches in his throat when he sees you in a dress that’s much different from the tactical clothes and armor you’ve had to sport in your years together. It’s the same shade of white as the snow on the planet Din once took you to the first time you had to leave Sorgan, just after you had confessed you’d found a home in one another.
You set Zora next to Grogu and continue towards Din. He reaches for the flowers on his belt, surprised to find that his gloved hands are shaking enough for him to notice—though his gaze never once breaks away from yours. Din holds the flowers out for you to take, which you do with a soft smile of gratitude and affection. You stop just in front of him, your free hand finding one of Din’s and holding it tight.
“I know the color is different.” Your voice is as soft as your grasp on his hand as Din gives you a once-over. “A white dress is an Arilian tradition. It symbolizes the new beginning of a marriage, like a fresh snowfall.” You run your thumb over the back of his hand, and Din’s visor meets your gaze again. “Do you like it?”
Din uses all his strength to push past the lump in his throat and force the words out. “Cyar’ika.” He steadies himself with a deep breath. “You look so…” he lowers his voice for just you to hear, “fucking…” Din brings his voice back to a normal volume, “beautiful.”
You laugh and give his hand a squeeze, your gaze falling from his for a moment in your shyness. “Thank you.” You find his visor and raise your brow at him. “I thought the same thing when I saw you.” You gesture with your eyes to the view behind him. “Especially with the sunset at your back.”
Din huffs, shifting his weight between his feet in his own shyness. He takes another breath and holds tight to your hand, allowing the other to hold onto your waist. Din’s visor never once leaves your gaze. “Astra.” He squeezes your waist, earning an even brighter smile from you. “Thank you for standing by me ever since the day we met, even during the times I was misguided. Having you has…” Din pauses, shaking his head in amazement, “it’s saved me. Mhi solus tome.” We are one when together.
Your thumb runs over his hand again. “Din, thank you for never once failing to fight your way back to me. You’ve always given every part of yourself just to make sure I’m safe, and you’ve done the same with the rest of our family.” Your gaze shines at him as you go on. “No one’s ever fought for me like that before.” You squeeze his hand. “Mhi solus dar'tome.” We are one when parted.
Din summons the strength of his Mandalorian ancestors to go on. “I’m endlessly grateful to have this home with you.” You grin widely at that, making Din chuckle and give your waist another squeeze. “Everything I have, everything I am, is yours. That’s something that will never change.” Din nods to emphasize his words. “Mhi me'dinui an.” We share all.
You beam at him, looking as if you’re about to burst with pure joy. “But the best thing we share is our family.” You only break your gaze with Din to look at your children. “First Grogu, then Zora Arilia…” You look at Din and raise an eyebrow, “and whoever comes after.” Din smiles with his wife and he hopes you can at least sense it. You lift the hand holding the flowers and press it against his helmet, urging it to meet your forehead. “Mhi ba'juri verde.” We will raise warriors.
Din gives your hand a gentle yet firm squeeze. “Ni kar’tayl gar darasuum, rid’ika.”
You lift your hand from his only to take a tighter grasp on his helmet. “I love you too, riduur.” You raise the beskar of his helmet just enough to reveal his mouth, adding one more promise upon his lips. “Always.”
You seal your vows now just as you had the very first time, with a kiss full of such love and deep affection that Din has no choice but to exchange a sigh with you that only brings you closer together. You don’t make too much of a spectacle for your children to see, instead forcing yourselves to separate with the loveliest of smiles left behind on your stinging lips.
Din raises one hand to the back of your head and urges it to rest against his cuirass. He holds you there for a while, letting you wrap your arms around him as you both stare at the Nevarro sunset. When Din steals a look at your children, he sees them mimicking their parents’ embrace, though both their eyes are partially closed in exhaustion. Din chuckles to himself, the sound rumbling through his chest enough to make you lift your head.
“What?” Your question is nothing but a soft and sweet breath.
Din gestures with his helmet to your children. “Look.”
You turn your head towards Grogu and Zora and let out a sweet laugh. You hold tight to the material of Din’s cape in one of your hands and look up at him with such reverence that it threatens to make his knees buckle beneath him. “It must be time for bed and breaking open that bottle of wine.”
Din nods, gaining the faith to step away from you as he tends to your children. He takes one child in each arm, letting them rest their weary heads upon his armored shoulders as he leads the way back inside your home. Din enters their children’s bedroom with you trailing him and sets Grogu and Zora on their respective beds. You help him to tuck them in and say goodnight with a kiss to each of their heads.
After you both linger for a moment, you and Din let the door to the bedroom close and make your way to the kitchen. Din sets his helmet on the counter and turns to you, holding your waist and taking the time to observe you and your dress without the filter of his visor. Your happiness bubbles over with giggles as you wrap your arms around his neck and bring him close enough for a kiss. It’s deeper than the one you shared before, though it’s just as brief, even as you pull away and go back to each other over and over again.
Eventually, Din stops the cycle to reach for the bottle of wine from Coruscant that Greef had gifted you. He draws his vibroblade from his boot to open it, making you gasp and squeeze his free arm before you laugh at him.
“There has to be a better way of doing this!” you insist just as Din manages to earn the satisfying pop! sound of the seal being broken.
“Sure.” Din sets the cork aside and offers the bottle to his wife. “But it’s probably not as exciting.”
You shake your head, though the admiration you hold for him is evident in your sparkling gaze. You take the bottle and consider its weight in your hand. “We should probably serve this in something nicer, but…” you grin and lift the neck of the bottle towards your lips, “sharing it like this is also more exciting.”
Din openly admires his wife as you draw the first sip from the bottle. “That’s one way to put it.”
You huff as you pass the bottle back to Din, letting him take the second sip. The wine is a smooth and soothing warmth that flows down his throat, engulfing his chest in a sensation much like that which you always bring him. Din raises his brow in sweet surprise.
“This tastes amazing.” Din glances at the bottle and chuckles in disbelief. “Greef wasn’t lying about the quality.”
“Well,” you start, taking the bottle from Din when he offers it to you again and wrapping your free hand around the back of his neck, “I know something that tastes even better.”
You kiss Din in a way that makes even the knees of a great Mandalorian warrior go weak before you pull away to take your next sip. You continue to go back and forth with the bottle, not needing any entertainment other than each other as you talk, laugh, and kiss between your shared sips. Din couldn’t have possibly imagined a better way to ring in your vow renewal, as well as your first evening together in your home—even if he has some other ideas.
By the time the bottle’s nearly empty, you’re sitting on top of the counter with Din’s arms wrapped around you. He rests his head against your chest as you take another sip from the bottle. Even with the comfortable fogginess he’s earned from the wine, Din’s still acutely aware of your surroundings, and for the first time since you met, he’s positively certain about your safety.
You also seem to be thinking of your surroundings, as you release a light gasp that makes Din snap his head up from your chest. Your gaze leaves whatever you’ve observed to meet his own, the warm lights of the cabin dancing in your eyes. Din never wants to stop staring at them, at you. “I have an idea.”
Din can smell the wine on your breath, but you somehow make it even sweeter. He’s sure the wine’s had the same effect on him in return. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” You smile from ear to ear, though your expression becomes more serious as you hold his face between your hands. “But if you find it to be uncomfortable or disrespectful in any way, you stop me right away. ‘Kay?”
Din wrinkles his brow and flattens his palms upon your back. “I’m sure it’ll be fine, ner kar’ta.”
You perk up again at that. “Good.” You giggle and lift your fingers towards his eyes, delicately closing the lids. “Keep your eyes closed until I say so.”
“Yes, ma’am—Your Highness.”
You laugh and give his armored shoulder a light swat. His hands are forced away from you when you lean for something, almost having to crawl around on the countertop before he senses the warmth of your legs against his hips and thighs once again. You can’t help letting out giggles at whatever you’re doing, making Din’s own chest rumble fondly at the mere idea of it all.
You tap Din’s cuirass a few times with your finger, but Din still keeps his eyes closed. “Is that my cue?”
“Yes!” Your tone is purely amused, but the sound of your voice is different somehow, as if mumbled or even modulated.
Sure enough, when Din opens his eyes, he’s staring right into his own visor. He has to blink a few times through the fogginess the wine’s brought him to understand what’s happening, and once he does, he can’t keep himself from laughing the hardest he has in a long time. You’ve reached for his helmet and slid it on over your own head, and now Din gets to be the one who holds the beskar cheeks and pulls you close enough for a Keldabe kiss. “What in the great galaxy gave you this idea, cyar’ika?”
“I just wanted to see you the way you always see me,” you insist, setting your hands upon his cuirass. “There’s a lot more to it than I thought.” You lift a hand to Din’s hair and brush it back from his forehead. “It smells like you.”
Din furrows his brow. “What does that mean?”
“It means it smells nice, riduur. Don’t worry.” You giggle and continue to run your hand through his hair. “You’re a clean guy. This armor never has a smudge, if you can help it.”
Din ignores the warmth in his face and huffs. “You wear it well, rid’ika.”
You give Din a once-over that’s obvious with the movement of the helmet. He tries not to worry about whether his observations of you have always been so clear, too. “You wear it even better.”
“You think so?”
You hold the lip of Din’s helmet with one hand and lift it high enough to show your mouth. “I do.” You close the gap between you, putting Din on the other side of this helmet kiss for the first time. His smile against your lips is never-ending at the thought, even as you pull away from one another. You slide the helmet off and set it beside you on the counter. “I’m sure you prefer something more comfortable, though.”
Din shrugs. “Sometimes.” He takes the bottle and draws his last sip from it, handing it to you for you to finish off.
You wait a moment to do so. “I’m definitely ready to get into something more comfortable.” You empty the bottle and place it where it had been before. Your eyes are wide and pleading as you wrap your arms around his neck. “I think I need some help getting out of this, though.”
Din can’t stop his sly grin from growing. “You didn’t seem to have a problem putting it on by yourself.”
You let out a dramatic breath. “That was different!” You urge Din closer and furrow your brow in a pitiful manner. “Please?”
Din chuckles and kisses your forehead. “You never have to plead for my help, cyar’ika. Of course I will.” He urges you to tighten your legs around him as he lifts you the same way he had earlier that day. “C’mon. Let’s get you comfortable.”
Your cheek presses against the unarmored part of his shoulder as you exhale in relief. “Thank you, my love.”
Din rests his head against yours and makes his way to your bedroom. “You don’t have to thank me, rid’ika.”
“You’re really strong, you know.”
Din has to huff with amusement to keep the flush out of his face. “It’s nothing compared to your strength.”
The door to your bedroom slides open for you and closes once Din walks through the threshold. He eases you back onto your feet and meets your expression of doubt. “First of all, not true. Second of all…” you pause, as if you’ve lost the thought within your mind and exchanged it for another, “you’re very beautiful.”
Din forces himself not to look away, despite his shyness. “That means a lot coming from you.” He kisses each end of your scar and takes a deep breath. “All right, can I help you get comfortable, now?”
You nod, beaming as you turn around to allow Din to complete his work. He removes his gloves first, using his teeth and tucking them into his belt. The daze of his slight drunkenness doesn’t affect his ability to work as nimbly as possible, attending to each button and clasp on the material of the dress with diligence. You’re holding it up against your front, waiting for Din to confirm he’s finished before you let it slide off.
As it turns out, it’s what’s hidden underneath that’s been your true surprise all along.
Din doesn’t have to look at your face to know you’re taking delight in his pleasant shock, every part of his body going rigid except for his eyes. His gaze finally meets her own, and the look you give Din makes him forget whether it’s you or the wine that’s made his galaxy feel so hazy.
Din shifts his weight and gestures to your image before him. “You never mentioned…” he pauses, but there’s no word good enough to describe what he’s seeing, “this.”
“Actually, I did.” You grin and bend down to set your dress aside. Din has to force himself to glance away from you to maintain his self-control, his jaw tightening in his effort. “I told you I made purchases in the marketplace.”
Din’s gaze finds you again and he has to run a hand over his head to hide the way his chest inflates so quickly at the mere sight of you. “Well, you gave me no warning.”
“You’re a Mandalorian, Din.” You approach him and watch your hands as they press upon his cuirass and spread out to his armored shoulders. “You don’t need a warning to be ready.” Your grasp finds his arms as you give them a gentle squeeze. “And you’re strong enough to handle anything.”
Din wants to respond, but he can’t. His mind’s gone blank, and his mouth is drier than the Dune Sea. He’s face-to-face with the greatest wonder of the galaxy, yet you’re the one complimenting him.
“Plus, you knew I’d be getting the dress, so I still wanted to give you a gift.” You begin to take Din’s armor off for him, setting the pieces of beskar aside with as much care as he would. “No matter how much you might try to say otherwise, it was you who provided this home for us, and I want to thank you properly for that.” You smile at Din, your eyes kind as you take his right pauldron off and press a kiss to the mudhorn. “So, what do you think?”
Din takes a breath for composure, even if the effort’s futile. “Honestly?” You raise your brow, inviting him to go on. “I’m incapable of having any thoughts right now.”
You laugh at that, burying your face against his arm for a moment in your tell of shyness before you set his last piece of armor and weaponry aside. You start to look almost guilty as you rest your arms upon his shoulders. “Is it too much?”
Din shakes his head. “No, rid’ika, not at all. It’s just…” he exhales a dreamy sigh and cups the side of your face, “you’re always a gift to me, no matter what.” You start to smile again at that. Din runs his thumb under your shining eye. “And you’ve really spoiled me tonight.”
You giggle at that. “Well, the wine is helping with the courage.”
Din raises an eyebrow. “Courage?”
Your fingers play with the ends of his hair as you answer. “It’s never easy surprising a Mandalorian, Din.” You press your palm against his neck, the cool metal of your beskar ring making its presence known. “Even if you’re married to them.”
Din’s gaze follows his hands as they trace the outline of your figure all the way down to your waist. “Just say the word, and I’ll make it worth it.”
You lift a hand to Din’s chin, tilting his face up to meet your own. You urge his forehead to meet yours as you smile in a dizzying way. “You already have.”
Din returns your smile and brushes his lips over yours. “In that case, I’d like to thank you properly for your gift.”
Your eyelids begin to flutter as you bring yourself as close to him as possible. “Take me home.”
Your lips meet and everything after that is a blur, mostly in the sweet haze that still clouds Din’s awareness from both his wife and the wine. It’s only the smoothness of your skin along with your sweet sighs that bring him back to the galaxy in some capacity, the softness of you against him rivaling that of the sheets on your brand-new bed. He wants you as close to him as possible, he needs it, his reminder that he no longer has to imagine what a home without you would ever look like.
You’re finally in your own home, now, but Din knows no place would ever hold that title if you weren't there with him.
So, Din holds you right up against him, your hands entwined on the warmth of your middle as he wraps himself around you from behind. He’s more than content to bury his face in your neck and shoulder, breathing and exclaiming praises you deserve to hear not just now, but always. It’s times like these where he’s at his best because it’s when you truly and fully become his better half, his guiding star in a galaxy of darkness.
You free a hand to grasp the side of Din’s head, tangling your fingers in his hair in a way that forces him to gently bite your skin. “Din,” you try, your voice coming as a mere and pleased breath, “can I…” you pause to curse, “can I look at you?”
Din obliges without hesitation, though he’s aware of how beautifully dangerous your gaze can be for him. He helps you move until you’re chest-to-chest, and though you pause your perfect rhythm, you keep yourself in place as you hold his face between your hands. It almost drives Din crazier than the alternative would have.
“You’ve been praising me for my beauty, which I appreciate more than you could ever know.” You smile as you get the words out between your heavy breaths and even press a kiss to his forehead. “But you have to know the same about yourself.” You rest your forehead against his own, your sweet severity striking Din deep within his chest. “Because you, my love, are so, so fucking beautiful.” Once you begin to move again, you repeat the curse, burying your face in his neck and your nails into his back. “I can feel it.”
Din huffs, kissing your head as he speaks around his own struggling breaths. “Are you sure you can feel it?”
You begin your artwork upon his back and Din can sense you fighting to say your response. “Yeah, Din, I can fucking feel it.” You sigh with a reverence that Din wants to memorize. “And I don’t want to ever stop feeling it.”
“I’ll make sure of it.” Din’s now an endless stream of these words between whispers, growls, and whimpers of your name, unable to stop focusing on pleasing you the way you’ve always done for him. “You’ve always been so good for me, and so good to everyone.” Din inhales sharply, overcome with emotion and pleasure. “And so loving…” he holds your waist even tighter, “and that’s all I want to feel, Astra.” Din buries himself and his adoring curses into your skin the best he can. “You.”
From there, the declarations of love between you are endless, the phrase being exchanged within your beautifully shattered poems created only for one another. The evidence is present in marks, scratches, and forming bruises meant for your eyes only, the physical remnants of this pure love and affection Din can hold on to long after this moment’s passed.
When you’ve both officially made your home here, Din keeps you close, letting you lie with your head upon his chest as he becomes the one to scratch your back—but only in the most soothing and gentle way possible.
It’s only when your chest begins to slow once again that you find your voice and speak through your sweet silence. “It’s a good thing this cabin is big enough for a fifth member of the family, isn’t it?”
Din laughs, careful not to bounce your head too much on his rumbling chest. “We’ll just let the Force or whatever work that one out.” He leans forward enough to kiss your head. “For now, how about we test out the refresher?”
You lift your hand and support your chin with your hands. Your brow is wrinkled with amusement. “Barely giving me any time to recover?”
Din huffs and runs his hand over your head. “All I want to do is help you get settled for bed, honestly.” He shrugs. “You did say I was a clean guy earlier, didn’t you?”
“You’re right.” You giggle and rest your head against Din again. “But I think you’re gonna have to carry me there.”
Din starts to take you more firmly in his grasp. “I was already planning on it.”
With that, Din gets to do his greatest honor, taking care of his wife by helping you wash up and prepare for bed. The entire time, he dwells on the utter peace of it all, the realization that he doesn’t have to constantly glance over his shoulder for threats. They still exist, and Din would never doubt that, but it’s much different than before. Mandalore and its people weren’t the only things you worked to free. At long last, you earned your own freedom, from Moff Gideon and anyone else tied to him.
But as Din watches you fall asleep on him and follows suit for the first time in this beautiful home of yours, he can’t possibly be aware of every phantom threat—especially the one who’s just about to return to the galaxy with an unprecedented vengeance.
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cmishwrites · 1 year ago
FO4 Fanfic Intro pt 4
~ I'm sorry the way pt 3 was cut, tumblr hates me right now and kept giving me trouble. to keep from doing a pt 5 I had to shuffle paragraphs. Hope it wasn't too jarring. ~ really don't understand why it's giving me crap today. My first posts were pretty hefty chunks. This is a continuation from pt 3 here. You can find the TOC(table of contents) over here.
Length: 1128 words (give or take) Warnings: none? Hope you enjoy (again sorry it was diced the way it was)
"That's a fair distance to travel, especially these days." Another voice, tinny, like someone was speaking through a metal tunnel, startled her. She gripped the can of water looking towards the doorway. The power armor was standing there. "Raiders captured you?" she nodded. The doc took the can of water and set it on a table. "Let me look at those scratches." She gripped the thin blanket as The doc removed the bandage on her cheek. He made some noises, good or bad she couldn't tell. "I'd say these are healing up nicely." He turned his attention to the bandages on her arms, carefully undoing them so he could see the wounds. Her stomach did an uneasy flop and she looked towards the man in power armor. He was still leaning against the doorjam. "Do you ever take off that power armor?" She asked suddenly. Grandpa had once said he rarely took off his when on a mission. "It's safer to keep it on, especially in the wasteland." He tipped his head to one side. "How did you end up all the way out in the Mojave?" She stared. "The Mojave?" she stumbled over the word. "East of California." Doc Mitchell sat back down. "Raiders. I," she looked down at her hands. "I got traded a few times, I didn't know I was so far west." "I think you oughta stay here a couple more days." Doc Mitchell said gently. "You've been through a rough time. You going to try to head back home?" She blinked at him and shrugged. "I don't know. I… It's a long way." "And dangerous." Power Armor said. "Especially for someone as," he faltered. "I'll walk back." She whispered, realization hit her, hard. She blinked as her vision went blurry. "I'm free." She stared down at her hands, barely able to see them through the sudden onslaught of tears. Freedom. She was free, free to go home, free to wander if she wanted. A cloth was pressed into her hands and she looked up startled. The Doc gave a gentle smile. "Ifn that's what you want to do, well I ain't gonna stop you, but it'd be better to not go alone. You need to rest up first though. Wouldn't be right, sending you out barely healed." "It's been a long time since I was in the Commonwealth." The man in the power armor said. "What's your name?" Cal asked carefully wiping at her tears. Her cheeks stung. "They just call me the Storyteller." "That's not a name." Cal frowned. "It's enough of a name for me." The man gave a shrug, the power armor clanking. "People really get attached to names. Especially in these times," "Good lord, here he goes." Doc stood. "I need you to go down to the store." He handed the storyteller a paper. The Storyteller slowly took the paper looking down at it then up at Doc. "Again?" "Gotta replenish my supplies." The doc shrugged. Cal watched as the Storyteller tromped out, unable to make out the muttering drifting from his helmet as he left. She heard a door close and looked at the Doc. "Ifn we let him start it'll be hours before he shuts up." The Doc winked at her. "Now, I've got a few sets of clothes over here." He motioned a shelf. "I'll go make some dinner, you see what fits." "Sir?" Cal swallowed as the doc turned towards her, eyebrows arching. "Thank you." He smiled gently and walked over patting her hand. "You're safe here, Cal. Ain't no raiders going to come this way, and with our metal friend, we won't let anyone hurt you again. You know, I know you want to go home, but ifn you want, you can stay here. Good people here in Goodsprings, might not be fancy, but it's not a bad place to settle." Cal sniffed, tears threatening again. "Thank you. I," She blinked several times, images of her brothers, sisters, her cousins, faces she could barely picture coming to mind. "I need to go home. They probably think I'm dead." He nodded and smiled again. "I understand. You're welcome to stay as long as you need before you go though."
