#park minyoung stuff
sailorjisunq · 3 years
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park minyoung icons
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ohsenhun · 5 years
Shy & Cute Sehunnie and His Pretty Minyoung Noona
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video cr: SELUKAIS
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kdramaxoxo · 3 years
What's going on?? Why are people hating on Forecasting Love And Weather?? It's a nice workplace drama that has interesting storylines for all the characters and the portrayal of women is great too. And Park Minyoung is killing it so...!!??? It may seem uneventful to some but I feel that is its charm... like all the subtle things add up to make a good slice of life.
I'm enjoying Forecasting Love and Weather though I don't feel like it's one of the best k-dramas I've seen.
I like the romance, love Park Min Young (I do okay??) and I love workplace dramas so I should be super into it.
But it's the workplace portion of the show that falls short for me. They're not doing a great job making weather interesting. The workplace stuff is like, JUST SHY of being fun to watch for some reason that I can't put my finger on. Maybe it's the sitting in meetings while everyone looks at graphs? Or like, people bickering at work about how to handle weather warnings? I dunno...I've watched shows about jobs I didn't understand or have interest in and they did a better job keeping it fun to watch.
The romance itself is sweet and I'm game! I love that they have these poetic narrations about weather at the beginning. It reminds me of A Poem a Day. I wish the secondary couple didn't exist but oh well :P
Re: People not liking the drama: I don't know if people are hating on the drama itself. I've just seen a lot of posts and comments about Park Min Young specifically not being ambitious in her drama choices and I have issue with that. Like, there are SO MANY POPULAR K-DRAMA MEN that lack charisma or even basic acting skills and they almost never get called out. Park Min Young is a decent actress and good at what she does and yet everyone's like "why can't she do crime dramas too???!" The double standard is just #facepalm.
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writingbeary · 3 years
Kingdom - Introduction Stage (pt.2)
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Texts placed inside brackets are Kingdom's show subtitles
Italicized texts are in English
Texts that are block quoted are interview cuts
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(Group interviews after ATEEZ performance)
iKON Bobby: When the two of them came in the end with a torch and a flag, I thought they looked really cool.
iKON DK: He was standing at the bow like a captain while holding the torch while she was like the figure head of the ship holding their flag up, the LED on the floor and at the back went well together. It was really cool.
THE BOYZ Hyunjae: I was surprised at the introduction. They were so good and they really showed off their power as a team. 
BTOB Changsub: I thought it was a stage fit for the opening. They really made use of the space well.
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As ATEEZ reentered the studio, all the groups clapped for them throwing compliments towards their performance.
“You guys are amazing. You’re so cool.” Changbin called out showing a thumbs up particularly towards his friend Wooyoung who grinned in return.
“Were you satisfied with your performance today?” MC Yunho asked the group
“We do feel a bit disappointed. I’m sure some people are seeing us perform for the first time, so if we focus on that, I believe it was a good performance.” Wooyoung answered for the group with the rest of the members nodding in agreement.
“ATEEZ was chosen by iKON to perform first. How did you enjoy their performance?” the hosts turned to ask iKON, the whole of ATEEZ listening attentively to what their thoughts are
“We all thought, ‘What are we supposed to do if the first group is this good?’” DK laughed before continuing “First, their concept and story are so clear, so I was sucked in as soon as they started. I was so surprised. They were so cool. Good job, you guys.” 
As the MC continued on the show, the group let out a sigh of relief that their senior groups seem appreciative of their performance. Hongjoong gained the attention of his members as he noted “We did better than we practiced.”
“If we didn’t go first, we wouldn’t have done so well.” Yunho nodded with Minyoung adding in “Since we performed first, I feel really relaxed right now. I’m so thankful iKON-sunbaenim let us go first.”
“We should thank iKON-sunbaenim later.” Hongjoong agreed
“Kim Jinhwan-sunbaenim said that he was sorry for making us go first, but I told him we were grateful for it.”
