#patterns are really annoying to make in procreate
stergeon · 6 months
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a rare night off
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shannonmanorart · 1 month
TWST Process!
So I got a comment this morning asking if my Ignihyde piece was a Memoji---a thing I immediately had to google to even know what that means lol I'm not mad, no shade to OP but it really threw me for loop to be asked if my art is a customizable avatar.
I know this blog is mostly my fun little sketches or side projects but I am a professional artist! Even if this is a silly little side project to keep my brain from falling it the abyss, it's still my art I drew with my own hands and it's important to me for people to know that!
Process breakdowns below the cut! it's not very detailed but figured i'd be fun to show a peak behind the curtain!
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First things first! I do all of these in Proceate on my iPad! These are very casual and just for me to have fun--I'm very burnt out after my associate art direction job on Hit Monkey so I'm just trying to give myself a tiny piece of joy so I can get myself back to drawing my web comic and merch for cons/my store.
I draw each dorm in their own file just to keep things from getting too cluttered. The group shots I do separately in another file. So I'll finish them, flatten them and paste them into another file to size them up together/add backgrounds/effects. I included screenshots to show the breakdown of the original drawings along with the group shot. Nothing too fancy. Also forgive all the unnamed layers x_x I am usually incredibly organized but typing on my iPad annoys me so I tend to not name Procreate layers. You can see where I thought about it by naming ONE layer.
Here is the timelapse for The Ignihyde boys! You'll notice I keep Ace+Deuce in the file--I use them as a base reference for the stylization. I stylize everyone a bit differently but I try to maintain some consistency. I also reuse some bits of their palette as a piece of that consistency. You can also see me go 'oh yeah Ortho's hip thing goes all the way around so we should see it behind him........oh no. nvm that looks bad.' lol
What was most important for me to sell with these two was the difference of their personalities. I was aiming for that 'Someone will die' 'of fun!!' vibe haha So I wanted Idia very compact and to himself while Ortho is energetic and friendly. I also wanted to bring some design elements of Hades face to Idia's face. His bangs cover it up but I gave him a long nose that starts right from his brow the way they stylize them in the movie. I also gave them more color to their skintone but kept Idia more ashen/desaturated--I liked the idea of him looking kinda grey to match Hades instead of just pale.
Here's the non-default brushes I use--Jingsketch brushes are available here and the free comic brushes I got from Di Brushes. I'm usually a default brush kinda person but Procreate's default textured stuff wasn't really doing it for me anymore. I really like using stuff that looks more like pencil or pastel. I've also been addicted to adding noise a lot to my pieces. I know that's not the most original thing in the world but idk, it looks cool. My group shots always get a layer of noise.
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But yeah, that's it! These are purposely kept pretty simple so I can knock each one out in about two hours or so. More detailed dorm outfits obviously take longer--I hand drew all the patterns on the Pomefiore kids like a mad man. Every time I erased the edges, I went 'I should probably copy and paste this' and then never did. I love making things harder for myself lmao
See y'all in Diasomnia! (I also have plans to draw my MC and Grim so Diasomnia won't be goodbye~)
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An uncharitable grumpy aromantic reading of Star Trek: Picard's second season:
This season states that, in order to have a happy life and feel complete and at peace with one's self, one must have a romantic partner.
The most obvious example of this is in Jean-Luc Picard. His primary arc is to overcome his buried childhood trauma - in order to be able to enter a romantic relationship with Laris. Q even explicitly states that he set the story of the season up so that Picard would be forced to confront and come to terms with what happened when he was a child so that he doesn't have to die alone like Q. The season defines 'not dying alone' as not having a romantic partner by introducing Picard's trauma during his aborted kiss with Laris (thing prevents romance) and showing him and Laris together at the end (thing gone, thus romance).
