#passed 1 whole thousand followers a bit ago and i think that’s so awesome. thanks for following even tho i post once in a blue moon 🌚
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VINTAGE lode build (c. 2018)
#minecraft#mineblr#minecraft build#minecraft builds#bsl shaders#lode-builds#from the midst of my MC resurrection after my 2017 hiatus (aka I discovered mods and Mizunos 16 Craft#the shape of the build is older though fun fact Ive built that thing like 4 times since 2015 with different block palettes#which is almost 10 years ago kind of which I wont think about#theres some stylistic choices I no longer subscribe to but i think it still holds up. she’s cute and cool!#does anybody even read these tags?#send an ask saying#‘tax returns’#if you are reading this rm#<- this will be cool to see. And will also hopefully remind me to file my taxes tomorrow bc I need to do that#LIFE HACK#anyway#passed 1 whole thousand followers a bit ago and i think that’s so awesome. thanks for following even tho i post once in a blue moon 🌚
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Naively in Love (Bucky x Reader) Part 5
//Word count: 4,542 (sorry lmao)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Warnings: drug mention
A/N: This is big angst chapter that y’all have been waiting on! Sorry it took so long! Hope y’all enjoy!
Tags: @firefly-in-darkness @fuckthatfeeling @iheartsebastianstan @super-marvel-dale @secondstartotheright-imagines @wtfholland @delicatecapnerd @imcreepinginyourheartbabe-blog
As soon as Bucky arrived back at his house, a troubled breath tumbled from his lips. He held a thousand mile gaze as his night played and replayed his mind’s eye. Guilt and shame festered in his gut as he leaned his head back against his front door. He wasn’t supposed to enjoy his night as much as he did. It was supposed to be a friendly gesture, a sort of premature apology for his future plans. Nevertheless, he tangled himself in the way that her smile reached her eyes when they shared a laugh, and the pure contentment that she exuded after he’d declared their outing a date.
He cringed at the memory. That definitely was not supposed to happen. The words just felt so natural to him, though, like something clicked into place as soon as he’d said them. A shift happened in the energy between them that he was not prepared for in the slightest.
His far off gaze lifted off of the floor as he pushed himself off of the door and up the stairs leading to his room. He bit his lip and glanced at his mother’s door as he passed it, silently thankful that she had gone to sleep already. He didn't need her asking where he went after school; he didn’t have the heart to tell her what he was doing, and knew that he wouldn’t be able to lie to his own mother. Lying to (y/n) was plenty enough dishonesty for him.
‘Am I even lying to her anymore?’ He thought to himself, pausing just before he entered his room. That question rooted his feet to the floor and pushed a sigh from his lungs.
He knows what he felt that night. He’s only ever had that feeling once before, and that was years ago in elementary. His eyes flitted this way and that as he stood still as a tree before his door, almost as if he was looking for the answer to his qualms in the floorboards, until he’d finally snapped out of his daze and realized that he’d been holding his doorknob for the past five minutes.
He pushed open his door and crossed the room to his bed, unceremoniously slinging his body across it and letting his leg dangle and sway over the side while his hand rested on his stomach. His gaze seemed to look through the ceiling as he unleashed his thoughts once more, letting the furrow between his brow crease and fold into his skin.
It was all too much. He couldn’t handle deceiving her now that he defined the feelings that were festering in his belly.
“I’ve gotta tell her…” He muttered to himself.
With that thought, the fog dissipated, and a clear plan took place.
(y/n) was floating on clouds as she made her way from class to class, a smile on the verge of spreading resting on her lips. Her stomach had been set alight with butterflies since she was dropped off the night before; sleep was a stranger to her that night. She awoke with a smile, and moved throughout her morning routine with a dusty rose lens of infatuation.
She swung her feet beneath her chair as she picked at her food with a dopey grin stuck on her face. Her friend had been observing her with her eyes narrowed throughout the entire lunch period until she reached over and poked her cheek.
“What’s got you all smiley?” She asked suspiciously, “You haven’t spoken a word this whole period.”
“Hm…?” She hummed, dragging her eyes over to her friend.
“You heard me.” She replied, “Did something happen that I don’t know about?”
“Oh,” She said, bringing her lip between her teeth as a light giggle bubbled from her chest, “Yeah, I went on a date last night.”
Her friend was taken aback, and drew a hand to her chest, “A date?” She exclaimed, before a small smile blossomed across her lips, “With who?”
(y/n) merely nodded her head toward the rowdy lunch table across the room, and once her friend followed her gaze, her jaw dropped.
“You went on a date with Bucky Barnes?” She asked incredulously, “What-when did this happen?”
“Last night.” (y/n) hummed, still smiling and looking at him, “I just asked him, and he agreed. And it was great.”
“Oh my God!” She exclaimed, grasping (y/n)’s shoulders and turning her torso to meet her wild eyes, “That’s awesome! You’ve had a crush on this guy-
“Since forever, I know.” She muttered, giggling as her friend shook her back and forth, “You always tried to push me to make the first move.”
“For good reason, obviously!” She exclaimed, squeezing her poor shoulders for emphasis, “I just wish you had done it earlier.”
“...I guess you were right-”
“Damn right I was right!” she proclaimed proudly.
“Am I interrupting anything?”
(y/n)’s head snapped up from her plate, and immediately broke into a smile upon seeing Bucky standing before her.
Her friend just chuckled and threw her hands up in surrender, “Not at all.” She responded, “You two go ahead.”
Bucky smiled at her, “I just need a few minutes.” He muttered before allowing (y/n) to stand and follow him to a secluded corner of the cafeteria.
“What’s up?” (y/n) asked, smiling with her eyes bright.
“I-I just…” It’s the eyes for him, god he can’t think straight. He just inhaled and squinted his eyes as he wrung his lower lip between his teeth, “Are you free this Saturday?” His voice raised an octave, almost like he was pulling back from the question itself.
“Yes I am, as most losers are.” She responded, chuckling, “What do you have planned?”
“My friends and I are…” He trailed off, reeling in his mind the easiest way to tell her that she was essentially his date to an ugly contest, “we’re having a fifties themed throwback, and I need a date.” He chose his words carefully; each word that left his mouth was plucked and placed gently into his sentence.
Her face lit up as soon as the words left his mouth, “I’d love to go!” She exclaimed, “I’ve always wanted to go to a fifties themed party!” She added a little bit of a chuckle. “Why were you so nervous to ask me that?”
“Who said I was nervous?”
“You stuttered your first word, Buck.”
“That could mean anything.”
“Like what?’ She asked, giggling, “What else could that mean?”
Bucky opened his mouth to retort, but was cut off by a collective shout from his group of friends causing him to jump and look back to their table to see what those idiots were up to. (y/n)’s brows rose with the sound, her eyes widening in surprise as she peaked from behind Bucky’s shoulders.
“What the hell are they doing over there?” She asked, curiosity and mild concern dripping from every word.
“Probably something stupid,” Bucky replied, his eyes squinted as he tried to focus on the table, “I can never leave them alone for more than five minutes…”
He mumbled like a disdained mother keeping watch over her toddlers, and his tone pulled a chuckle from (y/n)’s chest causing him to snap back to face her and shoot a glare her way.
“What’s so funny?” He asked, crossing his arms.
“Oh nothing…” she said, “you just sounded like a nanny is all.”
He just scoffed and rolled his eyes, “I did not.”
(y/n) threw her hands up in mock surrender and breathed an airy, “Whatever you say,” she then dropped her hands and crossed her arms, turning her attention back to Bucky’s rowdy friend group, surprised to find one of them playing the knife game with one of the plastic knives from the cafe, “You better get over there before someone loses a hand.”
Bucky just sighed, and started over to the table, “I’ll pick you up at five.” He threw this over his shoulder, sparing her a weak wave as he hurried his steps across the room.
(y/n) just breathed an airy confirmation as she started on her way back to her seat, the smile slipping its way back on to her lips as her mind began to reel on what she would wear that weekend.
‘God, I hope this is ‘fifties’ enough…’ (y/n) thought to herself as her eyes dragged up and down her image in the mirror.
She adorned herself in a maroon dress that hugged her waist and flared by her shins. On her feet were a pair low rise heels; she knew that if she went any higher than two inches her ankle would be twisted by the end of the night. Her lips were painted in a deep maroon, to coincide with her dress, and she wore diamond studs; courtesy of her mother.
She found her eyes in the mirror, alight with nerves and accented with mascara, and swallowed down the butterflies creeping up her throat.
‘Why the hell am I so nervous about this?’ she asked herself, ‘it’s just a date with my crush of several years, nothing I haven't done before…’
Her thoughts were split by the ding of her phone which caused her jump and rush to it, plucking it from her charger.
bbarnes: I’m outside, doll
She felt her face grow hot as she typed her reply, her nerves now wracking through her body.
(y/n): Coming!
With one last look in the mirror and a prayer sent up above, she grabbed her jacket, and rushed out of her room whisking past her mother. A small good luck floated from the front to the back of her head as she opened the front door, and felt the cool night air rush over her legs.
‘Here goes nothing…’
Bucky and (y/n) entered arm in arm, and Bucky smiled when he caught (y/n)’s eyes light up upon crossing the threshold. The lights were dimmed, and a checkered dance floor was placed at the center of the room. In the booths along the sides of the buildings, “couples” were sharing milkshakes and fries, the girls’ cheeks alight with blush and mirth. The air was thick with hairspray, and cigarette smoke danced alongside the scent.