“The next group that will perform will be chosen by ATEEZ. Do you need some time to discuss?” MC Changmin asked the group, as the other participants look at them nervously
“Could you give us about 10 seconds?”  Hongjoong asked as the members made huddled together
The other groups looking at ATEEZ as they discussed who should go next, were all surprised whenever a member looks at their group. Minyoung peeked from the huddle and looked at SF9 who were seated across them.
“Hyung, Minyoung looked at us. I think we’ll be next.” Chani announced to his group making the others laugh nervously.
“Yah, you’re close with her. Tell her to give us some time to prepare our hearts” Dawon joked, making the others ease up a bit
Everyone in ATEEZ suggested a group on who they wanted to perform after them. Seonghwa suggesting Stray Kids but was turned down by Hongjoong saying that it’s not a good idea since their concepts might be similar.
“Since we’re the youngest group, what if we let the oldest group next?” Minyoung suggested with Wooyoung poking her side teasingly “Is that really the reason or did you just want to see them perform already?”
“Both.” Minyoung answered making the others chuckle at her honesty but they agreed that it’s a good idea.
“We made our decision.” Hongjoong said into the microphone with all teams all ears on who ATEEZ picked.
“I think it’s us. He’s looking at me.” Eunkwang whispered to Minhyuk, who was laughing in resignation.
“One of the senior teams is supporting us entirely..” Hongjoong started as all teams looked at each other
[If they’re supportive, is it BTOB?]
BTOB laughed with each other, quite sure that they’ll be picked next. 
“I thought that this team would be warmed up. That’s why we chose them. We don’t have any other intention.” Hongjoong reasoned out as the hosts laughed knowing where his words are leading to. “So the team that we choose to perform next is..”
[Who did ATEEZ choose as the second team to do the Introduction Stage?]
“They keep looking at us.” Eunkwang noted as he starts to prepare in his seat.
“We chose BTOB-sunbaenim.” Hongjoong announced, all of ATEEZ bowing towards the group.
“It’s not true though? We’re not warmed up!” Minhyuk joked 
Minyoung turned to Wooyoung excitedly saying “I can’t believe I’ll be listening to them perform live for free. I feel like I should pay for a ticket or something.” as the latter laughed patting her back. 
Throughout the whole performance of BTOB, Minyoung was just in awe of the group. Being a Melody aside, she was amazed at their vocal prowess particularly when Minhyuk did vocal parts rather despite being the group’s rapper. She was swaying her body lightly side to side throughout the whole song enjoying the performance. 
As SF9 was chosen to go next, Minyoung immediately stood up surprising her members as she shouted across the room shooting a heart sign over her head. “SF9 fighting! Kang Chanhee fighting!” 
Chani just chuckled nodding in acknowledgment as they all went backstage to prepare. Seonghwa immediately pulling her to sit down, lightly scolding her. “Minyoung-ah, he is our senior during this show.”
“Ahh. That’s true.” Minyoung nodded belatedly realizing how her actions could be interpreted differently, then she met the eyes of Eunkwang as he grinned.
“How come we didn’t get that cheer before we performed?” he asked teasingly making everyone in the studio laugh
Minyoung blushed suddenly feeling embarrassed before answering, as a staff motioned for her to do so for footage “Ahh. I was confident you’d do well even without encouragement.”
Not missing a beat, Eunkwang further teased the girl saying “So you’re not confident that SF9 will do well?” Minyoung was completely red at this point opting to just behind her leader’s back.
“Please don’t tease our little princess too much.” Hongjoong jokingly answered back for Minyoung, as the girl looks as if she just want to sink into her seat and paste herself on his back. The whole studio erupted into chuckles and laughs as SF9 walked back with microphones in ready to start their performance.
When SF9 was performing, Minyoung’s was back to her giddy self as she silently cheered on the group, slapping Wooyoung’s thigh as SF9 showed off their dance and physique. She also started to sing with them as the chorus for Good Guy played nodding along to the music.
“Omo. They’re so neat.” Minyoung commented as Jaeyoon took center spot during the chorus and the whole group danced dropping down a bit in sync. Her reactions were all caught on camera as she gasped when she noticed the bodypack fell off during Taeyang’s dance. “Omo. It fell. The receiver fell. Oh no. Omo” She was worried that it’ll drop or that it’ll distract Taeyang but was surprised with his concentration. Everyone cheered for the group as they finished the performance. 