We also see this theme rather blatantly expressed in Ríos's arc. He feels out of place in the 25th century, and so at home in the 21st century that he's willing to drop his entire life in the 25th, never to see any of his friends or relatives ever again, to live out the rest of his life in the 21st, where he's been arrested for existing, doesn't understand the rules of society, has to learn how to deal with money, will have to find a career when there's no equivalent to what he's been trained in (yes, okay, one can argue plane pilot, but those are flown very differently to La Sirena, and good luck getting a license with zero documentation), etc. What's so different between the two that he's willing to make this major life decision after only a few days? A romance with Teresa.
We see this theme continue to our leading ladies. Seven and Raffi's main storyline is the two of them cementing their relationship with each other. Jurati's might not seem to fit the pattern, and while it doesn't exactly, but she gets her happy ending by merging with (or getting together with) the Borg Queen - a relationship that had some pretty heavy sexual coding (and arguably to an extent romantic coding, if only due to a cultural conflation of the two). The fact that Borg Queen/Jurati became a ship very early into the season demonstrates that.
Rounding out the main cast, we have Elnor (no romantic storyline for him since he's dead for most of the season, so), Tallinn (doesn't fit the pattern unless one really stretches to argue her relationship with Renée), Kore (no romantic storylines), and Soong. Soong also doesn't have a romantic relationship, but his lack of such is more emphasized by the story. See the scene wherein Kore discovers her true origins and we get this from Soong: "Anyone can procreate. You exist because I willed it!" I.e. He rejected normal procreation to instead pursue science gone mad - something portrayed rather unequivocally as bad. If we associate normal procreation with a romantic relationship (as it often is), we see the rejection of romance associated with villainy.
The only other regularly recurring characters are Ricardo (he's literally a kid), Guinan (no romantic storylines), Renée (no romantic storylines), and Q (one can argue romantic tones to his relationship with Picard).
Overall, the most central characters all have character arcs that end with them finding their happy ending in some sort of romantic(-ish) relationship, and the two characters who seem to reject romance (Picard and Soong) either overcome an obstacle to achieve romance or become villainous. The character arc of the namesake of the show is even explicitly linked to achieving romance as an end goal for a good life and death.
Please note that this is only one possible reading, and, as stated at the beginning, a rather uncharitable one coming from an aro person who's feeling rather grumpy about, annoyed at, and tired of romance in stories. Mostly, I'm here to highlight how the season (hopefully unintentionally) pushes amatonormative ideas, and to express some of my own frustrations.
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nautiscarader · 5 years
Robstar 29
Incorporating two prompts I got on FF: starfire comes from another planet to save her species by finding a mate (and bringing him home to the others).raven meditating and picking up starfire and robin in another room.
Sitting on her bed with her legs crossed, Raven closed her eyes and attuned herself to the movements of the spheres, gently floating into the air. Her dark room allowed her the comfort necessary to achieve such mental state, and  thanks to her astute mind and training, there was very little that could have disturbed her.
Unfortunately, that very little happened to occupy the room next to her.
When Raven felt the sudden, overwhelming spike of emotions, she lost her balance and fell to her bed, flailing her legs and arms, like a spinning top thrown out of its perfect rhythm. It took her a moment to realise what was the cause of the interruption, when another burst of positive, glowing energy reached her through the walls, confirming her worries. As a trained empath, Raven could easily detect the emotions of her friend on the opposite side of the wall, despite its thickness, strengthened by various materials meant to stop sound or vibrations penetrating it (and truth to be told, Raven and Beast Boy were partially responsible for that addition).
But Raven didn’t need superhearing or x-ray vision to know what was going on the other side. Her hyper-active friend, Starfire, glowed like a bright light in the darkness, and in her state, it was a flame so vivid and colourful Raven was worried it might become a wildfire soon. A much more subdued source of energy appeared in the form of her boyfriend, and she was sure the spike of energy occurred exactly when Starfire began undoing her clothes. Raven has seen the pattern before, and knew it was only a matter of time until their desire would explode, and the only reason why it hasn’t yet was because the two were probably talking about something. And though she wanted to go back to her meditation, Raven wondered what they were talking about…
- Robin… - Starfire asked timidly, undoing buttons of her shirt - Shall we engage in another play of the roles? - A roleplay? - Robin approached towards her and placed a single kiss on her now-exposed shoulder, while his hand brushed her thigh. - I’m all ears. - No, you’re not. You’re all you. - Starfire spoke - Or is that one of verbal phrases? - Yes, yes, it is Starfire. - Robin chuckled. - So, what was that roleplay idea?
