#party boat miami beach
waterfantaseasmiami · 2 years
Corporate Yacht Charters Miami
Water Fantaseas was created to cater to the needs of the visitor market in Florida. With tourism being the largest single industry in southeast Florida, along with the ideal geographical location and weather, the creation of such a company seemed only natural.
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barakg · 6 months
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theyachtsplace · 11 months
The Best Party Boat Rentals in Miami
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Elevate your Miami celebrations with our Party Boat Rentals. Set sail on the gorgeous waters with friends and family to make wonderful memories. Our well-equipped boats are ideal for parties, meetings, and special occasions. Make an impact with your Miami Party Boat Rental!
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anadiasmount · 1 year
miami night's - christian pulisic x reader.
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a sum of the story! : growing up to your parent's expectations, you were told what to do, how you were going to live your life. what happens when one night you break the rules for a man you just met?
warning this contains smut... so if you're a minor step away. it's my first time writing smut and genuinely something like this so please be kind! I'd also appreciate some feedback. enjoy! ❣❣
WC: 5.4K (18+ content)
Miami. Miami held a special place in you. You had been going there since childhood, all the way to now during your senior year in Uni. You enjoyed taking long walks by the shore, picking up small shells that you've gradually collected over the years, and taking pictures of the blue water and the to-die-for sunsets. It is where you've had a near-death experience by almost drowning, but also special memories like going for boat rides and surfing.
You had stayed in the States for your first two years of Uni studying to become a fine architect like your dad. It wasn't up to you, you had to follow his footsteps or you'd be a dishonor to the family. Your family went decades upon decades as architects, building and making some fine homes, buildings, and businesses. You didn't want to do that though, you wished and prayed that one day they’d realize how hard the pressure was to live up to the last name.
You had two older brothers, they have their families and are known quite around for making their work be known, but you, you weren't near their level. Mostly because part of you loved to make things harder for them. You just wanted to go out and live life how you dreamed. Due to your family’s name and reputation, you became such an introverted person. No matter how hard you tried to be “different”, they wouldn't find it professional of you.
You wanted the late-night drives with friends, travel around the globe, the skiing trip in Aspen, read books on a cold night as you felt the heat of a bonfire, and become a different person than the one they set you to be. You wanted freedom.
You had your group of friends that stuck with you since day one, two are engaged and going to start law school in the fall, your other girlfriend was going to begin her years in medical school in December, and one was going to become a professional dancer, and you well a said to be an architect. You wanted to become a journalist and have the world know of your passion to write a novel one day. No one knew of this, of course just your friends, if your family knew they freak.
During your third year of Uni, it took some convincing but you made the move to study abroad in the UK. Promising that you went for school, and school only. You loved it, the experiences of going out, looking at the different historical monuments, and taking holidays to Germany and Spain. You were living the life of the party, you could get used to that, but the States held a special place in your heart.
While in school in London, you made the decision to design and build out your dream home by the beach in Miami, a plan and idea only you knew. A house that you could visit and escape reality from. The dream home where you could wake up to smell the ocean breeze, tie up the beachy waves in your hair, and walk to shore to write your novel. It's what you had set to finish before working with your dad’s firm. A home one day you may take your kids to, for them to enjoy their time off. You invested and it was built secretly to your name, no one knew besides you. Receiving the keys shortly after arriving back.
Graduation was a true and humbling experience. But the feeling of relief of not having to take finals, go out with your dad on the weekends, and overall stay at your small dorm of yours was so soothing. You had promised your mom you’d stay the summer with her in their house in Miami. Before moving out to an apartment in Downtown Miami. It was the first couple weeks in which you realized you hated living with them. You were constantly asked what you were doing, where you were going, and why you were being so lazy instead of helping out. You never argued back, but your mom was always there to hold and hug you while you silently friend.
“Y/n? Your dad wants you in his study,” you heard your older brother Ryan say, knowing on your bedroom door. You rolled your eyes, and stood up, quickly throwing on an oversized t-shirt. You roamed through the kitchen to find a bottle of water, quickly taking a sip before knocking on the door of your dad’s study. “Come in.”
You stood by the door, crossing your arms behind you, waiting for him to speak. “Sit. I’d like to discuss something with you.” You knew that meant trouble, trouble for you, but a marvelous plan for him. You’d get used to the disappointment over time, but it never did get easier. You walked over and sat on the leather chair that faced him over his desk. Your dad's glasses hung low on his nose, looking at your choice of outfit. “Could’ve made yourself more presentable. It's almost one pm.”
“Dad!” you groaned, quickly becoming irritated, but he just shrugs it off. “I was discussing with Ryan, and Luke about our opening party for the new hotel in Downtown. Your mother will be assisting you, but you're in charge of decorating, and planning out the event. I just forwarded the invite list. Please don’t waste any time and get to work quickly. I hate being disappointed,” he urged.
Your jaw clenched, eyes wanting to pop out of their sockets. “You have a week, and I mean when I say I don’t want to be disappointed.” you wanted to refuse, to tell him to find someone else, that you're tired of working for him, but instead you brushed back the angry tears and nodded, standing up to walk out. “Anything else I should know?” you quietly said, afraid of your voice breaking.
“You're dismissed.”
You sighed and walked over to your mom’s office, where she gave you a sympathizing smile when opening the door. “I'm sorry sweetie. I just found out today as well. Let’s just help each other out. Maybe you can invite your friends over to help us too. I already did the catering, you can start off by making the invitations and forwarding them over to Luke so he can send them out.” And so you do.
Over the next few days, your mom grows worried when you're just sitting there quietly, not making any conversation or noticing her at all. You look unhappy. You are unhappy. But you knew if you told her, she’d rat you off to your dad, and that's the last thing you needed. She’d take notice of how shy and fragile you look. But you continued to work to make your dad satisfied. “Are you okay Y/n?” your mom asked, but you shrugged it off, “I'm fine. Let's quickly finish here, yeah?”
She did just that. After finishing decorating the tables by securing the silk fabric, placing the glasses, plates, and utensils, and positioning name cards on every table, you went to the mall and picked out a gown for the evening, having a self-care day after the week you had. You treated yourself well, happy with your purchases before heading off home for the day that was held for you tomorrow.
Your black gown was staring at you after you finished your hair and makeup. A smokey eye look and false lashes made you look sexy. You felt sexy and empowering. You went over and picked up the silk material before sliding it over your body. The dress hugged your curves, and the heels elongated your legs giving you the model look. Your family waited for you, your heels clicking against the floor as you placed your gold watch on, a gift from your friends. “You look beautiful Y/n!” your mom gasped, kissing your cheek before guiding you to the car.
You greeted the different guests, hugging old friends of your parents, helping them find their assigned seating, and assuring food would be out quickly. Putting them first over you. You were chatting with your friends, discussing going out after the event tonight, which was needed. You wanted to have drinks and wake up with the most raging hangover.
You shut your eyes annoyed when you heard your dad call you over, “Y/n! Come here for a second sweetie.” He only called you sweetie when it was a client he was interested in having, wanting them to believe in the perfect family title. You excused yourself from your friends, feeling their eyes as you walked over to your family. “Yes Dad?” you asked respectfully, shaking the hands of a blonde woman, and her husband, and then finally a young man close to your age.
You could've sworn you felt butterflies as you stared at his brown eyes. He was attractive, making you feel insecure and intimate with his gaze. “I’m Christian, a pleasure to finally meet you,” instead of shaking your hand, he placed a small kiss on the back of your hands, making your cheeks burn crimson. You smiled at him, shifting your weight from one leg to another, “Likewise Christian, I’m Y/n.”
You stood there quietly hearing your family talk about how they started their business, how they built the new place, and your dad’s career mostly, but what got you intrigued is when he mentioned your name. Christian voice was filled with curiosity, wanting to hear you speak again, “Your dad mentioned you recently graduated. Will you work with him, or what are your plans?”
You looked over to your dad who held almost a frustrated face, your brothers sending you a “don't fuck this up for us” look. “I just graduated! I will be working with him after the summer ends. We have some definite plans of wanting to design and convert something together. I just want to enjoy a bit of time for myself before reality kicks in,” you joked, making them laugh. “Enjoy it, sweetie, because once you become an adult there is no going back,” Christian’s mom said.
You noticed new people were arriving, so you took the time to excuse yourself from the fierce setting. You locked eyes with Chrisitan one more time, feeling goosebumps as you observed his freckled skin and curly hair, god he was sexy. Especially with the suit he was wearing. “If you'd excuse me, I’m going to greet some people that came in. Make sure they settle in okay.”
You didn't look back, just making sure one of your dad's old clients was taken care of. After sharing a few laughs and conversations with your friends you went to take a quick breather outside. You didn’t tell anyone, just wanting some space and peace. You hated these types of events, acting like the perfect daughter to please them. You were shy and reserved, only speaking when the attention was advertised to you. It's what you were taught.
“You okay?” you let out a small gasp, turning over to see Christian again. This time his coat was off, his white button-up undone from the top, and his sleeves giving you a first-hand look at his tattoos. You swallowed and became nervous all over again. “I'm okay. Just needed some time before going back in there,” you said, offering a reassuring smile. He chuckled and joined you, standing dangerously close to you.
“In that case, I'll join you. Events like this aren't my cup of tea,” you gave him a small laugh, “Believe me, I'm on the same page.”
