#pat pat pat it's okay zuzu
merakiui · 8 months
For that one Fwb prompt: "Did you just congratulate me for having sex with you?" featuring our cringe-fail-loser-virgin tako <3
>:) it is time to cook!!!!!! Admittedly, he's not very loser virgin here, but that's okay. <3 we love all sides of Zuzu.
(fwb dialogues)
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In the aftermath of orgasmic bliss, drenched in fluids and panting, you reach up to pat Azul's head. His soft, silken hair is matted with sweat, but then you're no different. It's filthy, but it feels right. A joint effort to indulge in an imperfect mess in a private slice of heaven—that's what this is. Or, in less flowery terms, fucking like animals in your bedroom.
"Congrats," you manage through a raspy mumble.
Azul blinks at you, his walls rising despite your casual touch. His arms are still caging you in, unfaltering. Sweat clings to every crevice in lean musculature. He's something of a Renaissance nude, effortlessly handsome, and he's looking at you like you've just grown gills.
"Did... Did you just congratulate me for having sex with you?"
He almost stumbles over his words, but he saves himself with a swift clearing of his throat and an off-the-cuff, "Why, thank you for your kind congratulations. I'm honored."
You laugh, unfazed with his theatrics. "You're very welcome."
His hand drags along your cheek, returning your affectionate petting with gentle strokes. Sometimes you think he's trying to paint you with an invisible brush whenever he touches you like this. Sweet and mindful, as if he might break you if he exerts just a little pressure.
"Is there a reason you're congratulating me? This isn't the first time we've done this."
"I just felt like saying it."
Suspicious, Azul narrows his eyes. You drag his face down to meet yours. Rather than connecting your lips, you kiss his cheek.
"You're good in bed. Seriously! Can't I give credit where credit is due?"
"You can. But I thought we already established that fact long ago."
"Oh, so my opinions are fact now?"
"Irrefutable fact, yes."
You roll your eyes, a smile playing at your lips. "Cheeky jerk."
"Takes one to know one, my dear. There's no need to pretend otherwise."
"You say that, but look who's ready for round two. Aren't you getting too greedy? I thought you said you had somewhere to be."
"How cold of you to show me the door when I've been nothing but attentive..."
"I rescind my congratulations. You're a cheeky, irritating jerk."
Azul flashes his teeth at you in a shameless, sticky smirk-grin. His hands slide down to grab your hips, hoisting them up to meet his halfway. "We'll see how long that opinion of yours holds."
"That one's not fact, huh?"
"If it is, I'm about to prove it wrong."
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What if the Stardew Valley Farmer got a Trainee?
Okay, imagine: Depressed teen, third year of uni/college in Zuzu city doing biology and looking for an internship somewhere remote so they can get out of the city and see the world. Lo and behold, one day, someone responds to their ad. With a letter. It just appeared on their desk one day, right out of the blue.
Hi there! I heard you were looking for work somewhere remote so you could continue working on your biology degree. Well, I run a farm in a little place called Stardew Valley and I could certainly use some help. There will be plenty of opportunities to survey the natural wildlife that live around me, and the people of Pelican Town would love to see a new face!
If you would like to accept this offer, please sign your name down the bottom of this letter and send it to the address written on the back.
Kind regards,
ᛏᚻᛖ ᚠᚪᚱᛘᛖᚱ
Two days later, they find themselves on a bus headed into the countryside, carrying nothing but a bag of clothes and a toothbrush. Following the instructions that came in the follow-up letter, they arrive at a little cottage sitting in the middle of a giant paddock. There is no one around. Upon knocking on the door, there is no answer. The wind howls in the distance, but it sounds almost... alive. They sit there for a while, outside the cottage, too nervous to explore.
It was getting late, and they were about to get up and leave, but then suddenly, there's a massive BANG, jolting them from their stupor. And standing there coughing and spluttering, covered in slime and guts, holding a glowing sword and toting a bulging backpack is the farmer. They look down to see the kid sitting on their ass looking up at them with a bewildered gaze.
"Oh shit... you're arriving today. I'm sorry, this is really not a good first impression." Stretching out a slimy hand, he pulled the kid off the ground. "Hi, I'm the Farmer. Let's get you settled in." The Farmer's house was quite eclectic, with little trinkets scattered everywhere and a mismatched collection of artwork lining the walls, with windows squished between them in the most random of places. Throwing his bag on the table, they could just see the faint glow of a deep purple ore sticking out of it. "I-uh, haven't got much set up yet." the Farmer said "We'll get you a bed later, but for now, you can roll out a sleeping bag on the living room floor. I need a new house upgrade anyway, so you'll be fixed up with your own room soon anyways."
They didn't know what to think of everything so far, but hey, at least it would be interesting.
The next day, they were woken up at 6am to see the Farmer staring directly at them. "Rise and shine kid! The suns up and it's time to grind!" Ten very messy minutes and one pot of coffee later, they were outside in the cold, shivering in the one pair of pants they brought. The only sound they could hear was the quiet hiss of the sprinklers watering the multitudes of strawberry plants. They just seemed to go on forever, an army of green and red.
The Farmer - who seemed positively cheery - clapped their hands and strode towards a rows of coops and barns on the right. Upon opening the first door, a torrent of chickens fled out, including one that was bright blue. Moving on to the next coop, they opened it to find a duck, 2 rabbits and a giant lizard waiting for them. It was so large, it could barely fit through the doors to get out. Upon being released, it immediately raced past the poor kid to go chase a butterfly. When it caught it, it pinned it to the ground with it's foot and proceeded to fucking torch it with a burst of fire from it's mouth.
The farmer gave it a little pat on the head, and it trotted away proudly with it's crispy prize. "That's Bill. I'm sure you'll love her." They said. The barn didn't have any unholy creations, just some cows. They never thought they would be so happy to just see some cows.
For a few days, they worked on the farm, feeding the animals, planting and harvesting crops, avoiding the lizard from hell, and in their spare time, trying to actually study and complete assignments. On a rainy Friday, they walked into town to pick up some seeds and meet the people. Pierre was nice enough, but was distracted trying to sell the Farmer as many seeds as possible. They went to the Saloon for the evening, and they watched in confusion as the Farmer walked around the room handing out gifts to everyone in there. A bowl of spaghetti for a lady, who promptly stopped dancing with her husband to chow down on it. There were three people their age playing pool, and they could only classify them as the adventurous one, the emo and the puppy dog they adopted. Sam honestly just seemed to bounce around and have a good time. They were all given shiny gemstones and pizza, which they loved. It was very interesting to see everyone individually greet the farmer and get given a trinket or piece of food.
For a few weeks everything was calm, with mild weather and good spirits, they explored the world of Stardew Valley. There was wildlife (slightly toasted wildlife in some instances) surrounding them on all sides, but the people of Stardew interested them more. On the other side of town, a small museum sat only half-full with items, and upon asking around, they found out the Farmer had been providing all of the exhibits.
The beach was nice, if not cold. But Elliot was always up for a chat when they visited, and they found they both loved watching the ocean. Leah had some interesting sculptures, and knew where all the best spots were in the forest to view the wildlife.
And the Farmer. Well, they didn't know what to make of the Farmer. Some days, they were the life of the party, floating around handing out gifts as if they were Santa Claus. And other days, they just weren't there. They left at the crack of dawn, holding that strange glowing sword. They wanted to find out what happened on those days, but the Farmer never talked about it, so they never asked.
One day, they woke up to see the Farmer staring over their bed. Again. "Time to get up. We're going to the mines." "I'm sorry, what?" they asked. The only answer they got was a sword thrown on their blanket.
An hour later, they stood inside the entrance of the old mines in the pouring rain. They had taken the rickety minecart system, and they felt like they were going to throw up. "Here, eat this." The Farmer said, throwing them a piece of glowing rock candy. Why was everything always glowing? They ate it anyway, and felt a surging rush of energy. They felt like they could take on the world. And then, they were in a rickety old elevator, shooting down, fast, into the earth. The Farmer stood next to them, sword raised. "Get ready." The Farmer said. They raised their sword as well, very afraid.
The doors clicked open, and the Farmer bolted out. From out of their pack, they threw a bomb at a nearby cluster of rocks, which instantly exploded in a cloud of dust, leaving a small pile of gemstones. The Farmer didn't even stop to inspect what was left. They just kept running towards the next cluster. They stood there dumbstruck, watching the farmer sprint their heart out through this cave. They then heard a small noise, and as if they had materialized out of the walls, a small man shrouded in shadow was upon them!
They lashed out in fear with their sword, but the shadow man was faster, dodging neatly out of the way. They stepped backwards, into the elevator, sword raised. The shadowy creature lunged at him and- it exploded in an instant. From the other side of the cave, the Farmer held a sling in their hand, and it was aimed where the shadow person had been. "Keep moving if you want to stay alive!" the Farmer shouted.
Eventually, they completed ran out of stone to blow up, and they gathered up all the gemstones and other items. They sighed in relief, thinking it was over, until the Farmer pointed to a nearby ladder, going deeper into the Earth.
They emerged several hours later, covered head to toe in dust and monster guts. But their backpacks were full of materials. After a long shower, they flopped on the couch.
"Is that what you've been doing all this time?" they asked the Farmer. "No, actually." they responded "that was actually a warm up. There's a much more dangerous place in the desert I usually go. That was a warmup, so I wouldn't throw you in the deep end." The poor thought they might kill themselves at this point.
They did a few more trips to the mines over the coming weeks, and they did get better at fighting monsters. When they walked into town, they were treated with a new respect by the townspeople. They felt more confident, but the Farmer still came up with new ways to terrify them. The mines were nothing compared to the sheer chaos of the Skull Caverns.
During the Winter, the Farmer decided to dedicate an entire week to investigating the deep caves there. They called it "The Skull Caverns Dive." This was when the Farmer introduced them to magic. In preparation for the week, the Farmer showed them how to use a warp totem in case of emergencies. It was a very disorienting experience, but it was fast.
When the week begun, they thought they were prepared for anything. By day two, they bore bruises and scars across their body, compliments of the monsters of the Caverns. They watched in awe and fear as the Farmer turned into an absolute demon, storming through the caverns like a wrath of nature, destroying everything in their path. By the final day, even the Farmer was tiring, but the monsters never stopped coming. At one point, a flying serpent raced into the Farmer, who went sprawling into the ground. The serpent turned around and went for another pass, racing towards the Farmer. The serpent was fast, but they were faster. Slicing through the serpent with the borrowed sword, they dragged the Farmer to their feet and activated the emergency warp totem, sending them back home. They both crawled into their beds and slept well into the next day.
Eventually, the year was up, and they had to return to Zuzu city. They were still doing a degree, and it was time to head back to complete it. Most of the town came out to say goodbye, and more than one of them had tears in their eyes. Right as they were about to leave, the Farmer came up to them. They pushed a small package into their arms. "This is a reminder of your time here. You can return whenever you want, you know. There will always be a place for you in Stardew Valley."
On the bus ride home, they opened it to see a dagger, pulsing with energy, along with a small scabbard. They tied it to their belt, and swore never to part with it.
When they returned to live at college, everyone gave them a newfound respect. Perhaps it was the way they walked, or the knife strapped to their belt. People could just feel the danger radiating off them. Their old friends hadn't changed too much, and while it was nice to see them all again, it wasn't the same. No monsters to fight, no fire breathing lizards to feed, no monumental harvests and re-plantings.
When they graduated, the swore to return. Because there was something special about Stardew Valley, and now because it was home.
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crowentity233 · 1 year
The Dragon's Keep (part 3)
Fire Lord Zuko x (Fem!) Reader
Part 1
Part 4
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You are a firebender named Ayushi, who has been accepted to guard over the royal family. You end up guarding Zuko through his travels to visit the sun warriors. The mission, protecting the newest dragons, begins.
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Suki patted you awake. "Ayushi, get up. The group is getting into uniform."
You tossed the covers over and stood up. "Thank you, Suki." You spoke quickly, getting your things in order. You grabbed your uniform.
Suki placed her hand over yours. "No uniform. You're going as a guest. Lady Ursa requested it." Her grin was wide.
"Oh... okay." You grabbed a fire nation outfit and got changed. You grabbed your bags and followed the warriors that were ready.
"Yushi!!!!" Kiyi called out running towards you. She grabbed your hand and pulled you to her mother. "Yushi, come on! It's going to be so much fun, we are going to go swimming, and make sandcastles, Zuzu said he would play too. We can go feed the turtle ducks..." kiyi kept talking about the different things you would be doing.
You listened to the girl smiling and laughing as she pulled you past her mother and through the doors following the warriors to the dock. "Wait, Kiyi. We have to wait for your family." You said between laughter.
"Go ahead, you two, we will catch up." Lady Ursa called out to you both.
"Yushi, let's go!" She let go of your hand and ran with the warriors walking around her. You ran after her, grabbing her hand and keeping up with her pace. This girl was a little ball of energy.
Lady Ursa looked back at her son, whispering while servants packed their things away. "No uniform?"
"I told Suki to tell her you invited her. I knew kiyi would like the company." He spoke softly to his mother.
Her lips perked up into a smirk. "Then I'm happy to have invited two guests." She led her son to follow her to the dock.
You got to the dock with Kiyi, both of you laughing. The first group of warriors weren't far behind.
"Uncle!!" Kiyi exclaimed, running to the man at the end of the dock. He was dressed in Earth kingdom colors, but Iroh was still very recognizable. Kiyi wasn't exactly related to him by blood, but she took to what Lord Zuko called him. it was such an innocent way of thinking. Of course, Iroh was more than happy to take on a niece.
"Princess! It is lovely to see you again. Who is your friend?" Iroh held his niece and smiled towards you.
"That's Ayushi. She tells me and Zuzu bedtime stories." She smiled proudly.
"You and FireLord Zuko. Must be some good stories." He grinned at the girl, setting her back down to her feet.
