#part of this is just my shock at the nevada-tan thing being presented like a brand new revelation
yammoba · 3 years
Mother fuckers did you actually read the fucking comic or were you just reading fanfiction or some shit. What the fuck, its an edgy surreal horror gore comic with some pretty uncomfortable ~dark~ themes like out there on display and when the author turns out to have done some edgy shit in the past yall are shocked?? Are you all too young to remember 2010??? Adults on television were saying and doing equally fucked shit and it was just like, okay i guess. Let alone what people were doing on the internet. Im Not saying it was a great time, but its foolish to expect everyone to have a perfect past.
Some of the shit isnt great to have done, but some of the stuff in the "call out" is a such a strech im sorry. And was from long ago? Like what is the end goal here? To get them to apologize? People are saying they wont forgive them even if they do apologize (which is about par for the corse with these kinds of things). Which is their choice, but like... have fun finding any media to enjoy ever. seriously, what is the point of bringing up stuff that mostly is either from the past and shown to have been changed, or like...
Maybe like... if edgy stuff surrounding an edgy weeaboo comic is gonna make you uncomfortable, dont read the edgy weeaboo comic. i think there is a serious disconnect between groups of internet users who understand or have experience with a certain type of internet culture and a certain type of internet user and those who dont remember or werent there for it... I'd say its largly a generation divide but thats a massive generilization. Im mostly thinking about the rats and the nevada-tan hoodie, but in one way or another it applies to most of the shit in the doc. Like yeah, the hoddie is a refferance to a collective internet rpf oc that spawned out of a tragic murder that became a meme in japan and america because people were into shit like higurashi and elfin leid and it was like "oh wow, my horror animes have come to life". Was that a werid fucked up thing to have happened? Yeah, but that is absolutly what internet culture of the day was like. 4chan memes were widespread internet culture. I cannot stress this enough. People seem to understand that the internet of the past was full of problematic edgy shit, but i dont think they understand why or in what ways those things existed. Like i could go through and try to "translate", or try to provide context to a lot of the shit in that doc. Maybe i will. But i dont think anyone who now hates captain howdie (and everyone they associate with or who still likes ranfren) is going to be that open to that. But I'll also say that any demands for an apology or what ever people want, thats missing that context, is probably not going to be understood.
Also... ranfren is a pretty small drop in the media bucket. Its an independant artist and a project that is aimed at a very specific demographic of online weirdo who get a very specific form of catharsis out of it. (At least i do) Its hosted on neocities for fucks sake. If that type of thing isnt for you, thats understandable, clearly not everyone was around back then. But in terms of media that actually has an effect on the world, there are much better targets to be mad at. If you feel like anyone is going to be influenced by the content in ranfren and surrounding works to do bad things or hold bad veiws, (and i hate hate saying this) but they are probably too young or just not the sort of person that should be reading it in the first place.
And i promise, with enough scrutiny anything and anyone can be found to be that problematic, lots and lots of media trends are problematic in some way. So you can either stick to a very limited pool of shit to enjoy, shit that probably not gonna actually give you what you want, so you have to keep writing weird ass fanfiction or whatever, or find a way to make peace with this kind of thing. Figure out where your own lines are drawn, and try to understand different people have different lines for different reasons. For me its pretty important to consider if real life people have actually been harmed or are being harmed or exploited by the making of the media. Which also involves taking the size of the persons platform into consideration, especially when considering problems that are more of the nature of "this plays into harmful narratives about x" rather than: "the vfx workers on this movie were horribly exploited and its being funded by the us military" or "the 45 year old director had a relationship with a 16 year old".
Its a complex world, and nothing can be black or white. And as an artist i really hate when a few bad things are suddenly grounds to read everything in bad faith and assume everyone who still likes the art is a rascist pedo apologist or what ever.
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vintagemichelle91 · 7 years
Guns and Dates Don’t Mix ( A Nevada Ramirez One-Shot)
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Author’s note: My contribution to @yourtropegirl ‘s Raúl Esparza appreciation week! This is for Nevada Appreciation day! Giving our favorite trashcan a chance at something...but things take a different turn. Hope you guys enjoy!! Translations will be provided at the bottom. 
