#parker kennedy x ethan ramsey
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mrsdr-ethan-ramsey · 5 years ago
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He asked, she said Yup. Congrats to Ethan and Parker on their engagement 💕
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themomsandthecity · 8 years ago
Every Baby Name We Could Possibly Think Of
Naming your baby is a big decision, and with endless options, it can also be a difficult one. Whether you're going the traditional route or want something more unique (if so, read this first!) it's helpful to have a little, or a lot, of inspiration. Ahead, you'll find nearly every baby name we could think of (close to 1,000!). These aren't just random names we found in a book or concocted ourselves - they're almost all monikers we've heard being used, or we actually know someone who goes by the name. If we missed any, tell us in the comments! A Aaliyah Aaron Abbie Abel Abigail Abraham Adalyn Adam Addilyn Addison Adelaide Adeline Adley Adora Agatha Aiden Alan Albert Aleph Alexander Alexis Ali Alma Alton Ama Amanda Amaryllis Amber Ameila Amélie Amy Anders Anderson Andrea Andrew Angie Angela Angelica Anika Anna Annalise Anne Annie Ansel Apple April Arata Archie Aria Ariane Ariel Arlee Arlo Arman Arthur Arun Arwen Arya Asha Asher Aspen Atticus Aton Aubrey Audrey August Augustus Aurora Ava Avery Axel Aziz B Bailey Barack Barbara Barney Barry Beatrice Beau Beckett Beckham Becky Ben Benedict Benjamin Bennett Bentley Bernadette Beth Bette Betty Beverly Bexley Bianca Bill Billie Bingham Bishop Bitsie Blake Blue Bobby Bodhi Bonnie Bowie Brady Braelynn Brandon Brayden Brecken Bree Brent Brenton Brett Brian Briana Briar Bridgette Brienne Brig Brigham Brinley Brio Britta Brock Brody Bronwyn Brooklyn Bruno Bryan Byron C Caden Caitlin Caity Cale Caleb Calla Calvin Camari Cameron Camilla Carena Carina Carl Carmel Carol Carrey Carter Cary Casey Caspian Cat Catherine Celine Chandler Chanel Channing Charise Charlene Charles Charlotte Chase Cher Cheri Cheriann Cheryl Chevy Chip Chloe Chris Chrissy Christian Christopher Claire Clara Clark Clary Claudia Clementine Clifford Clint Clinton Clyde Colin Collins Condoleezza Connor Conrad Constance Coolidge Cooper Cora Corban Courtney Cruz Related: 100 of the Most Beautiful Baby Names D Daisy Dale Dallas Damon Dane Danica Daniel Danielle Daphne Darby Darlene Darrel Daryl Dashiell Dave David Davina Davis Davon Dawn Dean Deanna Declan Dekel Delaney Delilah Delta Dennis Denzel Desmond Dev Devon Dexter Diane Dinah Dixie Dixon Dolores Dominique Donald Doris Dorothea Dorothy Dot Duke Duncan Dwight Dylan E Easton Ed Eden Edith Edmund Edward Effie Eleanor Elena Eli Eliana Elijah Elise Elizabeth Ella Elle Ellen Ellerie Ellie Elliott Ellis Elodie Eloise Elora Elroy Elsa Elsie Embry Emerson Emily Emma Emmett Eric Erica Esme Esmeralda Esther Ethan Ethel Eugene Evan Eve Evelyn Everett Evie Ewan Ezra F Farah Fay Felix Ferris Finn Fiona Fisher Fitz Fleur Flint Florence Floyd Flynn Ford Forrest Foster Fox Frances Frank Franklin Frederick G Gabe Gabriel Gaige Gail Gant Garrett Garth Gavin Gem Gemma Gene Genesis Gertrude George Gianna Gibson Gigi Gina Ginger Gladys Glenn Gloria Gordon Grace Grady Graham Grant Grayson Greer Gregory Griffin Grover Gus Gwen Gwyneth H Hadlee Hailey Hal Halle Hank Hannah Harding Harlow Harlyn Harold Harper Harriet Harrison Harry Hart Hartley Harvey Haven Hawk Hawthorne Hayden Hayes Hays Hazel Hector Heath Heather Helen Henley Henry Hillary Honor Holden Holly Holt Hope Hubert Hudson Hugo Humphrey Hunter Hurley Hutton Related: Based Off Last Year's Trends, These 30 Names Will Be Among the Most Popular of 2017 I Ian Ida Idris Ike Imanuel Imogen India Indy Ingrid Inizio Ireland Iris Irvin Isa Isaac Isabella Isabelle Isaiah Isla Israel Ivana Ivory J Jack Jackie Jackson Jacob Jacqueline Jaden Jaelyn Jagger Jake James Jameson Jamie Jane January Jason Jasper Jaun Jax Jaxon Jayce Jayden Jeannette Jed Jeff Jefferson Jenna Jess Jessica Jessie Jill Jillian Joan Joanna Joaquin Joe John Jones Jordan Joseph Josephine Josh Joshua Joslyn Joss Joy Joyce Judith Judy Jules Julia Julian Julie Juliet Julius June Juno Justin K Kai Kaia Kale Kalinda Kane Karah Katharine Kathryn Kate Kay Kaya Kaylee Keanu Keegan Keira Keith Kellan Kelly Kelsey Kendall Kennedy Kevin Khloe Kiah Kiele Kiera Kim Kima Kimberly Kingston Kinsley Kirk Kit Kitty Knox Krista Kristen Kurtis Kyle Kylie L Laith Lake Lana Landon Lane Larissa Larkin Laszlo Laura Lauren Lawrence Layla Leah Lee Leia Leighton Leilani Lena Lennon Leo Leonard Leslie Levi Lewis Leyona Lia Liam Liana Lida Lilith Lillian Lily Lincoln Lindsay Lionel Lisa Lisette Liz Logan Lois Lola London Loretta Lorraine Louella Louise Lucas Lucian Lucille Lucy Luke Luna Lux Lyle Lyndon Lynne Related: 100 Unusual Boy Names M Mabel Mabrey Mac Macallan Mackenzie Macy Madeleine Madelyn Madison Mae Maeby Maggie Mahershala Maia Makena Malcolm Maleeya Malia Mamie Mandy Marabelle Marcus Maren Margaret Margot Mari Maria Mariah Mariam Marilyn Marin Marion Marisole Marisse Marjorie Mark Marlene Marlon Marlowe Martha Martin Mary Mason Matilda Matthew Maui Mavis Maximus Maxson May Maya McKinley Megan Melissa Meredith Merritt Meryl Meyer Mia Michael Michelle Mika Mike Mila Mildred Miles Millie Milo Moana Molly Monica Monroe Montgomery Morgan Moses Muhammad Murray Myles N Nahall Nahla Nancy Nanette Naomie Nasima Natalie Nate Nathan Naveen Naya Neil Neisa Neo Neoma Newt Newton Niall Nicholas Nick Nico Nicole Nicolette Nigel Nile Nimah Nixon Noah Noel Nolan Nora Norma Norman North Nova O Obama Octavia Olly Olive Oliver Olivia Omar Opal Ophelia Ordell Oriana Orion Orlando Orson Orville Oscar Otis Otto Owen P Paige Paislee Paloma Pandora Paris Parker Patrick Patsy Paul Payton Pearl Peggy Penelope Penn Penny Perry Pete Peyton Phillip Phoebe Phoenix Phyllis Pierce Piper Polly Poppy Porter Posey Preston Primrose Priya Prudence Priscilla Q Quaid Quincy Quentin Quinn Quinten R Rachel Radley Rae Ralph Ramsey Rayna Rayne Reagan Rebecca Reese Reeve Reid Reign Remi Renly Rex Rhea Rhett Rhys Richard Rick Riley Ripley River Rivers Rob Robert Robin Rome Romy Ronald Ronin Rooney Roosevelt Rory Rosalind Rosalynn Rosamund Rose Rosemary Ross Rowan Roy Royce Ruby Rue Ruth Rutherford Ryan Ryder Related: 100 Unique Yet Beautiful Girls' Names S Sacha Sage Sahara Saint Sam Samuel Sandra Sandy Sansa Sarah Saul Savannah Sawyer Scarlett Schuyler Scout Sean Sebastian Selena Sena Seymour Shane Shannon Shea Shelly Sherlock Sherry Shiloh Shirley Sia Sidney Sienna Simon Skyler Sloan Sofia Solo Sonia Sophia Sophie Spencer Stacy Stanley Stella Stephanie Sterling Stetson Stuart Sue Sullivan Summer Suri Susan Sylvia T Tabitha Tad Tamera Tamsyn Tanner Tara Tate Taylor Teagan Teddy Terrance Thea Thelma Theordore Theresa Thomas Tim Tina Tinley Toby Todd Tom Tony Travis Travon Trent Trey Tricia Trinity Tripp Tristan Troy Truman Turner Tyler Tyson V Valentina Valentine Vance Vaughan Vaughn Vera Vern Victor Victoria Viggo Vince Vincent Viola Violet Virgil Vivian W Waldo Walker Wallis Walter Warren Watson Waverly Wells Wes Wesley Westley Whitney Will Willa William Willow Wilson Winter Wolfe Wren Wyatt X Xander Xavier Xeno Y Yanet Yani Yigal York Yuma Yvette Z Zachary Zahir Zander Zane Zaylee Zayn Zion Zoe Zola Zooey Zora Zuma Zuri Related: These Are the Most Popular Baby Names of 2016 http://bit.ly/2kR9iwY
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mrsdr-ethan-ramsey · 5 years ago
God, have mercy! (Ethan Ramsey x f!MC)
This is off of @hatescapsicum​‘s post! I’ve been facing some major writer’s block so thank you for the inspiration for this fic! I hope you like it! 
Part Two here!! Part Three here!!
Tag List: @the-soot-sprite​ @ethandaddyramsey​ @silverlitskies​ @trappedinfandoms​ @samihatuli​ @sherlockedmcu @marywitchjane​ @awalker965 @openheart12​ @flyawayboo​ @hatescapsicum​ @edith-eggs1​ @princess-geek​ @akacalliope​ @my-heart-beats-for-ya​ @hipstercoffeeshop @miyakokurono​ @riverrune​ @chasingrobbie​ @sekizincimektup​ @canthandlechoices @thatysn​ 
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x f!MC (Parker Kennedy)
Summary: Parker posts a steamy photo on her social media, hoping to grab Ethan’s attention.
Warnings: None I think? Taking the Lord’s name in vain? But that’s on me fam.
Word Count: ~1000
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Parker’s thumb hesitated over the post button for a second. Was she really this desperate? Was she really going to post a photo of her half-naked just to see if Ethan would like it with his new account. No. She wouldn’t do this. She was an educated doctor; she could think of a better way to get his attention…but on the other hand it was an amazing pic.
Sienna took it on a trip to Martha’s Vineyard over the summer. Parker was trying to find something to wear so she was bustling around the house in an oversized button up that reminded her of Ethan’s and her little black swimsuit. She had been feeling down about Ethan leaving, so the roomies took a trip to help her forget about him. Sienna, trying to cheer her up, said she look absolutely stunning in her bikini and that’s how she ended up with a few gorgeous shots on her phone. Parker thought she would never post them, but now here she was about ready to post it on her social media account.
“C’mon Parker, it’s just a swimsuit pic,” she mumbled to herself before hitting the post button, locking her phone, and throwing it on the couch screen down. She was too nervous to watch and see if Ethan would like it. Instead, she moved to the kitchen and turned on her favorite playlist while she made dinner.
Completely wrapped up in the recipe and music, Parker was oblivious to the sound of her roommates coming home. It wasn’t until Sienna bounded into the kitchen, that Parker looked up.
“Parker, why would you post this?” Sienna asked, holding up her phone so show off the bikini pic. “I mean, I 100% support it but you said you didn’t think you would post it.”
Parker’s face flushed, “I…uh…want people to know I look good naked?”
Sienna raised an eyebrow at her as she pocketed her device, “Half-naked, Parker.”
“Same thing,” she mumbled, returning to her cooking.
“Anyone in particular you want to see this?” Sienna teased.
Parker swiveled over to look Sienna, her eyes wide as she stammered out, “N-no! Why would you ask that??”
Sienna shrugged, leaning against the counter as she watched Parker return to cooking. Since she didn’t say anything else, Sienna pushed herself off the counter with a quiet “okayyy” and went off to her room.
Breathing a sigh of relief, Parker put her hot dish into the oven and went to finally look at her phone. She held her breath as she picked it up, eyes skimming through the list of usernames that had liked and commented on it. A lot of friends from her hometown, college, and med school had liked it but she didn’t see the username she helped create anywhere. Where was ethan-ramsey’s like? She hated that she was this desperate, but he had been icing her out since he came back. She could only handle holding his hand for so long, before she would crave more. She liked him so much, so she was trying to take it slow for him but he was making it impossible. She had to speed him up a little bit, and she hoped this photo would help.
Finally getting back to his office, Ethan Ramsey let out a deep sigh as he sank back into his chair. He was frustrated. Frustrated at Parker for bringing in the internet celebrity, frustrated at Naveen for making him focus on high-profile patients, and frustrated at himself for begrudgingly agreeing to the board’s demands.
