#pathfinder's quest
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symply-sym · 1 year ago
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this scene from Pathfinder's quest had me being very not normal about it
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the-mechanica · 1 year ago
The Best Joker Episode | Joker's Favor | Batman The Animated Series This is a good video essay about the B:tAS episode that is essentially Kaleb Cross’ backstory in Pathfinder’s Quest. ‘Joker’s Favor’ in Summary:
Instead of Bob, it's 'Charlie' and he cuts the Joker off on the freeway, the Joker chases him down and gives him a talking to and tells him he's going to ask for a favor someday. Charlie takes his wife and kids and skips town, and the Joker finds them and asks for his favor. Charlie does it, finds out Joker was going to leave him to get bombed, Charlie chases Joker down with the bomb to take them both out in revenge. Joker calls for help from Batman, who saves them both.
It’s a very toned down version of what Kaleb does to Bob and his family (since Batman was essentially noir for kids), but the same format.
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kaiserouo · 1 year ago
red liquid
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dujour13 · 10 months ago
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Woljif: my abusive family lining up to kick my ass 😭
Regill: can I be next
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vintage-tigre · 2 months ago
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thecreaturecodex · 5 months ago
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Image © Working Partners Ltd, accessed at the Beast Quest wiki here
[Sponsored by @glarnboudin. Beast Quest is a series of middle grade books that started publishing when I was in undergrad, but if they were around when I was in the target demographic, I probably would have imprinted on them hard. Each one is a monster of the week affair, with the Beasts being fought or rescued by earnest kid adventurers fighting against various evil wizards. The Beasts, even the evil ones, often have some sort of role in the ecology of the world. The post sponsor described it to me as "Harryhausen meets the Legendary Monsterverse", which I would have gobbled up as a kid. Although Scamandrax exists in universe kind of in a vacuum (he was slain by the protagonist's mother and is accidentally resurrected to wreak havoc in the modern era), I went ahead and added an ecological role for it that seemed to fit its general vibe.]
Scalamanx CR 12 LE Magical Beast This creature appears as a lizard the size of a wagon, its hide made of rocky scales that glow from an internal heat. Its eyes are large and forward facing, and ridges of tissue like those of a newt grow along its limbs and tail. Six fiery tendrils grow from the back of its head like gills.
A scalamanx is an enormous fiery predator with a dim and cruel intelligence. They lair in volcanic caves and other sources of geothermal heat, and are found on the Plane of Fire despite their mortal natures. Although they have crushing jaws and thick powerful tails, the most fearsome weapon of a scalamanx is their fiery feelers. Each tendril of flame can move independently and lash like a whip, setting creatures and objects ablaze. A scalamanx is a stubborn combatant, and they frequently fight to the death once they have tasted the blood and char of a victim.
Scalamances have slow metabolisms despite their inner fires, and may only feed a few times a year. These meals are typically other creatures that stumble into their lairs, although during the driest parts of the year, a scalamanx may venture into the lowlands in order to hunt. These hunting forays can create wildfires that span for hundreds of acres, and many plants that need fire to propagate grow in areas patrolled by a scalamanx. At the first sign of precipitation, the scalamanx will retreat underground, as the touch of water burns them like acid, and any scalamanx caught in a rainstorm would surely die. Scalamances can understand a few words in Ignan, and respect powerful and intelligent creatures that can speak that tongue. Fire giants or efreeti use them as mounts, beasts of burden and guardians. Most scalamances are content to serve, but if they are mistreated may turn on their masters with lethal force.
Scalamanx CR 12 XP 19,200 LE Huge magical beast (fire) Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +14, scent
Defense AC 26, touch 10, flat-footed 24 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +1 dodge, +16 natural) hp 172 (15d10+90); regeneration 3 (cold or water) Fort +15, Ref +12, Will +7 Immune fire Defensive Abilities blazing defense; Weakness vulnerable to cold, water vulnerability
Offense Speed 40 ft., climb 20 ft. Melee bite +22 (2d6+9/19-20), tail slap +20 (1d12+4 plus push), 6 tendrils +20 touch (1d6 fire plus burn) Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Special Attacks burn (2d6, DC 23), push (10 ft.)
