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sandwichtribunal · 4 months ago
Teesside's Parmo, Not Necessarily A Sandwich
"The combination of the Parmesan and panko breading, the nutmeg of the bechamel, and the slight browning under the broiler brought a surprising nuttiness out of the cheddar" Teesside's Parmo, Not Necessarily A Sandwich
I have been bamboozled, suckered, fooled into writing about this particular Northeastern English delicacy. Delicacy is in fact the wrong word–the Parmo is anything but delicate. Originally a breaded pork cutlet–often served with chicken instead these days–fried up crisp, then covered in bechamel sauce and cheddar cheese before being finished under a broiler, it’s been estimated that a standard…
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daveyboiiiii92 · 11 months ago
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pfhwrittes · 8 months ago
whats some common slang in the north of the uk? this is half bc of fics, but another half is bc im moving there in september lmao. gotta be prepared
hi anon! eeeeeeeh, how exciting! i'm assuming you're moving up north for university, if so i'm dead chuffed for you!
as you know, slang is highly regional in the uk so your milage may vary with some of these terms. also, my northern slang has been influenced by my dad who despite living in the the south of england for [redacted] years still has an incredibly thick [redacted] accent and uses his local dialect.
but here are a few slang phrases to get you going:
put "dead" in front of an adjective to mean "very". for example, "dead good" = "very good."
"chuffed" = pleased/proud.
"mingin(g)" = gross (important note - drop your g's if you don't already. they're superfluous).
"(h)angin(g)" = gross.
"chud"/"chuddy" = chewing gum/gum.
"nowt" = nothing. for example, "i had nowt to do wi' it!" = "i had nothing to do with it!"
"owt" = anything. for example, "d'ya want owt from shop?" = "do you want anything from the shop?"
"mint" = good.
"mither" = trouble/bother/aggravate. for example, "parker, stop mitherin' your sister." = "parker, stop bothering/aggravating your sister."
"scran" = food.
"wor"/"our" = our but also my (important note - "our" is a plural possessive pronoun denoting fondness.)
"aye" = yes
"canny" = nice/good (important note - this is geordie slang, canny in scots means can't)
"cob"/"strop" = tantrum. (important note - cob also means bread roll/sandwich)
"mardy" = miserable
as a side note: depending on where you're moving to some letters will get dropped from words. g's go missing a lot, "with" gets shortened to wi', "the" gets shortened to t' depending on the first letter/sound of the following word, "in the" turns into in't.
anyway, good luck and have fun in september anon! mind how you go, and remember - northerners don't wear coats on nights out 😉
(psst, if you found that helpful feel free to pop us a coupla quid in my ko-fi jar as a thank you but no pressure!)
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heftmanrhamm · 7 months ago
Sorry my mum said I can't play with you anymore BC you call it parma
Noooooo!!! :,(
Sorry, can we make up over a HSP?
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skyrimgamer17 · 2 years ago
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(★) Legacy X // Dragon Quest (★)
 • Taking Place after the crossover between Reaper and Eros, now Eros embarks on his own hero story after discovering the geared bracelets capable of enhance those of dragon decent to wield its power. Here the villain Alos a long dead Dragon Warlords wants his bracelets back, here Eros and his guild most travel across Mobius uncovering myths about the bracelets as well as meeting other half-dragon breed mobians. There will also be crossovers and returning characters.
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123lasure · 9 days ago
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abstractmelons · 1 month ago
i miss teeside. get me a parmo please
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thedreadvampy · 1 year ago
Apparently we have quite different ice cream experiences
so followup question (one which I expect to be extremely regional)
how about ye olde lemontop
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you can get them in shops and kiosks but not ice cream vans
not to do a remember when mother put the kettle on post but
does anybody (UK, child of the 90s) remember ye olde Punky Penguin?
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such mediocre ice cream. such thrilling packaging.
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chickenparm · 4 months ago
lots of new followers, lots of new notes on old a*rcane fics.
so just some heads up from ole parmo:
1. i do not write for A*rcane anymore and i don't foresee myself picking it back up. trust me, go look at my ao3 and you'll see that i've done my time in those particular salt mines.
2. you can find my ao3 account here. all my fics are posted there, and i no longer post full stories/chapters on tumblr - only snippets and previews. almost all my A*rcane fics have been removed from tumblr and are only on ao3 with the exception of the stray drabble that i couldn't find when migrating things.
3. this is an 18+ blog. i say dumb shit and post dumb shit and i'm horny on main for fictional characters.