Opening his laptop, he quickly typed in the password before he was met with an unfamiliar website. Oh that’s right, he created that social media account. He grumbled as he hit a button trying to close the site as he brought his coffee mug to his lips, but instead it loaded back up. This time it wasn’t Gwyneth’s face on his screen. Instead, what he saw made him choke on the coffee.
“God, have mercy!” Ethan coughed out, his coffee landing on the half-naked photo of his co-worker on his screen.
Ethan’s eyes darted to the glass walls, looking to see if anybody passing by noticed him gawking. Thankfully nobody noticed, so Ethan quickly wiped his screen off and turned it further away from that glass as he looked back to analyze it more. He was completely drawn to her. She was stunning, not only her looks (which she showcased in the photo) but in her spirit and mind.  She was a force to be reckoned with and he new that personally. Seeing her so close to naked again though…well it made his mind go back to the times they had been intimate. Lately he found himself going back to those memories a lot now that he was so close to her again.
“Rookie, what are you doing to me?” he mumbled to himself, closing his eyes and leaning his head back and he tried to regain control of himself.
After a minute or so, he opened his eyes back up and hovered his cursor over the small heart icon. Parker had informed him that if he enjoyed or agreed with a post, he could hit the heart icon to ‘like’ it. Well, he thoroughly enjoyed this image, but would it be weird for him to like it? He looked over the likes and comments, seeing plenty of people from the hospital already liked it, so he could…right? Mulling it over a little longer, Ethan finally hit the heart.
He looked at the image one last time, wishing that she were with him right now…that he could kiss those lips and tell her how he really felt instead of tiptoeing around his feelings. Someday, he thought as he closed out of the window and threw himself back into his work.
It was late now, and Parker was lying in bed on her phone. She scrolled through a Buzzfeed article as a push notification covered what she was reading.
ethan-ramsey liked your post
Parker’s heart skipped a beat, making her stomach knot. Holy shit, Ethan liked it! She let out a little squeal into her pillow as she thought about Ethan coming across the photo. Maybe his jaw dropped or he was left speechless. A part of her really hoped he had been shocked seeing it. Parker couldn’t stop the grin that crept across her face as she locked her phone, imagining Ethan was back in her bed with her as she fell asleep.
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mrsdr-ethan-ramsey · 5 years ago
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Say whatever you need to say Ethan, but we all know the truth.
PSA: I am currently stressing over the fact that I have to decide about the beard and glasses by tomorrow! Someone help an indecisive girl out!! 
source: @fckyeahgilmoregirls
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mrsdr-ethan-ramsey · 5 years ago
God, Have Mercy pt. 2 (Ethan Ramsey x f!MC)
You all asked, and now you shall receive...here is part 2 to God, Have Mercy (linked if you haven’t read it). I hope y’all like it part 2! I loved writing Ethan and his father. Part 3?? Yes please? No, stop you’re butchering this idea? What do y’all think?
Part Three Here!
Tag List: @the-soot-sprite​ @ethandaddyramsey @silverlitskies @trappedinfandoms @samihatuli @sherlockedmcu @marywitchjane @awalker965 @openheart12 @flyawayboo @hatescapsicum @edith-eggs1 @princess-geek @akacalliope @my-heart-beats-for-ya @hipstercoffeeshop @miyakokurono @riverrune @chasingrobbie @sekizincimektup @canthandlechoices @thatysn @virtualrain202 @myusualnerdyself 
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x f!MC (Parker Kennedy)
Summary: Ethan posts his first pictagram thanks to his father’s photography skills and Parker knows it was meant for her.
Warnings: Swear words? 
Word Count: ~1300
Ethan never expected to actual use his new social media account. He had intended to delete it as soon as he got what he needed from it, but now? He could see the perks of social media. One of them being, seeing all the photos Parker would post. Since the ‘incident’ in his office, Ethan became addicted to checking the website just to see if she had posted anything else. Nothing since that day. Deciding that he needed a distraction, Ethan made the snap decision to visit his father for the weekend. Hopefully the distance from Parker would clear his mind.
Ethan arrived in Providence late on Friday night, in time to talk to his father before they both went to bed. He had spent most of Saturday helping his father with projects around the beach house and cleaning up the space. Since Ethan left and his father was living on his own, he had gotten better about keeping the house tidy but Ethan would always clean when he would visit. There was always something worn or broken for him to help. It was the least he could do for him.
On Sunday morning, Ethan woke up early as usual. His father was already up, as when he went to the kitchen the coffee pot was freshly brewed. Pouring himself a cup, Ethan went outside where his father was sitting on the porch drinking his own cup of coffee like he did every morning. This was always the highlight of Ethan’s trips home, just sitting with his father in the morning simply enjoying that they were together.
“Good morning,” Ethan said, his voice gruff from just waking up. He sat down in the chair next to his father, relaxing back into it.
“Good morning Ethan,” Alan replied, eyes staying on the waves rolling in from the ocean.
They stayed quiet for a while, letting the sound of crashing waves be the only thing to listen to. It was peaceful, completely different than the usual sounds of Boston traffic that Ethan listened to in the morning. Ethan’s eyes stayed on the horizon as he brought his mug to his lips, not expecting the next words out of his father’s mouth.
“So Ethan…when are you going to settle down?”
For the second time this week Ethan coughed out his coffee, the brown liquid landing on his lap and the deck this time (instead of the picture of Parker practically naked...great now he was thinking about that again).
“What??” he choked out, his head snapping to face his father.
Alan chucked as he watched his son’s eyes widen, a red tinge coming to his cheeks. “You’re 37, don’t you think it’s time you found someone? Unless…you already have someone?”
Ethan said it too quickly, making his father just smirk and turn back to the view. Ethan tried to clean the coffee of his pants as his father spoke.
“Not even that colleague of yours? The blonde you call Rookie?”
“I’m her boss, it would be inappropriate.”
“Plenty of colleagues date Ethan. It sounds to me like you’re just making excuses,” Alan argued, taking a long drink from his mug.
Ethan narrowed his eyes at his dad, shaking his head he replied, “I’m not making excuses. It could hurt her future career if anything happened between us. I need to be able to push her professionally.”
“So we should set you up on online dating?”
Thankfully Ethan wasn’t drinking because he knew he would have coughed up his drink, again. Online dating?? What was his father doing in his free time? Reading Cosmo?
“I am not doing online dating,” Ethan said flatly, trying to deter his father from the idea.
“And why not?”
“I will not use the internet to date. The internet is for research, not relationships.”
“Well, if you change your mind…”
Ethan’s phone buzzed in his pocket as father put his own down. As he unlocked it, he had several photos of himself sent from his father. They were all taken here, in Providence, but he couldn’t remember him taking any of the pictures.
“When did you take these?!” Ethan asked, scrolling through what he had sent. He had never seen these photos before. 
Alan shrugged, “I knew you wouldn’t let me take photos of your visits so I did it when you weren’t paying attention. Figured I could create a…oh what’s it called…Timber?”
Alan smiled, “That’s it! I figured I could make a Tinder account for you to find someone to introduce you to. That was until I thought you’d probably want someone in the Boston area.”
“You were going to steal my identity to find me a partner?” Ethan asked, completely baffled that his father was admitting this to him.
“I figured one of us should be trying to get you a spouse. I’m getting old Ethan and I want grandchildr-”
“Alright, that’s enough,” Ethan cut him off and put his phone away. He wasn’t going to entertain the idea of him being in a relationship with his father. He wouldn’t use those photos to create a Tinder, but as he looked through them some more...maybe they could be useful.
***** “Holy moly!! Ethan has a pictagram! I repeat, Ethan Ramsey has a pictagram!” Sienna shouted as she ran out of her room and into the living room where Parker and Elijah were currently watching Spider-Man: Far from Home. Parker tried to look shocked, like she hadn’t been there to help him set up the account.
“What??” Elijah asked, his jaw dropping as he paused the movie.
“He has a pictagram! Danny texted me that everyone in the hospital is talking about it! He even posted!” Sienna said rather loudly, causing Jackie and Aurora to join the other roommates in the living room.
Jackie cocked a brow, “You’re kidding, right?”
“No! Go look up @ethan-ramsey!”
Each of the roommates pulled out their devices, searching the username in the app. When Parker’s timeline finally loaded her eyes widened. Holy. Shit. There in all his shirtless glory was Ethan Freaking Ramsey at the top of her page. Scrolling through the likes and comments, it was obvious that all of the hospital and more had found his account. He had blown up with one post. How was that even possible!?, Parker thought to herself as she scanned every inch of Ethan’s bare chest. He looked more relaxed than Parker had seen him in a long time.
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“Look at all those thirsty comments…” Jackie mumbled.
Aurora read aloud, “ ‘I would catch a disease just to see this doctor’. Who comes up with this stuff??”
Parker could practically feel herself turn green. She had never been one to get jealous, but see all the people throwing themselves at Ethan made her only see green. She had always known that Ethan could get anyone he wanted, but this just made it way more obvious to her. Ethan Ramsey could honest to God get any man or woman he wanted.
“Huh,” Elijah said with a furrowed brow. “He’s only following one person, but I can’t see who it is.”
“I-It’s probably Edenbrook,” Parker said quickly, trying to control the color in her cheeks. She knew it was her profile, but she couldn’t tell her roommates that.
Sienna eyed her, thinking about the recent photo Parker posted on her pictagram. Parker could see her connecting the dots in her head. She quickly shook her head no at her, begging her not to say anything to the others. Parker could handle Sienna knowing, but she didn’t feeling like airing her dirty laundry to the rest of them.
“Yeah, it probably is,” Sienna agreed slowly. She sent Parker a look though, telling her that she’d have to give her all the details about why Ethan Ramsey was following her later.
The excitement of the event quickly went away and everyone returned to what they had been doing before Sienna had run out. Everyone except Parker. She looked at the image, imagining being there with him. The wind blowing through his thick hair, the smell of salt in the air. He looked like an angel. Parker chewed at her bottom lip as she thought. Did he post this as a reply to her photo? He must have…he said he didn’t want to post anything. Now he was on his way to be as famous as Bryce on pictagram. If this was how he was going to be, Parker could easily keep up with him. She smirked as she double tapped the image, a red heart covering his chest. Game on Ramsey. Game on.
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mrsdr-ethan-ramsey · 5 years ago
Glasses (Ethan Ramsey x f!MC)
I didn’t know what to call this, so what the hell here’s some fluffy smut named after Ethan Ramsey’s glasses 😂What was supposed to be angst or fluff has turned into SUPER fluffy sex. I hope y’all enjoy! This is for the anons who really wanted some more smut! This is only my second try at smut, so I hope it’s alright.
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Tag list (If I forgot someone or you want to be added/removed just message me!): @the-soot-sprite @ethandaddyramsey @silverlitskies @trappedinfandoms @samihatuli @sherlockedmcu @marywitchjane @awalker965 @openheart12 @flyawayboo @hatescapsicum @edith-eggs1 @princess-geek @akacalliope @my-heart-beats-for-ya @hipstercoffeeshop @miyakokurono @riverrune @chasingrobbie @sekizincimektup @canthandlechoices @thatysn @virtualrain202 @myusualnerdyself @verachoices @lilyvalentine @infinitiestones​ @junehiratas​ @desmaranji @noboundariesplease​
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x (f!MC)
Summary: Ethan leaves his glasses at the hospital, so Parker volunteers to bring them to him, and well one thing leads to another...
Warnings: Swear words, super fluffy sex 18+ please folks
Word Count: ~3200 (I think this is my longest fic??)
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Parker let out a deep sigh as she looked at the clock. Finally. Her shift was over and she was ready to get out of the hospital. She checked that everything was in order before she went to change out of her scrubs. She slid on her jeans and plain grey shirt before she emerged from the room only to run into Danny trying to enter it.
“Oh, Parker! Perfect. Have you seen Dr. Ramsey?” he asked.
“Last I saw him he was in his office.”
Danny held up his right hand, a pair of glasses clasped in it. “He left these at the nurses’ station. We were swamped, still are, but I figured we should try to get these to him before he leaves.”
“I can do it,” she offered. “We’re working on a big case so I’m sure he’ll need them.”
“You’re a lifesaver!” Danny cheered before handing her the glasses and rushing back to the desk. 
Parker eyed the glasses as she made her way to the elevators. While Ethan didn’t need the glasses to walk around or drive, they were necessary for doing any research. When you spend as much time as he does looking at small texts, reading glasses must be a necessity, Parker thought on the ride up. When she reached his floor, Parker started towards the office but her heart fell as she saw his empty desk through the glass. It was only 7, so it was a hit or miss if he’d be around. 
Parker looked down at the frames in her hand, chewing on her lip. She could either just set them on his desk and let him tear apart his apartment looking for them, or she could deliver them to his house. Well...she already knew where he lived and he would probably appreciate them, she thought to herself. She didn’t need much more convincing before she was back on the elevator and walking to the subway station. Instead of hopping on her normal train to take her inland towards her apartment building, Parker got on the train toward the bay. It wasn’t a long ride from Edenbrook to the stop she needed and then only a 10 minute walk to Ethan’s apartment. When she reached his building, she found his apartment number and buzzed it.
“Yes?” Ethan’s voice crackled through the box, sounding a bit confused.