2278 Fall. North of the Commonwealth
Cal leaned against a tree staring towards the walled town. She'd made her way up through the commonwealth after her traveling companion decided he was going to head back to the Capitol Wasteland. There were things he wanted to see, changes they'd skirted past that he wanted to document. She told him to go, she was almost home. And her ears were tired. She liked him, but Doc Mitchell, that kind man from the Mojave, had been right. Once the storyteller warmed up to a subject not even a raider attack or super mutants could get him to shut the hell up. Now she wished he were there. Would anyone remember her? Would her family still be alive? The town was still there, the gate stood open, a guard on either side. If they saw her, standing in the shadows of the twisted trees, they gave no indication. She nibbled her lower lip, her stomach doing uneasy flops. It was easy to enter a town with a man in power armor at her side, no one gave her any trouble, if they noticed her at all. She shook herself and pushed from the tree. It was time. Three years was a long time to be gone. She was just a few steps away. She squared her shoulders and neared the gate. The guards straightened up noticing her. She licked her lips, swallowing as one of the guards took a step towards her. "Cal?" His voice was deeper, he'd gotten much taller, but she recognized Leo, bright blue eyes that stared at her, widening. Disbelief written across his face. "Leo?" She couldn't keep from grinning. Some of her favorite childhood memories had been of her cousin. "Holy shit!" The other guard hissed and both were racing towards her. She was smothered in hugs, unable to stop from laughing. "Ty!" She hugged them both, tears falling freely. "I'm back!" He looked down at her, tears also falling freely. "God I thought you were dead!" He crushed her in a hug. "I'm so sorry, baby sister. I failed you!" "No!" She pushed away looking at him in shock. "No, you didn't fail me." She took a deep breath. "Aden did." She gave him another tight hug, "Aden has a lot to pay for." "He hasn't been seen since," Leo said, his voice grim. She looked up at her cousin frowning. "No?" Leo shook his head. "Haven't seen him since." "Come on, grandmother will be beside herself." Ty wiped at his face. "Welcome home." ~*~ Thank you for reading. This was the intro (if the title didn't tip you off to that.) Hope it wasn't too horrible. Now to tidy up the actual story part XD.
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lostintheducksauce · 1 year ago
the fight
I see her.  In my dreams, occasionally, never too often.  In those dreams we are happy.  That’s all I remember when I wake up.  When my mind begins to come to consciousness I keep my eyes closed.  I squeeze them shut as hard as I can, willing myself to go back to sleep, back to that happy reality with her.  But inevitably the sun rises and I open my eyes.  The world is sad compared to that dream.  As I wake the memories of the dream go flying out of my head, until I’m left with nothing but melancholy.  The ache in my heart is almost too much to bear. 
This morning was one of those mornings.  I try to remember the dream sometimes, but it never works.  All I know is that I experience a future where I’m happy, a future where she’s mine.  A world beyond my grasp.
I look down at my helmet and inhale deeply through my nose, holding it here for a moment to still my heart.  I can hear the crowd now, chanting my opponent’s name and getting riled up for the next match.  The Master of Ceremonies is in rare form, his voice so loud it’s on the verge of breaking.  He might as well, it is the last match of the day after all.  The sun will be at its highest, I’ll have to end it quickly before I overheat.  Even in this shaded back room the heat is almost too oppressive. 
Focus, I tell myself.  There is little room for error out there.  She belongs to someone else, I remind myself.  She begins to fade into the background.  The pain recedes as I focus on the task at hand.  The chanting is growing louder.
“And whatever you do, don't get stuck underneath him,” Jungen Jerchen says nervously.  Has he been talking this entire time?  I smile to myself in amusement and apology.  “He’s a lot bigger than you, so you-” 
I place my armored hand on his shoulder and he looks at me.  “It is done,” I say with a small smile.  
He pats my hand and forces a smile back.  “Aye, it is, isn’t it?”
Abruptly the doors to the arena open with a loud metallic series of clanks.  Slowly the heavy iron gate opens and sunlight begins slowly pouring in along with the roar of the crowd.  One more deep breath and I put my helmet on and the sound is reduced to a tin, my vision reduced to narrow slits.
Almost without my permission my legs begin to move, towards the arena, towards the sands.  When I step out into the sunlight the roar is deafening, or at least it should be.  I can hear almost nothing save for the sound of my breath and the pounding of my heart.  I can see almost nothing save for my opponent.  Lo, he approaches.  A white shield with blue stars, one for every man he’s conquered.  When the day is done, would he be painting another blue star on his shield?  He approaches like a walking mountain, his sinister looking mace at least twice as heavy as mine.  
I look for his eyes, but can see nothing through the slits in his helmet.  
He’s only a man, I tell myself but I’m not quite sure I believe it.  My grip feels weak on my mace.  My heart is beating too fast.  I feel light headed.  I am thirsty.
He’s only a man. The Master of Ceremonies goes through the last minute instructions and asks if we are ready.  I don’t believe I am.  I don’t believe anyone can truly be ready for a moment like this.  But I feel myself nod.
I get my shield up in time, barely.  I feel the shock of his mace down my left arm as it rattles me to my bones.
Had that hit my head, I would be- NO. I tell myself.  There is no time for doomsaying in a fight.  Fear will lead to doubt.  Doubt will lead to hesitation.  Hesitation will lead to death.  Never let it be said that Elman of the Twin Rivers did anything with hesitation, including meeting his own death.  Let it be said of me that I did nothing halfway or with pause, and that when I met my end I greeted death as an old friend, sorry to have kept him waiting for so long.
I swing wildly, two times in a quick right to left to right motion, forcing him back.  We circle, attempting to get the measure of the other.  I don’t know how many full force blows my shield can take, or my arm beneath it.  I will have to dodge what I can and turn what I cannot.  The rest will have to be absorbed.
For such a large man Tongen of the Blue Star moves incredibly quickly, far quicker than myself which seems unfair.  One would think if there was an advantage I would have over someone so much heavier it would be speed.  I am proven wrong as his mace crashes into my shield again, and then glances across the top of my helmet.  I hear ringing as my vision swims but I am able to keep my balance long enough to ward off the next few blows.  
I swing back but it’s ineffective.  The blows that I do land are turned by his shield, while his slightest touch sends me reeling. It takes everything I have just to stay on my feet.  Jungen’s words come back to me, and I manage to stay out from underneath him as he tries for a grapple.  He is as strong as a bear, but I managed to headbutt him and break his clinch as we separate.  It should be illegal for a man to be that strong.  
I am breathing hard, my heart pounding in my chest from fear and exertion.  The armor is hot.  A funny thought crosses my mind.  He’s taller than me, which means he’s closer to the sun.  I pray that means he’s also a little hotter than I am.  I resist the urge to chuckle.  
I bite too hard on a feint and his mace crashes into my stomach.  Fortunately the armor holds but some of the breath is driven from my lungs.  I’m not sure if I make a sound or not but I’m forced to stumble away off balance.  Anyone watching can see the inevitable end is near.  
An older fighter, past his prime and of no great significance even in his heyday.  A young hungry athlete, larger and faster, more technically sound.  There is no hope.  
Yet still I fight on.  I block what I can, endure what I must.  His blows rattle my teeth while mine seem to barely tickle him.  By now my shield is in splinters while his looks freshly painted.  Still I fight on.  I grunt.  I curse.  I clench my teeth and I roar.  I throw everything I can muster at him.  He blocks, returns, retreats, advances.  And in those tiny moments, in those microseconds between microseconds I see something.  I don’t even think about it.  My body moves of its own accord.  I land a backswing across his helmet.  A clean hit, the kind so clean that it doesn’t even feel like you hit anything.  He stumbles but doesn’t fall, saved by his mass.  But it’s something, and I’m not one to look a gift horse in the mouth
I swing again, and again, both of which are blocked, but they are just a distraction.  My right foot connects with his left ankle in a sweep attempt and he stumbles off balance again, his superior athleticism keeping him upright.  But it’s a further distraction.  I knock him back with my shield and swing my mace full on across his helmet.  With a satisfying crunch he drops to a knee.  I raise my mace to separate him from consciousness.
The horns blare, signaling the end of the time limit.  I stand there with my mace raised for an instant, and then my arm becomes too heavy to hold up. I am so out of breath that I am on the verge of wheezing.  The contest is over and the battle rush is leaving me quickly.  I fumble with my helmet with numb fingers, desperate to get it off and get some fresh air.
“Hold still, hold still,” I can hear Jungen’s voice as he rattles my head around trying to get the damn thing off.  When did he get here?  Finally the top comes off and I am able to breathe.  The summer air seems cool in comparison to what I was breathing inside the armor. I close my eyes and take a few deep breaths, trying to calm my heart and restore some life into my legs. 
“A good match, well fought and done,” Tongen says to me with a bright smile and an extended hand.  The damn young warrior doesn’t even seem out of breath.
“Well fought and done,” I return a genuine smile and clasp his armored forearm as he clasps mine.  I can barely get my hand around his arm while his grip seems to engulf mine.  
“We should do it again sometime.”
“You wish to murder an old man that badly?” I say and he laughs politely.  We stand in front of the king but I am not listening to the man speak.  The battle rush leaves, and she comes back to haunt my waking hours.  She should be here.  She should be next to me, her beautiful face full of concern for my well being.  If she were here I would pick her tiny body up and kiss her, just like I did the first time we kissed.  I would close my eyes and drink her in.  Her smell would intoxicate me as it always did and the pain of the fight would begin to fade.  She would tell me she loved me and I would remain there with my eyes closed, my forehead upon her forehead as she whispered it over and over again until I believed I was worthy of such love.  A tiny hope appears.  Maybe she realizes she still loves me.  Maybe she is on her way to me right now, running through the stands to be in my arms.  Maybe she will leap into my embrace, and the crowd will cheer and the king will applaud. 
I kill the tiny hope before it can take root. I murder it in its crib.  It is the hope that kills you, and I kill it before it can kill me. She belongs to someone else, I say to myself yet again, resisting the urge to say it out loud.  In battle I have no time to think about her.  In battle I have no time to think of anything else but survival.  If it were possible I would fight every minute of every day just to be rid of her ghost.  She haunts my dreams and she haunts me when I’m awake.  I see her everywhere, but I am unable to speak to her, to touch her.  Yet I do not even cross her mind.  She is happy with her new lover.  I am in her past while she haunts my present, invades my future.  
The battle rush is completely gone now.  The thrill of violence and the uncertainty of fate give way to melancholy and regret.  Jungen tells me it will pass, but I hold no hope.  Fighting is my only reprieve from this living nightmare, a sweet escape where there is no space or time to think about anything but the moment.  I long for the days where a dog was just a dog and not a reminder of the way she would stop to pet every animal on the way to the market.  The places we used to eat together I find convenient excuses to avoid.  When I pass by their windows I can see us in our usual seats, sharing a meal and a laugh.  The songs the bards sing about heartache used to be in a foreign language, now I find myself understanding every word.  
“You frightened me,” Jungen says as he embraces me, the prize money clinking in his purse.  “A shame, a few more seconds and victory would have been ours.”
“Indeed,” is all I can bring myself to say.
“What? What’s wrong?” A look of concern crosses my friend’s face and I force myself to smile for his sake.  
“I was just wondering when the next fight was.”
The End
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allkordelia · 3 years ago
Hi! Can I request a imagine/smut where the oc is black and is Targaryen? And she is the older half-sibling of Rhaenyra and is named after Visenya. Daemon likes her and is very possessive and kind of have yandere tendencies when it comes to her👀. She is extremely good in combat and a great war tactician like her namesake. And can she be the rider of Vhagar? And has the ability to bend blood at her will and make weapons out of them?
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You rode vhagar high in the sky circling bloodstone looking down at where the Triarchy were hiding, it been almost year and half years since you left king's landing to join daemon and uncle corlys. Well, more like ran away rather than join you left home after a fight with you father, viserys, and you have to say you kinda wish you didn't the fact of the matter is we are losing and daemon "the commander" is leaving your uncles and you to come up with a strategy.
While he tries using caraxes to kill the triarchy and craghas drahar even through you told him millionth time that the dragonflies won't reach them in the caves, he does it anyways like a nonlistening child and your starting to feel like a mother now.
You look away from the bodies of your fallen comrades as you pull the reins causing vhagar to fly back to camp, it was nearing nightfall when you dropped down from your dragon since she's so big she would have to stay far away from the camp. You sigh taking the helmet off your head before shaking your white dreadlocks, the head of vhagar nudge you causing you to scratch under her chin making the beast let out a soft growl before completely laying on the ground.
You patted her snort before walking away as you walk the silver armour that they gave you scrap and clank togther with every step you took, seeing as the walk back to the camp going to be a long one you started thinking why you were here.
Daemon looked down at rhaenyra as she wore the necklace he just gave her his finger graze her collarbone, he watched with mischief as she grew pink at his touch she soon stepped away when the door to the throne room opened. He glared over at whoever interrupted them when his gaze turned soft when he realized it was you, visenya was your name the bronze beauty with white kinky hair like his and rhaenyra. He raked his eyes over your body haven't seen you since you were rhaenyra's current age, the red dress that pushed up your breast and hug your waist made him stare as you walk with grace with your hands behind your back and a small playful smile on your face.
"And may I ask what you two are doing in here?" You stopped in front of them glancing between them.
"Our dear uncle has gifted me a necklace...its made from valyrian steel." Rhaenyra said with bright smile looking at her older half-sister, your brows shot up as you step closer to look at the pretty necklace.
"Ah, It's very beautiful, rhae." Daemon watched as you smile at your sister, some siblings would be displease to found out that their younger siblings got a beautiful gift like this but not you not an ounce of jealousy or bitterness on your face just a carefree smile.
"Rhaenyra. I need to speak with your sister about a matter." Rhaenyra frown a bit before nodding and looking back at you.
"I'll be in godswoods when your done." You nodded before watching rhaenyra walk out leaving daemon and you alone.
"I hope I'm not in trouble." You said with a playful look, he chuckled shaking his head.
"No. I just wanted get a moment alone to talk, how have you been?" He asked giving you a soft smile, "You grown so much since I last saw you."
"I'm good, uncle. I am happy to see your back and well." He didn't say anything just giving her a low hmmm as his eyes went to her expose cleavage.
"I heard that you weren't in the Vale for sometime, where have you been during your time away." You asked calmly feeling a bit unnerved as he looked at you, he glanced back up before shrugging.
"A little bit of everywhere, you could say. I was in dorne, then I went to the iron islands, and I lingered in the free cities for a bit before getting bored coming back home." He chuckled moving to scratch the back of his neck.
"Well, we're happy your home and in time for the tourney I heard you got some competition." He rolled his eyes at that knowing very well half the men joining the tourney don't have a chance.
"I'll doubt that, neice."
"I don't know, daemon. I heard a new knight from dorne is very skilled and very handsome." Daemon narrowed his eyes at you not liking this new knight if he caught your attention.
"We see about that..." he stated before turning on his heel and walking to the iron throne.
"Daemon." You said cautious knowing what he was about to do, he gave her mischief smile before taking a seat.
"One day, all of this will be mine." He said looking around the room with a proud look.
"I guess I have to pray twice as hard for a boy, then." He turned to you with a soft glare.
"You mock your future king, princess." You shook her head.
"No, I mock my uncle the prince..." you giggle before standing in front of him, "...this is consider treason you know." He shrugged before patting his knee.
"Come sit and see what I see." You shook your head.
"No, thanks I choose life." He chuckled.
"Come on, live a little neice this might be your only chance to see what your ancestors saw when they sat here." You looked at him for a moment thinking you let out a small sigh before walking closer, this was a bad idea and you knew it but you did wanted to see why this seat was so special and made every person in your family fight over it like a peice of meat.
You glanced at daemon as he stared at you he put his legs togther making you sit down, you scooted a bit causing a soft groan to leave daemon's lips. Your eyes go wide before muttering a soft "sorry" about to get up when he right arm around your waist keeping you still, daemon shifted her on his left knee not before he got whiff of your perform you smelled like honey and cinnamon.
"You smell nice." He commented, she thanked him before she sat on his lap a bit stiff, "...relax and look ahead and tell me what you see." Your brows knitted togther before relaxing leaning back, you look ahead your hand rest on the arm of the throne as you looked around the empty room.
"I-I don't see anything." You turned your head to look at daemon, your faces were close to one another causing you turn away quickly making daemon chuckle softly.
"Pretend that your the queen and tell me what you see." You looked at ahead and tried to imagine but you shook your head slightly.
"I can't...what do you see." You asked
"I see lords from all over bending the knee to me, I see tables full of foods with people laughing and drinking." You hummed with a soft smile.
"With jesters?" You asked hearing him chuckled.
"Of course!" He exclaimed with a grin.
"How about fire dancers?"
"Yes, what kind of king would I be if I didn't have jesters and fire dancers at my coronation." You both laugh as he wrapped other arm around you squeezing you a bit as your hands went to his arms, daemon held a slight smile as you giggle before you knew it daemon lips was on yours.
Your hands went to his chest while one his hand went the back of your neck while the other one went to your waist slowly moving up, you couldn't help but kiss back your hand going to the side of his hand he too soon moved his hand from the ba k of your neck to your cheek.
"Daemon..." you breathed out as he kissed her neck well your hands went to his hair, you felt his hand massage your breast before grinding against you.
"Your so divine, visenya. So divine."
You both stopped suddenly when you heard talking and footsteps coming your way, you got up and daemon grabbed your hand before pulling you towards a secret passage. He still held your hand as he lead you through a maze until we finally saw a stone wall he pushed at it making it open and only to found it was your chambers, you walked in looking around as if you never been in there before looking over at daemon closing the stone wall.
"I did not know I had that in here." You said to yourself but daemon heard you making him turn to you with a slight smile.
"You can thank aegon for that he wanted secret passages made so if enemies reached the red keep, his family will found a way out through the castle and into the city or out." You didn't know that peice of information and you thought you read all you know about the castle.
"I never read about in any books we had." He shook his head slightly as he got closer to you.
"Well, if he wrote it down it wouldn't be a secret would it?" He says looking down at you making you let out a embarrassed chuckled.
"Yeah, I guess your right..." you looked down at your feet before daemon tilted you head up to look at him, you let out a shudder breathe as his thumb swipe across your bottom lip before kissing you again. Your hands went to his arms to steady yourself as he kissed you with passion you knew you should pull away, but daemon had this magnetic pull to him that made never to let go and daemon felt the same way.
"Princess? Are you in here?"
"Yes! Don't come in I'm changing." You shouted as daemon's face was in your neck pushing you against the table and started lifting up your gown.
"Your father wishes to see you, m'lady." You slap daemon's hand away as he continue attacking your neck.
"I-I'll be there soon." You strutted fighting back a moan as daemon found your sweet spot on your neck.
"Your father instructed you come immediately." You heard daemon chuckled as he hoped to do the same.
"Okay, I just...need to...found my...shoes." Daemon pecked your lips as you talk making you hit his chest, the guards didn't say anything making you fear they come in here.
"Alright, princess." Your shoulders slumped in relief, daemon brought your attention back on him.
"I should get going..." you said slowly moving from he grabbed your hand kissing it.
"Not before I give you your gift." You looked at him taken back before watching him take off his targaryen ring.
"Oh, daemon I can't take that–" he didn't listen as he put the ring on your finger.
"Yes and you will, think of it as a temporary gift until I give you a real one." You chuckled looking at the ring on your hand.
"...fine...thank you." You looked at him again and he smile softly at you, you grew warm when his hands caressed your face well bring hisnfave closer.
"Can I come see you tonight?" He whispered against your lips, you hummed softly nodding before he planted a sweet kiss on your lips.
"I see you then, princess." You smiled at him as he left to the secret door you looked down at the ring again before holding your hand to your chest, and you couldn't help the smile staying on your face before walking out of your room.
You finally made your way to the camp walking straight to your tent, you hoped you can get their without any trouble from daemon. It been worrying about you constantly which isn't bad but he knows that you can take care of yourself, and that's not only that but you fear he might be getting to possessive over you.
"Where the fuck have you been?" You looked up to see daemon stalking towards you, he grabbed your arms looking you over before you back at your face.
"I was flying...the triarchy were still–" he cut you off with a stern look.