San looked back to his members saying “Wouldn’t I look like that in a suit with some insoles?”
Hongjoong immediately answered him, patting his back “No. Let’s focus on dancing, San.” 
“San, focus on your stuff.” Seonghwa added in seriously making Minyoung giggle.
“So I shouldn’t wear a suit? Don’t even dream about it?” San nodded making Minyoung break out into more giggles
“San-oppa, I like you and all but please. We need to protect your image. You can just stick to wearing almost nothing if you want but not suits. Especially not when SF9 is around.” Minyoung teased making the other members laugh
Minyoung looked around the studio, noticing that THE BOYZ and Stray Kids started stretching since they’re the only two left before iKON performs. “They must be so nervous. The ease of having already performed”
Wooyoung called out to his friend “Bin-ah. Bin-ah, stretch some more.”
Changbin looked at him, not understanding what he said “What?”
“Stretch some more.” Wooyoung repeated a bit louder this time. 
“I’ll take care of it.”
“I’m worried for you.” Wooyoung stood up in response. Seonghwa sighed reminding him that Stray Kids are their seniors
“You two need to remember they’re our seniors.” Seonghwa looked at both Minyoung and Wooyoung,letting out another sigh
“I didn’t even say anything!” Minyoung pouted as Wooyoung laughed, nodding and saying he’ll be more careful.
SF9 returned to their seats and was interviewed by the hosts when Chani was asked about his thoughts on the performance and the show itself.
“There are many senior singers and junior singers I respect. Being able to perform in front of them makes me proud and happy.” Chani answered bowing to the groups
“Minyoung-ssi, did you enjoy their performance? You were really supportive of them.” MC Changmin turned to look at ATEEZ, surprising the girl as she grabbed the microphone. “How did Chani-ssi do?” he asked teasing her a bit
“Ah yes. I watched their performance well.” Minyoung answered getting flustered when all of SF9 thanked her to which Chani spoke into the microphone “I’m glad. Thank you.”
The next group that will perform as chosen by SF9 is Stray Kids. ATEEZ cheered on the group beside them as they all stood up to get ready.
“Felix! Hyunjin! Break a leg.” Minyoung called out to her fellow Australian friend and her highschool classmate. Felix and Hyunjin turned to her the latter waving at her.
“Yah Young-ah! What about me? The rest of us?” Jisung looked shocked, pointing at her as if accusing her. “Alright. This is war Park Minyoung!”
Minyoung laughed, shaking her head “Alright alright.” she cleared her throat cupping her hands around her mouth before pretending to do a fan cheer “Bang Chan, Lee Know, Changbin, Hyunjin, Han, Felix, Seungmin, I.N. Stray Kids fighting!” She finished giggling as she looked at Jisung who was surprised she made up a fan chant on the spot. “Happy now?”
Jisung laughed sending a thumbs up her way. “Alright. I’ll forgive you this time. Just this time.” before going with his members to prepare for their stage.
“I’m looking forward to their stage. I wonder what song they’ll be performing. I hope it’s <MIROH>.” Minyoung said as she sat down, excited for the next performance.
“You really like that song.” Yunho chuckled looking at the younger girl
“Mhm! It’s tiring to dance but it’s really hype. I also like <God’s Menu> and <Side Effects> but I like <MIROH> the most.” She said reaching over a drink as if preparing herself the stage
“She loves the song so much that she had it replaying on her playlist when it released. I was pretty sure she’d perform it for her monthly evaluation.” Jongho chuckled joining in the conversation.
“Omo. It’s <MIROH>!” Minyoung gasped as she heard the familiar intro, leaning in a bit focusing on the performance. “Omo. What is that?” as the backdrop changed.
Wooyoung had the same expression as Minyoung as he looked on in awe “It’s a dragon. Magic pearls.”
