#partn ers
websieswebs · 1 month
hi gays im joinijg the cult of transfem jeremy 😊❤️❤️ her name is madeline 😁😁
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asbestieos · 2 years
(grippinf my heart so hard i crush it in my grip) nulut’s lower one’s eyes is so tatsukana coded, the relationships between the maid and the witch + tatsumi and kaname both allude to the jesus/judas dichotomy, thats so fucking everythi
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butchdykekondraki · 1 year
nvm partner was nice to me . day improved 200% and im no longer angry
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penglingsandpenwings · 5 months
if the red string of faith was applied to the bsd world, chuuya would yearn for his fated partn er till one day he meets dazai and find out. dazai is his fated partner and end up trying to strangle dazai with the red string.
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dilf-in-peril · 8 months
I always forget the CodyPunk OVW pic also says Proud Partn(ers) coincidentally.
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find-roronoa-zoro · 5 months
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Roronoa Zoro X CisFem Reader
A small crowd had gathered in the living room to watch your second round against Kid and his friend Killer. You and Zoro had switched sides after being accused of cheating. Apparently they thought there was a slant to the hardwood flooring.
You were quickly winning this round. Hopefully it would be over soon because you were starting to feel it. They may not have won but they sank enough balls and you missed enough shots to have to down a fourth of the bottle of tequila. Zoro could certainly handle his booze. You were starting to sway while he seemed unfazed.
Kid stood across from you squinting obviously concentrating on his next target.
"C'mon Kiddy, shoot already." you slurred, "you'd think from that freakish height you'd have no problem."
"Shut up." he snapped chunking the ball straight at you.
It bounced off your face with such force that it flattened one side.
"Kid," Killer murmured.
Before anyone could react you lunged for the redhead. Just as you reached him he placed his hand on your chest shoving you back into the table breaking it drenching you in beer.
"That's my sister!" Luffy shouted.
You couldn't move from the pile of cups and splintered wood, everything was whirling and the air had been knocked from your lungs. Attempting to blink the room still you caught sight of Zoro leaning over you.
"Are you ok?" he asked gently scooping you up.
"Been.... worse." you wheezed.
"Someone had to shut the bitch up." you heard Kid holler.
A low growl rumbled through the chest you were leaning against, his gaze sharpening on the redhead that was trying to fend off Luffy and Ace. Suddenly without a word you were handed off to Marco. You could hear the thud of fists making contact with firm bodies as the shouting in the room grew louder. Someone quickly began taking bets. Killer and Thatch could be heard trying to break up the fight.
"You ok, yoi?" your brother asked glancing down at you.
Now that you'd had a few moments to process, "My back ... actually...hurts pretty... bad." you took a few sharp breaths as the pain shot up and down your spine.
"Smoker is coming!" someone shouted.
"Thatch," the blonde called, "grab those two. I'm taking F/N to the ER, yoi."
"Is she ok?" the brunette asked.
"Hurt her back." was all Marco said kicking the screen door open.
The cool night air blasted you in the face sending waves of goosebumps over your flesh almost instantly sobering you up.
"W-wait!" you stammered, "I-I'm soaked in beer."
"With maybe a fucked up spine, yoi. Just shut up." he laid you across the back seat of Thatch's car.
Because of the nature of your potential injury instead of being put in a wheelchair and entering with some dignity, they came out and back boarded you in the ER parking lot.
A few hours, an X-ray and a thorough examination later you left the hospital with a bruised tail bone, four bruised and one chipped vertebrae and a bottle of Vicodin. The sun was rising as Marco pulled into the drive. Thatch was waiting outside to help you in.
"The guys are still cleaning up." the brunette murmured gently guiding you over the threshold, "Think you can make it to your room?"
"Couch please!" you chimed merrily drifting on your painkiller high.
"Can someone get F/N's blanket and pillows?" he called, "on second thought, do you think you can handle a shower?"
"Ah, yeah I feel gross." you agreed still sticky from all of the spilt alcohol.
