#parquet quick step flooring
floor-land · 1 year
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havethetouch · 16 days
Back on my bullshit because now that I have a longer vacation going on I can tackle this again, this time with feeling. Also I had a break in between bc I remembered and forgot to mention that I was out and about for almost a week living in a flat to babysit animals while their owners were out of the country but I had been yearning for the ceiling. After Time got away from me a bit got brainfogged suddenly realized it is September already wtf. If I hadn't liveblogged the ceiling shenanigans I might've misremembered when that started too. Anyway.
Previously on Touch's ceiling shenanigans
And right now we are here:
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Ceiling skeleton. The support beams are all askew as fuck and jammed into the the walls on both sides. I have thermal plastering ready for it's call to action as one of the walls with the holes is an outer wall and the cold will crawl through and try to get me without proper insulation. I am also currently busy with removing everything that has been lying about in this room (before it was the storage room for when I freshly moved in so a lot of stuff just.. floating about) because the crossbars do not inspire confidence in me that they will not drop weirdly when I loosen them up lol I also bribed my auntie to take me a few villages over (I do not have a car) to get some more supplies for the removal of the distemper paint and shit to seal of cracks were the ceiling and walls meet. Also... there is a cable duct in the corner right over the space were the oven will go and I figured it might be for the best to pry open the wall to sink it and for that I needed a different kind of quick-drying plaster which was also acquired. And then I thought yeah well, get some of those parquet mini fix thingies.. you know the idk how it is called but basically there are some scratches and dents in the floor in need of some TLC and I know how sanding down parquet and resealing it properly works but I also know how much time and shit that takes and I might at some point say "it is time" but it ain't this year or the next for sure. So mini fixes it is for now. I also have a different endboss now in this entire thing because see... I have a second door in this room to the outside of my driveway. I just have this second entry point to my abode which will be very handy once I work with some of my materials that need a lot of ventilation and shit. But anyway so... Somewhen in the past there was flooding I know this there is plenty of visible evidence of it all over my home that there went water were it was not supposed to go. But nowhere is it more apparent than this door.
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There used to be parquet in between (it's a double door) and just look how fucking thick my outside walls are fucks sake and my dad removed that because it looked like one step away from having you meet the underside of the building and filled that all up with concrete but nothing more than that. I think he wanted to seal the doorway up permanently at some point and I am glad he didn't because I adore the second entry point. But yeahhh this is a bit of damage. I misremembered how much bc I had to temp seal this off for a bit because mice kept sneaking through these two doors into the house last winter along with the cold. So it kinda slipped my mind how rotten the wooden frames are and how even the concrete on the sides is all fucked up. Got some work ahead on that one. There is also a massive black spider somewhere in the woodbeams that I only caught a glimpse of before she scuttled in there and at some point we will probably make eye contact when I remove the rotten wood :')
And yeh this is no longer just the ceiling but like I said, am on vacation now so I try to get everything wrapped up soon and that includes this entry door along with the floor. Cross fingers the spider does not jump me she looked like she could beat my ass.
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oneshotnewbie · 2 years
Olivia comes home finding Reader painting and she knows that Reader paints whenever she us anxious or feels weird. Reader doesn't hear her when she comes home and Olivia cuddles her from behind while kissing her before she disappears in their room,bchanges her clothes in some old ones and goes back to Reader which already has set up a painting wall and some paint int the pallets ready for her wife?
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Ever since you woke up with a cold side of the bed next to you that usually belonged to your wife, you have had an oppressive tightness in your chest, accompanied by a lump in your throat that steadily increased in size with every outside noise your body perceived as a threat. Your body was shaking, your fingers sweating as you felt as if fear was running through your nerve tracts and taking up all of the space your body could offer.
However, you didn't know where this fear came from this time. There was no origin to which you could assign this episode. It was just there and you did what always helped and relaxed you when you were alone in such a situation- You let out your feelings with paints and brushes.
These moments of fear only occurred most of the time when Olivia were at home, but there were days - like today - where you were alone and had to deal with it until she came back to help you. Even if she told you that you should call her whenever it's got too bad, you didn't wanted to bother her.
She had enough work to do and you didn´t want to stop her from catching suspects and order her home. You would get through the hours without her until she was by your side and she could hold you in her strong and protective arms.
Standing on your heavy legs, you walked into the living room and opened the blinds to let in the natural light. The sun that greeted you and the warm rays that fell on your skin made you shiver and your eyes narrow as your heart began to beat faster when you saw the crowd and the many cars rushing by below you; like an unfounded warning sign.
Immediately you closed the blinds as fast as possible and drew the curtains to dim the light again. The apartment was now completely dark, only a few rays of light had sneaked in through the small air holes of the blinds.
You leaned against the couch before you sat on the armrest and closed your eyes. Your heart was pounding like crazy and you couldn't calm down. You didn't even know what to calm down from - nothing had happened.
You shook your head to banish the thoughts and suppress them- your clammy hands holding each other tightly as you walked into the guest room where your creative office was. There were drawing on paper and playful paintings on canvases everywhere. Others would think that chaos broke out in this room, but it just reflected how you felt inside on days like these.
With a quick wave of your hand, you grabbed the headphones from the table and paired them with your cellphone, which you threw next to you on the couch. With the colors pressed onto the palette, you just started drawing on it. You didn't know what it was going to be, just that your emotions were suppose to express what you didn't understand on paper.
Olivia hurried up the stairs with quick and wide footsteps to the apartment you shared. You hadn't answered any of her messages all day, her calls had been routed to voicemail and she had all sorts of horrific scenarios in mind.
She decided without further ado to see for herself that everything was okay and to make sure you were fine during her break at work. Even the silence when she unlocked the door made her heart beat faster. She called your name but got no answer except the echo of her own voice. Again, but this time louder and slightly panicked, she screamed your name in line with the bang from the door pushing into the lock. "Y/n!"
Her handbag fell to the floor and her shoes clattered on the old parquet floor as she walked quickly down the hall into the living room. Before she could take another step, her eyes started moving and scanning the large room, her eyes automatically moving to your studio and caught on you.
The brown haired immediately noticed the white little plugs in your ears and she began to grin - a great burden fell from her heavy heart as she exhaled deeply to balance the stress from just now.
Silently she kicked her shoes off her feet and walked towards you in gentle and quiet steps, her long and strong arms first touching your waist before they wrapped themselves around you and pressed you smoothly against her body. Her lips already searching for the sensitive spot on the side of your neck, your head already tilted - patiently waiting.
Olivia's fingers of one hand slid from your stomach over to your face, brushing away a few strands of hair before removing one of the earplugs from your ear. "Honey, are you alright?"
You nodded and lay your head on her chest. Again the brunette hugged you tightly and continued kissing your sweet skin. You closed your eyes and enjoyed the warmth and closeness that she gave you. You put the paintbrush you were holding aside and put your hands on top of hers while you snuggled up against her. "Now that you are here, yes."
Both of you stayed like this for some time and enjoyed the attention before Olivia tore herself away from you and disappeared into the bedroom, leaving you with nothing but coldness. When she came back, she had put aside her office clothes and had only a shirt of your on that was already stained with paint and shorts that were allowed to get dirty.
You smiled when you saw her. You had already set up everything for her and just pressed a palette and a brush into her hand before she started painting next to you.
She knew that this day was not good for you - you were always painting when such days came and she wasn't there to take care of you; leaving a message to Finn beforehand, letting them know that she won´t be coming back today. She saw the sadness and the anxiety in your eyes. With a small kiss on your nose, she stole a headphone from your ear and plugged it into hers.
Before you started working on one of your paintings again, she turned you around once more and used the red paint for a heart that she painted on your cheek. "I love you and I am here for you, no matter what."
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Thinking about the times when Diluc’s father was still alive and they were having frequently balls. A lot of rich people were coming to the mansion, mostly to talk about business with Crepus. But they always stop when they saw the young master and his partner by his side. Your smooth dancing on the parquet was mesmerizing for everyone. But you both never cared about your surroundings, only thinking about the other. Your cheeks flare when you felt Diluc’s hand slide from your waist to your lower back. He felt comfort when you put your hand on his arm and squeeze from time to time. Hands lock as if no one could ever separate you.
Those times are long gone, but one thing that will never change is you both dancing at night in the kitchen. Light only comes from the moon that bath you both in its glow and the only sound you can hear is Diluc humming your favourite song.
- 🐍
♡\( ̄▽ ̄)/♡ waaa pleaseeee, yes yes ys!
The room was spinning but only because the man tenderly holding your hands was causing it too. It was effortless, dancing with Diluc. It felt like he knew every step you planned to make, every move was already planned out from the start. 
He hummed softly in your ear, arms pulled you back in as the two of you glided across the wooden floors. There was hardly any light but you don’t need it, not when he knew every inch, every square foot of the kitchen the two of you are dancing in. He’s memorized it all, while you’re lost in the moment. 
“I thought you hated dancing,” you whispered, fingers tapping against his chest. He stopped singing, but only to laugh at your comment. 
“I’m certain I never said, 'I hated it,’” he retorted, but you bit back fast. 
“I’m positive you did. Remember all the times you were asked to dance when we were younger? Mr. Ragnvindr broke so many hearts back in those days.” 
Diluc turned quickly and you knew what he was after. A quick spin out left you in full view of his splendor - the soft flickering light in his hair, the dramatic shadows creeping across his body, the playful smile he flashed your way. He held you there for a few ticks of the clock before reeling you back in. “You flatter me.” 
“No, I speak the truth.” 
“Ha,” he laughed as he settled his chin against you again, “Now, as my memory serves me, you were the one asking all the eligible patrons to dance. So how could you have had time to pay attention to me?” 
You pulled away and looked at him with a fierce eye. Feigning shock, you huffed and explained yourself while you poked his chest with your finger, “I was trying,” you said with emphasis, “to make a certain someone jealous.” 
Suddenly, Diluc dipped you backward. His hand secured your neck and the back of your head while his arms kept you from falling further away from him than he wanted. “Well, it worked,” he hummed above your lips, nose brushing against your own and breath seeping into your skin. 
“Then my diabolical plan worked,” you smiled, eyes fluttering at the same speed of your heartbeat. 
“Yes. It did.” 
