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various-stormsnsaints · 2 years ago
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parmiggiano e vino
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exportersway · 8 months ago
Best quality of fruit squash and standard price of coffee machine in India
Lobster - Lobster is a shape of shellfish having a range to the claim family Nephropidae or Homaridae, characterized by means of a difficult exoskeleton, clawed legs, and an amplified, portioned tail. They're recognizably prized for his or her sweet, succulent meat, which is considered a delicacy in severa components of the sector.
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god-i-hope-so · 10 months ago
So, Ghost of a Second Chance.
It's funny how they make Buck fail a new lasagna recipe when he cooked them perfectly in a previous episode. What can you do wrong since it's the same process but maybe with different ingredients? lol Did he fuck up the ragù? Did he baked it too long and burned the parmiggiano?? I need to know lol
Oh yeah, also. Eddie. What the hell are you doing... But it's not that surprising. Since Shannon's death, he's been obsessed with her memory. He never let her go and it's ruining his love life.
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ilpianistasultetto · 1 year ago
Come sapete, in questi giorni l'Italia e' alle prese con un solo tema: le proteste degli agricoltori. Piu' ascolto i politici e piu'mi convinco che abbiamo una classe dirigente di quaquaraqua', di miserabili che stanno li solo per gonfiarsi le tasche di soldi e favori , pronti a mentire spudoratamente, a dire bugie o a tacere quello che invece andrebbe detto. Il tema piu' importante per gli agricoltori e' la differenza tra le regole che devono rispettare loro e quelle che "non hanno" chi "esporta" prodotti agricoli da altri paesi stranieri in Italia. Nessun politico ha le palle per dire che certe importazioni sono frutto di accordi commerciali, buoni o cattivi che siano. Lo dico perche' non possiamo pensare che noi siamo i piu' furbi del mondo e il resto e' una massa di idioti pronti a gettarsi ai nostri piedi..quando noi chiediamo all'Algeria di venderci il loro gas, loro ti rispondono si, ma tu prendi i nostri datteri e le nostre olive. Quando chiediamo alla Cina componentistica elettronica e ottica, loro ti rispondono "e tu ti prendi il nostro riso e i nostri pomodori". Questo succede quando si fanno i trattati commerciali e non le cavolate che il politico racconta alle genti sciocche del proprio Paese. Gli mettiamo i dazi, come propone qualche leghista o fratello d'Italia per evitare certe competizioni inique? Bene, e gli altri faranno altrettanto con il nostro vino, il parmiggiano, l'olio, la pasta. Come potrebbero mettere tasse su chi va in vacanza all'estero o tanti altri mille balzelli. Qualcuno pensa che ne guadagneremmo? Eh, cari agricoltori, vi consiglio di trovare interlocutori politici seri, anche se a volte dicono cose difficili e complesse da digerire, altrimenti seguitate ad ascoltare le vostre sirene di riferimento fin quando non andrete a rotoli e io portero' qualche crisantemo sulle tombe delle vostre aziende. E questo vale per tutti i cittadini italiani che pensano che l'Italia ha sempre ragione e solo gli altri sono tutti cattivi e nemici. @ilpianistasultetto
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autumnhobbit · 8 months ago
i thought for sure everything i was gonna buy at aldis yesterday would be over $100 but it was only $80, and I came across a few things I thought I’d like but felt guilty adding onto the final cost so I bought them separately myself, and for $20 I bought a wedge of real parmiggiano reggiano, a wedge of basil semi-soft cheese, a little tub of dark chocolate overnight oats, a probiotic soda, and a stainless steel tumbler just like my old work one, and hoo boy for $20? I’ll take it.
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hadaya · 2 years ago
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dating myself ; king oyster tempura, caramelised parmiggiano brussels sprouts, rotied paprika, bufalo tomato and cucumber peanut noodles
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caluski · 5 months ago
Exciting things about today: new music Friday, an afternoon off with time for cleaning, & my mom opened a wine yesterday and she left some for me in the fridge 😊😊😊 only thing left is to choose something yummyyyy for dinner.... Maybe a simple pasta dish bc I have some parmiggiano left !!! Wee
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snorkmaidxn · 11 months ago
having an absolute banger of a salad for lunch. a frisé lettuce mix, soy nuggets, green olives with garlic, avocado, feta cubes, parmiggiano flakes, tzatziki and olive oil
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the-kingshound · 2 years ago
Ehy Kal I wanted to share with you my trauma in finding out Alfredo is in Rome and they served some pasta in bianco (for your non italian followers: pasta butter and parmiggiano) to two american actors like in 50s or something, I don't remeber the exact date, and they brought the recipe to America where they started making it with cream and other stuff. I was shocked but there is a youtube video about it and the restaurant is still open and I don't know, I just have to carry this knowledge since then. Shock.
This feels like a violation. We were violated.
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the-evil-pizza · 2 years ago
Hot take of the day, grana taste better than parmiggiano
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hobbypessimistin62 · 5 months ago
I love my pasta with 10kilo parmiggiano on it
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firenrbonesjazz · 16 days ago
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Fire NR Bones, an instrumental jazz and blues trio, performs at Salt & Sugar Gastro Bar on Friday, February 21st from 6:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M.
Salt & Sugar Gastro Bar is an upscale Italian restaurant and bar in Houston, Texas that serves European cuisine, including dishes inspired by French and Italian food:
• Menu: The menu includes pastas, risotto, steak, crepes, paninis, and desserts, plus a kids menu. Some popular dishes include Formaggio e vino rosso, Lomo marañon, and Al parmiggiano. 
• Drinks: The bar offers specialty cocktails, espresso martinis, Italian lychee strawberry, and Italian pineapple basil. 
• Atmosphere: The restaurant has beautiful decor and an earthy feel. 
• Live music: Salt & Sugar Gastro Bar has live music on Fridays from 6–9 PM. 
• Highlights: Some say the restaurant has great cocktails, beer, wine, and dessert, and that the service is fast. Others mention the friendly staff and the well-laid-out space. 
Salt & Sugar Gastro Bar is located at 16010 West Rd, Houston, TX 77095. 
(281) 656-8055
https://www.facebook.com/saltandsugv tvar.htx?mibextid=ZbWKwL
 Fire NR Bones, an instrumental jazz and blues trio, performs at Salt & Sugar Gastro Bar on Friday, November 1st, from 6:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M.
Salt & Sugar Gastro Bar is an upscale Italian restaurant and bar in Houston, Texas that serves European cuisine, including dishes inspired by French and Italian food:
• Menu: The menu includes pastas, risotto, steak, crepes, paninis, and desserts, plus a kids menu. Some popular dishes include Formaggio e vino rosso, Lomo marañon, and Al parmiggiano.
• Drinks: The bar offers specialty cocktails, espresso martinis, Italian lychee strawberry, and Italian pineapple basil.
• Atmosphere: The restaurant has beautiful decor and an earthy feel.
• Live music: Salt & Sugar Gastro Bar has live music on Fridays from 6–9 PM.
• Highlights: Some say the restaurant has great cocktails, beer, wine, and dessert, and that the service is fast. Others mention the friendly staff and the well-laid-out space.
Salt & Sugar Gastro Bar is located at 16010 West Rd, Houston, TX 77095.
(281) 656-8055
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optikestrav · 29 days ago
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Parmiggiano Reggiano
© optikestrav
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pollomaniaonline · 3 months ago
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iotnoitutti · 3 months ago
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