#parent mariano guzmán
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Summary: Mariano is struggling to write a poem for his and Dolores' sixteenth wedding anniversary. And that's where the kids come in. Encantober 2024: Poetry. Trigger Warnings: self deprecating thoughts, guilt, anxiety, and mention of the flu.
“Oh, my sweet Dolores,
Your voice is such a lovely chorus,
And there is no one I adore-as
Much as I adore-us—”
Mariano was stuck.
More than stuck, actually.
He was suffering from a complete and utter stagnant of writer’s block where he could hardly get the words together in his head, let alone write them down on paper.
Which, normally wouldn’t be a problem because normally Mariano would have all the time in the world to step back and take a break, and come back to it later after taking a siesta and getting a bocadillo (like Señora Julieta’s Guava and Cheese Mini-Bites or Home Sweet Home Rice Pudding). But normally, it wasn’t a week from his and Dolores’ wedding anniversary.
And normally on their anniversaries, Mariano had more than enough gifts and a lovely date night planned to excuse not being able to have a poem done on the rare occasions where he couldn’t write one in time for his and his querida musa’s special nights.
But this time Mariano didn’t.
This time Mariano had dropped the ball.
At least, in his own opinion.
He didn’t have a gift bought for her (yet anyway).
Didn’t have the time to make her something more than a poem (paper mache or crocheted flowers and stuffed animals were timely to make if you wanted them right).
There was no way he’d be able to book a reservation for any of the good restaurants that Dolores liked (and that wouldn’t hurt her ears) in time for the event and he was a terrible cook so making her favorites himself was out of the question and there was no way he was going to be putting any more work on his beloved’s aunt.
And well, as bad of a cook as he was, he was an even worse dancer so taking her out to dance (especially after last time) was also no.
Which just left him with the option of writing her a wonderful poem that was better than all of the ones that came before it to buy him time to make it up to his encantadora esposa—which he was now apparently incapable of doing. Great.
Just great.
Dios, Mariano Guzmán era el idiota más grande de todo Auradon.
What kind of husband didn’t remember the sixteenth anniversary of their wedding?
Bubo, Mariano’s best friend and cuñado, said that he was being too hard on himself and that “Dios, amigo, of course you forgot! You have six kids and all of them had la gripe, you and Dolores and the familia have been exhausted for weeks. Calm down and we’ll figure something out—”but the guard and poet wasn’t having it. He knew that his mejor amigo would be just as stressed and would feel just as guilty in his shoes if he was the one who had forgotten his and Isabela’s anniversary.
So, his words were an empty comfort for once and now Mariano had to fix the mess before it became an even bigger mess and careened into a disaster without alerting Dolores.
Now, if only he could find something that rhymed with Dolores.
Of course, being a parent meant that Mariano didn’t get much alone time. And being an uncle as well, that meant his alone time was even more scarce.
Which meant it didn’t really surprise him when not only his seven year old son, Oscar, interrupted him but one of Isabela and Bubo’s eight year olds, Miguel Jr (or Smiley or MJ as everyone called him) as well. Both peaking over his shoulder to see what he was working on, like usual.
“Papi, ¿en qué estás trabajando?” Oscar rested his chin on Mariano’s shoulder, squinting at the parchment with a furrowed brow and a small frown. Noodles the snake wrapped around him as usual.
“A poem for your Mami, cariño.”
Miguel Jr leaned even further over Mariano’s shoulder and probably would have knocked him over if the man wasn’t used to his sobrino’s lack of personal space awareness, already. “Can we help, Tío.”
Mariano paused in his writing. He seriously doubted that they’d be able to help with this particular problem of his, but if he’d learned anything from being a padre, tío, and cuñado mayor, it was to never underestimate what children—Madrigal children, especially. So he decided to bite the bullet. “¡Claro! Know anything that rhymes with Dolores?”
There was a moment of silence.
Then another.
Mariano sighed. Not sure what he was expecting. “Very good, niños. Gracias.”
“You’re welcome!”
Madrigals, even the children, could not keep a secret for the life of them.
Which is how Mariano found himself being bombarded by nearly every child in the house, all of which had suggestions. Some more helpful than others.
“Boris” Cornel, Bruno's sixteen year old son, had suggested.
To which his brother, Cesare—nineteen years old—, had immediately protested. “Boris? Boris? Absolutely not, that sounds too close to Bore-us.”
“Well I don't see you coming up with any ideas—”
“There's plenty, like forest and tourist—”
Which caused their brother Cyriacus, fourteen, to snort. “Oh sure, call Prima Dolores a tourist. That's very romantic and I'm sure it'll go over well.”
Mariano regretted not locking his door.
“Does Acorn rhyme with Dolores, Papi?” Leta, his three year old, asked yawning as she rested her head on his knee.
“No, temeraria. No, it doesn't.” Mariano ran his hand through her hair.
He was never going to finish this poem.
“Why did you decide to make everything rhyme with Mama’s name anyway?” Princesa, his lovely eldest, asked. Judging him with a scrutinizing stare and all the tact of a ten year old.
Mariano had to agree that picking to end every line with something that rhymed with Dolores wasn't his brightest move.
“I thought it'd be romantic.”
“But it's not very practical is it?”
Elmira, Princesa’s twin, squeaked quietly at that—in agreement with her sister but clearly not comfortable enough to voice these thoughts.
Mariano found himself sighing again.
He had a feeling that it wouldn't be the last time he found himself doing so this week.
“Pour-us? Poorest? Poorest rhymes with Dolores!” Ligera, his five year old, pointed out excitedly. Happy to be helpful.
And well, it did…. Kinda?....depending on who you asked, anyway, but Mariano wasn't sure how to include poorest in his poem. He also wasn't sure Dolores would be pleased if he did.
“Fairest rhymes with Mami!” Fuega chimed in, very confidently.
It didn't but Mariano didn't have the heart to correct her.
Mariano did end up getting the poem done and done on time.
Dolores loved it.
She also loved the dinner ‘he'd’ apparently helped Bubo make and the flowers with musical notes that ‘he'd’ given Isabela the idea of making and the dress he'd bought her months ago that he'd forgotten about.
(Okay, so maybe Mariano had been a bit worried over nothing after all.)
#encantober#encantober 2024#encantober poetry#parent mariano guzmán#descendants#disney descendants#melissa de la cruz#disney#descendants au#wicked world#disney descendants au#fuega madrigal#oscar madrigal#married dolores madrigal and mariano guzmán#one shot#next generation#encanto next gen#etc
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In your next gen Encanto au, who gets along with who the best and why?
(Between the cousins, their parents and grandparents or whatever you'd like to do).
Decided to format it where I say their friend group, their "favorite" kid/grandkid/sibling/cousin.
Of course, by "favorite" I mean "person they get along with best/ spend the most time with" but that's long and complicated to say.
No one actually has "favorites" is what I'm trying to say (except for a few of them lol)