***Trigger warning for Violence***
“Damn Rose, I can’t believe you are actually going out with Nevada Ramirez.” Isabel shook her head as she watched Rose put on some mascara. When she had told her last night that he asked her out, she was in shock. Isabel knew Rose was very attracted to him, but to actually go out with him? No, she did not think that would be possible after everything that Rose heard about Nevada.
Rose placed the tube of mascara back in its place and looked over at Isabel. She knew Isabel was going to give her hell for this, but she did not care because she wanted to go out with him. Rose was curious to know more about the dangerous man they called Trujillo. After all, he must be pretty damn intelligent to be where he is now. He did not get to this status by being a stupid common thug. Oh no, Nevada Ramirez was not a common thug. He was a master of the universe within his own right.
“Mira, spare me the scolding Isabel. You knew I wanted to and I know what I am getting myself into,” Rose replied seriously. “Plus, tu sabes que tan guapo es.”
Isabel rolled her eyes. Maybe this was just physical and they would get bored of each other quickly. At least that is what she prayed for over the past couple of days. “I’m not denying that, he is one sexy looking Don. But I just don’t want you to get hurt. I’m just looking out for my girl, you know I have your back Rose.”
Rose’s hard gaze softened. Of course Isabel wanted what was best for her, but she was a big girl who was capable of taking care of herself. After all, she is educated, has a good job, pays her own rent and bills without having to ask anyone for a dime. Rose prided herself for being independent. No one could take that away from her. However, she wanted somebody to compliment her and hold her at night.  
“Yo se, Izzie. But please, let me just enjoy this. I know what he is and who he is, but he is still a person. A person who deserves a chance at something more.” Her heart skipped a beat as she mentioned something more. What was she even saying? Rose barely even knew the man and she was already jumping to such conclusions. However, even if it that something more wasn’t with her, he still deserved it. Everyone deserves to experience that in their lifetime. Rose shook her head and walked out of the bathroom turning off the light with a flick. “I-I mean I am not saying that I do, I just think he should experience such things.”
Isabel gave her a knowing look. She was not buying Rose’s bull shit explanation. Working with too many damn lawyers was rubbing off on her. “Yeah, okay keep telling yourself that ma.” She watched as Rose ignored her as she looked for shoes. “Where is he taking you anyway?”
Rose slipped on her black suede beaded ankle strap stilettos and checked herself out in the large mirror hanging on her closet door. She twirled this way and that, examining her outfit choice for the first date.  It was a simple black thin strap jumpsuit that hugged her body in all the right places. It wasn’t a sexy little dress, but it was still a very nice body hugging jumpsuit that was sure to make Nevada go crazy with desire. Rose fiddled nervously with her silver cross pendant that hung around her neck. It was her mother’s and she almost never took it off. It protected her and gave her the strength she always needed to get through. “So, what do you think Izzie?”
“Honestly, you are too good for him,” Isabel said bluntly. She was never one to have a filter and many people did not like that. Isabel got up from the fluffy bed and walked over to Rose. She placed her hand on her shoulders and reassured her. “But, you look so damn sexy that he will be begging you by the end of the night to end up in your bed.”
Rose felt a blush creep up to her already tinted cheeks. “He is going to have to work for it and even then not on the first date.” She winked at Isabel and turned back to give herself a once over before heading into the living room  to wait for Nevada.
           Surprisingly, Nevada showed up to her door right on time. Her heart melted as he had a single white rose in his hand. She took it gladly and gave him a small kiss on his cheek.
“It's beautiful, gracias Nevada.” Rose gave him a charming smile as they walked out of her apartment building. “How did you know that I love white roses?”
He smirked back, “de nada...and I have my ways.” Nevada opened the door to the black Escalade parked on the curb. He checked her out as she stepped into the SUV with grace. Nevada had been a little disappointed that she didn’t wear a little dress, but he loved how the curve-hugging jumpsuit showcased her body incredibly. Her ass looked very nice in this black little number. As soon as he slipped into the SUV, he brought Rose closer to him and whispered in her ear, “te ves tan hermosa mamita.” It was low and he practically growled. Nevada was so tempted to take her right then and there in the backseat of the Escalade, but his driver was present and he knew Rose wouldn’t give it up so easily. He respected and wanted her a lot more for that.