“As always, Felix’s voice. Oh my god. How come none of our members has a voice that goes that deep?” Minyoung mumbled, her members glancing at her with some amused and some sulking a bit
During Stray Kids’ stage, Minyoung was so focused into the performance that Hongjoong had to close place a hand under her chin to close her mouth, the leader chuckling. Then as soon as Changbin’s part came with the fireworks she was so excited along with Wooyoung that the leader had to make sure the two doesn’t stand up in their excitement.
“That was so cool! I didn’t know Chris could backflip!” Minyoung exclaimed as the performance ended.
With THE BOYZ being the only one left before the finale stage, everyone looked on at the group anticipating what they’ll show for their stage. 
“I watched Road to Kingdom and they did a lot of stages that utilizes the stage well. They even have a storyline prepared. I wonder if they’ll continue those.” Minyoung asked no one in particular
“What this?” Yunho asked as the group went to their formations.
“I think it’ll be a completely different performance.” Wooyoung commented as the familiar yellow tinted lights turn on.
“Ohhh Eric. Sunwoo-yah!” Minyoung exclaimed as her two friends performed their parts and when everyone did the floor choreography as the LED floors changed colors Minyoung looked on with wide eyes. “Omo. They’re so cool but also elegant. As expected of THE BOYZ-sunbaenim, they know how to use the stage well.”
“That was impressive” Yeosang agreed
“From the formation at the start, it was a different It was like they’re saying ‘This is our house’. They showed off their skills and the experience they gained during Road to Kingdom.” Hongjoong noted during their interview
Everyone’s energy suddenly gone up when they realized who will be performing next. 
“We should pay to watch them perform live.” Seonghwa commented as the most awaited group performed with Hongjoong, Wooyoung, and Minyoung nodding in agreement.
“I want to sit next to iKON-sunbaenim.” San confessed, the members agreeing that they also want to try talk to them before the show ends.
The group interview revealed how everyone in ATEEZ was a fan of iKON. San revealed that he went to their concert and Minyoung, who was a former YG trainee, also revealed that during trainee evaluations everyone would gather around and watch their performances even pre-debut.
iKON’s team cheer was heard through the studios and all the teams were all excited for what they prepared for the Introduction Stage. 
Hongjoong sat up straight anticipating the last stage “I can’t wait for iKON-sunbaenim’s performance.” 
“I wonder what song will it be. They have a lot. I really like <Killing Me>.” Minyoung counted on her hand all the songs that has music show wins that she can remember
“Personally, I want to see <Rhythm Ta>” Wooyoung nodded as he did the dance motions for the song
“I can’t wait!” Seonghwa piped up, smiling
Will they be performing a song we expected?” Hongjoong asked as iKON took their places on the stage
“Omo. What is it?” Minyoung asked as all the lights turned red with iKON’s logo in the back. Then when Rhythm Ta sounded, everybody let out an excited cheer with almost all members singing along to the iconic line. 
“Bobby-sunbaenim looks so relaxed on stage.” Minyoung noted while Wooyoung excitedly agrees with her, super focused on the performance “They are so cool!”
As the performance ended, all of ATEEZ was still visibly excited. “That’s it? It’s already 100 seconds? It feels so short.” Minyoung exclaimed standing up from her seat clapping.
“That was just like iKON-sunbaenim from the part.” Seonghwa commented as the members huddled
Hongjoong agreed, adding in “They are just so unique.”
“Something about them is different.” Wooyoung nodded still giddy from seeing his idols perform in front of him
“Even their rhythm is different.” “It’s all hip-hop. Waah. iKON-sunbaenim is really the definition of swag.” Seonghwa and Minyoung commented while San excited pipes in “The scent of America entered my nose.”
After all the groups performed, the hosts were asking the participants what they thought of the performances with San answering for ATEEZ.
“You can’t hold back on this.” San answered when asked to describe everything in one sentence.
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(Group interviews after all the performances)
“I just wish we won’t come in last.” San and Wooyoung said making the others agree.
“Now that we’ve finished filming, I think Minyoung is the most excited about the show.” Hongjoong smiled looking at the girl
“That’s true. She might be the happiest too.” Jongho agreed laughing
“Me? What about me?” Minyoung asked curious about what Hongjoong is hinting at.
