#pat hickey
spilladabalia · 11 months
Purling Hiss - Don’t Even Try It - Johnny Brenda’s Philadelphia PA - 4-21-2023
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sinceileftyoublog · 1 year
Purling Hiss Interview: Piecemeal Worldbuilding
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“It’s finally here. I can’t believe it.”
That was Mike Polizze over the phone, speaking to me last month about Drag on Girard, the new Purling Hiss album out now via Drag City. It’s the catchiest, most power pop-forward PH record yet, Polizze’s lead-rhythm guitar arrangements and the singalong harmonized vocals leading the charge on sci-fi songs vaguely about Philadelphia, paranoia, and everything in between. 
Drag on Girard seems like a return to Polizze’s skyward scuzz, after the dialed back, languid jams of his solo debut Long Lost Solace Find. In actuality, though, it was supposed to come out long before this year, just like the valiant “return” from Polizze’s other band, Birds of Maya’s Valdez, recorded in 2014 but released 7 years later. Polizze and company started tracking Girard at the tail end of 2019 and finished it in early 2020. Before he was able to do vocals and overdubs, the pandemic and lockdown happened. He eventually got into the studio in 2021, but delays in vinyl manufacturing backups and therefore test pressings, in combination with Drag City’s regular release queue, meant that the record didn’t come out until this March. “It seems on paper like a long break between Purling Hiss records,” the prolific Polizze said. “But the chronology was messed up.”
2022 was the first year since Polizze started his music career that none of his projects released anything. Because 2020′s Long Lost Solace Find was technically his last record chronologically, the world feels weirdly open. At the start of the pandemic, he and his wife moved from Fishtown in Philly to the suburbs where he grew up, and they now have a two-year-old child. “Coming out on the other side of all that is kind of a weird feeling,” said Polizze. “Now, I’m at an interesting point where there’s no big plan.” Even if the looseness of Drag on Girard is coincidental, you can see Polizze’s unbound attitude in everything from the way he’s honest about the piecemeal worldbuilding of Drag on Girard’s themes to the fact that he’s not currently working with a booking agent, planning shows himself. That includes tonight and tomorrow night at Union Pool in Brooklyn, with Chris Forsyth and Garcia Peoples.
Read my conversation with Polizze below, edited for length and clarity.
Since I Left You: Do you think the loose sounding nature of Drag on Girard was a result of your attitude to just have fun with it?
Mike Polizze: Yes, absolutely. We recorded at Jeff [Zeigler’s] again. I really wanted that “live in the studio” feel. There were even a couple songs that weren’t totally structured. The ones on the B-side are “let’s just have fun with it,” which is the spirit of the live stuff. I still feel like I want to go in that direction more. I wanted it to be off-the-cuff, not super refined. 
SILY: It almost seems to me like the punkier, noisier, scuzzier version of the same spirit as Long Lost Solace Find. Same vibe, different aesthetic.
MP: The solo album is pretty much just me, and Kurt [Vile] on a couple things, and [Drag on Girard] is with the band. It’s weird, because the songs are new to people now, and they’re still fresh for us, but everything got put on hold for everybody.
SILY: Have you been playing the Drag on Girard songs live for a bit?
MP: The first song, “Yer In All My Dreams”, had been kicking around for a few years, in the live sets since 2017-2018, and we cut it in the studio in 2019. I still can’t believe how much time has passed. “Baby”’s been kicking around for a while. “Stay With Us”, [too].
SILY: I like how the record traverses the different eras of guitar music. There are some of your usual influences, and the closing track has a Crazy Horse thing going on, but songs like “When The End Is Over” and even “Out The Door” has that jangle pop feel to it. Are you a fan of Flying Nun Records?
MP: Yeah, I do like that stuff a lot. I don’t really know where influences come from. I consider it like fishing. You have the fishing rod out, and you’re waiting for something to come along. That’s how I write. I didn’t set out to write like this on purpose. The placeholder name for “When The End Is Over” was “Power Pop” because it felt like Cheap Trick or Shoes or even Teenage Fanclub. But yeah, I love The Clean and all that stuff.
SILY: How did you approach the lyrics on the record?
MP: Normally, I’ll sort of find a song or riff and work off that and come up with parts just by jamming on them and seeing where they fall. Lyrics are usually last. I’ll have syllables formed over parts, and maybe a word or two will pop into my mind as a placeholder that presents a theme. When it’s time to really figure it out and I have the pacing and tempo and syllables and inflection, I think, “What do I feel? What kind of words can I conjure up for this?” It fits like a puzzle, with the guitar, then structure, then we practice over it and I sing non-words, then I go to the notepad. It’s less of a story and more nonsensical poetry. I edit from there.
SILY: There’s definitely a bit of sci-fi in here.
MP: [laughs] Maybe in some parts. “Baby” has some funny lyrics. “Drag on Girard”, too.
SILY: What about “Something in my Basement”?!?
MP: Yeah. It’s kind of like my joke to myself, like Little Shop of Horrors. Kitschy and fun. I didn’t know it was going to end up being about that. Little quips or slogans or titles pop up in [my] memory that I build off of. “Something in my basement” popped up in my mind, and the idea of a story there, and the end of the song is, “There’s nothing in my basement,” so the question is whether it really happened or whether it was all in your mind. 
SILY: Is it similar to your approach to the instrumentation and aesthetic, where your inspirations are a bit more subconscious?
MP: Yeah, kind of. It’s all right there. We’re constantly taking in information, and I don’t really think of the full idea first at all. I start scribbling, on paper or on guitar, then get a Voice Memo going on my phone. I used to just use my memory when I was younger, and then tape machines. But that is the formula.
I have goals, sometimes, or a general direction I want to go in, but the best thing to do for me is to improvise it and let it guide me and go for it. If I ever hit a wall, which happens all the time, I have to figure out how to navigate, so I keep it wide and vague and then hone in on it as I go. It’s not all figured out before I start.
SILY: Do you feel like this record is a balm when you consider how out of sorts the world feels? 
MP: It feels celebratory, in a way. We had fun with it. Truthfully, it was all written before the pandemic happened. I’m happy with it, for sure. It’s kind of like an opposite record from [Long Lost Solace Find], which is refined-sounding in my opinion. It’s structured, pretty even. [Drag on Girard] is pretty off-the-rails. I don’t know if it sounds that way. Just because it took so long to come out doesn’t mean we were in the studio the whole time. It’s pretty shrill in some parts. I tried to balance between raw and unhinged with pop sensibilities. It’s all over the place.
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SILY: What’s the album title mean?
MP: It’s an inside joke between my drummer Ben [Leaphart] and I. When I first moved to Philly in 2004, I met him and Jason [Killinger] from Birds of Maya. It was the first time I moved into a house with bandmates and roommates. Fishtown was starting to gentrify a bit, but it was still an affordable place. Part of me is talking about the glory days of that, but I’m not from that neighborhood, so what right do I have? [In any case,] it was affordable and became this artist utopia with a lot of music people. It was a good time right around then, the early 2000s, with Espers, Jack Rose, Birds of Maya, Kurt Vile, The War on Drugs. Johnny Brenda’s was one floor, no food, draught beer, a hole in the wall.
Girard Avenue is one of the main strips/arterial routes that goes through Fishtown, along with Frankford Avenue. Me and Ben had our used crappy old vehicles. In 2004, I’d meet up with him and there’d be nobody on Girard. It was pretty dead at night. There were no cars on the road after 8 P.M. We’d joke about drag racing on Girard Avenue. It was an edgier neighborhood. Since then, Fishtown has totally gentrified: There’s no parking, it’s overdeveloped, there are all these crappy buildings, and there’s nowhere to move. This isn’t anything political or social, just a personal inside joke. It’s actually kind of stupid, but I thought the title had a good ring to it. Philly can be “a drag,” and there’s other imagery invoked in that. I like it when things have or could have more than one meaning.
SILY: This record is also a windows-down, blast from the car stereo record.
MP: [laughs]
SILY: What’s the story behind the cover art?
MP: I had lots of sketches, and I drew and colored with different mediums a lot before I moved out of Fishtown in 2018-2019. I haven’t done it much the past few years. Jason is an artist and graphic designer. I brought a lot of stuff to him, but we actually went a different direction. It’s not what the cover is now. We had a couple other ideas, and the cover that’s now is one of them. It matched the back cover idea, which we did have. I think we hit a wall. We didn’t really know what we wanted. I pitched some of my sketch ideas, and my bandmates liked it, and Drag City [did, too]. I liked it because I made it, but I don’t know what the world likes. Every once in a while, I’ll draw things that don’t make sense. Kind of like the sci-fi thing, [the] guy [on the cover] is sort of my catatonic space traveler suspended in the multi-verse, or something. It’s half-baked, and tied into Drag on Girard. It’s funny how I stitched together this half-baked story and imagery, this theme of sci-fi imagery and living in Philadelphia. There are these songs, lyrics, album cover, and album title, and I almost put together the story in reverse that way. We’re people and take in all this information every day, and there are probably people who are way more organized than me. It’s fun for me, and it feels multi-dimensional, going from the sketches to Jason and me working on it to Drag City. It’s not the order I expected.
SILY: Have you been writing new material?
MP: Yeah. It honestly feels great, and sometimes, I don’t realize it until moments like this where I get to talk about it. There are irons in the fire. I feel grateful I always have something I feel like I can work on because I’ve compiled enough ideas on my own. I’m working on another solo record; slowly but surely, you’ll see something there at some point. I’m so lucky to have the bandmates I have in Purling Hiss, I’m sure we’ll keep working on stuff. Birds of Maya wants to do some more stuff. I almost miss editing music in my 4-track and computer at home. Any free time that’s rare, I miss messing around with things outside of what I just mentioned. There have been a couple ideas with collaborations, but nothing I can speak on because they might not happen. I’m trying to keep things moving.
SILY: Anything you’ve been listening to, watching, or reading you’ve dug?
MP: I’ve been struggling to find time to read but I have a pile of books. Fiction-wise, I got True Grit. I got the SST [Records] book, Corporate Rock Sucks. Because of my toddler, I’m squeezed for personal time.
Since Wayne Shorter died, I’ve been on a jazz kick. My dad died when I was a teenager, but he played saxophone and started music school young and didn’t end up doing it because he had a family. But he had a pretty cool record collection. He left behind a bunch of jazz records, lots of Blue Note stuff. Lots of [John] Coltrane lately. I keep going through kicks, days where I listen to my own band practices and demos, and then I’ll get to the point I need to listen to other people’s music. Gábor Szabó. My dad had Dreams in his collection. Pharoah Sanders’ Karma. I really wish he had Sun Ra stuff. I know Sun Ra was between Chicago and Philly--we can’t take full credit for him.
