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deniz-mehtap · 10 months ago
kalbimde biri var ki her gece uyurken ona yazıyorum... 🤍
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panicinthestudio · 8 months ago
"What the oil industry doesn’t want you to know", July 25, 2024
Uncover the oil industry’s decades-long campaign to discredit climate change science regarding the danger of fossil fuels. -- Throughout the 1980s, oil industry reps discussed the dangers of burning fossil fuels, acknowledging the risk their product posed to the future of humanity. However, instead of warning the public or pivoting towards renewable energy sources, they doubled down on oil — and launched a decades-long campaign to discredit climate change science. Stephanie Honchell Smith digs into Big Oil's tactics. Lesson by Stephanie Honchell Smith, directed by Sofia Pashaei. TED-Ed
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selin-n · 2 months ago
Finali zaten biliyordum da 🥀
Senaryonun güzelliğine
kapıldım 🥀💔😔😥
(Türkçe altyazılı)
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laahzaa · 9 days ago
هیچ حال نه دارم..
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guzide1 · 5 months ago
acı çeken yüreğimize murtaza pashaei dinlemeyi bıraktığımızdan beri herifi milletin yeni keşfetmesiyle mecbura maruz kalıyoruz
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diyasgarden · 2 months ago
BEETT OKAY here are some personal (and basically every iranian) favs!!
behet gol midam (i promise you) by mohsen yeganeh. this song is so so beautiful. the lyrics are just uuughhh. mohsen is a wonderful singer & writer he’s truly amazing
shabe royaei & delshooreh by aron afsar (love him)
ey joonam - sami beigi
gelooband - efran tamasbi (this is more of a wedding song vibe but lyrics!)
soltane ghalbha - aref
jadeye yektaraf, kojaei & yeki hast by morteza pashaei (his song writing is something else, truly beautiful)
zade baroon - masoud sadeghloo
alijenab - evan band
that’s all i can think of for now 🧍‍♀️
(i apologize if these are a lot 😭 i got a lil tooooo excited but id love to know your thoughts on them if that’s okay :])
no don’t be!!! i had fun listening to all of these :) here are my thoughts for each song
behet gol midam: i love the melody, especially leading up to when he first starts to sing. just very calming, i’d even describe it as understanding (if that makes sense). i looked up the translation for the lyrics and omg it’s bittersweet.
shabe royaei: i couldn’t find a translation, but i love the rhythm. the beat felt steady in the way the ocean is
delshooreh: the lyrics for this one were tragically romantic
ey joonam: i love the more upbeat rhythm and melody, with lyrics which are still very much yearning. also the instrumental in parts where they’re is no singing is beautiful
gelooband: this one was so much fun!! the lyrics were so sweet too. i love wedding songs
soltane ghalbha: this one was absolutely beautiful. just pure yearning. the harmony, the lyrics, all of it feels like longing. i love it
jadeye yektaraf: this reminded me of bollywood songs from the late 2000s. a soothing, fun melody and beautiful lyricisim
kojaei: the lyrics for this one was so sad, but something about it is so calming to me
yeki hast: the melody is very soothing and soft, then i looked at the lyrics omg :(
zade baroon: i found a summary of the song and i am a sucker for love stories and rain 🤧
alijenab: i loved how calming this one was. even just their voices, very serene
i feel like a lot of these were more so focused on how the song made me feel or just the overall melodies than about the lyrics itself haha. my favorite is soltane ghalbha i think.
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huseynmammad · 1 year ago
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raedas · 2 years ago
pretty please i would love iranian music recs 🤲
ghalbam roo tekrare - morteza pashaei
asheghi ba to, loknat, ahay to, bia ashegham kon - benyamin
khanom gol, sabad sabad - ebi
aftab - black cats
baroonaye nam nam, delaaram - puzzle band
pa be paye to, daryaabam - mohsen yeganeh
ageh yeh rooz - faramarz aslani
mah o mahi - hojat ashrafzadeh
khodayeh asemoonha - andy & kouros
jooni joonom - leila forouhar
man amadeh-am, makhlough, gharibe ashena - googoosh
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fallingworld · 1 year ago
playlist: farsi in my car
fast in my car by paramore
fast car by tracy chapman
the real slim shady by persian eminem
deeyar (disco version) by shahram shabpareh
gharibe ashena by googoosh
ghalbam roo tekrare by morteza pashaei
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hasanakbal19 · 1 month ago
AYLA ÇELİK'in 6 önce yayınladığı şarkısı "Sakla Beni" Tik Tok başta olmak üzere listeleri alt üst etmeye başladı
İranlı besteci Morteza Pashaei’ nin Uzun yıllardır severek dinlediği şarkısına Türkçe söz yazan Ayla Çelik, Sakla Beni yayınladıktan 6 ay sonra dijital dünyada büyük bir patlama yaşadı.  Ayla Çelik, Bağdat ile kurduğu İran müzik köprüsünü 30 yaşında hayatını kaybeden ünlü bestecinin şarkısı ile güçlendirdi. Şarkıya kısa sürede sadece Tik Tok platformunda 100 bin üzerinde video çekildi. Bir anda…
