#parts for portable air conditioner
anbigeneraltradingllc · 7 months
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Best and Worst of Both Worlds (Part 16)
tw: literally Yves watching ur every move, super suffocating stuff, Yandere shenanigans
Yeah ok u guys decided to lust for the creep, then the creep u shall receive
after this chapter i mean
Part 17
You told him your opinion on Montgomery.
"I see." He replied. Yves deadpanned at you before pulling you in for another kiss on the lips. Your face and the tips of your ears heat up, you're still not used to this yet.
He pulled away and chuckled at your bashfulness. Trying to cover your burning face with your hands is futile, as it only makes him tease you more.
"Call me if you need to go somewhere. I'm available for you any time." He slung the straps of his handbag around his shoulder, and Yves prepared his car keys in his hand.
You told him 'okay' as you're rubbing the last of his lipstick marks off using a piece of wet wipe.
He stroked your head, traced his fingertips down your jaw and finally held your chin. He tilted your head upwards and gave you a forehead kiss.
You whinged as you now have to wipe off one last print. He bid you goodbye before closing and locking the front door behind him.
Soon after, you dashed back into your room trying to escape your housemates hollering.
Days would go on like this: Yves breaks into your house using the spare key, scare the shit out of you when you open the door to see him standing there, receive adequate kisses, eat (br)lunch, talk for hours, landlord comes over to fix more stuff, eat dinner and finally, at around midnight- sometimes later, Yves would leave.
You would go to sleep almost immediately, but definitely looking forward to the next day.
He started coming in earlier and earlier, working on his things during times where you had nothing to say. You asked him about his work, he tried explaining it to you but you zoned out. It's so boring and complicated. Full of numbers, charts and graphs, you couldn't care less.
Needless to say, he cooked all your meals and did all your chores for you. You always protested, because it isn't his job and you should be responsible for taking out the trash or keeping yourself alive.
Yves would simply ignore you and do them anyway. If you're particularly worried, he assures you that it's some sort of a hobby of his to take good care of you. If you insist that he stops, he will guilt you; making you think that you're unnecessarily taking away part of his joy in this relationship when it isn't even harming you. So you just let him do what he wants, and you benefit from it greatly.
You really like him. He lets you take a nap on his lap while he types away at your desk, Yves listens to you ramble about your interests and occasionally adds his own fascinating commentary to it. You were astonished to know he has a whole database of random fandom trivia in his head. He washed your sheets and made your bed for you every morning.
He lets you hog his portable fan to yourself. But eventually, his bargaining powers lead to your landlord installing a ceiling air conditioner in your room. The best part? No rise in rent.
Yves gradually introduced you to a solid skincare routine. It started off with a simple face cleanser and moisturizer. Then he added toner to the regime. Then a weekly exfoliation and bi-weekly usage of sheet masks. It was hard for you to remember to do it or have the motivation, but Yves didn't mind maintaining your skin.
You just love the tingles you felt when he reclined you on your chair and he massages your face with the moisturizer. His fingers skillfully work to unravel you.
He made your house actually enjoyable to live in. You haven't gone out in three weeks and that didn't alarm you. You are glowing, physically fitter than ever, clean and most importantly, happy.
You have the drive to do so many things. Like learning a new language, learning to code, learning to knit or crochet, learning to draw... anything you wanted to do, Yves is always the expert to consult. He would buy the materials you need and teach you step by step. It made sense for him to be an extraordinary mentor, because you found out that he was also an exemplary lecturer at your university at one point.
You confirmed that he's currently a researcher, specifically, a research mathematician who works together with other branches of academia including but not limited to human Psychology, biology and sociology. The gist of his project has to do with predictive algorithms and probabilities. It's impressive and complicated, too bad you're not interested beyond what was described in a nutshell.
It's no secret that you look up to him, seeing that you're also a student looking to advance their education.
But it begs the question of his age. He has done so much in a short span of time. You wonder what his true age is.
But it's almost impossible to know because he would be offended whenever his age is brought up. It seems like he despised being perceived as ancient, which you understand. He probably comes from a time where youth is overly worshipped. You let it go, it isn't like his age affects you in any way.
It doesn't mean you didn't try searching him up. At first you suspected that he was lying because you couldn't find anything about him working at your university on the internet. But you sent an email to the administration asking about him. They came back with the confirmation that Yves is currently a hired researcher there. Strange that they knew who he is without knowing his last name. You guess there's only one Yves in the entirety of his faculty.
Speaking of names, you were shocked to find out that Yves didn't have a last name. After tons of relentless teasing from Yves for wanting to know his surname and a platitude of shame-induced face coverings later, you finally discovered he doesn't have one. This was bizarre to you, but Yves only told you off for being insensitive towards him, as not everyone has the privilege of a last name. It seems like a touchy subject, better not bring it up again.
Although it has been around a month since you think you first met Yves, you can safely say that you're madly in love with him. He is way more attentive and caring of you than anyone you ever met. Not even your parents or guardians can compare. Absolutely no one in your life has treated you this well.
There is that nagging feeling that something is very wrong. It wasn't a "He is going to leave you for someone better" feeling, it was more of a "what if Yves is secretly an organ harvester and he's healing you up to make a good price on the black market?"
But due to blind love, you forced yourself to brush it off as some implausible, impossible, silly thought.
...is it though? Yves does give off uncanny vibes sometimes no matter how suave and sexy he is. He has a lot of things to hide and the knowledge that you have of him is not enough to save you if he ever decides to steal a kidney or two.
Maybe this relationship isn't good for you. It keeps giving you inner turmoil to lose sleep over. This is definitely too good to be true, no one likes being a full time babysitter for their partner; this has to be a trap! You think you should quickly break it off with Yves before it gets too--
You were interrupted from your thoughts when you felt the chilly air from the air conditioner nip at your skin. The bliss of not being boiled alive by your own fluid trickles down your forehead.
You close your eyes and grin, letting the wind blow on your sweaty hair. This is lovely, you're so grateful to have Yves in your life. If you didn't have him here, you wouldn't be able to enjoy this temperate luxury.
Yves lets his focused gaze linger on your form for a few more seconds before replacing the remote back onto the holder. Yves pressed the button on his stopwatch, the beep was soft enough to go unnoticed.
He checked the temperature, the time and the humidity of your bedroom before logging them all into his computer. Yves turned his head to look at your position on the floor, you're splayed out like a rag as gusts of cold air strike your body.
He opened another file, which is the floorplan of this house. His eyes scanned the screen, noting down the exact coordinates of your precise location.
It would always be like this. You would start formulating thoughts and suspicions on Yves, spiral so much that you contemplated ending everything to protect yourself, then something interrupts your mind and eradicating the unwanted ideas entirely. Be it a change in temperature, texture, hunger or thirst. Sometimes, it's because you feel you hit your Yves-interaction/social quota for the day. So he would excuse himself and leave your house until you recovered.
He always comes back at the perfect time. Just right when you're starting to yearn for him. Yves ensures he never leaves for too long to make you think he's neglecting you. But he wouldn't come back too soon to make you go "yuck, this bitch's face again?"