4. jason s*pisak is still gross
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jaeedraszaerysz · 1 year ago
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Notes: this might have some more teesside oriented aspects so I apologise and I try to keep it as neutral as possible while still writing decent shit ✨️
Warnings: swearing, injury (obv u fuckin dumbass), sexual references??
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Will 100% dress up in a suit and take you to a fancy ass restaurant while working his shittiest English accent
Got confused as fuck when you started using any slang/roadman terms
Defos uses words wrong
Went round calling everyone wanker for a full day
Thought chav was a fucking food at first defos
will listen to u chat for hours
So let's say jackass came to England yea
And u went up north to visit ur mates and stuff yea
Wouldn't understand a fuckin thing u was on about if u were talking to your mates
Thought a parmo was a sex move and was GOBSMACKED
He defos went to a pub with u and the guys and they got the piss ripped of them by a bunch of sweaty geezas in their 50s 😭
Take him to any beach and you will 100% have to restrain him from jumping of the end of a pier into a bunch of rocks
Caught onto u saying innit so much and now says it unironically and the guys have a laugh taking the mick out of him
Poor sod
But he's devoted to you
Defos would make roadman and chav skits w u outside a maccies or a tesco extra
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Asking if u know every single British rockstar to ever exist
Was confused when u told him it was almost 5 hours from London to anywhere near ur gaff
Got scrapped by a bunch of year 7s outside a one stop if u took him to England
Takes the mick out of yu in a cute way
Copies ur words
Told him u met Janick Gers from iron maiden and had drinks wiv him in the pub one time and he almost diedddd.
You could defos persuade him to dress up in a Adidas traccy and run fru ur local shopping center screaming sweet Caroline and tripping over eachother
you took him to hmv?
Big mistake
He never wants to leave
Defos has all the badges and posters
Spent an hour minimum sat on the floor with you looking at the band t shirts
Would complain constantly about weather but would kiss you in the rain
Got stuck in a shitty kids swing at the park
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Lives for your voice
Copies ur every word
If u took him to ur hometown he would cling onto your arm and NOT let go
Called someone a geezer at a local boots and got scrapped
Yano them rando tarzees kids make out of rope and stuff but their always like 50 meters of the ground?
He found one
Jumped off
Flew like a mufucken bird
His mind was opened to the 4th dimension that day
Imagine he pulled a party boy stunt in the town center
Wore a tie everywhere u went while u were their
Says oh my days religiously now
Fails a stunt? Oh my days
Trips? Oh my days
Bam pulls a rocky on him? Oh my fucking days
His little English, tea drinking princess
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Steve-o lived in England for alot of his childhood, always on the move so he was a bit more calm than most
makes fun of northern chavs and compares them
Says the North is like a diff country all together js on account of the people and the weather
Thinks ur footie teams r shite
Defos got kicked up the arse for that one
Meal deals man
His fave thing after you
Esp from tescos
Understands some British slang but is still confused by majority of ur convoz with people from ur home town
Sold gimicky vapes to some year 8s and fucking pissed himself laughing when they realised
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Swears at everyone with "posh words"
Wanker, bell-end, twat, muppet, cunt.
Picked up the accent on the words too
Fucking fab tha
was terrified
Defos asked where her teeth were and got chased off
Thinks corner shops in England r the best thing ever
Manjaros? The takeaway not the mountain?
Has been chased by council estate grannies for shoving you into people's gardens
Sat with you at the top of those shitty rope climbing frames in the park and u had a legit romantic moment
SPOILER ALERT! bam got photos of u kissing up there
Yano them random tunnels under the main roads yea?
Went down them wiv u and u ended up in a field with him laying on your chest and looking at the stars
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radgepaquet · 1 month ago
pie and mash fish and chips bovril fry up pease pudding beans on toast victoria sponge stottie cake toad in the hole scones cottage pie sunday roast tikka masala sticky toffee pudding sausage roll parmo parkin chasni ✅️
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sandwichtribunal · 5 months ago
October List Sandwiches and September Wrapup
In October, the Tribunal will be covering Palermo's Panelle, Yorkshire's Parmo, and Utah's Pastrami Burger.