“You look beautiful. Nearly tripped when I saw you…” Christian admitted, watching how your eyes slightly widen at his words, the small blush creeping against your cheeks despite wearing blush already. “Thank you, Christian,” you were speechless, should you say he looked handsome?
“Back there I asked you if you were planning to work with your dad. But I sensed a small hesitation. So I’ll ask you again, what are your plans? Not his, but yours…” you let out a nervous chuckle. Christian read your cards right, and he wanted to know more about you, what you liked and disliked. He wanted to spend the evening with you, break the rules and let you loose.
Was this a test your dad had sent him to you? Or was he genuinely interested in you? You’ve had your share of men wanting to know about you, spend a night with you. You’ve had sex once, never had a boyfriend, who would be interested in you? Why was he interested in you? You overthinking thoughts crossed.
“I want to become a writer. Write my novel, and travel to see the world. I had the chance to go abroad last year, and I miss it. Got to visit places I dreamed of going to as a kid. I don’t want to work with my dad. Or his firm at all. I want to make a name for myself, not the one they’re trying to produce,” you confessed, watching as his hand interlocked with your shaky one. His thumb delicately brushed against your knuckles, assuring you he was right there. How could this handsome, well sexy, stranger make you feel this way? Hot and bothered?
“Tell me more about you Y/n. I want to hear all of it.”
And so you did. You told him about your dream to become an author, explaining how Miami was home to you for so long. You told him about your group of friends, sharing jokes that made him let out deep chuckles, you even went on to tell him about the house you built not too long ago. He told you about his career, his life here in the States, and how he admires his family and friends over anything. Not once spilling out a single lie. You trusted him, as much as he trusted you.
“Take me there, I’d love to see the house. Let's get out of here and continue the night together,” he whispered, nodding his head back to the party inside, “It’s not that easy. They’ll be mad if I do…” you say, turning away from him. Reality set in. Realizing how just as long you’d been out here for. But no one came looking for you. “Can I be honest with you?” Christian said you averted your eyes back to him, his hand brushed against your cheek, tucking a curl behind your ear, his touch sending shivers down your spine.
“I haven’t had this much fun in so long. I needed to have this night, like this. I confide in you, and I want to be near you. You intrigue me a lot Y/n… I just hope you feel the same way, or else I just made a fool out of myself,” he revealed. You let out a shaky breath, feeling his forehead rest against yours. Despite meeting just a couple of hours before, you felt a sense of comfort and safety in his arms. “Wait for me outside. I'll be there in ten minutes okay?” you whispered against his lips, you tested the waters and kissed the corner of his mouth before standing up.
He watched with dark and intrigued eyes as you returned to the party. You made up a lie about not feeling well to your parents. Feeling like you were going to throw up and wanting rest. Of course, your dad caught on but he was with friends, so there was nothing he could say. You told your friends, wanting someone to at least know where you’d be, and they couldn't help but tease you, ushering on to go get your “man”. “Don’t worry about us! Go and enjoy yourself Y/n! Don’t look back.”
Your heels clicked against the concrete, hearing Christian footsteps following you up the stairs of your beach home. “This is it,” you unlocked the door and faced yourself with a family feeling of home. You watched how he silently stared at your home, the long and tall ceilings, the many windows on the wall, the antique furniture, the picture frame of your favorite memories, and the bookshelf near the TV mount. “You designed all this?” he couldn’t help but ask.
He stared at you, watching you nod, and walk over to the kitchen where his jaw drops open, “Holy shit. This is so beautiful Y/n,” you silently patted yourself on the back proudly. He was the first few people that came in here. The only people coming here first were your friends and the construction crew. “You're one of the few people that have seen this place. Not even my family knows about this.”
“I feel honored. Truly, this is amazing work love.” The word love made you almost fold. The way it rolled off his tongue to you. It had you wanting to hear more because you knew he was capable of doing so. “Do you want a drink? I have some beers and other beverages?” you offered, he nodded and settled with a Corona, you having the same. You showed him different parts of the house but upstairs was still unknown to him. You were sitting outside just having meaningful and deep conversations. He told you more of him, even admitting some of the things he said he didn’t tell anyone. You were falling for this man already? Is this what it felt like to like someone? The feeling of security with him didn't leave you, but now there was an elephant in the room that was being discussed. “How did you handle relationships like that? You know, with having a dad like that?”
“I've never been in love. I’ve never had a boyfriend,” you sadly smiled. “I've spent my whole life just living up to their expectations. Having a boyfriend to them was a sign that you were ready to settle down and began your family. Which I’m not prepared for. There is still so much I want to encounter, and having that commitment right now scares me…” you confessed. “This is all new to me Chris… I never bring people here, let alone have talks like I have with you… I have trust issues…” you continued.
Despite sitting outside on the steps that faced the beach, he moved closer to you, grabbing your chin gently facing towards him. “We might've just met. But this feels so, so, so right. Being here with you. If you’d let me I’d prove to you how much you’re worth. Because the woman I see in front of me is beautiful, a pure soul, with talent, and smart. You already have set with what you want to do with your life, and you should. A little love never hurts anyone, and I want to earn your trust,” Christian hummed at the end, now grabbing your cheek, and wiping a small tear that let out.
“I trust you, Christian,” was all you said before crashing your lips against his. His hand now rests on the back of your head, while yours is placed flat on his chest. You kissed him fervently, his soft lips molding against yours. He tasted sweet despite having some beers, and when your tongues began to fight for dominance, he let out a soft groan that made you want to clench your thighs together. “So sweet Y/n…” he whispered.
The sexual tension grew, now feeling as his big hands went behind you to unzip your dress, he kissed along your jaw, leaving a wet trail that made you throw your head back in pleasure. Chrisitan continued kissing down to your bare collarbone, biting the skin and leaving a small mark behind. “You feel perfect against me,” his voice deep. He gripped your waist and felt your clothed nipples as you kissed him back passionately. His hands traveled close to your ass, where he gripped it gently which made you let out a small moan against his mouth. “God the way you sound,” Christian groaned before diving back and kissing you.
You wanted more, you needed more. His touch and taste were addicting. “Christian…” you panted, your small hands making their way up to grab his face. You swallowed before interlocking eyes with him. “Yes, baby? Tell me what you need…” he replied, one of his hands delicately drawing shapes on your spine. “I want you to kiss me…” you say.
He listens. Tasting your cherry-coated lips, his tongue finding its way back inside your mouth, hearing as you whimper as he devoured you. “What else…” Instead of replying you took off his shirt, watching over the small moles that decorated against his skin. You looked up as you kissed over them, watching him throw his head back. You place a small trail of kisses up to his throat where you see him gulp deeply, awaiting your next move. Your thumbs brushed against his nipples, “God your hands are like silk, Y/n. Already can't get enough,” you smiled innocently before unbuckling his belt. You felt his cock harden against his black Calvin Klein boxers. “Now we're even…” you refer to being only in your black lacy bra and thong.
He picked you up, your arms wrapping around his upper shoulders as you let out a small giggle. He placed you on your bed, watching you with hungry eyes at your almost naked figure, Christian felt lucky. “You have such a beautiful body. One I’m going to take my time to kiss and mark on. Will you let me do that? Hm?” he asked you while dipping his head into the crook of your neck, feeling as you let out a breath. All you could do was nod, but he wasn't taking silence as an answer. “I have to hear you say it. I won't touch you unless I hear you say it.”
“Touch me, Christian. Kiss me. Mark me. Just do something please,” you begged. Christian nodded and went between your legs, feeling your legs wrapped around his, your clothed pussy brushing against his clothed cock. His hands went behind you to unclasp your bra, where he slowly kissed around your shoulder, before diving his mouth to your nipple. You let out a shaky moan, feeling his tongue flatly pressed against the sensitive nub before flicking it and sucking with his teeth and lips. His hand comes up to play with your other breast, giving the same undivided attention.
He looked at you, having you under his mercy. He kissed along your ribcage before licking his way down to your navel. Your attention quickly returned to him. You sat up on your elbows, awaiting his next moves, now feeling nervous and shy. “Don’t… whatever is racing through your head isn't true…” he kissed your hip bone. “No one has ever done it… What you're about to do…” you admitted.
“Then I’ll be the first. I need to taste you, baby. I can feel you dripping… I'll be gentle,” Christian reassured you, kissing your lips again, before diving back in between your legs. You felt his stubble kiss along your inner thighs, teasing you, you moaned when his face came close to your heated area. “Kiss me..” you let out a breath, just wanting to feel his tongue against you. “Kiss you where baby? Here?” he went back to kiss your thighs, where you groaned. You shook your head, growing tired of his teasing. “Here, baby…” you pointed at your clothed pussy.
You felt his shoulder flex against the back of your things, watching how he placed your thong to the side before kissing your clit gently. Your lips trembled, biting your bottom lip as you felt place his tongue against you. He pulled you closer and began to eat you out. You moaned, grabbing and tugging his curls, wanting to pull on something as you felt his warm tongue against you. Your back arched as he began to gently flick the bundle of nerves, feeling wetter as you felt him groan. “You're so incredibly sweet, I need more…” he said.