Your signs could be as minuscule as a lower lip twitch, a brief, split-second movement of the eye, flaring of nostrils, positioning of your arms or even a change in the depth or rhythm of your breathing.
Or it could be an increase in heart rate, body temperature or sweat beading from your pores. Hell, it could even be the sound of you swallowing your spit or the smell of irritation.
They are all telltale signs that you're about to do or think about something undesirable due to overwhelm or underwhelm.
It's scary. He could just detect it with his superhuman senses. But ignorance is bliss, you still didn't know that he's puppeteering your environment accordingly. He would very much like to keep it that way.
Yves must admit, he has been careless. For the past three weeks, he failed to consider that his daily presence is wearing you down. It was his own fault for disregarding his calculations, Yves was originally only supposed to see you four times a week; that was the most optimal arrangement.
But he was enamoured, as desperate and feverish as you to be together. He just hides it impeccably well. Could you blame him, though? This was the first time you acknowledged him, the first time Yves got to kiss, touch, and hug you as freely as he wanted. The first time he gets to observe past the use of cameras- he does not need to hide. He gets to put his elaborate meal plans to use, you're eating his cooking, he's washing your clothes and you're accepting his backrubs. This is the closest so far to the ideal he wanted in his life with you. Anyone would be greedy in his situation.
But he flew too close to the sun like Icarus did. The wax melted off his wings and now he has to face the consequences that would have been avoided if only he had controlled himself better.
He's starting to notice you're not as positively receptive to his kisses as before. Sometimes even outright grimacing and shuddering in disgust when you think he's not looking. You spent a couple minutes longer in the bathroom, sometimes up to an hour, claiming you had stomach issues. But you didn't have problems with your digestion, your boyfriend made sure of that. He meticulously checks everything that goes into your mouth and he knows you didn't even pull your pants down. All you did was sit in the corner and scroll on your phone.
You did it just to escape from Yves and he's fully aware of that.
It devastated him when he went through your internet history:
Yves removed his reading glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose. He checked the timestamps, and you accessed the web since three in the morning.
"Why are my boyfriend's kisses and hugs gross to me now"
"Clingy boyfriend"
"How to tell my boyfriend to stop being clingy without hurting his feelings"
"How to say no to hugs"
"How to say no to hugs and kisses"
"How to say no"
"How to stop people pleasing"
"How to tell people that i dont want to see them but not forever just for a few days"
"Social battery"
"Therapists near me"
"Therapy price"
"is University counseling free"
"university counseling wait times"
"How to break up with my boyfriend"
"Is it rude to break up over text"
"Script for breaking up"
"Nice script for breaking up"
"Kind script for breaking up"
"Breaking up without hurting his feelings script"
"Do retired lecturers have a habit of checking for plagiarism in their day to day life"
"Is AI generated content plagiarism"
"Jobs near me"
He knows he has no one but himself to blame. He had a plan all laid out, if he followed it to a Tee, it would have conditioned you to ultimately accept his intense love without complaints. He was supposed to give you a maximum of one kiss on the lips and four others somewhere else on your face. But gave you a whopping average of 76 kisses a day, 20 of which are on the lips; 1520% of the actual daily cap on kisses.
Likewise, he hugged you too much. Yves was only supposed to give you 12 hugs, lasting 8 seconds each at most, spaced throughout the day. However, you're in his arms for a total of 6 hours a day; 2250% of the maximum.
He is the first thing you see in the morning and the last face you perceive before sleeping, From before sunrise to past beyond sundown, you would be exposed to him; from 6am to 12am the next day; he would already be in your room before you're even awake. Subconsciously, you know he's there because the brain never stops working.
Of course, you would be sick of him! It doesn't matter if you came from an affectionate family or you turned out severely touch-starved, with extreme figures like these, anyone would be nauseated with his presence by the third week!
Yves fought back the urge to run the numbers back the fifth time. The cold hard facts are there, he made a grave mistake. Painstakingly recalculating everything is just a pathetic attempt to appease his denial that he lost control over himself.
He sighed and propped his head up by an elbow, absentmindedly fiddling on his calculator. Yves's eyes flitted up to the monitor. You're curled up into a ball on your bed, scrolling on your phone. Most likely to try and catch up with your own me-time. Yves could see pixels of bags forming under your eyes.
He shook his head and decided he must rectify this. Yves got up from his seat and sauntered out of his office, switching the lights off but leaving his surveillance equipment on.
Meanwhile, you yawned, closing your eyes and letting your phone slip next to you. Finally but reluctantly drifting off to sleep.
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seospicybin · 1 year
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Hyunjin x reader x Felix.
Synopsis: Your best friend, Felix is in a rock band and he takes you to join him on tour as the band's photographer. On the road, you gain a lot of more than just exciting new experiences.
Preview under the cut!
Han has his tongue out as he tries to catch his breath, standing facing the nig portable air conditioner to cool himself down.
Hyunjin is the last one to come backstage, practically drenched in sweat. His t-shirt is soaking wet that it's stuck to his body.
He sits on top of a box with his head down, sweat dripping from the end of his hair with the red hair dye fades into the white t-shirt he's wearing.
Felix puts his hand on your shoulder as a support, as he too, is running out of breath. The sleeveless top he's wearing is sticking to his skin despite it having two gaping holes on each side, exposing just enough to let everyone know he has toned abs under there.
Realizing that you unintentionally ogling at your best friend, you shake the thoughts away, quickly grabbing a bottled water nearby and uncap it for him.
"For the greatest drummer in the world," you switch the towel in his hand with it.
He's too exhausted to laugh at it that he can only grin, then takes a long, big gulp of water it spills out the corner of his mouth and dribbles down his chin. He finishes the whole bottle in under a minute.
With the already damp towel, you dab the sweat on his face and neck, carefully not ruining the make-up that somehow survives the extra moisture on his face.
A few minutes have passed with the crowd chanting for an encore when it's obvious that they need another few minutes of break.
You check the setlist taped to the wall and they have three songs to play for the encore. You wonder how they can still fully function after performing for more than two hours already.
"Whenever you're ready, boys!" Someone says, which you believe is coming from the manager.
Felix grabs another bottled water, not to drink it but pours it on his head to cool it off, he pushes his bleached blonde hair to the back with his fingers.
This is the kind of sight that would make the fans go wild, but what can you say? Guess tonight they're not lucky as you.
Felix takes the towel back from you to wipe the water dribbling down his neck, "do I look alright?" He asks with his eyes wide.
You saw the stylist put on mascara on him earlier and now it's slightly smudged with how much he sweats, but that only adds to the rockstar look. You decide to only wipe the excess under his eyes ever so slowly with your pinky finger.
"Let's get ready!" Han says as he looks around for the members despite he's still catching his breath.
Felix puts his hand away from your shoulder to get a clean towel, using it to dab fresh sweat on his face.
Behind him, something catches your eyes, the red of Hyunjin's hair and him casually taking his t-shirt off in front of everyone. Well, everyone is probably used to this but not you, you're the only one having a hard time trying not to look his way.
Look away, look away, you repeatedly tell yourself, but instead of doing that, you do the exact opposite.