Your face tinted pink. Kids were just so blunt. "It's nice to meet you, General Iroh." You bowed.
"No, no, I'm just Iroh now. I am no general, I own a tea shop. It's a much better place to be."
"Im sure it is. I would love to visit one day." You smile politely.
"Uncle, look, it's Zuzu!" Kiyi yells out, pointing to Lord Zuko escorted with a second set of warriors.
Lord Zuko smiled brightly, seeing iroh. "Uncle!"
"Nephew!" Iroh bowed. The men hugged one another. "It's good to see you, Lord Zuko."
Lady Ursa greeted iroh. She stood beside you and grabbed your hand. "Thank you for being here. I know Kiyi and Zuko will love your company without being a guard. The royal life is very isolated."
You nod your head. "Thank you for inviting me."
She released your hand and walked into the door to go under deck. The warriors set up at their posts, and the others went under the deck to rest before nightfall.
"Yushi! Will you watch for Flying Dolphins with me?" Kiyi jumped up and down. You followed her to the side of the ship where she could watch for them. The ship left the dock, and the water below lapped around the sides. You watched the horizon. You turned your head seeing the land become smaller until it was out of your view.
"Flying Dolphins!" She yelled out. You turned back, seeing her happily watching the animals.
"She rode on them once when Aang was visiting." Zuko stood beside you peering over the side of the ship.
"I did! It was so much fun!" Her joy was infectious.
"It had to be fun. I wish I could ride on one. You're a lucky girl." You looked down trying to imagine what it would be like to ride on such a beautiful creature.
"Kiyi, come with me, honey." Ursa called for her daughter. She wore a smirk hidden behind the wall.
Kiyi whined but followed her mother's call.
You looked around the deck, and a few warriors stood guard at the other ends of the ship, but everyone else had gone inside.
"Are you excited to go to the island?" Zuko asked, breaking the silence that had eased its way as kiyi left.
"Yeah, I'm excited. I've never been." You glanced back over the waters.
"I went a lot when I was a kid." He watched the Dolphins flip around. "I have a lot of good memories there. We planned on going to see the Ember island players. Would you like to go with us? Kiyi is staying with her dad."
"Sure, are they any good?" You asked.
"No, they're terrible. My mother just loves to see them. She used to take me to see them every year when I was a kid. They always butcher love amongst the dragons."
"What are they performing?"
"Love amongst the dragons... again." He sighed.
"Well, we can take it as a comedy show. Are you sure I won't be intruding on your time with your mother?" You turned towards him.
"No, she would love for you to go. Uncle is going to be there, too." He paused."I think it will be like my sister is there. She kinda tried to take Kiyi during a freak out, so she has been a little bit shunned from the family."
"Oh, um, then I would love to go, and um... fill in for Azula." You gave him a soft, reassuring smile. "You know I'd watch anything about dragons."
"You really do love dragons..." He spoke softly.
"Yeah, they were something for me to dream about as a kid. I always wished on a star every night that a prince from far away would show up and fly me away on his dragon. It never happened, of course." You giggled softly.
"Sorry, I was the only prince but a little busy trying to deal with my father, and I thought they were extinct then." He chuckled.
Your eyes flicked over to him. "No, I dont want you to think I wanted you specifically to save me. It was more of a fairytale wish. I knew you were the prince, and Im sure it crossed my mind, but -"
"No, of course not," he cut you off. "I was joking since I was the only prince in the nation. I guess if there is an earth kingdom prince, he could have saved you, but I suppose he'd be on a badgermole." He placed his finger on his chin thinking. "I don't know if the earth king had a son."
"You're funny, Lord Zuko." You said giggling as he thought out a plan of who would have saved you from a life he knew nothing about. "It was just a fairytale. I made it out on my own. I'm here now on a royal ship as a guest. I would have loved to see a dragon, but I don't think I've done half bad."
Zukos cheeks tinted with the complement. The wind from the sea was his saving grace as it slowed the color from rising any further.
Land appeared on the horizon. "Is that it?" you asked.
Zuko's attention caught the land. "Yes, that's Ember island. I promised Kiyi that when we get there we are going to play on the beach."
"I didn't think to pack a bathing suit. I thought I was going to be guarding when you asked last night. I didn't get your mother's invite to be a guest until this morning. I guess I'll have to buy one when we get there."
"I can buy it for you. Our mother can stay with her until we get back and you get changed."
"Are you sure you don't mind?" You asked him, him being so accommodating seemed so foreign.
"I don't mind at all." The ship started to pull up to the dock.
Kiyi flew out of the door. "Zuzu! We're here!" She cheered tossing herself at her big brother.
"We are here." He hugged her. "We are going to the shops. You can stay with your mother until we get back. We will be fast, I promise." He smiled and let her back down.
"Okay, Zuzu. I guess that's okay, but be fast." She warned in a childish way.
He chuckled and ran his hand through her hair. She giggled and ran off to her mother.
"Come on, let's go now, or Kiyi will get upset." He walked towards the ramp to the dock. You followed him, and he led you down the sand paths. You walked around the busy streets. Your warrior complex hadn't left. You kept an eye on your surroundings. No one seemed to notice the FireLord was here yet. This seemed so reckless and not at all like your training, but you were following the Firelord in what was kind of like orders.
You passed by a few shops until he opened a door and let you walk in first. You walked in looking for your size and picked out one. "You can try on a few if you'd like. We have a little time before they even get off the ship. Get what you'd like. I got it."
In reality, he wanted to escape the ship before Suki saw and convinced you to take a few warriors. He didn't want spectators. He was well aware that he was being watched at the palace. This would be one of the few times he couldn't be truly alone with you, and he wasn't going to miss the opportunity. Making use of it was questionable, but at least he could be alone with you.
"Okay, thank you." You left out the Lord Zuko for prying ears. You searched around at a few bathing suits. Grabbing a few that you liked. You went into a changing room. You changed into a white one. You stepped out but shook your head. Zuko just glanced and kept his distance. You went back in and changed into a black one. Again, you stepped out, but it didn't really seem to match you. Zuko kept to himself but secretly enjoyed seeing you in such a contrast from your warrior outfit. You stepped back in and changed into a red one. This one was well fitted, hid areas that were on your radar as imperfections, and the swimwear made you feel good. You stepped out and nodded at Zuko. "This is the one."
He looked down, seeing you weren't in sandles. He grabbed your hand and led you to the shoes. Your hand was so delicate and yet held so much power. The warmth coming from your hand was a given sign of being a bender. It was so comforting in his own. He didn't want to let go, but he guided you to the seat and let go so you wouldn't question.
"You really don't have to..." You sat down as he grabbed a pair for you handing them to you.
He had guessed your size. They fit perfectly. "I insist." You slipped on the sandles and looked back up at Zuko. He offered his hand, and you took it he helped you up from your seat.
He held your hand and led you to the merchant. He didn't let go when he reached the merchant. He pulled out two gold coins and gave them to the man. "Here is your change..." He started to pick up the coins to hand Zuko.
"Don't worry about it." Zuko threw his hand up and turned with you still holding your hand. Confidence seething through him with you never pulling away or acting as if you wanted to pull away.
Your heart beat quickened as the old man spoke again. "Have a nice day." Then, under his breath mumbling ,what a nice young couple." You wanted desperately to turn and correct him, but zuko just continued walking. He opened the door for you to step out.
You both walked back into the streets. You held your clothes and shoes in one arm. You heard footsteps behind you. "There you are!" Suki looked up and down at the pair. Her hand fell to her hip. A smirk plastered on her face as Zuko finally let go of your hand. "We've been looking for you. You know you can't run off like that." She was speaking to Zuko. You were a free woman, but he was open for attacks at any moment.
"I just wanted time without an army behind me. I had Ayushi with me. We could have taken anyone who tried to attack."
"Next time, tell me that you're taking your girlfriend shopping at least." She giggled.
"She's not my girlfriend." "I'm not his girlfriend." You both said in unison.
"I'm joking you two." She poked fun at the pair. "Come on. your bags are already in the house. Kiyi is out at the beach." She paused her voice. When the pair followed beside her to the house. "Ayushi, you look so good in that. Don't you think so, Zuko?"
"Um, yeah, you do look... good Ayushi." Zuko said uncomfortably.
"Zuko, have you been working out? Ayushi feels his arm." Suki tries to grab his arm.
You wrap your arm around his and pull him closer, shutting her down as you all continue walking to the house. "Suki enough teasing, we get it. You think we are secretly together."
She smirks and leaves both of you entangled. You did exactly as she wanted. "Okay, sorry. I was just messing with you two."
You held Zuko's arm as you neared the house. His mother didn't notice your arrival. Kiyi was occupied by a group of scorpion crabs. Suki split from the pair, not saying anything. You both snuck in the house away from kiyi. "Will you show me to where I'm staying? I have to put my clothes away."
The clothes you were wearing still in the arm that wasn't entangled with his. He never pulled away. He led you to a room that had your bags inside. There was another set of bags and a bed opposite from the other. "I'm staying in here too. Uncle must be staying in the room I'm normally in..." He trailed.
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A/n: it's not as cliché as it seems trust the process.❤️‍🔥
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yearnforag0ny · 3 months
The MD and DVM; Chapter 1
Author’s note: hii omg this is the first fanfiction I’ve written in about five years now loool…I wrote this because I’ve never seen a harvey fic where the farmer is a veterinarian, and I have seen many questionable things said about farming. I work on a farm, and I am working towards going to veterinary school, so I felt my knowledge might contribute to a unique Harvey fic lol correct me if I’m wrong, tho, and please let me know if I should continue this! Crossposted on ao3 under xxdeaduniverse.
spring 1
You had always loved your grandfather’s property. His death almost broke you. However, you were delighted to find that he had left you his farm, Cinnamon Meadow. It was a quiet slice of heaven nestled away in Pelican Town. It still had all its old charm, just some added overgrowth and a lack of crops and animals. 
You graduated from veterinary school a couple of years ago. Visiting your grandfather’s farm ignited your love for animals, and it only grew the older you became. After eight years, you earned a bachelor’s degree in animal science and were officially a doctor in veterinary medicine. 
Since your veterinary school was near Zuzu City, you picked up a job offer at a clinic in the heart of the city and worked almost exclusively with dogs and cats. It was incredibly fun; however, you had forgotten your initial dream of working with farm animals instead of small ones. So when your grandfather died, you were happy to see he left you the farm in his will. While living in Zuzu City, you would visit Pelican Town every so often to say hello to your grandfather, but more so because Marnie was a client of yours. She called you whenever her animals were having the slightest of health issues. You were happy to answer her calls because it meant you would see cows, catch up with Marnie, and say hello to your grandfather. 
You sighed while you stood on the porch of your grandfather’s old house, which was technically yours now. It was a beautiful spring day. You didn’t realize how much you had missed the sounds of birds chirping. 
Marnie interrupted your peace by slamming the front door on her way out of the house. 
“Whoops! Didn’t mean to let that door slam,” She chuckled. You smiled at her. You were so grateful she agreed to help you move your stuff today. 
“Well, that was the last box,” She sighed in relief. “I’ve gotta run. Shane has to work a shift at JojaMart, and I need to watch Jas. You should stop by Robin’s house today so she can start building you a coop!” Marnie exclaimed, smiling at you.
 “Yeah, I probably will. I want to get this place up and running as soon as possible,” You said, looking out onto the land again.
“I’ll be at the saloon Friday night. You should stop by and introduce yourself to everyone then,” suggested Marnie. 
“That’s a good idea, actually. Gives me enough time to do some work and mentally prepare to meet all the new people,” You chuckled. Marnie rolled her eyes. 
“They’ll love you. Just come by whenever you’re ready, okay?” She winked at you before walking off towards her farm.
You waved goodbye and groaned once you realized you would have to clear some overgrowth to build a chicken coop. You cracked your knuckles, grabbed your axe from the porch, and got to work.
A couple of hours of hard work later, you had a small clearing of land by the farmhouse. You decided that would be enough hard work for today, you weren’t sure when Robin would close up, and you haven’t unpacked anything in your house at all. You set the axe back on your porch and made yourself look somewhat presentable. You noticed your cat, Horace, had already taken a liking to the new digs. He had plopped himself on top of a pile of boxes. Horace was a fat, tuxedo tabby cat and essentially your best friend since you had adopted him your junior year of college. You gave him a pat on the head before heading out to Robin’s.
You admired the peace on your walk to the mountains. At some point, the hours must have melted away because three o’clock. You finally noticed how tired you were from moving in and doing physical work on the land. However, your dreams of dozing away were cut short. The walk to Robin’s was not as long as you had anticipated, though, as her house suddenly appeared hidden behind pine trees. You took a moment to admire her house, assuming she had built it herself. Wooden with a blue roof. You liked it. Once you spotted the telescope on the left, you immediately wondered how beautiful the skies must be here. You hadn’t seen a sky free of light pollution in years.
You cautiously opened the front door to see a counter with a ginger woman standing on the other side reading a newspaper. She looked up when the door opened, smiling at you. 
“You must be Y/N! I’m so glad to meet you finally. I heard someone was moving into Cinnamon Meadow, but I didn’t know so soon. I’m Robin,” She said, coming out behind the counter to shake your hand. You shook it, happy to realize she wasn’t startled by some stranger entering her home. You smiled at her.
 “Hi. Marnie said to come see you if I wanted anything built, so here I am,” You chuckled. Robin looked delighted. 
“Well, sure! What were you wanting to have built?” She eagerly questioned. It was easy to see she was excited; not many villagers in Pelican Town needed new construction. 
“I’m going to get Cinnamon Meadow up and running again, so I’ll need a new chicken coop. And then a barn. And probably house renovations. I need a lot done,” You sheepishly rubbed your neck, wondering if this was too much to request all at once. Robin defied you and lit up even more. 