"How many time did I have to tell you, I am the only one to fly over there you could have been hurt. I knew I shouldn't have brought you here..." you glared at him as he ranted.
"I'm sorry, okay! By the gods, I just wanted to see bloodstone so I can figure out how we can lure them out without fucking dying." You snapped back before walking away, daemon watched as you stalk away growling lowly in his throat why couldn't you see that he wanted to make sure you were okay.
He rolled his eyes to the sky before walking to the large tent that they use to talk strategies, he walked in taking a seat at the end of the table he snapped his fingers to one of the servants he brought from dragonstone before tapping his goblet.
He leaned back in his chair listening to vaemond and corlys talk, he drowned out their voices as his thoughts went back to you. He shouldn't have snapped at you the last thing he wanted was for you to be mad at him, after all he didn't wish to waste all of his hard work he put in to make sure you were here by his side.
It was late in the night when daemon was in the small council chambers the meeting ended a while ago but he stayed behind to speak with his brother, alone without a sudden cunt to interrupt them.
"Are you excited for the tourney tomorrow, brother?" Viserys asked.
"Very. Our dear, visenya said I have some competition." Daemon rolled his eyes making viserys chuckled.
"Yes, many good knights and many good candidates as well." Daemon raised a brow.
"Candidates for what?" He asked before putting his goblet to his mouth.
"For Visenya. It is high time she be marry off," Daemon glanced at his brother with an unreadable look.
"What about her...abilities. Aren't you afraid she might act out. " He said, viserys shook his head putting down his cup.
"Visenya is an obedient daughter she will listen to me."
"She's also strong minded, brother...." daemon said.
"True. But she knows her place and she been trained to play her part, and I'm sure any men will be happy to have her." Daemon kept his bitterness to himself before watching his brother pour more wine in his cup.
"How many have offered to marry her?" Daemon asked making viserys sighs exasperated.
"None. They all to scared of her and her abilities, but that will change tomorrow hopefully." An thought came to daemon as he look at his slighly drunk brother with unbothered look.
"May I speak freely, brother."
"Never stop you before." They both chuckled before daemon choice his words wisely.
"May I offer an alternative arrangement for visenya." Viserys furrowed his brows.
"Like?" Daemon shrugged.
"Give her to me..." Viserys was a bit drunk to know what his brother meant by that well daemon knew what he was asking.
"For?" He asked.
"...her abilities...she's a great fighter and she can help with the stepstone problem." Viserys scoffed out a laugh.
"I'm not sending my daughter out there for you to use her as some sort of weapon–"
"You'll be killing two bird with one stone–" Viserys cut his brother off.
"The answer is no, daemon. The last thing I need is for her to play into this 'the lady of blood' banality like her namesake." He huffed getting upset.
"She will do like every other women in our family has done, lay on her back and produce as many heirs and dragonraides until it kills her." Daemon watched as he brother down more wine trying not to smirk.
"Yes, of course, brother." Daemon let it go getting what he wanted from his brother.
The meeting in the tent was finished daemon didn't hear anything the entire fime as he was the first to get out of his seat and go look for you, he made it to your wide wall tent peeking inside to see you talking with another knight he glared at the man as he walked in causing the two to stop and look at him.
"I hope I'm not interrupting." He said looking at you.
"No...not at all," the knight said before getting up off the small box she had in the tent.
"Thanks again, princess." He gave you a soft smile making you give him a small salute as he moved past the rogue prince, daemon stared at you as he walked further in taking a seat on the small box.
"What did he want?"
"His arm was bleeding so I patched it up." You shrugged looking at your feet as if it wasn't a big deal.
"And he couldn't go to one of the others." He asked.
"I guess he wanted a woman's touch." You joked, daemon didn't found it funny he didn't find it amusing he hummed before moving to sit on the cot next to you. His hand went to your thigh before leaning in only for you dodge his kiss, but that didnt stop him from kissing along your neck.
"Daemon not tonight." You said pulling away him to stand.
"You said that the night before."
"Yeah, well I'm not in the mood to fuck when a bunch of our soldiers are dying." You said putting your hands on your hips, he covered his eyes with his hands before sliding them down.
"You think i don't know that I'm trying–"
"Are you? Because to me it feels like some sort of sick game to piss off my father." He stood up angry.
"I didn't come in here to be lectured. I came in here for the same purpose I brought you to the stepstones to fuck." You slapped him across the face making him snap his head to the side.
"Get the fuck out of my tent." She hissed crossing her arms angry he looked at her for a moment before scoffing and walking out, he stopped when he heard his name he saw you walk out.
"Take your fucking ring back too, asshole." You threw the ring at his chest before going back into your tent, daemon looked down at the ring before bending down grabbing it he heard laughter and turned to see the same knight and some others drinking.
You rode on the back of Syrax with rhaenyra to dragonstone, when you made it you tapped on your younger sister shoulder before pointing at the bridge where the men had their swords out. Syrax screeched before landing on the bridge you got off before helping rhaenyra down, she walked ahead of you as walk behind making the men cleared the way.
Rhaenyra ignored otto's objections as she continued ahead you stayed back making sure no one stopped her from speaking to daemon, you haven't seen or spoken to daemon for nearly half a year after the brothel incident he tried to convince you come with him but your heart was still broken from the lost of another mother so you refused and stayed for your father and sister.
"Your father will be very displeased to hear about this, princess." Otto said standing next to you as you both watch them talk.
"Maybe so, but atleast you all will leave with your life, isn't that something otto." You glanced to the man making him nod.
"Yes, of course, princess." He looked down at your hand seeing the ring that daemon gave you, you moved your hands behind your back as you stared at daemon and rhaenyra.
Your heart jumped into your stomach as daemon tossed the egg to rhaenyra, he stood there looking at you while you turned your attention to you sister. You moved aside so the dragonkeepers can receive the egg, rhaenyra put the egg in their hands before looking at you.
"His asking for you." You turned your eyes to daemon who looked back at you waiting, you let out a sigh before walking over to him.
"Issa jorrāelagon." He smiled speaking in valyrian walking closer whispering making you roll your eyes. (My love)
"What is it?" You said.
"Ao jurnegon gevie hae mirre." (You look beautiful as ever.)
"What do you want, daemon." You gritted out agitated.
"Emagon aōha kepa found ao nykeā valzȳrys, yet?" He tilted his head to the side looking at you. (Have your father found you a husband, yet?)
"I'm leaving." You said turning around he grabbed your arm pulling you close, you held your other arm out to stop the others. You leaned back as he leaned forward thinking he was about to kiss you in front of everyone, but instead he moved past your mouth to your eat whispering.
You looked at him taken back as he let go of your arm, "You know I will never lie to you." Was the only thing he said before stepping back and going back inside, I stood their shock and hurt before walking back to my sister and the men.
"What did he say to you." Otto asked, you looked at him for a moment before looking away with dejection.
"...nothing important." You said before walking away to Syrax.
When you got back to the red keep you went straight to your room staying their the remainder of the day, even when your father wish to yell at you and your sister about leaving the castle you stayed in your room not letting anyone in wishing to be alone. You hoped that what daemon said was a lie you wished it prayed for it to be, it took you a while for you to trust your father after your own mother dead at childbirth and if he wish for you to do the same then....
"Princess? Your father wishes to see you." You were under the covers when you shouted.
"Tell him I'm ill."
"He said it is important and will only take a few minutes." You pulled the cover from over her head and got up.
You neared the room when you saw rhaenyra walk you called her name as she ignored you and sped walked past you, you turned to follow her when you heard your uncle corlys talking making you head to inside.
"What has happened? What is wrong with rhaenyra." All eyes were on you making you look around the room, viserys stalked towards you grabbing your hand with the ring on it.
"So, it's true." You looked over at Otto before snatching your hand from his grip.
"What is?" He glared at her.
"What did daemon say to you at dragonstone."
"Nothing of importance." He put his finger up.
"Don't lie to me. They were multiple people who saw it, what did he say." You didn't say anything as you played with the ring, he notice and grabbed your hands.
"Visenya!" He snapped.
"He told me how you truely think of me! How-how you think I should lay on my back and push out heirs." You snatched your hands from him stepping back.
"That's not–I didn't mean to say it–" you let out huffed of air can't believing what you were hearing.
"I thought we were past this..."
"We are." He says.
"No, we are not. We never were." You turned away walking out.
"Visenya." He called out but you didn't turn back, you took a horse and rode to the hills where vhagar sleeps. You left king's landing to travel back to dragonstone, you went to the great hall to found daemon by himself. He got up when you came through the doors he could tell that you confronted your father, he opened his arms making you wrap her arms around his waist he rubbed your back whispered sweet words before leading you to his chambers.
You woke to see it was morning you rolled out of bed foundung a tunic and trousers to put on before walking out, you head towards the other men eating taking a seat next to your cousin, Laenor.
"Where's our fearless leader?" You asked.
"He went back to bloodstone." You rolled your eyes before wolfing down your breakfast and wine, you patted laenor on his back before getting ready for today.
You looked at the sky watching daemon ride caraxes while your uncles discussed strategy you took your eyes off your lover at the ships being destroyed by the triarchy, you were in thought about how you get on the island without dying when the sounds of caraxes roared as he blew fire in one of the caves is when an thought came to you.
"I'll think I know how to get them out." You turned to your uncles and the rest if the men, they looked at you as you came to the board.
"I'm all ears." Vaemond said exhausted crossing his arms.
"We will need someone to go to the island alone, when I was flying over I saw a white fabric on the ground we could use that..."
"For?" Laenor asked.
"To surrender if they think we're surrendering they will come out, and your soldiers will come over." You moved a pawn to the shores of bloodstone on the board.
"Laenor will follow after with seasmoke, you will have to aim high since that's where their archers are shooting from." You moved a dragon pawn around on the board, you turned to the men.
"It's not a great plan but it's something."
"It's a better plan ours." Vaemond commented.
"Thank you, uncle. But, we still need a decoy...and I volunteer myself." Corlys shook his head.
"No." He said not allowing it, he will send all his man first before his own blood.
"Then who should go, brother? What madman is willing to go down there with no one. " Vaemond asked.
"Daemon." Laenor said backing up his cousin, and as he said that caraxes flew over them.
"It should ms that goes I have the stamina and the abilities to do it." Corly looked at you for a moment conseplating.
"I can do it, uncle." He smiled nodded before putting an hand on your shoulder.
"...intelligent and brave like your mother, no wonder she named you after her favorite warrior." He murmur to you when he past by you making you smile, you turned seeing daemon make his way through the crowd of men as he neared a boy you recognized from court along with a couple of men behind him walk to us.
"Princess..." he bowed before looking at daemon, "...messgae from the king himself, prince daemon." He handed the rolled up parchment to daemon, you watched as daemon unrolled and read it.
You watched him read it and you notice how his face twitched with every word scanned, anyone else would think everything was fine but you knew better whatever your father wrote pissed and angered daemon. He was finished reading handing it back to Addam before the young man can look take back you snatched it out of daemon's hand, you scanned through it furrowed your brows reading good news rather than bad before you knew it daemon was besting the messager with his helmet.
"Daemon!" You shouted at him as he beat the messager, you looked at around as all the men knew better than to touch daemon when his like this. You lifted your hand up slowly making daemon groan as he stop his assault on the young man, you twisted it a bit as daemon held his stomach in pain.
A small perk in your abilities you can cause them to do as you wish by just bending and manipulating their blood, you broke out of your consternation when your felt a hand on your should causing you to stop. Daemon let out a painful groan as he kneel to the ground, he looked over at you seeing your left eye let out a bloody teardrop.
"Take the him to get looked at," you told the others that accompany messager before looking at corlys.
"I'm taking the rowboat to bloodstone, wait for my signal." He nodded before you walked passing daemon who was slowly getting to his feet, you used the back of your hand to wipe away the blood.
From the time you got here you been using your blood bending frequently against the enemy and training, you still don't know how to use it since you were forbidden to use them back home. Your father feared that you might be too much like visenya targaryen if visenya had powers, but after two years you gotten better at making your blood turn into a weapon a favorite of yours is the rope dart. You saw it once a long time ago when a dornish woman use it as a trick on rhaenyra fifth nameday, you were captivated by it that you wanted learn to use but your father refused to allow such thing.
"Wait! I'm coming with..." you stop looking behind you to see daemon walking after you, you didn't say anything before finally getting to the rowboat. He held out his hand so you can get in but you ignore it getting in and taking a seat he pushed it into the water before jumping in himself, you grabbed the oar like daemon and started rowing neither of you spoke for some time until you notice he was wince with ever time he moved.
"Are you alright?" He looked up at you before nodding.
"Yeah, I'm fine just a bit sore." You hmmed looking behind him at the island, daemon looked at you before speaking.
"Do you still want to be with me, visneya?" You looked away from the island to daemon as he stared at you.
"That's not what you should be saying to me right now," you said plainly.
"I know and I am sorry for what I said last night, I didn't mean it you know...we all been on edge." You looked at him for a second before staring over his shoulder, daemon cast his eyes away feeling a bit rejected.
"... and yes, I still want to be with you." A slight smile played on his lips as they row in silence the entire way, they finally made it on shore you looked around until your eyes caught the knight from last night.
"He's with the gods now, visenya." Daemon said looking at the knight, you sigh nodding as a feeling of anger bloomed inside your chest.
"Do you have your dagger." You nodded before stopping as you tear the white fabric and grab a broken spear tying them making it look like a flag.
"What are the chances this might not work?" He asked as you hand him the stick.
"Uh, I'll get back to you on that." You gave him a pursed smile as you continued walking.
You both made it seeing the ruins of bloodstone, daemon raised up the white flag waving it you looked up to see archers pointing their bows at them, your eyes moved away when men in mask came out. Daemon planted the stick in the sand before we both kneel he took out dark sister as a "offering for peace", your dagger was on your thigh hidden the masked man came closer to you both as he looked down at us.
You cut your hand on a sharp stone in the sand the blood started to morph into a dagger, as daemon killed the man you threw your blood dagger at another man. You ran grabbing the blade his chest before stabbing the other with your valyrian dagger that daemon got you, you both ran dogging the arrows as more man came you slide on your kneels slicing two men legs before turning to stabbing them in the gut. You and daemon held out as long as you could waiting the velaryon troops to come, your blood dagger transformed into a sword before sticking into another twisting it before pulling out. You yelp in pain making you fall to your knee that archer shot you in before breaking it and getting up limping, a man tackled you causing you trumble to the sand as we rolled.
"Visenya!" You heard your name before a painful groan caused you to see daemon get shot with two bows in the leg and chest.
"Daemon." you scrambled off the floor only to feel your ankle get grabbed causing you to turn to the guy and kick at his face multiple time trying to get him to let go, you look to see three more men coming towards daemon you was pulled back getting flip on your back which made you stab the man under the chin when he was above you before pushing him off.
Daemon swinged his sword trying to get them to back away, when he watched as two of the men body twist in a weird way as they yelled out in pain and bleed from the eyes and nose before they necks snapped causing them to fall.
He saw you launched at the last man as you bleed from both of your eyes one of the many arrows hit you in the arm but that didnt stop you from repeatingly stabbing the man in the chest and neck getting blood all over your face, you broke the arrow from your arm before walking over to daemon dragging him to shelter as more arrows were fired at you.
"Are you okay?" He asked breaking the arrows from his chest and leg.
"Yeah, how about you?" He nodded, they notice more men were coming causing them to get up, as they were cornered the sound of troops came from the shores to the rescue you looked up to see seasmoke above blowing fire at the archers.
"Daemon..." he turned to you as you gave him dark sister, "...finish this.." you said before running out to join the fight with the others.
The battle ended with victory as daemon was made king of the narrow sea and stepstones, you clapped and cheered along when daemon brought half of craghas body out. The soldiers decided to celebrate their victory in camp with drinking, you skipped the celebration went to clean yourself off at that this spring you found. It was beautiful and quiet only the sound of nature to feel your ears, you lowered yourself in making all the dirt and blood from the battle wash off and flow away. You leaned your head back enjoying the hot water on your body when you heard a sound coming from the woods in front of you, you looked slowly moved to get your dagger when you saw daemon come from behind a tree.
"You spying on me now?" You asked he didn't say nothing only shaking his head no.
"May I join you?" You shrugged as you watch him him get undress and step inside, you leaned you head back as you went back to reflexing while your arms moved against the water.
You opened your eyes staring up at the purple sky as you feel hands on your waist, you bite your bottom lips as you felt his mouth on your shoulder. You lifted you head up wrapping your arm around his shoulder, his hand was under the water rubbing your heat making you moan softly. Your chest and his pressed togther as you kissed him his tongue slipped making you taste the wine he drank earlier, your hand moved underwater grasping his cock in your hands as you slowly move your hand up and down.
He groaned against my lips before kissing down to my chest and making me gasp as his mouth lick and bite my breast, your nails raked through his hair causing him to thrust his hips into my hand. He soon slap my hand way making you giggle before wrapping your thighs around his waist, you felt his cock rub against your folds making dig your heel in his side making him chuckled. You let out a sigh as he pushed his cock into you he held you against the rock as he fucked into you, you whimper throwing your head back as he suck on your neck.
"Do you love me?" He said holding your thigh tight, you nodded quickly.
"I want...to hear you say it." He grunted out well his thumb started rubbing your your sweet spot again.
"Y-yes, I-I love you daemon." Your nails went to his back leaving stratch marks as he move his hips bit more rougher against your own.
"Will you marry me?" He asked, he feeling you squeeze around him you didn't say anything for a minute feeling your stomach tighten.
"...yes, fuck yes I'll marry you." She moaned out before latched his lips against hers fucking her against the rock not soon after he came in her making her shiver in pleasure.
"I love you, daemon." She said leaning her head against his shoulder.
"I love you too, visenya." He panted kissing her cheek.
They made it back to camp holding hands you grinned having your head on his shoulder, "I have forgotten...this belongs to you." He reached in his pocket with his free hand pulling out his targaryen ring, you gave him your hand as he slides it on before kissing you.
"I'm gonna pack my stuff, I'll see you later?" You asked him with a sly smile.
"Of course, love." He gave you one last on your cheek before you let go of his hand and walked to your tent.
"Visenya." You heard your cousin called out for you making you to see him running up to you, you greeted him before he asked about the knight that was in your tent yesterday. You told him the bad news and how you saw him on the shores, making him furrowed his brows.
"What is it?" You asked.
"Nothing, it just he was supposed to stand watch at dwarfstone with three others but they said they havent seen him since all morning." You tilted your head.
"Did anyone see him last night."
"Yeah, they said he was drinking and was last seen with daemon...." you furrowed your brows as your cousin kept talking your eyes moved over to see daemon looking at the two of you, you looked back at your cousin when he mentioned five other names you recognized.
"We gonna go back to bloodstone to see if we can found and receive their bodies for their families." You nodded seeing daemon walking over to them.
"I hope you found them cousin." He nodded before walking away he nod towards daemon as he does the same before he stop in front of me.
"What was that about?" He asked trying to act dumb.
"You know what you did to ser gwayne at the tourney was cute, but this is just madness..." you said ignoring his question as you continued to walk towards your tent.
"I didn't like how they were looking at you." You rolled your eyes, you expected that he killed them it was sweet since the first two was arshole and a bit touchy when they are drunk but the other three were sweet.
"For your sake, their bodies better be found before the others get back from bloodstone." You stopped outside your tent and looking at him.
"Or what?" He challenged.
"Do you truely want to found out?" You glared at him with a stern look, he stared at you hoping to get you to reconsider but you were firm to your words making him sigh pecking your lips.
"Fine." You smiled.
"Can I atleast–"
"No." You left no room for argument as you walked in your tent leaving daemon scowl to himself as he left to get the bodies from the woods.
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pascalpanic · 4 years ago
Sweet Talk (Din Djarin x afab!Reader)
Summary: Din can’t hold back anymore, and decides to start flirting with you. Too bad he’s awful at it.
W/C: 3.5K
Warnings: lots of flirting, lots of innuendos, SMUT 18+, unprotected p in v sex (wrap it before you tap it, kiddos), fingering, squirting, cream pie... language? yeah uh there’s a lot. Reader is afab but no pronouns or gendered pet names are used. lots of dirty talk.
A/N: AAAAAAAA this was a request for @notabotiswear!! I hope you guys all like it, this is my first Din smut and I was rlly nervous bc uh Din smut is obviously something big in this fandom and I wasn’t sure if I’d characterize it properly. but here we are!
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You don’t know what Din looks like under his helmet, but you think he must be smirking. There’s no way the man wouldn’t be, not with the words he just said to you.
You’ve been travelling with Din and his little green son for a while now. You’d brought everything good to the beskar man’s life the moment you met. You made him eat more, drink more water. The presence of another human on the ship encouraged Din to bathe more and to keep the ship tidier. All in all, things had massively improved when you entered Din Djarin’s life.
One specific perk brought relief: you were extremely in touch with The Force. So was the tiny little green bean. From you, Din had finally learned his son’s name. He didn’t really like the way Grogu rolled off the tongue, however, so he generally stuck to calling him what he had before. Your ability to communicate with Grogu made things like bedtime and baths much easier, and everything went smoother.