You stare at his back figure and see the ridges his back muscles made as he puts a t-shirt over his head that eventually covers his smooth skin, glistening wet even under the poor lighting backstage.
Han once again takes the lead, walking up to Felix and tapping him on the shoulder repeatedly as if to transfer his energy to him.
"Let's go!" He excitedly tells him.
Felix always manages to catch you off guard, surprising you by pressing a kiss on the cheek and you can only give in to him.
"Be right back!" He says with a grin.
Hyunjin follows them not long after, but stopping at the side to dry his hair with a towel, you feel a few drops of his sweat land on your arms.
He briefly glances at you, then tosses the damp towel away before entering the stage again.
That one stare reminds you why you're still holding a grudge against him, but at the same time, you don't want it to ruin the night.
However, once Hyunjin plays his guitar, you forget all about it.
You feel the shiver down your spine, and it's getting intense as the guitar riffs he plays charmed you to keep watching.
And it's hard to do so because he's so blinding.
The full fic will be posted tomorrow!
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mono-red-menace · 3 days
thinking ab the video that's like "it's an air fryer and it can be used for baking!" and "it's a portable air conditioner that doubles as a dehumidifier!" like
idk it's just. yeah. an air fryer is a convection oven. and yeah. cold air is naturally drier than warm air because the water condenses out of it.
both of these are just normal functions of the device. they're not like. additional features. they're just Part Of What That Device Does.
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prep4tomoro · 2 years
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Backup Your Backups:
To rely on a single source of anything is a prescription for disaster. It's a single point of failure. To take it a step further; to rely on only one backup for your primary source is still a prescription for disaster. Here's a personal, real-life example for heating my house: I use electric as my primary source of heat. If my grid-electric goes out, I have a hybrid (gasoline/propane) generator that can run my electric heat. If my generator runs out of gas, I can switch it over to use propane. If the generator propane runs out, I have a propane heater in my house with a separate [large] propane tank. If my house propane runs out, I have a kerosene heater and, lastly, I have a wood stove and plenty of chopped-up wood to heat my home. If the chopped wood runs out, I live on a wooded lot and can start taking down trees (after using the ones that have already fallen). It's doubtful that I would need to resort to emergency cutting down of trees but I hope I've made my point. I have six backups for heating my house if the grid-electric goes out. I also have [battery and electric] fans and a portable air conditioner if my central air conditioner goes down in the summer. And I'm constatnly working to improve my solar and wind generator solution as an alternate power source to grid electricity. The same goes for my income (2 sources of retirement, a part-time job and a hobby with the potential to make money) and investments (cash, bank accounts, precious metals, real estate). I frequently backup my computer on 2 devices and keep them in 2 separate places, taking one with me, with my 2nd laptop computer, if I need to go somewhere. Food is another example by always having canned and dehydrated options/backups. How about bottled water and water filtering? Never should it be assumed that things will always be as they are and backups won't fail. Jobs are lost, vehicles break down, electric goes out, weather can stop us from getting to the store. It's the prudent thing to do to think of what I need to live and implement/purchase methods that will back that up and then come up with a 3rd [or 4th or 5th] backup option. As a Prepper, I not only prepare for emergencies from external sources but also for when my own preps fail or are depleted. Redundancy is one of the high marks of being a prepared person. [Reference Link] Related Resources: Emergency Planning for Lifestyle Continuity The Primary, Alternate, Contingency, and Emergency (P.A.C.E.) Method
[14-Point Emergency Preps Checklist] [11-Cs Basic Emergency Kit] [Learn to be More Self-Sufficient] [The Ultimate Preparation] [5six7 Menu]
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firstchoiceins · 12 days
Purpose Of General Liability Insurance In Queens And Brooklyn, NY
Protecting assets by buying a suitable insurance policy can help the concerned individual remain free from financial risks during emergencies. Unfortunately, most insurance carriers do not offer coverage for flooding along with homeowner's or renters insurance policies. The property does not have to be located in an area that is frequently flooded, though. Even homes on high ground may find water accumulation indoors for varied reasons. Consider buying insurance coverage associated with flood cleanup in Brooklyn and Queens, NY. ​ Most people have misgivings about buying this insurance coverage when flooding may not occur anytime soon. Taking precautions is always recommended. While the state may not mandate it, the mortgage lender may make it a prerequisite for releasing funds. Furthermore, being covered by flood insurance is also advisable when the insured individual has already obtained grants for flooding previously.
It is always essential to inquire about the extent of coverage before signing on the dotted line. The" National Flood Insurance Program or NFIP" regulates flood insurance that may also be purchased from private carriers. NFIP describes flooding as excess water on land that usually remains dry. The situations compensated by flood insurance companies include the following scenarios:-
· Overflowing of rivers, lakes, or bays due to sudden increase in the volume of water · Hurricanes or thunderstorms that cause water accumulation indoors · Heavy and incessant rains that result in accumulation of water without any respite · Mudflow · Melting snow that seeps into the house
The insurance companies also provide information about the types of accommodation that may be covered by the insurance policy. It suffices to know that ll residents dwelling in the following structures may consider buying flood insurance:
· Residential homes · Apartment units · Condos · Mobile Homes · Rented Homes It is interesting to learn that NFIP offers two distinct types of coverage for the building structure and the contents inside. Each of the coverage comes with a different deductible. The main areas covered by flood insurance usually include the following:-
Building coverage
This covers the risks to the building structure or dwelling area and the seven detached buildings attached. It includes:
· Foundation walls · Stairways · Electrical & plumbing systems · Water heaters · Furnaces · Built-in appliances and cabinets or cupboards · Fixed carpets · Window blinds · Fuel and well water tanks · Solar energy equipment Contents coverage
This is similar to the personal possession coverage provided by a homeowners or renters coverage. The NFIP insurance will provide compensation for:
· Clothing · Furniture & Furnishings · Electronics devices · Original artwork up to a limit · Washers, dryers, microwaves, and other home appliances · Portable air conditioners · Carpets that have been installed over wood floors
A business owner may inadvertently injure or damage the property of a customer, visitor, or guest when operating the business or inside the business premises. It is imperative to be covered by general liability insurance in Queens and Brooklyn, NY, which is a part of the commercial insurance policy. 
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alltrade · 22 days
Must-Have Automotive Products for Every Car Owner
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Taking care of your car is essential for ensuring it runs smoothly and lasts longer. Whether you're new to car ownership or a seasoned driver, there are a few key products you should always have on hand. Here’s a simple guide to the must-have automotive products for every car owner.
1. Car Care Products
Keeping your car clean inside and out is not just about appearance; it also protects your vehicle.
Car Wash and Wax: Regular washing removes dirt and grime, while waxing protects your paint from damage.
Interior Cleaners: Use dashboard wipes and leather conditioners to keep your car's interior looking fresh.
2. Tire Care
Your tires are one of the most important parts of your car. Keeping them in good shape helps with safety and performance.
Tire Pressure Gauge: Check your tire pressure regularly to improve fuel efficiency and prevent flat tires.
Portable Air Compressor: Handy for filling up your tires if they’re running low on air.