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cartelheir · 3 months
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@sharpsuite :   As CLEVER as Chishiya might be, even he can’t come up with an excuse or explanation for this situation that doesn’t sound as lame as any teenager’s excuse. ( He is, at least, thankful that Niragi didn’t seem to be aware when he’d pulled away with some grumble about bullshit to deal with. Chishiya didn’t doubt there’d be threats of brains splattered against a wall if he had. ) It doesn’t mean Chishiya doesn’t rapidly try to sort through any possible excuse to offer for why Chishiya and Niragi had only been centimeters apart and hidden away in an otherwise empty place. And Niragi’s hands had definitely not been kept to himself – admittedly Chishiya’s had been buried in silk but there’s one benefit to tall assholes and that’s hiding. Even so, he comes up with very little. There really isn’t any good excuse though, is there?    Chishiya just stares at Pat in uncharacteristic silence while he decides the quickest route to escape from the situation. Maybe she didn’t see anything? Though he doesn’t have a good explanation for the lack of yelling or arguing even if she had seen absolutely nothing. Niragi invading Chishiya’s space with threats was something most people saw. This however… “ Pat. “ He manages to slink back behind his usual inscrutable expression, trying to force his shoulders to relax rather than be tense. He was fine, right? It’s a fight to not try to check himself somehow to make sure there were no signs of anything amiss. His hands curl in the pocket of his hoodie. “ Impeccable timing to avoid Niragi. “ He has to fight down a sigh because he’s fairly confident that is not going to work. ( I have sat here giggling through this mess, I leave it up to you to how much she saw or suspects. )
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it feels like they've been staring at each other for hours, completely silent. it's uncharacteristic of her; and even chishiya, who's generally more quiet, is more talkative than this with her. she's still processing the image she'd just run into; clear and, unfortunately, unmistakable. and she has the urge to run away from the scene, like she was the one caught doing something wrong. she feels like she could stay right here for years, leaning against the wall and staring off at nothing, and she'll still need longer to figure out how on earth those two had arrived from point A to━━ well, this.
is she pissed? maybe a little bit. not that it's any of her business, but that's the one close friend she has in this place and the guy who almost got her killed not even three days ago. they've miraculously reached a truce, at least for the time being, but there's still a deep bruise on her wrist under her golden bracelet from the previous game. but mostly, she's just surprised. she looks at him when he says her name, doesn't know what to say or if she can say any words at all without laughing. she doesn't think chishiya has realized there's a huge red spot on the side of his neck, for sure to bruise later.
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" yeah. " it's like she finally remembers how to move her hands again, and she immediately lights up a cigarette. kuina's journey to quit had been inspiring to her, but maybe pat just doesn't have the same willpower. " it's hard to avoid conflict with niragi, isn't it? always throwing insults, punches, bullets, and, " only then, she allows herself to openly stare at the mark on chishiya's neck, " ... love bites? "
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stairnaheireann · 6 months
#OTD in 1921 – 18–19 | Burgery Ambush | West Waterford IRA under Pax Whelan, George Lennon and George Plunkett from Dublin HQ, ambushed a convoy of Black and Tans returning to Dungarvan via the Burgery.
‘Comeragh’s Rugged Hills’ (Pat Keating)   It’s long years since I bade farewell For it is my sad fate Our land oppressed by tyrant laws I had to emigrate…   When on my pillow I recline On a foreign land to rest The thoughts of my dear native home Still throbs within my heart When silence overcomes me My dreams they seem to fill Of my dear native happy home Nigh Comeragh’s rugged…
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the-whispers-of-death · 4 months
Ways I think Simon “Ghost” Riley asks for consent without explicitly asking.
MDNI, This Blog & Post Aren’t For Minors!! This gets sexual real quickly, but Reader's pronouns aren’t specified.
His thumb brushes across your bottom lip when he wants to kiss you, waiting to see if you lean into the touch.
His fingers gently grip the hem of your shirt or the waistband of your pants, silently asking you if he can undress you. He does this with each and every article he wants to undress.
He’ll give you a very heated once-over when you’re both laying in bed, showing off the bulge in his pants/boxers so you know how horny he is.
Trails his fingers up your thigh (clothed or unclothed) and stops just short of where your sex is, his head in your neck so he can listen to if your breath hitches in arousal at his touching.
Spreads his legs open and pats his waiting thigh when sitting on the couch. It’s similar to the bed one, since his bulge is prominent.
Settles himself between your legs, putting his beefy hands on the insides of your thighs. Leaves the decision up to you, you can choose to beg for more or just be content with him between your thighs.
If you have hickeys from previous sexual encounters with him, he’ll trace them to tell you that he’s thinking of giving you more.
Leaves your towel on the bed when you come home and he’s showering, the towel a form of invitation to join him.
If you’re already naked and done with one round (or several), he squeezes your hips twice to signal he's ready for another round if you are.
He rubs his noses against yours before parting his lips slightly, mouthing motions made when kissing.
His eyes have trouble straying from your lips, trying hard to look you in the eyes only for his attention to dart back to your lips. He might even lick his own lips, if you're both alone and he doesn't have his mask or balaclava on.
Reblogs are welcomed & appreciated! Asks are open, feel free to pop in and request something! (Check the rules in "Rules for Requesting NSFW" before requesting.)
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chuluoyi · 6 months
࿐ ࿔ 🕰️ 「 03:12 A.M 」
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tw: pregnancy. just a little something based on ask~ gojo annoys you on daily basis, so now you return the favor and he can't refuse it bc you're his baby mama😋
a part of gojo's love entries
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“satoru— your baby is hungry,” you pouted, poking his cheek repeatedly. “sa-to-ru!!”
it was 3 in the morning, and ideally, you would have been sleeping... only that suddenly you were awoken by rumbles from your growing belly.
yet your husband was still sound asleep without any care in the world, prompting you to poke him until you succeeded in making him hear you out.
satoru begrudgingly cracked his eyes open, still having his face tucked under the blanket and yawning. “ngh, sweets… what is it?”
his sleepy voice was thick, low and raspy. usually you’d swoon and leave a hickey or two on his neck but not now, as the overwhelming hunger made you almost curl.
“baby is craving mochi,” you said, eyes shining up to him ever so innocently. “get it for me, satoruuu.”
“oh?” if he wasn’t awake before, now he was after hearing your nagging tone drawling his name. he faced you and drew you closer. “what do you want again, hmm?”
“ice cream mochi!!”
“oooh that.” satoru scratched his head at the memory of him eating the last of it yesterday. “but we ran out of them, sweetheart… wait till morning, yeah? i’ll go to market to get some.”
“can’t baby wait a few more hours, hmm?”
“no! want it— now!”
satoru blinked at your insistence. you looked positively adorable while sulking at him too.
“why mochi all of sudden, huh?” he decided to humor you. “you used to say they taste bland.”
“that’s because of your sperm infecting me,” you sullenly accused. “and don’t pretend you haven’t been feeding me mochi for weeks. baby likes it more than i thought.”
“hey! don’t bash my sperm! they did no wrong and completed the deed splendidly!”
“you’re just a one-time donor, don’t be smug.”
he whined and you huffed, before suddenly your stomach grumbled loudly and you curled up. “mmhm.”
“hey… what’s wrong?” satoru quickly sat up and placed his hand on your baby bump. “really hungry? wait, i’ll get you something to nibble on first.”
he rummaged through his work uniform and found several bite-sized chocolate bars he brought around, and unwrapped the foil. “here.”
you immediately devoured the treat to sate your hunger, but still, your baby longed for more—
“mochi…” you mumbled despondently, your expression turning heartbroken. and one second later satoru realized how much he wanted to squeeze your cheeks, and relented.
“okay, okay, sweets~” he gave your head several comforting pats, making you look up. “i’ll go and get the mochi, yeah? you stay put and wait for me, 'kay?”
“yay.” a little smile bloomed in your face and satoru chuckled, finding you so unbearably endearing.
and so, for you, he ventured out to the closest 24-hour convenience store, picking up some ice cream mochi along with other treats to replenish your stock, before teleporting back home.
he was expecting that you'd still be all sulky while waiting for him, but instead, he found you peacefully asleep, hogging his pillow.
each breath that caused your chest to rise and fall made you appear all the more vulnerable and soft in his eyes.
you looked so irrevocably precious to him. his sweet little wife... in that moment, satoru felt like he was the luckiest man alive, getting to have you as his.
“you naughty girl.” he let out an amused laugh before reclaiming his spot next to you. the hold you had over him— you made him go through the cold night air, and now you were monopolizing his pillow and he had to resume sleeping without one at all.
and yet all he could feel was love. for you and your baby, as he pulled you close to his chest.
“both of you sure love teaming up against me, huh?”
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sttoru · 4 months
Aventurine with a virgin reader </3 guiding her and moving slowly and gently as he always gives her praises 🥹
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 𝝑𝑒 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒. soft dom!aventurine x virgin!female reader. smut. p in v -> protected. lots of praise. clit stimulation. breast play kinda. very soft and gentle sex. reader gets called ‘baby, my jewel, pretty girl.’ wc; 1.4k
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aventurine is a gentle lover; never once having forced you into any acts of intimacy. you’re always the one leading the progress of your relationship. the control over the speed of how things go soothes your worries.
your comfort and consent is his number one priority. his little ‘may i’s before touching you are what reassure you. you’ve clearly chosen the right person to be your partner.
even now - when you’re finally beneath him, with your naked bodies indulging in a romantic session - aventurine makes sure to go slow. softly, gently and tenderly; like you’re a delicate flower. a delicate gem that’s threatening to break with just the slightest touch.
“you’re okay, baby,” aventurine mumbles quietly against your skin, his lips attaching to your neck. he gives you soft kisses all over in hopes to soothe you. he can feel you tremble when he pushes his tip against your tight entrance, “i got you, i got you—i promise.”
he does, in fact, have your back. you trust that he does. aventurine never fails to keep his promises, he always keeps his word even if it may seem impossible. perhaps it’s due to his luck—perhaps it’s due to his overbearing love for you.
“kakavasha..” you whimper his name. the blonde nearly chokes on his spit at the way you called out to him. he pats your head gently, that same hand moving down to collect the tears running down your cheeks. you sniff, “mph, h-how much more?”
aventurine kisses a tear drop away, sighing against your skin. you’re so precious to him and he wishes to convey that fact. he’s trying his best to keep calm, though he can feel his restraints fading each time your nails dig into his back. it hurts so good.
he doesn’t want to hurt nor scare you. therefore, aventurine takes a deep breath and flashes you his charming smile, blonde locks covering his magenta and cyan colored eyes. those eyes that were once devoid of life, now sparkling with affection for you.
