#pathetic ahh daughter
day 3 of hating on my parents for no exact reason but I’m just a teenager so it’s okay
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betyloca · 7 months
Imagine: you are the daughter of Victor Creed, having the same mutation, being at Xavier's school, being isolated and Kurt trying to be your friend.
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You were in the school cafeteria, you were sitting at a table away from the others. You saw how the other students were looking at you with fear. You could hear them talking bad about you.
"They're pathetic" you thought, scratching the table, bored of being in that place.
You had claws that scratched the wood, creating the pattern of a smiling face. You felt like someone was approaching.
Y/N: What the fuck do you want?
Kurt: Hel~ Hello, I'm Kurt.
Y/n: I don't care
Kurt: I saw you alone
Y/N: How observant you are.
you saw out of the corner of your eye how he got nervous playing with his fingers while looking at the floor you rolled your eyes while sighing
y/n: are you going to sit down or not?
Kurt: Oh sure, thanks.
He sat next to you, you could notice how he smiled, wagging his tail.
Kurt: And what's your name?
y/n: y/n creed
Kurt: Nice name.
y/n: tss
Weeks later, that boy never left you alone, wherever he went, he always followed you, no matter if you treated him badly or avoided him, he always came back.
You were walking through the hallways when you smelled a familiar smell until you heard a voice.
Kurt: hey y/n wait for me
"Damn" you thought as you quickened your pace, you knew you couldn't escape him but you tried.
Kurt: Hey, you're quick, where are you going?
He said when he teleported to your side.
y/n: to the patio I want fresh air
you told him sharply
Kurt: Ok let's get some air together
He said as he walked next to you smiling.
He always followed you when you wanted to be alone, he was always there. You grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, angry, slamming him against the wall.
Kurt: Y/N, what's wrong?
y/n: why every time I want to be alone you are always behind me, do you think it's a game or what?
You said as you ran your claws over his neck.
Kurt: ahh it's not a game
y/n: then tell me
Kurt: I just didn't want you to be alone.
You pulled him closer to look at him closely to see if he was lying. You approached, smelling his neck. If he felt afraid, you heard him gasp. I was not afraid.
How you hated him, he was always close to you, what you hated when he wasn't with you, you hated when he was with someone who wasn't you.
When he was always around, you hated when your stomach felt funny, but you loved him being around, you smelled his scent, you felt it make you dizzy.
You let it go thinking that this time it would disappear, mistake it didn't.
Kurt: Are you okay?
you rolled your eyes
y/n: yes
You started walking towards the patio, he followed you like a scared cat from behind. You looked at him over your shoulder.
y/n: are you going to come closer or not kitten?
You noticed how he got nervous, approaching your side. You grabbed his hand so he would stop being nervous. He looked at you, blushing.
Kurt: ahh y/..y/n
y/n: if you tell anyone I will kill you
He nodded as he squeezed your hand, you felt his tail wrap around your waist.
maybe it wasn't bad to have him as a friend after all
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demonsword586 · 6 months
Beelzebub Attacker part 2
Damn,I'm working fast these days! Anyway,here's more Beel being...Beel. You will see what I mean
(Pg: Inside the shelter)
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Happy-looking Male devil: Haaa...Hnn...!
Happy-looking Female devil: Hn...Hnnn-haa!
Glistering chanting echoed throughout,and the room was hotter than outside from ghe heat of the bodies.
No matter where you moved your gaze,the tangled mass of skin bounced up and down,bumping into each other and making popping noises.
The walls and the floor of the shelter were blue,the lights were white and neon,and there was some kind of pink smoke going through the place.
Actually seeing the things you were used to seeing inside your monitor,made you feel crushed by it's power.
You had seen various types of roleplay before,but the actual voices and scenes made it feel even more obscene.
The sight of flesh shaking,the sound of it slapping against each other,the obscene odor,rhe hot air,the energy transferred to your skin. These things stimulated you and elevated your mood.
Mc: (It's embarrassing,but I want to see...)
Sweat tickled down your cheeks from the heat of the room and your own excitment as you squinted at the sights around you,unable to settle your gaze.
Mc: Ugh!
Just then something warm and wet fondled your temple.
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Beelzebub: It's cute that you're looking around. It's not unusual for you,is it?
Beelzebub licked your sweat and whispered in your ear.
He hugged your shoulders and licked the sweat from your temple as if he would not miss even a single drop.
Beelzebub blew out hot air and put his tongue in your ear.
Mc: Ugh..ah..ah!
Beelzebub: Ah...Delicious.
In one ear you could hear Beelzebub's lustful voice and the sound of his saliva dripping from his mouth,
And in the other,you could hear such pathetic cries that one would never think would come from the intercourse going around you. You found yourself screaming at the top of your lungs with uncharacteristic ease.
Mc: Ugh,ugh..ahh!
All that he had done was lick your ear,but you were already moaning patheticlly.
Meanwhile you heard a strangers voice.
Waiter: Welcome,your Majesty. This is your usual drink as you requested.
A handsome,middle-aged waiter approached as though he was used to the sight of you being sqashed and stood next to you with a silver tray with four glasses of white liquid on top.
It looked like he wasn't affected by Beelzebub's spell unlike the other devils,as he naturally called Beelzebub 'your Majesty'.
Waiter: Which one would you like today?
The waiter who seemed to be serving at the shelter smiled,his sharp,long eyes narrowing even more and without changing his complexion as though he was accustomed to the strange sight.
Standing with a noticeably upright posture,he glanced at the drinks on the tray with familiarity.
Beelzebub: Ahh,thanks. What shall we do?
Beelzebu receded from your ear and straightened a little to look at the drinks.
Beelzebub: Mc,which one would you like?
Beelzebub let you choose,but they all looked like white liquid to you.
Mc: ....What is this? Whats the diffrence?
As you pondered,you made eye contact with the waiter who smiled skillfuly.
Waiter: Welcome Daughter/Son of Solomon...I was waiting for you.
Waiter: The glass on the right is fresh,100% pure milk from his Majesty's horn.
Mc: Huhh?!
You widened your eyes and mouth at the unexpected drink,but neither the waiter nor Beelzebub seemed at all concerned.
Waiter: And the glass on the left is fresh,100% pure semen from his Majesty's wonderful,strong penis.
Waiter: These are all specialty items that have been sealed and specially preserved to ensure that they taste as fresh as they came out of his Majesty's body.
Mc: (Beelzebus's se...What?!)
Beelzebub pointed left.
Beelzebub: Hmm,shall I take this one today?
Mc: Eek,you asked me!
Beelzebub asked you but chose the drinks (?) himself,and you stared at him incredulously. But he didn't seem to mind at all.
Beelzebub pulled himself up from his position on top of you and knelt down on the couch,
Then,he picked suddenly up the two glasses on the left,popped one into his mouth without hesitation,and held the other out to you.
You slowly sat up to take the glass.
Mc: (Beelzebub's fresh,100% pure cum. It's just cum,)
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Mc: (I'm apready used to it because of Minhyeok's cum...)
Mc: Ok?!
You tilted your glass as if the mood called for it,and were shocked when the viscous white liquid slowly flowed into your mouth.
It was nothing like the feel or taste of cum as you knew and imagined.
The moment it entered your mouth,the sweet,rich flavor was felt directly in your brain and not your tongue! It was a transcendent taste experience like the part of your brain that tasted the most delicious things was absorbing it directly.
The king of gluttony. If these were all the foods Beelzebub recommended,you thought you might as well be his slave for life.
Mc: What is this?! I've never tasted anything as delicious as this?!
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Beelzebub: What do you think? My sperm,they're delicious and healthy,right?
Beelzebub rumbled his throat in amusment at your reaction.
....But before you could even finish it,something strange began to happen to your body.
Mc: Ah..huh?...Uhm...
You start to feel hotter and hotter like you had a fever,your breathing became ragged,and sweat began to break out all over your body,soaking you.
Beelzebub placed a large hand on your shoulder.
Mc: Ahhh!!!
Beelzebub: Keke..
Mc: ( Ah...Why?...)
All he had done was place his hand on your shoulder,but it turned your vision white for a moment.
Whether it was because of the excitment or Beelzebub,your whole body felt damp.
Mc: Beelzebub...Ha,what's happening?...
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Satisfied with your reaction,Beelzebub lightly pressed your nipple with his fingertip.
Mc: (Ah,what's this?! He only touched me!)
The sweet stimulation made you nervous between your legs,and you found yourself biting and rubbing against Beelzebub's firm thighs against your will. Beelzebub noticed and chuckled.
Beelzebub: It looks like you have something to say!
He asked joyfully,with an expression of know-it-all.
Mc: Beelzebub...
You felt so embarrassed that you coudn't say it out loud.
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writing-fanics · 8 months
Ahh i loved the new chapter of more than anything, it was PERFECT. I was wondering if we could have insight into lucifer and reader fighting Adam, I just want to see them piss of Adam even more cause that was hilarious
(Do you think we could also have concerned Lucifer and his reaction to reader being injured)
Adam was an absolute jerk to [Y/n] when she was in heaven, even though she ranked higher than him. He saw her as lesser than the other ranking angels, she was but still held some power over him being higher ranking.
He callled her pathetic and a whinny bitch, crying over some dick she couldn’t suck years ago. He made her immortal days in heaven.. Hell.
She was having a particularly bad day, and he said something that really upset her she wanted to throw herself into the sun.
“You keep moping over some dick you can’t suck?”
“Why keep acting like a whiny bitch?”
it was a lot worse but he was a jerk. she cried in her office, calling herself pathetic. cuz maybe she was she felt like it.
So she’s had enough of his shit,
Lucifer on the other hand was told by her everything he said, to her for years.. he wasn’t happy. how dare someone so beautiful, pathetic.
“she’s absolutely gorgeous.”
but of course his daughter as well is the most factoring. no one hurts or touches y/n without getting hurt
yeah, sorry about that.
He was definitely concerned. Worried that he might lose her. Might write a small thing of Lucifer helping her bandage up her wound a little banter and flirting
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nikosama13 · 7 months
"Finish what you started." (Ace x Reader)
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Description: You're the most precious member of the Whitebeard Pirates. The beloved biological daughter of the captain, Whitebeard. Everyone in the crew loves you like their own sister, except for one person. Now it's his job to finish what he had started.
Side Notes: Hey loves! Welcome back to my little corner of the internet. I hope you all enjoy this fic and have a wonderful day! (Probably spelling errors + requests should be open)
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ …consider following for more? (plz..)
It's a peaceful day on the ship sailing across the ocean. You close your eyes as you enjoy the fresh wind through your hair. You're the most precious member of the Whitebeard Pirates and the beloved biological daughter of the captain, Whitebeard. Everyone in the crew loves you like their own sister, except for one person..