In the light of the moon and the flickering candles, you and Diluc danced a dance that only lovers knew; a dance that was crafted just for the two of you. 
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tilecleaningtoday · 30 days
What is Parquet Flooring?
Parquet flooring became a huge trend in the 1970’s. Decades later, it still remains one of the most popular types of flooring on the market.
With its striking, luxurious looks, parquet is a popular choice for businesses and homeowners alike. So, what is it and why should you consider adding it to your home? Find out everything you need to know about parquet flooring below.
A Brief Explanation of Parquet Floors
Parquet flooring is defined by its short planks and distinctive patterns. Traditionally, it was created from solid wood, making it an expensive option for homeowners. These days, however, parquet designs are featured in several types of flooring. Not only does this give you a lot more choice when choosing a parquet floor, but it also makes it affordable to a wide range of budgets.
The Different Types of Parquet Styles
You can choose from a huge range of parquet flooring. Not only are there different designs on offer, but there are also different flooring types to choose from too. Let’s start by looking at the different flooring types you can choose from.
Parquet Style LVT Flooring
LVT parquet flooring is the most affordable option. Featuring the practical benefits of vinyl and striking parquet looks, these floors are commonly used in family households. Many variations offer a waterproof design too, enabling you to enjoy a parquet effect in high-moisture environments like the bathroom.
Parquet Style SPC Flooring
If you fancy a step up from LVT, SPC flooring could be a great option. These types of floors are closely similar and have many of the same features. You can read more about SPC vs LVT here.. Short for Stone Plastic Composite, these floors have a unique rigid core. This gives them the same benefits as LVT flooring, alongside added strength comparable to engineered flooring.
Parquet Style Laminate Flooring
If you are looking for an affordable alternative to solid and engineered wood floors, laminate parquet is a fantastic choice. These multi-layer floors come with a photographic layer to reproduce a solid wood effect. Manufacturing processes have improved dramatically over the years, with today’s laminates featuring a highly realistic finish.
Renowned for its durability and practicality, you will find a great variety of laminate parquet floors available. The Lifestyle Floors range has breathtaking designs available, such as the Camden Premium Herringbone Grey. You will also find great quality options from Quick-Step, such as this Impressive Patterns Chevron Oak design.
Parquet Style Engineered Wood
Engineered wood parquet floors are a great choice for those seeking a “true parquet” effect. These multi-layer floors are durable, and much more resistant against moisture and temperature changes than solid wood. The top layer is constructed from real wood, ensuring you still get the same beautiful look as hardwood floor.
You can choose from an outstanding range of engineered wood parquet floors at Stories Flooring. Our own range offers a great choice of parquet effects, including smoked, brushed, and natural oiled designs.
Parquet Style Solid Wood Flooring
Traditionally, parquet flooring was made from solid wood. If you want to stick to the original parquet design, installing a solid wood variation in the home is your best option. Solid wood floors can last for decades when cared for properly. They also provide stunning aesthetics that leave behind a luxurious effect.
Most solid wood parquet floors are created using oak. However, you can find them made from other, more exotic woods if preferred. Browse the full range of solid wood parquet floors here.
The above are the different types of parquet flooring you can invest in. Consider where you are installing the floor, and the conditions it will be exposed to, when choosing the right type for your home.
Different Parquet Designs
As well as choosing what type of parquet flooring you want to invest in, you also need to decide the type of design you prefer. There are different styles of parquet flooring available. The two main types you’ll choose from include:
Herringbone Style Explained
Herringbone patterns are one of the most popular parquet designs available. They get their name from the herring fishbone effect they create. The planks of the floor are staggered in a zig-zag pattern, and they aren’t cut at a right angle. Instead, they feature a rectangular shape. They produce a sophisticated and uniform finish.
Chevron Style Explained
Chevron style parquet is becoming a popular option for homeowners. Unlike the Herringbone effect floors, this style of parquet features boards that have a sharp point. This produces a distinctive V-shape when the floor is fitted. They are also cut at an angle, and like Herringbone effects, are available in a wide range of finishes.
These are just the main two parquet effects that you can choose from. Other options include basket-weave and mixing and matching different patterns for a bespoke finish.
Versailles Style Explained
Named after the Palace de Versailles, this style of parquet creates an intricate and luxurious look. They consist of square patterns, filled with interwoven strips of wood. You’ll find a vast range of designs to choose from, each of which producing a luxurious finish.
Source: StoriesFlooring.co.uk
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unitedflooring · 3 months
Elevate Your Interior Design with Laminate Chevron Floors
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When it comes to enhancing the beauty and sophistication of your home, few options compare to the elegance and versatility of Laminate Chevron Floors. These flooring solutions combine the timeless appeal of the chevron pattern with the practical benefits of laminate, creating a stunning and durable addition to any room. In this blog, we'll explore how you can elevate your interior design with Laminate Chevron Floors and why they are considered one of the most elegant flooring options available.
The Allure of Chevron Patterns
Chevron patterns have long been associated with high-end design. Their distinctive V-shaped zigzag pattern creates a sense of movement and depth, making any space feel more dynamic and visually interesting. Originally popular in parquet flooring, the chevron pattern has made a strong comeback in modern interior design, and Laminate Chevron Floors are leading the charge.
Why Choose Laminate Chevron Floors?
1. Elegant Flooring Options: Laminate Chevron Floors offer a wide range of elegant flooring options that cater to various design aesthetics. Whether you prefer a traditional look with warm, natural wood tones or a contemporary style with sleek, gray hues, there's a Laminate Chevron Floor to suit your taste.
2. Durability and Longevity: Laminate flooring is known for its durability. Unlike natural wood, laminate is resistant to scratches, stains, and fading. This makes Laminate Chevron Floors an excellent choice for high-traffic areas like living rooms, hallways, and kitchens.
3. Easy Installation: One of the biggest advantages of laminate flooring is its ease of installation. Many Laminate Chevron Floors come with a click-lock system, allowing for a quick and hassle-free installation process. This is perfect for DIY enthusiasts looking to upgrade their home without professional help.
4. Cost-Effective Solution: Laminate Chevron Floors provide the luxurious look of hardwood at a fraction of the cost. This makes them an attractive option for homeowners who want to achieve a high-end design without breaking the bank.
Integrating Laminate Chevron Floors into Your Design
1. Living Room Transformation: Transform your living room into a sophisticated sanctuary with the addition of Laminate Chevron Floors. The elegant pattern will add a touch of luxury and make the space feel more refined and inviting.
2. Kitchen Elegance: In the kitchen, Laminate Chevron Floors can create a beautiful contrast with your cabinetry and countertops. Their durability ensures they can withstand spills and heavy foot traffic, while still maintaining their stylish appearance.
3. Bedroom Beauty: Bring a sense of tranquility and elegance to your bedroom with the soft, flowing lines of Chevron patterned laminate flooring. Choose lighter tones for a serene atmosphere or darker shades for a more dramatic effect.
4. Hallway Highlight: Make a lasting impression on guests by installing Laminate Chevron Floors in your hallway. The continuous pattern will draw the eye and create a welcoming entryway that sets the tone for the rest of your home.
Maintenance Tips for Laminate Chevron Floors
Maintaining the beauty of your Laminate Chevron Floors is easy with a few simple steps:
Regular Cleaning: Sweep or vacuum regularly to remove dust and dirt. Use a damp mop with a laminate floor cleaner for a deeper clean.
Avoid Excess Water: Laminate flooring is moisture-resistant, but excessive water can cause damage. Wipe up spills immediately and avoid using a wet mop.
Protective Pads: Use felt pads under furniture legs to prevent scratches and place rugs in high-traffic areas to reduce wear and tear.
Elevate your interior design with the timeless elegance and practical benefits of Laminate Chevron Floors. These elegant flooring options offer a perfect blend of style, durability, and affordability, making them an ideal choice for any home. Whether you're renovating your living room, kitchen, bedroom, or hallway, Laminate Chevron Floors are sure to add a touch of sophistication and charm to your space. Embrace the beauty of chevron patterns and transform your home into a stylish haven with Laminate Chevron Floors.
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becoration · 3 months
Advantages of a seamless floor for the construction of a new hotel - Interior decoration
Post has been published on becoration
Advantages of a seamless floor for the construction of a new hotel - Interior decoration
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When designing and building a new hotel, every decision made significantly influences the experience of visitors, as well as the operational efficiency of the establishment. One of the most important decisions has to do with the type of flooring that will be installed in the establishment. Among all the options available on the market, seamless floors stand out as a modern and advantageous option compared to other more traditional alternatives such as ceramic, carpet, or parquet.
What are seamless floors?
When choosing floors for hotels, it is increasingly common to opt for seamless floors, but do we know what this type of flooring is?
When we talk about seamless floors, we are referring to a type of flooring that allows for creating a uniform, complete surface without any visible joints. Thanks to this characteristic, it is possible to achieve smooth circulation of people. It should be noted that it offers great durability and provides a modern and minimalist style.
Advantages of using seamless floors in hotels
As we have already mentioned, seamless floors offer some advantages over other more traditional options. Let’s look at some of the most important ones.
1. Aesthetics
One of the main advantages of seamless floors is their modern and elegant aesthetics. These floors are characterized by having no joints or interruptions, which creates a uniform and homogeneous surface that can adapt to any architectural design. Seamless floors are available in a wide variety of colors, textures, and finishes, allowing for customization according to the hotel’s style.
2. Ease of cleaning
Cleaning and maintenance are essential for any hotel. Seamless floors are incredibly easy to clean due to their jointless surface where dirt and germs can’t accumulate. This is particularly important in high-traffic areas such as the lobby, hallways, and common areas. A seamless floor significantly reduces the time and effort dedicated to cleaning, which can result in operational cost savings.
3. Durability and resistance
Seamless floors are made of high-quality materials like epoxy resins, polyurethane, or microcement, known for their durability and resistance. These floors can withstand intensive use and constant traffic without showing signs of premature wear.
4. Comfort and safety
Seamless floors offer a comfortable and pleasant surface to the touch, and some materials can even provide anti-slip properties, increasing guest safety.
5. Installation efficiency
The installation of seamless floors is relatively quick and efficient compared to other types of floors. Although it requires meticulous surface preparation, once the application begins, the process is fast and can cover large areas in a short period of time.