“just a little bit. can you hold on for me?” aventurine asks in a soft tone. he places a quick kiss on the tip of your nose. his hands move to hold yours, fingers interlocking. he squeezes them when you answer his question with a nod, “heh, thank you.”
aventurine bottoms out after what feels like hours. he sighs in relief and buries his face into the crook of your neck. you’re tight, squeezing his cock like you’re begging him to stay—to stay connected forever. he gives you all the time you need to adjust to your insides being stretched and moulded to fit him.
your eyes are glazed over as you stare up at the ceiling. you feel so full. the stretch hurts a little, though you’re quick to accommodate to the intrusion. your fluids make it easy and more comfortable for both aventurine and you.
you’re grateful that your lover understands your position. you’ve been scared of sex since you were but a virgin, however it doesn’t seem as bad in the moment.
not when you got a boyfriend like aventurine.
“so precious,” aventurine coos and kisses your jaw. he eventually reaches your lips and gives them a quick yet passionate peck. his eyes roam over your naked, sweaty body that’s glimmering underneath the dim light of the small lamp, “you look stunning, my jewel.”
you tighten up around aventurine the moment he calls you by that nickname. he hisses at the feeling, his cock throbbing with the desire to move already. aventurine distracts himself from those urges by kissing your breasts.
his tongue rolls over your nipples, his hands still pinning yours to the soft mattress below you. he sucks on your chest and doesn’t think twice before leaving a hickey or two. you’re his and he likes to remind you of that fact.
aventurine slowly detaches from your tits, his saliva coating the plump flesh. he grins at the sight and hums in satisfaction. he looks up at you and watches as you say those words he’s waited on;
“it’s okay, you can move.”
aventurine nods after he makes sure you’re totally fine with it. he pulls his hips away, until his cock is halfway in before pushing back in your pussy. slow and gentle thrusts are the way to go.
you quickly get used to the rhythm of your lover’s thrusts. you can feel the love and passion behind them, each move done with a purpose. that purpose being to pleasure you and make you feel appreciated.
“is this okay? yeah?” aventurine pants, his pace quickening, yet also slowing down whenever he feels like he’s overwhelming you. your moans slowly fill his ears and your brain is visibly being taken over by the satisfaction.
your lover is entranced by the way your tits bounce in circles with each soft thrust. he can feel his tip hitting the deepest parts of your wet cunt, claiming you like he’s always dreamed of doing. the way you’re already drunk on pleasure is adorable.
he leans down and presses his lips against yours. this isn’t just mindless sex—it’s your first time and he strives to make it as romantic as possible. his tongue mingles with yours, the mixture of saliva running down your chin because of how sloppy you’re making out.
“just like that– fuck,” aventurine groans as his hips roll against you. he’s slowly drowning in the ecstasy. seeing you enjoy the moment as much as he does, is exciting him more than the actual act. he loves it when you enjoy yourself—gets off to it even, “let me hear more of that pretty voice.”
you let out little whines, blessing aventurine’s ears with your voice, just like he asked you. your boyfriend moans at the sound of you as his fingers reach down to circle your clit. he’s addicted to you—so in love. his hands move to your thighs, pulling them apart just a little more so his dick could reach further.
you get more sensitive by the second. especially when aventurine wraps your legs around his waist, his hands wandering all over your body. the pad of his thumb presses down on your clit, making you even more sensitive. your eyes roll back as you leave red scratches on his back, “feels good, s-so good!”
aventurine smirks at your moans. you’re beautiful in this moment beneath him, his cock filling you up to the brim. he feels the connection between the two of you deepening, your relationship reaching new heights.
the blonde male pants while he holds your body close—hips moving non-stop. he can’t get enough of you and vice versa.
“you’re so sensitive, baby,” aventurine chuckles as he feels your pussy spasm around his thick dick. it’s your first time, so he doesn’t blame you when you tell him that you’re close. he slyly increases the pace in which he rubs your clit, “gonna cum, hm? c’mon, you can make a mess on my dick, pretty girl.”
his smooth voice echoes in your mind and that’s all it takes to push over the edge. you hold tightly onto your lover’s biceps and your back arches off the bed, head lolling backwards against the pillow. your lower abdomen tingles and you feel your legs shake due to the impact.
you’ve never felt so good. it’s so much—the feeling is overwhelming you. your body shakes underneath aventurine. he reads your body language and easily concludes that you’re a bit overstimulated by your own orgasm.
“good girl,” aventurine pats your head and rubs your cheek with his thumb. he kisses the corners of your eyes before doing the same to your forehead. your little whimpers and incoherent babbles melt his heart. your lover nods, “shhh, shh, i know. i know.”
he doesn’t care about the fact that he didn’t get to cum. tonight is all about you, not him. aventurine hugs you to his chest and whispers sweet nothings into your ear while you come down from your high.
“i love you so much,” you whisper between shallow breaths. you can feel your lover smile against the skin of your shoulder before he kisses you there. he sighs in content, not yet pulling out.
aventurine wishes to stay with you as one. for as long as you allow him to. he tilts his head back and looks down at you, placing his forehead against yours.
he truly is a lucky man;
“i love you more. so much more.”
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roturo · 1 year
Toji, Gojo, Megumi (choose one, i dont mind) realize spanking isnt doing much for a punishment anymore (youre enjoying it too much) so they come up with other ideas
ex. watching you get fucked by a fuck machine in a mirror while u cum over n over begging for the real thing, seeing how many sex toys you can get away with wearing in public, switching between making you cum over n over to not letting you cum every hour or something ALL NIGHT, etc
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warnings: smut, overstimulation, semi-public sex, edging, ice cube play, cunnilingus, slapping, pussy slapping, degradation, spanking, oral (f & m receiving), fingering, multiple orgasms, dumbification, sub-space, dom/sub dynamics, humiliation, bondage, bdsm, handcuffing, use of vibrator, throat bump, tummy bump (idk how it's called), bratty reader, objectification, jealousy, mirror sex, breeding, unprotected sex, penis in vagina, there's more warnings but idk.
Gojo Satoru, Geto Suguru, Toji Fushiguro, Megumi Fushiguro & Sukuna.
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Gojo Satoru
He first realized spanking you as a punishment isn’t working when your bratty remarks started becoming more usual after 3 or 4 spanks, you moaned at the feeling and teased him even more for him to do it again. 
To say he’s angry at this is an understatement, because he hates brats. Hates not having control, and your behavior being the last drop of breaking was all he needed to give you a real punishment.
You thought he was being mean? Oh no, he was being nice right now.
You pull on his white locks and the only answer you receive is a disapproval grunt from him. You sob, so overwhelmed and tired, but you can't deny how good his tongue feels on your naked core.
The feeling of his tongue abusing your overstimulated hole had you feeling dizzy, but the vibratory he had on his hand teasing your swollen nub made the pleasure more unbearable than before. 
He already got two orgasms out of you, one with his fingers patting gently your sweet spot and the other by sucking avidly on your clit while he fingered you and used the vibratory to tease your other hole. You don't remember which one came first and maybe they both happened at the same time. You don't really know.
And the worst thing of all? You were in a public space. 
You never noticed he brought a vibrator, it's like he knew you were looking for this, for a punishment, but he also knows you don’t see spanking as a punishment anymore, so he had a change of plans.
You were a little bit too flirty with Nanami tonight, he couldn’t take it, so when he saw you going to the restroom he didn’t care it seemed so obvious, he followed you behind.
Your pleas for him to stop went to deaf ears, not taking care in the world and not having any hint of stopping this.
You already had your makeup messed up, you’re sure about that, tears coming out your eyes, smudged lipstick, messy hair, he made sure for everyone to know he fucked the soul out of you. Making visible hickeys on your neck, he wanted to humiliate you.
And if like that wasn’t enough, once he finished he left the vibratory inside of you, so when the both of you walked out, not only everyone knew you two fucked at the restroom, but they’ll know you’re struggling to even talk or walk.
“Ah-ah, you acted like a bitch, i’ll treat you like one.”
Geto Suguru
This man is RUTHLESS. He would tie up your arms and legs on the bed so you can’t move. Using an ice cube toy tease your body, saying is “what you deserve for being too fucking horny all the time” 
The vibrator inside of you wouldn’t stop at any moment, making you come with no break, his tongue playing with your nipples, licking your tummy while going down on you till he found your clit. Grabbing another ice cube and tracing near your cunt.
He would spit on you or slap your pussy every time you told him to stop, making you even a messier moaning mess. His words would be hard too, not accepting any type of bratty behavior coming out of you, it’s what you earned.
He was angry, he couldn’t contain watching you dance with another man, knowing he was right there. You aren’t anything serious, yet, but he makes sure for everyone to know you’re his.
You felt dizzy, coming into subspace once he finished giving you your last orgasm of the night. Needing some time more to adapt to your surroundings. He made sure to cum in your stomach once he felt he couldn’t contain it anymore, and that’s when he knew he had to stop.
Because this man has self-control, he wanted to prove a point and he made sure of doing it. Treating you like a slut. Fucking you like a slut.  You’re no one’s slut but his.
Toji Fushiguro
He’s the opposite of Geto, he’ll make sure to have all the pleasure for himself and just him.
You were about to cum? too bad, because he’s the one coming, not you. He would even edge himself just to make sure you don’t come. Using you like a fucking toy in front of his mirror, pinching your nipples and biting your shoulders.
Your pussy would be so full of him you could even feel a small bump in your tummy, filling you up with his cum, the slickness of it making it easier for him to thrust into you.
Every time he touched your g-spot with his cock, you were almost screaming, begging for release. Every time you close your eyes he would grab you by the chin, threaten to not let you cum for 30 minutes more if you close them again.
Wetting his fingers with your liquids and mostly his cum just to insert them in your mouth. “You want to feel that too, huh? You want to taste yourself too?”
Nodding your head like you could, trying to say yes but every time you opened up your mouth a moan came out of it, just being able to call his name and little ‘please’
But he just laughed at how fucked up you look right now, continuing thrusting into you, one of his arms wrapping around your waist while the other one grabs you by your throat, making sure you’re looking at the two of you in the mirror.
Depending on how good you behave, he’ll decide if he’ll let you cum or not. You might spend the whole night without coming until the next time both of you have sex, thrusting you to make this punishment again if you cum without him.
Megumi Fushiguro (My man, my husband, my boyfriend)
He wouldn’t show he was angry at you, noticing you were enjoying the slaps on your ass, he just suddenly stopped. Analyzing what he should do.
Your smirk disappeared once you heard the silence, not feeling his hands on your ass. Looking through your shoulder, you found a blank face megumi looking at you
You were laying down on his lap and the couch, your ass displayed for him while he manhandled you. You were about to ask what’s wrong until he pulled you by the hair looking at your face before he switched positions, you’re now sitting on his lap.