“Hey, stupid! Don't just stand there like that!”
Ace, the second commander, the one who always bickers over every little thing with you, everyday like a dog and cat.
“What do you want now Ace..?”
Ace's eyes narrow as he walks closer to you, a smirk appears on his face. The wind blows away his long, black hair, exposing his deep eyes and sharp features. He scowled a bit as the wind blew on him. He crossed his arms and raised his voice.
“What do you mean what do I want? Can't I speak to you as much as I want?”
He had snapped a little and the tone of his voice came out rougher than usual, as he tried to hide his face with the brim of his hat. His eyes still looked at you though..
“Do and say as you please, I'm just trying to enjoy a peaceful day.”
Ace looked away, his face still looking annoyed but you can sense the hidden blush on his face. He chuckled, seemingly annoyed.
“Ah…You are always so carefree like that. Not very bright, aren't you?”
“Well you're not much brighter than me either.”
Ace scowled.
“Shut up…” He mumbled and looked away, trying to hide his blush. A moment later, he sighed and shook his head.
He looked back at you.
“You're acting dumb again.” you said smiling.
Ace rolled his eyes and scoffed. “Don't insult me like that…”
Once again his eyes narrowed, the wind blew at him, he crossed his arms, as his ears twitched.
“Or else what?”
“Oh please. That was so pathetic of a comeback. You and I both know I'm brighter, smarter, and even better than you in every way.”
He smirked, challenging you.
“Prove it then.” you spoke, glaring at him.
“Prove it?” Ace laughed.
"How do I 'prove it'?"
“Since you're so bright you should figure it out.”
Ace blinked. “Hmph. What a stupid answer from a stupid girl.”
“How about you shut up and leave.'' He was pushing you to your limit.
“Ahh! Typical girl answer, always running away after getting proven wrong. I really can't believe you're Whitebeard's daughter, you're disappointing compared to me!”
Ace crossed his arms and turned his back away from you, still fuming and still not being able to hide the little blush on his cheeks.
“But at the end of the day, you're the one blushing.” you said, surely this was going to throw him off.
Oh, and damn right it did.
“Shut up! S-Shut up! You…You..”
Ace mumbled but still was turned away from you, but his blush grew brighter at this point. Noticing your smirk at the corner of your lips and realizing that nothing he said can make you shut up.
“Yeah, yeah whatever..” That smirk is making Ace annoyed, but he couldn't deny that he's enjoying you teasing him like this. Ace scowls, and then his mood suddenly became playful.
“What now?” you said unamused.
He smirked as he approached you, his eyes still cold but something else was hiding underneath from him.
“What happens if I…”
He leaned closer to you and grabbed the corners of your collar, pulling you into him. Ace chuckled, his cold eyes turned to a playful look as his nose almost touched yours.
“W-what you are doing idiot..?!”
Ace chuckled as he let out a small grin, but deep down, he couldn't stop his heart from beating so fast.
“I…I'm not doing anything~”
Ace's eyes still seemed playful.
Ace smirked as he pulled you even closer to him. He was clearly trying to make you angry, and at this point, he doesn't care what the crew would see and think about him if they saw this. Ace tilted his head slightly, making sure his eyes can meet yours when his lips are just about to touch yours.
He stopped. His lips only inches away from yours. He stared at you with the corners of his mouth curling up, wanting to give you a kiss.
But then he pulled back and let go of your collar, looking away as his face turned a bright red. He covered his face with his hat and groaned, trying to disguise the blush that's clearly obvious on his face.
“Why'd you stop..?” you giggled.
Ace mumbled something under his breath that you couldn't understand. He didn't dare to turn his face to you. This feeling, this feeling of wanting to give you a kiss while blushing heavily, is something new to him. He never thought about these kinds of feelings and thoughts ever before, not until you came and changed everything about him…
He stays silent for a while….his breaths came out heavier than before. Finally, Ace turned his head to you, his face still red as a tomato, but the blush slowly disappeared from his cheek.
“Finish what you started..”
Ace gulped, as a chill went down his spine from the way you said it. He stayed silent, and moved his head slowly closer to you. His lips curled up and he placed it on your lips gently. His lips were soft and gentle as he held your head on the back. Ace's lips moved slowly, and kissed you passionately.
The kiss went on for a long time. Ace held you close and his lips didn't stop moving until he broke the kiss. Ace pulled away, breathless, and his face was red, blushing more than before. You could feel the heat coming out from his skin as he kept staring at you, silently wanting to say something.
“Uhm so..”
Ace was speechless, not knowing what to say. So he just kept staring at you with his blushing face, his breath seemed heavier than before, and he kept biting the skin inside his mouth. All while he kept his hat covering his eyes. He's speechless for once, which is something unusual for him.
Ace gulped and kept staring at you. His heart pounded like crazy. Never has he ever in his life thought he would have feelings for you, yet here he is now, blushing and speechless all because of one single kiss. Ace swallowed and cleared his throat. He didn't know what to say, what to do, what to think and feel. Ace stayed silent but all he knew is that…he wants more of this.
The End~
(Thanks for reading! If you do want a continuation please comment below.) (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
…consider following for more?
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zombiequeenblog · 4 months
Reading the Phone Call in the Sadglo series.
Just had me thinking about Sister Imperator and her knowledge about Mouse and Copia. Was that her first sign there was something deeper,confirmation there was or was she aware of it a long time?
(Little off subject rambling my thoughts)Just find it in a way she's approving of them. Mostly since I read a few times she sees Mouse as her own and Copia being her own. Should marriage ever happen Mouse being her daughter in law makes my heart warm.
Oh Dear Anon! I love your ramblings! I pondered about how best to answer your ask, and so here is simply a tiny little ramble of my own to add to your thoughts which I so cherish about these characters...
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She knew before she called him that he would come back a Cardinal. 
She was no fool; she had noticed their little glances, their quick intakes of breath. Often, she felt herself having to hold back an eye roll or two as she watched them ponder where exactly to place their hands in each other’s presence. A pathetic display of secrecy, if one wasn’t a fuckwit. 
Sometimes she felt that she was the only one here in this abbey who possessed any measure of sense. The torture some people could put themselves through provoked her to irritation, underneath her flawless facade. Wasn’t the entire point of this place to indulge in sinful behaviour freely? Ahh well, she supposed she could see the appeal in a little torment, now and then. The dear girl certainly seemed to blush prettily when she felt his hot gaze upon her. And she herself had always suspected the Cardinal of being drawn to frightful things. He was so much alike to her. Shaking her head, Sister sighed aloud as she slid her hand along her desk towards her phone. Now she had to serve him up this new horror.
Speaking of horror, she could remember the day he was born. Could remember herself being rended in two, the loss surprisingly most perceived within the ruptured cavity of her heart, throttled so fully. The anguish of it; the ultimate bloodletting. That feeling of never being whole again, of forever being bound to a being beyond yourself; a life eternal. That awful, primal love which no one ever taught you to fear. 
She would never be free from fear again. 
And neither would they be, she thought to herself, though they most likely wouldn’t choose different. Fools. A ghost of a smile flickered dolefully across her immaculate lips. She wouldn’t change a thing about the both of them. 
Sister picked up the receiver.
ao3 link
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friendshipgirl · 4 days
Pool Brawl
( as the three were chilling out at the pool area, Salazar suddenly came with a magazine )
Salazar: You know… You know Natsumi, I have just had it with you and your boyfriend's little… ( closes the door ) …mind games.
Wakko: What is that?
Salazar: Italian Vogue…
Wakko: Mama Mia, that’s a lot of pages…
Salazar: It’s a lot of ads.
Wakko: Remember what Fuyuki said. Why is your life any more valuable than ours?
Salazar: Oh, that’s weird. I just can’t seem to ( tries to hit them ) RECALL THAT!!!
( the three scream as Natsumi tries to hit back with a chair )
Salazar: I think something STINKS in here! ( sprays honey perfume at Giroro )
Giroro: Ha! I like the smell of honey!
Salazar: Yeah? ( puts a lighter in front of it ) HOW DO YOU LIKE THE SMELL OF FLAMES!?
Giroro: Not as much!
( The red frog screams as he barely dodged a burst of fire. Natsumi's eyes grew wide with terror, as she watched Giroro, now ablaze, stumble backward into the pool. The water around him hissed and steamed, extinguishing the flames. Giroro coughed and sputtered, his swim wear smoldering. Wakko, acting on instinct, snatched up a pool noodle and began to whip it around like a makeshift flail, keeping Salazar at bay. Salazar backs up into the swim toys and falls, yelling as each toy, a snorkel, a ball, and finally a rubber duck, landed on his head. He then grabs a water nozzle and aimed at Natsumi )
Natsumi: Hey! Look at me! I’m wearing a pail for a hat! This is pathetic!
Salazar: I’ve got issues!
( he squirts at Natsumi, causing her to fall back into the pool. Natsumi comes up and spits water before activating the whirlpool by accident )
Natsumi: Oh no! AHH! ( spins around )
( Wakko tries to grab his mother, but when he did, Salazar pushes him in. Luckily, Wakko grabbed a board and surfs the whirlpool )
Wakko: Yeah! Surfs up, dude! ( spits water in Salazar's face )
Salazar: ( exclaims in disgust ) AHH! SPIT WATER!
( Wakko continues to ride the whirlpool for a bit before coming up to Giroro and Natsumi )
Wakko: Whoo! That hole is gnarly!
Salazar: ( takes out a scrubber ) Except for those soapy, blue, pink, and red, rings!
( Wakko screams as Giroro uses the board as a shield, but Aki and Lauren then come in and stop Salazar )
Lauren ( me ): Salazar! What the hell are you doing!? Are you nuts!?
Salazar: You know what!? I don’t even like canned white chocolate coffee! I don’t drink it!
Aki: ( pulls Salazar out a bit ) We need to talk! This is my daughter, and her son and boyfriend! She’s the new queen of Animaniacs, and I believe she is the greatest queen I have seen in a long time!
Salazar: Long time!? It has been almost a year since Api has been stressing over a movie!
Aki: Well, Lauren does stress out over Wakko’s Wish, because there are things that bug her, and pretty much everyone else, and it is all caused by you being greedy for respect!
Salazar: Oh! That’s how it is! Rotten children, autistic princesses, anime space frogs, chaotic dinner nights, and now this! You’re all against me! It’s getting my nerves fried by riding on this emotional roller coaster!
Aki: Goodbye, Salazar!
( Salazar exclaimed in disbelief before leaving the pool area, but then coming back )
Salazar: ( to Lauren ) And for you information, Princess, I prefer sugar free, no chocolate added, almond milk lattes, MADE BY MAN! ( storms off )
Aki: Sorry about all that Honey.