He gave your clit so much attention, that your back arched once again when you felt him place his tongue inside you, his brown eyes watching you as you do so, your nipples completely erect. “Chris… You feel so good… how are you so good at this?” you wailed, your fingers circling your nipple to enhance the pleasure even more. “That’s it baby… play with your nipple and watch me eat this pussy…” he dove back in, feeling your thighs close around him. He spread your legs and began to dig his head deeper into you. You felt the sudden intrusion of his two long and thick fingers inside you, “Fuck. Oh god… Keep going, don’t stop,” you moaned.
“I want you to come for me. I want to watch you come around my fingers, Y/n. Can you do that?” you nodded quickly, feeling his tongue begin flicking your clit again. He pumped and worked his fingers inside you quicker now, feeling how tight you were. “So tight baby, I wonder how my cock will feel inside you…”
He continued the same momentum, bringing you to your high where you cry out his name. He continues to suck and pump his fingers inside you after cumming, beginning to feel a bit overstimulated… “Chris… I want you to fuck me now…” He stops what he’s doing, stands up, and kisses you. The taste of yourself is present, your hands remove his boxers watching his cock spring out. Your eyes widen at his size, feeling smaller than before. “Look so innocent baby. Are you sure you want me to fuck you?” he asks. “Yes. Please fuck me,” you beg.
He smirks and lays you back down, fully removing his boxers, he looks down at your wet cunt, your cum seeping through, he groans and picks up some of your wetness before pumping his dick with it, using it as lube. The sight had you going over and playing with yourself, your fingers drawing small circles to relieve the agony. He removes your fingers, licking over them before resting your hands with one hand above your head.
Both of you watch his cock seep inside you. You let out a small breath… before looking at Christian's face that has pleasure over. His brows pulled together, biting his lip. “So tight and so wet Y/n…” he moans, “Can I keep going?”
“Keep going?” you look back down and notice only half of his cock was in, he smirks before looking at your innocent face all over again. You nod and give him consent, and he slowly begins to drill deep inside you. Your walls clench around him, where he sizzles in almost pain, he notices you frown concerned, “I’m okay baby, just feels so good. I knew your pussy would feel this good around me… Taking me like a good girl you are” Christian praises you.
“You can move…” you say and he lets go of your wrists, watching as your small palms rest against his strong biceps, which you dig your nails into. He begins to slowly thrust out and then go back in, the sight of his abs clenching has you moaning. He finds a correct wave of pleasure for both of you, quickly finding the spot inside you that makes you turn your head to the side and cry out in pleasure. “Eyes on me baby… I need to see your face while I make you come…”
“You're so big, Christian… I can feel you right here…” You place your palm against your abdomen, where he moans in pleasure. “That deep baby?”
You moan out as he picks up his pace, feeling his long and thick cock guided against your wet walls. He leans down and kisses you, wanting to taste your sweet lips. “So perfect baby, doing so good for me…”
“Are you going to come for me Y/n? Gonna come on this cock,” you moan out a yes, kissing his stubbled jaw that tickles you. He grabs your hips, watching as your hands tug on the white sheets below you. He feels in heaven, your warm walls swallowing his cock just like he imagined, the noises you let out reassuring him it wasn’t a dream and it was real. His thrusts were more quicker but still gentle like he had said, your eyes shut, “I'm going to cum Christian… I need to. You're making me feel so fucking good…”
You're at the rim of the glass at how close you were to cumming but you whined when he warned you to wait for him, “Wait for me… I'm almost there baby… Want to cum with you…” You leaned up and kissed him, letting his weight drop against you, your sweaty bodies now closer than ever. The small beads of sweat gilded against his freckled skin, his curls messed up at the way you tugged at them. He stared at your plump and swollen lips, picturing how they would look around his cock.
Chrisitan leaned his head down to your ear, thrusting harder inside you that had you moaning loud, “Cum for me love… Cum all over for me….” He felt you clench against him, his orgasm running with yours. You could've sworn you felt his warm ropes of cum inside you, as his thrust began to falter. He kissed you, smiling when you smiled against his lips, “You okay?”
You hummed muttering out, “Im okay… Feeling tired though…”
“Don’t fall asleep on me now… I have to care for you. Make sure you're nice and clean before we go to bed…” Christian said. He let you know he was going to pull out, and you suddenly felt empty. He picked you up and pulled you into the steamy hot shower, where he washed your hair and body. You return the favor, the loofa gliding against his skin, you drawing small shapes on his tattoos, and him watching you with the biggest grin on his face.
You decide to sleep naked… Not having many clothes here just yet. You told him to sleep in the guest room together, feeling lazy and tired to change the sheets. He held you close, your head on his chest, feeling his nails rake against your arm. But during the night, he somehow ended up on top of you. His curls are messy against your shoulder, and his tattooed arm is around your waist. You felt at home again.
You stir quietly, still feeling the weight on top of you. You don’t know how you manage but you get up and use the restroom. Drawing your hair up in a messy bun and washing your face and teeth. You put on a bra and underwear, going back into the room where Chrisitan continues to sleep. You grab his shirt from last night and button a few buttons. It’s early, maybe six in the morning? But you stare at the man who you now want to spend the rest of your life with.
You kiss his forehead, knowing he can’t hear you but you whisper, “I'm going to make up some breakfast… Come join me when you wake up…” You quietly hop down the stairs into the kitchen you designed from scratch. You make some coffee and rest on the small island that faced the windows outside to the beach. Watching the first lights of morning awakening, you feel his hands wrap around you… “I saw you washed my clothes, and I had wondered where my shirt went…”
He kisses you and says good morning… he pours a cup of coffee and nudges you to go outside to watch the sunrise together. “Give me a second, just going to grab my phone,” he kisses your forehead and walks outside. You pick up your purse and grab your phone. You carry your mug in your left hand while you unlock the phone with your right, only to be met with a message from your father. Your heart sinks, and the feeling of being uncovered overcomes you. Christian notices and asks if you're okay, seeing as you become pale. He looks at the message in your hand, his eyes widening just a bit.
From Dad:
I hope you have a good explanation as to why you’re not home and “resting”, Y/n. You lied to me and your mom. When the fuck were you going to tell me about this home you built here? Why was I not aware of this plan?
tag list! if you'd like to be included just send me a dm or reply below! ❣
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spidermaninlove · 2 years
Tomdaya Timeline vol. 5
Links to vol. 1, vol. 2, vol. 3, vol. 4, and vol. 6
November 6, 2022
Tom and Z visited Petra.  link link2
December 7, 2022
Tom allegedly spotted at In-N-Out in Northridge.  
December 9 and 11, 2022
Multiple sightings of Tom and Z together in California. 
December 11, 2022
Tom and Z attended RDJ’s Netflix documentary, “Sr”, screening event in LA.  link  Tom and Z spotted at the Sunset Tower Hotel attending RDJ’s after-party.  link2  
Z and Tom got their nails done by her manicurist.  link3
December 14, 2022
Tom with Z at her former school, Oakland School of the Arts (OSA), for an impromptu master class.  link link2 link3 link4 link5 link6 link7 link8 link9 link10 link11 link12 link13 link14 link15 link16 link17 link18 link19 link20 link21 link22 link23 link24
They were also spotted at Batch & Brine in Lafayette, CA.  link link2 link3
December 15, 2022
Tom and Z at the Academy of Sciences in San Francisco.  link link2 link3 link4 link5
Tom allegedly called Z his butterfly.  link
December 16, 2022
Tom and Z in San Francisco.  link  While there, they visited the Golden Gate Bridge.  link2
They were also spotted eating ice cream in Sausalito.  link
December 18, 2022
Tom and Z allegedly paid for customers in line behind them at Starbucks.  link
December 30, 2022
Tom spotted at Heathrow (below) and arriving at LAX (link).
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January 2023 Month-Long Caribbean TomdayaMoon
Alleged Tomdaya Caribbean destinations include Turks and Caicos, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, St Lucia (confirmed -- see photo below), and Antigua and Barbuda.  link
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Tom and Z in St. Lucia
January 1 - 2, 2023
Tom and Z were allegedly spotted on a flight from LAX to MIA (Miami).  link
Tom and Z allegedly spotted having brunch on Brickell Key (Miami).  link
January 3, 2023
Tom and Z allegedly spotted at the Amanyara Resort on Turks and Caicos.  link
January 4, 2023
Z posted the story below from the Caribbean.
