#partner || fallesto
sunsblaze · 15 days
It had been mere hours since her brother had returned home, they caught up with one another, ate supper, prepared for the evening, and now, it was dark. The moon hung low in the sky, painting the world over with an inky blackness, stars adorning the sky, accenting the majestic glow of crescent light. The night was a peaceful one, cold and quiet as the first snow fell. Earlier in the day, when she had first told him of the child she carried, he had been happy, he had shed tears and tried to feel for the tiny life that thrived within her. At the time, the child had been at rest, sleeping within her womb, preparing for the night- which had now come to be, the child was awake as Yoriichi tried to rest, this was the reality of all her nights. Tossing and turning as the child she carried writhed about, limbs kicking and pushing, stealing away her sleep. She wanted him to be able to feel the life within her, she was excited to share such a special moment. quietly she would slide her door open, slipping from the room and out into the hall, it was dark, but she would easily navigate the house, bare feet padding silently against the floor as they guided her to Michikatsu’s door. A gentle tapping, she was much too excited to wait for his answer to her soft knocking so she would allow herself entry to his chambers. ”Michi, I want to show you something.”
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auburniivenus · 6 months
i love orihime dynamic with astarion but i must confess i like her and szarr too. barbarously sexy!
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ooc; i deeply appreciate this! it means we are able to provide fun to people. this awesomeness is only possible because i have beautiful friends and partners. @estarion and @fallesto are wonderful writers and plotting buddies. i guess their dynamics are a little different, but i live for how cazador treats hime. he's so evil and i love it. violence in this case can be sexy too. as for astarion, it's one of my main ships and i can't express how much love i have for them. i am blessed to have miki as my astarion, she's really great and puts a lot of effort in our things as i do too. please wait for the next episodes!
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chunibyo-x-sorcerer · 5 months
Sunsets and the night comes.
In Nakameguro, a district in Tokyo known to be a cool area where the great path along the banks of the famed Meguro River has its beautiful cherry blossoms. This waterway street makes it a great home for cafes, izakayas, and boutique shops for both locals and tourists.
This might change for the worse if it weren't for a young man fighting a ghastly apparition inside an old building. He won't let this monster terrorize this city. A fireball was thrown, hitting the monster. This provokes the monster into giving chase. Fireballs thrown across the building while crashes are being heard from the inside.
The hero sorcerer, Daichi PheonX made sure to lead the monster away from the populace and (hopefully) into an old building or a construction site. So he's glad that plan worked out. He is glad nobody got in the rampaging monster's path.
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"I will take you down!" Daichi yelled as his trusty bird partner, Eito squawked at the monster. The evil spirit attacks but Daichi quickly evades. He needs to wrap this up before it goes any further. He doesn't want to pay for any property damage!
For @fallesto
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aamaranthiine · 5 months
another lil about me~
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NAME?: lumi / lumina PRONOUNS?: she/they MOST ACTIVE MUSES?: definitely amalthea right now, with a rotating interest for my multi (@wxnderers) being ezra and lazarus. i may add another to the multi soon, a mermaid im slowly picking at. EXPERIENCE/HOW MANY YEARS?: 20 years now, i started writing on forums in 04 and then joined a niche online community shortly thereafter. i stayed on that platform, only dabbling a little bit in tumblr rp around 2013/14. however ive recently taken a massive step back from it and have dedicated myself to my tumblr rp blog because i genuinely find it more rewarding as a writer. FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT?: a mix of all three is ideal. i tend to skew more for fluff and angst, with some flexible guidelines for plots because i enjoy a sense of structure/goal for a story. smut is preferably only applicable for ships that have been discussed oocly and has in-character chemistry. LONG OR SHORT REPLIES?: i consider myself a novella writer, so i tend to write long / multi paragraph replies. however i never expect my partners to be that, or match my length. as long as i have something to respond to / the story moves along, we are vibing. despite having a bit of a tendency to ramble with my words, i still try to at least match my partner's length for posts. TIME TO WRITE?: mid-morning to afternoon, sometimes the evenings after work. it really depends on my energy level / if ive had caffeine xD i work a desk job too, so on slow office days, i work on drafts when i can.
tagged by: @crvptd (<3) tagging: @fallesto @climatact @chatcambrioleur @goldenfists & YOU
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parasitxs · 22 days
"Yes, I remember. I remember everything." (Janemba)
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janemba; one of the many that the tuffle android had once found solace inside - insides twisted, a comfortable place for a creature like tsufuru to find his space. to look at the other has the tuffle recall janemba's warmth, his memory and his strength. oh what a comfortable host; one that would rival the filthy saiyan whose form 'baby' still chooses to imitate.