Welcome to October, sandwich fans! As always, a new month brings 3 new sandwiches for the Tribunal to investigate, and there are some good ones coming! But first, as ever, we must review what we learned in September. September’s Tribunal sandwiches included the Mulita, a Mexican melt from Tijuana involving 2 handmade corn tortillas, plenty of Oaxacan cheese, meats like carne asada or carnitas,…
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stevenbasic · 1 year ago
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Growing into the Job, Post 347: A Sunday at Melissa's, p5
We were there in my bedroom for - how long? An hour, more? Bonding, dry nursing, gazing into one another’s eyes with him all bundled up on my lap. Time went so quick when we were together! All I know is that I’d heard my mom’s weird clock chime at one point; otherwise I didn’t pay too much attention to time...we had alllll Sunday, just the two of us. It was rainy outside so there was nothing better to do today than snuggle snuggle snuggle together. Bond bond bond him to me. He certainly seemed to be liking it so far! All cuddled up into me like a bug in a rug, he’d finally calmed down and seemed at peace after his almost-dying in the pool earlier. My nipple in his mouth helped I think haha. He was getting so good at this, dry-nursing, relaxing, zoning out into my breast, and I was getting the hang of exactly what parmo…phairm…perfumes to use, which ones to release out of my nipple and breast to keep him relaxed and happy and focused on me while he did this. It was like I could watch and feel his brain cells responding to me, lining up for me, changing and starting to behave like good little boys for me. Meanwhile he just sort of nuzzled and cooed and suckled and when it all became too intense for him I’d let him rut his little hips into me, through the towel I’d swaddled him in. He’d come against the weight of the underside of my breast, or against my hand and it felt so nice, tingly. I could feel the bliss shivers in the girls, too; they’d all gone home but I’m sure they appreciated this haha. Maybe he did that twice, maybe three times, and dozed in and out a bit after, once woken by more chimes. My insides would get all gooey, just watching him wake up next to my nipple and immediately go back to sucking. 
Aren’t you the lucky little man? Being with the hot, big-boobie mommy giantess wifey you’ve always wanted? Because that’s what I’m turning into for you, aren’t I?
I swear I could have sat there with him like this forever. Eventually, though, I’d heard his little tummy start to rumble and as much as we were enjoying ourselves, I’d figured I should pull him off and get him to eat for real. I wanted to dress him up cute in some of the comfy stuff I’d picked up for him on my shopping trip with Shanette yesterday, a new pair of gray sweatpants and a matching top. But the new little underpants I bought him didn’t fit around his, um, penis. He seemed to be getting smaller everywhere but there! Maybe if I wasn’t in the room, and it wasn’t quite so hard all the time, he’d have an easier go at it. But in the meantime…
“Ohh honey with you all excited like that, you just don’t fit in the cute little underwear I bought you. You’re such a big boy down here! Come here and let me help you put on your pants,” I giggled. We’d stood, and he was standing there all naked. “I don't want you to hurt yourself trying to stuff it inside." With that I pushed him back onto the bed in front of me. He looked so surprised when I lifted his little toosh so I could get the sweatpants up and over his thighs and his hips and his nngh hard I want to do that again but it’ll have to wait. Breakfast first!  "You’ll just have to go without underpants until we come up with something else.”
The look on his face was too much when I gave him a little slap on his bottom.
Omigod if I had my way I’d dress you every day! You’re too adorable! Watching him blushing like that just got my mommy-juices flowing, and made me really laugh. 
Anyway, I was still feeling overprotective of him all through cooking him breakfast. I’d immediately regretted sitting him up on that high stool at the kitchen bar, worried that he might fall and hurt himself. Silly, right? But still, I wanted him to watch me cook, fixing up the eggs and sausage patties I was going to make into breakfast sandwiches and perched there at the bar across from the stovetop he’d have a perfect spot to watch me cracking eggs. Just like I’ve done to you this weekend, huh? Cracked you open? He watched, and he even yelled at me to be careful when I put my hand right down on a still-orange-hot ceramic burner. I pulled it right back, on instinct - it was warm for sure, but really didn’t hurt at all! He was a little freaked out by it, eyes as big as saucers, not believing what he was seeing. I guess you’ve got a fireproof girlfriend, huh? I was tempted to put my hand right back down on it, palm flat, look him in the eyes, show you what I can do. Anyway, I was more worried about him - those seats were so tall! He could slip off and fall! But, yes, I guess I was just being a nervous nelly because he was fine and finally I got to sit alongside him, on his left, on a stool of my own, to make sure he stayed safe. 
“You haven’t drank any of your juice,” I commented nodding at the little glass I’d filled for him as I cut up his sausage patty into teeny tiny pieces, “I could pour you some milk but you should get your vitamin C.” After a little thought I’d figured it’d be best if he just had his eggs and sausage like normal on a plate, not a sandwich. Easier to eat and chew and not choke. 