With his cursed energy, some snakes came from the shadows and made sure he grabbed you by the wrists, putting them on your back so the snakes could simulate a handcuff.
Megumi is a silent man.
But this silence felt really different from the others, his dark blue orbs seemed almost black, his gaze showing no emotion other than seriousness.
He grabbed you by the armpits and positioned you on the floor, kneeled in front of him, while you watched him unbuckle his pants.
Lowering down enough his pants and boxers so his cock was displayed, pinkish tip with a small pearl coming out of his tip, a vein coming from the base on the left side, and slightly curved.
“Open your dirty mouth slut.” 
You did as he said, and he wasted no time in inserting his cock inside of you, giving you and your poor throat no time to adjust while he bobbed your head.
Your nose touching his pelvic bone, his free hand traveled down your face until he felt your throat, a small bump appearing and disappearing each time he thrusted inside of you.
A smirk appeared on his face while he groaned and left small whimpers at the pleasure of using you like a cum dump.
He has a lot of stamina, he doesn’t give up for nothing, not on a fight, not on smacking your bratty face out of your sight.
He felt that tingly feeling on his stomach, ready to cum, with just some more thrusts he dumped strips of cum inside your mouth.
You coughed a little, sore throat, trying to regain your posture when his cock left your mouth, it was still rock hard.
“Don’t have big hopes i’m going to fuck your pussy, i’ll continue fucking your mouth till you can’t even speak.”
He has you sitting on his lap while he’s on his throne. Different mouths coming out of his body, one on his pelvic bone playing with your nub while he bounces you on both of his cocks. Feeling so full of him, you swear you couldn’t even talk, moans and whimpers only coming out of you.
His head was resting in one of his hands, while two of them were gripping your tits with a mouth on them while they sucked your nipples.
“You fucking brat.”
He would sometimes groan everytime your cunt clenched around his cock, or when he felt one of your holes a little bit too tight.
He had you cumming for him for 5 times now, not stopping his movements any time soon, bouncing you up and down on his cocks while he admired your body and face.
Tears staining your blushed cheeks, sweat covering your whole body, purple marks adorning your body and a bite on your shoulder from the first time he came.  Your sore and sensitive nipples bouncing in front of him, little begs and pleads coming out of you.
And all because you didn’t want to take your punishment like a good girl and challenged him with your bratty behavior.
You looked fucked up, not any kind of thinking behind your eyes, not even words to say, you were completely defenseless, used like a toy.
“If only you behaved like a good girl I would treat you like one. But right now you’re just my little whore to play with. I can stay here all night watching you lose your sanity and body control to me.”
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stanfordswifey · 21 days
Stanford Headcanons!!
(Bf ver.)
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Giggling hes so pretty in this picture-- COUGH COUGH SORRY ILL GET STARTED (pre-portal)
Loves physical touch. Would lowkey miss you whenever he's working so he always hugs you, and gives you cuddles whenever he can.
Kisses? Yes please, he'd be flustered at first but reciprocate it sooner or later, he's a shy lil dude.
Gift giving!! He'd make silly gadgets for you for no reason, you need a pen holder? Boom made you one, need anything at all and he'd get started on it just for you <3
Quality time is something he'd like also, since he'll be working on the portal so much he'd spend time with you whenever he can, sometimes it'd just be the both of you cuddling in bed and he'd start infordumping about the most random shit ever.
He would promise to take you to the galaxy and even farther, that he'd show you everything and adore it with you, but out of every gorgeous sunset, out of every prettt flower, he'd always see you as the most beautiful little thing he'd ever lay his eyes on.
Might be possessive, just a little! He'd 'accidentally' leave hickeys in obvious spots on your body (neck, chest, etc)
He'd take you on dates, he would cook your favorite food, setup the table and for nighttime lazy dates he'd just get some popcorn and you two would watch documentaries together or go looking for a new creature to document.
He would let you draw on his journals or add some stuff in, decorations, notes, etc.
He's the type to pat your head when you do something good
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4unnyr0se · 3 months
Hear me out…asking Kenma and Akaashi to eat it from the back..
❥ eat it from the back | kenma kozume & keiji akaashi
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warnings: timeskip! kenma and akaashi, fem! reader, eating pussy from the back (obvs), kenma is a tease and akaashi is a gentleman, fingering, spanking (kind of), mentions of hickeys, bokuto mentioned
MDNI | 18+ content
word count -> 2.1k
a/n: okay i literally hate this with every fiber of my being but i hope u like it nonnie xx
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Kenma Kozume
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“Hey babe?” you poked your head into your bedroom shared by your boyfriend, the neon red and white lights reflecting off his hazelnut waves. The atmosphere was cozy and quaint, accompanied by the faintest sound of video game characters making attack noises at each other. “I-I have a question if you aren’t busy.” your manicured nails anxiously rubbed against the doorframe, a worrying feeling coursing through your pulsating veins. 
Kenma turned around, placing his cat-ear headphones around his neck. You had gotten them as a joke last Christmas, but he grew attached to them quickly. Your boyfriend was akin to that of a cat, after all. “Yeah, what’s up? Is everything okay?” he asked, his voice laced with a mild concern. You were usually so open with him, never afraid to speak your mind. Why did you seem anxious? Were you hurt?
“O-oh, everything is fine. It’s just…I wanted to try something different, if that’s okay.” you smiled in a feeble attempt to assure him, closing the door behind you. Kenma raised an eyebrow and exited his expensive gaming chair, electing to sit on the king-sized bed on the other side of the room. He patted the blanketed spot next to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulder once you were snuggled deep into his side. “What did you wanna try, hm? It’s okay, I won’t judge you.”
You blushed and bit down on your lip, not daring to look into Kenma’s gorgeous golden eyes. Since you started dating, your boyfriend has always accommodated your needs, ensuring you feel safe and secure. Surely he would not refuse you now? “Uh, my friend sent me a video on Twitter and…and it was of a girl getting head from behind. I-if you know what I mean.”
A smirk decorated Kenma’s lips as he pulled you impossibly closer to his chest, the thick fabric of his company hoodie softly grazing your blushing cheek. “Oh, was that it? That’s nothing, baby. You know I can’t say no to your pretty face when you ask for something so simple.” he purred, grasping your chin with his hand. He pulled you out of his hoodie to look into his eyes, molten with a newfound desire and longing. The padding of his thumb pulled on your bottom lip, admiring how pretty you looked when you were so desperate for him. “Can you take those pants off and get on all fours for me, pretty girl?”
You nodded quickly, practically ripping off your pants along with your panties, tossing them in some random corner of the room to be forgotten about. You smushed your flushing face against the silky sheets of the massive bed, your back arching so perfectly for him. All on display, all for Kenma. He growled at the sight, kneading the flesh of your ass between his long fingers. “Fucking perfect.” he groaned, playfully cracking his hand against your skin. “Shit, you’re fucking dripping for me. Do you want this that badly, baby?”
“Yes!” you whimpered, your hands finding purchase in the sheets as Kenma bent down, his fingers trailing your dripping folds. “Please, fuck, please just, just do it!” 
“Okay, pretty girl, whatever you want,” he whispered, placing a teasing kiss on your inner thigh before his mouth landed on your soaked core. His hot tongue slid up and down your folds, mewl after pathetic mewl escaping your lips and being drowned out by the sheets. His hands gripped onto your thighs to secure your position, leaving tiny, fingerprint-sized bruises. His tongue drew playful circles around your sopping entrance, pushing the tip of his muscle in occasionally so he could relish in your surprised squeal.
Kenma indulged himself in you, but that was no shock at all. He was a very greedy lover, and you adored that about him. You tasted like the nectar of the gods on his skilled tongue, his name falling from your plump lips in a broken prayer as your stomach sank further into the mattress, slowly coming undone by his expert oral ministrations. “Shit, you’re fucking shaking. You must’ve wanted this, huh, baby?
His lewd words sent vibrations throughout your body, causing your clit to so painfully throb. “P-please,” you begged, reaching behind you to desperately grasp for his hand. “Need you, please.” Your hand found purchase on his wrist, impatiently dragging it to hover above your soaked clit. 
He choked back a moan as his fingers began to swirl around your clit, pinching the sensitive bud just to get a beautiful yelp to fall from your lips. The way it was throbbing, the way you were so beautifully dripping all over his chin and mouth; you were close. He could feel it. Kenma could tell when you were about to reach orgasm by the way your walls squeezed his cock, but this time it was different. Your body was shaking and trembling, so you were in for quite a ride. 
“Gonna fucking cum, baby? That’s okay, cum on my face. You can do it, can’t you? Be a good fucking girl and drown me, don’t make me ask again.” he demanded, rhythmically plunging his tongue in and out of your entrance. His tongue accidentally-on-purpose hit the most sensitive spot inside your core, causing you to topple over the edge and into complete and utter bliss. You release coated half of his lower face, making the mess Kenma never tired of seeing. Fuck, you looked so perfect like this. Bent over and all spent for him, profanities escaping your mouth as you rode your high so gracefully. 
Reluctantly, Kenma pulled himself away from your drenched lower half, wiping your release from his lips. As you turned around to face him, he smacked your ass. “Sorry baby,” he corrected, standing up to slide off his sweatpants and boxers. His cock leaked with precum, prodding at your entrance. “Did you really think we were done? That’s so cute.”
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Keiji Akaashi
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Akaashi has been your most trusted friend ever since high school. You were Fukurodani’s manager and went to the same university as him, often spending time with each other for whatever reason you two wanted, be it studying or simply crying over your shitty boyfriend cheating on you. He was always there for you, and you were always there for him. You knew everything about each other, everything, including your deepest, most dark desires.
It began when you discovered (by pure accident) that you had apartments in the same building, one floor apart. It was a shock at first, albeit a hilarious one. Akaashi joked about how you could never get rid of him, like how you and Bokuto were attached at his hip in high school. Eventually, like in college, you spent every free moment with each other. He could be editing a manga panel on his laptop, and you gingerly made him tea, patting his head. His green eyes would always trail to the hem of your top, the hint of exposed cleavage driving him secretly wild. Or how you would wear your sleep shorts constantly because you worked from home, the sight of your exposed thighs making him instantly hard in his slacks. 
One day, the tension between the two of you snapped. Akaashi had you against the wall, your legs wrapped around his waist and his hands squeezing your waist. His lips molded so perfectly against your own, groaning into your mouth as your teeth teasingly bit onto his bottom lip. That night was filled with passion and longing, a longing that started to brew since the day you decided to become a Fukurodani manager. Since then, your neck has never been free from his hickeys or marks, and Akaashi’s wrists always have one of your bracelets dangling from the bone.