Thatch took you to Pops' bathroom so you could use the shower chair. While you were doing that he made a bed for you on the sofa and brought some of your clothes downstairs.
"Thank you Thatchy, you're such a great mom." you chuckled as he lowered you onto the sofa which was overflowing with pillows and blankets.
"Call me if you need something, ok?"
The silence that had settled in was interrupted by soft footfalls, "Marco said you would need these."
You glanced over at your beer pong partner holding your painkillers and a bottle of water. His knuckles were covered in dried blood and his beautiful face had not been spared either. A black eye, busted cheek, brow and lip were just a few injuries you could see in the dimly lit room.
"There's a first aid kit in the hallway cupboard, can you go get it please?" you shifted turning on the lamp on the on table next to you.
He disappeared down the hall and returned with the medium sized white box. You patted the space in front of you and motioned for him to take a seat as you opened the box. Zoro swallowed and did as you wordlessly asked.
"You guys didn't even bother to clean each other up?" you asked breaking the capsule inside a cold pack and shaking it, "hold this on your eye for a bit, it might be too late to stop the swelling."
"We were busy cleaning." he reminded you, "Thatch didn't want the old man to see how big of a mess we made."
"Hah, yeah I'm sure we're in for a scolding." you gently tipped his chin and began dabbing an alcohol swab against his busted lip.
He hissed and flinched at the stinging briefly removing the compress to glare at you. Ignoring his protest you squeezed a small amount of ointment into your finger and dabbed it over his lip. He flushed lightly hoping you wouldn't notice.
"Shouldn't you be resting?" he murmured still watching your every move.
"I'm fine." you smiled softly increasing his pulse, "My brother's may be fine letting you walk around with a busted up face but I just can't."
You moved on to the next cut this time placing a couple of steri-strips over it. He pressed the compress over his eye again to keep from staring.
"It was pretty impressive, how you jumped at Kid like that," he chuckled, "what were you even planning to do?"
"I grew up with these guys, after a while their idiocy wears off on you so be careful." you tapped his nose, "I had every intention of punching him in the mouth."
You blushed watching an amused smile play across his lips.
God, he really was too handsome.
He was totally impressed with your unwillingness to cower away, he figured even now if Kid were there you'd make a second attempt.
You quietly moved the compress away from his eye and tilted his head to make sure you'd cleaned every nic and cut. He tried to ignore your proximity and the sudden urge to close in that space.
"All done." you smiled releasing his chin.
He blinked, "Ah yeah I should get going."
"Don't be ridiculous." you shifted grabbing a pillow and blanket, "That chair reclines."
Taking your blanket and pillow he made himself comfortable in the recliner at the foot of the sofa. Your eyes lingered on him after you switched the light off and settled back into your make shift bed.
"F/N?" he murmured.
You hummed.
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luzxii · 1 year
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And here i'm gonna infodump about it lmaoo
- basically Patty'skinda dead, i'm still figuring out what exactly caused it but Rick was in so me was either directly or indirectly involved. Streber was a witnessed and Rick swore him silent on the manner, Streber knowing it was n't entirely Rick's fault and in the stress of th e situation played it off as one of Bob's murd er's. everything having happened on hallowe en. Things going to far to the point fessing u p would cause an even large punishment for covering up a murder, knowing Rick could ge t possible decades of jailtime depending on t he technicalities.
- Rick isolated himself from both the guilt of what happened to Patty and the stress of h aving to hide it or be jailed for who knows how long, he gave up on about everything including his job and broke up with his partn er (who is a certain oc of mine that im plann ing to drag into this) but yeah he entered a deep depression after something like that.
- dreamscape is vastly different then sunny 's, one thing that always griped me in au's is when characters completly unrelated to sunny had an almost identical headspace to him, even if they may not even have one in how they would cope with the situation. As for rick, he doesn't have a "distracting wond erland" in the same way sunny does. He doesn't strike me as the type to want that, instead his dreamscape formed outside of his control, functioning as these reacurring dreams. It presents itself in the form of his home town. It having the same function as the real thing, except some details may be off as its based soley on rick's memory; so certain details are off and obscured, fading off into nothing. Rick is stuck working at one of his first in show jobs in his dream, as a store cashier. Representing how hes stuck in the past, not letting himself move forward.