“Yeah huh,” he mumbled, like he was distracted by something, like my not-burnt-up hand got him thinking too hard. Since I’d sat him down, and as I cooked, I’d felt he was a little distant. He was definitely being quiet. So as I sliced up his food next to him, I made sure to take in a nice deep breath and swell up my boobs in my top, a black tank with white piping. If you’re going to be distracted by something, I want it to be me. 
“Is everything alright?” I asked. Wow, so serious. I don’t know if I like that. Just look at my boobies. 
He finally spoke. “Thank you for saving my life today.”
Oooo. That’s what was distracting you? Me being your superhero? Well, that’s okay haha.
“Oh, it was my pleasure!” I laughed, waving him off. I didn’t want him to think that I thought it was a huge deal. It’s just what I do now. But it did fill me with a little pride, knowing I had his life in my hands like this, that it’s only because of me he’s still breathing. “But maybe I deserve a raise!” <giggle!>
To that he gave me a funny look, But just then, suddenly, she was on the counter, between us, the little ball of fur.
“Tiger!!” I exclaimed, thankfully remembering the right name even in my surprise, “Bad boy!” I pushed her away - she’d immediately gone for his meal - but she was obviously hungry and persisted. “Shoo! Don’t be such a brat!” I said, as I reached with my left arm across the bar to grab another small plate and slide the platter of extra scrambled eggs and sausage towards myself. “Don’t worry I’ll feed you,” I said, as I forked over a patty and some eggs, about the same amount I’d served to him. I began to cut them up into teeny tiny pieces. She was now staring at the plate, trying to be patient. “What a hungry boy this morning, huh?” I said. 
Watching me make a plate for ‘Tiger’ that looked just like the one I’d made for him, Jay spoke up. “You do know that's a female cat, right?" he said, like he was telling me something new.
"Oh of course!” I said,  “I just like to tease her!” 
At that, he shrugged and set to pushing his food around his plate with his fork, satisfied with my explanation. I’m sure you’re thinking ‘that's really weird’. But that’s me! Yep you’re stuck with the crazy girl!
I set the plate of cat food on the floor - “No kitties on counters!” I told her, just to piss her off - and she jumped down for it. Me, myself? Yes! I was hungry! I’d loaded two sausages and eggs onto some toast and started digging into it sandwich style. It was actually pretty good - I didn’t burn anything! My cooking skills were improving haha!! 
Now that I was done cooking, I let him watch me eat. Feeling him watch my jaw, my throat muscles, how my neck moved gave me a warm dominant feeling. He watched my hands, so big around the sandwich. He watched my lips, my teeth, my nom nom RAWR mouth haha just open up reeeeeal wide and BITE. He had such an intent look in his eyes, I loved it. And when I put my sandwich down to reach up and release the loose ponytail I’d put in, his jaw sorta haha fell open and he watched my hair cascade down around my shoulders. 
“Y-your hair looks longer,” he said.
“Yeah I didn’t cut it yet today,” I replied, reaching behind my neck and fluffing it out, letting it all fall now halfway down my back. His look was so precious! That obviously confused him: who needs to cut their hair every day? Me! I do! Ever since I met you.
“You’re still not drinking your juice,” I finally said, trying to keep my concern from making me sound too nitpicky. “You’ve had a big weekend, you need your energy,” I continued, pressing him. He just sort of looked at his little glass, not really saying too much, so I took it and gulped it but didn’t swallow. In my mouth for a moment I let it warm up or whatever, watched him watching me, and spit it all back into his glass.
“You know what to do,” I said, as I slid it back to him with a soft smile. I know, baby. I know what you need, it’s okay.
Without much delay at all - well, maybe a little, he looked embarrassed - he drank it. A few sips, then a bit more. OOOoooo that was exciting, so funny, watching him! I could feel my eyes sparkling, eagerly. That’s where we are, honey, you and me. It’s fine. You need me for this sort of thing. “Would you like more?” I asked. 
“No thank you.”
"Baby you have to eat, get some energy" I cooed in his ear as I leaned in closer to him, blanketing him with my perfumes. "It will help you keep up with me. Don’t you want to be able to do that?" I looked down at his plate, which was basically untouched. I promise it wasn’t me! My cooking was actually now pretty good! With his fork I speared a piece of sausage, one I’d cut for him into a little morsel, and chewed it up a bit, more than I normally would. He let out the cutest little moan as he watched me chew. Do you know what’s about to happen? Then, my free hand went behind his head and I leaned in for a kiss. “C’mre, baby,” I said, around the bit of sausage, right before our lips met, “give me a kiss.”