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Somewhere in the Caribbean
January 5, 2023
Tom and Z spotted at the beach in the Caribbean.  link link2
January 11, 2023
Tom and Z allegedly spotted in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.  link
January 22, 2023
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According to a credible source, he met Tom and Z on a boat in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.  link
January 23, 2023
Tom and Z were spotted hiking in St. Lucia.  link link2
February 1, 2023
An airport employee allegedly met Tom and Z in Antigua and Barbuda.  link  
February 2-4, 2023
After a month-long baecation, Z returned to LA and Tom returned to London.  link
February 2023
Z was papped working in Menton, France on February 14, and photographed with a fan in Monaco on February 15.  Tom and Z were spotted at the airport together in Nice, France on February 15.  link link2  They were both spotted dining together in Monte-Carlo, Monaco.  link3
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March 2023
Tom and Z out and about in Kingston.  link
March 8, 2023
Tom and Z spotted buying hot beverages while on a “family walk” in Richmond Park.  link  Dom confirmed the “family walk”  link2 , and Tessa and Noon accompanied them.  link3
March 11, 2023
Tom and Z were spotted holding hands while walking in Richmond.  link  They were also spotted having lunch while they were there.  link2
March 11, 2023
Tom and Z were spotted at Chiltern Firehouse in London.  link
March 12, 2023
Tom and Z spotted at Richmond Park again today along with Tom’s parents, and their dogs Tessa and Noon.  link link2 link3 link4
Z spotted watching Tom play padel.  link
March 15, 2023
Tom and Z photographed grocery shopping at Waitrose.  link link2 link3
March 18, 2023
A London-based manicurist made a housecall to do Z’s nails.  In the manicurist’s Instagram stories, Z is wearing a TH, ZH, or T/Z H/C signet ring and the Loewe shirt Tom wore to the Louvre.  link
March 21, 2023
Tom and Z spotted grabbing coffee. link
Tom and Z along with Tuwaine and Noon were photographed taking a walk.  link link2 link3
March 25-26, 2023
Tom and Z spotted shopping at John Lewis & Partners.  link
March 27, 2023
Tom and Z dined at Jamavar, a Michelin Star restaurant link and they were spotted out and about on New Bond Street in London.  link2
March 28, 2023
Tom and Z were shopping for antiques, and then spotted at a play and cuddling at a nearby bar/restaurant.  link link2 link3 link4 link5
Tom and Z in Mumbai.  link
March 31, 2023
Tom and Zendaya arrive in Mumbai for the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre (NMACC) grand opening.  link link2 link3
April 1, 2023
Tom and Z yachting in Mumbai. link link2 link3 link4 link5 link6 link7
TZ sightseeing in Mumbai.  link
Zendaya and Tom at the NMACC.  link link2 link3 link4 link5 link6 link7 link8
TZ leaving the NMACC.  link link2
April 2, 2023
Tom and Z spotted arriving at their hotel in Mumbia after brunch with the Ambanis.  link
TZ spotted leaving their hotel in Mumbia.  link
Tom and Z were holding hands while arriving at the NMACC.  link
TZ at the NMACC and out and about in Mumbai.  link link2 link3 link4 link5 link6
Tom and Z sighting at the Mumbai airport.  link
April 3, 2023
Tom and Z departed Mumbai.  link
Noon stayed with Tom’s parents while TZ were in Mumbai.  link
April 7, 2023
Tom and Z spotted walking in Richmond Park.  link
Zendaya and Tom explored Hampton Court Palace after hours today.  link link2 link3
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Hampton Court Palace
April 9, 2023
Tom picked up a chocolate hazelnut frappe for Z on his way home from golfing.  link
April 13, 2023
Tom and Z spotted at Windsor Castle.  link
April 14, 2023
TZ spotted by a fan in Kingston.  link
April 15, 2023
Tom and Z were spotted by a fans in Kingston.  link link2 link3 link4 link5 link6
April 17, 2023
TZ were spotted getting coffee this morning.  link
Las Vegas
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Tom and Z in Las Vegas
April 26, 2023
Zendaya and Tom at an Usher concert in Las Vegas.  link link2 link3 link4 link5 link6 link7 link8 (Tom wraps his arms around Z) link9 link10 link11 link12 link13 link14 link15 (Tom holding Z from behind while dancing together) link16 link17 link18 link19 link20 link21 link22
Z posted a story ft. Tom at the Usher concert in Las Vegas.  link 
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May 1, 2023
Tom and Z at a Thai restaurant in Malibu.  link link2 link3 link4 link5
May 4, 2023
Zendaya and Tom in San Francisco at the Golden State Warriors game.  link link2 link3 link4 link5 link6 link7 link8 link9 link10 (holding hands) link11 link12 link13 (Z shielding Tom from the camera) link14 link15 link16 (Tom caressing Z’s arm) link17 link18 link19 link20 link21 link22 link23 link24
May 5 or 6, 2023
TZ returned to London.  link
May 13, 2023
Tom and Z allegedly saw Guardians of the Galazy Vol. 3 at a Kingston cinema.  link
May 13 or 14, 2023
TZ spotted in Notting Hill.  link
May 15, 2023
Tom with Z in Venice.  link link2
Tom and Z were spotted hugging and kissing, on a boat, and with Noon in Venice and nearby Murano.  link link2 link3 link4 link5 link6 link7 link8 link9 link10
May 16, 2023
Tom and Z allegedly spotted having lunch in Venice at the Gritti Palace Hotel.  link 
TZ photographed leaving The Gritti Palace Hotel in Venice.  link
TZ out and about in Venice.  link link2 link3 link4
May 17, 2023
Tom and Z departed Venice.  link link2 link3 link4
May 31, 2023
During an interview, Tom called Z a saint for putting up with his hair while he was filming TCR.  link
According to Sunrise, Tom wants to spend a bit more time away from the spotlight with his mate and his girlfriend, Zendaya. link
June 2023
Tom liked a Most Beautiful Woman in the World fan post of Z.  link
June 1, 2023, Tom’s birthday and TCR red carpet premiere
TZ shared some Caribbean vacation (tomdayamoon) memories on Instagram.  link link2 link3
Z liked and commented on a video Nikki shared of baby Tom.  link
Z also posted the poster for TCR to her story.  link
During a TCR interview, the interviewer asked Tom, “What is the most important experience in your life that has shaped you into the person you are today, if you could say one?”  Tom responded, “I think the most important experience I would like to keep private because it has to do with someone very special.”  link
June 4, 2023
While answering BuzzFeed’s 30 questions, Tom said, “I’m locked up, so I’m happy and in love.”  link  During the interview, he also mentioned Z was his childhood crush, and that “they” want to go back to his dream vacation spot -- a beach location they visited this year.  link2
During Tom’s UNILAD interview, he confirmed tomdaya 1.0.  link
June 8, 2023
During a podcast, Tom mentioned he’s lucky he has Z in his life.  link
June 9, 2023
Z reposted Tom’s TCR post to her story.  link
June 14, 2023
Tom and Z attended her Challengers costar’s play in London, and exited the theater holding hands.  link link2
June 16, 2023
Tom and Z photographed on an intimate walk in a London park.  link link2 link3 link4 link5
June 24, 2023
TZ spotted at a local golf resort.  link link2
Z had her nails manicured at Tom’s house.  link
June 27, 2023
Zendaya and Tom at the Beyonce Renaissance World Tour in Warsaw, Poland.  Tom is wearing Z’s leather jacket.  
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TZ serenading each other to Love On Top at Beyonce’s concert.  link link2 link3 link4  
TZ lovingly looking into one another’s eyes and Z caressing Tom’s face during Beyonce’s Love on Top performance.  link
June 28, 2023
TZ returned to London.  link
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iobartach · 5 months
@therapardalis asked; 🏝️ for our muses to get stranded on a desert island together
bad situation starters
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Undermined at every step, it seemed that the universe itself was conspiring to thwart their attempts to go on vacation, dissuade them from taking complete leave of the city and their own slew of responsibilities. Thankfully, refusing to be deterred, they had managed to catch the train from Penn Station to Miami, where they had spent the night before departing for Key West the following morning, merrily coasting along the highway until reaching their destination.
From there, they swapped from car to a chartered boat, with certain parties-- namely Miguel himself -- settling in with as much enthusiasm as a perennial landlubber could show, intending to spend a few days sailing around and exploring various spots dotted around the archipelago... only to be beset by further issues!
This time, the duo had managed to enjoy a peaceful afternoon spent on the sparkling waters when the catamaran's engine gave its first concerning sputter, before dying out completely, immobilising them. Its demise, much like their delayed train, had earned familiar, multilingual remarks, followed by a tired exhale from Miguel himself as he tried to come up with a plan.
Fortunately, to her credit, Thera was quick to direct his attention to a spit of land, well within swimming distance. Providing more cover than their stricken vessel, after a brief discussion, feet were seen plunging overboard, making for the nearest beach. Alighting upon the shore a short time later, dripping wet, he stopped short of a row of mangroves before lowering himself onto the sand, looking back towards their boat and the situation that they were now set to face; marooned on an uninhabited island, for an unknown span of time.
Keen to not let the moment pass without comment, though, with the sounds of waves gently lapping against the shore, Miguel offers; "We've got the worst luck, huh? Either that or we're cursed."
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seabreeze2022 · 2 years
Bahama Cruise 2022, Part 26, May 19 Normans Cay, New Providence, Bimini
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This is a C-46 Curtis Commando aircraft used by Pablo Escobar to run drugs to America. It crashed shortly after takeoff from his island, Normans Cay. It is one of the more popular snorkel sites in the Exumas.
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I am very partial to this aircraft because I flew three of them for Air Haiti back in the late 70’s. We actually passed over this site on our weekly trips to and from Miami. Everyone knew that Escobar was using the island for drug running.
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Glorious sunset west of Normans Cay. Nancy had spent the day paddleboarding, while Lars ran the dinghy around the island. Things were winding down. The next we would sail to New Providence, where Lars would fly home.
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Nancy baked some cinnamon rolls for the trip today.
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Great sail “down Island” which is actually northbound. From Staniel and Black Point back when boats did not have engines. They used the term “down Island” which really meant sailing down wind with the predominate trade winds. Nassau is north but down wind, hence “down Island”. Georgetown is south but upwind, hence they would go “up island”.
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Nancy is at the helm while I kick back in the bean bag chair.