Alma: She hangs out with the other elders of the village, including Señora Guzmán. Once Raimi and his side of the family get introduced into the Encanto, she also spends a lot of time with them. Out of her kids, Bruno is the favorite, no question. She spends a lot of time making amends with him. Similarly, her favorite grandkid is now Mirabel. Great-grandkid wise, I'd say her favorite is either Zoe or Mariana.
Julieta: She has a handful of friends in the village, but she seems like the type of person to focus on having a small circle of close friends, rather than a lot. She's close with Augustín's mother, but not so much his father (they have a terse relationship). She claims not to have a favorite child, but like...it's Mirabel, come on. She also claims to not have a favorite grandchild, but she and Fuega bond over cooking.
Pepa: Pepa has a lot of friends from the village, including Félix's brother, Gabriel. Her favorite child is Camilo (he's a mama's boy) and she's...less subtle about it than Julieta is. Her favorite grandchild is easily her "twin" Leta, the first grandbaby, no matter how many heart attacks she gives her.
Bruno: Bruno slowly but surely acquires a small friend group upon his return (mainly with Pepa and Julieta's help). It's only about four or five people (which includes both Amelia and Sofía's crushes' parents), which is just fine by him. He also claims not to have a favorite child, but he empathizes with Sofía a lot.
Augustín: He's kind of a nerd, and so doesn't have many friends outside of the Madrigals. He mainly spends time with Julieta and her friend group. He doesn't have a favorite child, he loves his girls equally, but his favorite grandchild is probably Lidia. He likes her sass, okay?
Félix: He's very popular among the townsfolk, and has more friends than even Pepa. His favorite child is Dolores, but the only two people who know are Pepa and Mariano (because he threatened Mariano with death if he ever hurt his baby girl). His favorite grandchild is José. They have the same personality.
Isabela: She has many friends around the village, including Maria (Fuega's mom) and Lili. Most of them were made either after she dropped her "Señorita Perfecta" persona, or from before she felt pressured to be perfect. Her favorite parent is actually Augustín, and her favorite sibling is probably Mirabel, let's be real. Her favorite cousin is Dolores (I would DIE for their friendship). She actually doesn't have a favorite of her girls, not even a secret one.
Dolores: Poor Dolores doesn't have many friends. It's hard for her to be social with her gift, and she's gained a reputation for being a snitch. She is close with Mariano's sisters and brothers, though. Her favorite parent is Félix, and her favorite sibling is Antonio (Camilo's not offended, as Antonio is also his favorite sibling). Her favorite cousin is Isa. Her favorite kid is Andrés, and she is not subtle about it.
Luisa: She never really had a lot of time for friends pre-Encanto movie, so all of her friends were made post-Encanto. She's kind of socially awkward, like her dad, so she doesn't have a lot of them. Her favorite parent is Augustín (I loved their few interactions in canon) but she refuses to have a favorite sibling. Her favorite cousin is Antonio though. Her favorite child is Zoe, just because she gives her less heart attacks than the twins.
Camilo: He had tons of friends pre-Encanto, but lost quite a few of them when he started using his gift less. He made some more (including his future husband) when the city joined the village, though. His favorite parent is Pepa (Mama's boy Camilo is sacred to me). His favorite sibling is Antonio, and his favorite cousin is Mirabel. Everyone thinks that Camilo's favorite kid would be José or Héctor, but it's actually Hugo.
Mirabel: She has a little friend group, mainly consisting of the older siblings of the Encanto's children and Mariano's family. Her favorite parent is Julieta, favorite sibling is Isabela (now, anyway) and her favorite cousin is obviously Antonio (cue offended Camilo noises). She tries not to have favorites, but she can't help but sympathize with Óscar.
Antonio: He's friends with Little Alejandra, Juancho, Cecilia, and some of the other kids in town. His favorite parent is Félix, but he doesn't have favorite siblings. His favorite cousin is Mirabel.
For the next gen, I already put who they like best from each generation in their profiles, so I just copied those from them. (because I got lazy)
Miranda: She is very popular with the Encanto's kids, as she likes to babysit them. Her favorite parent is Alejandra, just because she knows how much she's sacrificed for her. She doesn't have a favorite sibling, she loves Amelia and Sofia equally. Her favorite cousin is Antonio, over their shared love of animals, and her favorite second cousin is Héctor, because he always sticks to her while they do their chores.
Amelia: She has many, many friends in the village, including her girlfriend, Rosana. She doesn't have a favorite parent, but Miranda is her favorite sister. Her favorite cousin is Camilo, due to their shared love of performing, and her favorite second cousin is Princesa, because they both are more girly.
Sofía: She doesn't have many friends due to her gift, but she hangs out with her crush, Tristán, and his little friend group. Her favorite parent is Bruno, since they're so similar, and her favorite sister is Miranda, since she doesn't think Amelia likes her very much. Her favorite cousin is Dolores, as they like to be quiet together. Her favorite second cousin is Óscar, as they like to bitch to each other all the time.
Princesa: She is very popular in the Encanto, mainly due to her gift, which makes a lot of her 'friends' flaky, at best. Her favorite sister is Mariana, due to her being afraid of Fuega. Her favorite of the grandkid generation is Mirabel, over their shared love of sewing and embrodery, and her favorite cousin is Beatriz, because they like to gossip to each other.
Fuega: She doesn't have many friends, mainly due to her gift. She does hang out with Felicidad and her friends, though. Her favorite sister is Mariana, due to Princesa being afraid of her. Her favorite pf the grandkid generation is Luisa, because she's tough and Fuega isn't afraid to burn her, and her favorite cousin is Andrés, because he helped her and Felicidad get together.
Mariana: She is popular in the Encanto, mainly with the younger kids. She doesn't have a favorite sister, she loves them both equally. Her favorite of the grandkid generation is Mirabel, because they are VERY much alike, and her favorite cousin is Rómulo, because they like to do crazy stunts with their powers together.
Leta: She is popular in the Encanto, in part due to her gift. She doesn't have a favorite sibling, though many would argue that it's Carlos. Her favorite of the grandkid generation is Luisa, because they are VERY much alike, and her favorite cousin is Lidia, because they like to wrestle and be idiots together.
Andrés: He has almost zero friends, due to his shyness. His favorite sibling(s) is the twins, just because they're so cute. His favorite of the grandkid generation is Antonio, due to their shared quietness, and his favorite cousin is Fuega, mainly because they just match well. Firey anger and quiet shyness.
Carlos: As the resident black market dealer, he is very, very, very popular in the Encanto, especially with the younger kids. His favorite sibling is easily Leta, though the twins are a close second. His favorite of the grandkid generation is Camilo, because. Obviously, and his favorite cousin is José, because they're like two peas in a pod, despite the age difference.