Yes, you were a Force user. Ever since you were a child, you’d had a special sensitivity to that force that flowed all around you. Even though Din was not aware of The Force, nor was he able to use it or speak with it, the energy of The Force made the man practically glow. You understood why Grogu liked him so much. The man radiated it, warm energy that seemed unnatural for a bounty hunter. Once you got to know him, it all made sense. His aura was indescribable, really, but it was fitting. He was a good man at his core. He was kind and even funny sometimes.
Let’s return to the present: Din Djarin just pulled a cheesy pickup line on you, and it made you stare at him with an expression of sheer confusion, even though you could feel your cheeks warm from his words. “What the fuck did you just say to me?” You ask, placing your hands on your hips.
He looks up at you and cocks his head to the side. “I said that I may not be able to feel the Force, but I wish I could feel you.”
Your mouth hangs open, trying to press down a giggle that rises in your throat. “Din, what the fuck?” You finally laugh, grinning. “That’s the worst pickup line I’ve ever heard. No wonder you’re single,” you shake your head. “Where is this coming from?”
Din’s last reserve has broken. He’s been planning this for days, planning the way he’d finally tell you everything he thinks. “Just… I wasn’t listening to you at all. Was looking at your face. You’re gorgeous, you know that?” He asks you, the black T-visor staring you down.
You frown as you see your own reflection in the shining beskar. “I wish I could say the same about you,” you tease and tap your fingers on the metal helmet he wears. “What do you look like under there? Can you tell me?”
“Why, so you can make fun of it?” Din rolls his eyes.
“No, so I can finally put a face to the man I think about at night,” you tease, leaning in closer. It’s instinctual, like you’re leaning in so he can kiss you. He obviously can’t, not with that damn helmet on his head that you know isn’t coming off any time soon.
Din’s breath catches in his throat. “Oh come on,” you smirk at him. “Two can play at that game, Din. What do you look like?” You ask, tracing your fingers across the indents of his helmet and down to his neck. “Can I see your skin?” You ask in a low, quiet voice.
Din nods. You pull the neck of his clothing down to reveal a patch of gorgeous, caramelly skin. “Oh,” you mumble before you can stop yourself. “I bet you have brown eyes, don’t you? With brown hair too, since your skin is this dark. Am I right?”
His breath is heavy now. “Yeah,” he rasps out through the modulator. You press a soft kiss to his skin, feeling how warm and soft it is.
A shiver runs through his body, making the skin prick up beneath your lips. “Oh. So you meant it when you were flirting,” you giggle, sitting back upright and looking at him. “Well, you’re gonna have to win me over the hard way, Mando. Flirting is how people usually do it, I’ve heard,” you tease and pat his helmet as you stand and make your way out of the cockpit.
His aura has changed. It radiates further, sucks in more energy and pushes more out, all at a quicker speed. If it had a color, it would be a deep pink. “You want me too, don’t you, cyare?” Din asks, voice low and husky.
“You’ll have to figure that out yourself, Din,” you laugh and make your way over to your little green child to wake him from his nap.
“Grogu,” you sing softly, and the little thing stirs beneath his absurd amount of blankets. Those big eyes blink open and he makes a little grunt of effort. “I know, baby boy. So sleepy,” you coo and lift him from his cradle. He cuddles into your chest contentedly. “Good morning, snugglebug,” you mumble and press a kiss to his head.
Your back is to the ladder, but you can hear Din climbing down. His feet hit the floor. “I’ve been thinking about you for so long,” he tells you. His voice is even deeper, raspier than the modulator makes it sound. “That body… you don’t know what you’ve unleashed by saying tha-”
You turn, holding Grogu in your arms. Din’s demeanor shifts. “Oh. Uh, hi buddy. Can he understand me?” he asks. He knows sometimes the child can, but not always. Not when he uses different words.
You shake your head, reading the baby’s energy. He’s too sleepy to comprehend anything. “No, he can’t. But really, is that so?” You ask, popping a hip and resting a hand on it.
Din nods. “I’ve always loved the color of your eyes. Have I mentioned that?” You shake your head. “Really, they’re so beautiful.”
That makes you genuinely smile up at him. “Din,” you coo and place a hand on one of the indents of his helmet. “Is there a way you can remove the helmet and I can’t see it that’s legal with The Creed? Like, if my eyes were closed, could you do it?”
He nods. “Yes. As long as you don’t see my face.”
You smile a little. “Good to know,” you nod and walk away, the baby in your arms.
The day continues like that, the two of you trading compliments and pick up lines, shamelessly flirting around the Crest. You cook dinner and Din comments that it smells nearly as good as you. Din fixes something mechanical and you comment that those fingers would feel really good somewhere else.
There’s a palpable tension between the two of you for the rest of the night. You and Din dance around each other, sneaking touches of the other’s arm or hand or back. He compliments you and you flirt right back.
When Grogu finally yawns, it’s like the Maker themself sent it. Din hurriedly puts the baby to bed, and finds you in the cockpit after, sitting in his chair. The pilot’s chair. “Din,” you sing-song to grab his attention.
You look at him with purpose for a second, then close your eyes. Sitting up a little. Referring to what you said earlier- Din can remove his helmet if you can’t see his face. He can kiss you. You can touch his face, feel him. “I promise they’ll stay closed,” you tell him.
You can hear him breathe through the modulator of his helmet for a moment, then there’s a soft sound of the helmet being removed. Finally, there’s a clank of the helmet being set on the floor. When it’s just your little family of three on the ship, Din omits the full beskar regalia. Nevertheless, you can hear the soft noise of his knees hitting the floor. In front of you. “Can I kiss you?” He asks.
His real voice is like a song. It’s nowhere near as low, though it’s still a bit deep, a bit raspy. It’s beautiful, so quintessentially Din, and you nod with a small smile. “That’s why they’re closed, stupid,” you tease.
One of Din’s calloused hands finds the side of your face. He pulls it down a little, for his kneeling height, and kisses you. Slowly. His lips are warm and soft, surprisingly soft, against your own. You break away from him for a second, your eyes still squeezed tightly shut as if you may accidentally open them. “Can I touch your head?” You ask.
In response, Din takes your hands and puts them on either side of his face. It allows you to feel the stubble beneath your fingertips, the warm skin. “You have a beard,” you giggle softly.
“All the better if my face is between your legs, right?” He chuckles. It’s just so fucking perfect and real, the way his laugh sounds without the helmet. As much as you’re enjoying the sound, the words that his voice formulates make you gasp a little and shudder. “You want that?” He asks you, lips finding your neck and kissing it slowly.
“Goddamn,” you mumble. “No, Din, I wanna fuck you tonight. Can we? Will you keep your helmet off if I promise not to look?” You ask, voice desperate. You clutch the back of his head, digging your fingers into the thick hair there- it’s wavy, you can tell. “Maker, I’ve wanted you for so fucking long.”
Din makes a little noise of affirmation into your neck. “Yeah,” he nods. “Even better, just wait,” he says, pulling away and putting the helmet back on. “You can look again.”
You do, seeing just your reflection in his helmet. “Where do you want me, baby?” You murmur to him, a hand on the side of his helmet.
Baby. No one has ever called Din that before. He’s heard it a million times, in crowded cantinas, between lovers. Between two people who cared for each other. You two cared for each other, he supposes. Obviously, or you wouldn’t be in this situation. The thought of the word makes Din pause for a moment.
“Hello? Din, what’s in there?” you tease and rap on the helmet with a fist.
You can’t see it but he’s absolutely beaming beneath his helmet, overjoyed. “Where do you want me? In the bunk? In the chair?”
You lean in and smirk, your eyes reflected in the black visor. “Where have you dreamed of having me most?” You whisper, and you swear you can see the beskar-clad man shudder.
“My bunk. Get undressed and lie down for me,” he tells you, already climbing down from the cockpit and motioning with his head for you to follow. You nod excitedly and climb down after him.
Din is looking for something, though you’re unsure of exactly what. You remove your top and pants, and start to move to remove your breastband before two large hands find your bare sides.
Din has returned, and he turns you around. He looks down at you with a long and thin strip of dark fabric in his hand, and you shudder. “Is that what I think it is?” You ask, hands finding the sides of his breastplate.
As you start unlatching his armor, Din nods. “You can undress me, then I’ll put it on and remove my helmet,” he tells you.
You smile a little as you start removing his beskar, tossing it to the side onto a discarded cape. It still makes a soft clunk, but it’s not enough to wake Grogu, thank the Maker. Once the metal is gone, your hands run over his flight suit, allowing you to feel the strong muscles beneath them.
“Din,” you murmur, unzipping the front. It exposes his bare chest, his tan skin with dark hair across it. He’s muscular, of course; as a bounty hunter must be. His arms are just as strong as you push the sleeves off of his shoulders, then push the waist down.
He doesn’t wear underwear. Of course he doesn’t, it would be impractical you suppose, but it exposes Din’s surprisingly large dick. You bite your lip as you look down at it, at how hard and needy it already is. You give it a slow stroke and Din groans. “Alright mesh’la. Let’s get that off of you,” he says and lifts your arms, pulling off the breastband.
After that, he shoves your underwear down and you step out of them, kicking them to the side. “Fuck,” he grunts at how beautiful you look, naked before him. Din pushes you back until your ass meets the end of his bunk and he lifts you to sit on the edge.
He spreads your legs and stands between them, his cock pressing against your dripping folds. “Fuck, you’re so wet, and it’s for me?” He chuckles with hardly any air in his lungs.
“Of course I am. So fucking sexy,” you murmur as you let your face fall forward into his chest, kissing at the skin and working a mark into his pec. You pull away and sit back, giving him a little room. “Okay, put it on me. Please. I just wanna kiss you,” you admit, closing your eyes preemptively.
He nods and wraps the cloth around your eyes, using his deft fingers to knot it behind your head. It’s snug, but not too tight. “You do this often?” You tease, resting your hands on his wrists.
He shakes his head. “Never have. Always kept the helmet on. You’re just…” he pauses as he removes his helmet, “something special,” he sighs, finally kissing you again.
You wrap your arms around his neck and pull him tight against you, wrapping your legs around his waist as well. “Din… should’ve said something sooner. Would’ve done anything for you,” you sigh as his lips find your jaw and then your neck, slowly tracing his tongue across your collarbone.
He makes a little grunt. “Sorry,” he chuckles. “Let me make it up to you,” he mumbles as he cups your face and kisses you again, his tongue running along the seam of your lips. “Can I do this, baby? Will you let me fuck you?”
The word again. Baby. It slipped from Din’s lips this time, before he could stop himself. He really really likes you, so much so that he can hardly contain it. He’s never been one for names in bed, degrading or praising, but he’s never going to stop calling you his, his baby.
You whine softly and break the kiss. “Please, Din. Fuck me, wreck me,” you nod before reaching out to where you find his face.
While you trace the stubble of his jaw, one of Din’s thick fingers slips into your folds. He shudders at how wet you are, tracing a finger up and down through the wet skin. “Mm, fuck,” he groans softly as the pad of his middle finger masterfully finds your clit. He rubs small circles into it, causing your head to fall forward into his shoulder.
“Please, please,” you whine, your walls clenching around nothing. “Fuck me already, baby,” you plead with Din, gripping his hips now.
“Relax, cyare,” he murmurs and kisses your neck. With the helmet on, he rarely gets to experience anything pleasurable with his mouth. Your skin is so soft and warm beneath his lips, his tongue, and he just has to bite at it. Din nibbles at your earlobe, feeling himself grow harder. “Let me take my time with you.”
“I’ve waited so long for you, Din. Please don’t make me wait,” you beg, slowly stroking his cock. A bead of precum forms on the tip and you swirl it around the head with the pad of your thumb.
Din can’t hold back anymore. He pushes your hand away and lines himself up to you with the free hand, two fingers circling your clit now. “You ready for me?” He groans.
“Yes, just fuck me,” you whimper and grab both sides of his head, pulling him to kiss you. It’s deep and hot and it grows sloppy as Din pushes into you, splitting you open on his deliciously thick cock. “Fuck,” you cry out at the sensation.
“You think you feel good?” He shivers and barely breathes out. “Feel so fuckin’ good around me, so hot and wet,” he shudders.
Din’s still standing, and he has more leverage as he thrusts all the way in, then pulls nearly all the way out. “Lay back,” he orders you, and you comply.
His second thrust is even deeper than the first as he pulls one of your legs over his shoulder, allowing him to already hit the deep spot inside of you. You whine and he smirks. “There we go. Good job, baby, keep making those noises for me,” he insists as he starts thrusting in and out of you.
He’s fucking good at this. It’s no surprise really, the way he knows your body masterfully. It’s almost as if you’re using The Force to guide him, but he’s just that fucking skilled. His tip drags against that sweet spot against you with every thrust, and Din pulls your hips to his with one hard thrust.
It’s so hot, the sound of Din’s skin slapping into yours, the way the skin of his thigh drags against yours. “Fuck,” you cry out as he presses his fingers a little harder against your clit, making the circles he draws slower and more deliberate.
“Knew you’d sound so good,” he grunts. “Knew you’d love it when I’m fucking you. When I get to take you like this. Don’t you?”
“Yeah,” you nod frantically. “I wish I could see you.”
“I know, cyare,” Din assures, even though his voice is breathless and strained. “Come on, baby, you feel so close, don’t you? I can feel it, the way your walls are getting tighter around me. You gonna be good and cum on me? I think you can.”
His words are just as arousing as his actions. “I will, please, I can feel it, just keep going and don’t stop,” you whimper. You take one of his hands, lacing his fingers through yours.
Din smiles at the gesture. It’s soft, intimate. He likes it as much as he loves the way you call him baby. “That’s my good baby,” he nods and pulls your hips a little off of the bunk, so that anything that spills from you will collect on the metal floor instead of the mattress.
It grows and grows in the pit of your stomach, and you can feel it. It’s coming and it’s coming hard. “Din, Din please,” you whine, one leg wrapping tight around his hip. “Fuck, I’m gonna,” your voice barely manages out before it washes over you, the feeling flowing through your body like a high in your veins. “Din,” you cry out as you cum, toes curling from the intensity. It spills from you, all over Din’s cock, dripping onto the floor.
“Oh, good job, cyare, fuckin’ Maker, you feel so good,” he groans. “I’m not gonna last much longer. Can I cum in you?” He asks, still checking up on you.
You nod. “Please, please baby,” you groan and squeeze the hand you’re holding tight. “Need to feel it.”
He nods too, though you can’t see it. “Okay, okay, I-“ a strangled cry comes from deep within his throat as he finally lets go, his cum pushing deep inside of you. “Fuck,” he murmurs, interjected by shouts of your name.
The both of you come down later, panting and covered in sweat. Din pulls out and a little bit of his cum drips from you, joining your own release on the floor. It’s so fucking hot that Din nearly cums again. “Stay right there,” he tells you, gently stroking your hip. “Don’t take the blindfold off.”
He comes back a few moments later with a damp rag, cleaning you up before cleaning up the mess the two of you made on the floor. He puts it with the laundry then climbs into the bed next to you, cuddling into your side. “Fuck, Din,” you giggle and press a kiss to whatever skin is in front of your face- his jaw. “You’re good at that.”
“Just felt so good,” he chuckles too. “You’re fantastic. I like it when you call me baby,” he admits.
You grin. “Then I’ll have to call you it all the time, baby,” you chuckle and kiss his lips softly. “Din?”
“Yes, ner k’arta?”
“Can we sleep like this?” You ask. “I promise I won’t look at your face or sneak anything, I mean it.”
Din chuckles quietly. “Of course we can. I trust you.”
You give a happy little noise and cuddle into his warm body, his strong arms surrounding you. “I like this. You’re so cuddly,” you admit with a small laugh.
“We can do this anytime you like,” he laughs too, kissing your forehead. “Whenever, wherever. If it’s with you, I’ll do anything.”
@remmysbounty @mishasminion360 @softly-sad @blo0dangel @luxurybeskar @binarydanvvers @sleep-tight1 @apascalrascal @randomness501 @spideysimpossiblegirl @notabotiswear @pedro-pastel @sanchosammy @lv7867
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hellcaster901 · 4 years ago
Say Something
The Mandalorian x Reader
Summary: After a bounty, and some insecurities, both of you decided to be honest.
Word Count: 6,321
Warning(s): SMUT! (No one under 18 PLS) also, please be safe, its a fanficiton wrap that shit up. Language, creampie, slight mutual masturbation? You know, its all the good stuff. 
A/N: I decided that this needed a third part! And thank you to @13dead-ends​ for being that bitch and helping me through this!!  And if there are any mistakes, please, ignore them and enjoy the reading! 
What Now? (Pt 1) Never Been Better (Pt 2)
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The trees swayed with the wind, every single leaf moving of their own accord as you watched, the midnight sky shining down on you and the razor crest, the moon giving off a light for the whole galaxy to see. The ship slightly moved and creaked from the wind pushing against it. You sat there, slouched in the passenger seat of the cockpit, knees up to your chest as you simply watched, waiting. 
You messed with your bottom lip, zoning out as you tried not to worry too much about what was going on with Mando. It’s been a week since he left, a week since he told you that the bounty would only take a day or two and he would be back. You tried your best to keep yourself busy, cleaning what you could, taking care of the child, fixing things that you could fix as you waited, but as each day passed, the nerves worsened and worsened. Which was… unlike you.
You worried, of course, there was always that chance that something would happen, but you knew that he was doing this long before he met you, long before he had either you or the child in his life, and for you to be worrying about it now when you were his…
What were you to him? 
You scoffed at your thoughts, rolling your eyes at your own insecurities. You knew what you were to Mando, even without the silly labels, you knew that there were more to the two of you than you could even describe with words. You spent every night in his arms, stolen moments with him, spokeless heavy touches as the two of you worked around the ship. He was more to you, meant more to you than anyone you have met in your life, and you were sure you meant the same for him. 
You shook your head of the silly thoughts, slouching further into the chair. It was silly to think such thoughts, even question everything that has happened. Those moments on his ship, at the festival, meant something, and honestly, you weren’t expecting a grand gesture of Mando expressing his love to you. You knew already. 
You jumped when you heard the door slide open, hearing the clanking of the ramp as it slid down to the ground. You sat up, wide eyed, looking back at the door, hearing the heavy footsteps walking up the ramp, a heavy grunt as something heavy was dropped. You stood quickly, pushing the door pad as you climbed down the ladder, your heart thumping wildly against your chest as you saw him. 
His back was to you, as he grabbed the bounty, picking him back up with a loud grunt, shoving the passed out man into the carbon-freezing chamber before a gush of smoke came from the machine, the man frozen. 
He must’ve not heard you as he slumped against the wall, huffing in pain as he grabbed his side, trying his best to stand. “Mando?” You whispered, his head tilting towards you, another grunt of pain as he pushed himself against the wall, standing on his feet. “Are you okay?” You moved, grabbing the medpack rushing to his side before he could even say what was wrong with him. He didn’t say anything as he watched you open the box, your worried eyes looking up at him. “What happened?” You spoke softly, resting a hand on his arm. 
“Stop.” He grunted roughly, flinching away from your touch, pushing himself off the wall as he limped around you. “I don’t need your help.” You said nothing as you watched him, lines forming between your eyebrows as you took in what he said. 
“You’re hurt, Mando. Let me at least see what’s wrong.” You huffed, trying to play off what he said didn’t feel like a punch to the heart. You turned towards him, seeing that he was clenching his upper left chest, a growing patch of darkness growing. “You’re bleeding, let me-”
“Stop!” He huffed, turning towards you. Your body went rigged, your mind feeling like it was short circuiting as you heard the tone in his voice, the way he yelled at you. He could see it too, the way you held the med box closer to your chest, fingers tight around the box as you stared at him, eyes wide, mouth gaped as you took in the way he was acting towards you. 
He opened his mouth to speak, say something to you, but nothing was coming out, and right now, he had to take care of himself. Mando turned from you without a word, soft grunts of pain as he limped towards the cockpit. You swallowed thickly, setting the med box on your hip. You blink blankly towards the ladder, not honestly sure what happened. There was rarely a time where he spoke like that to you, much less flinch away from you. 
Maybe you weren’t something to him…
You sighed deeply, eyes closing at the fleeting thought. You knew that wasn’t it, and you were being childish by simply thinking this was more than him just frustrated with such a bounty. Selfish even to think that this was about you rather than him being hurt. With a deep breath, holding the box to your hip, you walked towards the ladder as well, climbing up, knowing that he needed at least something. The door to the cockpit slid open, Mando sitting at his seat, some of his beskar thrown to the side as he looked over himself. 
He heard you, head tilting towards you, not a word spoken as you slowly walked over. You placed a hand on his chair, tugging it softly, hoping he would get the hint. And he did, letting you turn the chair towards one of the passenger seats as you sat down, placing the box on your lap. You tried not to take too long of a glance towards him, the layer of beskar he wore was gone, leaving him in a thin layer of clothing, chunks cut and slashed, exposing tan skin. 