- dw would function as a sort of job simulato r with quests that involve the other characte rs in quests, as customers or in other places throughout. Dream world is covered in a des aturated hue, Rick being the only one fully gr ayscale. Representing both his heavy feeling s or numbness and the dullness he sees in the world and most of all in himself.
ANYWAYS please give me more ideas if you have any i wanna expand this au- /nf
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gmanwhore · 9 months
)(orrors b-eyond your compr-e)(ention? More lik-e ot)(-erwordly partn-er outta my gay wayboy imma g-et som-e
Be not afraid I am actually a big sweetums.
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pink-glitches · 4 months
guyys can you believe i hhave a partn er
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13-beutelteufel · 5 months
Paradise (tlod) - Fear for Jana - Part II
Paradise - The Lady of Darkness (tlod) is a connected story. The correct order is in the masterlist in my pinned post
Amadeus also noticed the ominous wind rustling the leaves above them. "Stop!" he shouted after the human. "Where the hell are you going?" "You'll find out soon enough." Dy replied and turned to leave as well. Amadeus followed the two through the forest, the wind at his back.
"Oh my God!" Amadeus almost lost his breath when he saw what he was heading towards. The bones were dirty from the centuries and many were missing, but the arch they were under was still easily identifiable as the ribcage of a dragon. A dragon skeleton. The curved spine and the ribs that were still almost complete formed a space larger than the pastures in Amadeus' homeland. "So, we should be safe here." said the human. "Oh my goodness," whispered Amadeus in awe. "Is that a dragon skeleton?" "Yes." "Incredible!" The human took off his hood and threw his cloak back. Amadeus was breathless. His counterpart had a petite build, but his muscles were clearly visible under his clothes. His facial features were striking and characterised by life in the forest. But the most shocking thing was his eyes. They were bronze-coloured, the eyes of the Starline Warriors. The Starline Warriors had been involved in saving Paradise 800,000 years ago and had made the galaxy habitable. However, they were then unable to return to their homeland, the neighbouring galaxy of Starline, and were condemned to remain in Paradise forever. Their descendants still roam the galaxy today, homeless and restless. Their strong magical dispositions made them outcasts, which is why they mostly lived in seclusion. Like the gods, they could teleport and communicate with dragons through their thoughts, which was a unique ability in Paradise. "What did you expect?" Dy snapped Amadeus out of his thoughts. "A cave?" "Um, to be honest, I have no idea what I was expecting." Amadeus confessed. "Definitely not a dragon skeleton." "Why exactly did we take him with us again?" If Dy hadn't been an Ice Dragon, Amadeus would have given him a venomous look. "Because he's part of the Puzzle of Light, Dy." explained the Starline Warrior. "Only he can stop what roams the woods." "Tell me, are you wearing a sword under your cloak?" Amadeus changed topic. "Oh, this one? Er, yes." The Starline Warrior pulled the sword out of its sheath and held it up so that Amadeus could see it clearly. Now there was no longer any doubt that the Starline Warrior really was one, or at least descended from one. The blade was short, the handle was shaped so that it could be wielded with either one or both hands and the way the Starline Warrior held it showed that it was light. But the blade revealed that it was still extremely dangerous. "The blade is made of silver." Amadeus stated. "Is it made of Starline?" "Yes, where else would I have got it?" "Oh my God, do you know how rare they are?" The Starline Warrior slid his sword back into its sheath. A Silver Sword. One of Starline's most powerful magical weapons. "Of course, and it is powerful, but against what dwells in the woods, only you can help." Amadeus assumed that "you" meant the Puzzle of Light. "I'm going to meditate on the Four Stones." Dy spoke up. "The Four Stones?" Amadeus exclaimed. "I just have the feeling that all the fairy tales I heard as a child are coming true!" "Never mind. Don't bother me, they're powerful." The Ice Dragon turned round and limped away. To the Four Stones, treasures of the Ice Dragons with unimaginable power. "I didn't realise he was dragging a leg." Amadeus muttered. "It doesn't matter." said the Starline Warrior.