You never kept anything from each other; why would you? You had known each other for so long that you and he were practically in sync—what he did, you did, etc. So when your friend sent you a Twitter link to a video of a girl trembling as she got eaten out from behind, you just had to show him.
“Keiji, look at this.” you tapped him on the shoulder, momentarily distracting him from editing a manga panel. “My friend sent me this. It’s pretty hot, right?” The video was muted, but the woman’s pleasure was so undeniable. Three fingers pumped in and out of her sobbing pussy while her partner secured her position with his large hands, his tongue ravishing her. 
“Yeah, it is really hot,” Akaashi looked at you with a flicker of desire in his eyes, kissing your fingers gently. “Would you like to try that, sweetheart?” He rose from his chair, slightly towering above you. He was so gentle at times you had forgotten that he used to play volleyball. Akaashi was pretty damn tall. You nodded and leaned to kiss him, resting your arms on his broad shoulders. He smiled into the kiss, breaking it for only a moment so he could drag you into the living room. Shrugging off his cardigan and removing his glasses, he gestured to the leather couch. “Can you get into the position like the girl in the video, sweetheart? Face down, ass up, come on.”
You happily obliged, stripping yourself of your shorts and panties instantly. You proudly displayed yourself for him, wiggling your ass playfully with a teasing grin plastered across your beautiful face. “Like this Keiji, yeah? Like when we do doggy style.”
“Exactly like when we do doggystyle, sweetheart.” Akaashi groaned, massaging your ass tenderly. You were already dripping for him, fuck. Were you thinking about this for longer than he thought? “You always look so fucking pretty for me.” his long and calloused fingers prodded at your throbbing entrance, eliciting an impatient moan from your lips. “Don’t tease, baby! Wan’ you so bad, c’mon!”
He pushed his index and middle finger inside your sobbing core, curling them inside instantly. Your walls squeezed about him perfectly, your manicured nails clawing at the pillow supporting your head. “T-tongue! Wan’ your tongue, Keiji! Please…” you whimpered, turning your head to look at him with a flustered and needy expression. 
“I know, pretty girl,” he cooed, quickening his ministrations in your fluttering cunt. “Just doing what the guy in the video did, right? You’ll get my tongue soon enough,” he assured you, squeezing the backs of your thighs lovingly. That put you at ease for a moment until his skilled tongue licked a fat stripe up your glistening folds, earning the most delightful squeal from your throat. 
“Fuck.” Akaashi slowly dragged his tongue up and down your wanton heat, groaning as your slick covered his tongue and mouth. You always tasted divine, like something not of this world. Your thighs already began to shake like the girl in the video, his fingers gently pistoning in and out of you being the perfect finishing touch. “So fucking pretty like this,” he whispered against you, fingers pulling out of your heat to rub against the clit. “I’ve never seen you this needy. Have you always wanted to try this? Hm?” 
You frantically nodded and pressed yourself against his face, wanting more of his wet muscle against your core. “J-just make me cum, dammit! You never tease me like this.”
“Whatever you want, sweetheart,” Akaashi buried himself in your cunt once more, tracing delicate circles on your most sensitive part. At the same time, his index finger rubbed your clit too well, the slick from inside your pussy adding a new kind of lubrication. Akaashi chuckled in satisfaction as he felt your orgasm approach, his tongue prodding at your entrance. He plunged the wet muscle inside, slurping noises filling the room of your otherwise silent living area. The tip expertly dipped in and out, running along each of your folds to avoid neglecting either.  “Want you to cum on my tongue, sweetheart,” he demanded, rubbing on your clit at a sickeningly fast pace. “Can you do that for me now? Wanna cum on my tongue?”
Like you were something he had programmed, you became unraveled all over his tongue, your slick release covering his mouth. “S-shit! Keiji, fuck! Oh my fucking god, don’t stop! Holy shit, fuck, fuck!” 
Akaashi smiled as he pulled away from your heat, giving your inner thighs gentle kisses. “You did so well, sweetheart. I’m so proud of you.” He grabbed your hips and flipped you around, pressing his lips against yours in a tender embrace. His tongue flicked against your lips, spreading some of your release. “You taste amazing, can you see?” 
You nodded and collapsed onto his chest, rubbing your head against the wool fabric of his sweater. “Gonna take a nap on you, is that okay?”
Akaashi chuckled to himself and kissed the top of your sweaty head, rubbing his hands down your back. “Of course, baby, get as much rest as you need. You did so well for me.”
have a request? my asks are open <3
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graphicpepsi · 5 months
apologize (nsfw, mdni)
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OR: what happens when zaddy könig gets jealous?
you honestly hadn't meant it.
Gliding your fingers against his forearm, batting your pretty eyelashes up at him as you laugh at whatever mediocre joke he made, twirling your soft hair in-between your delicate fingers. It's just how you acted, that's all. You get flustered when strangers talk to you.
But to your 6'10 military boyfriend, it was everything but unintentional.
"You imagine him fucking you like this? huh? This what you wanted?"
König slams into you, mercilessly, ignoring the way tears stream down your puffy cheeks. His fingers curl around your throat, squeezing just enough to make you start to slip.
"Köni, Kö-"
"Quiet," He snaps his hips back into you, his forearm flexing above you as he braces himself with the headboard.
He fucks into you so hard, your eyes want to roll back with every thrust. You're certain he's leaving bruises all over your ass with how hard he's pounding you.
You claw at his back, desperately, and surely you're leaving bruises.
You honestly didn't mean for this to happen- but the look he gave you after you had laughed at the strangers joke- patting his chest innocently- sent daggers into your soul, and you knew you were getting to him.
From then on it was a game for you; how much could you get away with? You were absurdly nice to every guy you came across, smiling at them without prompt and biting your lip half-heartedly.
It was when you bent down sweetly to grab something off the bottom shelf for an older gentleman that König had enough.
The whole car ride home you had been silent, his knuckles turning white from how hard he's gripping your thigh.
Now, those same knuckles were being fucked into your mouth, muffling your pathetic whines. Drool was running down your chin, drizzling over the hickeys that littered your neck. You were fighting to keep your eyes locked on his.
He grunts above you, almost angrily. Your pussy squeezes around him desperately, the tip of his dick hitting your pillowy cervix delicately.
God, you love it when he's mad; his angry clock slamming into you, gagging you with his fingers, his other hand curled around your throat. Fuck, you can still feel the sting of the deep purple hickeys he had chewed into your neck in the parking lot.
You can see the outline of his dick in your abdomen as he pounds into you.
"Schatz." König's voice snaps your attention back on him, "Eyes on mine." He practically growls when your eyes flutter shut with ecstasy, landing a hard slap to your ass.
"König, I'm gonna-"
"Beg for it, doll."
You whine, clenching down on him.
"Please let me cum König, please, please 'm so fucking, please-" You start to babble, incoherent nonsense spilling out of you as he fucks into you harder.
"You think you deserve to cum? Flirting with other men all day?" König slows his thrusts down, staring into your eyes with a mixture of lust and envy.
"m 'sorry, Kö, 'm so sorry please let me cum," You whine, your pussy nearly hurting with how it's being abused.
"You're sorry, Schatz? Fucking pussy belongs to me, ja? Cum on my dick, love."
His voice softens when he sees your pained expression. His pretty thing needs to cum. He slams into you, hard and fast, vibrating his thumb against your clit. His fingers are still wet from when they were down your throat, and the hot wet feeling against your puffy clit sends you over the edge.
You cum on his dick, back arching into him as he fucks you through your orgasm. You can feel him shoot hot stripes of cum onto your stomach moments later.
You're panting into his neck, arms wrapped around his back for stability. He pulls out of you softly before pressing open-mouthed kisses down your neck, comforting the angry bruises he left earlier.
"Did I hurt you?"
His voice is so fragile by your ear you almost missed it.
"No, Kö, I loved it." You whisper, rubbing over the hot red scratches you left on his back.
He presses a kiss to your forehead.
"No more bullshit, ja?" He pulls away from you. "This is mine," He slaps your pussy hard, "Belongs to me." He rubs your overstimulated clit for a moment before laying down next to you, tugging you on top of him.
You happily snuggle into the crook of his neck, bare tits flush against his chest.
Those hickeys stayed for weeks, and König didn't let you cover them up once. He just looked at you through dangerous, lidded eyes, threatening to leave darker ones on your jaw if you covered up the ones on your neck.
You couldn't deny you loved it; loved being marked by him, marked as his-
Maybe you'd make König jealous more often..?
A/N: id sell my entire family if it meant i could smell him ngl. hope y'all liked this one if u want me to write sumth lmk! still sorta new to tumblr
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mxdnightlvers · 1 year
𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐲’𝐫𝐞 𝐍𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐲𓆩♡𓆪
➸ 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Sumeru men when they're needy for you <3
➸𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬: Alhaitham, Scara/Wanderer, Kaveh
➸ 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: degradation, overstim, lots of cum, slight dehumanization
➸ 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐬/𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫: Gender Neutral Pronouns & Reader
➸ 𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: omg I swear I need to 'get back in the flow' every time I come back here because my god is uni work killing me, however I do miss writing and sometimes I end up writing when I have chance and voila a full post like this gets completed :D
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When Alhaitham is needy he turns into a completely different person, the calm, collected persona he usually keeps up slips in almost an instant. Your hands have turned frail, unable to hold yourself upright as Alhaitham keeps you in the perfect place for his cock to reach deep inside you. One placed on your chest, and the other pressed against your lower stomach as he feels every thrust through you. He’s leaning over you, voice brushing so sweetly against your ear, the intensity of his breathing yet the gentleness of his moans flustering you so much that you’re unable to make any sort of eye contact. The way his words flow so perfectly together despite his stuttering as he tells you he’s going to cum again. He doesn't stop for even a moment, even after he's already cum, he continues to fuck you because god- he cannot get enough of you and how good you feel. He’s too needy, the warmth and desire he feels seems to never run out. Using your pretty body to his satisfaction, fucking you how fast he wants, how much he wants, and cumming inside you as many times as he wants.