It was silent as you rummage through the box, grabbing some bandages, glancing up at the wounded man. “Lift your shirt.” You whispered, scooting towards the edge of the seat. Mando didn’t move, but you could feel his eyes searching you. “Up.” You mumbled, gesturing to the bandages in your hand. You tried not to look up at his visor, patiently waiting as he pushed himself off the back of the seat, his right hand grabbing the hem of his shirt, lifting it with a strain grunt. You kept you face blank as he lifted his shirt, trying not to show a reaction to the bruising that was scattered along his chest, deep and dark shades of purples and blues. You swallowed thickly, eyes trained on him as he slipped an arm from his sleeve, exposing the long slash. 
Not only was the slash a bit ugly, but seeing him this exposed to you, with so much light still within the room, made your whole body light up. You felt each scar multiple times, felt how smooth his skin could be, felt each part of his body, but now as you stared at it, the moonlight shining brightly against his tan skin, it was as if you were really looking at him for the first time. 
You pulled the cleansing-fluid and a small rag from the medpack, leaning forward as you held the rag beneath the slash, pouring the fluid over the wound. Mando inhaled sharply, chest flexing under your hand. You gave him a sympathetic smile, watching as most of the blood washed away with the fluid. You patted the wound, most of the blood that was dried to his skin wiping away as you soon saw how it really looked. “I think we have some kolto in here.” You mumbled, keeping the rag on the wound as you dug around in the medpack. 
“I’m… sorry.” He muttered, noticing the way your body visibility stiffen at his voice. You shook your head, unrolling the bandages. You worked quietly, wrapping the bandages around the clean wound, looping it under his opposite arm and over the left shoulder, trying your best to make sure it was covered. You felt his eyes on you as you worked, reaching an arm over his chest,face inches away from his helmet as you sat back down, looping the bandage, trying to compose yourself. You were seeing skin that you’ve touched millions of times before, but something about actually seeing it was completely different. 
“Nothing to apologize for.” You spoke, looking up at the dark visor. “I’m… just glad you came back safe.” What you didn’t realize was that Mando constantly had the same thoughts you had. Knowing that what the two of you were, were more than anything you could describe with words, and he wasn’t the best with words on top of that. The best way he could express those emotions, was through actions. 
Your eyes dropped back to the medpack, shoving the materials back in, closing the box as you laid the rag on top of it, standing quickly to leave Mando to his thoughts. “Wait.” he mumbled, a hand grabbing your wrist. You stared down at the gloveless hand, thinking back to all those times those hands have touched you, and made you cry his name. 
You stood there, waiting for him to say something, feeling his fingers tighten around your wrist. You wish you could see what expression he had on his face, what he must be looking like right now. If he was staring up at you in confusion, or if he was deep in thought as he held you there. You wish you could really see the man you loved. 
Mando’s hand slowly dragged down your hand, fingertips leaving a trail of fire before he grabbed the medpack, placing it where you were sitting. “Come here.” He spoke softly, both hands reaching for you again, a soft grip on your wrist, while the other gently brushed against your thigh, fingertips leaving goosebumps in their wake. 
“You’re hurt.” You weakly protested, already feeling yourself moving closer to him, your body reacting to his simple touches. And he knew it. 
He shook his head, “I don’t care.” Knowing that you were going to listen either way. And you did, letting him take your wrist, a hand on your thigh lifting it and settling yourself on his lap, straddling him. You tried to shift your weight, not wanting to put too much on him as you sat there, staring down at his stomach, watching the way his torso rose and fell as he breathed in and out. “You’re not going to hurt me.” You shook your head, knowing that wasn’t the case. His hands made their way to the top of your thighs, thumbs gently rubbing against the fabric of your pants, fingers dipping into your flesh, enjoying the feeling of finally having you in his hands again. “I’ve thought about you.” he spoke again, noticing the way you perked at his words, eyes darting to his visor before back down to his stomach, looking over his bruising. “Every night.” He continued a smile growing on his lips, his hands squeezing your thighs, hearing the soft gasp you produced at his touch. 
“I thought about you too.” You whispered, not daring to look up at the man or focus on the way his hands felt so right on your thighs, instead, focusing on your own hands as they lightly touched his bruising, reminding you of the time at the festival as you traced his scars. 
Mando watched the way you avoided looking up at him, your eyes trained on his torso, he understood, but he wanted to see you, your eyes, your lips when you smile, the way a light blush grew on your cheeks when hit that perfect spot within you. He had to see it all. “Where’s the child?” 
You nodded towards the door, “Sleeping.” You hummed, trying to ignore the feeling of his hands moving upwards, fingers digging into your hips, moving you against his thigh. You suppressed the whimper, feeling the strong muscles rub right against your clothes clit, swallowing the sound. 
Mando reached a hand up, hooking a finger under your chin, making you finally look at him, or at least, his visor. He’s thought about this, long and hard ever since the festival, if breaking his creed, for you, was really that bad of an idea. He wanted to see you without the hue of his helmet, without having to be in the dark to be able to actually kiss you and taste you. He wanted you to be able to actually see him.  
You could tell that he was thinking, seeing the tilt in his helmet as he stared at you, eyes searching over your face. You only gave him a small smile, grabbing the hand that held your chin, and lifting the fingers to your lips, giving the rough digits soft kisses. 
Right there, he decided. 
Before you could do anything to stop him, he lifted his other hand quickly, making you blink as he grabbed his helmet, lifting the restriction off with a soft ‘hiss’ and clicking as he did so. You gasped loudly, dropping his hand, lifting your hands to your eyes as you quickly shielded yourself from seeing anything. “What are you doing?” You yelped, hearing the loud ‘clunk’ as the helmet dropped to the floor. “What is wrong with you??”
“Look at me.” He spoke softly, his actual voice sending chills down your spin. No matter how many times you heard it, it always made your body react the same way. You shook your head, feeling as if your heart was ready to explode at what he was doing. “Y/N, please.” he pleaded, wanting this, wanting you to see him. 
“Your creed, I can’t.” You whispered. He felt his heart swell once again, knowing how much you respected him as a Mandalorian, even as he decided to break his creed for you, you still couldn’t let him, knowing this meant more to him than anything. But as of lately, and ever since he met you, you meant more to him than a creed.
“Look at me.” He spoke again, softly this time, almost as if he was talking to a startled animal, trying to relax the poor creature. His hands gently pulled at your arms, watching as your fingers slipped from your face, eyes still shut tightly. He chuckled softly, seeing the rise in your eyebrow at the sound. “I’ve thought about this.” He whispered to you, watching as you took a breath in, tongue coming out and licking your bottom lip before letting the deep breath out, his cock twitched at the sight, finally able to see you. “Breaking my creed… for you, it’s what I want.”
“Din.” He rushed, watching your face contort at the name. “My name.” He clarified, “If you’re going to see me, I want to hear you say my name.” 
It was all so much, knowing that this is what he wanted to do, hearing his actual name, knowing that he was doing all of this… for you. “Are you sure?” You questioned, not wanting this just to be the spur of the moment decision, you wanted whatever he wanted. You jumped slightly as you felt two large hands cup your face in a loving embrace, thumbs rubbing at your cheeks.
“I’m sure.” 
You took a shuddered breath, opening your eyes. 
Din watched as your eyes slowly opened, eyes instantly locking onto his, lips parting as you took in what you saw. Your eyes moved along his face, taking in each and every detail, already trying to burn what you were looking at in your brain, wanting to look at him forever. You reached for him, fingers gently touching his check, his eyes shutting for a moment as he took in the feeling of your fingers on his face, already knowing that this was the right decision. 
“Din.” You whispered, his eyes flying open, hearing his name slip from your tongue. He hasn’t heard his name like that in a long time, with so much… love behind it. “You are… simply handsome.” You smiled, trying to look at everything at once. His dark thick eyebrows, dark brown eyes that seemed to only be locked on your face, and shaggy dark brown hair that fell over his forehead. But really caught your attention, was his strong pointed nose and his plump lips, parted as he let you look over him. The moonlight shining across his face, casting a shadow along his features as he stared back at you. He was simply the most gorgeous man you have seen. 
He let you explore, eyes on his face, almost like you were afraid he was going to slip away from your mind if you didn’t see every feature. Fingers gently caressing his face, the stubble and face hair scratching along your fingers as you slowly traced his bottom lip, his lips parting, exhaling a shaky breath as you continued your exploration. He knew this was the right choice, see how you didn’t run from him when he didn’t meet what you imagined. “How could you have been hiding such a handsome face from me?” You whispered to him, watching a slight blush rising to his cheeks. You raised an eyebrow, eyes locking onto his, seeing how easily he was able to make blush. You’ve always imagined what he looked like, what colored eyes and hair, what kind of structure he had, but this… you could’ve never imagined this. “I love you, Din.” You smiled, those three words finally making their way out. You supposed, if he was able to take his helmet off for you, you could at least say those three words that bounced around your head whenever you were around him. 
Without the helmet, you were free to see his facial expressions, and you didn’t realize how much you were missing out on. His jaw went slack, gulping visibility, eyebrows rising as he heard those three words. You suddenly felt nervous, maybe this wasn’t the right time to be saying something like that, especially after he just took the helmet off, after seeing what he really looked like. Maybe this was all overwhelming to Din. “I… I mean…” You choked out, your body tensing more and more when you realized he wasn’t saying anything, only staring at you with wide eyes. “Say something.” You whispered. 
But he didn’t, he simply cupped the back of your head, ignoring the sharp jab of pain from his sides as he pulled you to him, kissing you. You hummed in surprised, before all of the tension in your body melted away, your body slacking against him as he held you to him. His lips were soft and warm, your own parting slightly as he took his chance, his tongue slipping inside, moaning as he tasted you. Warmth consumed you as you kissed him, his strong hands keeping you there, your own clenching the torn shirt in your hands, trying your best to not bump against his bruising as you did so. 
No matter how many times the two of you have been in this position, it always took Din by surprise at how exhilarating you were. The way your body completely gave itself to him, how trusting you were as he held you, and how sweet the noises you made. He could never lose you. “I love you.” He mumbled against your lips, a soft whine filling his ears as you heard his words. “I love you, Cyar’ika.” 
You pulled back, noses still brushing against one another as you looked up at him, wide eyes staring back at one another. “Din.” You spoke softly, a smile growing on your face. He smiled back, only making your heart swell even more. He swiftly tugged you back against him, a groan mixed of pain and pleasure as he felt you, lips molding themselves to yours again. What was once just a kiss of passion, quickly intensed as he held you, a hand weaving into your hair, the other cupping your cheek. You felt dizzy, as if the world was spinning around you as Din held you, your whole body light as if all the air in your body was going straight to your head. Lips frantically moving against one another. It was all new. Of course, the two of you have been together before, but this time… the two of you knew what the other was feeling, what was going on, and what it could possibly become. The new found feelings you both confessed only fueled you two more. 
You slipped your hands under his torn shirt, fingers dancing across his chest, cautious of his wounds as you tugged it up, trying to feel and see more skin. Din pulled away quickly, sitting back, lust blown eyes watching as you pushed the mangled fabric up, careful as you lifted it over his head and down his arm, flinging it to the side. He lunged back on you, lips only inches away before you placed a hand on his chest, a groan of protest from deep in his chest as you pushed him back into the seat. You wanted to see him. Even with the light from the moon, you could tell what happened during this bounty took a toll on him, splotches of red skin, deep bruising that continued to bloom as he sat there. “I’m okay.” He spoke gently, noticing the way your eyebrows pulled closer together as you took in his state. 
“You look horrible.” You sadly smiled, trying to keep how you were really feeling deep within. He knew what he was doing, again, he’s been doing this long before you came into his life, but that didn’t make seeing him like this any easier. You felt his hands trail up your arm, light brushes of his fingertips sending shivers through your nerves. You leaned forward, noticing the way Din closed his eyes, ready to feel your lips against his. You smirked as you placed a kiss on his chin, feeling the facial hair brush against your lips, peppering light kisses down his neck, feeling the muscles move as he gulped. “Let me make you feel better.” You mumbled, lips brushing against his jaw, smiling when you felt him shiver. He weakly nodded, feeling his cock twitch yet again within his restraints. 
Soft kisses down his neck made him weak, melting into the seat as you did so, softly biting and sucking on his skin. His hands made do, running over your arms and shoulders, before trailing down your back, fingers digging into your sides, your shirt lifting slightly as he pulled you closer to him. You hummed, feeling the tips of your toes drag across the cold floor as he pulled you, strong muscles firmly rubbing against your throbbing pussy. You were a mess, and you just wanted him. “Din.” You whimpered against his neck, a deep guttural moan leaving his lips, finally hearing his name you were moaning. His heart was beating wildly within his chest, your lips on his neck and chest, his name coming out like sweat prayers as he grabbed your waist, it was all so intoxicating. He pulled you even closer, your head lifting up, nose brushing against his cheek as he held you to him, sensitive nipples brushing against the ridges of his chest, the fabric of your shirt collecting around your waist. 
“I need you.” Din mumbled, ducking down as he kissed along your neck, soft whimpers of pleasure as he tasted your skin. “Maker, I need you now.” he desperately moaned. You nodded wordlessly, leaned back pulling your tunic over your head. The fabric was barely off your arm as Din grabbed you again, dipping down as he lazily kissed along the tops of your breast, both moaning as he lifted one hand, cupping one breast as his lips wrapped around the nipple of your other. You trembled against his body, his heated mouth wrapped around your sensitive bud while the other nipple was pinched and pulled. You clenched your thighs, whole body heating up as he tasted you. 
“Din, please.” You whimpered. He groaned against your breast, feeling himself grow harder as he heard his name again. He didn’t think he’d ever get used to hearing you say his name like that. He continued his assault along your chest, ignoring your weak protests as he nipped and sucked, his free hand grabbing at the small of your back, pushing softly, arching your back, giving him more access. 
He mumbles something against your skin, not loud enough for you to pick up. You wrap your arms around his neck, gently dragging your fingers through his hair, scratching at his scalp as he grunts against you, hips bucking beneath you. You gasp as you felt him, hard and pulsing against you, just begging to be seated in you. You cupped his face, dragging him away from your chest, plump red lips parted as he looked up at you, a blissed look on his face. “Can I ride you?” You honestly didn’t mean for it to come out so innocently, but it worked in your favor when you saw his eyes widen, before he dumbly nodded, as if he’s never heard that before. And maybe he hasn’t.
You lift yourself off his lap, his hands slipping from your waist as you stand in front of him, a smile on your face. He reached for you, kissing along your stomach, feeling his lips turn up as he hooked his fingers into your pants, pushing the material away. He groaned loudly as he saw you, leaning back in his seat, eyes taking in your appearance. You shivered as you felt the cold air, brushing your heated core. “Every night,” He started, working at his own pants, popping the button and tugging on the zipper, “I thought about you.” You blushed, feeling flushed at his words. You kicked the pants away, Din’s hands grabbing you, tugging you back into his lap, pulling you back down as he kissed you. “Can I have you?” He mumbled against your lips,desperate to feel you wrapped around him and with no hesitation you nodded, not trusting yourself to say a word. You reached for his pants, Din lifting his hips as you tugged them down, watching as he sprung free. The tip was a dark red, precum already leaking from the top, making you lick your lips at the sight. He twitched at your reaction, his length throbbing as all he wanted to do was take you right then and there, but he knew you wanted to take your time. 
You gently wrapped a hand around his cock, spine tingling as he grunted, thrusting up to meet your hand. He felt hot and heavy within your hand, velvet skin moving against yours as you pumped him, twisting your hand slightly, watching as even more precum dripped, creating some lubricant for your hand. A whole week you went without him, and you thought it only affected you. “Stars, Y/N, please.” He begged, the pleading tone in his voice had the corner of your lips turn up. You ran your thumb across the slit, feeling the wetness collect as you smeared it along his cock, feeling and watching the way he twitched in your hand. Din slipped a hand between your bodies, finding your soaked pussy, your hips grinding against the slightest touch.
“Maker.” You gasped, dropping your head onto his shoulder, feeling his fingers slip past your folds, slipping two fingers into your heat a little too easily. You bucked against the feeling, a muffled moan into his neck as he pumped his fingers. 
“So wet.” He mumbled, almost to himself, but you still shamefully nodded, eyes squeezed shut as he touched you. You couldn’t help but rock your hips at the divine feeling of his fingers rubbing at you sensitive tissue, pulling wet lewd noises from between your legs, and sinful moans from your lips. 
“I need you, Din.” kissing his neck, a high pitched whine leaving your lips as you lost the feeling of his fingers, the same hand grabbing his cock from you. He pulled you close, breasts squashed against his chest, positioning himself between your folds. He teases you, running the flushed tip of his cock back and forth, tapping against your clit, making you jump at the sharp contact, only whining more for him. “Please.” You begged again, kissing his shoulder. With your final beg, he finally pushed into your clenching hole, his own head dropping onto your shoulder as you slowly sunk down onto him. 
“Oh, fuck.” He huffed, feeling you clench around him. You squeezed around him, trembling as you felt him stretch you open, perfectly rubbing against your swollen walls as you lowered yourself down, his hands gripping the flesh of your hips, guiding you. Even though it was only a week without him, it was as if your whole body forgot how thick he was, and just how well he fit within your soaked walls. 
You shuddered against him as you felt him fully seated within you, letting yourself adjust to his size, enjoying the way he felt within you and the way he twitched as you squeezed him. You pulled away from him, his own head lifting as the two of you looked at one another. He looked as if he was completely enthralled, heavy eyelids, lines creased between his eyebrows as he felt you. You felt drunk, drunk on Din, drunk on the way he felt within you, drunk on everything he was, and he looked like he felt the same. 
You cupped his face, looking over each of his features as he felt you, the shaky breath, the crease in his eyebrows, the absolute fucked out look on his face, and you just started. You gave your hips an experimental grind, watching as his lips parted even more, the crease in his eyebrows growing as he groaned, hands gripping your hips even tighter. You wanted to see every face he made as you rode him. 
You lifted yourself up, feeling the sweet drag of his cock, his hands helping you before dragging you back down, your ass slapping against the tops of his thighs. You whined softly, drowning in his scent as he pushed some hair back from your face, cupping your cheek as you continued to move. You lifted your hips slowly, feeling the tip of his cock hit the spongy spot within you, your whole body erupting in chills. You felt as if you couldn’t look away from him, afraid of missing any small detail of him, and you felt as if he felt the same way, his own eyes on your face. “Gods, look at you…” He mumbled, in complete awe of you. You felt dizzy as you nodded, shivering as he spoke. He leaned forward, hands tightening within your hair as he placed kisses along your shoulder, mumbling words against your skin. “So good, wrapped around me.” You nodded, bracing the back of the seat, giving yourself more leverage. You feel absolutely filled to the brim, his cock hitting deeper than you’ve felt before. “Din.” You mumbled, his name falling from your lips like a prayer. His lips brushed against your ear, slurring about how well you’re taking him. You don’t think you could ever get used to his voice without the helmet, it was all so much. With a trembling hand, you shift your fingers through his hair, finding the sweaty curls at the nape of his neck, a slight smile on our face, you never really took Din to have curly hair. 
He shudders as you tug on them softly, bucking his hips at the sensation, your toes curling as if you felt him in your throat. “Do it again.” He groaned against your neck, gripping your waist even tighter, helping you ride him. You tugged on his curls, gasping as he pulled his head back, capturing your lips in a searing kiss. He couldn’t handle it anymore, he needed more. He grabbed you, bringing you harder against his thrusts, skin slapping against skin, a rhythm that made your mind go blank as you held onto the seat. 
“I-I…” You wanted to say so much, wanted to tell him how good you felt, how bad you wanted this to last, but all you could say was mindless words and grains as he fucked up into you. Din didn’t stay still for long, thrusting into you, almost as if he couldn’t bear to be outside of you, short hard thrusts making you cry each time.
“So good.” Din mumbled, flexing within you, grunting as he felt you clench around him, sucking him deeper within you. “Feel perfect around me.” He huffed, biting down on your bottom lip, loving the way your breasts bounced against his chest, watching the way your hair fanned out, a thin layer of sweat along your forehead, making you look absolutely crazed. You looked as if you’ve been fucked all night, and he knew he needed to make that happen. He released your lip with a small slap, “Gotta have you all the time, sweet thing.” Chills ran down your back at the nickname, “Can’t stand not having you wrapped around me.” A small whimpered left your lips, his words only sending more heat to your lower stomach. 
He could feel you get tighter and tighter around him, incoherent mumbles as you breathed. He knew you were close, from the way you felt around him to the fingers you were digging into the nape of his neck. He had to feel it. He grabbed your hair, tugging you back, seeing the blissful state on your face as you looked down at him, bright cheeks and parted plump lips. “You’re close.” He stated, watching as you nodded, feeling the heat build and build. “Lemme feel it.” He sighed, bringing you harder against him, hearing the lewd wetness of your pussy. He glanced down, watching the way his cock slipped from you and sheathed right back within your soaked walls, glistening more and more with each thrust. “Maker.” He gasped, twitching at the sight. You clenched around him at the feeling, shuddering as you bucked against him, whimpering and begging him to keep going. “I’m not gonna stop.” You dropped your head back onto his shoulder, not trusting your neck to keep your head up, but Din had other plans. “No, come on.” He mumbled, pulling you back up, eyes back on his. “Keep riding me.” He felt your thighs twitching, body losing its rhythm as you tried to keep up the pace. Fingers wrapping around your neck softly, just enough to make you look at him. “Say my name when you cum.” 