Part III:
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Garage Doors Aliso Viejo
Aliso Viejo Garage get into Installation: Your total Guide
Garage doors are more than just effective barriers for your vehicles;
they're a crucial aspect of your home's security and curb appeal. Installing one might seem daunting, but once the right guidance, it can be a rewarding project. So, let's dive into the nuts and bolts of garage contact installation.
I. inauguration to Garage contact Installation
Installing a garage get into isn't just nearly aesthetics; it's a thing of safety and ease of use too. Imagine adroitly gliding into your garage with a new, sturdy contact that perfectly complements your home's style. That's the goal!
II. Planning for Garage get into Installation
Before the installation kicks off, decide what you need. From the type of doorbe it sectional, roll-up, or swing-outto the material and insulation, these decisions put on the entire process. Budgeting is key too. No one likes hasty expenses midway!
III. Preparing for Installation
Measure twice, install once! Accurate measurements and the right tools set the stage. Ensure you've got your scrap book measure, level, drill, and safety gear handy. Oh, and let's not forget clearing the garage spacethink of it as creating a blank canvas for your masterpiece. IV. Steps in Garage get into Installation
Installing the Tracks and Springs
Time for the groundwork! Measure, mark, and augment the tracks and springs meticulously. This stage sets the inauguration for seamless contact movement.
Measuring and Marking Positions
Precision matters! Accurate placement ensures mild operation by the side of the road.
Attaching Tracks and Springs
Secure the tracks and springs, ensuring they're snug and partn ered for optimal performance.
Ensuring Proper Alignment
Alignment is the mysterious sauce! A well-aligned track means less wear and tear.
Attaching Panels and Hardware
Now, let's bring the get into to life! Align the panels, supplement the rollers, hinges, and hardwarea step closer to functionality. Precision is your ally! Accurate alignment ensures a seamless look.
Installing Rollers and Hinges
Smooth pastime is the goal! The right installation guarantees just that.
Securing the get into in Place
Safety first! Securing the get into properly is crucial for your goodwill of mind.
psychoanalysis and Adjustments
Let's put it to the test! Check the door's movement, adapt springs, and ensure all safety features are in top-notch condition.
psychoanalysis admittance Movement
Smooth as butter? Perfect! If not, adjustments are on the horizon.
Adjusting Springs and Tension
Balance is key! Proper demonstration ensures a well-functioning door.
Checking Safety Features
Safety never takes a backseat! verify all safety features for optimal security. V. Aliso Viejo in Garage get into Installation For residents, specific considerations come into play. Local regulations and climate demands might pretend to have get into choices and installation processes. Seeking local ability ensures tailored solutions. VI. final Touches and Safety Measures Wrapping occurring installation calls for the ability touches. From weather sealing to lubricating heartwarming parts, these final steps seal the deal. Remember, ongoing maintenance is the key to a permanent garage door. VII. Conclusion Garage get into installation isn't just nearly fixing a mechanism; it's not quite enhancing your home's functionality, aesthetics, and security. Whether DIY or taking into account professional help, the process rewards you with a safe tone and added curb appeal. FAQs: Do I habit professional put up to for installation? While some may opt for DIY, professional instruction ensures accurateness and adherence to safety standards. What type of garage get into is best for your climate? Aliso Viejo's climate might favor insulated doors; consult local experts for tailored advice. How often should I maintain my garage door? Regular maintenance all six months keeps your get into in top