Importance of a specialized company
The installation of seamless floors is not a process to be taken lightly. It requires experience and specialized knowledge to ensure a high-quality outcome. In light of this, it is highly recommended to entrust the job to a company with extensive experience in this sector in order to achieve the best possible result.
A specialized company will provide:
Professional advice: From choosing the right material to designing and planning the installation, something that is of great value to successfully complete the project.
Quality in installation: Proper surface preparation and application of the material are crucial for the durability and finish of the seamless floor. Experienced professionals ensure that each step is carried out with precision.
Guarantee and maintenance: Specialized companies often offer warranties on their work and can provide maintenance services to ensure that the floor remains in perfect condition for years to come.
As we have discussed throughout our publication, seamless floors have become one of the best options for hotels, a material that will help improve their aesthetics and also offer greater comfort to guests.
Source: Opendeco, decoration news in Spanish
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nincompoopydoo · 3 years
Could I request a oneshot with Remus Lupin with the promt "kiss me so i can feel alive again". Also congratulations on 1000 followers 🎉✨💕
PAIRING: Remus Lupin x reader WORD COUNT: 2k (whoops) SUMMARY: Having found a lost friend, living in the countryside of Yorkshire, feelings of once hidden affection start to bloom in the need to be alive and good things to be real. A/N: Thank you for requesting and I’m so sorry for taking so long! This is one of my favorites because it’s so soft and romantic and I adore this request. Please tell me what you think of it xo. WARNINGS: Angst. support my writing through ko-fi💖 MASTERLIST
It’s the house you see from trudging down the walkway that forces you to double take your previous steps. Silent and empty, it seems to twist into the forest from afar. Bent trees adorn the lane with overgrown greenery at its feet and ancient brick walls that run along with it. The fields in Yorkshire are vast and immaculate but right now, you are alone and suddenly the far stretch of land doesn’t seem to have the shine of the countryside. Your eyes shift to the house that sits behind a rusted gate, joints barely holding together from the years of rotting and exposure to the heat and rain. It’s barely a house but more of a cottage. No, it’s not even a cottage. Semi-derelict and tumbledown, it looks more like the ruins of what used to be a home.
You look down to the note in your hand, parchment torn at the edges with the cursive words of your handwriting that make up an address and coordinates. Visually, there’s no indication of where exactly you are but according to the coordinates, you are precisely where you need to be. For the past three years, your investigation into finding your friend has proven to be impossible and almost met with the acceptance that you will never see him again. Yet, after an anonymous tip had been owled to your doorstep, indicating the suspicions of the presence of a werewolf somewhere in Yorkshire as overheard by the locals of a nearby town, gave you a tinge of hope to reconnect with someone you lost.
The sight bears a high chance that he may be hiding here, unfortunately. It makes it hard to believe that someone you saw had so much life in him, is living in this condition.
Anxiety starts to creep onto you as you push the worn-down gate. It creaks with the rustling of the wind, a sign of an imminent storm. The sun doesn’t shine anymore, clouds of grey congregate in the skies above in the chorus of rainfall. You don’t do too well with apparition, thankfully having only lost half of your hair during the war. Hence, if the anonymous tip turns out to be a fake, you would have to make your way out of the countryside in the rain or even worse, take the Knight Bus.
You hate the Knight Bus.
Attempting to conjure up whatever courage you have left, you steadily make your way into the compound, plodding through the overgrown grass. As you grow closer, the cottage looks even worse than it was from afar, climbing plants of dull green embellish the walls of the ruins.
Then, in your periphery, you catch a glimpse of violet—Bluebells. The same flowers that used to grow on the forest floor of the forbidden forest. You remember him telling you about how he had seen a white bluebell, rare to its nature.
Warmth fills your chest, you know he is here.
The door is wooden, climbing plants seem to have made their way to it, branching around its handle.
You knock once. No answer.
You knock twice. There’s footsteps, they’re heavy.
With the swing of the door, you are met with none other than Remus Lupin. He looks older, dark circles below his eyes that have lost their intensity of blue, hair unkempt and shabby, and a beard, tracing along his jawline. He has his wand directed to you in defense. Probably because no one ever visits.
The smile on your face is impossible to suppress. It's bright at the recognition of the familiarity of his face. “Remus,” you breathe, eyes crinkling and gleaming with the bliss from the effort and worth of your investigation to find this very man, who stands just a couple of inches away from you. You swallow, not wanting to blink away the possibility that this may all be a dream. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”
He says your name through a whisper like it’s the answer to the millions of prayers recited and uttered from his lips as he drifts off to slumber under the moonshine, beaming through the shattered glass of the windows by his bedside. He dreams of you, often in times when his body is too weak to endure the aftermath of a full moon.
Yet, you're here and very real.
Then, he watches your grin falter and how your eyes move around the curves of his face. The deep cuts are there and visible. Although magic heals, time and energy play a crucial factor in healing wounds. In an instant, his apprehension creeps in, and suddenly, he feels small. The memories of you are forever intertwined with the rest of his friends, memories too painful to endure.
Your hand reaches out for his face but he staggers back in his step.
“You shouldn’t be here.”
He doesn’t mean it. Remus really wants you here. To feel your warmth, your touch, the smell of your hair and to hold you but he sees the way you bring your arm down to your side, shoulders slump in near defeat. In reality, you would never let him go that easily.
“Don’t say that, Remus.”
The crinkle of your eyes is gone, now sharp with the frustration of his tendency of locking himself away from the world out of paranoia. It’s been a minute since you’ve seen his face after three long years and he’s already trying to chase you away.
Typical Remus.
An odd sense of nausea takes over him, knees buckling as his surroundings begin to spin like he is on a sailing boat at sea. His body is frail and with a blow, he will fall. His eyes are trained on you as he feels his feet give way and his body drifting towards the ground. Just then, he feels your touch, arms around him like an embrace. You’re holding him in his weakened stance, stabilizing his balance by moving his arm to hang around your shoulder. He immediately shifts his weight on you, uttering a soft apology.
“You don’t have to apologize for something you can't control.” Your voice is soothing, speaking so close to his ear. Your tone is laced with knowing and care. You both know those words have been articulated from your very lips many times before. And your hands are gentle upon the curve of his waist, against the rough material of a dress shirt but your grasp is strong—the true touch of a healer’s hands, precise and careful. Remus always knew you would turn to become a highly-skilled healer.
With every cautious step, the creaks of the parquet flooring are loud and lasting. It’s as if the house itself cries for its condition, like a child with a wound to their knee after taking a nasty fall. The wailing wind outside doesn’t help with the fact that everything seems to be falling apart.
You guide him to the armchair by the fireplace, pressing him by the shoulders to sit. He plops onto the chair with a heavy sigh and feels a sense of regret sinking in his chest at the sight of the visible scowl of your lips and the turn of your brows.
Your open palm finds his cheek. He hears the drag of your deep exhale. You don’t say anything, only to pull out your wand from your back pocket. Yet, Remus is quick to grab your hand, halting you in your movement. Your frown a little deeper, sharp eyes finding him.
“Just let me heal you. It’s the least I can do.”
It’s a promise, a vow, uttered from your very lips filled with dignity and hope. So, he lets you, just to feel you close to him.
The rain is yet to arrive. Thunder booming through rolling clouds above and still not a single drop of rain but there’s a peak of sunlight between the cracks of the storm. Maybe, it’s because you’re here and sunshine always seems to trail your steps, no matter where they lead.
Now, Remus is seated on the toilet seat facing you, who has settled for a shaky stool to perch on as your gentle hands hold the edge of his jaw while the other grips onto a straight razor, gazing along the cheek. He cannot take his eyes off the crease between your brows and the way your eyes slowly shift along with the moving blade.
Magic is meant for convenience in small but necessary tasks like these yet you insisted on doing it in the traditional muggle way—using your fingers. Your hands work wonders, beautifully moving as a paraclete. You hold him like you’re maintaining his strength, to keep from fracturing into pieces. You look at him like he’s your masterpiece, carving every curve and bend of his skin and structure.
You lift the blade away from his face, dabbing it onto a rag cloth hung by the sink. Remus finally finds the time to speak. “You don’t have to do this.” You simply laugh and it comes out like a puff of air. Your eyes are still trained on cleaning off the razor. “Of course, I don’t. But, I also don’t want you competing with Dumbledore’s beard.”
Remus laughs, truly laughs. It’s loud and echoes within the walls of the tiny toilet. “I could never beat him.” You’re laughing too, grin wide as ever. Then, after a beat of silence, your grin suppresses into a small smile, lips pressed together as you place the razor aside. You’re clearly in deep thought.
“Come away with me.”
Remus blinks. “What?”
You turned to him, eyes glinting with expectancy. “Stay with me. I live a few blocks from St Mungos...and you get to see me at work.” You watch how his mouth is now agape, half of his chin still in shaving cream.
“And I’m sure you look magnificent in green but you know I can’t—”
“You can, Remus. You can come here a week before the full moon and then come back to my place. I’ll help you heal, a lot faster and you know that’s true. Maybe, I could get hold of aconite for Wolfsbane at the hospital— ”
You hadn’t realized your rambling until Remus began to shake you by the shoulders, calling out your name with an odd sense of serenity and hint of urgency for you to stop. So, your words immediately halt with a turn of your head to meet his gaze. Your expression is soft. His hand drifts to yours, holding it in his. “You know I can’t because if they find out you are living with someone with lycanthropy, you will lose your job and I don’t want you to lose it for my sake,” he squeezes your hand with assurance. “But, thank you. Thank you for always being so kind to me.”
The candle flickers from behind you, sitting idly on the ceramic shelf above the sink. No sunlight beaming through the room and only the hues of flame, beginning to shrink with the melting of its wax. Your hair presents an illusion of golden threads against the candlelight, face as warm as your hand on his as you shift your fingers to the back of his palm. Gradually, you sigh whilst raising his palm to you and press your lips to the arch of his hand. It’s quick but affectionate.
Your stare is strong and his heart stutters for the millionth time since your arrival.
Remus is drawn to you and the thought of how your lips should be on his. He drifts closer, eyes roaming your face, feeling your breath against his skin.