Avila: She is mildly popular in the Encanto, despite her odd gift. Her favorite sibling is Carlos, because he gives her free stuff. Her favorite of the grandkid generation is Antonio, because ANIMALS, and her favorite cousin is Héctor, because they like to play futbol together.
Amada: She is pretty popular in the Encanto, along with her twin. Her favorite sibling is Carlos, because he gives her free stuff. Her favorite of the grandkid generation is Isabela, because FLOWERS, and her favorite cousin is Tomás, because they like to watch each other do tricks with their powers.
Tomás: He is pretty popular in the Encanto, along with his twin. His favorite sibling is Zoe, because he and Rómulo are both in agreement that she is their favorite. His favorite of the grandkid generation is Isabela, since he likes all her weird plants, and his favorite cousin is José, because they both like playing mind games (of a different kind, but still)
Rómulo: He is pretty popular in the Encanto, along with his twin. His favorite sibling is Zoe, because he and Tomás are both in agreement that she is their favorite. His favorite of the grandkid generation is Antonio, since he lets Parce and the other big cats race him, and his favorite cousin is Mariana, because they like to do crazy stunts with their powers together.
Zoe: She doesn't have many friends, mainly due to her gift. She doesn't have a favorite between her brothers. Her favorite of the grandkid generation is Isabela, because she loves her bright dresses and plants, and her favorite cousin is Hugo, because of all his buggy friends.
Hugo: He doesn't have many friends, mainly due to autism. He doesn't have a favorite between his brothers (it's Héctor). His favorite of the grandkid generation is Dolores, because they're both quiet, and his favorite cousin is Zoe, because she is adorable.
José: He is unpopular with adults, but popular with the kids. He doesn't actually have a favorite of his brothers. His favorite of the grandkid generation is Isabela, because she kinda sorta encourages his gambling, and his favorite cousin is Carlos, because they're like two peas in a pod, despite the age difference.
Héctor: He is pretty popular in the Encanto, mainly because of his gift. His favorite sibling is Hugo, because he looks up to him. His favorite of the grandkid generation is Antonio, since their gifts are similar, and his favorite cousin is Miranda, because she acts so kind and motherly to him.
Óscar: He has almost zero friends, due to his scary gift. He doesn't have a favorite of his sisters, he loves them both. His favorite of the grandkid generation is Dolores, due to their shared...odd quirks, and his favorite cousin is Sofía, because they like to bitch to each other. He acts more like a protective older brother to Sofía.
Beatriz: She is mildly popular in the Encanto, but her gift stops her from being truly liked. She has no favorite sibling (for real). Her favorite of the grandkid generation is Dolores, because their gifts and the reaction their gifts get are similar, and her favorite cousin is Amelia, because they like to dance and sing together.
Lidia: She is pretty popular in the Encanto, although some of the adults are nervous at her behavior. Her favorite sibling is Óscar, and Beatriz is slightly bitter about it. Her favorite of the grandkid generation is Luisa, because they both act tough, and her favorite cousin is Leta, because they like to wrestle and be idiots together.
#DEAR LORD THAT TOOK FOREVER#I FLEW TOO CLOSE TO THE SUN WITH THIS THING BOYS#encanto next gen#encanto concept art#encanto deleted characters#encanto original character#encanto scrapped characters#encanto oc#encanto scrapped character#encanto next generation#i'm not tagging all the kids again#maybe I'll fix it later
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In your new au, what happens when all the kids realize their parents are gone?
Ummmm I guess building on that one idea (the only one), the Encanto is essentially run by the kids. The oldest kids among them are like 13, and everyone else is younger. One of the other things about this idea I had was that they were stuck in time.
Closest they have to an adult is Casita
At first, it's like a giant party. No adults??? That means they can do whatever they want! But they quickly realize that there are no adults...anywhere in the Encanto. They're just gone. It doesn't take long for them to flock to Casita, cause everyine knows the Madrigals can solve anything. They basically have to adapt, and it takes months to do so. Thankfully most of the older kids can cook, so they weren't just going hungry.
Most of, if not all of the kids pretty much uprooted their lives and brought them to the houses closest to Casita. The older kids realized it was WAY too risky for all of them to be soaced out like that, especially with the toddlers and few babies that there were.
They essentially take over whatever roles their parents, grandparents, older siblings, ANY adults have. Say what you want about kids, but they can smart when they want to, and they spend a lot of time outside and are very observant. And they can read. Follow instructions. And while kids are hard headed, they learn after failing the first few times.
Yes they dress up as the adults. What else can they do?? Not many of them know how to sew, and they can't wear the same clothes everyday, when so few kids know how to wash clothes.
Antonio will likely just spawn in the nursery, idk. Idk he'll be a baby or automatic 4 (before his ceremony). If so, then basically he'll be pumped with Camilo and Mirabel and they'll just be the new triplets ™
Also, it's not just the "Madrigals" anymore. Because they're such close friends, the Guzmán's, meaning Mariano and his younger siblings, basically move into Casita to help out the other Madrigal kids.
That's all I've got so far. I was toying with the idea that the doors for the adults also disappear. They're replaced with other doors for the Guzmán children (because it's pretty much Madrigal-Guzmán after a certain point).
#my asks#my asks are open#encanto#encanto au#au#encanto isabela#encanto dolores#encanto luisa#encanto camilo#encanto mirabel#encanto antonio#a pause in time au#back at it again with the literal names#cause I suck at making them up#but y'all knew this already
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In the vampire au, does Julieta, Pepa and Bruno exist? Also are the guzmans vampires too?
Ok so I assume you meant this for the au on my other blog <3333
Uhhhhh so they do exist. But Julieta and Pepa are dead. Along with their husbands <\\\333 killed the massacre that went through the village, hunters thought they were vampires (ironically the hunters also thought they were protecting Alma and the grandkids from them).
Bruno may or may not be alive, it's not really know (aka, I haven't decided yet). If he is alive, he's living on the very outskirts of the village, and is under the impression his entire family is dead. Though he will eventually go back to Caaita and learn they're alive. He was turned in this scenario as well lmao. How, I have no idea, but unlike the grandkids, it wasn't by Alma.
And yes, the Guzmán's are vampires❗❗ Very close friends to the Madrigals, and they help each other out in surviving in the tough times 🙏🙏many families within the village have friendships and alliances that date back centuries, and the Madrigals and Guzmán's are one of those.
Mariano is close friends with the grandkids. Like a lot of other vampire kids in the village, they are sheltered. They also feel like they can't fully connect and befriend the human children because a lot of them are the children of hunters, some of the hunters that killed their parents. While Mariano's parents are still alive, his older brother and tia didn't survive the massacre <\\\3