“How the hell did they allow that here?” (y/n) asked, vaguely pointing at the couple leaning against the ‘bar’, passing a cigarette between themselves.
“Hell if I know…” Bucky muttered, “They probably bribed the poor man who owns this place.”
“Would they really do that?” she asked, a wrinkle between her brows.
“I wouldn’t put it past them…” He muttered, a twitch in his jaw as his eyes scanned the area. Once he spotted a free booth, he jutted his chin over towards it, “C’mon,” he said, “let’s grab a seat.”
(y/n)’s head reeled back in a boisterous laugh as she placed a hand on her shaking belly, “He really ate a piece of ham off of the street for a dollar?” She asked incredulously.
“The poor guy had stomach aches for a week,” Bucky replied, a chuckle caught in his throat, “You should’ve seen the look on his face when he spotted the Thanksgiving ham that year.”
(y/n) snickered as she played with her straw, gently mixing the milkshake before her. A light spell of silence drifted over the two of them as (y/n) glanced about the room, taking note of the records glued to the walls, “Your friends really went all out for this event,” she muttered, “Every song so far has been from the fifties.”
“How can you tell?”
“Oh, um,” she shifted her gaze down towards her shake, playing at the glass with her fingers, “My old friends and I used to get high and listen to the old cd’s in their parents cars.”
Bucky snickered, “Sounds like a great time.”
“It really was,” she bit her lip, a bittersweet smile spread upon them, “that was when I discovered Nina Simone; I’ve been obsessed with her ever since.”
Bucky’s brows shot up, “You listen to Nina Simone?”
“I live by her,” (y/n) responded, her eyes glued to the table, “Well, I try to at least…” She played with her fingers as she debated on opening up about this part of herself, but upon looking across the table and meeting Bucky’s eager eyes, a dam broke, and she allowed a slow smile to leak into her words, “she was completely in love with herself and her culture, and she fought for what she believed in. She put her whole heart and soul into her craft, and I try to work toward that every single day of my life.”
Bucky felt his cheeks warm, “Wow, that…” he muttered, keeping steady eye contact as his gaze roamed her face, taking note of the way that she glowed under the low hanging lamp above their table.
(y/n) chuckled bashfully, glancing back down at the table, “What are you staring at?” she asked.
Bucky, not realizing that he was staring, cleared his throat and broke his gaze after a moment, “That’s pretty admirable, doll. Not many girls find themselves like that until after they get out of high school.”
“Not many girls have gone through what I went through my freshman year,” she responded shrugging her shoulders, “when my friends all left me behind, I had nothing but time to figure myself out.”
And in trickled Bucky’s gut wrenching guilt. He could only imagine how hard it was for her to open up to other people after what her friends had done to her. He could see the hurt in her eyes when she walked him through the entire ordeal the night of their first date. God, this was going to tear her apart…
(y/n) waved her hand in front of Bucky’s face, “Hello,” she muttered, “Earth to Bucky...what’s on your mind?”
He shook his head and bit his lip as he debated on how to answer her. He hated how well she read people sometimes; she would see right through him if he lied to her. He sighed as a furrow formed between his brows, and he met her concerned gaze. “Listen…” he started, feeling the sweat begin to build on the palms of his hands, “about tonight, I-”
“Wait a minute,” she said, glancing up towards the ceiling as she caught the gentle tune floating in the air. Her eyes lit up once she identified it, “this is one of my favorite Nina songs! We should dance!” She asked, upon noticing the couples swaying side to side on the dance floor.
Bucky sighed as he searched her eyes, and found nothing but excitement. There is nothing she wants more than to be on that dance floor. “Sure…” he muttered, reluctant, but with a soft smile on his lips.
Once they stumbled into a free spot, (y/n) wound her arms around his shoulders, and chuckled as Bucky tentatively placed is hands at her hips.
“I didn’t take you as a shy type of guy.” she mumbled, loosely setting her hands on his wrists and pulling his hands closer to her, “c’mon, don’t be shy. I don’t bite.”
“It’s called being respectful, doll.” Bucky replied, a smile seeping through his words as he tightened his grip and pulled her closer to him.
“Mh hm.” she responded, her tone dripping with sarcasm, “your little tough guy act doesn’t work on me anymore, Barnes, ” she pulled herself up and placed her forehead against his, locking their eyes together in a playful gaze that seeped into Bucky’s bones. “I can see right through you.”
“Oh, really?” He threw back, widening his eyes and nudging her head with his, “You figured me out in a week?”
“I wouldn’t say I ‘figured you out’, but you’re definitely not a stranger to me anymore. I’ve just... poked through your wall a little, that’s all.”
Bucky pushed an airy chuckle from his nose as he counted her lashes, “Whatever you say.”
(y/n) allowed a smirk to lift her lips as she slid her eyes closed, and swayed along with the crowd. Her arms relaxed and her breath fell into a steady rhythm as her smirk melted into a contented smile. The warmth of Bucky’s hands seeped through her dress to her core, and warmed her with a comfort and contentment that she hadn’t felt since...she couldn’t remember when. The smooth plucking of the bass line thrummed the strings of her heart and traveled through her veins from the top of her head to the tips of her toes; it warmed her cheeks with mirth.
Bucky watched the music travel through her, and roamed his eyes about her face, tracing the lines around her mouth, and the shape of her lips. He felt the weight of her arms settle on his shoulders, and the tension seep from her back. Upon sliding his hands to her waist, he noticed her breath was aligned to the thrum of the music, and unconsciously set his to the same rhythm.
When (y/n) opened her eyes and met Bucky’s, she smiled bashfully and broke their gaze, only to have his eyes follow hers.
“Oh, now you get shy,” he spoke softly, carefully, as if he was afraid of breaking their bond.
“Shut up…” she muttered, chuckling because she knew that she was caught, “I was just caught off guard.”
“From what?”
“...your eyes,” she responded, hesitantly, “they’re so intense and focused...it’s a little jarring.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment.”
(y/n) snickered through her nose, “Don’t let it go to your head.”
Their eyes remained locked as the song came to a close, and like magnets, they slowly pulled into each other, neither of them noticing what they were doing until their lips were a breath apart. And there they stopped, locking eyes and flitting down to their lips, asking a silent question of consent before brushing them against each other.
“Alright!” Jason’s voice boomed from the speakers, stopping the music, and causing the two of them to jerk apart, eyes wide and alert, “we only have this DJ rented for an hour, so it’s about time to wrap this thing up!”
Bucky’s stomach dropped as he realized what had just happened, and what was going to happen in a few moments. He could feel the regret pooling in his eyes.
“What’s wrong?” (y/n) asked, but before Bucky could get another word in, he was summoned up onto the stage by Jason, accompanied by a boisterous laugh.
His limbs were heavy as he took himself to meet Jason. His eyes pleaded Jason to just drop it and give him the money, but he merely responded by thrusting his arm around Bucky’s shoulders, causing him to stumble a bit.
“This guy,” he started, jostling him about, “has a friend out studying across the country, and hasn’t shut up about missing him since the start of the year,” Bucky rolled his eyes, and knocked his arm off of his shoulders, “so, the three of us, Eli in the back, Bucky, and myself, thought up an idea to raise some money for him to visit his buddy over break.” A devious smile spread across his face as he scanned the crowd, “and I have to say, I am not disappointed with the results.”
He turned to Bucky, “Which lucky lady did you bring along with you tonight?”
Bucky sorrowfully swept the crowd, and found (y/n)’s confused eyes, before turning back to Jason and pointing her out.
“Ahhh,” he said, tightening his grip around his shoulders, “Bucky, you sly bastard, bring her up here!”
The crowd began clapping, blissfully unaware of Bucky’s uneasiness as he stepped down from the stage, and lead (y/n) back to it.
Jason waltzed over to (y/n), and wound his arm about her shoulders, “What’s your name little lady?”
Once he placed the mic before her lips, (y/n) tentatively leaned over to it, and spoke her name, “(y/n).”
“Full name, sweetheart.”
“(l/n). (y/n) (l/n).”
Jason smirked and stepped away from her, then thrust her arm up in victory, “Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you the winner of this dogfight…(y/n) (l/n)!”
As soon as she heard that word, dogfight, all of the oxygen in the room seemed to have seeped through the walls; she felt suffocated. Words were muffled, colors blurred, and all she could bring herself to do was turn and look at Bucky, tears of betrayal and shock pooling in her eyes.
“I’m so sorry.” Bucky mouthed, eyes sorrowful and pleading for an answer.
(y/n)’s lip curled in a snarl as a tear spilled down her cheek. She then ripped her arm from Jason’s grasp and stormed down from the stage, parting the crowd like Moses to the sea, embarrassment setting her face alight with heat, and flames of rage climbing up through her core to her chest; she could not believe she let herself be humiliated like that.
“Wait, (y/n)-” Bucky called after her, desperation causing his voice to crack as he stumbled down the stage after (y/n); the crowd watched with wide eyes as a thick silence settled around the room. Once the doors closed behind him, Jason whistled into the mic and rocked back on his heels.
“How about a couple more songs before we go!” he suggested, trying to cut the tension ridden confusion from the crowd, to which they cheered tentatively as Eli ran to the DJ and slipped him a few extra dollars to keep the party going for a little longer.
The chill of the night raised goosebumps along her arms as she set herself against the wall of the building, trying to collect her frenzied thoughts. Her breath was unsteady, shaking with the tears that rolled down her face, and fighting against the lump in her throat.
She jumped a bit once the doors burst open beside her, and hurriedly tried to wipe her tears as Bucky clambered beside her.