“Mmm, gracias papi.” She gave him a flirtatious smile and batted her long lashes at him. “So, where are we going?”
Nevada leaned back with a knowing smirk on his dangerously handsome face. “It’s a surprise, not your typical first date type shit.”
Rose raised her elegant brow at him. “Well I wasn’t really expecting anything typical with you.”
“Oh really? And what are you expecting?” He asked curiously. She was unlike any other woman he had ever fucked or merely dated.
“I’m not really sure, you are not all hearts and flowers, but then again you did show up with a single rose.” She replied as she bit her plump lip. Nevada was tempted to bite that lip of hers himself.
“I can see you liked to be kept on your toes and trust me, I will do just that.” Nevada winked at her and could have sworn he saw that her heart pounding rapidly against her chest.
For a second there, Rose almost forgot herself. She could feel her heart pounding frantically against her chest. The way he was looking at her made her all tingly. Nevada looked as he was about to devour her and she wanted him to so badly, but there was no way in hell she was going to make this easy for him.
She sat up more confidently and looked back at him. “Fortunately for you I work very well under pressure.”
“Why don’t we put that to the test?” He challenged. Oh, she was definitely enticing.
Rose leaned in closer to him. Her lips ghosted over his and he inhaled her flowery scent. “Sure. Qué tienes en mente?”
Nevada groaned at the sound of her sultry voice. “Muchas cosas, mamita.” Their lips touched briefly as she shifted in her seat and her breath caught.  
The sexual tension was becoming way too much too soon, Rose pulled away abruptly to roll down the heavily tinted window. “I guess we'll find out soon enough.” A small smile tugged at the corner of her lips.
Nevada squeezed the edge of the seat as he rolled down his window a little bit too. Damn, this woman was something else. She knew how to play him well, but he knew he could push her over the edge with just one look. This was going to be good, very good.
“You weren’t bull shitting around were you?” Rose asked as she stepped out of the black Escalade with Nevada’s help.
“I never bull shit around with anything.” Nevada said darkly.
She shook her head in amusement and disbelief. Rose did not think that their first date would be at a shooting range. No man would ever bring a girl here on a first date. However, she had proved her theory right, Nevada wasn’t just any man. He completely different from any other man that she had ever been with.
“I’m only confirming my theory,” Rose reassured him.
“I am about to confirm it even further.” Nevada said as he took her by the hand and led her into the building. The reason he chose this for a date was because he figured he could show her how to shoot a gun and it would be fun to be so close to her...to tease her. Another reason being was that he wanted to make sure that if anything were to happen to her she would be protected. His enemies would stop at nothing to get to him. It was a necessary precaution he took by cleverly disguising it as a part of their date.
“By all means I am ready for it,” Rose said with a laugh as she gladly held onto his hand.
Quickly, Nevada talked to the owner of the place, who happened to be an old friend of his, and he got them situated with everything they would need. Nevada had chosen a gun for Rose. It was small and lightweight that way she wouldn’t be so overwhelmed. She watched him curiously as he talked with the man. He seemed to be an expert on weapons, he knew every single name of each gun in the shop section. Once in a while, Nevada would glance and smirk at her. The whole time he held onto her waist and made sure she stayed by his side.
“Have you ever shot a gun before?” Nevada asked as he started prepping her gun. Rose stood right next to him as she watched his large hands manipulate the small gun. Oh how she would love his wonderful hands all over her body, touching and grasping her tightly. “Rose? I promise my hands will be all over you by the time the night is over.” He took notice of the way she stared at his hands. He loved that she was checking him out too.
Her brown eyes widened. That comment certainly grabbed her attention. However, she didn’t admit to it. “No, I have never even held one.”
Nevada knew that would definitely grab her attention. Oh teasing her was going to be incredibly easy. “Okay, I am going to teach you. Now, this right here, is the safety. You have to take it off in order to use it. Here, try holding it.” He placed the small gun into her hand. “Feel it.”
