#parents in the hospital & yeaaahh
bluecoati · 7 months
Hey I.....really don't like doing this
But with everything going on I haven't had the time OR energy to work, I do Lyft so I don't have PTO or anything so I'm making 0 money rn 😵‍💫
If anyone isn't aware, I have made a couple posts about it. Both of my parents are in the hospital after getting REALLY sick with flu, exacerbating other conditions, and they were having falling accidents and dizzy spells and such. I had to call EMTs to help get them to the ER. Dad fell out of bed & was face down on the floor for a number of hours & got 3 fractured ribs + they were worried about rhabdomyolysis and sepsis. Mom was having AFib issues and they are worried about her O2 levels when she isn't on oxygen, and since she fell & hurt her back/hip it's a little hard for her to get up & move.
They both will be having physical therapy before coming home, Dad much more than Mom. So I will be going back/forth to the hospital/whatever facility a LOT.
I got bills & gas & stupid fucking hospital parking & such to pay for & it's REALLY stressing me out sgdhdjd
Plus I am also technically sick with flu, even if I don't have super obvious symptoms, so I kinda SHOULDN'T work for a lil bit anyways but yeah sgdhsjs
If anyone would like to help me out, you can do so via my ko-fi, either tip or art comms. Art will be a lil slow to get to tho~💙🙏
I appreciate anyone who read all this & if you can't help financially, reblogging is also very helpful, thanku!
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buttercupart · 1 year
idk if ur still doing the art prompt but mayhaps a doodle of your favorite plushie? if not tho then I'd just like to hear about whatever the plushie is lol (autism speaking cause I love plushies jrjehw)
YEAAAHH AUTISTIC PLUSHIELIKERS RISE im on my gaming laptop so u get a semiproperly finished thingy
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this was such a hard question to answer cause i have soooo many plushies its impossible to choose a fav but i thought about it and concluded my alltime fave was my stuffed rabbit from infancy/toddlerhood, Fluffy Bunny!
some Fluffy Bunny facts:
she had a pink ribbon tied around her neck and i would mess with it all the time
i remember her being really big, easily the same size as tiny me if not bigger. she was like 24 inches tall-ish
she had poseable ears with wire frames in them so you could pose the ears up and/or down, i always did one up and one down
when i was small i was real sick all the time and one of my first conscious memories was being at the hospital and crying my head off about getting an xray cause i was scared. the technicians offered to do an xray on Fluffy Bunny first to show it was okay so i wouldnt be scared to go after her, and i agreed
after the xray her ear wires started poking out of her fur and stabbing me when i'd cuddle with her, so my mom always had to pop em back in
i dont remember what happened to her!! i would have never given her away or let my parents toss her and now this thought is gonna keep me up all night wheres my GIRLLLL
thank you so much for this ask it was so nice to go down memory lane about her waahhhhh
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sinisterlyhan · 4 years
I was never actually stressed about my future job either. However since I was the "gifted" child growing up with the best grades out of my siblings and without needing any help my parents and general relatives have high expectations of me. Growing up I always said I'd become a teacher or translator but I cant see myself doing those happily. Also my grades have only be getting worse and idek if I wanna give my finals next year😩 Just thinking about everything stresses me out but I'm also not doing anything at the same time oof
Also yeah inheritance drama is the fucking worst. Luckily we dont have lots of it cause it's just my mom, my siblings and I but the things that my dad had to share with his siblings are being a fucking pain🥴
And sometimes have small "simple" goals such as just staying alive is the best tbh because that can get hard very easily, atm idek if I wanna do that💀 but yeaaahh I really like your mindset in general tbh! You seem like a really chill person to hang out with!—🍑
ah, i heard that can be stressful! there was not really a thing as a “gifted” child back when i used to study in hong kong because everyone there was just smart 😭 you can get straight a+ but if you don’t get a full score on a final exam, you’re just good at studying. and i did have a friend who got 100/100 on all the objective exams 🤡 so it’s like, well i guess there’s not much chance for me. but instead of my parents having high expectations, i guess it’s me putting it hard on myself? it just pisses me off if i get a bad grade. 
i’ve always said i wanted to be a nurse, since that’s what all the girls said when we were younger and we were asked about it. i just jumped on the bandwagon because i couldn’t be bothered to figure it out 🤷🏻‍♀️ but now that i have time to think, i still don’t really care what i do and i don’t see myself liking any job at all, to be honest. 
ah, i’m sorry that you’re doing rather bad. it’s stressful now, especially with the new formatting of school 🤔 i don’t much mind it since i can still get lectures, and whether i hear my teacher from a screen or from a room doesn’t make a difference to me. but i can see why it would take a toll on others 😔 i hope it gets better for you, and whether you like it or not, you’re going to have to do something about it if you want it to change. and perhaps the stress will help you out a little? i always find it to be some type of motivation! do it stressed, do it scared, do it with doubt. maybe it’ll turn out well for you! (it’s what i say before presentations to calm myself 😭 i’ve had enough panic attacks in front of a class to know how to fake it now).
inheritance drama is bad! my dad needed to go to the hospital because of the stress everyone is putting on him about money and it pisses me off 🙄 i don’t want to assume anything but everyone seemed to bounce back a little too quickly. where was the grieving process? why was it immediately about the money 😯?
oh thank you 😄💖 that’s nice to hear. i have to be honest, though, i’m not the type of person everyone can easily accept? i think i’ve mentioned this but i have only two irl friends 🤪 with very, very peculiar tolerance to my occasional snaps of behavior. usually, people experience that once and they vanish 🤷🏻‍♀️ which, eh, whatever. one of them mentioned that people either really like me or not at all 😂 
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Girlfriend tag
Me answering the girlfriend tag with my gf @mx-oublieux 
My answers are bold, my gf’s comments are italicized
Where and when did we first meet? 