shape; however, check for any unfamiliar signs more frequently. Can I automate an existing calendar garage door? Yes, with the right conversion kits, reference book doors can be automated for convenience. What safety features should I prioritize in a garage door? Safety sensors, proper tension, and safe hardware are fundamental for a safe garage door. Crafting an interesting and informative guide to garage admittance installation aims to empower homeowners even though ensuring they grasp the intricacies of the process. Remember, whether it's in Aliso Viejo or anywhere else, a well-installed garage get into not deserted adds value but as well as enhances the functionality and security of your home. VIII. Materials and Tools for Garage contact Installation Choosing the right materials can create a substantial difference in the longevity and efficiency of your garage door. Steel, wood, aluminum each material comes taking into account its pros and cons. decide the climate; sure materials might fare augmented neighboring the coastal weather. When it comes to tools, having the right equipment is half the battle. Don't skimp on vibes here! A sturdy ladder, capacity drill, level, wrenches, and safety gear are critical companions throughout the installation process. IX. DIY vs. Professional Installation While DIY projects can be rewarding, garage contact installation isn't your run-of-the-mill weekend project. decide your capacity level, easy to use time, and the complexity of the installation past taking on the task. If in doubt, consulting professionals ensures a seamless process and peace of mind. X. Environmental Considerations in Aliso Viejo The coastal climate brings specific environmental factors into play. Moisture, salt air, and temperature variations impact the door's durability. Opting for materials resistant to corrosion and standard for coastal weather conditions is a prudent choice. XI. Enhancing Security with Garage get into Installation Beyond aesthetics and functionality, garage doors bolster as a primary admittance point to your home. Choosing doors taking into account robust security features and investing in forward looking locking mechanisms strengthens your home's security. https://garagedoorsalisoviejo740.blogspot.com/2023/12/garage-doors-aliso-viejo.html Aliso Viejo Garage Dor Repairs https://garagedoorsalisoviejo381.blogspot.com/ https://garagedoorsalisoviejo381.blogspot.com/2023/12/garage-doors-aliso-viejo.html https://www.tumblr.com/apple-valley-gym-q2g7ybq/736038569545793536 https://www.tumblr.com/thesunisout123/736285265214177281 https://top5mostpopulargaragedoorstyl257.blogspot.com/
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endtiimes · 2 years
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@warraigoe​ SAID: " hey, look at me, okay? stay with me, it's gonna be okay, just stay with me... " / jill to chris !
"Ha... hahagh..." Is that blood? He has to be coughing up blood, trying to will a laugh from his throat all for her sake. Even now...  He has to admit, once upon a time he'd be amused, seeing her look so distressed ( WORRIED ABOUT ME, VALENTINE? Once said with such a playful tone and now -- ). Seeing it now though, he'd do anything to wipe those tears away, but he won't dare change a thing. So long as she lives. And she will live. Death can stare him down in payment. His side... his side feels damp, warm, and yet so -- cold. Is that what death's like? He's been running from it for so long... " Can't let me... hrgh... have the moment... can you, Valentine? "
God, he's delirious; the way he's smiling at her is telling enough, but it's put on, all for her. His vision is starting to haze, yet weirdly enough he could never forget her face. There's a silence. His mouth tastes like metal. The faint ringing in his ears blends with the white noise.
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" Y-you... were worth it all... Partn... er... I... "
Chris Redfield doesn't get to finish the sentence, slurred off into silence as everything goes dark.