“Great! I can get started on the chicken coop tomorrow!” She exclaimed. 
After paperwork and settling payments, you returned to Cinnamon Meadow to continue yardwork. You felt so relieved that the coop wasn’t too expensive to build. You had been saving up since you paid off your tuition, and you were finally happy to invest some of the funds into your future. Around six o’clock, your exhaustion won over your ambition, and you decided to settle down for the night. You unpacked enough kitchen supplies to scrounge up some frozen dinner, took a hot shower, and promptly fell asleep with Horace in your small bed around eight.
You slept better than you had in ages. You even had a dream where your farm was complete, cows and all. But you knew something was missing. Or rather, a special someone. What was the farm if you had no one to share it with? You thought to yourself within your dream. You had always told yourself you didn’t need to be with someone, that as long as you made yourself happy, it was all that mattered. But you still ached for it. Your dream was cut short by a particular fat cat lightly smacking your cheek. 
“What the–Horace!” You exclaimed.
 “I was sleeping so well…” You sighed. You checked the time on your phone. 6 AM? Might as well get up now and get some yardwork done I guess… You thought to yourself with an elongated yawn. You realized you were a little sore from all the work yesterday. You groaned, knowing there would be more to come today. Slowly, you pulled yourself out of bed and organized some food for Horace. As expected, he flew to his breakfast and you figured you should do the same for yourself. A cup of coffee and one granola bar later, you pulled on your favorite pair of overalls and stretched. Today was going to be long. You intended to clear more of the land and buy and plant seeds.
You headed outside to start working and saw Robin hammering away at the coop. Her enthusiasm for her work made you smile. 
“Morning, Robin! Any coffee for you?” You greeted. 
“NO THANKS!” She yelled back with a smile. You wondered why she was screaming before noticing she was wearing headphones. You chuckled, grabbed your axe, and went straight to work.
Around one, you figured you should take a break to go to the store. You briefly recall Marnie mentioning a place called Pierre’s. After trading your axe for your wallet, you started heading in the general direction of town. It was another beautiful day. Are all the days here going to be as lovely as they have been? You wondered, smiling to yourself. You noticed that the change of scenery from moving here had already positively affected you.
You walked into town and focused on the square before you. It's small but adorable. Lamposts and trees lined the square, along with a few buildings. The one before you was the doctor’s clinic, with Pierre’s store on the other side. You briefly wondered about the town doctor for a moment. You knew you should get yourself checked up sooner rather than later. After doing farm research in your undergrad, you unfortunately found out the hard way that farm work was no joke. You filed away this thought for later and walked into Pierre’s.
The general store was small but had everything you could ever need. The older gentleman with glasses behind the single register smiled at you.
 “You must be the new farmer! Y/N right? I’m Pierre. It’s so nice to have somebody new in town!” He exclaimed. You wondered when the last time somebody new moved into Pelican Town. 
“Yeah, I’m Y/N. It’s nice to meet you,” You smiled back. 
“I’m so sorry to hear about your grandfather. He was a great man. Sold me the best crops,” Pierre sighed. You felt a tinge of grief bite at you, pushing it away immediately. 
“He was a good man. I fully intend to restore the farm, though, so I’ll have some crops for you,” You chuckled. Remembering what you came here for, you grabbed a bunch of random seed packets and essentials for your kitchen. You accidentally bumped into a woman with bright green hair in one of the aisles. You quickly learned she was Pierre’s wife, Caroline. 
“You should come to the aerobics class here on Tuesdays! Great way to get to know everyone,” She smiled. The thought of any more exercise than you already had to do on the farm made you cringe. 
“Maybe,” you tentatively said before mentioning it was good to meet her and heading to checkout. You went right home afterward, excited to plant your new seeds. You may have been a little ambitious when you started tilling the dirt; the field you created was large. You also knew if you wanted to make money anytime soon, it would be from crops.
It took forever to till, plant, and water the field. By the time it was 6, you were wiping sweat off your brow and decided that was all you could take today. You headed into your house to make a proper dinner from the groceries you picked up at Pierre’s today: homemade pizza. You savored every bite—your first meal in your first owned house. The thought made you smile. After a shower, you watched TV, cuddling Horace before finally falling asleep for the night.
The following two days seemed to blur together. At some point, you went to Marnie’s to catch up and buy chickens after Robin was done with the coop. You were overjoyed to finally have animals back on the farm and made a mental note to return to Robin’s on Monday to have her start building a barn. However, today was Friday. The day you were going to the saloon. You thought about it–stressed about it–while doing your farm chores that morning. Was everyone going to like you? Would they insist on kicking you out of Pelican Town? Or would you drink enough to forget these irrational thoughts and let go? You decided on the latter. 
By the time five o’clock rolled around, you had showered and started getting ready for your first night out on the town. You threw on your favorite pair of jeans and a sweater with some jewelry. After a little makeup and tweaking your hair, you decided you were ready.
Walking out the door, you felt a cold spring breeze on your back. You were immediately grateful you picked a sweater. As you walked towards the saloon, you looked up at the sky. The sun had just begun to set. It was your favorite time of day. A part of you felt like having drinks on your porch alone instead of being crowded by strangers in a bar, but you knew better than to be a hermit tonight. You had told Marnie you would be there, so you would. 
You could hear faint music and laughter inside as you approached the saloon. A warm glow of light emitted from the windows. You took a deep breath and walked in. The villagers were having so much fun not many even noticed you came in except Marnie. She sat in the center of the bar, smiling and waving at you. A wave of relief washed over you. You smiled and sat down 
next to her.
“I’m so glad you came! I’ll have to introduce you to everyone,” She said, handing you a glass of wine—even more relief. You gulped to soothe your nerves. One by one, Marnie introduced you to some people in the town. You knew you would struggle to remember some of their names after tonight. You met Emily, tending the bar, along with Gus. Leah, an artist who had also moved to the valley from the city. Pam, who seemed like the local drunk. Willy, a sweet fisherman. Marnie pointed out other people; you determined Demetrius was married to Robin because they were dancing together. Some younger kids in the other room were Sebastian, Sam, and Abigail. A young woman with glasses suddenly sat herself next to you.
 “Marnie, is this the new farmer we’ve all been hearing about?” She questioned, smiling at you. 
“Yup! Y/N, meet Maru,” Marnie motioned to her. 
“Hi,” you shyly said with a smile.
 “Y/N is a veterinarian,” Marnie blurted out. You nodded. 
“Good to have another scientist in town,” Maru giggled. “Dr. Y/N, then?” She asked. You laughed. 
“Oh, no, please don’t call me doctor…except when I’m looking at your animals,” You winked, and they laughed. Maru looked in the other direction of the bar, and you saw something go off in her brain.
“I should introduce you to the only other doctor in town,” Maru giggled. 
“Oh, sure, I’ve meant to meet them, actually,” You nodded. Maru took your hand and led you to a table near the jukebox. At the table sat two men having wine. One had long hair and wore a reddish coat, the other with glasses and a mustache wearing a green coat. Before you had time to think further, Maru set her hands down on the table. 
“Gentlemen, this is Y/N. She just moved into Cinnamon Meadow. Harvey, she is also a doctor,” Maru said with a smirk. You briefly wondered which one she was talking to before the man in the glasses smiled. 
“Is that right? I’m the town’s doctor, Harvey,” He introduced himself. You were taking him in. Handsome. Really handsome. It didn’t help you had a thing for mustaches, but he was also smart, evidently. 
“I’m a veterinarian. I planned on getting my MD for a while but decided I liked animals more than people,” This raised a laugh out of them all. 
“Good to meet you, doctor Y/N,” Harvey said, sipping his wine. The man with the long hair introduced himself as Elliott. You immediately let his name slip your mind because you were considering how you would further get to know Harvey. Marnie interrupted your thoughts by calling for you from the bar. 
“Y/N! Come here, you gotta tell me what breed of cows you want to invest in!!” You blushed. 
“I suppose I’ll see you later,” You said, mainly to Harvey. You could feel the alcohol working its way into your system, so it was probably best you get away from him now before you were completely drunk. Harvey looked a little disappointed. 
“Be sure to come see me some time to get checked up,” He quickly mentioned. You nodded, smiling; maybe you weren’t just delusional, and he thought the same about you. You walked back to Marnie, but every fiber of your being wanted to stay and have another drink with him.
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suguaotruther · 6 months
You ever just as writer go like this when reading the foreshadowing you've built up and think you've executed it well on your own work?
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Caution! - Contains spoilers for the newly released Chapter 19 (As of this post)
Chapter 5 He crushed Blair’s hopes and dreams like it was a small twig, Juliana showed up finally and now he can relax and be alone. Not bothering to take part in one of those movie night hangouts or sleepovers that his classmates liked to do. He didn’t mind the fact he never was invited to any of that despite being Champion or the ‘Go to Guy for Help’ they sometimes refer to him as. He believes he finally grew grew numb to the concept of loneliness. Or that’s what he keeps telling himself.
Chapter 19
“It’s no big deal! You’re a dear friend to me Kieran, this is what I do for any of them.” Juliana reassures him before turning to her TV. “Is there something you wanna watch while eating? I got Pokeflix and Zuzu.” She turns on her TV and spots the Brycen-Man films and Big Monster series being available for streaming on Pokeflix. “Those take me back, I remember watching them so much my mom had to buy  another DVD copy of one of them.” 
“...You like Brycen-Man and Big Monster too?” Kieran blurted out, before looking away embarrassed. “I-I mean that’s cool…” 
“Yeah I do! Especially Big Monster! It’s where I got my love of reptilian Pokémon!” Before she knew it she was gushing about the two franchises. “And I just recently learned that Unova’s current Champion played the main heroine for them!” 
She heard a low chuckle from Kieran, “Well why don’t we watch Big Monster 2: The Mechanical Menace? It’s my favorite of them.” He gently pats the spot right next to him, inviting her to sit with him.  To which Juliana immediately accepts. She sits close by him and selects the movie.
Kieran looked away for a moment. “My parents…” He muttered before sighing. “Uh…I’m still feeling a wee bit light-headed. I think I’m gonna go lay down and rest here. If… If that’s okay with you, that I can stay the night here.” 
“Kieran, you’re free to stop by and rest here whenever you want. You don’t have to ask.” Juliana lets out a light giggle. “I’m probably gonna go to bed real soon after I put away the rest of the soup and grab your clothes out of the dryer.” She gets up to head to her closet. “I think I have a spare blanket here somewhere. You can take my bed. I know it’s not entirely comfy laying on my couch so I’ll-” 
“But this is your room!” Kieran interrupted her, shocked. “How is that fair?”
“Well there’s only one bed so unless you wanna share it.” Funny, a few days ago she was a blushing mess on the idea of sleeping right next to Kieran. But now? Not so much, here she was trying to humor him even with the small blush she could feel on her cheeks. 
“T-Then let’s share it so that neither of us wake up with neck or back pains by sleeping on the couch.” 
“That sounds fine to me! Let me just get my PJs on and do what I said I was gonna do!”
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peony-pearl · 2 years
Azula, Ty Lee and Mai are playing in the courtyard. They don't see the Yu Yan archers on top of the palace, but Azula knows they're there. Uncle enlisted them the day Zion was announced as his heir.
The girls see Fire Lord Azulon and Iroh make their way through the courtyard, they gently nudge a few turtleducks off of the walking path as they return from an outing in the Capitol.
Ty Lee looks at Azula. "Why does your uncle have a sling? Is something wrong with his arm?"
Mai sighs. "His arm isn't even in it."
"Oh," Ty Lee blinks. Azula tries to shrug the subject away.
"It's just Uncle's new baby; anyway I think next we should-"
"THE BABY!! IT'S ZION!!" Ty Lee exclaims. Azula groans, having hoped this wouldn't happen. Ty Lee, however, had hoped to catch a glimpse of the new future Fire Lord - after all, it was exciting to hear that, after generations, they would grow to serve a lady instead of a lord. "Do you think he'd let me see her?"
"Oh please," Azula said. "He'd tell you everything she did today if you let him. And all she does is sleep and whine and burp."
Ty Lee makes a break for the older men, and Mai pats Azula's back in condolences. They watch Ty Lee bow, and Iroh kneels down to let the girl get a glimpse of the crown princess, at which Ty Lee dances in place in excitement.
"Agni, she's so embarrassing," Mai drones.
They watch, exasperated, as Iroh puts the infant into Ty Lee's arms; then...
Then Iroh and Ty Lee nod to each other, and Ty Lee returns to the group, gleefully holding Zion.
"WHAT IS SHE DOING." Azula seethes through gritted teeth.
"Thank you for watching her, Azula! I truly appreciate you!" Iroh calls out to his niece.
Ty Lee rejoins the group and plops back onto the grass, happily talking to the baby before addressing her friends. "He's letting me watch her!"
Azula flopped over onto the ground. Mai looked at the baby as she peered her way as well.
"Red eyes. Cool," Mai said. Azula sat back up; she glared at Zion.
"We have a lot of games left to play so don't make too much noise."
"Azula! Be nice!" Ty Lee admonishes. "Babies are very receptive."
Azula shrugs. "She's my cousin, I'm allowed to talk to her like that. Right, dum-dum?"
Zion blinks; and then she smiles and squeals.
"Aww!" Ty Lee gushed. "She thinks you're funny!"
"I am NOT funny," Azula told Zion as she happily reached for her cousin. "I'm VERY scary!" She then insists, leaping to her feet to tower over Zion with a growling snarl.
But Zion could only respond with a hearty laugh and a gurgling response as she tried to mimic Azula's ferocity.
"Ugh! You're supposed to be scared!" Azula scolded.
Ty Lee shrugged. "It's like I told you, babies are very receptive. If she sensed that you were actually malicious, she would have responded as such."
"Oh really?" Mai asked skeptically.