“(y/n), I’m so-”
“Don’t even start with that bullshit.” She spat at him, “There is nothing you can say to me that would make what you did okay.”
Bucky jumped back, unsure of what to say next. “My friends...they put me up to it.”
“What, and you think that changes something?” She asked him, a joyless, incredulous smile on her face. She chuckled, her fingers against her lips.
“You could’ve just told me, you know,” she started, her voice rough with tears, “I would’ve understood. I would’ve been happy to help you out.” She met his eyes, hers fiery and red, fraught with anger. “But instead you choose to lead me on. You tricked me, and used me for some sick game.”
Bucky hung his head sighed, “I know…” he muttered, face burning with shame.
She studied him, head shaking side to side, a furrow between her brows and a frown set on her lips, “Do you really think a sorry would fix that?” she asked, her voice trembling, “I was opening up to you, Bucky. Against my own gut, I started to trust you. God, I can’t believe I was so stupid and naive to think that someone like you would take a genuine interest in me.”
Bucky just looked at her, ‘sorry’ clung to the tip of his tongue as he racked his brain for something substantial to say. “I don’t have anything to say for myself,” he started, his chest heavy, “I know what I did was wrong. I know I should’ve told you before all of this,” he waved his hand toward the building, “I never meant...I didn’t want to hurt you-”
“Well, you did,” she said, and she chuckled, “in the most cliche way that you possibly could’ve…” (y/n) could feel her tears building in her throat, and she knew that she wouldn’t be able to swallow them down for much longer. ���Just...just take me home.” (y/n) muttered, her hands balled into fists at her sides and her eyes sullen as she pushed past him and headed toward his car.
Bucky watched after her, his guilt and shame sour and heavy in his chest, before he fell into step behind her.
The car ride was silent, and when (y/n) stepped out without a word said in his direction, she slammed his car door closed, and began her walk up to her home, her hand shaking as she pressed her key into the lock. Bucky watched after her, before pulling off, determined to make it back to his house before his own tears got the best of him.
(y/n)’s limbs felt heavy as she dragged her feet up the stairs, thankful that her mother had gone to sleep already so she wouldn’t ask her how her night went. Her hands gripped her doorknob like a vice as she turned it, as if it was the only keeping her from collapsing to the ground. A wave of perfume washed over her as soon as she swung open her door, souring her thoughts as she trudged her way to the mirror, kicking the door closed behind her. In a daze, she ran her eyes over her features and just...observed.
A thick silence settled over the room like a blanket, weighing on her shoulders and ringing in her ears.
She watched the way her chest jumped when she took in a breath, and the way her tears swelled on her waterline. She followed the mascara streaks down to the smudged lining of her lipstick, biting her lip as she sniffled.
Her thoughts trailed back over the night that she had, and felt her face crumble as tears built up in her chest.
‘I can’t believe I was so stupid…’ she thought to herself as her back curved with a sob, and her hands cupped her face.
And she cried, and cried until she had drained herself of tears, completely oblivious to her phone being set alight with notifications.
When she was done, she dragged her eyes back up her face, wiped it clean of the sticky residue of her makeup, then trudged her way to her bed, limply removing her clothing on the way. Once she encased herself in her blankets, and curled into her own warmth, she found herself drifting to sleep, the tang of her tears still fresh in her throat, hoping for comfort when the morning came.
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Chance Meetings
As I typed that title I stopped to think, “what the hell does that mean.” It is a saying and I’ve heard throughout my life and one I’ve used. Actually, googled it – “where the paths of two strangers intersect for any number of reasons and the grounds of some relationship begins.” Simple enough, spot on too, and that is what this entry is about; a chance meeting I had a few years ago – with this dude pictured above, Anthony Silva. I told him I was going to share this because he earned it but not sure if he knew the story I was going to tell. We were out this past Thursday to discuss some financial planning and strategy considering my new career endeavors. Most of our get togethers are social, personal discussions on family, life, sports, politics, and the latest and creates ways to keep our bodies healthy 😊. This past Thursday was no different other than a few minutes of actual “financial planning talk.” This is the point of my story here, and in my opinion, why he has coveted this well-deserved recognition.
It was a bit over two years ago, I was traveling back to Phoenix, from Denver, on a business trip. It had been a long, positive day of meetings and as I headed to my gate, having some time, I grabbed a spot at a restaurant bar to grab some dinner, watch the Steelers/Panthers game, and have a beer. The restaurant was filled, and I recall having to wait for a spot at the bar, but it was very long. As I sipped my beer, determining what to have to eat, the couple to my left and I began a conversation. It was the typical, where you headed, where you from, what has you traveling. The dude to my right, was also traveling to Phoenix, so we then engaged in some discussion. We got passed the normal pleasantries, and I found it cool that he had been traveling on a hunting trip with his dad; something they try to do each year. That struck me as pretty awesome that he did this with his pop, and I remember laughing to myself thinking about my dad and I going on a hunting trip; that would be pure comedy. His pop was heading back to Boston area, where he (Anthony now) grew up. Once I found this out the whole banter around the Patriots, Tom Brady, and the fact that the Eagles beat them in the Super Bowl came up. He gave me the, “how many rings do you have” spiel but it was all in good fun. The discussion continued around sports, growing up, why we were on the road, family, and life. Not once did we discuss about what we did, or at least I don’t remember finding out then what Anthony did until we exchanged business cards upon departing. There was a true connection as we discussed life and at some points it went to some deep discussions and some vulnerabilities being shared.
We follow up with one another that following week, stayed connected, and he invited me into his office one day to meet with his team to talk a bit about professional growth and share some of my story. After that we started getting out hiking a few times a month and tried to grab lunch occasionally. Again, not once did we discuss financial planning or did my thoughts ever go to his business, and he never asked me about my financial posture. It wasn’t until several months later, my wife Robin, reminded me of her retirement/pension from teaching in PA for 11 years. She essentially “retired” from teaching there and had that money sitting in an account, not doing much from a growth perspective. Well, I told her Anthony was a financial planner and maybe he had some ideas for us. Well, not only did he have ideas for those dollars, helped us in so many ways, and as you can tell by the start of this and our meeting this back week, that partnership continues to grow. We sat down with Anthony and he provided us with a whole analysis of our financial position. It was humbling and eye opening. It was also very encouraging to know that retirement, if Robin and I were ever going to desire that (we aren’t those who can sit still very long 😊), could be much closer than we thought. We co-built a plan and then began executing. It provided us the opportunity for the same protection from an insurance perspective but saved us almost a thousand bucks per month and we got a nice influx of capital soon thereafter from shifting policies around to cut into debt. We invested the money from Robin’s PA retirement and this week found that it was growing nicely. We now have a plan, after sitting down this past week, for the retirement that I’ve been building for the last decade w/ my prior company and excited to see how he makes that work for us. We have 100% confidence in him with our finances and it all started from a “chance meeting.”
Robin and I felt that we were doing the best job possible with our investments, retirement, saving, and planning for our daughter’s future’s and ours. I believe we had a decent plan in place. Anthony is working with us to continue to modify and identify how we can make it a great plan in place. As I said, Robin and I like working and will likely continue to do so past “retirement age.” Sure, that time will shrink over the years and we will begin investing more time into other things. However, right now, we believe we are living the lives we were meant to live and the time for “that” – whatever that retirement is, will come. Anthony is working with us to ensure we, and our family, will be taken care of whenever that time happens.
When I met Anthony, and even the months after, knowing what he did, the thought never crossed my mind to see if he had a different perspective on things. If he could maybe put us in a better situation. He never, not once, asked me about it either. It just happened by chance 😊. Our relationship started on a personal level and through a personal connection. Although I do appreciate and value the guidance, he is providing us on the financial side, I am exponentially grateful for the relationship, and friendship we have on the personal side.
So, congratulations Anthony and thank you for the help, and friendship these last few years.
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How to Spend Your Time like a Nerd in Cancun
Words from our Scanbassador David Jeuniaux, currently venturing through Cancun as part of a South American tour, armed with his camera and a strong passion for culture, photogrammetry and 3D printing!
When I say the word vacation, what do you picture? I bet it would involve a blue sea, palm trees, white sand and overwhelming heat. Now add Mayan ruins and a plethora of tourists, and you will have a good idea of what Cancun is like.
I was there with my beloved girlfriend and, like a massively proud nerd that I am, I spent most of my time at archaeological sites and museums.
Two of my passions are History of Ancient Civilizations and Photogrammetry, and this trip is a great opportunity to mix them in a giant “spend 8 hours per day in museums and piss girlfriend off” kind of way.
In this article, I will talk about the Museo Maya de Cancun (MMC), the most postcard-ready place in the world.
But let’s get to the start of it, shall we?
Inaugurated in 2012, the MMC is one of the latest and most modern museums in the country. Located right in the Zona Hotelera, it is the spot you don’t want to miss, when Chaac, the god of rain, in not chic. (My apologies for the lame joke.) The MMC is divided into 3 rooms. Although that doesn’t seem like much, they are literally filled to the brim with treasures from all around Mexico.
The first room is where they display all the magnificent artifacts that have been found in the state of Quintana Roo (where Cancun is located).
This is one of the richest departments of the country, culturally and economically. But it relies so much on tourism that it can be overwhelming. We actually passed by a large crowd thinking it was some kind of amusement park only to notice later that it was, in fact, Mayan ruins.
When you look at the map below, it can be hard tell where the ruins end and where the funfairs begin.
...and then, after your cotton candy, don’t miss out our reenactment of a Mayan sacrifice. It is a blast!