Salazar: ( comes back one more time ) And those dry strange aftertastes it has, I LIKE IT! ( leaves and slams the door )
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grape-v1nes · 9 months
in the hands of an angry god sounds very compelling pls share👀👀
ahh hi!!
this one is my jegulus Ethel Cain au that follows the plot of Preachers Daughter.
& just for uuuuu, this snippet is what takes place after the murder, so picture James w blood all over his hands ;)
(tho the twist is that, sadly, it's Regulus' womp womp)
You’re loud when you scream. Louder than me. You don’t think about how loud you are, how the neighbor's surely heard the gunshot. You don't think about how they can hear your pathetic wails while you grieve over what you did. You don’t think, even though you’ve always been so good at it. Your body shakes from the force of your cries, hunched over at the foot of the bed. If you looked up you’d see my toes already starting to turn blue, but you don’t. You only hold your face and smear my blood all over your skin while you call for your mother, for your father. You pray for anyone, God please anyone, to help you. Of course, no one answers. You’d done this to yourself.
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peony-pearl · 2 years
Azula has been in therapy for a year. She and Zuko see each other regularly both for therapy and family time. They have inside jokes. She still has outbursts, but he no longer needs help in soothing her when they’re alone. When the doctors agreed, Uncle presented her with her very own tea set with hand picked teas just for her with a 5 page letter. He’s kept in touch since.
Azula is escorted to her room by the nurses; she is doing better. She sits at her vanity, having heard the possibility of her returning to the palace in the next couple of months. She’s frightened a bit; change has been a hard thing for her, and even in this daunting space and time, change is… hard. Even if it means going home. Also because home is where… home is where everything horrible has ever happened.
She brushes her hair, looking into the mirror when…
When her eyes catch the silhouette.
She freezes. No.
No this isn’t happening again. It can’t be. She closes her eyes… she keeps brushing her hair.
“I’m fine. I’m fine,” she thinks to herself. Her heart is racing to the point she swears it could burst. She doesn’t open her eyes again. She’ll just… ignore the mirror. She’ll throw a towel over it when she’s calmed down.
But there’s no time to calm down, her hand is gripped, and she’s thrown to the floor with a violent effort. She cries out; even the plush carpet can’t completely hide the impact of the stone beneath her.
Azula gasps, pain and fear and dread mixing together. She looks up, seeing what is no longer a silhouette.
It’s not her mother.
It’s Ozai. Towering over her, like the man from her memories. He’s grungy and wild-eyed, his hands so tense she swears she can hear the bones and ligaments popping.
But relief also pools in her veins… this isn’t a vision. He’s real. He’s not a product of her pained mind.
But oh no… he is very real.
“Hello, sweetheart,” Ozai’s drawling sneer says, dripping with malicious saccharine. “Daddy’s come to tie up some loose ends.”
Azula’s mouth drops, seeing her father for the first time in a year. It hits her how much differently she feels with him back in her presence. She can feel all of the pain and anger and sorrow she used to push down now radiating tenfold.
“Now, if you know what’s good for you,” Ozai said, pulling a guard’s pilfered dagger from his person, “you’ll keep your mouth shut.”
“H-How… how did you get here?” Azula croaks, surprised that she’s able to utter that much alone.
“Now now,” Ozai says, stepping on her hand, watching her wince and struggle, he maneuvers the dagger in his hand, preparing for a single-strike kill. “I can’t go giving away all of my secrets.”
Just as he reels his arm back, a bell tolls. Ozai is caught off-guard.
Ozai clicks his tongue. “Ahh, damn it all,” he said, almost bored. “I was hoping to at least enjoy this. I’ve never liked being rushed.” He looks down at Azula, her eyes wide and fearful. But… there’s something in the shadows of that look that he knows. “What are you doing? Plotting? Again? Against me like your treacherous brother?!”
“N-no! I’m… I’m just-”
“Are you enjoying being brainwashed? Are you enjoying the company of that failure? You should be thankful I’m here to end your misery! What would my REAL daughter think of how she’s behaving?!”
“Stop it!” Azula sobs, feeling sting after sting.
“You haven’t even tried to defend yourself! You’re pathetic. Just like Zuko. Just like your mother and uncle.”
“Maybe like you,” Azula sneers. Ozai finally reels the dagger back-
But a tackle halts him. Ozai hits the floor with an ungraceful thud and a howl of pain. He looks up.
Zuko is there - and he reels his own hand back to slam it into Ozai’s nose.
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mezmer · 5 months
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On that pathetic ahh shit but I called off a meeting I had with my daughters education program for like three reasons (went insane and my daughters vax isn't caught up and I felt really stressed about that and shit) and had to text her speech therapist who she actually see anymore because she aged out of the program to tell her that I won't make it and she sent me this morning. What a wonderful woman. All the workers I've met through this program have been really great and all women
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storytimewithnova · 1 year
Shona's Liberation from Terushima
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Chapter 1: The Sacrifice
Sho was torn between her heart and her family's business. She had built a beautiful relationship with her boyfriend, Kunimi Akira, but the weight of responsibility forced her into a loveless marriage with Terushima Yuji. For the past two years, Sho had endured Terushima's infidelity, mainly with Daishou, a member of their family's rival company. Sho's daughter, Emma, witnessed the turmoil in their household.
Chapter 2: The Fallout
On a stormy day, Sho couldn't contain her anger any longer. She stormed into the living room where Terushima and Daishou were having a secret meeting via the family group chat. Tori, a trusted family friend, noticed Sho's absence and questioned it.
Tori: "Where is Sho?"
Kunimi: "I can't believe I had to give her up."
Osamu: "We're all sorry, Akira. She had to marry to save the family business."
Tori: "What's happening? Why is everything falling apart?"
As the countdown to the beginning of a live stream started, Sho burst into the room, her face contorted with fury.
Chapter 3: Unleashing Anguish
Sho: "Ahh!!!"
Terushima: "Sunshine!?"
Sho: "Don't you fucking sunshine me!"
In a fit of rage, Sho grabbed a nearby plant pot and hurled it towards Terushima.
Terushima: "What did I do?"
Sho: "I can't believe you fucked a snake! Do you want to fuck this one too?!"
She snatched Kuguiri, Terushima's associate, by the collar, dragging him into the chaos.
Kuguiri: "Please leave me out of this, Sho."
Terushima: "No, Sunshine, of course not."
Sho: "You are a goddamn embarrassment. I'm not spending another moment looking at your pathetic snake-sucking face!"
She continued to vent her anger, throwing more objects around the room, expressing her disappointment and hurt.
Chapter 4: The Aftermath
As the live stream ended abruptly, Kunimi and the rest of the family were left in shock, trying to process what had just happened. Sho, now divorced from Terushima, contacted Kunimi, seeking solace and refuge.
Chapter 5: Rekindling Love
Sho appeared online, surprising Kunimi.
Sho: "Hello, Akira."
Kunimi: "Hey, love. I missed you."
Sho: "Can Emma and I come and stay with you?"
Kunimi: "Yes, you may. It's good to have you back."
With their newfound chance at happiness, Kunimi and Sho reunited immediately after her divorce from Terushima. Emma now lived with Kunimi, and they were officially a family once more, leaving behind the chaos and heartache.
Chapter 6: A Twist of Fate
Kunimi and Sho had finally found solace in each other's arms, ready to rebuild their relationship. Little did they know, fate had another surprise in store for them. Emma's long-lost sister, Sakura, suddenly arrived, shattering the tranquility they had just begun to enjoy.
Chapter 7: The Lost Connection
Sakura, a vibrant and mysterious young woman, claimed to be Emma's half-sister from Terushima's previous relationship. She had just discovered her true parentage and was determined to reconnect with her family. Sakura's arrival stirred up mixed emotions within the household.
Emma was initially wary, unsure of how to react to the sudden appearance of her unknown sister. Sho, still healing from the pain Terushima inflicted upon her, had her doubts about Sakura's intentions. Kunimi, always the level-headed one, decided to give Sakura a chance, hoping to mend the broken ties between the sisters.
Chapter 8: Embracing the Unknown
As days turned into weeks, Sakura gradually settled into the family dynamic. Her vibrant personality, coupled with her genuine care for Emma, began to melt the walls of skepticism.
Emma, hesitant at first, started to realize the bond she shared with Sakura. They discovered similar interests and shared secrets, forging a sisterly connection neither of them thought possible. Sho, witnessing the blossoming relationship, couldn't help but be touched by the newfound love between her daughters.
Chapter 9: Navigating the New Normal
The evolving dynamics within the household brought challenges and joy alike. Sho and Kunimi had once again found happiness, rekindling their love while embracing the extended family they never expected to have.
Navigating through the triumphs and hardships, they created a safe and loving home for Emma, Sakura, and themselves. Together, they learned to heal old wounds, forgave past mistakes, and embraced the future with open hearts.
Chapter 10: Forever Sunshine
Over time, the complicated past seemed like a distant memory. Sho, Kunimi, Emma, and Sakura had become an unbreakable family unit, filled with love, laughter, and support. They celebrated milestones, overcame obstacles, and cherished every moment they spent together.
Sho's nickname, "Sunshine," took on a new meaning as the family flourished under the warm rays of her love. The trials they faced had only made them stronger, and they embodied the true essence of resilience and togetherness.
With their blended family, Sho and Kunimi discovered that happiness can be found even in the most unexpected places. Their love story, intertwined with the arrival of Emma and Sakura, proved that sometimes, life's twists and turns lead to the most beautiful destinations.
As the curtains closed on their turbulent past, Sho, Kunimi, Emma, and Sakura looked forward to a future where love conquered all. Forever basking in their sunshine, they reveled in the joy that could only come from having each other by their sides.
Chapter 11: Shona's Baby Blues
Just when Sho and Kunimi thought their lives had finally settled into a harmonious rhythm, fate threw another curveball their way. Sho found herself experiencing bouts of exhaustion and unexplainable mood swings. Fearing the worst, she decided to take a pregnancy test.
Chapter 12: The Unexpected Miracle
Sho anxiously awaited the results of the pregnancy test, her heart filled with both excitement and trepidation. When those two little lines appeared, confirming her suspicions, a whirlwind of emotions consumed her. She couldn't believe she was going to become a mother again.
Kunimi, overjoyed at the news, celebrated with Sho, holding her gently and whispering words of love and support. They shared dreams of their growing family, imagining a beautiful future intertwined with the love and laughter of their children.
Chapter 13: Navigating Hormones and Emotions
As Sho's pregnancy progressed, her body changed, along with her emotions. Hormones wreaked havoc, causing her to experience mood swings and moments of self-doubt. Kunimi, understanding the challenges she faced, was her rock, offering constant reassurance and unwavering support.