“You’re a fan of everyone. So you’re the happiest regardless of who performs.” Seonghwa explained to her
“Ah that’s true. That’s true. It’s like being in a concert and fan meeting. If I had my lightstick then I’d probably be waving it and do the fanchant along all the performances.” Minyoung admitted laughing 
"Does that mean you are going to bring your cheering goods next time?” San jokingly asked the others chiming in to tease her
“If I’m allowed to, why not? I’ll be the representative of all fandoms.” Minyoung laughed, unfazed by the teasing.
“Ah but I need someone to be a representative of Atiny for me while we perform. I hope our sunbaenims help us with that.” Minyoung giggled before bowing at the camera
[Park Minyoung / 22 / Main Dancer / Representative to all Kingdom Fandoms]
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ATEEZ Minyoung Masterlist
Disclaimer: This is just a work of fiction. Any portrayal of real people is a combination based on what we could see on cameras and imagination of the author. This is purely fan fiction written for entertainment. Thank you for understanding.
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Writing Beary Corner
I think I lied. This might be longer than the previous part lol I’m still thinking of just changing stuff to dialogues so it won’t be a long read for everyone.
Name: -insert text here-
Do tell me your thoughts! Thanks for reading :)
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prbni · 3 years
Unpopular opinion:
I don't understand the Shin Se Kyung slander in general. People keep saying "she can't act" and stuff. Well,she isn't an outstanding actor and has her limitations(so do so many actresses that I'd rather not name). She ain't phenomenal like Park Minyoung or Hwang Jung Eum but that doesn't mean "She can't act".
I did like her in 'Run On' and 'Tazza 2'.
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octoctoctopus · 4 years
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wrimo 2020 : task 21.5
A list of 10+ faceclaims you’d like to see in the RP
Basically you know me, I am a Korean. I was thinking about all the potential different characters in play, but also began thinking about the different faceclaims I would love to see. Then I thought about what my personal expertise is -- Korean faceclaims. This is essentially a list of different Korean faceclaims of actors who I believe have a lot of potential. Kpop singers who have acted are not included because while I love them they tend to be easier (?) to find imo. Do I think people will actually use any of these faceclaims? tbh not really but hey you miss all the shots you don’t take!
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Song Joongki The og flower boy. People cried when he went to the army. Would be perfect for a more clean role (with a dark backstory?) Most of his roles are very # cool, like army guy, but his first prominent role was also being a ‘werewolf boy’, as well as a flirty himbo in historical times. He was also on a Kvariety before so you can find an abundance of more chill yet still good looking gifs.
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Yoo Yeonseok Known for being: hot. That’s it, that’s tweet. But for real, all of his roles are SO good,,, someone please get him,,, Whether it be a rising baseball player, mafia leader, or son of the CEO of a hospital, all of his roles are like for him. Always goodhearted, although sometimes he’s warm and sometimes he’s cold. (disclaimer there are exceptions). Very polite and very nice. Notable work is probably hospital playlist which I imagine people have made gif hunts for.
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Yoo Ah-in Super diverse roles, I haven’t actually watched all of his stuff but what I know is he’s good at acting. tmi but irl he’s like very soft spoken, very awkward and quiet, but while ACTING he can be the titular villain or whatever. Doesn’t necessarily have a lot of ‘happy emotions’ if I had to guess, but he’s also gone on variety shows. Lots of good gif hunts that you can work with as well (many of his films are kind of that niche indie that international people like) that has a large range of emotions.
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Ryu Junyeol His eyes though! Very soft yet he has that edge. Expressions would tend to be more chill yet due to his overall composition they still are pretty diverse. His most popular tv show (Reply 1988) def has some gif hunts of him, but he also was on a variety show which features him smiling more :)
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Lee Byunghan His specialty is the combo of a killer jaw and puppy dog eyes (i don’t know how he does it tbh,,). His role tends to be very cool, yet with a # good heart. Lots of serious expressions. While he has many different popular movies, his historical drama Mister Sunshine is probably the one that is giffed the most. 