3. Emergency Items
Being prepared for emergencies can save you from being stranded.
Jumper Cables: A dead battery can happen to anyone, so keep jumper cables in your trunk.
Car Jack and Spare Tire: A flat tire can happen unexpectedly. Make sure you have the tools to change it.
4. Engine Maintenance
Proper engine care will help your car run better for longer.
Motor Oil: Keeping spare motor oil ensures you can top off your oil when necessary.
Fuel Injector Cleaner: This product helps improve your engine’s performance and fuel efficiency.
5. Comfort and Convenience
These products make driving more enjoyable and stress-free.
Phone Mount: Use a phone mount for safe, hands-free GPS navigation.
Seat Covers: Protect your seats from spills and wear with washable seat covers.
Having these basic automotive products can make a huge difference in your car’s performance, appearance, and your overall driving experience. From keeping your car clean to being prepared for emergencies, these items are essential for every car owner. Make sure you’re stocked up so you’re ready for anything that comes your way on the road!
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8 Things to Consider Before Choosing AC Installation
These days, having an air conditioning system is deemed necessary. Selecting the appropriate brand and model is essential to effectively combating the summertime heat. People frequently buy air conditioners without doing adequate research. As a result, they are unable to obtain an AC that meets their needs. To make sure you acquire a system that is suitable for your home or workplace, it is best practice to make a list of the models that are available and compare them. Additionally, you want to work with a skilled company for Air Conditioning Installation Maitland.
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The following elements should be taken into account while selecting the best AC system:
1. There Are Numerous Kinds to Select From
Split systems for central air conditioner installation in Maitland are possible. It consists of an evaporator coil, an inside air handler, and an outside condenser unit. All three are housed in the same housing in a package system. It can be put in place on the ground or the roof. For smaller homes lacking ductwork, ductless mini splits are a further alternative. When only a small space has to be cooled, window air conditioners and portable air conditioners are even more compact options.
2. Variety In Sizes For ACs
The majority of air conditioners have comparable sizes. However, an AC's capacity is not determined by its dimensions. British Thermal Units (BTUs) and tons are used to quantify cooling capacity. An air conditioner removes roughly 12,000 BTUs of air per hour per ton.
An air conditioning system can cool a greater area if it contains more BTUs. A standard 2,000-square-foot house is suitable for a 3- to 3.5-ton unit. The best-sized HVAC system is also influenced by factors like the climate, the quantity of windows and doors in a house, the quality of the insulation, and the number of people living there.
3. Installation Cost
It is customary to buy the cheapest air conditioning systems possible in order to reduce expenses. In the long run, nevertheless, choosing the more expensive units for air conditioner installation in Maitland end up being more economical. They contribute to cutting electricity bills by consuming less energy. These effective technologies maintain a cool environment in rooms. Because installing these systems yourself carries some danger, it is advised against doing so. An expert service can efficiently and swiftly install all required parts. In addition, when selecting a new AC system, you want to take your budget into account.
4. Ductwork Is Not Required
The cost of installing or upgrading ducting can go into the thousands. Furthermore, ducts grow more vulnerable to leakage as they age. If twenty or thirty per cent of the conditioned air in your ducts is leaking, your energy expenses will go up significantly. air conditioner installation in Maitland without ducts eliminate inefficiencies and other problems related to ducting. Additionally, they enable you to create several zones, allowing you to independently regulate the temperature of various rooms, floors, or locations.
5. The Cost of Installing an AC Depending on the Season
Prices will increase in the summer since there is a greater demand for air conditioners. When consumers start to consider their cooling needs in the spring, you'll also see higher prices. However, most people don't consider their air conditioning throughout the winter. Purchasing at the right time of year can help you save 10%, 20%, or even more. While pleasant weather in the north in the fall and spring encourages many HVAC providers to give discounts to keep their staff busy, winter purchases in the south save homeowners money.
6. Keep the Air Filter in Mind
It's possible that your AC system comes with a simple filter. But does it cover all of your needs for indoor air quality? Every AC filter is not created equal. With its smaller surface area, a basic fibreglass filter lets in more airflow but isn't as effective at trapping particles as, say, a MERV 12 media filter. Certain high-efficiency filters are able to collect minute dust particles, pollen, smoke, and in certain cases, bacteria and viruses.
7. The Loudness Level Has an Impact on Your Health
It's possible that you won't consider noise level while purchasing an AC. That being said, it's a crucial factor. Excessive background noise might be annoying all the time. Less than 50 dB of noise should be produced by an air conditioner. An ambulance siren is 120 dB, an alarm clock is 60 dB, and a whisper is roughly 20 dB.
8. The Use of Inverter Technology Can Save You
A conventional compressor operates at maximum power or is switched off. Systems with two stages can operate at high or low levels. However, an AC compressor powered by an inverter can operate at incremental speeds to precisely match demand. It can reduce your energy usage by up to 50% as opposed to an all-or-nothing system since, at any given time, it may only need to operate at 40%, 60%, or 80% of full capacity. When choosing air conditioner installation in Maitland,
Making an educated choice during the residential air conditioner installation in Newcastle process is essential for long-term efficiency and comfort. You may guarantee optimal performance and cost savings by taking into account the eight essential aspects, which include assessing your cooling requirements, choosing the appropriate AC unit, comprehending energy efficiency ratings, and confirming the installation company's reputation.
You can also prevent future problems by evaluating the warranty, maintenance needs, and installation schedule. You may benefit from a trustworthy, effective cooling system that is customised to meet your unique needs by taking the time to prepare and conduct research.
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sakhshimandal · 1 month
Air Conditioner Prices in India: Useful Insights for Potential Buyers
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Air conditioners (ACs) have become a vital part of life in many Indian households, providing much-needed relief from the hot and humid climate. However, purchasing an air conditioner can be a significant investment, and with so many options available, it can be challenging to choose the right one that fits both your needs and your budget. Understanding the factors that influence air conditioner prices in India is crucial for making an informed decision. This article offers valuable insights into air conditioner pricing and the various factors that potential buyers should consider before making a purchase.
Key Factors Affecting Air Conditioner Prices in India
Type of Air Conditioner:
The type of air conditioner you choose has a significant impact on the price. The most common types available in India are window ACs, split ACs, and portable ACs. Window ACs are generally the most affordable option, starting at around ₹18,000 to ₹25,000. They are ideal for smaller rooms and simpler installations. Split ACs, which offer better cooling efficiency and a sleeker design, are more expensive, with prices typically ranging from ₹25,000 to ₹50,000 or more. Portable ACs, while convenient for mobility, often fall in a higher price range, starting around ₹30,000 due to their flexibility and additional features.
Cooling Capacity (Tonnage):
The cooling capacity of an air conditioner is measured in tons, which determines how much space the unit can effectively cool. Air conditioners with higher tonnage are designed for larger rooms and naturally come at a higher price point. For example, a 1-ton AC, suitable for a small room, typically costs between ₹20,000 and ₹30,000, while a 1.5-ton AC, ideal for a medium-sized room, can range from ₹30,000 to ₹45,000. Larger units, such as a 2-ton AC designed for bigger spaces, may cost ₹40,000 to ₹60,000 or more. It's essential to choose the right capacity for your room size to ensure efficient cooling and energy usage.