Emma and Sakura, thrilled at the idea of a new sibling, showered Sho with affection and love. Together, they navigated the sometimes turbulent waters of pregnancy, creating a space filled with understanding and patience.
Chapter 14: The Arrival of a New Miracle
The day finally arrived, filled with anticipation and excitement. Sho, Kunimi, Emma, and Sakura stood together, ready to welcome their newest family member into the world.
As Sho held her baby in her arms for the first time, a rush of overwhelming love flooded her heart. Her baby boy, with eyes as deep as the ocean, reminded her of the resilience and strength they all possessed as a family.
Chapter 15: The Continuation of Love
With their family now complete, Sho, Kunimi, Emma, Sakura, and the newest addition thrived in the loving embrace of their home. The baby's arrival brought newfound joy and unity, deepening the connection between each family member.
Sho's baby blues soon faded away, replaced by the radiant light that emanated from all the love surrounding her. Watching her children grow and thrive, she realized that every hurdle they had overcome had led them to this beautiful moment.
Together, they created a future filled with warmth, laughter, and unbreakable bonds. Sho and Kunimi, once again, had found the true meaning of happiness, knowing that their love story would forever be intertwined with those of their beloved children.
As the final pages of their intertwined stories closed, Sho, Kunimi, and their children embarked on a journey filled with endless love and unwavering support. Forever grateful for the twists, turns, and surprises that brought them together, they etched their extraordinary love story into the tapestry of their lives. And they knew, with every beat of their hearts, that their family would forever be their greatest adventure.
Epilogue: A Lifetime of Happiness
Years passed, and the love between Sho and Kunimi only grew stronger. Their children had grown into remarkable individuals, each carrying a piece of their parents' unwavering love and resilience.
Sho continued to pursue her dreams, combining her passion for art with her desire to create meaningful change in the world. Her artwork inspired countless others, and she used her platform to spread messages of love and acceptance.
Kunimi, as a successful businessman, took pride in his ability to provide for his family while also making a positive impact within their community. His dedication to his work inspired his children, who aspired to follow in his footsteps.
Emma, now a young woman, pursued her own dreams and flourished in her chosen path, knowing that her parents' love and support were always by her side. Sakura, too, grew into a compassionate and driven individual, her love for her family radiating in all that she did.
The Akira family remained a source of strength for one another, always supporting and lifting each other up through life's challenges and triumphs. Together, they created a home filled with warmth, laughter, and a deep sense of belonging.
And so, as the years rolled on, Sho and Kunimi savored every moment, knowing that their love had stood the test of time. They had overcome hurdles, weathered storms, and emerged stronger than ever, their bond unbreakable.
Their love story became not just a tale of overcoming obstacles and finding happiness but an example of the power of love, resilience, and unwavering commitment. Their legacy would live on through their children and their children's children, a testament to the enduring power of love.
And as they walked hand in hand into the sunset of their lives, knowing they had experienced a lifetime of joy and fulfillment, Sho and Kunimi found solace in the knowledge that their love story would continue to inspire and uplift generations to come.
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demonsword586 · 9 months
Leviathan Bloodshed story part 1
(I apoligise for spelling mistakes,I been writting this for two days and I can't feel my arms. I forgot how long the prolouge is... Also I think this may go slower than I anticipated,sorry. Also I might take a day off of this,my arm feels like it wants to go on it's own funeral)
(bg inside the castle of Hades)
Mc: It somehow seems like it's loud outside the palace today...
It was unusual for the devils of Hades,who always lived by a strict discipline,to make a ruckus.
Barbatos: That's because it's Halloween today!
Foras: Everyone must be busy preparing for the festival.
Mc: They have Halloween festival in Hell too??
When you asked,the devils around you stared at you as though you were a total hillbilly.
Glasyal La Bolas: Ha ha,how many times do we have to explain to this small human that the things in the human world were made under Hell's effects?
Glasyal spoke pathetically with a bad-tempered smile.
Foras: Don't be impolite to a guest of his Majesty Leviathan,Glasyal La Bolas. It is not a sin to be stupid.
Barbatos: Hmm? His Majesty Leviathan said 'ignorance is a sin.' though.
Foras: ....Mc,let me apoligise. These guys are all fools.
Mc: (Wait,you just said I'm stupid...)
You felt victimized and glared at the three devils,but to no effect whatsoever.
You were sometimes confused if the devils of Hades were kind to you or if they disliked you.
Barbatos: We might as well! The son/daughter of Solomon is curious about the Halloween festival and we have a Halloween festival going on right now!
Barbatos: We might as well go and enjoy it together!
Foras: Barbatos,how many times are you repeating the phrase 'we might as well'?
Glasyal La Bolas: Ahh,a festival. It is such a melodious word. It is a dangerous day where the smallest conflicts can cause a riot.
Glasyal La Bolas: Although it will never happen in Hades.
Glasyal La Bolas spoke with a look of ecstasy,then turned gloomy and muttered in dissatisfaction.
Mc: Is the festival in Hades very diffrent from the festivals in other countries?
Barbatos: There would be no better answear than seeing it for yourself!
Barbatos grabbed your hand with a look of excitment.
Foras: Wait,Barbatos...! You should have fun at the festival after you finish your work...
Barbatos: I see! Foras please take care of my job as well!!
Foras: ?!?!
Glasyal La Bolas: Hahaha! I knewthis would happen. Foras,what are you doing? Go and grab Barbatos by his throat!
Foras: ........Never mind. We needed a devil to guide the son/daughter of Solomon around the festival,so we'll just say Barbatos is in charge of it.
Glasyal La Bolas: Pfft,boring.
You heard the conversation of the remaining two devils while Barbatos positively dragged you through the corridor.
Fortunately it looked like Foras would deal with it.
Mc: (I'm sorry,Foras...!)
Apoligizing for something you didn't do,you headed for the streets with Barbatos.
(bg changes to the streets of Hades)
The faster Barbatos walked,the harder your heart pounded.
A festival in Hell?! It has to be several times as big and fun than festivals on Earth.
Once you and Barbatos left the palace,you headed for the central square where they all gathered.
Mc: (Such flashy street decorations! Mouthwatering street food! Lively people laughing and talking!)
Mc:....Where are they all?
Next to Barbatos who stopped at the square,you tilted your head.
The biggest crowd you have ever seen was gathering in the square,but it had neither the street decorations nor street food.
(bg changes to a giant fire surrounded by devils)
Instead,there was one thing that was diffrent from the norm in the center of the square...
Mc: ( A mega sized camp fire?!)
There was a fire that burned as tall as the palace in the central of the square.
Even while sweating because of the heat,the devils were holding hands with their family or friends around it.
They were not in their normal uniforms or medival clothes,but in the most casual type...so,how humans on Earth dressed.
The devils who looked like humans except for their horns were smiling and greeting each other.
You felt tears welling up in your eyes from the Earthy atmosphere you haven't felt in a long time.
Mc: They're in diffrent clothes from usual.
Barbatos: Hmm! They say the costume for this year is 'human'!
Mc: Haha. The humans on Earth are probably wearing devil costumes.
While you felt amused,Barbatos stayed quiet nect to you. You thought it was strange and looked...
Barbatos: Isn't it hot and splendid and beautiful? Although it's not as beautiful as the sun!!
The flames were dancing in Barbatos' eyes
Mc: Do you mean...that the Halloween festival in Hades is enjoying a mega sized camp fire?
Barbatos: A mega sized camp fire? Ha ha ha! That's a stake!
Mc: A-a stake?! Who committd such a heinous crime that they'll be burnt on a stake this big?!
Barbatos: Ourselfs from last year.
Mc: ....?
Just then a young male approached the flaming fire almost precariously-
And took off the noose around his neck then threw it inside the fire.
When the huge flames instantly deveoured the noose,the onlooker devils cheered and clapped.
The noose wasn't so big,but it burnt brightly with a huge purple light when entered the flames.
The devil's bangs were burnt and curly in a funny way,as he backed away and bowed to others.
Barbatos: Those nooses around the necks of the devils in Hades,mean that they dedicate their lives to his Majesty Leviathan.
Mc: What?! Then what's that supposed to be? Treason?
Barbatos: It's determination!
Mc: ???
While you look doubful,the others followed suit of the brave devil and began threwing nooses to the stake.
The devils rushing towards the flames and shimmered backwards so the fire woudn't devour them.
It looked like they were dancing to the wavering flames.
The long shadows streaching out from their feet around the fire looked like petals of a huge flower.
Barbatos: Halloween is the day of the dead. In other words it is a day for the 'dead'.
Barbatos: So we perform this ceramony thinking that we burn our previous deaths and wait for the next ones.
Barbatos: And...we the living devils carry the lives of the devils who protected Hell before but died before us.
Barbatos: By burning our old nooses and hanging new ones around our necks,we are promising to walk along the same paths as we honor their gone lives.
Barbatos: So when we burn the old nooses,we claim new nooses from the person we want to risk our lives for after his Majesty Leviathan
When the nooses of all those in the square went into the fire,a woman approached the young man who burnt his noose first and hung a new,clean noose around his neck.
The woman's cheeks were flushed and she had tears in her eyes.
You could see grannies hanging nooses around young children and middle-aged devils hanging nooses around their best friends.
The same scenes continued here and there and you somehow felt a twingle of emotion in your nose.
Mc: ( This is beautiful)
It wasn't the magnificent or joyful atmosphere you anticipated but the Hallowwen festival of Hades had a coolness to it like that of a sacred ritual.
The devils with new nooses around their necks went to their houses and changed the tall wooden pillars standing before their houses.
The pillars were taller than an average male adult devil and had devices to hang things at the end.
Mc: ...Those pillars standing in front of all those houses...
Barbatos: Ahh,are you talking about the simple hanging devices they prepared to die if anything happens to his Majesty Leviathan?
Mc: ..simple hanging devices..
Barbatos: Hmm! They fix it or place new ones every year on this day!
Barbatos: It's troubling if they need to die but the pillars are weak and break.
Barbatos explained all the savageness with a smile as glorious as the fire in the center of the square.
Mc: The devils of Hades are too extreme...
Barbatos: That's the source of our power!
Mc: Yea,I'm still worried...but think that they're very wonderful at the same time
Barbatos: !!
Barbatos looked a little suprised.
Thanks to his distincts features of his face,the big and small shadows of the fire danced across his face,but his eyes wavered most promitently.
Barbatos: Son/ Daughter of Solomon,I think you...
Small devil: Son/ Daughter of Solomon! Have you not placed a noose around your neck yet?
Almost at the same time Barbatos opened his mouth with an overwhelmed look on his face,a small devil that barely reached your knees tapped your calf and spoke to you.
Failing to realize as the adorable devil who resembled a puppy was asking you with a look of anticipation,you shook your head.
Mc: No I don't normally hang a noose around my neck...
