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tanapacozyfashion ¡ 6 years ago
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Brand New Book PARENTING with HEART 9780800729394 Parenting By Stephen James & Chip Dodd How Imperfect Parents Can Raise Resilient, Loving, and Wise-Hearted Kids This book was a beautiful writing and compelling to read with also encouraging to all the parent raise kids with your full heart not raise themselves based on yours rules instead of relationship, by accepting all your own childhood experiences the good and the one not so good as well, being teams work care for your marriage. I highly recommend to everyone must to read this book. #📚#❤️ Check out Parenting with Heart : How Imperfect Parents Can Raise Resilient, Loving, and Wi https://www.ebay.com/ulk/itm/202554902749 @eBay #book #ParentingWithHeart #heart #mom #mother #dad #dady #family #love #wedding #giftideas #photo #picture #guide #newmom https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz0VfyppxFp/?igshid=1ny0r1v4wc4ft
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chapters-of-enthusiasm ¡ 8 years ago
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I earned some badges today. . . . . #chapterparenthood #parenthood #parenting #parenthoodfeels #badgesofhonour #badgesofmama #momlife #mumlife #mumlifeaustralia #mumlifeproject #mommingit #theregoesmama #mothering #parentingwithheart Signed, Sticker host
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chapters-of-enthusiasm ¡ 8 years ago
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A home built by children's imaginations - the best kind. . . . Chapter: Childhood #chapterchildhood #childhood #motherhood #parenthood #parenting #parentingwithheart #playfulparenting #playingislearning #cubby #cubbyplay #Australia #Autumn #AussieMum #wildones #littlefierceones #letthembelittle #letthekids #childhoodunplugged #outdoorchildhood #activechildhood #dailyparenting #childhoodmagic #magicofchildhood #momlife #mumlife #natureplay #mothering Signed, G
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chapters-of-enthusiasm ¡ 8 years ago
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Laura Markham, Ph.D, has great tools to deal with Common Mistakes Parents Make with Siblings. Such as; "We punish instead of empowering kids to repair.Punishing a child who has wronged her sibling won’t make her want to act better next time; it will just harden her heart and make her more resentful. Instead, help the child with the emotions that drove the bad behavior, and insist that he find a way to “repair” the relationship. And  We expect children to know how to work things out with each other – without our teaching them! Children aren’t born knowing how to express their needs without attacking the other person, or find a win/win solution that works for both people. So if we want them to stop fighting and use their words constructively, we have to teach them. Most parents make these mistakes, just because they’ve never thought about how children actually learn. But if you can retrain yourself, you’ll see your kids fighting less and enjoying each other more. You’ll be on the way to raising children who will be friends for life. Laura Markham, Ph.D., is the author of Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids: How To Stop Yelling and Start Connecting andPeaceful Parent, Happy Siblings: How to Stop the Fighting and Raise Friends for Life. You can find her online atahaparenting.com." . . . Chapter: Parenthood #chapterparenthood #chapterchildhood #childhoodunplugged #wildones #littlefierceones #letthembelittle #letthekids #mamadiaries #mytinymoments #worldoflittles #childhood #parenthood #motherhood #momlife #mumlife #AussieMum #Australia #Autumn #parentingwithheart #mothering #siblingrivalry #siblingcoaching #intentionalparenting #siblings #siblinghood #siblinghoodlove Signed, Mama G  
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chapters-of-enthusiasm ¡ 8 years ago
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Laura Markham, Ph.D, has great tools to deal with Common Mistakes Parents Make with Siblings. Such as; "We don’t set limits on behavior. Acknowledging our children’s feelings doesn’t mean that we allow all behavior. Every family needs rules about treating each other with kindness. It’s the parent’s job to step in physically when children are fighting, and to intervene to stop teasing or mean words, which can cause emotional damage: “Jasmine, the rule is no name calling. You can tell your brother you’re mad without hurtful language.” And We force siblings to apologize to each other before they’re ready. Research shows that apologies given before the apologizer has gotten past his anger don’t help the relationship, because they aren’t perceived as sincere by the receiver and they’re resented by the giver. Instead, set an expectation that in your house, when something hurtful has been said or done, the participants “repair” the damage they’ve done to that relationship, once they’ve both calmed down and feel better. This might mean an apology, a hug, drawing a picture, helping rebuild the train track that was wrecked, or running to get a cold washcloth for a sibling’s owie. Kids won’t resist this if you help them work through their angry feelings before they’re expected to “make up” with their sibling." . . . Chapter: Parenthood #chapterparenthood #chapterchildhood #childhoodunplugged #wildones #littlefierceones #letthembelittle #letthekids #mamadiaries #mytinymoments #worldoflittles #childhood #parenthood #motherhood #momlife #mumlife #AussieMum #Australia #Autumn #parentingwithheart #mothering #siblingrivalry #siblingcoaching #intentionalparenting #siblings #siblinghood #parentingideas Signed, Mama G