Statistics Str 29, Dex 13, Con 22, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 16 Base Atk +15; CMB +26; CMD 38 Feats Blindfight, Dodge, Improved Critical (bite), Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Multiattack, Power Attack Skills Acrobatics +11 (+15 when jumping), Climb +21, Perception +14; Racial Modifiers +4 Perception Languages Ignan (cannot speak)
Ecology Environment warm mountains and underground Organization solitary, pair or maelstrom (3-6) Treasure incidental
Special Abilities Blazing Defense (Ex) A creature that strikes a scalamanx with a melee attack, natural weapon, touch attack or unarmed strike takes 1d6+15 points of fire damage. Manufactured weapons with the reach property do not endanger their wielders in this fashion. Water Vulnerability (Ex) A scalamanx takes damage from direct contact with water. A flask of water deals 1d6 points of damage to a scalamanx when used as a splash weapon, and immersion in water deals 10d6 points of damage to a scalamanx each round.
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zephhhhh · 11 months ago
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the sillies
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murthingsblog · 1 month ago
A completely spontaneous idea that I'm starting to find charming.
1. We don't know (?) (I definitely don't know) anything about the Iomedae family except that they are from Cheliax and were born around 3800
2. Aroden was very much loved in Cheliax, Cheliax was the center of worship of Aroden
3. ...
4. Pick any story about the divine conception of any mythical hero demigod and tell me that Aroden couldn't pull off something like that
5. Do you know what mythical demigod heroes do? Labours. Or, for example... Acts
6. The Inheritor is starting to sound a little ironic if Iomedae is literally Aroden’s daugther
I'm not saying it's canon, but I am saying I'll be exploring this idea for a while because I see potential in it. It's funny
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losthavenguild · 1 year ago
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February 5th
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apex-legends · 4 months ago
Fight Night
Season 7 launch- Ascension
Family Portrait
A fate worse than death
The truth will set you free
All chapters on playlist
The Truth cinematic (not released in this season but is relevant here) REFER TO PATHFINDER'S QUEST WHERE LORE IS CONTRADICTED IN THIS ONE.
Location based interactions
Season 7 voicelines
Horizon- message
Voicelines for season 8 teaser
Fuse teaser (1)
Fuse teaser (2)
Fuse teaser (3)
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dreams-incorporated · 1 year ago
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It will show us the path!
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zkretchy · 1 year ago
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I am still not over the fact that I somehow managed to overlook the brightly glowing Aasimar just hanging around very visibly in his manor which the quest given was about
Truly amazing
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tuxedo-rabbit · 10 months ago
The kingdom management in kingmaker is addicting. I know a lot of people found it tedious but I love creating little villages, planning out where the buildings should go, even the war table missions are fun!
It ticks that same box for me that sid meyer's civilization games & settlement building in fo4 do.
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dujour13 · 8 months ago
Obligatory group photo with Lann in victory pose. I love them all so much 🥺
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And one of my favorite Siavash moments:
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genderdotcom · 10 months ago
is the wotr character a furry.
seelah: yes. she has a cool dog fursona and commissions art of her regularly
woljif: yes in the warrior cats edgy sparkledog sense
sosiel: he wouldnt call himself a furry but he likes drawing furry art (is he the one seelah is commissioning??)
nenio: she makes a fursona for the sake of research despite literally already being an anthro fox. the fursona is an anthro arthropod of some kind
arueshalae: desna's redemption arc homework actually included making a fursona
wenduag: no and she wouldnt like the thought of it
camellia: no and she would brutally make fun of anyone who was
ember: yes in the sanrio art style fursona sense and also in the otherkin sense
finnean: fuck yes he is. some sort of aquatic mammal fursona
daeran: it's too sincere for him he'd get hives
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ironhoshi · 11 months ago
I'm reading Quest for the Hidden City and I'm-
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