Small devil: In that case,may I place one on you?
Mc: Hmm? On me?
Small devil: I know you're not one of his Majesty Leviathan's subject. Even so,this is a festival!
When the small devil spoke with a beam,you succumbled to his adorable appearance and nodded.
Mc: I won't say no then.
Small devil: I-i-in that case,could you..perhaps put a noose around my neck too?
Mc: Huh? Of course.
Small devil: Wowww!!
When you bend your knees before the small devil who now had tearful eyes and hung your head,he hung a noose he weaved with his small hands around your neck.
Looking up,you saw a blushing devil with his eyes tightly closed,holding the noose to hang around his neck in his hands.
When you took the noose from his shaky hands and put it around his neck.
Mc: All don-
Small devil: I like you too, Son/ Daughter of Solomon!!
Mc: Huh?
Startled by his sudden confession,you finally saw the devils around you.
Mc: (T-They are looking my way with terrifying eyes!)
You didn't know when they stopped clapping and cheering but they all stared at you.
Mc: B-Barbatos...C-Can you explain what's happening...
Barbatos: Huhu..you hang nooses around the devils' necks on Halloween with your closest friends or lovers!
Devil with a loud voice: Pfft! Had I known,I would have spoken with the Son/ Daughter of Solomon first!
Devil with a loud voice: I thought the son/daughter of Solomon would not participate in this ritual!
Sensitive devil: I'm so upset! So jelaous! If I throw him into the pit of fire and hand over my noose again!!
Small devil: Hehe,hehehehe
Barbatos grinned and spoke lightly
Barbatos: It looks like you're loved in Hades!
Just as the devils burning in envy as hot as the stake grounded their teeth.
Mc: Huh?
With everyone staring in your direction,you saw a familiar face at the back of the crowd
(Levi appears)
Mc: (Leviathan..?)
For some reason,Leviathan was in an unfamiliar suit.
Mc: ( Is Leviathan also dressed as a human like the other devils?)
Already curious about 'What would Leviathan do while the others perform the ritual at the stake?' you furtively ran towards Leviathan while everyone directed their envy and fury at the small devil.
(bg changes to streets of Hades)
He was leaving the square as though he wasn't there on a business but passing by.
Mc: Levia....
Just when you were about to call him to stop out of happines,you closed your mouth before even calling his name.
There were lots of devils talking and laughing not too far away,
Heading somewhere on his own, Leviathan's face had nothing but sadness,let alone a smile.
Mc: ( Can I talk with him...?)
Although all devils,especially the seven deadly sins gave off difficult aura for normal people to approach,Leviathan emitted that aura way more than the others.
Responsibility,emptiness and a deep sadness that surpassed it.
That was what you felt from him.
You somehow felt yourself from difficult times from him
Mc: ( I don't want to leave Leviathan alone!)
You knew the diffrwnce between someone who wanted to be alone and someone who had no choice but to be alone....because you were the latter.
Mc: Levi! Where are you going?!
You pretended to be brighter than usual and gathered the courage to approach Leviathan.
When he turned to your direction,you gasped out loud,because you were overwhelmed by the beauty when you faced him head on.
The transparent eyes under his thick,long eyelashes especially took your breath away!
Mc: ( It's like I can understand why Barbatos who worshipps the sun would be awed by Leviathan)
Leviathan: ....Don't call me like that. I shall kill you.
Leviathan: What are YOU doing here instead of enjoying the festival?
Mc: I was enjoying it! Look,I even got a noose.
Leviathan: (angy jely glare) .......
Leviathan 's eyes momentarily turned vicious,but you were oblivious to the fact as you asked him a question.
Mc: Leviathan,where are you going yourself? Not enjoying the festival.
As you were going to compliment him that he looked good in a suit he normally didn't wear...
Leviathan: I am going to the graveyard of my fallen associoates.
Mc: ...?!
Leviathan: Because Halloween is the day of the dead,I am going there to commemorate them.
Mc: I-I see...I wasn't aware. I was only excited about the festival.
Leviathan: Me going to commemorate the graveyard of Hades,has nothing to do with you..
You felt sheepish at his cold tone
You wanted to talk with him some more but !ou coudn't think of anything to say.
And Leviathan watched you with cold eyes.
Leviathan said no more as he walked past you.
You hung your head,unable to say anything more to him.
You heard the sounds of Leviathan's footsteps receding.
You suddenly felt immensly sad.
And Leviathan's footsteps stopped.
Leviathan: Near where I'm going...
Although his voice was small and from afar you coudn't hear it properly,you turned back to look at him.
Leviathan has also turned his back to look at you.
Mc: What?~ I coudn't hear you!~
You shouted,cupping your hands around your mouth like a trumpet in case Leviathan coudn't hear you.
Leviathan chuckled,it was definettly a cold and spechless laugh but he smiled.
Leviathan: There's a shop near where I'm going that sells jewels.
Leviathan: There are rare jewels that allow people to become closer.
Mc: (If you're going to talk from auch a distance at least raise your voice..nevermind,I'm going to him)
You hurried to Leviathan
Mc: Jewels??? Closer???
Leviathan: I'll buy you one as a present
While you approached,you could hear Leviathan's voice well
Mc: ( If I approach,I don't become estrangled)
You don't know what the source of Leviathan's sadness was but you thought you knew what to do
Normally you sould have asked WHY?? but this time you shouted energeticlly instead.
Mc: Thanks Levi!!! I'll be waiting for you!
Leviathan: Don't call me that. And stop shouting so close to me,it hurts my ears.
Leviathan: I am the one giving you a present. Why are you telling me to go where you are and offer it to you?
Mc: ( Suprisngly he's answearing everything and hes even twlling me to pick him up!)
Mc: ( I think....I get it a little..)
Mc: Until when should I go meet you?
Leviathan: About two hours later,go where I am and accept my present
Leviathan: Barbatos guide him/her well
Mc: Huh? Wheres Barbatos?
Barbatos: Yes,your Majesty!
Mc: What the...! When did you come here?
You jumped up at thw bright and reliable voice behind you which has been quiet until now
Meanwhile Leviathan turned as though he was going to continue and spoke coldly.
Leviathan: Also take off that noose around your neck,it doesn't even suit you!
There was great displeasuee on Leviathan's face as he said those words.
Mc:(Don't tell me you were jelaous this whole time?!)
Mc: Then put a noose on me yourself!
Mc: But I won't take this one off. The devil who put it on me looked really happy
Mc: Still,I'll put your noose on top of it.
Leviathan stared at you as though he wanted to say 'what a loud and dislikable being'
But the harsh words never came and Leviathan turned back on his way.
Barbatos: You're looking happy son/daughter of Solomon!
You smiled and nodded as Barbatos placed a firm arm around your shoulder and led you back to the central square.
But this time you stared at the giant clock tower instead of the stake where devils were dancing
Mc: ( I hope two hours go by quickly...)
Two hours later..
(Bg changed to Hades streets at night)
By the time thwenooses around the devils necks were all changed to new ones and the hanging devices have been fixed
Barbatos: It's nearly the time for us to go!....I bet that's what you were witing for me to say
Barbatos was smiling as he led you through the sqaure
You wanted to meet Leviathan as soon as possible and were ready to run to him...but...
Barbatos didn't even run but laid down a coffin that he was carrying with him-the coffin didn't have any strings but was always floating behind him- he opened the lid
Mc: Barbatos,we don't know where Leviathan could be...but don't you think he's waiting if we don't hurry?
Barbatos: This is the fastest way.
Barbatos winked at you,climbed inside the coffin and layed down
Barbatos: You should come in too!
Opening his arms with a tempting smile,Barbatos urged you. And you lied down next to him since you had nothing else to do.
Lying on his side to make space for you,Barbatos' firm chest pressed against !our shoulder.
Barbatos: I'm closing the lid now.
The lid closed over the jam-packed coffin with you and Barbatos in it.
(Bg changes to darkness)
Mc: ( ...I-is this a funeral experience?!)
You shuted your eyes in fear the moment the lid closed and was absorbed in the most coplicated feeling
You evaided an angel swinging a scyte in your face but were now shut in a coffin while you were still breathing.
But the dark fearful feeling you expected never came.
Mc: (In fact it's suprisingly cozy!)
The coffin was full of the scent of the man emating a sweet rosy scent and his arms were soft and warm.
And for some reason it felt like you were liyng on a dark but spacious and cozy lawn!
You were suprised when you furtively opened your eyes.
(Bg changes to a universe)
Mc: Weren't we...inside a coffin?!
Barbatos: We the devils of Hades carry our own universes inside our coffins instead of the dead.
There was a sky full of stars- no a universe spreading before your eyes.
Barbatos: Through this space we can travel whereever we want to go. That's why no one can evade the devils of Hades.
Mc: Oh! So are we going to where Leviathan's coffin is?
Barbatos nodded
Meanwhile stars whipped past loudly and swiftly as though finding their way to Leviathan's coffin
Mc: But why aren't the other devils going to commemorate? Why is Leviathan going on his own?
Barbatos: Because it's a special graveyard that his Majesty Leviathan made himself.
Barbatos: Those buried there are the childhood friens of his Majesty Leviathan,the great king who build Hades.
The look on Barbatos' face darkens as he lays next to you and watched the stars past.
Barbatos: His Majesty Leviathan was kidnapped by angels when he was very young, he was raised and experimented on...and abused by them for a long time in Heaven after which he barely escaped.
Barbatos: Managed it out alive,might be better fitting...because as far as I know the other children all died
Young devils,kidnapped,death. The words should never have been connected in a sentence,hit you over the head in a succession.
Barbatos: At the time,four of the young devils,imprisoned with his Majesty sacrificed themselfs to help his Majesty Leviathan escape.
Barbatos: His Majesty Leviathan said he'll never leave alone but this is what they said to him
Barbatos: You'll become a kig,so cross the rivers of Heaven to return to Hell and build the strongest kingdom that will come save us. That will be fine.
Barbatos: That's what they told him....but they knew they woudn't be able to return. So they gave his Majesty the objects they treasure.
Barbatos: Those objects are said to be buried in the graveyard
It was impossible that young devils kidnapped to Heaven could have anything properly valuable that they could treasure
But whatever the objects were,there was no way that the ones entrusting the objects and the one being entrusted with them woudn't consider precious
Mc: (He visits the place where such things are buried...every year,alone..)
Barbatos saw you darken and smiled with pity.
Barbatos: I once visited the graveyard and saw their names written on the gravestones.
Barbatos: Numbers,1987,1988,1990,1992...
Mc: Numbers?
Barbatos: The angels would never have given proper names to young devils who were test subjects and entertainment!
Young children who were called by numbers and not even proper names.
Leviathan was one of them.