You’re overstimulated, unable to barely think- to barely speak. But oh, how he loves seeing you like this for him. “You can cum for me again right sweetheart?” He doesn’t expect a response, simply satisfied by your flustered yet failed attempt at an answer. Flipping you on your back so he has even more access to your body. Leaving hickeys wherever he pleases as he brings you to yet another orgasm. You're practically filled to the brim with cum, the white liquid leaking down your thighs and onto the bed, even on your stomach because Alhaitham couldn't keep his messy, needy hands off you. As your breathing finally slows down and you feel your sense of clarity being regained, you feel his cock move in you once more, "I'm not finished with you yet sweetheart." <3
He gets even more demanding when he's needy. Having you down on your knees and shoving his cock inside your mouth, enjoying the tears welling up in your eyes as he forces himself down your throat. Pulling you off him and guiding your head to drag your tongue along his cock, tracing his most sensitive- and favorite places. When he's satisfied with that he shoves his entire cock down your throat once more, his head thrown back as he uses your mouth like a fleshlight, a low, sadistic laugh emerging when he looks down at your pathetic form. "You enjoy being used like this don't you slut?" You'd love to answer him if only your mouth wasn't filled with his cock. He chuckles, holding your hair tighter to keep you in place, "Yeah that's right- you belong on my cock like the pathetic whore you are." His words alone have you rubbing your thighs together for some form of friction.
His soft mewls slowly become louder and whinier as he fucks your mouth faster, pulling and tugging at your hair when he finally cums. There is simply so much that his cum ends up spilling and dripping down the corners of your mouth. He gently wipes it off, his fingers tracing your lips before forcing them past your lips and into your mouth. "Such a messy little thing aren't you?" A sweetly condescending tone as he watches you lick his fingers clean. When you're done, he leans back and pats his lap, signaling you to get on top of him. You're on him in an instant, desperate to feel him inside you. "You're gonna ride me til I'm satisfied slut." <3
𝐊𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐡❦ (𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐚𝐯 𝐛𝐨𝐲 <3)
He's so pathetic and whiny when he's needy! His hands could barely keep to themselves, holding onto your shirt or waist, anything he can reach. Soft whines when you pull away a little too far, flushed cheeks swollen as he pouts, pleading eyes peeking through his messy blonde hair- it's such an adoring sight to see the Kshahrewar student so cute and needy for you. But can you blame him though, he just wants you as close to him as possible! You're so painfully slow with your traces around his cock that he's resisting the urge to fuck into your hands like a bitch in heat. But no, he will let you have your way with him, even if it meant that every feathered touch of yours made him more sensitive.
He's already a moaning mess the moment you decide to get on top of him, words completely incomprehensible. The only intelligible ones are soft broken whines of "please" over and over and over. "P-please....don't stop- please you feel so good don't stop.." His voice is shaky, if it wasn't for his stained cheeks you'd be surprised he's crying. It just feels so good, overwhelmed with pure lust for you. Slender hands leaving small imprints on your hips as he tightens his grip on you. His pretty moans growing louder as he nears his orgasm. Unable to stay quiet as he feels you tighten around his cock. Dazed ruby eyes look up at you, struggling to stay open, on the verge of falling asleep and you decide to give him a break. "mmm noo..." soft pleas beg you to come closer as he holds your waist in place, "please...fuck me again." <3
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queerpumpkinnn · 1 year
Kinktober 5th: Goldmine
aka hair pulling with Rodrick Heffley
2k words
Summary: Rod learns something new.
Pairing: Rodrick Heffley x reader
Warnings: hair pulling obviously, choking, vaginal fingering, unprotected piv sex (don't do this at home kids), smoking, thigh riding, lots of hickeys/biting, scratching, lots of sweet praise but it's also kinda condescending, this is just porn with very minimal plot, let me know if I missed anything!
While reading, I recommend you listen to the altar is my hips - a Spotify playlist by me!
"Y'think I should get a leather jacket?"
Your shoulders shook under the weight of Rodrick's arm as you chuckled. "Why, you get an idea for a costume?"
"Absolutely. Even got the name for it." You could see the familiar smirk he wore even as your eyes remained on the screen. Smoke billowed in your peripheral, the smell of his near-finished cigarette long since clung to your clothes.
"It'd be a cute couples costume too," he continued, "you could be Tina Gray."
You turned to look at him. "Oh could I now?"
"Yup." He grinned as he put his cigarette out. "You've got the bedroom personality for it too."
You swung a pillow at his face, but Rodrick easily caught it and tossed it behind him. You huffed in false annoyance, falling back into your spot curled up under his arm.
His hand fell absentmindedly to your hair, gently twirling strands around his finger. The sensation makes your eyelids heavy, getting sleepy as he continued to soothe you.
Until you felt a sharp tug. Your eyes flew open, and you audibly gasped. Your entire body froze, and you curse yourself when Rodrick turns his head. A soft "oh?" leaves his lips, which are curled up into a curious smile. It had only been playful tug, but that was before he knew you'd react like that.
"That's not how you do it," you breathe, ghost of a grin teasing your lips.
"Yeah?" His voice was a condescending lilt. "How d'you do it?"
Instead of speaking, you take hold of his wrist, pushing it towards the back of your head. His fingers thread into your roots and he takes a fistful, tugging slowly. Your eyes flutter shut and your lips part in a deep sigh.
Before your eyes close, you catch a glimpse of your boyfriend's reaction. His eyes are wide and full of amusement, and he's smirking incredulously. His brows raise, and you can see the gears turning in his brain.
"That's interesting," Rodrick mumbled, almost more to himself. "I wonder..."
He climbs up over you, legs caging in on either side of your hips. His foot kicks the TV remote onto the floor but Elm Street is long forgotten. His hold on your hair returns, the tingling in your scalp pulling a weak noise from your throat.
"Now, what would happen..." Rodrick's thought trails off as his fingers ghost over your throat, touch only featherlight until the pads of his fingers find your pulse points and press. Your breathing is shaky and your vision begins to blur, but your hands still fly to his shoulders. You might have even been a little embarrassed at how your hooded eyes began to cross if not for the fact that it just felt so good.
"Aw, y'like that?" Rodrick lilts, his face pulling closer to yours. Heat creeps up your neck.
"Y-yeah," you attempt to nod, but you aren't given much room for movement.
"I like that too, baby." He murmurs against your mouth before he kisses you slowly, tasting of nicotine and gum. They were gentle, teasing kisses, but quickly gave way to a more desperate rhythm as his tongue glided over your lower lip. He hummed a deep note when you let him in, when you whimpered as he started sucking on your tongue.
You let out a disappointed noise when Rodrick lets go of you, rolling back to sit but it's forgotten when he pats his thigh. You quickly oblige, skin heated and brain frazzled.
As soon as you're sat on his leg, the friction to your clit has you gasping into his mouth. Almost involuntarily, your hips began to roll against him, so slowly but enough to make your head swim and heat boil in your gut.
"Oh, sweetness," Rodrick murmurs in between kisses, "so needy already? I've barely done anything."
He knows he doesn't need to do much. Just a few words- or a tug of the hair- and you'd be turned into a pile of mush. He knows you too well, and he loves having that effect over you.
Even though he's teasing you, you can't be bothered to care, muttering an mhm and rutting your hips faster. Your hands fall from his shoulders to his chest, then trail to his thigh to ground yourself.
"Atta girl, keep goin'." Rodrick murmurs in your ear, licking a stripe down the shell of it, planting soft kisses wherever his lips wandered. "'M right here baby, that's it, yeah, good girl."
Rodrick's encouragement was sweet honey to your ear, and a sickening contrast to the hand that hand re-found purchase at your scalp, tilting your head back so that he could teethe at your neck, soft plucks of skin turning into bruising. Deft hands made work of your top, leaving your chest bare.
Your rutting became increasingly frustrated; your thighs burned and you weren't getting any closer to your high.
"Rod... need..." your words were mumbled and breathless, and your brain was too cloudy to be fully coherent anyway.
"Hm? Couldn't hear you, bunny, say that one more time?"
"Need more," you cried, hands pushing into Rodrick's hair when his tongue laved over your nipple.
"More what, baby?" He lilted, cupping and pinching your other tit lovingly. He groaned when your fingers clutched his hair tighter.
"Need you, Rod please..." you sighed, tugging at his wrist.
Rodrick chuckled. "Baby, I don't think I can do that. Might hurt you if I don't get you nice and prepped, yeah? How about we start with fingers?"
"Anything, please," you babbled, nestling your head into the crook of his shoulder.
"Alright, alright, I got ya. Let's get these off, hm?" He tugged at the belt loop of your pants. They were off in record time, along with your underwear, leaving your entire body bared to him. You felt naked, more than just literally.
Once you were situated on his lap again you tried pulling on the hem of his shirt. "Off," you mumbled. Happily he complied, and you took the opportunity to lean forward and plant loving kisses to his neck, his collarbone.
You didn't realize when you'd risen up off your behind that it gave Rodrick the space to slip a hand between your legs, pulling a squeak out of you, muffled against his jaw.
"Aw, so messy baby. A little hair pulling did all this?"
You knew that it was a few other things, but you were so far gone you gave him a whiny 'yeah' anyway. Rodrick's fingers massaged your entrance, gathering slick and smothering it around your clit, making obscene noises- probably on purpose.
"So fuckin' wet, sweet, y'hear that?" Rodrick presses kisses to your pulse point, up to your jaw, then kisses you deep. Swallowing your moans into his mouth as the kiss turns messy.
"Please, Rod..." you're breathless and your pleas are barely coherent, but Rodrick knows exactly what you're asking for. You keel when you feel a finger glide into you, curling up towards your stomach.
"Yeah, good fuckin' girl." Rodrick's grin widens at your reaction when a second finger joins the first. "Always so eager, hm? That's my girl."
"Yeah, 'm your girl," you pant, hips canting to meet his hand.
"That's right," he coos, thumb tracing wide circles over your clit. "So proud of you, my girl."
"Rod," you whine, "need you."
"Hm?" He hums between nips to your collarbone. "You have me."
You shake your head vigorously. "Need you inside."
This gets Rodrick's attention. His fingers slow, while his free hand moves from your hair to his pants. He makes quick work of his pants, pulling his half-hard cock out from his boxers. You watch as he takes his fingers, soaked from your cunt, and wrap them around himself, stroking slowly. His head falls back against the couch, lips hanging open and you feel the sudden urge to bite them.
Before you get the chance, however, Rodrick is pulling you forward, lining himself up to take you. Slowly, so slowly, he runs the tip of his cock through your folds, smearing your slick around. You jerk when his head catches on your clit, sending electricity shooting up your spine.
"Rod..." you whine against his neck, "please."
"Please what?" You want to slap him for the knowing glint in his eye, but that was for another day.
"Please fuck me."
And who was he to deny you? Guiding your hip, Rodrick eased you down on him, guiding you but letting you set your own pace. The stretch set your loins on fire, but it was heaven.
Your head kicked back, and you let your voice have a mind of its own as you sunk down on him. Long and pornographic, and Rodrick matched it. You felt him throb inside of you.
"Fuck, sound so pretty." Rodrick started rolling his hips into you, and you cried out at the sensation. "Yeah, that's it. Moan like a fuckin' whore for me, c'mon."