“Can I kiss you?” your question is soft, a whisper, only for his ears. A secret so sacred that you’re afraid nature would hear the words of your confession that was solely reserved for your mind and the man you are confessing to. He nods, it’s slight but it’s true, feeling like this is all a dream. He doesn’t want you to dream anymore. For you are here, hand tangled in his, thinking about his lips on yours.
Then, he whispers as the candle flickers once more. “Kiss me so I can feel alive again.”
So, you do. You kiss him, gentle and sweet, your hand still in his.
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floor-land · 1 year
Discover the herringbone Quick-Step Ciro Vinyl Flooring. With its stunning parquet designs, durability, and easy installation, it's the perfect choice for any space. Order online at Floor Land.
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alcinadimitrescuwu · 3 years
Creating the Perfect Vessel (Alcina x Mother Miranda Fanfic)
Warning: NSFW
Alcina paced alone in her office. That morning she had gotten a note from one of Miranda’s ravens saying that Miranda was going to meet her at Castle Dimitrescu to discuss “an important matter.” But about what Alcina could not even begin to imagine. She noticed at the last Four Lords meeting Miranda had been looking at her quite frequently, an analytical look coloring her grey eyes. She did not flinch as Alcina made eye contact with her, almost defying her to ask why she was staring at her so intently.
A knock on the door broke Alcina out of her reverie. “Enter,” she commanded.
Miranda stepped into the room and Alcina quickly stole to her side, genuflecting before her and kissing the back of her hand. “Welcome to Castle Dimitrescu, Mother Miranda,” Alcina said graciously. “To what do I owe this honor?”
Miranda smiled softly, although it didn’t quite reach her eyes. She pulled Alcina back up to her feet and began walking up and down the length of the room herself, a habit Miranda often fell back into when she was contemplating something.
“You are aware by now that I have designs on finding the perfect vessel to resurrect Eva,” Miranda said without preamble. Her dove-colored eyes clouded over with pain as often occurred when she talked about her lost daughter. “And I do believe I have found the perfect one.”
Alcina couldn’t help but be surprised. “That is most fortuitous news indeed, Mother Miranda. Whom have you selected to be the vessel?”
Miranda turned around and beamed at Alcina. “You, of course!”
“Me?” Alcina tried and failed to hide the shock on her face. “Not that I’m not grateful, Mother Miranda, but I thought we had already discounted myself as a possible candidate due to my…” The Countess gestured vaguely at her large body. “Condition.”
Miranda chuckled as she made her way over to Alcina. “That is true, but I was thinking of another way.” The priestess reached out her gauntleted hands and pulled Alcina’s face down towards hers.
Alcina’s breath caught in her throat as Miranda’s face came ever closer. “I was thinking,” Miranda said, brushing a finger by Alcina’s cheekbone, making Alcina shiver pleasantly as the contact of cold metal met her alabaster skin. “We could create one together.”
“Create one together? But how-” Alcina’s question was soon answered as Miranda reached under Alcina’s dress and gently stroked her member. Alcina couldn’t suppress the soft gasp that escaped her carmine lips.
“I’ve seen the way you look at me,” Miranda whispered as she began placing kisses all up and down Alcina’s neck. Alcina tried to stifle a contented sigh as the contact that she was so starved for, the touch that she needed and desired was finally being realized. “I’ve seen the hunger in your eyes, the way you want me. And I’d be lying if I said I haven’t imagined your body on mine. I figured this way we could suit each other’s needs: my need for a vessel, and your pathetic need for my love.”
Alcina’s golden eyes widened. Her feelings couldn’t be that transparent, could they? “Y-you’re mistaken, Mother Miranda,” she panted as she felt her cock stiffen under Mother Miranda’s ministrations. “I don’t-”
“Don’t lie to me,” Miranda hissed as she took firm hold of Alcia’s face, claws digging painfully into Alcina’s cheeks, drawing blood. Her expression softened as she saw fear and arousal war in Alcina’s aureate eyes. “You don’t need to hide it, dear,” Miranda said softly, stroking Alcina’s bleeding cheek with the pad of her thumb. “I can already feel how hard you are for me already.”
Alcina couldn’t take it any more. She took Miranda’s face in her hands and kissed her hard. Miranda kissed her back with just as much force as Alcina weaved her hands through Miranda’s flaxen hair, knocking off her habit that kept it hidden. Alcina scooped the priestess in her arms, kissing her all the while until they reached Alcina’s desk. Impatiently, Alcina swept a hand across the desk, clearing it of pens and ledgers so she could lay Miranda on top of it.
Miranda bit down on Alcina’s lip, eliciting a keening whining sound from Alcina’s throat. “So eager!” Miranda crooned. “How desperate you must be to be inside me.” She took her gauntleted hand and swept it across the front of Alcina’s dress, ripping it away until Alcina was just in her bustier and garters. Alcina moved to take off Miranda’s robes, but Miranda held out a hand to stop her. “I’d prefer to keep this on if you don’t mind, dear,” Miranda said, moving the skirt of her robes up to give Alcina access to her entrance. Miranda’s eyes were shining with triumph. It was clear who was in control here.
Alcina held out her member before her, and a smirk spread across her face. Clearly, Miranda was more aroused than she was letting on because Miranda’s cunt was positively dripping . She let her cock rest on Miranda’s bare stomach. “Are you quite sure you’ll be able to take all of me, Mother dearest?” Alcina purred.
Miranda rolled her eyes. “Of course I can. And please be quick about it. I-” Miranda wasn’t able to finish the sentence as Alcina pushed in Miranda’s walls with her cock until Miranda was well and truly full. Alcina braced her hands on either side of the desk and leaned her weight against it as she began thrusting inside the priestess in earnest.
Alcina smiled in satisfaction as low, abortive moans escaped the priestess’s throat. “How long can you keep up this bravado, I wonder?” Alcina mused aloud as Miranda wrapped her legs around Alcina’s waist, holding her close as Alcina pounded into her.
“It’s no act,” Miranda snapped, stifling a gasp as Alcina pulled out and slammed into her up to the hilt once more. “You are mistaken if you think this new arrangement changes anything between us.”
“Am I really mistaken?” Alcina asked as she nipped the tip of Miranda’s ear with her fangs. “As much as you try to hide it, I know how much you need this, too. You’re already so close, I can practically taste it.”
“And what about you?” Miranda sneered as she saw Alcina’s brow begin to drip with sweat from her exertions. “Still so desperate for something you know you can never have. You’re nothing but a tool for me to advance my research. And yet, despite knowing that, you have never wavered in your devotion to me. My precious toy. My greatest creation!”
Alcina’s legs clenched as she felt an orgasm begin to build in her lower abdomen. Miranda gave her a superior look. “So close already?” Miranda purred. “But I know you can do so much better than that, dear. Fuck me harder. Show your Mother your devotion!”
“I thought you’d never ask,” Alcina snarled as she ratcheted up her thrusting to a relentless degree. Miranda couldn’t help but cry out as she buried her claws in Alcina’s bare shoulders as Alcina filled her so completely with her cock. “Just you wait, Mother. I will fill every crevice of your walls with my seed and still have you begging for more.”
Alcina bent her dark head down and pressed kisses up and down Miranda’s neck in between thrusts. “Say what you want, but you’re mine,” Alcina murmured against her collarbone. “At this moment, you are all mine.”
Miranda’s eyes snapped open. “A-Alcina!” she choked out. “Please! Now!”
Aclina finally came inside Miranda, a pitiful whine rising from her ruby lips as her seed spilled out over Miranda's thighs, dripping onto the parquet floor. She leaned her head against the priestess, exhausted, and Miranda pressed her lips against Alcina’s forehead.
“Of course, this is only the first day of my ovulation period,” Miranda mused. “I will have to come here for the next couple days during its duration and every month thereafter until the baby starts to form. Do you understand?”
Alcina nodded her head against Miranda’s chest. “Yes, Mother.”
“Good girl.” Miranda took off her gauntlet and began to stroke Alcina’s raven hair. “And Alcina?”
“Yes, Mother?”
“You’ve always been my favorite.”
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yandere-sins · 3 years
Hi!! I loved your recent Sakusa work sm! It was so good and intense and you did a great job!! I was wondering, if the requests & prompts are still open can you do board games & diary for either Sakusa or Atsumu! I’m fine with either one <3
Sorry, I am just too much into both to separate them! Enjoy some good ol’ manipulated double-teaming!
Board games - “Don’t say such means things.. it breaks my heart to put you back in those locks.” 
Diary - “My pet should hold no secrets from their owner and vice versa.”
»»———————— ♡ ————————««     
It was a hard pill to swallow, but you had to admit that you were growing desperate.
For more than a week now, you had been in the clutches of these two maniacs, had to live through ups and downs with them and alone. Yet, there still didn’t seem to be any signs of an end to this nightmarish episode you were going through. Slowly but surely, this meant you were desperate for change. For something - anything! - to happen, just so all of this would finally end.
You found yourself desperate for the comfort of a bed, the privacy of your own toilet, the warmth of a sweater. Sometimes your mouth remembered your favorite dishes, and your heart remembered the feeling of hugging someone dear to you. And, every time you found yourself craving the same as you had before your life went downhill, all you were faced with were two psychos using your needs for their own gain.
At least, that’s what you thought about this situation.
“Come on! It’s good!” Atsumu tried to make the spoon of soup palatable for you, as he had for the last two days. He did his best, but his best wasn’t good enough for you. Lips pressed together into a thin line, you kept avoiding the spoon, going as far as to dodge and move out of the way of his reach. You’d rather fall to the floor than sit on this couch and eat the damn soup, you decided. Were you not too afraid of the other ghost in this apartment, you would have tried making a run for the hallway and the front door, but they were too unpredictable.
“I can’t believe you’re doing this to me,” you sobbed, the frown on your face holding back the tears you felt burning in your eyes ever since you woke up in this place. “We’ve been friends since our childhood! But I guess I didn’t mean anything to you.”
Finally slipping out of his grip, you fell to your knees, the cold, hard parquet being as unwelcoming as you felt. Atsumu’s disgruntled deep breath was absolutely unjustified how you found. After all, he wasn’t the one being held captive against his will. Of all the people, you were the only one allowed to showcase your discontent like that.