Feeling like the noose was tightening around your neck,your eyes burned.
Barbatos: They were his Majesty's saviors and heroes of Hades
There was sadness in Barbatos' eyes
Barbatos: But his ordels didn't end there,even after the young heroes sacrificed their lives.
Barbatos: Because of the fact that he escpaed Heaven,his Majesty Leviathan and the devils of Hades had to prove that they were not spies from Heaven
Barbatos: And we had no choice but to determinate the country's rules stricly.
Barbatos: To show actions that do not harm Hell,to show their attitudes that are concerned the most for the safety of Hell
Mc: ( I think I have a vague idea of where Leviathan's sadness,responsibility and weight came from..)
Barbatos: Currently,Hades is the most hellish place in Hell with the strongest devil as king.
Barbatos: Once his Majesty Leviathan became king,he never missed out on visiting them on Halloween.
Barbatos: Even if that day he had the most brutal battle.
Perhaps it was because no matter how many brutal battles Leviathan had fought,he could never get over the horrors of his childhood.
The devils of Hades all said,that Leviathan was the most powerful king in Hell. Because he overcame such a big ordeal when he was young...it's understandable that he's the strongest devil.
You felt solemn and grave when you thought of the tragedy that Leviathan and all those nameless devils have endured
Barbatos: You're sad upon hearing this. You really are devilish.
Barbatos stroked your head softly with a large hand.
Just then you felt a dream-like situation you once experienced flash before your eyes.
(bg changes to Mc and Minhyeok's home at Earth)
Minhyeok: People don't experience bad things because they're bad people or because they have a reason to.
Minhyeok: They're just unlucky.
Minhyeok: At those times...people who don't collapse,resenting the unfairness of such fates are surely great.
Minhyeok: You're such a person.
(bg changes back to the universe)
Mc: ( I remember Minhyeok once said that to me...)
Whenever you felt sad about your parents deaths,Minhyeok consoled you like this.
Mc: ( Was there a devil saying things like this...to Leviathan too?)
Mc: It would have been nice if I was there with Leviathan at that time...oh,of course..I might not have been of help to him much..
Barbatos: I think the same way sometimes too. Because at that time,I also didn't know his Majesty Leviathan.
Barbatos smiles bitterly
Barbatos: And you would have been a great consolation to him,
Mc: How can you be sure?
Barbatos: Because you consoled me just now.
When Barbatos smiled at you brightly like the sun,the stars sprinting gloriously above your head slowly came to a stop.
Barbatos: It looks like we're connected to his Majesty Leviathan's coffin. Shall we get up?
Said Barbatos,moving closer as though embracing you,then covered your eyes with his hand.
(bg to darkness)
Barbatos: You can open your eyes now.
With Barbatos' voice,the hand covering your eyes receded.
At the same time,there was a creak-and the lid on Barbatos' coffin opened.
(bg changes to a graveyard)
When you opened your eyes and sat up,you felt your heart poundind a little.
Mc: ( This is strange..I'm going to face Leviathan's sadness. There's no way I should have butterflies in my stomach!)
And when you finally stood up and extracted yourself from the coffin.
You saw a black stone wall and a stone floor shining black and...
Leviathan on the floor,covered in blood
And not too far from him were scaterred angels who looked way worse
The dozends of angels were dead in a cyrcle around Leviathan
Mc: Leviathan!
Barbatos: Your Majesty!
You and Barbatos shouted in union and rushed towards the fallen Leviathan.
Leviathan was on the cold ground with his eyes closed,the rain pouring on his entire body.
The graves around him were perfectlly fine unlike Leviathan.His scarlet blood rain in puddles through the gaps in the stones.
Big and small wounds ripped his clothes and skin to make red traces on his pretty body.
Blades of light dug brutally in his muscles.
Mc: Leviathan!
When you knelt down to check on him,the rain and blood seeped into your knees
Barbatos quickly put his fingers below Leviathan's nose and placed hia ears on his wounded chest.
Then he grabbed your shoulders with a rare dark expression.
Barbatos: It looks like I should go.
Mc: W-Where to?!
Barbatos: Every sceond matters. It looks like his Majesty Leviathan is in critical condition.
Barbatos: I will return immedietlly to thw place and bring back the devil who can heal his Majesty.
Barbatos: Until then please stay by his side...son/daughter of Solomon.
You tried to make an expression that was reliable as possible and nodded to Barbatos.
Mc: I'll be waiting.
Barbatos didn't even reply to you properly as he went back in his coffin and hurriedly closed the lid with a boom!
You stared at the large coffin that swallowed Barbatos and looked back at Leviathan.
Mc: S-still..h-he's still alive...it will be alright...Yeah its going to be alright...
Mc: (because if Leviathan really did die,Barbatos woudn't go looking for a doctor.)
You clutched Leviathan's cold hand and muttered.
Normally he would say 'I will hang you if you don't unhand me' in disgust but right now he was unmoving with his eyes closed.
It began to rain harder,turning the air cold.
Leviathan was laying on the cold floor like he was cold,you felt sorry for him.
Afraid that his body might go completly cold you bend over to resusicate him.
But just then the most feeble white steam curled out od his mouth.
Mc: ( It's weak...but he's breathing properly)
Touched you looked down at his mouth.
Mc: (Leviathan...is mumbling something)
Between his light breathing Leviathan was quietly saying something.
Leviathan: Run now...I'll hold...them back...here...
Mc: ...!
Leviathan who was collapsed on the floor started shouting despretlly at someone.
You precipitously stared at the pieces of gravestones that rolled next to him.
Studying a few perfectly intact graves compared to the others who now looked close to ruins.
You could easily guess that Leviathan sacrificed himself to protect them.
Leviathan: This time...don't die..
Leviathan's old sadness creeped out his mouth and scattered into the cold air.
Mc: Leviathan..come back..Your nightmare is over now...please come back from that memory that's colder than here...
You begged Leviathan with a tearful voice,shaking his shoulders and gently slapping his cheeks but he only minutely groaned.
Just when you thought you wanted him to stop saying those pitiful things,you found yourself kissing Leviathan.
When your temperature risen because of your tears touched Leviathan,his lips warmed up as though they were slowly thawing.
Mc: ( Please...if the souls that saved Leviathan before are here...please save him once more!)
Feeling guilty for asking the young souls who met such a merciless end for a favor,tears flowned down your cheeks.
Your hot tears ran down your cheeks and sepped into yours and Leviathan's lips.
Just then a clear blue light shone between Leviathan and your lips.
Leviathan: ....
Leviathan's eyelids twiched...and slowly opened.
Leviathan: Solomon...
Leviathan:...his son/daughter.
Mc: Leviathan!
Leviathan momentarily pulled a confused expression as though he coudn't disentangle reality from his dream.
Maybe he was feeling confused between the borders of life and death and not fiction from reality.
He was scrowling because of the pain but watched you with a vague look in his eyes.
Mc: Leviathan,are you awake...?
Leviathan: ...What happened?
Mc: That's what I wanted to ask! What went on here?
Mc: I came because it was the appointed time and you were on the ground in a mess like this!...
Leviathan: Ahh...
Only then did Leviathan scrowl his pretty forehead as though he just remembered what had happened before he collapsed.
Leviathan:It looks like there were spies in Hades. Since angels knew I was alone and attacked this place on time.
Mc: Spies?! In Hades?!
Leviathan: It's not suprising.
Leviathan: But...these angels were crafty. I would have ripped into them if they attacked me from close by,but they threw a chakram made of light from afar...
Leviathan: Urgh...
Mc: Leviathan...!
Leviathan bit his lips and curled up as though he was in pain.
You bit your lips harder than Leviathan and cried in sadness.
Mc: ...I heard from Barbatos. About what is buried here in this graveyard and how important it is to you.
Mc: But still,protecting them at the cost of your own self like this...!
Mc: That's...even they woudn't want that!
You said and closed your eyes tightly.
You did so because you found it hard to see Leviathan in pain,but also because you were afraid of his cold comment that would follow.
However...you thought Leviathan would say 'what does that have to do with you?' as he normally did,but he was only staring at you with a dreamy look in his eyes.
Mc: ...Leviathan?
Leviathan: I cherished this place..out of atonement for them.
Leviathan: What's more,their intact remains aren't even buried under these tombstones. I know that.
Leviathan said,his eyes on you.
Leviathan: I can simply build my broken heart again and make new tombstones to remember them.
Mc: Then why would you go to these lenghts to...
Leviathan: That's not what I was trying to protect.
Leviathan took something out of his pocket with a click of his tongue. It seemed like the slightest movements made the wounds covering him throb.
And handed the thing he took out to you.
Mc: Isn't this...?
Leviathan: You..don't tell me you're going to say you forgot what you came all the way here for?
( They're rare jewels that allow you to get closer to the person you love)
Mc: Don't tell me..this is what you were trying to protect...
Your hands trembled so much that you coudn't take the purple jewel from Leviathan's hands.
Leviathan: It is a rare jewel. But if you say you don't like it now...
You almost snatched it out of his hands before Leviathan even finished talking and cried.
Mc: *sobbing* Leviathan,you really are..an idiot!!
Just when you shouted,wiping away the tears from your eyes with the hand holding the jewel.
A tremendous light burst from the jewel that was drenched with your tears.
Leviathan: ...?!
While you and Leviathan were both startled,the light emanating from the jewel surrounded you both.
Then,our body that had been feeling so cold you had,began to heat up and your palm touching Leviathan began to burn.
Just when you were about to let go of Leviathan's hand in suprise,he held on harder so your hand woudn't run away.
Mc: Leviathan..?
Leviathan: (looking flushed af) Ugh...what the...Hell is going on..
Leviathan glared at the jewel in your hand and panted.
You both knew as soon as you saw the other,about what your states were like.
The energy flowing from the jewel had entered Leviathan and your bodies, and was egging your impulse and desires.
Your feverish red eyes took in every part of Leviathan's body.
The scarlet blood oozing out of his wounds looked sweet to the taste and his pale cheeks seemed to be waiting for your hot hands.
Leviathan: *gulp* ...
Like the masterpiece of masterpieces that God made,the delicate color of his hair he alone possesed shone even more myseriously in the rain.
Then,Leviathan's eyes met yours.
Although you coudn't see in yourself in the mirror,you could instinctively feel that you had the same expression as Leviathan.
Mc: ( Leviathan...wants me now too...I can feel it...)
But Leviathan was currently severly wounded. You coudn't act on your desires in a situation like this...
Leviathan: Get over here.
Leviathan reached his hand off the floor and pulled your arm.
There was only one answear you knew in a situation like this.
Mc: Okay...!
You bend over as Leviathan led you.