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Palm Cay Marina on the south east corner of New Providence. We spent three nights here. Lars flew out the second day. We went walk about checking out a real world grocery store. Kind of recompressing back into city life. I wanted to get some Ricardo Coconut Rum, but the liquor store was closed on Sunday. You never know what a business really does or sells. The liquor store door was locked but there was a another door real close by. So I tried it and it opened. There was a table full of liquor including Ricardo Coconut Rum. All around the walls were hairdressing driers over chairs. With one lady sweeping the floor. I ask if this is the liquor store. She explains she had her birthday party the night before and this was left over liquor. She insisted that I just take a bottle of rum. So nice, but I left some money on the table and then left.
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With Lars gone we move the boat to West Bay and anchor. Only a couple of boats left at this point. Sounding the conch horn at sunset.
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Great day the next day with an easy crossing of TOTO (Tongue Of The Ocean) with following 3 foot seas. We shot through northwest channel and angled to the south of Mackie Bank. Sailed up to 0100 and anchored well off of the channel for a couple of hours. It was blowing hard and we snuggled up to some shallows but it was still a rolly anchorage.
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This is an iconic wreck south of Bimini. This is the remains of Sapona a concrete ship abandoned in 12 feet of water. It was only 3 miles away from our anchor spot.
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We spent 1 night at Brown’s Marina checking out of the Bahamas. Luckily they changed the rules and you do not need to check out of the country anymore. Above is one of the many Bull sharks that patrol the marinas in Bimini looking for fish scraps from anglers cleaning their fish.
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After clearing outbound we motored around to Radio Beach and anchored for the night. This would give us a straight shot across the Gulf Stream at daybreak back to the U.S..
A power boat pulled up and dropped anchor near us. But he could not get his anchor to dig in. When he tried a second time, he realized the anchor had come off the end of the chain and was missing. They tried a couple of times to free dive down from their dinghy but could not retrieve the anchor. The sun was setting and you could tell they were getting frustrated and about to leave.
somI called them on the radio and offered to dive up the anchor. Turns out the Captain was the only free diver on the boat and he had ruptured his ear drum earlier. They picked me up by dinghy and I was able to get a line on the anchor for them. The shackle had been “moused” with stainless steel wire. But it had broken with constant use over 3 months. After checking mine, I found the same thing.
Great day of motor sailing back to the US. This was Memorial Day weekend with a constant parade of power boats heading to Bimini. Glad we were out of there.
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The Admiral is secured by her sailing harness and tether, while crossing “the Stream”. We cross the reef north of Fowey Lighthouse.
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Cutting through Stiltsville we avoid the party boats at No Name Harbor.
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Having cleared US Customs while sailing down Biscayne Bay, Nancy lowers the Bahamian Courtesy flag. The flag is a bit more tattered than I would like. It is a badge of honor for those cruisers who have been in country for a long time. When you first get to the Bahamas the flag is bright and crisp. People can tell you are new.
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First sunset back in the States while anchored near Caesar Creek. One more day back to our dock to end the season.
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Before I shaved my beard I had to get a photo next to a drawing of my father after his crossing the Atlantic in 1968. Both of our beards about three months old. What do you think, any resemblance?
Thanks for following along with our first trip sailing three months through the Exumas in 2022. If you want to follow our second season use the search engine in Tumblr, typing in: SeaBreeze2023
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legacyboatsmiami · 3 days
Explore the Waves: Your Ultimate Boat Charter Experience in Miami
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Miami is a tropical paradise where the sun kisses the ocean, and the vibrant lifestyle is like no other. What better way to soak it all in than with a boat charter? Whether you’re looking for a relaxing day on the water or an adventure filled with excitement, Miami’s boat charters offer something for everyone.
Why Choose a Boat Charter in Miami?
Picture yourself gliding over sparkling waters, with the warm sun on your skin and the gentle breeze in your hair. A boat charter in Miami isn’t just about transportation; it’s an experience that makes memories. The freedom of the open water allows you and your friends or family to explore hidden coves and secret beaches that are often missed on crowded tours.
Types of Boat Charters Available
Yacht Charters
Yacht charters are the crème de la crème of boat rentals in Miami. With luxurious amenities, spacious decks, and top-notch service, a yacht charter can turn a regular day into a lavish getaway. From intimate gatherings to grand celebrations, spending time on a yacht offers a taste of the high life.
Speedboat Rentals
If you crave thrill, a speedboat rental is the way to go. Feel the adrenaline rush as you zip across the waves. A speedboat lets you reach more destinations in a shorter time, making it perfect for exploring Miami’s stunning coastline.
Catamaran Charters
Catamarans combine stability with spaciousness, making them great for family outings or group parties. With plenty of deck space for sunbathing or just enjoying the view, catamarans provide a comfortable ride while you soak up every moment.
Top Destinations to Explore
Biscayne Bay
Imagine cruising through Biscayne Bay, surrounded by dazzling city views and the rich marine life of Miami. This area is perfect for spotting dolphins or simply enjoying the stunning scenery.
Miami Beach
No Miami boat trip is complete without visiting Boat charter Miami Beach. An evening ride gives you a fantastic view of the Art Deco skyline glittering as the sun sets. It’s a sight straight out of a postcard.
Key Biscayne
Just a short jaunt from downtown Miami, Key Biscayne is famous for its beautiful beaches and lush parks. Anchoring here gives you the chance to swim, picnic, or just relax in nature.
Amenities that Enhance Your Experience
When it comes to a great boat charter, amenities play a huge role. Imagine lounging on comfortable seating with a cold drink in hand. Many charters offer additional perks like chef services, water sports gear, and music systems. These thoughtful touches transform your day into a seamless and enjoyable adventure.
How to Choose the Right Charter Company
Choosing the right charter company is key. Look for a company with a diverse fleet and strong customer reviews. You want a company that’s flexible, offers clear pricing, and ensures safety. Checking out the fleet on websites like Legacy Boats is a great way to find exactly what suits your needs.
Set Sail Today!
Ready to experience Miami like never before? Book your boat charter today and set sail for unforgettable memories. Whether it’s a special occasion or just a fun day out, the waves are waiting for you to ride them. Let the adventures begin!
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the-blackorchid1 · 4 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: SHEIKH 6.5 HOT FUCHSIA NEON PINK & BLACK HEELS UV REACTIVE GLOW party holidays.
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rentboatinmiami1 · 1 month
Miami Boat Rental: Unlock the Magic of Miami’s Waters
Miami, a city celebrated for its vibrant culture, stunning beaches, and thriving nightlife, is also a paradise for boating enthusiasts. Whether you’re a seasoned sailor or a first-time boater, a Miami boat rental is your gateway to exploring the city’s beautiful coastline, hidden islands, and crystal-clear waters. Renting a boat in Miami provides an unforgettable experience, allowing you to soak up the sun, enjoy water sports, or simply relax and take in the breathtaking views. This guide will walk you through the benefits of renting a boat in Miami, the best spots to visit, and essential tips to ensure a smooth and enjoyable boating adventure.
Why Rent a Boat in Miami?
Stunning Coastal Views:
Miami’s coastline is renowned for its beauty, and there’s no better way to appreciate it than from the water. Renting a boat allows you to experience panoramic views of Miami’s skyline, pristine beaches, and vibrant marine life, offering a perspective you can’t get from the shore.
Explore at Your Own Pace:
One of the greatest advantages of renting a boat is the freedom it offers. Whether you want to cruise along the Intracoastal Waterway, anchor at a secluded cove, or explore the bustling Biscayne Bay, you have the flexibility to create your own itinerary and enjoy Miami’s waters on your terms.
Perfect for Any Occasion:
A Miami boat rental is ideal for a variety of occasions. Whether you’re celebrating a birthday, hosting a corporate event, or planning a romantic getaway, renting a boat provides a unique and memorable setting. Many rental companies offer customizable packages to suit your needs, including catering, entertainment, and professional captains.
Variety of Boats Available:
Miami’s boat rental market offers a wide range of vessels to choose from, catering to different preferences and budgets. From luxurious yachts to sporty speedboats, you can find the perfect boat for your outing. Whether you’re looking for a day of relaxation or adventure, there’s a boat rental that fits the bill.
Endless Activities:
When you rent a boat in Miami, the possibilities for activities are endless. Enjoy water sports like jet skiing, wakeboarding, or paddleboarding. Go fishing in the rich waters of the Atlantic Ocean or simply relax on deck with a drink in hand. The choice is yours!
Top Destinations to Explore with a Miami Boat Rental
Biscayne Bay:
Biscayne Bay is one of the most popular boating destinations in Miami, known for its calm waters and stunning scenery. Explore the bay’s many islands, visit the Biscayne National Park, or enjoy water sports in the protected areas. The bay offers a mix of natural beauty and urban views, making it a must-visit spot.
Miami River:
The Miami River is a hidden gem that winds through the heart of the city, offering a unique perspective of Miami’s downtown area. As you cruise along the river, you’ll pass by towering skyscrapers, historic sites, and trendy waterfront restaurants where you can dock for a meal or a drink.
Star Island:
Star Island is famous for its luxurious waterfront mansions and celebrity residents. While you can’t dock here, a cruise around the island offers a glimpse into the lives of the rich and famous. The views of the opulent homes and Miami’s skyline make for a picturesque journey.
Haulover Sandbar:
Located just north of Miami Beach, the Haulover Sandbar is a popular spot for boaters to anchor and enjoy a day of swimming, sunbathing, and socializing. The sandbar’s shallow waters are perfect for wading, and on weekends, it often becomes a lively party scene with music and festivities.