“Ethan, it’s Parker. You left your glasses at the hospital...and well, I um, I brought them for you?” Oh boy. It sounded stupid coming out of her mouth now. She thought she’d be a hero to him. That he be frazzled looking for them. Her stomach knotted as she doubted her choice to come here. 
When the door buzzed open, the knot in her stomach only tightened. Not because she was worried about her decision to come here, but because the last time she had been at Ethan’s apartment he had been hungover in bed and she had willingly climbed on top of him. Her face flushed as she rode the elevator to his floor, remembering the night before that. The way his fingers teased her pussy as they looked out the window...the delicious scratch of his scruff on her thighs as his tongue worshiped her. Fuck. 
She jumped at the ding of the elevator reaching its destination, the doors sliding open. On shaky legs, Parker went up to the familiar door and knocked. Breathe Parker, you cannot look like just imagined him between your legs again, she scolded in her head. Through the door, she could hear Jenner barking wildly. A muffled voice called for Jenner to come before Parker heard the sound of a door closing. When the front door swung open, Ethan’s commanding figure was standing in the frame...a pair of glasses on his face.
“But...what?” Parker stammered, as she held the frames in her hand up.
His lips pulled into a smirk. Those same lips kissed you until your head spinned, Parker thought to herself. It felt like her brain was short circuiting. Maybe it was because it had been months since she had been with him and touching herself just didn’t feel the same as being with Ethan. Masturbating suddenly wasn’t as satisfying as it once had been. She had a taste of Ethan and now she craved him; always.
“I have two, just in case I leave one here or the hospital,” Ethan explained.
“I guess...I’ll just head out then?” Parker offered him the second pair of glasses, feeling a little stupid for going there for nothing.
Ethan reached for the glasses, their fingers brushing as he took them. He swallowed, his Adam's apple bobbing. At the simple feeling of her skin against his, tingles came over him. Maybe it was the couple of drinks he had had, but he knew better. That’s why before he could think over the implication, he said, “Would you like a drink?”
Parker looked up at him wide eyed. She was shocked for a second, before she nodded her head. Ethan moved out of the way, letting the young woman back into his personal space. As he shut the door and locked it out of habit he knew this night wasn’t going to end well for him. Just seeing her back in his apartment did things to him. 
Ethan cleared his throat, moving towards the kitchen. “Scotch fine?” 
Ethan got to work pouring a couple fingers for each of them, setting the glasses on the kitchen counter. Out of the corner of his eye he watched Parker move toward the windows. She had been fascinated by his view of the bay since the first time she had been visited. Ethan came up behind her, handing her a glass filled with amber liquid. As Parker took it with a small ‘thanks’, the two next to each other and watched the light slowly start to fade outside.
“Absolutely gorgeous…” Parker whispered against her glass, taking in the view once again.
Ethan looked down at her. “Yes...gorgeous.”
This made Parker look up at him with a smile, “Have I mentioned you’ve got the best view?”
“Only several times,” Ethan chuckled.
“When you grow up landlocked, something about the ocean is...enchanting. It’s big, untamed...nothing like the lakes I would go to.” She paused, eyes focused on the water. “I want a view like this someday. A house with a view of the ocean.”
His eyes couldn’t leave her, taking in every inch of her face. Her blonde hair was tangled from work, her brownish green eyes were glowing though. Her cheeks were tinged pink, from what he didn’t know. She looked at the view with more passion than he ever had. A part of him wished she would look at him with such unbridled passion. She had at one point, until he pushed her away. It was his own fault. 
“You’ll get it someday.”
Parker turned to him. “You think?”
“I promise.”
Their eyes were locked on each other. There was a lot behind that last sentence. Was Ethan promising to get her a house on the ocean? Did that mean he wanted to be with her? Would they be together? Parker’s mind was running wild, going crazy as suddenly all the futures she had imagined with him moved a little bit closer to her. Not a lot, but it was closer to being in her grasp. 
“I know.” 
The energy between them crackled as they fought to keep their distance. Both of them wanted to throw their glasses to the floor and let the shards surround them like a barrier against the outside world. They would finally touch each other how they have wanted to. Lips against each other in a frenzy. Hips moving to find some sort of friction. Hands reaching to touch every inch of each other. The desire Parker felt in these images was easily portrayed across her face.
“Fuck it,” Ethan growled, unable to resist the need glowling behind Parker’s eyes. 
She gasped as Ethan slammed his glass onto a side table. He closed the space between them, easily lifting her body up. She instinctively wrapped her legs around him, their lower halves pressed against each other. Parker whimpered at the sensation of his hardening cock pressed against her soft sex. Her arms wrapped around Ethan’s neck, trying to keep the tumbler in her hand from falling as Ethan backed her up against the window. 
His lips hovered over hers, brushing lightly as he spoke lowly, “Say you want this. That you’re craving me as much as I am you.”
Parker nodded desperately, trying to string a sentence together in her head.
“Say it Parker.”
“I want you Ethan, so fucking bad,” she cried out, aching for him to move against her, kiss her, touch her, anything to ebb the burning desire she felt pounding in her heart and between her legs.
At this, Ethan finally pressed their lips together with a groan. Sparks, fireworks, butterflies...you name it Parker felt it. It was like a wave crashing over her, knocking the breath out of her body as she moved her lips against his. It was clumsy at first, both of them desperate to feel as much as they could in case the other person were to pull away and try to stop what was about to happen. When neither of them did, they fell back into the practiced movement of their lips against each other. 
Parker broke first, her breath coming out in short pants as she whimpered, “Ethan, please.” 
“Tell me what you want Parker,” Ethan whispered against her lips before they strayed to place kisses across her jaw.
She wasn’t sure what she was begging for. His lips to fall back on hers? To press his hips closer to hers? To take her like he had done before? To tell her he wanted more than sex with her? All of them at once? 
“You, I want you.” 
Ethan’s lips trailed to her ear, nipping at the lobe before they trailed behind it. Sucking lightly, Parker gasped loudly. Forgetting about the glass in her hand, she dropped it with a sharp cry of “Shit!” as her fingers tangled in his hair. The glass landed, shattering behind them and scattering across the hardwood floor.
“Oh God, Ethan I’m so sorry,” Parker gushed, but he never stopped his assault against her neck. His lips kept pace, kissing the soft skin.
Ethan’s deep voice vibrated against her throat, “Forget the glass Parker. Jenner’s in the other bedroom.”
“O-Okay,” she whispered shakily.
He pulled away, his dark eyes filled with lust locked on her before he eyed the mess around them. “I’ll clean it up later. I need you now.”
Parker nodded eagerly, pushing her carelessness to the back of her mind. Carefully avoiding the glass on the ground, Ethan moved their bodies away from the window and towards his bedroom. All the while Parker covered Ethan’s face in kisses, her lips being deliciously scratched by his new, longer beard. With his hands securely on Parker’s ass, Ethan used his foot to push open the slightly closed door to the room. He groaned softly at the affection Parker was showering over his face. He loved how soft she was with him...the way her kisses felt like a whisper against his skin, her nails dragging over his scalp. He thought when they finally caved into their feelings it would be rough and wild, but this was something more. 
“Parker…” Ethan’s voice was soft in the dark, as if he needed to make sure she was still the person he was holding.
“I’m here…I see you Ethan.”
Parker pulled back to look in his eyes as her hands moved to frame his gorgeous face. The only light came from the street as Ethan stood tall over his bed, the woman he undeniably cared deeply for in his arms. He was delirious with happiness at this moment.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” He asked before he crossed the line.
“With you? Always.”
Once the words left her lips, Ethan pressed a hard kiss against her. It took everything in him to pull away from those soft lips covered in watermelon chapstick. Even when he pulled away he could taste it on his own lips. Without warning, he gently tossed the young woman on his bed, standing above her.
Parker giggled as she bounced on the bed, her hair falling haphazardly around her. Ethan looked down at her with such adoration, it took everything in her not to shout the three words that have been bouncing around her head. Slowly, we need to take this slowly, she told herself. 
“Perfection,” Ethan mumbled to himself as he pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it onto the floor. 
Parker couldn't stop the flush on her cheeks from his words and watching the strip show going on before her. Her eyes hungrily followed his fingers as they popped the button on his jeans before dragging them down his long legs. All that was left now were his boxer-briefs that clung to the now prominent bulge.
“I think you’re a little overdressed,” Ethan said as he crawled on top of her. Speechless, Parker just nodded in agreement. 
Ethan’s larger hands went to her waist, gently lifting the thin grey material higher up. Parker lifted her arms over her head, allowing Ethan to rid her of the shirt. He tossed it onto the floor next to his own as he kept his eyes on her breasts as they rose and fell gently with each breath. Without a single word, Ethan kissed each swell before trailing his hands around to the clasp in the back. With a single movement, the fabric went limp over her chest and he rid her of it. Ethan’s lips found her right nipple, his tongue expertly teased the stiffening bud in his mouth before he went to the left. Parker arched against him in pleasure, her jean clad groin grinding against him as if she was begging him to rid her of the barrier. Finally, his lips kissed down her body until they met the band of her jeans.
“Ohhh, Ethan,” Parker moaned quietly as he deftly undid the button on her jeans, slowly dragging them down her legs. His lips kissed along her left leg, creating a fog in her brain. Once Ethan had rid Parker of her jeans, he kissed his way back up her right leg.
A gasp escaped between Parker’s lips as Ethan placed a firm kiss between her legs over her panties. The beard that was once scratching her face as she kissed him now brushed the inside of her thighs. The feeling drove her absolutely wild that she barely registered his finger running up her soft thigh before finding the top of her underwear and pulling them off her. Parker’s hands found his hair as she pulled him up to her face, wanting nothing more than to kiss him into oblivion. 
She captured his lips in a kiss, putting all of her feelings into it. All of her passion, all of her happiness, all of her. Parker’s hands exploring the body that she had been craving since the last time she touched it. Her small hands dragged over his chest, skimmed over his back, before they found his underwear and dragged them down. 
Both finally completely naked, Parker practically glowed beneath him. Any words that Ethan could think to say were caught in his throat. Instead, Ethan planted his right hand and forearm firmly near Parker’s head as his left hand dragged down her body until he finally reached the spot where she needed him the most.
“Oh God, Ethan,” Parker cried out as one of Ethan’s strong fingers slid between her soaked core. 
“So wet for me,” Ethan hummed as he teased her entrance with his middle finger, before he sunk one finger, then two into her. His fingers pumped slowly a few times before he pulled out and dragged them up to her clit, spreading her moisture. 
As he brushed it, Parker let out a small whine. Ethan’s eyes couldn’t stray from her face as her eyes closed in pleasure with every movement of his hand between her legs. Feeling her legs spasm around him, Ethan picked up the pace of his fingers on the sensitive bud, trying to bring her as near to the edge as he could. 
“E-Ethan, I’m so close,” Parker cried, her hands clinging to the back of Ethan’s neck. He gave a final rub before his hand pulled away, causing a noise of pleasure and pain to leave Parker’s lips. 
As she peaked her eyes open, Parker was going to ask him why he stopped before she watched in awe as he lifted his fingers to his mouth. He wrapped his mouth around his digits, humming at the taste of her on his tongue.
“I need you now Ethan.”
“Are you still on your birth control?” Ethan asked before he did anything else.
Placing a gentle kiss against her lips, Ethan positioned himself over her and finally filled her. Parker gasped, finally feeling filled after months of nothing. Their pace started slow, as they reveled in the feeling of being this close again. 
“Ethan--fuck, I need more,” Parker panted below him, her face flushed a shade of red.
At her frantic words, Ethan’s hips moved faster. His thrusts going impossibly deeper, eliciting a whine from the woman underneath him. He loved the sounds she made for him, the tiny gasps and expletives leaving her lush lips. Her sweet pussy clenched around his cock, making Ethan move faster chasing the high he needed to achieve that he could only reach with her. He needed Parker. 
“So tight for me sweetheart. You feel absolutely amazing,” he whispered against her cheek, his lips ghosting across her skin.
“Yes, yes, oh God,” Parker cried with each drive of Ethan’s cock into her.
Needing to tip herself over the edge, Parker’s left hand left Ethan’s back and moved where they were connected. Her fingers quickly found her clint and rubbed herself with Ethan’s motions. 
“S-So close,” Parker whimpered as she felt the familiar tightness build up, right on the verge of finally finding release.
Ethan’s lips moved to her ear, breathing gruffly against it, “I’ve got you Parker. Come for me.”
The combination of Ethan’s cock, her frenzied movements against her clit, and his words finally caused Parker to reach euphoria. She came with a loud cry, her pussy clenching around Ethan as he quickly followed behind her. Swear words tumbled from his mouth as he rode out their highs. Completely spent, Ethan collapsed beside her; their sweaty bodies lying next to each other as they stared up at the ceiling.
“That was…” Parker breathed out.
Parker paused, afraid to ask her next question. “Do I have to leave?”
Ethan finally looked over at her. She looked afraid of the answer, but she had to know. Instead of answering her, he pulled her body on top of his. His strong arms wrapped around her as he held her close. Instinctively, Parker pressed her face into his chest breathing in the smell of soap and sweat. 