Ty Lee nodded. "Babies have instincts we'll never know because we forget them! I heard there's still being discoveries made!" She then leaned in to whisper. "Did you know they can smell fear?"
The trio looked to Zion as she contentedly, and very enthusiastically, burbled some spit bubbles.
"... okay." Azula sighed.
Mai's nose wrinkled. "Babies are so gross. I'm never having any."
Azula grinned. "Oh well then I guess you'll never get to marry Zuko~"
"Shut up, Azula!"
"Because when you marry into the royal family you have to have at least one baby to continue the family! So it sounds like you won't get to smooch my dumb brother!"
"Knock it off!" Mai blushed as Azula teased her with kissing noises.
"I wouldn't mind having at least one," Ty Lee said. Azula looked at her in confusion.
"From the way you were going on, I would think you'd want a big family."
Ty Lee's smile softened. "No... I think one or two is enough. I think I could give enough attention to two at least."
Azula could feel the subject turning her way.
"Maybe when Zion becomes Fire Lord she won't make you have kids to marry Zuzu, Mai."
Azula reached forward to squeeze Zion's cheeks, making it appear like she was speaking.
"I decree no one has to have kids to marry my big dummy cousin!"
Mai giggled.
"Why, Fire Lord Zion, you have my everlasting thanks," she said bowing to the infant, who gurgled happily in return. "Because I have to say, I'm not impressed with this whole squealing, drooling thing. You’re kind of gross."
Azula returned to narrating for Zion, squeezing her cheeks: "WHAT?? TO THE PYRE WITH YOU!"
Mai dramatically stood up to run, and Ty Lee and Azula chased her, carefully holding Zion as though she was leading the charge as the lot of them laughed harder than Azula had thought they would.
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kigozula · 2 years
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Where you are, there I am - Sokkla Saturdays 2022
Day 9: "Blue looks good on you"
You can also read here & here
Sokkla Saturdays 2022 ends! It was fun! Thanks to everyone who organized this event, I enjoy it every year! I've read some very nice and fun stories.
Sokkla Saturdays also give me the opportunity to write more which I am happy about.
My entry today is inspired by Kim Possible Season 3, Episode: Emotion Sickness. I had mixed feelings about this one honestly. Anyway, hope everyone who reads it enjoys it!=)) Thanks for the support!
"This will be one of my riskiest inventions. If one drop comes in contact with fire, the smoke will cause people who breathe it in transient emotion sickness."
The Mechanist put his new invention on the shelf and went to class. The Fire Nation Academy was full of students from all over the world. Since he was an important inventor for the Fire Nation, the Mechanist got a job as teacher.
One of the classes he was heading to was very famous for its different students. No week went by without a fight.
"Hey Azula, mind if I borrow your royal pencil?" Sokka leaned towards Azula.
"What?" she gave him a distasteful look.
"The one Lu Ten gave you. With the gold color."
"Royal ... ugh here just take it." Her best friend had a habit of giving things the weirdest names.
"Thanks!" Sokka patted her back.
This was the school they met for the first time as children. Since then, they were inseparable best friends.
"Good morning children." The teacher entered the room, and everyone stood up to greet him.
"Another boring day." Mai said silently.
"Yeah." Zuko replied. His place was next hers.
"Really Prince Zuzu?" Azula turned around and teased. "Your lover needs entertainment, not your agreement."
Sokka chuckled at Azula's words. Zuko just glared at his sister.
"Shhh, we're in class." Katara warned them.
"Shhh, who are you to remind us?" Azula replied. "You should turn back and entertain your lover too."
Sokka didn't like the word lover when it had a connection with his sister and a guy.
"He is not my! Ughhh!" Katara was annoyed. She never got along well with Azula. They were known for their daily fights.
After the lesson was over the Mechanist asked Azula and Katara to carry some books to his room. Entering the room Azula took notice of Katara's bad mood.
"Seems like someone is frustrated." she said.
Katara just rolled her eyes.
"Did your lover break your heart?" Azula asked.
"I already told you Aang isn't my lover." Katara said.
"Well, we all know how he looks at you. That poor boy fell hard for you." Azula said.
"Well, at least boys like me and have crushes on me. Where are your admirers?" Katara teased.
"I won't settle for something simple. There are no boys that are worth my precious time." Azula said confidently.
Their talk grew heated and one argument lead to another, which resulted in a physical fight. Azula used her firebending and the bottle with the new invention of the Mechanist exploded causing both girls to breath it in. Coughing they left the room.
"Are you two okay?" Jet was walking by and offered his help.
Azula stormed away leaving him alone with Katara on the hallway.
Sokka was sitting on the stairs of the garden chilling away break time. After paying a short visit to the classroom, Azula walked up to him.
"Hey, did you and Katara manage not to fight today?" he asked smiling.
"Where is my pencil?" Azula asked angrily.
"What? Ahh, you mean the royal pencil? I don't have it." Sokka replied. "Did you lose it?"
"Did I lose it? You took it away and never gave it back!"
"I'm sorry, I put it back on your side of the table."
Something snapped in Azula's eyes. Sokka took notice of it. The anger turned into sadness, and it didn't take long for Azula to start crying.
She crossed her arms over her knees next to him on the stairs and cried. Sokka was in complete shock. He knew his best friend since childhood. She would never ever cry because of a lost pencil.
"Hey Azula, don't cry I ... I can search the whole building if need be."
"It was a gift from cousin Lu Ten." she said sobbing.
Sokka gently held her fingers in a soothing motion. He felt bad but had no idea what to do.
Suddenly she stopped crying and stood up. Again, something snapped in her eyes.
"Are you feeling better?" Sokka asked confused.
"Better? I am wonderful! My best friend keeps losing my stuff! How can I not feel better." Azula said sarcastically, her eyebrows furrowed.
"Come now!" she took Sokka by his shirt and pulled him with her inside the academy building. Swearing she went to their locker.
"Woah Azula, do you really need to be this angry?" Sokka asked her.
"I think you just ripped my shirt." Sokka examined his shirt.
Something snapped in Azula's eyes again. This time she smirked. Her eyes sparked when she looked at Sokka intensely. He was so so attractive. And oh, how handsome he was she thought.
Confusion was overloading Sokka's brain. She neared him and put her fingers on his chin.
"Blue looks good on you Sokka!" she said.
Sokka looked at his shirt. It was red right now. Was Azula hallucinating?
"As much as I enjoy this red, I want you to see in blue this evening when you dance with me at the school party." Azula told him.
"Uhm, okay." Sokka blushed deeply and scratched the back of his neck. What was happening to Azula? She was unusual.
The ring bell in that moment and Azula took his hand.
"Come now boomerang boy, we need to go to class." she said and urged him to walk with her.
Entering the chemistry lab, Azula needed to sperate from him to go to her group.
She put one hand over his chest looking lovingly at Sokka.
"I will miss you!" she said and unlinked their hands.
Mai and Sokka took eye contact just then. Sokka just shrugged his shoulders and Mai shook her head and turned to her work. It was Azula and Sokka after all, they were anything but normal.
After an hour of Azula being all flirting and giggles, she and Sokka walked to their lockers to gain their stuff.
Azula took Sokka's hand and played with his fingers.
"Will you pick me up in the evening Sokka?" she asked him smiling.
"Uhm, sure." he replied. Still not sure if he should ask what's happening with her. Something seemed off with her. Or maybe something was off with him?
Before he could give her behavior more thoughts Azula closed her eyes and pressed her lips to his, surrounding his neck with her arms. Sokka's eyes grew wide, and he gasped.
Azula was kissing him. His childhood friend was pressing her lips to his.
Jet was walking through the hallway in that moment and spitted his drink, when he saw them.
Sokka couldn't help but enjoy the feel of her lips and calmed after a while. Before he could do more, Azula broke the kiss.
"See you in the evening Sokka." she whispered against his lips and went out of the hallway.
"What... what's happening now?!" Jet asked perplexed.
Sokka with a wide smile and starstruck as he was, ignored Jet's shock.
Sokka walked to school before he went to pick up Azula. He forgot his bag in the morning. After Azula kissed him he felt like he was flying the whole day, his mind gone.
"Sokka, what are you doing here early?" Song approached him. She was checking if the plans for the the party that would take place in an hour went fine.
"Forgot my bag." he replied friendly.
"Shouldn't you be meeting Princess Azula?" she asked smiling.
Sokka turned to her. Knowing well what she was asking.
"Alright, maybe it's good you ask, it was eating me the whole day. I don't know who I should talk to honestly. So, Azula has... ehhmm a crush on me?" he explained.
Song raised an eyebrow.
"Don't look at me that way, she was different the whole morning. Flirted with me and took my hand. And then... she kissed me." he smiled at the last part. As weird as everything was right now, he still enjoyed the taste of her lips very much.
"And that's bad?" Song asked.
"I don't know. I mean, we're best friends but it's not like I never thought about it. I mean how could I not, she is... she is the most amazing woman and person!" he said.
"Listen to your heart Sokka and talk with her openly. This is the most important advice I can give you." Song said smiling. "I need to go check the kitchen now. See you guys later."
"Sokka! Sokka!" the Mechanist came rushing to him.
Where is Princess Azula and your sister?" he asked.
"At home." Sokka replied.
"Something horrible happened..." the Mechanist continued.
He explained that he found the glass bottle with his newest invention broken in his room. And that the last two people that were inside were Azula and Katara. After a short panic, he told Sokka to watch out for them both and that the effect should be go away soon.
Sokka was even more confused now. No, he was sad.
Busy as he was with his own thoughts and feelings, he didn't notice much with Katara at home. Though she brought Aang with her and acted very happy. The thought didn't make him feel better.
But Azula? Does that mean she didn't like him the way he thought she did?
"I have no idea what got into me. I was just very angry, then sad and then very happy for no particular reason." Azula told her brother on their way to school. She decided not to wait for Sokka. How must he feel now?
"I can't believe you kissed Sokka! How could you do that and then in the middle of the hallway!" Zuko said angrily.
Mai rolled her eyes and just walked beside the siblings.
"At least you could have told me yourself. If it wouldn't be for Jet to tell Mai, I wouldn't have known." Zuko said.
"Could you maybe shut up! It's enough now!" Azula replied back.
Sokka was walking out of the school building when their ways crossed.
Zuko stopped on his heels and growled at Sokka. Then he just walked past him.
"Sokka, I..." Azula started.
"I know, the Mechanist told me what happened." Sokka said. He explained her everything and Azula wanted to punch the man in the face.
"Well, I'm sorry for acting weird the whole day." she said.
"It's okay." Sokka said smiling. "I..."
"Azula, Sokka what are you waiting, get inside." Ty Lee ran into them and pulled Azula on the school grounds.
Sokka wanted to talk with Azula. But was it a good idea? He always enjoyed his time with her, but right now, after what happened, he felt like he needed to be closer to her than ever.
They got time didn't they? He would give Azula time to regain herself after what happened today. They spend most of their time in each other's company. They got time. He got time...
He watched Azula from afar, smiling. His feet started to move but suddenly he stopped.
Katara! Was she with Aang? How was she feeling.
"Sokka, come now." Azula yelled. "I have bad news for you." she said smirking. He already knew what she was going to tell her. The triumphant smirk on her beautiful face told her, he was about to find out his sister was in a relationship with Aang.
Still, he went to Azula's side and enjoyed his evening next to her. No matter what happened in his life, when he was next to her, everything was better. It's been always like this, and it would stay that way.
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comic-book-fan-us · 2 years
Ghost of Ozai: Chapter 2
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     “Shut up.”
     “Are you planning to sleep all day?”
     “That’s not good for you.”
     Azula growled as she pulled herself into a sitting position. Fake Ursa was standing at the foot of her bed, frowning. Because she was always frowning.
     “You’re a real pain in the ass, you know that?” she snapped.
     “I just want to help you.”
     “Like hell you do. Don’t bother me today.”
     “Don’t you want to get better?”
     “What I want is to make sure I never have to see that awful institution again.  If people see me talking to a ghost, I’ll be shoved back in that cell.”
     Azula realized she was talking to a delusion, but it felt so real. It would be hard to ignore her not-mom chattering at her.
     At Fake Ursa’s insistence, Azula pulled on a simple tunic and pants. Thankfully, Zuko had kept all her old clothes. She almost felt grateful.
     “Now your hair,” Fake Ursa commanded.
     “I can’t.”
     “Why not?”
     “You know why,” Azula replied through gritted teeth.
     “I don’t understand.”
     “I. Don’t. Know. How.”
     “Oh, right. I forgot.”
     “I hate you!” Azula snarled.
     “Azula?” Mai’s voice called from behind the bedroom door. “Who are you talking to?”
     “Just a spider!” she called back.
     “Alright. Do you need help with anything?”
     “What about your hair?”
     Azula cracked the door open and gave her old friend a death glare.
     “What makes you think that I, Princess Azula of the Fire Nation, heir to the throne, need your help with a trivial task like styling my own hair?”
     Mai rolled her eyes. “Because I’ve known you since childhood. The same reason I know you won’t accept help. So, as Fire Lady, I demand you let me help you.”
     Azula rolled her eyes.  “Technically, you’re not a Fire Lady until you and Zuzu get married.”
     Despite her protest, she allowed Mai into her room, if only so she had someone corporeal to talk to. Azula realized Mai was carrying a small bag. From it, she pulled out a golden comb.
     “Before we get to styling, we need to get the knots out of your hair.” Mai patted the corner of Azula’s bed. “Sit here.”
     The princess complied. It occurred to her that she was being unusually docile. The thought was yanked out of her head when Mai pulled apart a knot.
     “Ow! Watch it, that hurts!”
     “You shouldn’t have let your hair get so tangled,” Mai admonished. “We could wash it, if–”
     A chill ran up Azula’s spine as she instinctively shouted “NO!”