Energy Efficiency:
Energy efficiency is one of the most important factors to consider when buying an air conditioner, as it directly affects your electricity bills. In India, air conditioners are rated by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) on a star rating system, with 1-star being the least efficient and 5-star being the most efficient. Air conditioners with higher star ratings consume less electricity, which can result in long-term savings on energy costs. However, these energy-efficient models also come at a higher initial price. For instance, a 5-star AC will generally cost more than a 3-star AC of the same capacity, but the savings on electricity bills over time can offset the higher upfront cost.
Inverter vs. Non-Inverter Technology:
Inverter air conditioners have gained popularity due to their superior energy efficiency and performance. Unlike non-inverter ACs, which operate at a fixed speed, inverter ACs adjust the compressor speed based on the cooling needs of the room, which reduces power consumption and provides more consistent cooling. While inverter ACs are more expensive initially, typically starting from ₹30,000 for a basic 1-ton model, they offer long-term savings on electricity bills. Non-inverter ACs, on the other hand, are cheaper upfront but may result in higher energy costs over time, making inverter technology a smart investment for those prioritizing energy efficiency.
Additional Features:
Air conditioners today come with various additional features that can affect the price. These features include smart connectivity (such as Wi-Fi control via mobile apps), air purification technology, dehumidification, fast cooling modes, and more. While these features enhance convenience and comfort, they also contribute to the overall cost of the unit. For example, an air conditioner with integrated air purification or advanced cooling modes will generally cost more than a basic model without these features. When deciding on these extras, consider whether the added convenience justifies the higher price for your specific needs.
Seasonal Pricing and Discounts
Air conditioner prices in India can fluctuate based on seasonal demand. The peak summer season often sees higher prices due to increased demand, whereas prices tend to drop during the off-season (such as winter months). Retailers and online platforms frequently offer discounts during festivals, end-of-season sales, and major sales events, providing an opportunity to purchase ACs at reduced prices. Keeping an eye out for these promotions can help you save money on your purchase.
Additionally, government initiatives aimed at promoting energy-efficient appliances may provide rebates or incentives for purchasing high-efficiency air conditioners. These programs, typically aimed at reducing overall energy consumption, can lower the effective cost of purchasing a 4- or 5-star rated AC.
Making the Right Choice
When selecting an air conditioner, it's essential to balance your budget with the long-term value of the unit. Consider factors like cooling capacity, energy efficiency, and additional features, as these can significantly impact both the upfront cost and ongoing expenses. An energy-efficient model with inverter technology may have a higher initial cost but can lead to substantial savings on your electricity bill over the years.
Ultimately, the right air conditioner for you depends on your specific needs and the size of the space you want to cool. By understanding the factors that influence air conditioner prices in India, you can make an informed decision that offers the best combination of comfort, efficiency, and value for your money.
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seohop24-blog · 1 month
Air Conditioner Repair & Maintenance Services
Air conditioners have become an essential part of modern living, particularly in regions with hot climates. A well-functioning air conditioning system not only provides comfort but also ensures a healthy living environment by regulating indoor air quality. However, like any other mechanical system, air conditioners require regular maintenance and occasional repairs to continue operating efficiently. In this article, we'll explore the importance of air conditioner repair and maintenance services, common issues you might face, and how to choose the right service provider.
Understanding the Basics of Air Conditioners
How Do Air Conditioners Work?
Air conditioners work by removing heat from the air inside your home and releasing it outside, thus cooling your indoor environment. This process involves several key components, including the evaporator, compressor, condenser, and expansion valve. The refrigerant, a special fluid that circulates through these components, plays a critical role in absorbing and releasing heat, allowing the system to maintain a cool indoor temperature.
Common Types of Air Conditioners
There are several types of air conditioners available, each designed to meet different cooling needs:
Central Air Conditioners: Ideal for cooling entire homes, these systems distribute cooled air through a network of ducts.
Window Units: Compact and affordable, these are suitable for cooling individual rooms.
Split Systems: These consist of an outdoor compressor and an indoor air-handling unit, offering flexibility and efficiency.
Portable Air Conditioners: These units can be moved from room to room, providing targeted cooling where needed.
Signs Your Air Conditioner Needs Repair
Identifying when your air conditioner needs repair can help prevent more serious issues. Common signs that indicate a problem include:
Unusual noises, such as grinding or squealing
Weak airflow or warm air coming from the vents
Frequent cycling on and off
Foul odors emanating from the unit
A sudden increase in energy bills without a change in usage
The Importance of Regular Maintenance
Benefits of Regular AC Maintenance
Regular maintenance is crucial for ensuring that your air conditioner operates at peak efficiency. Some of the key benefits include:
Enhanced Efficiency: Well-maintained units consume less energy, resulting in lower utility bills.
Extended Lifespan: Routine maintenance can prolong the life of your air conditioner, delaying the need for a costly replacement.
Improved Air Quality: Regularly cleaned filters and coils reduce the presence of allergens and pollutants in your home.
Prevention of Major Breakdowns: Early detection of issues can prevent expensive repairs and extend the life of your system.
Consequences of Neglecting AC Maintenance
On the other hand, neglecting maintenance can lead to several problems:
Decreased Efficiency: Dirt and debris build-up forces the system to work harder, increasing energy consumption.
Frequent Breakdowns: Lack of maintenance often results in the early failure of key components.
Poor Air Quality: Dirty filters and coils can contribute to poor indoor air quality, posing a risk to your health.
Higher Repair Costs: Minor issues left unaddressed can evolve into major repairs, leading to higher costs.
When to Schedule Maintenance
To keep your air conditioner running efficiently, it’s recommended to schedule maintenance at least once a year, ideally before the cooling season begins. This allows technicians to thoroughly inspect, clean, and tune up your system, ensuring it's ready to handle the summer heat.
Common Air Conditioner Problems and Solutions
Refrigerant Leaks
Causes of Refrigerant Leaks
Refrigerant leaks are a common issue that can significantly impact the performance of your air conditioner. These leaks often occur due to corrosion, poor installation, or wear and tear on the system's components.
How to Fix Refrigerant Leaks
Fixing refrigerant leaks typically involves identifying the source of the leak, sealing it, and recharging the system with the correct amount of refrigerant. It's important to have a certified technician handle this task, as improper handling of refrigerants can be harmful to both you and the environment.
Frozen Evaporator Coils
Signs of a Frozen Evaporator Coil
If your air conditioner is blowing warm air or not cooling effectively, a frozen evaporator coil could be the cause. You might also notice ice forming on the outdoor unit or water pooling around the system.
How to Thaw Evaporator Coils
To thaw a frozen coil, start by turning off the air conditioner to allow the ice to melt. Once thawed, check the airflow, filters, and refrigerant levels to prevent the problem from recurring. If the issue persists, it may be time to call a professional.
Dirty or Clogged Filters
Effects of Dirty Filters on AC Performance
Filters play a crucial role in maintaining your air conditioner's efficiency. Dirty or clogged filters can restrict airflow, causing the system to overheat and work harder, which can lead to increased energy consumption and potential damage to the unit.