Placing a gentle kiss against her forehead, Ethan whispered against her hairline, “No, you don’t have to leave.”
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mrsdr-ethan-ramsey · 5 years ago
God, Have Mercy pt. 3 (Ethan Ramsey x f!MC)
Here is fluffy part threeee! Part 1 and Part 2 are here if you haven’t read them. I hope y’all like it. I’m not sure how I feel about this...kinda just some filler fluff I feel like. Tell me what you think. I have an idea for another part if y’all want more. I’m thinking this’ll get sweeter and spicer until KABOOM smut.
Here’s the song they dance to!
Tag List (Feel free to asked to be added or removed) : @the-soot-sprite @ethandaddyramsey @silverlitskies @trappedinfandoms @samihatuli @sherlockedmcu @marywitchjane @awalker965 @openheart12 @flyawayboo @hatescapsicum @edith-eggs1 @princess-geek @akacalliope @my-heart-beats-for-ya @hipstercoffeeshop @miyakokurono @riverrune @chasingrobbie @sekizincimektup @canthandlechoices @thatysn @virtualrain202 @myusualnerdyself @verachoices @lilyvalentine @infinitiestones​ @junehiratas​ @desmaranji @noboundariesplease​
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x f!MC (Parker Kennedy)
Summary: Ethan and Parker have to attend a gala to help get funding for the hospital and Parker makes sure he doesn’t forgot how she looked in her dress.
Warnings: None I think? 
Word Count: ~3100
As Parker got ready to leave the hospital for the day, a part of her was bubbling with excitement. Tonight Edenbrook was hosting a gala for the rich and famous in the Boston area. The higher up staff members were going to be there to suck up and woo the money straight out of their pockets. Parker was specifically asked to go and stay glued to Ethan’s side so he “plays nice” as Naveen said when he almost begged her to come. She could hardly wait to see the look on his face when he saw the dress she had picked for the evening. He was going to be knocked off his feet, and to make it better she was going to make sure the image lived on on her pictagram account.
Her commute from the hospital to her apartment was quick. She had plenty of time to get ready for the evening. Time to set operation Pictagram into action. Since Ethan decided to actually use his pitacgram to post shirtless photos, Parker decided that she was going to make him regret the game he started. She got ready for the night, and Sienna had happily agreed to take a photo of her in the dress she had picked out. 
“Parker! Your date is here!” Jackie shouted loudly from the kitchen.
Doing one more check in the mirror, Parker grabbed her clutch and exited her room. As she strode confidently to the door, it took everything in her not to swoon. Ethan stood awkwardly in the doorway, her friends hovering around him. His fingers were playing with his cufflinks as he waited for Parker to make her entrance. Ethan stood in her domain in a perfectly tailored tux, and he looked absolutely mouthwatering in it. 
“Thanks for getting the door guys,” Parker said casually as she made her presence known. She felt all eyes on her, but none burned quite as hard on her as Ethan’s.
Sienna gasped. “Parker! You look beautiful!”
“Thank you,” Parker said with a flush, spinning around in the floor length black dress. It was appropriate, but sexy enough to charm men for money and drive Ethan wild. The dress had a solid black short dress underneath it, with a long sleeved sheer cover over it. All of her skin was covered, but all eyes went to her legs that could be seen through the gauzy fabric.
Elijah put a fake glare on his face, “I want her home by 12:30 mister, no later.”
Ethan’s eyes widened, darting away from Parker and towards Elijah. “What?”
“Don’t tease him Elijah,” Parker scolded.
“Ah,” Ethan cleared his throat, “Are you ready Kennedy?”
“Let’s go rob ‘em blind.”
Parker threw a wink at Sienna, before she followed Ethan out the door and to his car. Walking side by side, Ethan glanced down at her and swallowed hard. This night was not going to be as easy as he thought it would be. The sheer black material kissed her skin. He couldn’t help but think that it was worse than her skin being bare. She looked powerful, the thin material flowing around her legs like she was walking on a storm cloud. She was not to be messed with tonight.
“See something you like?” 
Her voice broke him out of his staring, making a slight flush stain his cheeks and neck. “Oh, um, you look decent tonight.”
“I’ll take that compliment,” a wry smile came across her face.
Ethan rolled his eyes as he unlocked his car, helping Parker in before going around to the driver’s side. As he pulled into traffic, he navigated towards the waterfront. 
“You drove in from the bay to pick me up, only to drive back to the bay?”
Ethan's eyes looked over at her where she was grinning. “Don’t think too much about it. Did you want to ride the train in that dress?”
“I could have gotten an Uber.”
“You want to ride with a stranger in that dress?”
“You’re really focused on my dress tonight.”
Ethan mumbled something Parker couldn’t quite hear, but she was sure it was something about her legs. With a satisfied smile on her face, Parker opted to drop the topic and watch the city pass by on their way to the waterfront.
Pulling up in front of the Boston Harbor Hotel, Parker looked over him with wide eyes. “This is where the gala is?!”
“Only the best for Boston’s elite,” Ethan grumbled. 
“Yeah, yeah eat the rich, but it’s still gorgeous.”
“C’mon Kennedy, wipe the drool off your face. You won’t charm anyone ogling at the room.”
Together they exited the car and Ethan passed the keys to the valet. Holding out an arm to his ‘date’ for the night, Parker slid hers through and they walked into the over the top hotel. A worker guided them to the event space where they were let in with a flash of their tickets. The ballroom was lit softly, tables surrounding a dance floor in the middle of the room. The walls were lined with windows, giving a beautiful up close view of the water. High up Doctors, nurses, and nonclinical works mingled around the room chatting up the other guests.
“Ah! Ethan, Parker! I’m so glad you’re here!” Naveen said happily as he made his way towards them.
“Dr. Banerji,” Parker greeted with a warm smile.
“Now Parker,” Naveen started, turning towards her, “I expect you to stay by his side all night. Keep an eye on him. You know how he can get.”
Ethan grumbled while Parker let out a giggle. “You have nothing to worry about. I’ll keep him on his best behavior.”
“Good. Then go ahead and mingle.”
Ethan and Parker started making a round around the room. Ethan didn’t do much talking unless it was about Edenbrook. It was Parker who shined. Ethan was captivated by the way her smile lit up her eyes and how she knew exactly what to say and ask the person. This is why she made the diagnostics team. A glance down for a ring and she’d ask about a spouse. If someone looked like they weren’t there 100%, she would bring up their work. She got personal with them, talking about her family or the hospital so they would bring up their own personal experiences. She would never talk as much as them until the end, where she would seal their donation. She was thriving in this environment.
“Alright Kennedy,” Ethan looked down at her with a smirk, as another person walked away from them to go look through the auction items again. “I bet you can’t charm everybody here.” “Is that a bet Dr. Ramsey?”
“If you can charm the person I pick to donate to the hospital, I’ll run the tests on the diagnostic patients for two weeks.”
Parker grinned. She wouldn’t have to run up and down the floors for the next two weeks? Oh yea, she could do this. “Pick my target.”
Ethan’s head gestured to a man talking loudly about an app he had created. “Mr. Guy Ledford.”
Parker eyed him up. He looked fresh out of a frat house, and from how loud he was talking he thought a lot of himself. 
“What’s his thing?”
“Started some snacking app. I’m not sure, but from what I’ve heard he’s trying to get his image back after he lost an ugly custody lawsuit with his ex-wife.”
“Alright, stand back and watch the magic happen Dr. Ramsey.”
Putting on her best smile, Parker glided over to Mr. Leadford and gently brushed up against him. Ethan moved a little closer to them, picking up pieces of the conversation.
“Oh my gosh! You’re Guy Ledford! You created my favorite snaking app!”
Well played Kennedy, Ethan thought as Mr. Ledford jumped at the chance to talk about himself. 
“You use Nomme?”
“Of course! I’m always so tired after work at Edenbrook. The only thing that gets me through my shift are the snacks picked out for me!”
“Let me guess…” His eyes scanned over Parker’s body, staying too long on her legs and chest for Ethan’s liking. “You’re a dolphin?”
Parker faked a shocked expression on her face, her hand reaching to hold on his upper arm. “How did you know?!”
Ethan rolled his eyes at her theatrics, but that was why she was getting more people to donate. She made everyone feel like the most important person in the room. Ethan on the other hand...if it was up to him to rally people around the hospital it would be shut down by the end of the week. Having had enough of her show, and knowing she would get him to donate, Ethan moved to the bar to refresh his drink. When he got back, Parker was in Mr. Ledford’s arms on the dance floor swaying to the music.
“Ugh,” Ethan groaned, watching her in the arms of another man. He should have gotten more to drink, he thought to himself.
“Ethan!” Naveen came over to him. “How are you and Parker doing.”
He gestured to the dance floor. “How does it look?”
Naveen followed his eyes to where Parker was beaming and fawning over Mr. Ledford. “Looks to me like she’s doing exactly what I hoped she would.”
“She’s good at it,” Ethan mumbled into his drink.
“Ah,” Naveen looked back over at his protegee, “You don’t like sharing her.”
“What!?” Ethan coughed out, glaring at the older man.
“You’re so used to Dr. Kennedy only having eyes for you at the hospital. You’re not used to having to share her like this.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Naveen chucked, giving him a pat on his shoulder before he was called away to speak with another donor. Ethan’s eyes stayed fixed on the blonde, making sure Mr. Ledford’s hands didn’t fall too low on her waist. He wouldn’t allow him to feel up Parker just to get him to donate to the hospital.
It felt like an eternity to Parker, but finally the song ended and she pulled away from Mr. Ledford. Flashing another smile at him, she thanked him for his kind donation then excused herself to go find a drink. 
“That wasn’t dancing,” Ethan grumbled under his breath as Parker came to his side.
“What do you mean that wasn’t dancing?”
“I mean, swaying back and forth isn’t dancing.”
“Well it worked to get him to donate to Edenbrook. Enjoy your two weeks of running tests.”
Ethan just let a soft scuff leave his mouth, his eyes staying on the other couples dancing and swaying to a Frank Sinatra song.
Parker raised an eyebrow. “Sorry, the only experience I have dancing with a man is from my middle school dances and prom.”
“Well then you’ve never actually danced.”
Heat rose to Parker’s cheek. She loved to ‘dance’ and to have Ethan criticize her swaying got under her skin. She knew she wasn’t actually dancing, but she loved the idea of romantically dancing with a partner in a ballroom or around the house. She just hadn't found the time to take dance lessons yet. She would eventually.
“And I suppose you have?” She couldn’t help but challenge.
Finishing off his drink, Ethan held out a hand to her. “Why don’t you find out.”
Parker looked down at his hands, then up to his steel blue eyes. If she danced with Ethan, and he was as good as she thought he would be, she would never come back from this. Her stomach knotted, heart beating erratically as she delicately placed her hand in Ethan’s. A gentle smile pulled across his face as he led her onto the dance floor as the next song started, “Unchained Melody” by The Righteous Brothers.
Ethan’s left hand fell securely on her upper back by her armpit. Maybe she really knew nothing about dancing...she thought it was supposed to be on her waist, but she was not about to challenge him. He took her right hand and pulled it up with his as Parker laid her left on his shoulder, suddenly extremely nervous to be dancing with him. She had almost no experience dancing (besides swaying). 
As if he could read her mind, Ethan looked down at her and said softly, “Just follow my lead and you’ll be fine.”
With the start of the song, his feet began moving in a practiced waltz. Stumbling for a second, it didn’t take long for Parker to fall into step with the handsome doctor as he moved them across the floor. Her dress swung around them, making the twirls look more dramatic than what her feet were actually doing. Ethan stepped confidently, leading Parker’s body exactly where she needed to be. Together, they looked graceful to their onlookers.
Parker was breathless, her eyes unable to stray from the tender smile on Ethan’s face as they moved together in perfect sync. This felt a hell of a lot more intimate to her than what they had ever done before. Just as she was getting comfortable with their steps he threw a curveball her way. Parker felt as Ethan moved his hand to her center back and pulled her body closer to his.
His mouth moved to near her ear, singing only for her, “Time goes by so slowly. And time can do so much. Are you still mine?”
“Ethan…” she gasped, heart pounding out of her chest. She had never heard him sing before and it honestly took her breath away. His voice was low, rasping softly against her ear.
“I know.”
Ethan pulled back from Parker, spinning her one more time before pulling her back and dipping her body as the song came to an end much too soon. The sound of distant clapping could be heard around them, but Parker’s murky green eyes couldn’t pull away from Ethan’s slowly darkening blue ones. It felt like they were the only two in the room until he finally pulled her back up to her feet and took a step back.
“Well,” Ethan cleared his throat, “That was a real dance.”
Parker opened her mouth, but nothing would come out for a second until a quiet, “Thank you?” escaped her lips.
Ethan nodded, walking swiftly off the dance floor. Parker was rooted there for a second until the next song started and she darted to get out of the way. Thank you?! God she sounded so stupid, Parker thought as she darted towards the bar to try and forget the tingling feeling where Ethan had touched her. 
The rest of the night went smoothly, and Parker was happy to hear from Naveen that they had met their goal in donations thanks to the silent auction and all the schmoozing she and her colleagues had done. By midnight, Parker was yawning while she sat at a table. The only two people left on the dance floor were Zaid and Ines. She had never seen Zaid so sweet, but as he swayed with her, Parker couldn’t help but smile at them.