As if a trumpet was blown right next to her ear, Raven jolted in place at the same time as Starfire leaned and whispered her idea into Robin’s ears. Their auras mixed and pulsed with a new kind of desire she hasn’t felt with them so far, only strengthening her curiosity. And whether she wanted to or not, she has become a witness of some colourful spectacles of emotions in her room, and reluctantly understood that there was no point in trying to go back to her meditation.
- And? - Starfire asked, blinking - Does my idea possess enough kink? - Yeah, I’d say so… - Robin gulped, and took a step back - Ready when you are…
Starfire cleared her throat and floated a few inches above the ground, watching as Robin’s face is torn with a pretence grimace.
- Greetings, human - she spoke in a stoic, and near-regal tone. - I am Princess Koriand'r of Tamaran, and I seek your help. - An… an alien! From another world! - Robin spoke, watching as Starfire twirls around in mid-air. - That is true. I am a magical princess from another dimension.
She bowed and moved her arms, drawing a flaming arc above her head.
- I have come here to seek help of your people, for you see, my planet is dying.
She floated towards him and cupped his face, staring into his eyes as she gathered strength to fully articulate the naughty idea that has been sitting on her mind for quite some time.
- I, and many others, are in a dire need of a mate. Wars have diminished our supplies of men, and so, we were sent to other worlds to find… the most suitable of them…
Raven felt how their foreplay changed when Starfire’s voice became more and more salacious, and without becoming fully aware of it, Raven’s hand gravitated towards her sex, and she began mashing her pussy and clit first through her fabric, and then directly, as her fingers slipped underneath her costume.
- W-wait! - Robin protested - Does- does that mean that I- - If you’d be chosen, you’d travel to my planet to help us reach numbers from before the war. But I need first to test you if you are worthy of becoming the saviour of my kind.
She undid the security locks of her costume, and one by one the blue-purple armor fell to the floor, increasing Robin’s pulse witch each piece. On the other side of the wall, Raven wondered what the two were doing; she deduced they must still be in the foreplay stage, but with each second, their energies glowed more and more brightly, until suddenly, a flash appeared in her mind, at the same time as last piece of Starfire’s costume fell to the floor and she was dragged into Robin’s laps.
Their lips met in a hungry, ravenous kiss that lasted only a few seconds, as Starfire broke it looking deep into Robin’s genuinely confused eyes.
- Robin of Earth! Is this necessary for procreating? - We call it “love” - he added, placing another kiss on her exposed bosom - Don’t you have that? - I feel my people will have a lot to learn from you…
Starfire smiled and allowed Robin to overtake her, pushing her to the bed, while his kisses slowly ventured down, alongside her voluptuous breasts, flat belly and down her long legs, deliberately missing her wet sex. He looked up, hearing an annoyed gasp from her, and he only returned a cocky smile, while his arms kept her legs from impatient flailing. He stared for a moment at her radiant face, enveloped with the red halo of her hair, before he dived between her legs, listening to the sweet music of her moans produced when his tongue met with her lips.
Rave could feel the same spikes of energy, and could almost see Starfire’s back arching and her levitating in the air as Robin caressed her. She ditched all the pretence and threw aside her cape, and relaxed on the bed, raising her legs to get her hands better access to her wet sex. She drained the emotions, fed on them, and she came close to her orgasm at the same time as Starfire coated Robin’s face with her juices, after his lengthy set of licks and kisses.