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chapters-of-enthusiasm ¡ 8 years ago
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Laura Markham, Ph.D, has great tools to deal with Common Mistakes Parents Make with Siblings. Such as; We forget that we’re the role model. Naturally you get upset when your children are fighting. But when we yell, we’re training our children to yell. So before you intervene with your kids, take a breath to calm yourself first. It also helps to say a little mantra to shift your perspective, like “It’s not an emergency.” And  We don’t allow feelings. When your son says “I hate her! Why did you ever have to get a baby?!” it can feel scary. But if you shut down his expression of those emotions, he doesn’t stop feeling them. He just stops expressing them. He might even stop admitting he has them, even to himself, which means he shuts the feelings out of his conscious awareness. But the emotions are still there, beyond conscious control, causing him to tease or pinch the baby, or to be obstinate with us. It’s far better to empathize: “It’s hard sometimes, having a baby in the house. I guess it makes you very angry sometimes to have to share me, and to have to be quiet so she can sleep, and to have to wait your turn. ... It can be very hard, can’t it? You can always tell me when it’s hard, and I will always understand, and help you.” . . . Chapter: Parenthood #chapterparenthood #chapterchildhood #childhoodunplugged #wildones #littlefierceones #letthembelittle #letthekids #mamadiaries #mytinymoments #worldoflittles #childhood #parenthood #motherhood #momlife #mumlife #AussieMum #Australia #Autumn #parentingwithheart #mothering #siblingrivalry #siblingcoaching #intentionalparenting #siblings #siblinghood #activechildhood #outdoorchildhood Signed, Mama G
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chapters-of-enthusiasm ¡ 8 years ago
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Laura Markham, Ph.D, has great tools to deal with Common Mistakes Parents Make with Siblings. Such as; We take sides. When you side with one child against the other – even when you’re 100% certain that child is in the right – you create more sibling rivalry. That’s because even if they can’t articulate it, both children interpret your action as you symbolically taking your love from one child and giving it to the other.   Instead, describe the problem you see, without blame or judgment: “I hear loud voices … sounds like maybe you two have a problem?” “Is everyone having fun with this game? I see Kevin crying.” . . . . Chapter: Parenthood #chapterparenthood #chapterchildhood #childhoodunplugged #wildones #littlefierceones #letthembelittle #letthekids #mamadiaries #mytinymoments #worldoflittles #childhood #parenthood #motherhood #momlife #mumlife #AussieMum #Australia #Autumn #parentingwithheart #mothering #siblingrivalry #siblingcoaching #intentionalparenting #siblings #siblinghood #outdoorchildhood Signed, Mama G
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chapters-of-enthusiasm ¡ 8 years ago
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"Kids with a growth mindset believe that intelligence can be cultivated: the more learning you do, the smarter you become. These kids understand that even geniuses must work hard. When they suffer a setback, they believe they can improve by putting in more time and effort. They value learning over looking smart. They persevere through difficult tasks." #growthmindset To help your child have a growth mindset rather than a fixed mindset the difference is in the praise you use. Don't shortcut their learning by helping too soon or attributing their success to being 'good' or 'clever'. Instead try saying something like 'you worked hard and you did it'. 'You kept trying and you got there'. Rather than 'smart boy', 'good girl'. It is much better for them to know that intelligence can be gained through hard work than to believe they are innately amazing. Read more @ http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/5826816?utm_campaign=hp_fb_pages&utm_source=parents_fb&utm_medium=facebook&ncid=fcbklnkushpmg00000037 . . Chapter: Parenthood #chapterparenthood #chapterchildhood #childhoodunplugged #intentionalparenting #motherhood #mothering #momlife #mumlife #AussieMum #Australia #Autumn #parentingwithheart #worldoflittles #natureplay #outdoorchildhood #childhoodunplugged #praisingchildren #raisingchildren #parentingtips Signed, Mama G
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chapters-of-enthusiasm ¡ 8 years ago
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Going through good ol' separation anxiety so bedtimes and naptimes have lost their simllicity this week. . . . Chapter: Childhood #chapterchildhood #childhoodunplugged #childhood #parenthood #motherhood #momlife #mumlife #AussieMum #Australia #Autumn #parentingwithheart #mothering #momlife #mumlife #intentionalparenting #separationanxiety #toddlerlife #toddlerwoes #toddlermama #toddlermum #toddlermum #naptime Signed, G sharer of personal space, often unwillingly.