Key Biscayne:
Key Biscayne offers a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of Miami. Cruise around the island, visit the Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park, or anchor off one of the many secluded beaches. The island’s natural beauty and calm waters make it an ideal destination for a relaxing day on the water.
Tips for a Successful Miami Boat Rental Experience
Book Early:
Miami is a popular destination, especially during peak tourist seasons. To ensure you get the boat you want, it’s wise to book your rental in advance. Early booking also gives you time to plan your route and make any special arrangements, such as hiring a captain or adding extra amenities.
Consider Your Group Size and Needs:
When choosing a boat, think about the size of your group and the type of experience you’re seeking. Smaller boats are perfect for intimate gatherings, while larger vessels can accommodate bigger parties and offer more amenities. Ensure the boat has enough space and facilities to keep everyone comfortable.
Check the Weather:
Miami’s weather is generally warm and sunny, but it’s important to check the forecast before heading out. Sudden rain showers or strong winds can affect your boating plans. Choose a day with favorable weather conditions for a safe and enjoyable experience on the water.
Understand the Costs:
Before renting a boat, make sure you understand what’s included in the cost. Some rentals include fuel, a captain, and other amenities, while others may charge extra for these services. Clarify all costs upfront to avoid any surprises.
Prioritize Safety:
Safety should be your top priority when renting a boat. If you’re not an experienced boater, consider renting a boat with a captain. They’ll navigate the waters safely and ensure you have a worry-free experience. Always follow safety guidelines, including wearing life jackets and adhering to boating regulations.
A Miami boat rental offers an unparalleled way to explore the beauty and excitement of this vibrant city. Whether you’re seeking adventure, relaxation, or a unique setting for a special occasion, renting a boat provides a memorable experience on the water. With a wide range of boats to choose from and endless destinations to explore, your Miami boating adventure is just a rental away. So grab your sunscreen, gather your friends, and set sail on an unforgettable journey through Miami’s stunning waters.
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yachtingexperts · 3 months
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Welcome to Yachting Experts! We are delighted to present you with an opportunity to bring your yachting dreams to life. At Yachting Experts, we understand that in the world of yachting, experience truly matters. With decades of combined expertise, we take pride in our ability to carefully match the most discerning buyers with their ideal yacht or boat.
Whether you are seeking thrilling fishing adventures, creating everlasting family memories, hosting unforgettable parties, or even looking for a place to conduct business, our seasoned professionals are here to assist you every step of the way. We are dedicated to ensuring that you are matched with the perfect vessel that suits your specific desires and requirements.
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eastcoastboyos · 3 months
Gator Country
The day started off with a visit to Buffalo Tiger Air Boat tours. The outpost is on the side of a highway running straight through the everglades and within native land. Fearful of the direct sun, us white boys did the most sensible thing upon arrival, and hastily reapplied sunscreen before signing in for our tour.
Our guide was a man named Garrett. Muscle shirt, tattoos, tanned to hell, scruffy unkept beard, and who immediately lit a cigarette upon arrival. His aunt appeared to run the joint, and he remarked about how the Feds seem to do nothing right. We speculated on his political affiliation.
Not without merit, Garrett informed us of his Miccosukee (and Scottish) heritage and how the US government had went to war with his people, and how a clever chief managed to secure their territory by parlaying with Fidel Castro, thus making the American government eager to please.
Touring around the grassy swamp, Garrett took us to an unused historic native village that we gingerly explored. We learned much from Garrett and his self proclaimed passion for biology, from sugar apples to gator nest monitoring.
Boating around, I was eagerly hoping to see a Gator and after 15 mins of circling we found our target. BoBo, a five foot male, seemed familiar with Garrett and leisurely swam over to our boat before closing his eyes for what appeared to be a nap. Much quiet and excitement was had over the close encounter.
Driving home, the boys had to practice calming the mind amongst Miami drivers. The congestion and aggressive drivers here seem to serve as a reminder of what can happen when a city prioritizes the individual over efficient group transportation.
After a brief mishap parking wise, the lads cooled down in our icebox airBnb which seems to only have two AC settings: artic or off. We then headed out to the beach while I stayed behind to chat with Tova for a bit.
It was a hot sunny day outside, and so once the pull of the beach called, I too assembled myself. To my surprise, the boys had not taken the beach umbrella, nor beach towels, nor cooler, nor sunscreen. It had seemed the call of the beach had rushed them too soon.
Collecting these supplies, I headed out to a local grocer and obtained some cold drinks, snacks, and ice cream for the cooler. I luckily ran into Joel on my way to the surf and after some brief head turning, found the boys behind a metal box.
Much content was had over the delivered supplies. After wolfing down the rapidly melting ice cream, the lads alternated between lounging in the sun, swimming amongst the waves, and people watching. Allen unfortunately forgot about his sunglasses as he dove into the water, and after an unsuccessful search party, we accepted them as lost to the ocean.
Oddly, while searching for his black and red shades, we even found a different pair of glasses, with clear frames, as if to be a cruel tease of the big blue. Watching advertising planes and cruise ships go by, the boys eventually headed back.
Pizza was had for dinner and most of us crammed onto Blake and Allen's sofa bed to watch the Canada - Uruguay soccer match amongst picture posting of Blake's "chub". Joel unfortunately had to take his jersey off at the end when Uruguay won via penalty kicks.
Walking the art Deco walk at night, Joel messaged a potential new lady friend, an we sauntered, watching people flaunt their fancy cars, dress, and bodies. Standing along the street for a couple minutes, we watched a drag show, and I got to say, the lgbtq community knows how to party.
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party-time-connection · 4 months
Party Time Connection
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Tampa, FL, is a vibrant city located on Florida's Gulf Coast, stretching along the north shore of Tampa Bay and the east shore of Old Tampa Bay. As the largest city in the Tampa Bay area and the county seat of Hillsborough County, Tampa boasts an estimated population of 403,364 in 2023, making it the 49th-most populous city in the United States and the third-largest in Florida, after Jacksonville and Miami.
Tampa's economy is diverse and robust, encompassing sectors such as tourism, healthcare, finance, insurance, technology, construction, and maritime industries. The port in Tampa Bay, the largest in Florida, contributes over $15 billion annually to the economy. Key economic drivers include tourism, with attractions like Busch Gardens Tampa Bay, Adventure Island, ZooTampa at Lowry Park, and the Florida Aquarium drawing millions of visitors each year. Healthcare is another vital sector, with several major hospitals and healthcare facilities, including Tampa General Hospital and the Moffitt Cancer Center, located in the city. Tampa is also a financial hub, hosting the headquarters of large corporations such as Suncoast Credit Union, Bloomin' Brands, WellCare, Jabil, TECO Energy, and Raymond James Financial. The city’s growing tech scene is supported by various startups and established tech companies, while the maritime industry, centered around the Port of Tampa, handles significant cargo and serves as a home port for various cruise lines with Caribbean itineraries.
The city comprises several distinct neighborhoods, many of which were once independent towns or unincorporated communities. These neighborhoods include Downtown Tampa, New Tampa, West Tampa, East Tampa, North Tampa, and South Tampa. Notable areas include Ybor City, Forest Hills, Ballast Point, Sulphur Springs, Seminole Heights, Tampa Heights, Palma Ceia, Hyde Park, Davis Islands, Harbour Island, Tampa Palms, College Hill, Water Street, Channelside, and the non-residential areas of Gary and the Westshore Business District.
Architecturally, Tampa features a variety of styles. Many high-rises exhibit post-modern architecture, while city hall and the Tampa Theatre are examples of Art Deco design. Downtown redevelopment, particularly residential projects and the Tampa Riverwalk along the Hillsborough River, has been a focus since Mayor Pam Iorio's tenure, continued by Mayor Bob Buckhorn and now Mayor Jane Castor. The Channelside area is undergoing significant renovations led by Jeff Vinik, owner of the Tampa Bay Lightning, in collaboration with Bill Gates and other investors. New museums, including the Tampa Bay History Center, the Glazer Children's Museum, and the Tampa Museum of Art, have also opened.
Tampa's cultural scene is vibrant, with numerous arts and entertainment venues, including the David A. Straz Jr. Center for the Performing Arts, Tampa Theatre, and the MidFlorida Credit Union Amphitheatre. Performing arts organizations such as the Florida Orchestra, Opera Tampa, and the Tampa Bay Symphony are based here. The city’s nightlife thrives in districts like Channelside, Ybor City, SoHo, International Plaza and Bay Street, and Seminole Hard Rock. Tampa is also a center for professional wrestling and death metal music, with several renowned bands and recording studios located here.
Tampa operates over 165 parks and beaches within its limits, providing ample opportunities for outdoor activities. Popular destinations include Al Lopez Park, Cypress Point Park, and the Tampa Riverwalk. The city's park system supports a wide range of recreational activities, from jogging and cycling to picnicking and boating.
Tampa is a hub for education and research, home to institutions like the University of South Florida (USF), the University of Tampa, and Hillsborough Community College. USF, in particular, is known for its research programs and medical school, contributing to the city's reputation as a center for innovation and higher education.
Tampa is passionate about sports, hosting several professional teams. The NFL's Tampa Bay Buccaneers, the NHL's Tampa Bay Lightning, and MLB's Tampa Bay Rays are all based in the city. Tampa also supports a variety of collegiate and minor league teams, and frequently hosts major sporting events such as the Super Bowl and the College Football Playoff National Championship.