Next to you, Atsumu set down the bowl of soup on the coffee table, a strong, firm grip reaching down to the rope binding your wrists behind your back. Anything was better than letting him do as he pleased. Kicking, screaming, and biting if necessary! But by now, you two were playing a meager game of who was stronger, the lack of sustainable food and rest being one reason why you didn’t always have the upper hand in these situations; thus, he pulled you up on the couch again easily.
“Don’t say such mean things... you mean everything to me, [Name].”
This assurance was least helpful to the constant anxiety raging through you. Before all this, you had trusted Atsumu with everything. You’d been the best friend one could have, got along well with his family. It had been bold of you to assume that he was capable of anything beyond complaining to and nagging you, but you always hoped that he’d one day come to understand the feelings you harbored for him.
But not like this. You didn’t want to be loved by him like this.
“Be nice, or I’ll have to put you back in those metal locks. It would break my heart, and you don’t like them either, do ya?”
You shivered just from thinking about the chains clasping around your wrists and ankles, cold and tight. You hated them, just as much as the cage you had been stuck in for the first few nights. Everything kept you in place. You couldn’t even turn if you wanted. It was followed by constant pain, and having someone treat you like a caged animal rather than a human while you were in there, was only the cherry on top.
Compared to that, just hanging out in the living room with ropes around your wrists was freedom. “No,” you whispered, the fight not having disappeared from your voice, and you were relieved to still have it in you. “See?” Atsumu sighed, pulling you back on the couch and between his legs, arms wrapping around you and keeping you pressed up against him. “It’ll be fine,” he mumbled, kissing the back of your head.
“Just don’t upset him.”
“Upset who?” another voice echoed through the room as if on cue. Instinctively your eyes followed the sound to the kitchen. Through the connecting door to the hallway, Sakusa entered, newspaper in hand and seemingly reading an article on it. “Nobody,” Atsumu was quick to avert, but you had felt the slight flinch he made when his partner spoke up.
“Did they eat?” Sakusa asked, unbothered by the angry glare you sent him and Atsumu’s lie, setting down both paper and coffee mug on the kitchen counter before shifting his attention to you. Three long steps were all he needed to approach the couch from behind, fingers flitting up your throat and to your jaw as he grazed you with a short glance before eyeing the bowl on the table.
“Done with work?” Atsumu asked, pressing you possessively closer to him, but it wasn’t like he could upset Sakusa with his doings, even if it was his intention. “Taxes, Atsumu, but yes. They didn’t eat?”
At that, Atsumu finally had to admit defeat, sighing and averting his eyes to some point in the room but far away from you or his partner. Sakusa let out the same sound, though quieter and with a shook of his head before rounding the couch and grabbing the bowl himself. “Why won’t you eat?” he asked, directing his questions to you now. “You should be thankful for the food you are given.”
“I don’t want it,” you replied, as confident as you could. The truth was that whenever your eyes met, you felt as if any strength you had was pulled from you. It may have been due to the fact you had argued and pleaded with this man for the first few days of your kidnapping, but out of the two, Sakusa was the one that scared you more than your childhood friend who had no backbone, joining forces with this madman.
Letting the soup slide over and from the spoon a few times, Sakusa eventually took a small sip of it, his thoughts hidden well behind the indifference in his expression. “There’s no reason for you to not eat it. It’s completely fine.”
“I don’t want it since it’s you giving it to me.”
Silence raked through the room while Atsumu shuffled behind your back, pressing you closer again. For a moment, you thought this time, it might be to protect you, rather for his own pleasure, and you were quick to realize why. “Are you an idiot?” was Sakusa’s short yet meaningful reply to your defiance, his face scrunching up into disbelieve. “Other people would be happy to have this kind of luxury of being fed.”
“Omi...” Atsumu tried to settle the rising dispute, but a raised hand from his teammate was enough to shut him up uncomfortably. “I’m not other people,” you spoke up for yourself, trying to stay calm and not let him agitate you. “After all, I have to be locked up with you two crazy bastards.”
This time, the silence felt like an eternity. As if it was slowly but surely cutting through your body as if you were butter. Perhaps, you had been too comfortable simply refusing and struggling against them for the last two days, so your mind had already started to forget about the horror you were living in.
“So that’s what you think about us,” was all that Sakusa hissed back at you, his eyes drilling into your psyche like nails. Behind you, Atsumu opened his mouth again, perhaps to set you straight, but no word ever left him, Sakusa being faster than him. “No, it’s fine. A pet should hold no secrets from their owner and vice versa.”
You didn’t expect him to be the first one to avert his eyes, Sakusa’s gaze wandering back to the door in the back of the living room, the very same one you had woken up in before. The one that was filled with ‘your’ kennel and restraints and an unbelievable amount of deprecation. “So I will be very honest with you too.”
Next thing you knew, Sakusa was up again, having reached for your hands still locked between yours and Atsumu’s body. This time, when you fell to the floor, it was anything but controlled, your ass being the first to hit the resistance of the ground, and you gasped in pain as your shoulder slammed into the coffee table. There wasn’t enough time to grasp how your body hurt at that moment, the back of your shirt being tugged at, the fabric pressing into your throat at the front as you were dragged over the floor gasping for air.
“You will be thankful for what we do for you in the future. You don’t have any choice. Until then, you’ll stay in your cage and think about your behavior. Don’t even think about making a ruckus, or you won’t live to see what I will do to you, do you understand?”
Instantly, the dread of feeling the cold, uncomfortable bars against your body made your heart drop in your chest. You couldn’t even get used to the darkness in the boarded-up room without sunlight from the windows when you already heard the lock fall into place.
“No! NO!” you cried out, forgetting all about his warning and slamming yourself towards the only source of light coming from the open door to the living room. “Don’t leave me here again! Please!”
It was pathetic. Using big words just seconds prior to this, and yet, here you were pleading with him to spare you the agony of this place. But despite not wanting to be here, in this apartment, you had a special dislike of being confined in this cold, tiny space all by yourself. You’d rather hang out on the couch, unproductively watching TV with Atsumu all weekend long than having to listen to the clicking of the clock as the only companion you had in this room. You, actually begging to not be left here, was just proof of how desperate you were, scared of the anxiety and degradation you had experienced last time.
“You’ll have enough time to think about your behavior here,” Sakusa sighed, annoyed by your screams. “Learn your place.”
“I do! I know... I just...”
“You know nothing.”
“Omi...” you suddenly heard from the door. Unsure, gripping onto his own arm, Atsumu stood there, the light revealing a conflicted expression playing on his face. “That’s just... It’s too much, man,” he mumbled, and Sakusa let out another deep sigh.
“I told you it wouldn’t be easy, Atsumu. You can still get out if you don’t think you can do it, but don’t pull me down with you. I won’t tell anyone about your involvement if that worries you.”
Standing up, Sakusa seemed to glide out of the shadow, approaching Atsumu who’s gaze shifted from you to his partner in crime. “I’ll take good care of them,” Sakusa promised, though his voice was so indifferent, you had trouble believing that he meant it. “No...” Atsumu eventually spoke up after a moment of contemplation. “I love them just as much- No, I love them more than you. I can’t leave now.”
“Then you understand that this is necessary, right?”
For the first time, as you looked into Atsumu’s eyes, you felt the hints of pity come over you, your old friend looking like a beaten dog next to Sakusa. You barely could believe that Atsumu listened to the manipulative words of someone who should have no rule over your both lives. Someone who didn’t hide how toxic he was at all, but it seemed like Atsumu ate out of his hand as Sakusa held it out to him.
One hand patting Atsumu’s shoulder, Sakusa turned around to you, his scolding, suppressing gaze making you lose all hope of escaping this. He reached for the doorknob, and the only thing you could do was try to reach out, fingers curling into the bars of the kennel, your voice cracking as you called out, “Atsu--”
But you were cut off by the darkness now filling the room, seeping into your throat through your open mouth as you wanted to call out to your childhood friend to save you. Because he loved you, he said so himself. His reason to be here was you, so he was as good as anyone to protect you from this hell you found yourself in. You were desperate enough to even believe in him after everything Atsumu did to you.
Only, what you hadn’t realized so far, was that he had been manipulated into this, as Sakusa was now trying to do to you.
And perhaps, that meant there was no saving for either of you.
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bugaboooooooooo · 3 years
Chapter 13 of my fic “A blessing in disguise!”
Info abt the fic + first chapter here.
Kagami stepped into the Dupain-Cheng bakery, followed by Adrien, Luka and Chloe. Immediately, Marinette's parents came to greet them from the counter.
''Kagami! Oh, and Chloe, Adrien and Luka!''
Sabine hugged Chloe, while the blonde awkwardly patted her. Mister Dupain shook the boys' hands. Kagami gave them a polite smile.
''We've come to visit Marinette. Is that okay with you?''
Sabine turned to her with a warm smile. ''Of course. Thank you for being such good friends to Marinette.''
Tom nodded. ''You all know the way to Marinette's room, right?''
There came a chorus of yes, of course, and mhm. So they headed towards the Dupain-Cheng's living room.
Sabine called them from the bakery. ''And remember, if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask!''
Kagami smiled. ''We will, thank you!''
And with that, they went to their friend's room.
Once they arrived, Kagami knocked on the door. Or at least, she wanted to, but Chloe beat her to it. The blonde girl rapidly began knocking, her ponytail ferociously swishing behind her. Sometimes Kagami wondered if the girl's hair had a mind of its own. Then she heard footsteps coming towards them. Luka heard them too, apparently and gave Chloe a light push.
''You can stop knocking now; I can hear her coming,'' he said.
The door creaked open, and a messy-haired Marinette peeked her head out. The bluenette had a confused look for a split second, before instantly breaking into a huge smile. Kagami couldn't help but smile too. Marinette then tackled all four of them into a big hug.
''Guys! What are you doing here?'' she said, her voice muffled through the hug.
Adrien stared at her incredulously. ''To check on you of course!''
Luka eyed her warily as if afraid she'd collapse any minute. ''How are you feeling?'' he asked.
Marinette dismissively waved her hand. ''I'm fine, honestly.''