#alma madrigal#encanto#encanto abuela#encanto alma#alma madrigal fan club#encanto au#art#au#encanto Julieta#julieta madrigal#encanto pepa#pepa madrigal#encanto bruno#bruno magridal#vampire au#encanto vampire au
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¿Y el contrato de compromiso?
Fandom: Encanto Relationship: Mariano Guzmán/Dolores Madrigal, past Mariano/Isabela Rating: T CW: Some rather common pre-1970s gender-based double standards In early 20th century Latin America, betrothal contracts were still very common, and I can't imagine that the Encanto was much different...
“That's ridiculous! Rodrigo would never court Angélica in front of the whole town until he broke things off with María!” Mirabel argued.
Bruno shrugged. "I'm just saying, Rodrigo might not be -"
“What was that?!” Mirabel exclaimed as a seeming wave of rain crashed into Casita, followed by lightning and thunder, interrupting that deep discussion of the rat telenovela's next story arc.
“I think your cousin is still out,” Bruno replied, looking somewhat… angry?
“The real miracle is when Camilo is home at night,” she replied, rolling her eyes at her aunt’s theatrics.
“… not that cousin,” he said with an unusual edge in his voice.
“Yeah. Frankly, I don’t like it myself. How dare he play with her reputation like that?”
“Tío Bruno, Dolores is a grown woman.”
“But she’s still Pepa and Félix daughter! And he’s not even proposed!”
Mirabel was now rolling her eyes at her uncle’s theatrics. “Only every other time she sees him.”
“He’s not spoken with Pepa or Félix, though, so it’s empty words. I can’t believe that his mother is allowing this to go on.”
“So they’re either sitting in Señora Guzmán’s living room, or are out walking. Or were.”
Shortly after, they could hear the banging on the front door from Bruno's tower. He grinned. “I predict that your aunt got the result she wanted.”
Curiosity overwhelming her indignation on behalf of her cousin, Mirabel hopped off his bed and ran out to the landing, where she saw the usually well-coiffed couple slumping into the courtyard, bedraggled.
Her other uncle strolled down the stairs smiling, her still stormy aunt trailing him. “Good evening, cariño!” - he said with warmth, then narrowed his eyes and continued with a cooler - “… and Mariano.”
Still handsome despite the soaking, he replied, “Señor Félix, I can explain…”
Pepa thundered again. “Explain what you were doing out with our daughter alone, after dark?!”
“Talking about our future.”
“Until you have a talk with her parents, it’s just sweet nothings,” Bruno supplied from behind her.
Dolores and Mirabel’s eyes met and rolled, but Dolores’ parents both sharply nodded.
Mariano looked down at the ground for a few moments, then straightened. “I‘ve never intended anything other than marriage with your daughter.”
“You were kinda betrothed to my other niece for a while there,” Bruno pointed out.
Félix, Pepa and even Mirabel looked at Bruno sharply, but Dolores turned to Mariano. “Did you actually end the betrothal?”
“Uhhhh… Isabela pretty much said it with flowers,” he replied, rubbing the bridge of his nose in memory.
“But did you two actually agree to break the contract?” Bruno pressed.
“Uhhhh… I don’t know.”
Everyone rolled their eyes at that, including Dolores.
“Did they?” Mirabel asked her all-hearing cousin.
“I deliberately ignored them,” she answered, her usually placid face clouding.
“Alright, there’s one person who would know,” Mirabel said.
“Abuela?” Félix asked.
“Isabela,” Mirabel and Bruno replied.
A multicolor swirl of petticoats swung down on a vine of unnaturally blue flowers. “You called?”
“Isa, did you break your betrothal to Mariano?” Mirabel asked.
“I said it with flowers. Twice.”
“But the contract?” Bruno pressed.
“What contract?” Isabela asked airily.
“The one you signed,” Pepa contributed.
“Oh, that? We were supposed to sign it after dinner, I think. Abuela was in charge of that, though.” She slung a vine back to the balcony, but apparently seeing that something more was expected of her, added, “But just in case: Mariano, I free you from our betrothal, if we actually had one.”
Everyone sighed in relief.
“Young man…” Félix began.
“Uh, Señora Pepa, Señor Félix… I would like to court your daughter.”
“And your intentions?” Bruno prompted.
“Marriage!” Mariano exclaimed. At Mirabel and Isabela’s hard looks, he added, “but only if she wants!” “I do,” Dolores answered much more quietly. She then cleared her throat and said firmly, “I do want to marry him, Mamá, Papá.”
“Do you still have your and Tío Félix’s contract, Tía Pepa?” Mirabel asked, trying to blunt the next downpour.
“Por supesto,” she replied, “but how long will it take to copy?” “Mirabel types fast,” Dolores and Bruno said, simultaneously, and all the Madrigals, present and future, had a laugh.
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I want to know more about Mariano's family.
The only family member of his shown is Señora Guzmán. Now, we don't know if this is his mother or his grandmother. The script refers to her as "Abuela."
Really I think it could be either way. She's certainly old enough to be his grandmother.
On the other hand, suppose Mariano's mother had him late, like Pepa with Antonio. Two decades or so later and she'd only be about ten years younger than Alma, but with a son approximately the same age as Alma's eldest granddaughters. Dolores' line of "you take care of your mother" would make sense in this context if Mariano's mother was on the elderly side.
But, mother or grandmother, she's the only family member of Mariano's we see. No father or grandfather, no siblings or cousins, nothing.
Mariano was proposing to Isabela. This is an important occasion for both families. The entire Madrigal family is gathered together. Shouldn't all of Mariano's family be here too?
Even if not his whole family, surely at least both of Mariano's parents should be here with him, not just his mother. Unless, of course, his father is dead - perhaps Alma sympathized with and saw herself in Señora Guzmán.
If she's his grandmother, however, than both of his parents are absent from their son's proposal, which might suggest that they're both dead. Why else wouldn't they have come? Except we know his mother, at least, has to be alive, thanks to Dolores. Maybe she's ill or something, and his father died too.
But how likely is it for both of his parents to have died of something besides old age - which, given his grandmother, clearly they didn't - in a town with Julieta Madrigal living in it?
There's also the line of "the union between the Guzmáns and the Madrigals," which suggests that the Guzmáns, like the Madrigals, are a family of some prominence in the village.
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Ok so this morning in the shower I had a lot of Thoughts about the Guzmáns (at least...my Guzmáns) and did some blabbing elsewhere, but wanted to share the lore/headcanons/whatever here as well:
Mercedes and Mariano (the elder, canon!Mariano's grandfather) totally had separate bedrooms. it's how rich folks do and also they were over each other.
Them going to Senor Ortiz (Osvaldo's father, the designated builder/architect of the Encanto) with building plans for Casa Guzman and him losing his entire mind. "Why four bedrooms?" "Well the children will obviously need their own when they're older." "...obviously." "And that's not a bedroom, that's my husband's office." "Which has a bed in it." "Yes." "And what's this on the ground floor?" "Oh, that's for the serv- well, perhaps there are some people who don't want the responsibility of their own home, so they can stay with us. And....help around the house. And with the children."
You cannot tell me the boys (José and Caesar) did not have a nanny until they were old enough to hold a civil conversation. Can you imagine either of them going to Mercedes after a nightmare? Actually Mariano might not have been horrible for that stuff, his parents came up not rich, he's a bit more...idk, grounded. More familiar with the real world. He does his best and his best isn't that great but he's there. EDIT: no he's not there, like....forever, but when they're little. He goes more distant, Mercedes gets closer (for some value of closer).