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cryptogids · 2 years
Passief inkomen genereren met 10% rendement per maand
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Trust Your Universe is een vernieuwd concept waar ik je graag meer over wil vertellen. Kijk even rustig de video en lees de tekst eronder. Als je vragen aan mij hebt kan je me rechtstreeks benaderen via Telegram. Zie hier de video: https://youtu.be/gNSxFLN36kc Maak vrijblijvend een account Uitleg Trust Your Universe: Trust Your Universe (TYU) is een hulpmiddel om een geautomatiseerd inkomen te genereren middels Crypto & Forex trading. Dankzij onze AI-robot in combinatie met ons ervaren handelaren kunt u per direct profiteren van de Crypto & Forex markt! Trust Your Universe brengt geen instap- & of maandelijkse kosten in rekening. Het is volledig gratis en uw beleggingen zijn te storten via uw bankrekening en/of Crypto wallet. Ook opnames kunnen naar uw bankrekening gestuurd worden en of naar uw Crypto wallet. U hoeft dus geen omweg te nemen om via een andere provider cryptocurrency te kopen om te storten! 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Resultaten Unique selling points TYU: - De software is een semi-automatische software welke dagelijks wordt gemonitord door onze trader met meer dan 8 jaar trading ervaring. - Hierdoor kunnen we kunstmatige intelligentie combineren met menselijke intelligentie. - De strategie van onze trader is al ruim 2 jaar winstgevend, is volledig getest en In te zien bij onafhankelijke derde partijen zoals Myfxbook en MT5. - Het historisch rendement is 10% per maand. - TYU is een premium trading systeem op de crypto en forex markt. - TYU handelt volledig automatisch voor haar klanten. - TYU brengt geen opstartkosten of maandelijkse fee in rekening! - Elke klant kan gratis beginnen en een passief inkomen opbouwen door gebruik te maken van onze software. - Het bedrijf wordt uitsluitend gefinancierd door winstdeling vanuit de trading. - Als klant behoud je 60% van alle trading winsten die onze software voor je genereerd. - De overige 40% gaat naar de "profitshare". Dus wij groeien alleen als jij ook groeit. Wat is het verdienmodel van TYU? Via het winstdeling systeem wordt er na afloop van elke handelsdag 40% van de winsten ingehouden om de commissies en groei te financieren. Het bedrijf dus groeit alleen als de klantenkring groeit! Als klant behoud je dus 60% van alle winsten die worden gemaakt! Als jij als klant geen winst maakt betekent dat het bedrijf ook geen winst maakt. Dit is de meest eerlijke manier om samen te groeien! Waardoor TYU is geïnteresseerd in jouw groei! Onze resultaten worden altijd op een transparante wijze gevolgd door onafhankelijke providers. Een maandelijkse winstmarge tussen 5-10% is mogelijk (te zien in de resultaten van afgelopen 2 jaar) ben je sceptisch op dit moment? Je kunt al vanaf € 102 starten. Zo kun je het een paar maanden proberen en wanneer je ziet hoe goed het werkt kun je altijd verhogen. Je kan altijd bij je geld komen, je zit nergens aan vast en je kunt zonder extra kosten  geld of Crypto opnemen! Je kunt mij altijd een bericht sturen en ik zal je helpen met al je vragen!  Je moet voor TYU uitgenodigd worden, maar daarvoor geef ik je mijn link met mijn persoonlijke code (281647). Als je geen code gebruikt tijdens het aanmaken van je account dan wordt het account niet goedgekeurd. Voor het openen van een account volg deze link: https://portal.tyu-trade.com/auth/register?partner_code=281647 Maak vrijblijvend een account Als je dan zelf ook weer mensen aanbrengt krijg je bonussen over het vermogen van iedereen tot 8 lagen onder jou! Dat kan behoorlijk oplopen natuurlijk als mensen onder jou ook weer anderen gaan werven! Uitleg over aanmaken account en geld storten: Tutorial: https://www.crypto-gids.nl/trust-your-universe-crypto-trading/ in dit artikel staan ook video's m.b.t. het aanmaken van een account, KYC, geld erop storten zodat het account automatisch kan handelen. Hier staat uitleg over de stappen over het aanmaken van een account, KYC, geld storten (how to deposit) en geld naar je investeringsrekening sturen (create investments) Zodra je een account aangemaakt heb is het belangrijk om wat geld te storten (al mogelijk vanaf 102 euro). Dit geld dan te verdelen over de trading accounts voor het automatisch handelen! Je kunt kiezen voor USD of met Bitcoin waarmee het account automatisch gaan handelen. Of een beetje van beide (dit heb ik). Word lid van de Bitcoin/Cryptocurrency Facebook groep om geen enkel nieuwsbericht te missen en kom naar de Telegram om mee te discussiëren. Read the full article
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coreytasticc · 4 years
gonna get a tattoo in honour of my wife;
It means “Treasure from a distant land” which is perfect because that’s what she is to me.
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thedarkrose17 · 5 years
I'm bor///ed, feel free to send as///ks if you want
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