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fqiryspit · 2 years
𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐞𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐬 ; 𝐞.𝐣𝐚𝐞𝐠𝐞𝐫
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𝘌𝘳𝘦𝘯 𝘹 𝘧𝘦𝘮!𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘓𝘦𝘷𝘪 𝘹 𝘧𝘦𝘮!𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
Summary: 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐘/𝐧 𝐝𝐨 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐇𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚 𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐄𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐛𝐢𝐭 𝐭𝐨𝐨 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞?
cw: College!AU, Full smut, Vaginal Fingering, Oral Sex, getting absolutely railed, Relationship Problems, Love Triangles, Smut, Historia is pregnant with Erens baby, Eren and Y/n are together, Levi is with Petra, Sad sex, Y/n is lowkey depressed, Eren is bad at feelings, Starbucks Levi, Levi is Bad at Feelings, Historia the Hoe, mega toxic, Toxic Eren.
Chapter 11: 𝘱𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘤
here I am, in a screaming fight with Historia at four in the fucking morning.
"You played with my feelings" she yelled
"you got attached to nothing" I scoffed
"You're such a fucking ass" she yelped as I watched tears start spilling out of her eyes
I bit my tongue as she sobbed.
she wanted so much...and I just wanted a distraction.
"Look...I'm sorry." "sorry? you shouldn't be saying sorry to me." she spat out, I raised an eyebrow as her blurry eyes stared into mine, searing with rage
"You should be saying sorry to her." she choked out
"Don't bring Y/n into this" I scoffed
"She was in this the day you decided to cheat."
I'm I really a cheater?
this sick bastard that plays with people's love?
I feel my lungs burn as I remember the scene of my mother walling when she found out Grisha cheated.
her puffy eyes and sorrow face still put on a smile for me as she said 'everythings okay'
I remember how I wanted to rip my father to shreds for what he did.
Just thinking Y/n laying one tear of something that I've done made my own eyes burn.
I'm becoming what I hate most
"shut up." I mumbled as I felt my heartache, I never wanted to hurt Y/n
"You don't need sex from me. you don't even want a relationship with me."
"so, what do you want Eren?"
My eyes kept with the floor as she waited for an answer
"you don't love her"
"you don't love me"
"hell, I'm not even sure if you love Alma anymore"
"don't you dare talk about my daughter" I snapped at her
"Why? because you know it's true. you're not here because you want to be. you're here because you have to be."
I stayed silent. my eyes burning into hers
"I'm right arent I?" she asks as I start to break
"How would your family react if they heard you got someone knocked up just to leave?"
"Grisha's son. unemployed and lonely with a baby he forgot about"
"I love Alma."  "I know you do. but you also wish she were never born"
"Why? what the hell does that matter now? It happened, whatever, we dealt with it"
"because. you know you can't have both"
"a life with Alma and I, or a life with Y/n"
and that's where I am now.
having my head buried in Y/n's neck as my tears soak into her shirt
trying to keep my sobs as silent as possible but a few hiccups escape my lips as I hug her tighter
"I love you so much, I love you so fucking much"
I'm pathetic.
running for forgiveness to an unconscious woman that doesn't deserve any of this pain.
I whisper my remorse into her hair and as I do I let go of everything I had with Historia
Historia was a mistake, all of this was a simple mistake 
a mistake, she will never know about
Chapter 12
˜"*°•.˜"*°• see you soon •°*"˜.•°*"˜
an: 👀 the girls are fightinggg 👀 AHH HEYYY SHAWTYYY! I'm sorry this chapter was so short! the next one will be out soon! ILYSM STAY SAFE! 💞
kinda taglist: @magictrump @jiminslove1y @raiiny-nightght @whatsambiti0n
(if I missed anyone or you'd like to be a part of the tag list you can message me or just comment!)
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azlrse · 3 years
hello! can i request some yan hcs for almond cookie? if your requests are open ofc-
thanks in advance < 3
Rejection (Yandere Almond Cookie x GN Cookie!Reader Hcs)
CW: yandere themes, stalking, rejection (towards reader at first), kidnapping, drugging, Stockholm Syndrome, manipulation.
A/N: ahh yes, the cookie everyone's been simping for. I hope you liked these, my dear!!
Also, I was inspired by this art. He's hot for a yandere hahaha 😭🖐️
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‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵
You heard about the infamous Almond Cookie in your time at Magic City. A cookie that's smart enough to apprehend many criminals in his career.
There's no doubt that's the reason why you fell hard for him, not because of his career but also for his looks and personality; smart, cunning, determined, tough and handsome.
For a background check, you're also a detective, working under the wing of Almond in Magic City.
You even adored his daughter, constantly joining her whenever she goes on little detective adventures.
As always, to show your appreciation and affection to your boss and crush, you always bring him a warm cup of coffee instead of the americano he always drinks in the morning.
Constantly bringing him deserts whenever he works hard in his office.
You were there to lend an ear whenever Almond want to talk to somebody, wether it could be venting out his feelings, talking about the incomplete case or had a rough day.
Whenever he's out, you constantly talk about him to your cookie peers.
Your co-workers started to pick up a few hints that you have feelings for the detective, which you refused to admit but surrendered.
You just fell in love to your boss, shocker right?
After a few weeks of pinning for him, you couldn't contain these feelings anymore so once again, you turned to your peers for advice.
You were too nervous to confront him so you left a letter to his desk.
After a long day, Almond comes back at his office and saw your letter on his desk. He thinks that it might be a letter to another city for more criminal cases but was proved wrong as he opens up the letter.
Heyya boss,
I know that it's been a year since I worked for you but I need to tell you something. I love working for you and to have a massive contribution towards magic city. I really really like you, a lot and I was wondering if we could get coffee in your free time as a date? Happy to hear you soon!
- (y/n)
Needless to say, he was not impressed. So he called you into his office to have a little talk with you.
You began to swallow hard because this glare at you shows disappointment and shame.
"Listen, (y/n). Let me clarify you something, we are detectives and it's inappropriate to establish a relationship here. So I suggest that we should focus on our jobs and not on our love life."
Your heart shattered towards the words he spoke but didn't cry in front of him. You don't want to look pathetic in front of him. You silently nod and said;
"Okay boss, I understand."
From that day on, you tend to be around him less. Working less cases with him and chose one of your co-workers instead.
Almond notices the changes as soon as he stepped into the headquarters. You were more lively and talkative towards your peers but quiet and spoke little words when it comes to him.
Needless to say, he regretted it. He wants to have the same presence in his office; the warm coffee, the delicious desserts, your patient and understand self. He missed those.
He rejected you not because he's not interested to you, it's because he fears of being abandoned and left off again, just like his former wife.
He follows you around whenever you go out for errands, thinking that he's just protecting you.
He even got a hold of your folder of private information, from birthday to the street address you lived in.
Almond thinks that if he dated and potentially, marrying you in the future, his daughter might have a mother/another father figure in her life. You'll be an excellent parent to Walnut Cookie.
It gets to the point that he's extremely jealous and angry when you ignored him and only paid attention when required to.
It's sad to say that you already moved on from him, which he didn't appreciated.
When he invited you out for coffee all of the sudden, you rejected his offer and someone already took you out for a coffee break.
He is P I S S E D off.
He doesn't accept this and he became shocked when he finds out that you are moving to another headquarters in another city. He needs to do something!!
He can't risk loosing you!! He needs you!! He wants to feel that atmosphere when you are around!!
He's not gonna let you leave Magic City, when you are destined to be in his humble home.
In your last day in the office, he gave you an iced coffee as an 'apology gift' and wishes you the best of luck.
What you didn't know is that the drink was drugged.
It's didn't take long for you to be passed out as soon as you head for the door after you finished your drink.
You expected to hit your head against the dark brown tiles but his hands on your waist proves you wrong.
Before you passed out, you heard snippets of his words as he carried you towards his car.
"Maybe i shouldn't put three crushed pills on the drink it at least they're sleeping peacefully. I'm sorry if I have to do this but I can't protect you if you lived in another city. You're safe here in Magic City, with me."
Life with Almond
As soon as you woke up, your leg was bound with yellow chains on the bedpost of the bed. His coat was placed against the edge of the bed.
As you're about to scream for help, Almond came from the door with a tray on hand.
"ahh good morning, sweetie. How you feeling?"
You just stared in shock, did he take you? Is your senses correct that he drugged your drink with 3 freaking pills?
"Boss, why am I here? It feels that my head was crushed." You spoke.
"Easy now, (y/n). The pills had a strong effect on you. Take some painkillers after you eat breakfast."
He...he kidnapped you? Pills? Your gut is right all along. You shoved him away from him as you scrambled on the corner of his bedroom.
"Woah there, babycakes. Calm down, let me explain-"
"s-stay away from me! What are you going to do? Chain me here? Keeping me prisoner for the rest of my life? I already moved on from you so stop acting petty!"
"I am not being petty!!!" His raised voice made you flinched.
"What would happen if you moved to another city without me, hmm? Who would hear you pleas for help if Dark Enchantress Cookie attacked that city and took you away? Who will protect you?" He spoke as he cornered you once again.
You were about to move away but his arms are trapping you in the corner, you still refused to stare into his eyes.
"that's right, only I can protect you. You won't leave this house as long you accepted you fate here as my lover."
You cried silently as he sat on the floor and hugged your body as an act to comfort you.
"Then why did you reject my feelings when I fist confessed to you?"
"It's because I was scared, I may have my daughter but I want someone to love me and won't abandon us. I'm sorry if I rejected and treated you harshly because.."
'So that's the reason?' You thought as your sobs begin to die down while he cuddles you on the floor.
"I need time to adjust here, I won't accept your apology easily." You sniffed.
"It's okay, sweetie. I'll be patient for you."
At first, you were scared for the first few weeks of staying in his home but he tries his best for you to accept his love.
Bringing in your favorite breakfast, cuddling and giving you kisses everytime he saw you.
Almond also brought his daughter to the room to introduce you as his lover.
Also wants to be called by his name rather than 'boss'. Bonus if you call him by endearments; hot stuff, honey, babe. He likes those!
He even asked you if you need anything when he leaves for work.
Eventually you warmed up towards him and accepted your fate as his lover.
Let's just say that he's really happy! And eventually his daughter accepted you for you're the one that makes her dad happy.
‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵
Do not republish, edit, or repost to other websites.
Reblogs and likes are appreciated! 💕
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enha-doodles · 2 years
CHAPTER 1 || ♫︎❣
Master list || Next
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➸ʚ Genre ɞ : Yandere and Horror ( killer au )
➸ʚ Pairing ɞ : enhypenxreader!
➸ʚ Warning ɞ : gore, violence , cursing , killing , blood , betrayal , lot of plot twists
➸ʚ Featuring ɞ : Enhypen , Y/N , TxT , Chareoyoung ( itzy ) , Sana ( twice ) and winter ( aespa ) and more ..