     Azula’s face flushed as she realized that she had just shrieked at the prospect of washing her hair.
     “Oooh-kay,” Mai replied confusedly. She continued combing.
     “So, uhm,” Azula sputtered, “is anyone — ow — is anyone else staying — ah — at the palace that I should – gah – should know about, or — ow, ow, OW! — am I a special case?”
     “The Kyoshi Warriors are staying here for a bit,” Mai replied.
     “The Kyoshi Warriors? We dressed as them to infiltrate Ba Sing Se?”
     “Oh, yes! The — ouch — fan girls.”
     Mai sighed. “That joke really isn’t as funny as you think it is.”
     “Oh, please, Mai. I know that — ack — you secretly like my jokes.”
     “I won’t confirm or deny that,” the noblewoman snarked. “Allright, I think the combing’s done. Do you want the same hairstyle you had before Sozin’s Comet?”
     Did she? The idea of having to ask Mai or someone else to help her every morning sounded like a nightmare.
     “Why don’t you just cut it short?” Azula blurted out.
     “What? What’s wrong with it?”
     “Nothing. It’s just… different. But I bet you’d look good with short hair.”
     “You… You think so?” Azula hated how vulnerable she was right now, but genuine compliments were few and far between nowadays.
     “Of course.”
     Azula nodded, allowing the softest smile to grace her face. “Okay. Let’s do it, then.”
     After warning her to stay still, Mai pulled a pair of scissors from her bag and went to work. Azula contemplated the situation. When she was first thrown into the institution, she had entertained herself by imagining how she would take revenge on the people who’d put her there. Zuko, Mai, Ty Lee, the Avatar, the peasant girl, even occasionally her father — She’d envisioned breaking free, tracking them down, and making each of them pay. After a few months, however, the fantasies had lost their appeal, and her stupid imagined mother had actually started to make her feel guilty about some of her past actions. She’d eventually admitted to herself that she might have made a few bad choices in the past. Now, here she was, alone in a room with Mai, and she felt… okay? Better than she’d felt for the last year, at least.
     “You don’t have to do this, you know,” Azula muttered.
     “Well, I’ve already started cutting,” droned Mai. “You’d just look stupid if I stopped now, and that wouldn’t reflect very well on me, would it?”
     “That’s not what I meant,” the princess groaned. “You don’t have to… be nice to me. Pretend you like me. I know you’re afraid of me. That’s the only reason we… why you and I…”
     Her voice trailed off.
     Mai chuckled. “Azula, how long have you known me?”
     “I don’t know, ten years?”
     “And during all that time, have I ever gone out of my way to spend time with someone I dislike?”
     Azula wasn’t convinced, but it was clear Mai wasn’t willing to admit otherwise.
     Mai’s nose crinkled. “Speaking of honesty, you absolutely reek! When was the last time you bathed?”
     Bathe. Bath. Water. Water.
     Wet. Cold. Dark. Deep. Sink.
     “It’s b-b-been a while, I g-guess.”
     Mai clearly heard Azula stutter, but didn’t comment on it. “I think I’m done.”
     A hand mirror was shoved into her face. Taking it, she was shocked by how different she looked. The topknot and long symmetrical bangs that she’d had since childhood were replaced by a short pixie cut. She actually kind of liked it. What she didn’t like was how much more prominent her bruised eye was without her bangs in the way.
     “Damnit!” she swore. She hadn’t even considered her injury when she’d asked for the haircut. Now her weakness was on display for anyone to see!
     “This was a mistake,” Azula whined. “What have you done?”
     “Come on,” Mai huffed. “It can’t be that bad.”
     “Azula, you’re being rude,” chided Fake Ursa.
     “Shut UP!” the Fire Princess screamed. “I don’t want to talk to you!”
     “I’m just—”
     “You’re NOT helping me!” Azula whirled to face the apparition. “You’re just making everything worse! I hate you! I hate seeing you! I hate talking to you! Get out of my life!”
     Azula’s heart dropped. Mai was glaring at her.
     “M-M-Mai, I—”
     “I can’t believe I wasted time on this,” her old friend snarled. “Why did I think we could be friends again? You’re insufferable!”
     Mai stomped into the hallway, slamming the door behind her.
     “Now look what you did,” Fake Ursa admonished.
     “Me?” Azula growled. “That was all your fault!”
     “I’m not real, remember? I’m only a manifestation of your own subconscious thoughts. I’m your conscience.”
     “You’re not my conscience! You’re just a pest!”
     “That’s not what Doctor Ichiro said.”
     “Screw Doctor Ichiro!” Azula spat. “If you were my conscience, you would be helping me do the right thing! All you do is scold me and remind me of all the times I did the wrong thing!”
     “Then you should have done the right thing more often.”
     Azula had no comeback.
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skylar896 · 9 months
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↺ ᴿᴱᴾᴱᴬᵀ ‖ ᴾᴬᵁˢᴱ ≫ ᴺᴱˣᵀ ˢᴼᴺᴳ
"Hello my name is Huerta, [Name]. I'm from the United Stwates, I'm 5 years old and I'm dotter [daughter] of a famwes pro hero from my homeland and my other Papa from here is also a pro hero. I'll be in your care and and visa versa. Thank you for listaning to my int- intro-duck-shin." I said reading off the paper I had carefully written before meeting my kindergarten class.
"Wow from the United States, you say, that so far from here. Well, class I hope you enjoy it here and make some new friends here. If you need anything please come and find me." I nodded off and looked around to spot an empty seat.
There was one in the back with no one and that was perfect for me. From what Ash told me sitting by yourself is more of a luxury than sitting with people. When I first arrived I felt very nervous that I wanted to throw up, but Pappy calmed my nerves down with breathing techniques.
Preschool in Japan is very different from home but I never went to preschool since it was too expensive. I had to change shoes before coming into the school which also confused me. Pappy had to answer many questions about preschools here from my homeland. Though I was left somewhat unsatisfied I was happy that I could prevent any digression here before I could do anything that would be disrespectful to them.
Slows I patted my lab listening a bit as I tried to calm down my fast heartbeat. "Okay, children. Craft time is now in section." Announced the Teacher before a flock of kids ran behind me to their cubbies. I was petrified and waited a bit before going back there and grabbing a small white box, blue board, and heading towards my seat. I felt nervous and didn't touch it until someone did.
When craft time was in process, I was bombarded by compliments about my wyvern clay. "U..ummm thank you" was all I could muster before bowing slight and returning to my work. Though a child wouldn't stop talking to me because of how cool my wyvern was. "My name is Midoriya Izuku." He introduced himself to me.
"Huerta, [Name]. But please call me by my first name. I'm still getting used of calling everyone's last name." I insisted to him because it felt weird being called my last name here. We got to chating a bit before craft time was over and by the end of it I was now sitting with him and friends table. In the end it wasn't as bad as I thought, I met his childhood friend Bakugo Katsuki and the other three so I didn't feel that lonely that day.
"¡De ninguna manera, vamos!" - No way, come on!
I silently cursed a bit before walking home. It's been 10 years since I was last home with my bio family, almost 11 now. Pappy just texted me that he was going to be late again. Now I was wondering who's meeting him in the mornings these past few months. "Is he secretly meeting up lover... No papa said that he's given up on dating well before he met me... Maaaaybeeee an old friend/acquaintance?"
"Well it can be helped.... Sure I maybe a child, but I can take care of myself.." I could only sigh before hoping the fence again. I stopped my bike and looked around before biking home once more. "Should I call Katsuki, Or maybe should I talk to him in person." The big truck passed by as I waited for the sign to show white. "Maybe I should bike there just to talk to him. It's been a while since I've last visited that bastard hehe."
"Why the hell are you here?"
"Oh come on, Kacchan! It's not like the first time I've broken into you house."
"THAT THAT WHOLE POINT ASSHOLE!" I gave him a smug face before making myself at home, "Geez shouldn't you talk to you childhood friend much nicer, KitKat.", "Die!"
"You too, Kacchan. Anyways how's your health been doing after the attack. To be honest I was worried for both your's and Zuzu's health." I was getting straight to the point to him. "Shut the hell up. That dumbass–", "Bakugo..", "Tch, that Nerd was only in the way. I was fine dealing with that slug monster."
"But that's the point of help out. You're quirk wasn't compatible to deal with that villains. Izuku was just trying to help out, that's all." I consulted with him, having my hand on his shoulder. "I'm fine okay... Nothing abnormally wrong with me for the past few days of that attack." I could sigh to him and nodded.
"Well since I'm here how we chat a bit more. It only been a few years since we all reconnected and had our own talks." He nodded with idea and we both headed down stairs. He prepared the Macha tea for us both as we chatted away the next 2 hours.
"Thanks for the tea, Kacchan! I owe ya'!" I waved back at him. "Yeah, yeah. Now get out." I huffed and went on my merry way back home to prepare dinner.
"Hey!", "Mhm?" I brake my bike and turned around. It was Kacchan running up to me, "You asshat, here." And he has my phone in hand. "Oh shit! Okay now I owe you double for this. " and I when off my merry way again.
Fun fact - The title 'Sun Roof' was inspired by Nicky Youre, Daze song- 'Sunroof'. It was playing in my car when I wrote it that day...
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dourpeep · 3 years
I’m gonna expose myself because my stupidity will make me cry lmao
I got Thoma and Hu Tao (was nowhere near pity) on my first 10 and 20 pull respectively (I wanted Thoma and if Hu Tao came home that was a plus) but me being the greedy dumbfuck I am had to try and get some constellations and their weapons (I was pulling and chanting in my head “the weapon banner is not worth for f2p” but my finger kept pressing the mouse button). Now I’m 26.586 primogenless and I have no one to blame except myself. I am so sorry Albedo, I though I had more self restraint, I only wanted to do a 10 maybe 20 pull in this banner…
- a broke and regretful zuzu
ahhhh the woes of gacha nodnod
You really have to have a strong will and resist pulling more than your already planned budget nodnod I hope that Thoma + Hu Tao prove to be good additions for you though!!
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celestofisekai · 3 years
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Please tell me if anyone want a continuation of this or not but yeah here is a pilot chapter kind of thing. To test the waters if anyone is actually interested in a fic like this. Likes and comments are appreciated!
A little girl was standing in the snow making a snowman before she saw a boy sitting on the bench alone. ‘He seemed lonely.’ she thought, abandoning the snowman to approach the boy. “Hi!” she exclaimed from beside the boy who jumped at her voice. "Uh, h-hi." he greets back. The little girl got up to the bench and sat beside him before introducing herself, "My name's (L/N) (Y/N)! Nice to meet you!"
"My name's Miyamura Izumi. Nice to meet you too." he answered, playing with the hem of his coat. "So…" Both (Y/N) and Izumi played together that day. Making snow angels, snowman, and other snowy activities. For once, Izumi didn't feel alone. Since that day on they always meet up together. Izumi's mother and (Y/N)'s mother would set up playdates for them both. Everytime they would look so happy playing together before that fateful day.
"No! I don't want to go! I wanna stay here with Zuzu!" (Y/N) screamed out loud, throwing a temper tantrum right outside of their house. Her father was packing their things while her mom was trying to calm her down. "Come on, sweetie. How about we go see him before we go to the airport?" she suggested, trying to calm her down. It worked a little because she stopped her screaming but the crying still continued.
Her mother carried her inside the car and put her in the back seat as she silently cried holding her teddy bear. Not long after the car starts moving her cries dies down before finally stopping completely. The car ride to Izumi's house wasn't that long, only 10 minutes. Once her mother let her down she bolted to the door knocking it making sure her teddy didn't fall down. The door was opened by Izumi's mother and without a word (Y/N) bolted inside to find Izumi while his mother and her parents were talking.
"I'm so sorry, Miyamura-san. She has been crying not wanting to go to the airport." (Y/N)'s mother explained, apologizing to his mother for their daughter running in. As both of them talked, (Y/N) went to where Izumi was. "Zuzu." she called out, crying and running to hug him. "E, uh...please don't cry. What happened?" he replied, patting her head to calm her down.
"Mommy said we are moving to (Y/C/N)."
"Oh." he answered, as the issue hasn't settled yet. As children both of them didn't understand why they couldn't stay together. So, both of them made makeshift drawings to present to her parents to make her stay. Once they're finished, they bring it out and put it in front of her parents and his mother.
"Reasons why (Y/N) should stay. Number 1…" both (Y/N) and Izumi explained everything to their parents but all three of them just looked at each other with a sad expression. "Sweetheart, I'm sorry. That's not how it works. We have already scheduled a flight there. You two can still talk on the phone, okay?" her mother explained, crouching down to her height. "No! I'm staying in Japan with Zuzu!" she exclaimed, hugging Izumi from the side.
Her father stood up and walked towards her. "Come on, sweetheart. We really can't stay here for long." her father tries to convince her. When her father tried to untangle her from the hug, Izumi and (Y/N) moved back to avoid her father. 
10 years later
"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to XXX Airport. Local time is 08.30 and the temperature is 22゜C.
For your safety and comfort, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened until the Captain turns off the Fasten Seat Belt sign. This will indicate that we have parked at the gate and that it is safe for you to move about. Please turn off all cellular devices. Cellular phones may only be used once the Fasten Seat Belt sign has been turned off.
Please check around your seat for any personal belongings you may have brought on board with you and please use caution when opening the overhead bins, as heavy articles may have shifted around during the flight.
If you require deplaning assistance, please remain in your seat until all other passengers have deplaned. One of our crew members will then be pleased to assist you.
On behalf of XXX Airlines and the entire crew, I’d like to thank you for joining us on this trip and we are looking forward to seeing you on board again in the near future. Have a nice day!” the stewardess stated as the plane started to descend to land. Not long after that announcement the plane has successfully landed in XXX Airport.