Tampa, FL, is a dynamic and diverse city with a rich history, a thriving economy, and a vibrant cultural scene. Whether you're interested in its historical landmarks, architectural styles, economic opportunities, or recreational activities, Tampa offers something for everyone.
Looking to throw an unforgettable bash in the heart of Tampa? Party Time Connection is your one-stop destination for all your party rental needs, whether it's a birthday celebration, corporate event, wedding, or any special occasion. With a wide range of high-quality rental equipment and decor, we have everything you need to elevate your event to the next level.
Featured Business: Party Time Connection is the ultimate spot for top-notch party rentals and event solutions. We turn regular gatherings into remarkable experiences with our top-tier rental items and services. We've got everything covered from classy furniture to dazzling decorations, cutting-edge audiovisual gear, and stylish photo booths. Our team is committed to providing tailored customer service, making event planning a breeze. Let us assist in making your celebration truly unforgettable. Get in touch today to discuss your event requirements and bring your ideas to life.
Contact: Party Time Connection 3690 W Gandy Blvd, #135, Tampa, FL 33611, United States VFVV+5J Tampa, Florida, USA (813) 270-6690 27.8928983,-82.5059256 http://www.partytimeconnection.com/
YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGs480uis-o
YouTube Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSHEZ4f3QRcssUP8dUAaKA4pZSDj9uhzj
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/party-time-connection/party-time-connection
Soundcloud Playlist: https://soundcloud.com/party-time-connection/sets/party-time-connection
Medium: https://medium.com/@partytimeconnection5/party-time-connection-0b3d5e290b3c
Weebly: https://partytimeconnection-fl.weebly.com/
Strikingly: https://partytimeconnection.mystrikingly.com/
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Google Maps CID: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=15154724271692810632 ​ Google Site: https://sites.google.com/view/partytimeconnection/
Twitter List: https://twitter.com/i/lists/1753004364451688580
Twitter Tweets: https://twitter.com/PartyTimeCoMD/status/1752977949131936165 https://twitter.com/PartyTimeCoMD/status/1752978276048675082 https://twitter.com/PartyTimeCoMD/status/1752978893894795346 https://twitter.com/PartyTimeCoMD/status/1752979117891584366 https://twitter.com/PartyTimeCoMD/status/1752979506489643052 https://twitter.com/PartyTimeCoMD/status/1752979964310499611 https://twitter.com/PartyTimeCoMD/status/1752985111606468915 https://twitter.com/PartyTimeCoMD/status/1752996097864442248 https://twitter.com/PartyTimeCoMD/status/1753005831824842913 https://twitter.com/PartyTimeCoMD/status/1752996789563916554 https://twitter.com/PartyTimeCoMD/status/1752997210877526428
BatchGeo: ​https://batchgeo.com/map/party-time-connection
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miamiturnupent · 5 months
Experience the Ultimate Miami Party Scene with Miami Turn Up Entertainment
Embark on an unparalleled adventure with Miami Turn Up Entertainment, where we redefine the essence of nightlife. Glide across the azure waters of Miami aboard our sensational Miami party boat, offering an exclusive fusion of opulence and excitement. Feel the rhythm of the city pulsate through your veins as you indulge in our vibrant party boat Miami experience. Whether you crave the intimate allure of a yacht soirée or the electrifying ambiance of a nightclub extravaganza, we cater to every desire, ensuring your stay in Miami is etched with moments of pure ecstasy. Join us and elevate your nightlife journey to extraordinary heights.
Miami Yacht Party: Luxury on the Water
Step aboard one of our exquisite yachts and prepare to be whisked away on a journey of opulence and excitement. Our Miami yacht party is renowned for its lavish amenities, top-notch entertainment, and breathtaking views of the city skyline. Whether you're celebrating a special occasion or simply looking to indulge in the high life, our yacht parties promise an experience like no other.
South Beach Boat Party: Where Fun Meets Sun
For those seeking a more laid-back vibe, our South Beach boat party is the perfect choice. Cruise along the stunning coastline, soak up the sun, and dance the day away to the hottest beats spun by our talented DJs. With an onboard bar serving up refreshing drinks and a lively atmosphere guaranteed, our boat parties are a must-do for anyone looking to experience the true essence of Miami.
Liv Nightclub: Where the Party Never Stops
When the sun goes down, the party is just getting started at Liv Nightclub. Located in the heart of Miami Beach, Liv is synonymous with glamour, excitement, and non-stop fun. Dance the night away to the beats of world-class DJs, rub shoulders with A-list celebrities, and immerse yourself in the electrifying atmosphere that only Liv can provide. It's the ultimate destination for those looking to see and be seen in Miami.
-   miamiturnupent.com
-   21433 SW 85th Path, Cutler Bay, FL 33189, United States
-   305-923-6589
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udo0stories · 6 months
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  Posted: 2/20/24 | February 20th, 2024 Miami is a lively city with a reputation for its beach culture, nightlife, and Cuban It is undoubtedly regarded as one of America's livelier, more entertaining cities Millions of tourists visit Miami each year. of visitors per year. Personally, Miami isn’t my favorite city in the States (though I do love the beaches), but there’s absolutely no denying that there’s a lot of fun to be had here. From beaches to partying to Cuban culture to the nearby Everglades, you can do a lot. (And if you’re looking to splash out, there are tons of luxurious hotels, upscale shopping districts, and high-end dining to be found here.) Here are some of my top things to see and do in Miami:   1. Explore the Everglades Everglades National Park has 1.5 million acres of swamps and prairies and is among the biggest and most distinctive public parks in the country. It is home to 14 rare and endangered species, including the Florida Panther, American Crocodile, and West Indian Manatee, among others. It has been designated as a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve and World Heritage Site. This exceptional habitat is home to more than 350 bird species, 300 fish species, 40 mammal species, and 50 reptile species.s liveYou can traverse the park on foot using a variety of hiking and biking trails, but you will need to take an airboat to get across the waterways. need to hop in an airboat. The park is only an hour from the city. Airboat tours cost around $37 USD. If you want a more active boating experience, kayak tours are also popular (expect to pay around $100 for a kayak tour that includes a kayak rental). 2. Visit Little Havana Little Havana, Miami’s Cuban neighborhood, was born almost overnight. In the mid-1960s, an estimated 300,000 refugees fled Cuba, with most landing and settling in Miami. Today, over 1.2 million Cuban Americans live in Miami, with Little Havana centering around “Calle Ocho” (SW 8th Street). This is one of my favorite parts of the city, and the food here is incredible. Eat in one of the little restaurants and bakeries, walk the vibrant streets, enjoy a Cuba Libre (rum and coke) or Café Cubano (espresso shot sweetened with brown sugar), or get in on some salsa dancing. It’s an arty, quirky neighborhood worth exploring. Food tours around Little Havana cost around $69 USD and are the best way to learn about the area from an expert local guide. 3. Admire the Art Deco of South Beach Located in South Beach, the Art Deco Historic District is an area of Miami Beach noted for its concentration of over 800 Art Deco buildings all within one square mile. Art Deco was a popular architectural style from France, common between 1910 and 1939, characterized by its bold geometric shapes, lavish ornamentation, and embrace of modern materials and technology. You can also take an Art Deco bike tour of the area to gain even more insights into the architecture and history. 4. See the Art in Wynwood Wynwood is a former industrial neighborhood that has evolved into a cultural hub and trendy hotspot for graffiti and street art, as well as hip shops, cool restaurants, chill cafes and coffee roasteries, artisan breweries, and art galleries. The most popular attraction here is the Wynwood Walls, a collection of 40 murals by some of the world’s best street artists. The impressive 35,000 square feet of outdoor space, built around existing warehouses, features artists from 21 countries. The murals are constantly changing, so you never know what you’ll get to see, but many murals address social and political issues, offering commentary on topics such as environmental conservation, immigration, racial justice, and human rights. The Museum of Graffiti, the first museum in the world dedicated to this art form, is also located in the Wynwood neighborhood. Wynwood Walls: 2520 NW 2nd Ave., (305) 531-4411, thewynwoodwalls.com. Open Mon-Thurs 11am-7pm, Fri 11am-8pm, Sat 10am-8pm, and Sun 10am-7pm. Admission is $12 USD, while a guided tour is $20 USD (includes admission).