Rose held the cold gun in her hands. It felt a little heavy in her hand, but she outstretched her hand and pointed the gun at the target testing it out. “It fits my hand perfectly.”
“Then I definitely chose the right one.” He said confidently. “This one is a Glock 19 pistol. It’s a compact version of 9mm.” Nevada explained to her calmly as she watched him with fascination. Rose smiled, he was in his element. An element that she would normally avoid at all costs, but she couldn’t help but feel more attracted to him. Nevada Ramirez was an intelligent man, he had the street smarts to maneuver his way in dominating territories and he had the book smarts to handle his accounts and make sure his business was booming.  
“I have no idea what a 9mm looks like, but I will trust you that this is the compact one.” Rose laughed a little as she felt completely silly about even handling a gun, but there was definitely a first time for everything.
“I can always show you.” Nevada leaned into her closer. Rose felt the heat of his chest on her back. His breath was at her nape and it made her spine tingle in anticipation. “Te puedo enseñar muchas cosas, mamita.” He whispered lowly into her ear before he placed a kiss on her cheek. Rose sighed and closed her eyes for a moment. She relished in the closeness of his body against her own. It was a good thing that they were alone in the room. His hands gripped her waist as he pulled back slightly. “Now, face forward and use both hands to point at the target in front of you.”
Rose let out a shaky breath and focused her attention on the target straight ahead. To be honest, she was scared of shooting the little cold pistol in her hand. This was completely out of her comfort zone.
But then again, Nevada Ramirez was out of her comfort zone too.
Before she had a chance to gasp, she pulled the trigger and was surprised that she remained still without recoiling back too much when she pulled the trigger. “Are you sure you never shot one before?” Nevada looked at her surprised as he flicked the switch to bring the target to them to see where the bullet hit. “That was a damn good shot, not a kill shot, but good enough to knock someone on their ass.” He chuckled as he pointed out on the target sheet.
Rose could not believe that she actually did good on this. “I swear I never have. This is a first.” She gazed up into his eyes and noticed a gleam in them. He was unlike any other man she ever dated, then again no one would ever compare to him.
“Well, then I am glad to be a witness for your first.” Nevada said seductively as he cupped her chin and kissed her chastely on the lips. He pulled away abruptly and winked at her as he moved on to his own target to demonstrate his shooting skills.
           After the shooting range, both of them worked up an appetite and Nevada took her to a quaint little restaurant down on 4th street that served the best Italian food known in the Heights. Surprisingly, everything was going smooth and Rose found herself to completely fascinated by him. Nevada spoke of his childhood and how he spent his summers in the Heights. He asked her about her family, education, and what she liked to do on her time off. Rose told him about wanting to travel to the most remote places of the world and she wanted to experience different cultures. Nevada liked that about her, she seemed adventurous and that was something rare to find in a woman. Rose was cultured, polite, and graceful.
Something that Nevada appreciated in a woman....when he wasn’t fucking them.
           Rose glanced around the quiet restaurant and had failed to notice that it was just them in the upper dining area. She was so caught up in listening to Nevada that she had not noticed that they were the only diners. “Do you own the place?” She asked with a small smile as she took a sip of red wine. He also had exquisite taste in wine.
He smirked as he took a bite of his pasta. “No, not completely. The owner and I have a business arrangement of some sort.”
“Business arrangement…” Rose mused as she set the wine glass down. “You are quite successful from what I hear.”
“I know how to move things around that work in my favor.” Nevada replied with pride.
“I’m sure you do. Eres un hombre muy inteligente, Nevada.” Rose seemed to be caressing his ego. Nevada liked that even more about her.
“Soy muchas cosas, Rose.” The way her name rolled off his tongue set her on fire, especially at the way he was gazing at her from across the small dinner table. The dim lighting illuminated his green eyes.
Their moment was broken when Nevada noticed one of his men, Julio, come up the stairs hurriedly. “Nevada, we found him.”
He threw his fork down completely annoyed that he interrupted his time with Rose. “I told you not to bother me with that mierda right now.” Julio glanced between him and Rose.
“I know, but we found him and we thought you wanted to take care of him as soon as possible.”