She then held the trapdoor open for them to climb in. ''Well, come on in!'' The four of them hurried into her room. Marinette's room was just as Kagami remembered. Warm sunlight streamed through the window, casting a golden glow over the room. Art supplies lay scattered across the desk. Spread across the parquet floor was a pink carpet. As she stood on it, Kagami noticed a few changes in the decor: Adrien's photos were no longer plastered onto the wall, and a new baby pink box was on the desk.
Marinette motioned them to sit down. Chloe made herself comfortable on the long chair; Kagami joined her. Marinette hurriedly shoved two chairs for the boys next to them. The bluenette herself sat down in her desk chair.
''So... how exactly did you get akumatized?'' Chloe's tone was surprisingly soft.
''But you don't have to tell us if you're uncomfortable,'' Adrien hastily added. He had a worried look in his eyes.
Marinette laughed softly. ''Well, Lila, she... escalated the situation. My classmates— I mean, my former classmates—'' she sighed heavily, before continuing, ''they thought I pushed Lila down the stairs, so they began attacking me.''
Kagami frowned. ''That's awful. But, forgive me— what did you mean by 'former' classmates?''
A mischievous glint appeared in her eye. ''My parents transferred me to Ms Medeleiev's class.''
For a moment, nobody said anything. Then Chloe and Adrien began grinning like crazy. Luka smiled.
''That's great!'' Adrien exclaimed.
Chloe fished her phone out of her bag. When she saw everyone's slightly confused faces, she rolled her eyes. ''I'm going to make Daddy transfer me too.''
Adrien nodded slowly. ''I think I'll ask Father to transfer me too, actually,'' he said. A dark shadow passed over Marinette's face, but Kagami couldn't figure out why. Just as quick as it came, it vanished.
Suddenly, Major Bourgeois' voice echoed through the room.
''Yes, what is it dear?'' he asked.
Chloe examined her nails with a bored expression. ''Daddy, I want to transfer to Ms Mendeleiev's class.''
Kagami heard the major spluttering. ''But Chloe-dear, why?''
Kagami imagined that if Chloe were standing, she'd have stomped her foot. She smiled at the thought.
''Because I want to!'' the blonde exclaimed. Apparently, the man knew better than to argue with his daughter. He sighed heavily and muttered something that Kagami concluded from Chloe's smug smile was probably something along the lines of whatever you want, darling. Chloe, clearly satisfied, quickly said goodbye and hung up.
''Well, that's settled,'' she exclaimed before frowning. ''What were we talking about again?''
Nobody was eager to press the subject of Marinette's akumatization in front of the girl again. Marinette spared them from that by reminding Chloe about it herself. She raised an eyebrow.
''You guys wanted to know what happened with my akumatization, right?'' Luka and Adrien looked at each other apprehensively, and Kagami wondered if they knew more than they let on. Chloe averted her eyes. Marinette obviously understood their uneasiness, and simply began telling them about her akumatization.
She recounted all the events, beginning with why she got akumatized.
''So I already told you about why I got akumatized.'' Marinette tapped her chin thoughtfully. ''Let's see... well, you already know that I demonized at least half the population of Paris,'' she mused.
Chloe let out a low whistle. ''Half of Paris? Impressive.''
Adrien snorted. ''Chloe, that's not exactly—'' He closed his eyes and pinched his nose bridge. ''You know what? Nevermind.''
Kagami agreed with Adrien. Their blonde friend had a weird notion about what was impressive.
''Oh! I forgot!'' Marinette exclaimed.
Everyone's attention was now on her.
''I kind of defeated Shadow Moth,'' she shyly said.
Kagami had the feeling that if anybody had been drinking something now, they would have spewed it out. Instead, Chloe looked like her eyes were about to fall out of their sockets. Kagami herself probably didn't look better. Adrien looked bewildered too, but there was something off about his reaction. It wasn't genuine. Luka however, looked far from surprised.
Chloe was the first to say something. ''Excuse me, what!?'' she screeched.
Marinette sighed. ''Trust me, I didn't believe it myself when I heard it. But it's true.''
Kagami unbelievingly shook her head. ''You defeated him as an akuma?''
The bluenette nodded. ''Yup. But don't ask me how because I have absolutely no idea myself,'' she hastily added.
In the meantime, Chloe had recovered from her shock. She frowned. ''Okay, but how do you know that you defeated him?''
''Oh, I got his miraculouses, you know, the jewels.''
Kagami raised an eyebrow. ''And how do you know about them, and why are you assuming we know about them?''
Marinette stared at her blankly. Her cheeks reddened. ''Well, uh...'' she began, fumbling with the edge of her sweater. ''I-er- I was Multimouse! Haha, yeah.'' She smiled nervously.
Chloe sniffed. ''Okay, I guess you could assume that I would know since I'm Queen Bee. But Kagami for example?''
The bluenette bit her lip. ''Well, after the whole Miracle Queen thing all the heroes' identities were uncovered and um... that's how I found out,'' she nervously explained.
Kagami had a feeling that there was something Marinette wasn't telling them but decided not to say anything. The poor girl was probably already quite stressed after her akumatization. She didn't need Kagami interrogating her on top of everything.
Luckily, Adrien saved them from this awkward conversation. ''So, how did you get de-akumatized?''
Marinette looked at Luka. ''I don't know how, but Luka somehow talked me out of it. If it weren't for him, I'd probably still be akumatized.''
Everyone turned to Luka. He noticed that and began explaining.
''Well, I reasoned with Little Devil. I told her that she shouldn't let anybody stand in her way. That she should just view anyone who does as a pesky little bug. After all, you don't move houses if you have a pest investment. You get rid of it.''
Adrien nodded, clearly impressed. ''Wow, that's quite an accomplishment, reasoning with an akuma.''
Luka smiled. ''Not nearly as much as what Marinette did.''
The addressed bluenette blushed furiously. ''It's nothing really. I don't even remember what I did!''
Chloe looked offended. ''Nothing? Nothing!?'' she scoffed. ''What Ladybug and Chat Noir have been trying to do for years, you accomplished in, like, a few hours!''
Adrien muttered something under his breath. Kagami couldn't understand what, but he seemed a bit upset with Chloe's statement. She knew that the boy was a huge fan of Ladybug, (he even had a shrine for the heroine) but she never thought that he'd get offended on her account. She suppressed a laugh.
Marinette put her hands in front of her. ''I was just lucky. I'm guessing that the only reason I took him down was that I felt a lot of hate towards him at that moment. Maybe you remember, but he's been akumatizing my family a lot lately. First my grandpa as Simpleman, then my mom... And a week ago he akumatized my whole family at once!''
Chloe grimaced; unfortunately, the blonde had quite a lot of experience when it came to akumatized family members.
''Well, either way, it's really impressive what you did,'' Adrien said.
There came a wave of nods. Kagami looked at the girl. It amazed her that this was the same person who had Paris under their control and defeated Shadow Moth.
Marinette took a deep breath. ''Anyway, it's luckily all over now.''
Kagami could tell she was trying to suppress a shudder. She suddenly felt an urge to comfort her.
''Marinette, is it okay if I give you a hug?''
Kagami couldn't believe she was doing this, but her friend clearly needed it.
Marinette stared at her blankly, but before she could say anything, Chloe launched herself onto the girl in a bone-crushing hug. Marinette patted her on the back.
''A little tight, Chloe,'' she managed to say.
At this, the blonde eased her grip on her. Kagami decided that since she was the one to suggest the hug, she might as well join. She awkwardly embraced the other girls. Marinette smiled.
Luka and Adrien fondly looked at them but didn't join themselves. When Marinette noticed this, she quickly motioned them to.
Kagami savoured the moment. She normally didn't like physical contact, much less hugs, but this was different. Now she was with people she wanted to be with. She contently thought of all their memories together; the first time she'd met Adrien and Marinette, the contest with Marinette to visit Adrien, how she had bonded with Luka over their respective break-ups, and how she had slowly come to enjoy Chloe's company. Kagami was glad she had gotten to know all of them.
Finally, they pulled away. Luka put his hand on Marinette's shoulder.
''If you need us, we'll always be here for you,'' he told her.
Chloe nodded furiously. ''And if you need us to kick anybody's ass, we're right here,'' she added.
Kagami suppressed a laugh. Marinette tried her best not to giggle.
''Er- thanks Chloe, but I really don't think that's necessary,'' she said.
Adrien checked his phone. ''Shoot, I gotta go. I've got Chinese in twenty minutes.''
Kagami checked her own phone. Unfortunately, she'd gotten a message too, from her mother telling her to come practice fencing. She silently cursed.
''I'm sorry Marinette, I need to leave too.'' She showed her the message.
Marinette nodded. By now, she probably was used to her friends' strict parents and tight schedules.
''Thanks for visiting me, I really appreciate it.'' She looked at Luka and Chloe. ''You guys better get going too.''
Luka eyed her. ''You sure?''
The bluenette smiled. ''Yeah. Thanks again.''
Kagami gave her one last smile. Marinette probably appreciated them coming, but Kagami guessed she needed some space. She remembered the first time she had gotten akumatized. Afterwards, she'd been quite shaken up.
''Well, we'll get going then,'' Adrien said.
The four of them said goodbye to Marinette. Chloe insisted that Marinette should call her if she needed anything or just wanted to chat. Before the blonde could start to pester her with more stuff, Luka discreetly pulled her away. Adrien gave her one last hug. As expected, Marinette started to blush furiously.
Finally, they exited the bluenettes room and headed to the bakery. Through the shop windows, Kagami could already see her mother's red car— her cue to leave. She quickly said goodbye to her friends and Marinette's parents.
Once she was in the car, she cast one more look at the bakery. Chloe, Adrien and Luka were already gone. She glanced at the top window of the building. To her surprise, she could see Marinette waving at her. Kagami smiled. But before she could respond, the car started and drove away with her. Stupid car. Despite that, she smiled. She really did love her friends.
Note to readers:
Yes, I did manipulate the timeline to suit my fic okay, Marinettes b-day is in September I think in canon, Simpleman, Quilin and Dearest Family are further apart etc but not here
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@jynxlovesluck; @fangirlingfanatic; @vixen-uchiha
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darkofthemoonfic · 3 years
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Touched By The Moon
Rated E | One Shot | No major archive warnings apply
“Have you seen this before?” She asked, pushing a navy book towards him. He touched the gold leaf along the title. Secrets of the Solstice. Draco shook his head and began to flip through the pages, occasionally stopping when she asked to read a particular passage. Eventually he let her take over, watching her turn the pages with care.