“Are you ready to head out?” a voice said over Parker.
Parker lifted her head up to see Ethan hovering behind her chair. “Yeah, I’m ready.”
Together they said a few goodbyes, then went to retrieve Ethan’s car. They sat in silence and they made their way towards Parker’s apartment, the radio playing softly. Parker looked over again at Ethan, his eyes locked on the road ahead of them.
“Where did you learn to dance like that?” Parker asked, her voice cutting through the song currently playing.
“I took lessons as a kid.”
“And it just stuck this whole time?”
Ethan shrugged. “That was only a basic waltz, not much to mess up.”
“Well I thought it was amazing.”
Ethan’s eyes pulled away from the road to look at the sleepy woman. She had kicked off her heels the second she got in the car and curled up happily in the seat. Her body was turned towards him, trying to fight off sleep and give him all her attention. 
“I’ll have to teach you some real steps to make it more complicated.”
With how fast her heart was going, she almost told Ethan to turn the car towards Edenbrook to make sure she wasn’t dying. “I’d like that a lot…”
Pulling over on the quiet street with Parker’s apartment, Ethan put the car in park and looked over. Parker was half asleep in his passenger seat and he wished nothing more that he was in front of their apartment and he could carry her inside to their bed. He didn’t want the night to end here, but he knew it had to. 
He put it off as long as he could, until he knew he had to go. Ethan gave her a gentle shake and whispered, “Parker, we’re at your apartment.”
Parker stretched out like a cat, sending a sleepy smile his way. Now it was his turn for his heart beat to go erratic. “Thank you for driving me Ethan. I had a lot of fun tonight.”
“I did too.”
They exchanged good nights, then Parker got out with her heels in her hands and went into her apartment. Ethan waited, until he saw a light flick on in her apartment before he drove away.
Ethan woke up the next morning a little later than he usually did. He didn’t work today and decided last night today would be his rest day. Reaching for his phone on the bedside table. He really was turning into a millennial as he opened the Pictagram app. He followed no one but Parker, so his breath hitched as her latest post loaded.
Tumblr media
She looked just as stunning as he had remembered, but it was her caption that stole the air from his lung.
“Oh, my love, my darling...I’ve hungered for your touch a long, lonely time…” he whispered. The lyrics from the song they danced to. 
He had never hit the like button faster than he did once he read what she posted. It was for him. Is this what it felt like to be in love? She wasn’t anywhere near him, but he longed for her touch, her smile, to see her eyes light up. Last night felt like a fever dream to him. He couldn’t remember the last time he had a good time attending an event like that, but Parker managed to make it more than tolerable. If she was going to send secret messages for him, he could do the same. He may not be good at voicing his feelings in person, but an ambiguous caption to the internet? He could to put a caption that could be about the gorgeous doctor that consumed his thoughts. He just needed to find the perfect photo from his father...
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mrsdr-ethan-ramsey · 5 years ago
Rookie (Ethan Ramsey x MC)
Y’all, I couldn’t stop myself from writing this at like 12:30 last night. I literally fell asleep writing, but I needed to feel more angst. Honestly my biggest fear is that Ethan will start calling someone else Rookie. Plus it was an excuse not to do homework. I hope you all like it! (Also if you have any ideas or requests with Ethan, I would be more than excited to try to write them!)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x MC (Parker Kennedy)
Summary: When Parker hears Ethan call another intern Rookie, she can’t stop herself from confronting him.
Warnings: Angsttttttt, cause I love and hate how much Parker and Ethan hurt right now
Word Count: ~2500
‘So far, so good’ Parker thought as she maneuvered through the familiar halls of Edenbrook. She was off to pick up her intern, Esme Ortega, after delivering the results from the diagnostics patient she tested early today. She felt like she was on autopilot as she thought back to her discussion with Dr. Ramsey.
“We’ll be okay. We’ll make it work.”
Her heart still stopped as she thought about those words. To anyone else it would sound like they were talking about work; about their professional relationship. But they weren’t. He held her hand as he told her those words. His thumb rubbed the back of her hand so lightly that if she hadn’t looked down she probably would have missed it. Was he talking about their work relationship? A little bit. Was he talking about their personal relationship? She hoped to some greater being that he was. Needless to say, she felt like she was on top of the world.
Once she reached the nursing desk, she found Esme talking with Jackie and her intern, Molly Addison, adamantly. Parker put her best smile on her face as she came over.
“Hey all! How were rounds? Sorry I had to miss it Esme.”
Esme looked over at Parker, obviously not enjoying her peppy attitude. “It was fine.”
“Oh my gosh, no it was amazing!” Molly squealed. At this, both Jackie and Esme cringed. Parker hid her slight annoyance for the young red head as she gushed about all the ‘super cool!’ things they had seen! Parker only slightly regretted asking her about rounds, but she was happy that the young intern was enjoying her time at Edenbrook.
“I’m glad you’re finding your place here!” Parker smiled, “But I’ve got to talk to Esme about a couple things. We’ll see you guys later!”
Esme quickly followed Parker whispering a small ‘Thank God’ as Jackie sighed, being left with the human version of sunshine and bubble gum.
After a couple hours of showing Esme the ropes and watching her present her case, she finally found herself back at the nurse’s station. She was about to congratulate Esme on her stellar performance so she could see her roll her eyes again before she heard a deep voice call down the hall.
Parker’s head immediately snapped to the familiar voice, ready to go help with Dr. Ramsey with whatever he needed. Just as she was about to head over, she watched Molly skip over.
“Yes Dr. Ramsey?” She asked sweetly, her voice dripping with desire.
Parker couldn’t hear the rest as her high from earlier quickly died. He obviously called her that before because she came right over and he started talking to her. When did he start calling other people Rookie? That was her nickname! Right? Although, he did seem reluctant to call her Rookie when she saw him at Donahue’s…but that doesn’t matter. The point is, he had only ever called her rookie. Now suddenly this beautiful intern was Rookie?
“Woah, Parker. Don’t think too hard. There’s going to be smoke coming from you soon,” Elijah called, snapping her out of her internal panicking.
Parker turned to see Elijah and Sienna coming up, their interns following close behind. They seemed good, not overly excited like Molly but more open to conversation than Esme.
“Second year doctors meeting only,” Parker said quickly, tugging Sienna and Elijah some ways away from their interns.
“What’s up P?” Elijah asked.
“That!” Parker whispered angrily as she gestured towards Dr. Ramsey and Molly talking down the hall. “He called her Rookie!”
At this, both the doctors’ eyes widen.
“Seriously?!” Sienna exclaimed. She wouldn’t be happy to beat up Dr. Ramsey, but if Parker needed her to she would happily kick his ass back to the Amazon.
All three of them turned their eyes turned back to Dr. Ramsey and the intern. He must have felt their eyes on him, because his attention immediately turned and shot them a little glare. In panic the three quickly ran off with their interns, hoping to avoid the wrath of Dr. Ramsey.
Parker tried not to think about how betrayed she felt. She really did, but it always seemed to be nudging her in the back of her mind no matter where she was. She bumped into six different people because she had been so distracted about it. That’s how she ended up wide awake in her bed at 2:30 am. Her body rolling around under the covers, hearing Ethan say Rookie only to have the young intern bounce up to him happily. She was pretty, Parker did have to admit that. Her hair was naturally red, layered with different shade of red and orange that made it look like flames. She was small with a near perfect figure. Parker, on the other hand, was scrawny right now and slowly starting to gain weight now that Sienna was making sure she ate three meals a day. While Parker had brown-green muddy eyes, Molly’s eyes were crystal blue. Seriously, how could a man resist a girl like Molly?!
Maybe it was the lack of sleep, or the desperation to know what was going on, but Parker found herself climbing out of bed quickly. She pulled on leggings and a baggy sweatshirt before she called an Uber. Tip toeing through her apartment, she was glad Landry was no longer there. If he had, she wouldn’t be surprised if he was up ‘getting ready to go to the hospital’ as this time. She rolled her eyes at this thought before slipping a pair of shoes on and hurriedly leaving her building.
The ride was short without the normal traffic of the busy city. 2:45 was an excellent time to drive through Boston, Parker thought as she stared out the window at the lights flying by. The towering buildings were a dramatic change from her Midwest home, and she loved it. She was meant to be here; she could feel it deep within her.
Once at Ethan’s apartment, she thanked her driver and tipped her generously for driving her at such an awful time. Parker than moved towards the familiar building, pressing his apartment number praying the buzzing would wake him up. After a bit with no response, she repeatedly hit the button over and over (she knew this would annoy him awake).
“I swear if this is a prank I will call the cops,” she heard Ethan’s familiar voice crackled angrily through the intercom, Jenner barking in the background.
Quickly, she hit the speak button and said urgently, “Ethan! It’s Parker! I need to talk to you, now!”
“Parker?” He sounded confused, and tired.
Before she could reply, she heard the lock click. She didn’t waste any time getting into the building, hitting the number for his floor. The elevator shot up, brining her closer to a sleepy (and more than likely pissed) Ethan Ramsey. When she was outside his door, she hesitated. Was she really going to barge into Ethan’s apartment and demand to know why he’s calling Molly, Rookie? This was crazy! She was crazy! She should just go home, and if Ethan asks her just deny, deny, deny. She could convince him it was a dream, right? Ugh, who was she kidding. Ethan’s too smart to fall for that plan, she thought. Instead, she stood at the door; petrified as she lifted her hand and knocked gently against the wood.
Ethan had never been a heavy sleeper, so when he heard his buzzer go off the first time he thought it had been someone hitting the wrong number. After it keep going incessantly and Jenner started barking, he forced himself out of his light sleep to scare the kids ringing his buzzer shitless. He had been more than surprised to hear Parker’s voice and quickly let her into the building, assuming that something had happened. He couldn’t think of another reason as to why she’d come 3 am. He swung the door open, preparing for the worst, but was surprised to see her completely fine.
“Parker, what’s wrong?”
Hearing his voice, heavy and low with sleep she lost her train of thought. All she could think about was how she had woken up to that voice before. How he kept her in bed as long as possible, knowing that when they left her room it’d be over. She just hadn’t expected him to replace her so quickly.
“Did I mean nothing to you?” she whispered, barely audibly. Tears threatened to stream, but she refused to cry in front of him. She already felt like a child compared to him, if she cried in front of him it would be the icing on the cake. But Ethan could easily see through her, so he opened the door wider to let her in. He wouldn’t let her cry in the hallway.
As she crossed into his space, Ethan’s brows furrowed in confusion, “What are you talking about?”
Ethan’s face flushed. “You heard that?”
Radio silence. Neither knew what to say to make this situation better. There was an invisible wall between the two and neither were quite sure how to take it down. Parker had tried that first night at Donahue’s when she kissed him, only to receive the nicest rejection she had ever gotten. She had hoped that seeing her and kissing her again would remind him of what they had before he vanished. Unfortunately, he had a much better resolve than her. So now she didn’t know what to do. She had no backup plan on how to win him back over.
“If you weren’t interested in me, you could have just told me…if you just wanted someone prettier you could have just said, you didn’t need to string me along for two months and then flirt with another girl in front of me to make that point.”
“I wasn’t flirting with her Parker. Christ.” He ran his hands through his bed head. How had she gotten that from one conversation with an intern whose name he couldn’t even remember? Did she really think that he’d try to get with an intern when he just told her that they need to keep a professional relationship? Did she really think that low of him?
He locked eyes with her. “I didn’t know her name and couldn’t be bothered to ask.”
Parker looked back at him, begging his deep ocean eyes to tell her the truth. She saw that he was actually hurt that she had thought he was flirting with another intern. She felt stupid for jumping to conclusions, but it had hurt to hear him call another person ‘Rookie’. If he was looking for a sure way to drive her crazy, he found it without even trying.
“I…I guess I had always thought I was your Rookie. I didn’t think you’d drop it as soon as you got back…”
“Parker,” he said gently, “You’re not a Rookie anymore. You’re a skilled doctor who earned her way onto the nation’s top diagnostics team. I assumed you wouldn’t want me calling you that anymore.”
He was right, as usual. Anyone else listening in would probably find the nickname degrading, not endearing like she did. She couldn’t fight his rationale behind the name change, so instead she looked down at her feet like a child caught stealing a cookie. Ethan looked at her small frame, finally analyzing her. She seemed a little off than what he had remembered her being two months ago. She seemed a little duller, not as wide-eyed and hopeful as she did when she first walked through Edenbrook. He hated that she lost her sparkle under his watch; he had no one to blame but himself.
Parker made her way to the floor to ceiling windows, looking out over the bay as she crossed her arms protectively in front of her. She was putting up a barricade around herself, hoping to ease the pain. If the wall between them wasn’t coming down, she’d simply put one around herself to stop her from trying to scale or break it down to get to him. “You still have the best view in all of Boston.”
“I’ve learned to appreciate it more,” Ethan said with a sad smile, thinking about how Parker had pointed the view out to him the first night they were together. That felt so long ago. He studied her shrunken frame. She looked at home in his space. He loved that, but he knew he shouldn’t get used to it.