he can recall the anger and the hate, the fire inside that had him so warm - a strength shared; a thought - perhaps somewhere at the back of his mind that maybe this host quite relished being so suitable. hell, maybe he liked having the tuffle coil his way around his mind - a willing participant in a drink of poison. tsufuru had to wonder.
there's a heat in his stomach akin to the sort one gets from nostalgia; a person recalling the sweet memories of family and friends, for 'baby' - nostalgia is a warm host and power enough to feed him full.
"and there was little effort to forget it, hm-"
he taunts, a grin across his lips and a cock of his brow. tsufuru spares his grin, fangs - he can't help the small chuckle that exists on lips.
"how touching-" his sarcasm accompanies the click of heels on the ground, a slow tread toward the other. a hand extended, despite his taunting. perhaps they could make a pact? join forces? or even better, perhaps he could worm his way in once more - slip between the cracks and crevasses of old wounds; taint the other's blood as he once had.
the tuffle's smile fades, his expression shifted to a neutral grimace; his glazed eyes giving away nothing but the giddiness of his voice giving him away easily.
"after all, we had fun-" he teases, ; tests the water for a potential partner. a battle companion to accompany him in the quest for complete domination. "don't you think so?"
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tsukuharuko · 2 months
Muse stressors checklist
Bold the stressors that your muse has experienced Italicise the stressors that are verse-dependent
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athletic injury | breaking their arm / leg | childhood abuse | child leaving home | conflict in the workplace | death of achild / parent / partner / other close family member / close friend | death threats | dismissal from / loss of job | divorce / breakup | drug / alcohol addiction | earthquake | estrangementfrom child / parent / partner / other close family member| excessive paperwork | failure to complete school | falling on an icy sidewalk | fire | flood | foreclosure of mortgage or loan | harassment | homelessness | hurricane | imprisonment | job change | long-term unemployment | major / minor violation of the law | marriage | marital reconciliation | military combat | mortgage / other loan | moving house | physically attacked | poor health of achild / parent / partner / other close family member / close friend | pregnancy | retirement | road traffic accident | robbery | severe personal injury / illness | sexual assault | sexual difficulties | significant change in eating habits | significant change in financial state | significant change in living conditions | significant change in sleeping habits | terrorist attack | threatened with physical violence | trouble with in-laws | unplanned pregnancy / abortion | unsafe working conditions | vandalism | workplace stress | kidnapped / held captive
tagged by: @heterochromatica (I feel bad my baby has had such an easy life compared to yours ç__ç)
tagging: @xamassed | @whirling-fangs | @kisumshi | @2isms | @fallesto
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estarion · 5 months
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@fallesto ( REGULUS ) was really trying it with this↓
“Ah. I have had so many partners. So many who are mine and only mine, but none of them come close to you. Your heart. Your beauty. Your voice. I have to have it, I need you. I need to have you as mine. I will give you anything you want, for your love. Anything at all. I will burn an entire kingdom down, just for you. Is that not romantic? I will offer you a thousand souls right now, of all the people in this area, to see a smile on your face. Ugh. I cannot take it, I am getting all flustered and heated. You are truly a diamond within this world, and if you will not be mine, then…no one will have you…”
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“—I mean. He’s a fucking idiot. But the man has taste…”
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ladygreywritesstuff · 9 months
20 questions for fic writers
@aislingdmdt Thanks for the tag!
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
2) What's your total AO3 word count?
3) What fandoms do you write for?
ASOIAF and Stardew Valley
4) Top five fics by kudos?
Not Today, Protégé, True or False, Wrong Address, Elevator Music
5) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Nearly always! I don't respond to requests to repost a certain popular fic that I removed many years ago.
6) What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't really write fics that have angsty endings, but I suppose my collection of drabbles, Kissing Roose is entirely angsty, including the endings.
7) What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
It's a toss up between True or False and Wrong Address. I'll go with True or False because it was completely counter-intuitive to give Roose Bolton a 'happily-ever-after'.
8) Do you get hate on fics?
Not usually. I tend to write for unpopular pairings and characters, so most people who read my fics are just happy to find something about their favourite character.
9) Do you write smut?
10) Do you write crossovers?