He felt you clench around him at his words before finally her whole body went tense. You spasmed against him, a single sharp cry of his name. “Din!” He felt you tightening around him more and more, tighter than he’s ever felt. You bucked against him, feeling your juices seap from where the two of you were joined, coating the inside of your thighs and his as you bounced on his cock. Legs and thighs twitching like mad as you stared down at Din, jaw slacked, eyebrows scrunched together. You heard the low rumble in his chest as he felt you, his cock pulsing as he grabbed your hips. You collapsed against him, wanting to worry about his bruising, but was surprised when he pulled you even closer, breaths mixing together as he lifted you up and down on his cock. 
“I wanna see you cum, Din.” You whispered weakly, your walls clenching wildly around him, feeling overly sensitive as he continued to bounce you on top of him. His thrust soon became frantic, chasing his own high as he drove himself harder within you, ripping more weak whimpers and cries from your lips. “I gotta see you cum.” You whispered against his lips, smiling slightly as he nodded wordlessly. 
Your walls fluttered around him as he pulsed, a deep groan of your name as he stilled within you, grinding you against his thighs as thick, ropes of cum filled you. You watched as his jaw dropped, eyes firmly shut, ragged breaths as he bucked against you, his cock twitching and pulsing as you milked him dry. 
The cockpit felt as if it was a sauna, thick air around the two of you, the smell of sweat and sexs filled the air as the two of you took deep breaths in, trying to calm down from such an activity. Din peeled his fingers from you, dragging his hands up your back, feeling the cool layer of sweat that covered your bodies. You felt sticky, tired and completely fucked out as you sat on Din, his cock softening but neither of you cared to move. 
“I love you.” You whispered once again, nudging his cheek with your nose, a cheeky smile on your face as he dropped his head back to the seat, eyes shut. You kissed down his neck, tasting the sweat as you moved to the other side of his neck, peppering more kisses. He hummed at your actions, fingers gently caressing your back. 
“I love you.” He whispered back, the words sending chills down your spine. 
“Do you need me to move?” You mumbled, moving your hips slightly, smirking as he gripped your thighs, stopping you. 
“No.” He shook, keeping you to him, enjoying the weight of you on him. “Just stay right there.”
Mando tag List:
@hayley-the-comet @unciejensen @talesfromtheguild @roxypeanut @sirianisrock @yelyahcardella @officiallyunofficialperson @luna6499 @bxxbxy @readsalot73 @blblalabla @blackravena @crowwleys @mcueveryday @anthenglen @mazzellobaby @triggerhappyflygirl @himarisolace 
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lordabovehelpme · 4 years ago
What did you say?- Din Djarin x Reader
Request: Hi! I love your writing so much, you do the Lord’s work <3 I just had this cheesy ass little thought about what if before Reader knows Mando’s name she calls him “Tin Can” as a joke-y nickname but Din gets thrown for an absolute loop when she starts just calling him “Tin” for short because of how funnily close it happens to be to “Din” and she doesn’t even know 😭- @starspangledwidow
A/n: Wait this is so funny. I’ve never even thought of this before. I had a blast writing this. I hope you like it! 
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“Come on tin can, it’s not that hard.” He glares at you from where you stand in between his legs. He’s on his back on the floor, squeezing into a panel and trying to rewire a few things. “Red to red, blue to blue.”
“I know.” It comes out harsh and he fights the urge to kick you.
“Well if you knew then it’d already be done.” Patting his knee you lean down to look at what his hands are doing. “Okay here lemme hold that.” You press up against him and slide your arm into the small hole, grabbing a handful of wires and pulling them to the side, giving him more access to the two he needs to fuze together.
“Yeah no problem Tin.”
His head slams into the metal and you yelp. His legs flail around and he curses.
“Oh my goodness. What just happened? Is there another one of those ice spiders, because if there is you’re on your own. Actually on second thought, I’m not risking it. Bye!” Pulling your arm out of the now terrifying hole, you cringe. “I’m gonna go get the kid. Okay peace out my man. Good luck with your new friends.”
He just lays there as you walk away. His brain works a mile a minute to figure out what you actually said. How did you even know his name? Or did you even know? Did you just guess?
Not looking at what he is doing with his hands, he curses when he burns his finger. Groaning, he finally gets the wires together and slides out of the panel. Walking over to the fresher he opens the cabinet and pulls some bacta cream out.
“What did you do?” He turns to see you standing with the child in your arms.
“I uh,” He shows you his finger before applying some cream, “uh, burnt myself.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. You gonna be able to fly us out of this desert?”
He hates how he loves the mischievous glint in your eyes. “No, my hand is going to fall off.”
You giggle and the child coos. “Alright well, at least you’ll still have the other one. We’ll meet you up top okay.” Flashing him a smile over your shoulder, you climb up the ladder.
He just shakes his head at you, his own smile hidden by his helmet. Climbing up the ladder a few minutes later he sits in the pilot seat. He was already taught the lesson of not climbing up after you. Smiling under his helmet wider at the memory of how you screeched at him about how “he was a pervert” and he was “looking under your skirt.” In reality he hadn’t even thought of it, but he always gives you a minute now.
“Alright Tin, where to?”
You snap him out of his thoughts and his head quickly looks at you. “What did you say?”
“I asked where we were going next. What’s up with you today?”
“No no no.” His visor stays trained on your face. “What did you call me.”
You look at him weird, eyebrows lowering and your head slightly moving back. “Umm I called you Tin because Tin can, you know? Do you not like it? You just never seemed to mind it before.”
It's like the weight of the world lifted off of his shoulders and he sighs. “No no it’s fine. I was just wondering.” Embarrassed that he hadn’t connected the very simple dots he turns back to the dashboard and plugs in some coordinates.
“Okay, great! So where are we going though?”
“Oh, back to Nevarro, we have to drop off these bounties.”
You nod. “Sounds like a plan!”
Every single time you say that nickname his head spins. He’s tripped twice, jammed at least three fingers, and hit his head countless times. He almost has a kink in his neck from it snapping to look at you so many times.
“Hey tin, can you open this for me?”
You walk around the corner with a jam jar and once again his hand slips from where it was cleaning his blaster. The weapon falls onto the ground with a loud clank. “Um yeah, here give it to me.” He reaches out and takes the jar from you.
“Sorry, I tried to do it but I must have screwed it on too tight.”
“No, it’s fine.” He turns the lid and it pops open.
“See these muscles aren’t just for murder!” Giving his bicep a squeeze of thanks you take the jar and walk back into the kitchen area. “Thanks!”
Picking the forgotten blaster up from the floor, he places it back in his holster. He walks over to where you spread some jam on a piece of bread.
“Hey tin, want some toast?”
“So you know how we’re going to Nevarro, and we’ll be around other people?”
“Umm yeah. What about it?” You suck the jam off of your finger, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“Well, can you not call me Tin around others. I don’t mind it when it’s just us, but not around others.”
You grin mischievously, “Why? Are you embarrassed?”
His hands do that thing where they clench and unclench, signifying his thoughts. “No, I just… I-” He sighs. “It’s similar to my name.”
“What?” Shocked you wait for him to continue.
“It’s close to my name, my actual name.”
“Oooo.” You smirk. “Are you going to tell me? Or am I going to have to guess?” When he gives you no response you start. “Ain?” He scoffs. “Alright not Ain. Bin? Cin?”
“Are you just going to go through the whole alphabet?”
“Yes. Din?” He tries to stay still, to seem unfazed. But you know him all too well. “Din! It is isn’t it?”
“Don’t go telling the world. You can’t tell anyone, you hear me?”
“Yeah yeah. Oh my that’s so funny. Who would have thought! Man, that must have been super weird for you. Wait, now it makes sense why you’ve been so on edge recently.”
You’re properly laughing now.
“It suits you.”
“It suits me?” You can’t see it but his eyebrows raise.
“Yeah, simple yet unforgettable.” You both just stare at each other for a second. “Don't worry, I won’t tell anyone. I promise.”
“You better not. Or I won’t open anymore of your jam jars.”
You place a hand over your heart, your mouth open in shock. “Hey! That’s like eviler than evil.” You wave the knife you used to spread it. “You’re mean.”
Hehe this was such a good idea! Thank you for requesting dear! I hope you liked it! 
As always, please consider reblogging or leaving a comment. I love hearing what you guys have to say! 
With love, Lordy :) 
Taglist: @ficthots @along-the-lines-of-space @jedi-jesi @coldlilheart @remmysbounty​ 
If you want to be added/removed from my taglist- just give me a holler. :)
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daystar-daydreamer · 2 years ago
The First Night in Central
Read on Ao3
“Why didn’t you call for me, Brother?” Alphonse asked.
Edward’s words caught in his throat. Because you’re too good for me. Because everything is my fault and the least I deserve is a little pain. Because I lost nothing compared to you. Because I’m your big brother; I should be the caretaker.
“I didn’t want to bother you,” he finally blurted out.
Edward crammed the last of the little clothing he had packed and looked at the old clock hanging on the wall. It was twelve in the morning. Granny would’ve been screaming at him to go to sleep over an hour ago.
His heart clenched. It was strange, how he could miss something he’d once found so annoying.
As he padded out of the tiny bedroom to the even tinier bathroom, he peeked into the only slightly larger sitting room. Alphonse was still sitting in a corner that had been sunny hours ago, a book open and looking like a toy in his huge hands.
Something inside him twisted. He would’ve given anything to switch places with poor Alphonse. He’d lost everything, but all the blame lay on Edward.
As Edward brushed his teeth, rain started to drum on the roof. He sighed. He used to like rain, but now, the change in pressure made his ports hurt.
But what could he do but go to bed? He had to get up early to go into the office the next day. He went to give Alphonse a pat and a kiss on his helmet. “I love you, Al,” he murmured.
“I love you too, Brother,” Alphonse said.
It was still dark when Edward woke up. His stumps ached horrifically, and every tiny movement sent wave after wave of searing pain crashing through his body.
He curled into a ball and tears pricked his eyes. He bit down as hard as he could to keep himself from crying out.
Al had it worse, he couldn’t feel anything at all. The least Edward could do was not bother him with his own pain.
With every stab of agony, it grew harder to keep quiet. Tears burned Edward’s eyes, and he tried to choke them back. He didn’t deserve to cry when it was all his fault that Alphonse couldn’t…
What felt like hours later, the door creaked open. Edward tried to pull the blanket over his face, and a jolt of pain rippled through his body like electricity. He clenched his jaw to keep from crying out.
“Brother?” There came the clanking of Alphonse approaching, then he lifted the covers. Edward shuddered against another flash of pain. “Brother!” Alphonse gasped.
He wrapped Edward in the blanket and scooped him up. He rushed out to the kitchenette, where he lit the stove and held his hands over the fire for a few moments.
Alphonse peeled the blanket from Edward’s ports and placed a hand over each one. The leather of his gauntlets was almost hot, and the pain slowly subsided under his touch. “Better?”
Edward nodded.
“Why didn’t you call for me?”
Edward’s words caught in his throat. Because you’re too good for me. Because everything is my fault and the least I deserve is a little pain. Because I lost nothing compared to you. Because I’m your big brother; I should be the caretaker.
“I didn’t want to bother you,” he finally blurted out.
“It’s not a bother to help you, Brother.” Alphonse tucked the blanket over Edward’s ports and held his hands over the stove again.
When he had warmed Edward’s ports, he got up, put Edward onto the chair, and went into the main room. Alphonse returned a moment later with one of the cushions that made up the back of the sofa. He set it in his lap and put Edward on it.
“Is this more comfortable?”
Edward nodded.
Alphonse held his hands over the stove again. “If your ports hurt again, I’ll be right here to warm them up.”
A smile twitched at Edward’s lips. He wriggled his flesh arm out of his cocoon and reached up to pat Alphonse’s face. “Oh, Al… What did I ever do to deserve you?”
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dccomicsimagines · 4 years ago
Enough is Enough - Jason Todd x Reader
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Requested by Anon -  Can you do a Jason Todd x Reader imagine where they both have strong feelings for each other and the reader gets tired of waiting for Jason and decides to make the first move and tell him how they feel? Thank you!
Requested by Anon - A christmas with Jason Todd!
Author’s Note - I put these two requests together. Hope you don’t mind!
“What the hell was that?!” Red Hood stormed toward you. Your first instinct was to back up, but you held your ground. 
“I was saving that cop’s life.” You crossed your arms, hiding the shaking of your hands. He stopped in front of you. You studied his face. He had ditched the full helmet to go with a hood and a domino mask. You took a moment to appreciate his jawline, almost forgetting he was yelling at you. 
“A bad cop!” Red Hood threw his hands up in the air. “Gotham would stink just a little less with him off the beat.” 
You shook your head, ignoring the tingling in your abdomen. He took a step toward you. You backed up until you bumped into the wall. He leaned closer only inches away from your face. You licked your lips, wondering what he would taste like. “He has a family. I couldn’t let his family lose him on Christmas Eve.” 
Red Hood deflated, staying where he was. “You’re a bleeding heart, you know? It will bite you in the ass someday.” 
“Maybe.” You sighed, closing the gap between you to the point where you felt his breath on your lips. His eyes widened through the lenses of his mask.
“Well, I better get going.” He jerked away from you, giving you his back. 
Your heart sank. You should have kissed him if he wasn’t going to kiss you. “What? You have somewhere to be for Christmas Day?” You smiled, pretending you weren’t ready to cry in frustration. 
He snorted, shaking his head. “No, I’m going to sleep then wake up to patrol.” He glanced back at you. You saw the tension in his shoulders, his hands shook. Did he want to kiss you as much as you wanted to kiss him? Why didn’t he do it then? 
You frowned. “You’re going to be alone?” 
“I’m always alone.” He ran off, jumping off the roof and grappling away to end the conversation. 
“Must have hit a sore spot,” you mumbled to yourself. You kicked a rock off the roof. “We’re always dancing around each other. I want you and I know you want me.” You turned to look out at the city lights of Gotham, brighter due to all the Christmas decorations. A smirk pulled at your lips. You might just have to take matters into your own hands. 
Jason groaned, reaching his hand over to touch the pillow next to him. It was cold and empty. His heart sank. He had a lovely dream where he had kissed you on the rooftop and brought you home. Cold reality washed over him, remembering he had chickened out and he was alone like always.
He opened his eyes to stare at the empty side of the bed. You were so beautiful in his dream. Shaking his head, he sat up. “I’d just hurt them anyway,” he mumbled to himself. He got out of bed before freezing when noise came from his kitchen followed by the smell of delicious food. 
“Son of a bitch.” Jason grabbed his gun, slipping out of his bedroom in only his boxers. He headed to the kitchen, ready to kill whichever Batfamily member invaded his safehouse. They didn’t invite him to the manor. How dare they come here?
Turning into his small kitchen with gun raised, he snarled. “Get the hell out of my house...”
You turned away from his oven, eyes widening at the sight of his gun. Jason lowered his gun, heart skipping a beat. Did he bring you home? How were you here? “It’s just me, Hood.” You gave him a shaky smile. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” 
“Wh...What?” Jason set his gun on the counter, rubbing his eyes. “Am I still asleep?” 
Your laugh made his skin tingle. Goosebumps ran up and down his arms. “No, unless you’re sleepwalking. Which if you are, I should be concerned that you carry your gun around.” You came over and clicked the safety on his gun. Jason took a deep breath, throat catching at the scent of the lotion you used.
“Why are you here?” Jason crossed his arms, pretending he wasn’t melting inside. You were wearing a Christmas sweater, cheesy but sexy at the same time. Only you could pull off such a thing. Jason didn’t understand it.
“You said you would be alone, so I thought I’d come over and make you dinner.” Your eyes lingered on his bare chest. He tightened his arms, suddenly self-conscious of his scars. However, he recognized the glow of lust in your eyes. He swallowed hard. Did you like him? You weren’t here over pity?
Jason cleared his throat. “Thanks, I guess.” 
Suddenly, you blushed and looked away. “I got you something too.” You turned to dig into one of the many bags on the table. “Here.” You pulled out a red wool Christmas sweater and handed it to him. 
“Do you honestly think I’ll wear that?” Jason bit his lip to keep from smiling. 
“I mean I’m wearing mine.” A smirk pulled at your lips, putting your hands on your hips. “Now why don’t you go do what you need to do, and I’ll have breakfast for you.”
“You made breakfast too?” Jason blinked, shocked by your kindness. He wanted to kiss you so bad, he thought his heart might stop. 
You patted his arm. “Yeah, dinner’s going to be awhile. I haven’t even started on the chicken.” Jason’s arms jolted at your touch. His hands gripped at the sweater. It would be so easy to kiss you right now, to take you back to his bed and make his dream a reality. You didn’t seem to notice. “I made some muffins and I can whip up some eggs and ham too.” 
Jason’s mouth watered. “Sounds good.” He turned away, hurrying to his bedroom before he made a mistake with you. You hummed in the kitchen. Jason’s crappy apartment suddenly felt more like a home. He shook his head in disbelief.
Jason sat at the table, eating the eggs, ham, and muffins you made him. You moved around the kitchen to slide a sheet of cookies into the oven before going back to chopping vegetables. Part of you wondered if you were being too ambitious, but you found you liked the idea of cooking for the sexy piece of man sitting behind you. An image of his bare chest flashed before your eyes. Oh, and his eyes. You almost cut your finger.
“I didn’t know you were such a cook.” His voice made your blush. You added the vegetables to the broth on the stove. 
A snort escaped you. “My family cooked a lot, so I learned.” You turned to meet his eye. His gaze was so intense, your knees shook. “How did you like everything so far?” You turned to wash dishes. Don’t look at him again. You can’t kiss him yet, not when you have so much to do. 
“Best food I’ve had in a while.” His chair creaked. He must have leaned back. “You probably seen how my diet is.” 
“Fast food and microwave meals.”  You shook your head, keeping your eyes on the dishes. “I don’t how you have so much muscle when that’s what you eat.” 
He choked. You sneaked a peek at him, almost laughing at the blush on his face. “Well, it’s not like I have time to cook.” He got to his feet. The floor creaked as he approached. You tensed, hearing his dishes coming to rest beside the sink. “Can I help you with anything?” 
You smiled playfully. “Dishes.” You turned only to find his face inches from yours. Time stopped. He took a sharp breath. His eyes looked straight into yours. They were so pretty, shining. “Wash the dishes, I mean if you could?”
“Yeah, I could.” He blinked. You backed away, bumping into the counter and spinning to go to the refrigerator. Your body was a pile of nerves. “I wanted to make some peanut butter blossoms to go with the snowball cookies.” 
Jason cleared his throat. Dishes clanked in the sink. “How did you get all this food anyway? You couldn’t have always planned to break into my house.” 
“No, but I have my ways.” You moved to the mixer you brought and started to the batter. Pursing your lips, you vowed not the mention how many favors you had to call to get all these ingredients, plus his red Christmas sweater in time. You sneaked a peek at him. The sweater looked great on him, highlighting every muscle in his arms. You only hoped you would get to rip it off him later.
The chicken smelled good enough to make Jason’s stomach rumble. He smiled as he watched you set up a small Christmas tree in the corner of his living room. The fact you got all this stuff into his apartment without waking him up made him wonder if you had superpowers. Of course, you probably did. The wonderful person that you were.
Jason wanted you more than ever. He told himself to kiss you, hold you, but he couldn’t do it. Could he let someone be that close to him? He would hurt you probably. A sigh escaped him. He closed his eyes.
“Look at this.” Suddenly, your scent tickled his nose. He opened his eyes to find you right in front of him with your arm above his head. You smirked. He glanced up to find you were holding mistletoe. “Ooo, what luck?” 
Jason choked. “Are you serious?” He looked back at you, licking his lips self-consciously. 
You glanced away shyly. “Yeah, I am.” You looked back at him, passion in your eyes. Jason shivered. His arms wrapped around your waist. “We’ve been dancing around each other for so long. I decided it was time for one of us to make a move. Finding out you’d be alone on Christmas seemed the right time.” You pressed your chest against his. “What do you think, Hood? I mean we’re under mistletoe. It’s tradition and the chicken won’t be done for another hour.” 
A smirk pulled at Jason’s lips. His body responded to you. He chuckled and sealed his lips to yours. You tasted just like he dreamed. His arms tightened around you, lifting you against him as he backed you toward his bedroom. You laughed, keeping the mistletoe in your hand as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“This is probably the best Christmas I’ve had,” Jason chuckled, taking a big bite of his chicken leg. He was lounging naked on his bed, eating with only the sheet covering him. 
You smiled. Your plate of warm food rested in your hand as you sat cross-legged beside him. Jason’s red Christmas sweater was your only piece of clothing. “I’m glad. I’d say this is probably one of the best I’ve had too.” You winked at him. 
“I dreamed about you last night.” Jason focused on his plate as he shoveled the food down. “I brought you home and did what we just did, but this is so much better than that.” 
You blushed at the idea he dreamed about you. “So I made your dream come true, huh?” 