Ethan heard her let out a small yawn, reminding himself of the time. “Why do you get a little rest before your shift. You take my bed; I’ll take the couch.”
At the offer, Parker turned back to look at him. “Oh, you don’t need to do that. I’m fine on the couch.”
“Nope. My house, my rules.” He insisted, as he lead her into his bedroom. He made quick work ordering Parker to take off her shoes and get in the bed. Once she was laying down, he pulled the covers up around her.
Parker let out a yawn as she looked up at Ethan sleepily. “Thank you.”
“You’re always welcome here Parker.”
As she closed her eyes and flipped onto her stomach, Ethan couldn’t stop his heart from going wild. Seeing Parker Kennedy back in his bed made him wish that he could wake up to this view every day. He wanted nothing more than to climb into bed next to her and pull her into his chest, whispering sweet nothings as she drifted off. Fuck, he had never been a romantic before she came barging into his life. He hated that she did this to him, but loved it just the same. Fighting every urge in his body to get into the bed, he walked out to the living room and sat down on the couch. Flicking on the lamp, he slid his glasses on and began to read a new medical journal as Jenner slept happily at his feet.
The morning had been weird for Parker and Ethan, but they maneuvered it as gracefully as they could…like a baby giraffe learning how to walk. They stumbled around kitchen making coffee and toast. He even offered to give her a ride to the hospital. As they walked in, they saw Baz walking in as well, so Ethan (ever so smooth) made the comment that ‘He and Dr. Kennedy had met early to discuss her role on the team’. Parker couldn’t help but smile at this as she went off to find Esme and start the day.
Late in the afternoon at the nurse’s station, Parker caught a glimpse of Dr. Ramsey talking to Molly again. Her stomach flipped and she tried not to listen in to the conversation…but she really couldn’t help herself.
“Dr. Addison, I expect the results on my desk by 6. And your patient better not be dead.” He said sternly, leaving Molly with a shocked look on her face. 
As Dr. Ramsey stormed off, he met Parker with a soft smile. He may not call her Rookie at work, but he knew he couldn’t call anybody else her nickname.
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mrsdr-ethan-ramsey · 5 years ago
The Call (Ethan Ramsey x f!MC)
Oops...I sinned a bit. I’m not sure if it’s good though...this is my first time writing anything remotely smutty but I was reading Love Her or Lose Her by Tessa Bailey (10/10 would recommend) and got inspired by her extremely hot phone sex scene. So I gave it a shot...I hope it’s okay. There’s a lot of build up to just a lil smut...
Tag List: @the-soot-sprite @ethandaddyramsey @silverlitskies @trappedinfandoms @samihatuli @sherlockedmcu @marywitchjane @awalker965 @openheart12 @flyawayboo @hatescapsicum @edi654 @princess-geek @akacalliope @dr-nancy-house @hipstercoffeeshop @miyakokurono @riverrune 
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x f!MC (Parker Kennedy)
Summary: Upset by Ethan leaving without warning, Parker calls him and one thing leads to another...
Warnings: Swear words, smut, NSFW, 18+ please folks
Word Count: ~2100
As Parker threw back another shot of tequila, she could feel her lips start to tingle as her vision started to blur. A few more and I’ll forget everything, she thought as she triumphantly slammed the glass down before any of her other roommates could finish. Lately they couldn’t keep up with her drinking. If Parker didn’t have an early shift, she would be trashed by the end of the night and would have to dragged her home. There was only one reason for her new drinking habits; Ethan Ramsey had left.
One month. That’s how long it had been since he left for South America without so much as a ‘goodbye Rookie’. She had whiplash from watching him dart to the hospital entrance, suitcase rolling behind him. She had shouted after him, chased him even. He wouldn’t turn around. It was the hardest thing she had ever witnessed. Ethan getting into a rideshare, refusing to look at her. She knew he heard her call his name over and over. She knew he heard her chase after him. All he had to do was look to the side to see her small frame shaking with tears, confused and upset. But he didn’t.
Parker had waited and waited for a call or a text. Anything to know where he was going, how long, and why. After a week, she went to Naveen. He was just as surprised as she was that Ethan hadn’t mentioned anything to her. She had to find out through Naveen that he was in the Amazon helping to fight a disease and treat people who didn’t have access to modern medicine. It took everything in Parker to not cry in front of the new Chief of Medicine. She was hurt that Ethan didn’t tell her that he’d be gone for two months. Two whole months and he didn’t feel the need to tell her. He ditched her without a goodbye. That stung.
To forgot about this, Parker kept busy by picking up extra shifts at work and in her free time numbed her brain with alcohol. When this started, her roommates had only assumed she was stressed. As it started happening more and more frequently, they became extremely concerned about her drinking habits.  
“Alright, you’re done Kennedy,” Bryce said as he switched her shot glass for one filled with water.
“I’m not even that drunk!” Parker protested, her words only slurring a bit. She was right, but her friends wanted to save her liver before she destroyed it.
Sienna gave her a concerning look. “We know, but you’ve been drinking a lot lately. We’re worried this habit will stick if we don’t intervene.”
Parker glumly took a drink of water and mumbled, “This habit will only be around for another month.”
At this, Elijah shot Sienna a look. The two were the only ones that 100% knew Parker had sex with Ethan. Jackie assumed that she had, and Bryce only knew Parker had a crush. Even if they didn’t all know about her relationship with the older doctor, they all pinned her excessive drinking to the absence of Ethan Ramsey.  
“Alright, I’m calling it a night. Let’s head home,” Jackie stated, throwing back the last two shots before Parker could offer to take one.
With some coaxing, and tugging, the group of roommates said goodbye to Bryce and headed for the train to take them home. Parker leaned on Sienna for the entire ride, the last shot finally hitting her. With the help of Jackie and Sienna, Parker got ready for bed and they laid her down on her mattress. With a few goodnights from all the roomies, they shut the door leaving Parker alone with her thoughts. Without enough alcohol in her system, Parker’s mind started thinking about Ethan.  
What was he doing right now? Was he thinking about her? Did he ever think about her? Was he okay? Did her contract the disease? Did he miss her like she missed him?  
She reached for her phone, scrolling through her text messages until she saw his name. There were only two texts sent. One from her and one from him.
I hate texting.
If that was true, then the only thing she could do was call him. She tapped on his contact icon, just the letters ER. She was afraid to take of photo of him for her contacts, and the moody photo available through the hospital seemed too impersonal. Her finger hovered over his number, a debate going through her head on whether or not she could call.
He obviously would have called you if he wanted to talk to you. Well maybe he doesn’t have service down there. Then what’s the point of me even calling him? Well if he doesn’t have reception then I’ll know, and the call won’t go through. At least then I’ll know why he didn’t call me. If he picks up...well, I’ll cross that bridge if I get there.
She hit the number, putting her phone up to her ear as she waited quietly to see if she would get something. It rang, proving that he in fact did have his phone on and reception.
Ethan Ramsey was bewildered to say the least when he saw the name Parker Kennedy flash on his phone. He cursed himself, her, and whatever force that made her name flash on the device. One month. He had only been away for one month. He had been strong and not called, written, or made any contact with the woman who held his thoughts every waking moment. He was doing so well until she reached out to him.
Ethan debated on whether or not to answer. He was ready to decline the call, until he thought that it could be an emergency. Parker could actually need his help. Well, that’s how he justified taking the call.
“Rookie? What’s wrong?” he answered gruffly, making his way into his personal space so nobody could hear his conversation. He swore he could hear Parker inhale sharply at the sound of his voice, but he couldn’t be sure.
“H-Hi Ethan,” she whispered.
He waited for her to say more, to give a reason why she was calling. Instead she remained silenced except for her soft breathing. Even thousands of miles away, Parker had utter control over him. He closed his eyes, trying to regain power of his body. He thought it was pathetic that his cock was reacting to just her saying his name and breathing.
“Parker you called me. I’m going to need an explanation.”
“O-Oh, right!” Parker rasped out, repositioning herself on the bed. “I just wanted to check in with you…since, well you left without so much as a goodbye.”
Ethan let out a loud sigh, pacing in his space. His left hand held the phone to his ear while the right tugged at his hair.
“I had to Rookie,” he said lowly.
“You could have said goodbye, or at least told me you were leaving.”
He sighed again. He seemed to being doing that a lot in this conversation. “I had to put distance between us.”
“Over 3,000 miles?”
“Any closer and I don’t know if I could have stayed away.”
His voice was deep, and sounded like pure sex to Parker. She could barely register his words, his voice sending jolts straight between her legs. Parker hadn’t heard that voice in over a month. She squeezed her thighs together, rubbing them slightly and breathed out, “W-What do you mean?”
“You do things to me Parker. You mess with my head. I can’t think straight when I’m around you. If I want to have control when I’m your boss…” Ethan took a deep breath. “I needed to get away from you.”
She should be heartbroken at his words, but just hearing his voices was working her up more and more. She barely registered her hands moving down the front of her leggings and into her panties as he spoke. That was why she didn’t even think about controlling her breathing as it picked up with her movements.
“What are you doing Parker?” he asked. She could practically see the furrow in his brow as he tried to figure out exactly where she was and doing at the moment.
“I’m just at my apartment,” she whispered, her fingers never stopping.
“Your bedroom?”
“Parker,” his voice dropped impossibly lower as he growled out, “Are you touching yourself?”
“N-No! Of course not!”
Parker knew he would be able to hear right through her breathy response. As if he could read her mind, he replied, “You think I don’t know how you sound as you get worked up? As your pussy gets wet?”
Parker was just about to deny is words, but as her fingers brushed her clit she let out a soft moan. A quiet fuck came through the phone before she heard movement.
“E-Ethan, what are you doing?” she asked, her movements never slowly down in her panties.
“Do you really think I could listen to you getting off without getting hard myself? Christ Rookie, my cock was hard the second you said my name.”
That sent a delicious shiver down Parker’s spine, making her hips arch towards her fingers exploring the familiar area. Her fingers pressed harder, eyes shutting as she imagined that they weren’t her fingers but Ethan’s. She pulled every image she could of the two times they had been intimate, playing them on the back of her eyelids. She was not ashamed that it wasn’t the first time she was getting off remembering being with Ethan, but this time was different. In her right ear she could hear is gruff voice, the small grunts that left his lips and he stroked himself with her.
“Fuck…Ethan,” she mewled in his ear. He could hardly take it. He hadn’t been with anybody since his last night with Parker. He couldn’t even think about being intimate with anyone except the young doctor. She consumed his every thought and dream.
“Think of me,” his voice rumbled in her ear. “Think of me between your legs, my tongue on your cunt, my cock filling you up, my lips sucking on your breasts.”
“Yes!” Parker cried, the familiar knot tightening in the pit of her stomach. She was so close
“Darling do you know what I’d do to you if I were there?” Ethan groaned into the phone. “I’d worship your pussy, those gorgeous thighs…every inch of your body should be touched…kissed…because you look like a goddess when you come undone.”
“Please, Ethan,” Parker begged, not knowing what she was asking him to do. Make her finish? Fly back and make her come in person? She wasn’t sure. Her brain was mush as her moves became frantic, only thinking about Ethan.
“I know sweetheart,” he said. She could hear his hand picking up speed in the background, the small moans leaving his lips told her he would be close soon.
Trembling and completely at Ethan’s mercy, Parker couldn’t stop the moans living her lips. Though thousands of miles of way, the two touched themselves in tandem. It was intimate, the only sounds being exchanged were those of pleasure.
“E-Ethan, I’m so close,” she gasped, sinking two fingers inside herself as she tried to find the G spot that Ethan always could.
“Let go Parker. Come for me,” Ethan growled, rubbing his aching member as he imagined Parker’s body withering on her bed. He could practically see her body bowing off of it from the pleasure.
With a frantic rub against her sensitive clit, Parker sobbed Ethan’s name over and over again with her orgasm. Ethan’s actions never slowed, rubbing desperately as him found his own high.
As Parker came down from her climax, she could hear Ethan’s breathing begin to level. Overwhelmed, she couldn’t help but whimper out, “I miss you Ethan.”
“I know darling…” he said softly, his own voice shaking.
“Don’t leave me yet…”
“I won’t.”
He stayed on the phone with Parker until she fell asleep, whispering a silent ‘sweet dreams’ once her breathing leveled. As he hung up the phone, he let out the breath he had been holding. He was so fucked.
The next morning, Parker woke up from the best sleep she had had since, well, since she slept cuddled up to Ethan. Her phone was almost dead next to her. The first thing she saw was that Ethan had stayed on the phone with for hours before he hung up. Parker’s heart rate picked up as a small smile came across her face. She knew she’d be able to wait another month before she saw him again. And by then, Parker was determined to convince him to give their feelings a chance.
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mrsdr-ethan-ramsey · 5 years ago
Used to It (Ethan Ramsey x f!MC)
More angst, oof. I’ve been listening to Ashe of repeat the last few weeks, and I love this song. So now we get some angst with our favorite doctor duo. For me personally, it’s so hard to learn to live with a new person and Ethan really strikes me as someone who likes control over his space. That’s gotta lead to some fights, right? I hope y’all enjoy! Also, Thank you so much for all the love and support! It means the absolute world to me! Y’all are so sweet and nice! Thank you for all your kind words, likes, and reblogs. You are all the best! 💕💕💕
Tag List: @the-soot-sprite @ethandaddyramsey @silverlitskies @trappedinfandoms @samihatuli @marywitchjane @awalker965 @openheart12 @flyawayboo @hatescapsicum @edith049 @princess-geek @akacalliope @dr-nancy-house @hipstercoffeeshop @sherlockedmcu @virtualrain202
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x f!MC (Parker Kennedy)
Summary: Ethan and Parker just moved in together and their relationship has some growing pains with it.
