poppyandzena · 6 months
I know I've said harsh things about your involvement, Patch, but I understand that you just wanted a community that accepted you, and a parental figure that cared for you. That's not a crime.
You didnt have to make a public statement, but your speaking up is a testament to your good faith, your remorse, and your desire to make things right. I can imagine you feel humiliated, ashamed. Speaking up candidly in the midst of those feelings is true strength.
My door is open to you, but do not feel obligated to talk to me. If you want to wash your hands clean and never utter a word of this to anyone again, then I will respect that. Take care, stay safe. Thank you.
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askbombasticblake · 6 months
we know what you did.
Funny, because I also know what you did, Shiloh.
I know that you kept your college roommate's secret, instead of telling campus police that Tianwei was a p3d0ph1l3, because she told you some sob story about her parents being abusive & nearly dying in a housefire.
I know that you were perfectly fine taking part in a harassment campaign against me and my ex-wife on behalf of Lily, and only apologized to me when I started getting clout.
Speaking of Lily, I know that you're not the "strong, angry abuse advocate" you claim to be because you gave NEGATIVE amounts of pushback to being her mistress, and only broke away from her when the money ran dry.
I know that the only time you believe victims over predators is when they have something to offer you that the predator doesn't, which is why your current simultaneous hate campaign against NF & Dormiyu (both victims) and support campaign for Poppy (an unapologetic predator) rings so fucking hollow.
You talk about understanding behavioral patterns so goddamn well, well I can see your pattern clear as day. So I wonder, how long will it be before your pattern of "bleed a pred dry, then backstab them when it's convenient" will last this time, hmm? What will be the breaking point for you to stop supporting Poppy?
Will it be her requesting an incest ERP? Will it be her hitting on your "daughter" Ruby? Or will it come down to her no longer accepting your emotional and financial mooching?
It's gonna happen eventually, and I'm gonna be there to watch it. Because unlike your current "Mom", I have the means to clear my conscience. My brothers have filled in the gaps in my memory, and given me the peace of mind to clear my name. And on the legal side of things, I'm currently in talks with my cousin, a lawyer down in Texas, to take my case pro-bono so I can sue you & your wicked "family" for everything you took from me.
Your days are numbered, Salizar. And the clock is ticking.
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mangor · 7 months
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... ioVe ...
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weaselbeaselpants · 2 months
Want to say this outloud so that the rest of the tag+comunity knows it and knows it well: not all the Lily Orchard-critical blogs and people HAVE to be buddy-buds with each other. It's always nice to have unity and no-infighting but you need to understand we are all adults talking about how we and other people have been hurt/set-upon by her base, or even preyed on by Lily herself.
Barring shitty transphobes and KiwiFarms (I 100% get why someone would go there, espec when receipt trails are getting harder and harder to keep up and are reported as harassment in sites like this one; I personally wouldn't trust the farms and the bozos there to handle my info well or with good faith. Other people who are using farms for receipt-tracking? Sure. The Farms themself? Fuck no and fuck Null) and obviously predatory people in their own right like Zena and Poppy, we're here to tell our stories and make sure other people's stories get told. Beef, even particuarly ugly beef like accusing each other of dismissing ab*se, zionism, or being angry that we're on servers w people we don't like - it's valid to not be chummy and mad at each other. Still, none of that will ever make us what Lily (or Zena and Poppy) is.
Lily Orchard-
wrote CP (her 'Stockholm' series). It may not have involved real children so it's not punishable by law in many states/prefectures, but y'know writing graphic cp is not a good thing. Most annoying proshippers defend the semantics of 'drawn material' out of fear that those rules will be abused and used to silence non-vile art: BUT, they don't support it and they don't want it around;
also, Lily up and lied to her audience, first that she ever wrote Stockholm then that the videos were she admitted to writing it were deepfakes and that the fanfiction's graphic bits were edited in by bronies who were mad at her.
stole (ie. copy-pasted other people's writing) other people's words and passed them off as her own
CONSTANTLY talks over people of color and other queer people. I'm too damn white and not native to dictate if Lily is truly 'native' or not. What she does/say though in the name of fighting for other lgbtq and bipoc folk is really scummy.
and that's JUST the tip of the iceberg!! Lily-
had PatchworkHearts make graphic p0rn of her behind her[Lily's] partner's back, most of which Patchwork was not comfortable with making but did so out of desperation that Lily took advantage of, including drawing r@pe-bestiality of on of Lily's x's ocs.
is quite possibly is a serial sock-puppeteer; creating accounts to live out her darker fantasies. On the offchance that Tara Callie is somehow a real person, than that real person is vile as hell and was just as much (longer so) a friend of Lily's than she was Britt's, so it's cruel of Lily to act like Britt was complacent in Tara's crimes and not her.
has been accused of lying about medical ailments to get money from her audience.
immediately dumped ILoveKimPossiblealot for having the gall to talk to LIly's accusers and get their stories, rather than just take Lily's word.
keeps instinctively misgenders people and only stops when she gets any heat for it like she did to EssenceofThought. By contrast every one of her main critical blogs has not misgendered or deadnamed her, and the one who initially did has actively avoided deadnaming and misgendering her since.
in now deleted videos and older tumblr posts, told friends of abuse victims not to care about their abused friends and parents of incestuous siblings to accept their children's incest.
is being accused by her sibling of CSEM. Lily has said it's the other way around but then also draws her sibling as the darvo'd sister from an incest game, dismisses said siblings abuse at the hands of their half sibling because Lily 'loves' him, and also proudly has mentioned beating up said sibling and slying saying she 'ran off with a pedophile' at 17 as though being taken advantage of (I know, Courtney does not view said relationship like this) is the sibling's fault.