.....Caesar wooing and marrying the least threatening/most nurturing woman in the village within two years of his father's death. This whole family needs to go under a microscope and also to therapy.
I also had shower thoughts about Mercedes and Jose's last conversation before he left and she 500% knew he was gay gay homosexual gay and also I may have teared up a little.
Ok byeeeeee.
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Nieves Guzmán
Elsas parents abandon her at the mist barrier with a letter basically saying they were giving the magical spirits their child back
While trying to get through the mist Elsa follows a golden butterfly and ends up in the Encanto
She’s found playing in a giant patch of snow a week after Milagros (male Mirabel) ceremony by a young Mariana Guzman (genderbend Mariano)
The village is baffled a week after the failed ceremony an eight year old girl with a gift appears who doesn’t know a word of Spanish
Alma prayed several times in the week for a way to stop the miracle from fading and comes to the conclusion that Elsa was sent to save it somehow
Señora Guzmán takes her in and renames her Nieves (since that is literally the only Spanish name that has anything to do with winter)
Alma becomes friends with Señora Guzman due to how often Nieves is over for help learning to control her powers
Nieves is very shy but that sometimes gets mistaken fo haughtiness She’s obviously called an ice queen
She sees Pedro (Pepa) as a father figure he’s the one who usually helped her with her powers when she was younger
She has a lot of admirers but none of them approach her since she’s “reserved for a Madrigal”
Very close to her adopted big sister
Her mother has been trying to see which Madrigal grandson would be best for her before making a match
She makes ice sculptures to decorate for Parties
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The Butterfly's Blessing
The Butterfly's Blessing by RarepairKai22
There is only so much a person can take before they snap.
When Abuela accuses Mirabel of hurting the family, a decade of self-repressed pain, anger and sadness explode like an overheated pressure cooker.
Mirabel rips Abuela apart, blowing her wrongdoings out for everyone to see, and it is the final straw.
Casita begins to collapse, and while trying to save the candle, Mirabel accidentally falls off the roof. In a desperate bid to save her, the magic grants Mirabel her own miracle, but not without great cost.
Waking up in an unfamiliar city with no memories of who she is, Mirabel navigates a world of heroes and villains, superpowers called “quirks”, finds a new family and creates a new identity, all while the family she left behind grapples with her loss and everything they once knew.
Words: 1284, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Encanto (2021), 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Mirabel Madrigal, Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Inko, Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto, Class 1-A, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, U.A. Faculty, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Kurogiri, Shirakumo Oboro, Sensei | All For One, Eri, "Abuela" Alma Madrigal, Julieta Madrigal, Agustín Madrigal, Pepa Madrigal, Félix Madrigal, Bruno Madrigal, Isabela Madrigal, Luisa Madrigal, Dolores Madrigal, Camilo Madrigal, Antonio Madrigal, Mariano Guzmán
Relationships: Mirabel Madrigal/Shirakumo Oboro, Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Mirabel Madrigal & Midoriya Izuku, Mirabel Madrigal & Midoriya Inko, Midoriya Inko & Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Inko & Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Eri, Félix Madrigal/Pepa Madrigal, Agustín Madrigal/Julieta Madrigal, Mariano Guzmán/Dolores Madrigal, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
Additional Tags: Amnesiac Mirabel Madrigal, BAMF Mirabel Madrigal, BAMF Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Does Not Have One for All Quirk, Midoriya Inko Adopts Mirabel Madrigal, Good Parent Midoriya Inko, Midoriya Inko Adopts Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Yagi Toshinori | All Might Bashing, Bakugou Katsuki Bashing, Married Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead Adopts Eri, Kurogiri is Shirakumo Oboro, Kurogiri Becomes Shirakumo Oboro Again, Todoroki Shouto is Bad at Feelings, Todoroki Shouto is a Dork, Guilty Madrigal Family (Disney), "Abuela" Alma Madrigal Gets Better, Fall of Casita (Disney: Encanto), No Incest, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Crossover, Crossover Pairings, Canon-Typical Violence, Non-Canonical Character Death, Age Regression/De-Aging
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48444280
#AO3 Feed#FanFiction#AO3 Tododeku#♥#Tododeku#Mirabel Madrigal#BNHA#⚣#🐰❄️🔥#R:T#Crossover#A:RarepairKai22
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Finishing a fic is such a great feeling, especially when it has almost 100,000 words and 40 chapters involved. I might start posting it here if anyone’s interested! Here’s the synopsis:
Code Word Chameleon
Chapters: 40/40
Fandom: Encanto (2021)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Relationships: Camilo Madrigal & Mirabel Madrigal, Camilo Madrigal & Pepa Madrigal, Camilo Madrigal & Madrigal Family, Félix Madrigal/Pepa Madrigal, Camilo Madrigal & Dolores Madrigal, Antonio Madrigal & Dolores Madrigal, Antonio Madrigal & Camilo Madrigal, Mariano Guzmán/Dolores Madrigal, Dolores Madrigal/Original Male Character(s)
Characters: Camilo Madrigal, Dolores Madrigal, Antonio Madrigal, Pepa Madrigal, Mirabel Madrigal, Félix Madrigal, Original Male Character(s), Mariano Guzmán
Additional Tags: Camilo Madrigal and Mirabel Madrigal are Twins, Mirabel Madrigal Has a Gift, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, After Rebuilding of Casita (Disney: Encanto), Will update tags, No Incest, Get out of here with that, Family Member Death, lots of them - Freeform, Survivor Guilt, Gunshot Wounds, Hurt/Comfort, Pepa Madrigal is Mirabel Madrigal's Parent, Not Beta Read
When the mountains around the Encanto don't seal back up after Mirabel and Abuela make amends, the village is put in horrible danger. After a devastating attack by horrible people who sought to steal the magic, what remains of the family Madrigal must negotiate a new country, a new home, and a new job.
Rated T for violence
#encanto#encanto fic#encanto modern au#encanto writer#camilo madrigal#dolores madrigal#pepa madrigal#mirabel madrigal#antonio madrigal#encanto oc
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Distance Wakes The Heart Up (34602 words) by whitebeltwriter Chapters: 13/? Fandom: Encanto (2021) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Mirabel Madrigal & Everyone, Agustín Madrigal/Julieta Madrigal, Félix Madrigal/Pepa Madrigal Characters: Mirabel Madrigal, Julieta Madrigal, Agustín Madrigal, "Abuela" Alma Madrigal, Dolores Madrigal, Antonio Madrigal, Pepa Madrigal, Félix Madrigal, Camilo Madrigal, Isabela Madrigal, Luisa Madrigal, Mariano Guzmán, Bruno Madrigal Additional Tags: I'll add characters as they appear I ain't listing everyone right now, Fluff, very mild angst, this is the low-sodium version of "mirabel runs away", Mirabel Madrigal Needs a Hug, But she's gonna get a vacation too, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Pre-Canon, pinch of crack, You'll know it when you see it, but not til later, Julieta Madrigal is a Good Parent, Good Cousin Dolores Madrigal, a little bit of salt for seasoning purposes Summary: Not noticing the cracks in Casita during Antonio's party, Mirabel decides that what she needs is a little camping trip to get away from it all for a little while. While she's gone her family realizes just how much of an impact her presence has on their day to day lives…and wonders what would happen if she never returned at all… or A way chilled down version of the "Mirabel runs away" trope but with less angst and lower stakes.
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Invisible Truth Family Tree Parts;