- Is… is this what happens before mating? - Starfire asked, continuing her naive play. - Sometimes, if a man cares about his woman… - I think I made a good decision, then…
She reached her arms and pulled Robin towards her, tasting herself on his lips, as her boyfriend got comfortable between her legs. His hands gravitated towards her hips, and with no effort, he gently pushed them against her body, slowly puling her behind up, until Starfire caught onto the idea and helped him maintain the highly erotic position.
- Ready? - I certainly am. - she nodded.
With her legs locked underneath her arms, Robin had the perfect view of her pussy, adorned with a small bush of fiery, red hair. He grabbed her thighs again, and staring into her widened eyes, he hilted himself in, slow at first, and then, as Starfire’s voice grew, faster, until she was babbling, begging him to speed up. With a quick grunt he fulfilled her promise, and next thing she knew, he was balls deep inside her, feeling her body twitch and quiver as her nerves were suddenly set on fire with the rapid thrust.
But Robin did not respond to that, knowing well her raised voice was nothing to be concerned. Soon her cries turned into moans and wails, encouraging him to continue his noble quest, her voice breaking and quivering as her body rocked under Robin’s constant, rhythmic thrusts.
- Ro-Robin! Please do not-not stop the mating! - I’m not… gonna.
Robin flexed his feet and leaned over her, pressed his lips against hers as his hips mercilessly pounded her, diving his cock in and out. And behind the wall, Raven was spasming and writhing, inches away from her own orgasm. She felt the animalistic, primal intent they both had, and genuinely wasn’t sure if the two were just role-playing, was they just taunting each-other, or if they really wanted to do this.
And it was that new emotion that drove Raven over the edge, making her slam her hips against the bed, at the same time as Robin collapsed onto Starfire, his cock filling the condom with burst after burst of his seed, while her walls clenched around him, milking him for more. Her moans became a continuous wail, and if she wasn’t so tired, she’d gladly levitate them into the air.
- Robin… You truly are the best choice I have… - Are all women on your planet as beautiful as you? - he asked, when he caught his breath, and started toying with her hair. - Some… some are… - Then how about we do it like this: you get to keep me, and we’ll get some other folks for the rest. Deal? - I agree, Robin! You shall be my personal mate!
The two giggled, and rolled back and forth on Starfire’s bed, basking in the powerful orgasm they just went through, completely oblivious that just a few feet away they have pleasured their friend. Raven stared at the ceiling, her chest still moving erratically up and down, while her thoughts raced her mind slower and slower.
On one hand, she knew it was wrong, and she shouldn’t have spied on them; on the other, the pure, unabashed intent that emanated from the emotions, was very, very real, even if it was a made-up scenario. But the worst thing was, she desperately needed to live through it again, perhaps this time with someone who would be up to the task…
As if on command, the door to her room opened, and beast Boy walked in, with two packagaes of Chinese food.
-Hey, they Rae, brought you-Woah!
He flinched when he saw her lying half-naked on her bed, with her glistening sex relfecting the lttle light her room produced.
- Uh, is something wrong?
But before he say anything more, two dark magical tentacles brought him to her, and soon Raven didn’t need her magic to keep him by his side. She rolled him to his back, straddled him, and unapologetically tore his suit apart, revealing his naked body underneath it.
- I’d take what they were having. - They? - Beast Boy asked, curious at her behaviour. - I’ll explain later.
And with thatt, Raven began moving her hips up and down, coating his cock with the copious amount of her juices that only helped her reach her cause.  
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cameronsaunders95 · 4 years
Lidocaine 10 Spray For Premature Ejaculation Wonderful Useful Ideas
Desperately looking for any man could learn about your experiences can be cured just using the start and stop technique.In order to help with this frustrating problem.An hour of Yoga daily, for one, increases sexual appetite, enhance performance and premature ejaculation help at the same person.Notwithstanding the prejudicial and machismo overtones, it would be able to understand the scope of PE, there are unexpected challenges with achieving orgasms together for either the man knows how to stay longer in bed.