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Lee Jungjae Would probably actually die if I saw him used as a fc and it’s a tragedy that I never saw him used as a faceclaim before. His roles are all: bad guys. literally. Sometimes he starts out as being a good guy but then you realize he’s bad. Only exception is when he was the neutral god of the underworld (his costuming was a choice). Super expressive actor and one of Korea’s favorites. Disclaimer would be that he’s not necessarily popular within the tumblr users so I don’t know if gif hunts exists for him. However, there is also more than enough to make gif hunts of!
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Ha Jungwoo True dad. That like describes him perfectly. More on the serious side, yet he has this subtly dorky side to him. I’m also not sure what tumblr users who gif think of him, but again he has the content. 
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Kim Taeri A true ally of the gay community. Her two most notable movie works is being a cottagecore bisexual (note, bisexuality not canon) and being a lesbian in historical times (note, lesbian IS canon). also her drama where like three guys are all pining for her we love that energy. Definitely has a lot of gifs, but note only her cottagecore movie is set in more modern times, the movie/drama are both in historical times where she tends to dress in different clothing. But don’t have that bother you! Really lovely actress. 
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Park Minyoung I’m kind of a fraud because I haven’t watched her like three popular kdrama series, but nevertheless look at her face! Definitely just the standard beauty. I can honestly easily imagine her as a shop owner or a princess or something. I assume she has a lot of different kinds of gifs as well as her kdrama series were well-received by international fans. 
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Park Boyoung Literally one of the cutest actresses out there. Boyoung may have originally gotten popular due to her cute appearance but honestly she’s a killer actress which lends themselves to different kinds of expressions. If possible I also def recommend her being some kind of magick who has super strength, because SHE was in a kdrama with super strength. You also def will have no problem with gifs with her, she’s a little darling.
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Park Sodam parasite parasite parasite. Park Sodam is a side character in many movies, but that doesn’t mean she hasn’t made her own mark. Besides Parasite (which will have a nice amount of gifs), she was the main character in a romance and recent netflix drama. So she already has lots of resources with different outfits / expressions. In addition to that, she’s also a member in a new show (Gamsung Camping) which is just a lot of women chilling and talking. 
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Kim Hyesoo Probably the most underrated actress in terms of international community, she definitely has the resume. Skews more towards movies, but her drama ‘Signal’ (where she plays a police officer) was super popular. Not sure how resources will go for her but man also her face! Definitely is the more suave kind of actress with like the coolest styling. 
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Kim Haesook something something movie industry is bias against older women. I lowkey cannot imagine a lot of resources existing for Haesook but she really is a fantastic actress. While she doesn’t really have the most expressive roles, there’s still lots of diversity in what she brings to the table. Notable works for me would be: Hospital Playlist (she actually plays Yoo Yeonseok’s mom lol) and The Thieves. 
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Kim Hyeja Known as Korea’s mother, she has copious amount of works that I am not aware of but was also the main character in Joonho’s Mother, which was popular internationally. She definitely gives me some kind of vibe, although I’m not exactly sure what it is, so if you need a 50+ Korean women I recommend checking her out! There’s definitely resources for her, I just won’t be sure if they’re giffed or not.
Special mentions to: Gong Yoo, Steven Yeun, Yoo Haejin, Bae Doona, Park Shinhye, Lee Jungeun, Lee Dongwook
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soljirk · 7 years
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since this so happens to be my 500th post, i decided to go ahead and post this today instead of on december 27th, which is my actual 4th rookies anniversary. please bear with me as i’m so bad at writing sentimental posts but since i don’t think i’ve ever done an anniversary post for my time here at rookies ( i think anyway ), i figured i should probably finally do one! i apologize this is many days after rookies’ actual birthday, but the timing of posting it now just seemed to make more sense! 
as a bit of background, rookies was an rp that i had eyed from day one but due to the fact that i was running my own rp at the time and was quite busy with real life, i kept putting it off. however, as it always happens with me, i caved ... and this is how the story begins.