No. I like to write as close to canon as possible, so crossovers don't really fit for me.
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I wouldn't say stolen. I've certainly seen fics 'inspired' by mine, which is fine, because many of my fics are inspired by other works as well.
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
I usually decline offers to translate since I wouldn't be able to verify the translation.
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, although I've done quite a few tumblr RP threads that have turned into saga-like works. Kudos to @fallesto -- best RP partner ever, 10/10 would recommend.
14) What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Roose Bolton/Walda Frey
15) What’s the WIP you hope to finish but doubt you ever will?
She Walks By Moonlight -- but I haven't give up all hope yet.
16) What are your writing strengths?
character development, relationship development, realistic dialogue
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
descriptions, mood setting
18) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I think I would prefer to keep the dialogue in English but note that the character is speaking another language. (unless it was just a phrase or two)
19) First fandom you wrote for?
ASOIAF/Game of Thrones
20) Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
Probably the fic that shall not be named that has been removed from Ao3. There are parts of it that I really love and would like to use in an original fic some day. Of the fics currently posted on Ao3, probably Dig Deep. After writing in ASOIAF/Game of Thrones for so long, it was nice to write in a more modern setting (even though I've set Dig Deep to take place in the early 90s).
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bellsplit · 1 year
` ❅ ||   cryopathiic &  fallesto   »   (  &  the  beast  said, ' come  &  see! '  )
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there's  an  almighty  crash   when the side of the so—called ascension room is  caved  in  —  there's no way that  any  creature within this place hadn't heard that sound,  from demons to humans to the rats living in the cellar.     douma had always insisted on  quiet  to keep his flock from seeing things that they shouldn't,  but  like  hell  is he going to respect that wish now :    the polychrome priest has transgressed against him too severely this time.
taking  his  prey, his partner,  &  right  out  from  under  his  nose  to boot.
he'd wondered why kyojuro hadn't returned after saying he wouldn't be gone long.     he'd wondered & he'd waited & he'd paced to & fro across their shared room at the bathhouse until day had finally given way to night,  allowing him to follow his nose,  kyojuro's scent long memorized,  to this place,  this wretched & divine place ...
well.     it's about to become much more  wretched  & less  divine.
because  this  akaza isn't the same starving one that the frozen lotus had been able to toy so easily with during the early stages of his tenuous bond with rengoku kyojuro :    this  akaza  has  eaten  a  full  meal,   &  recently.     yes,  he's broken his promise  —  but it's  the  only  way  that either of them will escape this entire debacle  alive.
his gilded gaze is as sharp & wicked as the fangs bared in utter defiance of the hierarchy as he closes the distance between himself & the prophet in one leap,  inked fingers closing  tight  around that holy neck to  choke.     no,  it's  destructive  death  that's come to this place of worship,  not a coworker with needs to sate.
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"  where  is  he?  "     upper three demands in a voice like thunder.     "  what  have  you  done  with  him?  "
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vhgr · 1 year
��                                                                       with @fallesto continued from here.
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   she returned his narrowed gaze, pleading him to make no further comment with a purse of her lips.   there was little need for him to strain himself, however, he should sit.   “yes, he will.   and then he shall lead a life he cannot enjoy to his heart’s desire.   you of all people should understand.” the words escaped her as they often did in the confines of walls.   whether she regretted her words or not was insignificant.   what mattered was that she breathed life into them;   though if she could not confide in her husband, her partner in life, whom was she to speak with?   whom was she meant to lean on?
  “is that what you will do?” she questioned, fixing the pillow behind his waist.   “forget the maiming of your son?   what punishment has the perpetrator suffered?   what consequence, to their senseless violence?   your son exercised his right.   as you had once done.   as the late lady laena once did.   aemond was desperate and you know that.”
she planted herself on his left, legs crossed and wrists crossed over her knee.   there was no way of winning.   she was slowly watching everything her father once said come true and it filled her veins with petrifying poison, terrifying her now as it had terrified her then.   how could it be possible, she had wondered, that the princess rhaenyra could ever harm her children?   could ever be the reason behind it?   she wished the gods would have never given her true reason to believe so.   “perhaps i never knew you, viserys.” there was no malice in her voice, only a sense of complaint.   “you are always so quick to defend your own.   except when it comes to ours.” he'd always come to daemon's defense. to rhaenyra's, to her children, wilfully ignoring the shame the princess was bringing to her house.
alicent did not look at him, didn’t consider it.   the queen stared ahead, instead, whilst she scratched along the curve of her thumb with her index finger, digging into the thicker skin of her palm.   "you’d have tongues for slander yet you sit and watch when your own son is beaten and rid half his sight.    is that your justice, my king?” 