And who were you to deny him? You had the house to yourself, and the name alone sent your brain into overdrive. He filled you up so nicely, and the drag of his cock inside of you made your skin tingle with delight.
"Rod, yeah, oh- just like that, ohmygod-" your voice was caught in your throat when Rodrick, with the usual knowing twinkle in his eye, takes a fistful of hair and tugs you forward into a sloppy kiss.
All of the sensations- that Rodrick was giving you- were sending you closer and closer to tumbling headfirst off of that ledge. The sting in your scalp, his tongue sliding against yours, the sounds of wet slaps and your combined moans. The smell of cigarettes and the heat of his skin under your fingers. The head of his cock piledriving into your cervix again and again and again.
"Rod I- oh god, I'm gonna- oh, so close- Rod please," you pant into his mouth, fingers raking down his chest and leaving faint red lines in their wake.
"I gotcha," he grunts, hand snaking between your bodies to press circles over your clit. You can hear it in his voice that he's holding back. You don't want him to. "That's it, baby, come for me. Make a mess on my cock, c'mon."
That extra pleasure is all it takes to have you diving headfirst into a mind-numbing orgasm. Your eyes screw shut, and all you can feel is Rodrick. Shaky hands rest on his shoulders, holding on for dear life as hot pleasure courses through you.
You're acutely aware of the hot spurts hitting your cervix, and the fluids seeping out of you, but your body is still tingling all over. Your voice has long since become scratchy, but that doesn't stop you from whimpering and crying as he coaxes you through it.
"Good girl, did so good for me, yeah?" His grip on your hair is no longer a grip, but gentle, soothing strokes, almost as if to apologize.
You hummed, dropping your forehead against his shoulder as you breathe. The smell of sex had permeated the air around you, and you were suddenly very aware of how sweaty you'd become.
"Think we need a shower, baby, c'mon." Rodrick nudged your head.
You wanted to, you felt sticky, but your body was on fire, this time with a less-than-pleasurable ache. Begrudgingly, you lifted yourself off of his now soft dick, hobbling down to reach for your clothes and then to the nearest bathroom.
The shower was peaceful, and the water was soothing on your muscles. You both worked in a comfortable silence.
"Well, I was right." Rodrick finally said.
"About what, the hair pulling?"
You turned around to face him, head tilted in confusion. His mouth was curled upwards and his eyes were lifted in a smile.
"You do have the bedroom personality of Tina Gray."
Rodrick Heffley Masterlist
Kinktober 2023 Masterlist
Miscellaneous Characters List
Main Masterlist
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vanesycho · 18 days
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this man will cause my death one day..anyway
Warning:Tit sucking, cock sucking,smut without a plot.
You were watching your boyfriend while he was talking to his friends, no you were watching him but your eyes were definitely not on his face, they were on his chest which was clearly visible because of his white sleeveless t-shirt. You knew he had been working out lately but he had said he wouldn’t show it to you until he had fully developed himself, and god...You love him with everyway but the way his body was… It was just making you imagine unpleasant things.
Jaemin continued to listen to Chenle as he spoke, leaning back in his seat and crossing his arms, you licked your lips, this guy was going to drive you crazy.
“This is off topic but Jaemin hyung’s chest is really nice.” When Chenle brought one hand up and patted Jaemin's chest, Jaemin threw his head back and laughed at Chenle’s sudden compliment, biting his lower lip and glancing at you for a moment, he knew you were watching him the whole time and oh how he liked it.
When it was late at night, everyone decided to disperse to their homes, Jaemin said goodbye to everyone and closed the door and came to you. He sat down and put one hand on your thigh, squeezing it lightly. "What do you want to do, baby?" he said, you had a hard time not saying what was on your mind.
"I don't know...What do you have in mind?" he hummed, thinking for a while. "Oh, I definitely have something in mind, and you know it very well." you turned your head to look at him, he grinned, leaned in and kissed the back of your ear, sucking on your earlobe, you held your breath for a moment when he bit it. He soon whispered. "Come on baby, you know what you want to do, stop going against your desires."
You closed your lips on his without saying anything, Jaemin hadn't expected this, laughed in between the kiss and immediately returned it. Grabbed your waist and pulled you to him, making you sit comfortably on his lap. It didn’t take long for him to insert his tongue into your mouth, his hands starting to caress your entire body in slow movements, from top to bottom, as if he were exploring your body. He squeezed your hips and made sure you were seated comfortably on his cock, a moan escaped your mouth, you pulled back and looked at Jaemin.
He quickly took off his shirt and you examined his chest for a while, swallowed hard, he laughed at that. "Are you going to make me wait or...?" You grinned, biting your lower lip, moving closer and starting to place small kisses on his breasts. You stuck your tongue out, feeling him take a deep breath as you started to give small tongue strokes to his nipple, sucking, biting and starting to leave countless hickeys.
Jaemin held your head with one hand, caressing your hair, watching how you sucked his breasts hungrily, you could feel his cock getting harder and harder underneath you. "My little baby is hungry for her boyfriend's breasts huh? How long have you been thinking about this?" You lowered your kisses without waiting, got off his lap and sat on the floor, looking up at him. You placed your hand on his swollen cock and started to stroke it.
"Please..." who was he to refuse when you were looking at him with such beautiful eyes and begging? He took off his extra clothes without making you wait too long. You held his cock in one hand, fuck, just looking at this was enough to make your mouth water. Jaemin gently placed his hand behind your head again and tied your hair back. You leaned down and licked the tip first, with the hand you held you started to jerk him off with slow movements, even though you couldn’t take it all in your mouth, you took as much of it as you could and sucked it.
"F-fuck..don't fucking tease me." He stopped being gentle, moved your head towards his cock and made you take it all in your mouth, his thick cock was enough to fill your entire mouth. Jaemin threw his head back where he was sitting, moaning under his breaths. He started moving your head back and forth as he wanted, tilting his head and looking at you, couldn't help but think how good you looked with his cock filling your entire mouth. "Ah..Just looking at this gonna make me cum."
You held him with your hand and continued to suck him, your tongue licking his cock from top to bottom while your saliva started to flow from the corner of your mouth. You moaned in pain and pleasure, it felt like a vibrator to him and he let out a loud moan "Y/n- fuck fuck, you're gonna fucking make me cum." You didn't stop your movements, the deep, harsh breaths and moans filled the room and your ear "I'm gonna cum, I'm so c-close, don't stop, don't stop..god.. you're gonna drive me crazy."
You could tell he was getting close as his pre-cum slowly came into your mouth, Jaemin closed his eyes in pleasure, with one last deep groan he came into your mouth, you pulled back and let some of his juices hit your face. He looked down at you and gave you a tired grin. “Fuck you were too good baby, and you deserve a reward."
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preeningpisces · 6 months
♡ Too Sensitive - Part One ♡
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Telling the JJK men you get too sensitive right before you cum and always have to stop, effectively ruining your orgasms. 
Includes: Geto, Gojo, Nanami, and Toji Part Two
Content: cunnilingus, fingering, p-in-v, overstimulation, edging
Petnames: sweetheart, girl, good girl
18+ Content below, mdni, implied chubby f!reader - enjoy!
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Geto is sly & coaxes you through it: the fact you need his help to do something so simple brings out his possessive side–he’s the only one that can make you cum, not even you can do it. 
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“Such a needy girl,” Suguru looks all too-pleased as he strokes your clit, watching you closely. “Can’t even make yourself cum—you need me to do it for you.” Lost in the clouds you nod dumbly and sink into the couch. When you mentioned your problem offhandedly, you never expected your friend to offer a helping hand. In reality, you shouldn’t have been shocked. It’s in Suguru’s nature to step-in and help out--to take care of you. Apparently, your eyes slipped shut without notice, because Suguru pats your cheek–gently, but firm enough to wake you from your reverie. “Keep your eyes on me.” 
After directing you to sit-up and face forward on the couch, he kneels on the floor between your legs. With eyes fixed on you, he lowers his mouth and lays a kiss on your chubby mound. Embarrassment floods through you, and it deepens when he mouths at your labia. He continues like this, kissing and sucking near your pussy, but not giving you what you really want. 
“C’mon,” you pull on his hair, urging him to hurry. “Don’t be a dick.” 
“Needy and demanding," he chuckles before trapping your clit with a harsh suck. Shocked, you yank on his hair and shout. Going from no touch at all to such intense focus is too much, too soon. Instinctively you try to pull his head away. He ignores it at first, but when you continue pushing at his forehead he detaches from your clit with a rough suck. Your wrists are captured, and guides them to the edge of the couch.
“Don’t move them, or I’ll have to tie you up,” he says with a wink and returns to your swollen clit–if he could leave a hickey there, his sucking is hard enough he would. The couch cushions crumble beneath your fingers, and your legs tremble when he doesn’t let up. You practically howl when he shakes his head back and forth, his hum buzzing through your pussy. 
“God, I can’t take it, I can’t–I can’t” you ramble, alternating between rolling towards and away from his mouth. A smack to your thigh makes it wobble, and reminds you to watch him. The look in his eyes makes you burn as your end approaches, and now you frantically try to get away from him. “Suguru, stop!” 
His lips twitch in amusement, and his hands keep you in place with a halting grip on your plush thighs. You come with a scream, and feel your pussy leak all over his face and couch. He groans against you as he soothes you with kitten licks, eyes never leaving your face as it succumbs to pleasure. Before you can fully unwind, he slides two fingers in you with a soft squelch and a sly smile. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of you.”
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Gojo is playful & teases you through it: he’s excited by the challenge, and is confident he can get you to your orgasm without making it unpleasant. He’ll have you begging for more.
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Why you thought telling Satoru Gojo, the most obnoxious person you know, about your sex problems was a good idea, you still don’t know.
“Satoru fuck oooooff,” you whine as your hips jerk in a desperate search for more as he steps away from the bed. He has denied you an orgasm three times already. Not coming is standard for you, and you essentially edge yourself all the time, but he’s been clever enough to stop right before you get over-sensitive. Edging you before you edge yourself, if that makes sense, and it’s been driving you mad. 
“You told me to stop, yeah? I thought it was ‘too much,’” he mocks your earlier plea and tone. It's true–you had told him you couldn’t handle it when you got close, and ever since then, he’s been tormenting you. His large hand skims over your stomach with a look of mischief. “Are you going to let me make you cum,” he squeezes the fat of your mound, “or are you gonna cry about it again?” 
You shake your head, ready to endure any discomfort to finally release the heavy tension in your body. 