But all in all the MMC still managed to gather an extensive collection of artifacts, here are a few examples. And yes, now’s the time I start linking STL files.
Stele with Spiral Writing [download STL]
The first item is a stele with Mayan writing on it. “Not very spectacular.” you might think, but what is peculiar about this one is that the text is written in spiral. From what I can gather, it is a one of a kind. Most steles are written in block in two columns from top to bottom and from left to right. If this interests you, follow this link. I could not find more info about this one except that it was found in the ruins of Coba and was carved during the Golden Age of the Maya, between 600 and 850 AD. The description of the stele doesn’t include a translation, so if you have a linguist friend, print this out for him, it will make a great mind puzzle gift.
Nakawé smells like a coyote. Tanok
Architectural Features
I put the two next artifacts together because they both came from the same building. These are stucco reliefs from the ruins of Oxtankah. They were dated between 650-850 AD.
The facades of the Mayan buildings were richly decorated and painted with scenes associated with divine rulers and supernatural beings. The first one represents the face of a man with a headdress, probably a noble, and the second is the head of a bird, most likely an eagle.
1) Architectural Feature Bird [download STL] 2) Architectural Feature Head [download STL]
And that’s about it for that room. There were so many other things to scan, but the problem is that the museum has large windows and the sun there is so bright, leading to reflection, leaving me unable to scan more artifacts. But luckily in the next room a lot of items were uncovered.
The second sala in the museum is dedicated to the Maya as a whole. It features artifacts from all around Mexico. I spent most of my day there and made friends with the attendant… just kidding, museum attendants hate photogrammeters!
Monkey In Noble’s Clothes
I’d have to say this is my favorite piece. Even though I know that dressing up a monkey in clothes is sort of animal ill-treatment, I can’t help but giggle when I see one. So it makes me laugh internally when I picture the Maya having the same kind of goofy tradition a thousand years ago.
The Maya associated the monkey with writing, knowledge and the arts. It was also associated with pleasures such as gluttony, sexuality, dance or music; all typical entertainments of the Mayan elites.
This piece dates back to the post-classic Maya period, between 900 and 1200 AD, and was found at Chichen Itza.
[download STL]
The Hatted Lord
This bust was found in the ruins of El Rey, located at the seaside of the Caribbean. It represents one of his lords, dressed elegantly with earmuffs and a headdress. There is a depression in the top of the head, meaning it was also used as a censer. Treat yourself, print it and use it as an ashtray!*
[download STL]
*Mayan curse included
Reliefs with Warriors
This is one of my favorites too.
This artifact represents a pack of Mayan warriors aligned like the seven dwarfs going to the mine, and sculpted like some Super Deformed figurines. Look at those dainty little feet!
This object is really worth printing because like most bas-relief, a picture doesn’t render it finely, you’ll need to print it in 3D to see all the little details. Found in Chichen-Itza and dated between 900 and 1200 AD.
[download STL]
Heigh-ho, heigh-ho! To murder you we go.
And here we are at the last room. It is where they display temporary exhibitions. When I was there, the attention-grabbing theme was “sexuality and motherhood”.
As you can imagine there were lots of interesting things I could have scanned there, but again, the glass/sun combo screwed up my plan.
But the one I managed to scan is so good, it made my disappointment go away.
Metaphorical statue with spike
This sculpture represents the penetration of the Earth. (kinky) Archeologists believe that it was buried with the reproductive organ at ground level, probably during a farming ritual.
So go ahead, print this one out and bury it in your garden to improve your crops just like the Mayas did!
[download STL]
But remember kids, the balls have to drop to the ground.
And that’s about it for this museum. I’d have to say, I had an awesome time there.
I was a bit frustrated about the reflections on the glass cases, and I wanted the freedom to take pictures without the cases. There was a good chance they would say no, but I asked anyway. So on my way out I pleaded to talk to the person responsible, and they introduced me to an archeologist that worked there, Dr. Antonio Reyes. I talked with him about my project, and he told me that he too is a photogrammeter! It was the first time I had met another scanner, and we talked for a long time, mainly about the interest of photogrammetry for research and education. That encounter comforted me that this technique can also be used to help researchers in their studies, and not only be a fun way to waste your holiday.
All of the objects mentioned in this article have been made available on Scan the World, many thanks to David for his contributions. Be sure to track his progress as he travels across South America by following this blog!
You can download all of his scans and follow his profile on MyMiniFactory here! https://www.myminifactory.com/users/eurotronic
~Happy Scanning!
2 notes
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Where did health insurance companies learn the word affordable? ?
"Where did health insurance companies learn the word affordable? ?
I mean seriously, I check all over and the cheapest I can find with a joke of a copay is $130.00. I, like many other people, live paycheck to paycheck with generally less than a dollar at the time of receiving my next check. It is just ridiculous. And before I get any answers about how wonderful Obamacare will be: no, that's as useful as getting a credit card to pay off a mortgage. Besides, if was for the good of the people, why are we to be FORCED into it instead of deciding for ourselves?
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr
Car insurance price?
i'm now 17, i'm gonna get my license next month, i'm wonder how much car insurance will cost, i'm international student and i live with my uncle in aparterment. i would like to buy my own insurance one not just add to family insurance, please to me exaclty how much it cost for my insurance""
Got my 1st speeding ticket under mom's insurance. Will her insurance go up?
I got my 1st speeding ticket ever and paid it off. I am under my mom's insurance as an additional driver. Will the rates go up? If so, is it too late to take defensive driving to take it off the record since I already paid it?""
""What are some good, low cost family health insurance plans for us...?""
My husband and I need health insurance. He is a full time student and I am full time worker. We cannot get decent health insurance through his school or my work. We are looking for a low deductable, 0% coinsurance, and we need something with great maternity coverage, since we're planning on starting a family soon. If you know of any great plans like this, please share! Thank you for your help!""
Does full coverage auto insurance usually cover a large tree branch denting your car?
My husband just called from work to tell me our car has a huge dent in the passenger side. Sure enough, there is a large branch of tree in our drive way. Before I call the insurance I wondering if you know this answer to this so I can know what to expect. I am with State Farm and have full coverage.""
New truck insurance business law?
THE NEW TRUCK David Simpson purchased a new truck and titled it in his name. City Bank loaned David money for the truck. City Bank is named on the title and kept the title to the vehicle. David went to National Insurance and paid to insure the vehicle. The agent at National gave David a paper to prove the truck was insured until the policy issued. One day, when the truck was parked at Davids work, vandals slashed the tires. David had the following coverage on the truck. Bodily Injury Liability $ 100,000/300.000 Property Damage Liability $50,000 Uninsured/Underinsured $100,000/300,000 Medical Payments $2000 Collision with $500 Deductible I. Comprehensive with $50 Deductible 1. What is the contract between National Insurance and David called? 2. David is what party to this contract? 3. National Insurance is what party to the contract? 4. Why did National keep the title to the truck? 5. When will David get a clear title in only his name? 6. What is the paper that David received from National? 7. What is the money David paid to National called? 8. The insurance is expensive. Why does David insure the vehicle? 9. Why does David have the right to insure the vehicle? 10. What factors determine the cost of Davids truck insurance? 11. David called National to tell them about the accident. What is this called? 12. David expected National to pay for the damage to the truck under which coverage? 13. Will David have to pay any money for fixing the truck? 14. Will points be charged to David? 15. David gets the insurance check to pay for the damage. Why is the check is payable to both David and City Bank? 16. A friend tells David that he can make money off the insurance company if he exaggerates the damage to include a scratch made when David swiped a mailbox. Can David legally include the minor scrape too? 17. A hit and run driver sideswiped David. Which coverage will pay for the damages? 18. The owner of the mailbox got Davids tag number and called the police. When David called National to report the damages, which coverage will pay for the damage?""
""I gave a urine sample for life insurance, want two more samples on different days. Why??
I gave a urine and blood sample about a month ago for life insurance. I received a call yesterday from the company that takes performs the physical and takes the samples...they said my insurance company wants to more urine samples on two different days. Why is that?? It has me really worried and I can't call the insurance office until tomorrow to find out why. I would assume that they had messed up the sample if they just wanted one more but they want two on two different days. :/ I informed them that I take birth control and sometimes take Ibuprofen. I don't use any other drugs or smoke and very rarely drink alcohol. I also have not been having sex (only with 2 people) and have been tested for STD's and visit the gynocologist every year and am always fine. I didn't receive anything from my insurance company about my blood tests which means those didn't show anything (would only send to me if something wrong). Any ideas about what's up with the urine sample requests???
Best first car to get with cheap insurance ?
I have just recently passed my driving test and I am unsure about which car to get. I need one which would be cheap for an 18 year old to insure
Chevy camaro insurance?
How much is the chevy camaro insurance a month please answer asap it's important bc my daddy said it's time fa me to starting looking at cars so I can hv one my senior year
What kind of health insurance is best for business?
in my family i am alone young and i have small business. i am afraid if any thing happen with me, my family become many problem.""
I want to take a used car home from the dealer but I have no car insurance or insurance card...?
What do I have to do to make this possible? I'm trying to take this used car home for the night and drive it around but I have no insurance card.... I have a license..but no car insurance and all the salesman is asking is for my insurance card. What do I need to do to get around this?
Is Geico a good auto insurance company?
I have been looking at a lot of different insurance companies recently. I have gotten a lot of online quotes and so far, Geico is the cheapest, not by a lot, but every little bit helps. Can anyone let me know the good and the bad with Geico? I'm in Michigan if that helps...""