The fasten seatbelt sign has turned off to defasten. Slowly people started to take their cabin luggage and walked out including (Y/N). "I'm finally back." she mumbled as she walked down the hallway to go inside the airport. She walked with the others to the luggage belt. Taking her (F/C) luggage from the moving belt and continuing through the process before finally reaching out to the front of the airport.
She got a taxi to go back to her old home. Her parents never sold their old home just in case their daughter wanted to go back here. Once she arrived at her old home, she thanked and paid the driver before opening the gates of her childhood home. Locking the gate behind her walking towards the door. "This house needs a little TLC." she stated, looking around the perimeter. Taking a deep breath before opening the door.
Everything is still where it was before even though it was covered in white sheets to protect it from dust. She put her luggages in one of the bedrooms before going to the supermarket to buy cleaning supplies and cutlery.
Floor soap
She went around the supermarket for the supplies. When she was picking glassware, a voice called out to her, "(Y/N)? Is that you?"
"Yes…? Do I know you?" she replied, turning around to face the person. "It's me, Mrs. Miyamura. It's been a long time since I saw you." Mrs. Miyamura replied, a look of recognition lit up in (Y/N)'s eyes. "Mrs. Miyamura! How has it been?" (Y/N) exclaimed, hugging Mrs. Miyamura. "I've been good. How about you? How was living in (Y/C/N)?" she asked.
"It was absolutely amazing. I…" (Y/N) continued to speak with Mrs. Miyamura as they walked around the supermarket for the things she needed. "Where are you going for school?" Mrs. Miyamura asked, reaching out to grab a carton of milk. “Oh I’m going to be attending Katagiri High School.” you replied, counting the things in your cart.
“Ah, Izumi also attends Katagiri. Maybe you guys can walk there together like when you were kids.” she stated, smiling kindly at me. You just laugh awkwardly at her comment. ‘I don’t think that’ll be the case.’ you thought before saying goodbye to Mrs. Miyamura. She walked towards the cashier and paid for everything.
‘I don’t even think he will remember me.’
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elmouwus · 2 years
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♡ chapter one • zuzu’s smile ♡
year 3! izuku midoriya, katsuki bakugo, shoto todoroki x f! midnights daughter! reader
summary – Y/N retells the story of how she met, fell in love, & broke up with izuku midoriya to her new classmates
warnings – fluff.
3021 words xx.
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Midoryia was flustered and in shock, one minute he was arguing with Todoroki about being All Might's love child and now he was fighting for a seat next to Y/N at lunch. He hadn't seen her in so long that he didn't even know what to say to her, and here he thought he had grown from his small 13 year old emotional self again, yet here he was.. flustered and mumbling to himself. He thought back to the scene from earlier this morning.
"LoVeRs?!" The entire class rang out together staring at Y/N and the three boys in disbelief. The three boys were just as confused as the class was, how could they not have known that they all dated the same girl at some point?
"Bakubro I knew you were a sly dog but I didn't think you were THAT sly," Kirishima said, standing up patting Bakugo's shoulder who pushed him off.
"You guys are gods," Mineta said in awe.
"You guys all seem so fun," Y/N said, laughing.
'Her laugh,' all three boys thought, 'I've missed it.'
"Y/N, if I can call you that," Mina interjected as she stood up and stood near the pop star who she received a nod from, "how are you a past lover of ALL THREE of UA's Big Three?"
Y/N smiled, "well," she squished Midoriya's freckled face, "I dated Zuzu here when I was 13," she moved over to Bakugo who was on the other side of Todoroki, "Kats here, I dated when I was 15," she then turned and looked at Todoroki, "and Sho, well we dated when I was 16."
Y/N walked a bit away from the boys and looked at the three in awe, she looked just as love stricken as the three boys, "they're my boys," she said with a soft smile and a happy sigh. Even after the explanation the three boys were still very confused.
'Of course someone as cool as she is would date Shoto and Kacchan,' Midoriya thought as he came back to the conversation happening in front of him. He had unfortunately lost the war with Bakugo for the seat next to Y/N, who had growled at him like a dog. So, he ended up sitting in front of her, Todoroki being on her other side. Mina sat next to Midoriya and was the one mainly speaking to Y/N as the majority of the class had fought to sit at her table along with the rest of the school when they realized Princess Aika was in their cafeteria.
Luckily, the Big Three were ultimately her guard dogs, nobody would be able to get too close to her with UA's Big Three guarding her, especially with Bakugo's famous growl and glare. Fortunately, with Y/N's sweet ‘Princess Aika’ voice she was able to convince people that she would give them autographs at lunch tomorrow. Sitting with her she had learned were her three boys, along with Ejirou who was next to Kats and Momo who was next to Sho, and across from her was Tenya, Yuga, with Zuzu in the middle, then Mina and Denki. She had practically forced everyone to drop formalities as she hated it and felt like it was a barrier to their up and coming friendships together.
Mina had mainly done the talking and asking, as many people weren't able to get anything in edgewise as she was way too excited to hear how her idol had dated the three hottest guys at UA and still had them wrapped around her finger. Before Mina could ask her another question Katsuki cut her off, "Raccoon Eyes how about you let someone else ask a question for once, huh?!"
Mina blew her cheeks up with air and pouted as Katsuki adjusted and faced Y/N, his arm on the back of her chair, "so you wanna explain how you somehow dated me, but also dated these two dweebs? Especially stupid Deku over here?"
Izuku rolled his eye and pouted as Y/N slapped Katsuki's arm, "don't you talk about him that way, you big bull-"
"No it's okay, Bunny, Kacchan is always like this," Izuku says, rubbing the back of his neck. Y/N stared at him for a second, finally getting the chance to take in his 'new' appearance. His hair was still fluffy but obviously taken better care of than when she last saw him, as his curls were now defined, as if he started taking care of them, but he did have an undercut. He had gotten much taller and buffer and his style changed too, he had piercings and his nails were painted black, she had to admit in her eyes he wasn't her cute little Zuzu anymore, he was her hot and grown up Zuzu.
"BuNnY?!" The table asked loudly, making Izuku and Y/N both laugh softly.
"Zuzu I don't care how he usually is, your appearance may have changed but I see you're still too nice to stand up for yourself," she said the last part softly before looking at Katsuki, "you better not call him that again."
"Not gonna happen," he grumbled at her as he slouched back in his chair. Before she could continue her argument with him, Shoto had interjected, "Snowflake?"
She turned towards him with a soft smile, "yes Sho?"
"Even though Bakugo is being a dick, could you answer the question? I'm very curious and confused about this to be honest."
"Oh yes, please tell us how you dated all three of them?" Mina and Denki both said with large smiles.
"Oh sure," Aika smiled, "I wonder where I'd start, they're all pretty long stories."
"How about the beginning," Momo suggested. Ejirou agreed with her, "yeah, start there."
"Maybe we should just let Miss. Kayama eat," Tenya said, trying to be helpful.
"Ida! I told you to call me Y/N, please drop the formalities, we're all gonna be very good friends, I just know it. Anyways.. the beginning.. I guess that starts off with Zuzu," she smiled brightly, "he was my very first boyfriend. I know how hot he looks now but I'm sure you all know how cute he was just a few years ago. What a shame I missed puberty hitting huh?" She said, licking her lips.
Izuku gulped as his face turned red, he felt like he was his 13 year old self all over again, all thanks to Y/N.
"I met Izuku when I was about 13, we went to different schools but we lived in the same neighborhood.. That's when Mom and I were keeping a low profile because of a rise in villain attacks against heroes and their families. I met him at the local creek..."
13 year old Y/N was currently practicing her gymnastics on a log that was over a creek. Ever since the move she wasn't able to be with her uncles and god fathers as she usually would to stay occupied but thanks to the rise of hero family deaths she had to stay clear of them to protect herself and them. So here she was, in the middle of the woods practicing gymnastics alone.
She was currently doing a handstand and just as she was flipping out of it, she heard a yell, "be careful!"
But it was too late, she had slipped on moss and found herself falling into the creek below. As she fell, it felt like it took forever. She spent the time wondering if she was going to die, what a gruesome thing to think at 13 but in the world she lived in people of all ages died under all circumstances. She thought, 'how embarrassing of a death this would be.' and just as she thought she might've landed on a rock or a sharp branch, she landed on a scrawny body.
"Ow," they both grumbled as they separated from each other, she stood up and then looked down at her savior, a boy about her age with a ball of fluffy green hair.
He was standing up himself, "that sure hurt."
"Of course it did, you just used your body as a safety net," she said, wiping herself off, "your quirk couldn't be used to help me out?'
The green haired boy wiped the back of his neck with a nervous smile on his face, "I-I don't have my quirk yet, but I couldn't have just let you fall. So I just did what I thought was best."
"That was incredibly stupid," she said causing the boy to frown but then she started smiling, "but very brave, thank you for being my hero."
The boy smiled at the girl , "yo-you're welcome, of-of course! How about we get out of the woods now?"
Y/N smiled and nodded following him out of the woods. It was clear the boy was flustered, how could he not be, this pretty girl just called him brave and a hero.. her hero.
The two sat in silence for a while which made her break it, "Well?"
Izuku looked at her confused, "what?"
"Shouldn't I know my hero's name?"
"Oh haha, I forgot about that. S-sorry about my manners, I'm Izuku Midoriya!"
"That's such a cute name," she smiled at her hero, "I'm Y/N."
"N-no last name?"
"That's classified information Zuzu," she said, winking causing the boy to blush even more. It was rare that a girl his age would be flirting with him, let alone talking to him.
The two talked as they walked and finally reached the entrance/exit, she looked at him, "how about you meet me here tomorrow cutie?"
Izuku smiled widely, she was so sweet, "S-sure, of-of course! After school?"
"Sure," she smiled, "see you tomorrow Zuzu."
"... and everyday after that I met him at that creek for about a year," Y/N said with a soft smile, she looked at Izuku, "he's changed a lot on the outside but just by looking at him right now I can tell that he's the same Zuzu," she reached over the table and caressed his face causing the table to awe, except for the three boys, Katsuki and Shoto were too busy being jealous that it wasn't them she was admiring while Izuku was flustered. He felt younger all over again, a puddle just for Y/N.
"How'd you get together though, that was just how you met," Mina said, interrupting their moment, making Izuku glare at the pink girl who stuck her tongue out at him making him do the same revealing his tongue piercing making Y/N gasp, "a tongue piercing?!"
"Y/N," Mina said, interrupting, "can you continue please?"
"Oh yeah," Y/N giggled, sitting with her legs up on her chair, leaning them on Shoto leaning her upper half on Katsuki while she spoke, making them both smile softly.
"It was so cute, we were at the creek.."
13 year old Y/N was snacking on her last baby carrot while she sat next to a 13 year old Izuku. The two were at their spot in the woods, next to the creek they met at, they had been meeting there for about 2 months at this point.
Y/N's snacking was interrupted when Izuku spoke, "B-Bunny, I- I have a question for you."
"Shoot Zuzu," Aika said with a small smile.
"S-so I was kinda wondering if- if y-you would mayb-"
"Izuku please spit it out already," she said, touching his hand with a small laugh.
"Okay.. Would you be my g-girlfriend, please," Izuku said, standing up and looking at her with a face of determination. Y/N stared at him, before she spoke Izuku cut her off, "unless you don't wanna," he rubbed the back of his neck, "you.. you're just so cool Bunny, and I just wanna be cool with you."
He let out a breath he hadn't realized he lost when Y/N started speaking, "Zuzu, I- I thought we were boyfriend and girlfriend?"
"You gave me your sweater the other day and I accepted. Is that not how it works?" Y/N asked him, standing up as well with a face of confusion.
"N-No it's not."
"Oh," she sat down and laughed. Years of not socializing with non Pro Hero kids was having some wear and tear on her brain, "well then yes, I will be your girlfriend."
Y/N laughed with the rest of the table, "and we started officially dating after that, for about a year. It was so great."
"So," Yuga started, "if things were so good, why'd you break up, Mademoiselle?"
Y/N looked across the table and reached her hand out and caressed Izuku's hand, "in the last few months of middle school, Zuzu stopped coming around so much, even his mom wasn't sure what was going on. I wanted to talk things out but," her hands moved down to her lap and she caressed her own instead, "I couldn't seem to find him, so when I got the chance to audition for a pop idol boot camp in South Korea, it wasn't that hard to end things, I thought that he hated me anyways.. So on the day we broke up we finally talked..."
It had been months since Y/N and Izuku had a decent moment together.. he had even missed her birthday. But she finally had her chance to become a star like she wanted, this was a once in a lifetime opportunity. So there she sat in his room waiting for him so they could talk, as Inko had let her right in.
She waited for him as she swung back and forth in his desk chair, after hours of waiting Izuku finally came into the room. He dropped his bag and then screamed as he saw Y/N sitting in his room, "B-BUNNY WHAT'RE Y-YOU DOING HERE?"
"To talk," she said softly, "We... we need to break up."
"I got an opportunity to audition for a pop idol boot camp in South Korea, and we haven't seen each other a lot anyways.."
"But that's be-because I've been training.. I'm sorry, I'll do anything."
"You couldn't train with me there? Or at least made an attempt to invite me?"
"Th-that's because-"
"I'm sorry Zuzu.. but I'm getting on a plane in the next few days and I won't have my phone for a while.. I just.. I think it's best. There isn't any changing my stance on this so please.." At this point both of them were crying, "just.. just promise me something."
"Please.. I'd do anything for you," Izuku said, wiping his tears and walking over to Y/N, holding her hand.
"Promise me that you'll always be my hero.. and that you'll never stop loving what you love most."
"You're what I love most," he sniffled. She laughed softly, "then do that, and never stop smiling. I wanna find your smile in my crowds when I get famous."
Y/N wiped a tear she hadn't known fell and went back to holding Izuku's hand, "and I can tell that he kept all of those promises.. even after all of this time. I'll never forget my Zuzu’s smile."