“I’ll take it. Please make me cum–oh fuck!” Your plea is cut off with a squeal as he thrusts his cock into you. It stretches you deliciously; he grimaces with effort as he allows you to adjust. As soon as you beg him to start moving he sets a rapid pace, barely holding himself back. His thumb finds your raw clit, and flicks it with upward strokes, greedily watching his cock disappear. 
“Holy shit, you’re tight,” he says through gritted teeth, and forces himself to slow his thrusts. He wants you to cum first, then cum again, and again before the night lets up. Instead of pulling out, he grinds his cock against your g-spot mercilessly in tandem with his thumb. You nearly scream when he presses his hand onto your squishy stomach, increasing the pressure against the tender area. “Oh, you really like that, don’t you?” 
His smugness is as sexy as it is irritating, and you bite your tongue when the rush of nerves sets in, making you want to roll away and prevent him from touching you any further. But the thought of him teasing you all over again makes you quiet yourself, only whimpering behind closed lips. It doesn’t take much more for you to come, and cry out pathetically. Your pussy clamps around his cock so hard he falls foreward with a swear, and has to squeeze the base of his cock to prevent himself from joining you.
“See? That wasn’t so bad,” he lifts your hips in strong hands, and pulls back only to surge his cock back in. “Now hold on–we’re just getting started.” 
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Nanami is encouraging & soothes you through it: of course he wants you to cum, but he doesn’t want it to be unpleasant or cause you pain. He knows he needs to be mindful.
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Normally he would prefer to eat you out, but with how overwhelming this is for you, he needs his mouth free to talk. He has your back leaning against his chest as he traces steady, gentle circles on your clit, and languidly thrusts his fingers in you. During a discussion about incoporating sex into your relationship, you explained your issue with orgasming, and since then Kento swore he would make you cum everyday to make up for the lost time. Who knows how many times you've missed out in your life?
“It’s too much,” you whine against his mouth, your legs trying to shut and keep him away. Wet sounds fill the silence as he disregards your complaint. It surprises you that Kento isn’t listening and continues fingerfucking your pussy instead–he’s always such a respectful man, so the fact that he’s pushing you past your limits turns you on more than you’d expected. 
“You’re alright, just a little more.” He eases his pace despite his words, not having the heart to ignore you completely; the way your pussy squeezes around him makes his cock throb and tempts him to go faster. A flash of heat burns your core when he spreads his fingers, scissoring them and stretching your pussy. You're hushed by his lips, kissing you slowly to keep you from floating away. A particularly sharp thrust to your g-spot makes you tear away from him with moan, and roll into his hand. Pleased with your compliance, he rewards you with kisses down your neck, and an affectionate nip to your shoulder. You wind your hand through his hair, holding him hostage with the crook of your arm.
"I'm going to speed up now, okay?" is the only warning you're given before he's gathering your wetness to glide over your clit with quick strokes; his fingers focusing on your g-spot with deliberate pulses. Suddenly your panting becomes frantic, and your body jerks with restless energy.
"Oooh god, slow down I--Kento!"
“Just breathe, sweetheart. You can do it.” The encouragement makes you still with a sob, the searing heat on your clit finally releases and you come so hard you distantly worry you’ll pass out. His delicate circling continues, but slows down considerably as he whispers praises in your ear. It takes everything within him to not roll you over and fuck you until you see stars. All he wants is to see your pretty face scrunch in pleasure again.
“Are you alright?" you nod, and he moves you to lie down. "Thank you for trusting me. I know that was hard,” he presses a kiss to your forehead, supporting your boneless body in his arms. 
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Toji is cocky & pushes you through it: he knows all you need is a little push–your mind just doesn’t have the willpower to keep going when it gets sensitive. Incompetent partners wouldn’t recognize an orgasm if it slapped them in the face & wouldn’t notice you didn’t cum. But thankfully, he sure as hell can fix that
♡ ♡ ♡
With alcohol-loosened lips, you lamented your struggle with orgasming to your colleauges, earning bewildered stares from the two men. Next thing you know, you're back in your hotel room with Toji’s head nestled between your thighs, making you jerk and convulse as he licks you down. With his tongue fat and flat, he grinds against your clit, making you feel the texture of his taste buds.
So eager he hadn't even undressed you: he just pushed you back on the bed, rolled your skirt up, and tore a hole in your pantyhose. It’s felt amazing thus far, you can feel yourself dripping on the bed, but anxiety prickles in your chest as your orgasm approaches. You worry that you’ll have to stop, make him upset that he couldn’t make you cum, and ruin the mood. Not to mention, sorely wound his ego--even though that thought amuses you, you wouldn't intentionally hurt him.
As if hearing your inner dilemma, your body lurches with a sudden surge of red-hot sensitivity, making you yelp and pull at his hair. Toji only hums, appreciating the rough treatment. 
“I don’t know if I can do it. I’m s-sorry–ah!” Your thighs squeeze around his head, signaling for him to stop. The plea is ignored, and instead a thick arm pushes down against your soft stomach, pinning you in place. You thrash beneath his hold, but he doesn’t budge, and sucks your aching clit into his mouth with his tongue flicking relentlessly. If you weren’t so fucked out of your mind, you’d notice how he grinds into the bed, and grunts against your pussy. When you keep protesting, he pulls away with an irritated glare.
"You can, and you will." His assertive confidence makes you tingle with nervous anticipation--he really isn't going to listen to you, is he? You don't have long to contemplate this because he licks you from your ass to your clit in one long swoop--which makes you squawk in disbelief--and rolls the bud between his lips before sucking more roughly than before.
Knowing exactly what you need, he pushes your mound up with his spare hand and hums around your clit noisily. It’s so intense you shout, and weakly slap at his shoulders as you’re shoved over the edge–only the sound of his slurping competes with you to fill the room.  
After several moments of twitching and whimpering, your mind clears enough for you to look at him. At some point he had lowered your legs to sit back on his knees, and now stares at you with a cocky grin and a wet face.
“Atta girl,” he palms his bulge through his baggy pants. “Think you got another in you?”
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elliesgaythoughts · 5 months
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trans!ellie x brat!reader
warnings: possessive! Ellie, hickies, ass slaps, that’s it really🤍
You stroll into your shared bedroom to see Ellie sitting cross legged, eyes fixated onto the character she played on the screen. Her gaze only darting and doing a double take when you cough, capturing her attention as she somehow instantly ends up in heat “where you going?” she pauses her game, taking in the way your wine hued dress caressed you body, jealousy at the material building in her belly, she’s so obvious “out with my girlfriends” you twirl in your heels, revealing the bare flesh of your back “fuck. no.” Ellie says, her jaw on the floor “fuck no.” she laughs to herself in disbelief.
“whaaat babyy?” you whine, knowing she’d react like this, her possessiveness making your face grow warm “my woman going out looking this good? without me? nahh” she answers herself.
“babe, no” you laugh as she stands up sliding her feet in her house slippers “nooo!” you dramatically squeal while she runs at you, pressing kisses to your neck “let’s go babe” “nooo” she shakes her head, ignoring you, gripping your hips and swaying yours side to side with hers “yessss” she nods, trying to hide her smile “babeee” you pout.
“mhm?” the auburn headed woman coos, her eyes buried in your cleavage, you don’t speak, trying to let her know the silence she’ll hear if she makes you drag her out to drink with your girlfriends in a fucking tank top and ducky boxers.
her lips finally curve into a smile, belly laughing at the look of fear in your eyes “I’m just playing mama, don’t worry” you sigh in relief, your hand covering your mouth as you giggle, rolling your eyes but you don’t miss how her gaze scans your curves once more, your hands landing on her waist, looking into her pretty green eyes “I can change it if it makes you worry babe” she gnaws at her bottom lip “nah, you gotta show that body off baby” her fingers interlace with yours as she lifts your hand above your head and spins you around and pauses half way.
You can feel her gaze on you as she presses you softly to the wall, the cold making you shiver “ellie?” you mumble in confusion, looking behind yourself to see her squatting, face to face with your spine “just…” she trails off, her soft lips landing on the sensitive skin of your back as she sucks, painting the mark of her mouth onto your flesh “Ellie” you whimper out as her hands palm your ass, pressing your pelvis against the concrete.
Her mouth continues to suckling painfully hard onto your flesh, soothing Ellie as you squeeze your thighs together, feeling her spit drip down your skin.
Your forehead rests against the wall, closing your eyes and practically hearing your blood rush to your clit “fuuck” groans leave your lips as she gives the bruised skin one last peck and licks up her essence “there” she pats your ass.
“done?” you’re attitude clear, done? you thought she was just getting started.
A yelp in surprise leaves your lips as her palm land’s harshly onto the plump of your ass “yes princess, all done” she says smiling contently to herself as she watches you walk off to the bathroom, the sound of your heels clicking, covers the “fucking tease” you mutter under your breath.
You throw the door of the bathroom open “fuck me” you sigh, looking at Ellie’s work in the mirror THIS BITCH MADE A HEART OUT OF HICKEYS ON YOU you weren’t even mad, your chest swelling with pride at her act “babyyy!” you squeal “yah?” her voice leaves the the bedroom “it’s so pretty mama!” you praise her, tracing the shape as you angle yourself to see it clearer.
She walks into the bathroom, controller in hand “gotta let everyone know that pussy is being taken care of” she pecks your lips softly “mhm” you hum as her hand comes up to grip your face, her thumb and index pinching your cheeks as her tongue slides into your mouth, making you whine desperately against her mouth as you press your chest to hers but she UNFORTUNATELY pulls back and gives you one more soft peck.
You’re soaked, with heavy eyelids and a soft smile, you speak “how bout” your doe eyes trail over her body as you pull your strap down your shoulder “I just stay home?” you plead.
“Mmm” the fakes contemplation “I don’t think so” you were already leaking through your pretty little thong as you pressed your body against hers, leaving your lipstick print all over her face as you kissed her “please daddy” you begged with soft eyes “pleaseee just fuck me instead” as to which she replied to with her eyes rolling and her finger flicking your forehead.
“fuck, ellie” you whine rubbing your forehead as she holds a kiss to your head as apology “have your fun baby” “bu-” you’re cut off when she grabs your wrist and brings your hand to cup her the buldge in her boxers, feeling her dick throb against your palm “she’ll still be here for you getting back mama, understand?” your head dips, fighting the urge to drop to your knees and worship every inch of her FUCK “yes daddy” you whisper.
“Good girl” her arms wrap around you, pulling you into her warmth as she slides her knee between your legs, swaying the fabric of your skirt and bumping your clit just right, making your heartbeat fall to your throbbing pearl, engulfed in her warm aura as she dips her head down to your ear and whispers a promise “imma get you pregnant when you get back”…
@williamellieslilho @yourelliewillms @bready101 @moonalumi @heygrimace @elliesmama @pascals-doll @infiniteinquiries
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