Rosa Yatra Salinas (Pedro's mother and Alejandra's adoptive mother).
Fernando Madrigal Jogia (Pedro's father and Alejandra's adoptive father).
Benito Yatra Salinas (Pedro's brother).
Alba Molinari Merediz (Alma's mother).
Andre Botero Cepeda (Alma's father).
Alma Madrigal {née Botero Molinari} (Pedro's wife and the triplets' mother).
Pedro Madrigal (Alma's husband)?
Raimi Botero Molinari (Alma's brother).
Alexandra Botero-Yee (Pedro's adoptive sister and Alma's sister-in-law).
Yáng Yee (Alejandra's biological mother).
Alvaro (Alejandra's biological father).

Faustina Yatra Salinas (Benito's adoptive daughter and Pedro's niece).

Beatriz Botero-Yee (Alma's niece via Raimi Botero Molinari and Alejandra Yee).
Miranda Botero-Yee (Alma's niece via Raimi Botero Molinari and Alejandra).
Gabriel Espinosa Rivas (Félix Espinosa Rivas' Brother and Miranda's husband).

Alroy Luis Rhenzy Espinosa (Félix Espinosa Rivas' Father).
Chandice Adassa Rivas Guerrero (Félix Espinosa Rivas' Mother).
Gabriel Espinosa Rivas (Félix Espinosa Rivas' Brother and Miranda's husband).

Wilmer Eduardo Rojas Torres (Agustín's Father).
Valentina Viola Valdez Valderrama (Agustín's Mother).

Félix Espinosa Rivas (Pepa's husband).
Pepa Madrigal Botero (One of the Madrigal Triplets).
Bruno Madrigal Botero (One of the Madrigal Triplets).
Jolucidelilassandra Doethel (Bruno's fake dead wife).
Julieta Madrigal Botero (One of the Madrigal Triplets).
Agustín Rojas Valdez (Julieta's husband).

Cesare Bartholomew Colmcille Madrigal Botero (Formerly Frollo).
Cornel Thomas Howard Sebastian Madrigal Botero (Formerly Frollo and Formerly Gaskit).
Cyriacus Ignatius Vladimir Madrigal Botero (Formerly Frollo).
Richard ‘Rick’ Perseus Madrigal Botero (Formerly Ratcliffe).
Claudine Esther Mary Agnes Dymphna Madrigal Botero (Formerly Frollo).
Rachel Annelise Madrigal Botero (Formerly Ratcliffe).
Mason Primethorn Gothel (soon to be Madrigal).
Glendale ‘Glenn’ Hazel Gothel (soon to be Madrigal).
Rory Elias Madrigal Botero (Formerly Ratcliffe).
Magnolia ‘Gigi’ Marguerite Gothel (soon to be Madrigal).

Dolores Adassa Espinosa Madrigal.
Mariano Rafael Guzmán Madrigal.
Princesa Rosetta Guzmán Madrigal.
Elmira Dorila Guzman Madrigal.
Oscar Candelario Guzmán Madrigal.
Fuega Alba Guzmán Madrigal.
Ligera Juana Guzman Madrigal.
Leta Pepa Guzmán Madrigal.
Javier Gabriel Guzmán Madrigal.
Juan Félix Guzmán Madrigal.

Top Row:
Yanamaria Earlene Maldonado Amaya (the ex who shall not be named).
Camilo Pedro Espinosa Madrigal.
Mina Prepon Madrigal.
Bottom Row:
Amelia Sadia Madrigal Prepon.
Sofia Azucena Madrigal Prepon.
Carlos Manuel Madrigal Prepon.
Hugo Jerónimo Madrigal Prepon.
José Lorenzo Madrigal Prepon.

Antonio Bruno Espinosa Madrigal.
Dayana Noemí Espinosa Madrigal.
Giovanni Refugio Espinosa Madrigal.

Bubo Bryn Marquez Madrigal.
Isabela Alma Rojas Madrigal.
Arlo Emo Marquez Madrigal.
Zoey Alejandra Marquez Madrigal.
Miguel 'MJ/Smiley' Melchor Marquez Madrigal.
Avila Brisa Marquez Madrigal.

Ryder Nattura Madrigal.
Luisa Jésica Rojas Madrigal.
Emilia Lydia Nattura Madrigal.
Tito Krsitoff Nattura Madrigal.
Belinda Petra Nattura Madrigal.
Silvia Julieta Nattura Madrigal.
Laurencio 'Luis' Agustín Nattura Madrigal.
Amada Honeymaren Nattura Madrigal.

Mirabel Valentina Rojas Madrigal.
Miguel Julio Rivera Madrigal.
Marisol Carmela Victoria Rivera Madrigal.
Mariana Isabela Luisa Rivera Madrigal.
Marcelo Héctor Bruno Rivera Madrigal.
Vera Coco Rivera Madrigal.
Renata Imelda Rivera Madrigal.
(Note: didn't include Mariano, Mina, Miguel, and Bubo's families because either they're too big to fit on the tree or they have bad memories attached. I didn't include Ryder's parents or Honeymaren because the tree was getting too big (also because her and Elsa have kids I can't edit).
Also the bio parents of the adoptive kids aren't included unless they were married into the family at some point.
Casita made this decision to avoid bad memories for the kids: this reason is also why Yanamaria is faded and scratched out.
As for why Alejandra's parents are faded but not removed from the tree or scratched out? Well, she had complicated feelings on them even after Pedro's family took her in but she didn't hate them.
Miranda's first husband is not included for reasons similar to the above).
As for why Bruno's fake wife is on the tree despite not existing? Well, Casita had to cover up the fact the kids were adopted and it would look suspicious if she wasn't on the tree.
#descendants#disney descendants#melissa de la cruz#disney#descendants au#wicked world#disney descendants au#encanto#the invisible truth#encanto next gen#encanto next generation#the invisible truth au#encanto ocs#etc
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Avila Madrigal