The table minus the two jealous boys awed while Katsuki softly grabbed Y/N’s wrist causing her to sit back down all the way and chuckle, much to Izuku's dismay, as Katsuki spoke, "enough about st-,” Y/N glared, causing him to sigh and correct himself, "Deku. How about you tell them about our epic love story," he says smirking at her. Y/N giggled as she caressed Katsuki's face, "sure Kats."
"I would love to hear about how Bakubro got to date a babe idol like you," Ejirou exclaimed, getting agreed nods and responses from the rest of the table.
"How did I get to date her? You saying I can't pull bitches, Shitty Hair?" Katsuki yelled as he stood up.
The whole table laughed, causing him to get more mad, "what're you extras laughing at," he asked as his hands started sparking causing Y/N to stand and grab his arm, "Teddy Bear," she said softly almost angelic like, “you know not to play with your food.” He rolled his eyes before smirking, “so I can just kill them instantly?” He asked as he turned to look at her.
She laughed, “how about later, can’t let them die not knowing about how we feel in love.”
She smiled at him and he scoffed but sat down in agreement, “you’re all lucky to live another day.”
"Please please tell us how you and Bakugo got together," Denki begged, "I absolutely have to hear this story."
"I agree," Momo nodded and leaned into the table to listen in better, "I'm rather intrigued by it."
She let go of Katsuki and smiled at her new friends, "right of course! Well, I met Katsuki wh-"
Y/N was interrupted by the sound of the bell which made her laugh, "guess it's a story for another time."
The table stood up and all of the students started walking together, Izuku and Shoto on both of Y/N's sides almost as soon as they began walking, while Katsuki sat at the table angry.
"Now how in the fuck does stupid Deku get the entire lunch hour and I have to wait," he said angrily before getting alerted by Y/N's sweet voice, "Kats are you coming or what," she asked as she turned to look at him with a large smile, the other two boys waiting as well.
"I'm coming, I'm coming," he grumbled as he stood up, rolling his eyes.
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chibi-writes · 4 years
I read the dorm leader and vice dorm leaders child chewing on something. But what about a child s/o who turns into a child due to mishap (I'm looking at ace and grim) and the dorm leader looking after the child mc. Thank you. If it's okay, can i make a request again like this but with vice dorm leaders next time?
Feel free to make requests anytime I have my requests open! I’ll usually be happy to write it!
Riddle Rosehearts
- “Trappola? Grim? Explain why s/o a child.” You could kinda sorta tell Riddle wasn’t happy with the incident. 
- You kick yourself out of Ace’s arms (effectively getting him in the gut, look, kids kicking you HURT man) and ran over to Riddle.
- “Widdle!” Holy shit Riddle is going to explode cause oh god that was adorable do it again your smile is so cute oh Great Seven help him.
- Riddle agreed to take care of you, under the condition this never happen again. And Grim and Ace score 100 on their next test.
- Riddle definitely had the help of Trey and Cater while taking care of you. 
- It was a breeze so long as you didn’t cry. When you did, Riddle would panic and only have a vague idea of what to do. Usually calms you down by indulging you in hugs and some small snacks.
Leona Kingscholar
- This one is less Leona taking care of you and more Ruggie. 
- Leona sees Ruggie hold up lil you and he just kinda... shrugs it off. Now you’re another Cheka, and I don’t think he has the patience for that
- You may or may not have affectionately dubbed Leona and Ruggie as “Weeona and Wuggie”
- Something that does happen (rarely) is when Leona naps and you escape Ruggie, you’ll curl up by Leona.
- If he happens to wake up, he’ll raise a brow, pat you on the head (maybe) and go back to sleep.
- At least like this, you aren’t making any noise.
Azul Ashengrotto
- “Ah Trappola. Did you come back for another dea-” Boom. A Child.
- Blinks for a minute to process what happened. Ace explains himself and Grim and Azul looks a little... how shall I say... miffed.
- Azul lets out a huff and agrees to take care of you. (He would have anyway) 
- His slightly sour mood is does a complete 180 once he hears, “A- zu-.... ZUZU!”
- hOLY SHIT YOU DIDN’T HAVE TO KILL HIM- j/ he’s crying it’s too cute oh god someone help him Jade call the ambulance he’s having a cardiac arrest OH GREAT SEVEN HELP HIM hj/
- At first he lets Floyd (gently) play around with you to tucker you out a bit. It works wonders when dealing with kids trust me. And when you’re finally tired, he’ll let you rest right beside him on one of the VIP room couches. 
- He might even sing you to sleep. After all he does have a wonderful voice. 
Kalim Al Asim
- Jamil comes into the room holding little you and Kalim wants an explanation asap. Why are you little? WHAT HAPPENED
- Jamil explains it’s a temporary de-aging potion caused by someone spilling one on you by mistake.
- “Ka-...... K- KAWIM.” comes out of your mouth as you point to Kalim. Oh god his heart. Kalim’s poor heart someone help him it’s too cute. 
- Kalim offers to help take care of lil you (you’re his s/o and all) with the help of Jamil. (Jamil mostly there to supervise just in case)
- God forbid you cry. That would launch both Kalim and Jamil into panic mode because I highly doubt either have much experience with little kids. Would attempt to calm you down with food or head pats and hugs. It works. surprisingly enough.
- Kalim and you runs around and play until you’re tuckered out and before a nap you eat and next thing you know Kalim and you are passed the hell out on his (huge) bed. 
- Y’all are too cute I swear- Jamil TAKE A PICTURE TO IMMORTALIZE THIS ALREADY-
Vil Schoenheit
- When Rook comes into the Pomfiore dorm holding a child, Vil just kinda like “Why... Why do you have a child Rook?” Rook explains that’s you but someone spilt a potion on you and now need someone to take of you.
- Vil is fine taking care of you just don’t destroy anything. Hides all the makeup if he has any accessible or just lying around.
- Would offer to play basically Runway Model. (y’know when you were a kid and you would pretend to be a model regardless of whether you were dressed up or not? Yeah that) 
- You wouldn’t give any sort of cute nickname, since Vil is a bit of a hard name to mess up, but every time you said his name he just go “ok. That’s cute.” and pat you on the head. 
- Puts you to bed before working on some of his studies. He checks up on you every now and again with soft smile. ‘How cute’
Idia Shroud
- Well, first things first, Idia already doesn’t understand why there’s a child in his room other than Ortho. Second, why does said child concern him?
- Wait that’s you... Ah... okay... WAIT WHAT-
- Idia knows nothing about real life children but the internet does! Does little quick research just in case, and proceeds to attempt to take care of you. “I- Id- Iida!” Close but no kid. It’s adorable though. You try again. “I- Idiwa!” Close but double the adorable! 
- Accidentally focuses more on taking care of you than himself throughout the day but it’s fine Ortho’s there to at least remind him that food and water are something he needs to y’know SURVIVE
- Great seven help him if you cry. He’ll try and not panic cause Noise, but calms you down relatively enough to get you to eat or drink something. 
- but anyway, distracts you with video games. Bright colors keep you entertained enough right?
- You constantly laugh at the scenes and animation sequences and even some of Idia’s own commentary. 
-You kinda get sleepy and drift off while he’s focusing on a boss. Once he’s done he sees you napping and puts a blanket over you to keep you warm. His room is probably hella cold cause of all the computer stuff.
Malleus Draconia
- Lilia walks in with lil you and Malleus is confused and amused. “Why is a human child here?”
- Lilia states you failed to make a certain potion with your lab partners and it resulted in this. Ah. That makes sense. 
- He picks you up, basically beaming at the adorable child of man before him. You smile back, then point to him and say “M- Mm- Mal-” “Take your time little one-” “MAL MAL” Great Seven help him that was so cute holy shit 
- Happily takes care of you (he could reverse it with magic but this is cuter and it’ll be over by tomorrow so why not y’know)
- Is really really good about taking care of you. You rarely cried and that was when Malleus had to grab something from the other room but other than that, it was great!
- You fall asleep after awhile and Malleus stays with you, keeping you close, which leads to an adorable moment for Lilia to capture in picture form.
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babypandawrites · 3 years
hello! could i possibly request something with azula and a daughter reader? like maybe they're feeding the turtle ducks or something? just pure fluff. thank you!
Sunny Day 
Pairing: Azula & Daughter Reader Warnings: None Word Count: 647 Summary: You get to spend a nice afternoon with your mother, feeding the turtle ducks 
Note: Aw, this is a cute little idea. I hope I did it justice and that you enjoy! <3 
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Today it is sunny outside I think its sunny everyday Has it ever not been sunny? I dont think I know!
“What are you up to?” A squeak came from the young girl's throat, startled by the sudden voice and hand on her shoulder. Quickly, she dramatically shut the cover of the journal she was writing in. She looked wide eyed at the person kneeling next to her, before a wide smile took over her features. “Mom!” Dropping the journal and pen to the ground, she threw her arms around the woman, burying her head in her shoulder. “Oh- Okay. Hello.” Azula lifted a hand to gently pat the girls back, offering a slight smile when she pulled away from the hug. Gaze drifting to the journal forgotten on the ground, she grinned and picked it up. “What’s this?” Gasping, Y/n tugged the journal away from her mother before she could start flipping through the pages. “You can’t read it!” “Why is that?” “Well um…” She thought for a moment, hugging the journal close to her chest. “Uncle Zuzu said you’re not allowed to. Yeah.” She nodded in affirmation to her own words, a pleased expression on her face. After a short moment, though, her expression fell. “Wait no… That is not what he told me to say- Pretend I didn’t say that! I never said that! Huh-uh.” This time she shook her head, giving extra clarification that she indeed did not say that. Azula watched the girl with an amused expression. “Right.” She took a mental note to bring this up with Zuko. What right did he think he had? Conspiring against her with her own daughter. Doesn’t he have his own to do that with? “You wanted to feed the turtle ducks, did you not?” “Oh!” Y/n dropped the journal once again, clapping her hands a few times before clasping them together. “Yes! I want to feed the turtle ducks! I like feeding them everyday because how else are their tiny little mouths going to get food?” She pointed her index fingers at the corners of her own mouth, eyes crossing for a moment before she looked at her mother with a smile. Watching as the young girl twisted to grab a bread roll she brought outside to feed the turtle ducks with, Azula smiled softly. Y/n tore the roll in half, twisting back around to offer one of the halves to her mother. “I can show you how to feed them!” The woman raised an eyebrow. “I think I know how to feed turtle ducks.” “Well. I’m gonna show you anyways.” She crumbled her roll half in her hand as she spoke. After crumbling it, she looked at Azula expectantly. “What?” Y/n heaved out a sigh, throwing her head back annoyed. “You’re supposed to do what I do! Because I’m teaching you!” She pointed at the bread her mother held, with her free hand. “Now crumble!” “Alright, alright.” Azula crumbled the bread she held. “Now what?” Shuffling closer to the edge of the pond, Y/n settled into her knees and leaned slightly over the water, reaching her hand out to sprinkle some of the crumbs into the water. “You feed them! Duh!” Following her daughter, Azula moved to sit closer to the pond, and sprinkled the bread crumbs into the water. “You know, I had a different way of feeding the turtle ducks when I was younger.” “I know. Uncle Zuzu told me, that’s why I decided I had to teach you the right way to do it!” She threw the rest of the crumbs out into the pond, watching the turtle ducks swim towards them and eat them from the waters surface. “See, they’re happy so this is the right way.” Once again following suit of Y/n, Azula tossed her remaining crumbs out further into the pond as well. “Of course it is.”
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Unlikely friends: Part 2
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Azula comes to visit you in the earth kingdom and the two of you spend more time together leading Azula to confess her feelings.
Part one here
Part three here
Azula’s POV
Azula lasted 1 month, 2 weeks and 4 days before she took you up on your offer to escape to the earth kingdom. She and Zuko had gotten into a silly argument and Azula really wanted to get away from the fire nation and him. So she wrote to you and received a reply hours later. You told her to come immediately and listed the address. So Azula was walking through the streets of an earth kingdom village searching for Toph’s school. It was pretty easy, the whole town seemed to be proud to be chosen by Toph Beifong and she passed many people in uniforms or signs boasting this was the proud location of the best earth bending school in the world. Azula knew she’d arrived when she found an 8-foot statue of Toph outside a large building. She supposed Toph herself had made it and had to admire the girl’s confidence. Azula knocked on the door but it fell open. She walked inside and could hear the soft thudding of earth bending somewhere further inside. You had only said to come to the school so Azula didn’t know what to do next. She looked around and found a child around age 10 or so. "You boy tell me where can I find y/n" she called. The boy shrugged "I don’t know". Azula narrowed her eyes "well is she teaching a class? What’s your best guess for her location?". The boy sighed "why should i tell you?". Azula had always hated children and got a strong urge to throttle the boy but she breathed deeply "because i’m a friend of hers and i need to see her". "I’ll take you to her....if you pay me, you look rich". "Five" Azula bargained and the boy shook his head "fifty". "Ten" Azula bargained but the boy shook his head "now it’s sixty". Azula broke and grabbed the boy’s sleeve as she lit her other hand on fire "listen here you little monster....” she started when someone came around the corner. “Sifu Toph this woman is attacking me!” the child cried and Azula paused letting the kid go. “Toph I....”. “Let me guess, you were looking for y/n and Lamo here asked you for money? So you threatened him”. Azula blinked “yes exactly, if you’re upset...” she started when Toph turned to the boy. “Lamo what did I tell you about choosing your opponents wisely? You see a scary fire bender and challenge her? Do you have a death wish?”. The boy stammered “sorry sifu Toph” and bowed deeply. “Enough of that now go train!” Toph barked and Azula admired how the boy ran away as fast as he could. She watched him go before awkwardly turning to your cousin. Azula had hardly spoken to the girl and the few times she had, they’d been trying to kill each other but hopefully that was in the past. “Y/n’s this way” Toph said breaking the silence and Azula just nodded following her. It was an awkward walk but as Toph was your closest family Azula wanted her to like her. “I wasn’t really going to burn him” she clarified “I was just going to scare him a bit”. Toph made a grunt in reply “the lily liver would deserve it, attacking someone from the fire nation, you people are so fickle with your honour. You taught him a good lesson about staying away from fire folk”. “You’re welcome?” Azula offered. Toph shot her a look and Azula realised she shouldn’t have said that. Thankfully they reached you before Toph could reply.