Warnings: Angst, fighting, maybe a swear word or two? 
Word Count: ~1730
Song Inspiration: ��Used to It (Stripped)” by Ashe
Ethan walked through the apartment door after an extremely stressful day. Parker had the day off, meanwhile he had a person emergency lifted from Mass Kenmore to try and figure out why he kept coding. On top of it, he had to tell two different families that they were terminal. He had done this before, but it didn’t make it any less hard. So as he walked in to find the dishes still piled up in the sink and Parker still in her pajamas it irked him just a bit.
“I’m home,” he mumbled as he took off his shoes and set his keys in the dish by the door.
Parker looked over at him and grinned, “How was your day?”
“Not great. Have you had dinner?”
“Yeah, I just had some cereal,” she replied, moving to kneel on the couch so she could watch Ethan move around the kitchen.
“Of course.”
This made Parker narrow her eyes at him. She and Ethan have had plenty of fights before and she could sense one building up. It always started with short comments being mumbled so she would have to ask him what he said. This would lead to the explosion of words and anger. It had been worse lately it seemed. She just moved into his apartment now that everyone at the hospital knew they were dating. The growing pains of learning how to live with someone, especially for Ethan, were taking a toll.
It started with the fact that Parker would try on different clothes before settling on something, leading to her clothes laying on the floor of their closet. Parker started noticing that Ethan had a place for everything, so her stuff was scattered in random spots as not to disturb his order. She ate at random times, while Ethan preferred meals around normal hours. All the things were little by themselves, but adding them together put both Ethan and Parker under pressure. They were going to explode at some point, they just didn’t know when. Well, until Ethan came home pissy and Parker wasn’t going to take it tonight.
“If you have a problem Ethan, say it to my face.”
Parker went for the throat and Ethan wasn’t going to take it either. With a straight face he turned to her and replied, “You didn’t have time to do the dishes today?”
“No, I was catching up on some cases and reading the journals that you said you wanted me to read, laundry, and actually enjoying my one day off.”
“One more question, when are you going to grow up Parker?”
Ethan knew he went too far. She was already self-conscious about their age difference from all the whispers at the hospital and now he pointed it out. Low blow Ramsey, he said in his head, low fucking blow.
Parker’s jaw clenched. If he was going to play this way, she would too. So, despite the little voice in her head telling her no, Parker shot back with, “Sorry Ethan. I didn’t want to disrupt the museum you call a home.”
“Like doing the dishes would disrupt anything!” Ethan was exasperated now. As an only child, arguing back and forth was new to him. Parker had years of experience with her siblings, so she could take a few hits as well as deliver her own while also not going too far.
“Well if I put them away, I’m sure I would have put them in the wrong spot! That’s all you ever go on about when I tried to do them in the past.”
Ethan’s face grew red as his voice grew with each word. “The kitchen is laid out so dishes are by where you use them. It’s not that hard Parker!”
“Okay, fine. It all makes sense now that you’ve said that for the 10th time. Thank you so much Mr. Smarty Pants,” she shouted, voice dripping with sarcasm.
Both Ethan and Parker knew they should shut up, but the fighting was about more than just the stack of dishes in the sink. It was the stress from inside their shared apartment but also the outside worries of finally publically dating. Neither could stop though, not until the final blow was made…and for this fight it was Ethan’s.
“Harper figured it out, you should be able to.”
Parker’s jaw dropped. Time stood still. He sucker punched her and she had no fight left in her. He regretted the sentence as soon as it left his lips, but he really didn’t want to eat his words right after he said them. So all Parker did was get up, go to the sink and start filling it was warm water and soap. Maybe Ethan had the last word, but she would make him regret it. They moved quietly around each other; Parker doing the dishes and Ethan making himself dinner. Once she was done, she left the kitchen without saying anything.
Ethan spent that night on the couch while Jenner took his spot in bed.
The next morning, the silence continued. It was deafening. The two tiptoed around each other; unsure of what to say. Pride and anger keeping the other from talking first, so they pretended like the other person wasn’t there. It was hard since they both had a diagnostic case to attend to right away. They held a truce when talking about the patient, but the walls went up as soon as it was solved and the patient was treated. Parker spent the rest of her day in the free clinic while Ethan holed himself in his office.  
The commute home was just as quiet. Parker spent it trying to figure out how they managed to get to this point. How had their love fallen so low that they were taking cheap shots as the other, refusing to talk except for work, and barely making eye contact? She wanted to go back to how they were before they were publically dating. They each had their own space to go to when they needed it and she felt wanted and loved. They were so good together when no one knew. There was a thrill to not being caught…and now? Everyone knew. He could kiss her in the hallway. That’s all she ever wanted until the side effects of publically dating kicked in. Everyone had an opinion.
“She’s way too young for him. She’s obviously a gold digger.”
“I liked him better when he dated Harper.”
“She’s so nice and he’s so callous. How are they even together?”
“I think it’s gross that he would take advantage of a second year resident.”
The only two voices that seemed lost in the relationship were the two that actually mattered; Parker’s and Ethan’s.
The quiet stretched through making dinner, eating, and getting ready for bed. Parker left the living room where the two had been reading. She figured Ethan would stay out there again since their silence had stretched the entire day. Standing in the closet, she reached for her pajamas but something caught her eye as she was about to leave in her usual long shirt and panties. There, folded nicely on top of Ethan’s laundry around her mess of clothes, was his sweater. Fuck she had loved that sweater her intern year. He seemed to always wear it outside of the hospital. It was familiar and reminded her of good times, before all the fighting. Parker grabbed it, slipping it on then crawling into the bed alone.
Around 2 am, Ethan couldn’t spend any more hours flipping around the couch. He was pretty sure Jenner was sending glares his way with how much noise he was causing. He wanted nothing more than to be in his own bed, holding his girlfriend, and to take back everything he said. So that’s what he was going to do.
Ethan got off the couch and walked the familiar path to the bedroom. He gently opened the door and looked in. His heart broke at what he saw. Parker had fallen asleep with a lamp on, wrapped in his sweater. She looked small curled up in a ball on his side of the bed. As he walked into the room and sat down on the bed next to her, he could see that she had been crying. Saying the words hurt, but seeing their direct effect on the woman he loved made him realize how bad he actually felt.
“Parker, my love,” he whispered softly.
She stirred at his voice, pulling her out of her light dreamless sleep. Her eyes cracked open, drowsily taking in Ethan’s bare chest and pajama clad legs sitting next to her. She rubbed her eyes, making sure that he was actually here or if she had finally gone nuts.
“Ethan?” he hoarse voice asked.
“I’m sorry Parker for all the shit I said. If I could take it back so it never happened, I would. We both know I can’t though, so the best I can do it tell you how sorry I am.” His eyes were downcast, unable to look at his favorite person in the world.
Parker pushed her body up, wrapping her arms around herself. “I’m sorry too…this is new for both of us Ethan. We’re going to stumble along the way, but that last comment was low.”
He nodded, “I know, that was uncalled for.”
As Parker woke up a little more, she looked at the hunched over frame of Ethan Ramsey. He usually carried himself with such pride, but as he admitted that he was wrong he looked actually sorry. Their growing pains were at their worst, but she had no doubt they’d figure out how to get this right. She wanted to be with him more than anything. They would get through this.
They sat quietly for a bit, until Ethan finally said, “I’ll make room for your things around the apartment.”
Parker looked over at him, a small smile on her face. “I’ll start picking up my clothes.”
Ethan reached for Parker’s hand and she willingly gave it. His hands were larger than hers, rough from years of the cold Boston winters. He brought her hand to his lips, kissing the back of it gently.
“I’m all in. I’ll always love you Parker,” he whispered softly against her hand.
“After everything we’ve been through, I’ll always love you Ethan.”
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mrsdr-ethan-ramsey · 5 years ago
At Last (Ethan Ramsey x f!MC)
Fluff here! Come get your fluff!! Also, what does it say about me that it was easier to write angst? Hope y’all enjoy a little look into Parker and Ethan’s relationship after they’re probably tortured in OH2. (Peep the Taylor Swift inspired parts of this fic❤️)
Tag List: @the-soot-sprite @ethandaddyramsey @silverlitskies@trappedinfandoms @samihatuli @sherlockedmcdonut @marywitchjane @awalker965 @openheart12 @flyawayboo @hatescapsicum @edith049 @princess-geek 
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x f!MC (Parker Kennedy)
Summary: Ethan and Parker are finally married and reflecting on some fond memories of how they got there.
Warnings: Just some fluffy good stuff. And some swear words.
Word Count: ~1300
Their love was one for the ages, and it was just starting. As Ethan held her in his arms as Parker Kennedy-Ramsey, he had never felt happier. This was the moment that he wanted to live in forever. How she managed to wiggle her way into his life, he didn’t know.
It started slow, all the small things she would do – saving him a spot next to her at conferences and fundraisers, resting her hand on his cheek when she wanted to convey her feelings, or bringing him a coffee if she went out. Then it was rapid after she blurted out that she loved him during a fight late at night while working on a difficult case.
“Dr. Ramsey I need to talk to you,” Parker said sternly as she barged into his office.
Surprised by the interruption, Ethan looked up at Parker’s fuming face. Just to irk her a little bit more, he slowly took on his glasses, set them delicately on the desk, folded his hands, then looked up at her. “What are you concerned about Dr. Kennedy?”
“You! You are purposefully making my life hell!”
“And why would I do that?”
His voice was calm and condescending, only pissing Parker off even more. She was shouting and waving her arms around meanwhile Ethan looked like nothing was bothering him. “I said what was causing the seizures and you didn’t listen to me! You only considered it when June said it again!”
“I didn’t hear you say it,” Ethan half lied, flicking through a few files his desk. He really hadn’t heard Parker, but it was because he had gotten distracted by her lips. She was wearing a new dark red lipstick and he couldn’t focus until he heard June’s British accent cut through the haze.
Parker scoffed at this, “Yeah, okay. You are never distracted at work. Just admit that you wish I wasn’t on the team!”
“Of course I want you on the team Parker.”
“Bullshit! You’ve been pushing me away since I’ve been here. And you want to know why I stay on the team? Huh?”
Ethan eyed the angry woman. She was livid. He knew that whatever he said would blow up in his face, so he went for went for a guess. “Because it’ll reflect poorly on you if you step down from this opportunity.”
“No! Because I am so helplessly in love with you that I would rather have you chewing me out every day then no contact at all!”
Her admission broke the dam holding all his feelings and suddenly he felt free. She loved him even though he tried to push her away. She loved him even though he disappeared on her. She loved him even though he was stubborn. She loved every part of him, unconditionally.
As he looked down at the blonde woman before him, dressed in an elegant ivory dress he said the only thing that was going through his mind. “You’re my best friend Rookie.”
“And you’re mine,” she whispered back, her hand coming to his check and softly brushing his beard. His instinctively leaded into her touch, not caring who saw him being soft with his wife.
Parker never thought that she would get to this moment with Ethan. A part of her thought that Ethan would always keep himself an arm’s length away from her. She had thought that he would never be able to accept the fact that he deserved love and happiness. But there they were, dancing to an old Rat Pack song surrounded by friends and their built family after their small wedding.
The wedding hadn’t been a big deal. Just a handful of people at a small church in Boston. Parker had insisted on being married in a church and Ethan was just happy to be there with her. After, they invited almost everyone at the hospital to come to Donahue’s for drinks and food. It had been a beautiful autumn day and Parker wouldn’t change a single thing.
As they swayed on the sticky floor, Ethan looked over Parker’s head. “Naveen and Sienna are crying again,” he murmured.
Parker let her hand fall back to Ethan’s shoulder and looked back before resting her head on Ethan’s chest. “I kind of expected this when they were both in tears at the ceremony. I didn’t think they would cry this much though.”
“It’s because they didn’t think we’d make it here either,” Ethan replied with a wry smile.
Parker slapped his shoulder gently, “Don’t say that! I didn’t think you’d ever ask.”
That made Ethan chuckle, “I’m pretty sure you asked me to marry you.”
“Not true. I was teasing when I said it, you’re the one who pulled out the ring!”
Ethan had had the ring for about a month. The bright Tiffany blue box was hidden from Parker and all he was waiting for was the perfect moment to ask her to marry him.
The night he was going to ask her, he got off work early to go home and make her dinner.  Candles were lit everywhere and Jenner was wearing the little bowtie that Parker had bought for him. The last Ethan had heard Parker was having a good day, but that ended up not being the case. Parker walked in the door, hair knotted from a kid yanking at it, baggy surgical scrubs on because she had been barfed on, and a bump on her head was forming from supplies falling on top of her. When she walked into their apartment to see candles, soft romantic music, and Jenner running around clean, she broke down in tears at the door. It had been one of the worst days at the hospital that she had had in awhile.