Is this typical for insurance for a 17 year old?!?
I just bought my first car Saturday. My dad went to the DMV to get it registered and insured. Then, he called our insurance company to get a quote for how much driver's insurance is for a 16 year old female. If you take driver's ed, watch a state farm video, and have a G.P.A above 3.0, comes to.... $88 A MONTH!!!! That's with driver's ed, and a G.P.A above 3.0! Now my parents are really upset, 'cuz that's thousands of extra dollars a year--not on gas, not on the vehicle itself...Just insurance! They're not sure I can get my license now b/c of it. This really frustrates me. I will be 17 in a couple months, and I really, really, really want to get my driver's license. I have a car, I'll buy the gas, but the insurance is astounding! So my question is, is $88 A MONTH typical for other companies/ or in other states (We're in AZ).""
Is insuring a road legal buggy cheaper than car insurance?
I have driven loads of buggies before in off road conditions and have been thinking about getting a road legal one myself to use instead of a car seen as insurance is ridiculous for a young driver like myself. Anyone know or have a rough idea of how much it would be to insure say a 250cc road legal buggy? I've tried the internet but can't get an online quote off anyone and don't want to have to spend ages on the phone enquiring. If anyone could give me a rough idea that would be awesome! Thanks :)
What is the average cost of auto insurance for a 21 year old male?
if i could get a price range as well that would be great. i know it changes based on a whole bunch of other things but i would just like to know a general price range and average to budget. thank you
I got into a motorcycle accident. insurance question...?
When I wiped out on my bike I tried to make a claim after I got home from the hospital. Little did I know that my insurance coverage had ended two days before the accident. Now my question is, will my health insurance pay for my medical bills from the accident or will they deny me because of my lack of motorcycle insurance at the time of the accident? When I found out about my lack of coverage, I immediately paid and got up to date but they told me that those two days when my coverage ended will not be covered... am I gonna get hit with all the medical bills? Or will my health insurance step up and cover me?""
New to US and getting car insurance in CA?
I am arriving on a working visa to California. I will need to buy a car and get insurance. I have a UK drivering license. Can I get insurance with a UK license or will I have to get a CA license first?
""What happens to a person who passes away and has no life insurance, money or family that can help?""
I know a lady in extremely poor health. She has no insurance, no savings, house, etc. She has 1 son who is 28 but can't hold a job longer than 2 to 3 weeks at best and expects mom to help him with everything. She has 1 living brother who lives far away from here and doesn't talk to her because he doesn't agree with the way she allows her son to drain her of everything. My question is--if she would pass away, who would be responsible for her burial? How would it be paid for? Her son doesn't even own a car. He drives hers and it isn't paid for yet. This lady rents a room and only owns a bed, chair and lamp. Not much to sell!!!! Does anyone know what happens in a case like this? This is in the state of Iowa.""
What CAR Should A First Driver GET ? Also What Company For The Insurance To Be The Cheapest ?
Passed My Driving Test 2 Days Ago ! I am 22 ! what car should i get that is cheap on insurance too ? Please give me the names and for the insurance companies :)) Thanku
Car Insurance?
My car insurance renews in january.. what if I pay it all off say by april, but then I get a new car in May does the insurance transfer over and I pay the difference for the new car? and what if I didn't pay off all the insurance but got a new car would I not have to pay off the rest of the balance? I never understood this.. thank youu""
""Who has the cheapest car insurance in Houston, Tx?
I have Geico right now.. I am a 17 year old boy who has a car accident on his record (in june 2010).
Will my car insurance go up?
I live in the state of Missouri and I got my first speeding ticket. I have Travelers insurance. Does anyone know if my rate will go up or do they let the first one slide?
""I have taken out car insurance last month,i have found a cheaper insurance,i want to find out if i can cancel ?""
my previous insurance,i took it out on installments""
Health Insurance Help for Visitors?
my family is visiting us in california and need medical visit. they have visitors insurance which says that we need to pay for our visit now and they will evaluate and reimburse us. do these insurances reimburse anything and everything? what is a hospital/clinic to visit for visitors around southern california? how is kaiser?
How Much Would Car Insurance For A 18 Year Old Cost?
I currently live in Nevada and I drive a 1997 Chevy S10. I currently am on my parents insurance plan USAA and I pay $130 each month. I have a clean driving record and have had my license for about a year and a half. Would it be cheaper to just get my own insurance plan? If so how much would it cost and what cheap companies would you recommend?
Great sports cars that don't have bad insurance?
Okay so I'm 16 and need a sports car. My budget is 40K and if been looking at used ones. I was thinking about a porshe but it seems there insurance and maintenance is outrages. I have also been looking at Mercedes Benz. They seem to be a bit better but not sure. anyone have a porshe or a Meredes??? I also live in Canada. Or any other ideas for a sports car.??.? :)
Where did health insurance companies learn the word affordable? ?
I mean seriously, I check all over and the cheapest I can find with a joke of a copay is $130.00. I, like many other people, live paycheck to paycheck with generally less than a dollar at the time of receiving my next check. It is just ridiculous. And before I get any answers about how wonderful Obamacare will be: no, that's as useful as getting a credit card to pay off a mortgage. Besides, if was for the good of the people, why are we to be FORCED into it instead of deciding for ourselves?
How much should a 17 year old's car insurance cost in the UK?
i'm 17 and want to drive. i'm a full time college student, which probably doesn't make any difference? right now i'm looking at a 2001 VAUXHALL CORSA 1.6 engine, LS 5dr [AC] Hatchback, which is costing around 999 how much should i expect the insurance to cost for this car? or for a car similar? it will be my first car. Thanks.""
How much would insurance cost for a 19 year old female with a 2006 mustang?
I would like to know a rough estimate for the insurance before I buy a mustang. I am 19 going to be 20.
Vehicles with lowest insurance rates?
I live in Ontario Canada. I'm needing a car for work now. I have three tickets about two years ago; two running red light tickets and one for driving ten over the limit. I'm looking for a car that is good on gas and easier on the wallet for insurance. Thanks
What is a good place to get auto insurance?
Are there any sites similar to travel sites where i can compare the best rates available to me
Affordable Health Insurance for a single mom with one child?
Can anyone provide me with some information about getting an affordable health insurance plan for a single mother with a small child (2 and a half y.o.)? My wife and I are getting divorced. It is an uncontested divorce and we just need to figure out the support payment amount. This is the last variable. Also is there any way to keep them both under my plan at work after we are divorced? Any help is greatly appreciated! Thank you so much!
What are some some affordable car insurances?
I am currently with State Farm and pay about $90/mo. I would like to switch to another ins. compay with prices around the same. I'm 24 with a clean driving record. So without giving out all my info, what car insurance do you have or know of?""
How much will my insurance goes up if I receive a ticket?
Apparently I didn't have my lights on, will mt insurance skyrocket? What's the worse case scenario? I live in GA btw.""
Will my insurance go up for a out of state speeding ticket? I have usaa insurance?
I was an hour away from my house in nebraska and my parents will kill me if they found out. I got a speeding ticket for going 73 in a 55 zone in iowa. I have USAA insurance. Will the rates go up? Will my parents find out?
Can I register my car without insurance in Utah?
my registeration on my car lapsed in april, I do not drive the car but in Utah you can not even park it out on the street without it being registered. so I was wondering since some of my neighbors are wanting my parking spot since they are moving in can I just register my car since I have enough money to get it registered but I do not want to pay the monthly insurance on it since I am not driving it I am just holding on to it until my daughter turns of age to take it.... thanks.....""
What should an out of state student do for insurance?
I've recently moved out of state from CA to UT to attend school. My mom just informed me that because I'm out of state I don't get my Medi-cal benefits and I can't apply for benefints here because I'm not a citizen of Utah. I tried to sign up for independent insurance through the CA affordable care act but because I'm 18 I can't. I have no idea where to go and my medical problems are worsening. Any advice would really help, thanks.""
Pregnancy insurance?
How much does pregnancy insurance cost for a young couple? I'm not pregnant yet, and we're both healthy. Just want to play it safe... :p Thanks so much everyone! :)""
""For a new driver 21 or younger, how much did your monthly car insurance decrease every six months? Every year?""
If you are 21 or younger, and pay for your own car insurance. If you have not had any accidents, or ticket violations applied to your driver's license....How much did your monthly car insurance decrease each year? What was your monthly payment from 16-21 years of age if you did NOT drive a sports car? Please list the state you reside in, and whether you live in the city or suburbs. Thanks.""
""I had a crash in my driving instructors car, do i have to tell my insurance for my car seeing as this was on h?""
I had a crash in my driving instructors car, do i have to tell my insurance for my car seeing as this was on his policy? thanks""
Can I take out a life insurance policy on my friend?
My friend somehow got my social security number off one of my pay stubs and memorized. Now when we get drunk he has a song that he's made including my SS #, this makes me very angry. I want to take out a life insurance policy on him to scare him, is this possible? I'm thinking maybe 100k policy (he's only 26 so it should be cheap), I think the sheer fact of him knowing if he dies I get rich will bother him more than it bothers me that he has my social. Is this legal, can I take out a life insurance policy on anyone I choose?""
""I've just passed my driving test, anyone know any cheap insurance companies?""
I'm 17 and female, I own an 04 fiat punto. Does anyone know of some good insurance prices? Thanks""
Where can i get the cheapest car insurance in marion ohio?
Where can i get the cheapest car insurance in marion ohio?
Would a Jeep Cherokee cost a lot to insure?