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chapters-of-enthusiasm ¡ 8 years ago
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Getting crafty with old t shirts, sticks and wool. 👌 . . . Chapter: Craftiness #chaptercraftiness #craftidea #natureplay #naturecraft #craftiness #craftykids #reducereuserecycle #sustainability #Australia #Autumn #parentingwithheart #mothering #momlife #mumlife #tshirtcraft #stickcraft Signed, G
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chapters-of-enthusiasm ¡ 8 years ago
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Back to school do. ✌ . . Chapter: Hair Enthusiast #chapterhairenthusiast #hairstyle #hairdo #hairfun #plaits #plaiter #kidshair #kidshairstyle #kidshairdo #schoolhair #schoolhairstyle #schoolhairdo #backtoschool #parentingwithheart #worldoflittles Signed, Mama
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chapters-of-enthusiasm ¡ 8 years ago
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Russell Brown Adventure Playground has made it onto our family fave spots. . . . Chapter: Childhood #chapterchildhood #childhood #motherhood #parenthood #mothering #momlife #mumlife #AussieMum #Australia #Autumn #chapterparenthood #childhoodunplugged #wildones #littlefierceones #letthembelittle #letthekids #mamadiaries #mytinymoments #schoolholidays2017 #parentingwithheart #worldoflittles #natureplay #outdoorchildhood #natureplayground #perthtodo Signed, G
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chapters-of-enthusiasm ¡ 8 years ago
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Probably digging for treasure. 🌊☀🐳🐚 It used to be a bit daunting, taking three children on my own to the beach, it's not anymore. Although I will look into where I can find a camel to carry all our things. . . Chapter: Childhood #chapterchildhood #childhood #motherhood #parenthood #mothering #momlife #mumlife #AussieMum #Australia #Autumn #toddlerlife #chapterparenthood #childhoodunplugged #wildones #littlefierceones #letthembelittle #letthekids #mamadiaries #mytinymoments #schoolholidays2017 #parentingwithheart #worldoflittles #siblinghood #siblings #beachlovers Signed, G
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chapters-of-enthusiasm ¡ 8 years ago
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I am an advocate for raising independent, self-managing, emotionally resilient problem-solvers. So when my children come to me with a problem; I try to remember to shift the responsibility, of finding a solution, to them. That way they know I can talk it out with them, provide guidance and support them but ultimately I believe they can succeed and become competent. Even this 2 year old, which if you've met her, you'd think doesn't actually ask for help... But she does... And when I don't rush to help her, she does it herself... And really well. Sometimes I forget, and absent-mindedly help so I need to remind myself to be present, not miss simple opportunities to teach and be intentional about my parenting. 🌳✌⛅🌱 Chapter: Parenthood #chapterchildhood #childhood #motherhood #parenthood #mothering #momlife #mumlife #AussieMum #Australia #Autumn #toddlerlife #chapterparenthood #childhoodunplugged #wildones #littlefierceones #letthembelittle #letthekids #mamadiaries #mytinymoments #schoolholidays2017 #parentingwithheart #intentionalparenting #cultivatingcompetence #nurturingindependence #raisingchildren #downunder Signed, Mama G
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chapters-of-enthusiasm ¡ 8 years ago
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#quote #quotes #compassion #empathy #parentingwithheart #raisingempathaticchildren #mothering #momlife #mumlife
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chapters-of-enthusiasm ¡ 8 years ago
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From toddlerapproved.com #quotes #quote #parentingwithheart #cultivatingconfidence #intentionalparenting #intentionalloving
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