Inspired by @hannahhook7744's Encanto AU, and her own character headcanons.
Third image made using https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1558575
Fourth image made using https://www.dolldivine.com/la-colombiana
Fifth image made in Disney Dreamlight Valley
Avila’s full name is Avila Reina Guzmán-Madrigal.
Her first name means “town” and her middle name means “queen”. She is named for her maternal great-great grandmother.
She is the fourth child of Dolores Madrigal and Mariano Guzmán.
She has her father’s lighter skin tone and straight hair. She has Dolores’ facial shape and ears. Her hair is lighter than her parents, probably from Pepa. She also has Pepa’s teeth. She looks almost identical to Amada, but is slightly taller, and has slightly darker skin.
She is eleven years old.
She has an older sister by eight years, Leta, an older brother by three years, Andrés, an older brother by two years, Carlos, and a younger twin sister by thirty seconds, Amada.
She is currently uninterested in romance or sex.
Her gift is freezing time. She can only do so for small bursts, and she can pick and choose who gets frozen and who doesn’t. She likes using her power for shenanigans, and stopping accidents, but uses it sparingly, as her gift can be dangerous if used improperly.
Her door portrays her smiling with her arms in the air. A large pocket watch hovers above her, stopped with both hands in the 12:00 position.
Her room resembles the nursery, with pale yellow walls and wooden floors. Her bed is bigger than usual, as Amada will sneak into her room for secret sleepovers. She has a small side stage to practice her dancing, and many half-finished jigsaw puzzles scattered around.
His symbol is the infinity sign.
She and Dolores get along alright, but she is much more active and loud than her mother.
Both twins are Mariano’s pride and joy. They are his babies, and can do no wrong.
Leta is a horribly great influence on both twins. They often act as her sidekicks when she does stunts.
Andrés is the sibling they go to when they’re upset or scared. He always has comforting words for them.
Carlos gives the twins free stuff from his store, and encourages their wild antics.
She mainly hangs out with the other younger kids, Mariana, Tomás, Rómulo, Zoe, José, Héctor.
She gets along best with Pepa, Antonio, and Héctor.
She’s more of a tomboy than her twin. She likes to run around and get dirty with Mariana, Leta, Rómulo, and Héctor.
She likes to solve problems and puzzles.
She likes to dance, and is very graceful with her movements.
She is a few inches taller than Amada, and she lords it over her all the time.
She and Amada like to consider themselves like the ‘younger’ versions of Amelia and Sofía.
Her favorite colors are light yellow, maroon, dark pink, and light blue.
#encanto scrapped characters#encanto oc#encanto original character#encanto deleted characters#encanto concept art#encanto next gen#disney next gen#encanto scrapped character#avila madrigal#and yes her name is a reference to reyna avila ramírez arellano
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The Butterfly's Blessing
The Butterfly's Blessing by RarepairKai22
There is only so much a person can take before they snap.
When Abuela accuses Mirabel of hurting the family, a decade of self-repressed pain, anger and sadness explode like an overheated pressure cooker.
Mirabel rips Abuela apart, blowing her wrongdoings out for everyone to see, and it is the final straw.
Casita begins to collapse, and while trying to save the candle, Mirabel accidentally falls off the roof. In a desperate bid to save her, the magic grants Mirabel her own miracle, but not without great cost.
Waking up in an unfamiliar city with no memories of who she is, Mirabel navigates a world of heroes and villains, superpowers called “quirks”, finds a new family and creates a new identity, all while the family she left behind grapples with her loss and everything they once knew.
Words: 1284, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Encanto (2021), 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Mirabel Madrigal, Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Inko, Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto, Class 1-A, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, U.A. Faculty, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Kurogiri, Shirakumo Oboro, Sensei | All For One, Eri, "Abuela" Alma Madrigal, Julieta Madrigal, Agustín Madrigal, Pepa Madrigal, Félix Madrigal, Bruno Madrigal, Isabela Madrigal, Luisa Madrigal, Dolores Madrigal, Camilo Madrigal, Antonio Madrigal, Mariano Guzmán
Relationships: Mirabel Madrigal/Shirakumo Oboro, Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Mirabel Madrigal & Midoriya Izuku, Mirabel Madrigal & Midoriya Inko, Midoriya Inko & Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Inko & Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Eri, Félix Madrigal/Pepa Madrigal, Agustín Madrigal/Julieta Madrigal, Mariano Guzmán/Dolores Madrigal, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
Additional Tags: Amnesiac Mirabel Madrigal, BAMF Mirabel Madrigal, BAMF Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Does Not Have One for All Quirk, Midoriya Inko Adopts Mirabel Madrigal, Good Parent Midoriya Inko, Midoriya Inko Adopts Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Yagi Toshinori | All Might Bashing, Bakugou Katsuki Bashing, Married Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead Adopts Eri, Kurogiri is Shirakumo Oboro, Kurogiri Becomes Shirakumo Oboro Again, Todoroki Shouto is Bad at Feelings, Todoroki Shouto is a Dork, Guilty Madrigal Family (Disney), "Abuela" Alma Madrigal Gets Better, Fall of Casita (Disney: Encanto), No Incest, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Crossover, Crossover Pairings, Canon-Typical Violence, Non-Canonical Character Death, Age Regression/De-Aging
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48444280
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ehehhe okay so. youve already seen a bit in the “you’re allowed to be loud” paragraph— right at the end. but imma write out all the words i have anyway and that is not the ones written down first.
i will be using a lot of accented letters if i can help it aha. for help:
/í/ is ‘ee’ like in pizza, feel, machine. if you still need more help… “sí” <- think of your good pal spanish. yk that could be applied to many of these, actually. known as i-acute.
/á/ as in guzmán. example taken from encanto: mariano guzmán. literally no good english examples for me bc of southern accent. i say that but i actually just couldn’t think of anything. known as a-acute.
/é/ as in cliché, touché, fiancé. known as e-acute.
/æ/ as in ah like in dad, mad, cat. known as a ligature… or “ash” i suppose. (seriously. its on the wikipedia page.) probably the star of the show for kindergardeners -> /æ/ as in apple? yep. straight from wiki page: /ˈæpəl/. FT ONE OF MY FAVS!! SCHWA!! HI /ə/!!! (for easy access: “ah-pul” is what /ˈæpəl/ says.)
https://youtu.be/Bm4rQUtI_dc?si=CrwOi58nTL4sP5Gd (“The /æ/ Sound (man, sad, bat)” by youtube channel ‘Pronunciation with Emma’. 1m12s long.)
ā/ē/ī/ō/ū. ā sounds like a as in cave. ē sounds like e as in Egypt. ī sounds like i as in ice. ō sounds like o as in pillow. ū sounds like u as in cube. the lines are called macrons and apparently can be in so many different places??? (Ḕ) <- what is that!? anyways these would be typed as [letter] macron above, i think? this one isn’t very clear. anyways it sounds very straightforward.
for now, the language is known as kísmán (pronounced kís•mán. not kiss-man. yes, there are men kissing. no, thats not the city’s name. pleaseee cries.)
words ft. sentences: (spelling) (pronunciation)
kismá (kísmá) - home.
ré (ré) - free
kísmádoré - “free home”; home to the free. the name of the nation obviously.
hábí (hábí) - parent
dáli (dálí) - child
boé (boé) - this one might be hard so -> (bōé; “bow-eh”). music/song.
baoya (baoyæ) - nature.
sá (sá) - the closest word to english preposition ‘of.’
sú (sú) - closest word to english conjunction ‘and.’
sá boé dalí (sá boé dálí) - “child of song.” exact grammar translation is ‘of music child.’
sá baoya dáli (sá baoyæ dálí) - “child of nature.” exact grammar translation is ‘of nature child.’
grammar (im going insane…) (WIP!!):
prepositions (direction, location, time, and the spatial relationship between objects; to, at, of, below, above, by, etc.) come in the front or middle of a sentence.
conjunctions (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so, etc.) are used in the same way as english.
transition words (bridge the gap between two topics) are probably like english? unknown as of now. (these are the dreaded essay words.)
important note on spelling vs pronunciation!! ->
just like in english, not every spelling uses the accent. casual writing or textings always use the accents. we don’t use accents for everything when we write our words in english.
that’s all i have so far :[ might end up creating more. trying not to make the words lean too much into one set of… phonetical structure? one box, i guess. this is the english of this universe: so many languages mixed into kismán.