The sparks, yes, as usual - our kisses were always so exciting! - but I used my tongue to push the chewed-up bit of sausage into his mouth. I felt him stiffen, a little shocked or surprised, but when I sealed my lips back up and backed off a bit, I knew he knew what he needed to do. I watched as he chewed it a bit, even though he didn’t need to, and swallowed,
Oh my god I’m chewing his food for him now!
Without even letting him get the chance to talk, to complain or argue or feel embarrassed, I forked and chewed up another bit of sausage, this time with some nice soft buttery scrambled eggs. Mushed all up, I kissed and pushed it into him again. This time, he didn’t even try to chew on his own; he just swallowed.
“You…you like my cooking, huh?” I said, getting a little - haha, omigod! Look at your face! - hot under the collar, warm in my chest. It was, now that I think back on it, the first real feeling of the swelling in my breasts that would get to be such a part of my life soon. When he nodded, acknowledging that yes yes yes you liked it, I waved my hand over my chest, fanning myself. “Sorry, but…you got my mama juices flowing all over again,” I told him, with a giggle.
I’d taken another forkful, a bit more this time, and had started to chew. He looked at me, his eyes all confused, and leaned back in his chair a bit. He wanted to show me something. He looked down at his own lap, and I did too. Oh my god! His penis was so hard! Sticking up, between his elastic waistband and belly, out from his gray sweatpants. It nearly got up to his, like, ribcage!
He only said one word. “W-w-why?” he asked me.
To that, I giggled, I laughed a little, and shrugged. I didn’t really know, but it all made sense! 
“I d-didn’t used to be like this,” he said, his voice all small and little and nnngh making me want to just forget the eggs and eat him up!
I could only come up with one thing to say, as I stood up. ”That was then,” I told him as my hand took hold of his erection, still chewing a bit as I - standing over him now - took his jaw in my other hand and raised his chin. I leaned in again to feed him, giving him a nice, purposeful squeeze down below. “This is now.” 
I could feel the hunger pheromones (that’s what they’re called!) totally pouring off of me. His mouth widened right up for me, his neck craning. “That’s right, open up for mama bird,” I said, and just opened my mouth to let my mouthful of food empty into him as I sealed my mouth around his. It sounds gross, maybe? But omgggggg it was so hot, feeling him take it, feeling his little neck and throat working, swallowing my offering.
“That’s right, take the food I bought for you, with my money, the food I cooked for you,” I said, as I lifted back up again, “Now the food I chewed for you.” What’s next baby? What’s our next step? What else can my body do for you? Help keep you fed and nourished?
Oh god I couldn’t help myself I took a big bite of my own egg and sausage sandwich and as I chewed it for him and made it extra mushy I hugged his head to my chest with one hand, and as I dropped my mouth again to his open one I started jerking him off.
Feed from me feed from me feed from me babyyyyyyy
He jerked a bit - actually a lot, his body went all stiff! - as I pushed even more of my wet, chewed food than before into our big kiss. I squeezed his face into my boobs and stroked and stroked and felt the warmth from him and even more in my chest swelling it was like almost tender-getting and I felt him swallow and he groaned and then he was exploding again in my hand oh god making a new mess. 
“That’s good, baby, that’s so good,” I purred, feeling him shudder against me, “come for mama bird.”  I also felt the girls out there all cooing and clucking in the Bliss, and I was so happy here knowing I wasn’t only feeding him but them too. I - me, Melissa Monroe, Melissssy - I could provide for everybody! 
I can’t wait!
More thanks to RiF, editor-at-large
Check out my Patreon for lots more from GITJ
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piplicious · 2 years ago
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@pipsbanquet parmo chickne dinner has been delivered☝️ not a hint of cutlery in sight
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athrabeth-me-ah-also-me · 25 days ago
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@i-lambelangalde meme for you (by fellow parmo Aranaitë that is not on Tumblr)
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bccamplight · 1 month ago
stayed up for 40 hours went to 🍉 demo got sign of life from redacted now to sleep so i can wake up reasonably early tomorrow and have a fulfilling day. i'm meant to be making spag bol but i have theeeeee worst craving for chicken i want a parmo
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