“This one’s stuck,” she said, and her fingers struggled with the corner of the pages. “There’s another page her and I can’t—”
He reached over to help, and once his skin touched the opposite edge of the paper the page turned, and emerald ink floated off the page like pollen. Sticking to their skin.
Read on AO3
Preview below!
Draco wandered the halls of the Parkinson family chateau with his hands in his pockets. The soles of his dragon leather shoes made muffled sounds against the parquet flooring and echoed off of the velvet wallpaper, disturbing snoozing portraits. There were little sprigs of holly in every corner and boughs of pine draped across the tops of doorways. Cinnamon and clove heavy in the air from mugs of mulled wine. Candles to light the darkness. Yuzo floating in glass bowls of water. And mistletoe dancing from various heights in the ballroom.
It was the first time Pansy had hosted a party on her own. With her mother permanently in Kyoto and her father comfortably uncomfortable in a cell in Azkaban, she had her choice of the family homes before the Ministry seized the rest. Ever the romantic, she chose the chateau in France. And ever the superstitious bint, she chose her societal introduction as a solstice party,
Because it was Pansy, she had foregone most of the traditional magical elements that symbolized winter solstice in favor of Yuletide decor and as many chances as she could get to force Longbottom into her bedchambers. Draco didn’t think she’d need to try very hard — when Neville arrived it only took ten minutes for a mistletoe to appear above his head and for Pansy to launch herself at him.
There were champagne coups stacked in tall towers and a uniformed catering staff wove through the crowd delivering canapés and other party foods. Nearly everyone in their year was present. It had been sixth months since they finished their schooling, and while they all weren’t exactly friends they were friendly. Draco still counted his true friends on one hand. But Theo was playing chess with Potter, their eyes gleaming, and Blaise was in Italy introducing Ginevra to his mother. There was only so much stilted pleasant small talk Draco could take.
So he walked the halls alone.
He’d come here with his parents once, just before fifth year. They were on the way to their own chateau and stopped to sample the previous year’s vintage. Or at least, his parents drank the wine. He’d gotten a clumsy feel of Pansy’s breasts and a quick snogging in the lounge before they had to leave. It felt like a lifetime ago. Because it was.
An open door greeted him at the far end of the house. The dark wood carelessly left extended into the hallway, blocking his path. In general, he considered himself only a little bit nosey. Behind him was flirtatious laughter and what sounded like a promise of someplace private and Draco, desperate for a moment alone, stepped into the room and gently pulled the door closed behind him. Breathing against it for a moment before opening his eyes.
It was a small library — little more than an oversized study, really. Half a dozen bookshelves, grand fireplace, a large desk at the center, hanging candles, and there, leaning over the desk, was Granger. Of course he would find her in the library. So engrossed in whatever she was reading that she hadn’t noticed him yet. But his own eyes were drawn to her when he first arrived. It was hard not to stare.
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floormonk · 2 years
Since you may be installing SPC flooring for the first time, this detail guide on what to expect from start to finish of flooring installation will walk you through the whole process.
PREPARATION for SPC Flooring Installation
Preparing your floor before installation is one of the critical steps that you should never miss.
In fact, this very step affects a lot in ensuring a long-lasting and professional finish. So let’s get started with some of the important parts to watch out while getting ready.
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1. Sub Floor Condition
Make sure to clean your sub floor and keep it dry completely. Damp surface leads to rising bulges or hydrostatic pressure.
Check for any uneven surface or cracks. You may want to fill up cracks with cement-based patches.
Depending on the type of your existing flooring, do make sure no nails are sticking out above the surface if you are planning to install SPC flooring over your existing floor.
You may try nailing down any loose part to keep a firm surface.
Extra time and cost may be charged by your installer on any minor repair of your existing floor as a preparation for SPC flooring installation.
Have you got all the sub floor requirements checked? If you are still not sure about it, here’s a quick tip to define the perfect floor condition ready for installation…
Clean and Dry
Smooth, flat and level
Free from oil, paint, dust, grease, wax, chemical substances, mold and mildew
2. Remove obstacles
Move and store loose furniture and appliances aside.
Clear out flooring accessories like skirting, trim or any fitting that may interfere with installation.
Removing these accessories before you start will make your installation easier and ensure a professional finish.
3. Surrounding Temperature and Humidity
Make sure your room temperature does not fluctuate much (not more than 5°C) during critical period which is 24 hours prior to installation and minimum of 48 hours after installation.
For any area possibly affected by Easterly or Westerly sunlight, it is recommended to place shades or curtains to “block out” the windows during installation and after installation while the adhesive is getting cured.
Room temperature during installation should be in the range of 18-27°C.
Sub floor temperature more than 15°C is ready for installation.
4. Acclimatize Your New Fooring
It is important to let your new flooring adapt to the surrounding condition where you plan to install, at least 24 hours before installation.
Avoid too low (below 2°C) or too warm (above 40°C) storage temperature
Always store your SPC plank flat and not upright.
5. Get Ready With Necessary Tools
Don’t wait until the very last minute, the right tools should come in handy during the installation.
Trust me, there is nothing worse than having to pause in the middle of installation and go off looking for any tools that you’d missed out.
Here’s a list of tools commonly used for SPC flooring installation:
SPC cutting knife
Bolster chisel
Good pair of scissors or Stanley knife
Measuring tape
A straight edge
SPC adhesive
Lining paper
Homemade scribing gauge
6. Check With Your SPC Flooring Supplier
If you are planning to diy your SPC flooring, always remember to consult with your supplier if you have any doubts, especially on details like:
Types of adhesive suitable for your flooring
Proper way to handle and store new flooring during installation (damage caused due to improper handling and storing normally does not get covered by warranty)
Review your warranty and confirm you have selected the proper flooring for your intended use.
Types of underlayment to be used
Is your existing floor suitable for installation or must it be removed?
Certain type of flooring that is soft and loose lay like needle felt, carpet, cushion SPC, parquet, and floating laminate are not suitable to have SPC flooring installed on top of it.
Check out the 3 Major Forms of SPC Flooring to learn more about the differences.
7. Mark Your Layout
Plan your layout ahead with precise measurement and careful marking.
Adjust your layout for a balanced look if you are installing SPC plank flooring.
Be sure you are not skipping this step as a rough layout before installation is important to ensure a desired visual appearance.
8. Prepare A Safe Work Environment
If you are planning to install SPC flooring yourself, remember to protect your knees with knee pads as you will be kneeling quite frequently during the process of installation.
For any query, contact us at [email protected] / +919409908294
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azozzoni · 3 years
VDS Week: Vacation Rated E for explicit
A gentle breeze caressed Lucas’ skin as he sat on the tiny balcony, barely big enough for two chairs, a little round table for morning coffees. Rain fell softly on the roof overhang, turning the cobblestones on the street from pale beige to slick grey. Clothes hung up to dry flapped in the wind on the balcony next door, and Lucas turned the page in his book.
The streets below were empty of people, the last few hurrying away when the rain began, ducking under doorways or into shops further into town. The afternoon sun hung behind the clouds, pushing through in bursts between rain drops, and Lucas was completely content to sit right there for as long as possible.
He didn’t even hear the squeak of the front door behind him, footfalls on the wood floor, absorbed in his book as he sat in the small chair, feet propped up on the white-washed railing. He didn’t notice anyone behind him until two strong hands landed on his shoulders, a warm body behind him as the hands slid down his chest. He smiled at the kiss pressed just under his ear.
“You’re back,” he said, tilting his chin to Jens behind him, twitching at the damp brush of Jens’ hair against his cheek. “And you’re wet.”
“It’s raining out, in case you hadn’t noticed,” Jens murmured, pressed over Lucas’ back, arms crossed firmly over his chest.
Lucas smiled, closing his book, a finger left between the pages to keep his place. “What’d you get?”
Jens hummed contently in his ear, hands rubbing over Lucas’ chest as he rocked into him. “Wine, cheese, crackers.”
“The essentials.” Lucas leaned back as Jens’ lips brushed under his ear again, the spot that made him close his eyes and sigh.
It was all they needed. Between the rain outside, the warm comfort of the AirBnB with its fluffy white pillows, parquet wood floors, a kitchen barely big enough to cook in, and a balcony that overlooked picturesque seaside apartments, Lucas was fairly sure he could be happy here forever.
They didn’t need to go back to The Netherlands and start real lives now that university was over. They could stay right here.
He opened his eyes again as Jens hugged him tightly from behind, sighed into his neck, like maybe he felt the same.
The last few months had been stressful, a strain on a relationship a year in the making. School and studying and finding a real job, becoming an adult, it had been a lot to deal with. But they didn’t need to think about it now, at least not right now.
“You should probably get out of that wet shirt,” Lucas murmured after a second, twisting so he could nuzzle into Jens’ cheek.
“It’s not that wet,” Jens allowed, but he stepped back to let Lucas up from the chair as he leaned away from his grip.
Setting the book down, Lucas’ place was lost but he hardly cared. He’d find it again.
A few steps back into the flat, light and bright with the balcony doors thrown open, Lucas reached for Jens’ hem. The shirt was barely damp, but Jens lifted his arms as Lucas tugged, allowing it to slide up and off.
Jens’ hands returned to Lucas’ shoulders as the shirt fell to the floor, slid to the back of his head as Lucas’ lips pressed to his collar bone. Jens’ chest was warm to the touch, and Lucas took his time, kiss after kiss on his skin, fingers gentle on Jens’ hips. His tongue slid along Jens’ ribcage as he bent down, not quite sliding to his knees, smiling as Jens’ fingers curled into his hair.
Jens didn’t say anything as Lucas moved, back up, lips following the curve of his body, a hard press of his lips here and there, a gentle flick of his tongue over heated skin. Jens didn’t say anything, but his body said it all—the rise and fall of his chest beneath Lucas’ mouth, a rapid heartbeat against his lips, hands curling into Lucas’ hair. The breath Jens took was deep and slow, steadying as he pulled Lucas up.