Museum of Graffiti: 276 NW 26th St., (786) 580-4678, museumofgraffiti.com. Open Mon-Fri 11 a.m.–6 p.m., Sat-Sun 11 a.m.–7 p.m. Admission is $16 USD. 5. Take a Sightseeing Cruise Seeing the city by boat allows you to get a different perspective on Miami and its coastal sights, which are otherwise inaccessible by land. You’ll see sights such as the scenic Brickell Key, departing cruise ships from the Port of Miami, and the striking Miami Skyline. You’ll also see the opulent residences along the exclusive Millionaire’s Row (a section of Miami Beach nicknamed such for its luxurious waterfront mansions) and Fisher Island (an affluent barrier island known for its upscale residential community). There are a lot of cruises to choose from, but some of the most popular are Millionaire’s Row Cruises or Speedboat Tours. Sightseeing cruises are generally around $30–45 USD. 6. Learn to Salsa Renowned for its sizzling nightlife and rich Latin culture, Miami’s salsa scene is something that must be experienced. From the iconic Calle Ocho in Little Havana to trendy South Beach, salsa aficionados can find a variety of venues catering to different styles and skill levels. In Little Havana, Ball & Chain has free salsa classes every Thursday starting at 9pm. If you’re looking for more of a nightclub experience, Mango’s Tropical Café is the best place to go. They offer a Sip, Savor, & Salsa experience every day from 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. Tickets are $89 USD and include beginner salsa and bachata lessons, a mojito, food, and entrance to go dancing in Mango’s Nightclub afterward (it opens at 10pm). 7. Immerse Yourself in Art An artsy, avant-garde city, Miami offers many different quirky immersive art experiences, with interactive installations, cutting-edge technology, and multi-sensory environments. Here are some of the most popular: Superblue Miami: Superblue is a huge (50,000 square feet) experiential art space that showcases large-scale, immersive artworks created by contemporary artists. The exhibits often involve interactive elements and cutting-edge technology. Tickets are $38.50 USD. ARTECHOUSE Immersive Art Experience: Artechouse is a space in South Beach that combines art, science, and technology to create immersive digital art installations. The exhibits often use projections, lights, and sound to create visually stunning and interactive environments. Admission is $30 USD. Museum of Illusions: Situated in Miami Beach, this museum offers mind-bending optical illusions and immersive exhibits that challenge perception. It’s a fun and interactive experience for visitors of all ages. Tickets are $30 USD. Paradox Museum: Fittingly situated in Wynwood, the Paradox Museum is a quirky and interactive museum of optical illusions. It’s also a fun activity to do with kids. Tickets are $30 USD. 8. Visit the Museums While museums aren’t exactly the first thing that comes to mind when most people think of Miami, there are actually quite a few museums in the city worth checking out. Most museums here are art-focused (Miami is a big art city, if you haven’t picked that up yet), though there are also a few science and history museums. Some of the museums worth checking out include: The Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science, located in downtown Miami, offers interactive exhibits on science and technology, a planetarium, and an aquarium. It���s a great destination for families and science enthusiasts. Tickets are $29.95 USD. Pérez Art Museum Miami (PAMM): PAMM is a contemporary art museum located in downtown Miami, featuring a stunning waterfront setting and an outdoor hanging sculpture garden. It showcases international modern and contemporary art, with a focus on artists from the Americas. Admission is $18 USD. HistoryMiami Museum: Offering a comprehensive look at the history of Miami and South Florida, this museum features exhibits, artifacts, and educational programs that explore the region’s cultural heritage. Admission is $15 USD. Bass Museum of
Art: Located in Miami Beach, the Bass Museum of Art focuses on contemporary art and features a diverse range of exhibitions, including works by emerging and established artists. Admission is $15 USD. 9. Do Some Water Sports Whether it’s the adrenaline-pumping excitement of jet skiing, the rhythmic experience of paddleboarding, the exhilaration of windsurfing, or the quiet calm of kayaking, there are tons of options to choose from. You can find pretty much every water sport here, including things like flyboarding, which involves riding a water-propelled device called a flyboard and combines elements of wakeboarding, snowboarding, and acrobatics. Jet ski tutorials are $139 USD (per group of two), parasailing is $130 USD, and flyboarding is $175 USD. If you’re on a budget or simply want to go out on your own, kayak or paddle board rentals are $19 USD per hour. 10. Visit the Vizcaya Estate No visit to Miami is complete without a stop at this historic 50-acre estate. This European-style mansion offers a glimpse at life in turn-of-the-century South Florida. It was built by industrialist James Deering as a way to show off his wealth to all his friends and is filled to the brim with Renaissance furniture, artwork, and tapestries. The 10-acre formal gardens were built to resemble France’s Versailles, but with palm trees, rare orchids, and Cuban limestone. It is one of my favorite things to do in the city. Don’t miss it! 3251 South Miami Avenue, (305) 250-9133, vizcaya.org. Open Wednesday-Monday, 9:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Admission is $25 USD (advance tickets are required). 11. See Coral Castle Coral Castle was created by Latvian-born Miami resident Ed Leedskalnin as a monument to his lover, who cancelled their wedding the day before they were meant to get married. Ed channeled his heartbreak into hand-carving 1,1100 tons of coral rock, creating various monuments and sculptures over the span of 28 years. He originally started building in Florida City, yet when a subdivision was planned nearby, he bought land further away, single-handedly moving the heavy coral carvings to Homestead (where Coral Castle is now). It’s a bit of a trip from downtown, but well worth the time. 28655 South Dixie Highway, (305) 248-6345, coralcastle.com. Open Thurs-Sun, 9 a.m.–6 p.m. Admission is $18 USD. 12. Visit the Ancient Spanish Monastery Built in Segovia, Spain, in 1141, this monastery was intended to be a part of businessman and newspaper publisher William Randolph Hearst’s property in California (Hearst saw it in Europe in 1925 and decided he wanted it for himself for his personal “castle”). However, after shipping the building to the US, there was an outbreak of disease. The US government was worried shipments from abroad would spread it, so he was not allowed to unload his cargo. Then the Great Depression hit, and Hearst had to sell the property. It remained in New York until 1954, when businessmen bought it and finally assembled it in Miami. 16711 West Dixie Highway, (305) 945-1461, spanishmonastery.com. Open Wed-Thu 10am-4pm, Fri-Sat 10am-2pm, and Sun 2pm-5pm. Admission is $10 USD, and guided tours are available on weekends. *** Miami is the ultimate escape for fun in the sun. People come here to let loose, visit nightclubs, lounge on the beach, and drink the nights away. And while that can certainly all be a fun time, there’s a lot more to Miami than just beaches and clubs. The city offers a dynamic fusion of art, music, and great food, and I encourage you to get out there and explore it! Book Your Trip to Miami: Logistical Tips and Tricks Book Your FlightFind a cheap flight by using SkyScanner. They are my favorite search engine because they search websites and airlines around the globe, so you always know no stone is left unturned! Book Your AccommodationYou can book your hostel with Hostelworld. If you want to stay elsewhere, use Booking.com, as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels. Don’t Forget Travel InsuranceTravel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations.
It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it, as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are: Looking for the best companies to save money with?Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use to save money when I travel, and I think they will help you too! Looking for more information on visiting Miami?Check out my in-depth destination guide to Miami for more tips on what to see and do, costs, ways to save, and much, much more!    
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captainmartinisblog · 7 months
Boca Chita Key & Biscayne National Park
Thursday 7th March 2024 - Miami, Florida
Breakfast this morning was in the lovely ‘Colonial-chic’ surroundings of the Betsy, to the evocative 1940s strains of Eartha Kitt and Ella Fitzgerald.
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After last night’s heavy meal, I only wanted a light breakfast, so I just ordered the fruit plate; this is what I got! Clearly, nothing has changed regarding portion sizes in the 10 years since I was last in the USA! Thank goodness for ‘take-out’ is all I can say!
So, as temperatures rose quickly into the 80s, we took a morning constitutional along South Beach Promenade for some more of what is a feast of art deco.
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Our friends Vicki & Craig had arranged a rather special sightseeing day for us today, so we duly set off in Vicki’s car (thanks to valet parking at the Betsy). I should mention that this week marks the beginning of the ‘Spring Break’, which apparently results in hoards of feral youngsters invading South Beach; so lots of roads are closed and draconian parking restrictions are in place everywhere.
Fortunately, we were headed to fashionable Coconut Grove for a ‘light lunch’ at Monty’s, once a regular back-drop for the 1980s TV series ‘Miami Vice’.
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Nearby is Miami City Hall, built in 1933 as the Pan-American Airlines International Seaplane Base and Terminal.
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From here, the famous flying boats departed to such destinations as Bermuda, New York and San Francisco. Our boat was somewhat more modest. Aboard the ‘Stingray’ we set off across Biscayne Bay to ‘Stiltsville’ off Key Biscayne.
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Once a community of dozens of stilted properties 1 mile offshore, this area thrived during Prohibition and was a hive of nightlife, ‘speakeasies’, rum-running, smuggling and other nefarious goings-on. Today, after multiple hurricanes over the years, there are just 6 of these properties left, protected as part of Biscayne National Park.
Our next destination in the park was Boca Chita Key, the first of the Florida Keys and once a private party island owned by millionaire industrialist Mark Honeywell from 1937 to 1940. Very little remains of the structures built back then but the refurbished and preserved lighthouse was actually a building for water tanks.
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The island today is popular picnic spot within the Park and a home to mangroves, sea birds, fish and sea-grass. This island marks the beginning of the Florida Keys, which stretch 180 miles to Key West, where will be on Saturday aboard our ship!
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Back in Miami though, we returned briefly to the hotel to shower and change before going out again, this time by Taxi, to dinner at ‘Prime 112’, a top restaurant popular with celebrities and those who like to see them (apparently). We saw plenty of the latter (it was really busy there) but if there were any of the former, they were well-disguised! The service was exceptional and the food amazing.
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My starter was Oysters Rockerfeller – absolutely fantastic but (once again) a portion big enough to be a main course! I was ‘persuaded’ by our excellent waiter to try the Monkey 47 Gin – which turned out to be 94% proof, which just about sums up our day!
Back at the hotel, we said our sad goodbyes to Vicki & Craig, who depart for home early tomorrow, and we prepared ourselves for the next stage of our adventure.
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