➸ʚ Plot ɞ : Several people are chosen to be in a game of "serial killer" which telecasts all over the world . 15 people Vs 1 killer . The people are unknown to who the killer is . You could think what can go wrong ? The path where the killer has to kill people on reality to win . If the people find out who the killer is , they win . Winners will get 1 billion won each . To confirm the killer , they will have a meeting and a voting will be held . The killer cannot kill after the meeting has been declared till the meeting day is over . If you vote out the wrong person , they'll be eliminated . Will money be the end of thier lives ? Will money be the cause of friendships ending ? Will the need of money cause betrayal and pain ?
➸ʚ Disclaimer ɞ : This is all a work of fiction and my imagination . Credits of the GIFs to the owners . None of the members have the same personality or resonate the traits mentioned below . I apologize in advance for making the idols mean / rude .
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'Feather University' . A place to study but mostly escape plan for many students .
Coming from problematic families is the thing that motivates the students to stay more focused on studying . Well that's what the director of this uni thought that made him change the admission rules . Only allowing children that seem to have a pathetic bond with thier families so they can only study and make this university on top . But he didn't seem to think of the corupted minds of the children . Problems gives trauma . And trauma makes a person go insane , offc not always in a manner that they would go on a killing spree but in a manner that would stop the positive thoughts , in a way that they'll go so numb that nobody would really care about what is being spoken to them or if they will ever live . But some people are different . They end up becoming their own death :)
It was another boring day of uni and Y/N had woken up to yet another fight of her parents . It didn't really matter since all she had to do was ignore as she always did . She got a text from her best friend Niki telling her to hurry up as he didn't wanted to be late again . She sighed and went to her bathroom. She came out freshened up and hurried downstairs to the door still hearing her parents fighting again over a silly thing . She didn't bid them a "goodbye" as always but from the looks of it , her parents were too much into the fight to even notice their so called daughter leaving . While walking she noticed how it was too early for uni to start "ahh that little- he tricked me again " . She met up with Niki on the way "Let's stay in the park for awhile , I don't wanna go to uni this early " Niki said grinning. Y/N knew she couldn't be mad at him but she decided to pretend , pulling him by his ear she brought him close "Yah , why do you always call me this early " Niki was hissing in pain "I just wanna spend sometime with my bestfriend , jeez it that too much to ask ?" He said rolling his eyes and pulling Y/N who was laughing at his reaction . They spent some time at the park thinking it was the time to go they left .
Finally arriving at uni they walked to class together like they do everyday , passing funny jokes or sassy comments on whatsoever they were talking . Sadly their seat wasn't together so they had to part their ways . As soon as Y/N sat on her seat she was greeted by her friends . Sana loudly cheering " hello y/n " . She smiled " morning " Chareoyoung clinged to her arm " I forgot to do my math homework and now I would have to go the detention" she pouted . "My chae chae , don't worry I will accompany you to the detention , there is no fucking way I wanna go back to home instead staying with y'all " chae's eyes lit up " omg yay , I am sure Sana would come too " sana who was collecting her things which she dropped looked up and smiled " offc I didn't do my homework too " the 3 friends burst out laughing while there were few eyes watching Y/N laughing with her friends . Cute . They all thought .
On the other hand Niki went towards his friends . "Ugh can we go somewhere , I seriously don't wanna go home today" said Sunoo . "Yes plz , I don't wanna see my father's face too , that bitch litteraly said he will send me to a boarding school if I continue this attitude " said jungwon . "I am gonna get detention so I guess i got my escape ?" Said jungwon . "Wahh then let's go to detention together , we'll annoy the crap out of Mrs. Lee" said Sunoo sitting on his bench . Niki heard you say that you will go to the detention so he thought why not . "Sure " "Is that because you don't have any option or your 'bestfriend' is coming too Niki?" Asked jungwon with a teasing glint but something was hidden in it . "Both I guess" Niki answered nonchalantly . Few sparks of jelousy burnt in their chests but they weren't the only ones jelous of Niki .
It was lunch time and you went to eat with Niki . "You got detention?" You asked while sipping your chocolate milk "yep , just for you" Niki said winking at you . "Pfft , stop" you laughed . Niki flirting with you was normal . You heard 2 seniors whispering about something like "I heard they will chose them from this uni " but you payed no mind to it . After eating , you , Niki and your friends went to watch the school basketball match . Your school team had the best players . They are all the famous seniors . Heeseung , Jake , yeonjun , taehyun and more but these were the most popular . Near you sat the class press group . They were called that because all the people in that friend group were the class president of their own class . Sunghoon , soobin , jay and huiening Kai . Beside you sat the boy that everyone kinda feared . Beomgyu . He was short tempered and usually got into fights . Gotta stay polite , we don't want a black eye now do we ?
The match was over with your university's team winning and everyone on the benches shouting and cheering thier lungs out . Now all of you had to attend classes again , Groaning everyone went on thier way . The classes were over but you still had detention . Things were gonna change a bit from this detention ...
A/n : I apologize for posting this late but in my defense I had no idea how to start it out so I hope it's okay . This is not proofread . I am sorry if there are any typos .
Taglist : @axartia @nikipedia07 @lovesickxmina
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h2bakugou · 3 years
Ahh hey!! Okay so um..can you do Bakugo helping reader who has severe family issues and she’s trying to put on a brave face but when he asks her if she’s okay she just breaks down in tears. (Omg I’m sorry if this sounds so personal 😭💜but thank you for your time!!💗)
a/n: hey hun! of course! i think i wrote something similar to this with todoroki? i can’t remember but that’s beside the point lol. much love to you anon <3 !! i’m sending hugs n kisses <33
headcanon: them comforting their s/o who breaks down in front of them
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: fluff, swearing, angst, mentions of family issues, mentions of trauma
;cut for length;
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katsuki bakugou
Tumblr media
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Shutting things out and putting on a brave face was just how you learned to deal with your past, with your family.
It was easier to act fine when you weren’t. 
Letting yourself be vulnerable, how could Bakugou ever like someone like that?
He never seemed to suspect anything, at least that’s what you thought, what you believed.
You didn’t want to put your burdens on him, he had his own things to worry about. 
Bakugou noticed the little things. 
How you would instinctively flinch when someone raised their voice at you, or how you always acted obediently when elders were talking. There was no hesitation or disagreement, even when it seemed unfair.
Even more so, when your parents showed up for some parent-teacher meeting, you looked like a deer in headlights, frozen in time.
You barely spoke, you acted like the perfect daughter, and every stare in your direction caused your posture to stiffen, a smile to rise to your quivering lips, your trembling hands were forced to stay still as you handed them whatever it is they asked for.
Bakugou couldn’t keep ignoring these signs. It wasn’t like he was blatantly just unbothered, no it bothered him a lot. He bit his tongue when he watched your father’s scolding gaze burn holes into your hopes in dreams when he called your hero career ‘unnecessary and pathetic.’
He couldn’t fight it any longer when you sat quietly in his dorm, having just talked to your folks on the phone.
You were mostly quiet the entire conversation, he could hear your parents yelling at you through the speaker despite it being pressed to your ear.
“Are you okay?” Bakugou asked, completely out of the blue. You glanced over your shoulder at him and closed your eyes.
A shaky breath passed your lips and you turned to crawl over to him.
“No, no.” You cried, hugging him like a stuffed animal. You held him as close to you as you could, your hands grabbing handfuls of his crimson-colored shirt.
Bakugou was quick to grab you, holding you to his chest as you sobbed, your tears staining dark spots onto his shirt.
“What’s wrong?” Bakugou’s voice was soft, an opposing feature to his usual demeanor.
“I’m so tired.” You mumbled, wishing you could just ignore what was going on. 
It was a constant battle between you and your parents. You just wanted them to be proud of you, you wanted to see them smiling at your graduation, cheering you on as you landed your first gig at an agency, hell maybe be those over-bearing parents that blab about how their child is amazing at book-clubs and sports bars.
But you’d never experience that.
“I just want them to be proud of me.” You could barely speak, you were shaking and it was hard to breathe, tears were spilling from your eyes like a broken faucet, and your nose was beginning to run.
“I know.” Bakugou’s quiet voice paired with his gentle hands began to calm you down as you wept.
“It will never be the same, but I’m proud of you.” Bakugou couldn’t give you parental love, all he could provide was his own form of love. But he knew someone who could.
It wouldn’t be the same as your own parents, but he knew more than anything that you were loved so dearly by his own folks.
So later that day, after wiping your tears away, he made a quick call and the two of you rode over to his house.
“It’s so good to see you again! I hope he’s not being too much trouble.” Mitsuki gave you a warm hug, one you wanted to last forever. You didn’t even realize you’d started crying again as you hugged her.
“Let’s-oh, hey are you alright?” Mitsuki’s red eyes filled with worry as she hugged you close to her. Bakugou turned at the sound of sniffling.
“Y-yeah. I’m all good. Just happy to see you.” You pulled away, quickly apologizing for staining her peach-colored shirt.
“Let’s look at embarrassing pictures of Katsuki!” She grinned, knowing just how to cheer you up. Bakugou erupted with anger as he quickly tried to salvage the photo album but it was too late.
Bakugou let it slide though. Watching your face light up, hearing your laugh as you looked through pictures of him as a kid doing silly things, he was happy to see you smiling again.
“You’ll have to bring over a photo album so he doesn’t feel so left out.” Mitsuki laughed. Your smile began to sink.
“I uh...” You stared at your lap. Bakugou looked up from preparing lunch to look at you.
“I don’t have any pictures from my childhood. At least, none in an album.” You admitted, embarrassed. Mitsuki’s heart dropped. Sighing she quickly stood and scrambled through a felt storage cube on a shelf.
Humming satisfied, she yanked Bakugou away and practically tossed him over the couch onto you.
You stared at him for a few seconds before hearing a click.
Snapping up to the sound, Mitsuki stood with a camera in her hands, smiling.
“Starting today, we are making a photo album! Katsuki! Smile!” Mitsuki yelled at her son, forcing the blonde boy in your lap to smile. You began to smile again as you wrapped your arms around him, tickling his sides as Bakugou hunched forward, a genuine smile on his lips.
The sound of another click set off.
It was the beginning of a plethora of photos. You began filling up an album with the Bakugou’s, ones on holidays, even on class trips.
Your favorite was one Mitsuki took of you and Bakugou asleep on one another from a long holiday road-trip.
With your head on Bakugou’s shoulder, his head resting over yours, Mitsuki had turned back and snapped a photo while Masaru drove.
Time began to heal old wounds, though there would still be scars. But even with scars, you could look back at memories from the healing process, and find good that had blossomed from the bad.
You loved Bakugou more than words could describe, and for this, and so much more, you were smitten.
As was he for you.
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