on december 27, 2013, rkyoona - my very first rk muse - was born ( FUN FACT: i wasn’t actually the first yoona rper despite the rp having been open for only a few weeks ). she was a lot of fun to play at the start, but in a short time, there was stuff happening in her storyline that wasn’t exactly where i wanted to go, so i started to struggle with her muse. however, i didn’t want to just give up without her ever having the opportunity of becoming a trainee and thankfully, in may of 2014, she was signed by nova where she was actually extremely successful. she was able to take part in a special dance performance in a nell mv only two months after she was signed before the whole nova group was whisked off on tour. all of that really helped her muse but upon her return from tour, my muse with her started to feel stagnant. prior to this, i had never held a muse for longer than six months at a time, so to have made it over a year was already quite a feat. eventually, after nineteen months, i decided to let go of my baby girl. 
however, in that period of time, i also had my fair share of second muses as well. in february of 2014, i picked up kevin kim from ze:a ( rip ) who actually survived a lot longer ( six months !!! ) than i expected, especially since he was a second muse. i don’t actually remember too much of what happened with him but eventually, he moved back to australia to be with his family and pursue his dreams there. soon after i dropped him, i picked up vixx’s lee jaehwan, my little cute stuttering bean. he was absolutely adorable and had the amazing opportunity of taking part in the mga’s, making it all the way to the finals, which i did not expect him to do. however, after losing the mga’s, i wasn’t sure exactly what else to do with him and i was also swayed by the very pretty ahn solbin, so i dropped him for her in december of 2014. she was probably my least memorable and shortest-living muse. i literally have zero recollection of her muse, except that there was a complete laboum group at the time. oops. my final second muse at that time was crayon pop’s kim minyoung ( whose faceclaim was later changed to exid’s heo solji ). her backstory was quite intense, and i actually enjoyed playing her a lot. unfortunately, with my muse for yoona dwindling, it was killing my muse for solji as well. in general, i think i just needed a break from the group, so in august of 2015, i dropped out from rookies.
of course, the story obviously doesn’t end there. being on twitter and seeing all the tweets about the things going on at rookies brought yoona back to life again in september of 2016. a month later, i decided to bring my park bogum to rookies as well ( he’s another one of those muses i don’t remember all that much about ... yikes ... but i really wanted to play him because i had just watched reply 1988 and he’s such a cutie pie ). however, while i thought it would be easy to bring back a dead muse, i was left with a very different reality. yoona could only remember the “good old days” and the reality of her present wasn’t at all what she imagined. it was also oddly difficult to find her plots and in the end, i gave up her up for good and decided never to try to bring her back again, so i left rookies for a second time.
finally, in march of this year, i picked up bae suji ( who was actually supposed to be another fc but she had been taken or reserved at the time ). suji was a faceclaim that i had for a different rp, and it had been so long since i’d played her, but strangely enough, she’s managed to survive so far. i had decided to pick up lee minhyuk a month later as well, but as is the case of all my cases, they have been cursed to fail ( however, he’s still around since he’s dating minah ). i honestly wasn’t sure if i was expecting much from suji. i supposed that a part of me had expected to just quit after a few months, but i don’t know why i stuck around. perhaps it was just seeing debuts and new events come to life that my muse was like, hey, i want that too, don’t you dare give up on me.  
so ... four years later, i am still here, amazingly enough. i’ve literally watched some of you grow up from being kids to adults and that is starting to tell me that i’m getting a little too old for this. nonetheless, i hope that i will be able to stick it out long enough to not let all my efforts go to waste and to see suji debut. she’s literally about a month away from being actually debut ready, which is pretty exciting considering she’s only been a trainee for about two months. 
of course, all that rambling is really nothing without the people i’ve met over the years here at rookies. there’s so many of you that, unfortunately, i’m unable to thank each and every single one of you individually for making my time here lovely, but i hope that we will get the opportunity to continue to make great memories here together and that i can always love on each of you (whether here or on twitter) as best as i can.  there are many important people who have been a part of my muses’ lives who are no longer here in the rp anymore as well; to all of you, thank you so much as well and i miss you! 