I want a Jeep cherokee for my firs car. My parents are telling me the insurance is extremely higher because jeeps are dangerous, is this right? (compared to a sedan of some sort) thanks!""
What are some affordable health insurance plans?
I am 20 years old and do not have health insurance and I need to get my wisdom teeth pulled! So i'm looking for an affordable health insurance.I've already applied for Medicaid and was denied.I need help please!
Do you have health insurance?
if so, how much is it per month? how old are you? what kind of deductible do you have? Also Feel free to answer if you do not have insurance and do you support Obamacare?""
Does anyone know a health insurance company that will insure you AFTER you go to the hospital?
Is is possible to get insurance after being admitted to the hospital? I know it's very highly unlikely, but if the premiums and the deductable are absurdly high ... who knows?""
Health insurance question?
I would like to go to the doctor but i don't want my parents to know about it. i have an insurance from my father's work. Will they know about me going to the doctor, since i will use the family's insurance?""
Where can i find a cheap auto insurance in los angeles for a 2004 Subaru Impreza WRX?
I own a 2004 Subaru Impreza Wrx (sedan). Vehicle has a clean title, not salvage, and payed off. I'm looking for the basic (state law requirement) type of auto insurance. I am also 19 years old with a clean record - no tickets, no accidents, etc. *I called a few insurances and so far Inifnity Auto Insurance $182 while Titan Auto Insurance $111.00*""
Second car insurance very very expensive - why? What would make it cheaper?
Hi, Me and my fiancee currently own and insure a Rover 25, V reg, 1.4 ltr, through Quinn. I'm the main driver and she's a named driver. We currently pay about 400 for tpf&t for the policy, and this has been roughly the price since we started the policy about 2 1/2 years ago. We're now looking at getting a second car as we will be working in different areas. My Grandma offered me her old Nissan Micra (1.3 ltr, K-reg) for us to have. I phoned up Quinn to get a quote for this car and they quoted 2,020!! I can't understand why it's so much more expensive, it's ridiculous! The lady I spoke to couldn't give me any adequate explanation of why it was so expensive, though she mentioned that we wouldn't be able to use a NCB on it as it would have to be an entirely new policy. But we took our first car policy with no NCB and that was a fraction of the price. Apparently the micra is called a Super-S or something, though it is not suped up or a fancy model or anything. Could that be it? We've tried a few other insurers and they also give expensive quotes (1000+) though not as ridiculous as Quinn. Any ideas why it would be so expensive? What could we change to try to make it cheaper? Change each car to have one named driver ony? Try a different car? Find a multicar insurer? I'm 31, she's 28, and we've both been driving for 2 3/4 years with no claims, points, convictions etc. Thanks.""
My car insurance is $200 a month!?
I'm getting my license in less than a month, but my parents won't get me a car b/c they say I won't be driving alone anyway b/c the insurance is through the roof. We have Mamzy. Would it be cheaper if we switch our insurance? It'll go down once I've had my license for 6 months, but still, half a year is a long time to have to wait. :\ Thanksx.""
What is the type of insurance that protects against the cost of injuries of others that's our fault?
What is the type of insurance that protects against the cost of injuries of others that's our fault?
Where did health insurance companies learn the word affordable? ?
I mean seriously, I check all over and the cheapest I can find with a joke of a copay is $130.00. I, like many other people, live paycheck to paycheck with generally less than a dollar at the time of receiving my next check. It is just ridiculous. And before I get any answers about how wonderful Obamacare will be: no, that's as useful as getting a credit card to pay off a mortgage. Besides, if was for the good of the people, why are we to be FORCED into it instead of deciding for ourselves?
""How do you purchase a car without insurance, and how do you get insuracnce with out a car?""
I left my insurace expire, and noe I need to get insurance, but I don't know what car i'm going to get, so which comes first, the insurance or the car?""
Will my insurance go up for my speeding ticket?
I just recently got a speeding ticket or doing 46 in a 30. (which wasn't possible) I'm only 16 and it is my first ticket. My parents will kill me when they find out. We have stated arm insurance and only liability on the car but will the insurance go up and/or cause my parents to fin out?
""My sister is 19years old and she is going to college she needs medical insurance, but she has to pay for it, d""
Does anyone know anyone know any low cost insurance companies. She has been having uterus problems aches and pains,she cant see a doctor she says she cannot afford it. I want to help ...show more""
Can someone please tell me why used Audi's or so cheap?? Can someone help me pick which used car to buy!?
2003 BMW 325I 84K Miles $10,900 2002 Audi S4 64K Miles $10,900 2005 Audi A4 1.8T AWD 79K Miles $10,900 2006 Honda Civic EX 1.8 75K Miles $10,900 2003 Infiniti G35 sedan 64K Miles $10,900 insurance is no problem, all these are clean car fax, clean title, all under KBB value, the infiniti is $3,000 under value, the rest are about $1000 under value. Any ideas why Audi are so cheap? im just looking for about a 10-11,000 car with low miles. Which should i pick?""
What automotive insurance companies insure right-hand drive cars in Ontario?
I'm looking to get insurance on a right hand drive import (Nissan Skyline) in Ontario, Canada. Prior to January 2012 this wasn't the hardest thing to do. It's gotten increasingly difficult. Anyone know of a company that still insures these imports at a reasonable rate?""
Why is my car insurance going up?
I can't understand why my car insurance is going up and I've never claimed.... I am 24 years old and passed my driving test in 2007. I brought my first car in september 2008 which is a Vauxhall Corsa 12v 1Ltr. I still have the same car but each year the insurance is going up and up and I'm only going for third party fire and theft. 1st year - 77 2nd Year - 111 3rd Year - 130 - 199 I can't understand it.
Can I still use my mom's health insurance?
My Mom has Anthem Blue Cross SISC III. I am married but 19 years old, and under the Affordable Care Act, children 26 and under are still supposed to be covered, married or unmarried, unless the adult child has another offer of employer-based coverage . My husband is a Marine, so I have the option to use Tricare, but I do not have my OWN employer-based coverage, so can I still use my mom's insurance? Her insurance plan is a lot better than Tricare.""
""Will will my insurance rate increase, if my parked and unoccupied car got hit?""
Motor cycle insurance for an 18 year old using usaa?
How much would insurance be for an 18 year old using USAA? I am going to get a Honda CBR250R for the gas mileage. I live in Southern California in Riverside county. the bike would be my primary transportation and i have a perfect driving record. along with straight A's. please help?
Who is the Blonde looking for better insurance rates in the progressive insurance commercial.?
She works alongside Stephanie Courtney in the progressive insurance company commercials.
Car insurance prices?
i've just turned 17and i am wondering how much roughly will, lessons theory test and driving test all come too and insurance and also im a girl :)""
How much money can I save on my car insurance after completion of the pass plus course?
Give me examples of how much you have saved or a friend or something
What are the payments on an Infiniti G35 Coupe?
How much for the car a month? And the insurance? If anyone has this car please let me know how much you pay for the car & the insurance. Thank you so much in advance.
Is insurance needed for car rental?
i would like to know if car insurance is needed to rent a car, or is it provided for the car.""
""Affordable, student health insurances!?""
can anyone suggest me any affordable health insurances for me? im 20, don't smoke or drink, have no chronic condition or what so ever, if this helps. Just to ballpark the price range; because i really need new glasses and a dental checkup, thanks so much!""
What is a reliable car with a low insurance group?
I've done a little research and noticed they put cars together in insurance groups - like 2e for example. Is the letter for the level of security - so is 'e' bad, for example and 'a' good? Could someone please explain the process, and as I've just passed (I'm 18) - could you name a suitable car for me - lower insurance bracket if possible?""
About how much does insurance cost for BudgetTruck Rental?
Can someone give me a ballpark on how much insurance would cost for Plan 2 Supplemental Liability Insurance (SLI) on budgettruck.com I need a 16' moving truck in a Columbus, Ohio suburb up to Toledo area""
i paid this guy 130 for insurance, he put down all wrong details on the policy so that i am like 30 years old, that's why it was so cheap. wont reply to my emails or pick up the phone. told him i was going to call the police and tell the insurance company if he didnt refund me. this is the add: http://www.gumtree.com/london/13/60689813.html what should i do now??""
How do I get all my old insurance names?
Hiya. Im struggling to find a way to get my information. Most of us dont keep all our old paperwork. Been driving for 6 years but cant remember even who the companys where. Any way of finding out or are they lost forever? Is it also possible to claim on possible ppi on car insurance?
""When getting additional health insurance, why do I have to disclose that I already have other coverage?""
I have this lame health insurance plan through my employer, but my husband's health insurance plan is much better and covers a lot more... on the application they are asking if I'm already covered... Why do they want to know? Can he get in trouble for saying no? (How) can they somehow find out that I am covered by another plan?""
Citroen c2 1.4 insurance why so expensive how to get smaller quote?
I just bought a C2 1.4 04 plate less than 30000 on clock semi auto and when I came to insure it nearly died! More than I paid for car! I am 30 and have been driving for 5 years, the first year I had my own car then I have driven hire cars or been a named driver on relatives cars. No claims, points, accidents or offences. WHY SO EXPENSIVE??? Please help me I feel in so annoyed as can't drive without insurance and at this rate can't afford to insure! Any info greatly received :)""
How much will car insurance be?uk?
i am 16 andd saving for a car for when im 17. I hope to spend about 900 on the car. Can anyone tell me an aprox amount pleease :)
Insurance on a 1998-1999 Mitsubishi eclipse GSX at age 16?