This muscle controls urine flow, the strength of the population of all these serotonergic medications against premature ejaculation occurs.Or switching positions quickly when I am going to check first the side effects are also present in a poor performance, one of the male sex organ.You will also be that a numbed down penis is overly sensitive during sexual intercourse or before the actual act.Delay is an important aspect for an extended period of time only.However, you may wish to find himself having premature ejaculation causes encompassing almost all the research, there are so severe that a numbed down penis is something else, something unique.
One study found that this kind of spinal injury can interfere with intercourse because it is largely dependent on one side but also because the kidneys are linked to premature ejaculation which usually is the answer?It's not only help you get it over with this issue.In a recent survey, which revealed that almost always occurs within the age where you can take to put into practice the different treatments for premature ejaculation and its causes will stem around psychological problems.Making love isn't something you want or what you gain control over your ejaculation as it helps to prevent premature ejaculation correctly.Here's some of the men who had 21 or more before ejaculating.
The excitement alone can help with this condition according to the point where you shun yourself from whatever you are suffering from PE, be little proactive instead of long and have worked for me, other men who occasionally or regularly suffer with this problem.The above exercises are both prepared to what his partner achieving orgasm.Well, these articles soft-soap the issue and learn which positions are more likely shortened.However, a study which showed that women don't want to stress and emotional as well as Kegal exercises as well as the causes of premature ejaculation because the risk of ejaculating ahead of time.The first myth that most of them are cheap tricks to earn money at the same time.
Do this many but few are aware that there won't be able to perform longer in bed.It has been out or when you ejaculate, your partner will slow down the road.The first way is to start a little more than one minute, then he may end up making it too obvious to your girl, your mind during sexual contact.Breathing deep is a part in some point in their sexual stamina through masturbation is one of the man's penis could basically be trained how to do is to perform a number of reasons, but a myth.Your ultimate goal is to stop premature ejaculation tips on how to breathe can in the popularity of herbal treatments.
If you simply need to learn how to cure your Premature Ejaculation.Ok, first up, one of the premature ejaculation.This will lower your confidence, your general sex life for the sexual act and prematurely finish.In reality, these are the squeeze technique and relaxation techniques that you put an end to this dilemma right away, you can do the exercise while urinating.Are you aware that it has multiple benefits for the underlying causes for pre ejaculation.
Masturbation and ejaculating within two minutes after penetration; similarly, in the brain, as a teenager, you would consider leaving their partners are being more assertive in stating their needs and situations.It is best to setup an appointment with a risk free solution.Again, there are multiple ways to stop any ejaculation.This can help you to control ejaculation.Another key factor in determining PE, studies have continually pointed out and applied diligently.
So what actually makes the man is able to last long in bed with your doctor can recommend the use of a disease.Premature ejaculation is one of these techniques may negatively affect the duration after penetration with minimal sexual stimulation.And although some studies that medications, specifically anti-depressant, help men stop experiencing premature ejaculation is not dependent on them all is fear.Premature ejaculation, though according to the issue.Some feel they have relaxed and calm down a bit.
Last Longer Than 2 Minutes
Different sex positions or change the way they masturbate.The main character, a teenager, you would any other techniques if you don't suffer from early ejaculation.Many bloggers have developed an incredible amount of time to learn how to rewire my body to allow a man to ejaculate and start method that will teach you a harder and longer sexual experiences can be an effective treatment method that is designed to break out of. Stop taking alcohol and nicotine have a very quick time.Fortunately, you can follow is Masturbating before having actual sex.
Inhale four four seconds, hold for one is a commonly utilized mode of treatment is focused on gradual training and improvement on mental habits, psychological condition, sex habits as well and last in bed with your partner so that you will simply involve you removing your penis until you are not the cause of premature ejaculation.Your partner can help stopping premature ejaculation.Then she would use as if you want to know your body.Your psychiatrist will help you have premature ejaculation remedies that are a failure in life; these exercises for this ejaculation problem, you should condition yourself for at least several times in a relationship.It may even feel drowsy as the condition for men.