Jason looked at you, fork stopped halfway to his mouth. “Yeah, you did.” He smiled at you. “I don’t suppose you would want to spend the night? Give me time to thank you for this Christmas dinner.” 
“I don’t have plans.” You winked at him again. Of course, he would find out in the morning that you had brought an overnight bag with you just in case this worked out like you hoped. “I would like to see what you could get me for Christmas.” 
His smirk sent a shiver down your spine. He set his plate aside before taking yours. Once the plates were away, his lips slammed into yours. You laughed, toppling over with Jason landing on top of you. It was a Merry Christmas after all.
Unknown to the two of you, someone watched from across the street. “Master Bruce, have you gotten the nerve to ask him to join us yet?” Alfred asked through the comlink. Bruce, dressed as Batman, sighed and set down his binoculars once he saw Jason’s naked butt. 
“He’s with that new vigilante. The one he cares about.” Bruce turned away, dropping down to the waiting batmobile. “He’s not alone on Christmas. I won’t interrupt him now.” 
Alfred huffed. “At the very least. You should have invited him to the manor like I told you to.” 
Bruce stepped on the gas. The batmobile soared down the street. “He’s happy. I’m not going to interrupt his happiness.” Alfred hummed before dropping out of the call. Bruce sighed, smiling with slight relief. At least Jason had someone since Bruce failed him once again.
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beskarhearts · 4 years ago
Scars (Din Djarin x reader)
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Connection series pt. 4
Pairing: Din Djarin x reader (no use of Y/N)
Warnings: cursing, mention of family members passing away, scars, torture from empire, some sexual tension
Word count: A little over 4.8K
Summary: The Mandalorian sees a part of you that you’ve been hiding and comforts you.
Notes:  Did I listen to drivers license by olivia rodrigo on repeat while writing this and tear up at least two times? Yes. Is this possibly the saddest thing I’ve written yet? Yes.
Last Part ____ Next Part
“If you don’t take off your jacket and sweater, I will.”
And that is when you realized that everything the Mandalorian says sounds 20x more sexual than it ever should.
You’ve said it once. And you will say it a hundred more times.
The Razor Crest was a hunk of junk. A total piece of trash. It may as well had been space garbage, just floating through the atmosphere. You swore it was a metal death trap that could just happen to fly through light speed. You told Din to get a new ship and he had very sassily remarked about how she was perfectly fine (yes, he referred to his stupid ship as a ‘she’ and you couldn’t stop laughing about it for five minutes straight).
Regardless of Din’s arguing, you knew deep down the ship was junk. And that is why you had to stop (again). You had rushed to fix the wing on the planet where you had been attacked and it’s been a couple days since then. It held up okay but you knew you were going to have to stop on a planet for probably a whole day, so you could fix the wing, as well as the heater which had broken down in the last day.
So you and Din had planned to stop on a remote planet. One without a lot of humans or any big civilizations near by, that way you wouldn’t have another surprise visitor like last time. One where you could fix the ship and where Din could take a day to relax, to sit back and not worry about the safety of you and the kid. To be honest, it sounded like a great day to you. You would keep busy with the ship, but Din would watch over the kid and talk to you. It would be like how life used to be almost. A taste of normalcy in an otherwise hectic world.
And then Din landed you in the middle of the damn desert.
“Din Djarin, when I said land on a planet, you couldn’t have chosen one with water or plants or nice, cool temperatures?” Din had just stepped back into the ship after checking the surroundings of where you had landed. His armored head faced you and the kid you had held in your arms. The child gurgled endlessly, his tiny fingers clutching onto the zipper of your jacket as you rocked him back and forth. 
“I’ve been to this planet before. There aren’t a lot of people. Worse there is are some Jawas. And Mudhorns, but they stick to the caves.”
“Mudhorns? Where are we?”
“Arvala-7. This is one of the first places the kid and I went together.” The Mandalorian walked towards the two of you, stopping right in front of you. One of his gloved hands reached out to pat at the kids head. The child’s attention drifted from your zipper to his father, a hand reaching out. Din wiggled one of his fingers at the kid, something you don’t even think he realized he did, and watched as the three green digits wrapped around his finger. You smiled at the sight before you, looking at Mando’s helmet which was tilted down, aimed towards the child. The moment felt so domestic, like you three were just a little family. You and Din parenting the kid, living life traveling through the galaxy, not because you had to run but because you wanted to. You could’ve easily let yourself drift into the daydream but shook it away. That was a reality a person like you could never have. A reality that Din deserved and maybe could have one day, but with someone else. Someone who was worthy of a man like him. 
“Well, I am so glad you and the kid are going to take a trip down memory lane here but I am going to die from the heat.” You heard the Mandalorian chuckle as his hands reached out to grab the child. You handed him over to his dad’s arms, which the kid seemed to very pleased about. You could tell that the kid liked his father’s embrace, even though most of his body was covered in beskar. He liked to be held by Din and lately you had been wondering what that would feel like. For his strong arms to wrap around you. 
Lately you had been thinking a lot of things about the Mandalorian that you shouldn’t have.
“Didn’t you grow up on Jakku? That place is even hotter than here.” The words were said with a hint of sarcasm, as his helmet turned as if to said ‘duh’. 
“Yes but that was different.”
“How? Just take off some layers and you’ll be fine.” 
He said it very matter-of-factly and you supposed that was a reasonable thing for most people to do. Most of the time when you were on Jakku, outside working, you would only wear a pair of cargo shorts and a tank top with a work vest. Light layers that kept you cool and allowed your skin to be kissed by the sun as you worked away on a ship. You remembered spending hours upon hours outsides, never being bothered once by the heat and desert environment. 
But things were different. You had lived on Yungbrii for so long now that you were used to the cold. And you always wore your sweater, with a jacket over it. Taking those off weren’t an option anymore. Wearing just the tank top underneath them wasn’t an luxury you could afford anymore. 
“I have a shirt you can borrow if you need to.” Din broke your train of thought with the offer.
An offer that nearly made you lose it. You had never once thought of wearing a piece of Din’s clothing. Hadn’t ever crossed your mind or been mentioned. And you knew he was only offering it because the temperature outside, no other reason. Not because he wanted to see you in his clothing or anything like that. Just to be kind.  But, the thought of you wearing a shirt of Dins, something his skin had touched and probably smelled like him and would probably swallow you... made you feel some things. And a part of you really, really wanted to take him up on the offer. But that would show too much skin.
“No!” You had inadvertently yelled it out, watching as Mando’s helmet whipped up from the kid to you. “I mean... uh, yeah. No thanks. I’m good.”
“Uh, okay. Yeah.” 
An awkward silence filled the room until the kid let out a loud giggle. You swear the little womp rat could tell when you had just done some dumb shit and always thought it was the funniest thing in the whole damn galaxy. You scrunched up your nose as the kids big black eyes looked up at you and you turned to look away from him and Din. 
You needed to ease the tension. “Don’t you get hot in the giant tin can of yours?” 
You couldn’t tell if Din found the tin can jokes funny or insulting, but every-time you made them he let out a little huff, one you couldn’t decipher as a laugh or a sigh. It was one of those times you wished you could see him face. You had gotten pretty used to reading him, despite the helmet and his quiet demeanor. But times like these you wish you could see an expression, an eyebrow raise, a smile, anything. “Sometimes.”
“I’d imagine you are sweating buckets under there.” You walked towards the bag you had stuffed in a corner of Din’s ship, reaching into it to grab your father’s box of tools. The cool touch of the metal against your fingers made a pain spread throughout your whole body. The tools were the only thing you had left of him. The only reminder that he had existed and that he had been there for you every day. The only reminder of the hours he spent teaching you about ships and how to fix them, ever since you were only a tiny little girl. Your mother thought you would be preoccupied with more feminine things. But even at a young age, you loved the feel of metal against your fingers, the sweat that would collect on your brow from the sun, the ache of your muscles from a hard days work. It gave you purpose, meaning. It was a way to help and to contribute. And all you had ever wanted to do was help your family, even in the end. 
But you had failed to do that.
You heard the clanking of Din’s boots behind you and he stopped behind you, bending down at the knees. If he didn’t have his helmet on, you probably could have felt his breath on the back of your neck, but now you only heard the sound of his breathing through the modulator. It was faint but it was there. “You okay?”
You could of broke down sobbing at the moment. At your father’s tools in your hand and Din’s worry about you. But, instead you shook your head and stood up, looking down at him still bent down. “I’m getting there.”
And it was true. For the first time in years, you felt like maybe one day you would be okay. That the pain wouldn’t be so gut-wrenching every day.
And that was only because of Din.
“I should probably get started on fixing the ship.” You gave the Mandalorian, your Mandalorian, a small smile and walked past him, outside of the ship.
It was so hot.
You weren’t used to the heat anymore. You weren’t used to the way your sweat would seep out of every pore, drenching your clothes. You weren’t used to the fatigue that came along with a hard day’s work in the sun. And the sweater and jacket probably weren’t helping. But no way in hell were you going to take them off. No one was even around but Din kept walking back outside to check on you, probably cause your stupid ass was dying of heat exhaustion. 
Your sweater clung to your skin, the jacket slightly more durable but still trapping your body heat. You bent over a panel on the Razor Crest’s side, a tool tightly grasped in your hand as you worked away. The other hand reached up to wipe away at your forehead continuously. 
“You are going to kill yourself out here.”
Something you hated about the Mandalorian was that he could be so quiet sometimes and sneak up on you. The man was always covered in metal and you would think you would hear him from a mile away, but he could come up behind you without letting out a peep. Which made sense considering his job but it was so unnerving.
You jumped, turning to look at Din, who stood with his hands on his hips and his helmet tilted. “You look like shit.” The words were said gruffly, with an air of annoyance.
“Well, you sure know how to make a girl feel good about herself.” You were almost too tired and hot to let the joke out, but you didn’t want Din to know how horrible you felt. Which was probably useless because you couldn’t even see yourself and knew Din was in fact correct: you did look like shit. Your skin was flushed red, your hair pulled into a ponytail but tiny wisps of hair clung to your head, wet from perspiration. 
“You need to take off some layers. You are overheating.”
“How do you know, sir?”
“My helmet can tell your internal body temperature.”
Of course it can. “Well that feels invasive.”
Din let out a loud sigh at that, one that was loud and clear through the modulator. You were driving him crazy but he didn’t understand. “You need to take them off.”
“Nope.” You let your lips pop out the word, going to turn away when you felt Din’s hand reach out and grab your arm. He turned you back to face him, stepping even closer.
“If you don’t take off your jacket and sweater, I will.”
And that is when you realized that everything the Mandalorian says sounds 20x more sexual than it ever should.
You thanked the Maker that your face was already a bright red from the sun and tried your best to not start choking on your own saliva from the words. On the list of things you thought Din Djarin would say to you, you never would have put ‘threatening to take your clothes off’. 
You blamed the modulator. Something about the modulator made his deep, raspy words sound sexier than they had any right to (not that you frequently thought that Din’s voice sounded sexy, because that would be weird and inappropriate).  And Din was saying this to try to convince you to stop killing yourself in this unbearable heat, but your stomach still clenched at the threat. 
Damn you, Din Djarin. You had to come up with a good come back. Something so he knew his words hadn’t effected you. 
“Well, Din, if you wanted to see me undressed this badly, you should of asked sooner.”
You expected Din to step back, mumbling some lame apology and leaving you be but your Mandalorian was much more determined than you realized. “Sweet girl, no snarky response is going to make me leave this be. You are gonna die out here.”
Oh boy. Of course he said sweet girl. He had said it once last night while you had a conversation (the same conversation where you had told him a little about your family) and you had lamely teased him about flirting. Maybe because you were secretly hoping he was flirting. And you were afraid you had scared him away from ever calling you that again, because you honestly loved the way it sounded. Sweet girl. It was such a sweet thing, made so much sense that Din would call you that. It made you feel special and made your hands tremble. 
Oh, now you had to come up with something really good. Because not only was Din trying to get your to take your sweater off, but now you swear the man was teasing you. There was no way he had no clue what he was doing. And you were the only one allowed to tease people here. So you had to come back with something really snarky, really teasing, that way he’d leave you alone and let you breathe.
But he didn’t give you time to do that because his gloved fingers started reaching for the shoulders of your jacket, so he could take it off of you. And while you were sure in any other situation, if you were any other person with any other life, you maybe just might of let Din continue, you had to stop it.
“I’ll take it off!” you yelled out.
Din ripped his hands away from you, looking down at them for a split second before dropping them down to his sides. He stepped back slowly, like he was unsure what to say or what to do with the tension in the environment. 
“I’ll take them off. But you can’t be out here. You need to stay in the ship.” You said the words slowly and watched as the Mandalorian nodded his head in response, before turning away without another word. 
You were confused. You didn’t know what had just happened. You didn’t know if the Mandalorian was angry with you or if he was reeling from what had just happened like you were. But you didn’t give yourself much more time to think before you took the jacket off, letting it drop to the ground. Your fingers reached for the hem of your sweater and with a shakey breath and one more look around your surroundings, you lifted the fabric over your head. Leaving you only in a jankily cut tank top, with the scars littered on your back and arms exposed. The very scars you had avoided looking at were out for the world to see for the first time since you got them.
The child was most definitely a womp rat. 
It was like he knew when it was not the time to mess around, and decided to mess around. You had been bent down, working away at a panel mindlessly, not paying much attention to your surroundings. You were so close to being done and were consumed in the final bits of work. And the child had made his way out of the ship, waddling up behind you, reaching for you without you being aware of it. You were lost in the gruel of work, in the warm feeling of the sun on your skin. You didn’t know what was happening until it was too late. Until you head the footsteps. 
You flipped around, looking over to the child and then hearing the Mandalorians boots pound on the ramp leading outside. The child let out a squeak at the sight of his dad and it was too late. Din’s head whipped to look over right as your turned around, desperately reaching for your jacket or sweater to cover your skin. You knew it wasn’t on purpose. You knew the kid had probably escaped and Din was just worried about him leaving the ship. You knew he was just worried about the kids whereabouts. It wasn’t malicious or an excuse to look. It was just happenstance but it was still too late. 
“I’m sorry. The kid was napping and I turned around and then he disappeared and-” You heard the abrupt pause in his babbling and knew he saw. Knew he saw the dozens of marks on your back and arms that faced him. Saw the scars that were an almost white color but still very apparent. Saw the scars you so desperately tried to cover. 
You slowly turned around, feeling your chest cave as this part of you was exposed. Tears pricked at your eyes as you saw Din look at you. The child cooed with curiosity, not quite understanding the gravity of the moment. “Who did this to you?”
You heard the tone of his voice loud and clear. He was angry and sounded like a man ready to kill. You knew he wouldn’t like seeing it but even you didn’t understand how much this hurt Din to see. To see his sweet one so hurt and scarred. To see that someone did something so awful to you, something you would always keep as a reminder. “Din-”
“Tell me who.” He wasn’t messing around. He didn’t want to hear you try to calm him or change the conversation. He wanted to know who was responsible for your pain.
You let out a sigh. “Let’s go inside.” 
You picked up the kid, cursing him mentally for being so curious, and your other hand reached for your box of tools until you saw the Mandalorian reach for them. He followed you as you walked up the ramp, into the Razor Crest. You set the child into his little hammock, handing him one of his small toys to keep him preoccupied as the Mandalorian closed the hatch, locking out the outside world. The world that had caused you and him so much pain. You were back in your ship, your bubble where there was joy and love.
“Who did that to you?” He repeated, more evenly but you still heard the rage dripping off his words. His fists were clenched tightly and his helmet was aimed right towards you. You couldn’t see his eyes but you felt like they were burning into your skin.
“This Imperial leader...” You took a deep breath in and out before continuing. “When they found my family, my grandmother wasn’t anywhere around. And they wanted her most. So, they tortured me, hoping I would give up her location. But, I didn’t know and now... I’ve got this ugly, horrible reminder.”
The air was heavy around you as a single tear slipped out. Din didn’t say anything or move. Even the child sat quietly in his hammock, big eyes staring at the two of you. You went to finally put your sweater on when Din finally interrupted with a small “Wait.”
You looked up at the man in front of you. Din brought his hands together, slowing taking off one of his gloves finger by finger until he switched to take the other off. “Do you trust me?” 
You didn’t have to think about it. You just responded with a nod of the head and watched as Din dropped the gloves and slowly stepped towards you, like you were an injured animal he didn’t want to scare away. You still held the sleeve of your sweater limply in one hand, the rest of the fabric resting on the floor of the ship. Part of you still wanted to crawl into it, hide yourself, and pretend Din hadn’t seen a thing. But it was too late for that and in all honesty, you trusted Din Djarin so much. It had only been a matter of maybe a few months since you had joined him and the kid. But it felt so much longer. It had been the first time in so long that you felt safe and cared about, and you didn’t know how Din felt but you hope he shared the same feelings.
You almost gasped when Din’s hand reached out to grab your arm. It was surprisingly gentle, his fingers felt like they were just barely holding on to you. His fingertips were calloused but not rough. They gently traced the bare skin of your arm, one hand holding your wrist and the other beginning to dance along your skin. Din raised his helmet to look at you quickly and you nodded, letting him know what he was doing was okay. Not just okay, but welcomed. Din’s helmet turned back down to your arm as he watched his fingers trace the warm, sun kissed flesh.
Din’s fingers ran up the length of your arm, going from the forearm to your bicep. He moved your wrist slowly in the opposite direction, wanting you to turn around. You slowly turned, no longer facing the Mandalorian. His hands dropped from your arms and part of you wanted to whine at the lost of contact. But then Din moved your hair gently in front of your shoulders and you knew he now had a complete view of your back, besides the flimsy fabric of your tank top. His fingers returned to your skin, this time each one  to each of your shoulders. You closed your eyes, trying to hold back tears, as you felt one of Din’s fingers trace one of your scars. It sent a spark through your body. His touch was so gentle and so kind and it was like he was purifying the marks, no longer making them something so ugly and twisted. The skin to skin contact was minimal, but so electrifying and warm. It made your whole chest feel warm and you realized you had never had someone do something for this like you. You never had someone take your broken pieces and try to make you whole. Nobody had ever treated you so gently because you didn’t let this part of you show. 
But with Din it was so easy to. And so safe. 
“Sweet girl...” He barely whispered the words, but you heard them as he continued to work all over your back. 
A tear slipped down your cheek at the name, the name he made for you. A name you didn’t have to ask for and didn’t expect. But one he gave you, to make you feel cared for because that you deserved. And Din knew that. 
“Din...” You didn’t really have anything to say but you just wanted to feel his name slip from your lips. It was so comforting.
“Do you know how beautiful you are?”
Din sat in the cockpit with the child in the seat beside him, bundled up and asleep, as she took a shower. His hands were still shaking and his gloves were back on but his fingers felt like they were burning. He had stood there, probably for a good hour, just touching her skin. He didn’t even know why he had done it. Why that had seemed like a good idea for him to do. For all he knew, the last thing in the world she wanted was for him to touch him. But, as soon as he grabbed onto her skin with his bare hands, he felt himself melt into and felt like maybe she had too. 
The moment had been so vulnerable. She stood there, scars and all, and let herself be consoled by him. And he was vulnerable too. He exposed himself a little bit to her, letting himself delve into every part of her. She was so soft but so strong. He never doubted once her ability to protect herself and the kid. He didn’t think she was fragile. He just saw she was a human being, one who needed to be shown how perfect they were. How beautiful they were.
Because, Maker, she was so beautiful to him. Every part of her was perfect to him. And all he wanted was to show her that.
His train of thought was broken as he turned his head, listening as she made her way up the ladder to the cockpit. She stepped in and Din swore he could have stayed in this moment forever.
"I, uh, hope you don’t mind. I borrowed one of your shirts.”
Din didn’t mind at all. The sight of her in one of his shirts nearly gave him a heart attack but he still didn’t mind. The shirt was slightly too big on her, swallowing most of her midsection but fell by her thighs. Her hair was still damp from her shower and he was used to it being up in a pony tail. But now it fell down her shoulders and back. 
He realized he was staring at her and cleared his throat quickly. “No. Not at all.” He gave her a small smile without even thinking about the helmet blocking his face and felt silly. She couldn’t see his face but he could look at her whenever he wanted, bask in her beauty and warmth. 
“So, where are we going now?”
When she had been showering, Din had left Arvala-7 and put the Crest into hyperdrive. He had something that he wanted to do. Something he felt he needed to do. “Navarro.”
Her eyebrows scrunched up a little, in a way that Din adored. “Why Navarro?”
“I have something I have to do there. It will just be a quick stop.” He hoped his answer left little room for questions or further conversation and was content when she nodded and walked closer to him. 
“Okay.” She paused, looking over at the sleeping child and smiled at the sight. Din loved seeing her with the kid. She was tough but with the kid, she was so maternal. He could see how much they loved each other. It made him so happy that the kid had someone else beside him, someone who he could look at as a mother. “I should probably get him to bed.”
“Yeah. You need some sleep too. You worked hard today.”
“It was honestly kind of nice, working on the ship. Felt like the old days a little.” Her gaze drifted back to him, a warm smile still on her face. “Din, I just wanted to say-” She paused, seeming to fumble for words but he stopped her.