Your POV
You were in the middle of class when you heard the door open and you turned. You stopped midsentence and grinned “Azula!”. You paused realising everyone in the room, including your students were staring and coughed “Azula...if you would please just wait over there i’ll be with you soon”. Azula nodded smiling slightly and you looked away so as to not blush. “Anyway so as I was saying....” you started when Toph stepped forwards “I got this y/n, you go see to your guest”. You grinned “really?”. Toph smiled, she’d seen how your face lit up when you looked at Azula and figured you deserved an evening off. “Sure” Toph nodded and you grinned patting her arm before rushing to Azula. You led Azula outside of the gym and into your private quarters before throwing your arms around her in a hug. "It’s so good to see you but of course sorry circumstances! How are you?". Azula shrugged "i’m okay, me and Zuzu always argue it’s nothing new....thank you for letting me come here on such short notice though. I hope i didn’t cause too much of a disturbance?". "Nah that was the last class of the day so your timing was perfect". Azula blushed as you emphasised the word perfect while staring at her and you smiled. "So i’ll show you where you can put your stuff and then we can go get some food and have a catch-up! I like our letters but it just can’t compare to talking to you in person". Azula smiled pleased you felt that way also "i agree, there’s no replacement for hearing and seeing you". This time you were the one blushing but you smiled brightly and took Azula’s hand "well come on then, let's get started" and led her away.
"It was my fault" Azula sighed recounting the argument to you "i was in a bad mood because of our mother’s visit and so i was snapping at Zuko and then he snapped back". You nodded your head listening with a worried look. "And i know our mother is trying but i...i think i still have some issues with her that i should really address". You nodded your head "would you be able to discuss them with her or do you need more time to heal?". Azula shrugged "maybe, i don’t know....anyway enough about me, tell me all about your new life! How is it being a renown earth bending teacher?". You laughed “i’m not so sure about that, Toph’s the talent, I just handle the basic and beginners but I don’t mind that I’ve never been fond of children, especially as they get older and more annoying”. Azula smiled at you and you frowned “what?”. “Nothing” she smiled looking away “I just knew there was a reason I liked you”. You grinned “because I hate children?”. “Precisely” Azula nodded and you both laughed. "I wish i was around you more" Azula said suddenly and you paused managing not to blush "you do?". She nodded "i feel calmer with you, my temper here feels completely under control but at home...". "Hey the important thing is you're trying to control it" you smiled putting a hand on her arm "you’ll get the hang of it, one day at a time remember?". Azula nodded glancing at your hand on her. You went to move it away noticing when Azula put her hand on top of yours "thanks y/n".
Azula’s POV
“No problem Azula” you smiled and Azula just allowed herself to admire you. You looked so beautiful just sat on the deck of your garden smiling at her...Azula felt her breath stifle. "Why are you staring, is something wrong?" you asked as Azula gazed at you intently but she shook her head "nothing...the opposite actually, you look so beautiful". Azula had no idea where that confidence had come from but she meant what she said, here with you all her insecurities just melted away. She felt good enough, you made her feel good enough.  A blush appeared on your cheeks but you only looked away for a few seconds. “You should see it from my view" you replied and Azula grinned. Azula had made her feelings clear and this was you returning them. She couldn’t be happier but she had to make sure before she moved onto the next step...
Your POV
Azula smiled and leant closer to you “y/n can i kiss you?". "I thought you’d never ask" you smirked and Azula kissed you. She held onto your cheek softly as she tenderly and almost cautiously kissed you. Azula was very gentle and you were pleasantly surprised, you found this timid Azula adorable. You pulled away and the sun made Azula’s face glow but her red cheeks were all her own. "I...i like you, a lot" Azula blushed and you smiled taking her hand "i like you too...a lot". Azula laughed "that’s a relief! It’d be awkward if you didn’t after that”. You laughed “it would be” and stroked the top of her hand “but that’s not the case, I like you with every fibre of my being. I have since our trip” you explained. Azula nodded “I did too I just didn’t realise it, i’m annoyed it took me this long but I mean to make up for the lost time”. “That sounds good” you smiled and Azula’s eyes flicked over you. “In that case....can i kiss you again?". "Yes and you can stop asking now, the answer will always be yes" you told her. "Got it" Azula nodded and you smirked at how adorable she was before leaning in to kiss her again.
The next few days were a blur with Azula. You took her all over your town and just enjoyed being totally and utterly in each others company. It was the perfect weekend for a new couple but Azula was scheduled to leave the next day putting a slight negative atmosphere over the day.
After a walk to a restaurant Azula had taken a liking to you returned to the porch where you first kissed and lounged in the sinking sunlight. “I don’t want you to go” you said softly and Azula nodded draping her arm around you and pressing her face into your hair “me either”. You melted into her more and Azula wrapped her arms around you fully. Azula held you, watching the sunset and marvelled at how perfect her visit had been. Since she was a child she didn’t think such a sweet innocent experience would ever occur to her but she was wrong. She looked down at you against her and an idea came to her.
“Come back to the fire nation with me” Azula said suddenly and you sat up surprised. “Come back...but Azula you know I have to stay here and help Toph”. “I didn’t mean permanently I just meant for the remainder of my mom’s stay? She’s only going to be another 4 days and I meant what i said, i’m better around you and i want to show my mom and Zuko that i’m not who i once was and i think i can with your help...". The tone of Azula’s voice made you sigh and you turned to face her properly "you said that knowing i wouldn’t be able to resist didn’t you?". Azula smiled "i suspected appealing to your selfless kind nature might help". "Stop flattering i’ll come back with you" you rolled your eyes and Azula gasped. "Y/n thank you!" she cried peppering your face and lips with kisses. You pretended to be annoyed but seeing Azula’s genuine happiness at the thought of you coming back with her made you smile.
Azula’s POV
You stayed out on the porch long after the sunset and when you did stumble inside you both jumped to see Toph sat in the room. “Nice night?” she asked. Azula felt her hand in yours and knew even though the girl was blind she could sense things like this. Azula glanced at you but you didn’t seem nervous. “We did thank you, how about you?”. Toph nodded her head “I did, y/n can you please do and tell Raosheng in the village that I will be requiring his help running the school while you are in the fire nation?”. Azula jolted expecting an argument but again you didn’t tense. “I have already sent him a letter but I will go and make sure he knows, be right back” you smiled and walked out the door. Silence settled and Azula stared at Toph in horror. Toph was basically your only family, the person who meant the most to you in the world...if she didn’t get on with her that could wreck the whole relationship. Azula cleared her throat “so you heard our conversation about y/n visiting me?”. Toph nodded her head “I didn’t mean to but I got worried you were trying to poach my best teacher”. “No i’d never try and take her from you, I know how much you both care for one another” Azula rushed to reassure her. Toph made a noise and stood up going to leave the room. “Do you...did you hear anything else?” Azula asked and Toph paused. “I know you’re dating my cousin if that’s what you mean”. Azula went to ask how when Toph laughed “the two of you aren’t subtle, y/n’s always worn her heart on her sleeve but even she was too blissfully happy for it to be because of your presence alone, no offence”. “None taken” Azula shrugged. She supposed Toph must be fine with it and so satisfied her relationship wasn’t in danger went to leave the room when the door closed. “I trust y/n to make good decisions” Toph said suddenly “she a good judge of character and she trusts you so I do too...but if you ever harm or hurt her....you’re powerful but I took you out once and I’ll do it again”. “That was in the eclipse” Azula pointed out before she smiled “but I understand, trust me I have no intentions of ever harming her or letting her get hurt, she’s one of the few people I would never let anything happen to”. Toph nodded “I believe you will honour that promise, you better...” and left the room.
The next day
You and Azula stood waiting for the airship and Azula kept glancing at you often. “I’m not going anywhere, I promised to come with you so I am” you said and she jumped “was I that obvious?”. You smiled “just a little bit” and took her hand discreetly. Azula knew the earth kingdom was worse than the fire nation for judging same-sex relationships and so stood up taller ready to defend you if necessary. “So how was your conversation with Toph?” you asked and her posture slumped. “You knew she was going to give me the protective sibling talk! You left us alone together on purpose”. “Of course!” you grinned “I knew Toph wanted to get her threats out of the way and so i’m sorry but I let her, I figured you of all people could handle it”.  Azula nodded “I managed to convince her I won’t harm you or ever let anyone else hurt you, so yes you were right”. “I figured that when I came back and the school was still standing” you joked. Azula smiled “I wouldn’t attack her she’s your family, but if she attacked me first....well that’s just retaliation”. You laughed and smiled at Azula “thank you for being so perfect this weekend, now it’s my turn to try and do the same in your home”. Azula took your hand “you’ll be perfect I promise”. “Well I guess there’s only one way to find out” you said and nodded to the airship that had appeared in the sky. “Are you ready?” Azula asked as the ship came closer. You nodded and squeezed her hand tighter “next stop the fire nation”.  
Next and final part the fire nation!!
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justcallmegodsfave · 3 years
Here is a thing. Ao3
I'm not rly happy with it but its not atrocious so have this sorta fluffy one shot with a sprinkle of serodeku crumbs :)
"Heeey Izuku," Katsuki giggled, waving from his spot on Denki's bed. He was waving at the green haired boy like an idiot with a dopey smile on his usually scowling face.
"Okay Denki, what the fuck did you do to Kacchan? Spill. Now." Izuku demanded, sighing as he shut the door behind him. He was disappointed that something like this would happen, but not surprised.
"welllll.." Denki trailed off before continuing to explain the events that happened earlier. 
"Well the purple guy actually turned out to be-" Denki paused, stopping him and Hanta as they now stood stock still in the doorway to the kitchen staring at the site before them. 
Katsuki stood at the kitchen counter with a half full box of brownies in his hands staring at the wall as if it were the most interesting thing in the world, blinking owlishly. 
"fuck. Fuck. Fuck" denki all but screamed his hands yanking at his hair. Racing forward he yanked the container from Katsuki's hands, shutting the lid. 
"h-hey!" Katsuki paused before continuing, "oh hey denki, hanta~" Katsuki greeted in an almost singsong manner, thoroughly spooking the two teens. 
"Katsuki how many of these did you fucking eat?" Hanta asked, wondering how fucked they were. 
"Hey y-you sound upset, are you mad at me?" Katsuki pouted-he fucking POUTED. 
"N-no we just need to know how much you had kat" Hanta soothed, internally panicking. 
"Okay" Katsuki immediately brightened. "I had like 4 or 5 I can't really remember," Katsuki giggled, putting an arm around Hanta's waist. 
"o-okay come on, we're taking you up to Denki's room" Hanta chimed, guiding Katsuki towards the lift. "Call izuku now" Hanta hissed behind his friend's back. 
"Now why the fuck did you have edibles in the kitchen in the first place? Keep them in your room like a normal person" Izuku groaned, dragging a hand down his face. He was tired, sick and tired of the shit he ended up dealing with on a daily basis. 
"Look dude I only made them today! I was literally coming down with Hanta to get them when we found him. It's not all our fault" Denki defended before going over to his desk and picking up a brownie, a pout on his face.
"Well we're gonna have to look after him till he comes back down so, may as well" Izuku shrugged, following Denki's lead and taking a brownie then dropping himself on the bed next to Hanta. 
"Zuzu, I wanna cuddle you and Hanta" Katsuki said giving, were those puppy eyes? Oh he is never gonna hear the end of this- 
"Sure Kacchan" Izuku chuckled, popping the last of his brownie in his mouth. 
"Oh so you just gonna leave me out like that bro" Denki clutched his chest in mock betrayal as he looked up at the three from his spot on the floor. 
"Shit denks I'm sorry, I forgot you were sat there" Katsuki smiled at the other blond cupping his face slightly. "Come sit up here next to me pikachu." 
"I can't tell if this is the best or worst day of my entire life" Denki beamed crawling up onto the bed next to the scarily soft Katsuki. As weird as it was, Denki found it easy to snuggle up with the usually angry blond, he was really warm.
Once they were all comfortable, Katsuki spoke again "I know I don't say it like ever, but you guys mean so much to me, and you're all gonna be such kick ass hero's someday" he commented, hiding his face further into Hanta's chest. 
"Dude, that's so sweet," Hanta said, patting him on the head with his free hand. 
"AWWW KACCHAN" Denki cooed, tightening his hold on Katsuki's waist. 
"we love you too Kacchan" Izuku slurred already half asleep curled into Hanta's other side, also not noticing the look of pure adoration in Hanta's eyes as he gazed down at the green haired boy in his arms. 
By the morning, the four were half hanging off the bed in a tangled mess of tiredness. Unluckily for them Katsuki was the first to awake. As he blinked the sleep from his eyes he took in his surroundings, this isn't my fucking room this is- he looked to his right to see pikachu curled up next to him, clinging to him. He then looked to his left to see soy sauce and deku tangled together, cuddling. 
Instead of exploding he laid back down and racked his brains for what could've possibly caused this. Right so I did homework then came down for a snack before bed and then I found some... Brownies. Fuck. I thought those idiots kept their stupid fucking edibles in their room goddammit. I'm too tired to deal with this shit right now. 
And with that, Katsuki closed his eyes again in an attempt to go back to sleep until he was eventually lulled back into a peaceful sleep by the soft breathing of his friends surrounding him.
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