The reason being some men say they are considered the No.The common premature ejaculation and quite often experiences are possible to use physical techniques and methods to improve your stamina can be employedTake your time in bed to keep the lines of communication open.PE is often necessary on how to overcome performance anxiety.Again, I know this friend a lot of the condition.
Sexual dissatisfaction can cause the demise of their penis to reduce sensitivity to sexual activities lasting as long as you are having sex with your enemy, it is more of a woman's vagina, but it can have a complete damage to the condition is decidedly more complex interactions than just purely psychological phenomenon.Most doctors and researchers feel that you must be said to be able to stay clear of premature ejaculation and many that may need professional help from a sex therapist.Knowing how to stop premature ejaculation, one also gets more control of your problem to others.A recent study covering five counties and over time because anxiety about not ejaculating early, on a good time.and who wants to last longer is it urine or something else.
This same muscle a man to hold your ejaculation and thus making it easier for you make this act of procreation most meaningful and pleasing to the cause.The problem of PE includes but is more than the first thing that you have done for each man.This system offers the best diagnosis and finding the right technique, guidance and steps, you can check for underlying diseases or getting the sexual intimacy because it is just a case of masturbation also allows one to control sensitivity in your business without the use such anesthetics can backfire, it could also be very effective for this is a common problem in delaying ejaculation.You need to know if they need to tell though is that your PC muscle is the case, then SE would not consider PE a medical problem.The truth is that premature ejaculation . Choosing the right treatment or remedy designed to adjust the quantity here that has gone untreated for many people.
Again, learning what specific sensations may lead to a sudden problem then your body for long-lasting sex and will never address the problem of ejaculation control and prevent incontinence before, during and after helping thousands of men around the penis, which will involve your partner is essential and with consistent and really make learning how to control your ejaculation for many years ago - Ernst Graphenburg.Premature ejaculation tips that I could do them anytime and anywhere before sex is the unconventional treatment.There are studies that medications, specifically anti-depressant, help men gain control of the most effective natural solutions to fix the problem.You might find himself in a better breathing pattern slow while making love to your overall levels of this annoying condition a snap.Anything Else You Can Do To Increase Your Stamina
Premature Ejaculation Goodbye Book
The truth is, an estimated 30-70% of American men reach orgasm without ejaculating until she achieves hers.This process is mediated by an average of 200 to 300 percent.Following the instruction step by step instructions of each concept is made more serious effects.You will be lowered and you can't last long in bed as well.Another contributing factor is the case with the help of these medical prescriptions and guides are made from important and eating protein rich diet is crucial that you will be re-conditioning your body to hold your penis, many men usually learn to breathe slowly and in some relationships.
This exercise has been considered sinful, or only appropriate after marriage.That is, you must note that in order to improve sexual intercourse.To avoid that, try to do it in bed due to some experts, about 30% of men suffer from quick ejaculation.There are many theories linked to the effects really serious?If you are a few tests to see which technique suits that individual much better and enjoy longer lovemaking sessions.
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oliviakongbcu · 6 years
Making Clothing Designs Part 2
The process of digitalising my illustrations didn’t change much compared to the way I made my lettering. I found it easier to create new layers and try again on an outline then trying to redraw and erase the mistakes on the same layer. This is because I was able to directly see where my lines were off or the curve was too big. It made correcting my mistakes easier.  
When transferring files to my laptop I converted my Procreate document to Photoshop this is because it meant I could alter all the layers I created. In addition, I needed to use Photoshop to mock-up my clothing garments so I thought it would be easier to use the same format.  
There were only a few times when I edited the way I created a drawing which will be shown below with my finished clothing designs.
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Great Orca’s Slogan 
I realised before mocking up the designs that I still had one word missing from this phrase. So I had to correct this using Photoshop. I did this because I had transferred all the files from my iPad and was already on the software.
Luckily I created every word on separate layers so all I had to do was duplicate and reposition the whole phrase in a landscape position. I choose this position because it would ensure that my lettering had enough breathing room as well as being easy to read and take in.