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infloresco · 10 months
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name — Janice.
pronouns — She/Her
preferred comms — Discord! tumblr IMS are always messed up for me for some reason but also I'm mostly on mobile unless I'm writing replies. So discord is more accessible to me. I love plotting about muses or simply just gushing over them.
name of muse — Nico Robin. For this blog. I got two more blogs an Ashe from overwatch one, and a multi that includes Boa Hancock and Kiriko Kamori from Overwatch. There are also Law and order muses as well.
experience in RP — I've been Rping on and off for the last eight years. It was mostly on twitter, made the switch to tumblr about two years ago and been here ever since.
best experiences — If I'm being honest when I joined the OP fandom to write. The great feedback, and the people I've written with and spoken to have really ignited my passion for writing. For a very long time, I was unmotivated to do something that I genuinely enjoyed. I was coming off a very bad situation with a friend who used to be my only writing partner and after that, I just felt so devastated. From the creation to my multi-blog, adding Robin there and eventually giving her own space I just been having such a good time so I'm grateful to you all.
pet peeves / dealbreakers — I'm a pretty chill person. Don't have many of them but If I had to say something it is being pressured to reply.
muse preference ( fluff, angst, smut ) — I love angst. Like insanely so. I haven't really written much for Robin so give me that, please. I do enjoy fluff and smut, I am a bit self-conscious about writing smut but I'm always up for trying it out. Don't promise it is good!
plot or memes — Both!!!!!! I love to plot, and I love to give our characters growth and a timeline for everything but let me tell you memes starting off as just that memes and turning into full-blown threads are the best.
long or short replies —I can do both, but honestly, most of the time with Robin the replies turn long because her inner monologue is so intriguing. She is such a versatile muse to give voice to, allowing her to flourish is such an emotional ride for me.
best time to write — Early morning is when I do my best writing, but I work most of the time and it takes me a while to get back on replies.
are you like your muse — yeah haha, I read a lot, I have the same humor as Robin but the only difference is that I'm not as smart as her. I wish.
Tagged by: @misfitsandmusings-x
tagging: @redridcr @fallesto @fractiscruentamorte @freedomsbounty @isutoburu AND YOU!
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cursedfortune · 10 months
“You are enough to drive a saint to madness or a king to his knees.”
Fantastical Prompts @fallesto
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"You're no saint." The witch answered her beloved's compliment with a simple fact. Their proclamation one that made her heart flutter all the same - a feat only her Regulus was capable of achieving, it would seem.
She eyed the Sin of Greed with a particular gleam in her eyes, a warmth reserved only for him. It was quite the greeting to be met with as she had been sitting, reading to pass the time until his inevitable return. Without taking her eyes off of him the book was shut as she slid it from her hand to drop onto the tabletop she had been leaning upon. He was home and she had lost all interest in whatever little things she had been doing to occupy her time.
Feel it. The uptick of her heartbeat within his chest. Feel how safe she kept his own that rested in hers.
Rising to her feet the witch's gaze flitted over his form before lifting to stare at the unseen crown atop his head. He didn't need one to be worn for it to be known just whose domain this was. In fact, plenty of crowns from fallen kingdoms were discarded within his treasure trove of a room. Enough trinkets from the said to start his own country - had this palace alone not been enough. "But you are a king." Her lips curved into a slight grin as her hand touched upon his shoulder. Fingertips danced along his shoulder, across his upper back to meet the other as she moved around his form. It was easy to admire her beloved who stood flawlessly before her - prim and proper without a single wrinkle to his name. Unruffled by the outside world.
Rounding in front of her husband once more she leaned forward, her chest softly brushing against his. "Yet you do not kneel." Mortem whispered, the barest hint of her lips against his jaw.
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A hum of amusement escaped her as she straightened once more with a playful squint of her eyes. Was he suddenly shy to make good on those words? It wasn't as if she hadn't experienced him on his knees before - not all of which were lewd situations, even! Though, those were her favorite to tease him about just to provoke rosy cheeks.