Ethan was so worried that he completely forgot his plan, only to have Parker say to him, “This is as good as it gets Ethan, take it or leave it.”
“I’ll take it,” he said with a smile.
“Sure,” she scoffed, wiping away her smudged mascara “Then you’re going to need a ring.”
Without hesitation, he pulled out the box and opened it. A single emerald cut diamond ring sat in the box. He just stood there, looking down at her (she told him that if he ever did ask her to marry him she wanted him standing as her equal not on his knees begging).
The only words Parker could say through new sobs were, “Ethan, you shouldn’t have spent so much on a ring!”
As the night went on, it was filled with laughing and drinking. Elijah kept the music going and Sienna made sure everyone had enough food and sweets. Meanwhile, Jackie made sure that Parker was never without a drink in her hand. While Parker was dancing with her friends, Ethan was sitting with Naveen watching everything around him.
Naveen looked between Parker and his protégé. He had never seen Ethan happier than this night. 
“I’ve never been more proud of you than I am tonight my friend,” Naveen said offhandedly.
“Why do you say that?” Ethan asked, looking away from Parker and at his friend.
“Because,” he started, sipping on a glass of water, “You put yourself before your work, and look at what it gave you.” He gestured toward Parker trying to teach her friends how to do the Electric Slide giggling uncontrollably as she nearly tripped over her dress. “You didn’t miss your chance Ethan; you took it.”
Ethan couldn’t stop the small smile as he lifted his glass of scotch to the older man. Together the clinked their glasses and went back to watching the merriment flash by around them.
This was Ethan’s new proudest moment. He jumped into the deep end with Parker and somehow they managed to not just tread water but to swim. His life couldn’t get better than finally being married to Parker.
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mrsdr-ethan-ramsey · 5 years ago
Mornings (Ethan Ramsey x f!MC)
Good morning y’all (fun fact I’m not actually from the south I just picked this up cause fuck saying ‘you guys’). A little light fluff to start the day and hopefully bring the doctor closer to us and in a relationship! Enjoy and let’s hope that we don’t fuck up in front of the governor today!
Tag List: @the-soot-sprite @ethandaddyramsey @silverlitskies @sherlockedmcu @trappedinfandoms @samihatuli @marywitchjane @awalker965 @openheart12 @flyawayboo @hatescapsicum @edith049 @princess-geek @akacalliope @dr-nancy-house @hipstercoffeeshop 
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x f!MC (Parker Kennedy)
Summary:  A typical morning in the life of Ethan and Parker.
Warnings: A couple of swear words maybe, implied sex 
Word Count: 930
Ethan had always been a morning person, his wife on the other hand…not so much. His alarm went off early, 5:00 am early. He carefully, pulled his sleeping wife off his bare chest and laid her back on his side of the bed.
“Ughhh, no Ethan,” she whined, already missing the body heat that kept her warm through the night. She reached out for him, trying to tempt him to stay in bed longer with her.
“Shhh, go back to sleep love,” he whispered softly and tucked her smaller frame back into bed with a soft kiss to her forehead.
Once he was sure she was situated and warm, Ethan got up and changed into a sweatshirt and shorts. Jenner, like his original master, was an early riser. Now that the beagle was older and little fatter (thanks to Parker spoiling him all the time), so Ethan would take him on early walks. It allowed Ethan to wake up and warm up his body before he hit the gym, and remind Jenner who the real master was.
Their stroll around the block and to the park was quiet as usual, with not too many others out and about at the early time. There were a handful of other dog owners walking around, but for the most part it gave Ethan a chance to mentally go through his list for the day.
After their walk, Ethan came back up and let Jenner into the apartment. He watched the dog scamper to the bedroom to snuggle with Parker like he did every morning. Ethan, on the other hand, went back downstairs to the apartment’s gym. He would go every morning, hence how he maintained his muscles. Parker had offered to go with him a few times, but she didn’t like working out in front of others and didn’t want to wake up that early. She preferred to do yoga in the comfort of her own living room because she ‘always does the positions wrong’.
Once his cardio and weights were done, he went back up to the apartment. By 6:30 Ethan’s back in home and starting a pot of coffee before his shower. When he walked into the bedroom, he smiles at Parker cuddling Jenner in bed. It may happen every morning, but it’s still the best part of his morning. When their relationship started, Ethan slowly watched as Jenner fell in complete love with the young woman. Now it seems like they’re inseparable. Jenner is always by her side if she’s home and gets excited whenever she comes back.
Walking over to Parker, he leaned down and kissed her cheek. “Time to get up my love.”
“5 more minutes,” she groaned, pushing her face into her pillow.
“If you wait that long you’ll go to work with wet hair.”
Another groan leaves her lips and she sits up in bed. Her blonde hair is going in every direction as she yawned and stretched in bed. A little more awake, she looked up at her husband and smiles, “Good morning”
Smiling back like a dork, he said good morning back. They move towards the bathroom, and Ethan started the shower for them. He hoped in right away while Parker untangles her hair before joining him. It has become an art for the two to be able to shower in the mornings together sometimes and not be late every day (though Parker may try to persuade Ethan).
Pulling off a baggy shirt and her underwear, she joined him under the hot water. It started out fine, washing their hair and bodies, but Parker quickly tries to change Ethan’s mind as he goes to leave.
“Parker…we’ll be late.” His voice was stern as he looked at Parker clinging to his arm.
She pouted, sticking out her bottom lip and giving her best puppy dog eyes. “Please?”
“Fuck,” he groaned as his wife got up with a devilish smirk on her face.
“Wasn’t that worth being a little late?” Parker teased.
Ethan responded by pulling his wife in his arms and kissing her. Their lips moved in sync, still under the warm shower water. Finally, Parker pulled away giving him teasing feather-like kisses over his face.
“We have to get out of this shower.”
“C’mon,” he mumbled, dragging her out.
Once they were dry, the two did their own routines. Ethan would get dressed right away and go out to watch a bit of the news and enjoy his coffee. Parker, on the other hand, would dry her hair and put a little makeup on before picking her outfit for the day. Once she was ready, she would get her travel mug of coffee ready to go. Together, they’d go down to their car and head off to work. The commute wasn’t too bad, traffic sucked. The positive aspect though was that it gave them time to talk and catch up. Their schedules tended to get busy very quickly, so they both learned very quickly to enjoy the traffic.
As they walked toward the glass façade of Edenbrook, Parker turned to Ethan, “I don’t think I’ve told you I love you today…”
“I don’t think I have either.”
Parker stopped in her tracks in front of the door, Ethan stopping too. Shifting her mug of coffee into her left hand, she put her right hand on his cheek and rubbed her thumb against his facial hair lovingly.
“I love you Ethan.”
“I love you too Parker.”
She gave him a chaste kiss, then walked into work with her husband ready to kick ass.
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mrsdr-ethan-ramsey · 5 years ago
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10 Days until Open Heart 2 comes out, so I decided to make some lovey instas from my fav doctors since my girl Parker will probably have to wait ANOTHER 10 CHAPTERS TO KISS HER BOYFRIEND AGAIN! (Also, I like to image that Sienna & Naveen hold weekly meetings to try and get Ethan and Parker officially together)
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mrsdr-ethan-ramsey · 5 years ago
Updated: 4/6/2020
Open Heart:
Ethan Ramsey x f!MC (Parker Kennedy)
Ruined - Maybe Parker acted cool when she finally saw Ethan again after two months, but we all know she was dying with no contact.
Rookie - When Parker hears Ethan call another intern Rookie, she can’t stop herself from confronting him.
At Last - Ethan and Parker are finally married and reflecting on some fond memories of how they got there.
Mornings - A typical morning in the life of Ethan and Parker.
Used to It - Ethan and Parker just moved in together and their relationship has some growing pains with it.
The Call - Upset by Ethan leaving without warning, Parker calls him and one thing leads to another…
God, have mercy  part 2 part 3 - Parker posts a steamy photo on her social media, hoping to grab Ethan’s attention.
Glasses - Ethan leaves his glasses at the hospital, so Parker volunteers to bring them to him, and well one thing leads to another…
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mrsdr-ethan-ramsey · 5 years ago
If I write some stories (a series?) about domesticated/married Ethan and Parker would ya’ll enjoy that? I love angst, but I have a feeling we’re going to get a lot of that in this book so I want to balance it out. I need some fluffy Ethan and Parker making dinner or taking their kid and Jenner trick-or-treating. 
(Also if you want to be tagged in any new stories just let me know!)
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mrsdr-ethan-ramsey · 5 years ago
Ruined (Ethan Ramsey x MC)
Guess who finally feels confident enough to share her fanfics 🙋🙋🙋 (Also the inspiration from today’s chapter hit me like a freaking semi thanks OH2 Chapter 1!)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x MC (Parker Kennedy)
Summary: Maybe Parker acted cool when she finally saw Ethan again after two months, but we all know she was dying with no contact.
Warnings: angst. just some light angst.
Word Count: 918
Almost two months. That’s how long it had been since Parker Kennedy had heard from Ethan Ramsey. Two month and she was ready to fall apart at the seams. Her roommates were an amazing distraction and helping Aurora get situated slowly into the space was helpful as well. She put on a smile at work and in the common space of the apartment, but alone in her room her anxiety set in. How could he go months with no contact? Did she really mean nothing to him? Was he feeling as bad as she was? Parker was dying, but she knew she couldn’t be the one to reach out first.
No, she wouldn’t be. She refused to be the clingy little girl begging for his attention. She didn’t want have to beg him for attention, but dammit she wanted it! She looked longingly at her phone, the last message:
“I hate texting.”
Even if that’s true, she thought he would have made an effort to talk to her. Sighing, she changed to her Instagram only to see a new post by @WHO.
A knock came on her bedroom door, so she quickly wiped away the stray tears she hadn’t noticed and said a shaky “Come in”.
Sienna’s head poked in with a small smile on her face, “Hey P, we’re going to play some Trivial Pursuit if you want to join. You always kick ass at it…”
She sniffled, “Oh, uh…yeah just give me a second.”
Sienna’s eyes looked down at Parker’s unlocked phone. Seeing Ethan on her Instagram feed she quickly came in and shut the door, her small frame sitting down need to Parker. “Are you okay Parker? I know this must be hard…”
“I’m fine, really Sienna. Don’t worry about me.”
Sienna gave Parker ‘the look’, the ‘I know everything don’t lie to me’ look. Sienna knew everything from the moment she saw Ethan and Parker interact. There was no way she missed the longing looks and tension between the two of them. Now that Ethan was off helping those who didn’t have access to medical help Parker was quieter, less bubbly, and losing weight. This distance was taking a toll on her mentally and physically.  
Unable to hide it any longer, Parker sobbed out, “I…I-I can’t do this anymore.”
Sienna wrapped the blonde girl into her arms, rocking her back and forth like Sienna’s mother would when she was a child. It broke Sienna to see Parker like this, trying to stay strong around her friends then sitting in her room crying while looking at pictures of Ethan saving the world on the World Health Organization’s social media.
“Maybe you should unfollow their accounts, just until they stop posting updates?”
Parker shook her head, “I can’t Sienna. My heart aches when I don’t see him, but it hurts just as bad when I do. I can’t win.” I love him, she added lamely in her head.
She sounded like a heartbroken teenager, but she had no one else to turn to. Parker didn’t want to involve their friends so if things turned sour they would hate Ethan. He was an amazing mentor and they could learn a lot from him. She didn’t want to poison their relationship just because she got romantically involved.
Sienna pulled back, “How about we go out? The weather is nice so we could sit out in the beer garden at Donahue’s? Plus, we could celebrate the end of intern year!”
“Yeah, I could really use a drink,” Parker said with a small smile.
“Then get dressed! I’ll inform the others!” Sienna bounced out the door quickly, happy that she could at least convince Parker to get out of the apartment besides going to work.
A few beers later Parker was finally starting to relax with her friends. Her phone was flipped over and away from her. Ethan was nothing but a distant thought in her brain until…
Elijah nodded in the direction of the door into Donahue’s as Sienna’s eyes widened in shock.
“He’s back!” she whisper-shouted.
She didn’t have to say who, Park already knew. A lump formed in her throat as she prepared herself to come face to face with the man that has been destroying her from thousands of miles away. Her stomach flipped as she turned around to see him after two long months. He strolled confidently in, like he hadn’t just fallen off the face of the earth for 2 months.
“He looks so different,” Sienna whispered, but Parker could barely register her words as she drank the man in. He may look different, opting out of his usual sweater and a new beard instead of his usual scruff, but his steely blue eyes were the same. The same blue eyes that she fell in love with cut easily through Parker’s heart as it began to beat double time. She wasn’t prepared to see him yet. She thought she still had time to get mentally ready to see the tall man walking towards her table.
When Parker said nothing, Jackie opted to reply, “Fighting an outbreak in the Amazon for two months with the W.H.O. will do that to a guy.”
There he was, the man who she fell in love with while not even talking to him. Her brain felt like it was short-circuiting; she couldn’t function. As their eyes finally met, hazel green to cool blue, her heart skipped a beat.
Yup, she was doomed. She would never love another person again. Ethan Jonah Ramsey had ruined her for anyone else.
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