i did want to just give a small shoutout to these three who have really stuck by my side in the last few months:
@rkchaeyoung & @yutark - the three of us have certainly been through a lot together in our time here at rookies. thank you for always being the ones to listen when i want to complain about something. i can’t believe it was my craziness that convinced us all to come back once again, but i hope none of you regret returning. i love you both and can’t imagine being here without the both of you <3333
@rkdefsoul - honestly, who would’ve thought we would be where we are with our babies. i’m so excited to see them thrive and grow together. thank you for putting up with me and writing so much with me. you are so talented and i love you so much!!! <3333 thank you for being part of my life ^^~
and to the admod team who keep this rp alive, thank you for all that you do! i know that i probably don’t show a lot of emotions towards things happening, but i know how hard it is to keep a place alive and thriving, and clearly there’s something being done right now that we’ve hit four years. so keep doing what you’re doing and i look forward to seeing all the things that are planned for the future!
last but not least, everyone please enjoy the holidays and stay safe!!! merry christmas!!! ( or whatever else you celebrate )!!! love you~~
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2011 And the award goes to..
Drama of the Year - Secret Garden
Disappointment of the Year - The Greatest Love
Something Went Wrong - Me Too, Flower, You’ve Fallen For Me, Lie To Me
Channel of the Year - ?
Best Drama - Secret Garden, Princess’ Man, Scent Of A Woman
Best Comedy - Secret Garden, Protect The Boss, Flower Boy Ramyun Shop
Best Actor - Hyun Bin as Kim JooWon (Secret Garden), Park ShiHoo as Kim SeungYoo (Princess’ Man)
Best Actress - Ha JiWon as Gil RaIm (Secret Garden), Moon ChaeWon as Lee SeRyung (Princess’ Man)
Best Rookie (Discovery) - Lee JongSuk, Yoo InNa (Secret Garden), Kim SooHyun (Dream High)
Best Couple - Lee MinHo as Lee YoonSung/John Lee/Poo Chai and Park MinYoung as Kim NaNa (City Hunter), Moon ChaeWon as Lee SeRyung and Park ShiHoo as Kim SeungYoo (Princess’ Man), Hyun Bin as Kim JooWon and Ha JiWon as Gil RaIm (Secret Garden)
Best Couple That Did Not Happen - Bae Suzy as Go HyeMi and TaecYeon as Jin Gook/Hyun ShiHyuk (Dream High)
Best Kiss - Jung IlWoo as Cha ChiSoo and Lee ChungAh as Yang EunBi (Flower Boy Ramyun Shop)
Best Bromance (with a twist hehe) - Ji Sung as Cha JiHeon and Kim JaeJoong as Cha MooWon (Protect The Boss)
Triangle of Death - Kim SooHyun, TaecYeon, WooYoung (Dream High)
Best OST - Scent Of A Woman, Secret Garden, Dream High
Best Innovation (Content) - Scent Of A Woman, Dream High
Special Award - City Hunter
Per usual, no more than 3 mentions in each category (with rare exceptions). I haven’t seen White Christmas starring sooo many models-turned-actors, 49 days (because it seems like there is no happy ending) and Warrior Baek DongSoo (you can actually see even from promotional stuff how Ji ChangWook have changed in terms of the way his face looks). Even though The Greatest Love has so many nice actors I could not finished it as I was bored as heck. I was optimistic for Me Too, Flower because of Yoon ShiYoon but.. Honestly, I just think he tends to pick wrong projects. I do hope his next drama (The Best Hit) will be a big success as he is a very good actor. Secret Garden is a big winner of 2011! Wonderful drama. I cannot believe Lee JongSuk, Yoo InNa, Kim SooHyun just started to rise to fame!!! It seems like they are in this industry forever. I loved seeing JaeJoong regularly on my screen hehehe 2011 was rich in terms of great OST.
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sailorjisunq · 4 years
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writingbeary · 3 years
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Hi! I’m trying to make this space mobile-friendly. So here’s the links to the stuff:
General Masterlist
Idol AU Masterlist
ATEEZ Park Minyoung
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This post will be updated once I write more and create more content.
Thank you for visiting!
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