And that's all I could remember for a single post. Im going to go back and post links once this headache I'm suffering from is sated.
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the-e4b · 5 years
Please Help Patchwork Heart
Patchwork Heart is currently struggling with medical bills, and is in serious debt. As their friend, I want to help out as much as I can. I thought maybe you guys could help spread the word? If anybody has any money to spare, please consider donating to Patchwork’s GoFundMe page. It’d be greatly appreciated.
- Eaglesfan986
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drawbauchery · 5 years
I had a MAD crush on Kowalski as a kid, cause I was also a rejection-sensitive dramatic bitch and he ~*UNDERSTOOD MY PAIN*~.
lskdnfskd i’ve NEVER seen him described that perfectly before. amazing 
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Good. Facts don’t care about your feelings, jackass. And about this...
The reason why people go after you is because of your “holier than thou” attitude, @patchworkheart. No one cares about your neurological disorders, your physical inabilities, your brain damage or your wheelchair. You know how I know? You’re actually well put-together for someone with your ailments.
No one cares about whether you think people are cowards for calling you out on shit off their main accounts. IMO, you’re not worth a main. Just look at any of my other posts calling you out. You think people want to have that crap on their main accounts?
And to reiterate...
People aren’t shocked that you support the robbing of the wealthy. People are shocked that you’re as giddy as a kid at Christmas about a fellow human being getting victimized and traumatized in a criminal offense. Felix being affluent doesn’t forego his being a person, you half-baked, quarter-assed, IDPol transtrending victim-complex chum sack.
You need to step back and ask yourselves some hard questions before taking up the fights you pick, Patch. Please. You could do so much good if your head wasn’t lodged three feet deep into your ass.
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discord-trolls · 6 years
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“So, this Tirek talked you into cutting ties with your friends, convinced you to give him everything he wanted without giving you anything in return and then abandoned you after taking everything else you had by force.  Is that correct?”
“... That is the long and short of it.  Yes.”
“Yeah, then I was correct.  This is note for note a case of clear abuse.”
“... Are you sure?  I mean... I’m new to this sort of thing, but... doesn’t abuse only happen to those who... you know.... don’t deserve it?”
“Nobody deserves to be abused, Discord.  And it’s a very common symptom for the victims to blame themselves for the abuse.  But no matter what anyone says, it wasn’t your fault.  You didn’t deserve what he did to you.”
“... OK, so.... what do I do?”
“My best advice is to talk to a professional.  I know you might not believe me, but they are trained and equipped to help people work through their trauma, and that includes unusual cases like you.”
“... So like, Doctor Wolf?”
“Discord, I said a professional.  Not a poor man’s Mister Rogers in a fursuit.”
Talking through your trauma with @patchworkheart
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@patchworkheart you showed up in a post on my facebook feed lol
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mikaila-orchard · 6 years
Seeking an Asylum- Horror Media and Mental Illness (CW- Violence Mention)
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junglehero227 · 7 years
Why is it pretty much every time someone accuses someone else of “gaslighting” them over the situation with Toon, it basically just translates to “They respectfully disagreed with me with how to handle this whole thing, so that obviously means they’re horrible pedo-loving scum.”
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mister-peepers · 6 years
It’s okay if you’re not ready to talk about it. Sorry about all these anons pressuring you. You’re valid!!
it’s,,, hhhhhhhit’s just i don’t wanna publicly out myselfi’ve had experiences where my feelings get out and it completely ruins my friendships with people because they feel weird abt me then
which i mean, i get it
and also like … y’know……… this feelings still Very Fresh i gotta,,,,,, i don’t wanna jump the gun or whateveridk im im a big gay mess rn
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drawbauchery · 6 years
I love the affection your Eddie and Venom seem to have for one another. I sometimes scroll through their tag on your blog when I have abad day.
awww Q//w//Q
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adragonstale · 7 years
patchworkheart hat auf dein Foto geantwortet: I had a tattoo appointment today.  Wohoo, I wanted...
for a minute I thought those were self harm scars
No self harm scars here, just wrinkled foil.
The only scars (not caused by accidents or operations) on my body are from Scarification and my implants on the forearm 
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sadiebun · 7 years
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It’s making fun of some gaming journalist that cried about the game being too hard and there should be a skip a boss button, but legit the game is only filled with bosses besides six run and gun levels. Even with that, there are mini bosses with in them.
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