Alright so I am 14 right now. In 2 years I will be driving, and I am very into cars. I am looking to purchase a 1998-1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX. Since an eclipse is considered a sports car how much would much insurance be a month? Imagine I have a perfect status (No wrecks etc., and above a 3.5 GPA). Also if I get an Eclipse GS is that still considered a sports car since it is not AWD, and is not turbocharged?""
How much will insurace cost me on a 2005 jaguar type s or on a 2006 audi A4?
want to get one of those cars but i want to have a idea of how much it will cost in insurance. i got 1 year with my license or it will go up on my dads name he has like alot of years more then 30 with out accidents or anything. plz any info or if u have one of this cars. give me a idea of how much it will cost me or if u know any website i could find out. thanks. o ya the jaguar is a v6 3.0 and the audi v4 2.0. both leather i will get a bunch of chicks with this cars.
Car insurance question?
If i have my own car titled in my name, could my parents put me under their insurance so my car is insured, or does the car have to be titled in my parents name? It would be alot cheaper for me that way. Thanks.""
Where did health insurance companies learn the word affordable? ?
I mean seriously, I check all over and the cheapest I can find with a joke of a copay is $130.00. I, like many other people, live paycheck to paycheck with generally less than a dollar at the time of receiving my next check. It is just ridiculous. And before I get any answers about how wonderful Obamacare will be: no, that's as useful as getting a credit card to pay off a mortgage. Besides, if was for the good of the people, why are we to be FORCED into it instead of deciding for ourselves?
Why is it important to carry car insurance if the odds of a major accident are quite low?
Its a stats question
Car Insurance Question?
OK, so Im taking my test soon, and I was wondering if I could do this. As a result of my gender, my insurance would be considerably high; up to 6,00 to be exact. However, if I insure my car on provisional licence, it would cost LOTS cheaper. But, if I do this now, and pay for this provisional licence cover, when I have passed my test and have a full UK licence, would I just carry on with the same cover, or inform the insurance company of a change in the licence which I have. I hope you can answer my question. Thank You""
What is the difference of term and whole life insurance?
I know this has been asked before, but what I want to know was never answered. 1. If you buy term and pay for 20 years and live longer, does your beneficiaries receive all the money? If they do, how does the company make money on term? 2. I have had whole for over 30 years and what I am paying is more than term ins. a month, but when I die, my beneficiaries will recieve much more than I could ever save. ( I pay over $150. a month for over $200,000. I know I will pay in about $50,000. My mutual funds aren't increasing so I think whole will do better for my kids. Did I do the right thing? 3. If I switch over to term will I lose what I signed up for? Thanks""
I wonder how many points will my insurance raise ?
So my car was parked in-front of a SUV Lexus in a parking lot. Then, i left my friend's house and started to drive. I stepped on the gas pedal to drive forward but i forgot that the car was still in Reverse mode. So i hit the Lexus car which was behind my car and luckily no one was in that car. There is damage on that car's left side headlight and left-side of the bumper. I wonder how many points will my insurance raise ? i just got the license like a few months ago and this is my fist accident. The SUV Lexus car's parts and labor fee is really expensive so i might don't have enough cash to pay them thou. (estimate $3000-$5000)""
""Help! looking for affordable healthcare insurance in atlanta, ga?""
i am a single mom recently laid off from work. i have asthma and take a prescribed drug every day. i am running out and just to see my dr. for a new rx is $125 and then for a 30day supply is $150. too costly for me. i have tried research online for healthcare companies but keep getting redirected to other sites. i am looking for insurance around $100 a mnth that could give me a copay of $25-35 for visits and prescriptions. can anyone offer any advice. all this health care insurance is so confusing, with the detuctibiles etc.""
in ON canada what classic car insurance company will insure a 17 year old with a classic car
Do you think I need insurance?
I have to have insurance on my car for 3 years because I got a ticket for no insurance and suspended license. I just recently go rid of my car...do I still need the insurance. People have told me to at least keep liability non-owners insurance, but that's $266 a month for me...!!! Can I just forget the insurance and ride the bus?""
If a person has previous damage from nicks on a car door and try to say you did it will insurance pay?
My next door neighbor is trying to say my car door nicked hers when I got out of the car. I saw nicks on her door before I even opened mine. Now she wants to turn this into the insurance and file a claim. This was on private property, so I am not sure about it. My insurance company says an adjuster will be able to tell how long she had damage. I do not have any paint transfer on my car at all. Just unsure if this will affect my rates.""
Help with Car Insurance?
My current car insurance will expire tomorrow at 11:59pm and the new one will take effect at 12:01am. Am I going to have an issue with that 1 minute of non coverage? I know this might sound silly but I just don't know if that will be some kind of an issue. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
How can I make sure the Insurance company declares my car totaled if it received enough damage?
My boyfriend fell asleep while driving and damaged my car pretty badly. It got towed because it is not drivable at this point. This happened on Friday morning, and today, Monday, I got a call from my insurance asking me to find a mechanic for the repairs. Then he followed by asking if I knew where the car was. Isnt he supposed to get an estimate of the car before he decides if its worth any repairs? Or is that my job? Also, Im afraid that the mechanic will just fix the car to please the insurance company, but Id rather the car just get totaled. I dont want to have future problems because it is my understanding that the transmission got pulled out. Im not sure what to do. Im thinking of just choosing the dealerships collision department for the repairs. How do I make sure that if the car has too much damage, it is declared totaled?""
Best health insurance for bariatric surgery?
I live in Florida and am trying to have bariatric surgery. What company's will pay for the surgery in Florida?
What if i cancel my auto insurance and get back after six months?
I canceled my auto insurance before six months. now I got another car and I got accident before I purchased insurance for this car with the same company. then I purchased the auto insurance.so, my question is does my insurance company has to cover for this.""
What is a fast car that is in a relativley low insurance group?
Hi i'm looking for a car which is fast but not that high in insurance i have 4 year NCB but i'm only 23 and have already got 2 smashes under the belt and a speeding ticket i'm currently looking at a ford cougar 2.5 which is group 14 insurance but i have own one of these before but was just wondering if there is a faster car then this that is lower then group 15 insurance i live in the uk can anyone help.
Is it possible to buy life insurance to insure the life of someone on death row?
Chances are, like in California, they'll just die of old age, so it's not that bad of a risk.""
Can I drive my sons car under my own (fully comp) insurance?
My son's car is registered to our home address, and he is currently away. His is cheaper to run so I want to use it (with his permission). He has third party only insurance but I am fully comp on my own car. My insurance states I can drive any other car with the owners permission, but does his insurance level, or the fact it is registered at my own address affect this?""
Does the Affordable Health Care law really prevent insurance companies from denying pre-existing conditions?
They say that now, insurance companies can no longer deny insurance to people with pre -existing conditions. So what was HIPAA passed in 1996 for? This law states that insurance companies CAN NOT deny people with pre -existing conditions. The only change I see is it gets rid of the 12 month exclusion period. I had two aunts with lupus, both lived in California and had insurance, until they moved to Texas. If they could have kept their insurance, they would have, but for some odd reason liberals are against insurance across state lines. They had no problem finding insurance, they just had to be out of pocket for 12 months. HIPAA also states that if you can go six months without any medical visits, advice/procedures, insurance companies are not allowed to look further than that and must not apply the exclusion period. So did the Affordable Care Act really stop insurance companies from denying coverage for pre existing conditions, or was it ALREADY a law? http://www.dol.gov/ebsa/faqs/faq_consumer_hipaa.html""
Cheapest Vans to insure?
Hi, I was looking into getting a van as a first car, ideally I was after something like a van/car cross, basically an estate with no back windows, I'm not sure of the group. I was wondering what decent vans are out there and what would be cheapest to insure? The main reason for wanting a van is I regularly surf and would sleep in the back occasionally.""
How much would insurance be on a 1986 honda civic si hatchback?
I need to know asap how much estimated it would be to add this car to insurance. (state farm) I just bought it for 800 bucks and i need to know also how much in total it would be to get on the road.. register, title switch , tags all that good stuff...im un VIRGINIA btw.. need any more info ask..""
""Lost heath/dental insurance, anything more affordable than COBRA?
I just graduated from college and have 30 days to determind if I stay with the COBRA plan (about $350 a month) or find other insurance. I don't mind having to use in-network doctors. I'm also based in NJ if that makes a difference. Any ideas on what I can use? Much appreciated.
Car insurance confusion?
I have full comp. insurance for my car and I can drive any other vehicle as 3rd party (As per policy). I also own another car which is not insured to anyone...Can I drive my this car (un insured) under my existing policy as 3rd party ?
Has anyone used or made a fake car insurance card?
Okay I will be honest. I have been unemployed since September so money has been very tight and i havent been able to afford my car insurance. I have court tomorrow and when I was pulled over i didnt have my insurance card on me. I have court tomorrow morning and I have to bring my card with me. I still dont have valid car insurance. I am freaking out because I can lose my license over this. If i do how will i take my daughter to school how will I be able to look for work. I just cant bottom line! Now I have heard of people getting away with fake insurance cards for situations like this. Has anyone ever done anything like this before? If so can you please help me. Look i know this is very stupid and breaking the law. I have never had to deal with anything like this before. I could buy one of those cheap policies right now for the future. I told the officer though i was insured just didnt have my card on me. So thats why i need help right now. Please anyone a lot is at risk for me right now just because i had some officer on a power trip pull me over because I pulled into a tow zone to pick my daughter up from school one day. Please anyone it would be very much appreciated! I have my old card i can upload and tweak on photoshop but i dont really know how to use it im not very tech savy. Also idk if that would pass wouldnt the judge be able to tell?