also would you like the kismadoré words now 👀
#— xikyuu yaps#— raccooning around#— dsem#sorry this took like.#2? 3? hours#had to research the accents
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Play the part?? Slight twist on the movie, Mira finds out about Isabela's problems sooner, and, being Mira, she wants to help??
Going by your preemie!Mira hc, when she's sick, she's sick. So she knows in turn how to act sick and make in convincing. She does so, so all attention will be on her and Isa can go destroy her perfect image for an hour or two :D
play the part: [character] pretends to be sick – Mirabel (+ Isabela)
the secrets that you keep are ever ready
Mirabel couldn't believe it.
Her sister, her older sister, Señorita Perfecta Isabela, had a secret. She didn’t want to get married. She didn’t want to marry Mariano, yet she never told anything. Not Abuela, not their parents, not even Luisa.
Mirabel wondered if Dolores knew; after all, Dolores knew everything.
But the youngest Madrigal sister couldn’t believe she found out about it only because the rats told Antonio, and Antonio told her, and she swore him to keep it a secret, and she planned or doing something.
Maybe if she rescued Isabela from that awful situation she was in, their relationship would get better. Maybe it would help the Miracle, maybe it would save the magic.
Then her Papi found her in the nursery and saw the vision, and she was that close to telling him everything, but Abuela announced the dinner was ready and it meant the Guzmáns were there and there was no time.
So Mirabel decided to improvise. Always of weaker health and with a tendency to get sick quickly and easily, often pretty bad, Mirabel knew how to act when the need was. Sometimes, when she didn’t want to go to school, she’d pretend she was sick, and she felt bad for worrying her mamá so, but being born prematurely had some benefits.
As they sat down at the table, Dolores was staring at her, and Mirabel was staring back. Well, it was awkward, and as Dolores was close to breaking, Mirabel knew, she had no more time.
She coughed.
Dolores blinked, and Camilo looked at her as well, one eyebrow raised.
Mirabel grabbed the glass with juice and took a sip, immediately afterwards bursting into a fit of coughs.
Now, people were looking her way, and Dolores tilted her head, still staring.
“Are you alright, Mirabel?” Mariano asked.
It made Isabela turn her head as well. “Yes, are you alright?” she asked, though there was suspicion clear in her dark, barely narrowed eyes.
“Yeah, of course–” Mirabel wheezed, putting her hand on her chest. “It’s just–” she coughed deeply, to the point it sounded almost like a whistle. “Just a cough!”
Mamá looked at her with both eyebrows pinched together in concern. “Are you sick?”
“No, no,” Mirabel waved her hand absentmindedly. “It’s just... Something in the air...”
“Your eyes are glossy,” Dolores squeaked out quietly, the grip she had on her wine glass losening a little.
“Yeah? I don’t feel anything...”
She started thinking about the most embarrassing things she had ever witnessed in her life. She remembered tripping over her own feet and diving head-first into the fountain in front of the villagers. She remembered walking in on her completely naked tía Pepa in the bathroom. She remembered walking in on her parents doing... Stuff... When she was twelve–
And she knew her face got dark as a beetroot.
“Mi amor, you’re flushed,” her papá touched her forehead with the back of his hand. “Ay, you’re so warm!”
Mamá was by her side in a few seconds. “Ay mi vida, not this again,” she said, cupping her face with a worried frown on her face. “I think you’re running a fever!”
Mirabel shook her head, sniffling for a better effect. “That’s nonsense, mamá, I’m–” she burst into another fit of very convincing coughs. “I’m fine!”
“No, you’re not,” her mamá said firmly.
“I am! Oh, come on, I don’t wanna ruin Isabela’s perfect proposal dinner–”
Mirabel was almost sure she could hear Isabela gritting her teeth on her right.
Dolores squeaked again, her gaze flickering between Isabela and Mirabel, her eyebrows raised in confusion.
Mirabel was actually shocked when she felt a hand gripping her forearm. She moved her head to stare at Isabela who pursed her lips at her before turning her head towards the matriarch.
“Abuela, I think I should take Mirabel to my room,” she said in a calm, velvety tone, though her fingers dig into Mirabel’s arm. “She needs her rest.”
Before Abuela could answer, Mariano supported her on that. “Oh yes, the family member’s health should always come first!” he said, giving Isabela a dreamy, soft smile. “You’re such a good hermana, Isabela.”
Isabela smiled at him, patting Mirabel’s hand. “She’s the baby,” she said in a sweet tone, making Mirabel scowl. “It’s my duty as her older sister to take care of my youngest hermanita.”
Señora Guzmán gushed at it. “Oh, it’s amazing to see how close and caring all the Madrigals are!” she exclaimed and clapped her hands. “I’m sure we can postpone this dinner to when Mirabel is healthy and can take a part in this beautiful event, right, Alma?”
Abuela blinked, moving her gaze from both sisters to her friend. “Oh, of course, Andrea! One week won’t make that big of a difference, will it?”
“Of course not,” señora Guzmán said with a breathy laugh. “Love is very patient, isn’t it?”
It brought some chuckles from all the married (or formerly married, in Abuela’s case) Madrigals.
“Claro,” Abuela said with a smile, then looked at Mirabel, Isabela and mamá. “Julieta, Isabela, take Mirabel upstairs, por favor.”
And that was how all three of them found themselves in Isabela’s room, in her room full of flowers from the bottom to the top, so pink, and purple, and violet, and perfect, it was almost sickening.
Even mamá, to Mirabel’s smirk, looked a little overwhelmed by all the pastels as she glanced around.
Soon after Mirabel was placed on the bed Isabela created for her, and mamá left them, with a promise that she would return shortly with some medication for Mirabel, to make her feel better.
She barely closed the door, when Isabela put both hands on her hips with a scowl. “What was that?!”
Mirabel smiled innocently. “What was what?” she asked, coughing weakly. “I have no–”
“You’re not sick!” Isabela accused her. “Even you wouldn’t be able to get sick this quick!”
“You know I always was prone to sicknesses!”
Isabela’s gaze hardened as she tapped her foot impatiently.
Mirabel rolled her eyes. “Yeah, I’m not,” she said, sitting up and crossing her arms over her chest. “But I think you should be grateful because I just saved your ass!”
“Grateful?! For what? For ruining my life?!”
“I didn’t ruin your life!”
“You did! Mariano was going to propose to me, and Abuela was happy, and the familia was happy, everyone was happy but–”
“–you weren’t happy. You’re not happy.”
“I know you don’t wanna marry this big dumb hunk.”
Isabela blinked rapidly, her eyes going wide. “What?”
“That!” Mirabel growled in frustration. “Antonio told me because his rats told him that they had heard you ranting to yourself last night about how you didn’t want to get married.”
“You don’t love him, do you?”
Isabela was silent.
“You don’t even like him.”
Isabela shook her head. “I do like him. We’ve been friends since we were kids but...”
“You don’t wanna to be his wife.”
Isabela avoided her gaze. “No, I don’t.”
Mirabel shifted to the edge of the bed and jumped out of it, walking closer to her sister. “Then why did you agree to court him?”
Her older sister sighed. “It was Abuela’s idea and I...”
Mirabel felt enlightened all of a sudden. “You wanted to make Abuela proud.”
Isabela nodded.
Mirabel fell on her back on the mattress. “Wow,” she muttered, staring at the ceiling. “Who would think we had so much in common?”
“Oh, do we?”
“Yeah... We’ve always done everything to make Abuela proud.”
“Yeah...” Isabela agreed, and her tone suddenly got so soft, so friendly. “Yeah, I guess we have much in common.”
Before Mirabel could answer, half of their family burst through the door. Mamá and papá hurried her way with Luisa hot on their heels.
“Mirabel? Why aren’t you under the covers?”
Isabela groaned. “She’s not sick, mamá.”
“She’s not–” mamá repeated, clearly confused. “Please, someone tell me what’s going on because I think I don’t understand...”
Isabela opened her mouth to answer but Mirabel threw her arms in the air and looked at her parents with the most annoyed expression. "I pretended to be sick and I did it for her!”
“Mirabel don’t–”
Papá looked between them. “For her? Whatever you mean?”
Mirabel took a deep breath. “Isa doesn't want to marry Mariano."
The hell broke loose.
#wiktoria's fanfiction corner#encanto fanfic#my writing#my sickfics#mirabel madrigal#isabela madrigal#dolores madrigal#alma madrigal#senora guzman#mariano guzman#julieta madrigal#agustin madrigal#sickfic#mirabel is good at pretending#preemie mirabel#family fluff#humour and crack#sisters being sisters#isabela and mirabel
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