She'd forgive her Regulus. He was lucky he looked better standing tall than on his knees - she mused to herself. But of course she'd think such; this dangerous Archbishop was one she fully endorsed, a partner she wanted to see stand proudly and powerfully. This unsuspecting face of his was the very one so many saw last. She couldn't help but cup his cheek a moment before moving to sink her fingers into his pale locks, beckoning him to near her. "If you will not kneel, then what will you do instead to proclaim your love for me, hm?" Mortem coyly teased with that of a matching expression. For if her husband wished to compliment and flirt upon returning home, who was she to not return it?
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the-rogue-dragon · 2 years
Happy New Year!!
It was by coincidence that when I started writing Daemon, I choose Eleventh to be my mun faceclaim - even though idk if someone had noticed or even cared but that’s not important - and yet it kinda is.
I started watching Doctor Who for the first time this year, and of course I started with Eleventh because of Matt... and when I watched episode one it kind of struck to me how Eleventh abandoned child Amy promising he would return five minutes later, and yet he returned fourteen years later...
It kind of been my situation here... coming and going in my TARDIS (I wish) though not saving the universe but helping my life (finally) to be better, and focusing on things that I needed to from the real world. So yes, after realizing such I decided to stick to the Doctor, and come and go in the best of my abilities.
Coming and going I’ve meet amazing partners that without them I wouldn’t be enjoying this fandom. Because of my coming and going I’m hella surprised whenever someone recognizes me, or says that they enjoy my writing, because I feel like I have been a ghost most of the year... I hope next year that changes, I hope you guys keep enjoying what little I feel I have given.
And I hope to be more present, and you guys know, just hit me up if you need me, not just for writing but for anything else, don’t be shy, I’m here for you as well, not just writing a few replies and vanishing.
I love you all!
Shout out to my special companions this year:
@notenoughmuses @incissam @agirlofwinterfell @amaidasfairassummer @lavendernabcrrie @timpahura @sah1x1s @seasonal-multimuses @capaciousllextremis @misstantabismuses @astormofsilk @eskelwolf @dragynfire @drcgnrider @bcbliophile @xx--ofmanythoughts--xx @fallesto @heirstothedragon @westerosiqueens @hosnianleft @hal-assan @realmofthedragon​ @antoniwrites @shireentheunburnt @inspireswar​
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 If you’re not in the list, don’t feel unseen, I see you as well.
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ofmistnmoons · 1 year
Me, actually secretly real insecure about my portrayal of yuichiro and writing in general.
My writing partners, lovingly kicking my ass for daring to worry about it ‘No💙’
@fallesto @whirling-fangs @fruitanddarkness @cryopathiic @viciousbite @goresugars @kejito @himawari-halo
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valorums · 8 months
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This post does not include askbox replies which are currently being drafted into threads. If you have written me an Askbox reply with the expectation of it becoming a thread, fear not — I’m working on my reply and will post it in here once complete. If I have forgotten a thread, please let me know.
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one — (callie’s turn) ♡. PADMÈ
two — (callie’s turn) ♡. PADMÈ
one — (callie’s turn) &. PRISCILLA
one — (callie’s turn) &. MARGARET
one — (callie’s turn) &. DOOKU
two — (your turn) &. DOOKU
three — (your turn) &. DOOKU
DISCORD — (callie’s turn) ♡. DRAK
one — (your turn) ♡. RAJEEV
one — (your turn) &. HERA
one — (your turn) ♡. ANAKIN
two — (callie’s turn) &. GEMINI
one — (your turn) ♡. ANAKIN
one — (your turn) ♡. ANAKIN
one — (your turn) &. OBI-WAN
one — (your turn) &. NIL-RAE
one — (callie’s turn) &. XANATOS
one — (callie’s turn) ♡. SAVAGE
DISCORD — (callie’s turn) &. SUTEK
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warblest · 9 months
Love as the Dawn
Pastel, saccharine and hopeful, your love rises slow to greet the day. It tiptoes on doe feet and blossoms bit by bit, petal by petal. Love is new to you, isn’t it? A fresh discovery in a world you do not quite understand. Your love loves with bated breaths. Your love swoons and sighs and lingers under awnings. Your love romanticizes. Your love aches as tenderly as a bruise. You’re swollen with desire and idealizations. The perfect kiss, the perfect touch, the perfect partner in life. Your love is wide-eyed and innocent, naive and pristine and oh, so very easily breakable. Being loved by you is to be loved by a child, by a lamb, wooly-eyed and helpless. Oh. I really hope it lasts.
tagged by: @fallesto
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