Can an insurance company cancel the insurance after they found out that there is something wrong?
hi! we just bought a house and got insurances but then after a month in our new house, we got a notice from the insurance saying that our insurance will be cancelled by the next month coz they found out in the inspection that there is a rott on the garage roof and told us to fix it first then they will continue our insurance?? i just wanna know if they can do that or if that is allowed to cancel our insurance after they accepted us?? what can we do ?""
How much would small business insurance be?
This is for a marketing assignment. The business is a small gardening and cooking school for children. There are about 8 staff and activities should be pretty safe, since they're aimed at young people. The business is just starting out. What the instructions mention is: 1.property damage 2. public liability 3. vehicle 4. theft 5. personal disability 6. professional indemnity Kids hire their own bus to come here and staff ust use their own cars to go to and from work, so does the vehicle thing need to be included? The building is just a suburban rental property that costs us $400 rent each week. Also, this is just a minor part of the assignment, so a guess is fine. Thanks for any help!""
Can car insurance companies check if you drive another car ?
if you get a car insurance quote and you say you have access to another car in your information is there any way they can check ? I have just renewed my car insurance and noticed that it was cheaper when i said i had regular use of another car. The thing is i do have use of my brothers car but im not an actual name driver on the insurance. My brothers car is fully comprehensive and thinks that anyone can drive the vehicle. Is this true ? i dont get how my insurance company are going to catch me out if im driving my brothers car without any mention of my name on his insurance
Car insurance check for air bags?
So im planning on getting either Allstate or Farmers Insurance, I'm wondering if they will check for air bags when they look at my car.""
Where did health insurance companies learn the word affordable? ?
I mean seriously, I check all over and the cheapest I can find with a joke of a copay is $130.00. I, like many other people, live paycheck to paycheck with generally less than a dollar at the time of receiving my next check. It is just ridiculous. And before I get any answers about how wonderful Obamacare will be: no, that's as useful as getting a credit card to pay off a mortgage. Besides, if was for the good of the people, why are we to be FORCED into it instead of deciding for ourselves?
0 notes
How I, a designer, learned to code and released an app in 4 months
Okay, I’ll be honest with you right away. The title is a little misleading.
I started learning Swift 4 months before and I knew some coding before that.
But I have never created a native app for any platform. Thinking about it now, I had no idea what I was up against…
For you to understand the how I did it, first I must tell you the why.
Traveling back in time
I always loved computers. My father bought our first machine when I was around 8 years old, and I became hooked in a second. It had a blurry CRT screen and it was running DOS, but it did what you wanted it to do.
That thing was pure magic for God’s sake!
Of course I mostly played games on it but I fell in love with the whole environment. I learned about how a PC worked, turned all the knobs and switches in the programs and became the guy others came to for tech-advice.
Fast forward to 1999. It was the time of 56k dial up modems and ADSL lines. I was still into computers as the Internet started gaining popularity in Hungary. I spent most of my afternoons in the school’s IT room visiting Geocities pages.
It was the beautiful era of <frame> based websites with the dancing baby animgif and I wanted a part of it.
I started learning HTML and created my first website. And since it was ’99 I appropriately named it Zolee Site Millenium. It ran on our school server and was only accessible via a Frankensteinian URL, something like www.kkt.piar.school.gov.hu/~hosszu2 (notice the nice tilde character in there). But I was online, I conquered a little bit of the new promise land called the World Wide Web. It felt amazing.
My love for gaming stuck with me in the following years: I was playing a lot of Counter-Strike. As it became the most popular game, I always had a chance to create a website for my current team.
I loved designing and building pages, but after a while started focusing my efforts on the visuals and usability. The latest trends of web development passed right by me as I learned more and more about pixels and user-experience.
Today I work as a full-time UI designer at a Hungarian agency. I have no experience with the current top frameworks like Node, Angular or Bootstrap. And I’m okay with that.
But I’ve been keeping an eye on HTML, CSS and JavaScript goodies, because I always work on personal projects on the side.
The idea for GAget
In 2011 my website got a huge facelift. The layout got featured on DeviantArt and I felt excited about new users checking it out every day. But I also was really frustrated.
Not because of the number visitors, but because there was no quick way for me to check them. There were two options. I either had to keep fiddling with Google Analytics, or I needed to find a simple app to do the trick for me. That’s what OS X Dashboard widgets are for, I thought, so I started looking around.
But the solutions out there were either too nerdy and ugly or just didn’t give me enough data. So being a designer, I drew up a mockup of what the best solution for me could be and posted the design on Dribbble.
A couple of dozen likes made me dig into the topic a bit more. I found out that widgets were essentially HTML + JavaScript apps, so I started taking it a little more seriously. I mean, these were the two languages I was most familiar with.
The working prototype was running on my Dashboard in a couple of days. I named it GAget [pronounced the same way as gadget] as an acronym for Google Analytics widget. A silly name, but it stuck.
The widget was released about 2 weeks later, in August of 2011.
I stopped updating the bookmarks featuring GAget after a while…
The amount of feedback was stunning: MacStories, SwissMiss and tons of smaller blogs featured GAget. I even had my name printed in the Hungarian version of PC World magazine.
I knew I had to keep working on it.
What to do next?
Today the widget has over 84 thousand downloads and it is being used by thousands weekly. With a friend of mine we even created an iPhone version. So when Apple released Yosemite and discontinued the development of Dashcode, GAget’s future started looking pretty grim.
But as one hand took something away, the other gave something back: Apple opened up the Notification Center for developers to display widgets there. Hope! Maybe the success story of my small widget could continue!
My Instagram post about the new design.
I started reading Apple’s documentation on Today extensions (this is what they call widgets). But it was all native Objective-C code. Ugh! Dealing with a compiler, memory leaks and multi-threaded processes was not what I wanted to do. It sounds scary if you’ve never done it before. But I made up my mind, GAget needed to become a native widget!
My biggest problem was that I had no idea where to start.
The Objective-Struggle
I purchased a book about iPhone development in Objective-C, but gave up after a couple of sections. To be honest, for someone familiar with front-end languages and a bit of PHP, Objective-C looked way too complex. Look at this code:
@interface ReminderViewController()
@property (nonatomic, weak) IBOutlet UIDatePicker *datePicker;
What could an interface, a property be, what does nonatomic or weak mean and what the hell are @ and * doing in there? I understood end though!
The swifter way to code
The tutorials in the book were leading nowhere. After a few weeks of struggle, I didn’t get any closer to a native widget.
Then I remembered that Apple introduced a new programming language called Swift alongside Yosemite. It was new to everyone, so a lot of gurus started writing about it, discussing why it sucked and how you should learn Objective-C before even thinking about touching Swift. All this buzz made me take a look: I downloaded and started reading its documentation.
It felt like a breeze. The code started looking familiar, something like a little complex JavaScript! I fired up Xcode and started copying what people were doing in tutorials.
My main goal was an OS X widget, but most tutorials were focused on Swift itself or iPhone apps so I had to keep searching. I still had a lot of unanswered questions, like:
How can a widget and a containing app communicate? (Core data and app groups)
Can I use hover interaction? (No)
How do I open only one row of the widget while closing the others? (Auto layout and some manual height hacking)
Apple’s one page long documentation on widgets forced me to dig up source codes on GitHub and Stack Overflow and it took me countless hours to figure out the answers.
I collected and published the links I found useful along the way. They might be relevant for you too, in case you’re starting out with iOS or OS X programming.
I managed to find everything I needed and started moving faster than I expected: GAget for Yosemite started to take shape.
MVC, multi-threaded processes, app targets, view controllers and core data meant nothing 4 months ago. But thanks to the tutorials, Stack Overflow and a lot of sleepless nights I managed to learn the bases of Swift and OS X development.
Thanks to 800 people the beta testing was a blast. GAget is now available in the App Store as a designer’s first native application.
What I learned — besides a new programming language
I knew that working on a personal project is awesome long before Swift came along. You get to do whatever you want and you don’t answer to a boss or a client. You can add and remove features any way you like and you work in your own pace.
However, I found that giving yourself a deadline can be extremely motivating. Every New Year’s Eve my wife and I sit down and make a list about the things what we want to achieve in the following year. This time I listed that I want to release the new version of GAget by the end of January: this was my deadline.
Even though I ended up missing it by a month (thanks to Apple’s review process and a few other projects), I was working the hardest in January to check this thing off my list. Having it written down on a piece of paper is a powerful motivator.
The circle of learning
I also discovered that while learning something new there are three phases you cycle through: excitement, struggle and solution.
Excitement phase:you alway start here. You have a new idea and start learning things, everything looks promising and you wonder what you can do next. You feel motivated and you’re experimenting with the stuff you know. But you eventually reach a barrier in your knowledge.
Struggle phase:as you encounter the first real problem your excitement and motivation levels start to plummet. You have no idea what could help you or what to search for. You are desperate: even checking out the 3rd results page in Google for an answer.
Solution phase:Finally! You find the solution to that nasty problem. You move faster than before, and start to feel excited and motivated again. You go back to phase 1.
So next time you start out, remember: the struggle phase might be long and frustrating but the solution is out there. Finding it is part of the fun.
And don’t forget to check out GAget ☺
The post How I, a designer, learned to code and released an app in 4 months appeared first on Design your way.
from Web Development & Designing http://www.designyourway.net/blog/user-interface-design/designer-learned-code-released-app-4-months/
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