“Don’t worry about it.”
Din saw her turn, arms reaching out for the child when she suddenly dropped them and turned around. She stood in front of Din, looking down at his helmet which was tilted up at her. She paused before slowly lowering her head down, laying her forehead against his helmet with eyes closed. Din could tell she was shaking a little but he just reached forward and grabbed her wrist. His thumb drew small circles.
Din was pretty certain that she didn’t know what a keldabe kiss was or the importance of it. As far as he was aware, she had a very limited knowledge of Mandalorians and was always willing to learn. But her not being aware of how monumental this moment was for Din was almost even better. The fact that she was making him feel so cherished without realizing showed how good of a person she truly was.
She eventually pulled away with a shy smile and Din dropped her wrist lightly. She turned around, grabbing the bundle the child was in, and turned towards him one last time. “Goodnight, Din.”
“Goodnight, sweet one.”
Din watched as she walked away with the kid in her arms, going down to the hull of the Crest. And that was when he realized something.
This must be what falling in love feels like. 
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greenygreenland · 4 years ago
Tired: Omega x Platonic! Slicer! Reader
-Hi I’m back from the dead
-i write for females, keep that in mind (sorry, it's what I'm comfortable with, so I hope you understand!)
-but really, I write in 2nd POV, so you can't tell for the most part
Summary: You're a former bounty hunter who's also a slicer for the GAAR. You meet Omega by chance.
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Tired. That was the only thing that could describe your mental state. Being assigned to mission after mission was no fun, especially when it was solo. You were a civvie slicer, one who the GAAR hired by chance due to your reputation.
By reputation, that meant ex-mercenary-who-so-happened-to-have-a-knack-or two-for-technology. The clones were nice to you though. For the most part, they didn't care about your previous occupation because it wasn't the first time anyone's hired Bounty Hunters for the GAAR.
The low hum of the ship helped to ease your building worries. You wondered what the boys of Clone Force 99 were up to. It was no secret that you were part of the complete package. No one knew how you and them got along when you were a civvie. Being outsiders themselves, they hated anyone who wasn’t part of their group. But not you. You were different. Kind. Caring. Understanding.
That thought made you frown. You missed the boys. They had been gone for at least seven rotations without comming you once. The fact that they promised didn't help their cause either. Were they okay? Maybe one of them got hurt, or worse, killed? Maker forbid such a thing.
"They better come back to me in one piece, or I'll have them begging on their knees for forgiveness..."
Beep, beep, beep!
You jolted upright, swinging your legs out form under you as you hurriedly fumbled for the holoprojector. You tapped a button and the cockpit flooded with a soft, blue light. "Tech!" you cried. "It's been seven rotations! Why haven't you commed me?" He removed his helmet with a sheepish shrug. "We've been busy of course. And it's seven rotations and fifteen hours, meaning--"
"Yeah, yeah." you cut in with a sigh. "I don't like the idea of not coming with you guys on missions. I know you're just as capable--more if you want me to be honest--but that doesn't mean I can't worry."
There was a rustle behind Tech and he looked over his shoulder. Hunter came into view, an apologetic look in his eyes. "Sorry we didn't comm you. With all that's gone down, I wouldn't say we've had the time." You flopped down in your chair helplessly. "I know, it's just..."
Hunter smiled warmly. "Don't worry about us (Y/n)." Tech pushed up his glasses and nodded in agreement. "If there's anyone who we should be worrying about, it's you. You go on solo missions six out of nine times. We have each other but you only have yourself."
"Wow, I feel so much better Tech." You sarcastically muttered. "Speaking of mission, I'm on my next one."
Hunter knitted his brows. "Where?"
"Skako Minor."
"Skako Minor?" they echoed. You nodded. "Something strange is going on there. According to Rex, the Seppie battle plans have been drawn exactly like the ones he used to do with Echo--that’s one of his men." You recalled the face of that fallen soldier. He was always so sweet to you, giving a wave whenever you passed and smiling as brightly as he could. To say you missed the poor boy was an understatement.
"Isn't Skako Minor under the Techno Union?" inquired a coiled voice. Crosshair made his way into the frame and unceremoniously squeezed himself between his brothers. "You better not be going alone." You waved it off. "Even if I did, it’s fine. I can take care of myself.”
“Like the time you nearly fried yourself with a loose wire on that rock in the Outer Rim? Yeah, I don’t think so.�� You averted your gaze to the side in embarrassment. No one needed to remind you of that rookie mistake. You could have gotten yourself killed. The watts were off the chart there. “That was one time. I’m a master at this stuff, don't worry. And besides, Cody, Rex, Jesse, and Kix are with me." Cross's brows shot up. "You're working with regs?"
"Don't worry, they're seasoned soldiers from the 501st.” That was the truth, and you meant it. Working under Rex for months made it clear to you. During that time, he taught you a thing or two about mechanics. “General Skywalker’s men are more than capable. So is Cody."
Cross looked doubtful, and you couldn't blame him. This was enemy territory you were sneaking into. It didn’t matter who you had on your side, because anyone could make a mistake.
A deep laugh echoed from over Cross’s shoulder. Wrecker set down his gonk droid, Lula in the other hand. “You guys need to have faith in (Y/n),” he reminded with a grin. “She’s smarter than me, and she’s always kept up with us. Is there anything she can’t do?” Tech pushed his glasses up with a challenging look. “Uh, actually--”
“Just be careful.” Hunter concluded. “We want to see you back in one piece.” You nodded in understanding. “Copy that, Sarge.” He smiled, and it was filled with unsaid words of care. Cross sent you a nod, eyes all mushy and soft while Tech knitted his brows together worriedly. Wrecker grinned, and it was so bright that it could have blinded you.
“Same goes to you Batchers,” you stated seriously. “Come back to me in one piece, or I’ll come over there and kill you myself.” Tech looked like he wanted to comment on that, but he sensed the shift in mood and kept his mouth shut. You memorised their faces as best as you could. It would be a while until you saw them next.
The hologram flickered out and the soft glow of blue hues disappeared. The cold, dim lighting of the ship fell over you. “Well that’s that.” you muttered with a weak smile. Rex patted your shoulder comfortingly. “They really care about you.”
“Yeah. But it wasn’t always like that. I used to be a stranger too.”
The rest of the ride was spent with the occasional joke from Jesse. He made you laugh, and it helped to soothe your worries. But then the ship landed, and you were thrust into a battle zone. You were thankful Anakin made you wear heavier armour today. If he hadn’t, then you probably would have been vaporized on the spot.
“We need cover!” shouted Rex. That was a no-brainer. Being out in the open at the bottom of a ravine was not in the least tactical. “SBDs!” you called. “Twelve o’clock!”
Jesse raced past you. “Get down!” He threw an EMP. It wasn’t as effective as you hoped it would be. If the Bad Batch were here, this situation would have been completely different. You were on your own. There was no cover, save for the piles of smoking durasteel and the very armour strapped to your vulnerable limbs.
You were in a head-on battle.
“I guess we don’t have much of a choice.” You charged forward, tossing a few EMPs as you blasted away. The best you could do was nail them in the head and hope for the best. Jesse was right beside you, with Cody, Kix, and Rex following suit.
“I didn’t think you would be this daring!” called Jesse. You blasted a few droids and kicked another in the head. It fell with a clank and you smothered it in a healthy dose of blaster fire. “I wasn’t about to be bested by a couple of rust buckets!” you retorted with shake of your head. “Come on, we need to get to that tower.”
You made quick work of the droids. You were no Jango Fett, but you managed with the help of the Regs. Cody congratulated your work and motioned for the squad to continue on. “It’s obvious the enemy knows we’re here. I have my doubts on sneaking in, but perhaps we can manage...”
Past the commando droids, through the front door, then up the lift and a little further down a couple halls. Before the mission, Rex had pulled you aside to speak in private. He thought Echo was alive and that whatever was sending out those Seppie battle plans had to be him. But you weren’t about to get your hopes up. Not when so many of your friends long marched far, far away.
You stopped by a door and plugged in your datapad. “I need to slice open the door. I’m not about to challenge fate here with a charge.” Jesse nodded in understanding. “I’d rather come back with all my legs and arms, thank you very much.” He turned to keep guard as Cody stood close to your side. “Is this the control room?”
“Yes.” The door swished open and you disconnected your ‘pad from the panel. “I’ll slice the computer and retrieve the information we need. Rex, I need you for this portion.” He nodded in understanding and followed suit. You connected your datapad to the communications table. A hologram appeared, where dates and names passed by in the blink of an eye.
“You said this might be Echo.” you quietly stated. Rex nodded. “I can’t be sure, but there isn’t another explanation.” You watched as the information scrolled past at the speed of light. There wasn’t anything of use so far. Only old reports, check-ins and...
The scrolling froze. A file opened up, filling the room with a voice you wouldn’t ever forget. It was scratchy and lifeless, but you were sure it had to be the man who went KIA so long ago. “That’s...”
“Echo’s alive.” Rex affirmed. “It--it has to be him.”
“We’ve got company!” called Jesse.
You transferred the file and stuffed your ‘pad in a safe spot for keeping. “In case anything happens, I’m transferring the data over to you.” you stated. “I wouldn’t want to lose any of this.” The two of you rushed out of the room in a frenzy. Blaster fire sounded above, whizzing way over your head as you sprinted down the hall. The lift wasn’t far, only a couple metres. You just had to run a little more and--
Had a droid thrown a charge? You turned to Rex, eyes wide as he turned to face you. With all of the strength you could muster, you shoved him out of the way. Another BOOM!. You turned just in time to see the flash of brilliant reds and oranges.
The force threw you into the transparisteel windows, which spider-webbed out in long cracks. You were suddenly flying out of the four story building. Shards cut past your face and through your sleeves, tearing away at flesh and fabric without an ounce of mercy. If only you had a doshing jetpack.
You didn’t scream, but Maker did it kriffing hurt. There was a sickening crack, another blinding flash of sharp pain. You held back a cry.
Just be careful. We want you back in one piece.
Your vision faded in and out. Black blurred the galaxy as you knew it.
I'm sorry, boys.
You fell into the painful jaws of darkness.
The first thing that hit your nose was the sterile smell of bacta. Your eyes fluttered open and you found yourself staring at the blank ceiling of the medbay. The incessant beeping of the heart monitor caught you off guard. How hard did you fall? Much less, what did you break?
A head of dirty blonde hair peeked over the edge of your bed. Her eyes, wide with curiosity made you knit your brows together. She was young, much younger than any girl here should be. You were about to sit up, but the girl frantically straightened.
"You're not supposed to be getting up." She gently pushed you back down. "You have a lot more than a few broken bones." That was when the pain began to settle. You stilled under the thin medbay sheets. "I need to comm someone."
"Now?" the girl incredulously inquired. "You're hurt, you have to rest first." But that was the least of your problems. Where was Rex? Had he completed the mission? How long were you out? Were Jesse, Kix, and Cody alright? You winced and the girl frowned.
"If it makes you feel better, there were a few people who came to visit."
That didn't make you feel better. It meant they saw you like this, in the most vulnerable state you could ever be in. "Who are you?"
The girl pointed at herself like she'd never been asked that before. "Me?" You nodded. "I'm Omega." She smiled and it was a little shy and toothy. "You've been asleep for a while. I thought you weren't going to wake up for another day." You tensed and pursed your lips together. "How long?"
"A week, I think." Omega said. "But it's okay! You're recovering steadily." That wasn't the issue. Recovering steadily wasn't good enough because you were missing out on a mission you needed to complete. If Echo really was alive, then you had to save him. It was the least you could do after he put his life on the line for you so many times before.
"I have to..." You pushed your aching body up. "I have to go."
"No!" Omega forced you back down. "Even if you could walk, you can't fight."
"But I have to..." The look on Omega's face made you pause. She was so small, and in that little body of hers, she stored up a good amount of worry for you. How could you say no to that? A sigh escaped your lips and you begrudgingly relaxed onto the bed.
Omega's shoulders slumped in relief. "I'll get a your holoprojector." You raised a brow with a watchful eye as she scurried away. She rummaged through a lone cabinet in the corner of the room. Your clothes sat there, belt, holsters, blasters and all. Omega pulled out your holoprojector, closed the cabinets, and handed it to you.
"I washed your clothes too if you're wondering," she said with a small smile. "But don't think about going anywhere! You can't walk with broken legs."
A pit formed in your stomach. You can't walk with broken legs. That wouldn't be true if you had seen the blast. If you had ran faster. Maybe you wouldn't have ended up like this, a mess of bandages, casts, and bacta patches. If only you had seen it coming.
"Hey, (Y/n)?" You didn't question how Omega knew your name. Whoever she was, she had to be a someone to wear Kaminoan jewellery anyway. "What is it?" Your voice was quiet, sad almost. Omega played with a loose thread on her sleeve. "That was very brave of you." She stepped closer to the bed and pulled up a chair. "Captain Rex came by this morning. He told me that you saved him from that blast."
You shifted to meet her gaze as best as you could. The holoprojector weighed your hand down like a ten kilo weight. "I just...reacted. Nothing special to congratulate." Omega shook her head. "No, that's everything. If it were me, I don't think I'd be able to do that."
A pull in your gut told you she meant what she said. Your eyes softened. You didn't meet her gaze. Maybe that was because you couldn't. It was a hard enough fact accepting that you were injured, adding on that you were going soft didn't help your cause.
Omega took it as her signal to give you some privacy and exited the room. The doors swished shut behind her, leaving you in a much needed silence. You tapped the projector. It opened up, bathing the snow white room in soft blue hues.
"Rex." you greeted. "I apologize for my absence." His brows were knitted, eyes all sad and cloudy. He tried to keep a straight face, but you knew better. Of course you did. He was your best friend since the moment you joined the GAAR. "What's wrong?"
He shook his head. "I should be asking that to you. Are you alright? That fall was..." He paused and it was like he was choking back tears. "I-I'm sorry. If I had just been more careful, then you wouldn't be..."
"Rex, I'm fine."
"You can't walk." he muttered. "And you can't do much on your own. I took away your independence, this is all my fault." You knitted your brows together. His words made your heart ache, and the very thought of what he faced on his own without you didn't help. Your lips pulled into a frown deeper than Kamino's oceans. "That's not all, is it Rex?"
He clenched a fist as if it would help cease his rolling emotions. "E-Echo...if you had seen him. I'm just glad you weren't there."
"Is he alive?"
"Well where is he?" You had to fight the urge to sit up in anticipation. He was alive. That sweet, loving boy who taught you about protocols and manuals. As boring as it was, all those regulations embedded into your mind saved you more than you'd like to admit. He and Fives always snuck up on you whenever they came back from missions, or commed you in the middle of the night.
They both kept you up at night, but you never minded. Now one of those boys who had marched so far away had the chance of coming home.
"Where is Echo?" you inquired. Rex's eyes fell to the floor. "He's...Watt Tambor made him more machine than man. I-I can't..."
The doors swished open.
"...If only we had..." You shook your head. "Rex, there wasn't anything we could do. It was a miracle you found him in the first place."
The doors closed with a low hiss.
"Found who?"
Your eyes widened and you ripped your gaze away from the projection. A set of worn, tired eyes met yours. He looked different from the bottom up. His new armor, black and red with a familiar 99 on it. His smile, though a bit dampened, remained the same. He made his way over to you and took a seat by your bedside.
"That's me."
You tried a smile, and it was all watery and shaky. "Oh, you've changed." He chuckled. "So have you. I heard about what happened. That was brave of you." No, it wasn't brave. You did it on instinct, without an ounce of hesitation. "It wasn't brave, I just..."
"Who else is crazy enough to jump in front of an explosion without katarn-class armour?"
You could name a few people. Fives, for example. "Whatever. I just--I'm glad you're alive."
He smiled and it was a little broken. "Me too."
Before you knew it, you were up and running again. There was no time to walk because you were needed on a mission today. It was completely solo, but thankfully, a simple retrieval mission with little to no chances of a casualty.
You settled in the cockpit, taking in the familiar scents and smells of the well oiled machinery. Mechanics wasn't your strong suit, but you never minded dabbling in it every now and then. Today, there wasn't time to brush up on your beautiful ship. You had a job to do.
The jump to hyperspace was as smooth as ever. There were no creaks, no fumbling through space, and no bursts of smoke. But that was when you heard a crash from the storage room. Last tine you checked, the door had been sealed shut while the weapons and supplies stowed away as they should be.
Had you forgotten to tie them down? A long sigh escaped your lips. "What a pain."
"So is my backside." piped a chipper voice. Your eyes widened. There was no way you heard that voice correctly. Sure, it was young. You knew a few other people with a young voice. Sure, it sounded girly. You knew a couple other female coworkers.
"Sorry I snuck onboard," the voice added. "I promise, I was going to leave, but then you left and--" You swerved the chair around to face Omega head on. She smiled sheepishly, as if it would fix all the problems in the whole galaxy. Maybe it would have if the whole galaxy were as kind as you.
"Give me one reason why I shouldn't turn this ship around and bring you back." you stated. Omega fiddled with the hem of her sleeves like it was the most interesting thing on the ship. "You’re short on time?" You resisted the urge to say something snippy in response. The look of uncertainty on Omega’s little face made you feel just the tiniest bit worried.
Maybe that was because uncertainty could get people killed on the battlefield.
"Omega," you placed a hand to your temple, "do you understand what you've gotten yourself into?" This was bad, really bad. Sure, the mission wasn’t as dangerous as it should have been, but intel was like the weather forecast. It was never correct. Taking Omega along with you wasn’t a good idea in any universe, and like Malachor you’d let her into the crossfire.
“I’m sorry.” She wasn’t sorry. “I didn’t mean to sneak aboard.” She definitely meant to sneak aboard. “I just wanted to do something more than...” She let out a short sigh, as if it explained what she couldn’t put into words. “Being on Kamino all the time is so boring. I want to get out and see the galaxy with my own eyes.”
She threw her arms towards the bright blue of hyperspace. You didn’t miss the look of wonder in her eyes, bright as a sun. “There’s more to life than rain and the ocean and the same people I see every single day!”
You couldn’t argue. Omega was right. Even during your recovery, the frustration of not being on your ship doing anything but sitting settled into you every day. You hated being cooped up in one place more than anything. Poor Omega had to put up with it her whole life, it was nearly unfathomable to understand what she felt.
A sharp sigh escaped your lips. “Fine, you can come. But my only condition is that you stay on the ship.”
Omega did not stay on the ship. More than anything, she was curious. She had no clue what dirt was, what kind of plants were carnivorous and deadly, or how to steer clear of all the battle droids.
You raised your blaster and fired at the rust buckets. “This is exactly why I said you should have stayed on the ship! Can you even fire a blaster?” Omega knitted her brows together and eyes the deece at your hip. More than anything, she was curious. Beyond that? Determined.
“No,” Omega replied, “but I’ll try.” She pulled the deece from your hip and peeked over the top of your hiding spot. The long, durasteel crate was just barely holding up. If you were a Jedi, then you’d say it had to be a miracle only the Force knew about.
The deece wasn’t a perfect fit in Omega’s small hands, but it did the job. She aimed at the droids, eyes focused and hands firmly on the weapon. She fired. Once. Twice. Three times. "Did I hit anything?” You fired your blaster a couple times and glared through the smoky haze.
A collection of bolts and durasteel scraps lay in a pile and you couldn’t help but be proud. Either Omega was a natural or she was incredibly strong with luck. Whichever it was, it helped you through the mission, and before you knew it, you were back on the ship with a data stick and an unharmed Omega.
“See, nothing bad happened!” she exclaimed with a grin. You took the blaster from her hands and strapped it back to your hip. “That was luck, I tell you.” Omega rolled her eyes. “It wasn’t! You saw--I was like, pow pow, and you went and hit that guy right in the face!”
“That was because he called me a filthy bounty hunter.” you said, a small smile creeping up your lips. “I can’t say I took too kindly to his harsh words.” Omega let out a laugh and you joined her. 
Tired. That was the first thing that came to mind when you thought of your mental state. Yet with Omega by your side, smiling, and carefree despite all the action, you couldn’t help but feel the electrifying sense of thrill. 
“Say, Omega? If you want to come back, maybe we can figure out how to get you off that rainy excuse of a planet more often.” you said with a small smile. She beamed, throwing her arms around you with a vigorous nod. “Yes! I’d love that!”
“Me too, kid. We just have to figure out how to convince whoever looks after you.”
A tall kaminoan towered over you with her beady eyes. Omega sheepishly played with her sleeves as you stared down the kaminoan. Stupid long necks. Nala Se blinked. “So this is where you have been, Omega.” That soft, cold voice of hers warmed at the sight of the girl. “Haven’t I told you not to run off? I see you’ve gone somewhere far today.”
Omega frowned shamefully. “Maybe...” Nale Se motioned for her to come to her. “If you would like, you may stay with (Y/n) again--if you are out of harms way that is.” She turned to you and you froze, eyes wide. “Wait, what?”
“I am giving you permission to have Omega under your care, as long as she is out of harms way.” You glanced at Omega, who glanced at you and then Nala Se with the biggest grin on her face. “Really?”
“Yes.” Nala Se smiled. “‘Really’.”
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