We first met-
Outside your house! 
I'm answering it! 
Actually we first met over the phone 
That doesn't count! 
Why not? 
Doesn't count cause it's not meeting not if you have bpd 
But I was already starting to develop feelings for you because of that 
You were so drunk and cute and also I was realizing at that point that Mary- 
 Was being a huge Bitch? 
Yeah I don't actually feel that way but it's true. But I don't actually feel that way. I guess I should say I don't hold it against her? 
Where was our first date? 
Our first was at the observatory in la 
Yeah that's true 
And then we went to the pride parade but I asked to go out with me in the car before the pride parade so I guess technically the pride parade was our first date 
No because we were at the observatory still when we started dating 
That's true because we made out in the care 
Heehee yeahhh 
What was your first impression of me? 
Umm I thought you were an asshole 
And also truscum 
What??? Oh. Yeah. Wait what does that mean? 
It means you're a trans person who doesn't think nonbinary people exist 
God how stupid do I have to be to project that. Especially since I found out that day you were nonbinary and I was like okay! Not gonna mess this up! 
When did you meet my family? 
I met your parents when I was picking you up to hospitalize you and it was awkward as fuck 
Oh yeah that's right! Wow how exciting goodness 
And then I met you brother on the phone and he thanked me for dating you haha 
He said he never saw you so happy 
Aw that's my bro 
And I met him in person in Seattle when he paid for my plane ticket to get away from my dad 
Yeah to get away from the old garbage dad. Trash dad. 
What dressing do I always wear? 
That's a really weird way to word this question 
Raspberry vinaigrette 
That you wear? 
Recently it's been the baseball cap. Do earrings count? 
Do I have earrings in? 
No i don't 
I never have earrings in. I had them in for a couple of days because I was dressed up but that's it 
Weird habit I have? 
I don't feel like you have any weird habits 
What about how I handcuff my wrist to the ceiling fan and let it spin me while I do office work 
Oh yeah that is a little weird 
Oh my god are you writing that? I don't think that would work I don't think it could support my weight 
What about the "sounds like my ex wife" jokes 
Is that a weird habit? 
It's the closest thing I can think of 
I think my weird habit IS my ex wife 
Alright. Also, I mean it's not a habit, but that one time you made spaghetti like ramen by pouring boiling water over dry spaghetti 
What?? I don't remember doing that! 
You did 
I need to corroborate with Mary on this 
What I often do in my free times? 
Get stoned 
How long have we been together? 
Almost a year! Next week it's a year!! 
Oh it's so soon!!! 
What was our first road trip? 
To hang out with my parents. It was horrible and my aunt kicked us out because you're trans. 
And then she called us both freaks 
Hey you know I'll own it 
And she threw things at us 
Oh god yeah. That was kind of terrifying 
We both cried a lot 
First thing you noticed about me? 
That you're super hot 
Especially since you were sprawled out in your trunk 
Sounds like me 
You were like posed 
What about you pisses me off? 
I'm condescending 
Is that right? 
Um, hm, I don't know 
Is it that I'm judgmental? Of you? 
Uh, it's hard to say if I should count something that pisses me off because of bpd or something that genuinely pisses me off. I can't really think of anything. Yeah I guess it is you being condescending but it's not something I hold against you 
What I’m not good at? 
Stating your needs 
Especially to psychologists 
What I’m good at? 
Listening, being supportive, you're very receptive, you're good at makeup that's for sure, you're really creative 
Oh thanks 
You're welcome 
Favorite feature about each other? 
My favorite feature about you is your confidence how personable you are and that you always stand by me and treat me with respect and take me seriously. That's not one thing but whatever. And then I guess your favorite feature about me is that I am really responsible? Or that I listen to you and take your needs and feelings seriously? 
Um, I'd say the second one 
You don't think I'm responsible? 
I do!!! Noo! 
What do we argue about the most? 
Responsibility? I feel like? Do you agree? 
Do we? 
That's what I feel like. Or maybe financial stuff 
What do you think? 
I guess so 
Do I have any weird obsessions? 
Maybe coffee, maybe weed 
I was gonna say weed as a joke but I feel like weed is so mainstream it couldn't possibly be weird 
 Nicknames for each other? 
Um babe? 
I feel like I call you babe most of the time 
Me too. I've also been calling you lovey recently 
Aww so cute 
What is my favorite restaurant? 
I don't know jack in the box? 
Just because you go there the most 
That's true 
But that's just because we're broke 
Complete this sentence “You’re my……..”
I feel like usually when you say "you're my ____" you're saying "you're my boyfriend" 
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