Their lips met, soft and open, Jens’ fingers gentle on the curve of his jaw, guiding his chin up, into the kiss. Lucas pushed into him, wrapping his arms around Jens’ neck as Jens drew him in.
The only sound in the room was the pitter-pat of rain beyond the balcony, wetting rooftops, tempering the summer warmth. The fresh air swirled around them, brushing against Lucas’ waist as Jens’ hands slid down, tugged his shirt up.
The shirt slid over his shoulders, tossed carelessly aside as Lucas walked Jens backwards, climbed onto the bed after him, awash in a sea of white fluffy pillows which Jens shoved aside to make room, drawing Lucas on top of him, rolling over to press him into a long, lingering kiss. Lucas let himself sink, into the mattress, beneath Jens, knees coming up to bracket his hips as he wrapped his arms around Jens’ neck and held on, followed the slide of his tongue in his mouth, the short breaths between them, unwilling to stop long enough to quite catch their breath. 
Stretching his neck back, Lucas had to take a breath, swallow as Jens’ hands slid down his sides, over his rib cage, coming to rest at the waistline of his shorts, fingers curling just underneath.
It was amazing to be so alone, Lucas thought, eyes sliding closed as Jens pressed against him, a hand on the back of his thigh as he pulled Lucas’ leg around him, opening him up. At home, there had been dorm mates and flat mates and the occasional embarrassing parental interruption for the last year. Lucas hadn’t agreed to the idea of going away after school finish so much as pounced on the opportunity.
The opportunity to get Jens like this, so warm and open above him, completely safe from interruptions, all the time in the world as the sweet summer breeze swept in from outside, settling deep in his skin as Jens kissed him, left him aching for more.
Jens’ fingers tugging at the zipper on his shorts brought Lucas into focus. 
Hands bracketing Jens’ ribcage, Lucas moved, rolling them over, settling over Jens’ lap even as Jens’ hands never stopped tugging his shorts open. Leaning in, Lucas brushed his nose up Jens’ neck, breathing in the heady scent of his cologne, peppering soft, gentle kisses up to his ear, taking the lobe between his teeth.
Jens’ groan was all he needed, his hands moving to Lucas’ ass, sliding under his open shorts, pulling him in closer until Lucas could feel every inch of Jens against him. The hot throb of blood as they slid together, still too many layers of fabric between them for what Lucas wanted.
“I want you inside me,” Lucas breathed into Jens’ ear, mouthing along the shell, feeling Jens’ exhale, rushed, how he nodded in response.
Their clothes didn’t last much longer after that, a quick divestment of what was left until there was nothing between them, nothing but warm, bare skin and a few inches of space as Jens stretched over to drag his bag closer, fishing in a pocket for condoms and lube. 
Impatient, Lucas pressed a kiss to Jens’ shoulder, smoothed his fingers down Jens’ sides, paused as he reached the V of his hips. He didn’t wait for Jens to return with the condom, licking his palm as he reached for Jens’ cock, pressed it to his own and heard Jens’ huffed breath, the throb as they slid together.
“Fuck, Luc,” Jens breathed as he twisted back, a condom clenched between his fingers.
It would be better with lube, Lucas decided, pulling the bottle from where Jens dropped it on the bed, too distracted by Lucas’ grip on both of them. Flipping open the cap, he squeezed a generous amount between them, closing his eyes and biting his lip as he rocked into Jens, a prickle of heat creeping up his spine with each pass of his palm.
Things were slick between them, a gentle smolder of skin and sweat as Jens pulled Lucas down, pressed up into him, an aching rock that coaxed a soft moan from Lucas’ lips.
“Here, let me…” Jens said, breath hot against Lucas’ cheek, getting his hand in between them, wet with lube as Lucas let him reposition, pull him more on top of Jens so he could feel how hard Jens was against the inside of his thighs.
Sun broke through the clouds, falling in a long slat over the floor, zig-zagging up onto the mattress, a warmth over Lucas’ back as Jens urged him up, opening him up with slow strokes of his fingers deep inside him.
Lucas exhaled, a hot rush of breath at the first press of Jens’ cock inside him, filling every inch of him. Slow and steady, taking their time to move together as warmth swept over his skin, curled deep in his gut as Jens pushed up and Lucas rode the feeling with him.
His hands fell to Jens’ chest as they moved together, keeping him steady as he gazed down at Jens, the flush on his chest, the way Jens gazed back, eyes half-closed, mouth hanging open slightly as he breathed, biting down on his lip when Lucas rocked with him. Jens’ hands held onto Lucas’ hips, moved to the back of his thighs, slid up to his ass, unable to stay in one place, leaving tingles on Lucas’ skin wherever they slid next.
The air was thick between them, panted breaths, half-formed kisses when Jens pulled him down, slick tongues, soft lips, something hotter and deeper as they moved, as Jens pushed inside him, a pulse deep in his stomach, the flutter in his chest as Jens pressed in, held his hips there and Lucas’ toes curled.
He wanted to curse, maybe to collapse right there, boneless and satisfied even though he hadn’t come, even though his dick was still painfully hard against Jens’ stomach. He wanted Jens’ hands all over him, his mouth pressing sloppy kisses to Lucas’, to never lose this feeling. 
He didn’t do either of those things, breathing out heavily against Jens’ lips instead, an unintentional noise, almost a whimper as his fingers tightened on Jens’ shoulders, moving up to dig his fingernails into his neck.
Jens rolled this time, staying inside Lucas the whole time, a deliciously painful stretch, a heavy weight as he bore down inside him, pressing Lucas to the mattress as he moved faster.
Wrapping his legs around Jens’ back, Lucas let go. He let go of any lingering vestiges of control, losing himself in the feeling of Jens all around him—on top, inside, hot against his thighs, hands on his hips pulling him closer. The brief moment of sun faded back to soft grey behind the clouds as Jens pressed inside and Lucas fell apart.
He barely needed Jens to touch him, but he did, still slick with lube from before, a few careful strokes, a gentle squeeze at the base, just where Jens knew how, and Lucas came, stomach clenching over the wave of pleasure flooding his senses, the heat crashing over his skin, the shaky breath he exhaled, licking his lips as his head hit the mattress
Jens was still hard inside him—he could feel it, feel how Jens moved a little faster, a little more desperate, and Lucas reached for his arm, fingers loose as they stroked down his bicep. His legs tightened over Jens’ back as much as he could with all the muscles in his body strung out like a broken guitar string, urging him to finish, to come inside him.
Jens breathed his curse into Lucas’ shoulder a second before he came, a second before his hips stilled, jerked, and he let out a huff of breath as he slid against Lucas one more second later.
Lucas didn’t move, brushing Jens’ hair out of the way, kissing him softly as Jens tilted his face up. They were sticky, skin sweaty, a little too warm even with the cool breeze wafting in through the open balcony doors. Still, Lucas only sighed, content, curling into Jens, arms around his waist.
Somewhere in the distance, a wind chime tinkled, clothes flapped on a rack, rain dripped off a rooftop onto the cobblestones.
“Think we should have shut the door?” Lucas asked finally, words mumbled into Jens’ neck, and Jens made a noise.
“Nah,” he replied, and Lucas smiled, only loosening his grip when Jens shifted. Jens tilted his gaze up to Lucas, eyes soft, and his fingers slid down his cheek a second later. “You hungry?”
He was, a little, and he nodded. “I could eat.”
Lucas didn’t bother hiding his smile as Jens rolled away, climbing off the bed, completely naked as he passed by the balcony to where he’d dropped the shopping bag when he’d come in. Lucas didn’t bother to stop when Jens caught him watching, raising an eyebrow.
“I love you, you know,” Lucas said, pushing himself up in the fluff of the comforter, settling cross-legged on the bed as Jens’ mouth twitched.
“I know,” he said, taking a few steps back to the bed, taking Lucas’ chin in his fingers as he leaned in. “I love you too.”
Lucas smiled against the kiss Jens pressed to his lips. “Now where’s that wine?”
Jens grinned this time, slapping his cheek gently as he pulled back. “So impatient.”
Lucas just nodded as he watched Jens cross the room again, sighing contently as out the window, it continued to rain.
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honorhearted · 3 years
Ben felt like a damned fool. Despite the rumors about Arnold, he’d never once believed Benedict would fall prey to greed, nor that he would be so quick to betray his country. And yet here it was...actual proof in his hands. Within the contents of this letter, Arnold had praised Ben and pleaded with him to see reason -- to join him in aiding the British cause.
On impulse, Ben had nearly torn the letter to shreds. The unpatriotic sentiments infuriated him unlike any other, especially after what he and his family and friends had sacrificed, yet thankfully, his rage had abated and a new plan began to form. He could use this -- he could capitalize off this by playing both sides. Arnold had never been privy to his full services for the Ring, so he could easily direct all of his attentions into gleaning intel from the Arnolds. At the end of his letter, Benedict had invited Ben to speak about an alliance, so that was exactly what he was in town to do.
Tread lightly, he thought. Don’t go in with arms swinging.
No matter how hard Ben wished to throttle Arnold, for the sake of the Cause, he knew he needed to keep an even temperament. To further aid in his ruse, he’d also foregone his uniform in favor of civilian clothes. He brushed his damp palms against his breeches, then lifted a hand and rapped against the door to the Arnold abode.
After a few moments, the door opened and Abigail was the one to open the door. Ben tried to keep his face even as he greeted, “Good afternoon. I’m here to see General Arnold, please.”
Abigail’s eyes briefly flickered over her shoulder, then she said, “Apologies, sir, but General Arnold isn’t in at the moment. Mrs. Arnold, however, said to be expecting you.”
Mrs. Arnold?
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Bemused, Ben blinked back at the servant in confusion. That couldn’t be right. Why would Benedict have informed his wife? Surely she wasn’t to be involved?
Abigail stepped back to allow him entry, so slowly, Ben removed his hat and crossed the parquet floors with purpose. Even if Peggy wasn’t the person he was slated to see, he was not blind to the potential there, as well. She presently sat in the sitting room, beautiful and poised as ever, and Ben drew his arm over his chest in a slight bow.
“Good afternoon, Mrs. Arnold,” he greeted. “Congratulations on your marriage. I imagine you must be thrilled.”
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