How to Replace or Clean Filters
Replacing or cleaning filters is a simple yet effective maintenance task. Depending on your air conditioner model, filters should be replaced every 1-3 months or cleaned regularly to ensure optimal airflow and system performance.
Electrical Control Failures
Causes of Electrical Control Failures
Electrical control failures can occur due to frequent cycling, worn-out parts, or power surges. These failures can affect key components like the compressor or fan, preventing the system from operating correctly.
Repairing Electrical Issues
Electrical issues should be addressed by a professional technician. They will inspect the wiring, relays, and controls, replacing any damaged components to restore the system's proper function.
Drainage Problems
Causes of Drainage Issues
Improper drainage can lead to water pooling around the unit, mold growth, or water damage in your home. Drainage issues are often caused by a clogged condensate drain or improper installation of the system.
How to Fix Drainage Problems
To fix drainage problems, clear the condensate drain and ensure proper sloping to prevent blockages. Regular maintenance can help avoid these issues and keep your system functioning smoothly.
DIY Maintenance Tips for Air Conditioners
Checking and Replacing Filters
Regularly checking and replacing your air conditioner's filters is one of the simplest and most effective ways to maintain the system. Clean filters ensure proper airflow and reduce strain on your unit.
Cleaning the Condenser Coils
Condenser coils are responsible for expelling heat from your home. Over time, dirt and debris can accumulate on the coils, reducing the efficiency of your air conditioner. Regularly cleaning the coils will help maintain optimal system performance.
Inspecting the Thermostat
Ensure that your thermostat is functioning correctly and is set to the appropriate temperature. A malfunctioning thermostat can lead to inefficient cooling and increased energy bills.
Ensuring Proper Airflow
Check for any obstructions around the outdoor unit and ensure that the vents inside your home are open and unobstructed. Proper airflow is essential for efficient cooling and the overall performance of your air conditioner.
When to Call a Professional
Recognizing Complex Problems
While DIY maintenance can address many minor issues, more complex problems, such as refrigerant leaks, electrical failures, or significant mechanical issues, require the expertise of a professional technician.
The Role of Professional Technicians
Professional technicians have the knowledge, experience, and tools to diagnose and repair complex air conditioning issues. They can also provide valuable advice on how to maintain your system and prevent future problems.
Cost Considerations for Repairs
The cost of air conditioner repairs can vary depending on the nature of the issue and the extent of the damage. While minor repairs may be relatively inexpensive, major repairs or component replacements can be costly. It's essential to weigh the cost of repairs against the potential benefits, such as improved efficiency and extended system life.
Choosing the Right Air Conditioner Repair & Maintenance Service
What to Look for in a Service Provider
When choosing a service provider for air conditioner repair and maintenance, consider the following factors:
Experience: Look for a company with a proven track record in the industry.
Certifications: Ensure the technicians are certified and trained to handle your specific type of air conditioner.
Customer Reviews: Check online reviews and testimonials to gauge the quality of service provided.
Pricing: Compare prices from multiple providers to ensure you’re getting a fair deal.
Questions to Ask Before Hiring
Before hiring a service provider, ask the following questions:
How long have you been in business?
Are your technicians certified and insured?
What is your pricing structure for repairs and maintenance?
Do you offer emergency services?
Can you provide references from previous clients?
Importance of Licensed and Insured Technicians
Always choose a service provider with licensed and insured technicians. This ensures that the work is done correctly and safely, and protects you in case of any accidents or damages during the repair process.
The Future of Air Conditioning Maintenance
Smart AC Systems and Predictive Maintenance
The future of air conditioning maintenance is moving towards smart systems and predictive maintenance. These technologies use sensors and data analytics to monitor the performance of your air conditioner in real-time, predicting potential issues before they become major problems. This can help reduce the need for emergency repairs and extend the life of your system.
Environmentally Friendly Refrigerants
With increasing awareness of environmental issues, there is a growing demand for air conditioners that use environmentally friendly refrigerants. These refrigerants have a lower global warming potential (GWP) and are less harmful to the ozone layer, making them a more sustainable choice for cooling.
Energy-Efficient Upgrades
As technology advances, air conditioners are becoming more energy-efficient, with features such as variable-speed compressors and programmable thermostats. Upgrading to a more energy-efficient system can reduce your energy consumption and lower your utility bills.
Air conditioner repair and maintenance services are essential for ensuring the longevity and efficiency of your cooling system. Regular maintenance can prevent costly repairs, improve indoor air quality, and extend the life of your unit. By recognizing common issues and knowing when to call a professional, you can keep your air conditioner running smoothly and enjoy a comfortable indoor environment.
1. How often should I schedule air conditioner maintenance? It's recommended to schedule maintenance at least once a year, ideally before the start of the cooling season.
2. What are the most common air conditioner problems? Common issues include refrigerant leaks, frozen coils, dirty filters, and electrical control failures.
3. Can I perform air conditioner maintenance myself? Yes, basic tasks such as replacing filters and cleaning coils can be done by homeowners. However, more complex issues should be handled by a professional.
4. How can I improve the efficiency of my air conditioner? Regular maintenance, ensuring proper airflow, and upgrading to an energy-efficient system can improve your air conditioner's efficiency.
5. What should I look for in a professional air conditioner repair service? Look for experience, certifications, customer reviews, and transparent pricing when choosing a service provider.
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anbigeneraltradingllc · 6 months
Split ac spare parts near me
Find split AC spare parts near you at Anbi Solutions. Browse our HVAC products for reliable replacements, ensuring optimal performance for your split air conditioning systems. With genuine spare parts available, trust us to keep your AC units running smoothly. Explore now!
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blogivnt · 2 months
Mastering the Art of Staying Cool with Portable Air Conditioners
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Summer heat can be unbearable, but a portable air conditioner can be your best ally. Here’s a quick guide to ensure you make the most out of your unit:
1. Unpack and Check Parts: Start by unpacking your portable air conditioner and verifying all components. If anything is missing, contact the seller for replacements.
2. Manage Water Accumulation: Portable units can produce condensation. Regularly check and empty the water tray to avoid spills and damage.
3. Compare Features Online: Check online brochures for a side-by-side comparison of features like BTUs, noise levels, and energy efficiency to choose the best model for your needs.
4. Understand BTUs: The cooling power of an air conditioner is measured in BTUs (British Thermal Units). For a room of 150-300 sq. ft., a 5,000 BTU unit suffices. For larger spaces, adjust accordingly.
5. Consider Energy Efficiency: Portable air conditioners typically range from 8 to 10 in efficiency, with some models up to 15. Opt for higher efficiency to save on energy costs.
Check out: keeping cool numerous of a conveyable air conditioner
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karachiweather · 2 months
Karachi's Scorching Heat: Staying Productive Indoors
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With Karachi experiencing scorching heat today, staying productive indoors can be challenging. Create a comfortable workspace by using fans or air conditioning, taking frequent breaks to hydrate, and ensuring good ventilation. Break tasks into smaller segments to avoid fatigue and maintain focus.