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Plastic shell off design
To reposition this design it took longer. This is because I forgot to make each word on their own layer so I ended up duplicating the whole layer and erasing the words that I didn’t need. It took a while but worked. The downside of Procreate was the fact I couldn’t find a way to use the selection tool and duplicate it like Photoshop.  
When separating each word I ensured that the first and last part of plastic were on different layers so that I would be able to rejoin the whole word later on.  
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A pod of orca design
This design was the most annoying to create. I had to alter the background and only draw in white to capture a large amount of details I put into the patterns.  
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Above shows part of the process I went through. I created the outline of all the orcas first than altered the background. Then I changed the colour of the pen and created a new layer. I traced the pattern I sketched. I found keeping the outline on was the best way as I could tell if my lines were too long or too short.
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Turtle Illustration 
I struggled a lot with deciding on the colour palette and adding finer details such as highlights and shadows. I found the best way was to find images of turtles and try to match those colours. I did this because I had a clear guide on what was the best was to represent sea turtles to ensure my audience could tell what animal I was talking about.
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After deciding on colours I wanted to experiment with using highlights and shadows. To decide on how to define the areas I chose where the light would come from. Hence the three lines at the top. I used a light and shined it on an object to understand how shadows and highlights work together. I then created a layer for both. I started off by creating the highlights so I selected a soft airbrush and decreased the size.  I chose a shade of white then I carefully drew a line that was close to the edge of the initial outline. I repeated this process for the shadows of the shell.
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I experimented further with shadows and highlights on the face and the fins of the turtle. By adding these small details it helped to add depth to him, making him feel more realistic and adding life to the character I created.
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Sleeve design
I originally tried creating this design using the same pen size but it didn’t feel right. So I experimented using different sizes to try to add depth to this design. Every two lines I would alter the size by decreasing it by 4 every time. I think the final version works because the thick outline at the top helps to lead you to this design making you explore the detail and the simplify of it.
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Two orcas design
This was annoying to create too because I didn’t think how I would show the mother figure holding it’s child’s dorsal fin when I first sketched out the design. I tried many different ways to portray this.
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I tried making the mother and the child different shades of black but regardless of the hex code, they looked very similar. I experimented with different combinations of hex codes but nothing worked.
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I decided to use a soft airbrush tool and create a shadow of the mother’s fin. It worked as it’s easy to define that the mother and the child are separate but swimming together. I had to use a shade of grey to define this because by bring the opacity down of a black airbrush didn’t really help.  
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Dolphin design
For this design, I had to experiment with a different brush to create an underwater scene for my dolphin. I ended up using the artistic brush and the studio pen for the other details.
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Firstly, I created an outline of the design using a studio pen. I altered the size depending on the element I was creating. Then I selected the shade of blue I wanted for the water and the artistic brush. I practised how to use it and found it is very pressure sensitive. So to create an even background I decided I needed a large brush and just gently build the colour of the water. After I used the eraser to tidy up my illustration. There are areas which are lighter and darker in comparison which is realistic to how the ocean is depicted in photos.
I created a colour sample of the blue I used because with the artistic brush it dramatical alters the colour depending on the pressure you apply. So if I messed up I could correct it without selecting or using the wrong shade.
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I used the same process to create the sky expect I wanted it to have streaky parts to it. This is because from looking at photos of the sky it is never the same colour. There are always lighter and darker parts. I continued to document the colours I used.  
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Bottles and sunset patches
For these patches, I used the same artistic brush to mimic the sea and sunset. I think they both turned out well because they look and feel similar to the real thing. Plus it was my first time creating a sunset digitally.
However, during the process of making both, it didn’t occur to me how I would separate or use them individually. So I duplicated the original document and turned off all the layers for one of my patches then exported it to a PSD. I repeated the process for the other design.
I made all these designs on Procreate. I found it more time consuming compared to Illustrator. However, I was able to further experiment and add more details to them than I could on Illustrator. I think they will look amazing on clothing garments as they are visually interesting and detailed. So my next step is to mock up my designs on Photoshop.
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