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kunyekultursanat · 1 month ago
AYLA ÇELİK'in 6 önce yayınladığı şarkısı "Sakla Beni" Tik Tok başta olmak üzere listeleri alt üst etmeye başladı
İranlı besteci Morteza Pashaei’ nin Uzun yıllardır severek dinlediği şarkısına Türkçe söz yazan Ayla Çelik, Sakla Beni yayınladıktan 6 ay sonra dijital dünyada büyük bir patlama yaşadı.  Ayla Çelik, Bağdat ile kurduğu İran müzik köprüsünü 30 yaşında hayatını kaybeden ünlü bestecinin şarkısı ile güçlendirdi. Şarkıya kısa sürede sadece Tik Tok platformunda 100 bin üzerinde video çekildi. Bir anda…
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karanfilbezelielma · 4 months ago
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notdoni · 5 months ago
نت گیتار همسفر از مرتضی پاشایی به همراه تبلچر و آکورد
نت گیتار همسفر از مرتضی پاشایی به همراه تبلچر و آکورد
نت دونی , نت گیتار , نت متوسط گیتار , نت گیتار مرتضی پاشایی , notdoni , نت های گیتار مرتضی پاشایی , نت های گیتار , گیتار , مرتضی پاشایی , نت مرتضی پاشایی , نت های مرتضی پاشایی , نت های امیر عبدالهی , نت های متوسط گیتار , نت گیتار متوسط
پیش نمایش نت گیتار همسفر از مرتضی پاشایی به همراه تبلچر و آکورد
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نت گیتار همسفر از مرتضی پاشایی به همراه تبلچر و آکورد
دانلود نت گیتار همسفر از مرتضی پاشایی به همراه تبلچر و آکورد
خرید نت گیتار همسفر از مرتضی پاشایی به همراه تبلچر و آکورد
جهت خرید نت گیتار همسفر از مرتضی پاشایی به همراه تبلچر و آکورد روی لینک زیر کلیک کنید
نت گیتار همسفر از مرتضی پاشایی به همراه تبلچر و آکورد
نت گیتار همسفر از مرتضی پاشایی
شامل » نت ملودی تبلچر و آکورد
تنظیم نت گیتار  » امیر عبدالهی
آهنگساز » مرتضی پاشایی
 جهت مشاهده نت پیانو همسفر اینجا کلیک کنید می توانید اینجا کلیک کنید 
متن آهنگ همسفر از مرتضی پاشایی من همسفر زوزه ی تنهایی بادم که دل به دل بی خبر از عشق تو دادم دل به تو دادم آواره ی دنیای پر از ترس چشاتم کی غیر تو میتونه بشه راه نجاتم دل به تو دادم تو که یه قطره بارونی خوب منو نمیدونی کنار من نمیمونی تو که ازم گریزونی تو دل دریا مهمونی کنار من نمیمونی من تو شب تنهایی تو ناله ی دردم نفرین شده ی دائمی این شب سردم با تو چه کردم تو با منو این قصه غریبی مث خوابی تو تو عطش خستگیهام مثل سرابی تو مثل خوابی تو که یه قطره بارونی خوب منو نمیدونی کنار من نمیمونی تو که ازم گریزونی تو دل دریا مهمونی کنار من نمیمونی
نت گیتار همسفر از مرتضی پاشایی (Morteza Pashaei | Hamsafar)
کلمات کلیدی : نت دونی , نت گیتار , نت متوسط گیتار , نت گیتار مرتضی پاشایی , notdoni , نت های گیتار مرتضی پاشایی , نت های گیتار , گیتار , مرتضی پاشایی , نت مرتضی پاشایی , نت های مرتضی پاشایی , نت های امیر عبدالهی , نت های متوسط گیتار , نت گیتار متوسط
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kgarshasbi · 9 months ago
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The fountain of wishes and
the small
The village of Lehran Taleghan, which is spread in the foothills of Alborz, is located on the northern side of the Shahroud River, and in terms of regional size and agricultural lands and mountains, it is wide from Alamut to the Shahroud River, and it is located in the lower region of Taleghan, and geographically from the east side. It borders with Kash village, Mir village from the west, Mochan village from the south, and Alamut region from the north.
 The people of this village, like other villages of Taleghan, have been engaged in agriculture and animal husbandry. The people of this village are more famous with the Lahrasabi family, although there are families with the family
Razavi Nesab, Pashaei, Ghasemi and Garshasabi also live in this village.
Considering the migration of people from the villages to the big cities and the trend towards urbanization, the village of Lehran is currently more prosperous than some of the surrounding villages such as Mochan, Ali Sar, etc., but considering this point that a handful of people live in it permanently in the winter season, and compared to the population of this village in 1340, which was estimated to be around 400 people, its population has been greatly reduced and, in other words, it is being destroyed and is to go
Now, according to the   facilities that have been provided to Lehran village in recent years.
 The question is why the pleasant village of Lehran with its special beauty and conditions is being destroyed?!
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trackmelodycom · 1 year ago
🎵 Listen And Download New Music By Sasan Pashaei Called Ey Sanaman Dast Dast With 2 Quality 320 And 128 On TrackMelody Media 🎵 New Persian Music Sasan Pashaei – Ey Sanaman Dast Dast 🎶 Download New Music By Sasan Pashaei Called Ey Sanaman Dast Dast With Best Quality➕Play Online On TrackMelody Media📼 . . #TrackMelody #persian_music #Persian_music_download #Iranian_music_download #New_Persian_Music #New_Music #Arabic_music #Turkish_music #pop #rock #rap #jazz #download_music #trend_music
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beh-music · 1 year ago
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دانلود آهنگ شادمهر عقیلی و مرتضی پاشایی به نام تو رفتی ( هوش مصنوعی )
این آهنگ با هوش مصنوعی ساخته شده است
خواننده اصلی این آهنگ مرتضی پاشایی می باشد
  منبع :
شادمهر عقیلی و مرتضی پاشایی - تو رفتی ( هوش مصنوعی )
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