Hydration Strategies for the Heat
The intense heat in Karachi today makes hydration a top priority. Start your day with a glass of water, carry a water bottle wherever you go, and set reminders to drink regularly. Incorporate hydrating foods like cucumbers and oranges into your diet to keep fluid levels up.
Optimal Indoor Activities to Beat the Heat
With today’s high temperatures in Karachi, indoor activities are the way to go. Consider visiting a museum, catching a movie at the cinema, or enjoying some indoor shopping. These activities provide entertainment and help you stay cool and comfortable.
Protective Measures for Your Skin
The harsh sun in Karachi today requires diligent skin protection. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30, wear protective clothing, including hats and sunglasses, and seek shade whenever possible. Reapply sunscreen every two hours, especially if you're sweating.
Karachi Weather Today
The high temperatures in Karachi today also affect your pets. Ensure they have plenty of fresh water, provide shaded areas for them to rest, and avoid walking them during the hottest parts of the day. Consider placing cooling mats or wet towels for them to lie on.
Sustainable Cooling Solutions
Facing a heatwave in Karachi today highlights the need for sustainable cooling solutions. Use energy-efficient fans and air conditioners, keep your home well-insulated, and explore green roofing or reflective paints to reduce heat absorption. These measures can help manage heat sustainably.
How to Stay Fashionable and Cool
Dressing for Karachi weather today doesn't mean sacrificing style. Opt for light-colored, loose-fitting clothes made from natural fabrics like cotton or linen. Accessorize with hats and sunglasses for added protection and a chic look.
Managing Heat Stress in Outdoor Workers
Outdoor workers in Karachi face significant heat stress today. Employers should ensure regular breaks, provide shaded rest areas, and supply plenty of water. Workers should wear light, breathable clothing and monitor each other for signs of heat-related illnesses.
Preparing Your Vehicle for the Heat
The extreme heat in Karachi today can take a toll on your vehicle. Check coolant levels, ensure your air conditioning system is functioning well, and park in shaded areas to protect your car from overheating. Carry an emergency kit with water and cooling towels just in case.
Maintaining Physical Fitness Indoors
taying fit during Karachi’s hot weather today means finding indoor alternatives for exercise. Join a gym, try at-home workout videos, or visit a local swimming pool. These options allow you to stay active without risking heat exposure.
Benefits of Staying Hydrated with Infused Water
Keeping hydrated in Karachi’s heat today can be enjoyable with infused water. Add slices of cucumber, mint, lemon, or berries to your water for a refreshing twist. This not only enhances the flavor but also provides additional vitamins and nutrients.
Adapting Your Diet for the Heat
Adapting your diet to Karachi’s hot weather today can help you stay cool. Focus on light, easily digestible meals like salads, fruits, and smoothies. Avoid heavy, spicy foods that can increase body heat and opt for smaller, more frequent meals.
Preparing for Power Outages During Heatwaves
Power outages during heatwaves in Karachi today can be challenging. Prepare by having backup power sources like generators or battery packs, keep a stock of non-perishable food, and have cooling methods like wet towels or portable fans ready.
Karachi’s Weather Impact on Local Businesses
The extreme heat in Karachi today can impact local businesses. Implement strategies such as adjusting operating hours, offering cool refreshments to customers, and using social media to inform about heat-relief services or products. These steps can help maintain customer satisfaction.
Creative Ways to Enjoy the Indoors
Enjoying indoor activities is key during Karachi weather today. Host a game night with friends, try a new recipe, start a DIY project, or indulge in a good book. These activities can keep you entertained while staying cool and safe from the heat.
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shop-korea · 2 months
22 UNITS - BUILT - IN - 1958 - ON THE - 2ND FLR
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david522 · 3 months
Energy Conservation Tips for Your AC This Summer
In the scorching heat of summer, your air conditioner (AC) becomes a lifeline, keeping you cool and comfortable indoors. However, running your AC round the clock can lead to high energy bills and strain on the HVAC system. With a few simple tips and tricks, you can conserve energy, reduce costs, and ensure your AC performs efficiently all season long.
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Optimize Your AC Settings
Setting your air conditioner to the optimal temperature can make a significant difference in energy consumption. Aim for a comfortable yet efficient temperature, ideally around 78 degrees Fahrenheit. Use programmable thermostats to adjust temperatures automatically when you're away, ensuring your AC isn't cooling an empty house unnecessarily. Regular maintenance and AC service also help keep your HVAC system running smoothly.
Seal and Insulate
Check for leaks and gaps around doors, windows, and ducts that could let cool air escape or hot air in. Proper insulation ensures that the cool air stays inside, reducing the workload on your AC unit. Schedule an AC repair if you notice any issues with ducts or insulation. This simple step can improve efficiency and lower your energy bills significantly throughout the summer months.
Use Fans to Supplement Cooling
Ceiling fans and portable fans can help circulate cool air more effectively throughout your home. This allows you to set your AC at a slightly higher temperature without sacrificing comfort. Remember to turn off fans when you leave the room as they cool people, not spaces. Combining fans with regular AC maintenance ensures optimal airflow and efficiency, reducing the strain on your HVAC system.
Shade Your Windows
Direct sunlight through windows can increase the temperature inside your home dramatically. Use curtains, blinds, or shades to block out the sun during the hottest parts of the day. This simple step can reduce the need for constant air conditioning and lower your energy consumption. Consider installing reflective window film to further reduce heat gain. Your AC will work more efficiently, and you'll enjoy a cooler indoor environment without overworking your HVAC system.
Schedule Regular AC Maintenance
Regular maintenance is essential for keeping your air conditioner in top shape. Schedule AC service before the summer begins to ensure everything is working efficiently. A professional AC repair technician can clean filters, check refrigerant levels, and inspect for any potential issues that could lead to decreased performance. Investing in preventive maintenance not only extends the life of your HVAC system but also saves you money on energy costs in the long run.
Upgrade to Energy-Efficient Equipment
If your air conditioner is old or inefficient, consider upgrading to a newer, more energy-efficient model. Energy Star certified AC units use up to 20% less energy than standard models, potentially saving you hundreds of dollars each year on cooling costs. While upgrading may require an initial investment, the long-term savings and improved performance make it a worthwhile consideration. Consult with an HVAC professional to determine the best AC system for your home's size and cooling needs.
Limit Heat-Producing Activities
Appliances such as ovens, stoves, and clothes dryers generate a significant amount of heat. To reduce the workload on your AC, limit the use of these appliances during the hottest parts of the day. Consider cooking outdoors or using a microwave instead of the oven. Additionally, use energy-efficient lighting and avoid unnecessary use of electronics, which can also generate heat and increase your home's overall temperature.
Practice Energy-Saving Habits
Simple changes in daily habits can contribute to significant energy savings over time. Turn off lights and electronics when not in use to reduce heat buildup. Use energy-efficient appliances and consider air-drying dishes and laundry to further minimize heat production indoors. These small adjustments, combined with regular AC maintenance and efficient cooling practices, help create a comfortable and energy-efficient home environment during the summer months.