“What the fuck do I have you cabrones for!” Nevada raised his voice and pounded his fist on the table. Rose flinched and shut her eyes briefly. This was something she did not want to see, but apart of her was slightly turned on at seeing him angry. The way his green eyes blazed and way his voice sounded when he yelled. “Where do you have him?”
“Downstairs.” Julio replied immediately.
“Bring him up.” Nevada resigned himself to clean this mess up himself. He glanced at Rose and squeezed her thigh. “I am going to do deal with this quickly.”
“Okay...” Rose replied. She was unsure by what he meant by that and simply sat back as she watched him slide out of the booth and stand next to Julio.
His two other men threw down the thug they had been looking for for days and they finally caught him at one of the bus stops. Nevada kicked the man in the chin as he walked by him. A grunt escaped the man as he felt Nevada’s shoe kick him down hard. “I hear you were trying to leave town without paying me what you owed me.”
“I was leaving in order to go get your money!” The thug spat out the blood that was in his mouth. Rose watched in pure disgust as she saw him spit out a tooth onto the hardwood floor. Her appetite was suddenly gone.
“You think I am some pendejo you can jerk around with that sorry ass excuse! I extended your days and you still couldn’t get my fucking money!” Nevada yelled as his men picked up the guy from the floor and held him by the arms.
“That amount of money takes days to get, Nevada!”
“You had three weeks you piece of shit!” Nevada’s voice got even more louder and Rose felt her heart beat rapidly against her chest. This was definitely a side she did not wish to see, but she very well that it existed. “I’m done with this shit.” Nevada paced back and forth trying to figure out what the best solution would be. He needed to set his line again. A line that one should never cross. His men held onto to the squirming thug. Nevada reached into the back of his pocket and pulled out his gun. Before anyone in the room had a chance to breathe, Nevada pointed the gun at the guy’s head and shot him point black. The bullet pierced through the man’s skull and he fell face down with a loud thud.
Rose remained glued into her seat unable to move. She was completely frozen in place as her brown eyes were glued to the thug that was bleeding out on the restaurant floor. Nevada killed someone in cold blood and in front of her. That was something she was not expecting. Her stomach was in knots and she felt like she was going to be sick.
Suddenly the air in the dining room was being sucked out and she felt as if she couldn’t breathe.
Before Nevada turned around, she managed to move her legs and got out of the booth. She almost stumbled down the stairs but she managed to make her way down and out the door into the back of the restaurant.
Once the fresh air of the summer night hit her, Rose let out a sob. That was the most horrible thing she had ever experienced. Her whole body shook as she covered her mouth with her hand. She leaned against the brick wall and closed her eyes for a few moments.
“Rose!” Nevada burst out the door into the alleyway.
Rose held up her hand to him as she took a deep breath. “Don’t...j-just give me some fucking room to breathe.”
He only nodded as he watched her curiously. Nevada had expected her to scream the moment he shot the man point blank. She didn’t. Rose had remained quiet and unmoving, until she couldn’t even stand to be in the same room with the dead body.
“Look, that was something I did not want to do in front of you.”
“Well you fucking did it!” Rose yelled.
Nevada scowled and moved close to her. “Keep your fucking voice down!”
Rose looked at him in pure shock. He was scared of her raising her voice? Of all the things, now he was worried? “Look, I know who you are and what you do. I am not naïve or stupid papi, don’t ever make that mistake with me,” She let out another shaky breath as she pushed herself off the brick wall and stood before him. “Just don’t ever do this shit in front of me ever again!” Rose walked past him and reached for the door. “Take me home, please.”
Nevada stood there, watching as she walked back into the restaurant. The fact that she didn’t run away from him at all shocked him. Was she scared of him?
No, because she would have run. This was definitely a date neither of them were expecting.
Tu sabes que tan guapo es- You know how handsome he is. 
Don- Sir
Yo se- I know
Gracias- Thank you
Te ves tan hermosa, mamita- You look gorgeous
Que tienes en mente?- What do you have in mind?
Muchas cosas- A lot of things
Te puedo enseñar- I can show you
Eres un hombre muy inteligente- You are a very intelligent man
Soy muchas cosas- I am a lot of things
Cabrones- Idiots 
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