By following these energy conservation tips, you can ensure your air conditioner operates efficiently throughout the summer without breaking the bank. From optimizing your AC settings and sealing leaks to upgrading to energy-efficient equipment, every step contributes to lower energy bills and reduced environmental impact. Remember, a well-maintained HVAC system not only keeps you cool but also saves you money in the long run. Implement these strategies today to beat the heat and enjoy a comfortable, energy-efficient summer indoors.
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voidswithinvoids · 3 months
Part I: An Immediate Sadness
Vic’s breathing always got bad when he cried. He’d known his father to be a man of few tears. His brothers had the occasion mist, but nothing like him. His crying seemed at times irrational and had disturbed people when he lost his wits in public. I think that made him cry even more when people watched. The embarrassment would set in and the hot tears would wash down his red cheeks. It was always a whirlwind of emotions that he could never properly name. He had with him a post-it note, crumpled and tattered, his therapist had gotten him to write out during one of his sessions.
Instructions were outlined as:
1. Close your eyes
2. Take a deep breath
3. Hold
4. Exhale
5. Repeat
He laughed mockingly at the old man as he scribbled the redundant words on the small yellow square. The darkness of his eye lids hardly gave any comfort. As for steps two through five, those best intended directions were utterly meaningless when it had descended into uncontrollability.
There were a lot of moments where Vic would cry and was immediately rebuked by his fiancé Fiona. Even when she didn’t see the physical tears, often times she would return home from work and find Vic clenching a tear stained pillow as he stared at an odd water stain the portable air conditioner had made months ago.
It was from that time the two of them had woken up on that humid summer day filled with all the normal dread one feels when waking up. The dog was whining as it always did when the sun peaked its golden talons through the blinds. Vic cursed the sun. He cursed the dog. He cursed God. And then he pushed himself up and cursed himself as his bare feet dipped into a floor covered in a layer of water that cover his big toe.
A pit of dread and regret filled his stomach. “It’s your fault. You fucked up. You’re an idiot!” His taunting inner voice growled.
It was his fault. There was no denying that. The portable air conditioning unit he had struggled for days to install properly was set up to collect moisture and expel it into an ice cream pail throughout the day. He had told her that he would set a timer on the unit so an overflow would never occur. How forgetful he could be, especially when he got tired.
Only days ago he was scolded for leaving his dirty laundry on the floor and not putting it in the laundry basket as “grown ass men” should. He had promised to do better. To pull his shit together. But there were his floating boxer briefs, and his jeans and by the door his socks did a swirling dance with each other. He had thought it was poetic how the socks had each other. He was grateful for his fiancée. He felt he had nothing worth while in his life but her. She gave him purpose and all he ever gave her was apologizes and extensive water damage that he didn’t have the first clue how to fix.
The hardwood had warped and you could feel the way it had buckled. Vic would sit with his finger smoothing over those strange distortions and remember his short comings. He envied his friends who took good care of their partners. Often their wives would post photos of them single handedly renovating some major house project or perhaps with an apron preparing steaks with sautéed mushrooms by the barbecue.
Pulling her attention away from her phone only to say, “why are you so incapable of doing that for me? It’s not that hard. Like really, every single one of my friends asks me ‘why doesn’t Vic do that for you?’ It’s all they talk about most of the time.”
And Vic’s heart pushes its way up his chest, through his throat, out his mouth, and falls on the white tiled floor with a small wet smoosh sound. It’s there where four tiles meet he stares off into. He imagines the crevasses between the tiles to be roads in which maybe the small ants that steal crumbs from the kitchen use as trading routes. He wondered at their admirable work ethic and their deep service to their queen. He thought about how ants could hold things double their weight. Or perhaps was it more? He often forgot things quickly. It was something that Fiona despised about him. More often than not, his forgetfulness was the cause of most of their fights. A forgotten item at the grocery store. A missed date on the calendar. A gift he had forgotten to order. Relentlessly, he was reminded of his utter failure at being, what Fiona often hissed, “a real man”.
The imaginary ants were shaking hands now. It seemed like a fair trade they had made. Breadcrumb for Cheerio. Although he thought that one was probably sweeter than the other. Perhaps the queen would favour the Cheerio ants more than the breadcrumb ants. He picked at his chapped lips as he pondered the worth of one ant over another.
“God, see! This is what you always do! One small piece of conflict and you shut down. You trail off into space and no can reach you. No one knows what you’re thinking ever! You’re just quiet and apologize all of the time. Fucking do something you lazy ass.”
Fiona said this and the phrase ‘stormed out’ comes to mind. That crackling storm had become part of her persona. The thunderous voice paired with the striking sting of her words. It was the perfect combination to bring anyone to their knees. It was the ultimate lunge towards power when she felt powerless. And Vic had endless sympathy for her. He had convinced himself he was engaged to a powerful woman. He was told that men were disgusting and have never done anything good, except listen to their wives. He was told he should be sorry for being a man, for his sexual organ made him an oppressor.
Perhaps the ultimate paradox of Vic’s life was his masculinity. He was dumbfounded and the incessant demand by everyone around him to become a ‘real man’. It seemed to him that people also hated ‘real men’. They were the sort who drank too much, shot deer, and used the word pussy a lot. But Vic was different. He wasn’t masculine. He was feminine. Not that he would have said that about himself. Nor would I truly characterize him as feminine, for that might be a dated concept. I only take time to note this because this was the sort of conversation that surrounded Vic daily. And more often than not, people saw his unfortunate dilemma as another pathetic excuse for him to cry about.
And Vic did cry. He cried as he masterbated in the bathroom after Fiona had gone to bed. He cried when she pushed him away at night and refused to hold or be held. She would then pull the covers away from him and he would lie there in the deep darkness and let those warm tears stream down. He knew the night to be a safe time to cry. Fiona kept the room pitch black. He knew at least part of the reason was because she did not want to see his body, but he also wondered if it was also because she did not want him to see her body.
The black void was safe for tears but voids are often filled quickly. The tears marked the edges of the void and then he poured out his self loathing. His inadequacy. The protruding belly that only expanded daily. The hardness of his penis that was a constant reminder of the pervert he believed himself to be. The forgetfulness, the confusion, the stammering. The awkward greetings he made, the unfunny jokes. The dinner he made that was burnt and yet raw. The lack of motivation, the lack of creativity, the complacency that made up his universe. The dog poop that need to be picked up. The dirty dishes that would bring stress to Fiona in the morning. The friends he had nearly abandoned at this point in order to spend more time with his fiancée. These were the mammoth thoughts that never left him.
It was here at night when Vic stopped breathing again. His heart had found its way back into his chest and took its revenge on him for his carelessness from earlier. It beat like devilish drums and he bit down on the pillow to extinguish some of the pain. His breaths gasped with ten seconds in between. His body was tingling with coldness and his face was hot with pressure.
“Please. Please. Please..” he whispered into the void.
He spoke as if he was Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane asking God to find another way. That perhaps he didn’t need to be crucified and tortured the next morning. But there was no great reply. There was nothing but emptiness. And so he partook in that emptiness and swallowed it whole, as if it were a holy sacrament. Vic fell asleep on a wet pillow and hoped for things to change in the morning.
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